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Continuing Education through the Campus Game: A Sustainable Gamification Project to Improve Doctors' and Nurses' Knowledge of Quality and Clinical Risk Management

  • Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Campus Bio-Medico
  • Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Campus-Biomedico


The COVID-19 disease has dramatically changed lives worldwide, including education. This is a challenge for traditional learning. In fact, the European Higher Education Area poses the challenge of boosting the quality of teaching through active methodologies supported by digital pedagogy. Gamification is one of these tools and it has considerable attention in the healthcare literature. We aimed to create a game in the Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital Foundation in order to offer continuing education on Quality and Clinical Risk procedures to our staff. The 2021 "Campus Game" (178 players) introduced the "Badge Challenge" (Team Building, Procedures, and Security) and 73 questions. The leaderboard of every single match was posted in some of the hospital's strategic areas and also published online on the company intranet to ensure engagement and competitiveness. Gamification has spontaneously promoted teamworking and a virtuous process of multiprofessional education. We found that, during the Campus Game, there was a 4.9% increase in access to the intranet page containing information on Quality and Patient Safety and an 8% increase in access to the Hospital Policies and Procedures. In the near future, we wish to expand this game, involving hospitals with similar types of activity and levels of attention to quality and safety issues, and also to enhance the network of partners and the principles of Q&S management itself.
Citation: Pensieri, C.; De Benedictis,
A.; De Micco, F.; Saccoccia, S.; Ivziku,
D.; Lommi, M.; Alloni, R. Continuing
Education through the Campus
Game: A Sustainable Gamification
Project to Improve Doctors’ and
Nurses’ Knowledge of Quality and
Clinical Risk Management. Healthcare
2023,11, 2236.
Academic Editors: Stefano D’Errico,
Michael Scott and Matteo Bolcato
Received: 16 June 2023
Revised: 11 July 2023
Accepted: 4 August 2023
Published: 9 August 2023
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
This article is an open access article
distributed under the terms and
conditions of the Creative Commons
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
Case Report
Continuing Education through the Campus Game: A
Sustainable Gamification Project to Improve Doctors’ and
Nurses’ Knowledge of Quality and Clinical Risk Management
Claudio Pensieri 1, * , Anna De Benedictis 2,3 , Francesco De Micco 2,3 , Sabrina Saccoccia 2, Dhurata Ivziku 4,
Marzia Lommi 5and Rossana Alloni 2,3
1Department of Human Science, Libera UniversitàMaria S.S. Assunta, Via Traspontina 21, 00193 Rome, Italy
2Clinical Direction, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Campus Bio-Medico, Via Alvaro del Portillo 200,
00128 Rome, Italy; (A.D.B.); (F.D.M.); (S.S.); (R.A.)
3Department of Medicine and Surgery, UniversitàCampus Bio-Medico di Roma, Via Alvaro del Portillo 21,
00128 Rome, Italy
4Department of Healthcare Professions, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Campus Bio-Medico,
Via Alvaro del Portillo 200, 00128 Rome, Italy;
5Department of Biomedicine and Prevention, University Tor Vergata, Via Cracovia 50, 00133 Rome, Italy;
*Correspondence:; Tel.: +39-3397279049
The COVID-19 disease has dramatically changed lives worldwide, including education.
This is a challenge for traditional learning. In fact, the European Higher Education Area poses the
challenge of boosting the quality of teaching through active methodologies supported by digital
pedagogy. Gamification is one of these tools and it has considerable attention in the healthcare
literature. We aimed to create a game in the Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital Foundation
in order to offer continuing education on Quality and Clinical Risk procedures to our staff. The
2021 “Campus Game” (178 players) introduced the “Badge Challenge” (Team Building, Procedures,
and Security) and 73 questions. The leaderboard of every single match was posted in some of the
hospital’s strategic areas and also published online on the company intranet to ensure engagement
and competitiveness. Gamification has spontaneously promoted teamworking and a virtuous process
of multiprofessional education. We found that, during the Campus Game, there was a 4.9% increase
in access to the intranet page containing information on Quality and Patient Safety and an 8% increase
in access to the Hospital Policies and Procedures. In the near future, we wish to expand this game,
involving hospitals with similar types of activity and levels of attention to quality and safety issues,
and also to enhance the network of partners and the principles of Q&S management itself.
Keywords: adult education; healthcare; gamification; quality; risk management; medical education
1. Introduction
The COVID-19 disease has dramatically changed lives worldwide, including edu-
cation [
]. Social distancing to control the spread of COVID-19 created a challenge for
traditional learning [
]. We need to develop alternative methods of delivering education
and continuing education (CE) in healthcare to optimize learning [
]. Gamification is a tool
that has received considerable attention in the literature [4,5].
The European Higher Education Area poses the challenge of boosting the quality of
teaching through active methodologies supported by digital pedagogy [
]. However, the
reality is that, nowadays, the traditional model of master class teaching is still present and
continues to be developed [
], so we aimed to involve hospital staff in a more efficient and
funny way of learning.
Healthcare 2023,11, 2236.
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This paper is a case history about a gamification experience used as an innovative
method for continuing education on the quality and clinical risk management training at a
University Hospital in Rome, Italy.
