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AVPCD: a plant-derived medicine database of antiviral phytochemicals for cancer, Covid-19, malaria and HIV

  • S khan lab

Abstract and Figures

Serious illnesses caused by viruses are becoming the world's most critical public health issues and lead millions of deaths each year in the world. Thousands of studies confirmed that the plant-derived medicines could play positive therapeutic effects on the patients with viral diseases. Since thousands of antiviral phytochemicals have been identified as lifesaving drugs in medical research, a comprehensive database is highly desirable to integrate the medicinal plants with their different medicinal properties. Therefore, we provided a friendly antiviral phytochemical database AVPCD covering 2537 antiviral phytochemicals from 383 medicinal compounds and 319 different families with annotation of their scientific, family and common names, along with the parts used, disease information, active compounds, links of relevant articles for COVID-19, cancer, HIV and malaria. Furthermore, each compound in AVPCD was annotated with its 2D and 3D structure, molecular formula, molecular weight, isomeric SMILES, InChI, InChI Key and IUPAC name and 21 other properties. Each compound was annotated with more than 20 properties. Specifically, a scoring method was designed to measure the confidence of each phytochemical for the viral diseases. In addition, we constructed a user-friendly platform with several powerful modules for searching and browsing the details of all phytochemicals. We believe this database will facilitate global researchers, drug developers and health practitioners in obtaining useful information against viral diseases.
Content may be subject to copyright.
AVPCD: a plant-derived medicine database of antiviral
phytochemicals for cancer, Covid-19, malaria and HIV
Shahid Ullah1,*, Wajeeha Rahman1, Farhan Ullah1, Anees Ullah1, Gulzar Ahmad1,
Muhammad Ijaz1, Hameed Ullah1, Zilong Zheng2 and Tianshun Gao2,*
1S Khan Lab Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Takhtbhai, KP 23200, Pakistan
2Big Data Center, The Seventh Afliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Shenzhen 518107, P. R. China
*Corresponding author: Tel: 86 18126408738; Fax: 86 020-84115962; Email:
Correspondence may also be addressed to Shahid Ullah. Tel/Fax: 92 15919433631; Email:
Citation details: Ullah, S., Rahman, W., Ullah, F. et al. AVPCD: a plant-derived medicine database of antiviral phytochemicals for cancer, Covid-19,
malaria and HIV. Database (2023) Vol. 2023: article ID baad056; DOI:
Serious illnesses caused by viruses are becoming the world’s most critical public health issues and lead millions of deaths each year
in the world. Thousands of studies conrmed that the plant-derived medicines could play positive therapeutic effects on the patients
with viral diseases. Since thousands of antiviral phytochemicals have been identied as lifesaving drugs in medical research, a compre-
hensive database is highly desirable to integrate the medicinal plants with their different medicinal properties. Therefore, we provided
a friendly antiviral phytochemical database AVPCD covering 2537 antiviral phytochemicals from 383 medicinal compounds and 319
different families with annotation of their scientic, family and common names, along with the parts used, disease information, active
compounds, links of relevant articles for COVID-19, cancer, HIV and malaria. Furthermore, each compound in AVPCD was annotated
with its 2D and 3D structure, molecular formula, molecular weight, isomeric SMILES, InChI, InChI Key and IUPAC name and 21 other
properties. Each compound was annotated with more than 20 properties. Specically, a scoring method was designed to measure
the condence of each phytochemical for the viral diseases. In addition, we constructed a user-friendly platform with several powerful
modules for searching and browsing the details of all phytochemicals. We believe this database will facilitate global researchers, drug
developers and health practitioners in obtaining useful information against viral diseases.
© The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (,
which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Nature is a unique origin of systems with a wide range of
phytochemical diversity, many of which have fascinating bio-
logical activities and medicinal properties. Phytochemicals are
bioactive, naturally occurring chemical compounds, which are
present in plants and provide health benets to humans (1). It
is present in different parts of the plants, such as in the roots,
stems, leaves, rhizome, owers, fruits or seeds. The plant king-
dom is a great source of potential drugs, and there has been
a signicant role of medicinal plants in recent years. Plant-
based drugs are widely available, less expensive, safe and
efcient with few side effects (2, 3). Phytochemicals benet
plants by performing secondary functions, including assist-
ing in plant growth, protecting plants by activating defense
mechanisms and imparting color, odor and avor to the plants
(4). According to traditional medicinal practices as well as
modern scientic studies, they are useful for medicinal pur-
poses to alleviate diseases and improve human health. These
plants are thought to be rich sources of phytochemicals that
can be used in the synthesis and production of drugs (5, 6).
These phytochemicals, such as avonoid, quinine, quercetin
and terpenoid, perform good biological functions with
many therapeutic activities, including anti-cancer, anti-HIV,
anti-malaria and anti-Covid (7). Each year, tens of millions of
people are infected with different viruses including COVID,
malaria, HIV, cancer-inducing viruses, which cause 571 mil-
lion, 241 million, 37.9 million and 18.1 million infections,
respectively. Commonly used antivirals often have limited
efcacy and serious side effects, while herbal extracts have
been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times and are
known for their antiviral properties and tolerable side effects
(8, 9). The spread of viral diseases is a worldwide concern,
requiring a critical need for the most promising antivirals.
