The Oxford Handbook of Care in Music Education addresses ways in which music teachers and students interact as co-learners and forge authentic relationships with one another through shared music-making. Concepts of care addressed in this handbook stem from philosophies of relationship, feminist ethics, musical meaningfulness, and compassionate music teaching. Authors highlight the essence of authentic relationships and shared experiences between teachers and learners, extending previous conceptions of care to meet the needs of contemporary music learners and the teachers who care for, about, and with them. Handbook authors offer approaches to care that intersect with a broad range of topics set within the context of music teaching and learning, including antiracism and antisexism; bullying and harassment prevention; critical perspectives; dialogic education; disability/ability; ecojustice; gender identity and sexual orientation; inclusivity of a range of musical styles and genres; intercultural sensitivity; mindfulness; musical creativity; online/remote learning; nonviolent communication; pedagogy as a culturally sustaining force; self-care; social-emotional learning; transgressive pedagogy for critical consciousness; and trauma-sensitive pedagogies. Principal handbook themes include (a) philosophical perspectives on care and music education; (b) co-creating caring relationships; (c) caring for wellbeing and human flourishing; and (d) care, social activism, and critical consciousness. The handbook offers a comprehensive overview of literature relating to care in music and education, along with practical implications that are applicable to a broad array of music-learning settings.