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Exemplars Of Action Research: A Research Supervisor's Story And Lessons Learnt



Despite its potential benefits, action research has been underutilized in many countries. In Pakistan, action is not only underutilized but also underestimated by educational researchers. As a result, the importance of having the skills to supervise action research is often overlooked. Action research has emerged as a noteworthy approach in the field of education that aims to bring about practical and meaningful changes in classroom practices. This study explores the experiences of four batches of student-teachers who conducted action research projects under the supervision of the lead researcher of this study. The study investigates the benefits and challenges of implementing action research in the classroom and the impact of the teacher educator's supervision on the student-teachers' research process. The results reveal that the student-teachers' participation in action research projects allowed them to develop a deeper understanding of their own teaching practices, and to identify areas of improvement in their classroom instruction. The lead researcher's supervision was found to be critical in providing guidance and support to the student-teachers throughout the research process, as well as in enhancing their research and writing skills.
Journal of Positive School Psychology
2023, Vol. 7, No. 5, 1235-1248
Exemplars Of Action Research: A Research Supervisor’s Story And
Lessons Learnt
*Dr Kiran Hashmi1 & *Dr Martin Thomas2
1Dr Kiran Hashmi, Assistant Professor, Ziauddin University, Karachi, Pakistan
2Dr Martin Thomas, Associate Professor, Forman Christian College University, Karachi, Pakistan.
Corresponding Authors
*Dr Kiran Hashmi, Assistant Professor, Ziauddin University, Karachi, Pakistan.
*Martin Thomas, PhD. Associate Professor Department of Education Forman Christian College (A Chartered
University), Lahore, Pakistan.
Despite its potential benefits, action research has been underutilized in many countries. In Pakistan, action
is not only underutilized but also underestimated by educational researchers. As a result, the importance of
having the skills to supervise action research is often overlooked. Action research has emerged as a
noteworthy approach in the field of education that aims to bring about practical and meaningful changes in
classroom practices. This study explores the experiences of four batches of student-teachers who conducted
action research projects under the supervision of the lead researcher of this study. The study investigates
the benefits and challenges of implementing action research in the classroom and the impact of the teacher
educator’s supervision on the student-teachers’ research process. The results reveal that the student-
teachers’ participation in action research projects allowed them to develop a deeper understanding of their
own teaching practices, and to identify areas of improvement in their classroom instruction. The lead
researcher’s supervision was found to be critical in providing guidance and support to the student-teachers
throughout the research process, as well as in enhancing their research and writing skills.
Keywords: action research, teacher education, supervision, student-teachers, qualitative research.
Action research is a powerful tool for improving
education and generating practical knowledge.
This methodology allows for a collaborative
approach to problem-solving, where researchers
and practitioners work together to generate
solutions to specific problems. Despite its
potential benefits, action research has been
underutilized in many countries. In Pakistan,
action is not only underutilized but also
underestimated by educational researchers. As a
result, the importance of having the skills to
supervise action research has often been
overlooked by both research supervisors and
student-teachers in teacher education institutes.
Supervising action research is a challenging task
that requires specific skills and expertise that is
acquired not only though readings but also by
facing challenges of practical life.
The theoretical framework for this study was
based on the concept of social constructivism,
which emphasizes the importance of active
engagement and collaboration in learning
(Vygotsky, 1978). Action research is grounded in
this theoretical framework as it involves active
engagement and collaboration between the
researcher and the participants (Kemmis et al.,
Dr Kiran Hashmi 1236
2014). Additionally, the process of reflective
practice, which is central to action research, is
based on the idea that knowledge is constructed
through personal experiences and reflection
(Schön, 1983).
Action research is a well-established research
methodology that has been used in various fields,
including education, to improve the quality of
learning and teaching (Kemmis, McTaggart, &
Nixon, 2014). However, despite its potential
benefits, it is often underutilized and
underestimated as a research approach
(Denscombe, 2014). This is because action
research requires a specific set of skills and
knowledge that many researchers and educators
may lack (Sagor, 2005). As a result, it is
important to have skilled supervisors who can
guide and support students in their action
research studies.
Previous studies have highlighted the
underutilization and underestimation of action
research as a research methodology in Pakistan's
education system. Ahmad, Din and Shukri (2017)
found that action research was not widely used in
Pakistani universities, and there was a lack of
awareness and understanding of the methodology
among educators. Similarly, Rashid and Hameed
(2019) found that action research was not being
utilized effectively in Pakistan's education system
due to the lack of understanding and expertise
among educators. These studies highlight the
need for further research and emphasis on action
research in Pakistan's education system.