Some viral diseases can be cured with approved antiviral
drugs, but others have no vaccines or drugs available. The
majority of approved antiviral drugs are associated with side
effects, which eventually raise the need for the development
of antiviral based on natural phytochemicals (10, 11). Most
viral diseases, such as HIV, cancer, malaria and Covid-19,
as well as other diseases caused by alphaviruses, aviviruses
and plasmodium, are posing a signicant risk. Coronavirus
disease (COVID-19), caused by a newly identied coron-
avirus, recently became pandemic and severely impacted the
world’s population. Due to viruses’ ability to mutate their
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2Database, Vol. 00, Article IDbaad056
Figure 1. The graphical abstract of the AVPCD.
genomes and become resistant to drugs, developing effective
treatments and antivirals against viruses has become difcult
in the recent years (1214). Antiviral drugs also have side
effects that affect human health both directly and indirectly.
This leads toward the development of plant-based drugs and
herbal treatments with few side effects (15, 16). Computa-
tional resources are a valuable source of data, expertise and
information in biological research, especially for medicinal
plants due to their different medicinal properties (17). Sev-
eral databases have been published in this eld of research
such as MAPS (18), MPD3 (19), IMPPAT (20) and TIPdb
(21) that have much more phytochemical data. However, we
have presented a special platform for antiviral phytochem-
ical and have collected almost all the data from 1980 to
2021. Previously, we have also published numerous biologi-
cal databases of different research area, which are Co-19pdb,
dbpaf, CGDB, DBPSP and so on. In this work, we have
tried to provide a friendly platform for global researchers,
drug developers, health practitioners and students with very
frequent updates to add in their study and research, which
is a comprehensive collection of 2537 antiviral phytochem-
icals from 383 medicinal plants and 319 multiple families,
including their scientic, family and common names, as well
as their utilized parts, disease information, PubMed IDs or
links of relevant articles, compound summary including 2D &
3D structure, molecular formula, molecular weight, isomeric
SMILES, InChi, Inchikey, IUPIC name and 21 other prop-
erties. We have used different keywords such as ‘Medicinal
plant’, ‘phytochemical’, ‘plant-derived compound’, ‘COVID
related drugs plant’, ‘cancer related medicinal plant’, ‘malaria
medicinal plant’ in several search engines including Google,
Google Scholar, PubMed, Science Direct and Bing for search-
ing. Finally, we have provided a comprehensive database,
which is built in JavaScript, PHP, HTML and CSS, which
will be updated timely. The graphical image Figure 1 is the
stepwise representation of the medicinal plants to nal drugs
and human trial, while Table 1 shows all the statistics of
the data.
Table 1. The number of collected data
COVID Others Total
Phytochemicals 319 586 1478 109 45 2537
97 180 84 13 9 383
Family 97 116 84 13 9 319
Result and discussion
Construction of AVPCD
We integrated the data from multiple sources, including
PubMed, Google, Google Scholar and so on. We have used
various keywords such as ‘Antiviral Medicinal plants’, ‘Antivi-
ral Phytocompound’, ‘Antiviral Herbal medicine’, Antivi-
ral Traditional medicine’ and ‘databases of Antiviral Phy-
tocompound’ to search and retrieve published antiviral-
phytocompound-related data with the help of literature
database of PubMed (
To circumvent missing data, we have manually collected
the latest data from The New Phycologist (https://nph., Bioresource Technology (https://,
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR) (
ar) and journal of Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics
(GPB) (
cs-and-bioinformatics), which are the leading research jour-
nals on database issue. To obtain antiviral phytochemicals of
high quality, we collected only the experimentally validated
compounds and removed the ones with broken links. Multi-
ple programming languages including PhP, MYSQL, HTML,
CSS and JavaScript have been used to construct the database.
Figure 2 depicts all of the steps for collecting the data and
creating the database, both in terms of colors and aesthetics.
Finally, we supplied to the scientic community a compres-
sive antiviral phytochemical research database that is simple
to use and will be updated over time.
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Database, Vol. 00, Article IDbaad056 3
Figure 2. Color-wise and graphical representation of the collection of antiviral phyto-compounds and construction of AVPCD.
Usage of the AVPCD database
Search option of AVPCD
AVPCD is designed in an easy and user-friendly way for
searching and browsing the data. To know more in depth,
users could search ve classic examples including ‘quercetin’,
‘Sedum sarmentosum’, ‘Aseraceae’, ‘Lobelia’ and ‘Anti HIV’
by clicking ‘compound’, ‘scientic name’, ‘Family name’,
‘Local Name’ and ‘Disease’ buttons, as shown in Figure 3A,
respectively. Users could get the result by selecting the com-
pound of interest in Figure 3B. Further clicking the highlighted
AVPCD ID will bring the user to the nal result, shown
in Figure 3E. For special search, we provided the ‘Advance
Search’ option, shown in Figure 3C, with xed Anti-Cancer’
as an example, and on further click it will open a new win-
dow with the compound list, as in Figure 3D. Clicking the
compound of interest will link to a new page with all required
knowledge of this compound, such as scientic, local and
common name from obtained plants, utilized part, disease
for used, original resources with short introduction of the
needed plants, compound summary, compound score, 2D
and 3D structure, molecular formula, molecular weight, iso-
meric SMILES, InChI, InChI Key, IUPIC name and 21 other
properties, shown in Figure 3E.
Browse option of AVPCD
Three different browse options are available to browse the
AVPCD data. To obtain the whole result of each antivi-
ral, users can click on the browse option and then directly
get all the needed information by clicking any antiviral shown
in Figure 4A. Furthermore, we gave the image expression
browse option shown in Figure 4C, and clicking the required
category will lead to the new window and nal result. We
also xed the browse option by top 10 rich compound image
with formula shown in Figure 4C. To make it easier and more
authentic, we provided several options on the main bar of
the database, including the ‘Usage’ showing the detail with
visual image expression of database, ‘statistics’ displaying the
statistics of the database, ‘download’ giving all the data for
scientic research only after publishing the article and ‘use-
ful links’ presenting the published databases of this research
area with two buttons. Clicking the active button will give the
database while the dead button will bring users to the broken
database article (Figure 4D).
