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Man in the field of virtual game reality:
problems of self-identification and
socialization as risks for the sustainable
development of society
Yulya Selezneva1*, Evgeny Pronenko1, and Victoria Pakhomova2
1Don State Technical University, 344000 Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
2V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, 295007 Simferopol, Russian Federation
Abstract. The article analyzes the features of the self-
identification process in the modern informational world and
describes the risks of the digital space. On the example of studying
representatives of different age groups, the analysis of preferred
computer games is carried out and the features of virtual computer
game reality are described. The article substantiates the thesis that
in a situation of ex-cessive enthusiasm for computer games the
virtual reality of a computer game can be one of the factors in the
transformation of the Self-image of an active user if there is an
identification with the heroes of the game. The empirical results of
studying the transformation of the self image of active users of
computer games (using the example of junior schoolchildren) are
given and destructive changes in the Self-image in a situation of
excessive immersion in the field of virtual game reality are
described (uncertainty in the descriptions of the physical self, weak
reflection of one's own emotional experiences and bodily
sensations, unrealistic level of aspirations, inadequate self-esteem).
1 Introduction
The influence of the informational world on a person becomes the subject of research
by psychologists, philosophers, and sociologists. Changes in pacetechnical progress
entail significant changes at the level of human evolution (changes in the structure of
mental functions, characteristics of emotional-volitional, cognitive regulation,
personality for-mation). Thus, on the one hand, the scientific forecast of current
changes and analysis of the consequences and psychological risks are becoming an
important task for psychology; on the other hand, it is working with the complex
effects of our time, among which the most powerful is the phenomenon of stress
(described by G. Selye, but acquiring new characteristics against the background of
global changes). Another important task is to study the mechanisms that complicate
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BIO Web of Conferences 65, 06002 (2023)
EBWFF 2023
or facilitate the process of human socialization in the new informational world. So,
the main risks of self-identification and socialization to-day are associated with
cognitive distortions, arising as a result of the amount of multidi-rectional
information, the emergence of addictions under the influence of excessive immer-
sion in the virtual environment, complicated variants of the course of crisis periods,
infor-mation overloads, etc. Thus, global transformations of the world, the situation
of experi-encing uncertainty lead to natural changes at the level of an individual and
largely deter-mine the risks and new resources of a personal development.
Currently, there are studies that allow us to describe the types of experiences of
sub-jective uncertainty, of which only one type is positive and reflects an important
productive potential for a person. Among them is the type of experience, the content
of which is diffi-cult to bear anxiety, leading to confusion and blurring of
consciousness, “hostility, split-ting of the external and internal Other, threatening
psychological survival and integrity of Self” [1]. The second type is also
characterized by negative emotional states, but, at the same time, there is
ambivalence, polysemy and the ability to experience negative emotions less acutely.
Rather, the "fear of novelty" is expressed, in connection with which a person is more
and more inclined to simplify reality. The third type of experience characterizes a
person who is confused and, for this reason, dependent on the social environment.
The next type is represented by the state of "transgression and chaos", the absence of
any boundaries. And, finally, the last type of experiences of subjective uncertainty
are positive experiences associated with over-situational activity, the generation of
new meanings, and creative comprehension of reality.
Remembering M.K. Mamardashvili, we can say that the issue of overcoming the
apparent life, deciphering the symbols that unfold Life itself, the person's ability to
“gain experience” and accept new challenges of the time - all these tasks are
becoming especially relevant today in the field of multivalued reality, where virtual
space is a special space of recognition and constructing yourself [2].
Within the framework of this article, it seems interesting to analyze the influence
of virtual reality gaming on the process of human self-identification and socialization.
Psy-chological research in the field of studying the interaction of the subject with the
field of virtual reality has been conducted since the beginning of the 90s of the last
century, and every year their intensity is growing (V.S.Babenko, 1997; A.I. Voronov,
1999; O.I. Genisa-retsky, 1998; F.I. Girenok, 1996; V.F. Zhdanov, 1997; N.A.
Nosov, 1997; V. Becker, M. Pae-tau, 1997, Soldatova G.U., Rasskazova E.I., Nestik
T.A., 2017). Virtual reality is directly re-lated to the phenomenon of games. The
emergence gaming virtual reality shifted the focus of research towards studying the
issues of its influence on the personality, ideas about its safety and the possibility of
optimally using its potential [3].
