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When More is Less: Incorporating Additional Datasets Can Hurt Performance By Introducing Spurious Correlations

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Abstract and Figures

In machine learning, incorporating more data is often seen as a reliable strategy for improving model performance; this work challenges that notion by demonstrating that the addition of external datasets in many cases can hurt the resulting model's performance. In a large-scale empirical study across combinations of four different open-source chest x-ray datasets and 9 different labels, we demonstrate that in 43% of settings, a model trained on data from two hospitals has poorer worst group accuracy over both hospitals than a model trained on just a single hospital's data. This surprising result occurs even though the added hospital makes the training distribution more similar to the test distribution. We explain that this phenomenon arises from the spurious correlation that emerges between the disease and hospital, due to hospital-specific image artifacts. We highlight the trade-off one encounters when training on multiple datasets, between the obvious benefit of additional data and insidious cost of the introduced spurious correlation. In some cases, balancing the dataset can remove the spurious correlation and improve performance, but it is not always an effective strategy. We contextualize our results within the literature on spurious correlations to help explain these outcomes. Our experiments underscore the importance of exercising caution when selecting training data for machine learning models, especially in settings where there is a risk of spurious correlations such as with medical imaging. The risks outlined highlight the need for careful data selection and model evaluation in future research and practice.
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Preprint:Under Review 219:124, 2023 Machine Learning for Healthcare
When More is Less: Incorporating Additional Datasets Can
Hurt Performance By Introducing Spurious Correlations
Rhys Compton
Lily Zhang
Aahlad Puli
Rajesh Ranganath
Center for Data Science + Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
New York University
In machine learning, incorporating more data is often seen as a reliable strategy for
improving model performance; this work challenges that notion by demonstrating that the
addition of external datasets in many cases can hurt the resulting model’s performance. In
a large-scale empirical study across combinations of four different open-source chest x-ray
datasets and 9 different labels, we demonstrate that in 43% of settings, a model trained
on data from two hospitals has poorer worst group accuracy over both hospitals than a
model trained on just a single hospital’s data. This surprising result occurs even though the
added hospital makes the training distribution more similar to the test distribution. We
explain that this phenomenon arises from the spurious correlation that emerges between the
disease and hospital, due to hospital-specific image artifacts. We highlight the trade-off one
encounters when training on multiple datasets, between the obvious benefit of additional
data and insidious cost of the introduced spurious correlation. In some cases, balancing
the dataset can remove the spurious correlation and improve performance, but it is not
always an effective strategy. We contextualize our results within the literature on spurious
correlations to help explain these outcomes. Our experiments underscore the importance
of exercising caution when selecting training data for machine learning models, especially
in settings where there is a risk of spurious correlations such as with medical imaging. The
risks outlined highlight the need for careful data selection and model evaluation in future
research and practice.
1. Introduction
A major challenge in machine learning, broadly and for healthcare applications, is building
models that generalize under real-world clinical settings (Zech et al.,2018). Collecting more
labelled data from additional sources is a commonly suggested approach to improve model
generalization (Sun et al.,2017). However, this work challenges that idea by highlighting
where this strategy can backfire: in some situations, adding more labelled examples to the
training data and training in the same manner can actually decrease model generalizability.
We demonstrate this phenomenon through a large-scale empirical study using open-
source chest x-ray data from four different hospitals. We first train individual models on
data from one hospital and validate performance internally on held-out test data from
©2023 R. Compton, L. Zhang, A. Puli & R. Ranganath.
arXiv:2308.04431v1 [cs.LG] 8 Aug 2023
When More is Less: Incorporating Additional Datasets Can Hurt Performance
Figure 1: High level overview of experiments. We study changes in worst-group accuracy
(bold) when training on additional labelled data from an external hospital.
the same hospital, and externally on test data from another hospital, following common
practice (Altman and Royston,2000;Justice et al.,1999). To measure generalization per-
formance, we 1) group samples in the test data based on the hospital source and class label
and 2) compute the worst amongst per-group accuracies, typically called worst-group ac-
curacy. Unlike average accuracy or AUROC, worst-group accuracy is sensitive to models
trading off performance on one group for another, in turn enabling the detection of cases
where one group is systematically misclassified (e.g. the diseased class from one hospital),
which is especially important in healthcare applications.
We compare the performance of models trained on data from one hospital to those
trained on data from both the original hospital and the additional external hospital. We
assess performance using the same held-out data and find that even though the additional
data comes from the exact external source we are including in evaluation, oftentimes worst-
group accuracy decreases. See Figure 1for a summary of the experimental setup.
The paper is structured as follows. First, we detail the experimental setup, including
our evaluation metric, worst-group accuracy (Section 2). Section 3gives the main empirical
finding: in 43% of training dataset/disease tasks, adding data from an external source hurts
worst-group performance. This result refutes the common presumption that blindly training
on more data is better for generalization (Sun et al.,2017), even when the additional data
brings the resulting training distribution closer to the test distribution used in evaluation.
In the same section, we explain how this phenomenon can be understood through the lens
of spurious correlations. First, adding data from an alternate source can induce a spurious
correlation between the x-ray’s hospital source and disease label, due to differential disease
prevalences across hospitals (Section 3.1). In Section 3.3, we highlight why avoiding this
When More is Less: Incorporating Additional Datasets Can Hurt Performance
shortcut (using hospital for disease prediction) is especially difficult, given how easily models
pick up on hospital-specific signal in chest x-rays. In fact, we find that networks trained
to predict disease often encode representations that can perfectly discriminate between
hospitals that were not even seen during training. We also explain how models trained
on such multi-source data can pick up on these shortcuts, hurting performance on groups
where the shortcut pattern does not hold.