The biological activities
We analyzed the bioassays of top 10 compounds, includ-
ing Alkaliods, Quercetin, Saponins, Flavonoids, Tanins,
Triterpenoids, Steriod, Caffeic Acid, Kaempferol and Gal-
lic Acid. We checked the total biological activities as well
as specic mentioned antiviral effects, among them. Alka-
liods, Flavonoids, Steriods and Triterpenoids are the more
active compounds that have more correlation with dis-
eases (Figure 5A). Moreover, we have specied the antiviral
activity, anticancer, antimicrobial, antimalarial activity of
the top 10 compounds, in which Alkaliods are the most
useful compounds for all diseases and highly active for anti-
cancer antimicrobial, antiviral and antimalarial. Quercetin is
the second active compound that can be used in anticancer
antimicrobial, antiviral and antimalarial. The details of all top
compounds are shown in Figure 5B.
Statistics of the AVPCD
In the current work, we have a comprehensive collection of
total 2537 antiviral phytochemicals from a total of 383 medic-
inal plants and total 319 multiple families, including their
scientic, family and common names, as well as their uti-
lized parts, disease information, active compounds, PubMed
IDs or links of the relevant articles. We also compared the
numbers of phytochemical, species and family among the ve
classications, in which ‘anti HIV’ is on the top (Figure 6A).
Figure 6B shows the percentage of all antiviral phytochemical,
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4Database, Vol. 00, Article IDbaad056
Figure 3. Usage of AVPCD. (A) The simple search with ve search options. (B) The compound list by the selected option in simple search. (C) The
advanced search of the AVPCD. (D) The compound list by the advanced search. (E) All the needed and nal data of the searched query.
while Figure 6C presents degree of use for different usable
parts of the medicinal plants.
Aims of the AVPCD database
The AVPCD intended to collect information in a uniform
manner regarding all published experimental antiviral phy-
tochemicals, including plant species, their scientic local and
common names and areas, especially the bioassays of antiviral
phytochemical compounds. This database includes informa-
tion on the species taxonomy, distribution, ecology, collection
records, analytical data and references to previous studies and
will be updated on a regular basis with new ndings and more
information. Further, we have focused on creativity, consis-
tency and clarity for which we are working on voice interface
designing, regional language search option, as well as API’s, as
we previously published multiple datasets on various research
areas in highly referenced international journals, including a
database of circadian genes in eukaryotes (CGDB) in Nucleic
Acids Research (22), cancer research database (CRDB) in
JMIR Cancer (23), databases on phosphorylation animal and
fungi (DBPAF) in Scientic Report (24), Latest Database of
Protein Research (LDBPR) in Journal of Bioinformatics and
Systemic Biology (25), database for protein phosphoryla-
tion sites in prokaryotes (dbPSP), in Database (Oxford) (26),
COVID-19 Pandemic Database (CO-19PDB) in Computer
Methods Programs and Biomedicine Updates (27), Database
relevant to Human Research (DBHR) in Future Science OA
(28). In all, we have provided a huge platform of 19 databases
of different research area named ‘Home of all Biological
Databases’ (HABD) (29, 30) ( in Table 2,
which gave free access for global scientic community. There-
fore, we felt to give comprehensive databases in this eld of
research as well; for that, AVPCD aims to provide wonderful
insights for researchers with well-gathered previously pub-
lished work in one platform. We tried to provide access to data
from sources that are difcult to locate. AVPCD gives details
that may not have been published before on such easy and
friendly way in the open literature. AVPCD monitored and
updated the dead and broken databases and have provided a
separate page with two moods. Clicking the active mood will
give the database and dead mood will bring the articles with
more knowledge, evidence or citations.
The advantages of AVPCD against other databases
Although many useful databases have been published in
the phytochemical research area, none of them is specially
designed for antivirals. In order to accomplish this, we
attempted to develop a comprehensive special platform for
antiviral data and to allow easy access to the scientic com-
munity with rapid updates. We have provided all antiviral
compound information that has not previously been pub-
lished in such an easy manner. Regarding previous databases,
some of them only supplied phyto-compounds, some plants
and some parts, and the majority of them had limited antiviral
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Database, Vol. 00, Article IDbaad056 5
Figure 4. Usage of the database. (A) The browse option by antiviral category. (B) Browse by disease-wise image expression. (C) Browse page of the
AVPCD based on the top 10 rich compound images and formula. (D) Useful links to the relevant databases with two modes.
Figure 5. The top 10 compounds with different biological activities. (A) The bioassays of top 10 compounds. (B) The bioassays of mentioned antiviral
compounds in AVPCD.
data, so we felt that in this pandemic, we should give a sepa-
rate and dedicated platform specically for viral diseases. Our
database solely contains information about antiviral diseases
and compounds.
AVPCD phyto-compounds scoring system
Various scoring systems have been presented in published
work, for example, molecular docking scoring of some
phyto-compounds (3133), experimental work evidence of
the top 10 compounds, on the basis of which we have given
the special scoring system and have presented it in AVPCD;
we have used the following formula and have cross checked all
the data with published work. Artemisinins ranked rst in our
score, and a Chinese scientist was awarded the Nobel Prize in
2016 for it (3436), followed by keampferol, used to treat
a variety of disorders (3740), Chlorogenic acids (4143),
Lupeol (4446), Oleanolic acid (4749), Robusta avone,
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6Database, Vol. 00, Article IDbaad056
Figure 6. The statistics of AVPCD, (A) The number of antiviral phytochemicals, species and family. (C) The percentage of antiviral phytochemical. (D) The
number of all usable parts of medicinal plants.
