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Study on dielectric relaxation and current–voltage characteristics of Mn-doped ZrO2 nanocrystalline solid solution at and above room temperature

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Abstract and Figures

In this article, we report dielectric behavior and current–voltage characteristics of manganese (Mn)-doped zirconia nanocomposite in the 298 < T < 523 K temperature range. It is observed that the electrical response is controlled by the Mn concentration present in the sample. Both ac and dc conductivities of the prepared samples are observed to increase as the temperature rises. This suggests that the prepared samples behave in a semiconducting nature. Also, the ac conductivities of the samples increase with the frequency, which is prominent beyond the hopping frequency. The complex dielectric permittivity decreases with frequency and attains saturation at high-frequency regions. The current–voltage study shows that trap height increases with temperature and sample behavior is governed by the Poole Frenkel Emission model.
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J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2023) 34:1701
Study ondielectric relaxation andcurrent–voltage
characteristics ofMn‑doped ZrO2 nanocrystalline
solid solution atandaboveroom temperature
S.Saha1, A.Nandy2, S.K.Pradhan3,and A.K.Meikap4,*
1 Department ofPhysics, Kulti College, Kulti, WestBurdwan, WestBengal713343, India
2 Department ofPhysics, City College, Kolkata, WestBengal700009, India
3 Department ofPhysics, The University ofBurdwan, Golapbag, WestBurdwan, WestBengal713104, India
4 Department ofPhysics, National Institute ofTechnology, Durgapur, WestBurdwan, WestBengal713209, India
In this article, we report dielectric behavior and current–voltage characteristics
of manganese (Mn)-doped zirconia nanocomposite in the 298 < T < 523 K tem-
perature range. It is observed that the electrical response is controlled by the Mn
concentration present in the sample. Both ac and dc conductivities of the prepared
samples are observed to increase as the temperature rises. This suggests that the
prepared samples behave in a semiconducting nature. Also, the ac conductivities
of the samples increase with the frequency, which is prominent beyond the hop-
ping frequency. The complex dielectric permiivity decreases with frequency and
aains saturation at high-frequency regions. The current–voltage study shows
that trap height increases with temperature and sample behavior is governed by
the Poole Frenkel Emission model.
1 Introduction
Zirconia has some fascinating characters which have
aracted people from the pure research arena. Also,
technologists are interested in zirconia due to their
technical aspects. Zirconia shows basic and acidic
properties as well as oxidizing and reducing nature [1].
Three dierent polymorphs of zirconia are observed,
which convert from one form to another with tem-
perature variations. They are monoclinic phase (space
group P21/c) which exists in the temperature range of
Room temperature − 1440 K. Next is a tetragonal phase
(space group P42/nmc), which exists in the temperature
range of 1440–2650 K). Lastly, the most interesting
cubic phase (space group Fm
m) exists in the tem-
perature range of 2650 K to the melting point of zir-
conia. Technologists find widespread applications
of the cubic zirconia phase. Cubic zirconia exhibits
good ionic conductivity at relatively high-tempera-
ture regions. This property is essential in fabricating
oxygen pumps, oxygen sensors, and SOFCs. For this
reason, cubic zirconia is considered a high-potential
element in this field [2]. The engineered materials
are hard and they show resistance against fracture.
These wear-resistant materials are applied success-
fully in structural ceramic industries [3, 4]. The PSZ
Received: 21 February 2023
Accepted: 8 August 2023
Published online:
23 August 2023
The Author(s), under ex-
clusive licence to Springer
Science+Business Media, LLC,
© part of Springer Nature,
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Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
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The present work reports the sonochemical synthesis of DBNO NC (dysprosium nickelate nanocomposite) using metal nitrates and core almond as a capping agent. In addition, the effects of the power of ultrasound irradiation were investigated. The BaDy2NiO5/Dy2O3 and BaDy2NiO5/NiO nanocomposites were synthesized with sonication powers of 50 and 30 W, respectively. The agglomerated nanoparticles were obtained using different sonication powers, including 15, 30, and 50 W. The results showed that upon increasing the sonication power, the particle size decreased. After characterization, the optical, electrical, magnetic, and photocatalytic properties of the NC were studied. The nanocomposites showed an antiferromagnetic behavior. In this study, the photocatalytic degradations of two dyes, AR14 and AB92, were investigated in the presence of DBNO NC. Furthermore, the effects of the amount of photocatalyst, the concentration of the dye solution, the type of organic dye, and light irradiation on the photocatalytic activity of the nanocomposite were studied. The results showed that with an increasing amount of catalyst and decreasing concentration of dye, the photocatalytic activity of the nanocomposite was increased. This activity for the degradation of AR14 is higher than that of AB92. Both AR14 and AB92 dyes show higher photocatalytic degradation under UV irradiation than under Vis irradiation.