In order to define “Gamification”, a review on Pubmed was performed using “Gam-
ification” as the main key term, including all articles from 2012 to January 2022 in all
languages, and excluding articles about clinical application (a computer program or piece
of software designed for a particular purpose that can be downloaded onto a mobile phone
or other mobile device), healthcare mobile application, rehabilitation, and patient applica-
tions. In total, 929 articles were found and 113 articles for “Gamification + Review” were
retrieved. The authors read the abstracts of the reviews, removing duplicates and off-topic
papers. Only 7 articles were found about gamification in medical/adult education
Gamification is a relatively new trend that focuses on applying game mechanics to non-
gaming contexts [
] in order to engage audiences and inject a bit of fun into learning
activities, as well as generate motivational and cognitive benefits [
]. Many fields, such
as business, marketing, and e-learning, have already taken advantage of the potential
of gamification. Likewise, the digital healthcare domain has also started to exploit this
emerging trend. Gamification is receiving worldwide attention across many sectors as a
powerful technique for promoting engagement and motivation [
]. It is necessary to
distinguish between the different ways the game can be applied in contexts “outside” of
the normal game:
Serious Game: according to Stokes [
], serious games are designed to entertain players
when they educate, train, or change their behavior. Serious games are developed
for educational purposes and provide both realism and the entertainment facet of
traditional games. This is a game with a purpose. It is a full-fledged game used for
non-entertainment purposes. It has all the elements of a real game, and will look and
feel like a real game, but has some defined purpose, outcome, or message that the
creators wish to get across to you. It includes many educational games, as long as they
have all the elements you would expect to see in a real game. Serious games have
been also used to enhance learning in medical contexts [22,23].
Alternative reality games (ARG): these connect the internet to the real world through
numerous web tools (blogs, e-mails, or mini-websites). They include a mysterious
story with clues that point to the real world (for example, monuments or hidden
objects in certain locations). An ARG was used in the USA to launch the HALO 2
videogame, by the Nine Inch Nails band to launch Year Zero, and for “AI: Artificial
Intelligence” and the “Batman The Dark Knight” films.
Advergame: this is made specifically to communicate advertising messages, develop
brand awareness, and generate website traffic. It is a free online or downloadable
game. It is a pull advertising tool that guarantees a higher level of involvement and
user exposure to the advertised brand than other advertising tools used on old and
new media. It is generally broadcast through the advertiser’s website, on its social
network pages, or is downloadable as an app for mobiles and other devices.
Mobile applications (app): we can distinguish these between two types:
Medical apps (similar to medical devices) that monitor, control, or transform
data that represent a patient’s physiological parameters, and therefore form
an integral part of medical examinations (apps that measure blood pressure
or perform eye examinations, help patients to manage chronic diseases, or
calculate the correct dose of insulin for diabetics).
Health apps that work on a patient’s motivation for self care [
]. They can
give access to clinical information, which supports the sharing of images of
injuries, or they can comprise clinical diaries integrated with the healthcare
provider. Alternatively, health apps can provide information on the interac-
Healthcare 2023,11, 2236 3 of 10
tion between drugs or create reminders for taking medication, influencing a
patient’s lifestyle [25].
Gamification: the most commonly accepted definition amongst those proposed is
that of Sebastian Deterding, who stated that “Gamification is the use of game design
elements in non-game contexts” [
]. Thus, rather than creating immersive, fully
fledged games as in “serious games”, gamification is intended to affect users’ behavior
and motivation by the means of experiences reminiscent of games [
]. Conceived
in the digital media industry, gamification only began to be adopted on a large scale
in the second half of 2010 [
]. In fact, its first documented use dates back to 2008,
under the term “funware”, which was coined by Gabe Zichermann [
]. Gamification
appeals to younger generations who are comfortable with smartphones, tablets, and
other technology [28].
In our hospital, there are many employees born after 1997 and they are part of the
so-called “Generation Z” (or Gen Z). This name refers to “digital natives” born in devel-
oped countries, who are currently the largest generational group of nurses, young doctors,
and students of medicine [
]. Moreover, we have to keep in mind that they have never
experienced life without the Internet and are constantly adapting to new technology [
Gen Z members have different motivations, learning styles, and skill sets compared to
previous generations [
]. Gen Z learners frequently interact in the digital world and favor
online learning [
]. They are anti-lecture and prefer to learn by solving real-world prob-
lems [
]. This could constitute a challenge if educators have not incorporated technology
into their teaching style. Educators need to provide an array of innovative learning meth-
ods using various technological platforms to keep Gen Z learners engaged, and the use of
digital gamification could be particularly beneficial to these digital natives to enhance their
learning outcomes. Therefore, we decided to follow the gamification rules in our learning
organization, using digital technology in order to offer to our staff a tool for Continuing
Education on Quality and Clinical Risk procedures. In our Campus Game, we used large
companies’ most-used methodologies (they used them to achieve the most varied business
objectives: increase revenue, customer loyalty, and motivate the sales force, etc.):
Points: assigning points to teams (7–12 employees) can motivate them to continue
using a product or perform a certain action until they reach a more advanced level.
These are generally used to subsequently obtain virtual or real goods.
