An updated (and now online) version of the former chromosome database of tribe Delphinieae (Ranunculaceae) is presented ( This new version is the result of an accurate, exhaustive literature and Internet research, by adding chromosome counts and all related karyological information for the genera Aconitum L., Gymnaconitum (Stapf) Wei Wang & Z. D. Chen, Delphinium L. (including Staphisagria Spach), Consolida (DC.) S. F. Gray and Aconitella Spach, accumulated during the approximately last 25 years and that comprise worldwide published data from 1889 to 2021. The Delphinieae Chromosome Database (DCDB) (last updated 31.12.2021) contains a total number of 3435 reports belonging to 425 species (503 taxa), which represents 48.6% of the total species of the tribe (an increase of c. 213% and 32% compared with the 1097 and 2598 reports gathered in the 1999 and 2016 versions, respectively). This increase is due both to chromosome research progress and to improved information capture system. Moreover, recent taxonomic advances, synonymization, and new phylogenetic criteria have also been considered.The DCDB database provides the most complete currently available information on published chromosome numbers, ploidy-level estimates, and other karyological data of Delphinieae, and it is aimed to be useful for the building of cytotaxonomical databases and for specific research ongoing projects of systematics and evolution of Ranunculaceae. DCDB includes two levels of taxonomic resolution, published name (original and standardized form) and database accepted name (based on either Plants of the World – POWO or expert specialist criteria), as well as the geographic origin of each count (country, locality, geographic coordinates, elevation, or ecological information when reported in the original publication), associated karyological data if originally provided (studied material type, graphic information, chromosome measures and formulas, satellites, B chromosomes, other cytogenetic techniques used, etc.), voucher information and reference (with DOI and other links to access the original document). An effort to check the original sources and to search in grey literature allowed to indicate the counts that appear to be registered twice.Key wordsDelphinieaeCytogeneticsKaryologyChromosome number