Next, we investigate a commonly proposed method for addressing spurious correla-
tions, namely balancing disease prevalence between datasets by undersampling to remove
the spurious correlation (Section 4). Balancing is often beneficial, but in the scenarios
where adding an additional data source hurts generalization performance, it does not al-
ways improve generalization; in some cases, training on a balanced dataset achieves lower
worst-group accuracy than training on datasets from one or two hospitals. Additionally, we
provide an explanation using theoretical tools (Puli et al.,2022) to show how balancing will
not always yield robust solutions. Our results suggest that balancing can mitigate some of
the detrimental effects of incorporating an additional data source but is not a panacea to
be used blindly.
In Section 5, we compare our analysis and insights to existing work in spurious cor-
relations and generalizing machine learning models on chest x-rays. We conclude with
practical recommendations for approaching model building when using datasets from mul-
tiple sources. Code to reproduce experiments, as well as full unaggregated results with
other metrics for external analysis can be found at this URL1.
Generalizable Insights about Machine Learning in the Context of Healthcare
Our work presents the following generalizable insights for machine learning and healthcare:
1. More data does not necessarily guarantee better generalization, even when the added
data makes the training distribution look more like the test distribution: in many cases,
including data from other sources can hurt model generalization by introducing a new
spurious correlation between data source and the label. This could occur in a realistic
healthcare setting if combining data from another hospital, but also if simply from
a different department (e.g., that uses different x-ray scanners). This detriment to
performance happens more commonly if the added dataset has a smaller proportion
of diseased instances (Figure 3)
2. Neural networks trained to predict disease pick up on strong hospital-specific signal,
enough to discriminate between hospitals that were not even part of the training data.
We demonstrate this in chest x-ray disease classification and point to theory that
suggests this will occur in other tasks where inputs contain hospital-specific signal.
3. Balancing label prevalence between datasets, a common approach in the spurious
correlations literature, does not always fix learning of spurious correlations, a result
we show empirically and frame theoretically.
4. Care should be taken when curating data for model building and evaluation. Addi-
tional considerations include utilizing metadata in evaluations (e.g. to obtain sub-
When More is Less: Incorporating Additional Datasets Can Hurt Performance
Table 1: Total number of instances and disease prevalence in each dataset.
Pneumonia 6.82% 2.43% 1.31% 4.84%
Cardiomegaly 17.05% 12.38% 2.51% 9.15%
Edema 11.83% 26.01% 2.11% 1.23%
Effusion 23.18% 40.28% 11.94% 5.99%
Atelectasis 20.11% 15.47% 10.33% 5.50%
Pneumothorax 4.19% 9.25% 4.66% 0.31%
Consolidation 4.67% 6.81% 4.19% 1.56%
Any 50.73% 70.35% 28.04% 23.03%
No Finding 34.76% 8.98% 53.65% 36.12%
Num Instances 243k 192k 113k 100k
group performances), testing various shifts between train and test, and considering
balancing as well as alternative algorithms that take into account its limitations for
robustness (Puli et al.,2022). See discussion (Section 6) for more details.
2. Experimental setup
Below we detail our datasets, model and task setup, and evaluation.
2.1. Datasets
We use four open-source disease classification datasets in this research: MIMIC-CXR-
JPG (MIMIC) (Johnson et al.,2019), CheXpert (CXP) (Irvin et al.,2019), Chest X-ray8
(NIH) (Wang et al.,2017), and PadChest (PAD) (Bustos et al.,2020), filtering to include
only frontal (PA/AP) images. Instances are labeled with one or more pathologies. Each
dataset has a different set of diseases but we preprocess them using code derived from
ClinicalDG2(Zhang et al.,2021) to extract the eight common labels (table 1) and homoge-
nize the datasets. Additionally, we create the Any label which indicates a positive label for
any of the seven common disease labels, resulting in nine different binary labels. Table
1gives an overview of the relative sizes and prevalences of each disease for each dataset after
preprocessing. All experiments use the labels in a binary manner; a pathology is chosen
as the target label, with an instance labeled 1if the pathology of interest is present and
0otherwise. We apply an 80%/10%/10% subject-wise train/val/test split, with the same
split used across seeds.
Each dataset is designated as its own domain. We use the terms domain /hospital /
environment interchangeably, each referring to a specific dataset (MIMIC,CXP,NIH,PAD)
Across single- and double-dataset configurations, we have ten total dataset configura-
tions used throughout this research.
When More is Less: Incorporating Additional Datasets Can Hurt Performance
2.2. Model & Task Setup
As it is shown to be strong baseline for chest x-ray classification (Bressem et al.,2020;Raghu
et al.,2019), we use the same model architecture as Zhang et al. (2021): a DenseNet-121
network (Huang et al.,2017) initialized with pre-trained weights from ImageNet (Deng
et al.,2009). We replace the final layer with a two-output linear layer (for binary classi-
fication). For simplicity, we only consider binary disease classification. For training the
network, all images are resized to 224 ×224 and normalized to the ImageNet (Deng et al.,
2009) mean and standard deviation. During training we apply the following image augmen-
tations: random horizontal flip, random rotation up to 10 degrees, and a crop of random
size (75% - 100%) and aspect ratio (3/4 to 4/3). All runs use Adam with lr = 1e-5 and
batch size = 128, which was found to be a performant configuration in early tuning
((Zhang et al.,2021) use lr = 5e-4 and batch size = 32). Training runs for a maximum
of 20k steps, with validation occurring every 500 steps and an early stopping patience of
10 validations. All test results are obtained using the optimal model found during train-
ing as measured by the highest validation macro-F1 score (following (Fiorillo et al.,2021;
Berenguer et al.,2022)) as it gives a robust ranking of model performance under imbal-
anced labels. Figure 8visualises the number of training steps chosen by early stopping for
all different models, showing that performance saturates well before the 20k step limit.
