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Abstract and Figures

The trade in primates as pets is a global enterprise and as access to the Internet has increased, so too has the trade of live primates online. While quantifying primate trade in physical markets is relatively straightforward, limited insights have been made into trade via the Internet. Here we followed a three-pronged approach to estimate the prevalence and ease of purchasing primates online in countries with different socioeconomic characteristics. We first conducted a literature review, in which we found that Malaysia, Thailand, the USA, Ukraine, South Africa, and Russia stood out in terms of the number of primate individuals being offered for sale as pets in the online trade. Then, we assessed the perceived ease of purchasing pet primates online in 77 countries, for which we found a positive relationship with the Internet Penetration Rate, total human population and Human Development Index, but not to Gross Domestic Product per capita or corruption levels of the countries. Using these results, we then predicted the levels of online primate trade in countries for which we did not have first-hand data. From this we created a global map of potential prevalence of primate trade online. Finally, we analysed price data of the two primate taxa most consistently offered for sale, marmosets and capuchins. We found that prices increased with the ease of purchasing primates online and the Gross Domestic Product per capita. This overview provides insight into the nature and intricacies of the online primate pet trade and advocates for increased trade regulation and monitoring in both primate range and non-range countries where trade has been substantially reported.
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Environmental Development 48 (2023) 100925
Available online 7 September 2023
2211-4645/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
Global online trade in primates for pets
Vincent Nijman
, Thais Q. Morcatty
, Hani R. El Bizri
, Hassan Al-Razi
Andie Ang
, Ahmad Ardiansyah
, Sadek Atoussi
, Daniel Bergin
, Sarah Bell
Franciany Braga-Pereira
, Marco Campera
, Nabajit Das
, Felipe Ennes Silva
Kim Feddema
, Grace Foreman
, Anna Fourage
, Smitha D. Gnanaolivu
Malene Friis Hansen
, Elena Raˇ
, Brittany C. Rapone
Ganga Ram Regmi
, Chris R. Shepherd
, Soya Shukhova
, Penthai Siriwat
Jaima H. Smith
, Seyed Ahmad Mir Mohamad Tabar
, Aline S. Tavares
Ariana V. Weldon
, Angelina Wilson
, Nobuyuki Yamaguchi
, Mingxia Zhang
Magdalena S. Svensson
, K. Anne-Isola Nekaris
Oxford Wildlife Trade Research Group, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK
School of Science, Engineering and Environment, University of Salford, Salford, UK
Comunidad de Manejo de Fauna Silvestre en la Amazonía y en Latinoam´
erica, COMFAUNA, Iquitos, Peru
Department of Zoology, Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
RafesBanded Langur Working Group, Wildlife Reserves Singapore Conservation Fund, Singapore
Laboratoire de recherch´
e Biologie Eau et Environnement, Universit´
e 8 Mai 1945, Guelma, Algeria
Pan Verus Project, Kortor, Lower Tambakha, Sierra Leone
Department of Ecology and Systematics, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Jo˜
ao Pessoa, PB, Brazil
Rede de Pesquisa para Estudos sobre Diversidade, Conservaç˜
ao e Uso da Fauna na Amazˆ
onia (RedeFauna), Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil
Department of Biological and Medical Sciences, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK
Nocturnal Primate Research Group, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK
B.H. College, Gauhati University, Howly, India
Research Group on Primate Biology and Conservation, Mamirau´
a Institute for Sustainable Development, Brazil
Unit of Evolutionary Biology and Ecology, D´
epartement de Biologie des Organismes, Universit´
e Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium
School of Business and Law, Edith Cowan University, Joondalup, Western Australia, Australia
Biopsychology Laboratory, University of Mysore, Manasagangotry, India
Behavioural Ecology Group, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Department of Anthropology, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA
Third Pole Conservancy, Bhaktapur-10, Nepal
Institute of Forestry, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Monitor Conservation Research Society, Big Lake B.C., Canada
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (V. Nijman),, (T.Q. Morcatty), (H.R. El Bizri), (H. Al-Razi), (A. Ang),
(A. Ardiansyah), (S. Atoussi), (D. Bergin), (S. Bell), (F. Braga-Pereira), (M. Campera), (N. Das), felipe@ (F.E. Silva), (K. Feddema), (G. Foreman),
(A. Fourage), (S.D. Gnanaolivu), (M.F. Hansen),
(E. Raˇ
cevska), (B.C. Rapone), (G.R. Regmi),
(C.R. Shepherd), (S. Shukhova), (P. Siriwat), (J.H. Smith), (S.A. Mir Mohamad Tabar), (A.S. Tavares), (A.V. Weldon), (A. Wilson), (N. Yamaguchi), (M. Zhang), m. (M.S. Svensson), (K. Anne-Isola Nekaris).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Environmental Development
journal homepage:
Received 28 February 2023; Received in revised form 30 July 2023; Accepted 31 August 2023
Environmental Development 48 (2023) 100925
IUCN SSC Asian Songbird Trade Specialist Group, Singapore
Department of Sociology, Arak University, Arak, Iran
Socioecological Systems Research Group, Minas Gerais Federal University, Brazil
Institute of Tropical Biodiversity and Sustainable Development, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Kuala Nerus, Malaysia
Key Laboratory of Ecology of Rare and Endangered Species and Environmental Protection (Guangxi Normal University), Ministry of Education,
Guilin, 541006, China
Wildlife conservation
Social commerce
Social media
Wildlife trade
The trade in primates as pets is a global enterprise and as access to the Internet has increased, so
too has the trade of live primates online. While quantifying primate trade in physical markets is
relatively straightforward, limited insights have been made into trade via the Internet. Here we
followed a three-pronged approach to estimate the prevalence and ease of purchasing primates
online in countries with different socioeconomic characteristics. We rst conducted a literature
review, in which we found that Malaysia, Thailand, the USA, Ukraine, South Africa, and Russia
stood out in terms of the number of primate individuals being offered for sale as pets in the online
trade. Then, we assessed the perceived ease of purchasing pet primates online in 77 countries, for
which we found a positive relationship with the Internet Penetration Rate, total human popu-
lation and Human Development Index, but not to Gross Domestic Product per capita or corruption
levels of the countries. Using these results, we then predicted the levels of online primate trade in
countries for which we did not have rst-hand data. From this we created a global map of po-
tential prevalence of primate trade online. Finally, we analysed price data of the two primate taxa
most consistently offered for sale, marmosets and capuchins. We found that prices increased with
the ease of purchasing primates online and the Gross Domestic Product per capita. This overview
provides insight into the nature and intricacies of the online primate pet trade and advocates for
increased trade regulation and monitoring in both primate range and non-range countries where
trade has been substantially reported.
1. Introduction
Unregulated wildlife trade is a major threat to wildlife conservation worldwide (Cardoso et al., 2021; Shirey and Lamberti, 2011).
One in every four wild animal species on the planet is currently exploited for trade, with tropical species particularly susceptible
(Scheffers et al., 2019). Live individuals, body parts, and derivatives are traded for several purposes: decoration, medicinal use, food,
and as pets (DCruze et al., 2021; El Bizri et al., 2020; Ingram et al., 2021; Phelps et al., 2010). Wildlife trade is a multi-billion-dollar
sector, in which the legal trade in wildlife is thought to be worth more than US$ 400 billion (Nijman, 2021), while estimates of the
yearly illegal trade in wildlife vary widely from US$ 4 to 23 billion (t Sas Rolfes et al., 2019), i.e., roughly 15% the legal trade size.
For live primates, the international trade, both legal and illegal, has been estimated at US$ 117 and US$ 138 million annually (Nijman,
2020; Norconck et al., 2020). When considering only the illegal trade in live primates, no formal monetary estimates are currently
available, but if proportionally similar to the wider wildlife trade, we can approximate the economic value to be roughly US $1 to 7
million per year.
Sixty percent of primate species are threatened with extinction and almost 75% face population declines (Estrada et al., 2017). As
such, domestic and international trade in live primates has been agged as an urgent matter of concern for their conservation (Blair
et al., 2017; Ceballos-Mago and Chivers, 2010; Duarte-Quiroga and Estrada, 2003; Estrada et al., 2018; LaFleur et al., 2019; Norconck
et al., 2020; Mayor et al., 2022; Nijman et al., 2011; Scheffers et al., 2019). Historically, the live primate trade has involved large-scale
companies that trade captive-bred or wild-caught primates internationally like other commodities, while small-scale traders offer live
primates for sale in brick-and-mortar pet shops and markets, or as travelling traders. As Internet access has become increasingly
widespread, this physical trading has shifted dramatically towards online markets (Bergin et al., 2018; Kitade and Naruse, 2020;
Nijman et al., 2019; Siriwat and Nijman, 2020).
With the recent popularisation of e-commerce and increased access to the Internet, suppliers, and sellers have been provided with
an unprecedented connection to potential new consumers and expanded markets, especially through social media sites (Nijman et al.,
2019; Morcatty et al., 2021). In the EU, the number of people that ordered goods or services online in the previous 12 months increased
from 54% in 2009 to 71% in 2019. This increase was markedly steeper for younger and higher educated groups (Anonymous, 2020). A
similar pattern is seen in China (Hongfei, 2017), India (Goyal, 2015), South Africa (Goga et al., 2019), and Brazil (de Lima Enext,
2017). These trends have also been mirrored in the online trade of primates as pets, with younger generations more interested in
having non-domesticated animals as pets than older generations (Cronin et al., 2022). In particular, social media has played a strong
role in inuencing consumer attitudes and increasing demand for wild animals as pets. For example, an analysis of posts containing
galagos, also know as bush babies (Family Galagidae) (Nekaris, 2013), on Tiktok and Instagram showed that 95% of the comments
Joint rst authors.
