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Comparative analysis of the complete mitogenome of Geoffroea decorticans: a native tree surviving in the Atacama Desert

Frontiers in Genetics

Abstract and Figures

Chañar (Geoffroea decorticans (Gill., ex Hook. & Arn.) Burkart) has been highly significant for indigenous people in the Atacama Desert for over 3,000 years. Through evolutionary processes, the G. decorticans mitogenome likely underwent changes facilitating its adaptation to the extreme conditions of the Atacama Desert. Here, we compare the mitochondrial genome of G. decorticans with those of other Papilionoideae family species. The complete mitogenome of G. decorticans was sequenced and assembled, making it the first in the genus Geoffroea. The mitogenome contained 383,963 base pairs, consisting of 33 protein coding genes, 21 transfer RNA genes, and 3 ribosomal RNA genes. The Chañar mitogenome is relatively compact, and has two intact genes (sdh4 and nad1) which were not observed in most other species. Additionally, Chañar possessed the highest amount of mitochondrial DNA of plastid origin among angiosperm species. The phylogenetic analysis of the mitogenomes of Chañar and 12 other taxa displayed a high level of consistency in taxonomic classification, when compared to those of the plastid genome. Atp8 was subjected to positive selection, while the ccmFc and rps1 were subjected to neutral selection. This study provides valuable information regarding its ability to survive the extreme environmental conditions of the Atacama Desert.
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Comparative analysis of the
complete mitogenome of
Geoffroea decorticans: a native
tree surviving in the Atacama
Roberto Contreras-Díaz
*, Felipe S. Carevic
Liesbeth van den Brink
Núcleo Milenio de Ecología Histórica Aplicada para los Bosques Áridos (AFOREST), CRIDESAT,
Universidad de Atacama, Copiapó, Chile,
Laboratorio de Ecología Vegetal, Facultad de Recursos
Naturales Renovables, Núcleo Milenio de Ecología Histórica Aplicada para los Bosques Áridos (AFOREST),
Universidad Arturo Prat, Iquique, Chile,
Institute of Evolution and Ecology, Plant Ecology Group,
Universität Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany,
Departamento de Botánica, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y
Oceanográcas, ECOBIOSIS, Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile
Chañar (Geoffroea decorticans (Gill., ex Hook. & Arn.) Burkart) has been highly
signicant for indigenous people in the Atacama Desert for over 3,000 years.
Through evolutionary processes, the G. decorticans mitogenome likely
underwent changes facilitating its adaptation to the extreme conditions of the
Atacama Desert. Here, we compare the mitochondrial genome of G. decorticans
with those of other Papilionoideae family species. The complete mitogenome of
G. decorticans was sequenced and assembled, making it the rst in the genus
Geoffroea. The mitogenome contained 383,963 base pairs, consisting of
33 protein coding genes, 21 transfer RNA genes, and 3 ribosomal RNA genes.
The Chañar mitogenome is relatively compact, and has two intact genes (sdh4 and
nad1) which were not observed in most other species. Additionally, Chañar
possessed the highest amount of mitochondrial DNA of plastid origin among
angiosperm species. The phylogenetic analysis of the mitogenomes of Chañar and
12 other taxa displayed a high level of consistency in taxonomic classication,
when compared to those of the plastid genome. Atp8 was subjected to positive
selection, while the ccmFc and rps1 were subjected to neutral selection. This study
provides valuable information regarding its ability to survive the extreme
environmental conditions of the Atacama Desert.
Atacama Desert, Geoffroea decorticans, mitochondrial genome, stress tolerance,
fabaceae, extremophiles
1 Introduction
Chañar, Geoffroea decorticans (Gill., ex Hook. & Arn.) Burkart, is considered to have
been one of the most important wild trees for the indigenous populations that resided in the
Atacama Desert around 1000 years BP (Ugalde et al., 2021). In the present day, this species is
recognized for its diverse utility as a food resource, furniture material and medicinal product
(Giménez, 2004;Nuñez et al., 2009;Costamagna et al., 2013;Jiménez-Aspee et al., 2017;
Cotabarren et al., 2020). Surviving and providing sustenance to local communities under
Ana Luisa Garcia-Oliveira,
The International Maize and Wheat
Improvement Center (CIMMYT), Kenya
Edi Sudianto,
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Romain Yves Olivier Gastineau,
University of Szczecin, Poland
Roberto Contreras-Díaz,
These authors have contributed equally
to this work
RECEIVED 20 May 2023
ACCEPTED 26 July 2023
PUBLISHED 10 August 2023
Contreras-Díaz R, Carevic FS and
van den Brink L (2023), Comparative
analysis of the complete mitogenome of
Geoffroea decorticans: a native tree
surviving in the Atacama Desert.
Front. Genet. 14:1226052.
doi: 10.3389/fgene.2023.1226052
© 2023 Contreras-Díaz, Carevic and van
den Brink. This is an open-access article
distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License
(CC BY). The use, distribution or
reproduction in other forums is
permitted, provided the original author(s)
and the copyright owner(s) are credited
and that the original publication in this
journal is cited, in accordance with
accepted academic practice. No use,
distribution or reproduction is permitted
which does not comply with these terms.
Frontiers in Genetics frontiersin.org01
TYPE Brief Research Report
PUBLISHED 10 August 2023
DOI 10.3389/fgene.2023.1226052
such challenging conditions is a remarkable achievement for any
plant. The Atacama Desert, known as the world`s oldest and driest
desert, presents extreme environmental conditions including high
levels of UV radiation, high temperatures, extreme aridity, and
highly saline and oxidizing soils (Eshel et al., 2021;Azua-Bustos
et al., 2022). Geoffroea decorticans also inhabits other arid and semi-
arid regions in Bolivia, Peru, and Argentina (Contreras Díaz, Porcile
Saavedra and Aguayo Cruces, 2018), which are facing increasing
aridity due to climate change. Drought, salinity, and high
temperatures are highly important environmental factors that
severely restrict plant growth and development (Krasensky and
Jonak, 2012). In response to these abiotic stresses, plants employ
various mechanisms, such as the production of reactive oxygen
species (ROS), which can cause oxidative damage to lipids, proteins,
and nucleic acids, ultimately leading to programmed cell death (Van
Aken et al., 2009;Tang and Zhu, 2023).