Several empirical studies have explored the use
of action research in the field of education and the
role of supervisors in supporting students' action
research studies. For example, a study conducted
by Bingham and Sidorkin (2004) found that
students who received guidance and support from
a skilled supervisor were more likely to complete
their action research projects successfully.
Another study by McNiff and Whitehead (2010)
highlighted the importance of developing critical
reflection skills in students to help them identify
their own biases and assumptions. Critcal
thinking is most significant skill in academic
context to analyze the context and progress ahead
(Zehra, Lashari & Naz, 2023).
In Pakistan, a study by Khalid (2013) found that
action research was underutilized in the field of
education due to the lack of understanding and
training among educators. Another study by
Sabir, Bano, and Bilal (2019) emphasized the
importance of developing supervisory skills to
support students' action research projects. A
study by Susa and Araragi (2014) explored the
role of supervisors in supporting students' action
research projects in Japan. The study highlighted
the importance of developing a collaborative
relationship between the supervisor and the
student to ensure the success of the project. Thus
Kemmis and McTaggart (2005) identified the
importance of developing critical reflection skills
in students and the role of supervisors in guiding
this process.
Overall, these empirical studies highlight the
importance of skilled supervisors in supporting
students' action research studies and the need for
developing critical reflection skills in students.
The theoretical framework of social
constructivism supports the active engagement
and collaboration required in action research,
while the process of reflective practice is
essential to the construction of knowledge. This
report presents a story of the lead researcher and
highlights exemplars of action research,
challenges faced by both student-teachers and
lead researcher and how she strived to acquire
expertise in action research. The research
presented exemplars of action research and
highlighted successful techniques to conduct
action research and to successfully confront
challenges that arise in the course of action.
1237 Journal of Positive School Psychology
During the initial assessment, several important
factors emerged regarding the students' abilities
and challenges, as well as the overall university
context, which impacted the successful adoption
of action research.
After studying a course on doing action research,
the Bachelor of Education (BEd) students
enrolled in a 4 year-BEd or 1.5 year BEd,
demonstrated a strong understanding of the
theoretical concepts behind action research as
taught in the course. However, translating this
theoretical knowledge into practical application
within real classrooms proved to be a significant
hurdle for many. The transition from theory to
real-world teaching settings presented difficulties
due to the complexities of actual classroom
dynamics. Adapting and customizing action
research methods to fit these complexities posed
a considerable challenge. To overcome these
challenges, the supervisor invited field experts to
support students who had prior experience in
action research projects. This external assistance
played a crucial role in bridging the gap between
theory and practice, enabling students to grasp
effective strategies and practical approaches. It is
important to note that the university had recently
introduced action research into its curriculum.
For most students, this was their first exposure to
this approach, which contributed to the initial
difficulties they faced. The unfamiliarity with the
nuances of action research, combined with
limited prior exposure, steepened the learning
curve. Consequently, students encountered
obstacles in seamlessly integrating action
research into their teaching practices.
The broader educational landscape also
influenced the adoption of action research. The
predominant emphasis on traditional teaching
and assessment methods, along with time
constraints set by the curriculum, posed
additional challenges. These factors limited
students' ability to fully engage in the action
research process and conduct thorough
investigations. Additionally, gaining acceptance
from schools to conduct action research within
their classrooms presented another dimension of
complexity. Convincing schools of the benefits of
action research and obtaining the necessary
permissions was an aspect that required careful
Research Context
This study was conducted at the College of
Education, New Horizon University
(pseudonym) over a period of three years. For the
past 25 years, New Horizon University has been
regarded for research excellence in the fields of
medical and engineering. In 2018, the university
received an approval for establishing a
department of social sciences while in September
2019, College of Education. Bachelor of
Education (BEd-Honors), offered at the College
of Education, is a four years program that enable
potential candidates to join it after completing
their intermediate or A-Level certificate which
focuses on developing student-teachers’ expertise
in teaching at least two subjects at secondary
level. The 1.5 year-BEd is parallel program
offered at the College of Education which allows
student-teachers to join after completing their
Masters. This program focuses on developing
student-teachers’ expertise in teaching at least
two subjects at higher-secondary level. Action
research project is a course that every student
takes as a partial requirement to complete the
BEd programs. The student-teachers work under
a research supervisor and plan and conduct a
small scale action research. This paper presents
supervisory experiences of the lead researched
during the period of 2020 to 2023.
