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Freitas et al. Effect of resin tapping system and collection period on resin production and growth traits in 12-year-old Pinuselliottii var. elliottii
Scientific Electronic Archives
Issue ID: Sci. Elec. Arch. Vol. 16 (9)
September 2023
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.36560/16920231773
Article link: https://sea.ufr.edu.br/SEA/article/view/1773
Effect of resin tapping system and collection period on resin production and
growth traits in 12-year-old Pinuselliottii var. elliottii
José Antonio de Freitas
Instituto de Pesquisas Ambientais
Antônio Orlando da Luz Freire Neto
Instituto de Pesquisas Ambientais
Luís Alberto Bucci
Instituto de Pesquisas Ambientais
Talita Carvalho de Souza
Universidade Estadual Paulista, Campus Botucatu
João Roberto Menucelli
Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Campus Sorocaba
Erick Phelipe Amorim
Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Campus Sorocaba
AnandaVirgínia de Aguiar
Israel Luiz de Lima
Instituto de Pesquisas Ambientais
Corresponding author
Eduardo Luiz Longui
Instituto de PesquisasmAmbientais
Abstract:Resin tapping is an activity designed to extract resin from trees, especially species of the genus Pinus. Current
systems of tapping and collecting resin are well known, but further study is needed to make these systems more efficient
and profitable for producers. Therefore, this work aimed to evaluate the effect of five resin tapping systems during five
different collection periods on the production and growth of resin trees for a population of Pinuselliottii var. elliottii planted
in Itapetininga, SP. Resining affects tree growth, especially in diameter. Results showed that system 4, with eight panels
on each plant and four on each side, presented the highest average production of resin per tree, while system 1, with 2
panels on each plant and 1 on each side, presented the lowest average resin production per tree. It was concluded that
resin production is dependent on the system employed, time of collection, and their interactions.
Keywords:Pine, Resin, Non-Timber Forest Product.
Pine trees produce wood for various
purposes. Furthermore, they also produce resin, a
non-timber forest product with high added value in
the market. Resin is a major source of terpenes. The
liquid fraction is turpentine, and the solid fraction is
called rosin. Both are sources of raw material for the
chemical industry (Lima et al., 2016). After
Freitas et al. Effect of resin tapping system and collection period on resin production and growth traits in 12-year-old Pinuselliottii var. elliottii
processing, resin is composed of 80% rosin and
approximately 20% turpentine (Salvador et al.,
2020).The first studies on resin exudation in species
of Pinus spp. focused on tree survival against beetle
attack. Overall, trees killed by beetles have smaller
resin ducts than those of surviving trees, and these
same trees continued to have larger resin ducts after
the beetle outbreak. By increasing the volume of
resin flow, larger resin ducts probably reduced the
likelihood of successful beetle colonization on
surviving trees substantially by providing sticky
physical barriers, sealing beetle entry wounds, and
releasing toxic compounds (Erbilgin et al., 2017,
2019; Mason et al., 2019).
Resin production in Brazil has experienced
increased growth over the years, especially in the
last five years. Between 2017 and 2018, more than
185 thousand tons of resin were produced.
Particularly, after 2011, the natural resins sector
grew by 103% (Schmid, 2019). This scenario made
Brazil the second largest producer in the world,
behind only China (Neves et al., 2006; Schmid,
2019). Much of the resin produced is exported, and
most of the product is destined for Portugal,
Vietnam, and China (Schmid, 2019).The largest
producer of gum resin in Brazil is the State of São
Paulo, followed by Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná.
Together, they are responsible for approximately
80% of the national production of pine gum-resin
(Júnior, 2018). Of the total resin production in Brazil,
60% is extracted from P. elliottii var. elliottii in
subtropical regions, and 30% is from P. caribaea
var. hondurensis in tropical regions (Aguiar et al.,
2012). Currently, the activity has expanded to other
states, such as Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul
and southwestern regions of the state of São Paulo
(Brazilian Association of Resin Producers -
Associação de Resinadores do Brasil-ARESB,
2019). Intraspecific variation should be considered
when predicting how pine populations will face the
increased biotic risk associated with global change,
e.g., increase in Earth average temperature (Benito-
Garzón and Fernández-Manjarrés, 2015).
The main method of extracting resin from
trees in Brazil is from striations. This is carried out
by cutting from the tree bark to the cambium, not
reaching the wood, from which exudation occurs.
