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The Psychology of Cyberspace



The purpose of this online hypertext book is to explore the psychological dimensions of environments created by computers and online networks. It is intended as an evolving conceptual framework for understanding the various psychological components of cyberspace and how people react to and behave within it. You can find the latest version of "The Psychology of Cyberspace" by clicking here: John Suler vom Department of Psychology der Rider University beschreibt mit Hilfe seines Online-Buches die psychologischen Elemente und Dimensionen virtueller Umgebungen. Die einzelnen Artikel des Buches können nicht nur sequentiell gelesen werden, sie sind auch über ein eigenes Verzeichnis zu erreichen. Schuler bietet einen sehr umfassenden Überblick über die psychologischen Implikationen virtueller Räume. Die aktuellste Version des von "The Psychology of Cyberspace" finden Sie unter der URL
The Psychology of Cyberspace
by Storm A. King
November, 1994
"there is no there there" -- Gloria Stienman.
The space between our terminals? Or a place in our minds? Definitions for (and
debates about these definitions) of virtuality, cybermind, or virtual anything abound
and conflict and occasionally coalesce. Through cyberspace. What was once strictly
the domain of computer nerds and hackers or scientist and researchers is now
increasingly occupied by middle class America. The field of the study of computer
mediated communications started as research in to how people connected by
computes could become more productive and increase profitability by cooperation.
Now, it is shifting to look at the sociological implications of a new phase in the
information revolution. A phase that has millions of ordinary citizens of the world
reaching out to touch someone, keyboard to keyboard. Interpersonal interactivity, on
a scale un-imagined only a few short years ago. Information is no longer constrained
by the traditional mass media. This new "from many to many" paradigm of
information exchange has permanently supplemented our reliance on a few
centralized organizations to assemble, edit and disseminate to us information about
others actions and ideas.
"No man is an island" Aldous Huxley
"He is a peninsula" The Jefferson Airplane
What we think and how we act and the relationships between the two. Our thoughts
influence our behavior, our behavior influences our thoughts. Either way, the
opportunity to know what other individuals are thinking, and to share ones own
thoughts far and wide, has never been at a higher level. The implications are
astounding. Just how this new interconnectivity, where geographic constraints are
abolished, will influence individual and social behavior is unclear, but we know it will.
The signs are everywhere. Each day brings new stories about the transformational
power of cyberspace participation. Minority groups have become empowered, social
movements have organized, and some third world countries have leapfrogged over
decades to connect indigenous peoples through telecommunities. The ability to
influence other peoples actions, based on their having read ideas broadcast world
wide by individuals with access and motive, is a new, dramatic addition to the
psychology of social change.
"God does not play at dice with the Universe" Albert Einstein
"He plays cards with it, and our connections to each other are about to be shuffled"
The social psychology of cyberspaces
I pay attention to you, you pay attention to me, and a social relationship forms.
Cybernauts have only each others ideas to pay attention to, words on a screen,
devoid of tone and inflection. Most cyberspaces start by a surrounding of an idea by
people that want to discuss it. Yet our need for affiliation transcends the intellectual
nature of the medium, and emotional connections are made. In fact, people fall in
love, and fight, faster when not inhibited by possible local repercussions. The
imagination fills in what the senses do not report. The meeting, the social space, is
of one mind to another. The medium is the written word. Both are being transformed
in the process. Much to the chagrin of many in power today, the anarchy of the
Internet is establishing new precedents for the importance of taking individual
responsibility for harmonious social relationships, rather than assuming order will be
imposed by an external authority.
"I think, therefore I am" Descartes
"I am he as you are me as we are all together" The Beatles
Multiple identities, multiple cyberspaces
Public typing, like public speaking, is not every one's cup of tea. Levels of
involvement in cyberspaces varies according to the individuals inclination for
immersion and interactivity. Many choose a read only mode, content to examine the
thoughts of others and reflect on them in silence. Others contribute no matter what,
or self disclose all over the place. Regardless of this choice, very few are single list,
single space participants. It could be real time chat, bullitine boards, email lists or all
three, but the role one plays is subtly different in each new forum. Expertise on the
stated subject can be a commodity exchanged for recognition in one cyberspace.
