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Percutaneous Application of High Power Microwave Ablation With 150 W for the Treatment of Tumors in Lung, Liver, and Kidney: A Preliminary Experience

SAGE Publications Inc
Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment

Abstract and Figures

Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the feasibility, safety, and short-term effectiveness of a high-power (150 W) microwave ablation (MWA) device for tumor ablation in the lung, liver, and kidney. Methods: Between December 2021 and June 2022, patients underwent high-power MWA for liver, lung, and kidney tumors. A retrospective observational study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. The MWA system utilized a 150-W, 2.45-GHz microwave generator (Emprint™ HP Ablation System, Medtronic). The study assessed technical success, safety, and effectiveness, considering pre- and post-treatment diameter and volume, lesion location, biopsy and/or cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) usage, MWA ablation time, MWA power, and dose-area product (DAP). Results: From December 2021 to June 2022, 16 patients were enrolled for high-power MWA. Treated lesions included hepatocellular carcinoma (10), liver metastasis from colon cancer (1), liver metastasis from pancreatic cancer (1), squamous cell lung carcinoma (2), renal cell carcinoma (1), and renal oncocytoma (1). Technical success rate was 100%. One grade 1 complication (6.25%) was reported according to CIRSE classification. Overall effectiveness was 92.8%. Pre- and post-treatment mean diameters for liver lesions were 19.9 mm and 37.5 mm, respectively; for kidney lesions, 34 mm and 35 mm; for lung lesions, 29.5 mm and 31.5 mm. Pre- and post-treatment mean volumes for liver lesions were 3.4 ml and 24 ml, respectively; for kidney lesions, 8.2 ml and 20.5 ml; for lung lesions, 10.2 ml and 32.7 ml. The mean ablation time was 48 minutes for liver, 42.5 minutes for lung, and 42.5 minutes for renal ablation. The mean DAP for all procedures was 40.83 Gcm2. Conclusion: This preliminary study demonstrates the feasibility, safety, and effectiveness of the new 150 W MWA device. Additionally, it shows reduced ablation times for large lesions.
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Percutaneous Application of High Power
Microwave Ablation With 150 W for the
Treatment of Tumors in Lung, Liver, and
Kidney: A Preliminary Experience
Carolina Lanza, MD
, Serena Carriero, MD
, Velio Ascenti, MD
Jacopo Tintori, MD
, Francesco Ricapito, MD
Roberto Lavorato, MD, PhD
, Pierpaolo Biondetti, MD, PhD
Salvatore Alessio Angileri, MD
, Filippo Piacentino, MD, PhD
Federico Fontana, MD
, Massimo Venturini, MD
Anna Maria Ierardi, MD
, and Gianpaolo Carraello, MD
Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the feasibility, safety, and short-term effectiveness of a high-power (150 W)
microwave ablation (MWA) device for tumor ablation in the lung, liver, and kidney. Methods: Between December 2021 and
June 2022, patients underwent high-power MWA for liver, lung, and kidney tumors. A retrospective observational study was con-
ducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. The MWA system utilized a 150-W, 2.45-GHz microwave generator
(EmprintHP Ablation System, Medtronic). The study assessed technical success, safety, and effectiveness, considering pre-
and post-treatment diameter and volume, lesion location, biopsy and/or cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) usage,
MWA ablation time, MWA power, and dose-area product (DAP). Results: From December 2021 to June 2022, 16 patients
were enrolled for high-power MWA. Treated lesions included hepatocellular carcinoma (10), liver metastasis from colon cancer
(1), liver metastasis from pancreatic cancer (1), squamous cell lung carcinoma (2), renal cell carcinoma (1), and renal oncocytoma
(1). Technical success rate was 100%. One grade 1 complication (6.25%) was reported according to CIRSE classication. Overall
effectiveness was 92.8%. Pre- and post-treatment mean diameters for liver lesions were 19.9 mm and 37.5 mm, respectively; for
kidney lesions, 34 mm and 35 mm; for lung lesions, 29.5 mm and 31.5 mm. Pre- and post-treatment mean volumes for liver
lesions were 3.4 ml and 24 ml, respectively; for kidney lesions, 8.2 ml and 20.5 ml; for lung lesions, 10.2 ml and 32.7 ml. The
mean ablation time was 48 minutes for liver, 42.5 minutes for lung, and 42.5 minutes for renal ablation. The mean DAP for all
procedures was 40.83 Gcm
.Conclusion: This preliminary study demonstrates the feasibility, safety, and effectiveness of the
new 150 W MWA device. Additionally, it shows reduced ablation times for large lesions.
microwave ablation, high power, 150 W, lung, liver, kidney, tumor, thermal ablation
CA, cryoablation; CBCT, cone-beam CT; DAP, dose area product; MWA, microwave ablation; RFA, radiofrequency ablation; US,
ultrasound; PNX, pneumothorax
Received: August 11, 2022; Revised: November 27, 2022; Accepted: June 7, 2023.
Postgraduate School in Radiodiagnostics, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Department, IRCCS CaGranda Fondazione Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Milan, Italy
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Department, IRCCS Granda Fondazione Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy
Department of Health Science, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano, Italy
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Unit, ASST Settelaghi, Varese, Italy
Insubria University, Varese, Italy
Corresponding Author:
Velio Ascenti, Postgraduate School in Radiodiagnostics, Università degli Studi di Milano, 20122 Milan, Italy.