Dr Kiran Hashmi 1238
The lead researcher worked with 12 students
from four batches, which included Batch 1
(2020): 03 students; Batch 2 (2021): 05 students;
Batch 3 (2022): 02 students; and Batch 4 (2023):
02 students. She adopted the following steps to
assist student-teachers to conduct action research:
1. Step 1: School placements: The lead
researcher negotiated with the
private/public schools available in the
city and placed each student-teacher in a
school to conduct action research. The
timelines for conducting action research
studies were mutually decided by the
school principal, lead research and
student-teachers. The students acquired
consents from the school administration
and the research participants.
2. Step 2: Supporting students to acquire
knowledge and expertise: Once the
placements were organized, the lead
researcher taught a 03 credit hours course
on Doing Action Research. In this
course, she introduced them to reflective
journaling and reflective practice by
inviting external experts as guest
speakers, which helped them identifying
a research problem and planning,
conducting and reporting action research.
3. Step 3: Establishing Action Research
Team: To ensure that the research study
was conducted in a collaborative manner,
the lead researcher and student-teachers
worked on team development. This
involved chalking out roles of the
supervisor (lead researcher), the critical
friend (knowledgeable and expert teacher
from the school), the action researcher
(student-teacher) and the cooperating
teacher (supervising teacher from the
school). Each member of the team had a
specific role to play, and this helped to
ensure that the research study was
conducted effectively. Once the team
was established, the lead researcher
guided student-teachers in their action
research cycles each of which involved
plan, act, observe, and reflect.
4. Step 4: Classroom Experience and
Reflective Journaling: The lead
researcher sent students to schools to
teach in assigned classes. She guided
them to be vigilance and wear critical
lens in the classroom while they were
taught to observe the critical incidents.
Critical incidents are important moments
or events that happen in the classroom
that provide insight into the issue being
investigated. The student-teachers
recorded critical incidents in their
reflective journals and reflected upon
them. Some critical incidents influenced
many issues which were identified as
pattern forming incidents that had
potential to create complex problems and
could hamper the process of teaching and
learning within the classroom. With the
pattern forming incidents, a list of
problems was created and prioritized
based on the complexity and urgency of
the problems.
5. Step 4: Proposal Development: Based on
the reflection and prioritization, student-
teachers selected a complex classroom
issue to be resolved and prepared a
research proposal. They presented a
research proposal in front of a panel of
6. Step 5: Conducting Action Research:
Once the proposal was approved student-
teachers conducted an action research in
their assigned schools and classes.
Throughout the research process, the lead
1239 Journal of Positive School Psychology
researcher observed change through
student-teachers’ action research cycles
and provided feedback (after they had
completed a research cycle), feed-
concurrent (during the course of action),
and feed-forward (to plan the next
cycles)to improve their research study.
7. Step 6: Presenting Research Report: The
lead researcher guided students to
complete the action research report and
once the reports were finalized, the lead
research arranged a viva voce so that
student-teachers can present their action
research reports in front of the panel of
experts and answer questions asked by
the experts.
Research Report
Exemplars of Action Research
Action research cases, considered as exemplars
of action research are presented below. Names of
student-teachers used in these cases are
Exemplars: Batch 1 (2020)
Description of Case 1: Nisha, a Montessori
directress, was concerned about the handwriting
skills of her pre-nursery students. As part of her
1.5-year B.Ed (Hons) program, she decided to
conduct an action research study to improve
students’ handwriting skills. Nisha challenged the
traditional approach of teaching certain letters
first and instead identified three letters - L, O, and
C - that she believed would be comparatively
effective as students pick sound of these letters
first than the letters A, B and C. Throughout the
research process, Nisha maintained a reflective
journal and worked closely with her cooperating
teacher to analyze data and reflect on the
outcomes. By the end of the study, Nisha
observed significant improvements in her
students' handwriting skills, particularly for those
who previously struggled.
Nisha's research adds to the existing practices of
handwriting skill development in early years and
has practical implications for Montessori
directresses and early years’ educators. Her
findings suggest that teaching certain letters first
may not be as effective as previously thought and
that alternative strategies can be used to improve
handwriting skills. By incorporating Nisha's
strategies into their teaching practices, educators
can help their students develop better handwriting
skills and ultimately improve their academic
Description of Case 2: Shela, a B.Ed (Hons)
student-teacher, aimed to develop reading skills
among children during the COVID-19 pandemic
when schools were closed. She worked with
seven children and used a graded reading
approach by selecting age-appropriate books and
creating a reading schedule. Shela also involved
the parents and provided them with guidance on
supporting their children's reading development.