Plunging into the "virtual reality of a computer game", the space of ideas,
thoughts, and the user's imagination becomes limited by the space of the given game
options, and this cannot but influence the transformation of the self image as the basic
basis of person-ality, its values, self-esteem and self-acceptance features. However,
it is the aspects associ-ated with the study of the influence of computer games on the
features of the transfor-mation of the user's self-image that have been studied
fragmentarily in psychological sci-ence. According to the majority of researchers
(A.A. Avetisov, N.V. Bogachev, S.V. Bondarenko, Yu.D. Babaeva, A.E. Voikunsky,
A.E. Mitin), the problem of human activity in cyberspace is based on the specificity
virtual environment, where there is a possibility of overcoming the confrontation
between the social environment,
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or facilitate the process of human socialization in the new informational world. So,
the main risks of self-identification and socialization to-day are associated with
cognitive distortions, arising as a result of the amount of multidi-rectional
information, the emergence of addictions under the influence of excessive immer-
sion in the virtual environment, complicated variants of the course of crisis periods,
infor-mation overloads, etc. Thus, global transformations of the world, the situation
of experi-encing uncertainty lead to natural changes at the level of an individual and
largely deter-mine the risks and new resources of a personal development.
Currently, there are studies that allow us to describe the types of experiences of
sub-jective uncertainty, of which only one type is positive and reflects an important
productive potential for a person. Among them is the type of experience, the content
of which is diffi-cult to bear anxiety, leading to confusion and blurring of
consciousness, “hostility, split-ting of the external and internal Other, threatening
psychological survival and integrity of Self” [1]. The second type is also
characterized by negative emotional states, but, at the same time, there is
ambivalence, polysemy and the ability to experience negative emotions less acutely.
Rather, the "fear of novelty" is expressed, in connection with which a person is more
and more inclined to simplify reality. The third type of experience characterizes a
person who is confused and, for this reason, dependent on the social environment.
The next type is represented by the state of "transgression and chaos", the absence of
any boundaries. And, finally, the last type of experiences of subjective uncertainty
are positive experiences associated with over-situational activity, the generation of
new meanings, and creative comprehension of reality.
Remembering M.K. Mamardashvili, we can say that the issue of overcoming the
apparent life, deciphering the symbols that unfold Life itself, the person's ability to
“gain experience” and accept new challenges of the time - all these tasks are
becoming especially relevant today in the field of multivalued reality, where virtual
space is a special space of recognition and constructing yourself [2].
Within the framework of this article, it seems interesting to analyze the influence
of virtual reality gaming on the process of human self-identification and socialization.
Psy-chological research in the field of studying the interaction of the subject with the
field of virtual reality has been conducted since the beginning of the 90s of the last
century, and every year their intensity is growing (V.S.Babenko, 1997; A.I. Voronov,
1999; O.I. Genisa-retsky, 1998; F.I. Girenok, 1996; V.F. Zhdanov, 1997; N.A.
Nosov, 1997; V. Becker, M. Pae-tau, 1997, Soldatova G.U., Rasskazova E.I., Nestik
T.A., 2017). Virtual reality is directly re-lated to the phenomenon of games. The
emergence gaming virtual reality shifted the focus of research towards studying the
issues of its influence on the personality, ideas about its safety and the possibility of
optimally using its potential [3].
Plunging into the "virtual reality of a computer game", the space of ideas,
thoughts, and the user's imagination becomes limited by the space of the given game
options, and this cannot but influence the transformation of the self image as the basic
basis of person-ality, its values, self-esteem and self-acceptance features. However,
it is the aspects associ-ated with the study of the influence of computer games on the
features of the transfor-mation of the user's self-image that have been studied
fragmentarily in psychological sci-ence. According to the majority of researchers
(A.A. Avetisov, N.V. Bogachev, S.V. Bondarenko, Yu.D. Babaeva, A.E. Voikunsky,
A.E. Mitin), the problem of human activity in cyberspace is based on the specificity
virtual environment, where there is a possibility of overcoming the confrontation
between the social environment,
In the work "Symbolic Exchange and Death" J. Baudrillard reflected his idea that
the sensation of life takes place only when death penetrates into it, the desire to live
manifests itself only during objectification through the fear of loss, the fear of death
[4]. The obstacle necessary in order to feel the desire for life as an object of desire
will be the fear of change, even if it is in the background. Humanity, which has long
recognized the fact of its finitude, and the confirmed history of each individual
subject, creates what Arthur Scho-penhauer called the world will - the will inherent
in each individual [5]. The world will as a collective phantasm of planetary size,
having once included the subject in its system, us-es it simultaneously for the purpose
of its own representation and as a source of new ma-terial for constant constructing.
Gaining knowledge through the objectification of the will, the subject also receives
both collective experiences and fears, including the fear of death. Thus, the subject
can get away from the world will, and hence from the fear of death, if he abandons
the core that creates it, or delegates the qualities of his own subjectivity to a cer -tain
object, launching the mechanism of decentration.
By creating a digital construct (for example, a character in a computer game), the
subject gains access to a wide range of possibilities that not only protect against the
fear of death, but also contribute to fantasy construction. In this way, it can be
concluded that us-ers of computer games projecting the image of their own Self in
the field of virtual reality and identifying themselves with the characters of a
computer game may experience a number of intrapsychic changes that make virtual
constitution really possible.