The resin that becomes available is stored in a
collection container fixed under the tree (Candaten
et al., 2021). Resin tapping in Pinus spp. forests
dates to the Egyptian civilization (Garrido et al.,
1998). Resin extraction by the Brazilian system
reached an experimental peak in the early 1970s
with translation of the “Manual: Modern Resin
Tapping Methods” (“Manual: Métodos de
ModernaResinagem”) used in the USA. It was
written by Ralph W. Clements from Lake City
Research Center, Florida with translation and
adaptation by GurgelFilho in 1970. Being Clements'
manual, adapted and standardized for use in Brazil
by Garrido et al. (1998), being a current reference in
the cultivation of Pinus and resining.
Later, with the evolution of the resin system,
this activity consisted of cutting the bark and wood
with the objective of exposing the resin canals and
allowing the resin to flow. These incisions, cuts or
striations were repeated weekly to unclog the resin
canals closed by crystallization (Marcelino, 2004).
As this process is very labor-intensive, several
chemical products were tested to maintain resin flow
without having to make such frequent cuts. To meet
commercial forestry needs, the resin system has
been improved and is comprised of six steps. In the
first step, after surveying all trees in the plantation,
those with DBH above 10 cm are chosen. The trunk
is then cleaned for a smooth surface, and a
mustache-incision is made for later fixation. In the
fourth step, the collection container is placed. These
are typically plastic bags fixed by wires that require
constant monitoring in the first days of resin
exudation to avoid leaks. The striation step involves
incision through a striator iron up to the region of the
vascular cambium and resin canals. Finally, an
acidic paste is applied through a tube or laboratory
wash bottle with the purpose of breaking the layers
of cellulosic walls of the resin canals, thereby
increasing the exudation of the resin canals
(Ferreira, 2001).
The resin system adds significant value to
the culture of Pinus spp. However, the resin
extraction process significantly affects tree growth in
height and diameter. According to experiments
carried out in Brazil and in other countries, it is
estimated that the resin tapping system can cause a
decline of around 25% in annual tree growth, but
when the resin tapping system is stopped, trees
continue to grow normally (Garrido et al., 1998).
Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate different resin
extraction methodologies, aiming to affect the
dendrometric characteristics of the tree as little as
possible since height and diameter strongly
influence the volume of wood (m³) (Lousada et al.,
2009). As previously reported, we have seen that
the resin tapping system consists of successively
removing the bark from the stem of the trees, thus
opening a rectangular panel. Stretch marks on the
stem are performed every fifteen days, followed by
placement of a stimulant which maintains the flow of
resin into a container below the panel. This
procedure is repeated periodically until the plan for
forest management is completed. Based on the
number of trees to be rosined and forest availability
over a short period of time (2 or 3 years), it is
possible, through a program of adaptive forest
management, to maximize the use of these trees
and minimize possible losses in productivity and
wood quality at the end of resin tapping system
In order to improve the resin tapping system,
while protecting tree growth, we aimed to determine
the effect of five resin tapping systems during
different collection periods on resin production and
the growth of trees from Pinuselliottiivar. elliottii.
Freitas et al. Effect of resin tapping system and collection period on resin production and growth traits in 12-year-old Pinuselliottii var. elliottii
Materials and Methods
Planting area and experimental design
The study was carried out in a commercial
stand ofPinuselliottii var. elliottii established with
seedlings from a first-generation clonal orchard,
which was selected for resin production. It was set
up in the municipality of Itapetininga (Figures 1-2),
São Paulo State (23°42′S, 47°57′W, elevation 600-
700m). The climatic type isCfa with hot and dry
winters. Average annual temperature is between
0.2°C and 37.5°C with frost. The average
temperature of the hottest month is 23.3°C
(January), and the average temperature of the
coldest month is 15.3°C (June). The region presents
soft, wavy relief and extensive floodplains
characterized by Red yellow Podzolic and
hydromorphic soils that are acidic with high
aluminum concentration (Santos et al., 2018).
The seedlings were planted in a spacing
level of 3 m x 2 m. The resin tapping system was
evaluated in two harvests (one per year) at 12 years
old. For each treatment, five different resin
extraction systems were installed in 50 trees and
another 50 trees as a control, totaling 300 trees from
the plantation in six parallel lines. Tree panels were
stripped at intervals of approximately fifteen days,
and a chemical stimulant in a past formulation,
composed of 12% sulfuric acid, as well as rice bran,
organic aggregates and water, was applied.
