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Abstract and Figures

With the advent of W3C standards such as DID, VCs, and DPKI beyond 2020, the industry has reached a new level where a technological infrastructure overhaul is possible. By employing blockchain and other Decentralized Ledger Technologies, it is believed that we can eliminate the requirement for paper-based verification. Researchers are aware of the technological components we possess at present and are trying to bring forth their sets of POCs. Additionally, governments ranging from developing to developed countries are taking industrial initiatives that incorporate these technologies. This research also evaluates the latest events and cases to find the need for paperless verification. Previous development conducted in the domains of Information Systems and Public forensics has presented us with various issues at both infrastructural and user levels. It also introduced us to the presence of lots of gaps present that can be improved with a more improvised form of decentralized paperless solution. Researchers have pointed out that the modern day identity check and forensic solutions will face difficulties with blockchain compatibility, since most of those previous components will require built-in integration with a decentralized environment. As the latest researches suggest the key to this integration is now possible with the proper application of the W3C standards. In this paper, we propose an architecture that interlinks the latest decentralized W3C standards with a permissioned blockchain for implementing paperless verification and identity check.
I.J. Information Engineering and Electronic Business, 2023, 4, 13-25
Published Online on August 8, 2023 by MECS Press (
DOI: 10.5815/ijieeb.2023.04.02
This work is open access and licensed under the Creative Commons CC BY License. Volume 15 (2023), Issue 4
Towards a Novel Identity Check Using Latest
W3C standards & Hybrid Blockchain for
Paperless Verification
Samiur Rahman Khan*
American International University-Bangladesh/Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), Dhaka, 1229, Bangladesh
*Corresponding Author
Md. Al-Amin
American International University-Bangladesh/Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), Dhaka, 1229, Bangladesh
Received: 28 September, 2022; Revised: 26 October, 2022; Accepted: 11 November, 2022; Published: 08 August, 2023
Abstract: With the advent of W3C standards such as DID, VCs, and DPKI beyond 2020, the industry has reached a
new level where a technological infrastructure overhaul is possible. By employing blockchain and other Decentralized
Ledger Technologies, it is believed that we can eliminate the requirement for paper-based verification. Researchers are
aware of the technological components we possess at present and are trying to bring forth their sets of POCs.
Additionally, governments ranging from developing to developed countries are taking industrial initiatives that
incorporate these technologies. This research also evaluates the latest events and cases to find the need for paperless
verification. Previous development conducted in the domains of Information Systems and Public forensics has
presented us with various issues at both infrastructural and user levels. It also introduced us to the presence of lots of
gaps present that can be improved with a more improvised form of decentralized paperless solution. Researchers have
pointed out that the modern day identity check and forensic solutions will face difficulties with blockchain
compatibility, since most of those previous components will require built-in integration with a decentralized
environment. As the latest researches suggest the key to this integration is now possible with the proper application of
the W3C standards. In this paper, we propose an architecture that interlinks the latest decentralized W3C standards with
a permissioned blockchain for implementing paperless verification and identity check.
Index Terms: World Wide Web Consortium(W3C), Decentralized Identifier(DID), Verifiable Credentials(VC),
Decentralized Public Key Infrastructure(DPKI), User Management Agency(UMA), Blockchain, Decentralized
1. Introduction
With the advent of recent technologies there has been global incentives to improve overall infrastructural systems.
Some of which need to be adjusted for the purpose of improving upon the problems that are already inherent in it. To
understand this we can have look at the most common infrastructural aspects subjected to issues like cross-border
verification, Identity management, and secured authentication. Administrative preferences regarding such cases have
more or less been dealt with through centralized means for technological measures. But in recent years with
technologies like blockchain, Peer to Peer networks, Decentralized Systems, etc. It is possible to undertake a whole new
measure for the benefit of international public verification for traveling and border crossing. Judging by current events
as of the year 2022, two of the most devastating events that are unfolding before the world are the wars & the refugee
crisis. The people who have gone through these two events in most cases fail to have such identification documents and
verification information. In the worst case, they fall victim to unprecedented events. However, the main question that
remains the same now is, "What is the use of the information being digital if people cannot be verified digitally?”. At
present, it is a necessity for people to have access to physical means like documentation for the assessment of their
verification. In order to update this infrastructural process to a fully governed digital system with utmost security is
possible with the addition of the latest technologies. If we look at the current processing that most countries possess. It
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is evident that public identification is being maintained by means of national identity papers & passports. But in both
developing and developed countries the government is trying to digitize this process. They are doing this through the
introduction of electronic passports and digital identifications also termed as electronic identity(eID) [1].