She observed a significant improvement in the
children's reading skills and found that they
showed more interest in reading, and the parents
had developed a reading habit themselves. The
study highlights the importance of developing a
reading culture at home, especially during a crisis
such as the pandemic. The study also shows the
effectiveness of the graded reading approach in
developing reading skills among young children.
Shela encountered some initial difficulties in
motivating the children to read but she learned the
significance of involving parents in the process
and providing them with support and guidance.
Overall, the study demonstrates the potential of
developing a reading culture at home and the
benefits of using a graded reading approach in
improving children's reading skills.
Dr Kiran Hashmi 1240
Description of Case 3:Rabia, an English
language teacher, aimed to enhance the writing
skills of her intermediate students. She
implemented the "Burger Technique" and other
writing strategies to help her students express
themselves better in writing. The Burger
Technique involves structuring a paragraph like a
burger, with the topic sentence and concluding
sentence acting as the top and bottom bun,
respectively, and the supporting details serving as
the "fillings" in between. Rabia gradually
increased the complexity of the writing tasks,
while still using the Burger Technique, and used
other strategies such as mind mapping and
brainstorming to help her students organize their
ideas before writing.
To evaluate the effectiveness of her approach,
Rabia used a pre-test/post-test design and
collected data through classroom observations
and student feedback. The results of the study
were promising, as Rabia found that her students'
writing skills had significantly improved after the
intervention. Her students gained confidence in
their writing abilities and were able to express
themselves more effectively in written form.
Rabia's action research contributes to the
practices on writing instruction and provides
evidence-based strategies for enhancing students'
writing skills. The study highlights the
importance of incorporating innovative and
effective teaching strategies to promote student
learning and success.
Exemplars: Batch 2 (2021)
Description of Case 4: Shaheen, a science
teacher, conducted an action research study to
enhance her students' understanding of complex
scientific concepts using a constructivist teaching
approach. The study was conducted in a religious
school in Karachi, Pakistan, with separate
sections for boys and girls. Shaheen developed a
variety of constructivist learning approaches and
used group work, hands-on activities, and real-
world examples to engage her students. She
collected data on her students' engagement,
participation, and understanding of scientific
concepts over three cycles of three lessons each.
At the end of the study, Shaheen observed a
significant improvement in her students'
knowledge and understanding of scientific
concepts. They were more engaged, participated
more actively in discussions, and showed a
greater willingness to explore and experiment
with scientific concepts on their own. The study
showed the potential of constructivist teaching
approaches to enhance students' understanding of
scientific concepts and provided valuable insights
into their effective implementation in the
Description of Case 5: Nabeela conducted a
study titled "Incorporating STEAM education to
enhance critical thinking skills by creating
constructivist classrooms in Classes VI to VIII"
in a public school in Karachi, Pakistan. The
school lacked basic resources such as
whiteboards, projectors, and computers. Nabeela
developed low-cost STEM projects to enhance
critical thinking skills in students through
STEAM education and constructivist learning
approaches. The study was conducted in three
cycles with three lessons in each, and Nabeela
observed changes in students' learning outcomes.
Despite the school's resource limitations,
Nabeela's research showed promise in enhancing
problem-solving, creativity, and innovation skills
in students through hands-on projects.
Overall, Nabeela's study contributes to the
classroom practice on STEAM education and
constructivist learning approaches and provides
valuable insights for educators looking to
1241 Journal of Positive School Psychology
implement such approaches in resource-limited
Description of Case 6: Joseph conducted a study
on enhancing students' understanding of science
concepts through project-based learning
approaches in a chain of private schools in
Karachi, Pakistan. The study was conducted with
250 students in grades VI to VIII. The classrooms
were equipped with basic resources such as
whiteboards, projectors, and computers. Joseph
conducted the study in three cycles to observe the
change in students' learning outcomes. The study
showed positive outcomes, with students
demonstrating a higher level of engagement in
the project-based learning activities, leading to an
increased understanding of science concepts.
Additionally, students showed a greater level of
interest and curiosity in science, and they were
more motivated to learn. However, the study
faced challenges, including the limited time
available for project-based learning activities due
to the school's curriculum and schedule, and the
need for additional resources such as science kits
and materials for the students. Despite these
challenges, Joseph's study demonstrated the
effectiveness of project-based learning in
enhancing students' understanding of science
concepts. The positive outcomes of the study
highlight the potential benefits of incorporating
project-based learning into science education in
Description of Case 7: Fatima conducted a study
on improving mathematical concepts of grade 3
to 5 students using different manipulatives in a
public school located in Karachi, Pakistan.