Resin production from each panel was
collected and weighed separately during five
collection periods. Diameter at breast height at 1.30
from the ground (DBH) and total height of all resin
trees and control trees were measured at the
beginning and at the end of study in order to
determine the development of forest growth in each
condition. Resin tapping systems are presented in
the schematic illustration (Figure 3).
System 0: control group (without resin
extraction) (Figure 3a). System 1: A panel about 40
cm high by 17 cm wide was installed on each face of
50 plants in the plot, and resin tapping was carried
out, repeating in the second harvest. With a total of
45 splines, 23 on the first panel and 22 on the
second panel, system 1 was installed from 50 cm to
1m on the left side with a panel for each year of
extraction (Figure 3b). System 2: Two panels were
installed, one on each side of the plant about 40 cm
high and 17 cm wide each. This was replicated in 50
plants in the plot to promote resin tapping, repeating
in the second harvest in sequence. With a total of 45
splines, 23 on the first panel and 22 on the second
panel, system 2 was installed from 50 cm to 1 m
high on both sides of the tree, repeating installation
of the panels in the first and second year for resin
extraction (Figure 3c). System 3: Two panels were
installed on the same face of the plant, one at the
base and the other one meter above the first, both
measuring approximately 40 cm in height by 17 cm
in width, repeating the two panels in sequence,
totaling four panels on the same face. Panels were
installed from 50 cm to 2 m high on the right side of
the tree with the extraction panel in the first and
second year (Figure 3d). System 4: Two panels
were installed on the same face of the plant, one at
the base and the other one meter above the first,
repeating the same procedure on the opposite face
of plant, measuring approximately 40 cm high by 17
cm wide for each of four panels.
Repeating in sequence during the second
harvest, four panels were installed totaling eight
panels in each plant, four on each of the two sides,
from 50 cm to 2 meters high on both sides of the
tree. The extraction panel in the first year is shown
in blue and in orange for the second year (Figure
3e). System 5: Four panels were installed on the
same side of plant, one at the base, the second at
50 cm from the first, the third at 100 cm from the
first, and the fourth at 150 cm from the first,
repeating the same procedure on the opposite side
of plant in the second harvest, all panels measuring
approximately 40 cm high by 17 cm wide. During the
first harvest, four panels were installed on the first
side, and during the second harvest, four panels
were installed on the second side (Figure 3f).
Figure 1. Location in municipality of Itapetininga (IT) in São Paulo State, Brazil.
Freitas et al. Effect of resin tapping system and collection period on resin production and growth traits in 12-year-old Pinuselliottii var. elliottii
Figure 2. Overview of Pinuselliottii var. elliottii plantation used in the municipality of Itapetininga, São Paulo State.
Figure 3. Schematic illustration of control group and five resin tapping systems in two harvests at 12-year-old
Pinuselliottii var. elliottii in the municipality of Itapetininga, São Paulo State.
Freitas et al. Effect of resin tapping system and collection period on resin production and growth traits in 12-year-old Pinuselliottii var. elliottii
Statistical analyses
Data analyses were carried out in two
stages. In the first stage, we analyzed increment in
diameter and height of the trees, comparing
increment in trees before and after resin tapping. To
do this, we used a completely randomized design. In
the second stage, we analyzed the comparison of
resin tapping systems with the collection period, and
to do this, a 5 x 5 factorial design was adopted (5
resin tapping systems x 5 collection periods) in
randomized block. Data analyses were performed
using SAS ® software for Windows (SAS Institute,
Inc. 1999).
Results and Discussion
Significant differences between resin
extraction systems were observed at the 1% level
(Table 1). We verified that only the increase in
diameter and tree height of P. elliottii var. elliottii was
influenced by the resin tapping systems (Figure 4).
According to analysis of variance, we can
report a significant interaction between resin tapping
systems and factors affecting collection period, as
shown in Tables 2 and 3, where, after splitting out
the interaction, we found all interactions between
resin tapping system x collection periods to be
significant. For example, we found resin production
to be dependent on both resin tapping system and
collection period (Table 4). When combining resin
tapping system and collection period, the highest
average resin production per tree occurred with
system 4 and period 4, whereas the lowest average
occurred when combining system 1 and period 2.
Table 1. Summary of analysis of variance for mean diameter increment (MDI) and mean height increment (MHI) in
Pinuselliotti var. elliottii trees
Cause ofvariation
MDI (cm)
MHI (m)
1.6390 n.s.
