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Non-native tone perception - when music outweighs language experience



This study examined how language (e.g., bilingualism, L2) and music (e.g., years of practising) experiences improve lexical tone perception. A substantial number of 532 participants from L1 Mandarin, L1 non-tone, bilingual L1 non-tone & L2 non-tone, and bilingual L1 non-tone & L2 tone backgrounds were tested on their discrimination of Mandarin tones. Results revealed that neither bilingual nor second (tone or non-tone) language experience affects novel tone perception. However, listeners' years of music training predicted perception outcomes regardless of listeners' language backgrounds. These results indicate 1) learning a tone language as L2 does not guarantee perceptual advantage of non-native tones, even after years of learning; 2) a myth of "bilingual advantage" in tone perception, challenging the bilingual enhanced acoustic sensitivity hypothesis in the perceptual domain; and 3) learning a musical instrument helps with tone perception across language groups, exhibiting a cross-domain effect in the processing of linguistic and musical pitch.
Antonia Götz 1,2 & Liquan Liu 1,3,4,5
1 The MARCS Institute for Brain, Behaviour and Development, Western Sydney University, Sydney, Australia,
2 Department of Linguistics, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany,
3 School of Psychology, Western Sydney University, Sydney, Australia,
4 Center of Multilingualism across the Lifespan, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway,
5 Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language, Australian Research Council, Canberra, Australia.
This study examined how language (e.g.,
bilingualism, L2) and music (e.g., years of practising)
experiences improve lexical tone perception. A
substantial number of 532 participants from L1
Mandarin, L1 non-tone, bilingual L1 non-tone & L2
non-tone, and bilingual L1 non-tone & L2 tone
backgrounds were tested on their discrimination of
Mandarin tones. Results revealed that neither
bilingual nor second (tone or non-tone) language
experience affects novel tone perception. However,
listeners’ years of music training predicted perception
outcomes regardless of listeners’ language
backgrounds. These results indicate 1) learning a tone
language as L2 does not guarantee perceptual
advantage of non-native tones, even after years of
learning; 2) a myth of “bilingual advantage” in tone
perception, challenging the bilingual enhanced
acoustic sensitivity hypothesis in the perceptual
domain; and 3) learning a musical instrument helps
with tone perception across language groups,
exhibiting a cross-domain effect in the processing of
linguistic and musical pitch.
Keywords: tone perception, bilingualism, second
language perception, years of musical training, cross-
domain effect.
In tone languages, tones distinguish word meanings.
Around 60-70% of the worlds languages are tonal
[1], and more than half of the world population speak
a tone language [2]. Most tone perception studies
have been conducted on individuals from tonal
languages, such as Mandarin or Cantonese, and there
is a limited understanding of how individuals from
non-tonal languages perceive tone and how second
language learning assist in perceiving lexical tones.
This project extended from existing tone perception
studies and investigated whether tone experience
learned from one’s second language, sequential
bilingual experience and music experience play a role
in tone perception. Specifically, the study can inform
the development of more effective language learning
strategies and interventions for individuals with tone
perception difficulties, as well as shed light on the
cognitive benefits of bilingualism and musical
Figure 1: In [6], participants from five language
backgrounds (Australian English, Cantonese, Chinese
Mandarin, Singaporean Mandarin, Thai) unanimously
show the same pattern when perceiving static and dynamic
tones across four tone languages (Cantonese, Chinese
Mandarin, Singaporean Mandarin, Thai). A salience
hierarchy is hypothesised marking which type of tone
contrast is easier (higher) to discriminate than others
(lower) regardless of listeners’ language backgrounds.