A unique feature of virtual reality is the ability to experiment with self-
identification [6]. The world of the virtual game allows you to discover many new
aspects, changing essences of the Self-image. When choosing a character in a
computer game, the user visualizes the image (imago), which he subsequently
incorporates. On the one hand, there is a splitting into external and internal: the
external I - on the display, the internal I - as a subject, that is, the external distancing
of the game with the virtual character is pre-served. On the other hand, an on-screen
character that the user creates for himself may ex-hibit traits and qualities that are
impossible to recognize in real life. The I externalized on the display allows all
representations of the ideal I to be realized, to compensate for the threatening
emptiness of the real I, acting as a kind of alter ego of the subject. The virtual reality
of the game, allowing to resolve the contradictions between unconscious desires and
the rejection of them, conceptualizes two poles: the first as a way to play life's
difficul-ties and failures, transferring them to the space of the game; the second is to
use the virtual space of the game to identify and realize unconscious desires. The
character of a computer game, acting as an alter ego, in this case, can start the process
of sliding one identification to another, thereby creating difficulties in self-
identification. E. Erickson presents the for-mation of identity as a form that is formed
in childhood through alternation, self-syntheses and recrystallizations [7]. One of the
basic coordinates of identity is the life cycle. In this way, The Self- image is a
complex of judgments, assessments by a person of himself and all events throughout
his life, changing attitudes towards them and himself in accordance with the situation.
2 Materials and Methods
Our research was aimed at studying the features of the self-identification process in
a situation of excessive immersion in virtual computer reality. The study involved
450 peo-ple: students in grades 1-4 - 150 people; students of 2-4 courses of pre-form
of education, different professional orientation - 150 people; adults (aged 35-42) -
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150 people. The first stage of the research was associated with the study of preferred
computer games in dif-ferent age groups. Figure 1 shows the ratio of the types of
computer games preferred by schoolchildren and students.
Fig. 1. Types of computer games preferred by schoolchildren and students.
As seen on Figure 1, in the first place are arcades, adventures, in the second - logic
games, in the third - flash games, "shooters", games, entertainment and role-playing
games. Among the respondents of the adult sample, on the basis of the questionnaire
survey and non-standardized conversation, other tendencies were revealed. A
significant part of active users of computer games among adults are men. Of the
respondents, only 32% identified themselves as active users who spend their free time
playing every day. The most popular genre is games that do not involve character
development and create a virtual world with a high degree of character freedom of
action. Anything that contains elements of competitive motivation is also attractive.
Women in the adult sample turned out to be the least suscep-tible to this type of
activity. Only 12% identify themselves as actively playing in their free time.
Revealing the results of the study of the peculiarities of self-identification under
the influence of playful virtual reality, within the framework of this article, I would
like to de-scribe in more detail the results obtained on the example of junior
schoolchildren. The em-pirical program included the following indicators: Attitude
towards computer games and the degree of enthusiasm for them (Determination of
attitudes towards computer games among junior schoolchildren); Test for identifying
Internet addiction among adolescents by S.A. Kulakov; the study of the self-image
and self-esteem (Dembo-Rubinstein's “Ladder” technique modified by S.G.
Yakobson and V.G. Shchur); personal and social identity (Test "Who am I?" by M.
Kuhn, T. McPartland, modified by T.V. Rumyantseva); and individual psychological
characteristics (Projective drawing "Non-existent animal" by M.Z. Dukarevich,
“Self-portrait” modified by K. Makhover; "House. Tree. Person" by J. Book).
3 Results
Analysis of data on the degree of enthusiasm for computer games in the sample and
comparison of diagnostic indicators of the questionnaire "Determination of attitudes
towards computer games" and the methodology of S.А. Kulakov, made it possible to
distinguish two groups of younger students based on differences in indicators such as
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150 people. The first stage of the research was associated with the study of preferred
computer games in dif-ferent age groups. Figure 1 shows the ratio of the types of
computer games preferred by schoolchildren and students.
Fig. 1. Types of computer games preferred by schoolchildren and students.
As seen on Figure 1, in the first place are arcades, adventures, in the second - logic
games, in the third - flash games, "shooters", games, entertainment and role-playing
games. Among the respondents of the adult sample, on the basis of the questionnaire
survey and non-standardized conversation, other tendencies were revealed. A
significant part of active users of computer games among adults are men. Of the
respondents, only 32% identified themselves as active users who spend their free time
playing every day. The most popular genre is games that do not involve character
development and create a virtual world with a high degree of character freedom of
action. Anything that contains elements of competitive motivation is also attractive.
Women in the adult sample turned out to be the least suscep-tible to this type of
activity. Only 12% identify themselves as actively playing in their free time.
Revealing the results of the study of the peculiarities of self-identification under
the influence of playful virtual reality, within the framework of this article, I would
like to de-scribe in more detail the results obtained on the example of junior
schoolchildren. The em-pirical program included the following indicators: Attitude
towards computer games and the degree of enthusiasm for them (Determination of
attitudes towards computer games among junior schoolchildren); Test for identifying
Internet addiction among adolescents by S.A. Kulakov; the study of the self-image
and self-esteem (Dembo-Rubinstein's “Ladder” technique modified by S.G.