Despite the lack of resources, she worked hard to
prepare activities based on manipulatives and
observed an increase in student participation and
learning outcomes. However, Fatima faced
several challenges, including the lack of
resources and variability in student abilities. To
overcome these challenges, she used improvised
and differentiated instruction to provide
additional support to struggling students. Overall,
Fatima's research highlights the importance of
using innovative teaching methods to enhance
student learning in challenging environments.
Despite the limited resources, her dedication and
hard work yielded positive outcomes,
demonstrating that manipulatives can be an
effective way to improve mathematical concepts.
By adapting to the needs of students and being
creative and resourceful, teachers can overcome
challenges and provide quality education to
students. Fatima's study emphasizes the need for
more resources and support for teachers to
improve the quality of education in government
schools in Pakistan.
Description of Case 8: Naheed's study
investigated the impact of classroom seating
layouts on participation and assessment
performance of class 7 students. Her research in
a private school in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, showed
that circular seating arrangements led to better
outcomes compared to rows or U-shape. This
finding is a valuable insight for teachers and
administrators in creating conducive learning
environments. However, Naheed faced some
challenges during her research. Her lack of
organization and timeliness resulted in
incomplete plans, delayed work, and missed
meetings. As a supervisor, the lead researcher had
to come up with strategies to help her complete
her work on time and meet the required standards.
This experience taught the importance of
effective communication and setting clear
expectations from the start of the research
process. Despite these challenges, Naheed's study
highlights the significance of classroom design in
student learning outcomes. The study provides a
starting point for further research into effective
classroom seating arrangements that could
enhance student participation and performance in
other settings.
Dr Kiran Hashmi 1242
Overall, Naheed's research demonstrates the
importance of being organized and timely in
research and the potential benefits of
investigating classroom design in improving
student learning.
Exemplars: Batch 3 (2022)
Description of Case 9: Shahid was a principal at
an intermediate college, and he noticed that the
students of grades IX to XII had poor oracy skills
in English language, which hampered their
communication skills and hindered their overall
academic performance. Therefore, he decided to
take the initiative to improve students' oracy
skills in English language by conducting action
research. Shahid implemented various strategies,
such as providing regular practice sessions,
conducting group discussions, role-playing, and
organizing public speaking events. He also hired
a language coach to work with the students
individually and help them improve their
grammar and pronunciation.
The result of his research showed significant
improvement in students' oracy skills, and the
overall academic performance of students
improved as well. The students became more
confident in their communication skills, and their
overall personality development was noticeable.
The college also witnessed a positive change in
the college culture, and the initiative taken by
Shahid was appreciated by the college
administration, staff, and parents.
Description of Case 10: Fazila was a dental
hygienist by profession, and she chose to conduct
her action research on incorporating dental
hygiene among primary school students through
their science curriculum. Fazila realized that
there was a lack of awareness among primary
school children about dental hygiene, and it led to
oral health issues at a later stage. Therefore, she
decided to conduct research on how to
incorporate dental hygiene education in the
science curriculum of primary school.
Fazila implemented various strategies such as
interactive lectures, demonstrations, and hands-
on activities. She also created interactive
worksheets, quizzes, and games to make learning
fun and engaging for the children. She worked
closely with the science teachers and provided
them with the necessary training and resources to
implement her curriculum in their classes.
The result of her research showed significant
improvement in students' knowledge and
awareness of dental hygiene. The students
became more conscious of their oral health and
started practicing good dental hygiene habits. The
school administration and parents appreciated her
efforts, and the initiative taken by Fazila had a
positive impact on the overall health of the
Exemplar 4: Batch 4 (2023)
Description of Case 11: Sabrina's action
research project focused on using writing to
improve students' understanding of mathematics.
The study was conducted in a school where
students struggled with mathematical concepts
and lacked self-efficacy. The study aimed to
investigate whether different forms of writing
could enhance critical thinking skills, improve
understanding of mathematical concepts, and
increase motivation towards the subject.
The first cycle of the study involved expository
writing, where students were asked to explain the
mathematical concepts they were learning.
However, the students struggled with this task as
they were not used to writing in mathematics and
English was not their first language. Sabrina
1243 Journal of Positive School Psychology
adapted the study by implementing different
forms of writing, including expressive and
exploratory writing.