Mitochondria play a key role in plant responses to abiotic stress
(Newton et al., 2004;Liberatore et al., 2016). They are involved in
energy production, metabolism, regulation of PCD, and ROS
production (Tang and Zhu, 2023). Compared to plastid genomes,
mitochondrial genomes demonstrate substantial variability in terms
of size, structure (Smith and Keeling, 2015), and gene content
(Liberatore et al., 2016). Plant mitochondrial genomes
(mitogenomes) exhibit distinctive characteristics, including high
rates of point mutations and structural rearrangements, genome
expansion and contraction, integration of foreign DNA, gene loss,
and transfer to the nuclear genome (Palmer et al., 2000;Chevigny
et al., 2020). It is highly likely that the mitogenome structure of G.
decorticans has undergone changes, through evolution, enabling its
adaptation to extreme conditions, and accounting for its remarkable
survival capability. Studying the genetic characteristics of plants that
have adapted to these harsh conditions can contribute to the
preservation of this valuable genetic resource that has sustained
indigenous cultures for millennia. The objective of this study is 1) to
compare the structural characteristics of the mitochondrial genome
of G. decorticans with other species of Papilionoideae family species,
focusing on gene content, genome size, the number of protein-
coding genes with RNA editing, transfer of DNA from plastid
regions, and 2) to conrm its phylogeny.
2 Methods
Fresh leaves of Chañar were collected near Copiapó, Chile. A
subsample was stored in the Index Herbariorum of Universidad de
Chile, with the voucher number EIF13815, and the rest of the leaves
were used for DNA isolation, using a modied
cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) protocol (Contreras
et al., 2020). The concentration of the DNA was measured using
a Qubit3.0 uorometer and a QubitdsDNA HS Assay Kit. To
verify the integrity of the DNA, an Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer was
used, prior to sequencing. The NGS library was prepared using the
TruSeq DNA LT Kit and sequencing was performed on Illumina
next-generation sequencing (NGS) platforms. Paired-end sequences
of 150 bp were generated for both forward (R1) and reverse (R2)
reads. To lter the reads we used the Trim-Galore software (Krueger,
2019), which eliminates adapter remnants and low quality sequences
(phred value <25). The SPAdes 4 software, version 3.13.0
(Bankevich et al., 2012) was used to assemble the ltered reads.
Additionally, we mapped the reads back to the G. decorticans
mitogenome assembly to visualize the read coverage, using
Geneious Prime v2022.0.1 (Supplementary Figure S1,http://www.;Kearse et al. (2012)). The annotation of the
mitogenome was performed using AGORA (Jung et al., 2018)
and MITOFY (Alverson et al., 2010) software. The circular map
of the mitochondrial genome, along with annotation information,
was generated using OrganellarGenomeDRAW (OGDRAW)
(Greiner et al., 2019). The nal annotated mitogenome sequence
of G. decorticans was deposited in the NCBI GenBank, with the
accession number OQ707067.
The features of the G. decorticans mitogenome were compared
with ten closely related species in the Papilionoideae subfamily,
i.e., Dalbergia odorifera T.C. Chen (MW441235), Arachis hypogaea
L. (MW448460), Lotus japonicus (Regel) K. Larsen (NC_016743),
Medicago sativa L. (ON782580), Glycine max (L.) Merr., 1917 (NC_
020455), Phaseolus vulgaris L. (MK176514), Vigna angularis
(Willd.) Ohwi & H. Ohashi (NC_021092), Pongamia pinnata (L.)
Pierre (NC_016742), Sophora koreensis Nakai (NC_072933) and
Castanospermum australe A. Cunn. & C. Fraser (MK426679).
Additionally, we compared the G. decorticans mitogenome with
mitogenomes of angiosperm-species from non-polar desert habitats
(Supplementary Table S1). The length of the plastid-derived region
of the mitogenome was evaluated using BLASTN (Johnson et al.,
2008) with default parameters, because plant mitogenomes contain
sequence elements that originate in the plastid genome (plastome),
known as mitochondrial DNA of plastid origin (MIPT). Therefore,
each mitogenome was used as the query versus a database
comprising the plastomes corresponding to the species:
MW672397, KX257487, NC_049008, MT571487, NC_007942,
NC_002694, NC_042841, JN673818, EU196765, AP012598, and
Thirty-three protein-coding gene (PCG) sequences, i.e., nad1,
nad2, nad3, nad4, nad4L, nad5, nad6, nad7, nad9, sdh4, cob, cox1,
cox2, cox3, atp1, atp4, atp6, atp8, atp9, ccmB, ccmC, ccmFc, ccmFn,
rps1, rps3, rps4, rps10, rps12, rps14, rpl5, rpl16, matR, and mttB, were
used in the phylogenetic analysis of G. decorticans along with the
previously mentioned ten Papilionoideae species. In addition, two
Caesalpinioideae species, Leucaena trichandra (Zucc.) Urb. (NC_
039738) and Acacia ligulata A. Cunn. ex Benth. (NC_040998), were
included as outgroups. The 33 PCG sequences were aligned
separately using MAFFT v7 (Katoh and Standley, 2013) and any
gaps in the alignment were trimmed using trimAl v1.4 (Capella-
Gutiérrez et al., 2009). Subsequently, the sequences were
concatenated with Mesquite 3.81 software (Maddison and
Maddison, 2023). The analyses of the mitochondrial genomes
33 PCG sequences were conducted using the maximum
likelihood (ML) method. We did the same for the complete
plastid genome sequences, using the plastome accessions listed
above (including the outgroup species accessions
NC026134.2 and NC028733) in order to compare the resulting
phylogenetic trees. The best-tting nucleotide substitution model of
sequence evolution, model TVM + G4, was determined using the
Corrected Akaike Information Criterion (AICc) through Modeltest-
NG on XSEDE (Darriba et al., 2020). The ML analyses were carried
out using RAxML-HPC BlackBox v.8.1.12 (Stamatakis, 2014) with
1,000 bootstrap replicates, using the CIPRES Science Gateway v3.3
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(Miller et al., 2010). Non-parametric bootstrap support (BS) values
were used to measure the internal nodes of the resulting trees. The
ratio of non-synonymous substitution (Ka) to synonymous
substitution (Ks) was calculated for 25 PCGs of G. decorticans
and ten Papilionoideae species, using the KaKs_Calculator tool
3.0 (Zhang, 2022) with the MA model, where Ka/Ks values
of >1 signify that the gene is subjected to positive selection, Ka/
Ks values equal to 1 indicate neutral selection, and Ka/Ks values <
1 signify purication.