Questions posed to experts in another space gain new knowledge, for the same
individual. Just as our behavior is different in real life when in church, at school, or
spending an evening in a jazz bar, so to does the level of and content of discourse
vary across cyberspaces. The difference is the range possible and the juxtaposition in
time of roles played. From one minute to the next, one can redefine ones self
according to the community standards of that cyberspace. One can be associating
with the highest highbrow intellectual discussion of theories of philosophy, and then,
with a few key strokes, change to being an active member of a truckers for peace
social movement.
"We are what we pretend to be" Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
"Any smoothly functioning technology will have the appearance of magic." Arthur C.
The psychology of what is coming
In the near future, I will get up in the morning and my trusty intelligent agent will
inform me to dress warm, cause it will rain today, and not to take I-5 to work
because it is backed up. I will probably tell it thank you. Future generations will not
need to know what kind of gopher searches or web worms were used to acquire
information, they can just ask Bob to go get it. The boundaries between what is
private and what is public knowledge are becoming blurred. As more and more
people discover the power of being connected to their peers, no matter how esoteric
their interests, they increasingly start to look for social contact and information first
from cyberspace, and secondarily from other means. Just getting by in today's world
means making many informed decisions. Tomorrow's world will be even worse.
Assistance from artificial intelligence is on it's way. There will be a shift in the way
people perceive their interaction with each other, and with the machines that allow
that interaction. The information here flows horizontally, and power, status and even
self esteem can be derived from new and different sources. How to win friends and
influence people in cyberspace is dependent on knowing the differences involved
between the new order and the old. Many more social interactions are possible, for
there is a reversal of a fundamental social norm that occurs. Talking to strangers on
the street can be problematic. Talking to strangers in cyberspace is not only
encouraged, it is highly rewarding and very much reinforced. The downsides must be
understood as well. Social interactions in cyberspaces are fraught with
misunderstandings and are often much more brief that those in real life. Future
generations will grow up used to such alternative environments where such different
rules apply, and will thrive on the mixing of cyber and real life interactions.
The ideas in this essay were influence by ones I found floating around cyberspace,
most notably those of Howard Rheingold, John Coate, and Jay Weston
... Herring, 1996(cfr. Herring, y 2007Döring, 2003;Bruns, 2005;Dürscheid, 2007;Baron, 2008, entre otros), en los que elementos como el anonimato condicionan notablemente la naturaleza de la comunicación (Jucker, 2000(Jucker, y 2003Suler, 2004;Bauer, 2008). ...
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Ha ido popularizándose de manera paulatina entre los diarios españoles que difunden también sus contenidos en Internet la práctica redaccional de permitir que los lectores puedan manifestar en la propia página web del medio los comentarios que les sugieren determinadas noticias. Como se tratará de demostrar a lo largo del presente estudio, la posibilidad de que este acto enunciativo se lleve a cabo en el anonimato permite una comunicación desinhibida, y favorece el empleo de ciertas estrategias de descortesía con las que se pretende destruir la imagen social del referente central de la noticia –generalmente, un personaje público–, la del propio medio de comunicación, o incluso la de otros visitantes que intervienen también en estos foros de opinión.
... Is it a by-product of HE environment, or is it similar to concerns and motivations amongst global digital citizens? 'Online disinhibitation' describes how digital anonymity reduces psychological barriers (Suler, 2002) and accountability (Suler, 2003). Maime et al. (2021) suggests, in their analysis of over 300 million comments on Reddit, peer-reinforcement changes thinking. ...
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Z-library, an electronic book (ebook) website, was shut down in November 2022 for cybercriminal activity. This created a milieu to investigate its educational significance in higher educational institutes. Adopting social representation theory, this article explores 134 comments in r/Z-Library a Reddit subforum populated across social media during the takedown. These users’ views are contextualised against opinions from 103 Higher Education (HE) postgraduate students in China, who were engaged in a qualitative study including a survey, focus group and ethnographic observation of a classroom debate. Analysis found an overlap between both groups and suggests that universities need to re-consider digital divides faced by socioeconomically disadvantaged students. Academic poverty, caused by the cost of academic literature and journals, was found to drive students and social media users towards piracy. The article concludes by recommending that universities must consider how to reduce piracy, as institutional libraries move into post-digital futures. These recommendations highlight, then, that if learners must resort to ‘academic cybercrime’ a rethink is needed about how universities enable a culture of lifelong learning.