V. Nijman et al.
Environmental Development 48 (2023) 100925
indicated a desire in owning a galago. In a period in which post views of galagos increased by up to 472%, there was a correlated
increase in google searches of the term galago pet and in the number of live galagos being exported (Svensson et al., 2022).
The ability to shop online is dependent on the Internet Penetration Rate (IPR), i.e., the percentage of the total population of a given
country or region that uses the Internet, and this percentage varies widely. While in certain parts of the world, such as Scandinavia, the
IPR is close to 100%, in regions such as West Africa or countries like Papua New Guinea and Madagascar it remains under 12%
(Miniwatts Marketing Group, 2020). In addition, other socio-economic factors may inuence the online trade of primates. For
example, the Human Development Index (HDI) and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) have been reported to have a positive relationship
with conservation outcomes (Ament et al., 2019; Barnes et al., 2016), while less corruption, and consequently more effective law
enforcement, may increase the efcacy of punitive measures, increasing the socio-legal and nancial costs of engaging in illegal ac-
tivities (Cooney et al., 2017).
Despite the urgent need to understand the ever-increasing online primate trade from a global perspective, to date only limited
individual studies have reported the sale of live primates over the Internet within a few specic countries and no comprehensive
overview has been presented on this topic. Here, we review the online trade of live primates as reported in the literature, characterising
the nature of these studies, the platforms used to advertise sales, and the number of individuals being offered for sale per country.
Secondly, using knowledge from a large number of independent assessors, we provide an overview of the prevalence of online trade
based on the relative ease of purchasing live primates online in 77 countries, and how this is linked to four country-level socioeconomic
factors - IPR, GDP per capita, HDI and Corruption Perception Index (CPI). Based on the identied socioeconomic factors, we model the
prevalence of live primate online trade at the global level. Thirdly, we assess correlates of asking prices by focussing on two primate
taxa that we observed being sold in signicant numbers and across various platforms in different countries, capuchins (Cebinae) and
marmosets (Callitrichidae). Through dedicated searches and detailed statistical modelling, we present a quantitative overview of the
prevalence of the online primate pet trade, and, importantly, we discuss how data from online sale postings can be used to provide
insight into the nature and intricacies of the live primate pet trade.
2. Material and methods
2.1. Literature review
From June to November 2022, we used Google Scholar and the Web of Science to search for articles, reports, book chapters, and
theses (in English, French, German, Dutch, Portuguese, Bahasa Indonesia, and Spanish) that reported on the trade in live primates for
pets and ltered for those that included data on the online trade. We used the following keywords: primate* and all major primate
genera (e.g., Macaca, Cebus, Nycticebus, etc.) AND online trade. In addition, we consulted the Tess Lemmon Memorial Library of the
Primate Society of Great Britain housed at Oxford Brookes University for reports that were not available online, and we queried all the
co-authors for additional studies.
For each study, we extracted data on: i) whether or not the study was focussed exclusively on primates (either one or more species)
or on a more diverse range of species, ii) the platform used by the sellers, iii) the number of primates that were observed for sale, and iv)
the duration of the study (i.e., the length of time over which the online trade was monitored). For analysis, we only focused on those
studies where at least ve primate species were offered for sale in an individual country, as the likelihood of missing studies that
reported a smaller number of primates (mostly as part of a larger more general wildlife trade study) was considered to be high.
2.2. Ease of purchasing pet primates online
From January to October 2020, we contacted members of the Oxford Wildlife Trade Research Group, alumni of the postgraduate
programmes in primatology and primate conservation at Oxford Brookes University, and colleagues with a good working knowledge of
the online trade in wildlife to assess the prevalence of online trade in primates as pets and the ease of purchase. Forty-ve individuals
agreed to assess one or more countries. Assessors only considered countries or territories with which they were familiar (either as
country nationals or because of work, study, or research). Thirty-four countries were assessed by one assessor only, while forty-three
countries were assessed independently by two or three assessors, so each received multiple assessments (see Supplementary Table S1).
Assessors conducted searches using a combination of general keywords for primates (such as monkey, ape, and marmoset) in local
languages, along with the search terms sale or trade. The online platforms searched were Facebook, Instagram, Baidu, WeiBo,
Mercado libre, auction sites and classied ads in each country (see Supplementary Table S1). We only considered ‘openor ‘public
groups/platforms or groups that could be joined by minimal effort (i.e., by making a single request to a central administrator, with no
further restrictions/evaluations of access). We excluded groups that were secret and required an invitation or groups that required
evaluation to join due to ethical considerations and the challenge of standardising collection in different countries.
Searches were done in one or more of the countrys national languages, in addition to English when appropriate. Overall, searches
were conducted in 30 languages, with English (20 countries), Spanish (10), Arabic (12), French (6), and Portuguese, Dutch/Afrikaans
and Bahasa Indonesia/Malay/Malaysia/Jawa (4 countries each) being the most common. The other languages included: Bosnian,
Burmese, Cambodian, Chinese, Croatian, Danish, German, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Laotian, Nepali, Russian, Serbian,
Slovenian, Philipino, Swedish, Thai and Vietnamese.
Assessors were then asked to rate the ease of nding live primates in online trade using an eight-point Likert scale, based on what
could be found online by searching relevant local platforms in a single afternoon (6 h):
V. Nijman et al.
Environmental Development 48 (2023) 100925
- The zero in the scale should be selected when no trade was found at all.
- If primate trade was detected, a value from 1 to 7 should be selected according to the agreement level to at least one of the follow
sentences: i) primates were easily available; ii) primates were available on multiple trade platforms or offered by multiple vendors;
iii) multiple species were sold; iv) a substantial number of individuals were offered for sale. Each assessor assigned a score to each
of these aspects, and the average of these values was used to generate an overall score rounded to the nearest point (up or below).
The agreement level from 1 to 7 represents Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Slightly Disagree, Neither Agree nor Disagree, Slightly
Agree, Agree and Strongly Agree (Likert, 1932). We deemed these ‘online trade scores to represent the prevalence of online
primate trade and consequently the ease of purchasing pet primates online.
To check for the level of agreement between different assessors, we compared the online trade score given by the two rst assessors
for the same country using a Pearsons correlation. We found a high degree of agreement (Pearsons R =0.89, t =12.9, df =47, P <
0.0001) (see Supplementary Fig. S1). This provided condence in the accuracy of our assessors, and we therefore included in our
analyses the additional 34 countries for which we only had one assessment for further analysis and the scores for countries with
multiple assessments were averaged.
We then investigated the potential relationship between the online trade scores in all countries assessed with the following ve
socio-economic and ecological variables:
(1) Country GDP per capita (as of 2019) in US$ as a reection of purchasing power, obtained from the World Development In-
dicators (World Bank, 2019).
(2) IPR (as of 2020) identifying what percentage of the population uses the Internet, obtained from Internet World Stats (Miniwatts
Marketing Group, 2020).
(3) HDI (as of 2019) on a scale of 01 (range: 0.3770.954), which takes into account life expectancy at birth, expected years of
schooling for children, mean years of schooling for adults, and GDP per capita (UNDP, 2019).
(4) CPI (as of 2019), on a scale of 0 (very corrupt) to 100 (very clean), which reects perceived levels of public sector corruption by
expert assessments and opinion surveys. Published annually by Transparency International (Transparency International, 2019).
(5) Human population size by country (as of 2020) obtained from the World Development Indicators (World Bank, 2020).
(6) Primate species richness per country taken from Estrada et al. (2017). Non-primate range countries received a richness of 0,
except for in the cases of well-established populations of introduced primates, such as green monkey Chlorocebus sabaeus on the
Cape Verde Islands and Barbados (Boulton et al., 1996; Hazevoet and Masseti, 2011).
Whether or not asking prices were included in online ads varied widely between countries. Often the only way to obtain prices was
to contact the trader directly, which we did not do. During the search, we observed that marmosets and capuchins were the only species
offered for sale that repeatedly appeared in almost all countries assessed. Therefore, for these two commonly traded primate taxa we
collected data on asking prices displayed, corrected by ination as of November 2020 and converted to US dollars. We then used these
two species as indicators to understand possible price uctuations for the other traded species. We excluded unusually low starting
prices (‘0or ‘1) and prices that were clearly only added to meet the requirements of the online platform (e.g., ‘1234). For this study,
there was no interaction with the traders and no data were permanently stored.
2.3. Data analysis
To assess the relationship between the online trade scores and the ve socio-economic and ecological variables above, we ran a
Generalized Additive Model for Location, Scale, and Shape (GAMLSS) (Stasinopoulos and Rigby, 2007). An advantage of using
GAMLSS instead of a Generalized Linear Model is that the gamlssR-package provides distribution families that balance the frequency
of 0s in the count data (such as the zero-adjusted gamma). We tested for multicollinearity among independent variables with a
pair-wise correlation test and found IPR, GDP, HDI, and the CPI were collinear (Pearsons R >0.6), and therefore they were not
included concomitantly in the same model. We used the IPR as our baseline and a posteriori re-ran the selected model with the other
collinear variables to obtain the relationship and statistical values for all variables.
To account for the potential of non-linear effects, we tested these using a penalized cubic splines function (cs). In order to avoid
overt, a non-linear model was only chosen over a linear one if the improvement in t was deemed signicant enough to justify the
incurred penalty. To assess the drivers of marmoset and capuchin sales prices we ran a GAMLSS which tested whether sales prices were
affected by the online trade score (ranging from 0 to 7), GDP, whether or not it was a primate-range country, and/or the primate taxa
(marmosets vs capuchins). Model selection was conducted based on the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), with the model displaying
the smallest AIC selected for each research question. If a more complex model demonstrated a lower AIC than the baseline model (with
a sufciently large difference from the second-best model i.e., a difference of more than 2 is considered signicant), we considered
this as an indication of signicant improvement over the simpler model. All ΔAIC values exceeded the threshold of 2, relative to the
second-best model and to the null model (i.e., devoid of predictor variables) and are presented in the results (Burnham and Anderson,
Since we did not have assessors for all countries in the world, we tested whether the subset of countries we assessed were globally
representative by comparison to global averages. For that, we conducted separate one-sample t-test to compare each variable (IPR,
GDP, HDI, and CPI) in our sample against the global average. We used ShapiroWilks test to test normality and Levenes test for
homogeneity of variances, considering the assumptions for Pearsons correlation and T-test.
