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++ Ph.D. Research Scholar;
# Chief Scientist and Associate Director of Research;
† Assistant Professor;
‡ Associate Professor;
*Corresponding author: E-mail:;
Int. J. Plant Soil Sci., vol. 35, no. 19, pp. 1015-1023, 2023
International Journal of Plant & Soil Science
Volume 35, Issue 19, Page 1015-1023, 2023; Article no.IJPSS.102723
ISSN: 2320-7035
Effect of Inorganic Fertilizers and
Organic Manures on Physical
Properties of Soil: A Review
N. S. Titirmare a++*, N. J. Ranshur b#, A. H. Patil c†, S. R. Patil a‡
and P. B. Margal a++
a Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Post Graduate Institute, Mahatma Phule
Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri, Ahmednagar, 413722, Maharashtra, India.
b Zonal Agriculture Research Station, Solapur, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri,
Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India.
c Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, L.M.K. College of Agriculture, Kadegaon,
Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India.
Authors’ contributions
This work was carried out in collaboration among all authors. All authors read and approved the final
Article Information
DOI: 10.9734/IJPSS/2023/v35i193638
Open Peer Review History:
This journal follows the Advanced Open Peer Review policy. Identity of the Reviewers, Editor(s) and additional Reviewers,
peer review comments, different versions of the manuscript, comments of the editors, etc are available here:
Received: 12/05/2023
Accepted: 18/07/2023
Published: 30/08/2023
Deterioration of physical properties of soil and there after depletion the soil fertility are the main
constrains in food and environment security of any country. This review paper summarizes the
current knowledge and information on the effect of inorganic fertilizers and organic manures on soil
physical properties. The use of inorganic fertilizer or organic fertilizer alone has both positive and
negative effects on soil properties, plant growth and nutrient availability. Most of earlier
Review Article
Titirmare et al.; Int. J. Plant Soil Sci., vol. 35, no. 19, pp. 1015-1023, 2023; Article no.IJPSS.102723
investigators confirmed that combined application of inorganic fertilizers and organic manures
improved the physical properties and available nutrient status in soils. Organic manures improve
physical properties of soil but they are comparatively low in nutrient content, addition of larger
quantity of manures is required for successful plant growth. However, inorganic fertilizers is contain
all the essential nutrients which are early accessible for plants. Due to continuous use of inorganic
fertilizers alone causes soil organic matter degradation, soil acidity or alkalization, soil deterioration
and environmental pollution, so integrated or mixed inorganic and organic nutrient management
system is an alternative system for the sustainable and cost effective management of soil and the
result is improve in soil properties and raising soil fertility without affecting environment. The
objective of the review is to assess the effect of inorganic fertilizer and organic manure on physical
properties of soil. The study revealed that appropriate application of inorganic fertilizers with
organic manures improves soil physical properties and increases the productivity without negative
effect on soil health than the values obtained by organic or inorganic fertilizers separately.
Keywords: Inorganic fertilizers; organic manures; physical properties.
The long-term field experiments are considered
to be the most practical approach for assessing
the sustainability of farming practices. In India,
long-term fertilizer experiments conducted over
several years have provided valuable insights
into the effects of continuous cropping and
fertilizer usage on soil quality and the overall
sustainability of the system [1]. Soil physical
characteristics play a vital role in soil productivity
and are essential components of soil quality
assessment. Parameters such as bulk density,
mean weight diameter, aggregate stability,
hydraulic conductivity, soil strength, and
infiltration rate are crucial in regulating soil
functions [2]. However, the rapid increase in the
human population and other factors have led to
the degradation of natural resources in the
country, posing a serious threat to sustainable
food production and environmental security [3].
To address this issue and enhance soil fertility in
the short term, nutrients need to be added to the
soil. This is commonly achieved through the
application of chemical fertilizers. However, in
order to maintain soil fertility balance and ensure
agricultural productivity, the use of organic
nutrient sources and the application of suitable
inorganic fertilizers are crucial. The continuous
use of inorganic fertilizers alone has resulted in
an imbalance in soil physical properties and
unsustainable crop production [4].
