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Michaela Svobodaa,b, Kateřina Chládkováa,b, Tanja Kocjančič Antolíkb,c,d, Nikola Paillereaub,c, Petra Slížkováb
aInstitute of Czech Language and Theory of Communication, Faculty of Arts, Charles University; bInstitute of
Psychology, Czech Academy of Sciences; cInstitute of Phonetics, Charles University; dFaculty of Education,
University of Ljubljana
When interacting with young children, talkers
across many languages use a speech style that
reflects positive affect, draws infants' attention,
and supposedly facilitates language acquisition.
As for the latter, a well-documented feature of
infant-directed speech is an exaggeration of
spectrally-cued vowel contrasts. Here we tested
whether talkers exaggerate also durationally cued
Sixty-three mothers, native speakers of Czech,
were recorded while playing with their infant (4-
to 10-month-olds, IDS) and while speaking to an
adult (ADS). The durations of the five Czech
phonemically short vowels were compared to their
long counterparts. Vowel duration (normalised for
word duration) was longer in IDS than in ADS
more for phonemically long vowels at the younger
infant ages, indicating a developmentally specific
early exaggeration of length contrasts in Czech
infant-directed speech. The present finding
suggests that in a language with phonemic length,
caregivers' realisation of speech sounds may go
beyond merely being longer and slower overall.
Keywords: infant-directed speech, vowel length,
development of early input, Czech
This paper investigates the realisation of
phonemic short-long contrasts in Czech-speaking
mother's infant-directed speech (IDS). Across
many cultures and languages, adults use a distinct
speech style when communicating with infants
and young children. Recently conducted a meta-
analysis reflecting results of 87 unique IDS studies
on more than 20 different languages or language
varieties [1] demonstrated that IDS often differs
from adult-directed speech (ADS) in several
aspects, including acoustic parameters such as
mean F0 (which tends to be higher in IDS than in
ADS), F0 range or standard deviation (larger in
IDS than in ADS), speech tempo (slower in IDS),
the acoustic duration of vowels (longer in IDS),
and the size of the vowel space (larger in IDS).
Some of these features occur already in the speech
addressed to unborn infants [2]. Although, in
general, vowel spaces tend to be exaggerated in
IDS compared to ADS, the literature also reports
different tendencies for some languages. For
instance, [2] did not find enlarged vowel spaces in
Dutch mothers' IDS but reported vowel fronting
which she attributed to the mothers' positive
affect, i.e. smiling, while speaking to their child.
Researchers have argued that the exaggeration
of the vowel space facilitates young children's
acquisition of native phoneme contrasts (the
hyperarticulation hypothesis, see [4, 5]). Whereas
the literature provides much data on vowel
spectral properties and enlargement (or absence or
even shrinkage [3, 7]) of vowel quality contrasts
[1], less is known about potential exaggeration of
length contrasts. If acoustic enhancement occurs
to aid children in learning native contrasts, one
would expect to find the exaggeration also for
vowel length distinctions in languages whose
phonology contains phonemic length. However,
data from languages with phonemic length are
mixed. Some studies report exaggerated duration
differences between short and long vowels in IDS
(e.g. [6] for Swedish) while others only report
longer duration overall indexing the slower speech
tempo typical of IDS [e.g. 7 for Norwegian]. In
Japanese IDS, an exaggerated length difference
was found to be context-specific, reportedly
occurring only in word-final positions [8].
Interestingly, Japanese infants seem to acquire
context-independent native length contrasts
relatively late (at about 9.5 months of age [9]),
which one could potentially attribute to
insufficient exposure to the long member of length
contrasts in the input [10] or even to the non-
exaggerated nature of short-long distinctions
(outside the word-final position).
Here we assess the realisation of short-long
vowel contrasts in Czech IDS. Infants acquiring
Czech are perceptually sensitive to vowel duration
differences from an early age on: already at birth
10. Phonetics of First Language Acquisition ID: 350
their brains respond to a native vowel length
contrast as strongly as to a native spectral contrast
[11] and throughout the infants' first year of life,
phonological length differences remain
behaviourally discriminable at least as robustly as
spectral contrasts [12]. Based on these
developmental patterns, we hypothesize that the
Czech infants' input facilitates the learning of
vowel length, likely through the exaggeration of
short-long differences in IDS. On the other hand,
infants acquiring other languages with phonemic
length master the native length contrasts even
though studies have not detected exaggeration of
length contrasts in their IDS [13]. An alternative
hypothesis therefore is that Czech IDS will be
slower overall, with similarly prolonged durations
of both short and long vowels, and without an
exaggeration of the duration-cued differences.
