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A New Software Toolset for Recording and Viewing Body Tracking Data


Abstract and Figures

While 3D body tracking data has been used in empirical HCI studies for many years now, the tools to interact with it tend to be either vendor-specific proprietary monoliths or single-use tools built for one specific experiment and then discarded. In this paper, we present our new toolset for cross-vendor body tracking data recording, storing, and visualization/playback. Our goal is to evolve it into an open data format along with software tools capable of producing and consuming body tracking recordings in said new format, and we hope to find interested collaborators for this endeavour.
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A New Soware Toolset for Recording and Viewing Body
Tracking Data
Julian Fietkau
University of the Bundeswehr Munich
Munich, Germany
Figure 1: A scene view exported from the PoseViz software for visualizing body tracking data, showing a person waving at a 3D
While 3D body tracking data has been used in empirical HCI stud-
ies for many years now, the tools to interact with it tend to be
either vendor-specic proprietary monoliths or single-use tools
built for one specic experiment and then discarded. In this paper,
we present our new toolset for cross-vendor body tracking data
recording, storing, and visualization/playback. Our goal is to evolve
it into an open data format along with software tools capable of pro-
ducing and consuming body tracking recordings in said new format,
and we hope to nd interested collaborators for this endeavour.
body tracking, pose estimation, data visualization, visualization
Body tracking (also called pose estimation) has been in scientic and
industrial use for over a decade. It describes processes that extract
the position or orientation of people and possibly their individual
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For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Veröentlicht durch die Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. in P. Fröhlich & V. Cobus (Hrsg.):
Mensch und Computer 2023 Workshopband, 03.-06. September 2023, Rapperswil (SG)
©2023 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). ws13-334
limbs out of data from sensors (typically cameras), making it a sub-
eld of image processing. Due to increasing computational viability
and decreasing costs of appropriate sensor hardware spearheaded
by early Kinect depth camera models, it has enjoyed a modest but
consistent relevance in empirical deployment studies in human-
computer interaction (e.g. [3, 4]).
We will be using the word body tracking to describe the process
of extracting the aforementioned spatiotemporal data on people
and their movement from sensor hardware such as cameras. Body
tracking data is the holistic term to describe the resulting data
points, generally including the positions of people in the sensor’s
detection area at a specic point in time, as well as the positions
and orientations of their limbs at some specic degree of resolution
and precision that depends on the hardware and software setup.
In the literature, body tracking data is also called pose data [
] or
skeleton data [
], refering to the relatively coarse resolution of body
points represented in the data.
Body tracking data oers some advantages over full video record-
ings. It is well-suited for gesture or movement analysis, because
spatiotemporal coordinates of audience members are readily ac-
cessible. It also oers anonymity and can be stored and analyzed
without needing to account for personally identiable information.
We most commonly see body tracking data collected, analyzed,
and made use of in real time, i.e., the system detects a person,
executes some kind of reaction (possibly interactive and visible to
the person, like in interactive exhibits or body tracking games, or
possibly silent and unnoticeable, like in crowd tracking cameras
MuC’23, 03.-06. September 2023, Rapperswil (SG) Julian Fietkau
that count passers-by), and then immediately discards the full body
tracking data. This is practical for most experiments, but it also has
It makes it dicult to compare dierent sensor hardware or
software setups to determine which one is best suited for a
specic spatial context without implementing the full data
The process to go from sensor data to system reaction is
relatively opaque without interim visualizations. It is not
generally possible to mentally visualize body tracking data
based on its component 3D coordinates, so some kind of real-
time pose visualization must additionally be implemented
for testing and debugging purposes.
While a few implementations for recording and storing the full
body tracking data exist (see section 3), they are vendor-specic
and their storage formats are not open.
With this paper, we advocate for a novel open format for record-
ing, storing, and replaying body tracking data. We describe the
le/stream format we have developed, showcase our prototypical
recording software capable of recording body tracking data from
several dierent cameras and tool suites, and present the PoseViz
visualization software, a visualization and playback tool for stored
or real-time streamed body tracking data.
To have practical use, a body tracking tool suite has to include at
least a way to record and store body tracking data, and a way to
visualize or play back previously recorded data. In order to facilitate
these two functions, it also requires a data storage format that both
portions of the system have agreed on. This article outlines how
we provide all three components. See Figure 2 for a visual overview
of how the toolset components interact.
First o, section 3 presents our body tracking data storage format,
which has been designed with ease of programmatic interaction in
mind. In section 4 we describe our Tracking Server, the software
that integrates various sensor APIs and converts captured body
tracking data into the PoseViz le format. Section 5 shows the
PoseViz software, which can play back stored (or live-streamed)
body tracking data.