Some tones or tone contrasts are naturally more
discriminable than others. In Mandarin tones, T1-T3
(level-dipping) appears more salient than T2-T3
(rising-dipping) for tone and non-tone language
speakers [3], and T2-T4 (rising-falling) exceeds other
contrasts in discriminability [4]. In Cantonese tones,
T2-T6 (high rising-low rising) leads to lower
discrimination accuracy than other contrasts across
listeners from tone and non-tone, monolingual and
bilingual backgrounds [5]. A recent collaborative
study involving participants from five tone and non-
tone language backgrounds reports a salience
hierarchy regarding the type of tone contrast (Figure
1). Prior research has established that tone language
speakers perceive tones more categorically than their
non-tone language peers [7]. What remains less clear
is whether tone language speakers perceive non-
native tones as well as native ones, and to what extent
listeners’ L2 tonal experience would lead to
successful tone discrimination. One recent study
testing Cantonese, Chinese, Singaporean and Thai
listeners’ perception of tones from their own versus
other languages reveals that tone language speakers
do not perceive non-native tones as good as their
native ones [6]. When testing Mandarin perception by
L2 Mandarin learners from L1 Cantonese or English
backgrounds, the two groups do not differ in their
overall accuracy on Mandarin tones, and both groups
show difficulty with the acoustically most difficult
T2-T3 tone pair in Mandarin [8]. Tone perception
appears to be difficult even for advanced L2 learners
[9], and listeners’ L1 knowledge and the acoustic
features of L2 tones both interfere with tone
With respect to bilingualism, simultaneous
bilingual experience has been shown to strengthen
tone perception in infancy [10], [11] and adulthood
[12] even when tone is not part of the language
repertoires of the bilingual speakers. Such perceptual
advantage is often attributed to the bilingual
environment typically more complex than a
monolingual one. The need of establishing two
phonological systems may well enhance listeners’
sensitivity to a third. Whether such advantage extends
to the cognitive domain is under heated debate [13].
As speakers’ L2 experience can also be considered as
a sequential bilingual experience, it is interesting to
see whether (non-tone) L2 experience may play a
role, as well as whether the length of L2 learning may
be a relevant factor in this case.
In terms of music experience, music training has
been shown to improve non-tone language speakers’
tone perception [14][16]. Listeners with no prior
tone language experience discriminate tones more
accurately when they are more musically trained [17],
[18]. Some studies suggest that non-tone language
speakers perceive (linguistic) tones in the same
fashion of musical tunes, as their performances of
pitch in language and music correlate [19]. These
findings point to a domain-general effect showing
that music experience can enhance non-tone language
speakers’ tone perception. Bilinguals and tone
language speakers do not show such correlation [12],
suggesting the interference of bilingual and L1
experience on tone perception. The research
questions of the current study are: 1. Do different tone
contrasts lead to different perceptual outcomes? 2.
Does (L1 or L2) tone language or sequential
bilingualism experience strengthen novel tone
perception? Do listeners’ years of L2 experience play
a role? 3 Does music experience (years of music
training) modulate tone perception? We predicted
that based on the salience hierarchy [6], Mandarin T2-
T4 (dynamic different) would be the most salient
contrast, followed by T1-T2/T3/T4 (static-dynamic),
and then T3-T2/T4 (dynamic similar). Moreover,
listeners’ L2 (tone, non-tone) and music experiences
facilitate tone perception, and the magnitude of
facilitation is directly relevant to their years of
2.1. Participants
A total number of 814 subjects participated in the
study. Of these participants, 191 did not complete the
online experiment and another 91 participants did not
provide valid consent sharing data for analysis. The
final sample included 532 participants from multiple
language backgrounds who were divided into three
language groups (Table 1).
Years of
L2 (mean
L1 Mandarin
Mono (non-
tone L1)
Bi (non-tone
L1 + non-
tone L2)
Bi (non-tone
L1 + tone
Table 1: Participants were categorised into three
groups. Here, Mono refers to monolinguals and Bi
refers to sequential bilinguals.L1 Mandarin speakers
had L2 experience with non-tone languages but not in
another tone langauge. Years of music refers to the
mean and standard deviation of years of musical
training that was self-indicated by the participants.