2.3. Evaluation
Following recommendations to perform external validation alongside internal validation
Justice et al. (1999); Altman and Royston (2000), for each base hospital we choose one
additional hospital to include in evaluation, e.g., evaluating a model trained on MIMIC data
using MIMIC and PAD data. To provide a more fine-grained analysis of model performance,
we analyse accuracies within each class for each hospital. The result is four different sub-
population accuracies for each binary classification: a group for the disease class from
hospital A, the non-disease class from hospital A, the disease class from hospital B, and
the non-disease class from hospital B. To emphasize our focus on robustness, we report
the worst accuracy of the four groups. Worst-group accuracy across classes in internal and
external sites describes the reliability of a trained model in deployment (which models have
been shown to struggle with especially in a healthcare setting (Subbaswamy and Saria,
2020)); it can only be high when a model is performing well on all classes both internally
and externally. In contrast to worst-group accuracy, aggregate measures such as overall
accuracy can be high even if one group has low performance, or AUROC which would not
pick up on differential performance between different sites. This focus on the performance
of individual groups is especially important in healthcare given that minority groups are
important even though they are small proportionally (e.g., the disease group from a given
hospital where missing a diagnosis can prove fatal).
3. The Dangers of Combining Data
Here, we evaluate the impact of incorporating data from an additional hospital on model
performance. Namely, we train a separate model on each combination of dataset and target
label possible out of all ten single- and multi-source dataset combinations and all nine dif-
When More is Less: Incorporating Additional Datasets Can Hurt Performance
Figure 2: Change in worst-group performance after including a second training dataset. We
see both improvements in performance as expected, but also many deteriorations.
For every element in the legend, the first dataset is the base environment, and
the second is the added environment; for instance, MIMIC+CXP shows the per-
formance change from training on just MIMIC to training on MIMIC and CXP.
ferent target labels, with three seeds for each configuration. We report the change in worst-
group accuracy between a model trained on the original single-source data and a model
trained on the larger multi-source dataset, where the added environment matches the envi-
ronment used as the external site in evaluation. Figure 2summarizes these results, showing
the change in worst-group accuracy when an external dataset is added. For completeness,
we also show absolute AUROC values in Appendix Figure 9for the one-environment and
two-environment models.
Our results indicate that adding external data from the same distribution as used in
evaluation can actually harm worst-group performance. In 43% of cases, the addition of
an external dataset leads to a decrease in worst-group performance. While we do see
improvements in worst-group accuracy in some cases, performance improvement is far from
guaranteed. Moreover, recall that the data we are adding is from the external site used
for evaluation and is thus a best-case scenario data source (i.e. relative to augmenting
with some other external dataset). The fact that worst-group performance decreases so
often even in this setting suggests that incorporating this additional data for training is
introducing a harm that outweighs the gains one would otherwise expect when including
data similar to the held-out data used in evaluation (thus making the training data more
similar to test). These results refute common wisdom that training on more data
will help generalization performance even when the new dataset is more similar
in distribution to the test data than the original training dataset.
When More is Less: Incorporating Additional Datasets Can Hurt Performance
Given these surprising results, we aim to understand what is causing the decreases in
performance after including the external dataset; we claim that the drops in worst-group
performance are due to introduced spurious correlations, discussed below.
3.1. How Adding Data Can Induce Spurious Correlations
Here, we explain how combining data from two sources can introduce a spurious correlation
that models exploit, resulting in lower worst-group performance. Spurious correlations are
relationships in a particular data distribution that do not necessarily hold over time or reflect
a genuine connection (Geirhos et al.,2020). In the context of medical imaging, spurious
correlations may exist between the disease of interest and non-physiological signals such as
scanner-specific artifacts (Badgeley et al.,2019), simply due to hospital-specific processes
that send certain patient types to certain scanners / departments. Spurious correlations
are often a consequence of the specific data generating process of a given training set, and
here we explain how combining data sources itself can lead to spurious correlations in the
resulting training data.
Recall from Table 1that disease prevalences can differ substantially between hospitals
(e.g. the proportion of disease can be several times higher in one hospital than another).
This difference in disease prevalence means that the resulting dataset after combining mul-
tiple hospitals’s data exhibits a correlation between the hospital source and the probability
of disease. We call this correlation a spurious correlation because it does not reflect a true
physiological relationship one would wish to exploit when diagnosing disease and provides
no predictive power within each hospital.
It is worth noting that there technically exists a hospital-disease correlation in all hos-
pital pairs we test, due to the differential disease prevalences across hospitals. However,
some correlations are much smaller than others, and the existence of a correlation in the
training data does not guarantee that a model trained on this data will pick up on the
correlation. Despite this caveat, we provide evidence that many of the models trained on
combined data sources do pick up on these hospital-disease spurious correlations; we will
do so by comparing their worst-group accuracies with their single-source counterparts.