Studies have shown that combining inorganic
and organic fertilizers provides greater benefits
compared to using either input alone, as they
interact positively and improve soil physical
properties [5]. The addition of organic
amendments has been proven to maintain soil
organic matter content, thereby contributing to
the improvement of soil physical properties and
enhancing fertilizer use efficiency [6]. Organic
matter directly supplies nutrients to crops and
indirectly modifies soil physical properties,
creating an improved root environment that
stimulates plant growth [7]. Neither inorganic nor
organic amendments alone can adequately
maintain soil organic matter levels [8]. Therefore,
the balanced and integrated use of organic and
inorganic fertilizers enhances the accumulation
of soil organic matter and improves soil physical
properties [9].
The integrated nutrient management system
provides an alternative approach that involves
reducing the input of inorganic fertilizers and
incorporating the combined use of inorganic
fertilizers with organic materials such as animal
manures, crop residues, green manure, and
composts [6,10]. The combined application of
organic and inorganic fertilizers plays a
significant role in sustaining soil fertility [11].
Furthermore, the use of organic fertilizers in
conjunction with inorganic fertilizers has a more
pronounced positive effect on soil physical
properties and enhances soil health. It also
improves the utilization efficiency of
recommended inorganic fertilizers and reduces
associated costs [12].
Organic fertilizers consist of natural materials
derived from plants or animals, such as livestock
manure, green manures, crop residues,
household waste, compost, etc. These organic
fertilizers serve as a direct source of plant
Titirmare et al.; Int. J. Plant Soil Sci., vol. 35, no. 19, pp. 1015-1023, 2023; Article no.IJPSS.102723
nutrients and also indirectly impact the physical,
biological, and chemical properties of the soil
[13]. When organic fertilizers are added to the
soil, microorganisms present in the soil
decompose the organic matter, making its
nutrients available for plant uptake. This process
is characterized by the gradual release of
nutrients, providing a sustained supply for plant
growth [14].
3.1 Scope of Organic Fertilizer
Organic fertilizers offer numerous advantages
that contribute to improved soil fertility. Firstly,
they increase the organic matter content in the
soil, which enhances soil structure by creating
more air space and improving water retention
[15,16,17,18,19]. Additionally, organic fertilizers
enhance soil nitrogen content and promote
nutrient availability. They release nutrients at a
slower and more consistent rate, ensuring a
sustained supply for plant growth. Furthermore,
they aid in nutrient mobilization and provide
protection against erosion caused by rain and
wind [15,16,17]. Organic fertilizers also play a
significant role in enhancing soil biological
activity and fostering the colonization of
mycorrhizae, which promotes a beneficial
association between fungi and higher plants.
This, in turn, contributes to increased root growth
due to improved soil structure and the promotion
of soil aggregates. Moreover, organic fertilizers
enhance the cation exchange capacity of the soil,
further benefiting nutrient availability and uptake
[16]. Lastly, organic fertilizers act as buffering
agents against undesirable fluctuations in soil
pH, providing stability and maintaining optimal
pH levels for plant growth [13,20].
3.2 Limitations of Organic Fertilizer
Potentially pathogenic organic fertilizers that are
improperly processed can pose risks to both
humans and plants. This is because organic
fertilizers are derived from materials such as
animal feces or plant and animal matter, which
may be contaminated with pathogens [10,21].
Additionally, organic fertilizers are relatively low
in nutrient content, requiring larger quantities to
provide sufficient nutrients for optimal plant
growth. As a result, it becomes challenging to
sustain large-scale agriculture without the use of
inorganic fertilizers [11]. Another challenge with
organic fertilizers is the difficulty in matching
nutrient supply with the specific requirements of
crops throughout their life cycle. It can be
challenging to provide nutrients in the exact
quantities needed for desired crop production.
Furthermore, the breakdown and release of
nutrients from organic fertilizers rely on microbial
activity. This microbial activity is dependent on
factors such as warmth and moisture in the soil.
Consequently, the effectiveness of organic
fertilizers may be limited seasonally [10, 21].
Farmers in developing countries, such as India,
are increasingly utilizing waste dung from
domestic animals and crop residues as a source
of fuel rather than using them as compost or
manure for soil improvement and nutrient supply.
This practice has resulted in soil degradation,
thereby creating a need for immediate relief to
crop production. Chemical fertilizers are often
used in such cases, as they can quickly restore
soil fertility, making nutrients readily available to
plants upon application [17]. Moreover, inorganic
fertilizers can indirectly increase root residues,
which in turn contribute to the accumulation of
organic matter in the soil [22]. In light of these
circumstances, farmers have increasingly
emphasized the application of chemical fertilizers
to enhance productivity [13].