We report the dielectric properties of flexible polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) and multiwall carbon nanotube (MWCNT) composite films prepared by solution casting route. The Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Raman study engraved more dipolar phases within the carboxyl functionalize (f-MWCNT) embedded PVDF composite film. The dielectric permittivity enhances but the dielectric loss reduces for f-MWCNT embedded PVDF film compared to pristine MWCNT (p-MWCNT) embedded film. The dipolar interaction between –CF2 groups in PVDF and –COOH groups of CNT plays a crucial role in enhancing the dielectric constant. The resistance-voltage plot engraves the formation of the hysteresis loop of the nanocomposite film. The enhanced dielectric permittivity and appearance of a hysteresis loop in f-MWCNT embedded PVDF film can be utilized as the flexible storage device material. Apart from the above, the low value of skin depth of the film makes it a promising candidate for designing a flexible electromagnetic shielding membrane.
Silicon carbide nanotubes (SiCNTs) have attracted extensive scientific and commercial interest due to their excellent properties. Based on the first principles, the lattice and energy band structure of group III element-doped SiCNTs are studied, it is found that when the electronegativity of the doped atoms is less than that of the surrounding atoms, except for an acceptor energy level near the top of the valence band, a deep impurity level is also produced near the conduction band. Numerical simulation results show that the substitution of silicon is beneficial to improve the transport performance of SiCNTs, while the substitution of C atoms is more beneficial to the improvement of recombination performance. Further analysis showed that the dominant role in the transport process of doped SiCNTs is the optical phonon scattering mechanism. The increase in non-equilibrium minority carrier lifetime when C is substituted is due to the large acceptor ionization energy, which reduces the trapping rate of holes. This will improve the photon excitation and radiation performance of doped SiCNTs.
The electrical properties of cubic, calcia-stabilised zirconia ceramics, CaxZr1-xO2-x: 0.12 ≤ x ≤ 0.18 have been investigated using impedance spectroscopy to separate bulk, grain boundary and electrode contact impedances. The most appropriate equivalent circuit to characterise the bulk response required inclusion of a dielectric component, represented by a series RC element, in parallel with the oxide ion conductivity represented by a parallel combination of a resistance, capacitance and constant phase element. The dielectric component may be attributed to defect complexes involving immobile oxygen vacancy pairs whereas long range conduction involves single oxygen vacancies.
Zn0.35Fe2.65O4 nanostructure was prepared as a ferrite material by using a simple sonochemistry method. The effect of different parameters such as sonication time and power were studied. By increasing sonication power and time more Fe+3 ions reduced to Fe+2. This happens because H and OH radicals produced under sonication could act as a reduction agent. Therefore by increasing power and sonication time more Fe+3 ions reduced. Pure Zn0.35Fe2.65O4 nanostructure was formed when sonication time and power were 30 min and 40 W. Surface area for pure Zn0.35Fe2.65O4 nanostructure was 64 m2.g-1. Afterward, Zn0.35Fe2.65O4 nanostructures were applied to treat water containing different pollutants. As-prepared nanostructures degrade 60.8, 77.9, 55.2 and 44.0% of Acid Violet 7, Acid Blue 92, Acid Red 14, and Methyl Orange under visible light during 180 min irradiation. In addition, 94.5, 84.2, and 43.0% of AV7, PhR, and Ery were degraded under UV light during 120 min irradiation. The as-synthesized Zn0.35Fe2.65O4 nanostructure was characterized through the SEM, EDX, TEM, CV, DRS, BET, VSM, and XRD.
We report on the dielectric constant, conductivity, impedance spectroscopy and current-voltage characteristic of zinc contain diamond-like carbon (Zn-DLC) films prepared by a combination of plasma source ion implantation with magnetron sputtering of a zinc target. The frequency variation of the AC conductivity follows Jonscher's power law. The temperature variation of the frequency exponent indicates that the charge carriers follow a correlated barrier hopping conduction mechanism. The frequency dispersion of real and imaginary part of the dielectric constant obeys a modified Cole-Cole equation. The space charge conductivity, free charge conductivity and relaxation time of the Zn-DLC thin films are temperature dependent. The relaxation time decreases with increase in temperature. The Nyquist plot of complex impedance spectroscopy is simulated by a simple electrical equivalent circuit. The imaginary part of the complex impedance shows a relaxation peak, which shifts towards the high frequency side with an increase in temperature. The temperature dependent current-voltage (I-V) characteristic shows a non-linear type behaviour which follows the Poole-Frenkel (PF) emission model. To investigate the photosensitivity of an Ag/Zn-DLC/Si device, we placed it in dark and UV light condition and measured the (I-V) characteristic at room temperature. The dark current density and photocurrent density follow the PF model and a modified PF model respectively.
Here we report the formation of Mn doped nanocrystalline ZrO2 solid solution synthesized by high energy ball-milling method and the transport mechanism in the temperature range 298 K<T<523 K and in the frequency range 20 Hz–2 MHz. Rietveld method is employed for analysis of phase formation mechanism, structural and microstructural characterization of different phases and relative phase abundances using XRD patterns. The electrical study shows the dc conductivity enhances as the doping percentage increases. Complex electric modulus study shows low frequency region approaches to ideal Debye type behaviour while the high frequency side deviates. Alternating current conductivity is found to follow the power law σ‘(f,T)∝fsTn. A transformation from small polaron hopping to correlated barrier hopping has been observed from the temperature dependence frequency exponent study. The contribution of grain boundary resistance is found to be dominating over the grain resistance in the ac conduction process.