Lots of algorithms and systems have been generated for the purpose of digitization of identification, one among
them is RSA and Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA), which are used to verify the authenticity and
integrity of digital documents. Also Hash-based signatures, such as Merkle signatures, are used to prove the authenticity
of a large data structure or file by providing a short, fixed-size proof. In order to provide proof of possession of specific
information to verifiers without revealing the actual information to the verifier, technologies such as Zero-knowledge
proofs like zk-SNARKs and zk-STARKs are implemented. One of the most common globally recognized Identity
solutions is biometric authentication which utilizes technologies such as facial recognition, fingerprint scanning that can
confirm the identity of an individual. Research is ongoing in the Blockchain use cases so that we can use distributed
ledger technology to ensure the immutability and authenticity of public identification. ~ existing sols
But even with application of these existing solutions, it doesn't solve the problem of dependency on paper based
documents. Moreover it raises issues regarding shortcomings of these existing systems. The foremost shortcoming is the
lack of standardization. Different countries and organizations have different identification and verification systems,
which can make it difficult for individuals to use their identification across different systems. In many cases it is
observed that public identification and verification systems are vulnerable to hacking and other forms of cyber attacks,
which can lead to the loss of personal data and identity theft. The typical case in all verification centers is that people
need to physically have access to identification documents. Even though their data are in the records of the
government's public database. The accessibility limitation occurs as identity verification needs to be committed by
means of cross-matching the documents which are either machine-readable or have an electronic chip in them [1]. This
process raises concerns regarding situations where people are not in possession of such documents. Which will result in
them falling into dire circumstances? For newcomers the Public identification and verification systems can be slow and
inefficient, causing delays and long wait times for individuals trying to access services. Also some individuals, such as
those who are homeless or live in rural areas, may not have the necessary documentation to obtain a government-issued
identification. This can prevent them from accessing essential services and benefits. Also in most cases, these
documents can be forged illegally for fake verification and smuggling purposes [2]. Privacy cases are also considered
since Public identification and verification systems collect and store large amounts of personal data. ~limitations
In order to overcome such limitations, the present day public verification system leverages solutions like Risk-
based authentication, Blockchain-based verification, Regular System Audits and Public-private partnerships. It is
evident that the scope of such technologies as blockchain in recent years had a huge boost in terms of sustainability,
affordability & scalability [3]. There are now ways to integrate the application of blockchain domains in sectors of
Human resources & Public Management. The complex means of making this integration a possibility was due to the
latest achievement made in the last few years. Industry-leading blockchains like Hyperledger Fabric, Ethereum,
Avalanche, Cardano, Chainalysis KYT, Hyperledger Sawtooth, and many more have become more accessible for
development [4]. Due to the availability of resources and dApp compatibility with centralized architectures. Most of
these blockchains have different network types needed for respective industrial and business applications. This leads us
to the option for the earliest undertaking of renovating the verification process using the most suitable hybrid
blockchain [4,5]. All of the problems mentioned earlier point out the root cause which can be identified as Identification
data handling. Something that can now be easily assessed with use of latest W3C standards like DID, VC and DPKI.
This leads us to the main aim of this research which is to construct a framework based on blockchain and W3C
components to provide a standardized global outline for governments to follow. Although achieving a paperless
verification system in the form of digital ID has been implemented in few countries. But at the infrastructure level it has
yet to receive success. This is also another objective of this research and we hope to achieve it through an in-depth
analysis and the demonstration of our noble architecture.
2. Related Works
Work on verifying public identification has a profound history. The process started immediately after the events of
World War I, through a passport standard [1]. During World War 1, most European countries proceeded with border
document checks for security reasons. This form of document would then be used to identify people with their skills
and occupations. This was issued back in the 1920s by the League of Nations [1]. One reason for this process was to
control the number of immigrants being admitted to different countries. This process was seemingly revised after 1947
with designs and layouts that would suit and identify 42 separate nations. The initial passports were said to have
included biological traits among people, like facial features, hair color, etc. This happened to provide the authorities
with much-needed bioinformatics. for feasible authentication [8]. However, as technology progressed, we were
introduced to modern ways of dealing with public verification. Since the early 2000s, governments have had new means
to fetch records, crosscheck identifiers, and authenticate better bioinformatics [1]. This provided the world with the first
outline of a framework for Public Identity Verification that is still in modification today.
Although we live in an increasingly digital world, Sanket Panchamia and Deepak Kumar Byrappa's research
demonstrates that passports are still physical documents. It is kept on hand at all times, much as other necessary travel
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Volume 15 (2023), Issue 4 15
documents like visas and immigration stamps [8]. Information on a person's arrival and exit from a country is stored in a
database designed for that country. This piece laid the groundwork for the widespread adoption of electronic passport,
visa, and immigration form processing. Digitalization has the potential to simplify and standardize processes, including
issuing, renewing, and canceling passports and VISAs, as well as checking and confirming them. This research
demonstrated the importance of data storage needed for the Public Identity system. Inorder to improve the storage
mechanics we suggest a distributed ledger-based system which can help to track and retrieve information about similar
processes. Once in place, this framework would facilitate the elimination of the need for superfluous, time-consuming
verification of personal information. It will also allow the prevention of the use of fake papers like passports and visas.
Another research conducted by Loi Luu, et al showcased that adopting a distributed ledger technology, such as
blockchain, would reduce the complications associated with paper-based verification, while also streamlining processes
and increasing efficiencyall of which might result in savings [31]. The findings of a study by Kenta Sekiguchi et al.
add weight to those of the preceding authors. Based on their findings, it's clear that the advantages of Distributed Ledger
Technology (DLT), such as fault tolerance and cost savings, are garnering a lot of interest [2]. Both of these research on
blockchain technology shows the necessity of a framework that can allow paperless verification to be a possibility.
In 2017, the Bank of Japan commissioned a series of seminars on DLT in securities settlement and produced a
report summarizing the outcomes. For accurate securities settlement, it examined how DLT interacts with the Act on
Book-Entry Transfer of Corporate Bonds and Shares, that controls paperless securities. The paper provided multiple
interpretations of existing legislation. That later on mandated a multi-layered settlement structure which in light of
DLT's fault tolerance qualities allowed network members to communicate information. The authors also examined the
present legal framework in light of DLT's prospects in securities settlement [2]. This research backed a claim on how
DLT based systems can coherently work with multi layered data sets which can as well be applied on Public Identity
Verification systems.
Bo Tang et al contributed to developing a noble concept of the IoT Passport with blockchain usage in their
research. According to the authors, the number of "things" will very quickly surpass that of humans in the very near
future [9]. Cross-platform collaboration helps improve the user experience since user requirements and vendor offers
are always shifting over time. Trust that is centralized makes it more difficult to be flexible and to scale. IoT Passport
offers trust between different platforms using blockchain technology [9]. The offering of trust and the source of security
plays one of the most vital roles in any infrastructure which this research justified.
