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Suzuki, Y., & Elgort, I. (2023). Measuring automaticity in a second language: A methodological synthesis of experimental tasks over three decades (1990-2021). In Y. Suzuki (Ed.), Practice and automatization in second language research: Perspectives from skill acquisition theory and cognitive psychology (pp. 206-234). New York, NY: Routledge.

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Please cite as
Suzuki, Y., & Elgort, I. (2023). Measuring automaticity in
a second language: A methodological synthesis of
experimental tasks over three decades (1990-2021). In
Y. Suzuki (Ed.), Practice and automatization in second
language research: Perspectives from skill acquisition
theory and cognitive psychology (pp. 206-234). New
York, NY: Routledge.
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Chapter 9 Measuring automaticity in second language
comprehension: A methodological synthesis of experimental tasks
over three decades (1990-2021)
Yuichi Suzuki
Irina Elgort
This chapter reports a methodological synthesis of experimental tasks used in research of
automaticity in second language (L2) comprehension. Our survey yielded 34 lexical and
46 grammatical tasks (e.g., primed/non-primed lexical decision, semantic/acceptability
judgement, picture-sentence matching, comprehension with eye-tracking, self-paced
reading, word-monitoring tasks), which we classified task based on the types of processes
being investigated. We synthesized key outcome measures (accuracy, reaction time,
and/or coefficient of variability) and the software (e.g., E-prime, DMDX) used in
different task types. Although this work identified many psycholinguistic tasks available
for L2 researchers to investigate automaticity, it also revealed several gaps in the L2
research into automaticity, most notably the scarcity of tasks for assessing automaticity
in auditory lexical processing. We also present methodological guidelines on how to
select experimental tasks for assessing automaticity in L2 studies.
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Second language (L2) researchers commonly investigate target language
proficiency in terms of receptive (reading and listening) and productive skills (speaking
and writing). A key indicator of proficiency in L2 comprehension and production is
automaticity of processing. While adult first-language (L1) speakers have developed
highly efficient language processing mechanisms through intensive and extensive
experience from birth, L2 learners’ language processing is less efficient, especially at the
earlier developmental stages. Yet, achieving a higher degree of automaticity in visual and
auditory input processing is needed to free up cognitive resources and engage in
meaningfocused L2 comprehension and production. Because automatic language
processing requires efficient access to relevant aspects of knowledge, which cannot be
measured directly, we conceptualize automaticity as one of the key properties of
processing that can inform us about the quality of knowledge (e.g., DeKeyser, 2009).
Recently, methodological issues have received focal attention in the field of
applied linguistics (AL) and second language acquisition (SLA) (Gass et al., 2021;
Marsden et al., 2018; Plonsky et al., 2020). In order to select methodologies that are
aligned with research goals, it is essential for SLA researchers to understand which
experimental tasks are used to investigate different L2 component processes and
knowledge, and how these tasks are designed. Given that automaticity has high theoretical
and practical relevance for L2 acquisition and use (for review, see e.g., DeKeyser, 2001;
Segalowitz, 2003; Segalowitz & Hulstijn, 2005), a variety of experimental tasks have
been proposed to evaluate automaticity over the decades. However, to our knowledge, no
comprehensive systematic review of these tasks is available to date. To this end, this
synthesis aims to identify and describe the domain of research on automaticity and
automatization in SLA from a methodological perspective.
The goal of our systematic review is to synthesize the kinds of experimental tasks
available for L2 researchers who wish to study automaticity. We have surveyed AL and
SLA journal articles that report measures of automatization and automaticity. The
chapter’s focus is on lexical and grammatical processing skills in L2 comprehension (see
production measures in Suzuki & Révész, this volume). We also present methodological
guidelines for selecting experimental tasks to assess automaticity in L2 processing and
skills as well as exercises on interpreting experimental design.
L2 Comprehension Model: Processes, Knowledge, and Automaticity
L2 comprehension requires an orchestration of multiple processing components. Figure
9.1 illustrates the construct of automaticity in relation to the L2 comprehension processes
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and the knowledge these processes draw on. The model is based on several major models
of reading comprehension (e.g., Grabe & Stoller, 2011; Perfetti & Stafura, 2014) and
listening comprehension (e.g., Field, 2013; Vandergrift & Goh, 2012). In this model, L2
comprehension relies on the ability to decode visual or auditory signal, recognize words
and access their meanings, parse morpho-syntactic structures, and interpret and infer
meaning in relation to the reader/listener’s representation of the text (discourse) and
general (including non-linguistic) knowledge. This division may be somewhat artificial,
but it is useful for developing experimental tasks for evaluating quality of reading and
listening comprehension and diagnosing issues that arise in L2 processing and learning.
There are three integral elements in the proposed model (Figure 9.1): (a) knowledge; (b)
processes; and (c) automaticity. Knowledge includes orthographic, phonological, lexical
(including single words and multi-word expressions), grammatical (linguistic regularities
such as inflections and morpho-syntax), pragmatic, and discourse knowledge (as well as
general knowledge about the world). These various types of knowledge underlie
comprehension processes; in turn, comprehension of input contributes to knowledge
Processes in comprehension may be grouped into lower-level (decoding, word-
level processing, and sentence-level processing) and higher-level processes
(comprehension of a given text/discourse). In the model, the locus of the decoding stage
of comprehension is sublexical. At the decoding stage in reading, for example, visual
input (i.e., printed letters/characters) is processedfirst, activating orthographic
representations and leading to the activation of related phonological information and
auditory representations. In listening, spoken input is decoded first, with the physical
acoustic information being matched to listeners’ representational knowledge, leading to
the activation of orthographic representations in literate individuals. While either the
grapheme decoding or phoneme decoding process is prioritized in reading and listening,
respectively, at the decoding stages, both orthographic and phonological knowledge is
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Figure 9.1. A blueprint of L2 comprehension.
activated (Perfetti & Bell, 1991; Taft et al., 2008). Readers and listeners also engage in
grapheme-phoneme mapping as they process input (Castles et al., 2018). The locus of the
next word-level processing stage of comprehension is lexical, involving recognition of
word forms and activation of meanings. At this stage, lower-level grapheme and phoneme
representations and their combinations activate lexical representations (and the activation
from the lexical level flows back to the letter and phoneme representations). The lexical
level processes include word identification, segmentation, and morphological and
semantic processing (e.g., Perfetti & Stafura, 2014). It is possible that some formulaic
sequences beyond single words that are stored and/ or processed holistically (e.g., lexical
bundles, idioms) may also be accessed at this processing stage of comprehension
(Conklin & Schmitt, 2012). Next, text and speech sequences containing lexical
information are analyzed and parsed into propositions during the sentence-level
processing stage. Grammatical knowledge underlies morphosyntactic processing in
which the comprehender integrates the information from word-level processing to a larger
unit of sentence(s) incrementally, as processing unfolds in real time (e.g., Clahsen &
Felser, 2006). The comprehender also anticipates or predicts what linguistic (and non-
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linguistic) information comes next in all processing stages (e.g., Kaan & Grüter, 2021;
Kuperberg & Jaeger, 2016). Abstract propositions generated in the course of the lower-
level processing (decoding, word-level processing, and sentence-level processing) are
interpreted at the higher levels of discourse comprehension processes (comprehension
phase). In comprehension, readers and listeners construct a situational model of the text
that reflects the subject matter and sets parameters, such as causation, intention, time,
space, and protagonists (in narrative texts). This situational model is constantly being
updated during comprehension, and discontinuity in even one of these parameters slows
down comprehension and results in generating new inferences (Zwaan & Radvansky,
1998). The writer’s/speaker’s (illocutionary) intention also needs to be interpreted based
on pragmatic knowledge as well as more general world knowledge (see Field, 2013, for
more details).
