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Diffusion-EDFs: Bi-equivariant Denoising Generative
Modeling on SE(3) for Visual Robotic Manipulation
Hyunwoo Ryu1, Jiwoo Kim1, Hyunseok An1, Junwoo Chang1, Joohwan Seo2,
Taehan Kim3, Yubin Kim4, Chaewon Hwang5,6, Jongeun Choi1,2*
, Roberto Horowitz2
1Yonsei University, 2University of California, Berkeley, 3Samsung Research,
4Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 5Ewha Womans University, 6Work done at Yonsei University
{joohwan seo, horowitz},,
Diffusion generative modeling has become a promis-
ing approach for learning robotic manipulation tasks
from stochastic human demonstrations. In this paper,
we present Diffusion-EDFs, a novel SE (3)-equivariant
diffusion-based approach for visual robotic manipulation
tasks. We show that our proposed method achieves remark-
able data efficiency, requiring only 5 to 10 human demon-
strations for effective end-to-end training in less than an
hour. Furthermore, our benchmark experiments demon-
strate that our approach has superior generalizability and
robustness compared to state-of-the-art methods. Lastly,
we validate our methods with real hardware experiments.
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1. Introduction
Diffusion models are increasingly being recognized as su-
perior methods for modeling stochastic and multimodal
policies [1,4,6,7,11,35,50,52,56,69,75]. In particular,
SE(3)-Diffusion Fields [75] apply diffusion-based learning
on the SE(3) manifold to generate grasp poses of the end-
effector. However, these methods require numerous demon-
strations and do not generalize well on novel task configu-
rations that are not provided during training.
In contrast, equivariant methods are well known for their
data efficiency and generalizability in learning robotic ma-
nipulation tasks [6,7,15,32,33,37,49,61,67,68,78,
86]. In particular, several recent works explore the use of
SE(3)-equivariant models for learning 6-DoF manipulation
tasks with point cloud observations [15,33,61,67,68].
*Corresponding author: Jongeun Choi (
Equivariant Descriptor Fields (EDFs) [61] achieve data-
efficient end-to-end learning on 6-DoF visual robotic ma-
nipulation tasks by employing SE(3) bi-equivariant [37,
61] energy-based models. However, EDFs require more
than 10 hours to learn from only a few demonstrations due
to the inefficient training of energy-based models.
In this paper, we present Diffuion-EDFs, a diffusion-
based alternative to EDFs with a significantly reduced train-
ing time (×15 faster). Similarly to EDFs, we exploit the bi-
equivariance (see Supp. A) and locality of robotic manipu-
lation tasks in our method design. This enables our method
to be trained end-to-end from only 5∼10 human demonstra-
tions without requiring any pre-training and object segmen-
tation, yet are highly generalizable to out-of-distribution ob-
ject configurations. We validate Diffusion-EDFs through
simulation and real-robot experiments.
Our contributions are summarized as follows:
• This is the first work to address an SE(3)-equivariant dif-
fusion model for visual robotic manipulation. We provide
novel theories and practices to achieve equivariance for
point cloud-conditioned diffusion models on SE(3).
• Our method significantly reduces the training time of pre-
vious work, EDFs [61], while maintaining their end-to-
end trainability, data-efficiency, and generalizability.
• We propose a novel hierarchical architecture to incorpo-
rate a wide receptive field. This enables our model to un-
derstand contexts at the scene level, distinguishing it from
previous object-centric SE(3)-equivariant methods.
2. Preliminaries
2.1. SO(3) Group Representation Theory
Arepresentation D(g)is a map from a group Gto a linear
map on a vector space Wthat satisfies
D(g)D(h) = D(gh)∀g, h ∈ G (1)
arXiv:2309.02685v3 [cs.RO] 28 Nov 2023
Figure 1. Overview of Diffusion-EDFs. (a) The target end-effector pose g0is bi-equivariantly diffused for the training of Diffusion-EDFs.
(b) The end-effector pose is sampled from the policy by denoising with learned bi-equivariant score function. Due to the bi-equivariance,
the trained policy can be effectively generalized to previously unseen configurations in the observation of the scene and the grasp.
The vector space Wwhere D(g)acts on is called the rep-
resentation space of D(g). It is known that any represen-
tation of the special orthogonal group SO(3) can be block-
diagonalized into smaller representations by a change of ba-
sis. Irreducible representations are representations that can-
not be reduced anymore, and hence constitute the building
blocks of any larger representation.