2.2. Stimuli
The stimuli consisted of 12 monosyllabic Mandarin
non-words (/tou/, /bou/, /ɕye/, /pye/, /pian/, /fian/, /jy/,
/ty/, /bi/, /gi/, /gua/, /lua/) with legal phonotactic
structures. Each syllable was produced with the four
Mandarin tones (T1, T2, T3 and T4). The length of
each syllable was 250 ms. The final stimulus set
consisted of 72 stimuli: 12 syllables x 6 tone contrasts
(T1-T2, T1-T3, T1-T4, T2-T3, T2-T4, T3-T4). A
Mandarin native speaker produced six tokens of each
syllable and we included two of the tokens into the
experiment. By including different tokens, we
prevent that the participants make their decision
based on acoustic information alone. The same token
was never repeated within one trial of the task. For
example, in AAB trials, if token 1 was used as the A
sound, token 2 would appear as the sound for X (the
second A. In addition to the variability of the different
tokens, the same word was never repeated within one
Tone Contrast. All stimuli were normalized in
intensity (70 dB).
2.3. Procedure
The experiment ran online by using the online
platform Labvanced [20] at a quiet place and
participants were asked to wear headphones. Each
experiment started with two practice trials to
familiarise the participants with the AXB
discrimination task. Participants were asked to press
a key as accurate and quick as possible if the second
syllable was more similar to the first one (AAB, via
key 1) or the third (ABB, via key 3) syllable. All
contrast were also presented in the reverse order to
counterbalance participants’ responses. In each trial,
the A and B sounds consisted of a different tone
category. The interstimulus interval was 1000 ms and
the intertrial interval was 3000 ms. The time-out of
the response time was set to 2500 ms, measured at the
end of the third syllable. Trials with responses after
the time-out were not repeated. The next trial started
immediately following the previous trial and trials
were randomised across participants. A break was
included after 25%, 50% and 75% of the experimental
trials and its length was participant controlled;
participants continued the experiment by pressing a
key. No feedback was provided to the participants.
All statistical analyses were performed by using R
[21] and the lme4 package [22]. Plots were generated
by using ggplot2 [23]. General Linear Mixed Effects
regression models were constructed with the maximal
random and fixed factor structure with accuracy
(binomial answer as 1 or 0) as dependent variable.
Language background was coded as the comparison
between L1 native Mandarin (coded as 0.5) and
monolingual L1 (coded as -0.5), monolingual L1
(coded as 0.5) and bilingual L2 Non-tone speakers
(coded as -0.5) and bilingual L2 Non-tone speakers
(coded as 0.5) versus L2 Tone speakers (coded as -
0.5). Within the Tone Contrast discrimination, we
predicted the following hierarchy: T2-T4 > T1-
T2/T3/T4 > T3-T2/T4. Following this hierarchy, we
applied the subsequent contrast comparisons: T2-T4
was compared to the mean of T1-T2, T1-T3 and
T1T4, T3-T4 was compared to the mean of T1-T2,
T1-T3 and T1T4, T3-T4, T3-T4 was compared to T2-
T3, T1-T3 was compared to T1-T4 and T1-T2 was
compared to T1-T3. Listeners discrimination of the
Tone Contrast showed the expected patterns: T2-T4
yielded higher accuracy than T1-TN contrasts (β(SE)
= 0.461 (0.019), z = 23.289, p < .001), which yielded
higher accuracies than T3-T4 (β(SE) = 0.165(0.014),
z = 11.957, p < .001), which was further higher than
T2-T3 (β(SE) = 0.254(0.024), z = 10.390, p < .001).