In our model, automaticity is a middleware connecting processing and
knowledge in L2 comprehension. SLA researchers have qualified both processing and
knowledge as automatized, e.g., “automatized processing” (e.g., Hulstijn, 2007) and
“automatized knowledge” (e.g., DeKeyser, 2017). Automaticity is a gradual concept. The
degree of automaticity depends on how quickly, reliably, effortlessly, unconsciously
linguistic knowledge can be accessed, and it is inferred from or assessed through the
performance on a certain task (e.g., how quickly linguistic information is processed).
Similarly, automatization refers to the gradual improvement of task performance
indicated by the aforementioned criteria of automaticity (e.g., speed, stability,
effortfulness, consciousness).
Automaticity of processing has major consequences for L2 comprehension.
Lower-level processes (e.g., decoding, word identification and segmentation) can be
automatized to a greater extent than higher-level comprehension processes, as the latter
are highly context dependent, involving self-monitoring and integration with background
knowledge (Lim & Godfroid, 2015; Perfetti, 2007). Because comprehension processes
rely on limited working memory capacity (e.g., Baddeley, 2012), more efficient lower-
level processing can free up cognitive resources in working memory needed for higher-
order comprehension processes.
We further propose that automaticity is enabled by the quality of knowledge (e.g., how
precise, integrated, and flexible linguistic representations are) and/ or by the type of
knowledge (e.g., procedural versus declarative). Perfetti and Hart (2001), for example,
argue for a causal relationship between efficiency of lexical processes, underpinned by
the quality of lexical representations (aka lexical quality), and comprehension variability.
They define lexical quality as detailed knowledge about word forms (orthography and
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phonology) and meanings. Perfetti (2007) explains that high lexical quality affords rapid
and reliable meaning retrieval needed in reading comprehension. In the domain of
grammar, the qualitative distinction is made between procedural and declarative
knowledge. According to skill acquisition theory (DeKeyser, 2017), for instance,
declarative knowledge (e.g., facts and rules) itself cannot be automatized; what can be
automatized is the procedural knowledge that underpins comprehension processes and
While declarative knowledge (e.g., metalinguistic rules) can be used flexibly for
different language processing (e.g., reading and listening), its use consumes considerable
mental resource. Hence, procedural knowledge, which is efficient and expends little
resource, gradually replaces declarative knowledge through practice. Procedural
knowledge can be further strengthened and automatized, enabling efficient skill execution
(Suzuki, this volume).
In sum, our model specifies bidirectional relationships between knowledge and
processing components in achieving automaticity. Automaticity builds upon knowledge
and processing and serves as the foundation for fluent reading and listening
comprehension. As indicated by the vertical and horizontal bidirectional arrows in Figure
9.1, the relationship between every processing and knowledge component in the model is
interactive and mediated by automaticity. More than one type of knowledge can
contribute to one component process in comprehension. For instance, although
orthographic and phonological knowledge are linked to the decoding stage in Figure 9.1,
these knowledge components are also utilized in word identification processes in word-
level processing ( Jacobs et al., 1998; Perfetti, 2007; Rastle & Brysbaert, 2006).
Tasks and Measures of Automaticity of Lexical and Grammatical Processing
Given limited space, in this chapter, we focus on two components of L2
comprehension, most amenable to automatization: word- and sentence-level processing,
associated with lexical and syntactic knowledge (for pronunciation skills, see Saito &
Plonsky, 2019). As illustrated in Figure 9.1, fluent access to lexical and syntactic
knowledge has a cascading effect on higher-order processes, with disfluency at lower
levels creating a bottleneck in comprehension.
Researchers studying automatization typically use online tasks that involve real-
time language processing. Whereas offline or untimed tasks (e.g., multiple choice, fill-in-
the-blank, and translation) provide accuracy scores indicative of the product (result) of
language processing, online tasks are usually delivered using the computer software that
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offers precise control over the timing of visual and auditory input and accurate recording
of response times (RTs) and/ or physiological responses (e.g., eye movements, event-
related brain potentials). These temporal measurements allow us to investigate how L2
knowledge is deployed during real-time language processing, yielding useful information
about the automaticity of access to L2 knowledge. Online tasks are usually performed
under time constraints or pressure, that is, under the conditions that significantly reduce
the involvement of strategically controlled processes and declarative/explicit knowledge.
Although RT on a given task is the most common (but rather simplistic)
measurement of automaticity, fast processing does not necessarily mean automatic
processing (see Suzuki, this volume). For instance, fast processing is not necessarily
stable (i.e., showing little variability) or ballistic (i.e., impossible to stop once started).
Using multiple criteria (e.g., RT as well as stability, use of strategies, and consciousness)
for evaluating automaticity of processing is a useful strategy for identifying potential
success in L2 reading and listening comprehension.
A key characteristic of automaticity is stability (or RT consistency) in a given
task. According to Segalowitz and Segalowitz (1993), automatization of L2 skills is
characterized by a qualitative shift (i.e., restructuring) in processing, rather than a mere
speed-up of the existing routine. For instance, language learners may initially engage in
a costly process of linking L2 forms with L1 translation equivalents during L2
comprehension, and this L1-translation route could become more efficient with practice.
However, this practiced L1-translation route will still be less efficient than a direct L2
lexical semantic route (without the mediation of L1 translation), which can be established
with the kind of practice that strengthens within-L2 meaning connection and supports
automatization ( Jiang, 2000; Kroll & Stewart, 1994). Similarly, while faster grammar
processing may involve speeding up of declarative knowledge use (e.g., applying
metalinguistic knowledge of rules), automatized (more stable) grammar processing would
primarily rely on procedural knowledge with diminished access to declarative knowledge.
One method used to assess the change in the stability and efficiency of
processing that indexes restructuring is to calculate the coefficient of variability/ variation
of a person’s RT (CV or CVRT), which is computed by dividing a person’s standard
deviation (SD) of RT by that person’s mean RT (Segalowitz & Segalowitz, 1993). This
measure has been utilized to study the extent to which learners automatize their L2 lexical
(e.g., Elgort, 2011; Elgort & Warren, 2014; Hui, 2021; Hulstijn et al., 2009) and
grammatical and syntactic processing skills (e.g., Hui & Godfroid, 2020; Hulstijn et al.,
2009; Lim & Godfroid, 2015; Suzuki & Sunada, 2018).