Table 2. All databases of the HADB site
Db title Databases links Databases category Status
1) Compendious databases
DBHR Human (28)
LDBPR Protein (25)
Co-19PDB Covid-19 (27)
CRDB Cancer and Covid (23)
Edbco-19 Covid-19 (64)
FDBC Fungi (65)
DBPR Plant Submitted
DBBT Biological tools Ongoing
CO-19PDB 1.0 Covid-19 Ongoing
CBDB Biological DB Ongoing
DBFBPA Fungus, Bacteria, Protozoa Ongoing
BDSR Biological Db Ongoing
CHCRD Cancer Submitted
2) Phyto-databases
AVPCD Antiviral This one
HADB Hyper-accumulators ———
MPDB Medicinal plant ———-
PTDB Phytotoxin ———
3) Others databases
PBDB Plastic biodegrading ———-
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Database, Vol. 00, Article IDbaad056 7
Figure 7. The future direction of the antiviral phytochemicals.
Cucurbitacins (5053), Rutinosid (54, 55), Morelloavone
(5658), Betulinic (5961) and Hinokiavone (62, 63); Jac-
card similarity formula is used to measure the correlation
between any two phyto compounds (e.g. 𝑖and 𝑗) based on
the overlap in the same study. The Jaccard similarity between
𝑖and 𝑗 can be calculated as
where𝑖, 𝑗and 𝑖𝑗 represent the number of the stud-
ies in 𝑖, 𝑗 and their overlap, respectively. For a single Phyto-
compound, its Jaccard similarity matrix of combination of all
the data was integrated as
𝑝1𝑝1 𝑝1𝑝𝑖
𝑝𝑖𝑝1 𝑝𝑖𝑝𝑖
𝑝𝑛𝑝1 𝑝𝑛𝑝𝑖
Using the Jaccard matrix, we measured the strength of any
Phyto-compound 𝑖 as
𝐽=1 𝑃𝑖𝑗
𝐽=1,𝑘=1 𝑝𝑗𝑝𝑘   
By combination of all phyto-compounds in one nal score,
the signal score of any phyto-compound i could be dened as
𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒  𝑛
𝑗=1 𝑝𝑗𝑝𝑗
where 𝑝𝑗 represents the signal score of the disease in the
Future direction
Many traditional medicines and phytochemicals are directly
utilized to treat various ailments; however, the majority of
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8Database, Vol. 00, Article IDbaad056
them have efcacy and safety concerns. In Figure 7, we
depict the future trend for antiviral phytochemicals that can
be used and will be more advantageous for modern medi-
cations. Interferon and ribavirin, for example, are efcient
in vitro against most viruses but are frequently unsuccess-
ful in humans. Today’s antiviral medications (3, 4) address
only a subset of viruses, including HIV, herpes viruses such as
HSV, human cytomegalovirus (hCMV), varicella zoster virus
(VZV), inuenza viruses and hepatitis viruses. There is cur-
rently no approved treatment for many types of viruses, and
vaccination is conned to hepatitis A, mumps and varicella.
Furthermore, these drugs are frequently expensive and inef-
fectual due to viral resistance, and they induce side effects.
Keeping this in mind, natural-based pharmacotherapy may
be a viable option for treating viral infections. As a result,
more research into antiviral phytochemicals is required, with
a focus on drug delivery applications in overcoming many bio-
logical obstacles that exist for antiviral medicines to success-
fully reach their intended site(s) of action. The current study
focuses on the antiviral capabilities of herbal extracts and
bioactive ingredient isolates derived from medicinal plants, as
well as initiatives to improve their administration.
A biological database is a collection of tools for storing, orga-
nizing and retrieving biological data and other types of infor-
mation so that it may be conveniently examined, controlled
and amended. A number of articles have been published in
this eld of research, each of which has its own collocation of
data based on function, use, technical factors and species. For
such works, we have provided a well-managed database that
aimed to maintain medicinal plants and other phytochemical-
tolerant plants; timely identication is required in order to
investigate their unique physiological systems and take benet
of their unique characteristics. Further, our database provides
statistical support for the existence of antiviral phytochemi-
cal and medicinal plants in global, regional and local oras
based on disease concentrations. In addition, we have pro-
vided every single compound summary including 2D and
3D structure, molecular formula, molecular weight, isomeric
SMILES, InChI, InChI key, IUPAC name and 21 other proper-
ties; we have collected almost all the data with their relevant
knowledge and have provided a separated page with a short
introduction and have updated or removed all broken and
unveried data. Furthermore, AVPCD offers two search and
three browse options in an easy and friendly nding manner,
and will be updated in time, that can be access through this
Availability of data and materials
These data will be available under the journal rule and
Author’s contribution
Dr Shahid Ullah and Dr Tianshun Gao supervised the project.
Ms Wajeeha Rahman, Dr Anees Ullah, Mr Farhan Ullah, Mr
Hameed Ullah, Mr Gulzar Ahmad and Mr Muhammad Ijaz
collected and veried the data carefully. All authors reviewed
the manuscript and agreed to submit. Further, Dr Shahid Ullah
has the right to manage, update and give all feedback of the
database in the future.
This project is supported by National Natural Science Foun-
dation of China (32100434) and Shenzhen’s introduction of
talents and research start-up (392020).
Conict of interest statement
None declared.
In order to avoid future conict and plagiarism, The
AVPCD database has been uploaded at https://www.avpcd.
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... The medicinal applications of willow bark span a broad spectrum, encompassing its effectiveness in treating inflammation, pain, fever, back pain, knee pain, and arthritis [19]. The diverse therapeutic benefits can be attributed to the high concentration of polyphenols and flavonoids within Salix alba [20,21]. ...