Creative Commons Non Commercial CC BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License
( which permits non-commercial use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission pro-
vided the original work is attributed as specied on the SAGE and Open Access page ( ccess-at-sage).
New tools in loco-regional treatments: state of art and future directions Original Article
Technology in Cancer Research &
Volume 22: 1-11
© The Author(s) 2023
Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/15330338231185277
Over the years multiple loco-regional techniques have been
developed including thermal and non-thermal ablation.
Thermal ablation techniques include heat-based thermal
ablations, such as radiofrequency ablation (RFA) and micro-
wave ablation (MWA) and cold-based thermal ablations, such
as cryoablation (CA).
Although RFA is still the most widely used ablation tech-
nique worldwide, throughout the years MWA has gained a lot
of interest proving to be an effective technique, equal or even
superior to RFA in some cases.
Among advantages of MWA over RFA there are: shorter time
of treatment, higher intra-tumoral temperatures, larger area of
necrosis and less effectiveness by the heat-sink effect.
The basic microwave system consists of three components: a
generator, a power distribution system and antennas.
generator operates in the 915 MHz and 2.45 GHz frequency
bands to directly heat tissue to lethal temperatures greater
than 150 °C through dielectric hysteresis.
Dielectric hys-
teresis is a process in which polar molecules, mainly water,
are forced to continuously realign themselves with the oscillat-
ing electric eld. This results in the generation of kinetic energy
and the consequent generation of heat.
In other words, MWA is a method of thermal tumor ablation
where tumors are heated to damage the structure and proteins of
the cell. As tumors have often a high water content, the micro-
waves induce rapid heating thanks to the interaction with the
polar water molecules within the tumor cells.
With regard to percutaneous ablations, data in literature
show a large collection of studies concerning systems operating
at a maximum power of 100 W.
As far as we know there are only few studies that demon-
strate the safety and efciency in vivo of systems operating at
140 W.
Recently has been developed a new system that can generate
up to 150 W of power. Berber and Akbulut
published the rst
worldwide experience with this device, which they used only
laparoscopically or in open surgery to ablate liver tumors.
We report our initial experience to evaluate the feasibility,
safety and short-term effectiveness of this new ablation
device used percutaneously to ablate tumors in lung, liver and
To our knowledge this is the rst experience that reports the
percutaneous employ of this ablation device.
Materials and Methods
Between December 2021 and June 2022 all patients were
enrolled for high-power MWA.
MWA was applied to liver, lung and kidney.
Written informed consent was obtained from all patients.
The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration
of Helsinki, and the protocol was approved by the Ethics
Committee of IRCCS CaGranda Policlinico di Milano
(Project identication code: OSMAMI-23/05/2023-002
The reporting of this study conforms to STROBE
Diagnosis was made on the basis of imaging, medical history
and in some cases on biopsy.
Indications to MWA were shared by clinicians, surgeons and
interventional radiologists according to different selection crite-
ria, tailored to the specic abdominal diseases and according to
standard guidelines.
Patients undergoing anticoagulant and/or antiaggregant
therapy interrupted the treatment following the current guide-
lines, with the introduction of fractionated heparin when neces-
Uncorrectable coagulopathy was the only absolute
contraindication to the procedure.
All patientsdetails were de-identied for this study and the
patients were selected consecutively.
Pre-Treatment Procedure
Pre-treatment imaging consisted of multidetector computed
tomography (CT) using a 64-slice CT scanner (Philips,
Netherlands) and/or magnetic resonance using a 1.5-T scanner
(Siemens, Germany).
Before the beginning of each procedure, local anesthesia of
the antenna entrance site was achieved with 10-ml solution of
2% lidocaine.
Each patient was kept in a state of moderate sedation through
intravenous administration of a combination of midazolam
(0.07-0.08 mg/kg), propofol (0.5-2.0 mg/kg/h), and fentanyl
(1-2 μg/kg), which was mild during the antenna placement
and slightly stronger during the ablation.
Heart rate, electrocardiographic trace, oxygen saturation,
respiratory frequency and blood pressure were continuously
monitored throughout the procedure.
Adequate antibiotic prophylaxis was achieved with intrave-
nous administration of 2 g of cefazolin sodium (Ancef,
SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals, Philadelphia, USA)
shortly before the procedure.
The ablation system device used consisted of a microwave gen-
erator (EmprintHP Ablation System, Medtronic) capable of
producing 150 W of power at 2.45 GHz, connected by coaxial
cable to a 13-gauge straight microwave antenna with a length of
15 cm or 20 cm. The antenna was continuously perfused with
saline solution to prevent over-heat.
Patients were placed in the supine, prone or oblique position
and ultrasound (US) with or without the additional use of cone-
beam CT (CBCT) guidance or a CBCT only were performed to
choose the safest insertion of antenna.
In some cases, we used CBCT-derived volumetric data fused
with pre-procedural cross-sectional imaging and combined with
dedicated software for needle trajectory planning and ablation
2Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment
volume prediction. We used as navigational software,
Xperguide (Philips Allura Xper FD20; Philips Healthcare,
Best, Netherlands) for needle trajectory planning, and
XperCT (Philips Allura Xper FD20; Philips Healthcare, Best,
Netherlands), for the ablation volume prediction.