There are several types of behavioral online tasks used to measure automaticity
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and automatization in L2 studies. Next, we present four such online task types: (a)
judgment task (with or without priming); (b) matching task; (c) self-paced and word-
monitoring task; and (d) reading and listening comprehension task (with eye-tracking).
Judgement task. Judgment tasks require learners to make a judgment/ decision
about a spoken or written linguistic stimulus; for example, lexical decision (word/non-
word), semantic decision (animate/inanimate), and grammaticality judgment
(acceptable/unacceptable). The lexical decision task is probably the most commonly used
task in assessing automaticity of access to lexical knowledge. In this task, participants
read a sequence of letters or listen to a sequence of sounds and decide whether what they
see or hear is a word (e.g., violin) or not a word (e.g., somer). They are instructed to make
decisions as accurately and quickly as possible. This task requires participants to access
lexical representations in the language (or languages) specified by the task. RT data is
collected from many trials for each learner, and from many learners, because individual
responses in such tasks (especially those of L2 participants) tend to vary. In addition,
because the accuracy threshold for inclusion in the analysis is usually set high (e.g., 90
95% accuracy), L2 studies tend to require more participants than L1 studies. These studies
are usually comparative, with RTs compared for different groups of participants and/or
different types of stimuli. Shorter RT (i.e., faster decisions) may indicate more automatic
L2 lexical processing and higher-quality lexical knowledge (e.g., Xu et al., 2014).
In L2 grammar research, acceptability (grammaticality) judgment tasks are
commonly used to assess grammatical knowledge. In this task, participants make a
judgment whether a presented sentence is grammatical or ungrammatical. While RT is
the main outcome variable of interest when assessing automaticity of lexicality decisions,
accuracy rates of acceptability judgments are often taken as an indicator of quality of L2
grammatical knowledge representations. However, because learners can use their
metalinguistic knowledge and strategies to provide correct responses if sufficient time is
available, acceptability judgment tasks that measure automaticity must be performed
under time pressure. In a recent methodological review of acceptability judgment task,
however, Plonsky et al. (2020) found that the quality of knowledge (e.g., automaticity,
knowledge type: explicit/implicit, declarative/procedural) was not explicitly discussed in
the majority of studies employing acceptability judgment task (76% out of 302 studies).
On the other hand, some researchers argue that when an acceptability judgment task
imposes time pressure on each item response, its accuracy score may indicate automatized
processing (or implicit knowledge; see Godfroid et al., 2015). In addition to time pressure,
using auditory (as opposed to visual) stimuli is more likely to render an acceptability
judgment task as a measure of automatization (and use of implicit knowledge).
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Priming. Priming manipulations are used in conjunction with different tasks,
most commonly the lexical decision task. In a primed lexical decision task (Figure 9.2),
the target (i.e., a stimulus to which decisions are made) is presented in the context of
another stimulus (prime), either related or unrelated to the target. In word-level processing
research, the relationship between the target (e.g., violin) and the prime could be semantic
(e.g., piano or play), or form-based (e.g., violent, viobin, violin), or morphological (e.g.,
violinist). Priming manipulations target specific knowledge components; form-priming,
for example, is typically used to examine formal-lexical representations, whereas
semantic priming is used to assess quality of the lexical semantic representations. In
priming experiments, high lexical quality (such as that in normal L1 lexical processing)
may result in inhibition, that is, slower responses in the priming condition compared with
the control condition (e.g., in form-priming; e.g., Davis & Lupker, 2006), or in facilitation,
that is, faster responses in the priming condition compared with the control condition (e.g.,
in semantic priming; e.g., McRae & Boisvert, 1998). Thus, L2 researchers can use primed
lexical decisions to probe different aspects of lexical representations and test which
instructional and learning activities lead to better quality of L2 knowledge (Elgort, 2011).
Experiments can be designed to minimize participants’ awareness of the prime, targeting
implicit processing without awareness, assumed to be automatic. For example, in masked
priming, participants may not even be aware of the presence of the prime presented for a
very short time (e.g., 5060 milliseconds) and preceded and followed by a mask (such as
Figure 9.2. Illustration of Primed Lexical Decision Task.
hash-signs or random letters, in visual experiments).
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Matching task. Although accuracy data from acceptability judgment tasks have
been commonly used in the research of grammar knowledge representation, in part due
to the influence from formal or generative approaches to SLA piano Participant makes a
lexical decision on the target word. violin Prime Target Semantic Orthographic Repetition
viobin Morphological violinist violin Control casual FIGURE 9.2 Illustration of primed
lexical decision task. (e.g., Plonsky et al., 2020), RT has also been used to investigate L2
grammar knowledge (e.g., Jiang, 2011). For instance, a matching task is a useful task in
which a participant is presented with a picture and chooses the correct sentence that
matches the event described in the picture. Unlike acceptability judgment tasks, only
grammatical sentences are typically used in matching tasks. RT and CV are used to gauge
the speed and stability of grammatical processing at the sentence level.
Self-paced and Word-Monitoring Tasks. Sensitivity to certain linguistic
phenomena (e.g., grammatical errors, pronoun resolution) has been studied using self-
paced reading and word-monitoring tasks, which examine automaticity of grammar
knowledge use in real-time sentence processing. In these tasks, slower RT is expected
when participants process a part of the sentence containing an anomaly, such as linguistic
(e.g., missing third-person s), syntactic (e.g., relative clause ambiguities) or semantic (e.g.,
meaning incongruencies) anomalies, relative to non-anomalous sentences. In this sense,
these tasks are similar to priming tasks because they compare RT on manipulated and
baseline (e.g., non-anomalous) trials.
In the self-paced reading task, participants read sentences, one word at a time,
pressing a keyboard key or response button to show the next word (Figure 9.3). After
each sentence, participants answer a comprehension question, to direct their attention to
meaning rather than form (i.e., reducing deliberate attention to linguistic errors). For
instance, participants read either (a) grammatical or (b) ungrammatical sentence
containing third-person s manipulations:
(a) The man wearing a T-shirt watch college basketball games.
(b) The man wearing a T-shirt watches college basketball games.
Comprehension question: Does the man watch baseball?
Participants are expected to read the critical word (and one or two subsequent words)
slower in Sentence (a) relative to Sentence (b), if they can detect the grammatical error
(i.e., missing third-person s). Because this online error detection (linked to slower RT) is
presumably enabled by robust morphosyntactic processing without voluntary control or
awareness, the online sensitivity to errors in this task may be considered to indicate
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ballistic and/or implicit processing. The difference in RT to the critical word(s) between
Sentence (a) and Sentence (b) reflects whether grammatical errors are automatically
Figure 9.3. Illustration of Self-Paced Reading Task and Word-Monitoring Task.