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Environmental Development 48 (2023) 100925
Based on our best-t model and the variables selected as the main predictors of the online trade score (namely IPR and human
population size), we used the function gamlss.predict to predict the online trade score for all non-assessed countries (N =94). Countries
that did not have information available for the selected predictor variables were excluded from the prediction (Greenland, North
Korea, South Sudan, Somalia, Western Sahara and Eswatini).
For all statistical analyses, we used R 3.6.3 software ( We used the R-packages gamlss (Version 5.16)
for the GAMLSS and the prediction and vegan (Version 2.56) for Pearson correlation, one sample T-Test, homoscedasticity test and
normality test. We assumed signicance when p <0.05. We used Quantum GIS 2.18.9 ( to
create the map with the online primate trade score predictions.
2.4. Ethical considerations
Traditionally, researchers interested in the live primate trade have visited pet shops, wholesale traders (exporters), or brick-and-
mortar animal markets (e.g., DCruze et al., 2021; Duarte-Quiroga and Estrada, 2003; Nijman et al., 2017; Shepherd, 2010). Where
trade happens openly, all involved have a reasonable expectation that they can be observed by others, just like when visiting any other
public space (Burkell et al., 2014; Siriwat et al., 2019). A small percentage of trade does occur out of sight, in back alleys, or at traders
premises, and can only be observed when one is accepted as part of the group. The online trade that has emerged in recent years is not
all that different from the trade in open, public spaces. It is in the best interest of the sellers to ensure that potential customers have the
opportunity to see and buy whatever they have on offer. While a proportion of wildlife trade occurs out of sight, in the back alleys of
the Internet, or even on the hidden or ‘darkweb, that proportion is small (Harrison et al., 2016; Stringham et al., 2023). While the
online trade in primates as pets mostly occurs in the open, in some countries, one has to request access to private online groups. As
noted by Siriwat et al. (2019), joining these groups often merely involves sending a request after which access will be granted within a
24-h period.
Due to the potentially sensitive content, we used guidelines from Roulet et al. (2017) for covert observations and the recom-
mendations of Kosinski et al. (2015) for online research. The assessment of the online trade in primates was conducted without direct
interaction with any of the vendors, group members, or administrators (other than when requesting membership).
Although the majority of our data were available in the public domain, some groups required access requests. In these instances,
covert observation was deemed justiable as it was necessary to obtain accurate estimates of trade and to ensure the quality of data
collected. All data was collected manually and no webscraping or application programming interfaces (APIs) were used. The data
collected was minimized where possible, no personal data were collected, and no data were permanently stored. We anonymized data
after collection, and we do not publish any information that may be attributed to any one individual or group (buyer or seller). Since
the data used for this specic study were available in the public domain, no research ethics permission was needed. This study did not
include any direct research on animal or human subjects. The authors declare that they have no conicts of interest.
3. Results
3.1. Overview of studies on the online trade in live primates
We identied 20 studies that reported on the online sale of primates from a total of 24 countries; 12 focused on primates, often
specic taxa, and eight focused on a wide range of wildlife, including primates (Table 1). In 14 of the 24 countries, fewer than 100
individual primates were found offered for sale, but it was often unclear from the methodology how frequently online platforms were
checked (i.e., daily, weekly, irregular) or how many platforms were monitored. Countries where a relatively large number of pet
primates were offered for sale were the USA, Malaysia, Thailand, South Africa, Ukraine and Russia. Auction sites and Facebook were
the most popular platforms to monitor, and presumably purchase, primates. In Indonesia and Turkey, Instagram was a popular
platform for trading primates as pets. The UK was the only country for which we could nd multiple studies covering over a decade. In
most cases, the studies involved at least several months of sampled data or monitoring, but only six covered a period of one year or
3.2. Global assessment of the ease of online purchasing of primates
We obtained 130 online trade scores from 45 assessors for 77 countries during a single day of investigation per country, including
38 primate range countries. When compared to the averages of socio-economic factors for 171 countries for which data were available,
our sample countries had a slightly higher IPR (54.9 ±SD 28.2 vs 46.8 ±SD 29.5: t-value =2.5, df =74, P =0.02), a higher HDI
(0.761 ±SD 0.135 vs 0.716 ±SD 0.155; t-value =2.9, df =75, P =0.005), but a similar GDP per capita (US$ 27,780 ±SD 26,419 vs
US$ 22,181 ±SD 22,207: t-value =1.9, df =75, P =0.1), and similar levels of corruption (80.4 ±SD 50.8 vs 88.3 ±SD 51.1; t-value
= 1.4, df =74, P =0.18). Therefore, while our sample was slightly biased towards countries with higher levels of Internet access and
human development, we believe that this database is still globally representative.
Facebook, Instagram, and online pet shops were the most common platforms where primates were available for sale. The overall
online trade score differed little between primate range countries (mean of 2.56 ±SD 2.01) and non-range countries (mean of 1.98 ±
SD 1.88). We found a positive relationship between the trade score and the IPR, HDI, and the countrys human population (Table 2;
Fig. 1). We did not nd relationships between the online trade score and either the CPI, GDP per capita, primate richness or between
range and non-range countries.
V. Nijman et al.
Environmental Development 48 (2023) 100925
Table 1
Previous research concerning the online trade in live primates. Only studies in which at least ve primates were offered for sale were included.
Primate range countries are italicized. *These numbers may include primates that are not alive. ** these number included previous months in which
advertisements were consult (not only the month of social media use); considering that some ads may be deleted over time, this value may under-
estimate the total number of individuals to be recorded.
Country/region Species Legality of keeping primates as
Platform Length of
Number of
India Slow and
All slow and slender lorises are
RicePuller 10 months 86 Morgan and Nijman
Nepal Bengal slow
Bengal slow loris is protected RicePuller 10 months 8 Morgan and Nijman
Thailand Wide range
of wildlife
Primates are protected; captive-
bred primates can be traded
Facebook 1 month 198 Phassaraudomsak and
Krishnasamy (2018)
Thailand Primates and
Primates are protected; captive-
bred primates can be traded
Facebook 18 months 380 Siriwat et al. (2019)
Indonesia Apes All protected Instagram, Facebook 32 months** 127 Nijman et al. (2021)
Malaysia Gibbons All gibbons are protected Instagram, Facebook 13 months 5 Smith (2018)
Malaysia Wide range
of wildlife
Most primates are protected Facebook 5 months 27 Krishnasamy and
Stoner (2016)
Malaysia All primates Most primates are protected Facebook 10 months 736 Zainol et al. (2018)
Turkey Slow lorises Unknown Instagram 11 months 135 Kitson and Nekaris
United Arab
Wide range
of wildlife
Unknown Auction sites 6 weeks 8 IFAW (2014)
Japan Slow lorises Some species can be kept as
Online pet shops 3 months 56 Musing et al. (2015)
Algeria Barbary
Barbary macaques are
Classied ads 6 months 7 Bergin et al. (2018)
South Africa Mammals Legal Facebook, South
African advertising
12 months 115 Shivambu et al. (2021)
Cameroon, Chad,
DRC, Gabon,
and Nigeria
Wide range
of wildlife
Some species protected
license required/Some species
protected/License required
Classied/listings, E-
commerce, Forum
Online marketplace
39 months 80* Woolloff et al., (2022)
UK All primates Certain primates can be traded Classied ads 4 days 40 Soulsbury et al. (2009)
UK All primates Certain primates can be traded Classied ads 146 Travers and Turner
UK All primates Certain primates can be traded Specialistswebsite 1 day 44 Anonymous (2012)
UK Wide range
of wildlife
Certain primates can be traded Auction sites 6 weeks 6* IFAW (2008)
Germany Wide range
of wildlife
Primates cannot be kept as pets Auction sites 6 weeks 7* IFAW (2008)
Poland Wide range
of wildlife
Certain primates can be kept as
Auction sites 6 weeks 27 IFAW (2014)
Russia Wide range
of wildlife
Unknown Classied ads, online
pet shops
3 months >128 Krever and Ivannikova
Russia Wide range
of wildlife
Unknown Auction sites 6 weeks 117 IFAW (2014)
Ukraine Wide range
of wildlife
Unknown Auction sites 6 weeks 219 IFAW (2014)
USA Primates Some primates can be traded in
certain States
Specialistswebsites 12 months 551 Seaboch and Cahoon
USA Wide range
of wildlife
Some primates can be traded in
certain States
Auction sites 6 weeks 18* IFAW (2008)
Canada Wide range
of wildlife
Certain primates can be kept as
pets in some provinces
Auction sites 6 weeks 6* IFAW (2008)
Colombia Wide range
of wildlife
Unknown Auction sites 6 weeks 28* IFAW (2008)
Brazil Wide range
of wildlife
Certain primates can be traded
only by certied breeder under
a quota
Facebook, WhatsApp 4 months >81 Wyatt et al. (2022)
V. Nijman et al.
Environmental Development 48 (2023) 100925
We then predicted the online trade scores for countries we could not directly assess with modelling while accounting for its IPR, and
human population, to provide a global picture of the prevalence of online primate trade. We found that USA, South Africa, Russia, and
Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand) stand out as the hotspots for the ease of online purchase of primates,
followed by some South American and European countries (see Table 3). Online trade of live primates was minimal in most of con-
tinental Africa and South Asia (Fig. 2).