Badges: these are simple virtual emblems that demonstrate a certain ability of the
user to perform something. They are used to make the user feel important and skilled
and they strengthen their connection with the brand. They are one of the most-used
gamification mechanics.
Leaderboards: these are very useful in order to create competition between users. In
this way, they are encouraged to use the service, thus spending more time within it,
enabling them to compete with other people and obtain other new rewards in order to
satisfy their final desire: to be at the top of the ranking.
Evidence has shown that a commitment-based, intrinsically motivated approach to
change is more successful and sustained over time than a compliance-based (e.g., man-
dated) approach [
]. Gamification engages the user, provides a level of enjoyment, and
incentivizes the learner to use critical thinking skills. However, the use of gamification
(the application of game design and elements) as a clinical engagement strategy in health
quality improvement initiatives is less explored [33].
2. Materials and Methods
Staff recruitment: in the FPUCBM hospital, we have 3 annual initiatives that encourage
our staff to participate in continuous improvement processes:
Quality Award: every year, the best 3 quality and safety projects from any department
are awarded;
Healthcare 2023,11, 2236 4 of 10
Best monthly incident reporting: every month, the best incident reporting made by
any one of the hospital’s staff is awarded;
Campus Game: every year, we open the Campus Game to hospital staff (MDs and
RNs, but also administrative staff, biologists, and pharmacologists, etc.), so everyone
can play for free. The only enrollment criteria is to have a contract with our hospital.
In order to make the game sustainable, both economically and in terms of the use of
consumable materials, we decided not to use paper and chose to use mobile phones. This
led us to save costs in terms of sustainability, because: we did not use paper or company
PCs and we did not use our classrooms that we usually use for traditional training (savings
in electricity, heating, and time taken away from clinical care practice, etc.). We decided
to use Google Forms for this game, because it is free and very versatile; moreover, our
hospital uses the employee office suite, so data are secure within the organization. The
enrollment criteria for the teams were: min. 3 and max. 9 people; we asked our staff to
create multidisciplinary teams in order to increase corporate team building, even between
different professions. The players received 3 multiple choice questions every Monday at
10.00 a.m. They had time to answer until 10.00 a.m. on Wednesday (48 h was necessary,
taking into account the shifts of the health personnel). On Wednesday, after we closed the
online questionnaire, we sent the correct answers to all the participants in order to ensure
training, even for those who had not had the opportunity to answer.
The average responses of all the team members formed the final team’s score. Each
match had 3 questions, from a minimum of 6 pt. to a maximum of 10 pt. per team, except
the final match, which had 10 questions (instead of 3) for a total of 20 pts. We chose to
give more points at the end in order to ensure the participation of teams that thought that,
“mathematically”, they could not win (and therefore stop playing). The leaderboard of
every single match was posted in some of the hospital’s strategic areas, near devices to
stamp attendance (presence), near the café, near the self-service restaurant, and in the locker
rooms. They were also published online on the company intranet to ensure engagement
and competitiveness. Descriptive statistics of the means, frequencies, and percentages of
the sample’s demographic characteristics and items were performed. We used the Microsoft
Excel formula in order to do obtain these data.
Compared to the 2 previous editions, in 2021, we introduced three “BADGE CHAL-
LENGE” (“Team Building”, “Procedures”, and “Safety”). Each badge granted the team
10 points. The tournament was divided into two rounds (like Italian football tournaments).
The “first round” began in March 2021 and included 13 weeks + 2 badges, and it ended
before the summer. The “second round” began after the summer in September 2021 and in-
cluded 9 weeks + 1 badge, ending in November 2021. Thus, our staff answered 73 questions
in 22 matches
Every question was created by specialists from different areas and were divided as
follows (Table 1):
Table 1. Number of questions per area.
Occupational Health and Safety 22
Infection Control 13
Privacy 10
Public Relations 5
Human Resources 2
Hospital Social Service 4
Quality and Clinical Risk Management 17
Tot 73
Healthcare 2023,11, 2236 5 of 10
Some of these questions were:
A patient’s family members report that they want to start the path toward a nursing
home. What are you doing?
A patient you have been treating for a long time sends you an email or a WhatsApp
message with the following text: “Doctor, I have a problem, since I’ve been taking
metformin, with the dosage you gave me, I feel dizzy, can I reduce it to half the
c. In our Polyclinic, who monitors the Point of Care Testing?
d. You are making a handover communication. What method do you use?
e. What are the areas that make up the CLABSI prevention bundle?
What should the Data Controller do in the event of a personal data breach that may
have had a significant impact on the personal data they process? Who can report an
event (near-miss, sentinel event, and incident) on the company intranet?
g. Where can you find how many people fell during the last quarter in our hospital?
Finally, we administered an assessment test that the participants filled out during the
first week and last week.
We decided to use a 0 to 10 scale rating and the Likert Scale. We used the first one in
order to obtain a judgment of quality (with 11 rating options, the 0-to-10 scale gave us a true
average rating. According to our opinion, we think it is important to offer a true “average”
option so respondents could indicate when something was neither exceptional nor poor).