Yakobson and V.G. Shchur); personal and social identity (Test "Who am I?" by M.
Kuhn, T. McPartland, modified by T.V. Rumyantseva); and individual psychological
characteristics (Projective drawing "Non-existent animal" by M.Z. Dukarevich,
“Self-portrait” modified by K. Makhover; "House. Tree. Person" by J. Book).
3 Results
Analysis of data on the degree of enthusiasm for computer games in the sample and
comparison of diagnostic indicators of the questionnaire "Determination of attitudes
towards computer games" and the methodology of S.А. Kulakov, made it possible to
distinguish two groups of younger students based on differences in indicators such as
emotional involvement, activity, regularity, duration of stay in the game (more than
1-2 hours daily); desire to be like the hero of the game; violation of self-control in
game reality; changes in somatic health. This group junior schoolchildren who are
overly keen on computer games (45%), and group, where the degree of enthusiasm
for the virtual world of computer games can be considered acceptable (55%). In
particular, 55% of junior schoolchildren characterized an interest in a computer game,
which can be called adequate: there was an interest in playing activity in the virtual
space of a computer game, a sufficient playing “experience”. However, they were
able to stop playing in a situation of necessity, did not show aggression, did not devote
much time to this activity, preferring it to active live communication. Computer
games were given no more than half an hour a day.
In this regard, it can be assumed that activity in the field of a computer game takes
place, but it is at the level where children are able to control the time spent in the
game - this can be interpreted as interest, rather than enthusiasm, and even more
dependence. This group was mainly composed of girls - students from the 1st to the
4th grade and boys - students of the 1st and 2nd grades, who play computer games
without the effect of "presence" and have a small playing experience, as well as 14
boys and 25 girls, pupils of the 3rd and 4th grades, who have sufficient playing
"experience" and experience in games both without the effect of "presence" and with
the effect of "presence". In this group of younger schoolchildren, the main objects for
identification are parents, close relatives and fairy tale characters.
In the sample under study, out of 100%, 45% of students (mainly in grades 4)
were identified as being at the stage of pre-addiction. These are players with extensive
playing "experience", passionate about a certain type of games, where there is an
element of character development. These subjects showed difficulties in social
adaptation, a rather strong addiction to the game process. Objects for identification in
the specified group of respondents in most cases are selected outside the family: these
are characters from comics, computer games and cartoons. During the survey, their
parents noted the following physiological and psychological changes in children:
frequent headaches, back pain, emotional involvement; the need to be like the hero
of the game; difficulties with switching attention, concentration on activities that have
nothing to do with play; difficulties with self-control. That is, the parents themselves
noted the presence of 6 out of 10 psychological criteria, and 3 out of 6 physiological
Based on a comparison of all diagnostic data obtained in the course of qualitative
and statistical analysis of the results of the questionnaire, the methodology of S.A.
Kulakov, 55% of junior schoolchildren who do not identify themselves with
computer games (further - CG) characters, whose degree of enthusiasm for the virtual
environment of computer games is recognized as acceptable, are defined by us as
group of inactive CG users (group of norms). In turn, active users of computer games
(risk group) accounted for 45%, showing an excessive passion for computer games,
identifying with computer characters.
In order to assess the empirical validity, the rank correlation Spearman data on
the selected groups - active and inactive users of computer games. Correlation
analysis showed that in the group of junior schoolchildren we have identified -
inactive users of computer games, the mean values have a greater spread, no
correlations were found between the significance of computer games and the
parameters of gaming enthusiasm. Correlation at a significance level of p ≤ 0.05 was
achieved in group of active users according to the following scales: the importance
of computer games in a child's life (R = 0.51; p ≤ 0.05); the duration of the game
(more than 1.5 hours per day) (R = 0.66; p ≤ 0.05); pronounced enthusiasm for
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computer games (R = 0.57; p ≤ 0.05), the presence of identification with a computer
game character (R = 0.59; p ≤ 0.05). A positive correlation indicates that with an
increase in one indicator, an increase in another occurs: increase in the importance of
computer games is directly proportional to the increase in all parameters (time spent
at the computer, the number of preferred games, etc.).
According to the main hypothesis of the study, the systematic effect of the virtual
reality of a computer game can influence the constitution of the Self-image. To test
this assumption, we compared the characteristics of the Self-image - active users of
computer games (experimental risk group) and inactive users of computer games
(control group). The study of self-esteem showed that 70% of students - active users
of CG revealed high values of this parameter (of which 45% have very high, but
poorly differentiated self-esteem, 25% - high and well-differentiated self-esteem),
medium - 20%, low - at 7%. Among junior schoolchildren who are inactive CG users,
high self-esteem was found in 65% of people, medium - in 30%, low - in 5%. In order
to prove the statistical reliability of the results obtained, we applied Fisher's angular
transformation, and as a result, we did not find significant differences regarding self-
esteem in the groups: 70% \ 65%, p ≤ 0.01; 30% \ 20%, p ≤ 0.01; 7% \ 5%, p ≤ 0.01.