A similar rational applies to a word-monitoring task (Figure 9.3) where
participants listen to a sentence and press the keyboard button as soon as they hear the
word they are instructed to monitor (e.g., “college”). RT difference to the monitored word
(“college”) between (a) grammatical and (b) ungrammatical sentences is used as an index
of error sensitivity. Self-paced reading and word-monitoring tasks are used in different
strands of L2 research, including studies of automaticity (Marsden et al., 2018), and some
researchers have argued that these tasks may be used to assess automatized implicit
knowledge, minimizing the influence of explicit knowledge (e.g., Godfroid, 2016; Suzuki
& DeKeyser, 2017).
Reading and Listening Comprehension Tasks. One of the approaches used to study
comprehension in a natural way is recording eye movements during reading or listening.
Eye-tracking can be used to examine real-time lexical and morphosyntactic processing.
The use of such comprehension tasks with eye-tracking is relatively new in L2
automaticity research (e.g., Ling & Grüter, 2020; Suzuki & DeKeyser, 2017). Given the
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space limitation, although reading and listening comprehension studies with eye-tracking
were included in the current synthesis, their detailed analysis is outside the scope of this
chapter (see Godfroid, 2019a, for a comprehensive review).
Methodological Synthesis
Given the prominent importance of improving methodological rigor in the field of AL
and SLA (e.g., Gass et al., 2021), this study contributes to our understanding of research
on automaticity and automatization from a methodological perspective. While previous
methodological syntheses examined the use of single tasks measuring grammatical
knowledge and processing, such as acceptability judgment task (Plonsky et al., 2020) and
selfpaced reading task (Marsden et al., 2018), our synthesis focused on various types of
experimental tasks available for assessing automaticity and automatization. We
conducted a methodological synthesis and surveyed the measurements of automaticity
that are utilized in AL/SLA research. The following research questions (RQs) were
1. How much L2 research, focusing on automaticity and automatization, has been
published in AL and SLA journals?
2. What methods have been used to measure automaticity and automatization in
accessing L2 lexical and grammatical processing, in AL and SLA?
(a) What tasks and experimental paradigms have been used to study automaticity
and automatization?
(b) What behavioral measures of automaticity and automatization have been used
(e.g., accuracy, RT, CV, eye-movement data)?
(c) What software has been used to program and deliver the experimental tasks?
The first RQ aimed to identify the research domain of automatization and automaticity.
The second RQ focused on the tasks and approaches used to study automaticity and
automatization. Although empirical research on automaticity goes beyond lexical and
grammatical knowledge (RQ1), given the limited space, RQ2 focused on these two
linguistic domains, in which automaticity is most commonly studied (i.e., 80 out of 99
coded tasks, or 81%; with the remaining 19% covering other domains and skills such as
pragmatics and general reading speed).
Literature Search and Eligibility Criteria
We identified the body of primary research using two databases (Linguistics and
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Language Behavior Abstracts [LLBA] and Education Resources Information Center
[ERIC]) and the following 11 AL/SLA journals: Studies in Second Language Acquisition,
Language Learning, Second Language Research, Language Teaching Research, The
Modern Language Journal, System, TESOL Quarterly, International Journal of Applied
Linguistics, International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, Annual
Review of Applied Linguistics, and Language Teaching. Although empirical research on
automaticity has also been published in psycholinguistic journals, such as Applied
Psycholinguistics and Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, we focused on the AL and
SLA databases and the journals in the analysis presented in this chapter. Other sources
such as book chapters, theses, and conference papers were excluded. The data collection
started in June 2021 and was completed in September 2021.
We used the following keywords (full text search) to locate target research
(“second language” OR “foreign language” OR L2 OR FL) AND (Automatization OR
Automaticity OR Automatisation OR Automatized OR Automatised OR “coefficient of
variation” OR “coefficient of variance” OR “coefficient of variability” OR CVRT) OR
(“reaction time” OR RT OR latenc OR “reading time” OR “response time”) NOT
(“speaking fluency”) NOT (“writing fluency”)
These searches resulted in 2167 hits. After eliminating duplicates, the following five
inclusion criteria were applied:
1. Only empirical studies (i.e., cross-sectional, longitudinal, and intervention research)
were included; theoretical and meta-analysis articles were excluded.
2. Only studies investigating receptive knowledge and skills were included; studies
examining productive knowledge and skills were excluded.
3. Studies investigating automaticity in the linguistic knowledge domain(s) of
phonology, lexis, grammar, and pragmatics, and in relation to reading or listening
skills were included.
4. Studies using time-based measures of language processing (e.g., RT, eye-movement)
were included. Tasks were also included when accuracy was used as the main
measure of automaticity of knowledge and processing. As the focus of this synthesis
is on behavioral measurements, EEG and fMRI studies were excluded.
5. Only studies that contained an explicit claim to investigating automatization or
automaticity in a second language were included. Specifically; (a) the title or abstract
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indicates the motivation of research is to examine automatization; (b) a claim about
studying automatization or automaticity is made in the literature review and/or
research questions or goals, or (c) the measurements are explicitly tied to the concept
of automatization (e.g., in the method section). When one of these criteria (a) (c) is
met, the discussion section was checked to ensure that the study findings were
interpreted in relation to automatization/automaticity. Studies presenting an ad-hoc
interpretation related to automaticity in the discussion section only were excluded.
The original sample was reduced to a total of 115 articles that met the first four
criteria. These articles were further checked using criterion 5 to establish whether or not
they explicitly identified automaticity or automatization as a dependent/outcome variable.
A total of 69 out of 115 articles explicitly indicated that they measured automatization.
Studies that claimed to investigate the development of procedural knowledge in the
literature review section, but did not explicitly claim to measure automatization or
automaticity in the subsequent sections were excluded (e.g., Li & DeKeyser, 2017). We
also excluded several cases where automaticity was only mentioned in the discussion
section, as a way of interpreting the findings, but not used as one of the main constructs
investigated in the study. For instance, we did not include Hopp (2013), which attributed
differences in the findings (i.e., patterns of online processing by L2 and L1 speakers) to
less automatized processing of L2 learners in the discussion section. These strict selection
criteria allowed us to zoom in on the target research domain, i.e., L2 tasks that are
specifically tailored to examine and measure automatization and automaticitythe target
construct in the article.
For the selected studies, we coded the following characteristics: (a) target linguistic
domain (lexical [including the processing of formal-lexical and lexical semantic
representations], grammatical [including morphological and syntactic processing],
[pragmatics, reading, listening skills]); (b) task; (c) task modality (auditory, visual,
bimodal); (d) dependent measures (RT, CV, eye-movement measures); and (e) software.
The coding scheme was developed through an iterative coding and discussion process
The coding result for Criterion 5 initially diverged between the two authors. The first
author flagged 46 articles that were difficult to provide a clear-cut code. The second
author checked all those 46 articles. Any discrepancies that arose were discussed and
resolved in the end.
We found no studies that focused on phonology at the pre-lexical processing level.
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between the authors, with documented additions and refinement of original definitions.