According to the representation theory of SO(3), all ir-
reducible representations are classified according to their
angular frequency l∈ {0,1,2, . . .}, a non-negative inte-
ger number called type, or spin. Any type-l, or spin-l
representations are equivalent representations of the real
Wigner D-matrix of degree l, denoted as Dl(R) : SO(3) →
R(2l+1)×(2l+1). We refer to the vectors in the representation
space of Dl(R)as type-l, or spin-lvectors. Type-0repre-
sentations have zero angular frequency, i.e. D0(R) = 1,
meaning that type-0vectors are scalars that are invariant
under rotations. On the other hand, type-1representations
are identical when rotated by 360◦, as their angular fre-
quency is 1. Following the convention of E3NN [29], we
use the x-y-zbasis in which D1(R) = R. Therefore, type-1
vectors are typical spatial vectors in R3. In general, Dl(R)
is identical when rotated by θ= 2π/l, making higher-type
vectors more suitable for encoding high-frequency details.
2.2. Equivariant Descriptor Fields
An Equivariant Descriptor Field (EDF) [61]φ(x|O)is an
SO(3)-equivariant and translation-invariant vector field on
R3generated by a point cloud O∈ O. EDFs are decom-
posed into the direct sum of irreducible subspaces
φ(x|O) =
where φ(n)(x|O) : R3× O → R2ln+1 is a translation-
invariant type-lnvector field generated by O. There-
fore, an EDF φ(x|O)is transformed according to ∆g=
(∆p,∆R)∈SE(3),∆p∈R3,∆R∈SO(3) as
φ(∆gx|∆g·O) = D(∆R)φ(x|O)(3)
where D(R)is the block-diagonal matrix whose sub-
matrices are Wigner D-matrices {Dln(R)}n=N
n=1 .
2.3. Brownian Diffusion on the SE(3) Manifold
Let gt∈SE(3) be generated by diffusing g0∈SE(3) for
time t. The Brownian diffusion process is defined by the
following Lie group stochastic differential equation (SDE)
gt+dt =gtexp [dW ](4)
where dW is the standard Wiener process on se(3) Lie
algebra. The Brownian diffusion kernel Pt|0(gt|g0) =
0gt)for the SDE in Eq. (4) can be decomposed into
rotational and translational parts [17,84] such that
Bt(g) = N(p;µ=0,Σ = tI)IGSO (3)(R;ϵ=t/2) (5)
IGSO(3) (R;ϵ) =
(2l+ 1)e−ϵl(l+1) sin (lθ +θ
sin θ/2(6)
where Nis the normal distribution on R3,IGSO(3) is the
isotropic Gaussian on SO(3) [34,42,55,63], g= (p, R)∈
SE(3),p∈R3, R ∈SO(3), and θis the rotation angle of
SO(3) in the axis-angle parameterization. CDF sampling is
used for the sampling of IGSO(3) [42].
2.4. Langevin Dynamics on the SE(3) Manifold
Let se(3) be the Lie algebra that generates SE(3). A Lie
derivative LValong V ∈ se(3) of a differentiable function
f(g)on SE(3) is defined as
LVf(g) = d
f(gexp [ϵV]) (7)
Let dP (g) = P(g)dg be a distribution on SE(3) with
the invariant probability distribution function P(g). The
Langevin dynamics for dP (g)is defined as follows [8,13]:
gτ+dτ =gτexp 1
2∇log P(g)dτ +dW (8)
∇log P(g) =
i=1 Lilog P(g)ˆ
where in the last line we denote the Lie derivative along
the i-th basis ˆ
ei∈se(3) as Liinstead of Lˆ
eifor brevity.
We denote the time for the Langevin dynamics as τ, as we
reserve the notation tfor the diffusion time. It is known that
under mild assumptions, this process converges to dP(g)as
τ→ ∞ regardless of the initial distribution. Thus, one may
sample from dP (g)with Langevin dynamics if the score
function s(g) = ∇log P(g) : SE(3) →se(3) is known.