Background: Plant parasitic nematodes (PPNs) are considered major agriculture pests, causing significant damage to crops by directly targeting the plant root system to prevent water and nutrient uptake. One of its major species, Meloidogyne incognita, is considered a serious threat to agriculture crop production worldwide. The current study was intended to evaluate the potential of Nanoparticles synthesized from Salix alba bark extract as nematicidal agent.Methods: Phytochemical analyses of Salix alba bark extract were conducted, and nanoparticles of the same extract were synthesized and characterized using UV-vis spectroscopy, XRD (X-Ray Diffraction), SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) and EDX (Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy) techniques. Results: The qualitative phytochemical analysis of Salix alba bark extract revealed the presence of phenolics, flavonoids, reducing sugars, and saponins. When applied on juveniles of the plant parasitic nematode Meloidogyne incognita, the nanoparticles demonstrated a dose and time-dependent impact. After 24 hours, the highest concentration (1000 µg/ml) of nanoparticles exhibited the greatest mortality, reaching 82.2%, while the lowest concentration resulted in a mortality rate of 34.5%. Similarly, at the 48-hour mark, the highest mortality (92.2%) was observed with 1000 µg/ml of nanoparticles, whereas the lowest concentration yielded a mortality rate of 54.5%. Extending the observation period to 72 hours, the mortality rate peaked at 98.33% with the highest nanoparticle concentration (1000 µg/ml), and the lowest mortality rate was recorded at the lowest dose, amounting to 72.5%. These results underscore the dose and time-dependent efficacy of Salix alba bark-derived nanoparticles against Meloidogyne incognita. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that zinc oxide nanoparticles synthesized from Salix alba bark can be an effective agent against plant parasitic nematode Meloidogyne incognita. Further experiments are recommended to study the impact of these nanoparticles on other biotic stresses.
... The resultant genes were then divided into three groups according to their fold changes. In Group I, we have selected those genes that have (2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20), Group II and in Group III (40-140) fold change. ...
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points The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) stores, shares, and analyzes extensive cancer data using high-performance computers and clouds. New bioinformatics tools facilitating analysis of large data sets to enhance cancer diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) accounts for 8–10% of Southeast Asia's cancer cases and is Pakistan's second most prevalent cancer. Gene expression data from TCGA (tumor genes) and GETx (normal genes) were used to study Differential Expressed Genes (DEGs). Enrichr tool and Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment analysis investigated candidate DEGs. Highly expressed Keratin family and S100A9 genes combat cellular damage, upregulated during stress. Under-expressed KRT4 and KRT13 genes instruct keratin protein production for epithelial cell structure. Poor oral hygiene and smokeless tobacco could lead to oral stress, cell damage, mutations and oncogenesis. Understanding HNSCC mechanisms aids targeted therapies and prevention strategies.
... The resultant genes were then divided into three groups according to their fold changes. In Group I, we have selected those genes that have (2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20), Group II and in Group III (40-140) fold change. ...
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Aim: Head and Neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is the second most prevalent cancer in Pakistan. Methods: Gene expression data from TCGA and GETx for normal genes to analyze Differentially Expressed Genes (DEGs). Data was further investigated using the Enrichr tool to perform Gene Ontology (GO). Results: Our analysis identified most significantly differentially expressed genes and explored their established cellular functions as well as their potential involvement in tumor development. We found that the highly expressed Keratin family and S100A9 genes. The under-expressed genes KRT4 and KRT13 provide instructions for the production of keratin proteins. Conclusion: Our study suggests that factors such as poor oral hygiene and smokeless tobacco can result in oral stress and cellular damage and cause cancer. Plain language summary: The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) holds vast cancer data processed with powerful computers and cloud tech. This sparks new bioinformatics for better cancer diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. In Southeast Asia, Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC) is prevalent. We used TCGA and GETx data to study gene expression. High-expression Keratin and S100A9 genes fight cellular damage under stress, while under-expressed KRT4 and KRT13 genes shape cell structure. Poor oral care and smokeless tobacco could induce cell damage, sparking cancer mutations. Unveiling HNSCC mechanisms may guide targeted treatments and preventive strategies.
... The categorization of diverse viruses relies on discerning features, enabling their differentiation [23].This differentiation is accomplished through the assessment of sequence similarity [24], examination of the molecular structure of the genome [25], consideration of pathogenicity [26], analysis of structural similarities [27,28], usage of phytochemicals [29], and evaluation of the host range [30]. ...