3 Results and discussion
We successfully sequenced and assembled the complete
mitogenome of G. decorticans, resulting in a single circular
genome with a length of 383,969 bp (Figure 1; GenBank
accession number OQ707067). The mitogenome sizes of G.
decorticans and ten other Papilionoideae species varied from
290,285 to 592,341 bp (Table 1). Mitogenome sizes can exhibit
signicant variation among plant species, for example, among
angiosperm the mitogenome sizes range from 66 kb in the
parasitic plant, Viscum scurruloideum (Skippingtona et al., 2015)
to 11,300 kb in Silene conica (Sloan et al., 2012). According to Choi
et al. (2019), the median size of seed plant mitogenomes is 476 kb.
However, within the Fabaceae family, mitogenome sizes vary
considerably from 271,618 to 729,504 bp. Therefore, G.
decorticans possesses a relatively small mitogenome size
compared to other Papilionoideae species, but it falls within an
intermediate range when compared to angiosperm mitogenomes.
The variations in mitogenome size among plant species can be
attributed to various factors. Mitogenomic chromosome loss, gain of
exogenous DNA through intracellular gene transfer and horizontal
gene transfer, and the acquisition of repetitive DNA are likely
explanations for the increases and decreases observed in
mitogenome sizes in angiosperms (Choi et al., 2019).
Additionally, some studies suggest that changes in mitochondrial
genome size can be inuenced by environmental stresses (Xiong
et al., 2022).
Mitochondrial maps of Geoffroea decorticans (size: 383,969 bp).
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TABLE 1 General features of mitogenome of Geoffroea decorticans and other ten Papilionoideae species.
Species (subfamily
length (bp)
(PCG) (**)
Genes with
mutation in rst
start codon (GM)
Pseudogenes Missing genes Exclusive
Geoffroea decorticans 383,969 45.3 57 21 3 30 rps4, nad4L, rps10 rpl10, sdh3, rps7, rpl2,
rps2, rps11, rps13 sdh4, nad1 50,224
This study
Arachis hypogaea 592,341 44.7 56 21 3 29 nad1, nad4L, rps10 rpl10, sdh4, rps19 sdh3, rps7, rpl2,
rps2, rps11, rps13
Choi et al.
Dalbergia odorifera 435,224 45.1 54 17 4 28 nad4L, rps10, rps14,
mttB, cob
rpl10, sdh3, rps19,
rps7, rpl2, rps2,
rps11, rps13
sdh4, nad1 17,588
Hong et al.
Lotus japonicus 380,861 45.4 57 20 3 31 nad1, nad4L, rps10 rpl10, sdh3, rps7, rps19,
nad6, atp6, sdh4, cob
rpl2, rps2, rps11,
Kazakoff et al.
Medicago sativa 290,285 45.3 54 18 3 32 nad1 rpl10, sdh3, sdh4,
rps19, rps7, rpl2,
rps2, rps11, rps13
Glycine max 402,558 45.0 58 19 3 30 nad1, nad4L-1, nad4L-
2 rps10, ccmFc, mttB
rpl10, sdh3, sdh4,
rps19, rps7, rpl2,
rps2, rps11, rps13
Chang et al.,
Phaseolus vulgaris 395,516 45.1 52 18 3 26 nad1, nad4L, rps10,
ccmFc, mttB
rpl10, sdh3, sdh4,
rps19, rps7, rpl2,
rps2, rps11, rps13
Vigna angularis 404,466 45.2 45 16 3 21 nad1, nad4L, mttB,
ccmFc, rps10
rpl10, sdh3, sdh4,
rps19, rps7,
rpl2 cox2, rps2,
rps11, rps13
Naito et al.
Pongamia pinnata 425,718 45.0 64 24 3 32 nad1, nad4L, rps10,
cox2, mttB
rps19, sdh4, rpl2, nad6,
rpl10, rps2, rps11,
Kazakoff et al.
Sophora koreensis 519,841 44.5 60 19 3 37 nad1 sdh4 rpl10, rps19, rps2,
rps11, rps13
rpl2, rps7,
Castanospermum australe 542,079 45.3 58 18 3 33 nad1, rps4, rps10, mttB rps19 rpl10, sdh3, rps7,
rpl2, rps2, rps11,
sdh4 2,586
Zhang et al.
(*) tRNA + rRNA + PCG + GM; (**) intact genes; (***) all DNA sequences of plastid were considered.
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The total GC content of G. decorticans was 45.3%, which was
similar to the other Papilionoideae species, ranging from 44.5% in S.
koreensis to 45.4% in L. japonicus (Table 1). In the mitogenome of G.
decorticans, we identied a total of 57 genes, including 33 protein-
coding genes (PCG), of which 30 were intact PCGs and 3 had
mutations in the rst start codon (Table 1). Additionally, there were
21 tRNA genes and 3 rRNA genes (Table 1). The number of genes in
the mitogenomes of other Papilionoideae species varied from
45 genes in V. angularis to 64 genes in P. pinnata (Table 1).
Moreover, V. angularis had the lowest number of PCGs (21) and
S. koreensis the highest (37). The number of tRNA genes ranged
from 16 in V. angularis to 24 in P. pinnata, while the number of
rRNA genes was consistent across most mitogenomes (3 genes),
except for Dalbergia odorifera which had 4 rRNA genes (Table 1).
Interestingly, G. decorticans and A. hypogaea had the second-highest
number of tRNA (21) genes. In angiosperms, mitochondrial tRNA
genes are known to be heterogeneous, with a variable number of
native tRNA genes (typically 1113 genes) and tRNAs acquired
from different sources through intracellular and horizontal transfers
(Warren et al., 2021). Several studies have suggested a link between
highly accelerated rates of mitochondrial sequence evolution and a
reduced number of tRNA genes. For example, species like Silene
conica and Silene noctiora and Viscum (mistletoe) have a reduced
tRNA gene content (Skippingtona et al., 2015;Warren et al., 2021).