3. Bi-equivariant Score Matching on the SE(3)
3.1. Problem Formulation
Let the target policy distribution1be P0(g0|Os,Oe), where
g0∈SE(3) is the target end-effector pose, and Osand Oe
are the observed point clouds of the scene and the grasped
object, respectively. Note that Osis observed in the scene
frame s, and Oein the end-effector frame e. Following Ryu
et al. [61], we model P0to be bi-equivariant (see Supp. A):
P0(g|Os,Oe) = P0(∆g g|∆g·Os,Oe)
Now let gt∈SE(3) be the samples that are noised from
g0by some diffusion process, where tdenotes the diffusion
time. A detailed explanation of this diffusion process will
be deferred to a subsequent section. Our goal is to train a
model that denoises gt, which is sampled from the diffused
marginal distribution Pt(gt|Os,Oe), into a denoised sample
g, which follows the target distribution P0(g|Os,Oe). This
can be achieved with Annealed Langevin MCMC [5,17,
31,34,71,84] if the score function (see Sec. 2.4) of Ptis
known. See Fig. 1for the overview of Diffusion-EDFs.
3.2. Bi-equivariant Score Function
Let s(g|Os,Oe) = ∇log P(g|Os,Oe)be the score function
of a probability distribution P(g|Os,Oe).
Proposition 1. s(g|Os,Oe)satisfies the following condi-
tions for all ∆g∈SE(3) if P(g|Os,Oe)is bi-equivariant:
s(∆g g|∆g·Os,Oe) = s(g|Os,Oe)(11)
s(g∆g−1|Os,∆g·Oe) = [Ad∆g]−Ts(g|Os,Oe)(12)
1For notational simplicity, we do not distinguish the probability dis-
tribution dP =P dg from the probability distribution function (PDF) P
where dg denotes the bi-invariant volume form [13,53,85] on SE(3).
Adgis the adjoint representation [13,51,53] of SE(3) with
g= (p, R),p∈R3, and R∈SO(3)
where [p]∧denotes the skew-symmetric 3×3matrix of p.
See Supp. C.1 for the proof of Proposition 1.
3.3. Bi-equivariant Diffusion Process
Let the point cloud conditioned diffusion kernel under
time tbe Pt|0(g|g0,Os,Oe)such that the diffused marginal
Pt(g|Os,Oe)for P0(g|Os,Oe)is defined as follows:
Pt(g|Os,Oe) = Z
If the diffused marginal Pt(g|Os,Oe)is bi-equivariant, one
may leverage Proposition 1in the score model design.
Definition 1. A bi-equivariant diffusion kernel Pt|0is a
square-integrable kernel that satisfies the following equa-
tions for all ∆g∈SE(3), except on a set of measure zero:
Pt|0(g|g0,Os,Oe) = Pt|0(∆g g|∆g g0,∆g·Os,Oe)
Proposition 2. The diffused marginal Ptis guaranteed to
be bi-equivariant for all bi-equivariant initial distribution
P0if and only if the diffusion kernel Pt|0is bi-equivariant.
See Supp. C.2 for the proof of Proposition 2. Note that
the Brownian diffusion kernel Pt|0(g|g0) = Bt(g−1
Eq. (5) is left invariant2but not right invariant2, that is
∀∆g∈SE(3), Pt|0(∆g g|∆g g0) = Pt|0(g|g0)
∃∆g∈SE(3), Pt|0(g∆g−1|g0∆g−1)=Pt|0(g|g0)
In fact, there exist no square-integrable kernel on SE(3)
that is bi-invariant2(see Supp. C.3). Therefore, a bi-
equivariant diffusion kernel must be dependent on either Os
or Oeto absorb the left or right action of ∆g.
To implement such bi-equivariant diffusion kernels, we
use an equivariant diffusion frame selection mechanism
0·Os,Oe)where ged ∈SE(3) is the pose of the
diffusion frame dwith respect to the end-effector frame e
dgedP(ged |g−1
ed g−1
0gged )(17)
where Kt(g−1
0g)is any left invariant kernel (see Supp. C.3).
The diffusion procedure is as follows:
2We use the term invariance instead of equivariance since the kernel is
neither conditioned by Osnor Oe.
D1. A target pose g0∼P0(g0|Os,Oe)is sampled.
D2. A diffusion frame ged ∼P(ged|g−1
0·Os,Oe)is sampled.
D3. A diffusion displacement ∆gt|0∼Kt(∆gt|0)is sampled.
D4. ∆gt|0is applied to the demonstrated end-effector pose g0
in the diffusion frame d, that is, gt=g0ged ∆gt|0g−1
where gt∼Ptis the diffused end-effector pose.