Table 2
Details on the Generalized Additive Model for Location, Scale and Shape (GAMLSS) of the drivers of primate online trade scores and drivers of prices
of marmosets and capuchins sold.
Response variable Predictor variables Estimate Std. Error t-value P value ΔAIC (ΔAIC
Online Trade Score
(Intercept) 0.022 0.245 0.9 0.920 3.20 (12.03)
Internet penetration rate 0.008 0.004 2.7 0.009*
Human development index 1.815 0.745 2.4 0.017*
Human population 0.172 0.044 3.9 0.001*
Corruption perception index 0.004 0.004 0.8 0.40
GDP per capita 0.001 0.003 0.1 0.89
Primate richness 0.001 0.004 0.3 0.76
Range/non-range country
0.013 0.231 0.1 0.96
Asking price
(Intercept) 3.170 0.529 6.0 <0.001* 4.31 (38.21)
Online Trade Score 0.691 0.093 7.5 <0.001*
GDP per capita 0.040 0.007 6.0 <0.001*
0.516 0.304 1.7 0.097
Primate species
0.591 0.300 2.0 0.055
*p <0.05.
Zero-adjusted Gamma distribution (link function log).
Gamma distribution (link function log).
ΔAIC is the difference between the AIC of the best model and the second-best ranked model and ΔAICnull is the difference between the AIC of the
selected model and the AIC of the null model.
Reference classes: Non-range countries and capuchin.
Fig. 1. Relationship between the online primate trade score and (a) the Internet Penetration Rate, (b) Human Development Index, (c) human
population, (d) Corruption Perception Index, (e) GDP per capita and (f) primate species richness. Points are normalized partial residuals. Y-axis is
plotted as original values at a log (ln) scale. The shaded area represents the 95% condence interval. Only relationships (a), (b) and (c) are sig-
nicant (see Table 2 for details).
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3.3. Price of primates traded online
The primates most frequently recorded in trade were capuchins, marmosets, squirrel monkeys (genus Saimiri), tamarins (Saguinus),
slow loris (Nycticebus, Xanthonycticebus), macaques (Macaca); with capuchins and marmosets the groups that appeared most consis-
tently across a large range of countries. The mean price for a capuchin (mean US$ 2957 ±SD 4900) or a marmoset (mean US$ 1859 ±
SD 2181) differed greatly between countries. At the country level, this price was positively correlated with both the ease of purchasing
primates online and GDP per capita (Table 2; Fig. 3). Although not statistically signicant, asking prices for capuchins tended to be
higher than that for marmosets (p =0.055), and these two primate taxa tended to cost more in non-primate-range countries than in
primate-range countries (p =0.097) (Fig. 3).
Table 3
Assessed countries deemed by at all independent assessors to have a high online presence of the live primate pet trade (scores 6 or 7 on a 0 to 7 scale),
with respective country-level characteristics. See Methods for variable denitions.
Country Internet penetration rate
(%) (2020)
GDP per
Human Development
Perception Index
Online Trade Score
mean ±SD
Most commonly traded
Indonesia 63* 12,302 0.707 40 7.0 ±0.0 Macaques, slow lorises
Russia 71 29,181 0.824 28 6.5 ±0.7 Lemurs, slow lorises
USA 96 65,281 0.920 69 6.5 ±1.0 Marmosets, capuchins
Malaysia 81 29,228 0.804 53 6.0 ±0.0 Slow lorises
Thailand 82 19,228 0.765 36 6.0 ±0.0 Slow lorises, marmosets
55 12,999 0.705 44 6.0 ±0.0 Marmosets, capuchins
Japan 94 43,236 0.915 73 6.0 ±1.0 Marmosets, squirrel
Internet penetration rate is higher in the western part of Indonesia (Sumatra, Java, Bali), where primates are native, compared to eastern
Indonesia (Moluccas, Papua), where primates are not native.
Fig. 2. Online trade scores representing the prevalence of online primate trade (0 - no trade present at all; 7 - easily available, multiple platforms,
multiple vendors, multiple species, a substantial number of individual primates offered for sale) accounting for the Internet Penetration Rate and
human population size. Dashed countries represent the 77 countries scored by independent assessors and countries with no dashes represent those
with scores predicted through modelling. Countries or territories in grey were excluded from the prediction due to the absence of data (see Sup-
plementary Table S1 for details).
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4. Discussion
4.1. An overview of the online trade in primates
Our results indicate that the practice of selling live primates online is widespread across both range and non-range countries;
however, published research specically addressing this issue is limited at present. Primate specic studies of online trade thus far
have often been restricted to specic taxa (Table 1) and appear to have a bias towards Asia (Musing et al., 2015; Phassaraudomsak and
Krishnasamy, 2018; Siriwat et al., 2019; Zainol et al., 2018; Nijman et al., 2021). Comparing the results from these studies and
extrapolating to a wider range of taxa or regions is hampered by varying methodology and lack of detail in written methods. In the
literature consulted, when methodology was discussed, there was signicant variation in the strength of efforts to assess the online
primate trade, from single-instance website checks to long-term, consistent monitoring.
Our assessment of the prevalence of the online trade and the ease to which live primates can be purchased online illustrates that
primates are kept as pets in a large number of sampled countries and allowed us to extrapolate with statistical modelling to the rest of
the globe. In our model, South and North America, Europe, and Southeast Asia are identied as areas where primates are easily
purchased online, albeit with marked differences between individual countries. Continental Africa (sans South Africa) and South Asia
stand out as regions with relatively low levels of online trade in pet primates (scores 0 and 1). Primates are commonly kept as pets and
traded in physical markets in these regions, so this result may reect the generally low levels of Internet penetration (Nekaris and
Bergin, 2017; Casanova and Sousa, 2007). We highlight that in these regions, the knowledge of local communities in sourcing, selling,
Fig. 3. Relationship between the asking price of an individual marmoset and capuchin (in US$) and (a) the online trade score (ranging from 0 to 7)
and (b) GDP per capita of the country in which these were offered for sale; and difference of asking prices between (c) primate-range countries and
non-primate-range countries; and (d) primate taxa. Only relationships (a) and (b) are statistically signicant (see Table 2 for details). The shaded
area represents the 95% condence interval.
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and purchasing primates for the pet trade plays a more important role here than communicating via the Internet (Ceballos-Mago and
Chivers, 2010; Norconck et al., 2020; Raˇ
cevska et al., 2020; Reuter and Schaefer, 2016).
Our research reveals a signicant, positive relationship between HDI and online trade score, with the highest effect size among the
variables tested. Generally, higher levels of HDI are associated with greater health and education standards and higher gross national
income per capita, which are typical indicators of developed countries. This nding contradicts the initial expectation that a lower
HDI, which correlates with weaker conservation efforts and surveillance, would result in increased levels of primate trade (Estrada
et al., 2020). Our results align with the ndings of (Bachmann et al., 2022) who examined the Africa-Europe South-North gradient of
wildlife hunting, demonstrating that hunting for entertainment purposes also increases as HDI rises. People with higher standard of
living have more disposable income to spend on luxury items such as pets, and exotic pets are often seen as a status symbol (Spee et al.,
2019). This relationship suggests that the primary driver behind the global online trade may be the demand for primates as pets in
developed countries (often non-range countries for primates), driven by the desire for entertainment or status, rather than the
prevalence of supply in countries where poverty leads to an inevitable exploitation of wildlife. These ndings have important im-
plications for conservation efforts, as by acknowledging this trend and implementing targeted interventions, it is possible to work
towards reducing the demand for primates as pets in developed countries.
We did not nd a statistical correlation between the online trade score and afuence, and while GDP is taken into account in the
HDI, this suggests that merely GDP alone does not account for the variation observed. This may be because in our study we did not
distinguish between the legal and illegal trade (see section 4.3). Previous research has shown that low GDP tends to be associated with
illegal trade, while higher GDP is more likely to be associated with legal trade (Estrada, 2009; Morcatty et al., 2020). Therefore, further
investigations that clearly distinguish the legality status of the animals sold are necessary to unveil whether, and how, GDP inuence
the online trade of primates.
All countries with an IPR below 50%, such as Sierra Leone, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Madagascar, had scored low on the level of
online primate trade but once the IPR was above 50%, scores 5 and above were found frequently (Fig. 1). This suggests that there may
exist a minimum threshold of Internet access needed at the country level before a shift in trade can occur from traditional brick-and-
mortar markets to online platforms (cf. Nijman et al., 2019). A clear caveat to this, however, is that IPR is a country-level statistic and
certainly within some countries there are marked differences in access to the Internet across geographic regions. For instance,
Indonesia as a whole has an IPR of 63%, but that average is lowered because of very rural or less developed islands, while in urban
areas of the island of Java, where over half of the population of Indonesia resides, the IPR can be higher than 70%. We expect a similar
pattern in countries like Tanzania, Egypt, or Pakistan, where the overall country-wide level of Internet access is still limited, but there
are large urban cities (i.e., Dar-el-Salaam, Cairo/Alexandria, and Karachi/Lahore) where Internet access is more universal, and
e-commerce is much better established.
In addition to varying levels of Internet access within countries, while the assessed online trade scores represented the entire
country, we acknowledge that certain countries have large variation in prevalence of online pet primate trade across geographic
regions as well. For example, in China, primate trade in general appears more prevalent in the south than in the north and east (Ni
et al., 2018), and we expect that this pattern is reected in the online primate trade as well. In Thailand, trade in primates (and
carnivores) was concentrated in the capital of Bangkok and the far southern provinces, close to the Malaysian border (Siriwat et al.,
4.2. Online international trade
While the focus of this study was on domestic trade in pet primates, it is clear that this trade has at least two important international
components. Firstly, while captive breeding for pets exists, we cannot discount the likelihood of international trafcking occurring
before animals are posted online in non-range countries. Secondly, prospective buyers may have the option to order pet primates
online from sellers based in nearby countries, allowing for post-sale international trade.