... Is it a by-product of HE environment, or is it similar to concerns and motivations amongst global digital citizens? 'Online disinhibitation' describes how digital anonymity reduces psychological barriers (Suler, 2002) and accountability (Suler, 2003). Maime et al. (2021) suggests, in their analysis of over 300 million comments on Reddit, peer-reinforcement changes thinking. ...
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Z-library, an electronic books (ebooks) website, was shut down in November 2022 for cybercriminal activity. This created a milieu to investigate its educational significance in higher educational institutes. Adopting social representation theory, this article explores 134 comments in r/Z-Library a Reddit subforum populated across social media during the takedown. These users' views are contextualised against opinions from 103 Higher Education (HE) postgraduate students in China, who were engaged in a qualitative study including a survey, focus group and ethnographic observation of a classroom debate. Analysis found an overlap between both groups and suggests that universities need to reconsider digital divides faced by socioeconomically disadvantaged students. Academic poverty, caused by the cost of academic literature and journals, was found to drive students and social media users towards piracy. The article concludes by recommending that universities must consider how to reduce piracy, as institutional libraries move into post-digital futures. These recommendations highlight, then, that if learners must resort to 'academic cybercrime' a rethink is needed about how universities enable a culture of lifelong learning.
... Lo que denota la falta de un marco teórico y un de un consenso internacional lo que conduce a una confusión conceptual entre dichos términos. Suler (1996) hace referencia a los aspectos psicológicos de los entornos creados por ordenadores y redes informáticas. La Ciberpsicología, además, engloba y establece un marco de referencia que incluye toda interrelación humana con tecnologías digitales. ...
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Ética en la supervisión y sus implicaciones en la psicoterapia El capítulo habla sobre la importancia de la supervisión y la ética que requiere más allá de los códigos deontológicos y se enfoca en los aspectos formativos tanto del psicoterapeuta como de la persona que supervisa. Se exploran las competencias indispensables, los dilemas y el autocuidado del psicoterapeuta.
... Martha Ainsworth, who was president of ISMHO, represents online therapy client's. John Suler, the author of the online book The Psychology of Cyberspace (Suler, 1996), is a clinical psychologist and researcher but is not practising online therapy. Jason ...
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Online psychotherapy dates from 1995 and is still in its infancy. This research focuses on the therapeutic qualities of online psychotherapy and the role of ground rules in creating a secure frame for the therapeutic relationship in this new medium. Chapter 1 presents the history of online psychotherapy and a description of the main modalities for therapeutic interaction, namely, e-mail therapy and chat room therapy. Chapter 2 reviews the literature dealing with the psychotherapeutic relationship, with regard to the definition of ground rules. In this chapter I identify seven categories of ground rules that are common to all approaches to psychotherapy. These categories will serve as a prism in evaluating the options for creating ground rules in online psychotherapy. Chapter 3 explores the therapeutic qualities of e-mail and chat room therapy according to the seven categories of ground rules. It also presents a survey of 236 therapeutic web sites. According to the findings of this survey, online psychotherapy is not a substitute for face-to-face psychotherapy, although there is. a potential for creating a secure frame in a virtual clinic, which does not yet exist. In Chapter 4I present my limited experience with online psychotherapy and the virtual clinic which I have developed according to the guidelines of the seven categories of ground rules. It is too early to draw conclusions based on this limited experience, but it opens several options for further research.
... When observing users' behaviour online, clinicians and researchers noticed people doing and saying things in cyberspace they would not normally do in real life (Joinson 2001: 177;Suler 2003). John Suler refers to this phenomenon of individuals becoming less restrained and more open in their expression when engaging online as disinhibition effect and believes it to operate in two seemingly contradictory manners (Suler 2004: 321). ...