Our results (see also Figure 2) revealed that
L1 Mandarin speakers are not better in discriminating
Tone Contrasts than L1 Non-tone speakers (β(SE) = -
0.031(0.065), z = 0.478, p = 0.633). L2 tone language
speakers are not better in discriminating Tone
Contrasts than L2 Non-tone language speakers (β(SE)
= -0.043(0.041), z = -1.054, p = 0.291) and the
listener’s years of experience did not interact (β(SE)
= 0.035(0.070), z = 0.498, p = 0.619). Similarly, L2
listeners of a non-tone language were not better in
discriminating the Tone Contrasts than L1 Non-tone
language listeners (β(SE) = -0.020(0.034), z = -0.594,
p = 0.553), and duration of the second language did
not interact (β(SE) = -0.034(0.070), z = 0.483, p =
0.629). However, music experience modulated Tone
Contrast discrimination. The more music experience
listeners have, the better their tone discrimination
(β(SE) = 0.011(0.005), z = 2.077, p = 0.0383).
Figure 2: Accuracy results from the speech
discrimination task separated by the four groups of L1
and L2 tone language experience (Mandarin, Monolingual
L1 Non-tone, Bilingual L2 Non-tone, Bilingual L2 Tone)
The current study investigated the extent to which
L2 (tone or non-tone) language and music
experiences modulate tone perception. With respect
to tone contrasts, a salience hierarchy as predicted
was reported. Contrasting our predictions, listeners’
L1 and L2 language experience does not alter tone
perception, regardless of whether the language is
tonal or how many years they have learned the
language. However, music experience plays an
important role for speakers across language
backgrounds, with positive relationship between
years of music training and successful tone perception
In terms of Mandarin tone contrasts, dynamic
tones with different pitch directions (T2-T4, rising-
falling) were the easiest to discriminate, followed by
static-dynamic tone contrasts (T1-T2/T3/T4, flat-
contour tones) and then dynamic tones with similar
pitch patterns (T3-T2/T4, dipping-rising/falling). Our
findings replicate the salience hierarchy reported in
Liu and colleagues [6], suggesting that tone acoustics
is critical for listeners’ tone perception across
language backgrounds.
Learning a tone language as L2 does not lead to
successful tone perception. Previous studies have
reported similar findings for L1 speakers of a non-
tone and even a tone language learning another tone
language as L2 [8]. Even advanced L2 learners may
find it difficult to (re-)establish a tone category [9],
conforming to our results that years of L2 experience
does not affect tone perception outcomes. The finding
is in line with another study on segmental contrast
perception. Catalan has an /e//ɛ/ contrast while
Spanish has only one /e/ closer to and more open than
the Catalan /e/. Pallier and colleagues [24] examined
two types of Catalan-Spanish bilinguals’ perception
of the Catalan contrast. The Catalan-dominant
bilinguals are exposed to Catalan since birth, whereas
the Spanish-dominant bilinguals are exposed to
Spanish first and get in touch with Catalan after 6
years of age when they start in kindergarten or
primary school. Only Catalan-dominant but not
Spanish-dominant bilinguals discriminate the Catalan
contrast. Results of the vowel perception among
Spanish-dominant bilinguals are in accordance with
the findings of tone perception in the current study.
The overall findings also demonstrate the importance
of early exposure on phonological category
establishment and later perception, mirroring studies
reporting perceptual advantages [25], [26] and neural
traces [27] of phonology of the birth language among
adoptees who are adopted to a new language
environment as early as 6 months after birth.
Although a simultaneous bilingual experience has
been shown to facilitate tone perception [10], a
sequential one does not appear to reach a similar
effect. While Dutch sequential bilinguals show
reduced tone discrimination abilities than their
Mandarin peers, Dutch simultaneous bilinguals stand
in the middle between these two groups in their
performances [12]. The overall findings add to the
limited data of how sequential bilingual may impact
speech perception, suggesting the importance of early
linguistic diversity on tone perception. The lack of
significant results between the language groups may
be attributed to the differences in group sizes and the
resulting larger variability in Bilingual L2 Non-tone
Regarding music experience, the current results
conform to and extend on prior studies [14][16].
That is, listeners do not have to be musicians to show
an advantage in tone perception. Their years of music
training is directly relevant to tone perception
irrespective of their language backgrounds. The
finding that overall music experience can facilitate
speech perception provides new insights into
potential cross-domain strategies in L2 language
learning, especially when the target language is tonal.