We found no difference between the ease of purchasing a pet primate in primate range countries compared to non-range countries
and no correlation to the number of native primate species in the country, which contradicts previous ndings from research on
primate trade in physical markets (e.g., Svensson et al., 2021). Some of the countries that had a very high online trade score, i.e., where
various primate species are almost universally available online, were non-range countries such as the USA and Russia. Additionally, in
certain primate-range countries such as Japan and South Africa, the majority of primates offered for sale online were Neotropical
primates, mainly capuchins, marmosets and squirrel monkeys. Those species had previously been recorded widely offered for sale in
many countries (de Souza Fialho et al., 2016; do Nascimento et al., 2013). Slow lorises were not only prevalent in range countries such
as Indonesia or Malaysia but were also commonly recorded in Japan and Russia (cf. Musing et al., 2015; Nekaris et al., 2013). This then
suggests signicant movement of primates from range countries to non-range countries, and, in certain countries, the establishment of
commercial breeding of non-native primates to meet the demand for the domestic pet trade (e.g., Norconk et al., 2023).
One aspect that was agged by several assessors was the ease of ordering pet primates online with the vendors from neighbouring
countries; for example, a prospective pet owner in Singapore would be able to do an online search for vendors based in the Malaysian
State of Johor immediately north of Singapore or the Indonesian province of Riau, just to the south. With a frequent ow of goods
between these regions, delivery of a pet primate was not seen as problematic. Additionally, prospective buyers in Cyprus, a country
that is part of the EU, could order primates online from Turkey through Northern Cyprus. Northern Cyprus is recognised as a nation
only by Turkey and due to its strong political and economic ties to that country, this provides Cypriot buyers access to species pur-
portedly brought in from Turkey, such as slow lorises and marmosets. Within the EU and also the Mercosur (the Southern Common
Market, a South American trade bloc established in 1991), border inspections are limited and considerable differences in legislation
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with regards to keeping primates as pets allow for virtual cross-border shopping in neighbouring countries (Svensson et al., 2023). As
such, the ease of purchasing primates online is dependent in part on the socio-political situation in these countries and does not provide
a complete picture of the ability of purchasing them.
We consider in this study open or public groups/platforms or closed groups that could be joined by minimal effort, based on the
assumption that these types of groups would be more accessible and representative of the overall landscape of online wildlife trade.
The trade in highly selective or secret groups or platform still occurs, particularly in regions with more stringent enforcement mea-
sures, and it may not have been captured by our trade score index. While this is true only for the illegal trade, and we cover legal and
illegal trade, we acknowledge that our results of higher trade score index may be biased towards regions with less policing.
Asking prices of pet primates that are offered for sale online differ substantially, ranging from less than US$100 to over US$10,000.
This is probably related to age, with younger ones usually more expensive than older individuals, in addition to species, country of sale,
origin (captive-bred or wild-caught), and legality. While it may be legal to keep and trade primates as pets in many countries, there are
serious risks attached to this trade as attested by the successful establishment of feral primate populations outside their native ranges
(e.g. mona monkeys Cercopithecus mona in Grenada: Gunst et al., 2016; squirrel monkeys, vervets Chlorocebus pygerythrus and rhesus
macaques Macaca mulatta in Florida: Anderson et al., 2017; rhesus macaques and patas monkeys Erythrocebus patas in Puerto Rico:
alez-Martínez, 2004; green monkeys Chlorocebus sabaeus on the Cape Verde Islands: Hazevoet and Masseti, 2011). Many
non-native primates are readily available on the Internet in a wide range of countries, increasing the likelihood of the introduction of
primates to new locations.
Greater contact with non-human primates, both within and outside of primate range countries, has the potential to facilitate the
transfer of pathogens and diseases from primates to humans (de Souza Jesus et al., 2022; Morcatty et al., 2022a). This is evidenced by
the monkeypox virus (Smith et al., 2009), herpes B virus (Huff and Barry, 2003), simian T-cell lymphotropic virus (Schillaci et al.,
2005), simian foamy virus (Engel et al., 2006) and the general spread of diseases that are linked to the global trade in wildlife (Karesh
et al., 2005; Pavlin et al., 2009). While these transmissions were from primate to human, the reverse has also been observed when a pet
common marmoset was infected with human herpesvirus 1 and died as a consequence of it (Huemer et al., 2002). Physical trauma due
to bites and scratches by pet primates is another cause of concern when there is an increase in the number of primates that are being
kept as pets (e.g., Leung et al., 2015; Mease and Baker, 2012).
4.3. Legality of the online trade in primates
The issue of primate trade legality in the countries we assessed is a complex matter, without a clear-cut answer, as illustrated in
Table 1 of the literature review. For example, in Brazil, while all wild primate species are protected and cannot be traded, there exists a
legal trade in captive-bred primates of a limited number of species and individuals under a permit system. Therefore, online primate
trade can be legal, as long as the seller has the required permits, and the animals are genuinely captive-bred. In contrast, Indonesia does
not protect all wild primate species, but commercial trade in wild-caught primates is regulated through a quota system. However, for
numerous species, these quotas have been set to zero for at least a decade, making a substantial part of the commercial trade in both
protected and unprotected species illegal. In countries like the Netherlands, Singapore, Australia, and New Zealand primates cannot be
kept as pets, all trade in primates for pets is illegal and these regulations are generally well-enforced.
In many other countries, while the majority of primate species are restricted, some exceptions are permitted for smaller species,
such as marmosets and capuchins, which can be kept by private individuals as pets. In certain states in the USA, i.e., Alabama, Kansas,
Nevada, West Virginia, there are virtually no restrictions on the keeping of any primate as pets and indeed as many as 100 chimpanzees
Pan troglodytes are kept as a pet in private hands in these parts of the USA (Rainer et al., 2014). In other states, i.e., Louisiana, Min-
nesota, Maryland, there are restrictions in place that preclude private individuals from keeping all species of primate as pets. In
Denmark it is legal to keep tamarins and marmosets as pets; in the UK all smaller primates, up to the size of a capuchin or a ring-tailed
lemur Lemur catta, can be legally kept as pets, whereas in Chile, despite the high trade score achieved in this study, all primate species
are prohibited to be kept as pets. In Thailand, all primates native to the country are protected and cannot be traded legally, but exotic
primates can, provided their import into the country is compliant with CITES legislation or are captive-bred in Thailand (Siriwat et al.,
In countries where regulatory frameworks are based on specic criteria, determining whether each primate advertised online
represents legal or illegal trade is challenging. In addition, it is important to note that the issue of wildlife trade is not solely related to
illegality. Legal trade can also be unsustainable, leading to negative impacts on biodiversity and ecological systems. As such, there is a
need to ponder the concepts of legality, threat, and sustainability in order to better understand the intricate issues at play (Hughes
et al., 2023). A more detailed and comprehensive study would be necessary to ascertain the legality of primate trade in such countries.
4.4. Recommendations to improve regulation of the online sale of primates as pets
A clear recommendation from our study is to commence a discussion on the need for increased regulation of trade in primates
within many of the primate range countries, and indeed of several non-primate range countries, largely due to increased Internet-based
sales. At the national level, environmental and governing bodies are urged to better enforce existing species-protection laws and legal
frameworks to monitor and manage the rising sale of non-native species. Primates are excellent agship species to anchor this debate
(Chapman et al., 2020). Our results also show that the issue of online trade in live primates is international and will require multilateral
coordination and intervention (Fukushima et al., 2021). We identied an unbalanced effort among studies already published, and a
lack of in-depth information for several countries. Therefore, an increase in collaborative research and, more importantly, the
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Environmental Development 48 (2023) 100925
establishment of a common protocol to assess the traded species is required to facilitate coordinated decision-making efforts.
Many endangered primate species are explicitly and openly advertised for sale on websites appealing to buyers in multiple
countries. Pet traders increasingly resort to the Internet in a wide range of countries. Improved packaging and infrastructure allow live
primates to be ordered on the Internet and shipped to ones door in a matter of days. Especially for some of the smaller primate species
(e.g. slow lorises) rising trade demands, including via the Internet, have seen an increase in wild-animal harvesting leading to their
near extinction in various parts of Asia (Thach et al., 2018; Nekaris et al., 2010), similar to what has happened to Barbary macaques
Macaca sylvanus (Van Lavieren et al., 2016). Although we could not always identify individuals to the species level, some taxa, such as
the genus Sapajus, include Critically Endangered or Endangered species (such as buff-headed capuchin S. xanthosternos and crested
capuchin S. robustus, respectively) which inhabit areas where trade was recorded or neighbouring regions. The Critically Endangered
buff-headed capuchin may constitute a signicant proportion of the illegal pet trade; for instance, it represents an alarming 54.8% of
the total number of capuchin monkeys illegally held as pets in Brazils Bahia state, as documented by do Nascimento et al. (2013).
Although other taxa, such as marmosets may not be currently classied as threatened, the combination of trade with other existing
anthropogenic threats, such as habitat loss and invasive species introduction, may pose a signicant risk and condemn these species to
population declines in the near future.