Dongjuan Na et al. focused on data security of IoT devices which are vulnerable to multiple instances of attacks
and points of failures. Their research offers blockchain-based access management for the Internet of Things and edge
computing, in addition to incorporating platform and user preferences [32]. Marco Verissimo Oliveira proceeded to
develop a conceptual architecture for a passport ledger [10]. According to their research, the author asserts that
blockchain and other distributed ledger technologies are the most effective means of protecting customer data. Multiple
blockchains were analyzed to ensure that the intended effort will not compromise user privacy. Permissioned
blockchains that employ an authorization abstraction layer are the most effective at regulating the conduct of uniquely
recognized people. This study demonstrated Hyperledger Fabric's platform development feasibility [10]. Regarding
India's rising population, Ambica Sethy and Abhishek Ray conducted a thorough review by validating digital
certificates and other documents [13]. They utilized blockchain's inherent safety characteristics to secure private
information during verification. The suggested approach uses a unique hash key for validation and verification. The
proposed framework encrypts the hash key with Argon2. This will show who accessed a document when limiting
document misuse [13]. These three papers suggest the use of blockchain for any ideal platform so that it can have
vulnerability and privacy protection.
When it comes to the concept of paperless Prof. Dr. Hong Xue deeply reviewed the legal frameworks for the
protocols and proceedings [11]. In his work, it was discussed how the Framework Agreement(FA) actually revolves
around different international organizations under the laws of already established articles [11]. V. N. Kustov and E. S.
Silanteva debated the veracity of paperless exchanges. Their work focuses on using reliable data for decision-support
systems. Different technologies, laws, and administrations make cross-border data validation difficult [12]. Cross-
border data networks can help. Trust technologies facilitate worldwide electronic data exchange. They reviewed how
TTP technology for the cross-border document can transfer and analyze three validation techniques (DVCS, XKMS,
and OASIS DSS). The study further discusses the hardware and software components of TTP implementation as a
package, illustrating effective cross-border electronic legal document flow [12]. From these researches we can assess
that when it comes to global electronic data exchange any standardized platform would need to have cross-border
network support. Along with an established license that can support its proper functionality.
3. Key Terminologies
3.1. DLT:
DLT refers to the protocol stack and underlying architecture that enables immutable record-keeping on a
distributed network where several parties have real-time access to the data and can make modifications as necessary. It
is a method for ensuring that a distributed database operates efficiently. To avoid authority abuse in a decentralized
system, a third party is unnecessary. DLT employs a tried-and-true method of encryption to safeguard data during
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storage. A physical key or a digital signature may be used to unlock any given piece of data. The gathered information
is recorded irrevocably and is subject to the network's regulations [4,14].
3.2. Decentralized Infrastructure:
The decision-making authority in a Decentralized Infrastructure rests with each department or unit. Instead of
relying on a single, centralized system, each division will have its own means of data processing, analysis, and
administration. This suggests they function adequately without a centralized server. Since there appears to be no
overarching administration, it's possible that data will need to be standardized to the technologies used by other
departments in order for them to connect with one another. A huge organization, like a governmental institution, may
benefit from this in the not-too-distant future. However, as data and software consumption continues to rise, it is crucial
to develop a regulatory body to prevent unnecessary spending on activities like data inventory, data landscaping, and
compliance. To "decentralize" an architecture means to have each section or branch run its own central computer[15].
3.3. DPKI:
The distributed identity system strongly relies on the decentralized public key infrastructure supporting it.
Blockchain facilitates DPKI by providing a reliable and immutable record for the distribution of identity holders'
asymmetric verification and encryption keys. Using a decentralized public key infrastructure, anybody may generate
and store cryptographic keys on the immutable, chronologically arranged Blockchain. These keys can be used by third
parties to validate digital signatures and decode material for the correct identity holder [16].
3.4. Verifiable Credentials:
It is a standard that establishes a method for expressing these types of credentials on the Web in a
cryptographically secure, privacy-preserving, and machine-verifiable manner. Validated credentials may reflect the
same data as physical credentials. Adding technology like digital signatures makes verifiable credentials more secure
and trustworthy than physical credentials. Holders of verifiable credentials may create and share verifiable presentations
which verify to demonstrate their credentials. Verifiable credentials and verifiable presentations may be provided
quickly, making them more convenient than actual credentials for establishing confidence remotely [17].
3.5. Decentralized Identifiers:
The concept of a Decentralized Identifier (DIDs) is determined by the controller of the DID and can be anything
like a person, organization, item, data model, abstract entity, etc. Instead of being tied to centralized databases, identity
providers, and certificate authorities, DIDs have been designed to be detached. Instead of relying on others to help find
information about a DID, the design lets its owner verify authority over it on their own, without the need for anybody
else's consent. It is possible to have secure interactions between a DID person and a DID document through the use of
DID URIs. Cryptographic content, verification techniques, and services may all be expressed in DID documents, giving
DID controllers the tools they need to demonstrate control over DIDs. The DID subject's trustworthy interactions are
enabled through services. If the DID subject is an information resource, such as a data model, the DID may provide a
way to return the actual DID subject [18].
3.6. Issuer & Verifiers:
Public Validation is a core fundamental for security and trust that enables authentication, identity verification,
encryption, and non-repudiation in e-governance. In order for e-government services to be available across international
boundaries, a security infrastructure must be implemented that can ensure a consistently high level of service for all
parties involved. Issuers are considered government-certified bodies who hold a claim to provide authentic forged
documentation to the public. Verifiers, on the other hand, are the department/agency that is in charge of validating the
documented credentials [19].
3.7. Paperless:
Paperless is formed from the eradication of all paper documents. However, when we say "Paperless Validation,"
we refer to the usage of identification without a paper-based medium. It is an electronic process in which document
production, execution, and review are all performed digitally, and validation checks are performed via software,
allowing real-time data to be concurrently stored and tracked [6].