MS = Mean square, DF = Degrees of freedom and SD = standard deviation.
Figure 4. Mean diameter increment (MDI) (a) and mean height increment (MHI) (b) as a function of resin tapping
systems and collection periods at 12-year-old Pinuselliottii var. elliottii in the municipality of Itapetininga, São Paulo State.
Table 2. Summary of variance analysis for resin production from resin tapping system and collection periods in
Pinuselliottii var. elliottii trees
Cause ofvariation
Resinproduction (kg)
Systems (S)
Collections (C)
(S) x (C)
MS = Mean square, DF = Degrees of freedom, CV= Experimental coefficient of variation.
Resin tapping system 4 had the highest
average resin production, as characterized by eight
panels in each plant from 50 cm to 2 m high from the
base of the tree, four on each of the two sides. The
lowest average was obtained in resin tapping
system 1, which was composed of 2 panels on each
tree installed from 50 cm to 1 meter from the base of
the tree, one on each side. System 4 presented the
highest average resin production, and collection
systems 2 and 5 were the least productive.
The resin process that presented the highest
average production per tree was system 4, which
was characterized by eight panels in each plant, four
on each of the two sides, and the lowest average
was obtained in system 1, which was composed of 2
panels on each floor with 1 on each of two sides.
Collection 4 showed the highest average resin
Freitas et al. Effect of resin tapping system and collection period on resin production and growth traits in 12-year-old Pinuselliottii var. elliottii
production, and collections 2 and 5 were the least
The highest resin production, when
considering the two harvests, was observed in
tapping system 4, while the lowest resin production
was observed in tapping system 1. The highest
production per tree was also reported in tapping
system 4 and the lowest in tapping system 1.
Tapping system 1 presented the highest production
per panel and system 5 the lowest (Table 4).The
different collection periods significantly influenced
resin production (Table 3). A significant interaction
was also observed between resin systems and the
time of collection, demonstrating a relationship
between these two factors.
Table 4. Summary of interaction split analyses: resin tapping system versus collection periods at 12-year-old Pinuselliottii
var. elliottii in the municipality of Itapetininga, São Paulo State. MS = Mean square, DF = Degrees of freedom
Pr> F
Figure 5. Resin production of tapping system (a) and collection period (b) at 12-year-old Pinuselliottii var. elliottii in the
municipality of Itapetininga, São Paulo State.
Table 5. Total resin production values as a function of resin tapping system at 12-year-old Pinuselliottii var. elliottii in the
municipality of Itapetininga, São Paulo State
Tapping system
Total production (kg)
Production per tree (kg)
Production per panel / year
We reported that no trees from any tapping
system presented significant difference in height,
including the control group (Figure 4b). The
experiment was established with seeds from a clonal
orchard with seminal and non-clonal seedlings.
Therefore, the genetic variation existing in the
seedlings may have also influenced the
dendrometric characteristics of the trees, such as
height (Deng et al., 2021).
However, other authors who studied two
areas of P. elliottii var. elliottii where resin was
exploited confirmed a reduction in growth characters
from the beginning of the resin process (Garrido et
al., 1998). They reported that the height of trees
without resin tapping grew more than resinous trees.
On the other hand, Yuan et al. (2013) observed a
decrease in tree height and diameter in P. elliottii
var. elliottii resinous trees at eight years of age,
consequently causing a 10.65% reduction in volume
compared to non-resinous trees. However, the resin
process was economically viable, despite having a
negative effect on tree growth (Lima et al., 2021). In
the resining process, we must also consider that
there is a loss of wood volume by the resining
technique. However, in a work plan, such a loss, can
Freitas et al. Effect of resin tapping system and collection period on resin production and growth traits in 12-year-old Pinuselliottii var. elliottii
be easily compensated by anticipation of income
due to resin sale (Marcelino, 2014).
Yuan et al. (2013), when analyzing the
influence of the diameter class on the production of
resin from P. elliottii at 8 years of age, found that the
panels placed in the upper portions tend to exude
and produce more resin than the panels for
extraction closer to the base. The results of the
present study show the same effect since most
systems, except 1 and 2 closes to the base of trees,
had resin extraction heights equal to 50 cm to 1 m of
height with panels on both sides of the tree. It is
concluded that these extraction systems negatively
affect resin production and are, therefore, not
economically viable systems for resin exploitation for
Pinuselliottii var. elliottii.