Than, we used the Likert scale in order to the evaluate players’ attitudes, opinions, and
Those questions were not from a validated questionnaire, but we built them specifically
for this Campus Game.
We used this in order to obtain data on “how much” the game helped people to acquire
new information, theoretical knowledge, or improved their technical–professional skills.
3. Results
There were 178 players (118 females and 60 males) of this Campus Game. Females
were almost double that of males, the reason for this probably being that, in our hospital,
there are more female employees than males, but we did not investigate this aspect.
The roles of the players were: 154 healthcare workers (28 senior consultants/registrars,
60 residents, and 66 nurses), 17 allied health professionals (4 healthcare technicians, 4 biolo-
gists, 2 physical therapists, and 7 social health workers), 3 pharmacists, and 4 administrative
support workers. The participants were divided into 21 multidisciplinary teams (Table 2,
Figure 1)
Table 2. Campus Game players by role.
Teaching Hospital Participants by Role n (%)
Healthcare Workers (HWs)
MD (Senior consultants/Registrars) 28 (15.7)
Residents 60 (33.7)
Nurses 66 (37)
Allied Health Professionals
Healthcare technicians 4 (2.3)
Biologists 4 (2.3)
Physical therapists 2 (1.1)
Social health workers 7 (3.9)
Pharmacists 3 (1.7)
Administrative Support Workers (ASWs) 4 (2.3)
Total 178 (100)
Healthcare 2023,11, 2236 6 of 10
Healthcare 2023, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 10
Total 178 (100)
Figure 1. Campus Game players by role.
The hospital intranet has web pages about quality and patient safety, hospital
policies, and procedures, as well as a summary of the Joint Commission International
accreditation standards manual for hospitals [34]. We compared the access to the intranet
pages when the Campus Game was in progress versus when it was not in progress.
The Campus Game started in March 2021 and ended in November 2021, so we
compared the percentage of access to the company intranet web pages before the game
(January–February 2021) and during the game (March–November 2021). The data showed
that, when the Campus Game was ongoing, there was an increase in access to the intranet
web pages compared to when the Campus Game was not in progress: a 4.9% increase in
access to the intranet page concerning Quality and Patient Safety compared to 0.3%; an
8% increase in access to the intranet page containing information on Hospital Policies and
Procedures compared to 0.8%; and a 17.3% increase in access to the page with a summary
of the JCI Accreditation Standards manual for hospitals compared to 0.3% (Table 3).
Table 3. Hospital intranet access.
Quality and Patient Safety Hospital Policies and Procedures JCI Accreditation Standards for Hospitals (Summary)
Game in progress
11 March
16 November
11 March
16 November
11 March
16 November
46.344 48.625
(4.9) 45.236 48.864
(8.0) 520 610
Game not in progress
14 January
14 February
14 January
14 February
14 January
14 February
48.625 48.791
(0.3) 48.864 49.280
(0.8) 610 612
At the end of the game, the players answered the assessment form we described in
the Methods paragraph.
To the question “Did you nd Campus Game 2021 useful to increase your knowledge
in the eld of Quality and Patient Safety?”, the average score of the answers was 9.2 (rating
scale: 0 = poor; 10 = excellent). The second question was: Did you nd interesting the
Gamication system for this training activity?”, and the average score of the answers was
4.8 (rating scale: 0 = poor; 5 = excellent); The third question was: “Did you nd fun use the
Campus Game for your Continuing Education?”, and the average score of the answers
was 4.8 (rating scale: 0 = poor; 5 = excellent) (Table 4).
Figure 1. Campus Game players by role.
The hospital intranet has web pages about quality and patient safety, hospital policies,
and procedures, as well as a summary of the Joint Commission International accreditation
standards manual for hospitals [
]. We compared the access to the intranet pages when
the Campus Game was in progress versus when it was not in progress.
The Campus Game started in March 2021 and ended in November 2021, so we com-
pared the percentage of access to the company intranet web pages before the game (January–
February 2021) and during the game (March–November 2021). The data showed that, when
the Campus Game was ongoing, there was an increase in access to the intranet web pages
compared to when the Campus Game was not in progress: a 4.9% increase in access to the
intranet page concerning Quality and Patient Safety compared to 0.3%; an 8% increase in
access to the intranet page containing information on Hospital Policies and Procedures
compared to 0.8%; and a 17.3% increase in access to the page with a summary of the JCI
Accreditation Standards manual for hospitals compared to 0.3% (Table 3).
Table 3. Hospital intranet access.
Quality and Patient Safety Hospital Policies and Procedures JCI Accreditation Standards for
Hospitals (Summary)
Game in
11 March
2021 16 November
11 March
2021 16 November
11 March
2021 16 November
46.344 48.625 +2.281
(4.9) 45.236 48.864 +3.628
(8.0) 520 610 +90
Game not
in progress
14 January
2021 14 February
14 January
2021 14 February
14 January
2021 14 February
48.625 48.791 +166
(0.3) 48.864 49.280 +416
(0.8) 610 612 +2
At the end of the game, the players answered the assessment form we described in the
Methods paragraph.