The generators output was moved straight up to 150 W
from the beginning, avoiding a gradual increase of power, at
a continuous wave of 2.45 GHz. The total ablation time was
variable tailored to the dimensions of the target lesion, to
obtain an optimal necrosis volume.
The cauterization of the needle tract after ablation was per-
formed to reduce the risk of seeding of the needle tract and
the risk of hemorrhages.
In some cases of high-power MWA we performed a post-
procedural CBCT to exclude the presence of immediate
After ablation, patients were transferred to the radiology
recovery room for observation. At 1 hour from the procedure,
all patients submitted to liver and kidney MWA underwent to
abdominal US and all patients submitted to lung MWA under-
went to chest X-ray.
Each patient was scheduled to undergo follow-up at 1 month
after the procedure with multidetector CT using a 64-slice CT
scanner (Philips, Netherlands) before and after medium contrast
Outcomes Measures
The established outcomes for this study were technical success,
safety and effectiveness of the technique.
Technical success was dened as the correct positioning of
the antennae within the lesion, evaluated by intra-procedural
Safety was dened as the frequency of intraoperative, periop-
erative and delayed complications.
All complications were recorded and classied on a scale
from 1 to 6 according to the CIRSE Classication System For
Effectiveness of the technique was dened as the absence of
imaging signs suggestive of residual or recurrence disease.
The parameters used to evaluate the effectiveness of the tech-
nique were dened on the basis of the lesions site in an organ-
specic fashion:
Liver lesions: the effectiveness of the technique was
dened as the absence of intra-tumoral (ie, non-rim-like)
arterial enhancement on contrast-enhanced CT or MRI.
Renal lesions: the effectiveness of the technique was
dened adequate if the follow-up imaging did not
show signicant enhancement (<15 HU) inside the
treated zone after contrast injection. Replacement of
the ablated parenchyma by necrosis was considered as
a positive predictive factor of treatment success.
Lung lesions: the effectiveness of the technique was
dened, after 1 month, as the absence of any signicant
enhancement of the ablation zone on contrast enhanced
CT scan.
For each case we have also evaluated multiple other parameters:
pre-treatment diameter, volume and location of the lesion,
usage of biopsy and/or CBCT before ablation, MWA ablation
time, MWA power and total Dose area product (DAP). We
also evaluated the post-operative ablation volume and diameter
of treated lesions.
Statistical Analysis
Descriptive analysis was performed on the dataset and pre-
sented in simple frequencies, proportion and percentages
using Microsoft Excel 2020 (Microsoft Corporation,
Redmond, WA, USA). The statistical analyses and the graph
were performed using Graph-Pad Prism software (Version 6;
GraphPad, Inc., San Diego, CA, USA).
Between December 2021 and June 2022, 16 patients (11 males
and 5 females ranging in age between 64 and 83 years, mean
age 72.5) were enrolled for high-power MWA.
Pre-Procedural Data
In 10 of 16 patients, pre-treatment imaging consisted of contrast
enhanced CT, instead in 6 of 16 patients the pre-treatment
imaging consisted of contrast enhanced MRI.
The lesions treated were the follows: hepatocellular carci-
noma (HCC) (10), liver metastasis from colon cancer (1),
liver metastasis from pancreas cancer (1), squamous cell lung
carcinoma (2), renal cell carcinoma (1) and renal oncocytoma
(1). (Table 1) (Figures 14)
Pre-intervention biopsy was performed for all 2 renal
lesions, for all 2 lung lesions and for 2 hepatic lesions. The his-
tological results were the follows: renal cell carcinoma (1),
oncocytoma (1), hepatocellular carcinoma (1) metastases from
colon cancer (1), squamous cell lung carcinoma (2).
The mean diameter was considered for each organ like the
average of the largest one evaluated on any axis.
The pre-treatment mean diameter of treated lesions was
19.9 mm (range 10-38 mm) for liver lesions, 34 mm for
kidney lesions (range 30-38 mm) and of 29.5 mm for lung
lesions (range 23-36 mm).
Hepatic lesions are located both in right and left hepatic lobe,
precisely: in S8 (6 lesions, range 14-20 mm, average 17 mm), in
S7 (2 lesions, range 18-30 mm, average 24 mm), in S4 (2
lesions, range 26-30 mm, average 28 mm), in S3 (1 lesion,
9 mm), and in S2 (1 lesion, 20 mm).
Lanza et al 3
Two lung lesions were in the upper right lobe and in upper
left lobe.
The renal lesion was located into the middle portion of right
The pre-treatment mean volume of the treated lesion was
3.4 mL (range 0.8-8.4 mL) for liver lesions, 8.2 mL for
kidney lesions (range 5.8-10.7 mL), and 10.2 mL for lung
lesions (range 4.9-15.5 mL).
All procedures were conducted by a percutaneous
The mean time required to perform a complete procedure
was of 48 minutes for liver ablation (range 25-70 minutes); of
42.5 minutes for lung ablation (range 40-45 minutes) and of
42.5 minutes for renal ablation (range 35-50 minutes).