By splitting out the interaction between
tapping system and collection period, it was found
that all process interactions x collection systems
were significant, confirming the relationship between
resin systems and resin collection periods (Table 3).
Temperature and water deficit are the main factors
affecting resin production (Zas et al., 2020). High
daily average temperatures during the day and high
minimum temperatures for approximately one week
before sampling positively influenced resin flow (Zas
et al., 2020). Water deficit that accumulated during
the previous week was also positively correlated
with resin flow. Resin flow normally tends to
increase toward the end of the growing season
when growth is reduced, and the differentiation of
resin ducts increases (Zas et al., 2020). Climatic
factors also influenced resin production for the
species of Pinuspinaster (Genoa et al., 2013).
Therefore, the effect of climate should not be
discounted in research related to resin production.
Thus, surveys should be carried out at least in the
two main seasons of the year in tropical regions.
The genetic effects must also be considered since
resin production has high genetic control, i.e.,
strongly conveys the parents’ characteristics.
Celedon and Bohlmann (2019) evaluated
the influence of soil and climatic factors on resin
production in Brazil, observing that rainfall and
relative humidity also affect resin yield. Higher resin
yields were observed with increasing temperature
associated with lower precipitation and relative
humidity. In general, resin yield decreases during
the transition period from spring to winter (Demko
and Machava, 2022).
Other determinants of resin yield are
species, their origin, and the quality of seeds or
propagules (Neves et al., 2001). Resin production
per tree is a characteristic that has high individual
heritability (h2i) values between 0.65-0.77 (Garrido
et al., 1999). Equally important are the physiological
state of the mother plants of resin-tapped trees and
age, starting in southeastern São Paulo state at 8
years old for resin extraction of P. elliottii, as well as
spacing between trees and tree size, mainly
diameters of stem and crown. Several authors
recommend harvesting only trees with a DBH
greater than 16 cm. Resin yield also depends on the
operating system. Strip width and length, panel
height and width, and chemicals applied to stimulate
resin flow can directly affect productivity. These are
factors that can be controlled with proper training of
field workers (GurgelFilho and Garrido 1977).
The highest production of resin tapping
systems for the two harvests was observed in
system 4 and the lowest in system 1 (Table 4). The
higher production of system 4 can be attributed to
the greater number of panels used, 8 in total. In this
system, the panels were installed interspersed on
each face of the tree, alternating in arrangement
with each new panel installed. This resulted in a
longer period before placing a new panel in the
same sequence on the face of the tree. System 4
differs from system 5, which also has 8 panels in
total, but in this case, the 4 panels of each crop were
placed on the same face in sequence, which
resulted in a loss of production for each new panel
installed. Also, the highest production per tree was
found in system 4 and the lowest in system 1 (Table
4). System 1 presented the highest production per
panel and system 5 the lowest. System 5 was
composed of four panels on the same side of the
plant, repeating the same procedure on the opposite
side. In addition to the technical analysis of the
resin systems, an economic analysis of the process
is recommended. With market demand for constant
growth, the increase in the price paid per ton of resin
in recent years encourages the sector to study the
application of technologies to improve quality and
increase resin production (Candaten et al., 2021).
Resin tapping system influenced the growth
in diameter, but not the height of trees. The increase
in diameter is more sensitive to the effect of resin
tapping than the height of the trees.
System 4 had the highest average yield per
tree than the other systems. System 1 presented the
lowest average production per resin tree.
Collection period 4 presented the highest
average production, and collection periods 2 and 5
had the lowest average production of resin per tree.
The effect of climate should be considered in
research related to resin production. The collections
must be carried out at least in the two main seasons
of the year in tropical regions. The genetic effect
must also be considered since resin production has
high genetic control, i.e., strongly conveys the
parents’ characteristics.
The authors thank the Coordenação de
AperfeiçoamentoPessoal-CAPES, funding code-001,
for granting a scholarship to Erick PhelipeAmorim
and João Roberto Menucelli. We thank the Conselho
Nacional de PesquisaCientífica-CNPq for the
research productivity grant to researchers Ananda
Virgínia de Aguiar and Eduardo Luiz Longui. To the
employees of the Instituto de PesquisasAmbientais-
IPA, state of São Paulo, unit of Itapetininga, we
Freitas et al. Effect of resin tapping system and collection period on resin production and growth traits in 12-year-old Pinuselliottii var. elliottii
acknowledge their support in data collection and
conducting the experiment.
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