4.1 Scope of Inorganic Fertilizer
Inorganic fertilizers are an effective source of
nutrients for crops, providing immediate effects
on their growth. This is because the nutrients in
inorganic fertilizers are already in a water-soluble
form, allowing for rapid absorption by plants [10].
As a result, the impact of inorganic fertilizers is
typically immediate and fast, as they contain all
the necessary nutrients in readily available
forms. Additionally, inorganic fertilizers have a
high nutrient content, requiring only relatively
small quantities for productive results [19].
Moreover, the proper and scientific application of
inorganic fertilizers can lead to an increase in soil
organic matter content through the promotion of
higher root mass and the incorporation of crop
residues [21,22].
4.2 Limitations of Inorganic Fertilizer
Excessive application of chemical fertilizers can
have adverse effects, including leaching, water
pollution, soil acidification, and a decrease in the
availability of trace elements. This can also lead
to soil alkalization [23]. Chemical fertilizers can
accelerate the decomposition of soil organic
matter, resulting in the degradation of soil
Titirmare et al.; Int. J. Plant Soil Sci., vol. 35, no. 19, pp. 1015-1023, 2023; Article no.IJPSS.102723
structure and a reduction in soil aggregation. As
a consequence, nutrients can be lost from the
soil through fixation, leaching, and gas
emissions, leading to decreased fertilizer use
efficiency [10,21,24,25].Furthermore,the
excessive use of chemical fertilizers can harm
decomposers and other beneficial soil
organisms, diminish the colonization of plant
roots by mycorrhizae, and inhibit symbiotic
nitrogen fixation by rhizobia, particularly with high
nitrogen fertilization. Additionally, this practice
can have hazardous effects on the soil
environment [10,12]. It is evident that the
unscientific and excessive use of chemical
fertilizers not only impacts soil health but also
poses risks to water quality, human health, and
the environment as a whole [21, 26].
The physical characteristics of soil are crucial in
assessing the sustainability of soil for crop
production. Several physical properties, including
bulk density, aggregate stability, hydraulic
conductivity, and mean weight diameter, are
considered essential indicators of soil quality.
These parameters help evaluate the overall
health and quality of the soil. The incorporation of
fertilizers and organic manures in the soil has
been shown to improve these physical
properties, such as bulk density, particle density,
aggregate stability, hydraulic conductivity, and
mean weight diameter [2].
6.1 Bulk Density
Bulk density refers to the mass per unit volume
of dry soil, encompassing the volume of solid
particles as well as the pore spaces. [27]
conducted a 20-year study and found that the
continuous application of FYM (farmyard
manure) and NPK fertilizers helped maintain and
improve the physical properties and organic
carbon content of an acidic red loam soil.
However, the application of fertilizer nitrogen
alone had a slight detrimental effect on soil
physical properties. In some treatments, there
was a tendency for bulk density to increase from
the initial level, but the lowest bulk density was
observed in the FYM+PK plot in Inceptisols.
Other studies have also reported a decrease in
bulk density with the application of organic matter
[28]. The combined application of inorganic and
organic materials has been shown to maintain
and improve soil physical conditions and
productivity in red sandy loam soil [29]. Urea was
found to be a better source of organic fertilizer
nitrogen for maintaining soil physical conditions
and productivity compared to other sources of
nitrogen [30]. Additionally, studies have revealed
that increased fertilizer levels or FYM application
can lead to a reduction in soil bulk density, while
unmanured plots generally maintain stable bulk
density [30]. Incorporating sun hemp or using
organic and inorganic sources of nitrogen has
also been associated with decreased bulk
density [31,32,33]. The use of organic sources
has consistently demonstrated a considerable
decrease in bulk density [34]. Various studies
have highlighted the positive impact of FYM in
conjunction with fertilizers on penetration
resistance and bulk density [35,36]. In deep
Vertisols, the conjunctive use of recommended
doses of fertilizer and farmyard manure has
resulted in a significant decrease in bulk density
[37]. Furthermore, the application of farmyard
manure has shown a significant decrease in bulk
density compared to chemical fertilizers in
Vertisol of Akola [38]. It has been observed that
the bulk density tends to increase with an
increase in recommended chemical fertilizers,
but the differences are not significant. However,
the addition of FYM at a rate of 10 t/ha has led to
a significant decrease in bulk density in silty clay
loam soil [39]. In conclusion, the combined use of
inorganic/chemical fertilizers and organic
manures has shown improvement in soil bulk
density, irrespective of the type of soil or the crop
being cultivated.