Alongside better assessments, improved legislation and law enforcement, the social media component in this type of trade must be
considered if we aim to curb the illegal online trade in primates and its underlying impacts. The role of social media in the wildlife
trade has become more apparent in recent years (Bergin et al., 2018; Chng and Bouhuys, 2015; Krishnasamy and Stoner, 2016;
Moloney et al., 2021; Nijman et al., 2019; Siriwat and Nijman, 2018; Svensson et al., 2022). A critical aspect of this problem is that
most of the primate-related content that garners millions of views and likes portrays these animals as pets or individuals in anthro-
pogenic environments, often close to humans (Nunes et al., 2023). Such portrayal signicantly inuences public perceptions and
potentially contributes to the trade (Aldrich et al., 2023). Online platforms that facilitate wildlife trade, such as social media platforms,
should take responsibility not only for the illegal content advertised but also for the inuence exerted on people (Morcatty et al.,
2022b). Some platforms, including Facebook and Instagram, have joined the Global Coalition to End Wildlife Trafcking Online and
aimed to reduce online wildlife trafcking by 80 percent by 2020. However, these platforms do not take proactive measures to counter
crime, such as sharing all data with the police, due to their privacy policies. As a result, platforms often rely on deleting posts or user
proles (if they are detected) as their primary approach to addressing this issue. Taking advantage of this inuence, they must support
widespread campaigns on the consequences of the illegal trade and the complexity and responsibility assumed when purchasing a wild
pet, as advocated by several authors (e.g., Nekaris et al., 2013; Svensson et al., 2022; Waters and El-Harrad, 2013).
Various strategies, such as machine vision models based on deep neural networks, have been developed and are continuously
rened to detect and investigate posts of legally protected species, including primates, that are being sold online (Kulkarni and Di
Minin, 2022). Because monitoring both domestic and international Internet trade requires a technologically innovative framework and
constant improvement, a coordinated strategy could be strengthened within or parallel to CITES. This framework could serve as a
common baseline for all countries, which could fortify it with additional mechanisms according to their domestic needs.
It is therefore essential to have a collaborative approach to monitor trade at both national and international levels to maximize
effectiveness, including all relevant stakeholders, such as government agencies, law enforcement, conservation organizations, and
private sector companies. By doing so, we can hope to reduce the harmful impact of the unsustainable online trade in primates and
other affected taxa and promote primate species conservation.
Author statement
VN, TQM, MSS, KAIN conceived the study; MSS, VN, SS, KAIN conducted the literature survey; VN, TQM, HREB, HAR, AAng, AArd,
provided country-level data on the online trade; TQM, HREB, FBP, MSS, MC, KAIN, VN analysed the data; VN, TQM, MSS, KAIN drafted
the paper; HREB, FBP edited the paper, all authors commented on writing and approved nal submission.
Declaration of competing interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
inuence the work reported in this paper
Data availability
All data is available in the supplementary material
We thank Dr Alejandro Estrada for discussions at the 8th European Federation of Primatology meeting in Oxford in September 2019
that led to the development of the research. Meg Barrett, Dr Elene Bersacola, Dr Camille Coudrat, Evros Damianou, Terence Fuh Neba,
Gaspard van de Hamme, Kelly M. Martin, Daniel Nielsen, Sam Un, and Dr Sam Shanee for helping with the assessment of the online
trade in primates either by active searching or with linguistic help. Dr Paul Garber commented on an earlier version of this paper.
Funding was received from WCS Graduate Scholarship Program, a program of the Wildlife Conservation Society and the Christensen
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Environmental Development 48 (2023) 100925
Conservation Leaders Scholarship (TQM), Wildlife Conservation Network Scholarship Program through the Sidney Byers Scholarship
award (TQM), Funds for Women Graduates from the British Federation of Women Graduates (TQM), National Council for Scientic
and Technological Development (CNPq) grant numbers 201475/2017-0 and 302140/2020-4 (HREB, FES), European Unions Horizon
2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 801505 (FES); International Pri-
matological Society Conservation grant (FES); the Margot Marsh Biodiversity Foundation grant numbers SMACCOG0023 and SMA-
CCOG0037 (FES), Primate Conservation Inc. #1713 and #1689 (FES). Cambridge Student Conference on Conservation Science Miriam
Rothschild Travel Bursary Programme (2019) (AST, AArd), Cleveland Zoo and Metroparks Zoo Society (KAIN, VN, AArd), Peoples
Trust for Endangered Species (KAIN, VN, AArd), International Primate Protection League (KAIN, AArd, VN), Primate Action Fund
(MSS, VN, CRS), Global Challenges Fund (MC), Oxford Brookes University Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Research Event
Fund (VN), The Rufford Foundation (GRR, FES), Primate Society of Great Britain (GRR), American Society of Primatologists (GRR),
Ocean Park Conservation Foundation Hong Kong (GRR), Oxford Brookes University Habitat Country Scholarship (GRR), Sasakawa
Great Britain Foundation (BCR). We thank the two anonymous reviewers for constructive comments and suggestions for improvement.
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at
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Anonymous, 2012. Primates as Pets Is There a Case for Regulation? Looe. RSPCA and Wild Futures.
Anonymous, 2020. E-Commerce Statistics for Individuals. EuroStat, Brussels, Belgium.
Bachmann, ME, Kulik, L, Gatiso, T, Nielsen, MR, Haase, D, Heurich, M, et al., 2022. Analysis of differences and commonalities in wildlife hunting across the Africa-
Europe South-North gradient. PLoS Biol 20 (8), e3001707.
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... This is potentially a result of younger people being more present online than older generations. The most frequently traded primates online include capuchins, marmosets, tamarins, slow lorises, and macaques [13]; despite differences in the popularity of specific species between countries, posts advertising capuchins and marmosets have been found in every country that the online trade has been studied in [13]. ...
... This is potentially a result of younger people being more present online than older generations. The most frequently traded primates online include capuchins, marmosets, tamarins, slow lorises, and macaques [13]; despite differences in the popularity of specific species between countries, posts advertising capuchins and marmosets have been found in every country that the online trade has been studied in [13]. ...
... The primate trade on social media was found to be more prevalent in countries with an internet penetration rate of over 50% [13]; therefore, countries with low internet penetration rates had relatively little, if any, online primate trading. The same study determined the extent of the online primate trade in many countries and showed Indonesia, the USA, Russia, and South Africa to be hotspots for online primate trading. ...
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With the online wildlife trade and the demand for viral videos increasing, the trade in primates on TikTok is becoming more prevalent. Despite wildlife trading being banned on most social media platforms, the trade in primates persists. TikTok's policies ban the sale of live animals, and specific terms related to wildlife trading are banned; however, these search-term bans are easy to get around, and sellers are still prolific on the site. This study documented primates for sale on TikTok using the search term "for sale monkey" over a four-month period (from mid-July to mid-November 2023) with the aim of determining how widespread primate trade is on TikTok, the legality of advertisements, and which countries advertise the most primates for sale. In total, 43 individual advertisements were identified, spanning six different genera of primates and five different countries. Spider monkeys, rhesus macaques, and common marmosets were found to be the most commonly advertised species on TikTok. All the spider monkeys were advertised from the USA, while the majority of the marmosets were advertised from the UK, and all of the rhesus macaques were advertised from Pakistan. The USA was the only country identified in this study that advertised a range of species, and the only species found in this study that was not advertised in the USA was the mona monkey. In total, 44% of all species recorded were classified as either Endangered or Critically Endangered, and it was found that Endangered species were more frequently sold illegally than non-Endangered species. The findings of this study underline a need for stricter primate legislation and wildlife law enforcement, especially if the UN's sustainable development goals are to be achieved by 2030. They also show a need for TikTok to broaden their restrictions on wildlife trading on their app.
... However, these studies were short in duration and focused on Europe and North America (Travers & Turner, 2005;IFAW, 2008). In recent years, more insight into the online trade in primates has been gained through longer and more systematic studies, either focused on specific taxa (e.g., slow, slender, and pygmy lorises Nycticebus, Loris, and Xanthonycticebus: Kitson & Nekaris, 2017;Morgan & Nijman, 2020;Musing et al., 2015;Macaca sylvanus: Bergin et al., 2018;apes: Nijman et al., 2021) or all primates (Seaboch & Cahoon, 2021;Zainol et al., 2018;Nijman et al., 2023). ...
... Corruption perception index runs from 1 (very clean) to 187 (highly corrupt). We obtained these data through a literature review used for Nijman et al., (2023) which included any literature published before 2020 as well as market surveys (Nijman, personal observation the countries where they are offered for sale, especially where the sale of (nonnative) primates as pets is legal (e.g., some states in the USA (Norconk et al., 2023), Thailand, South Africa, United Kingdom, Denmark). In other countries, such as Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines, sellers continue to illegally offer wildcaught native species. ...
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The global trade in nonhuman primates represents a substantial threat to ecosystem health, human health, and primate conservation worldwide. Most of the primate trade involves trade for pet-keeping, consumption, or biomedical experimentation. We present an overview of international primate trade through five case studies; each describes a different facet of this trade. We draw on published scientific literature, media outlets, and open access datasets, including the CITES Trade Database to build these case studies. Case study 1 describes the role of introduced island populations of Macaca and Chlorocebus in trade for biomedical experimentation; case study 2 covers the global health threats posed by the primate trade, including zoonotic disease transmission once animals enter the trade pipeline; case study 3 addresses the ways that changing patterns of primate trade, from local markets to online, have increased the demand for primates as pets; case study 4 recognizes the role that local environmental activism can play in mitigating trade; and case study 5 shows variation between global regions in their contribution to the primate trade. We recommend greater oversight of primate trade, especially domestic trade within primate range countries, and real-time reporting to CITES to accurately track primate trade. Effective conservation-focused regulations that can minimise the negative effects of primate trade must be tailored to specific regions and species and require transparency, careful regulation, field research, and an understanding of the magnitude of this trade.