To the question “Did you find Campus Game 2021 useful to increase your knowledge
in the field of Quality and Patient Safety?”, the average score of the answers was 9.2 (rating
scale: 0 = poor; 10 = excellent). The second question was: “Did you find interesting the
Gamification system for this training activity?”, and the average score of the answers was
4.8 (rating scale: 0 = poor; 5 = excellent); The third question was: “Did you find fun use the
Campus Game for your Continuing Education?”, and the average score of the answers was
4.8 (rating scale: 0 = poor; 5 = excellent) (Table 4).
Healthcare 2023,11, 2236 7 of 10
Table 4. Final Campus Game 2021 Assessment.
Did you find the Campus Game 2021 useful for increasing your knowledge
in the field of Quality and Patient Safety?
Min. 0–Max. 10
Did you find the Gamification system interesting for this training activity?
Min. 0–Max. 5
Did you find the use of the Campus Game fun for your Continuing
Min. 0–Max. 5
4. Discussion
From the assessment questionnaires, it emerged that “gamification” (in its most in-
trinsic meaning) influenced and developed behavior centered on motivation and healthy
competition, encouraging a sustainable “challenge” that was adaptable to the availability
of time and resources of individual players.
The first three teams with the highest scores were awarded during the “Safety and
Quality Day” in December 2021 in front of all the hospital’s staff. The prize consisted
of money that they could spend on professional training. A team was also awarded for
showing great commitment to finding answers. They had formally contested some answers,
even with a literature search to support their reasons.
This was important for us, because it meant that we achieved the purpose of the
game, which was not only “to have fun”, but “to train”, also through a spontaneous
search for information. Above all, we wanted to create “engagement”. Thus, we can
say that Gamification facilitated and promoted familiarity in acquiring information on
company policies and procedures, thereby possibly improving the quality and safety of
care. The involved players reported the usefulness of the Campus Game for the purposes
of functional and motivational learning, with a view of improvement on the one hand and
the motivation and performance of staff on the other.
In fact, as Alsawier [
] said: “players have greater motivation to learn, participate
and collaborate” with interest and fun experienced when carrying out this training activity,
which reflects what Colli [
] said: “you can also work in a fun way, enhancing the
expressive component
. . .
”. On the other hand, knowledge and skills about company
policies and procedures increased and this led to active participation and engagement with
corporate objectives.
The data showed that one of the results of the Campus Game was the achievement
of engagement with the use of digital tools. Teams were created with Generation Z (new
digital) and people of the Net generation [
] and those from Generation X, who are
more reluctant about digitization, overcoming the prejudice of traditional learning that
has the limit of not falling within the sustainable development goals of the 2030 Agenda.
Koulopoulos [
] said “it is recognized that Generation Z was born in a historical period in
which natural resources are disappearing”. The economic crisis is not yet over and jobs
are so scarce that Jeremy Finch [
], on the online business magazine Fast Company, said:
“They only have the weight of saving the world and fixing our past mistakes on their small
shoulders”. Generation Z has a great propensity for collaboration, sharing work aspects
with a pragmatic sense of play with the goal of quick problem solving. At the same time,
Gamification spontaneously promoted the start of a virtuous process of multi-professional
education. In fact, a fundamental point is given by the social aspect that it entails: it is the
“community” [40] that is created that makes the success of this type of approach possible.
Most of the Campus Game’s teams were composed of multi-professional teams in
which doctors, nurses, technicians, administrative staff, and physiotherapists, etc. worked
and “studied” together in order to achieve the same goal (that was to answer questions), by
sharing their knowledge and skills. We want to underline the high number of participants
Healthcare 2023,11, 2236 8 of 10
despite the complexity and difficulties brought about due to the pandemic emergency.
Gamification proved to be a precious resource and important educational tool, even in this
extraordinary situation. Many professionals found in the “game” and healthy competition
a diversion and tool for aggregation and sharing, which favored not only the growth of
knowledge and skills, but also the teamworking ability and the ability to ask for help, in
order to grow a critical mindset.
This is why we think that Gamification can be an “ecological educational resource”, a
“game” that can favor the quality of personal and working life. After the final assessment
questionnaire, some players suggested to us to introduce explanations of wrong answers,
the performance of individual players in the teams, and shortening the time duration of
the game.
Some limitations of our project are:
It helped to generate interest, facilitate the location of professionally sensitive informa-
tion and documentation, and stimulate and generate interest in learning, but this kind
of Game did not guarantee learning (the use or putting into practice of the content).
Thus, in the fourth edition, we started to verify in real life some generated changes,
such as “where people and patients have to go in case of fire”, making players leave
the hospital and take photos, or using the black box in order to test their adherence to
hand hygiene rules, etc.
We do not know if the people that accessed the company intranet studied, internalized,
or put into practice the procedures and guidelines, etc., that they found. The only
way we could verify this was when there was a dispute that a team made about the
correct answers.. They studied the literature and, in some cases, did not agree with
the answer. Then, after the explanations of the expert, they understood that they were
5. Conclusions
The permanent training of adult professionals is a constant challenge: everyone is
convinced that it is necessary to update and resume notions and principles already known,
but very few people do this in a constant and organized way. Even the imposition of specific
levels of training has, so far, not achieved the desired results. However, the traditional
paradigm of patient safety has been modified by the introduction of new technologies in
healthcare [
], and there is need to emphasize the bio-social connections arising from
the relationships between health conditions and socio-economic, political, and cultural
determinants [
]. To cope with the needs to maintain a good level of knowledge and the
application of quality and safety standards of care, our experience with the Campus Game
was completely satisfactory, both in terms of participation and content acquisition. In the
near future, we wish to expand this game, involving other hospitals with similar types of
clinical activity and levels of attention to quality and safety issues, and also to share the
principles of Q&S management.