In both groups of subjects, most often there is high self-esteem (70% and 65%),
medium - in 20% and 30% of cases, and low - in 5% and 7% of primary
schoolchildren. Fisher's angular transformation φ performed to identify differences
in the qualitative characteristics of self-esteem in the studied groups showed a
difference in only one indicator: active users of computer games, completing a task,
more often than inactive users assign negative characteristics to themselves. For
younger schoolchildren - active users, the percentage of such answers is 11%, and for
inactive - only 3% (φ * = 1.98, p ≤ 0.01).
The ratio of the time perspectives of the Self-image in the study groups is
presented in Figure 2.
Fig. 2. The ratio of the time perspectives of the "I" image in two groups (in points).
The method of nonparametric statistics, Mann-Whitney U-test, was applied to the
obtained data in order to identify the reliability of differences in components of the
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computer games (R = 0.57; p ≤ 0.05), the presence of identification with a computer
game character (R = 0.59; p ≤ 0.05). A positive correlation indicates that with an
increase in one indicator, an increase in another occurs: increase in the importance of
computer games is directly proportional to the increase in all parameters (time spent
at the computer, the number of preferred games, etc.).
According to the main hypothesis of the study, the systematic effect of the virtual
reality of a computer game can influence the constitution of the Self-image. To test
this assumption, we compared the characteristics of the Self-image - active users of
computer games (experimental risk group) and inactive users of computer games
(control group). The study of self-esteem showed that 70% of students - active users
of CG revealed high values of this parameter (of which 45% have very high, but
poorly differentiated self-esteem, 25% - high and well-differentiated self-esteem),
medium - 20%, low - at 7%. Among junior schoolchildren who are inactive CG users,
high self-esteem was found in 65% of people, medium - in 30%, low - in 5%. In order
to prove the statistical reliability of the results obtained, we applied Fisher's angular
transformation, and as a result, we did not find significant differences regarding self-
esteem in the groups: 70% \ 65%, p ≤ 0.01; 30% \ 20%, p ≤ 0.01; 7% \ 5%, p ≤ 0.01.
In both groups of subjects, most often there is high self-esteem (70% and 65%),
medium - in 20% and 30% of cases, and low - in 5% and 7% of primary
schoolchildren. Fisher's angular transformation φ performed to identify differences
in the qualitative characteristics of self-esteem in the studied groups showed a
difference in only one indicator: active users of computer games, completing a task,
more often than inactive users assign negative characteristics to themselves. For
younger schoolchildren - active users, the percentage of such answers is 11%, and for
inactive - only 3% (φ * = 1.98, p ≤ 0.01).
The ratio of the time perspectives of the Self-image in the study groups is
presented in Figure 2.
Fig. 2. The ratio of the time perspectives of the "I" image in two groups (in points).
The method of nonparametric statistics, Mann-Whitney U-test, was applied to the
obtained data in order to identify the reliability of differences in components of the
image "I-virtual" among younger schoolchildren - active and inactive users of
computer games (Table 1).
Table 1. The difference in the indicators of the "I" image among younger schoolchildren -
active and inactive users of computer games.
The difference
in the indicators
of the "I" image
among younger
Rank sum
Risk group
Rank sum
Norm group Difference
p <0.05
"Real Me"
"Virtual Me"
"Ideal Me"
At the level of p ≤ 0.05 in the control group, the descriptions of "Virtual Me" are
poorly differentiated. Active CG users have practically the same image of “Ideal me”
and “Virtual Me”. This indicates a tendency to saturate the Self-image with future
social roles and directs internal activity to the process of self-improvement in virtual
To determine the characteristics of the self image and the identity parameters of
younger schoolchildren - active and inactive users of computer games, we used
methodology of M. Kuhn, T. McPartland "Who am I?". In the risk group it was shown
that the main types of its valence are: neutral (48%) - the ratio of positive and negative
self-identification takes place in descriptions where emotions are not clearly
expressed; positive identification (40%) takes place when positive parameters
dominate over negative ones; negative identification (about 11%) - negative
descriptions of identity dominate. The main types of identity valence among inactive
users of computer games are neutral and positive. Both groups are characterized by
neutral identity and positive identity, which is an indicator of an adaptive state. In
both groups, there is an overestimated self-esteem. The respondents in the
experimental group are distinguished from the control group by the frequency of
negative assessments, when negative categories prevail in the description. This type
of valence reflects a maladaptive identity status. A qualitative analysis showed that
in the answers of the two groups there are all categories of the methodology "Who
am I?", excepting the category of "Material Self". Of the six categories, the samples
are dominated by “Social Self”, “Communicative Self”, “Active Self” and “Reflexive
Of the "Social Self " components, there are more often direct designations of
gender, role position (student, schoolchild), ethnic and regional, family affiliation.