Proposition 3. The diffusion kernel Pt|0in Eq. (17)is
bi-equivariant if the diffusion frame selection mechanism
0·Os,Oe)satisfies the following property:
0·Os,Oe) = P(∆g ged|(∆g g−1
See Supp. C.4 for the proof. In practice, however, the ori-
entational part of the frame selection mechanism may be
difficult to implement. Remarkably, for the specific case
in which Ktis the Brownian diffusion kernel Bt, only
the translation part of the frame selection is required for
Eq. (17) to be bi-equivariant. Therefore, we modify our
diffusion frame selection mechanism as follows:
0·Os,Oe) = P(ped|g−1
where δ(R)is the Dirac delta on SO(3) and P(ped|g−1
Os,Oe)is the diffusion origin selection mechanism.
Proposition 4. The diffusion kernel Pt|0in Eq. (17)with
the frame selection mechanism in Eq. (19)is bi-equivariant
if Ktin Eq. (17)is the Brownian diffusion kernel and the
origin selection mechanism in Eq. (19)is equivariant that
=P∆gped|(∆g g−1
We provide the proof in Supp. C.5. A concrete realization
of such equivariant diffusion origin selection mechanism
0·Os,Oe)is discussed in Sec. 4.1.
3.4. Score Matching Objectives
In contrast to Song and Ermon [71], Urain et al. [75],
our diffusion kernel Pt|0(g|g0,Os,Oe)in Eq. (17) is not
the Brownian kernel. Still, the following mean squared
error (MSE) loss can be used to train our score model
st(g|Os,Oe)without requiring the integration of Eq. (17):
Jt=Eg,g0,ged,O s,Oe[Jt]
st(g|Os,Oe)− ∇ log Kt(g−1
ed g−1
0gged )
where g0∼P0(g0|Os,Oe),ged ∼P(ged|g−1
and g∼Pt|0(g|g0,Os,Oe). We optimize Jtfor sampled
reference frame ged and diffusion time t. The minimizer of
Jtis neither ∇log Ktnor ∇log Pt|0but the score function
of the diffused marginal ∇log Pt, that is
arg min
t(g|Os,Oe) = ∇log Pt(g|Os,Oe)(22)
Although Eq. (22) is a straightforward adaptation of the
MSE minimizer formula [71], we still provide the deriva-
tion in Supp. C.6 for completeness. In practice, we use
the Brownian diffusion kernel Btfor Ktto exploit Proposi-
tion 4. Therefore, training with Eq. (21) requires the com-
putation of ∇log Bt(g−1
ed g−1
0gged ). While autograd pack-
ages can be used for this computation [17,34,42,61,75,
84], we use a more stable explicit form in Supp. B.
3.5. Bi-equivariant Score Model
We split our score model st(·|Os,Oe) : SE (3) →se(3) ∼
R6into the direct sum of translational and rotational parts
st(g|Os,Oe)=[sν;t⊕sω;t] (g|Os,Oe)(23)
where we denote the translational part with subscript νand
rotational part with subscript ω. Thus, sν;t(·|Os,Oe) :
SE(3) →R3is the translational score and sω;t(·|Os,Oe) :
SE(3) →so(3)∼
=R3is the rotational score. To satisfy the
equivariance conditions in Eq. (11) and Eq. (12), we pro-
pose the following models:
sν;t(g|Os,Oe) =ZR3
sν;t(g, x|Os,Oe)(24)
sω;t(g|Os,Oe) =ZR3
sω;t(g, x|Os,Oe)
Spin term
sν;t(g, x|Os,Oe)
Orbital term
where ∧denotes the cross product (wedge product). In
these models, we compute the translational and rotational
score using two different types of equivariant fields: 1) the
equivariant density field ρ□;t(·|Oe) : R3→R≥0, and 2) the
time-conditioned score field e
s□;t(·|Os,Oe) : SE(3)×R3→
R3, where □is either ωor ν.
Proposition 5. The score model in Eq. (23)satisfies
Eq. (11)and Eq. (12)if for □=ω, ν the density and score
fields satisfy the following conditions for all ∆g∈SE(3)
ρ□;t(∆gx|∆g·Oe) = ρ□;t(x|Oe)(26)
s□;t(∆g g, x|∆g·Os,Oe) = e
s□;t(g, x|Os,Oe)(27)
s□;t(g, x|Os,Oe)
See Supp. C.7 for the proof. To achieve the left invariance
(Eq. (27)) and right equivariance (Eq. (28)) of the score
field, we propose using the following model with two EDFs:
s□;t(g, x|Os,Oe)
where φ□;tand ψ□;tare two different EDFs that respec-
tively encode the point clouds Osand Oe, and ⊗(→1)
Figure 2. Architecture of multiscale EDF. Our multiscale EDF model is composed of a feature extracting part and a field model part. See
Fig. 7in Supp. D.3 for details on each module in the architecture. (a) The feature extractor encodes the input point cloud into multiscale
featured point clouds. We use an U-Net-like GNN architecture for the feature extractor part. (b) The encoded multiscale point clouds are
passed into the field model part along with the query point and time embedding. The field model outputs the time-conditioned EDF field
value at the query point. We simply sum up the output from each scale to obtain the EDF field value at the query point.
the time-conditioned equivariant tensor product [26,74]
with Clebsch-Gordan coefficients that maps the highly over-
parametrized equivariant descriptors into a type-1vector.