6.2 Hydraulic Conductivity
Hydraulic conductivity refers to the soil's ability to
transmit water under saturated or nearly
saturated conditions and is typically measured in
cm/hr. It is influenced by various soil properties
such as texture, structure, compaction, and
exchangeable cations. In a study by [27]. on
acidic red loam soil, the combined use of FYM
(farmyard manure) at a rate of 20 t/ha with
inorganic fertilizers supplying P and K
significantly increased hydraulic conductivity (2.5
cm/hr) compared to the control plot. After 20
years of treatment, the hydraulic conductivity in
the control plot remained unchanged at 2.0
cm/hr. [40]. reported that nitrogenous and
phosphate fertilizers tended to increase hydraulic
conductivity, likely due to the creation of larger
pores in the soil. [41]. found that increasing
Titirmare et al.; Int. J. Plant Soil Sci., vol. 35, no. 19, pp. 1015-1023, 2023; Article no.IJPSS.102723
levels of fertilizer doses significantly increased
hydraulic conductivity in calcareous silt loam soil.
In terms of fertilizer application, the use of 100%
NPK solely through chemical fertilizers resulted
in reduced hydraulic conductivity (14.7 x 10-7
m/sec), whereas the combined application of
inorganic fertilizers with FYM increased hydraulic
conductivity (23.7 x 10-7 m/sec). The combined
application of FYM and fertilizers had a favorable
effect on the hydraulic conductivity of soil, which
corresponded to the treatment effects on soil
aggregation and bulk density [42]. Further
research by [42]. demonstrated that increasing
levels of NPK significantly increased hydraulic
conductivity, and the combined application of
FYM and NPK resulted in even higher hydraulic
conductivity compared to NPK alone. The
highest hydraulic conductivity was observed in
the plot treated with 100% NPK + ZnSO4 (1.99
cm/hr), while the control plot had the lowest
hydraulic conductivity (1.44 cm/hr). [38]. revealed
that the direct addition of organic matter through
farmyard manure, along with the increased root
biomass, positively influenced soil microorganism
growth and development, leading to
improvements in mean weight diameter,
available water holding capacity, and hydraulic
conductivity. Similarly, [2]. observed that the
highest hydraulic conductivity in both surface and
sub-surface soil layers was achieved with the
application of N180 + P80 + K40 + Zn(F) + FYM,
while the lowest values were observed in the
control plots. In conclusion, while the addition of
nutrients through chemical fertilizers can
increase hydraulic conductivity, the significant
and pronounced increase in hydraulic
conductivity occurs with the combined application
of organic manures and inorganic fertilizers. This
demonstrates the importance of utilizing a
combination of organic and inorganic sources to
maximize the improvement in soil hydraulic
6.3 Infiltration Rate
The infiltration rate refers to the speed at which
water enters the soil, usually measured in
millimeters per hour. [31]. observed an
improvement in the infiltration rate of Vertisol in a
sorghum-safflower crop rotation under dry land
conditions with the application of 50% RDF
(recommended dose of fertilizer) + 50% nitrogen
(N) through green manure (GM) or farmyard
manure (FYM). [43]. found that the incorporation
of Sesbania GM and mungbean residues in a
rice-wheat cropping system resulted in reduced
bulk density, increased soil aggregation, and
subsequently increased infiltration and
percolation rates. [44]. noted a significant
increase in infiltration rate (3.10 and 3.60
mm/day) with the combined application of FYM +
N and GM + N compared to the general
recommended dose treatment (2.50 mm/day) in
Vertisol. This suggests that the addition of coarse
organic matter with inorganic fertilizers enhanced
the basic infiltration rate. [45]. reported a
substantial increase in infiltration rate from 0.58
mm/hr to 1.97 mm/hr with the incorporation of
Sesbania seaban lopping as green manure in a
rice-wheat system in sandy loam soil. [46]. found
that green manuring with sesbania or green gram
residues, in combination with 100% nitrogen
application, resulted in increased infiltration rates
compared to fallow plots. [34]. observed that
integrated nutrient management in a rice-wheat
system had a significant influence on infiltration
rate, with a higher rate (1.30 cm/hr) observed in
the 100% recommended NPK through fertilizer
treatment compared to the control plot (0.85
cm/hr) [47]. reported that the application of
organic manure with chemical fertilizers had a
notable impact on infiltration rate, with higher
rates observed in the 100% NPK + FYM and
50% NPK + GM treatments compared to others.