4. Case Study
4.1. Country-wise Overview of Public Management with Blockchain
Around the world different countries have already set up the initial starting phase for blockchain implementation in
major sectors of their infrastructural systems. However, it has been indicated by recent reports that in the upcoming
years we may see the global GDP top up by a huge margin through the application of the blockchain domain [30]. All
such analytical research does serve as tools that are currently motivating developed to under-developed countries to
bring forth blockchain for their own benefits. In order to do so, they are currently engaged in developing the
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Volume 15 (2023), Issue 4 17
foundational approaches for their projects [22,30].
4.1.1. Lebanon:
For managing banking facilities we have observed that Lebanon wishes to adopt distributed baking through
administrative procedures. As of 2021, the Lebanese CBDC project has demonstrated how the Lebanese population can
act as a community for empowering the functionality of digital money which acts as an alternative to their local
currency lira. So far they have managed to identify and retain public information and maintain a central ledger for the
national bank to function the monetary transactions [28].
4.1.2. Estonia:
Estonia was the first nation in the world to promote a national-level e-voting system. Going through their
development phases it was pretty clear that the ballot services, public interaction, and public identifiers were all
maintained in a government ledger but it was public for people to see. They were able to do this using only public
national ID or Nationality documents for people over 18 years old. The management on the blockchain level followed a
less complicated approach where the smart contracts were responsible for only dealing with three parameters at the
same time. Moreover, the Estonian government has issued a blockchain policy in e-residency where public validation
can be conducted through a city-level blockchain architecture [27].
4.1.3. United Kingdom:
In the constant fight against identity fraud and scams the regional authority of the United Kingdom has been
issuing execution of blockchain technology. One of the prominent projects termed “Innovate UK” established the use of
BaaS (Blockchain-as-a-service) back in August 2016 for managing welfare checks and student loans. The service
functions by taking into account the student or public info and verifying their authenticity to determine the validity of
check claims. The management of this process is undergoing updates for newer W3C standards. Also, the UK managed
to empower pension payments through dApps in mobile phones functioning under the surveillance of the UK’s
Department of Work and pensions [26].
4.1.4. China:
Although China has a strict policy regarding mining and cryptocurrency upsurge. The authorities in China have
always been involved in experimenting with Blockchain for their infrastructure improvements. In doing so they have
introduced smart contract programs like VeChain, NEO, Qtum, and TRON. These are employed in many public
management sectors like school systems, administration, NGOs, Health sectors, etc. One thing in particular that the
Chinese government is focusing primarily on is the avoidance of capital controls [24,25].
4.1.5. Japan:
The initial adopters and pioneers of blockchain technology were Japan. But there have not been any POCs
prototypes from them regarding public management and validations. So far they are the only nation that has a legitimate
lawful cryptocurrency protocol for all users. Even the government of Tokyo decided to make Bitcoin a legal medium of
exchange for the public [24].
To get an overview of the ongoing projects that involve public management in any sort of way can be assessed by
following Table 1[20,22,24,28]
Table 1. Projects Involving Blockchain-based Public Validation
Project Name
Government Level
uPort decentralized identity
Digital identity for proof of
Local (Municipality of Zug)
Academic Credentials
personal document storage
and sharing
Pension Infrastructure
Pension Management
Land Title Registry
Property Management
South Africa
Project Khoka
Finance & E-commerce
National & International
Blockchain Governance
Human Resource
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4.2. Paperless Identity Management in Light of Blockchain
Multiple sorts of organizations may benefit from Blockchain's various advantages, which include greater
transparency, security, and other elements of efficiency. This means that it may greatly improve security while altering
how identity is now handled. Currently, there is no accessible tried-and-true way for managing IDs [6,11]. At different
places along the route, voter identification cards, passports, social security cards, and other kinds of official
identification are frequently requested. Identity theft and other security breaches are more likely when individuals are
required to carry multiple forms of identification. This indicates that blockchain technology can allow the development
of decentralized networks that protect the right of individuals to create and use unique IDs [20]. Alongside it also
when valid forms of identification are checked
validation of the occurrence of two authorized parties attesting to each other's identity
the safekeeping of identity thus empowering the overall Trust factor of the system
4.2.1. Traditional Identity System
Despite their significance, identity documents are frequently lost or misplaced. Typically, identification
verification is required when applying for a loan, opening a bank account, acquiring a SIM card, or booking a vacation.
The fact that many entities, such as the government, financial institutions, and credit reporting agencies, keep and
process the personal information of individuals is a fundamental weakness in the existing identity management system
[26]. The introduction of blockchain technology has the potential to eliminate the need for these intermediaries while
also granting consumers greater control over their personal data. Before transitioning to the blockchain, we must have a
deeper grasp of identity management and the problems that affect the current system [20].
A. Identification fraud or theft:
Individuals' identities may be stolen if they disclose sensitive information about themselves on insecure websites or
through unreliable services. As more individuals migrate their data storage online, this creates a risk for online
applications, as hackers can more easily access and steal data from centralized servers. According to the 2018 Breach
Level Index, hackers corrupt an average of 18,525,880 records per day. This further accounts for [23],
Per hour, 771,909 records.
Minutely, 12 865 records.
Approximately 214 records per second.
B. User Info Maintenance Control:
User Info Maintenance is usually controlled through Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in order to keep
track of user-validated documentation. However, users cannot modify or interact with PII. They are unaware of the
number of times their personal information has been shared without their consent, as well as the whereabouts of any
databases containing their information. Thus, a novel method of identity management is required. Blockchain-based
identity management can provide users control over their personal data by producing a universal ID that can be used for
a multitude of purposes. Blockchain may be the solution to the aforementioned issues since it gives individuals
assurance that their personal information will not be shared without their consent [18,21].
C. KYC Onboarding:
Traditional Identity Systems need to Know Your Customer (KYC) organizations, end users, and external verifiers.