In these cases, tRNA genes are replaced by nuclear-encoded
homologs, leading to a gene substitution process (Warren et al.,
2021). Therefore, considering the high number of tRNA genes (21)
in G. decorticans, it could be hypothesized that this species exhibits a
reduced rate of mitochondrial sequence evolution.
The presence of genes with mutations in the rst start codon was
observed in the mitogenomes of the other Papilionoideae species,
ranging from 1 gene in Medicago sativa and S. koreensis to 6 genes in
G. max (Table 1). These mutations, known as RNA editing (C-to-U
RNA editing) occur at protein genesrst and second codon
positions. The functional signicance of RNA editing is not yet
fully understood (Sloan et al., 2012), but it might play a role in the
maintenance and function of gene and genome architecture (Linch,
2007), as well as in gene regulation, protein isoform generation and
modication of active protein complexes (Lo Giudice et al., 2019).
Furthermore, Murayama et al. (2012) suggested that mitochondrial
function, specically RNA editing at the nad4 gene, interacts with
and regulates the action of stress-related hormones in plants. It was
found that an RNA editing site in mitochondrial nad4 transcripts
was targeted by AHG11, resulting in the production of more
mRNAs for oxidative stress-responsive genes (Murayama et al.,
2012). In G. decorticans, as well as in the other species belonging
to the Papilionoideae family, the nad4 gene remains intact, while in
most of them the nad4L gene undergoes RNA editing.
Generally, vascular plants have been found to contain between
20 and 40 protein-coding genes (PCGs) in their mitogenomes
(Møller et al., 2021). Mitogenomes of the species of the Fabaceae
family have around 30 intact PCGs (Choi et al., 2019). In the case of
the G. decorticans mitogenome, we discovered 30 intact PCGs,
3 PCGs with mutations in the rst start codon, 5 pseudogenes
(rpl10, sdh3, rps7, rpl2, and rps19) and 3 lost ribosomal protein genes
(rps2, rps11, and rps13)(Table 1). The number of PCGs in G.
decorticans (30) falls thus within the expected range for the Fabaceae
species. It has been observed before that pseudogenes, truncations
and deletions of the rps7, rps11, rps13, and rps2 genes were prevalent
in numerous Fabaceae species (Choi et al., 2019). This observation
aligns with our ndings in G. decorticans and the other
Papilionoideae mitogenomes studied, except for S. koreensis,
which retained an intact rps7 gene. The rps19 gene was missing
in all Papilionoideae species used in our study (Table 1). Similarly,
Wang et al. (2023) reported that most rps genes (rps2,rps7,rps10,
rps11, and rps19) were absent in the mitogenome of Photinia
serratifolia, as well as in some Rosacea species. The loss of
ribosomal protein genes (rps genes) and the occurrence of
putative mutations in the rst start codon (RNA editing) can
potentially be compensated for by nuclear genes (Newton et al.,
2004). In fact, nuclear genes have the ability to inuence the
organization of mitochondrial genomes and regulate the
expression of mitochondrial genes (Newton et al., 2004). Gene
loss can occur through the transfer of a gene to the nucleus,
functional substitution by a related protein, or loss of the protein
and its function (Adams et al., 2002). In several Fabaceae species, the
presence or absence of genes such as cox2,rpl2,rpl10,rps1,sdh4, and
sdh3 has been found to be variable (Choi et al., 2019). This variability
in gene presence or absence was also observed in the eleven
Papilionoideae species analyzed in our study (Table 1), where
some species retained the genes while others exhibited
pseudogenization or complete loss.
Interestingly, we discovered four Papilionoideae species that
retained the intact sdh genes: D. odorifera (sdh4),
Castanospermum australe (sdh4), G. decorticans (sdh4) and S.
koreensis (sdh3)(Table 1). In contrast, a study by Choi et al.
(2019) revealed that all Papilionoideae species had lost the rpl10,
sdh3, and sdh4 genes. The exclusive conservation of functional sdh4
or sdh3 genes, without RNA editing, such as in G. decorticans, may
provide an important advantage for survival in the extreme
conditions of the Atacama Desert. Research has demonstrated
that succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) can activate the expression
of stress-related genes, thereby inducing antioxidant responses and
stress tolerance in plants (Jardim-Messeder et al., 2015). The authors
suggested that SDH plays a crucial role in reactive oxygen species
(ROS) production and in regulating both plant development and
responses to stress (Jardim-Messeder et al., 2015). It is worth noting
that within angiosperms, mitochondrial rps genes (16 genes) and sdh
genes (sdh3 and sdh4) have been lost from the mitochondrial
genome multiple times throughout plant evolution (Adams et al.,
2002). This further underscores the signicance of intact genes in
certain plant species.
On the other hand, we found two Papilionoideae species, D.
odorifera and G. decorticans, that have the intact nad1 gene
(Table 1). Similar to what was explained earlier, this gene might
play a crucial role in buffering the stress conditions experienced by
G. decorticans on the Atacama Desert. In fact, a study by Jethva et al.
(2023) investigated the function of alternative NADH
dehydrogenases (nad1) and conrmed that this gene is essential
in preventing excessive ROS formation in mitochondria during
reoxygenation. The absence of nad1 and nad2 led to elevated
ROS production, while their overexpression limited ROS levels
(Jethva et al., 2023).
Plastid-to-mitochondria transfers have been suggested to have
been occurring since the colonization of land by plants.
Mitochondrial DNA of plastid origin (MIPT) is present in
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TABLE 2 General features of mitogenomes of angiosperm-species from non-polar desert habitats.