Regarding the developmental trajectory of
infants' early input, one of the findings of [1] most
relevant to our research question is that vowel
duration in IDS appears to change over time: the
older the infant gets, the shorter the vowels tend to
be. It is worth pursuing this phenomenon further,
considering the developmental changes associated
with infants' perceptual acquisition of native
vowel contrasts. As noted above, Czech infants'
sensitivity to length contrasts seems to develop
rather early, at or even before the 4th month of
age. One could hypothesise that if durational
contrasts are exaggerated in developmentally
sensitive ways, larger exaggeration would be
found for younger than for older infants. To
address this, we investigate IDS spoken to infants
across 4 to 10 months of age.
The phonological system of Czech contains ten
monophthongal vowels, five short and five long
phonemes. While duration is the primary cue for
most Czech short-long contrasts, the high-front
vowel contrast /iː/-/ɪ/ is cued also by spectral
properties [14–16]. In some dialects, the spectral
cue can even outweigh duration for /iː/-/ɪ/, and
partially cues also the /uː/-/u/ contrast [15, 17]. We
therefore test whether the durational contrast in
Czech IDS is realised differently in the high front
vowels than in the other vowel pairs.
To sum up, we investigate whether (1) the
durational difference cueing vowel length
contrasts is exaggerated in Czech IDS, whether (2)
the exaggeration depends on infant age, and
whether it is (3) specific to vowel pairs for which
vowel duration is the primary cue in ADS.
2.1. Participants
Sixty-three mother-infant dyads participated in the
experiment. The women were native speakers of
Czech who had lived in the metropolitan Prague
area for at least 5 years prior to the experiment.
They were between 24 and 39 years old and had
no speech or hearing disorders. Their children
participating in the experiment were aged 4 (n =
18), 6 (n = 13), 8 (n = 19), or 10 (n = 13) months
(±2 weeks).
2.2. Materials and procedure
Each of the 10 Czech monophthongs /ɪ iː ɛ ɛː a aː
o oː u uː/ was elicited in two words, altogether
represented by a set of 20 objects which
participants spontaneously commented on
(following [16]). The target vowels always
occurred in a word-initial syllable (which is,
formally, stressed); the flanking consonants were
bilabials and alveolars. Participants were
instructed to name each object at least twice while
talking about it. Participants talked about the set of
objects twice, once to their infant (only the parent
and the infant present in the recording booth) and
once to an adult experimenter (with only the
parent and the experimenter present), with order
of the conditions counterbalanced. The recordings
were done in a sound-treated booth using a
condenser microphone AKG C520 and an Edirol
UA 25 sound card, with Audacity run on a PC
(44.1-kHz sampling frequency and 16-bit
2.3. Acoustic analysis
Duration was measured over segmented word and
vowel tokens. Only disyllabic words, and their
corresponding first-syllable vowels, were
included in the analysis. All tokens were manually
segmented using Praat [18], based on visual
inspection of the waveform and spectrogram.
Word onset and offset corresponded to the onset
of the first and the offset of the last segment. The
target vowel interval had to include visible
formants, particularly F2. All boundaries were
aligned to zero crossing in the waveform. The final
data set included 10249 target vowel tokens, 5782
of them in the IDS condition and 4467 in ADS
roughly equally distributed across vowel
10. Phonetics of First Language Acquisition ID: 350
2.4. Statistical analysis
Vowel durations were normalised for word
duration, by dividing the duration of each vowel
in milliseconds by the duration of the word in
which it was embedded. The normalised vowel
durations were submitted to a linear mixed-effects
model using the lme4 and lmerTest packages in R
[19–21]. The modelled fixed effects were Style
(ADS vs. IDS, coded as -1 vs. +1), Length (short
vs long, coded as -1 vs +1), Vowel pair (with 4
sum-to-zero contrasts comparing the /ɪ/-/iː/ pair to
each of the remaining 4 pairs), and Age (in
months, mean-centered). The models contained a
full random-effects structure with main and
interaction effects of all the three within-subjects
Table 1 lists the outcomes for the interaction
effects involving Style and Length, since those can
answer our research questions, as well as the
simple main effects involved in those interactions.
Fixed effects
Style (-ADS +IDS)
Length (-lo + sh)
Sty*Len*V.pair(-a +i)
Sty*Len*V.pair(-e +i)
Table 1: Model outcome of selected fixed effects,
namely, of interactions involving the factors Style and
Length, and the related simple effects. DFs for Intercept
and Age = 63, other DFs ~ 10200. Effects yielding
p < 0.05 are in bold.