Overall, the system is rather costly for all parties involved. To meet the different demands of their clients, which include
banks, healthcare providers, and immigration authorities, KYC service providers require additional time and employees.
Customers are charged hidden processing fees to cover the additional cost of the KYC verification procedure. In
addition, the time required by external organizations to sign up clients is considerable. The projected yearly global cost
of KYC ranges from 48 million to 60 million [11].
4.3. Relevancy of The Findings
From the above mentioned discussions it is evident that all of these cases are trying to solve the same problem but
in respect to different scenarios. In most of these cases the governmental and research bodies are eager to utilize modern
technologies for implementing an all-in-one solution. Something that can leverage the decentralized factors from DLT
and blockchain. As well as staying paperless with the help of Digital Identification system. This more or less aligns with
our research objective. Which is to provide a noble framework that ensures all of the necessary data verification and
data security aspects found on the provided case studies. The development of different POC done by the countries and
organizations mentioned above provides a deeper insight into the key elements of the problems. Issues like how
credentials and identifiers need to be maintained in a decentralized infrastructure. Also how the entire framework can
automate the flow of dealing with multiple layers of data manipulation and verification whenever needed. As a result
these case studies provide the essential feedback needed to improve upcoming and future architectures.
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5. Methodology
The Methodology and Proposed Architecture sections will be divided into different narratives and component
utilization. This was done for the purpose of establishing a well-defined framework for this research. Most of the focus
in the upcoming segments will be highlighted through diagrams, clarifications, and schema.
5.1. Initialization of DID & VC
In order to achieve our goal of envisioning a globally functional paperless blockchain verification system, we first
need to lay the groundwork. In terms of public identification in the real world, we all have certain biometric
characteristics from birth, which can be termed as our first set of identification credentials. In the process of growing up,
we happen to achieve other such credentials in the form of birth certificates, nationality papers, educational certificates,
driving licenses, passports, and so on. All such credentials act to verify the actual person, and this authentication
procedure is carried out by an Identity Provider(IdP). The traditional format of this procedure was mainly using a
username and password to identify individuals. But with the forthcoming of DID and VC, we no longer need to depend
on traditional Idp approaches along with their associated vulnerabilities.
Fig. 1. DID Signing Procedure
The process as showcased in Fig.1 outputs a globally unique ID that is constituted through cryptography. A User
Management Agency(UMA) such as a government verification institution, passport offices, etc., will be in charge of
developing a private/public key pair. This process will be initiated right after a person possessing the nationality of that
country proves his identification through any documentation like a driving license or national identity to a UMA. The
private key securely stays in hand with the UMA. With this, the UMA can easily validate the provided documents from
the required sources and then set up a DID for that specified document provided by the person. Having multiple
documents in turn will allow users to have access to multiple DIDs which will also influence their trust factor in the
system for the verifiers. After the process is completed the applicant will be provided access to the new DID with both
public and private keys. This DID will also be stored within the UMA for future validation purposes and blockchain
integration. It will also act as a pointer toward all future DIDs that citizens will possess. In other words, it can be
considered a decentralized account for public documentation. The UMA-Verifiers will be in charge for identifying all
the documents as assigned against the public key and if they tend to find any sort of misalignments in terms of legal
issues then the user will be notified about the failed identification process. This will also include document
requirements for the users to know the specific reason for the failure.
Different sources that mainly provide public documents and certifications will act as the issuers for Verifiable
Credentials(VC). As demonstrated in Fig.2 whenever new DIDs will be issued by a citizen or a user the process will
need to be validated by the UMA. The verification will also have proceeded through cross-referencing with the already
documented VCs from previous DIDs that were initiated by the UMA. Furthermore, once a new DID application has
been created by the user, this system automatically won't allow them to create a new one. They can only apply for a new
DID once the current one has been processed. UMA in this system is the main central entity that controls the rights to
provide the public with their unique DIDs. They hold the responsibility of verifying and validating the applications
prior to approval. On a deeper level, this process is completed by employing Zero-Knowledge Proof(ZKP). This
algorithm also allows using multiple VCs from different issuers for confirming validation. Also, they can access the VC
repository for a particular user for better assessment.
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Fig. 2. VC Validation through Issuers
6. Proposed Architecture
6.1. System Architecture
There is a reason why we follow a 3-layer approach in the architecture of the system, as shown in Fig 3. It is
mainly because each user in the UMA will have multiple DIDs with lots of personal information. They can access those
DIDs through the global DID issued by the UMA. So, once we put this data into the blockchain, they cannot alter it
anymore. That's why our approach tries to adopt a fixed global DID through which the system can optimally support
components like VC repository and revocation simultaneously. Just storing the global DID in the blockchain allows
users to access their identity easily. The blockchain layer has been thought out to deal with external verification for
social, governmental, and travel purposes by external authorities.
6.2. Technical Analysis
The UMA will have access to all the public DIDs. But can only interact with outside sources for verification
whenever the user allows it. This process is followed based on some preliminary stages before blockchain integration.
Before the UMA can send the DID info to the blockchain, it needs to set up a process for revocation. In simpler terms,
"Revocation" can be addressed as updating or deleting a credential. Issues regarding personal documentation and
credential changing happen to be critical aspects of any identity infrastructure. A revocation registry can serve as the
means for allowing updates to an already assigned credential in a DID. There is a reason why we follow a 3-layer
approach in the architecture of the system, as shown in Fig 3. It is mainly because each user in the UMA will have
multiple DIDs with lots of personal information. They can access those DIDs through the global DID issued by the
UMA. So, once we put these data into the blockchain, they will not be able to alter it anymore. That's why our approach
tries to adopt a fixed global DID through which the system can optimally support components like VC repository and
revocation simultaneously. Just storing the global DID in the blockchain allow users to access their identity easily. The
blockchain layer has been thought out to deal with external verification for social, governmental, and travel purposes by
external authorities.