Group accuracy changes align with the use of the hospital shortcut. Here, we
aim to understand if models are indeed using this hospital-specific information in their
predictions; we do this by looking at how the prediction accuracies change across groups
upon the introduction of an additional dataset. To make the analysis easier, we first define
the concept of a shortcut group and leftover group. The shortcut group consists of instances
that would be correctly labeled by the shortcut; as an example, if hospital A has a higher
prevalence of disease than hospital B, then a shortcut that predicts disease if an x-ray is
from hospital A and non-disease otherwise will perfectly predict the positive class of hospital
A and the negative class of hospital B; these instances comprise the shortcut group. The
leftover group are the remaining instances those that a prediction based on shortcut
alone would label incorrectly. In the running example, the leftover group would consist of
the non-disease instances from hospital A and positive disease instances from hospital B.
The use of a shortcut increases the accuracy of the shortcut group and decreases the
accuracy of the leftover group, since the shortcut gets predictions right in the shortcut
group and wrong in the leftover group; in contrast, we would not expect the correct use of
When More is Less: Incorporating Additional Datasets Can Hurt Performance
physiological features to decrease the accuracy of any group. Thus, if moving from a single-
source to multi-source dataset results in better shortcut group accuracy and worse leftover
group accuracy, we have strong evidence the model is leveraging the hospital-label spurious
correlation. Of the 47 configurations with worse worst-group accuracy, we see increased
shortcut group accuracy and decreased leftover group accuracy in 37 cases (79% of cases).
Finally, note that improvements in worst-group accuracy do not preclude shortcut learning
as other factors could provide larger improvements than the drops induced by exploiting
a shortcut: for example, when the base environment has few diseased samples, the model
trained on this alone may simply not have enough data to learn the physiological signal
effectively, so adding external data with a large disease prevalence can improve positive
class accuracy in both hospitals.
In our experiments, we find that the worst group under the multi-source trained model is
part of the leftover group in a majority of cases (44 out of 47 with performance degradation,
92 out of 108 overall). In other words, the group that has the worst performance consists of
instances that the shortcut would have labeled incorrectly, indicating again that the model
is leveraging the hospital-label correlation, and suggesting how the use of a shortcut can
lead to worst-group accuracy decreases.
We also note that the addition of an external dataset increases the total dataset size,
adding a confounder to our analysis. To control for this, we perform the same analysis
comparing single-source to multi-source training performance, but where the multi-source
dataset is uniformly undersampled to the same size as the single-source dataset (Appendix
Figure 15 (bottom)). With this, we see even fewer improvements / more reductions in
performance from including the external dataset; 51% of tasks (compared to 43% previ-
ously) see a decrease in worst-group accuracy, with the remaining 49% of tasks seeing an
improvement in worst-group performance when including the external data with dataset
size controlled for. This indicates that some of the positive effect of including external
datasets can be attributed simply to more training instances, however, dataset size is not
the only improving factor. The remaining improvements are likely due to inclusion of the
external data adding variation to the training data and making the training distribution
more similar to the test distribution.
3.2. The Costs and Benefits of Additional Data Sources are Task-Dependent
Based on the above analysis, we note at least two competing forces when adding an addi-
tional data source to the training set. On one hand, the addition of data from a new site can
improve model performance, especially on data from that site. On the other, the addition
of a new data source can induce a spurious correlation between hospital and disease.
We find that the effect of adding a second source varies substantially between diseases.
For instance, both Pneumonia to Cardiomegaly see significant differential disease prevalence
between hospitals (and so a strong potential for spurious correlations to be learned), but
Cardiomegaly worst-group accuracy is almost universally improved by additional datasets,
while Pneumonia sees few improvements and many significant degradations. This could be
due to the relative hospital- vs disease-signal difference exhibited by these two diseases; Car-
diomegaly is easier to predict than Pneumonia (median worst-group accuracy of 0.36±0.1
vs 0.16±0.1), and so a model does not need to rely on hospital-specific signal during train-
When More is Less: Incorporating Additional Datasets Can Hurt Performance
ing. In contrast, Pneumonia is harder to predict, so a model may benefit more from relying
on hospital-specific signal during training. There could be a myriad of other reasons for
this variability (e.g., inter-hospital concept shift where labels differ between datasets due to
differing labelling mechanisms(Cohen et al.,2020)), and while diagnosing the exact cause is
outside the scope of the paper, our results emphasize that performance improvements due
to including external data are disease-dependent and so it is important to take into account
the specific disease of interest when considering data to use for model-building.
We see that for most diseases, within a disease, the lower the disease prevalence in the
added dataset relative to the original dataset, the worse the delta in worst-group perfor-
mance between the multi-source and single-source model. In fact, a linear regression using
just the log-ratio of the disease prevalence, disease, and their interactions as features yields
predictions that have a Pearson correlation of .57 with the actual results (see Figure 3for
visualization). This result suggests that one should be especially wary of combining data
naively from an external source whose disease prevalence is small in comparison to the
original source.
3.3. Models pick up on hospital-specific features
We now elucidate the cause for models capturing these hospital-label spurious correlations so
often when trained on multi-source datasets; specifically, because hospital-specific artifacts
are so deeply embedded in chest x-ray images. First, we show that disease prediction
model embeddings (from the same models as discussed above) encode highly discriminative
hospital information, even between hospitals not seen in training. Then we show that a
CNN trained directly for hospital prediction can do so with near perfect accuracy from a
very small (8×8) center crop.