Findings and Discussion from the Methodological Synthesis
Research Domain on Automatization and Automaticity (RQ1)
Of the 69 articles, 55 targeted lexical or grammatical knowledge domains (see
supplementary materials for the list of all studies). This suggests that the majority (80%)
of L2 studies on automatization focused on some aspects of lexical and/or grammatical
knowledge. In the 55 articles, 80 experimental tasks were reported.3 These tasks were
used to tap a wide range of aspects in lexical knowledge that are used in word-level
processing, that is, knowledge of form and meaning (e.g., Elgort, 2011; Ling & Grüter,
2020; Solovyeva & DeKeyser, 2018), morphology (e.g., Li et al., 2017), formulaic
sequences, such as collocations (e.g., Sonbul & Schmitt, 2013) and idioms (e.g., Carrol
et al., 2016). Grammatical structures targeted in the articles ranged from verbal inflections
(e.g., Rodgers, 2011), morphosyntactic structures, such as case-marking, gender marking,
tense-aspect-mood system (e.g., Roberts & Liszka, 2013; Suzuki & DeKeyser, 2017;
Vafaee et al., 2017), and syntactic structures such as wh-movement and filler-gap
dependencies (e.g., Dekydtspotter & Miller, 2013).
Notably, in SLA research, automaticity was often tied to a specific type of
knowledge, such as “automatic competence” ( Jiang, 2007), “automatized explicit
knowledge” (Suzuki & DeKeyser, 2017), “non-declarative knowledge” (Obermeier &
Elgort, 2021), “tacit knowledge” (Elgort & Warren, 2014), and “implicit knowledge”
(Godfroid et al., 2015; Sonbul & Schmitt, 2013). Notwithstanding these varied constructs
stemming from theoretical orientations of the researchers and study domains,
automaticity was often considered in association with aspects in L2 knowledge in SLA
research, rather than exclusively in terms of processing or skill.
Table 9.1 presents the number of articles in AL/SLA journals. More than half of the
articles were published in Language Learning and Studies in Second Language
Acquisition (32 out of 55). The absolute number of articles on automatization has
increased over the three decades: 19902000 (n = 9), 20012010 (n = 12), and 2011
2021 (n = 34). Since the number of articles published in these journals also increased
during the last three decades, we looked at the proportion of articles investigating
automaticity and automatization by decade: 19902000 (0.17%), 20012010 (0.19%),
and 20112021 (0.50%); this confirmed the observed increase.
Table 9.1. The number of articles in AL/SLA journals (N = 55)
17 / 33
Number of articles
Language Learning
Studies in Second Language Acquisition
Second Language Research
The Modern Language Journal
International Review of Applied Linguistics
in Language Teaching
Language Teaching Research
TESOL Quarterly
Tasks for Measuring Automaticity of Lexical and Grammatical Processing
Before providing an in-depth discussion of the tasks used to test automaticity of
lexical and grammatical processing, we highlight the most notable imbalance for the
modality of the tasks. Visual tasks represented 80% of all tasks. Out of 34 lexical
knowledge tasks, 30 tasks were visual (88%), with only two auditory and two bimodal
tasks. Out of 46 grammatical knowledge tasks, 34 tasks were visual task (78%). This bias
indicates a gap in existing research on automatization in L2. This is surprising since
automatic access to L2 knowledge is even morecritical in listening than in reading, due
to the fleeting nature of connected speech. There is a clear need to address this gap by
using auditory processing tasks in research on automaticity.
Table 9.2 presents tasks used to measure automaticity in lexical (k = 34) and grammatical
knowledge (k = 46). For lexical knowledge, almost all tasks (30/34 = 88%) were
categorized as judgment4 tasks, either primed or unprimed, and were, in most cases, either
lexical decision or semantic judgment (e.g., animate/inanimate, L1 translation accuracy).
Table 2. Tasks used to Assess Automaticity in Lexical and Grammatical Knowledge (k =
Lexical Knowledge &
Word-level processing
Grammar &
Sentence level processing
- Lexicality (k = 8)
- Acceptability (k = 13)*
- Semantic (k = 7)
- Semantic (k = 1)
- Spoken Written Word-form
18 / 33
Mapping (k = 1)
Primed Judgement
- Lexicality (k = 14)
Self-paced Reading
Reading Comprehension with Eye-
Listening Comprehension with Eye-
*Two studies combined acceptability judgement tasks and eye-tracking technique
(Clahsen, Balkhair, Schutter, & Cunnings, 2013; Godfroid et al., 2015).
A spokenwritten word-form mapping task (k = 1) stands out among the
judgment tasks. In this task, a visual presentation of a Chinese character (word) was
followed by a visual presentation of a pinyin, accompanied by its sound. Participants were
instructed to decide whether the pinyin and sound represented the correct pronunciation
of the visually presented character (Xu et al., 2014). The goal of the task was to evaluate
phonological representations at the word processing level. This example shows how
researchers can be creative in devising experimental tasks to tap into aspects of lexical
knowledge in a fine-grained manner.
Different types of priming were combined with the lexical decision task to
investigate automaticity: semantic priming (k=5), morphological priming (k=4), form-
priming (k =3), repetition-priming (k=1), and collocation priming (k=1). Interestingly,
we did not find studies that used primed semantic judgment tasks in our analysis, yet, in
psycholinguistic research primed semantic judgment tasks (such as semantic relatedness,
categorization, and sense judgments) are relatively common (e.g., Finkbeiner et al., 2004).
Furthermore, we did not find studies testing sublexical processing (e.g.,
grapheme or phoneme decoding, or grapheme-phoneme mapping). This is somewhat
surprising, because automatization of decoding is highly desirable and the quality of
phonological representations can be probed by speech perception tasks (e.g., AX
discrimination task). Instead, in SLA, researchers investigating automaticity are primarily
interested in directly measuring the word-level and sentence-level processing. However,
it may be useful to isolate the decoding processing as a sublexical process and measure
its automaticity, because inefficiencies at the sublexical decoding stage may be the cause
19 / 33
of disfluent word-level or/and sentence-level processing. This gap may be specific to the
AL and SLA automatization research, as automatic sublexical processing and decoding
are investigated in L1 reading studies (e.g., Hasenäcker & Schroeder, 2022).
For assessment of grammatical knowledge, acceptability judgment task and self-
paced reading task were used frequently (see the detailed discussion of acceptability
judgment task in the next section). The self-paced reading task has been the most common
tool to study automaticity, which is consistent with a recent methodological synthesis of
self-paced reading task by Marsden et al. (2018). Their synthesis revealed that the most
common rationale for using self-paced reading in L2 research was measuring automatic
knowledge or automaticity. Furthermore, the popularity of self-paced reading mirrors the
skewed usage of visual modality in this synthesis (80%).
We identified four kinds of tasks exclusively used for grammar knowledge
assessment. A matching task is a useful procedure where RT to select the right picture
(and CV in some cases) is used as an index of automaticity. This task is versatile, as the
modality of sentence presentation could be either auditory (k = 3) or visual (k = 4), or
possibly bimodal; it is straightforward to compute RT (as well as CV), requiring no
subtraction of RT in one condition from that in other condition.