Proposition 6. The score field model in Eq. (29)satisfies
Eq. (27)and Eq. (28).
We provide the proof of Proposition 6in Supp. C.8.
4. Implementation
In this section, we first provide the specific implementation
of the bi-equivariant diffusion frame selection mechanism,
which was postponed in Sec. 3.3. We then provide a novel
multiscale EDF architecture, and the query points model.
Further details such as non-dimensionalization and denois-
ing schedule are provided in Supp. D
4.1. Diffusion Origin Selection Mechanism
For most manipulation tasks, specific local sub-geometries
are more significant than the global geometry of the tar-
get object in determining its pose. Several works have
addressed the importance of incorporating such locality in
equivariant methods [9,15,20,37,61]. In manipulation
tasks, contact-rich sub-geometries are more likely to be im-
portant than the others. We exploit this property by select-
ing the origin of diffusion near contact-rich sub-geometries.
Let nr(x,O)be the number of points in a point cloud O
that is within a contact radius rfrom a point x∈R3. We
use the following diffusion origin selection mechanism with
ras a hyperparameter.
nrp, g−1
0·Osδ(3)(ped −p)(30)
where δ(3)(p)is the Dirac delta function on R3. We find
that this strategy enables our models to pay more attention
to such contact-rich and relevant sub-geometries without
explicit supervision. See Supp. D.4 for more details.
4.2. Architecture of Equivariant Descriptor Fields
For faster sampling, we separate our implementation of
EDFs into the feature extractor and the field model (see
Fig. 2) as Ryu et al. [61] and Chatzipantazis et al. [9]. The
feature extractor is a deep SE(3)-equivariant GNN encoder
that is run only once at the beginning of the denoising pro-
cess. On the other hand, the field model is much shallower
and faster GNN that is utilized for each denoising step. It
takes the encoded feature points from the feature extractor
as input and computes the field value at a given query point.
For denoising, the receptive field of our model should
cover the whole scene. However, the original EDFs [61]
have small receptive fields due to memory constraints. We
address this issue with our U-Net-like multiscale architec-
ture, which maintains a wide receptive field without losing
local high-frequency details. This increased receptive field
enables Diffusion-EDFs to understand scene-level context.
In our multiscale EDF architecture, we use smaller mes-
sage passing radius for small-scale points and larger radius
for large-scale points. To keep the number of graph edges
constant, we apply point pooling to larger-scale points with
Farthest Point Sampling (FPS) algorithm [58]. For the field
model, we find that a single layer is sufficient, although it is
possible to stack multiple layers as Chatzipantazis et al. [9].
We use Equiformer [45] as the SE (3)-equivariant backbone
GNN, with the addition of skip connections through point
pooling layers. See Fig. 2for an illustration of our architec-
ture. More details can be found in Supp. D.3.
4.3. Score Model
We use the weighted query points model similar to Ryu
et al. [61] for ρ(x|O)
ρ(x|Oe) = X
where Q(·) : Oe7→ {qn}Nq
n=1 is the query points function
which outputs the set of Nqquery points, and w(·|Oe) :
R3→R≥0is the query weight field that assigns weights
to each query point. The query points function and query
weight field are SE(3)-equivariant such that
Q(∆g·Oe) = {∆gqn|qn∈Q(Oe)} ∀∆g∈SE(3)
w(x|Oe) = w(∆gx|∆g·Oe)∀∆g∈SE(3)
We use FPS algorithm for Q(Oe). Although it is not
strictly deterministic, we observe negligible impact from
this stochasticity. For the implementation of the query
weight field w(x|O), we use an EDF with a single scalar
(type-0) output. With this query points model, Eq. (24) and
Eq. (25) become tractable summation forms
sν;t(g|Os,Oe) = X
sν;t(g, q|Os,Oe)(32)
sω;t(g|Os,Oe) = X
sω;t(g, q|Os,Oe)
sν;t(g, q|Os,Oe)
5. Experiments and Results
Simulation Benchmarks. We compare diffusion-EDFs
with a state-of-the-art SE(3)-equivariant method (R-
NDFs [68]) and a state-of-the-art denoising diffusion-based
method (SE(3)-Diffusion Fields [75]) under an evaluation
protocol similar to Simeonov et al. [67,68], Ryu et al. [61],
and Biza et al. [3]. In particular, we measure the pick-and-
place success rate for two different object categories: mugs
and bottles (see Fig. 3). We assess the generalizability of
each method under four previously unseen scenarios: 1)
novel object instances, 2) novel object poses, 3) novel clut-
ters of distracting objects, and 4) all three combined. See
Supp. E.1 for more details on the experimental setup.