Model representations capture hospital source. First, we probe the information
contained in the penultimate activations of the trained models. Taking embeddings from
the model trained with seed 0 for every combination of the ten hospital subsets (both single-
and double-env combinations) and nine diseases on each hospital’s test set (undersampled
to the size of smallest test set), we train a linear SVM to predict hospital source. We
test the embeddings’ ability to predict any combination of hospital pairs (or between all
four hospitals), regardless of which hospital(s) the original model was trained on. For each
embedding and task, to remove inter-label variation, we train two linear SVMs; one on
non-disease x-ray embeddings and one on disease x-ray embeddings.
We find that every CNN model, regardless of training disease or datasets, learns em-
beddings that can distinguish any of the hospital sources with near-perfect accuracy, even
though the embeddings were trained via one or two hospitals’ data. See Figure 10 in Ap-
pendix. Our results show that CNN models encode highly discriminative hospital signal
even when trained to predict disease. In contrast, the same embeddings only reach 70-80%
accuracy on disease prediction (the task they were trained on).
We also find that when training CNNs directly for hospital prediction, this hospital-
specific signal exists in regions as small as 8x8 pixels. Table 2shows the results of four-
way hospital prediction when DenseNet-121 models are trained on varying-sized center
crops, resized then to 224x224 for model input. For ease of evaluation, each hospital’s
data is uniformly undersampled such that all hospitals are of equal size. Four-way hospital
When More is Less: Incorporating Additional Datasets Can Hurt Performance
Change in worst-group acc
Change in worst-group acc
Change in worst-group acc
Change in worst-group acc
Change in worst-group acc
Change in worst-group acc
2 0 2
log p(y=1|base) / p(y=1|added)
Change in worst-group acc
2 0 2
log p(y=1|base) / p(y=1|added)
Change in worst-group acc
No Finding
2 0 2
log p(y=1|base) / p(y=1|added)
Change in worst-group acc
Figure 3: For most tasks, the change in worst-group accuracy when adding an additional
data source tends to correlate with the log-ratio of the disease prevalence be-
tween the original and additional dataset. For most tasks that involve individual
diseases, the lower the disease prevalence of the added dataset relative to the
original, the more adding the dataset hurts worst-group performance.
Table 2: Accuracy on four-way and two-way hospital prediction task. A CNN can predict
between MIMIC/CXP and NIH/PAD with perfect accuracy down to a 8×8 center
crop, showing that hospital-specific signal strongly exists in chest x-rays
Crop Size 224 128 64 32 16 8
Two Class 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.996
Four Class 0.999 0.994 0.974 0.904 0.796 0.730
prediction can be done perfectly with a center crop of 128x128 pixels, and perfectly between
MIMIC/CXP and NIH/PAD with a center crop of 8x8. These results further show that
hospital-specific signal is deeply encoded in chest x-rays (enough that models can pick up
on it even from a very small patch of an image), explaining why CNNs trained for disease
prediction are so prone to learning hospital-label shortcuts.
When More is Less: Incorporating Additional Datasets Can Hurt Performance
Figure 4: Change in worst-group performance when balancing the two datasets (compared
to not balancing). While balancing often helps, it can also hurt performance,
suggesting that it can be a promising intervention but should not be used blindly.
4. Balancing Can Help but Does Not Always Improve Performance
A commonly proposed method to address spurious correlations is balancing the data to
remove any correlation between the shortcut feature (hospital in our case) and the label;
previous work shows this to be competitive with other more sophisticated inter-domain
generalization methods (Sagawa et al.,2020;Idrissi et al.,2022). To investigate whether
balancing disease prevalence between two datasets can help mitigate the spurious correla-
tions between disease label and hospital, we repeat a similar experiment to Section 3, but
compare performance between training on a single dataset and training on two datasets
after balancing disease prevalence between them; again, we assess via worst-group perfor-
mance. We balance using the following heuristic: from the two unaltered datasets (Hospital
A, Hospital B), choose the one with higher disease prevalence and undersample the other
dataset such that PHosp A(Y= 1) == PHosp B (Y= 1). We therefore only undersample the
majority (typically negative, non-diseased) instances, as previous work shows this to be the
minimax optimal strategy (Chatterji et al.,2022).
Our results (Figure 4and Figure 6) show that balancing the data to remove the direct
spurious correlation in the combined dataset can often improve performance. In fact, of
the 47 cases where adding additional data hurt performance, balancing the data improved
performance (relative to not balancing) in 45 cases; in the other two cases, however, bal-
ancing reduced performance, suggesting that even this intervention is not guaranteed to
yield a benefit. Despite improvements in 45 cases (relative to not balancing), only 33 of
the 45 cases resulted in a two-hospital combination that outperformed using only one hos-
pital for training. In other words, even after removing a direct correlation between hospital
When More is Less: Incorporating Additional Datasets Can Hurt Performance
and disease through balancing, there are many cases where it is still better to stick with a
single-source training set.
Balancing is also not an intervention to be applied blindly, even if differential disease
prevalences exist between hospitals. Of the 61 cases where incorporating additional data
improved performance, balancing the combined data hurt performance relative to not bal-
ancing in 26 cases (43%), likely due to undersampling removing data. Overall, models
trained on balanced multi-source data are better than their single-source counterparts more
often than models trained on multi-source data without balancing; however, contrary to ex-
isting works which assert that balancing is sufficient to address spurious correlations (Idrissi
et al.,2022;Kirichenko et al.,2023), our empirical analysis highlight that this intervention
has failure modes.