Author Contributions:
Conceptualization, C.P.; methodology, F.D.M.; formal analysis, A.D.B. and
D.I.; resources, S.S.; writing—original draft preparation C.P.; writing—review and editing, M.L.
review; R.A.; supervision, R.A. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement:
Ethical review and approval for the study was not required
in accordance with national legislation: Decreto Legislativo 14 May 2019, n. 52.
Informed Consent Statement:
Patient consent was waived due to the fact that all players were part
of Hospital Staff and this case study was a training program for them.
Data Availability Statement: Data sharing is not applicable to this article.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... submitting an idea (Viberg et al., 2020), assembling a tool (Korn et al., 2014(Korn et al., , 2015, or completing a challenge (Nuijten et al., 2022). For learning purposes, quizzes represent an additional hedonic way of imparting information, e.g. on energy conservation (Hafer et al., 2017;Kaselofsky et al., 2020) or reactions in medical emergencies (Pensieri et al., 2023;Tuti et al., 2020). Finally, several achievement-related mechanisms were mostly used in serious game interventions. ...
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Purpose: Given the urgency of corporate engagement in sustainable development, companies seek ways to involve their employees in sustainability efforts. In this regard, gamified systems have gained attention as a novel tool to promote sustainable employee behavior. However, as the research field matures, researchers and practitioners are confronted with a scattered academic landscape that makes it difficult to grasp how gamification can be designed to engage employees in sustainable behavior and to understand how gamification effects unfold at psychological, behavioral and corporate levels of sustainability. Design/methodology/approach: This paper uses a systematic literature review to consolidate the existing knowledge on gamification designs and their effects on sustainable employee behavior. Findings: Studies have explored a variety of utilitarian and achievement-, immersion-and social-related gameful affordances to promote positive behavior-and system-related psychological effects as a basis for employee engagement in sustainable behavior. However, the evidence regarding their impact on rational decision-making processes and overcoming the intention-action gap inherent in sustainability is still limited. Nevertheless, several studies in focused areas indicate the potential to elicit behavioral changes that drive sustainability outcomes at the corporate level as well. Originality/value: Our study provides three main contributions. First, we develop a conceptual framework that illustrates how gamification can drive sustainable behavior in the workplace. Second, we derive seven agenda points to guide future research on gamification for corporate sustainability. Third, we deduce three practical approaches to use gamification as a strategic intervention to promote sustainable behavior in organizations.
... Lastly, a fundamentally important fact is the evidence that ludic-interactive training (also based on gamification) proved to be among the most appreciated by the students (grey lines in Table 4), confirming that teaching with the new generations of students should be increasingly interactive and engaging [25]. ...
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The Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Campus Bio-Medico's educational project in collaboration with the Università Campus Bio-Medico is an orientation path intended for 1st year residents. The project, started in 2015 with the mere distribution of printed information materials, has developed into the current version. Data show that students declare themselves to be lacking in some areas of the technical clinical skills needed for successful integration into the "practical-clinical" world. Regarding haemogasanalysis: 28% received accurate instruction on how to perform it. 21% performed only the arterial sampling (no blood extraction). Only 31% were aware of what pre-discharge therapeutic reconciliation was and what had to be done, after the training, 100% were able to answer correctly. From the satisfaction survey (and confirmed by the 10-month assessment questionnaire) we found that playful-interactive training (based on gamification) is the most appreciated. This confirms that teaching with the new generations should be very interactive and engaging.
... In addition, the use of gamification in the classroom manages to reduce the stress that students may experience and shows that the existence of errors during the activity is not penalized and is understood as a key element for achieving learning (Sevilla and García, 2019). Not only the growth of knowledge and skills is favoured but also the ability to work as a team (Manzano et al., 2021), ask for help, and develop a critical mindset (Pensieri et al., 2023). Research suggests that the use of serious games leads to more addictive learning (Gatti et al., 2019), increases the retention of new knowledge (Koivisto and Hamari, 2019), and increases student satisfaction and motivation (Arruzza and Chau, 2021). ...