Species Genome
length (bp)
coding genes
(PCG) (**)
Genes with
mutation in rst
start codon (GM)
Pseudogenes Missing genes Exclusive
Rhazya stricta 548,608 43.7 53 12 3 36 atp6, rps10 sdh3 rps2, rps11 nad1 32,810
Park et al. (2014)
Neltuma glandulosa 758,210 44.8 58 19 3 34 nad1, rps10 rps7 sdh3, rps2, rps11,
Choi et al. (2021)
Phoenix dactylifera 715,001 45.1 70 30 3 35 nad1, nad4L rpl10, rps10, sdh3,
rps2 73,645
Fang et al. (2012)
399,572 44.7 53 15 3 31 nad1, nad4L, mttB, rps10 rps7, rps19 rpl2, rps2, rps11,
Li and Cullis
Ceratonia siliqua 475,642 45.3 62 21 4 34 nad1, nad4L, rps10 rps7 rps2, rps11, rps13 14,126
Choi et al. (2021)
Vigna unguiculata 383,314 45.1 51 17 3 28 nad1, nad4L, rps10 rps19, sdh4 rpl10, cox2, rps7,
rpl2, rps2, rps11,
rps13, sdh3
Choi et al. (2021)
Glycyrrhiza glabra 440,064 45.2 55 20 3 29 nad1, nad4L, rps10 rpl10, rps19, rps7,
rpl2, rps2, rps11,
rps13, sdh3
Choi et al. (2021)
631,094 44.9 65 24 4 32 nad1, atp6, nad4L, mttB,
rps7, rps13 rps2, rps11 19,949
Choi et al. (2019)
339,352 45.1 52 16 3 30 nad1, nad4L, rps10 rpl10, rps19, rps7 rpl2, rps2, rps11,
rps13, sdh3
Feng et al. (2019)
Acacia ligulata 698,138 45.0 59 20 3 34 nad1, rps10 rps2, rps7, rps11,
rps13, sdh3
et al. (2019)
(*) tRNA + rRNA + PCG + GM; (**) intact genes; (***) all DNA sequences of plastid were considered.
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angiosperm mitogenomes in varying amounts, representing 0.1%
10.3% of the mitogenome (Sloan and Wu, 2014). In our comparative
analysis, we found that the percentage coverage of MIPTs ranged
from 0.4% in C. australe to 13% in G. decorticans (Table 1). It is
surprising to note that G. decorticans exhibits higher MIPT coverage
than any other angiosperm species. Initially, we had doubts
regarding the accuracy of our MIPT coverage values. However,
when comparing our ndings, such as the 1.3% coverage in G. max,
with the results of other studies such as Gandini and Sanchez-
Puerta, (2017), we found consistency in the values. This provides
condence in the reliability of our data. In the past MIPTs were
considered as junksequences and were thought to have no
functional contribution to the mitogenome (Wang et al., 2007).
However, recent research has revealed their signicance in
mitochondrial function. For instance, rice MIPTs have been
found to possess promoter sequences that are utilized by the
Maximum likelihood phylogeny of thirteen Fabaceae mitogenome based on nucleotide datasets of 33 protein-coding genes (left), and with plastid
genomes (right). Bootstrap values are place on the nodes. Scale indicates number of nucleotide substitutions per site.
Box-and-whisker plots of Ka/Ks value of 25 protein-coding genes in G. decorticans and ten Papilionoideae species. Each box (with whiskers) shows
the variation of the Ka/Ks values of a gene, among the 11 species studied using G. decorticans as a reference. Box plots show the median (central line),
mean (dot on the box plot) and outliers.
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mitochondrial gene atp9 (Nakazono et al., 1996), and tRNA genes of
MIPTs have also been found to contribute functionally to the
mitogenome (Wang et al., 2012). The unusually high percentage
of MIPTs found in G. decorticans may suggest a substantial
acquisition of genes that could play important roles in
mitogenome functioning. Investigating these genes and their
potential contributes in future research would be highly valuable.
The mitogenomes from other angiosperm species that inhabit non-
polar deserts (Table 2) varied between 339,352 and 758.210 bp. The
mitogenomes contained 51 to 70 genes, 12 to 30 tRNA genes and 0.8%
10.3% MIPT, and were comparable to the mitogenome of the species in
Table 1. Therefore, we did not nd a common pattern that characterizes
the mitogenomes of species that are able to inhabit deserts. Interestingly,
the majority of the mitogenomes of the species from the desert contain
an intact sdh4 gene as is observed in G. decorticans, with the exception of
Phoenix dactylifera,Vigna unguiculata and Glycyrrhiza glabra where
the gene is lost or present as a pseudogene. As stated before, the sdh4
gene plays an important role in the response to environmental stress.
We therefore stress the importance of gaining more insight in why this
gene is retained in most of the angiosperms that inhabit deserts. We
observed that RNA editing had occurred in nad1 gene of the majority of
the angiosperms from deserts, however, R. stricta (an extremophile
plant from the desert in South-West Asia) still had the intact gene,
similar as G. decorticans.Rhazya stricta,asG. decorticans,isableto
survive high temperatures and high salinity (Hajrah et al., 2017). We
therefore recommend to evaluate the nad1 gene in species along salinity
Previous studies have used plastid genome data to determine the
molecular phylogeny and position of the genus Geoffroea Jack,
including Geoffroea spinosa and G. decorticans (Lee et al., 2021;
Contreras-Díaz et al., 2022). Additionally, researchers have
developed SSR markers specicforG. decorticans to study the
phylogeny and diversity of populations (Contreras et al., 2019;
Contreras Díaz et al., 2021). However, the phylogenetic relationships
of G. decorticans had not been assessed using mitogenome data. To
address this, we analyzed concatenated sequences from 33 PCGs and
complete plastid genome sequences, which were used in ML
phylogenetic analysis. The resulting ML tree revealed two main
clades: one containing the outgroup species L. trichandra and A.
ligulata (Caesalpinioideae), and the other containing all
11 Papilionoideae species. Both clades were strongly supported with
abootstrapvalueof100(Figure 2). Within the Papilionoideae cluster,
four subclades were identied: the Dalbergieae clade consisting of A.
hypogaea,G. decorticans and D. odorifera (BP = 100); the NPAAA (non-
proteinamino-acid-accumulating) clade including L. japonicus,M.
sativa,G. max,P. vulgaris,V. angularis and P. pinnata (BP = 100);
the Genistoids clade, represented solely by S. koreensis (BP = 100); and
the ADA (Angylocalyceae,Dipterygeae,andAmburaneae)clade,which
solely comprised C. australe (BP = 100) (Figure 2). These results align
with previous phylogenetic studies (Cardoso et al., 2013;Choi et al.,
2022). Within the Dalbergieae clade, two subclades were observed: one
containing D. odorifera and the other containing A. hypogaea and G.
decorticans (BP = 100) (Figure 2). This analysis strongly supported G.
decorticans as a sister species of A. hypogaea (BP = 100) (Figure 2).