All the models are trained with ten task demonstrations
performed by humans. We train Diffusion-EDFs in a fully
end-to-end manner without using any pre-training or object
segmentation. In contrast, we evaluate R-NDFs and SE(3)-
Diffusion Fields for both with and without object segmen-
tation pipelines. For SE(3)-Diffusion Fields, we use rota-
tional augmentation as they lack SE(3)-equivariance. For
R-NDFs, we additionally use category-specific pre-trained
weights from the original implementation [68]. It took
Figure 3. Simulation Experiments. (a) In the Mug-on-a-Hanger
task, a red mug should be picked up by its rim and placed on a
green hanger by its handle. (b) In the Bottle-on-a-Tray task, a red
bottle should be picked up by its cap and placed on a green tray.
20∼45 minutes to train Diffusion-EDFs for single pick or
place task with RTX 3090 GPU and i9-12900k CPU.
As shown in Tab. 1, Diffusion-EDFs consistently outper-
form both the SE(3)-equivariant baseline (R-NDFs [68])
and diffusion model baseline (SE(3)-DiffusionFields [75])
in almost all scenarios, despite not being provided with
pre-training or segmented inputs. In particular, the base-
line models completely fail with unsegmented observations.
Without object segmentation, R-NDFs achieve zero suc-
cess rates due to the lack of locality in their method design
[15,37,61]. While slightly better than R-NDFs, SE(3)-
DiffusionFields also record low success rates, presumably
due to the lack of SE(3)-equivariance. On the other hand,
Diffusion-EDFs maintain total success rates around 80%
even in the most adversarial scenarios due to the local equiv-
ariance [37,61] inherited from EDFs and our local contact-
based diffusion frame selection mechanism.
Real Hardware Experiments. We further evaluate our
Diffusion-EDFs on three real-world tasks: the mug-on-a-
hanger task, bowls-on-dishes task, and bottles-on-a-shelf
task. We illustrate these tasks in Fig. 5, and the experi-
ment pipeline in Fig. 4. More details on the training and
evaluation setups can be found in Supp. E.2.
The mug-on-a-hanger task is similar to the one in the
simulation benchmark. In this task, even a minor error of
a centimeter can result in complete failure due to noisy ob-
servation and the small size of mug handles. In addition,
the placement pose heavily depends on the posture of the
grip, requiring full 6-DoF inference capability. We also
experiment with novel objects in oblique poses that were
not presented during training. Diffusion-EDFs successfully
learned to solve this task from only ten human demonstra-
tions, demonstrating their ability to perform 1) accurate 6-
DoF manipulation tasks with 2) previously unseen object
instances and 3) out-of-distribution poses.
Scenario Method Without
Obj. Seg.
Rot. Aug.