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Biological databases serve as critical basics for modern research, and amid the dynamic landscape of biology, the COVID-19 database has emerged as an indispensable resource. The global outbreak of Covid-19, commencing in December 2019, necessitates comprehensive databases to unravel the intricate connections between this novel virus and cancer. Despite existing databases, a crucial need persists for a centralized and accessible method to acquire precise information within the research community. The main aim of the work is to develop a database which has all the COVID-19-related data available in just one click with auto global notifications. This gap is addressed by the meticulously designed COVID-19 Pandemic Database (CO-19 PDB 2.0), positioned as a comprehensive resource for researchers navigating the complexities of COVID-19 and cancer. Between December 2019 and June 2024, the CO-19 PDB 2.0 systematically collected and organized 120 datasets into six distinct categories, each catering to specific functionalities. These categories encompass a chemical structure database, a digital image database, a visualization tool database, a genomic database, a social science database, and a literature database. Functionalities range from image analysis and gene sequence information to data visualization and updates on environmental events. CO-19 PDB 2.0 has the option to choose either the search page for the database or the autonotification page, providing a seamless retrieval of information. The dedicated page introduces six predefined charts, providing insights into crucial criteria such as the number of cases and deaths’, country-wise distribution, ‘new cases and recovery’, and rates of death and recovery. The global impact of COVID-19 on cancer patients has led to extensive collaboration among research institutions, producing numerous articles and computational studies published in international journals. A key feature of this initiative is auto daily notifications for standardized information updates. Users can easily navigate based on different categories or use a direct search option. The study offers up-to-date COVID-19 datasets and global statistics on COVID-19 and cancer, highlighting the top 10 cancers diagnosed in the USA in 2022. Breast and prostate cancers are the most common, representing 30% and 26% of new cases, respectively. The initiative also ensures the removal or replacement of dead links, providing a valuable resource for researchers, healthcare professionals, and individuals. The database has been implemented in PHP, HTML, CSS and MySQL and is available freely at Database URL:
... The medicinal applications of willow bark span a broad spectrum, encompassing its effectiveness in treating inflammation, pain, fever, back pain, knee pain, and arthritis [19]. The diverse therapeutic benefits can be attributed to the high concentration of polyphenols and flavonoids within Salix alba [20,21]. ...
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ackground: Plant parasitic nematodes (PPNs) are considered major agriculture pests, causing significant damage to crops by directly targeting the plant root system to prevent water and nutrient uptake. One of its major species, Meloidogyne incognita, is considered a serious threat to agriculture crop production worldwide. The current study was intended to evaluate the potential of Nanoparticles synthesized from Salix alba bark extract as nematicidal agent. Methods: Phytochemical analyses of Salix alba bark extract were conducted, and nanoparticles of the same extract were synthesized and characterized using UV-vis spectroscopy, XRD (X-Ray Diffraction), SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) and EDX (Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy) techniques. Results: The qualitative phytochemical analysis of Salix alba bark extract revealed the presence of phenolics, flavonoids, reducing sugars, and saponins. When applied on juveniles of the plant parasitic nematode Meloidogyne incognita, the nanoparticles demonstrated a dose and time-dependent impact. After 24 hours, the highest concentration (1000 µg/ml) of nanoparticles exhibited the greatest mortality, reaching 82.2%, while the lowest concentration resulted in a mortality rate of 34.5%. Similarly, at the 48-hour mark, the highest mortality (92.2%) was observed with 1000 µg/ml of nanoparticles, whereas the lowest concentration yielded a mortality rate of 54.5%. Extending the observation period to 72 hours, the mortality rate peaked at 98.33% with the highest nanoparticle concentration (1000 µg/ml), and the lowest mortality rate was recorded at the lowest dose, amounting to 72.5%. These results underscore the dose and time-dependent efficacy of Salix alba bark-derived nanoparticles against Meloidogyne incognita. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that zinc oxide nanoparticles synthesized from Salix alba bark can be an effective agent against plant parasitic nematode Meloidogyne incognita. Further experiments are recommended to study the impact of these nanoparticles on other biotic stresses. B
... According to WHO, cancer is the second leading cause of death around the world (S. Ullah et al., 2023;Wiesmann, Tremel, & Brieger, 2020). Cancer is a genetic disease that arises due to abnormalities of genes, mainly tumor suppressor genes and protein-coding (Anwar et al., 2023). ...
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Nanoparticles hold potential as versatile tools for combating both cancer and COVID, offering targeted therapies and innovative diagnostic approaches. Recently, nano medicines have received much attention due to their role in the treatment of different types of cancer and viral infections. Nanoparticles can be useful for the treatment of cancer alone or along with other anticancer drugs. In the last couple of years, there has been a rapid and remarkable evolution in the field of nano medicine, primarily fueled by the urgent worldwide demand for innovative technologies aimed at offering preventive and curative solutions against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Among different types of nanoparticles, metal and metal oxide nanoparticles have gained significant importance. Different types of therapies are used for the treatment of cancer, but one of the main problems is their side effects on normal healthy cells. Metal oxide nanoparticles have the ability to target only abnormal tumor cells and produce toxicity in them. Metal oxide nanoparticles work through different types of antitumor mechanisms including the generation of ROS, apoptosis, necrosis and interfering in signaling pathways of p53 and other related genes. In this review, we aim to provide an overview of the current knowledge and advancements regarding the potential use of metal oxide nanoparticles for the treatment of cancer and viral infections including COVID-19. We have discussed the strategies employed to enhance nanoparticle targeting, drug delivery and therapeutic efficacy for cancer therapy and viral infections. Furthermore, we have addressed the challenges, safety considerations and future directions for the use of metal oxide nanoparticles as potential therapeutic agents.
The construction of compound databases (DB) is a strategy for the rational search of bioactive compounds and drugs for new and old diseases. In order to bring greater impact to drug discovery, we propose the development of a DB of bioactive antiviral compounds. Several research groups have presented evidence of the antiviral activity of medicinal plants and compounds isolated from these plants. We believe that compiling these discoveries in a DB would benefit the scientific research community and increase the speed to discover new potential drugs and medicines. Thus, we present the Antiviral Medicinal Plant and Natural Product DB (avMpNp DB) as an important source for acquiring, organizing, and distributing knowledge related to natural products and antiviral drug discovery. The avMpNp DB contains a series of chemically diverse compounds with drug‐like profiles. To test the potential of this DB, SARS‐CoV‐2 M pro and PL pro enzymatic inhibition assays were performed for available compounds resulting in IC 50 values ranging from 6.308±0.296 to 15.795±0.155 μM. As a perspective, artificial intelligence tools will be added to implement computational predictions, as well as other chemical functionalities that allow data validation.