We begin with a brief look at the landscape of existing le formats.
As of this publication, there are no other vendor-neutral storage
formats for body tracking data. In its Kinect Studio software, Mi-
crosoft provides a facility to record body tracking data using Kinect
sensors, but the format is proprietary and can only be played back
using Kinect Studio on Windows operating systems. The OpenNI
project as well as Stereolabs (the vendor for the ZED series of depth
sensors) both have their own recording le formats, but they are
geared towards full RGB video data, not body tracking data. There
are specialized motion capture formats, Biovision Hierarchy being a
popular example, but their format specications are not open and
their underlying assumptions on technical aspects like frame rate
consistency do not necessarily translate to the body tracking data
storage use case.
To solve this issue, we have developed a new le format for body
tracking data with the following quality criteria in mind:
It needs to be vendor-neutral with support for a variety of
dierent sensors, tracking APIs and body models.
It should be simple to read and parse programmatically. This
way, implementers have an easy start even if there is no
existing parser in their language of choice.
It must support rich metadata and context information to
allow body tracking recordings to be stored alongside con-
textual data on its spatial surroundings, on the hardware and
software setup that was used, etc.
It needs to be extensible and annotatable to allow (a) usage
with a variety of dierent sensors and their data output, and
(b) post-hoc enrichment and annotation of frame data with
added information derived from postprocessing or external
information sources.
Our resulting design for a le format is closely inspired by the
Wavefront OBJ format for 3D vertex data. It is a text-based format
that can be viewed and generally understood in a simple text edi-
tor. See Figure 3 for an example of what a PoseViz body tracking
recording looks like.
It contains a header section that supports metadata in a stan-
dardized format. The body of the le consists of a sequence of
timestamped frames, each signifying a moment in time. Each frame
can contain one or more person records. Each person record has
a mandatory ID (intended for following the same person across
frames within one recording) and X/Y/Z position. Optionally, the
person record can contain whatever data the sensor provides, most
commonly including a numbered list of key body points with their
X/Y/Z coordinates. The frame and person record may also be ex-
tended with additional elds derived from post-hoc data interpre-
tation and enrichment. As an example, the ZED 2 sensor does not
provide an engagement value like the Kinect does, but a similar
value could be calculated per frame based on the key point data
and reintegrated into the recording for later visualization [1].
The PoseViz le format has been adjusted and evolved over the
year that we have been recording body tracking data in our deploy-
ment setup [
]. It is expected to evolve further as compatibility for
more sensors, body models and use cases is added. We seek collab-
orators from the research community who would be interested in
co-steering this process.
With the le format chosen, there needs to be a software that
accesses sensor data in real time and converts it into PoseViz data
les. In our toolset, this function is performed by the Tracking
Server, named for its purpose to provide tracking data to consuming
applications. Its current implementation is a Python program that
can interface with various sensor APIs. It serves two central use
Manual recording: start and stop a body tracking recording
via button presses, save the result to a le. This mode is
intended for supervised laboratory experiments.
Automatic recording: start a recording every time a person
enters the eld of view of the sensor and stop when the
A New Soware Toolset for Recording and Viewing Body Tracking Data MuC’23, 03.-06. September 2023, Rapperswil (SG)
Stereolabs ZED 2
Microsoft Kinect
Generic cameras
Tracking Server
live streaming
files Reading
analysis tools
Figure 2: Toolset overview showing the interactions between system components.
ts 2022-11-24T11:39:18.796
ct 0.18679 0.34504 0.12434
co -0.30539 -0.03130 -0.01309 0.95162
f 0
p 0 -0.19495 1.34052 3.32204
cf 0.76
ast IDLE
gro -0.01758 0.97214 0.01931 -0.23298
v 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
k 0 -0.18878 1.29331 3.28806
k 1 -0.18537 1.15794 3.28186
k 2 -0.18196 1.02257 3.27566
k 3 -0.17897 0.88718 3.26986
k 4 -0.14888 0.88851 3.25432
k 5 -0.03154 0.89370 3.19375
Figure 3: Excerpt from a PoseViz body tracking data le show-
ing the beginning of a recording including a timestamp, cam-
era translation and camera rotation, followed by the rst
frame (time oset zero) containing one person. Partial body
tracking data is shown here including the tracking con-
dence, action state, global root orientation, current velocity,
and the rst few body key points.
last person leaves it. Each recording gets stored as a sepa-
rate time-stamped le. This mode is intended for long-term
The Tracking Server is capable of persisting is recordings to
the le system for later asynchronous access, or it can provide a
WebSocket stream to which a PoseViz client can connect across a
local network or the internet to view body tracking sensor data
in real time. As for sensor interfaces, it can currently fetch body
tracking data from Stereolabs ZED 2 and ZED 2i cameras via the
ZED SDK (other models from the same vendor are untested) or from
generic video camera feeds using Google’s MediaPipe framework
and its BlazePose component. An interface for Kinect sensors using
PyKinect2 is in the process of being developed.