For the purpose of analyzing how the validation is sorted with external Verifiers, a schema was generated. It is
formed of the required flows as discussed in the following,
Users, UMA & Verifiers will possess DIDs.
Identity Hubs will be linked to UMA & Verifier DIDs
The requested VCs from Verifiers will be notified to the Users through UMA
Towards a Novel Identity Check Using Latest W3C standards & Hybrid Blockchain for Paperless Verification
Volume 15 (2023), Issue 4 21
Fig. 3. System Architecture
The analysis of this process can be clarified according to the following statements as derived from Fig 4,
UMA discovers the current keys and Identity Hub endpoints by recognizing the Verifier's DID. This is
something that occurs on a periodic basis at UMA.
Through a GUI, the user is notified about the request from the verifier and can select to proceed.
A semantic message reflecting an ASK, encoded with parameters of the User's Request, is generated by the
UMA after the option to advance is selected.
UMA sends an ASK message to the Identity Hub of the Verifier
Then the verifier responds to the ASK it receives with the list of requirements according to the "Check".
After getting the originally signed hash of the "Check", the User will provide the credentials required by the
"Check" through UMA.
The verifier then shares the User's identification address with the agreed-upon VCs and publishes a smart
contract on the UMA blockchain. This step employs the proof of an ability to settle.
Once UMA receives a response from the User, it will retrieve the VCs from IPFS using the Original DID of
the User and transmit them to the Verifier.
Once the Verifier has validated the User's presentation and the credentials it contains, UMA provides the User
with a final "Check."
UMA will then review the contract to ensure that all the required documentation is present.
The verifier can release the user's DPKI after a successful check by enforcing the associated smart contract.
Towards a Novel Identity Check Using Latest W3C standards & Hybrid Blockchain for Paperless Verification
22 Volume 15 (2023), Issue 4
Fig. 4. Validation Analysis with Smart Contract Deployment
Through the schema provided in Fig.4, we are able to demonstrate the technical outline of our proposed
architecture. Every event that takes place during this process is conducted through digital means so no form of paper
documents is needed. Moreover, the goal to secure every form of verification is also defined in this process where we
can observe how all the decisions proceed through UMA. Also, the final validation that utilizes blockchain is
maintained through contract review from UMA. This schema tries to construct a foundation that ensures scalability
factors for a paperless means of verification.
7. Limitations
The main parameters involved in constituting this framework namely blockchain, DID, VC and DPKI have their
own characterized limitations. Looking at any DLT based technology such as blockchain, the immutability afforded by
it is one of the most significant drawbacks of this proposed architecture [4]. According to research it suggests that
during the testing phase any data that will be stored from the beginning can never be altered. So this hinders the data
regulations policy regarding different government bodies and organizations. Moving towards the W3C protocols, there
will be difficulty in resolving this issue to mitigate its impact. As from the documentations of W3C it suggests that
further measures have to be adopted into our system to regulate how VCs and DIDs information will be kept via global
DIDs. Also the DPKI procedure attempts to resolve this problem by referencing only the global DID within the hash to
the verifiers. Therefore, the IPFS-saved internal documents are not required to be stored in the blockchain, as doing so
would result in an optimization issue. Thirdly, this architecture lacks real-time implementation, which is the major
limitation in this research. Technical aspects aside this proposed architecture would need good amounts of testing
before going towards the implementation route. Since it includes a public user base, governmental institutions, NGOs
and border check authorities. As the purpose of this research was to provide the groundwork for a Proof of Concept
protocol, its implementation must occur in a sandbox setting with permissioned blockchain. The analysis of results and
scopes for improvements and errors could be considered the final limitation. This is also due to not having a real-time
testing POC ready at hand for simulations.
Towards a Novel Identity Check Using Latest W3C standards & Hybrid Blockchain for Paperless Verification
Volume 15 (2023), Issue 4 23
8. Results & Discussions
The main outcome from this research can be divided into 4 phases notably, public user, verifier, issuer and
government phase. During the user phase all the functionalities will be involved in the Userbase layer where the
verification services will be provided through governmental bodies to the public. This will in turn call for the issuer
phase where the issuers like hospitals and institutions will provide the necessary things forwarded to the government
body for authentication. In case of already having a DID the user can easily verify their authentication through the
verifier phase. This flow of control easily automates the overall process that can result in a smooth processing of an
already complicated system. Our goal in this research was to provide a paperless medium which is already achieved
since this whole process of public identity validation is done via digital record.
9. Conclusion
This paper attempted to illustrate a novel strategy for adopting W3C standards using blockchain technology for
public verification. But there are still many aspects in the works for this research that will be coming in the future. One
such is ensuring the trust factor of the users and ranking their identity within the system. This will be accomplished by
calculating the trust score identifier that will be governed by VCs. In addition, for future analytics, a real-time
simulation of the proposed architecture will be developed utilizing hyperledger fabric for a proof of concept prototype.
It can be presumed that this will result in the desired outcomes and allow for the resolution of issues and error logs. The
impact of the problem mentioned in this research is crucial in the present state of the public management and identity
verification domain. This proposed architecture aims to provide a sustainable and meaningful solution that can advance
the current use cases in this sector. It can do so through the application of modern technology to revolutionize the
traditional infrastructure for public verification in every scenario. There has never been a bigger opportunity to explore
novel and more effective techniques for bolstering socioeconomic foundations than there is now. Despite the limits
highlighted, future efforts will be able to accommodate the constraints identified by this research. SDG objectives have
prioritized a robust paperless verification infrastructure for quite some time. Through this effort and our future POCs, it
is capable of claiming that paperless verification has a bright future.