One limitation of undersampling to fix spurious correlations is the loss of data; to
control for this, we run the same experiment but with dataset size fixed to the size of the
base hospital (Appendix Figure 16 (bottom)) (as done in Section Section 3.1). As expected,
when dataset size is fixed, balancing no longer results in less data than not balancing, and
so is more consistently a beneficial procedure. Under this scenario, we only see 16% of
tasks with a decrease in worst-group accuracy, compared to the 27% we saw when dataset
size wasn’t controlled for. These results indicate that generally, having a balanced disease
proportion between hospitals is desirable, however, again, it is not always the optimal data
collection strategy.
When is balancing most useful? We find that, within a given disease prediction task,
the benefit of balancing is highest when the datasets have very different disease prevalences,
regardless of which has a higher prevalence. Indeed, a linear model using just the absolute
value of the log-ratio of disease prevalences, disease, and their interactions achieves pre-
dictions that have a Pearson correlation of .74 with the actual performance changes. See
Figure 5for a visualization of the disease-dependent trends between performance changes
after balancing and the ratio of the disease prevalences.
To shed further light into where balancing works, we turn to prior theoretical results
(Puli et al.,2022). They show that balancing can fail when the shortcut feature is not
perfectly predictable from the covariates, with the key insight that while balancing breaks
the marginal relationship between the label and the shortcut, the label and shortcut can still
be dependent after conditioning on the input, meaning models may still face performance
degradation due to their dependence on hospital-specific features. As an example from
the experiments in Figure 4that empirically demonstrates this, balancing fails to improve
worst-group accuracy most often for the Atelactasis label and indeed, the final learned
representations of the Atelactasis-prediction model are least predictive of hospital (93% vs.
5. Related Work
Our work builds on existing work in the literature on machine learning for chest x-rays and
spurious correlations more broadly, which we describe below.
Deep Learning on Chest X-ray Data Our work falls within a broader line of work
that considers the performance of chest x-ray models trained on data from multiple different
hospital systems. Zech et al. (2018) show that training on data from two sources improves
When More is Less: Incorporating Additional Datasets Can Hurt Performance
Change in worst-group acc
Change in worst-group acc
Change in worst-group acc
Change in worst-group acc
Change in worst-group acc
Change in worst-group acc
| log p(y=1|base) / p(y=1|added) |
Change in worst-group acc
| log p(y=1|base) / p(y=1|added) |
Change in worst-group acc
No Finding
| log p(y=1|base) / p(y=1|added) |
Change in worst-group acc
Figure 5: Within a given dataset, balancing tends to help more relative to not balancing
when the difference in disease proportions between the two hospitals is greater.
average accuracy and AUC on a test set containing data from both sources, relative to
training on either individual source alone. In contrast, we focus on worst-group accuracy
(the four groups created from positive/negative instances from Hospital A/B) to draw at-
tention to minority / more difficult groups and find that the model trained on combined
data can actually exhibit worse worst-group performance. In addition, they show results
for just a single pair of datasets while we consider 6 different pairs. Pooch et al. (2019)
study the same chest x-ray datasets as our work, but they only consider models trained
on single-source datasets. Finally, Zhang et al. (2021) compare domain generalization al-
gorithms across hospital shifts but also only consider the single-source setting. They also
compare domain generalization under some spurious correlations, but their correlations are
synthetically generated via random label flips and added input Gaussian noise. In con-
trast, we consider spurious correlations that naturally arise when combining datasets from
different sources.
Our embedding and patch analyses (Section 3.3) are related to existing works that high-
light the ease at which hospital-specific signals can be detected. While (Zech et al.,2018)
first show that convolutional neural networks can be trained to discriminate between hos-
pital source with high accuracy, our embedding analysis goes a step further to show that
the representations learned when predicting disease are even able to discriminate between
When More is Less: Incorporating Additional Datasets Can Hurt Performance
Figure 6: Change in worst-group performance after including a second dataset and balanc-
ing the two datasets. More consistently (than Figure 2) we see improvements but
not a global increase in performance.
hospitals. Badgeley et al. (2019) show that the embeddings of even a randomly initialized
network tend to cluster by scanner type, while we show that the embeddings of a model
trained on a single hospital still contain information to discriminate between all other hos-
Spurious correlations Our work is also closely related to existing work on spurious
correlations (Geirhos et al.,2020). A unique aspect of the spurious correlation we analyze
is the fact that it is induced by combining datasets together, in a way that matches the
test setup, thus leading to our paper’s main message that it is important to take care when
curating data from multiple sources. Idrissi et al. (2022) also question the “just collect
more data” wisdom, though their results focus on the difference between subsampling which
removes data and other algorithms for addressing spurious correlations which do not. While
they show that data balancing achieves state-of-the-art worst-group accuracies on standard
spurious correlation benchmarks, they only consider balancing relative to other algorithms
on full “multi-source” datasets. In contrast, we show that balancing can sometimes hurt
performance relative to simply using the original source or training on both sources.