Mug Bottle
Pick Place Total Pick Place Total
(Trained Setup)
R-NDFs [68]0.83 0.97 0.81 0.91 0.73 0.67
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SE(3)-DiffusionFields [75]0.75 (n/a) (n/a) 0.47 (n/a) (n/a)
0.11 (n/a) (n/a) 0.01 (n/a) (n/a)
Diffusion-EDFs (Ours) 0.99 0.96 0.95 0.97 0.85 0.83
R-NDFs [68]0.73 0.70 0.51 0.90 0.87 0.79
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SE(3)-DiffusionFields [75]0.55 (n/a) (n/a) 0.57 (n/a) (n/a)
0.14 (n/a) (n/a) 0.00 (n/a) (n/a)
Diffusion-EDFs (Ours) 0.96 0.96 0.92 0.99 0.91 0.90
R-NDFs [68]0.84 0.93 0.78 0.65 0.72 0.47
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SE(3)-DiffusionFields [75]0.75 (n/a) (n/a) 0.47 (n/a) (n/a)
0.00 (n/a) (n/a) 0.04 (n/a) (n/a)
Diffusion-EDFs (Ours) 0.98 0.98 0.96 0.98 0.81 0.79
R-NDFs [68]0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SE(3)-DiffusionFields [75] 0.06 (n/a) (n/a) 0.03 (n/a) (n/a)
Diffusion-EDFs (Ours) 0.91 1.00 0.91 0.96 0.91 0.87
& Clutters§
R-NDFs [68]0.71§0.75§0.53§0.85§0.84§0.72§
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SE(3)-DiffusionFields [75]0.58§(n/a) (n/a) 0.59§(n/a) (n/a)
0.03 (n/a) (n/a) 0.00 (n/a) (n/a)
Diffusion-EDFs (Ours) 0.89 0.89 0.79 0.98 0.89 0.87
§Models with segmented inputs are tested without cluttered objects to guarantee perfect object segmentation.
Table 1. Pick-and-place success rates in various out-of-distribution settings in simulated environment.
Figure 4. Real Hardware Experiment Pipeline 1) The scene point cloud is observed via 3D SLAM algorithm with the wrist-mounted
RGB-D Camera. 2) Diffusion-EDFs infer the gripper pose to pick up the target object. 3) The robot executes picking if the pose is
reachable. 4) The grasp point cloud is scanned with an external RGB-D camera. 5) Diffusion-EDFs infer the gripper pose to place the
grasped object on the placement target. 6) The robot executes placement if the pose is reachable. See Supp. E.2 for more details.
In the bowls-on-dishes task, the robot should pick up the
bowls and place them on the dishes of matching colors in
red-green-blue order. Note that this sequential task requires
scene-level comprehension, which is impossible for meth-
ods that rely on object segmentation. For example, the robot
should not pick up the blue bowl unless the red and green
bowls are already on the dishes. Diffusion EDFs success-
fully learned to solve this sequential task (in correct order)
from only ten human demonstrations, which consists of red,
green, and blue subtasks. This validates Diffusion-EDFs’
ability to 1) solve sequential problems; 2) understand scene-
level contexts; and 3) process color-critical information.
Lastly, in the bottles-on-a-shelf task, the robot should
pick up multiple bottles one by one and place them on a
shelf. In this task, we provide three identical bottle in-
stances for both training and evaluation. Non-probabilistic
methods such as R-NDFs are known to suffer from such
multimodalities in the task [69]. Methods that depend
Figure 5. Real Hardware Experiments. (a) In the mug-on-a-
hanger task, the white mug must be picked and placed on the white
hanger. (b) In the bowls-on-dishes task, the bowls must be picked
and placed on the dishes of matching color in red-green-blue order.
(c) In the bottles-on-a-shelf task, multiple bottles must be picked
and placed on the shelf one by one. The experimental results
can be found in the supplementary materials and our project web-
on object segmentation are also unable to solve this task,
as they cannot differentiate between bottles that are al-
ready placed on the shelf and those that are not. To eval-
Mug-on-a-hanger Bowls-on-dishes Bottles-on-a-shelf
Accurate 6-DoF inference Sequential problem Multimodal distribution
Unseen object pose Scene-level understanding Variable object number
Unseen object instance Color-critical Unseen object instance
Table 2. Key challenges of each task
uate generalization, we also experiment with object in-
stances and quantities that were not presented during train-
ing. Diffusion-EDFs successfully learned the task from four
human demonstrations (consisting of three sequential pick-
and-place subtasks for each bottle), showcasing their ro-
bustness to stochastic and multimodal tasks.
In conclusion, our experiments demonstrate that
Diffusion-EDFs are capable of: 1) accurately generating
6-DoF poses; 2) understanding scene-level contexts; 3)
learning from stochastic demonstrations; and 4) general-
izing to novel object instances and poses in real-world
robotic manipulation, despite being trained with a lim-
ited number of demonstrations. We summarize the key
challenges of each task in Tab. 2. For the experimen-
tal results, please refer to the supplementary materials and
our project website:
6. Related Works
Equivariant Robot Learning. Several works in robot
learning utilize SE(2)-equivariance to improve data-
efficiency for behavior cloning [32,36,47,64,73,82,86]
and reinforcement learning [76–78,90]. Although these
methods can be extended to problems that are not strictly
SE(2)-symmetric [79,80], they still suffer from highly
spatial out-of-plane tasks [49,61]. To address this issue,
SE(3)-equivariance has been explored in robotic manipu-
lation learning [6,7,15,33,37,61,67,68]. Equivariant
modeling has also been shown to be effective in learning
robot control [37,39,66,87].