The word-monitoring task is a promising task proposed as a measure of implicit
knowledge in SLA (e.g., see Suzuki et al., 2023 for neural evidence), and it was less
commonly used than the self-paced reading task but more often than self-paced listening
task. Given the aural modality of word-monitoring task, it a useful tool to examine
automaticity in aural skills. Although the selfpaced listening task was also used as a
measure of implicit knowledge in de Jong’s (2005) research, this task has not been used
in relation to automaticity since 2005. The infrequent use of self-paced listening is also
reported in Jiang’s (2011) review in L2 psycholinguistic research. One possible reason is
the difficulty and labor-intensive nature of preparing stimuli (e.g., each word needs to be
carefully edited out from a sentence).
The fill-in-the-blank task, conducted under time-pressure, was used by Suzuki
and DeKeyser (2017) as a measure of automatized explicit knowledge. In this task,
participants were asked to fill in the target grammatical structure in a gapped sentence as
quickly as possible.
Our analysis also revealed asymmetries in the use of tasks for measuring lexical
and grammar knowledge. Three out of the first five tasks (semantic judgment task, primed
judgment task, and self-paced reading task) showed the skewed frequency of usage in
lexical versus grammatical knowledge studies. While semantic judgment task was
primarily used to study lexical knowledge and processing, it was used once as a grammar
20 / 33
test (Paciorek & Williams, 2015). Paciorek and Williams (2015) asked learners to classify
sentences by type of change (increase versus decrease), but indirectly assessed their
sensitivity to the semantic preferences of novel verbs (whether the verb took abstract or
concrete collocates). This indirect elicitation of the target knowledge is similar to the
approach used in self-paced reading and word-monitoring tasks where the researcher asks
L2 learners to focus on meaning but are interested in assessing their sensitivity to
grammatical anomaly, measured by RT difference (see literature review). Paciorek and
William’s task is a useful addition to the researchers’ tool box of grammar tests.
Priming paradigms are more likely to be used in studies of lexical knowledge,
whereas self-paced reading task is frequently used to assess grammatical knowledge.
Self-paced reading was used only once in the domain of lexical knowledge (Obermeier
& Elgort, 2021) to measure participants’ ability to access figurative meanings of newly
learned L2 collocations (e.g., throw in the towel) in sentence reading, offering a more
ecologically valid measure of lexical quality. A priming paradigm was deployed to
examine the processing of L2 English wh-dependencies in Dekydtspotter and Miller
(2013). In this task, participants read a sentence word by word, while classifying a picture
as animate or not. These rare cases show some creative ideas for tailoring tasks to assess
automaticity in L2 processing, associated with different knowledge domains.
Dependent Measures (RQ2b)
Table 9.3 summarizes the dependent variables used in the studies identified in
this synthesis. Accuracy rate was used as the sole dependent variable (with no other
measures) in four acceptability judgment tasks and one fill-in-the-blank task conducted
under time pressure.
Table 9.3. Dependent Measure of the Tasks
(RT difference = 15)
(RT difference = 23)
When the accuracy rate was used as an indicator of automaticity in acceptability
judgement tasks, imposing time pressure (i.e., learners were instructed to make a
judgement as quickly as possible) or setting a time limit per item was used in 64% of the
tasks (7 out of 11 tasks, excluding one task with eye-tracking). Only two tasks (18%)
utilized auditory stimuli. This disproportionate use of the visual judgement mode is
consistent with a recent comprehensive methodological synthesis of acceptability
21 / 33
judgement task (Plonsky et al., 2020).
Table 9.4. Task Parameter and Dependent Variable in Acceptability (Grammaticality)
Judgement Task
Dependent Measure
Task Parameters
Accuracy Only
Auditory, Time-pressured
Visual, Timed
Accuracy and RT
Visual, Time-pressured
Visual, Untimed
Visual, Not reported
Although, theoretically, it would be difficult to justify the use of the visual
acceptability judgment task without the time pressure as a measure of automaticity (k =
2), RT has been interpreted alongside the accuracy data (n = 7), as illustrated in Table 9.4.
In the earlier work (Robinson & Ha, 1993; Robinson, 1997), RTs from acceptability
judgment tasks were compared between different conditions (e.g., trained versus new
items). Robinson and his colleague used RT as an indicator of processing speed of
grammatical rules for familiar (trained) and novel (untrained) sentences, which may be
an interesting avenue to pursue to study the nature of automaticity. Although this
approach has rarely been used in the field since, RT in acceptability judgments was
utilized in more recent studies to examine “solidity of the knowledge” ( Jung, 2015) and
“monitored processing” (Lado et al., 2014). Nonetheless, because there is individual
variability in RT that is not solely due to the processing of the target grammatical structure
(e.g., due to individual reading speed or quality of lexical knowledge), RT may only
partially reflect automatic processing of target grammatical structure. In order to directly
measure RT of target grammatical processing, for instance, Andringa et al. (2012)
developed an acceptability judgment task in which the start of each sentence was short
(three to four words), reducing the influence of (general) sentence reading speed.
Our analysis showed that RT was widely used in both lexical and grammatical
knowledge domains, but CV was primarily used in lexical decision tasks, both unprimed
(k = 8) and primed (k = 4). CV as a measure of automaticity was under-utilized in
assessing grammatical knowledge: it was computed only in studies that used matching
task as a test of grammar knowledge (Ammar, 2008; Rodgers, 2011). The CV analyses
corroborated corrective feedback advantage in Ammar’s (2008) study and development
of grammar knowledge from beginner to advanced levels in Rodgers’ (2011) study.
Echoing Godfroid’s (2019b) call for utilizing CV in vocabulary research, we emphasize
22 / 33
the importance of examining and reporting CV in grammar knowledge tests. This would
not necessitate any additional data collection, because “once researchers have obtained
RT data, they basically get the CVRT measure for free” (Godfroid, 2019b, p. 448).
About half of the tasks (k = 38 out of 68) used RT difference (rather than absolute
RTs) to index automaticity (see literature review section). This approach was used in 15
primed lexical decision tasks and 23 tasks assessment of grammar knowledge, including
self-paced reading (e.g., Roberts & Liszka, 2013), self-paced listening (de Jong, 2005),
word-monitoring (e.g., Suzuki & DeKeyser, 2017), semantic judgment (Paciorek &
Williams, 2015), and matching (de Jong, 2005).
Experiment Software (RQ2c)
Of 80 tasks, the top three programs used to code and present experiments were
DMDX (20), E-prime (17), and SuperLab (3). Experiments probing lexical knowledge
were programmed more frequently with E-prime than DMDX (k = 12 versus 7,
respectively), whereas the opposite was observed for grammatical knowledge (k = 5
versus 13). The rest of programs/software (e.g., PsychoPy, Linger, Ibex Farm) were used
only once. Some programs, such as Hypercard, used until early 2000, have been
discontinued. No software information was reported in 13 articles. In eye-movement
experiments, EyeLink (5), SMI RED eye-tracker (1), and Tobii (1) were used.