Domain Adaptation Our work has similarities to the domain adaptation field, which
aims to build methods that generalize between domains (hospitals, in our case) (Csurka,
2017;Motiian et al.,2017a,b). One key difference between this and our work is that we look
at the effect of adding data from a test domain, to make the training domain more closely
match the test domain, as opposed to domain adaptation that typically looks at training on
one domain while testing on another. We also evaluate across both domains simultaneously,
which is important in a healthcare setting as models may be deployed in both internal and
external settings and we want them to perform well under all settings.
When More is Less: Incorporating Additional Datasets Can Hurt Performance
6. Discussion
With the open-source release of multiple chest x-ray datasets, many works have endeavored
to use these datasets to build models that generalize. More broadly, there is increasing
attention on improving deep learning models’ generalization performance by incorporating
additional datasets during training. Given the prevalent belief in the deep learning commu-
nity that gathering more data from varying sources leads to better models, our work offers
an important cautionary tale by highlighting the dangers of naively combining datasets. In
particular, we highlight the need to consider the potential for spurious correlations when
combining datasets, as well as the importance of careful evaluation beyond aggregate mea-
sures of performance. Previous work (and common wisdom) suggests that multi-source
training datasets always result in more generalizable models (Zech et al.,2018), but we
show that this is far from a guaranteed outcome.
Regarding the applicability of these findings to other medical imaging domains, our
theory suggests that if hospital-related signals (like hospital/scanner) can be accurately
predicted (as we show in Section 3.3), models will be susceptible to the same degradation
we present. Other findings show that hospital variables can be deduced from hip x-rays, in-
dicating a broader application to other x-ray types (Badgeley et al.,2019). These variables,
embedded in chest x-rays due to factors like scanner type and hospital-related artifacts, are
not specific to x-ray imaging only and so would likely be found in other modalities like CT
and ultrasound.
We show that we can often remove the spurious correlation and address performance
degradation with methods like balancing (Idrissi et al.,2022), however, our results show that
balancing will not always improve performance over not balancing. Moreover, balancing,
even when it helps over not balancing, is not guaranteed to yield performance better than
not including the additional dataset at all. These results suggest that it could be worth
considering algorithms for robustness that take into account the limitations of balancing
(Puli et al.,2022).
Limitations While our rigorous experiments illuminate the dangers of merging datasets
and the constraints of balancing as a remedy for learning spurious correlations, we also
acknowledge certain limitations of our work.
First, we focus only on the binary classification setting, which is a simplified represen-
tation of the multi-label setting also encountered in chest x-ray classification. While this
binary setting allows us to more easily balance label proportions, looking at performance
changes across all labels simultaneously (the multi-label model is optimising all disease
classes during training) could provide different insights than the binary models we study.
Second, there are additional strategies we could have taken to try to further optimize
the models trained on multi-source data; doing so might better approximate the choices
a practitioner would make to take full advantage of additional data. For instance, future
work could employ higher capacity models (e.g., DenseNet201 ) which may better utilize
the increased dataset size. In addition, given source metadata during training, we could
have validated early stopping using worst-group accuracy instead of the non-group aware
macro-F1 score. In our experiments, we chose to keep all experimental factors in the multi-
source setup the same as the single-source setup to allow for a controlled analysis of the
When More is Less: Incorporating Additional Datasets Can Hurt Performance
effect of increased data alone, but it may be possible for the multi-source results to improve
over what we reported if other strategies are taken alongside additional data in training.
Third, we only examine the use of under-sampling as a method to balance hospital
datasets. Re-weighting, an alternative approach that can balance datasets without data loss
(Sagawa et al.,2020;Puli et al.,2022), is not considered in our analysis; it is possible that re-
weighting may lead to different outcomes when dealing with differential disease prevalence
between hospitals. However, reweighting empirically gives similar but not necessarily better
results to undersampling given enough hyperparameter tuning (Sagawa et al.,2020).
Our study also does not provide a complete characterization of when data should be
combined and when balancing should be used, e.g. as a property of the disease being
predicted, the disease prevalences across the data sources, etc. While our work provides
important cautionary advice for practitioners, future work that more completely character-
izes when to expect performance improvements and degradation could be especially helpful
in guiding practitioners.
Finally, our study focuses on the chest x-ray modality only. While our findings char-
acterize the danger of combining datasets in general and we give evidence to believe these
findings would hold elsewhere (Badgeley et al.,2019), it would be worth testing how closely
these results persist across other modalities and when combining more than two datasets.
By doing so, researchers can gain a deeper understanding of the generalizability and appli-
cability of our results across a broader range of tasks.
This work was funded by NIH/NHLBI Award R01HL148248, NSF Award 1922658 NRT-
HDR: FUTURE Foundations, Translation, and Responsibility for Data Science, NSF CA-
REER Award 2145542, Optum, and the Office of Naval Research. Aahlad Puli is supported
by the Apple Scholars in AI/ML PhD fellowship.
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When More is Less: Incorporating Additional Datasets Can Hurt Performance
Appendix A. Extra Experiment Details
A.1. Embedding Analysis
Figure 7: Overview of the Embedding Analysis process
Task Fix Values Pred Values
Disease Prediction CXP, MIMIC, NIH, PAD (0,1)
Environment Prediction 0, 1
Table 3: Task configurations for embedding analysis
Figure 7shows the high-level process for our embedding analysis. We take all 90 baseline
models with seed 0and use each to create embeddings for the test instances in each of the
four environments (MIMIC,CXP,NIH,PAD). Test instances are labelled with the binary label
the model was trained on and the environment the instance came from. For each of the 90
sets of test embeddings, we perform two separate tasks: classify either hospital or disease
(keeping the other constant), using a linear SVM. We define two attributes: the fixed and
predicted value (fix value/pred values). The fix value represents the attribute that is fixed
for the SVM’s dataset, while the pred value represents the 2-4 values that the SVM is trying
to predict between. The role of these two attributes are best explained with some examples.