SE(3)-Equivariant Graph Neural Networks. S O(3)-
and SE(3)-equivariant graph neural networks (GNNs) [19,
22,26,45,46,62,74] are widely used to model the 3-
dimensional roto-translation symmetry in various domains,
including bioinformatics [17,18,27,43,84], chemistry
[2,26,45,74], computer vision [9,20,44,48,89], and
robotics [25,33,61,67].
Diffusion Models. Diffusion models are rapidly replac-
ing previous generative models in various fields includ-
ing computer vision [21,30,54,59,60,70,72], bioinfor-
matics [17,23,81,84], and robotics [1,4,6,7,10,11,
24,35,50,52,56,69,75]. Recent works studied diffu-
sion models on Riemannian manifolds [5,31] such as Lie
groups [17,34,42,69,75,84]. In robotics, Simeonov et al.
[69], Urain et al. [75] utilized diffusion models to generate
end-effector poses from SE(3). Several works also explore
reward-guided diffusion policy [1,35,52,75]. Equivariant
diffusion models on the SE(3) manifold have been partially
explored in bioinformatics [17,84] but not yet in robotics.
7. Conclusion
In this paper, we present Diffusion-EDFs, a bi-equivariant
diffusion-based generative model on the SE(3) manifold
for visual robotic manipulation with point cloud observa-
tions. Diffusion-EDFs significantly improve the slow train-
ing time and small receptive field of EDFs without losing
their benefits. By thorough simulation and real hardware
experiments, we validate Diffusion-EDFs’ data efficiency
and generalizability. One limitation of Diffusion-EDFs is
the inability of control-level or trajectory-level inference.
The application of geometric control framework [65,66]
or guided diffusion with motion planning cost [35,75] can
be considered in subsequent work. The other limitation
is the necessity of the grasp observation procedure, which
prevents its application to closed-loop inference. Future
research may incorporate point cloud segmentation tech-
niques to distinguish the grasp point cloud from the scene
point cloud in a single observation.
This work was supported by the National Research
Foundation of Korea (NRF) grants funded by the Ko-
rea government (MSIT) (No.RS-2023-00221762 and No.
2021R1A2B5B01002620). This work was also supported
by the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)
intramural grants (2E31570), and a Berkeley Fellowship.
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Diffusion-EDFs: Bi-equivariant Denoising Generative
Modeling on SE(3) for Visual Robotic Manipulation
Supplementary Material
A. Bi-equivariance
For robust pick-and-place manipulation, the trained policy needs to be generalizable to previously unseen configurations of
the target objects to pick/place. This can be achieved by inferring end-effector poses that keep the relative pose between the
grasped object and the placement target invariant. Note that in our formulation, picking is essentially a special case of placing
tasks, in which the gripper is placed at appropriate grasp points of the target object to pick with an appropriate orientation.
Consider the scenario in which the policy is trained with a demonstration (gwe,Os,Oe)in which gwe is the end-effector
pose, and Osand Oeare respectively the point cloud observations of the scene and grasp. We denote the world frame using
subscript wand the end-effector frame using subscript e. Note that Osis observed in frame wand Oein frame e. Now, let the
placement target be moved by ∆g=gw′w, inducing the transformation of the observation Os→∆gOs. This is equivalent
to changing the world reference frame from wto w′with respect to the observation. Therefore, the end-effector pose should
also be transformed equivariantly as gwe →gw′e= ∆g gwe (see Fig. 6-(a)). This scene equivariance is also referred to as
left equivariance [37,61], as the transformation ∆gcomes to the left side of gwe.
On the other hand, consider the transformation of the grasped object ∆g=ge′e, which induces the transformation of the
observation Oe→∆gOe. This is equivalent to changing the end-effector reference frame from eto e′with respect to the
observation. In the world frame, this corresponds to the transformation of the end-effector pose by gwe →gwe′=gwe ∆g−1
(see Fig. 6-(b)). This grasp equivariance is also referred to as right equivariance [37,61], as the transformation ∆g−1comes
to the right side of gwe. Combining these left and right equivariance conditions, we obtain the bi-equivariance condition,
which can be formally expressed in a probabilistic form as Eq. (10).
Figure 6. Scene Equivariance and Grasp Equivariance. (a) The end-effector pose must