When perceiving non-native tones, listeners’ music
experience plays an important role. Its effect may be
more evident than L2 experiences, as neither L2 tone
language nor sequential bilingual experience appears
to affect perception of foreign tones. The overall
findings provide implications for early, consistent
diversity in and exposure to language and music.
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Full-text available
Previous studies have reported perceptual advantages, such as when discriminating non-native linguistic or musical pitch differences, among first-year infants growing up in bilingual over monolingual environments. It is unclear whether such effects should be attributed to bilinguals’ enhanced perceptual sensitivity and/or cognitive abilities, and whether such effects would extend to adulthood. Twenty-four Dutch, 24 Dutch simultaneous bilingual (DSB), and 24 Chinese Mandarin speakers were examined by three sets of tasks assessing their linguistic pitch and music perception, executive function, as well as interactions across these modalities. Results showed degrees of advantages for DSB and Chinese participants’ over their Dutch peers in lexical tone discrimination and pitch-related music tasks. In tasks related to executive function, no difference was observed between DSB and Dutch participants, while Chinese participants’ performances were modulated by cognitive interference of language processing. Findings suggest that listeners’ enhanced sensitivity to linguistic and musical pitch may stem from acoustic (DSB) and experience (Chinese) rather than cognitive factors. Moreover, Dutch participants showed robust correlations between their linguistic and musical pitch perception, followed by limited correlations in DSB, and virtually no correlation among Chinese participants, illustrating how distinct language experiences can lead to specific pitch perception patterns between language and music.
Full-text available
Because of enduring experience of managing two languages, bilinguals have been argued to develop superior executive functioning compared with monolinguals. Despite extensive investigation, there is, however, no consensus regarding the existence of such a bilingual advantage. Here we synthesized comparisons of bilinguals’ and monolinguals’ performance in six executive domains using 891 effect sizes from 152 studies on adults. We also included unpublished data, and considered the potential influence of a number of study-, task-, and participant-related variables. Before correcting estimates for observed publication bias, our analyses revealed a very small bilingual advantage for inhibition, shifting, and working memory, but not for monitoring or attention. No evidence for a bilingual advantage remained after correcting for bias. For verbal fluency, our analyses indicated a small bilingual disadvantage, possibly reflecting less exposure for each individual language when using two languages in a balanced manner. Moreover, moderator analyses did not support theoretical presuppositions concerning the bilingual advantage. We conclude that the available evidence does not provide systematic support for the widely held notion that bilingualism is associated with benefits in cognitive control functions in adults.
Full-text available
The current study explores how language experience may shape the correlation between lexical tone and musical pitch perception. A two domains (music and lexical tone) by two languages (tone, Mandarin Chinese and non-tone, Dutch) design is adopted. Participants were tested on their discrimination of Mandarin Chinese lexical tones, Montreal Battery of Evaluation of Amusia (MBEA), and Musical Ear Test (MET). The Chinese listeners outperformed the Dutch listeners on both MBEA and MET, but had comparable accuracies for the lexical tone discrimination. Importantly, a significant cross-domain correlation was only observed for the Dutch listeners but not for the Chinese listeners. For tone language listeners, once lexical tones have been acquired, native listeners perceive them as phonological categories, and split them from other pitch variations that do not play a phonemic role. Non-tone language listeners, on the other hand, perceive both lexical tones and musical pitch on a psycho-acoustical basis, hence exhibit a unified perception of pitch across the two domains.