In our current deployment setup, we have the Tracking Server
running in automatic recording mode as a background process.
Between July 2022 and June 2023, it has generated approximately
40 GB worth of body tracking recordings across our two semi-
public ZED 2 sensor deployments at University of the Bundeswehr
The Tracking Server is not yet publically released.
During our rst experiments with capturing body tracking data, we
noticed very quickly that the capturing process cannot be meaning-
fully evaluated without a corresponding visualization component
to check recorded data for plausibility. The PoseViz software (not af-
liated with the Python module of the same title by István Sárándi)
is the result of extending our body tracking visualization prototype
into a relatively full-featured visualization tool that gives access to
a variety of useful visualizations.
We planned PoseViz as a platform-neutral tool, intended to run
on all relevant desktop operating systems and preferably also on
mobile devices. The modern web platform oers enough render-
ing capabilities to make this feasible. Consequently, PoseViz was
implemented as a JavaScript application with 3D rendering code
using the three.js library. The software runs entirely client-side and
requires no server component except for static le delivery.
On account of being designed to replay body tracking record-
ings, the PoseViz graphical user interface is based on video player
applications with a combined play/pause button, a progress bar
MuC’23, 03.-06. September 2023, Rapperswil (SG) Julian Fietkau
showing the timeline of the current le, and a timestamp showing
the current position on the timeline as well as the total duration (see
Figure 4). The le can be played at its actual speed using the play
button, or it can be skimmed by dragging the progress indicator.
PoseViz can be used to open previously recorded PoseViz les,
or it can open a WebSocket stream provided by a Tracking Server
to view real-time body tracking data. The current viewport can be
exported as a PNG or SVG le at any time.
Users can individually enable or disable several render com-
ponents, including joints (body key points), bones (connections
between joints), each person’s overall position as a pin (with or
without rotation), the sensor at its true position as well as its eld of
view (provided it is known), as well as 2D walking trajectories and
estimated gaze directions. We are working on a feature to display a
3D model of the spatial context of a specic sensor deployment.
The default camera is a free 3D view that can be rotated around
the sensor position. In addition, the camera can be switched to the
sensor view (position and orientation xed to what the sensor could
perceive) or to one of three orthographic 2D projections.
These capabilities are geared towards initial explorations of body
tracking data. Researchers can use this tool to check their recordings
for quality, identify sensor weaknesses, or look through recordings
for interesting moments.
For most research questions surrounding body tracking, more
specic analysis tools will need to be developed to inquire about
specic points of interests. For example, if a specic gesture needs to
be identied or statistical measures are to be taken across a number
of recordings, this is outside the scope of PoseViz and a bespoke
analysis process is needed. However, post-processed data may be
added to PoseViz les and visualized in the PoseViz viewport for
example, we have done this for post-hoc interpreted engagement
estimations (displayed through color shifts in PoseViz).
PoseViz can be used in any modern web browser.1
Figure 4: Screenshot of the PoseViz playback software, show-
ing an example body tracking data recording as well as the
player UI at the bottom of the screen (play button, progress
bar, time stamp) and the settings menu signied by the three
dots in the upper right.
In this article we have described the PoseViz le format for body
tracking data as well as our Tracking Server for recording body
tracking events and the PoseViz visualization software for playing
recorded body tracking data. Each of these components can only
be tested in conjunction with one another, which is why they have
to evolve side by side.
This toolset is currently in use for the HoPE project (see Acknowl-
edgements) and is seeing continued improvement in this context.
We feel that it has reached a stage of maturity where external collab-
orators could feasibly make use of it in their own research contexts.
It is still far from being a commercial-level drop-in solution, but
making use of this infrastructure (and contributing to its develop-
ment) may save substantial resources compared to implementing a
full custom toolset. Potential collaborators are advised to contact
the author.
The intended next step for the toolset is an expert evaluation.
Researchers who have previously worked with body tracking data
will be interviewed about their needs for visualization tools, and
they will have an opportunity to test the current version of PoseViz
and oer feedback for future improvements.