[48]. found that the infiltration rate was highest in
the 100% NPK + FYM treatment and lowest in
the non-treated control, which may be attributed
to increased soil organic carbon concentration,
rooting density, improved aggregation, and soil
structure. [49]. observed that the application of
100% recommended dose of fertilizers alone
increased infiltration rate by 24% compared to
the treatment with 50% recommended dose of
fertilizers. Although the infiltration rate slightly
decreased in the sub-surface soil layer, the
overall trend was similar to that observed in the
surface soil layer. In conclusion, while the
application of recommended chemical fertilizers
(NPK) alone can improve soil infiltration rate,
combining chemical fertilizers with GM or FYM
has a significant effect on enhancing infiltration
rates compared to control or other chemical
fertilizer treatments.
6.4 Soil Aggregates
Soil aggregation and its stability are critical
physical properties that significantly impact soil
quality and productivity. Soil aggregates are
formed when primary soil particles adhere to
each other more strongly than to surrounding
particles. [41]. observed that the combined
application of fertilizer and organic manure
increased the percentage of fine (11.4%) and
Titirmare et al.; Int. J. Plant Soil Sci., vol. 35, no. 19, pp. 1015-1023, 2023; Article no.IJPSS.102723
coarse (4.2%) aggregates in calcareous silt loam
soil compared to the control plot. The application
of farmyard manure (FYM) enhanced the
formation of water-stable aggregates larger than
0.25 mm (80.7%) and increased the mean weight
diameter (MWD) to 0.81 mm, while the control
plot had values of 69.7% and 0.61 mm,
respectively [50]. The addition of manures
affected the distribution of soil aggregate sizes,
reducing the proportion of aggregates smaller
than 0.1 mm at a depth of 0.15 to 0.30 m
(from 34% to 31%), and increasing the
proportion of aggregates larger than 1 mm at
depths of 0.0-0.15 m (from 30.2% to 40%) and
0.15 to 0.30 m (from 25% to 33.6%) [51]. [52].
reported that the application of recommended
doses of fertilizer in Vertisol soil increased the
percentage of water-stable aggregates (WSA)
larger than 0.25 and 0.10 mm, as well as the
MWD, to 40.4%, 74.0%, and 0.286 mm,
respectively, compared to the control with values
of 34.1%, 64.1%, and 0.233 mm. [42]. observed
a significant increase in MWD and WSA values
in plots treated with continuous fertilizer
application (100% NPK) compared to the control.
The increase in aggregate stability may be
attributed to the role of phosphate ions in binding
soil particles or the substantial residue
production in fertilized plots, which promotes
aggregate formation. [36]. found that the MWD
and % WSMA (water-stable macro-aggregates)
were significantly higher in plots treated with
100% NPK + FYM compared to other treatments.
The application of fertilizer combined with
manure increased MWD by 35.3%, while the
recommended rate of fertilizer application (100%
NPK) increased it by 17.6% compared to the
control. In terms of MWD, 100% NPK was
significantly higher than the control and 100% N
alone, likely due to the higher organic matter
content in plots treated with NPK alone or in
conjunction with FYM. [53]. observed that the
best aggregation was found in plots treated with
100% NPK + farmyard manure, where macro-
aggregates accounted for more than 50% of the
total soil mass. [2]. found that the mean weight
diameter ranged from 0.63 to 1.04 mm, with the
highest values observed in the surface and
subsurface soil layers treated with N180 + P80 +
K40 + Zn(F) + FYM, and the lowest values
in the control plot. In conclusion, the
phenomenon of soil aggregation and stability is
influenced by both chemical fertilizers and the
combined use of chemical fertilizers with organic
manures, similar to other physical properties of
This review emphasizes the crucial role of
physical conditions and properties in regulating
soil quality and sustainable productivity. Key
physical properties, including bulk density,
hydraulic conductivity, infiltration rate, and soil
aggregation, can be influenced by the application
of chemical fertilizers and organic manures. The
application of recommended doses of NPK
through chemical fertilizers contributes to the
improvement of soil physical properties.
Moreover, integrated nutrient management
practices, such as combining 50% of the
nutrients from chemical fertilizers and 50% from
organic sources like farmyard manure, green
manuring, and sesbania green manure, have
shown significant effects in enhancing soil
physical properties and promoting sustainable
crop productivity.
Authors have declared that no competing
interests exist.
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