The emergence of computer technologies and computing power has led to the development of several database systems that provide standardized access to vast quantities of data, making it possible to collect, search, index, evaluate, and extract useful knowledge across various fields. The Home of All Biological Databases (HABD) has been established as a continually expanding platform that aims to store, organize, and distribute biological data in a searchable manner, removing all dead and non‐accessible data. The platform meticulously categorizes data into various categories, such as COVID‐19 Pandemic Database (CO‐19PDB), Database relevant to Human Research (DBHR), Cancer Research Database (CRDB), Latest Database of Protein Research (LDBPR), Fungi Databases Collection (FDBC), and many other databases that are categorized based on biological phenomena. It currently provides a total of 22 databases, including 6 published, 5 submitted, and the remaining in various stages of development. These databases encompass a range of areas, including phytochemical‐specific and plastic biodegradation databases. HABD is equipped with search engine optimization (SEO) analyzer and Neil Patel tools, which ensure excellent SEO and high‐speed value. With timely updates, HABD aims to facilitate the processing and visualization of data for scientists, providing a one‐stop‐shop for all biological databases. Computer platforms, such as PhP, html, CSS, Java script and Biopython, are used to build all the databases. © 2024 Wiley Periodicals LLC.
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Objective: Urinary bladder cancer (UBC) is the fourth most common cancer among men and tenth most common cancer in women. This study investigated an association of interleukins -17A promoter region single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-rs2275913 with UBC in Pakistani population. Methods: Population-based study was designed with 127 UBC patients and 100 healthy individuals. Only UBC Patients were included and other diseases hepatitis or any other malignancy/cancer were excluded from the study. Polymerase chain reaction Restriction fragment length polymorphism technique was used to genotype the rs2275913 SNP in patients and control. Linear regression analysis was performed on the genotype data and allelic frequency data. Online statistical tool was used to calculate ratio of odds. Results: Linear regression analysis showed that there was no association between rs2275913 SNP and UBC patients in the dominant model (OR = 0.815, CI = 0.415-1.6), recessive model (OR = 0.389, CI = 0.014-5.565), codominant model (OR = 0.376, CI=0.013-5.420) and (OR = 0.855, CI = 0.427-1.713). Moreover, among the UBC samples, low-grade non-muscle invasive UBC samples dominant model (OR = 0.722, CI = 0.316-1.637), recessive model (OR = 0.000, CI = 0.000-5.864), codominant model (OR = 0.864, CI = 0.030-12.668), and (OR = 0.788, CI = 0.341-1.806) did also not show any association. When same analysis was performed for high-grade muscle invasive UBC, dominant (OR = 0.936, CI = 0.403-2.155), recessive model (OR = 0.875, CI = 0.031-12.696), and codominant model (OR = 0.864, CI = 0.030-12.668,), and (OR = 0.942, CI = 0.394-2.232) did not show any association. Conclusion: Results revealed that rs2275913 did not show any associated with the high risk of UBC in Pakistani population. Some limitations of the studies are firstly, the samples size and other are detailed information on UBC and role of inflammation.
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This study was conducted to determine the objective role of antiviral drugs such as arbidol, lopinavir/ritonavir, and others in improving clinical symptoms, decreasing duration of hospitalization, and decreasing duration of viral shedding in patients with mild and moderate COVID-19 infection. A systematic literature search was carried out on Google Scholar and PubMed databases, using the keywords “COVID-19”, “Antiviral”, “Treatment”, and “Symptomatic” in various combinations. Observational studies, cohort and case control studies, and clinical trials published in English with full-text available were included in the study. Data extraction was carried out from selected studies, and all statistical analysis for the study was carried out using Microsoft Excel. The key outcomes studied were time to negative PCR, duration of clinical stay, time to clinical improvement, and occurrence of adverse events. Seven studies were selected for final review after rigorous selection process. Data of total 4734 participants was analyzed, the majority of which were females (n=2810, 59.3%). The majority of participants had mild disease (n=4197, 88.65%). Average time for negative RT-PCR in the included treatment groups was 13.5 days, whereas the average duration of hospitalization was 14.9 days for the treatment groups. Adverse reactions such as ECG changes, gastrointestinal symptoms, secondary bacterial infections, and hepatic and renal dysfunction were scarcely reported in the included studies. There is no clear benefit in terms of duration of hospitalization and time to negative PCR with the use of various antiviral regimens in mild disease; however, these drugs did play a role in limiting disease progression in the participant population. Pending further evidence, the use of these drugs for the management of COVID-19 is not recommend in patients with mild disease.
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Background: High-throughput sequencing technologies are increasingly generating data of all species including fungi. Therefore the first challenge of omics data was the design and use of electronic databases to store and manage the stormy amount of knowledge. In biological experiments, biological databases for structure and function analysis and estimation are immensely beneficial. A multitude of such databases are currently available, which help in the comprehension of complicated problems relating to fungal species.