Thank you to Jan Schwarzer, Tobias Plischke, James Beutler, and
Maximilian Römpler for their feedback and contributions regarding
PoseViz and body tracking data recording in general.
This research project, titled “Investigation of the honeypot eect
on (semi-)public interactive ambient displays in long-term eld
studies, is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG,
German Research Foundation) project number 451069094.
Coleen Cabalo, Lars Gatzemeyer, and Lukas Mathes. 2023. Evaluating the engage-
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Germany, 7 pages. mci-ws13-282
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uation environment for interactive semi-public information displays. In Mensch
und Computer 2023 Workshopband, Peter Fröhlich and Vanessa Cobus (Eds.).
Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., Bonn, Germany, 5 pages.
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... So, we decided to invest in setting up and managing a longterm, in-the-wild, real-world deployment of an interactive large information screen solution at our university. We started operating the first two screens in 2018 and added two more in 2019, then paused due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and restarted operating the screens in mid 2022 -now with additional capturing of body tracking data [4] at two of the screens. ...
... Since we are interested in how often and in which way people interact with the CommunityMirror to explore the displayed information, we added functionality for capturing active and passive usage data -for scientific evaluations and for operation support. Our logging solution is described in more detail elsewhere [4,10]. ...
... With the solutions for continuously collecting interaction data [10] and body tracking data around the displays [4], we now have data beyond the novelty effect to work on questions like: ...
Full-text available
Human-computer interaction research increasingly focuses on the long-term evaluation of real-world field deployments. When dealing with innovative solutions and when asking for the possibility to do action research in the deployment, fitting real-world deployments are hard to find – and access to these deployments is hard to obtain. We decided to invest in setting up and managing a long-term deployment of an interactive large information screen solution at our university, which includes several displays. In this paper, we briefly report about the installation – the CommunityMirror Network – as well as its functionality and operations management.
... Ein signifikanter Teil der Arbeit im Projekt drehte sich um die Erhebung, Verarbeitung und Speicherung der Body-Tracking-Daten in Langzeit-Deployments. In Ermangelung eines geräteunabhängigen und offenen Datenformats wurde mit dem PoseViz-Format ein eigenes spezifiziert und im Projektverlauf kontinuierlich iteriert (Fietkau, 2023). Dabei wurden folgende Qualitätskriterien berücksichtigt: ...
... Im ersten Schritt werdenPosen (KI-basierte Pose Estimation) aus jedem Bild des Videos extrahiert. Diese werden in ein vom Projekt entwickeltes Soft-/Hardware-unabhängigen Format transformiert(Fietkau, 2023) und einer visuellen Inspektion zugänglich gemacht (siehe Abbildung 2). Im zweiten Schritt werden die Sequenzen der Posen genutzt, um die Deutung von menschlichem Verhalten (Human Activity Recognition, HAR) vorzunehmen und damit die Bewegungen vor den jeweiligen Kameras algorithmisch zu deuten. ...
Technical Report
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Im Rahmen des Projektes ist ein Framework zur Analyse der Nutzung von interaktiven großen Wandbildschirmen im Feldeinsatz entstanden – von Erfahrungsberichten bei Konzeption und Aufbau bis zu Open Source Toolsets. Diese erlauben eine parallele Analyse von Interaktions- und Beobachtungsdaten und schaffen neue Möglichkeiten, die Nutzung von im Langzeitbetrieb befindlichen Wandbildschirmen teilautomatisiert zu untersuchen und dabei umfangreiche sensorbasierte Datensätze hinsichtlich interessanter Muster zu filtern und zu visualisieren. Der Einsatz dieses Frameworks im Bereich Honeypot- und Novelty-Effekt zeigt, dass durch eigene Entwicklung von Methoden und Werkzeugen zur Analyse von Body-Tracking-Daten die Identifikation von möglichen Situationen zur genaueren Untersuchung viel einfacher geworden ist. Auch sind quantitative Abschätzungen dazu möglich, wie häufig Honeypot- und andere Effekte auftreten und wie deren Häufigkeit sich über Monate und Jahre wandelt.
... Abbildung 2: Darstellung exemplarischer Body-Tracking-Daten von zwei Personen als abstrakte 3D-Körpermodelle in unserer Visualisierungssoftware PoseViz [1].Wir erheben seit mehreren Jahren nahezu durchgehend Body-Tracking-Daten mit optischen Sensoren und werten sie qualitativ sowie quantitativ aus. In anderen Veröfentlichungen präsentieren wir das Forschungskonzept[2,3], die Verarbeitung der Daten[1], die dafür aufgebaute technische Infrastruktur[5] sowie erste empirische Ergebnisse[6]. Bereits publizierte Aspekte des Forschungsprojekts (einschließlich seiner Kernerkenntnisse) wiederholen wir an dieser Stelle bewusst nicht. ...