The higher percentage of answers from respondents in this category can be explained
by the fact that social roles are extremely important for younger students, since
entering school is a landmark event in the life of every child: during this period, new
meanings, goals and values of the child are formed, regardless of the degree of
passion for computer games.
"Communicative Self " in both groups contains indications of friendly relations,
peculiarities of interaction. We assumed that this category would be less represented
in the experimental group, but the results of mathematical analysis showed no
difference in the percentage of this category in both groups. The “Reflexive Self” of
younger schoolchildren - active users of CG - turned out to be specific: in addition to
the first name, surname, personal qualities, indicators of emotional self-attitude, there
were also the names of computer heroes. Consequently, active users are dominated
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by responses indicating that they position themselves as gamers compared to their
peers who are inactive users.
A qualitative analysis of the identified characteristics of the "Physical Self"
showed that the physical image of the self of an inactive CG user is prescribed in a
more detailed way than that of their peers - active players: the percentage of
emotionally positive responses in this category is significantly less than in the normal
group. This testifies to the absence of the desire for reflection of sensory experiences
and bodily sensations in younger schoolchildren - active users of computer games, as
well as the uncertainty in the characteristics of the "Physical Self".
The rest of the respondents from the risk group (34%) and the control group (53%)
most often describe themselves in the context of relationships with others. Children
who are aware of themselves through the sphere of relationships evaluate themselves
quite positively. Their self-image can be considered adequate to the real self-image,
and self-esteem is overestimated, or adequate. In both groups, there are no students
with a low level of self-awareness and structuredness of the self-image. Table 2
summarizes the mean values for each category of Kuhn's test.
Table 2. The ratio of answers in the two groups by category.
Category Risk group
Norm group
(%) Difference φ *
Social Self
Physical Self
* p≤0.01
Active Self
** p≤0.05
Reflexive Self
** p≤0.05
Perspective self
Note:φ * - the value of the Fisher criterion; level of statistical significance * p≤0.01; ** p≤0.05;
"-" dash means no significant difference between percentages
As can be seen from Table 2, there are differences in the indicators regarding the
"Active Self": among younger schoolchildren - active users of CG there are
statements about activities in a computer game, they represent and express
themselves as players. Such statements are absolutely not typical for inactive CG
users (p≤0.05).Analysis revealed characteristics of the "Physical Self" showed that
the physical image of the "I" of the inactive user of the CG is prescribed in a more
detailed way, in relation to peers - active players. This testifies to the lack of desire
for reflection of sensory experiences and bodily sensations in younger schoolchildren
- active users of computer games, uncertainty in the characteristics of the " Physical
The next stage of the study was implemented using the “Drawing of a nonexistent
animal " and is aimed at carrying out diagnostics that reveal the specifics of the Self-
image of younger schoolchildren - active and inactive users of computer games. The
interpretation of this technique was carried out by describing the measured signs of
self-attitude and differentiation of the Self-image of younger schoolchildren. In this
regard, the quantitative ratio of self-esteem indicators and personality traits in the
groups was calculated (that is, the number of drawings where this or that indicator is
present). In the qualitative analysis of this technique, special attention is also paid to
such an indicator as the image of characters in computer games, in view of the
BIO Web of Conferences 65, 06002 (2023)
EBWFF 2023
by responses indicating that they position themselves as gamers compared to their
peers who are inactive users.
A qualitative analysis of the identified characteristics of the "Physical Self"
showed that the physical image of the self of an inactive CG user is prescribed in a
more detailed way than that of their peers - active players: the percentage of
emotionally positive responses in this category is significantly less than in the normal
group. This testifies to the absence of the desire for reflection of sensory experiences
and bodily sensations in younger schoolchildren - active users of computer games, as
well as the uncertainty in the characteristics of the "Physical Self".
The rest of the respondents from the risk group (34%) and the control group (53%)
most often describe themselves in the context of relationships with others. Children
who are aware of themselves through the sphere of relationships evaluate themselves
quite positively. Their self-image can be considered adequate to the real self-image,
and self-esteem is overestimated, or adequate. In both groups, there are no students
with a low level of self-awareness and structuredness of the self-image. Table 2
summarizes the mean values for each category of Kuhn's test.
Table 2. The ratio of answers in the two groups by category.