By the end of the study, the students had shown
significant improvement in their understanding of
mathematical concepts, and their motivation
towards the subject had increased. This was a
positive outcome and highlighted the importance
of incorporating writing in mathematics
Overall, this action research project demonstrated
the importance of using innovative teaching
methods to enhance students' understanding and
motivation towards mathematics. It also
highlighted the challenges of implementing
research in a multilingual setting and the need for
appropriate support and resources to overcome
these challenges.
Description of Case 12: Yasmeen conducted
action research to investigate the effectiveness of
the Content and Language Integrated Lessons
(CLIL) approach in enhancing students' language
proficiency and content knowledge. She
conducted the study in a secondary school where
English was not the primary language of
instruction, and the students had a low
proficiency level in English, which was affecting
their performance in other subjects, particularly
science and mathematics. She implemented the
CLIL approach in three cycles, where she
introduced science and mathematics lessons in
English, and the students were encouraged to
communicate in English during the lessons. In the
first cycle, the students struggled to understand
the lessons, and their performance was below
average. However, in subsequent cycles,
Yasmeen made the lessons more interactive and
provided additional language support, such as
vocabulary lists and language scaffolds, resulting
in a gradual improvement in students'
performance and language proficiency. Yasmeen
concluded that the CLIL approach is effective in
improving students' language proficiency and
content knowledge, and she recommends its
implementation in other subjects to provide
students with a holistic learning experience. This
study highlights the importance of adopting
teaching approaches that promote language
learning and subject knowledge simultaneously.
It also emphasizes the need for language support
to enable students to understand subject matter
Research Outcomes
The efficacy of innovative teaching approaches
among student-teachers was the driving force.
Throughout the cases, a diverse range of
strategies, such as the "Burger Technique" for
writing (Case 3), graded reading to enhance
reading skills (Case 2), and the implementation of
project-based learning for science education
(Cases 4, 5, and 8), showcased the transformative
potential of non-traditional methodologies. These
approaches not only succeeded in engaging
students but also succeeded in deepening their
comprehension of complex concepts, underlining
the substantial impact of innovation on the
educational landscape. Another effective strategy
that was well utilized during the action research
was reflective practice. Regular journaling (Case
1) and the iterative process of refining teaching
strategies (Cases 4, 5, 8, and 11) highlighted the
value of self-reflection in elevating pedagogical
approaches. The ability to critically assess
teaching methods, adapt them in response to
insights, and continually enhance practices was
deep in these cases, underscoring the role of self-
analysis in achieving more effective teaching
methodologies and ultimately better results.
Another insight collected from multiple cases
was the importance of adopting a learner-
centered approach to teaching and learning. The
cases consistently highlighted the benefits of
tailoring the educational experience to match the
unique needs and capacities of students. By
Dr Kiran Hashmi 1244
involving students in active discussions,
collaborative group work, and hands-on
activities, student-teachers witnessed a noticeable
surge in engagement levels and a marked
improvement in learning outcomes. This student-
centric approach was notably reflected in Cases
4, 6, 8, 11, and 12, where the emphasis on student
participation served as a catalyst for enhanced
educational experiences. Collaboration emerged
as an essential element underpinning the success
of action research projects. Cases that connected
with the power of collaboration, whether with
parents (Case 2), cooperating teachers (Case 1),
language coaches (Case 9), or science educators
(Case 10), witnessed the enrichment of the
learning journey. The involvement of various
stakeholders not only contributed to a more
comprehensive understanding of students'
learning environments but also provided essential
support structures that elevated the caliber of
research outcomes.
However, resource constraints posed significant
challenges across multiple cases, as limitations in
materials, technology, and basic classroom
resources became apparent. Notably, student-
teachers such as Nabeela (Case 5) and Fatima
(Case 7) showcased remarkable resourcefulness
by adapting their strategies to align with the
available resources. Their ability to creatively
navigate these limitations highlighted the pivotal
role of ingenuity in surmounting resource-related
hurdles. Communication and effective time
management emerged as recurring challenges, as
exemplified in Naheed's case (Case 8), where
initial organizational shortcomings resulted in
delays and missed milestones. The significance
of transparent communication and well-defined
expectations came to the forefront as
indispensable elements for the seamless
execution of research initiatives. The details of a
multilingual context emerged as a challenge in
cases such as Yasmeen's (Case 12), where
teaching in languages not native to students
necessitated strategic adjustments in teaching
methodologies to accommodate varying levels of
language proficiency. This observation
emphasizes the importance of providing language
support to facilitate meaningful learning
experiences in diverse linguistic settings. While
the majority of cases reported enhanced
motivation and engagement among students,
certain instances encountered initial resistance to
novel approaches, as evidenced in Case 11.