These two species belong within the Pterocarpus clade, while D.
odorifera belongswithintheDalbergia clade (Cardoso et al., 2013).
Our phylogenetic analysis using the mitogenome database was backed
up by the analysis using the plastid genome database (Figure 2),
conrming the taxonomic classication of G. decorticans.
Phylogenetic analysis of Fabaceae species, along with other
angiosperms suggests that in certain legumes the presence of rpl2,
rps19,andsdh3 genes can be attributed to remnants of a native ancestral
gene (Choi et al., 2019). In our study, we found intact sdh4 and nad1
genes only in G. decorticans and D. odorifera but not in A. hypogaea.
Although these two species do not belong to the same Pterocarpus clade
(Contreras-Díaz et al., 2022), it is possible that these intact genes have
been preserved from a common native ancestor.
Ka/Ks ratios can be used to reect the natural selective pressure of
protein-coding genes during evolution (Feng et al., 2019). We compared
the Ka/Ks ratio for 25 protein-coding genes in the mitogenomes,
comparing G. decorticans and the ten Papilionoideae species that
were used in our phylogenetic analysis (Figure 3). The mean Ka/Ks
valueinmostprotein-codinggeneswaslessthan1(Figure 3),
suggesting that these genes are puried to keep the genes functional
and remove deleterious mutations. However, the mean Ka/Ks value of
atp8 (1.41) was greater than 1, (Figure 3), indicating that this gene was
subjected to positive selection. Similarly,Ka/Ksvaluesgreaterthan1in
the atp8 gene were founded in the xerophytic legume species,
Ammopiptanthus mongolicus (sister of Ammopiptanthus nanus)
from the desert in northwest China (Feng et al., 2019); and the
authors of this study have speculated that the atp8 gene might play
a role in the adaptation to dry environments. Furthermore, in the same
study the evaluation of the mitogenome of A. mongolicus showed that
the sdh4 gene was found to be intact and unaltered (similar to G.
(Feng et al., 2019). Further research is needed to understand why these
two legume species (G. decorticans and A. mongolicus) from deserts on
different continents show similar positive selection of some genes (atp8)
and retention of other genes (such as sdh4).
4 Conclusion
Phylogenetic analysis conducted using the mitogenomes of Chañar
and 12 other taxa revealed a remarkable level of consistency in
taxonomic classication. When compared to other Papilionoideae
species, the structure of the Geoffroea decorticans mitogenome
exhibited minimal changes in terms of gene content, genome size
and functional genes. However, it is important to note that the
mitogenome of G. decorticans displayed distinct rearrangements,
directionality, and organization in comparison to the other
Papilionoideae species. One notable aspect is the conservation of
native mitochondrial DNA in G. decorticans,asshownbypositive
selection for some genes, such as atp8, during evolution. The retention
of the intact sdh4,nad1 and nad4 genes in G. decorticans suggests they
might be important in drought tolerance mechanisms, and therefore in
the speciesability to cope with arid environments, as they have been
lost in many plants that grow under more favorable conditions.
Furthermore, Chañar stands out for possessing the highest amount
of mitochondrial DNA of plastid origin (MIPTs) identied in any
known mitogenome to date. MIPTs are involved in mitogenome
functionality, and their abundance in Chañar is likely a result of the
speciesevolutionary adaptation to the extreme environmental
conditions of the Atacama Desert. The acquisition of additional
DNA from other organelles, such as plastids, through horizontal
gene transfer, provides Chañar with unique genetic material that
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potentially contributes to its survival strategies. The combination of
conserved genes that facilitate drought stress responses and the
acquisition of plastid material has likely contributed to the
exceptional characteristics of G. decorticans. This species not only
survives, but also provides sustenance to the inhabitants of the driest
desert on Earth, making it an example of adaptation in challenging
Data availability statement
The datasets presented in this study can be found in online
repositories. The names of the repository/repositories and accession
number(s) can be found below:
nuccore/OQ707067.1/. The raw reads have been deposited in
NCBI SRA with the number PRJNA719569.
Author contributions
RC-D conceptualized, executed the analyses and wrote the rst
draft. LvdB and FC provided comments and suggestions for
improvement, and edited the nal version. All authors
contributed to the article and approved the submitted version.
This work was supported by the Universidad de Atacama
(DIUDA 22423), and ANIDMILENIONCS 2022_024.
We thank José Luis Gutiérrez Alvarado for his picture of the
Chañar tree used in Figure 1. RC-D and FC thanks to AFOREST, a
Millennium Nucleus supported by ANIDMILENIONCS
Conict of interest
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the
absence of any commercial or nancial relationships that could be
construed as a potential conict of interest.
Publishers note
All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors
and do not necessarily represent those of their afliated
organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the
reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or
claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or
endorsed by the publisher.
Supplementary material
The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online
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Frontiers in Genetics frontiersin.org11
Contreras-Díaz et al. 10.3389/fgene.2023.1226052
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Background Aquilegia is a model system for studying the evolution of adaptive radiation. However, very few studies have been conducted on the Aquilegia mitochondrial genome. Since mitochondria play a key role in plant adaptation to abiotic stress, analyzing the mitochondrial genome may provide a new perspective for understanding adaptive evolution. Results The Aquilegia amurensis mitochondrial genome was characterized by a circular chromosome and two linear chromosomes, with a total length of 538,736 bp; the genes included 33 protein-coding genes, 24 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes and 3 ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes. We subsequently conducted a phylogenetic analysis based on single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the mitochondrial genomes of 18 Aquilegia species, which were roughly divided into two clades: the European-Asian clade and the North American clade. Moreover, the genes mttB and rpl5 were shown to be positively selected in European-Asian species, and they may help European and Asian species adapt to environmental changes. Conclusions In this study, we assembled and annotated the first mitochondrial genome of the adaptive evolution model plant Aquilegia. The subsequent analysis provided us with a basis for further molecular studies on Aquilegia mitochondrial genomes and valuable information on adaptive evolution in Aquilegia.