Risk group
Norm group
φ *
Social Self
Physical Self
* p≤0.01
Active Self
** p≤0.05
Reflexive Self
** p≤0.05
Perspective self
Note:φ * - the value of the Fisher criterion; level of statistical significance * p≤0.01; ** p≤0.05;
"-" dash means no significant difference between percentages
As can be seen from Table 2, there are differences in the indicators regarding the
"Active Self": among younger schoolchildren - active users of CG there are
statements about activities in a computer game, they represent and express
themselves as players. Such statements are absolutely not typical for inactive CG
users (p≤0.05).Analysis revealed characteristics of the "Physical Self" showed that
the physical image of the "I" of the inactive user of the CG is prescribed in a more
detailed way, in relation to peers - active players. This testifies to the lack of desire
for reflection of sensory experiences and bodily sensations in younger schoolchildren
- active users of computer games, uncertainty in the characteristics of the " Physical
The next stage of the study was implemented using the “Drawing of a nonexistent
animal " and is aimed at carrying out diagnostics that reveal the specifics of the Self-
image of younger schoolchildren - active and inactive users of computer games. The
interpretation of this technique was carried out by describing the measured signs of
self-attitude and differentiation of the Self-image of younger schoolchildren. In this
regard, the quantitative ratio of self-esteem indicators and personality traits in the
groups was calculated (that is, the number of drawings where this or that indicator is
present). In the qualitative analysis of this technique, special attention is also paid to
such an indicator as the image of characters in computer games, in view of the
previously formulated assumption that there is a relationship between the image of a
non-existent animal and the Self-image, the mediation of his fantasy by the
experience of interaction with virtual reality.
It turned out that the drawings of active users of computer games are replete with
images rather than a non-existent animal, but a computer character of a specific
computer game (20%). This kind of phenomenon was not found in the images of a
nonexistent animal in the group of inactive users of computer games. Thus, the image
of a non-existent animal in the form of a computer character is a significant diagnostic
4 Discussion
Currently, research on the impact of computer games on the mental health and
personality of active users is focused on the problem of psychological well -being;
studying the relationship between Internet addicted behavior and preferred genres of
computer games (Hyunho H.; Hyunsuk J.); [8] analysis of the influence of computer
games on personality traits and behavior (Eun Joo Kim; Kee Namkoong) [9]. Thus,
the authors confirm the results of our study that as a result of excessive immersion in
computer games, active users may experience changes in the level of self-esteem and
self-control. In research of Eun Joo Kim and Kee Namkoong it was shown that
narcissistic personality traits are positively correlated with addiction to computer
games, while self-control is negatively correlated with online gaming addiction
(p <0.001). Interesting conclusions regarding the influence of computer games of
different genres on personality traits were obtained in the study by Matveeva L.V.,
Makalatiya A.G. Confirming our thesis that virtual reality creates special
opportunities for studying oneself and gaining a variety of experience of
communication with others (often inaccessible in real life), the authors consider a
computer game as a “model of successful activity” and a factor influencing the
processes of self-identification [10]. The choice of games, according to the authors,
is largely determined by the preferred type of action, and not by plot and semantic
parameters. The ability to experience states of confidence, strength, fearlessness
determines the degree of human involvement in virtual reality and is one of the
important aspects of the attractiveness of a computer game. Thus, in a study carried
out by Marian Sauter and Tina Brown, it is shown that social context and gaming
motives (in particular, achievement motives and escapism) can be considered as
predictors of involvement in computer games and be an important indicator of
psychological well-being [11]. As in a number of other studies, the thesis is
substantiated that computer games partially perform a compensatory function,
helping people to escape from disturbing reality, incomplete contacts, loneliness,
stress. However, moving social activity into the plane of the game entails a temporary
decrease in social anxiety along with a dangerous decrease in live communication
and full-fledged social contacts.
Thus, foreign involvement in computer games can be considered as an
unconstructive strategy to combat stress in order to reduce psychoemotional tension
and overcome negative emotional states [12, 13, 14]. This can potentially pose risks
to the social identity of young people [15]. Thus, in a study by Giardina, A., Di Blasi,
M., Schimmenti, A., the purpose of which was to study the features of experiencing
anxiety during COVID-19 self-isolation, it was shown that computer games actually
mitigate emotional stress during pandemic-related self-isolation, however,
inadequate game models may represent a vulnerability factor that deserves clinical
attention [12]. Thus, of particular importance is the study of the meanings and values
BIO Web of Conferences 65, 06002 (2023)
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of computer games in order to more accurately predict possible risks or positive
contributions that determine the process of self-knowledge and self-identification of
a person at different age stages.
5 Conclusions
Summing up, let us draw some conclusions: the virtual reality of a computer game is
one of the factors in the transformation of the Self-image of an active user if there is
an identification (identification) of oneself with its heroes; the Self-image of active
users of computer games has a number of features: the uncertainty of the descriptions
of the physical self, the weakness of reflection of one's own emotional experiences
and bodily sensations, an unrealistic level of aspirations, inadequate self-esteem.
Virtual game reality is one of the factors in the constitution of the Self-image in those
cases when the user, delving into a computer game, begins to change his
identification, identifying himself with virtual heroes. Role-based identification
arising in an active user of computer games initiates a number of intrapsychic
The research was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (Project No. 22-78-10107)
(2022) «Transformation of constructive and destructive strategies of informational behavior of
youth in the context of of geopolitical risks growth: psychological, psychophysiological and
psychogenetic predictors».