... Li & Jiang, 2014, for China) (Annorbah et al., 2016). Global trade in live primates is estimated at US$ 117 million every year (Nijman, 2020;Nijman et al., 2023). We found monkeys were the most traded primate group in Ghana. ...
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We explore the relationship between global zoonotic disease incidents and international wildlife trade in Ghana and provide an in-depth analysis of taxon trade trends from 1975 to 2018 by combining zoonotic disease data (published sources) with the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) database. Trends over this period show that reptiles (Pythonidae) were the most frequently traded, followed by birds (Psittacidae), mammals (Cercopithecidae) (classified under CITES Appendix 1), and amphibians (Dendrobatidae). Overall trade (export/import) did not differ significantly among the four periods: 1975–1985, 1986–1996, 1997–2007, and 2008–2018 (H = 4.99, p = 0.166). Most countries that export wildlife to Ghana are in Africa, and those countries that import wildlife from Ghana are in Europe and the USA. Trade of reptiles and birds, especially endangered pythons and Psittacus species, could lead to their extinction in the wild. Our study model reveals that the higher the incidence of zoonotic diseases, the higher the incidence of exports of reptiles (coeff. = 0.30, p < 0.001) and birds (coeff. = 0.49, p < 0.001) but the lower incidence of mammalian exports (coeff. = -0.45, p < 0.001), suggesting a relationship between the incidence of zoonotic diseases and a decrease in mammal specimen trade. Early detection of zoonotic diseases and the adoption of an expanded education module to avoid risks in bushmeat utilization will also help reduce wildlife trade.
... In contrast to the legal primate trade, the extent of primate trafficking, both within range countries and internationally is undocumented and difficult to estimate (Nijman and Healy, 2016;Nijman et al., 2021Nijman et al., , 2023. The recent indictment by the U.S. Department of Justice of officials from a Cambodian macaque breeding center (Vanny Bio Research Corporation Ltd.) and members of the Cambodian government for allegedly laundering wild-caught and endangered long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) into the U.S. by labelling them as captive-bred, suggests that trafficking within the context of legal trade may be more widespread than previously acknowledged (Gamalo et al., 2023). ...
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A growing global human population, habitat conversion, and the indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources have created unsustainable demands on nature, resulting in widespread biodiversity loss. Primates, which represent the third most specious Order of mammals, are facing an extinction crisis. Currently, 69% of primate species are listed by the IUCN as threatened (Vulnerable, Endangered, or Critically Endangered) and 94% have declining populations. Here, we examine two primary threats to primate population persistence, namely the commercialized hunting and capturing of wild primates and their body parts for food, traditional medicine, pets, and use in biomedical research. Both the legal wildlife trade and illegal wildlife trafficking represent multibillion-dollar industries that contribute to primate population decline, a reduction in genetic diversity, and local extirpation. Trade and trafficking also can lead to the emergence of infectious diseases, increasing biosecurity risks to humans. Between 2015 and 2021, CITES reported 337,511 live primates representing at least 99 species were legally traded, with 6.5% sourced directly from the wild. The recent indictment of Cambodian officials for allegedly laundering wild-caught long-tailed macaques into the U.S. by labelling them as captive-bred, highlights the need for greater transparency and accountability. Comprehensive data on the illegal trafficking of primates are extremely difficult to obtain. However, between 2009 and 2017, primates accounted for 20% of all seizures of illegally traded mammals in the air transport sector. International wildlife trafficking is dominated by criminal networks, corruption, and driven by the demands of Frontiers in Conservation Science wealthy consumers. In addition, the internet has expanded international opportunities to connect buyers and sellers of wild-caught primates and their body parts. Despite explicit bans on selling endangered primates, social media sites continue to do so. Moreover, data on the global food security index (GFSI) indicate that as the international demand for wild live primates, their meat, and other body parts has continued to increase, the majority of people in primate range nations have remained food insecure. Given that almost 70% of primate species are negatively impacted by hunting and trapping, we offer a set of recommendations to reduce the trade and trafficking of wild primates.
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Plasmodium vivax causes >70% of malaria cases in Latin America. The emergence of Plasmodium simium , transmitted from humans to monkeys, increased the malaria burden, notably after an outbreak in 2015 in Brazil. To investigate P. simium evolutionary history, we screened 646 monkey samples and analyzed whole genome variations for 19 P. simium and 408 P. vivax isolates. P. vivax strains were identified in Colombian (n=3) and Brazilian monkeys (n=1), suggesting host reinvasion in Colombia and genetic exchange between P. vivax and P. simium in Brazil. Genetic analysis indicates that P. simium originated from a host jump approximately a century ago, possibly linked to P. vivax migration from Mexico to Brazil. Genome-wide scans identified selection in genes interacting with primate hosts and vectors. These findings highlight P. simium evolutionary history and zoonotic malaria risks, and underscore the need to include monkeys in malaria prevention measures while ensuring human-wildlife coexistence.
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The increased use of social media and classified advertisement websites has made wildlife trade more accessible, and the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown, during which people were advised or mandated to stay at home, may have exacerbated this trend. The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of wildlife trade in a data-deficient region, where social media platforms are popular ways of exchanging different goods and products. Focussing on Algeria, for one year (January to December 2020), we tracked the parrot trade in 12 Facebook groups specialising in the pet bird trade. There were 1143 advertisements offering a minimum of 7000 specimens across 29 parrot species. Six of these species were listed on CITES Appendix I, precluding all commercial international trade, while another 19 were listed on CITES Appendix II, regulating all international trade. Our findings indicate that notably, close to 1460 specimens of the African grey parrot (Psittacus erithacus and P. timneh) have been traded during this period, underscoring the critical need for regulatory attention and conservation efforts.
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The pet primate trade in the U.S Dr Melissa Seaboch, Professor and Department Chair at Salt Lake Community College, discusses the challenges regarding the pet primate trade in the U.S., including its impact on animal welfare and owners and the complexity of regulations. Little is known about the pet primate trade, especially in non-habitat countries, including the United States. It is commonly estimated that there are 15,000 pet primates in the U.S. However, the basis of this estimate is unknown.(1, 2) A recent study on the global online trade in pet primates reported that the U.S. ranked third out of 171 countries in the ease of purchasing a pet primate online, (3) behind Indonesia and Vietnam. The same study reviewed previously published studies on the pet primate trade and the U.S., with over 500 primates found for sale in a single year, (4) ranked seventh out of 20 countries in the number of primates for sale (adjusted for study duration). Though there is widespread agreement among veterinarians and primatologists that primates do not make good pets, (4) the trade in pet primates in the U.S. appears robust.
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Starting in 2010 and accelerating in 2014, reports of trade and seizures of jaguar Panthera onca parts surfaced from several countries in South America. In this paper we summarise knowledge to date including official reports, peer-reviewed publications, public articles, seizure records, online searches, and market surveys in source countries in South America and big cat consuming countries in Asia. We found widespread records of domestic use and commerce in jaguar parts, in many cases without effective enforcement of existing laws to provide a substantial deterrent. We found less abundant solid records of trade from South America to China, with the exception of Bolivia where 95.4% of the historic interceptions of jaguar canines were oriented towards China, and Suriname where seizures in airports testify to international trade. International trade is particularly onerous as it can drive domestic killing of jaguars at an increased level due to higher prices and diversified markets. More material may be shipped to Asian markets than we have detected and we recommend vigilance in all potential mediums for transport (passenger aircraft, air freight, postal services, courier services, and marine shipping). We present a summarised review of relevant legal structures. The depth and breadth of domestic commerce that we recorded from diverse sources suggest the need for increased enforcement of existing laws, coupled with behaviour change and livelihood alternatives. All jaguar killing starts at the local level, and when there is a local national market for jaguar parts there is less incentive to pursue the means and methods for coexistence already tested and proven in much of the species’ range.
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Contemporary wildlife trade is massively facilitated by the Internet. By design, the dark web is one layer of the Internet that is difficult to monitor and continues to lack thorough investigation. Here, we accessed a comprehensive database of dark web marketplaces to search across c. 2 million dark web advertisements over 5 years using c. 7 k wildlife trade‐related search terms. We found 153 species traded in 3332 advertisements (c. 600 advertisements per year). We characterized a highly specialized wildlife trade market, where c. 90% of dark‐web wildlife advertisements were for recreational drugs. We verified that 68 species contained chemicals with drug properties. Species advertised as drugs mostly comprised of plant species, however, fungi and animals were also traded as drugs. Most species with drug properties were psychedelics (45 species), including one genera of fungi, Psilocybe, with 19 species traded on the dark web. The native distribution of plants with drug properties were clustered in Central and South America. A smaller proportion of trade was for purported medicinal properties of wildlife, clothing, decoration, and as pets. Synthesis and applications. Our results greatly expand on what wildlife species are currently traded on the dark web and provide a baseline to track future changes. Given the low number of advertisements, we assume current conservation and biosecurity risks of the dark web are low. While wildlife trade is rampant on other layers of the Internet, particularly on e‐commerce and social media sites, trade on the dark web may still increase if these popular platforms are rendered less accessible to traders (e.g., via an increase in enforcement). We recommend focussing on surveillance of e‐commerce and social media sites, but we encourage continued monitoring of the dark web periodically to evaluate potential shifts in wildlife trade across this more occluded layer of the Internet. Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog.
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International laws and conventions have gone a long way in reducing the number of wild primates entering the United States of America (US) for the pet trade. However, breeding primates for sale to private owners in the United States continues, and individual states present a bewildering array of laws and regulations on the holding of primates as pets. As primatologists we can act to decrease the demand for primate pets by (1) speaking out on the inappropriate use of primates in mass media and especially in social media; (2) not posing in photographs in close proximity to primates; (3) continuing to educate about why primates do not make good pets; and (4) contributing to the science that underlies state and federal legislation with the goal of eliminating captive breeding of primates for the pet trade. We encourage primatologists and others in related fields to be cognizant of the persistent commercialization of primates and be willing to take action to deter it.