Methodological Guidelines
In this section, we present guidelines on how to select experimental tasks for
assessing automaticity in studies of L2 lexical and grammatical processing and
knowledge (see, e.g., Jiang, 2011, for a technical guide for programming and
implementing the computerized tasks that were identified in this survey).
For tasks measuring automaticity, researchers should first give careful consideration to
the target construct. Automaticity is multifaceted; researchers should devise a task that
can capture specific aspect(s) of automaticity (speed, stability, and/or consciousness). A
direct method of assessing automaticity in studies of grammar is to use picturesentence
matching tasks and compute RT and CV, which correspond to speed and stability of
processing, respectively. Certainly, using both RT and CV (reflecting speed and
efficiency of sentencelevel, morphosyntactic processing) is recommended for assessing
automatized grammatical knowledge more comprehensively. A caveat is that the validity
of CV as a measure of automaticity is still under debate (e.g., Hui, 2020; Hulstijn et al.,
2009; Lim & Godfroid, 2015; Solovyeva & DeKeyser, 2018). More empirical studies
should be conducted to scrutinize the utility of CV for capturing automaticity in L2
23 / 33
Exemplary Study for Vocabulary
Hui, B. (2020). Processing variability in intentional and incidental word learning: An
extension of Solovyeva and Dekeyser (2018). Studies in Second Language Acquisition,
42(2), 327-357.
An important contribution to research on automatization of lexical knowledge (as
measured by CV) has been made by Hui’s 2020 article. Hui’s research went beyond
measuring automatization at a single point in time in the course of learning by
examining the trajectory of CV changes during initial word learning stages. Another
important contribution of this paper was its attempt to extend the use of the CV measure
of automatization beyond decontextualized deliberate learning and beyond response-
based behavioral experiments.
In study one, Hui conducted a deliberate word learning experiment and obtained CV
measures on multiple testing sessions (blocks) over time, aiming to build a longitudinal
picture of changes from the no-knowledge stage, through acquisition of declarative and
procedural knowledge, to automatization. The CV was calculated using RT data on
correct responses in a sematic judgment task, where participants categorized target
(Swahili) words as animate or inanimate. A clear item inclusion criterion was applied
prior to the analysis (i.e., 80% accuracy on the final test). The researcher also made an
important empirically motivated decision to fit statistical models with the test-block,
as a primary-interest predictor, without assuming that the CV would reduce in a linear
manner. This made it possible to establish that the CV changes across participants
followed an inverted U-shaped trajectory, with an initial increase in variability
followed by a decrease, signaling increased automatization toward the end of the
Hui also conducted a re-analysis of the eye-movement data from a previously published
reading study (Elgort et al., 2018), calculating CV on the first 12 occurrences of low-
frequency words. In eye-tracking studies, an important methodological decision is
which measures to include in the analysis. In this study, the selection of two early
processing measures for the CV analysis (i.e., first-fixation duration and gaze duration)
was motivated by the need to reduce the amount of controlled, strategic processing,
bringing them in line with the RT data obtained in judgment tasks performed under
time pressure.
Automatized grammatical knowledge often comes with different theoretical
labels such as implicit knowledge, procedural knowledge, and automatized explicit
knowledge. However, out of seven matching tasks identified in this survey, their
measures (RT and/or CV) were not explicitly linked to any of these theoretical constructs
(e.g., Rodgers, 2011; DeKeyser, 1997; cf. de Jong, 2005, which expressed a more nuanced
stance). A different type of task is usually employed to scrutinize different types of
grammatical knowledge. For instance, if researchers are interested in assessing implicit
knowledge, the task should be designed to limit opportunities to access and use explicit
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knowledge. In order to minimize access to explicit knowledge, tasks need to meet two
criteria (see Suzuki & DeKeyser, 2017): (a) focus on meaning and (b) real-time sentence
processing. The tasks in this synthesis that meet these two requirements are real-time
grammar comprehension tasks such as self-paced reading and word-monitoring tasks, as
well as semantic judgment tasks devised by Paciorek and Williams (2015), and reading/
listening comprehension with eye-tracking task. RT difference was used in these tasks to
capture the sensitivity to ungrammaticality, and the tasks are accompanied by the
comprehension questions and direct participants’ attention away from linguistic forms
(hence, minimizing the conscious application of explicit knowledge). It is also useful to
assess the awareness of participants via retrospective verbal report if automaticity is
assessed with regard to “lack of awareness” (see Godfroid, 2016, in Exemplary Study).
Exemplary Study for Grammar
Godfroid, A. (2016). The effects of implicit instruction on implicit and explicit
knowledge development. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 38(2), 177-215.
This study investigated to what extent listening to auditory input containing target
grammatical structure leads to the acquisition of automatized (implicit) knowledge.
Thirty-eight upper-intermediate L2 German learners in the U.S. processed 144 spoken
sentences containing a difficult morphological structure (vowel-changing verbs) and
matched them to the correct pictures. No rule explanation or instruction to search rules
was provided during the treatment or testing. Two types of outcomes tests were used:
(a) word-monitoring task as a measure of automatized knowledge and (b) controlled
oral production as a measure of non-automatized, productive knowledge. Most of the
learners (33 out of 38) could not report the ungrammatical verbs in the input flood,
suggesting that their learning took place without awareness. Regardless of awareness
status, they developed sensitivity to ungrammatical sentences in the word-monitoring
task, as indicated by significantly slower RT for ungrammatical over grammatical
sentences. While their receptive skills were automatized, as evidenced by the word-
monitoring task, the development of productive knowledge was limited. Only learners
with some prior knowledge of target structure tended to show improvement of
productive knowledge. Input-rich listening treatment facilitated automatization of
grammatical structures in receptive mode.
If the strict operationalization of lack of awareness” is unnecessary for the
purpose of the study, an acceptability judgment task may suffice to assess automaticity in
many situations. Although acceptability judgment tasks under time pressure and auditory
modality may draw on explicit knowledge to some extent, it can measure automatized
explicit knowledge (e.g., Vafaee et al., 2017; cf. Godfroid et al., 2015). While time
pressure may be less stringent to limit the use of explicit knowledge, setting the time limit
(e.g., the average native speakers’ RT plus 20%) may be too stringent. A recent study
25 / 33
suggests that imposing a time limit can disrupt the basic language processing before
making any judgment by not only L2 but also L1 speakers (Maie & Godfroid, 2022). It
may thus be most judicious to use time pressure (rather than time limit) in acceptability
judgment tasks (preferably auditory modality) to assess the degree of automaticity in
grammatical knowledge, while avoiding the discussion of (non)consciousness of
language processing.