1. D. A. Leontiev, E. Yu. Ovchinnikova, E. I. Rasskazova et al, Psychology of
choice (Smysl, Moscow, 2019)
2. M. K. Mamardashvilli, Conversations about thinking (Abc, St. Petersburg,
3. S. N. Sidorova, V. S. Elchaninov, N. K. Gabdulkhakova, Peculiarities of the
influence of computer games on the personality, Y. Sci. 7 (2014)
4. J. Baudrillard, É. M. Sioran, Matrix of Apkalypsis. Lastsunset of Europe
(Algorithm, Moscow, 2015)
5. K. Horney, Our internal conflicts. Constructive theory of neurosis (Peter, St.
Petersburg, 2019)
6. J. R. Suler, Identity management in cyberspace, J. App. Psy. Stud. 4 (2002)
7. E. Erickson, Identity: Youth and Crisis (Flint; MPSI: Progress, Moscow, 2006)
8. H. Han, H. Jeong, Relationship between the experience of online game genre
and high risk of Internet gaming disorder in Korean adolescents, Epid. & Heal.
23, 3 (2020)
9. E. J. Kim, K. Namkoong, The relationship between online game addiction and
aggression, self-control and narcissistic personality traits, Eur. Psy. 23, 3
10. A. G. Makalatia, L. V. Matveeva, Subjective factors of attractiveness of
computer games for children and adolescents, Nat. Psy. J. 1, 25 (2017)
11. M. Sauter, T. Braun, Social Context and Gaming Motives Predict Mental Health
Better Than Time Played: An Exploratory Regression Analysis with over 13,000
BIO Web of Conferences 65, 06002 (2023)
EBWFF 2023
of computer games in order to more accurately predict possible risks or positive
contributions that determine the process of self-knowledge and self-identification of
a person at different age stages.
5 Conclusions
Summing up, let us draw some conclusions: the virtual reality of a computer game is
one of the factors in the transformation of the Self-image of an active user if there is
an identification (identification) of oneself with its heroes; the Self-image of active
users of computer games has a number of features: the uncertainty of the descriptions
of the physical self, the weakness of reflection of one's own emotional experiences
and bodily sensations, an unrealistic level of aspirations, inadequate self-esteem.
Virtual game reality is one of the factors in the constitution of the Self-image in those
cases when the user, delving into a computer game, begins to change his
identification, identifying himself with virtual heroes. Role-based identification
arising in an active user of computer games initiates a number of intrapsychic
The research was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (Project No. 22-78-10107)
(2022) «Transformation of constructive and destructive strategies of informational behavior of
youth in the context of of geopolitical risks growth: psychological, psychophysiological and
psychogenetic predictors».
1. D. A. Leontiev, E. Yu. Ovchinnikova, E. I. Rasskazova et al, Psychology of
choice (Smysl, Moscow, 2019)
2. M. K. Mamardashvilli, Conversations about thinking (Abc, St. Petersburg,
3. S. N. Sidorova, V. S. Elchaninov, N. K. Gabdulkhakova, Peculiarities of the
influence of computer games on the personality, Y. Sci. 7 (2014)
4. J. Baudrillard, É. M. Sioran, Matrix of Apkalypsis. Lastsunset of Europe
(Algorithm, Moscow, 2015)
5. K. Horney, Our internal conflicts. Constructive theory of neurosis (Peter, St.
Petersburg, 2019)
6. J. R. Suler, Identity management in cyberspace, J. App. Psy. Stud. 4 (2002)
7. E. Erickson, Identity: Youth and Crisis (Flint; MPSI: Progress, Moscow, 2006)
8. H. Han, H. Jeong, Relationship between the experience of online game genre
and high risk of Internet gaming disorder in Korean adolescents, Epid. & Heal.
23, 3 (2020)
9. E. J. Kim, K. Namkoong, The relationship between online game addiction and
aggression, self-control and narcissistic personality traits, Eur. Psy. 23, 3
10. A. G. Makalatia, L. V. Matveeva, Subjective factors of attractiveness of
computer games for children and adolescents, Nat. Psy. J. 1, 25 (2017)
11. M. Sauter, T. Braun, Social Context and Gaming Motives Predict Mental Health
Better Than Time Played: An Exploratory Regression Analysis with over 13,000
Video Game Players, Cyb. Beh. & Soc. Net. 24, 2 (2020)
12. A. Giardina, M. Di Blasi, M. Schimmenti et al, Online gaming and prolonged
self-isolation: Evidence from Italian gamers during the COVID-19 outbreak,
Clin. Neuro.: J. Treat. Eva. 18, 1 (2021)
13. M. D. Griffiths, Problematic online gaming: Issues, debates and controversies,
Med. Psihol. Ross. 33, 4 (2015)
14. D. L. King, P. H. Delfabbro, Avatar- and self-related processes and problematic
gaming: A systematic review, Add. Beh. 108 (2020)
15. R. M. Shamionov, E. E. Bocharova, E. V. Nevsky Correlations among young
people’s life orientations, social identity, and social activity. Russian
Psychological Journal, 18, 4 (2021)
BIO Web of Conferences 65, 06002 (2023)
EBWFF 2023