Mitigating this challenge required the
implementation of strategies that nurtured
intrinsic motivation, including involving students
in decision-making processes and cultivating an
environment that bolstered their confidence.
Some students exhibited a lack of essential skills
and knowledge required for proficiently
planning, conducting, and analyzing an action
research project. Even though the guest speaker
sessions, organized during the action research
process, contributed to student-teachers’
knowledge and skills, the lead researcher had to
make additional effort to provide guidance to
student-teachers on research methodologies, data
collection techniques, and analysis methods. The
expectations to develop a robust research design
and the selection of appropriate methodologies to
increase reasonable complexity in the research
process provided challenge for novice researcher.
During the phases of data collection and analysis,
students encountered challenges such as concerns
related to selection of participants, data quality,
and data analysis techniques. The interpretation
of research findings and the derivation of
meaningful conclusions proved daunting for
students, especially when confronted with
difficult results. Numerous students faced
difficulties in eloquently articulating their
research findings, both in written reports and oral
presentations. The lead researcher's assistance
was instrumental in aiding students in designing
action research, analysis of data and in
establishing connections between findings and
1245 Journal of Positive School Psychology
research objectives. Unannounced holidays due
to uncertain political conditions in the city or
university-wide activities also posed challenges
for student-teachers to cope with time
management issues that resulted in modifications
in the research process. This challenged to
maintain student-teachers’ motivation and
enthusiasm throughout the research journey,
particularly those who in the face of obstacles or
setbacks. The lead researcher played a pivotal
role in providing encouragement and aiding
students in maintaining their focus on research
Lessons Learnt
Action research projects, much like the field of
education itself, can encounter unexpected twists
and turns. Thus, being adaptable and receptive to
changing plans, timelines, and strategies has
emerged as an essential skillset. This adaptability
ensures that the researcher remain resilient and
continue to progress despite the shifting
circumstances they may encounter. Cultivating
resilience among student-teachers has emerged as
a significant lesson. Empowering student-
teachers through ownership of their research has
a transformative impact. By encouraging them to
assume ownership, a sense of pride,
responsibility, and intrinsic motivation is
nurtured. This approach enables them to make
decisions, learn from their experiences, and foster
unwavering confidence in their research
Engaging in active listening has been a pivotal
practice in my supervisory role. By genuinely
hearing and understanding the concerns, ideas,
and aspirations of student-teachers, establishing a
non-judgmental and open space for student-
teachers to articulate their thoughts has enables
the action research supervisors to align their
mentorship more effectively with their unique
goals. The art of balancing support with fostering
independent thinking has been considered a
cornerstone. Encouraging students in active
interaction with the supervisor to explore
innovative solutions fosters student-teachers
growth as both researchers and educators. This
balance ensures that they benefit from mentorship
while also honing their capacity to think critically
and creatively. Building a supportive community
among student-teachers has been transformative.
By fostering an environment of peer learning,
collaboration, and the exchange of ideas, the lead
researcher witnessed how sharing experiences
and insights nurtures a culture of continuous
learning and growth. This community-centric
approach has bolstered their confidence and
created a platform for collective knowledge
In conclusion, supervising multiple batches of
action research projects has been a rewarding
journey for the lead researcher that has
highlighted key lessons, challenges, and
recommendations for effective guidance. The
supervisor’s role goes beyond oversight to
become a catalyst for growth, discovery, and
meaningful change in student-teachers'
educational journeys. Challenges such as aligning
goals with contexts, navigating resource
constraints, and managing expectations are
integral to the process of action research. These
challenges shape student-teachers into resilient
researchers and educators capable of addressing
real-world educational issues. Action research
emerges as more than an academic exercise as it
is a pathway to elevate teaching and learning. The
exemplars of action research demonstrate that
evidence-based strategies drive meaningful
change in education. They reveal the potential to
transform teaching methods, elevate student
engagement, and promote holistic development.
In essence, supervising action research projects is
an empowering journey for both student-teachers
and supervisors. The present study calls upon
educators and institutions to recognize action
Dr Kiran Hashmi 1246
research's potential and embrace it as a
cornerstone of educational excellence.