Figure 1. 150 W microwave ablation (MWA) of HCC in SVIII in a 70-year-old man. (A) arterial (B) venous and (C) delayed phase on CECT
show the presence of nodule of HCC 12 mm of maximus axial diameter (white arrow). (D) Intra-procedural CBCT shows the correct placement of
antenna and MWA at 150 W for 6 minutes was performed. 1-month CECT follow-up on (E) arterial, (F) portal and (G) delayed phase show a
hypodense area of thermocoagulation in all phases without residual disease. Abbreviations: CBCT, cone-beam CT; CECT, contrast-enhanced CT;
HCC hepatocellular carcinoma; MWA, microwave ablation.
Table 1. Histogram Chart Showing the Number and Location of Treated Lesions.
4Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment
The generator produced 150 W of power for an average time
of 3.5 minutes in the liver, 5.15 minutes for the lung and
4.65 minutes for kidney.
All procedures were performed with a power of 150 W.
We used in 9 cases (all cases of kidney and lung ablation and 7
cases of liver ablation) CBCT and navigational softwares such as
Xperguide (Philips Allura Xper FD20; Philips Healthcare, Best,
Netherlands) for needle trajectory planning, and XperCT (Philips
Figure 2. 150 W microwave ablation (MWA) of renal carcinoma in a 74-year-old man. (A) Arterial phase, (B) venous phase and (C) delayed
phase on CECT show a 32 ×27 mm of diameter lower polar right renal lesion. (D) Renal biopsy was performed with a histological diagnosis of
clear cell renal carcinoma. (E, F) Intra-procedural CBCT shows the correct placement of antenna and MWA at 150 W for 4 minutes was
performed. (G) Arterial, (H) portal and (I) delayed phase of 1-month CECT show lack of enhancement in the mass; (J) axial and (K) coronal
CBCT images using navigational softwares, Xperguide (Philips Allura Xper FD20; Philips Healthcare, Best, Netherlands) for needle trajectory
planning, and XperCT (Philips Allura Xper FD20; Philips Healthcare, Best, Netherlands), for the ablation volume prediction. Abbreviations:
CBCT, cone-beam CT; CECT, contrast-enhanced CT; HCC hepatocellular carcinoma; MWA, microwave ablation.
Lanza et al 5
Allura Xper FD20; Philips Healthcare, Best, Netherlands), for the
ablation volume prediction (Figures 2 and 4).
The mean DAP for all procedures was 40.83 Gcm
Follow-up imaging consisted of contrast enhanced CT at 1
month after the procedure.
Out of 16 patients, 14 had a 1-month follow-up, 2
were lost (one renal oncocytoma and one HCC)
The post-treatment mean diameter of the treated lesions
was 37.5 mm for liver lesions (range 20-44 mm), 35 mm
for kidney lesion and 31.5 mm for lung lesions (range
26-37 mm).
Figure 3. 150 W microwave ablation (MWA) of pulmonary lesions in 82-year-old man. (a) Pre-procedural CT scan and (B) pre-procedural
CT-PET show a left upper lobe metastatic lesion measuring 40 ×32 mm in greatest axial diameters with FDG uptake. (C) CT scan shows a single
antenna, which was positioned with CT guidance into the center of the lesion; 4 minutes at 150 W MWA was performed. (D) The patient suffered
a pneumothorax with an air leak that not required chest tube insertion. (E, F) Contrast-enhanced CT scans obtained at 1-month follow-up show an
enlargement of consolidation area, with intralesional cavitation and no enhancement uptake. Abbreviations: CBCT, cone-beam CT; CECT,
contrast-enhanced CT; computed tomography-positron emission tomography (CT-PET); HCC hepatocellular carcinoma; F-uorodeoxyglucose
(FDG);MWA, microwave ablation.
6Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment
Figure 4. 150 W microwave ablation (MWA) of residual hepatic lesion after loco-regional treatment in S4a. (A) Arterial, (B) venous, (C)
delayed phase show CECT show a contrast enhanced residual liver lesion with wash-out in venous and in delayed phases. (D) Intra-procedural US
guidance during the insertion of MWA antenna. (E) Axial, (F) coronal, (G) sagittal plans imaging-fusion between intra-procedural CBCT and
previous CECT, using navigational softwares, Xperguide (Philips Allura Xper FD20; Philips Healthcare, Best, Netherlands) for needle trajectory
planning, and XperCT (Philips Allura Xper FD20; Philips Healthcare, Best, Netherlands), for the ablation volume prediction. (H) Arterial, (I)
venous, and (J) delayed phases at 1-month CT follow-up, showing a complete response with the evidence of the coagulation zone. Abbreviations:
MWA, microwave ablation; CBCT, cone-beam CT; CECT, contrast-enhanced CT; HCC hepatocellular carcinoma.
Lanza et al 7
The post-treatment mean volume of the treated lesions was
24 mL for liver lesion (range 8-40 mL), 20.5 mL for kidney
and 32.7 mL for lung lesions (range 13.1-52.3 mL).
Outcome Measures
Technical Success. Technical success was 100%, with antenna
correctly placed within the lesion in all 16 cases.
Correct positioning of the antenna was conrmed with
CBCT in 10/16 lesions, with the remaining of the lesions con-
rmed with US only.