The work for this research was conducted during the Masters of Science Thesis period of the First Author “Samiur
Rahman Khan”. Under the guidance of the supervisor and the second author “Md.Al-Amin”, the content of this research
paper was justified and reviewed.
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Authors’ Profiles
Samiur Rahman Khan earned a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (CS) from American International
University-Bangladesh in 2019 (AIUB). He is currently employed as Lecturer in the Institute of Continuing
Education Department, American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB). He has competed in various
nationwide blockchain competitions. Professionally he has provided consultation & acted as business
development lead to multiple Web3 client projects alongside developing whitepapers and litepapers.His research
interests include decentralized systems, distributed computing, the Internet of Things (IoT), network automation,
and blockchain. His undergraduate thesis research on Blockchain-Enabled Decentralized Application
Development Platform was published in ACM Proceedings. His research focuses on innovation, compatibility,
and scalability in the context of altering conventional systems. He has a Master of Science in Computer Science (MScs) from
American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB).
MD. Al-Amin is currently working as a lecturer in the Computer Science Department, American International
University-Bangladesh (AIUB). Besides his teaching profession, he is actively doing R&D projects on freelance
platforms for different clients across the globe. He is also supervising research & development teams &
providing technical consultancy. He received his Bachelor’s in Software Engineering and Master’s degree in
Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) from American International University-Bangladesh(AIUB), Dhaka,
Bangladesh in 2015 and 2017 respectively. During his Master’s degree, he was awarded the academic
distinction Magna Cum Laude(Silver Medal) award for his academic results. He achieved two times ICT
Fellowship Awards for the years 2015-16 & 2016-17 from the Ministry of ICT, Government of Bangladesh. He
has also served as a registration committee member in the International Conference on Computing Advancements (ICCA 2020). He
is a member of Bangladesh’s computer society. His research interest primarily focuses on Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT),
Blockchain Technology, Web 3.0, Distributed Computing, Web of Things, Information Security, Web Assembly, and Knowledge
base System.
Towards a Novel Identity Check Using Latest W3C standards & Hybrid Blockchain for Paperless Verification
Volume 15 (2023), Issue 4 25
How to cite this paper: Samiur Rahman Khan, Md. Al-Amin, "Towards a Novel Identity Check Using Latest W3C standards &
Hybrid Blockchain for Paperless Verification", International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business(IJIEEB),
Vol.15, No.4, pp. 13-25, 2023. DOI:10.5815/ijieeb.2023.04.02
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
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In general, the Internet of Things (IoT) relies on centralized servers due to limited computing power and storage capacity. These server-based architectures have vulnerabilities such as DDoS attacks, single-point errors, and data forgery, and cannot guarantee stability and reliability. Blockchain technology can guarantee reliability and stability with a P2P network-based consensus algorithm and distributed ledger technology. However, it requires the high storage capacity of the existing blockchain and the computational power of the consensus algorithm. Therefore, blockchain nodes for IoT data management are maintained through an external cloud, an edge node. As a result, the vulnerability of the existing centralized structure cannot be guaranteed, and reliability cannot be guaranteed in the process of storing IoT data on the blockchain. In this paper, we propose a multi-level blockchain structure and consensus algorithm to solve the vulnerability. A multi-level blockchain operates on IoT devices, and there is an IoT chain layer that stores sensor data to ensure reliability. In addition, there is a hyperledger fabric-based monitoring chain layer that operates the access control for the metadata and data of the IoT chain to lighten the weight. We propose an export consensus method between the two blockchains, the Schnorr signature method, and a random-based lightweight consensus algorithm within the IoT-Chain. Experiments to measure the blockchain size, propagation time, consensus delay time, and transactions per second (TPS) were conducted using IoT. The blockchain did not exceed a certain size, and the delay time was reduced by 96% to 99% on average compared to the existing consensus algorithm. In the throughput tests, the maximum was 1701 TPS and the minimum was 1024 TPS
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The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the world and limited work/personal life activities. Besides the loss of human lives and agony faced by humankind, the pandemic has badly hit different sectors economically, including the travel industry. Special arrangements, including COVID test before departure and on arrival, and voluntary quarantine, were enforced to limit the risk of transmission. However, the hope for returning to a normal (pre-COVID) routine relies on the success of the current COVID vaccination drives administered by different countries. To open for tourism and other necessary travel, a need is realized for a universally accessible proof of COVID vaccination, allowing travelers to cross the borders without any hindrance. This paper presents an architectural framework for a GDPR-compliant blockchain-based COVID vaccination passport (VacciFi), whilst considering the relevant developments, especially in the European Union region.
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Nowadays, many urban areas are developing projects that are included within the area of smart cities. These systems tend to be highly heterogeneous and involve a large number of different technologies and participants. In general, cities deploy systems to integrate data and to provide protocols to ease interconnectivity between different subsystems. However, this is not enough to build a completely interoperable smart city, where control fully belongs to city administrators and citizens. Currently, in most cases, subsystems tend to be deployed and operated by providers creating silos. Furthermore, citizens, who should be the center of these systems, are often relegated to being just another participant. In this article, we study how smart cities can move towards decentralized and user-centric systems relying on distributed ledger technologies (DLT). For this, we define a conceptual framework that describes the interaction between smart city components, their participants, and the DLT ecosystem. We analyze the trust models that are created between the participants in the most relevant use cases, and we study the suitability of the different DLT types.
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To operate high quality expert and decision support systems we need to use data that could be trusted. Given differences in technical, legal, and administrative environments, cross-border paperless exchange poses significant challenges to the data validation. These challenges could be overcome due to the provision of the trust to the technologies used to exchange data across borders. That is why this article discusses trust technologies that allow cross-border data exchange in electronic form. The article provides a brief description of advantages and disadvantages of the three main validation protocols: DVCS, XKMS, and OASIS DSS. As the main form to provide trust in cross-border documents exchange we propose trusted third party (TTP) technology. Hardware and software aspects of the TTP implementation in the form of hardware and software package are described in the article with the examples of successful implementation of cross–border electronic legally significant documents flow implementation.