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Plant mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) are a valuable source of genetic information for a better understanding of phylogenetic relationships. However, no mitogenome of any species in the genus of Photinia has been reported. In this study, using NGS sequencing, we reported the mitogenome assembly and annotation of Photinia serratifolia, which is 473,579 bp in length, contains 38 protein-coding genes, 23 tRNAs, and 6 rRNAs, with 61 genes have no introns. The rps2 and rps11 genes are missing in the P. serratifolia mitogenome. Although there are more editing sites (488) in the P. serratifolia mitogenome than in most angiosperms, fewer editing types were found in the P. serratifolia mitogenome, showing a clear bias in RNA-editing. Phylogenetic analysis based on the mitogenomes of P. serratifolia and 8 other taxa of the Rosaceae family reflected the exact evolutionary and taxonomic status of P. serratifolia. However, Ka/Ks analysis revealed that 72.69% of the protein-coding genes in the P. serratifolia mitogenome had undergone negative selections, reflecting the importance of those genes in the P. serratifolia mitogenome. Collectively, these results will provide valuable information for the evolution of P. serratifolia and provide insight into the evolutionary relationships within Photinia and the Rosaceae family.
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As the global climate continues to warm and the greenhouse effect intensifies, plants are facing various abiotic stresses during their growth and development. In response to changes in natural environment, plant mitochondria regulate their functions through morphological and dynamic changes. Mitochondria are highly dynamic organelles with the ability to continuously cleavage and fuse, regulating dynamic homeostatic processes in response to the needs of organism growth and the changes in external environmental conditions. In this review, we introduced the structure of the outer and inner mitochondrial membrane and discussed the relevant factors that influence the morphological changes in mitochondria, including proteins and lipids. The morphological and dynamic changes in mitochondria under various abiotic stresses were also revisited. This study aims to discuss a series of changes in plant mitochondrial ultrastructure under abiotic stress. It is very important that we analyze the association between plant mitochondrial functions and morphological and dynamic changes under stress to maintain mitochondrial homeostasis and improve plant stress resistance. It also provides a new idea for plant modification and genetic breeding under the dramatic change in global natural environment.
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Plant submergence stress is a growing problem for global agriculture. During desubmergence, rising O2 concentrations meet a highly reduced mitochondrial electron transport chain (mETC) in the cells. This combination favors the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by the mitochondria, which at excess can cause damage. The cellular mechanisms underpinning the management of reoxygenation stress are not fully understood. We investigated the role of alternative NADH dehydrogenases (NDs), as components of the alternative mETC in Arabidopsis, in anoxia-reoxygenation stress management. Simultaneous loss of the matrix-facing NDs, NDA1 and NDA2, decreased seedling survival after reoxygenation, while overexpression increased survival. Absence of NDAs led to reduced maximum potential quantum efficiency of photosystem II linking the alternative mETC to photosynthetic function in the chloroplast. NDA1 and NDA2 were induced upon reoxygenation and transcriptional activation of NDA1 was controlled by the transcription factors ANAC016 and ANAC017 that bind to the mitochondrial dysfunction motif (MDM) in the NDA1 promoter. Absence of NDA1 and NDA2 did not alter recovery of cytosolic ATP levels and NADH/NAD + ratio at reoxygenation. Rather, absence of NDAs led to elevated ROS production while their overexpression limited ROS. Our observations indicate that the control of ROS formation by the alternative mETC is important for photosynthetic recovery and for seedling survival of anoxia-reoxygenation stress.
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Background: Geoffroea decorticans is a vulnerable native species inhabiting the Atacama Desert. Here, we describe the structure, gene composition and phylogeny of the complete chloroplast genome of this legume species. Results: The chloroplast genome consisted of 158,399 bp, with typical quadripartite structures: a large single copy (88,081 bp), a small single copy (18,976 bp), and two inverted repeats (25,671 bp). Geoffroea decorticans chloroplast genome was similar in size and gene number to that of G. spinosa, but it was slightly different in structure. Complete chloroplast analysis of G. decorticans revealed 129 genes, including 83 protein-coding genes, 37 tRNA genes, 8 rRNA genes and 1 pseudogene (rpl22). In G. decorticans, the rps16 gene showed a deletion, which led to a premature stop codon, probably causing loss of functionality. Phylogenetic analysis of 20 complete chloroplast genomes confirmed the placement to G. decorticans within the Pterocarpus clade. Conclusions: In this study, we report the complete chloroplast genome of Geoffroea decorticans for the first time, which can be used for phylogenetic studies and reconstruction of the biogeography history of the genus Geoffroea in South America.
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Comprising 501 genera and around 14,000 species, Papilionoideae is not only the largest subfamily of Fabaceae (Leguminosae; legumes), but also one of the most extraordinarily diverse clades among angiosperms. Papilionoids are a major source of food and forage, are ecologically successful in all major biomes, and display dramatic variation in both floral architecture and plastid genome (plastome) structure. Plastid DNA-based phylogenetic analyses have greatly improved our understanding of relationships among the major groups of Papilionoideae, yet the backbone of the subfamily phylogeny remains unresolved. In this study, we sequenced and assembled 39 new plastomes that are covering key genera representing the morphological diversity in the subfamily. From 244 total taxa, we produced eight datasets for maximum likelihood (ML) analyses based on entire plastomes and/or concatenated sequences of 77 protein-coding sequences (CDS) and two datasets for multispecies coalescent (MSC) analyses based on individual gene trees. We additionally produced a combined nucleotide dataset comprising CDS plus matK gene sequences only, in which most papilionoid genera were sampled. A ML tree based on the entire plastome maximally supported all of the deep and most recent divergences of papilionoids (223 out of 236 nodes). The Swartzieae, ADA (Angylocalyceae, Dipterygeae, and Amburaneae), Cladrastis, Andira, and Exostyleae clades formed a grade to the remainder of the Papilionoideae, concordant with nine ML and two MSC trees. Phylogenetic relationships among the remaining five papilionoid lineages (Vataireoid, Dermatophyllum, Genistoid s.l., Dalbergioid s.l., and Baphieae + Non-Protein Amino Acid Accumulating or NPAAA clade) remained uncertain, because of insufficient support and/or conflicting relationships among trees. Our study fully resolved most of the deep nodes of Papilionoideae, however, some relationships require further exploration. More genome-scale data and rigorous analyses are needed to disentangle phylogenetic relationships among the five remaining lineages.