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As the pervasive spread of hate speech continues to pose significant challenges to online communities, detecting, and countering hateful content on social media has become a priority. Social media platforms typically use machine translation to identify the hateful content of the posts made in languages other than English. If this approach works effectively in identifying explicit hateful content in languages that are predominantly used on social media, its effect is almost insignificant when it comes to Armenian. The present research investigates the effectiveness of machine translation as an intermediary tool in accurately identifying and addressing instances of Armenian hate speech posts retrieved from social networking websites. The study of hate speech posts and comments made by Armenian users in Armenian helps identify that it is often the absence of intricate cultural and linguistic nuances, as well as insufficient contextualized understanding, that impede with hate speech detection in Armenian.
İnternet tabanlı ağ teknolojilerinin hızlı dönüşümü, bireylerin sanal ortamlarda gösterdikleri katılımı günden güne artırmaktadır. İnternet ortamı diğer kişilerin verilerini illegal olarak elde etmeyi hedefleyen kişiler tarafından da yoğun olarak kullanılmaktadır. Siber dünyada kazanma davranışı ve korsanlık sorunsalı fiziksel alanlardan dijital alanlara doğru geçiş yapmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, siber uzamda yapılan yasadışı işlemlere karşı getirilen özelleştirilmiş Alan Adı Sistemi üzerinden sorgu takipleri yapılmıştır. Uygulama sürecinde, bir aylık tam ölçümlü ve kesinlikli veri akışları dizgesi ile sorgu ve diğer analizlerin takibi yapılmıştır. İçerik analizi kapsamında uygulama üzerinden yapılan izlemede, 64 toplam filtreleme listesi içinde 48 adet yabancı filtre (%87,3) Türk filtre olarak 7 adet (%12,7), ve 9 adet ortak filtre tipolojisi özelliği gösteren filtreler ortaya çıkmaktadır. Sorgulama konusunda; dört temel değer sistemi oluşturularak Alan Adı Sistemi Sorgu Sayısı, Engel Sayısı, Kötü Amaçlı Yazılım ve Kimlik Avı ile Yetişkin İçerikli Siteler şeklinde sistem oluşturulmuştur. Çalışmada, ilgili yönerge üzerinden IP ve Alan Adı Sistemi örnekleri üzerinden suç tipolojilerinin düzeyleri istatistiksel olarak analiz edilmektedir.
Стаття містить огляд останніх досліджень у галузі вивчення можливостей та впливу віртуальних технологій на психіку та розвиток особистості в підлітковому віці, зокрема на активізацію внутрішніх психологічних потенціалів у цей віковий період, коли ситуація військового вторгнення в нашу країну часто не дає підліткам можливості реалізувати себе у звичних соціально прийнятних формах відповідно до соціальної ситуації розвитку та провідної діяльності. Широке використання різноманітних медіапристроїв дало змогу запровадити різноманітні форми віртуального спілкування та розваг у їхньому повсякденному житті, плавно інтегруючи онлайн- та офлайн-комунікації для підтримки соціальних мереж, легко перемикаючись між типами медіакомунікації. Проведено дослідницький дискурс щодо потенціалу цифрових просторів як готових (COTS), так і навчальних ігор, для розвитку когнітивних навичок, таких як оперативна пам’ять, увага та просторове пізнання [33; 32] та психологічного потенціалу підлітка загалом [41]. Розроблено теоретичну модель психосемантичної ідентичності особистості підлітка та ризоморфну модель психологічного потенціалу підлітка у віртуальному просторі. Обґрунтовано актуальність використання віртуальної реальності для різнобічного розвитку особистості в підлітковому віці. Віртуальний світ служить ігровим майданчиком для моделювання ситуацій психологічного розвитку з фізичного світу, таких як побудова ідентичності та самовираження, виникає резонне питання про ефективність віртуального світу для процесів покращення чи погіршення когнітивних навичок, розвитку чи втрати психологічних ресурсів особистості. Проєктування та розроблення будь-якого віртуального середовища має бути захоплюючим для дітей та молоді, щоб усвідомити весь потенціал творця та технології.