Past research on how listeners weight stress cues such as pitch, duration and intensity has reported two inconsistent patternss: listeners’ weighting conforms to 1) their native language experience (e.g., language rhythmicity, lexical tone), and 2) a general “iambic-trochaic law” (ITL), favouring innate sound groupings in cue perception. This study aims to tease apart the above effects by investigating the weighting of pitch, duration and intensity cues in stress-timed (Australian English) and non-stress-timed and tonal (Taiwan Mandarin) language speaking adults using a mismatch negativity (MMN) multi-feature paradigm. Results show effects that can be explained by language-specific rhythmic influence, but only partially by the ITL. Moreover, these findings revealed cross-linguistic differences indexed by both MMN and late discriminative negativity (LDN) responses at cue and syllable position levels, and thus call for more sophisticated perspectives for existing cue-weighting models.
Some prior investigations suggest that tone perception is flexible, reasonably independent of native phonology, whereas others suggest it is constrained by native phonology. We address this issue in a systematic and comprehensive investigation of adult tone perception. Sampling from diverse tone and non-tone speaking communities, we tested discrimination of the three major tone systems (Cantonese, Thai, Mandarin) that dominate the tone perception literature, in relation to native language and language experience as well as stimulus variation (tone properties, presentation order, pitch cues) using linear mixed effect modelling and multidimensional scaling. There was an overall discrimination advantage for tone language speakers and for native tones. However, language- and tone-specific effects, and presentation order effects also emerged. Thus, over and above native phonology, stimulus variation exerts a powerful influence on tone discrimination. This study provides a tone atlas, a reference guide to inform empirical studies of tone sensitivity, both retrospectively and prospectively.
It is commonly believed that second language (L2) acquisition of lexical tones presents a major challenge for learners from nontonal language backgrounds. This belief is somewhat at odds with research that consistently shows beginning learners making quick gains through focused tone training, as well as research showing advanced learners achieving near-native performance in tone identification tasks. However, other long-term difficulties related to L2 tone perception may persist, given the additional demands of word recognition and the effects of context. In the current study, we used behavioral and event-related potential (ERP) experiments to test whether perception of Mandarin tones is difficult for advanced L2 learners in isolated syllables, disyllabic words in isolation, and disyllabic words in sentences. Stimuli were more naturalistic and challenging than in previous research. While L2 learners excelled at tone identification in isolated syllables, they performed with very low accuracy in rejecting disyllabic tonal nonwords in isolation and in sentences. We also report ERP data from critical mismatching words in sentences; while L2 listeners showed no significant differences in responses in any condition, trends were not inconsistent with the overall pattern in behavioral results of less sensitivity to tone mismatches than to semantic or segmental mismatches. We interpret these results as evidence that Mandarin tones are in fact difficult for advanced L2 learners. However, the difficulty is not due primarily to an inability to perceive tones phonetically, but instead is driven by the need to process tones lexically , especially in multisyllable words.
Poor comprehenders have reading comprehension difficulties but normal word recogni-tion ability. Here, we report the first study, which investigated (i) the dissociation and(ii) the prevalence of L1–L2 reading comprehension difficulties, and (iii) the levels ofkey metalinguistic skills in poor comprehenders among Chinese-English bilingualchildren. From a sample of 124 Chinese–English second graders, we identified 18 poorcomprehenders (six Chinese, six English, and six in both Chinese and English). Wematched these with six average comprehenders of comparable age and word readingabilities. Multivariate analysis of covariance and univariate F tests revealed that poorChinese comprehenders and poor English comprehenders had significantly lower levelsof Chinese lexical tone awareness than average readers even after controlling fornonverbal intelligence. No significant differences emerged on scores for segmental pho-nological awareness and vocabulary knowledge, either in Chinese and English or onEnglish lexical stress sensitivity. These findings were discussed in relation to the univer-sal view of reading, cross language prosodic transfer and the simple view of reading.
A major requirement of a good data analysis is flexibility. If your data changes, or you discover something that makes you rethink your basic assumptions, you need to be able to easily change many plots at once. The main inhibitor of flexibility is code duplication. If you have the same plotting statement repeated over and over again, you’ll have to make the same change in many different places. Often just the thought of making all those changes is exhausting! This chapter will help you overcome that problem by showing you how to program with ggplot2.