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The most intriguing characteristics of plant mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) include their high variation in both sequence and structure, the extensive horizontal gene transfer (HGT), and the important role they play in hypoxic adaptation. However, the investigation of the mechanisms of hypoxic adaptation and HGT in plant mitochondria remains challenging due to the limited number of sequenced mitogenomes and non-coding nature of the transferred DNA. In this study, the mitogenome of Elymus sibiricus (Gramineae, Triticeae), a perennial grass species native to the Qinghai-Tibet plateau (QTP), was de novo assembled and compared with the mitogenomes of eight Gramineae species. The unique haplotype composition and higher TE content compared to three other Triticeae species may be attributed to the long-term high-altitude plateau adaptability of E. sibiricus. We aimed to discover the connection between mitogenome simple sequence repeats (SSRs) (mt-SSRs) and HGT. Therefore, we predicted and annotated the mt-SSRs of E. sibiricus along with the sequencing of 87 seed plants. The clustering result based on all of the predicted compound mitogenome SSRs (mt-c-SSRs) revealed an expected synteny within systematic taxa and also inter-taxa. The mt-c-SSRs were annotated to 11 genes, among which “(ATA)3agtcaagtcaag (AAT)3” occurred in the nad5 gene of 8 species. The above-mentioned results further confirmed the HGT of mitogenomes sequences even among distant species from the aspect of mt-c-SSRs. Two genes, nad4 and nad7, possessed a vast number of SSRs in their intron regions across the seed plant mitogenomes. Furthermore, five pairs of SSRs developed from the mitogenome of E. sibiricus could be considered as potential markers to distinguish between the species E. sibiricus and its related sympatric species E. nutans.
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The Atacama Desert is by far the driest and oldest desert on Earth, showing a unique combination of environmental extremes (extreme dryness, the highest UV radiation levels on Earth, and highly saline and oxidizing soils), explaining why the Atacama has been largely investigated as a Mars analog model for almost 20 years. Based on the source and the amount of water available for life and its analogy with Mars, two ecosystems are of interest in the Atacama: its Coastal Range and the much drier hyperarid core, which we here review in detail. Members of the three domains of life have been found across these ecosystems living at the limit of habitability, suggesting the potential dry limits for each domain and also unveiling the highly patchy distribution of microbial life in its most extreme regions. The thorough study of the Atacama has allowed us to understand how life has adapted to its extreme conditions, the specific habitats that life occupies in each case (thus suggesting the most likely places in which to search for evidence for life on Mars), and the number of biosignatures detected across this desert. Also, the characterization of west-to-east transects across this desert has shown to be of significant value to understand the potential adaptations that Martian microorganisms may have followed in an ever-drying planet. All of this explains why the Atacama is actively used as the testing ground of the technologies (detection instruments, rovers, etc.) that were sent and will be sent to Mars. We also highlight the need to better inform the exact locations of the sites studied to understand general trends, the need to identify the true native microbial species of the Atacama, and the impact of climate change on the most arid and most Martian desert of Earth.
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KaKs_Calculator 3.0 is an updated toolkit that is capable of calculating selective pressure on both coding and non-coding sequences. Similar to the nonsynonymous/synonymous substitution rate ratio for coding sequences, selection on non-coding sequences can be quantified as the ratio of non-coding nucleotide substitution rate to synonymous substitution rate of adjacent coding sequences. As testified on empirical data, KaKs_Calculator 3.0 shows effectiveness to detect the strength and mode of selection operated on molecular sequences, accordingly demonstrating its great potential to achieve genome-wide scan of natural selection on diverse sequences and identification of potentially functional elements at whole genome scale. The package of KaKs_Calculator 3.0 is freely available for academic use only at
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One of the few tree species adapted to the ecologically limiting conditions of the Atacama Desert is Geoffroea decorticans, known as chañar. It is a valuable multipurpose resource used as a food and medicinal product. However, for the purpose of genetic studies, codominant DNA markers specific for this species have not yet been developed. The objective of this work is to develop and validate microsatellite markers (SSR) for G. decorticans, in order to perform future studies of genetic diversity and genetic structure of populations. SSR markers were searched in the G. decorticans genome using the Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) method, and they were validated through thirty individuals distributed in different localities in northern Chile. A total of ~ 144,117 microsatellite loci were identified and a set of 41 primer pairs was used for validation. The amplified fragments ranged from 106 bp to 225 bp, the number of alleles ranged from 2 to 9, and the PIC value of the 41 SSR loci ranged between 0.32 and 0.86, with an average of 0.64. For the first time, putative neutral SSR markers specific to the G. decorticans species have been developed in order to promote genetic studies for the conservation of the species. The present study provides a set of 38 new polymorphic SSR markers, which could serve as an effective tool to estimate genetic diversity, genetic structure and to be used in breeding programs.
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Tylosema esculentum (marama bean), a wild legume from tropical Africa, has long been considered as a potential crop for local farmers due to its rich nutritional value. Genomics research of marama is indispensable for the domestication and varietal improvement of the bean. The chloroplast genome of marama has been sequenced and assembled previously using a hybrid approach based on both Illumina and PacBio data. In this study, a similar method was used to assemble the mitochondrial genome of marama. The mitochondrial genome of the experimental individual has been confirmed to have two large circles OK638188 and OK638189, which do not recombine according to the data. However, they may be able to restructure into five smaller circles through recombination on the 4 pairs of long repeats (>1 kb). The total length of marama mitogenome is 399,572 bp. A 9,798 bp DNA fragment has been found that is homologous to the chloroplast genome of marama, accounting for 2.5% of the mitogenome. In the Fabaceae family, the mitogenome of Millettia pinnata is highly similar to marama, including for both the genes present and the total size. Some genes including cox2, rpl10, rps1 , and sdh4 have been lost during the evolution of angiosperms and are absent in the mitogenomes of some legumes. However, these remain intact and functional in marama. Another set of genes, rpl2, rps2, rps7, rps11 , rps13 , and rps19 are either absent, or present as pseudogenes, in the mitogenome of marama.