Safety. In our study population did not showed signicant com-
plications and only two grade 1 complication (12,5%) were
reported according to CIRSE classication.
The rst was a case of mild endoalveolar hemorrage detected
on post-procedural CBCT, consequent to lung thermoablation,
which did not make it necessary to add additional therapy; the
second was a small pneumothorax (PNX) in the same patient,
that not needed of insertion of drainage tube (Figure 1).
Both lesions were adherent to the pleura and did not cause
ablation of the ribs or great vessels; ablation of the smaller
lesion caused a clinically silent saccular effusion with super-
uid density detected on follow-up CT scan at 1 month.
Effectiveness of the Technique. As previously discussed, the
effectiveness of the technique was dened as the absence of
early imaging signs suggestive of residual and/or recurrence
disease and was evaluated in a different way for each organ tar-
geted. These goals were achieved in all procedure except in one
case of HCC where was observed a residual of disease of
20 mm at 1-month CT follow-up.
In our study:
10 out of 11 (90.9%) of liver lesions did not show
rim-like intra-tumoral enhancement at 1-month
follow-up imaging.
1 out of 1 (100%) of renal lesions did not show signi-
cant intra-tumoral enhancement at 1-month follow-up
2 out of 2 (100%) of lung lesions did not show signi-
cant intra-tumoral contrast uptake at 1-month follow-up
The total effectiveness assessed by our study was therefore
92.8% (13 out of 14) (Table 2).
Several types of ablation devices can be used in the eld of
interventional oncology, these include both thermal and non-
thermal techniques.
RFA and MWA are both hyperthermic procedures that apply
energy in order to heat tissues until they reach lethal tempera-
tures. MWA has several other advantages of other ablation tech-
niques, in particular rather than RFA, including: higher
intra-tumoral temperatures, larger tumor ablation volumes,
faster ablation times, ability to use simultaneously multiple
applicators, optimal heating of cystic masses and tumors close
to the vessels for its less susceptibility to heat sink effect.
Another considerable difference between MWA and RFA is
that, since all antennas are bipolar by denition, there is no
need of neutral electrodes applied to the patient, ruling out
skin burns at the grounding pad site, one of the possible compli-
cations of RFA treatments.
MWA heat-generating capabilities depend upon electromag-
netic radiation, causing a fast switching rotation at atomic or
molecular levels of electric dipoles such as polar molecules
(eg H
O), causing heating by friction of water molecules.
Temperatures higher than 100 °C and tissue carbonization are
not limiting the MW heating process, allowing for large coag-
ulation zones, less susceptibility to the heat sinking effects
and higher temperatures in general.
With the advancement of microwaves ablative techniques,
several new innovations in this eld of application have been
introduced: the achieving of a real predictable ablation area,
using the thermosphere technology, which leads to eld
control, thermal control and wavelength control to maintain a
precise, predictable and spherical ablation zone throughout pro-
cedures; the application of increasing power systems, until
150 W, with a production of large zone of ablation in short
In the present study we report the rst experience of percu-
taneous application of 150 W system for the MWA in different
clinical applications, including liver, lung and kidney lesions.
Considering the clinical outcome of the whole population,
our ndings were globally satisfactory in terms of technical
Table 2. Efcacy Rate of the Technique at 1-Month CT Follow-Up for Treated Lesions at the Various
8Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment
success, the effectiveness of the technique, and recorded
Although preliminary, the data from our cases conrm the
aforementioned experimental studies, demonstrating the ef-
cacy of percutaneous ablation of lesions with high-power
system (150 W), achieving a large diameter of ablation (more
than 3 cm) with a single antenna and in short times without sig-
nicant complications.
Thus, comparing with 100 W ablation system, the high-power
ablation systems lead to a large ablation area using a single antenna
whereas the necessity to use 2 antennas with consequent lower
costs. Furthermore, the use of a single antenna rather than
double, ensures a more predictable and spherical ablation area.
In our series, only one case of intra-alveolar hemorrhage fol-
lowing ablation in the lung was reported, without post-
procedural sequelae and deviation from the normal post-
therapeutic course (grade 1).
Hines-Peralta et al
evaluated the rationale of using probes
with power greater than 100 W. In ex vivo and in vivo studies
on animal livers, demonstrating how the use of high-powered
antennas produces large zones of coagulation in shorter time,
in accordance with our study. In comparison to this study, we
performed all procedure in vivo humans including multiple
tumor diseases.
Berber and Akbulut
published the rst worldwide experi-
ence with 150 W ablation system, which they used only lapa-
roscopically or in open surgery to ablate liver tumors.
In confront to this study, we performed all procedures by a
percutaneous approach with its acknowledged minimally inva-
siveness. Furthermore, we used this new ablation system not
only for liver lesions, but for different abdominal and thoracic
lesions, including liver, lung, and kidney.
The generators output was moved straight up to 150 W
from the beginning, avoiding a gradual increase of power, at
a continuous wave of 2.45 GHz, without signicant recorded
In conclusion, our preliminary experience demonstrates that
this new 150 W MW device is feasible, safe and effective.
This system also has been shown a short time of ablation
time for the treatment of large lesions.
Limited number of patients and short-term follow-up repre-
sent the main limitations of our study and additional larger case
series with medium and long-term follow-up will be needed to
conrm these preliminary data.