When examining L2 morphosyntactic processing, researchers should be mindful
of the efficiency of lower-level processing. For instance, lexical knowledge (deployed for
decoding and word-level processing) influences the performance of grammatical
knowledge tasks. In order to check the validity of the tasks (i.e., to what extent task
performance stems from participants’ grammatical knowledge, relatively independently
from lexical knowledge), it is useful to administer a lexical task to assess the knowledge
of lexical items from the grammar task (see Maie & Godfroid, 2022, for further
In this methodological synthesis, two types of the judgment task were prevalent
in studies of lexical knowledge and processinga lexical decision (primed and
unprimed) and semantic judgment. The choice of the task depends on the domain of
interest. Both lexical and semantic judgment tasks require access to formal-lexical
representations (i.e., recognition of wordforms, either spoken or written) and lexical
semantic representations (i.e., retrieval of meanings). However, the lexical decision task
(e.g., “is hive a word?”) does not necessarily require deep processing of meaning
(Grainger & Jacobs, 1996). Therefore, researchers interested in automaticity of semantic
processing need to either combine semantic priming with lexical decisions, or use
semantic judgment tasks (e.g., semantic categorization or semantic relatedness tasks).
Because L2 speakers are more strategic in their approach to experimental tasks
and often prioritize accuracy over fluency, studying automatization is more challenging
in L2 than in L1. Therefore, experimental instructions need to explicitly emphasize
response speed, cautioning against overthinking, and participants should be given ample
pre-experiment practice opportunities. Strategic processing, characteristic of L2
participants’ task behavior, can also be reduced by using priming; particularly, masked
priming, where the prime is masked and presented very briefly. Thus, when primes are
presented subliminally, participants are completely unaware of the relationship between
primes and 9781032539904_pi-282.indd 227 16-Jun-23 4.32.25 PM 228 Yuichi Suzuki
and Irina Elgort targets, making it possible to attribute the priming effect to automatic
activation of specific knowledge components. Using priming in studies of automaticity
also reduces unwanted RT variability, compared with unprimed tasks. This is because, in
26 / 33
priming studies, researchers compare differences in RTs to the same target, under primed
and unprimed (control) conditions. For instance, RTs to “violin” (target) preceded by
“piano” (related prime) are compared with RTs to “violin” preceded by “casual”
(unrelated prime). This priming paradigm thus allows researchers to test automatization
in L2 processing, while minimizing unwanted variability caused by the L2 participants’
knowledge of individual words. However, when designing priming experiments,
researchers should carefully consider the characteristics of their experiential stimuli that
affect lexical processing (e.g., word-form frequency, bigram frequency, orthographic and
semantic neighborhood, pronounceability, word length, concreteness, imageability; see
Balota et al., 2006).
In order to understand the body of AL and SLA research on automaticity, we
conducted an initial methodological synthesis of tasks and measurements that have been
used in the last three decades (19902021). This synthesis identified 34 lexical tasks and
46 grammatical tasks developed for assessing automaticity, which we categorized further
into nine task types and coded for their measurements (accuracy, RT, CV). The findings
indicated a paucity of research in several domains. First and foremost, despite the tight
connection between processing automaticity and auditory input, visual modality was
predominant, particularly in assessing automaticity in the domain of lexical knowledge.
Another important finding is the imbalance in the frequency of task use in studies of
lexical and grammatical knowledge. While self-paced reading was primarily used to
measure grammar knowledge, a semantic judgment task and priming were primarily used
to measure lexical knowledge. These tasks have the potential to be used to examine both
lexical and grammatical processing; future empirical research should explore cross-
domain application of different experimental tasks, especially when automaticity in both
linguistic domains is considered to support L2 processing. Although most tasks identified
in the synthesis originate from L1 psycholinguistic research, they were adopted creatively
by L2 researchers to investigate automaticity in L2 knowledge and processing. The
current study focused on tasks in the lexical and grammatical studies published in
AL/SLA journals; nevertheless, the current synthesis could be used as a basis for future
syntheses that could extend the scope to tasks used to assess automaticity in other
knowledge domains and in studies published in psycholinguistic journals.
Exercises on developing experimental tasks (see Supplementary Materials for
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1. Elgort (2011) investigated the quality of lexical knowledge of L2 vocabulary items
learned using flashcards. After the learning phase, participants completed three
primed lexical decision tasks (form-priming, repetition-priming, and semantic
priming), in which the studied vocabulary items were used as primes. Explain why
these items were used as primes (not as targets) in these tasks.
2. Self-paced reading is rarely used to examine automaticity in lexical processing. One
exception is Obermeier and Elgort (2021). Explain why the researchers chose this
task to assess the processing of recently learned figurative phrases.
3. In order to assess automaticity in grammatical knowledge using an acceptability
judgment task, what experimental parameters do you need to pay attention to?
4. There are different types of comprehension-based tasks for assessing automaticity in
grammatical knowledge such as semantic judgement, self-paced reading, and word-
monitoring tasks. It may be difficult to test all kinds of morphosyntactic structures in
a language. Think of several grammatical features that can be tested using these
comprehension-based tasks.
Supplementary Materials
To view the supplementary materials, visit the following link:
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morphosyntax. Language Teaching Research, 12, 183210.
Andringa, S., Olsthoorn, N., van Beuningen, C., Schoonen, R., & Hulstijn, J. (2012).
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28 / 33
from novice to expert. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 19, 551.
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Psycholinguistics, 27, 342.
Clahsen, H., Balkhair, L., Schutter, J.-S., & Cunnings, I. (2013). The time course of
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lexical inhibition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and
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de Jong, N. (2005). Can second language grammar be learned through listening? An
experimental study. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 27, 205234.
DeKeyser, R. M. (1997). Beyond explicit rule learning: Automatizing second language
morphosyntax. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 19, 195221.
DeKeyser, R. M. (2001). Automaticity and automatization. In P. Robinson (Ed.),
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University Press.
DeKeyser, R. M. (2009). Cognitive-psychological processes in second language learning.
In H. M. Long & C. J. Doughty (Eds.), The Handbook of Language Teaching (pp.
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DeKeyser, R. M. (2017). Knowledge and skill in ISLA. In S. Loewen & M. Sato (Eds.),
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Dekydtspotter, L., & Miller, A. K. (2013). Inhibitive and facilitative priming induced by
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Elgort, I. (2011). Deliberate learning and vocabulary acquisition in a second language.
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Elgort, I., & Warren, P. (2014). L2 vocabulary learning from reading: Explicit and tacit
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Elgort, I., Brysbaert, M., Stevens, M., & Van Assche, E. (2018). Contextual word learning
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Field, J. (2013). Cognitive validity. In A. Geranpaye & L. Taylor (Eds.), Examining
29 / 33
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Godfroid, A. (2016). The effects of implicit instruction on implicit and explicit
knowledge development. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 38, 177215.
Godfroid, A. (2019a). Eye Tracking in Second Language Acquisition and Bilingualism:
A Research Synthesis and Methodological Guide. Routledge.
Godfroid, A. (2019b). Sensitive measures of vocabulary knowledge and processing:
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