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Following the discovery of the first instances of COVID-19 in nations and the subsequent announcement of a "pandemic" by WHO, worldwide efforts to identify efficient methods to combat COVID-19 began. One of the most effective solutions is to carry out widespread vaccination against the virus. Despite this, some members of the community refuse to be vaccinated. The present paper reviews the potential causes and factors correlating with people's hesitation to receive COVID-19 vaccines. This article is a narrative review paper. We searched PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science databases using COVID-19, Vaccine, Acceptance, and Hesitancy keywords. Qualitative content analysis was performed and associated predictors with public vaccination acceptance were identified. According to the study, hesitation in receiving COVID-19 vaccines, regardless of the countries, is significant among females, lower ages, lower education level, doubt about efficacy, and concerns about the safety of the vaccines, history of not receiving vaccines, especially the influenza vaccine, distrust of regional or national health officials, low level of health literacy and lack of information, fear of side effects and other complications, doubt of pharmaceutical companies and fear of lobbying, presence of chronic underlying diseases and comorbidities, lower socioeconomic status and racial or religious minorities. According to the results, several factors can influence individuals' uncertainty about COVID-19 vaccines. Given the importance of vaccinating the majority of the community to achieve mass immunity, healthcare systems should consider the vaccine acceptance rate to be a vital and substantial factor. F Abstract ISSN 2310-5380/ July 2022
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Background: The advancement of cancer research has been facilitated through freely available cancer literature, databases, and tools. The age of genomics and big data has given rise to the need for cooperation and data sharing in order to make efficient use of this new information in the COVID-19 pandemic. Although there are many databases for cancer research, their access is not easy owing to different ways of processing and managing the data. There is an absence of a unified platform to manage all of them in a transparent and more comprehensible way.
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Background: In November-December 2019, a plethora of pneumonia like cases were reported in Wuhan, China. After some time, the causative agent of this ailment was identified and named as a novel coronavirus 2. This novel virus spread over the world with no time and declared as pandemic by WHO. To develop antiviral drugs, different clinically used drugs were used as a trial but went in vain. In the current study, we choose an herb with already known therapeutic effects to check its antiviral properties against this virus too. Methods: Cassia angustifolia is a well-known herb for pharmaceutical industries as its different compounds are already used in different medicines. Here we performed molecular docking of main compounds of Cassia angustifolia against the main protease of SARS-nCoV2 and were compared with different drugs that are already being used on commercial bases to obtain the lowest energy complex. Auto-Dock vina and its packages were used for molecular docking of SARS-nCov2. Results: Molecular docking of Cassia angustifolia compounds represent very promising binding energies complexes, e.g., Sennoside B gives-9.05kcal/mol and Aloe-Emodin give-4 Kcal/mol of energy against the main protease of coronavirus. In contrast, a couple of commercially used antiviral drugs were also evaluated against the selected protein of coronavirus e.g., Hydroxychloroquine and Ribavirin complexes appeared with-5.2 Kcal/mol and-6.3 Kcal/mol of energy respectively. Conclusion: Many compounds of Cassia angustifolia showed the promising energy complexes even better than the commercially used antiviral drugs e.g., Sennoside B which has the best energies against main protease of coronavirus. Further, in-vivo and in-vitro studies are needed to validate this hypothesis with advanced MD simulations and wet-lab experimentations.
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Background Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a myeloproliferative tumor originating from hematopoietic stem cells, and resistance to tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) has become a major cause of treatment failure. Alternative drug therapy is one of the important ways to overcome TKI resistance. Hinokiflavone (HF) is a C-O-C type biflavonoid with low toxicity and antitumor activity. This study investigated the antitumor effect and possible mechanisms of HF in CML cells. Methods Cell viability was measured by CCK-8 assay. Cell apoptosis and cell cycle distribution were analyzed by flow cytometry. Western blotting was used to assess protein expression levels. Results Our results showed that HF significantly inhibited the viability of K562 cells in a concentration- and time-dependent manner and induced G 2 /M phase arrest by up-regulating p21 and down-regulating Cdc2 protein. Furthermore, HF induced caspase-dependent apoptosis by activating JNK/p38 MAPK signaling pathway and inhibiting NF-κB activity. In addition, HF induced autophagy by increasing LC3-II expression and p62 degradation. Pretreatment with CQ, a late autophagy inhibitor, significantly increased the levels of LC3-II and p62 proteins and promoted cell survival. Conclusion HF shows a good anti-leukemia effect and is expected to become a potential therapeutic drug for CML.
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Neglected tropical diseases are one of the most important public health problems in many countries around the world. Among them are leishmaniasis, Chagas disease, and malaria, which contribute to more than 250 million infections worldwide. There is no validated vaccine to prevent these infections and the treatments available are obsolete, highly toxic, and non-effective due to parasitic drug resistance. Additionally, there is a high incidence of these diseases, and they may require hospitalization, which is expensive to the public health systems. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop new treatments to improve the management of infected people, control the spread of resistant strains, and reduce health costs. Betulinic acid (BA) is a triterpene natural product which has shown antiparasitic activity against Leishmania, Trypanosoma cruzi, and Plasmodium. Here, we review the main results regarding the in vitro and in vivo pharmacological activity of BA and its derivatives against these parasites. Some chemical modifications of BA have been shown to improve its activities against the parasites. Further improvement on studies of drug-derived, as well as structure–activity relationship, are necessary for the development of new betulinic acid-based treatments.
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Lupeol, a triterpene found in white cabbage, green pepper, strawberry, olive, mangoes and grapes was reported to possess beneficial effects as a therapeutic and preventive agent for a range of disorders. Last 15 years have seen tremendous efforts by researchers worldwide to develop this wonderful molecule for its clinical use for the treatment of variety of disorders. Natural products and herbal remedies used in traditional folklore medicine have been the source of many medically beneficial drugs because they elicit fewer side effects, relatively cheap, affordable and claimed to be effective. However, in order to make these remedies acceptable to modern medicine, there is a need to scientifically evaluate them to identify the active principles and to understand their mechanism of action. Calotropis gigantea commonly known as milk weed or swallow-wort, is a medicinal plant widely used as a folk medicine in India. It exhibits a wide array of pharmacological activities including wound healing and antimicrobial properties. Lupeol, a pentacyclic triterpenoid was extracted for the first time from the latex of C. gigantea and characterized by spectral studies. The presence of lupeol in the latex in appreciable amounts may account for its various biological activities.