The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of
Helsinki, and the protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee
of IRCCS CaGranda Policlinico di Milano (Project identication
code: OSMAMI-23/05/2023-0021942-U).
Declaration of Conicting Interests
The author(s) declared no potential conicts of interest with respect to
the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
The author(s) received no nancial support for the research, author-
ship, and/or publication of this article.
Carolina Lanza
Velio Ascenti
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... Depending on the tumor localization, size, and metastatic stage, treatment options in specialized clinics may include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, bone marrow transplantation, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy [1]. For smaller tumors, at early stages, thermal ablation offers a low-risk and minimally invasive solution [2,3]. Nevertheless, despite all the academic and industry efforts, we still do not have an efficient answer to cancer, suggesting the need for a novel approach. ...
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Clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) is the most frequent form of kidney cancer. Metastatic stages of ccRCC reduce the five-year survival rate to 15%. In this report, we analyze the ccRCC-induced remodeling of the five KEGG-constructed excretory functional pathways in a surgically removed right kidney and its metastasis in the chest wall from the perspective of the Genomic Fabric Paradigm (GFP). The GFP characterizes every single gene in each region by these independent variables: the average expression level (AVE), relative expression variability (REV), and expression correlation (COR) with each other gene. While the traditional approach is limited to only AVE analysis, the novel REV analysis identifies the genes whose correct expression level is critical for cell survival and proliferation. The COR analysis determines the real gene networks responsible for functional pathways. The analyses covered the pathways for aldosterone-regulated sodium reabsorption, collecting duct acid secretion, endocrine and other factor-regulated sodium reabsorption, proximal tubule bicarbonate reclamation, and vasopressin-regulated water reabsorption. The present study confirms the conclusion of our previously published articles on prostate and kidney cancers that even equally graded cancer nodules from the same tumor have different transcriptomic topologies. Therefore, the personalization of anti-cancer therapy should go beyond the individual, to his/her major cancer nodules.
... Owing to the unrepeatable combination of favoring factors (some of them changing in time): race, sex, age, medical history, diet, climate, exposure to toxins, stress and other external stimuli, each 3 human is a DYNAMIC UNIQUE. The dynamic unicity requires time-sensitive personalized therapeutic approach. ...
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Clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) is the most frequent form of kidney cancer. Metastatic stages of ccRCC reduce the five-year survival rate to 15%. In this report we analyze the ccRCC-induced remodeling of the five KEGG-constructed excretory functional pathways in a surgically removed right kidney and its metastasis in the chest wall from the perspective of the Genomic Fabric Paradigm (GFP). GFP characterizes every single gene in each region by the independent variables: average expression level (AVE), relative expression variability (REV) and expression correlation (COR) with each other gene. While traditional approach is limited to only AVE analysis, the novel REV analysis indicates genes whose correct expression level is critical for cell survival and proliferation. COR analysis determines the real gene networks responsible for functional pathways. The analyses covered the pathways: aldosterone-regulated sodium reabsorption, collecting duct acid secretion, endocrine and other factor-regulated sodium reabsorption, proximal tubule bicarbonate reclamation, and vasopressin-regulated water reabsorption. The present study confirms the conclusion of our previously published articles on prostate and kidney cancers that even equally graded cancer nodules from the same tumor have different transcriptomic topologies. Therefore, the personalization of the anti-cancer therapy should go beyond the individual to his/her major cancer nodules.
To evaluate the differences in efficacy and safety between the 100 and 150 W percutaneous microwave ablation (MWA) systems in the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). We retrospectively reviewed all patients who underwent percutaneous MWA (Emprint™ HP Ablation System, Medtronic) between January 2021 and May 2023. We divided the cohort into two groups: Group 1, treated with MWA at 100 W power system, and Group 2, treated with 150 W one. Effectiveness was defined as the absence of residual disease at 1-month CT follow-up; safety was defined as the absence of grade II-VI complications. A total of 135 HCC nodules were treated with MWA in 87 patients with a median age of 66 ± 10 years: 76 procedures in 42 patients were carried out in group 1, while 59 procedures in 45 patients in group 2. Cases treated with 150 W had a shorter ablation time (p: 0.002; mean 227.37 ± 92.5 vs 180.51 ± 75.6 s (100 vs 150 W)) and a larger ablation volume (p 0.008; mean 13,920.0 ± 10,723.2 vs 21,241.4 ± 18,374.7 mm3 (100 vs 150 W)), and a major effectiveness at 1-month CT follow-up (p: 0.013). A higher rate of complications (grade II and III) was observed in Group 2 (p < 0.001). In conclusion, these preliminary results showed a good correlation between intended-to-treat area and ablation volume and intended-to-treat area and ablation time for both Groups. A minor ablation time, and major ablation volume, but also a higher incidence of complications was observed in 150 W Group.