Conference Paper
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Blockchain has been a latest trend and many of its applications show promising results in terms of transactions, validations, finances etc. and recently it has become an apple of eye for the tech industry and investors. The concept of decentralized application (commonly known as dApp) and the blockchain platform itself can help to reform many unresolved solutions for the betterment of services and generate new opportunities for the developers to focus on creating applications in a decentralized environment with ease. The adaptation of blockchain technology through dApps is increasing drastically; thus opportunity for the developers and entrepreneurs are growing rapidly. Considering the impactful revolution of dApps, the developer communities are getting more interest to the dApps development tools, frameworks and platforms. This paper is presenting a comprehensive study on some popular blockchain powered decentralized or distributed dApp platforms. In this paper we made analysis of these platforms based on different factors and parameters. This analysis provides an impactful direction to the developer and enterprise community in adopting of the development platform.
In March 2015 the UK Government set out its approach to digital crypto-currencies. London has thereby taken a lead in this area, adopting a friendlier regulatory stance than its counterparts in New York or Frankfurt. The UK Chancellor, George Osborne, announced UK Government plans to regulate digital crypto-currencies and invest money not only into the ‘opportunities and challenges’ of digital crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin, but also into the potential future of leveraging ‘Blockchain technology’ to fundamentally change the financial world. Blockchain technology has now also attracted interest from Central Banks, financial institutions and technology firms, who are currently discussing and investigating the opportunities and challenges in using Blockchain technology. The financial industry is realising that Blockchain technology has enormous potential. This Blockchain technology could fundamentally change the way the whole financial industry operates and delivers the opportunity to completely reinvent the banking industry. In this paper the various initiatives and potential use cases of the Blockchain technology will be discussed. This technology could have serious consequences especially for the payments industry. The possibilities of the Blockchain technology will not only be limited to digital cash and payments systems. They also enable the issuance and trading shares on decentralised digital exchanges, allow new ways of communication without third-party providers, and enable users to draft and enforce digital contracts known as ‘smart contracts’.
1. Introduction Financial technology (Fintech) is disrupting finance at a rapid pace, forcing a rethink on legacy financial regulation. In particular, the question of the regulatory treatment of crypto-assets and blockchain and distributed ledger technologies (DLTs) has been a major focus of regulators and market participants since the launch of Bitcoin in 2009, and further still since the crypto bubble of 2018.¹ Yet, a more general question is even more important: How should innovation and the use of only partially understood technology be regulated? In Europe, this was for a long time up in the air. Since the European Commission’s Fintech Action Plan of 2018 signalled a determination to make beneficial use of technical innovation,² the Commission has taken a broad approach by adopting on 24 September 2020 a new Digital Finance Package.³ That package comprised the new Digital Finance Strategy (DFS 2020)⁴ combined with a renewed Retail Payments Strategy,⁵ in an effort to ‘boost Europe’s competitiveness and innovation in the financial sector, paving the way for Europe to become a global standard-setter’.⁶ The Commission ‘aims to boost responsible innovation in the EU’s financial sector, especially for highly innovative digital start-ups, while mitigating any potential risks related to investor protection, money laundering and cyber-crime’.
Purpose - The purpose of the study is to propose a theoretical framework of cross-border e-commerce ecosystems based on blockchain technology. The ecosystem includes five systems, namely, crossborder supply chain intelligent system, cross-border logistics system, cross-border payment system, cross-border product quality traceability system and cross-border customs supervision system. Design/methodology - This study firstly derived the main improvement factors for the new ecosystem based on blockchain through prior research and expert interviews on cross-border e-commerce. Then explored the use of virtue of decentralization, anti-counterfeiting traceability, consensus mechanism, smart contract and other means of the core technology of blockchain to overcome the bottleneck of cross-border e-commerce development among Korea, China, and Japan. Finally, proposed valuable implications in both theoretical and practical perspectives. Findings - As a result, we combined with the problems existing in cross-border e-commerce among Korea, China and Japan, this paper proposes a solution based on blockchain. On this basis, it constructs a cross-border e-commerce ecosystem among these three countries, including five systems. In addition, we discuss the main problems existing in the current blockchain, such as low transaction concurrency, security loopholes, and inconsistent standards, the corresponding countermeasures are proposed from the technical level, security level and industry standards. Originality/value - This study is the first to apply the blockchain technology to solve the cross-border e-commerce problems in Korea, China and Japan, which is of pioneering significance in both literature and practice. Block chain technology is in the ascendency. This study provides technical solutions for promoting the development of cross-border e-commerce import and export trade between Korea, China and Japan.
China wants to embrace blockchain, the technology has triggered a new round of technological innovation and industrial change and has huge potential to enhance sustainable development capabilities in many areas. The purpose of this paper is to explore the global status of China's blockchain research. This study applies bibliometric analysis to perform statistical and correlation analysis on the blockchain literature from 2013 to 2019 included in the Web of Science (WOS) database and draws the social network with visual analysis technology. The statistical results show that China is the country that publishes the most blockchain papers in the world, leading the global blockchain research. Research institutions and authors from China also dominate global blockchain research. Further, this paper investigates the development process of China's blockchain research and determines the development stage through a comparative analysis with the United States. More specifically, the paper comprehensively analyzes the current status of China's blockchain research from three perspectives: the subject area, high-yield institutions and high-yield authors. The results indicate that China's blockchain research is experiencing rapid growth, and the research scope is constantly expanding, with the research focus gradually shifting to applied research. Finally, this paper summarizes the challenges faced by China's blockchain research and puts forward corresponding policy recommendations for reference by policy makers.