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Exploitation of wildlife represents one of the greatest threats to species survival according to the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Whilst detrimental impacts of illegal trade are well recognised, legal trade is often equated to being sustainable despite the lack of evidence or data in the majority of cases. We review the sustainability of wildlife trade, the adequacy of tools, safeguards, and frameworks to understand and regulate trade, and identify gaps in data that undermine our ability to truly understand the sustainability of trade. We provide 183 examples showing unsustainable trade in a broad range of taxonomic groups. In most cases, neither illegal nor legal trade are supported by rigorous evidence of sustainability , with the lack of data on export levels and population monitoring data precluding true assessments of species or population-level impacts. We propose a more precautionary approach to wildlife trade and monitoring that requires those who profit from trade to provide proof of sustainability. We then identify four core areas that must be strengthened to achieve this goal: (1) rigorous data collection and analyses of populations; (2) linking trade quotas to IUCN and international accords; (3) improved databases and compliance of trade; and (4) enhanced understanding of trade bans, market forces, and species substitutions. Enacting these core areas in regulatory frameworks, including CITES, is essential to the continued survival of many threatened species. There are no winners from unsustainable collection and trade: without sustainable management not only will species or populations become extinct, but communities dependent upon these species will lose livelihoods.
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Exploitation of wildlife represents one of the greatest threats to species survival according to the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Whilst detrimental impacts of illegal trade are well recognised, legal trade is often equated to being sustainable despite the lack of evidence or data in the majority of cases. We review the sustainability of wildlife trade, the adequacy of tools, safeguards, and frameworks to understand and regulate trade, and identify gaps in data that undermine our ability to truly understand the sustainability of trade. We provide 183 examples showing unsustainable trade in a broad range of taxonomic groups. In most cases, neither illegal nor legal trade are supported by rigorous evidence of sustainability, with the lack of data on export levels and population monitoring data precluding true assessments of species or population-level impacts. We propose a more precautionary approach to wildlife trade and monitoring that requires those who profit from trade to provide proof of sustainability. We then identify four core areas that must be strengthened to achieve this goal: (1) rigorous data collection and analyses of populations; (2) linking trade quotas to IUCN and international accords; (3) improved databases and compliance of trade; and (4) enhanced understanding of trade bans, market forces, and species substitutions. Enacting these core areas in regulatory frameworks, including CITES, is essential to the continued survival of many threatened species. There are no winners from unsustainable collection and trade: without sustainable management not only will species or populations become extinct, but communities dependent upon these species will lose livelihoods.
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Illegal and/or unsustainable trade is a major obstacle to effective primate conservation. The wildlife trade in the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom (UK) is significant, but for many species, such as primates, the trade is poorly understood and sparsely reported. All EU countries are Party to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES); all primates are listed on Appendix I or II of CITES and are included on Annex A or B of Regulation (EC) No 338/97. We here combine data from several databases (CITES, UN Comtrade, TRAFFIC WiTIS) and seizure reports, to provide a narrative of the trade in primates into and within Europe. The legal import of live primates (2002–2021) amounted to 218,000–238,000 individuals (valued at US$ 869 million), with France, the UK, and Spain as the main importers and Mauritius, Vietnam, and China as the main exporters. Over 21,000 primate parts (trophies, skulls, bodies) were imported mainly from African countries, and UN Comtrade data suggests that ~ 600 tonnes of primate meat was imported mainly from Asia. The vast majority of live primates are either captive-born or captive-bred, and this proportion has increased over time. Reports of the illegal primate trade are far from complete, but the illegal trade of specific species or primate meat can have negative impacts of wild populations of already imperiled species. Stronger policies and more effective enforcement in consumer countries, such as the EU, would also aid in, and garner support for, better protecting primates in primate range states.
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Unsustainable trade in wildlife is one of the major threats affecting the global biodiversity crisis. An important part of the trade now occurs on digital marketplaces and social media. Automated methods to identify trade posts are needed as resources for conservation are limited. Here, we developed machine vision models based on Deep Neural Networks with the aim to automatically identify images of exotic pet animals for sale. We trained 24 neural-net models on a newly created dataset, spanning a combination of five different architectures, three methods of training and two types of datasets. Model generalisation improved after setting a portion of the training images to represent negative features. Models were evaluated on both within and out-of-distribution data to test wider model applicability. The top performing models achieved an f-score of over 0.95 on within-distribution evaluation and between 0.75 and 0.87 on the two out-of-distribution datasets (i.e., data acquired from a source unrelated to training data), therefore, showcasing the potential application of the model to help identify content related to the sale of threatened species on digital platforms. Notably, feature-visualisation indicated that models performed well in detecting the surrounding context in which an animal was located, therefore helping to automatically detect images of animals in non-natural environments. The proposed methods are an important step towards automatic detection of online wildlife trade using machine vision models and can also be adapted to study more broadly other types of online people-nature interactions. Future studies can use these findings to build robust machine-learning models.
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Southeast Asia is considered a global hotspot of emerging zoonotic diseases. There, wildlife is commonly traded under poor sanitary conditions in open markets; these markets have been considered 'the perfect storm' for zoonotic disease transmission. We assessed the potential of wildlife trade in spreading viral diseases by quantifying the number of wild animals of four mammalian orders (Rodentia, Chiroptera, Carnivora and Primates) on sale in 14 Indonesian wildlife markets and identifying zoonotic viruses potentially hosted by these animals. We constructed a network analysis to visualize the animals that are traded alongside each other that may carry similar viruses. We recorded 6725 wild animals of at least 15 species on sale. Cities and markets with larger human population and number of stalls, respectively, offered more individuals for sale. Eight out of 15 animal taxa recorded are hosts of 17 zoonotic virus species, nine of which can infect more than one species as a host. The network analysis showed that long-tailed macaque has the greatest potential for spreading viral diseases, since it is simultaneously the most traded species, sold in 13/14 markets, and a potential host for nine viruses. It is traded alongside pig-tailed macaques in three markets, with which it shares six viruses in common (Cowpox, Dengue, Hepatitis E, Herpes B, Simian foamy, and Simian retrovirus type D). Short-nosed fruit bats and large flying foxes are potential hosts of Nipah virus and are also sold in large quantities in 10/14 markets. This study highlights the need for better surveillance and sanitary conditions to avoid the negative health impacts of unregulated wildlife markets.
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Hunting and its impacts on wildlife are typically studied regionally, with a particular focus on the Global South. Hunting can, however, also undermine rewilding efforts or threaten wildlife in the Global North. Little is known about how hunting manifests under varying socioeconomic and ecological contexts across the Global South and North. Herein, we examined differences and commonalities in hunting characteristics across an exemplary Global South-North gradient approximated by the Human Development Index (HDI) using face-to-face interviews with 114 protected area (PA) managers in 25 African and European countries. Generally, we observed that hunting ranges from the illegal, economically motivated, and unsustainable hunting of herbivores in the South to the legal, socially and ecologically motivated hunting of ungulates within parks and the illegal hunting of mainly predators outside parks in the North. Commonalities across this Africa-Europe South-North gradient included increased conflict-related killings in human-dominated landscapes and decreased illegal hunting with beneficial community conditions, such as mutual trust resulting from community involvement in PA management. Nevertheless, local conditions cannot outweigh the strong effect of the HDI on unsustainable hunting. Our findings highlight regional challenges that require collaborative, integrative efforts in wildlife conservation across actors, while identified commonalities may outline universal mechanisms for achieving this goal.
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In a move heralded by conservationists and tech policy reformists alike, Brazil’s environmental regulatory agency has penalized Meta, the parent company of Facebook and WhatsApp, for failing to remove thousands of online posts that had been flagged for selling illegal wildlife. The ~US2millionfinewillnotmateriallyaffecttheworldslargestsocialmediacompany,whichin2021earnedmorethanUS2 million fine will not materially affect the world’s largest social media company, which in 2021 earned more than US117 billion in global revenue, but it was nonetheless an important salvo in the fight to hold Meta responsible for vast amounts of illegal wildlife trading occurring on its platforms. To the best of our knowledge, the July ruling marked the first time any tech company has been sanctioned for hosting wildlife crime. The decision should set a precedent for holding tech companies accountable. The fine was imposed after Brazilian conservationists provided authorities with evidence that illegal wildlife traders operated groups on Facebook and WhatsApp and that Meta had failed to remove the content after being made aware of it, claiming it did not violate its community standards. Meta’s response was typical. Although most tech companies officially forbid the trading of endangered species on their platforms, most parts of the world provide tech platforms with immunity for user-generated content, even when the activity is locally illegal. As a result, many tech companies do not enforce their own rules. Legal reform is on the horizon. The Digital Services Act agreed upon by the European Union in April and the UK’s Online Safety Bill currently under debate will impose a duty of care on tech platforms to restrict and remove organized crime activity on their systems. We support these reforms and urge other countries to adopt similar laws. Cybercrime legislation should explicitly address illegal wildlife trading, which is now largely dependent upon social media. Failure to comply should result in substantial fines, as modeled by Brazil. Only successive financial sanctions and public pressure will incline noncompliant companies to invest in effectively combating wildlife crime.
Across the globe and across time, primates have been used in live performances and depicted through imagery to entertain audiences and tell stories. Technological advances have led to a proliferation of ways in which we consume media and with that, audiences for primates in entertainment have flourished. Here we review some of the ways primates are used as entertainers and examine representations of primates in contemporary media. We provide an overview of the role of primates in the entertainment industry and discuss issues of animal welfare and conservation. An understanding of the history primates in media and entertainment is critical to regulating these practices and ensuring the health and welfare of both humans and animals.