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Microwave ablation (MWA) is becoming an increasingly important minimally invasive treatment option for localized tumors in many organ systems due to recent advancements in microwave technology that have conferred many advantages over other tumor ablation modalities. Despite these improvements in technology and development of applicators for site-specific tumor applications, the vast majority of commercially available MWA applicators are generally designed to create large-volume, symmetric, ellipsoid or spherically-shaped treatment zones and often lack the consistency, predictability, and spatial control needed to treat tumor targets near critical structures that are vulnerable to inadvertent thermal injury. The relatively new development and ongoing translation of directional microwave ablation (DMWA) technology, however, has the potential to confer an added level of control over the treatment zone shape relative to applicator position, and shows great promise to expand MWA’s clinical applicability in treating tumors in challenging locations. This paper presents a review of the industry-standard commercially available MWA technology, its clinical applications, and its limitations when used for minimally-invasive tumor treatment in medical practice followed by discussion of new advancements in experimental directional microwave ablation (DMWA) technology, various techniques and approaches to its use, and examples of how this technology may be used to treat tumors in challenging locations that may otherwise preclude safe treatment by conventional omni-directional MWA devices.
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Background Percutaneous thermal ablation is an effective, minimally invasive means of treating a variety of focal benign and malignant osseous lesions. To determine the role of ablation in individual cases, multidisciplinary team (MDT) discussion is required to assess the suitability and feasibility of a thermal ablative approach, to select the most appropriate technique and to set the goals of treatment i.e. curative or palliative. Purpose This document will presume the indication for treatment is clear and approved by the MDT and will define the standards required for the performance of each modality. CIRSE Standards of Practice documents are not intended to impose a standard of clinical patient care, but recommend a reasonable approach to, and best practices for, the performance of thermal ablation of bone tumours. Methods The writing group was established by the CIRSE Standards of Practice Committee and consisted of five clinicians with internationally recognised expertise in thermal ablation of bone tumours. The writing group reviewed the existing literature on thermal ablation of bone tumours, performing a pragmatic evidence search using PubMed to search for publications in English and relating to human subjects from 2009 to 2019. Selected studies published in 2020 and 2021 during the course of writing these standards were subsequently included. The final recommendations were formulated through consensus. Results Recommendations were produced for the performance of thermal ablation of bone tumours taking into account the biologic behaviour of the tumour and the therapeutic intent of the procedure. Recommendations are provided based on lesion characteristics and thermal modality, for the use of tissue monitoring and protection, and for the appropriately timed application of adjunctive procedures such as osseus consolidation and transarterial embolisation. Results Percutaneous thermal ablation has an established role in the successful management of bone lesions, with both curative and palliative intent. This Standards of Practice document provides up-to-date recommendations for the safe performance of thermal ablation of bone tumours.
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Purpose of Review Based on good local control rates and an excellent safety profile, guidelines consider thermal ablation the gold standard to eliminate small unresectable colorectal liver metastases (CRLM). However, efficacy decreases exponentially with increasing tumour size. The preferred treatment for intermediate-size unresectable CRLM remains uncertain. This systematic review and meta-analysis compare safety and efficacy of local ablative treatments for unresectable intermediate-size CRLM (3–5 cm). Recent Findings We systematically searched for publications reporting treatment outcomes of unresectable intermediate-size CRLM treated with thermal ablation, irreversible electroporation (IRE) or stereotactic ablative body-radiotherapy (SABR). No comparative studies or randomized trials were found. Literature to assess effectiveness was limited and there was substantial heterogeneity in outcomes and study populations. Per-patient local control ranged 22–90% for all techniques; 22–89% (8 series) for thermal ablation, 44% (1 series) for IRE, and 67–90% (1 series) for SABR depending on radiation dose. Summary Focal ablative therapy is safe and can induce long-term disease control, even for intermediate-size CRLM. Although SABR and tumuor-bracketing techniques such as IRE are suggested to be less susceptible to size, evidence to support any claims of superiority of one technique over the other is unsubstantiated by the available evidence. Future prospective comparative studies should address local-tumour-progression-free-survival, local control rate, overall survival, adverse events, and quality-of-life.
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The efficacy and safety of microwave ablation (MWA) compared to radiofrequency ablation (RFA) for patients with treatment-naïve and recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) has not been clarified in Korea. There were 150 HCC patients (100 in the RFA group and 50 in the MWA group) enrolled in our study. The primary outcome was one- and two-year disease-free survival (DFS). Secondary outcomes were complete response (CR) rate, two-year survival rate, risk factors for DFS and complication rate. Treatment outcomes were also assessed using propensity-score matching (PSM). The MWA group had better one- and two-year DFS than the RFA group (p = 0.035 and p = 0.032, respectively), whereas the CR rate, two-year survival rate, and complication rate were similar between the two groups with fewer major complications in the MWA group (p = 0.043). Patients with perivascular tumors, high risk of recurrence, and small tumor size (≤3 cm) were more suitable for MWA than RFA. MWA was also an independent factor for favorable one- and two-year DFS. Finally, the MWA group still showed better one- and two-year DFS than the RFA group after PSM. In conclusion, MWA could be an alternative treatment to RFA especially in patients with a high risk of recurrence, perivascular tumors, and small tumor size.
