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Identifying the Level of Teacher's Maturity in the Impactful Gamification Use (IGU) in ABU Dhabi Public Schools



This study aims to identify the maturity level of science and math teachers in Impactful Gamification Use (IGU) in Al Dhafra region public schools in Abu Dhabi. The researcher used a concurrent triangulation mixed methodology research design, the research is conducted on a sample selected through a purposive sampling method from the population of public schools’ science and math teachers from Al Dhafra region in Abu Dhabi. The results indicate that teachers have a high level of maturity in the impactful use of gamification, Thus, the findings from this research were used to suggest a framework rubric for measuring and improving Impactful GamificationUse (IGU), which can be used by education professionals to achieve better results using educational gamification technologies practically and to enhance the learning of their pupils. The implication of this research is anticipated to be beneficial for teachers, school senior leadership teams, and educational governing bodies to promote and to create a better understanding of how to achieve impactful use of educational gamification technology, and to harness its positive effects on education. The researcher concludes that higher levels of teacher's maturity result in creating and establishing the conditions of the IGU and that using the educational gamification framework rubric can help educators to achieve ITU, future research can help in testing and improving on the findings of this research and also apply it to other learning subjects.
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The flow state is a mental state in which a person is fully immersed in an activity and experiences a sense of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment. It is a highly desirable state for learning, as it allows students to be more engaged and productive. However, achieving the flow state can be challenging, and there is no single method guaranteed to achieve all the conditions of this state. Additionally, this study argues that achieving the flow state is advantageous in STEAM education because it has the potential to increase student engagement and motivation, improve learning outcomes, promote creativity and problem-solving skills, and develop 21st-century skills such as collaboration and critical thinking. Therefore, this study aims to develop a new framework for achieving the flow state in STEAM education by investigating the implementation of a combined approach using impactful technology (ITU) and gamification (IGU). The framework combines impactful technology use (ITU) and impactful gamification use (IGU) to create activities that are challenging, have clear goals, provide immediate feedback, and promote action-awareness merging. A concurrent triangulation mixed-methodology research design was used, with data collected from teachers, students, and parents through questionnaires, interviews, and observations. The researcher used purposive sampling to determine the sample, which consisted of eighty-nine teachers, ten students, ten parents, and ten lesson observations. The study is significant because it is the first to propose a new model for achieving the flow state in STEAM education. The findings were used to develop the New Combined Flow Framework (NCFF), which supports achieving the conditions for the flow state in STEAM learning through the combined use of ITU and IGU. This new framework can be used by education professionals to practically achieve the flow state in STEAM classes. By understanding how to achieve the flow state, educators can create more engaging and effective learning experiences for their students, potentially revolutionizing STEAM education and making it more accessible to all students. Abstrak Keadaan aliran ialah keadaan mental di mana seseorang terlibat sepenuhnya dalam aktiviti dan mengalami rasa fokus bertenaga, penglibatan penuh dan keseronokan. Ia adalah keadaan yang sangat diingini untuk pembelajaran kerana ia membolehkan pelajar menjadi lebih terlibat dan produktif. Walau bagaimanapun, mencapai keadaan aliran boleh menjadi mencabar dan tiada kaedah tunggal yang dijamin untuk mencapai semua syarat keadaan ini. Di samping itu, kajian ini berpendapat bahawa mencapai keadaan aliran adalah berfaedah dalam pendidikan STEAM kerana ia berpotensi untuk meningkatkan penglibatan dan motivasi pelajar, meningkatkan hasil pembelajaran, menggalakkan kreativiti dan kemahiran menyelesaikan masalah serta membangunkan kemahiran abad ke-21 seperti kolaborasi dan pemikiran kritis. Oleh itu, kajian ini bertujuan untuk membangunkan kerangka baharu untuk mencapai keadaan aliran dalam pendidikan STEAM dengan mengkaji pelaksanaan pendekatan gabungan menggunakan teknologi berimpak (ITU) dan gamifikasi (IGU). Kerangka ini menggabungkan penggunaan teknologi berkesan (ITU) dan penggunaan gamifikasi berimpak (IGU) untuk mencipta aktiviti yang mencabar, mempunyai matlamat yang jelas, memberikan maklum balas segera dan menggalakkan penggabungan kesedaran tindakan. Reka bentuk penyelidikan metodologi campuran triangulasi serentak telah digunakan dengan data dikumpul daripada guru, pelajar dan ibu bapa melalui soal selidik, temu bual dan pemerhatian. Pengkaji menggunakan persampelan bertujuan untuk menentukan sampel yang terdiri daripada lapan puluh sembilan orang guru, sepuluh orang murid, sepuluh orang ibu bapa dan sepuluh pemerhatian pengajaran. Kajian ini penting kerana kajian ini adalah yang pertama mencadangkan kerangka baharu untuk mencapai keadaan aliran dalam pendidikan STEAM. Penemuan ini digunakan untuk membangunkan Kerangka Aliran Gabungan Baharu (NCFF), yang menyokong pencapaian syarat untuk keadaan aliran dalam pembelajaran STEAM melalui gabungan ITU dan IGU. Kerangka baharu ini boleh digunakan oleh profesional pendidikan untuk mencapai keadaan aliran secara praktikal dalam kelas STEAM. Dengan memahami cara untuk mencapai keadaan aliran, pendidik boleh mencipta pengalaman pembelajaran yang lebih menarik dan berkesan untuk pelajar mereka yang berpotensi merevolusikan pendidikan STEAM dan menjadikannya lebih mudah diakses oleh semua pelajar.
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