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Background Digital gamification applied to university students enrolled in health-related degrees is considered an innovative and beneficial tool that complements traditional teaching. Objectives To analyze the enjoyment experience obtained by university students in the Faculty of Health Sciences and to know the gender differences after participating in a digital game. Design Cross-sectional descriptive study. Participants A total of 156 university students from the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Zaragoza. Methods The activity of a digital game took place in the academic year 2021–2022 and was carried out as a teaching innovation project with the final approval of the University of Zaragoza. The tools used were the Spanish version of the Gameful Experience Scale and a self-administered questionnaire on satisfaction and suitability reported by the activity. Results A total of 156 students participated with an age of 21.2 ± 6.2 years. The highest score is the enjoyment dimension (4 ± 0.7), and the lowest score is the negative affect dimension (1.5 ± 0.9). Cronbach’s alpha for the whole Gameful Experience Scale was 0.95. There were significant differences in three dimensions of the Gameful Experience Scale: male students had more enjoyment than female students (p = 0.05), enjoyed a greater sense of domination (p = 0.01), and had fewer negative effects (p = 0.0). In the highest corresponding positions it was used for other topics such as learning (m 4.4; SD 0.5), motivation to learn (m 4.1; SD 0.8) or helping memorize concepts (m 4.4).4; SD 0.5). Conclusion Gender influences student satisfaction after carrying out a gamification activity, especially after a digital game. The dimensions in which gender differences were found were fun, absence of negative effects, and dominance.
The main objective of this chapter is to illustrate a current example of a practical experience of gamification by studying a case of application of an escape room to the subject of organisation design, in university studies, specifically the 2nd year of the degree in business administration and management. It will highlight the use of an innovative tool for teaching and learning through an escape room applied to the subject of internationalisation of companies. It will be shown how it is possible to practice gamification within the area of business organisation. With this objective, an escape room will be presented, called “International Development of Nude Project.” This game has been designed so that participants know how to apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that enable the understanding of new theories of selection of the most appropriate and effective structure and form for an organisation, taking into account its internal characteristics and the elements of the general and specific environment.
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The application of Information and Communication Technologies in the classroom encourages student learning by increasing their motivation and promoting collaborative teamwork. The aim of this study was to analyze the differences on intrinsic motivation of university students considering contextual variables when working specific contents through digital tools and virtual gamified strategies. Nine hundred and nineteen university students (18–21 years old) participated in the study. A descriptive cross-sectional study was performed considering four different variables: gender, working language, subject nature and academic degree. The applications used were Kahoot and Vevox and student motivation was assessed through an adapted version to the university context of the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI) Questionnaire. A higher score for bachelor´s degree compared to vocational training for the dimensions interest-enjoyment and effort-importance, together with a lower level in tension-pressure were revealed. Only the effort dimension was different between genders, being higher for female. Practical subjects showed higher values in bachelor´s degree for interest, competence, effort, and lower scores concerning tension-pressure. Finally, the teaching in Spanish revealed better scores in all dimensions compared to English, especially when the subject nature is practical. In line with previous results, university students showed good levels of intrinsic motivation when virtual gamified tools were used.
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During the Covid-19 health emergency, telemedicine was an essential asset through which health systems strengthened their response during the critical phase of the pandemic. According to the post-pandemic economic reform plans of many countries, telemedicine will not be limited to a tool for responding to an emergency condition but it will become a structural resource that will contribute to the reorganization of Healthcare Systems and enable the transfer of part of health care from the hospital to the home-based care. However, scientific evidences have shown that health care delivered through telemedicine can be burdened by numerous ethical and legal issues. Although there is an emerging discussion on patient safety issues related to the use of telemedicine, there is a lack of reseraches specifically designed to investigate patient safety. On the contrary, it would be necessary to determine standards and specific application rules in order to ensure safety. This paper examines the telemedicine-risk profiles and proposes a position statement for clinical risk management to support continuous improvement in the safety of health care delivered through telemedicine.
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The syndemic framework proposed by the 2021–2030 World Health Organization (WHO) action plan for patient safety and the introduction of enabling technologies in health services involve a more effective interpretation of the data to understand causation. Based on the Systemic Theory, this communication proposes the “Systemic Clinical Risk Management” (SCRM) to improve the Quality of Care and Patient Safety. This is a new Clinical Risk Management model capable of developing the ability to observe and synthesize different elements in ways that lead to in-depth interventions to achieve solutions aligned with the sustainable development of health services. In order to avoid uncontrolled decision-making related to the use of enabling technologies, we devised an internal Learning Algorithm Risk Management (LARM) level based on a Bayesian approach. Moreover, according to the ethics of Job Well Done, the SCRM, instead of giving an opinion on events that have already occurred, proposes a bioethical co-working because it suggests the best way to act from a scientific point of view.
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Adult learners demand teaching innovations that are ever more rapid and attractive. As a response to these demands and the challenges of skills training, this article presents a conceptual analysis that introduces competitive debate as an impact training model. The aim is to learn whether debate can be considered to fall within the frame of gamification, so that the full potential of debate as gamification can be exploited. There is a significant research gap regarding competitive debate as a game, with the training mechanics for adult learners remaining practically unexplored. Through a conceptual analysis of game, game experience, and gamification, and their respective characteristics, we conclude that competitive debate is an ideal instrument for gamification.