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As an emerging minimally invasive treatment method, percutaneous ablation is more and more widely used in the treatment of liver tumors. It has been recommended by guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) as a curative treatment alongside surgical resection and liver transplantation. In recent years, with the continuous advancement and innovation of percutaneous ablation technologies, their clinical efficacy and safety have been significantly improved, which has led to the expanded application of percutaneous ablation in the treatment of HCC—more and more patients who were previously considered unsuitable for ablation therapies are now being treated with percutaneous ablation. Obviously, percutaneous ablation can reduce the risk of treatment changes from curative strategies to palliative strategies. Based on clinical practice experience, this review enumerates the advantages and disadvantages of different ablative modalities and summarizes the existing combinations of ablation techniques, thus will help clinicians choose the most appropriate ablative modality for each patient and will provide scientific guidance for improving prognosis and making evidence-based treatment decisions. In addition, we point out the challenges and future prospects of the ablation therapies, thereby providing direction for future research.
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Microwaves are a highly utilized electromagnetic wave, used across a range of industries including food processing, communications, in the development of novel medical treatments and biosensor diagnostics. Microwaves have known thermal interactions and theorized non-thermal interactions with living matter; however, there is significant debate as to the mechanisms of action behind these interactions and the potential benefits and limitations of their use. This review summarizes the current knowledge surrounding the implementation of microwave technologies within the medical industry.
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Background: Contrasting data are available in the literature regarding the superiority of percutaneous microwave ablation (MWA) or radiofrequency ablation (RFA) in very early or early (BCLA 0 or A) hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Aims: The primary outcome was to compare the efficacy of RFA and MWA in achieving complete response in cirrhotic patients with early and very early HCC. The secondary outcomes were to evaluate the overall survival and the recurrence rate. Methods: A retrospective, observational, single-center study was performed. Inclusion criteria were liver cirrhosis, new diagnosis of a single node of HCC measuring a maximum of 50 mm or up to three nodules with diameter up to 35 mm, treatment with RFA or MWA. Radiological response was evaluated with multiphasic contrast-enhanced Computed Tomography or Magnetic Resonance Imaging at 5-7 weeks after thermal ablation. Complete response was defined when no vital tissue was detected after treatment. Results: Overall, 251 HCC patients were included in this study; 81 patients were treated with MWA and 170 with RFA. The complete response rate was similar in MWA and RFA groups (out of 331 nodules, 87.5% (91/104) were treated with MWA and 84.2% (186/221) were treated with RFA, p = 0.504). Interestingly, a subanalysis demonstrated that for 21-35 mm nodules, the probability to achieve a complete response using MWA was almost 5 times higher than for RFA (OR = 4.88, 95% CI 1.37-17.31, p = 0.014). Moreover, recurrence rate in 21-35 mm nodules was higher with RFA with respect to MWA (31.9% versus 13.5%, p = 0.019). Overall survival was 80.4% (45/56) when treated with MWA and 62.2% (56/90) when treated with RFA (p = 0.027). No significant difference was observed between MWA and RFA treatment in the 15-20 mm nodules group. Conclusion: This study showed that MWA is more efficient than RFA in achieving complete response in HCC nodules with 21 to 35 mm diameter.
Background Regrowth after ablation is common, but predictive factors for local control are scarce. This study investigates whether histopathological growth patterns (HGP) can be used as a predictive biomarker for local control after ablation of colorectal liver metastases (CRLM). Methods Patients who received simultaneous resection and ablation as first treatment for CRLM between 2000 and 2019 were considered eligible. HGPs were determined on resected CRLM according to international guidelines and were classified as desmoplastic or non-desmoplastic. As minimal inter-tumour heterogeneity has been demonstrated, the HGP of resected and ablated CRLM were presumed to be identical. Local tumour progression (LTP) was assessed on postoperative surveillance imaging. Uni- and multivariable competing risk methods were used to compare LTP. Results In total 221 patients with 458 ablated tumours were analysed. A desmoplastic HGP was found in 60 (27.1%) patients who had a total of 159 (34.7%) ablated lesions. Five-year LTP [95%CI] was significantly higher for ablated CRLM with a presumed non-desmoplastic HGP (37% [30-43] vs 24% [17-32], Gray’s-test p=0.014). On multivariable analysis, a non-desmoplastic HGP (adjusted HR [95%CI]; 1.55 [1.03-2.35]) was independently associated with higher LTP rates after ablation. Discussion HGP is an independent predictor of local tumour progression following ablation of CRLM.
Background and Objectives Data in literature regarding liver microwave ablation pertain to systems delivering 100 W of maximum power. Our aim is to assess a new 150 W microwave system for liver tumor ablation. Methods This was an institutional review board-approved study of patients undergoing ablation of malignant liver tumors using a 150 W microwave system. Feasibility, safety, ablation algorithm, perioperative outcomes, and efficacy were analyzed. Comparison was made to historical patients undergoing ablation using a 100 W microwave system. Results There were 33 patients with 76 malignant liver lesions who underwent ablation with the 150 W system. Using a step-wise algorithm, ablations without intraoperative complications were performed for tumors ranging in size from 0.3 to 6.7 cm. Ninety-day morbidity was 5%, with no mortality. Compared to the 100 W system, the 150 W system shortened ablation time and created larger ablation zones with a single stick. Conclusion This first worldwide experience showed that surgical ablations could be safely created at 150 W using a step-wise algorithm with complete tumor destruction achieved at short-term follow-up. Advantages versus 100 W systems include reduction in ablation time and creation of larger ablation zones with a single stick.
This CIRSE Standards of Practice document is aimed at interventional radiologists and provides best practices for peri-operative anticoagulation management during interventional radiology procedures.