The shift towards remote or online therapy was compelled by the Pandemic. Many colleagues, who neither had practice using this modality, nor had ever considered it as a possibility, ultimately adopted it. This experience brought with it a substantial expansion of online therapy beyond that moment of emergency. It opened up new prospects of intervention, but at the same time it required a greater measure of reflection in order to understand how to inhabit this new therapy space. Setting aside provisory, intermittent, or emergency situations, which temporarily transfer therapy into a “field of tents” (Bolognini, 2021), the author proposes to consider how online psychotherapy redefines an important element of the psychoanalytic setting—the issue of the space. This is no longer the therapist’s place of work, envisaged and organized by him/her/them, fixed in time, and contrived only to welcome the therapeutic relationship—one of the crucial aspects of the external setting, which together with the temporal dimension, fulfills the therapy ritual. Assuming the framework to be essential to the psychoanalytic process, this paper will focus on the methodology of online therapy. The author will describe the contributions of the neurosciences, to provide a deeper understanding of the distinctive characteristics of sharing in an online vs. an offline space. Online therapy should be assessed for its distinguishing qualities within a complete theoretical, technical, and clinical reflection specific to each case. Proceeding as if it were a mere relocation of an in-person analysis would enhance the seductiveness of a therapy that is easily accessible with any laptop anywhere, anytime, and in which one could mistake an online connection for a deep connection.
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Teknolojide yaşanan gelişmelerle birlikte akran zorbalığı yeni bir boyut kazanarak sanal zorbalık şekline dönüşmüştür. Yapılan bu çalışma ile ortaokul öğrencilerinin sanal zorba/kurban olma durumları ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışma 2021-2022 Eğitim-Öğretim yılında Batı Karadeniz Bölgesinde resmi bir ortaokulda öğrenim gören öğrenciler ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ortaokul öğrencilerinin sanal zorba/sanal kurban olma durumları ile cinsiyet, öğrenim gördükleri sınıf, internet kullanım süresi ve internet kullanım amaç değişkenleri arasındaki farklar ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır. Araştırmada ayrıca sanal zorba ve sanal kurban olma durumları arasındaki ilişkiler incelenmiştir. Veriler “Akran Zorbalığı ölçeği” kullanılarak 519 ortaokul öğrencisinden toplanmıştır. Veri analizi sonuçlarına göre, ortaokul öğrencileri en yüksek olarak “Sohbet odası (chat) ya da oyun sitesini terk etmeye zorlama”, en düşük olarak “Mail kutularını doldurarak mail gelmesini engelleme” konusunda zorbalık yaptıkları görülmüştür. Zorbalığa uğrama konusunda ise en yüksek “Sohbet odası (chat) ya da oyun sitesini terk etmeye zorlama”, en düşük olarak “Kasıtlı olarak virüslü mail yollama” konusunda olduğu görülmüştür. Öğrenciler, en yüksek “Birinin kullandığı telefon veya bilgisayar modeliyle alay etme” konusunda zorbalık yaparken, en düşük “Mail, mesaj vb. yollarla kendisiyle paylaşılan kişisel bilgileri yayma” konusunda sanal ortamda söylenti çıkardıkları görülmüştür. Cinsiyete göre erkek öğrencilerin kız öğrencilere göre sanal zorbalık eğilimleri daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Araştırmada öğrencilerin sınıf düzeyi ve internette geçirdikleri süre arttıkça sanal zorba/sanal kurban olma durumlarının arttığı görülmüştür. İnterneti eğlence ve sosyal medya amaçlı kullanan öğrencilerin sanal zorba/sanal kurban olma eğilimleri, interneti eğitim amaçlı kullananlardan daha yüksek olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Öğrencilerin sanal zorbalık/kurban olma durumları arasında pozitif yönlü orta düzey bir ilişki olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Sanal zorbalığın önlenebilmesi için öğrencilere bu konuda eğitimler verilebilir, eğitimler verilirken cinsiyet faktörü de göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır.
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