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The ongoing pandemic caused by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has enforced a shutdown of educative institutions of all levels, including high school and university students, and has forced educators and institutions to adapt teaching strategies in a hasty way. This work reviews the use of gamification-based teaching during the pandemic lockdown through a search in Scopus, PsycINFO, ERIC, and Semantic Scholar databases. A total of 11 papers from Chemistry, Business, Computer Science, Biology, and Medical areas have been identified and included in the present work. All of them analyzed the use of gamification strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic and assessed student’s learning and motivation outcomes. In general, students reported that gamification was innovative, engaging, and an efficient strategy to deliver curricula material; moreover, it was perceived as a fun activity. Some students reported that gamified videoconferences aided to connect with their classmates during isolation time providing effective social support. However, some students reported a bad physical or psychological condition, as consequence of the confinement, and did not get involved in the activity. Some weaknesses of the reviewed studies are the small sample size and its homogeneity, which makes it difficult to generalize their results to other scenarios and academic areas. Furthermore, although there is a feeling of learning during the activity, this result is mainly based on subjective perceptions, and any of the studies demonstrated that superior learning was achieved in comparison with traditional teaching strategies. Nevertheless, gamification can be implemented together with traditional lectures and can be a valuable instrument during post-COVID times.
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Gamification refers to using game attributes in a non-gaming context. Health professions educators increasingly turn to gamification to optimize students’ learning outcomes. However, little is known about the concept of gamification and its possible working mechanisms. This review focused on empirical evidence for the effectiveness of gamification approaches and theoretical rationales for applying the chosen game attributes. We systematically searched multiple databases, and included all empirical studies evaluating the use of game attributes in health professions education. Of 5044 articles initially identified, 44 met the inclusion criteria. Negative outcomes for using gamification were not reported. Almost all studies included assessment attributes (n = 40), mostly in combination with conflict/challenge attributes (n = 27). Eight studies revealed that this specific combination had increased the use of the learning material, sometimes leading to improved learning outcomes. A relatively small number of studies was performed to explain mechanisms underlying the use of game attributes (n = 7). Our findings suggest that it is possible to improve learning outcomes in health professions education by using gamification, especially when employing game attributes that improve learning behaviours and attitudes towards learning. However, most studies lacked well-defined control groups and did not apply and/or report theory to understand underlying processes. Future research should clarify mechanisms underlying gamified educational interventions and explore theories that could explain the effects of these interventions on learning outcomes, using well-defined control groups, in a longitudinal way. In doing so, we can build on existing theories and gain a practical and comprehensive understanding of how to select the right game elements for the right educational context and the right type of student.
Objectives To systematically summarize research employing serious games in nurse education, to examine their effectiveness, to provide recommendations and implementation strategies, and to suggest future directions for the development and application of serious games in nurse education. Design A systematic review. Data sources An online search of the CINAHL, Medline, PubMed, EMBASE, PsycINFO, SCOPUS, and Web of Science databases, and a manual search of the reference lists of selected studies or review articles published in English and Korean between 1990 and July 2020. Review methods. This systematic review was conducted in accordance with the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions. Articles that employed a serious game approach in nurse education were included. Two authors independently screened and reviewed the articles and assessed the methodological quality using the Cochrane risk-of-bias tools. Results A total of seven studies met the inclusion criteria: three randomized controlled trials and four quasi-experimental studies. Heterogeneity was found across all studies regarding the application of serious games, platforms, and gamification elements. Most of the studies evaluated the effectiveness of serious games using knowledge tests, while two studies evaluated skills performance. Two randomized controlled trials and two one group before and after studies reported that the use of serious games improved nursing students' and nurses' knowledge and performance. Conclusions This systematic review does not provide comprehensive insights into the effectiveness of serious games in nurse education. However, based on the evidence reviewed, we provide suggestions for developing and implementing serious games in nurse education to enhance students' knowledge and performance.
Objective Gamification is an increasingly popular instructional strategy in nursing. The purpose of this integrative review is to explore gamification as it has been applied in nursing literature. This integrative review seeks to ask the question – What aspects of gamification have been explored in nursing literature and what aspects require further exploration? Method Whittemore, R., & Knafl, K. (2005). The integrative review: Updated methodology. Methodological Issues in Nursing Research , 52(5), 546–553 integrative review framework guided this review. Seventeen articles were reviewed and a quality appraisal tool (developed by Hawker, S., Payne, S., Kerr, C., Hardey, M., & Powell, J. (2002). Appraising the evidence: Reviewing disparate data systematically. Qualitative Health Research , 12(9), 1284–1299) was also used to evaluate the articles. Results Following the data analysis stage outlined in Whittemore and Knafl’s integrative review framework, six themes emerged: construct conceptualization; relationship between engagement, satisfaction, and knowledge retention; knowledge translation, motivation, role of technology, and gamification elements. Conclusion Gamification is of interest to the nursing profession. More study is needed to better ascertain the relationship between gamification and several of the main themes identified in this review.
Background: Student enrollment in online learning is increasing. Generation Z students are now enrolled in higher education, including in online nursing courses. Faculty teaching in the online environment should consider best practices and learner characteristics to address the needs of this student generation. Problem: Generation Z students prefer independent learning while still being socially connected to peers. Although this generation of students is comfortable with technology, their unique traits may create challenges for nurse educators teaching in online settings. Approach: This article provides strategies for nurse educators teaching Generation Z students in online learning environments. Ways to foster student engagement, stimulate intellectual development, and build rapport with students, while considering characteristics specific to this generation of learners, are offered. Conclusion: Online learning continues to develop as a means for educating nursing students. Using strategies for best online teaching practices while considering learner attributes will help students and educators be successful.