The parameters relevant to our research question
about realisation of the Czech length contrast in
IDS are those that involve the interaction of Style
and Length. The significant two way-interaction
of Style and Length suggests that the length
contrast is realised differently in IDS than in ADS:
pairwise comparisons show that long vowels
differ between IDS and ADS more than short
vowels (see Fig. 1, left panel). This two-way
interaction is further licenced by the significant
three-way interaction additionally involving Age:
as shown in Figure 1 (right panel), the greater
lengthening of long vowels in IDS as compared to
short vowels decreases with infant age.
None of the interactions of Style and Length
with Vowel pair turned out significant. We thus
failed to find evidence that the differential cue-
weighting of duration for the high-front vowel pair
documented for Czech adult speech would affect
length contrasts in Czech IDS. Given this null
result for the interaction of Style, Length, and
Vowel pair we will not make any conclusions
about vowel-quality-specific realisation of length
in Czech IDS.
In this paper, we investigated whether in Czech, a
quantity language, phonemic length contrasts are
exaggerated in infant-directed speech. To this end,
we measured the durations of phonemic short and
long vowels in the speech of Czech mothers
addressed to their 4- to 10-month-old infant and to
an adult. The analyses revealed that not only are
vowels longer in Czech IDS than in ADS in
general (main effect of Style) but that the
lengthening is larger for long vowel phonemes
than for short phonemes (interaction of Style and
Length) and increases with decreasing age of the
infant who is being spoken to (three-way
interaction of Style, Length, and Age). To our
knowledge, such age-specific enhancement of
length contrasts in IDS has not been widely
reported for quantity languages, very probably
because length contrasts as such have been
investigated only in a few IDS studies to date [6,
The present findings for Czech suggesting the
exaggeration of length contrast in speech to very
young infants (and less so to older ones) are partly
in line with the results for exaggeration of vowel
length distinctions reported earlier for Swedish
IDS [6]. The developmentally conditioned early
exaggeration of length distinctions in Czech,
could have a facilitative function, aiding infants to
acquire the contrast between short and long vowel
phonemes. After all, infants acquiring Czech seem
to be perceptually sensitive to native length
contrasts at birth as well as at 4 months [11, 12],
unlike for instance infants acquiring Japanese,
who distinguish native vowel length contrasts
10. Phonetics of First Language Acquisition ID: 350
Figure 1: The estimated mean normalised vowel duration and its 95% confidence intervals for the two way-interaction
of Style and Length (left) and for the three-way interaction of Style, Length, and Age (right).
much later, at 9.5 months [9].
A plausible explanation for this between-language
difference in infants' perceptual abilities could lie in
the input, where contrast exaggeration promotes early
vowel length acquisition in Czech and low frequency
of occurrence of long vowels postpones vowel length
acquisition in Japanese [10]. It would be worth to
further compare the realisation of length contrasts in
IDS across various languages in which vowel length
is phonemic, such as Slovak, Hungarian, Finnish,
Arabic or Estonian, and monitor its relationship to the
perceptual development of infants acquiring those
Contrary to our predictions, according to which
we expected the length contrast to be realised
differently in IDS for the high-front vowel pair than
for other pairs, we did not detect any such effects.
This could mean that Czech speakers realise the
length contrast in high front vowels similarly across
ADS and IDS. But note that we did not analyse the
participant´s native dialects that might affect the
realisation of this length contrast. In the present study,
the mothers came from various parts of Czechia, the
only criterion for inclusion in the study being that
they had lived in the Prague area at least 5 years prior
to the recording. At least for some vowel pairs, the
weighting of vowel duration as a cue to vowel length
contrasts varies between the western and eastern
Czech dialects [14]. One could thus speculate that the
realisation of durationally-cued contrasts may differ
also in IDS across those dialects. In future work on
IDS, dialectal variation should be taken into account.
The literature reports on cross-linguistically
observed changes in IDS due to infant age, such as
the overall shortening of vowel durations with
increasing infant age, thus contributing to
progressively faster speech tempo [1]. It remains to
be investigated whether developmental changes in
IDS also occur for spectral properties of vowels such
as diphthongisation, for vowel space size, or for
consonants, and to what extent they depend on the
language, dialect, and infant age at hand.
When talking to their infants, Czech-speaking
mothers not only produce longer vowels overall but
also exaggerate the durational differences between
phonologically short and phonologically long Czech
vowels, as compared to when speaking to an adult.
This exaggeration of length contrasts seems to be
larger for speech addressed to younger infants than
for speech addressed to older infants. Future research
is needed to better understand how infant age or
mother’s native language variety modulate IDS.
This work was funded by Charles University grant
Primus/17/HUM/19 and Czech Science Foundation
grant 21-09797S. We are grateful to the participating
families and also to Kristýna Hrdličková, Veronika
Ungrová, and Zuzana Oceláková for help with data
collection and annotation.
10. Phonetics of First Language Acquisition ID: 350
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