Based on the wealth of experiences and insights
acquired through supervising four batches of
action research projects, the following
recommendations are made for those who would
like conduct or supervise action research:
Developing skills and empowering ownership
among students: Encourage a sense of ownership
and autonomy among student-teachers in their
research projects. Empower them to make
decisions, experiment with innovative solutions,
and embrace the learning journey that action
research offers. Provide an initial orientation
session to familiarize student-teachers with the
fundamentals of action research, its stages, and
best practices. Offer professional development
sessions that focus on honing research and
writing skills. Equipping student-teachers with
the tools to conduct comprehensive literature
reviews, gather and analyze data, and effectively
communicate research findings will greatly
enhance the quality of their action research
projects. Finally, acknowledge and celebrate the
achievements, big or small, of student-teachers
throughout their action research journey.
Recognizing their progress reinforces their
commitment and motivates them to strive for
Guidance through Regular Monitoring: Establish
a system for consistent monitoring and progress
assessment. Regular check-ins and feedback
sessions with student-teachers will keep them
aligned with their research goals and provide
opportunities for timely adjustments and
refinements. Promote regular reflection among
student-teachers. Encourage them to evaluate
their experiences, challenges, and triumphs. This
practice cultivates self-awareness, helps identify
areas for improvement, and fuels ongoing
Cultivate supportive community: Develop
partnerships with schools where student-teachers
can implement their action research projects.
Collaborating with practicing educators provides
valuable insights into the practical challenges
faced in real classroom settings. This hands-on
experience enhances the relevance and
applicability of the research. As a supervisor,
adopt a mindset of continuous improvement in
the way action research is facilitated. Regularly
evaluate mentoring approach, seek feedback from
student-teachers, and explore new methods to
optimize the learning experience.
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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
Most mathematics abstract concepts have difficulty teaching-learning, but it is easy to utilize appropriate teaching techniques like cooperative learning for better academic achievements. The current study aimed to examine the impact of cooperative learning on mathematics students’ academic performance in grade 5. Fifty students were employed as an experimental group. The data were collected through a developed questionnaire at two points, that is, pre-test and post-test. The test was based on subjective and objective methods that have multiple-choice questions (MCQs) covering the cognitive domain of Bloom’s Taxonomy. The MCQs were distributed among three domains with nearly equal weighting given to knowledge, understanding, and application (or problem-solving) skills. Data were analyzed through statistical methods that determined the positive impact of cooperative learning on the academic achievement of mathematics students. The involved students found it pleasant and enjoyed the learning environment. Teaching through cooperative learning is recommended as designing activities that promote group work can help students for better academic achievement.
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Imparting the skills of the 21st century in students is the most important task of all academicians. Critical thinking is an integral skill that plays a major role in students' skill development. (Alessandra, et al. 2020). This study aims to predict the Impact of Sociocultural Status on Critical Thinking among University Students in Karachi. Literature reported that the concept of Critical thinking was never addressed from the perspective of socio-culture (Maulana & Putra, 2022) at the tertiary level in progressing countries like Pakistan. This study will be carried on by employing Mix Methodology (Quantitative and Qualitative) paradigm. Sampling was drawn through a purposive Sampling technique Based on 20 students 10 students each from Either institution. The number of respondents for the quantitative paradigm of the study was 80 to collect data. A set of Activities and tasks were designed for measuring the Critical Thinking of Students. Findings suggested a significant difference in CT ability between the Public and private sector students. The study suggests more research on Curriculum mapping.
This book, by two university professors in a professional preparation program, is intended as a conceptually based practical guide to reflective practice for educators at all levels. The first of the book's 8 chapters explores the rationale for reflective practice, a professional-development strategy aimed at behavioral change, and explains how reflective practice facilitates both individual and organizational change. Chapter 2 contrasts the beliefs, assumptions, and strategies of reflective practice with traditional approaches and shows how reflective practice works within the tradition of experiential learning. Chapters 3 and 4 offer general guidelines for engaging in reflective practice. Chapter 3 treats the facilitator's role in establishing an outlines various methods of creating or recreating important aspects of professional practice to help identify the personal action theories that shape behavior. The next three chapters describe reflective practice in action, highlighting the professors' work (1) with graduate courses on reflective practice; (2) on a project involving New York City school principals; and (3) with a Long on reflective practice; (2) on a project involving New York City school principals; and (3) with a Long Island experiment studying reflective conversation among superintendents and other administrators. The final chapter examines effects and lasting benefits, identifies key aspects, and discusses reflective practice as an empowering, motivational force for change. Included are a subject index and a bibliography of 102 references. (MLH)