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In der Mensch-Computer-Interaktion sind Beobachtungsstudien ein bewährtes Mittel, um Erkenntnisse darüber zu gewinnen, wie Menschen sich in der Interaktion mit digitalen Systemen verhalten. Um solche Beobachtungen über längere Zeiträume durchführen und reichhaltigere Beobachtungsdaten sammeln zu können, werden mitunter optische Sensoren eingesetzt, die bestimmte Aspekte des Verhaltens ohne kontinuierliche menschliche Betreuung aufzeichnen können. Wie können solche Sensoren menschenwürdig und unter Wahrung der Privatsphäre eingesetzt werden und welche Fallstricke sind dabei zu beachten? Wir berichten aus dem Projekt Untersuchung des Honeypot-Efekts an (halb-)öfentlichen interaktiven Ambient Displays in Langzeitfeldstudien und refektieren in diesem Beitrag Aspekte der Inklusion und des respektvollen Umgangs mit Versuchspersonen.
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Human-computer interaction research increasingly focuses on the long-term evaluation of real-world field deployments. When dealing with innovative solutions and when asking for the possibility to do action research in the deployment, fitting real-world deployments are hard to find – and access to these deployments is hard to obtain. We decided to invest in setting up and managing a long-term deployment of an interactive large information screen solution at our university, which includes several displays. In this paper, we briefly report about the installation – the CommunityMirror Network – as well as its functionality and operations management.
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We present a scalable, semi-automated process for studying the usage of public displays. The process consists of gathering anonymous interaction and skeletal data of passersby during public display deployment and programmatically analyzing the data. We demonstrate the use of the process with the analysis of the Information Wall, a gesture-controlled public information display. Information Wall was deployed in a university campus for one year and collected an extensive data set of more than 100 000 passersby. The main benefits of the process include (1) gathering of large data sets without considerable use of resources, (2) fast, semi-automated data analysis, and (3) applicability to studying the effects of long-term public display deployments. In analyzing the usage and passersby data of the Information Wall in our validation study, the main findings uncovered using the method were (i) most users were first-time users exploring the system, and not many returned to use the system again, and (ii) many users were accompanied by passive users who observed interaction from further away, which could suggest a case of multi-user interaction blindness. In the past, logged data has mainly been used as a supporting method for in situ observations and interviews, and its use has required a considerable amount of manual work. In this article, we argue that logged data analysis can be automated to complement other methods, particularly in the evaluation of long-term deployments.
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Human action recognition is an important task in computer vision. Extracting discriminative spatial and temporal features to model the spatial and temporal evolutions of different actions plays a key role in accomplishing this task. In this work, we propose an end-to-end spatial and temporal attention model for human action recognition from skeleton data. We build our model on top of the Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) with Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), which learns to selectively focus on discriminative joints of skeleton within each frame of the inputs and pays different levels of attention to the outputs of different frames. Furthermore, to ensure effective training of the network, we propose a regularized cross-entropy loss to drive the model learning process and develop a joint training strategy accordingly. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model,both on the small human action recognition data set of SBU and the currently largest NTU dataset.
Exploring spatial and temporal audience behavior around ambient displays is an important area of HCI research. It aids in, for instance, understanding better user appropriation in natural environments. However, there are only a few tools to capture said behavior, and simultaneously, little knowledge of the space around ambient display installations exists. In this research, we report on audience behavior observed during an in-the-wild study where we deployed our custom Ambient Surfaces solution in a professional, large-scale agile software development context for circa 5 years. Across 18 weeks in 2017, we collected skeletal data with two Microsoft Kinect v2 cameras resulting in behavior information of more than 30,000 passersby. Our results indicate, among others, that users did show the highest levels of engagement at quite some distance to the Ambient Surfaces and that people engaging in direct interaction did so rather purposely. Ultimately, this article encapsulates our research’s originality in four contributions including an approach to separate passersby from real users and an in-depth exploration of skeletal data. With the tools and methods illustrated, we hope to demonstrate manifold insights for future research on audience behavior tracking.
Evaluating the engagement of users from public displays
  • Coleen Cabalo
  • Lars Gatzemeyer
  • Lukas Mathes
Coleen Cabalo, Lars Gatzemeyer, and Lukas Mathes. 2023. Evaluating the engagement of users from public displays. In Mensch und Computer 2023 -Workshopband, Peter Fröhlich and Vanessa Cobus (Eds.). Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., Bonn, Germany, 7 pages.