Let’s use a Pneumonia prediction model trained on CXP. In environment prediction,
we might set the fix value to Pneumonia=1 and pred values to (MIMIC,NIH) we filter
the test instances to only be labelled with Pneumonia and the SVM is classifying instance
embeddings between MIMIC and NIH. The need for a fix value is now clear; if we included all
(both positive and negative) samples from MIMIC and NIH, it would be difficult to interpret
the resulting SVM performance and disentangle the change in embeddings due to hospital
vs change due to disease.
For disease prediction, we might set the fix value to MIMIC and pred values to
Pneumonia=(0,1) we filter the test instances to only come from MIMIC and the SVM is
When More is Less: Incorporating Additional Datasets Can Hurt Performance
classifying instance embeddings between Pneumonia=0 and Pneumonia=1. The specific data
configurations used are outlined in Table 3.
The instances are randomly subsampled between classes (e.g., between MIMIC and CXP
for environment prediction) such that P(Y=k) = 1/K where Kis the number of classes.
Because some hospital/disease combinations have very limited positive instances, the re-
sulting balanced dataset is very small we do not show balanced datasets of N < .... After
the steps outlined above, we classify the pred values using a Linear SVM. The performance
of this SVM gives a notion of the separability of the embeddings and can be used as a means
to understand the semantics encoded within.
We show very high hospital prediction performance based on embeddings in Section 3.3,
but we want to provide additional sanity checks to improve the validity of these results.
We note that performing environment prediction for a single hospital (e.g., predict which
hospital an instance came from, using only CXP) gave ˜50% validation accuracy. This is not a
noteworthy result in itself but simply a sanity check to ensure that the performance achieved
by the SVM did in-fact represent some semantics encoded by the disease classification model
and not simply due to data leakage/erroneous evaluation/doing prediction on such high-
dimension vectors (embeddings are of size 1024).
When More is Less: Incorporating Additional Datasets Can Hurt Performance
Appendix B. Extra Results & Figures
B.1. Training Steps per Model
Figure 8: Histogram of number of training steps for different models trained, as chosen by
early stopping. Performance typically saturates very early, as shown by the left
skew of the distribution. This shows that training for longer is unlikely to give
different results (at least with the data augmentation methods and DenseNet-121
model used in our work)
B.2. Absolute AUROC
For completeness, we also show absolute AUROC values in Figure 9, for the one-environment
and two-environment models.
B.3. Not all Datasets Have the Same Effect
Table 4shows the proportion of base environment / disease tasks where worst-group ac-
curacy decreases when a given dataset is added, both before balancing (left) and after
balancing (right). When including the datasets as-is, every dataset causes a drop in worst-
group accuracy at least 33% of the time, with NIH causing detriment the most often at
˜60% of the cases. We see an improvement after balancing, with datasets being detrimental
less often (e.g., NIH causing drops goes from 59% down to 22%), but even after balancing,
all datasets cause a drop in worst-group performance at least 10% of the time. Although
there is variability in a dataset’s benefit to performance, the detriment to generalization is
not restricted to one of the chest x-ray datasets examined; this suggests the problem will
be faced across many other dataset combinations.
When More is Less: Incorporating Additional Datasets Can Hurt Performance
Figure 9: Absolute AUROC values for each test set’s data, and across each training envi-
When More is Less: Incorporating Additional Datasets Can Hurt Performance
Table 4: Not all datasets have the same effect. Proportion of tasks (out of 27 base dataset
/ disease combinations) where worst-group accuracy decreases, for each dataset
Added Environment Worst Group Decreases Balanced Worst Group Decreases
CXP 0.37 0.30
MIMIC 0.33 0.11
NIH 0.59 0.22
PAD 0.44 0.15
B.4. Embedding Analysis
Figure 12 shows the results of the SVM performance for environment prediction (top) and
disease prediction (bottom). The embeddings are highly discriminative for hospital, even
by models that were only trained on a single hospital’s data.
B.5. Performance Decrease Summary
Figure 13 shows performance between different experiments. The x-axis denotes worst
group accuracy when training on a single environment (left), two environments (middle),
and two environments balanced (right). The columns show these same results but filtered
to only show decreases in performances between each change in training setup; one hospital
to two-hospital (middle left), two hospital to two hospital balanced (middle right), and one
hospital to two hospital balanced (right).
B.6. SVM Coefficients
Given the incredible accuracy of environment prediction, a reasonable question is to ask
whether this hospital-specific signal is reflected in a small number of features; this would
explain the performance as they could be predicted easily in such high dimensional space.
In search of any instance where this phenomenon is learned, we randomly sample
three SVM environment prediction subtasks (MIMIC/CXP,NIH/PAD,CXP/NIH), three dis-
eases (Edema, Effusion, No Finding), and three sets of embeddings from each. We plot the
SVM coefficients in Figure 14. The coefficients are roughly uniform with no significant out-
liers/extremely strong values that would signal a hospital-specific feature in the embeddings.
This means that the highly predictive hospital-specific attributes in these embeddings are
distributed across the embedding-space, making mitigation more difficult than if this signal
was reflected in only a few features.
B.7. Size-Controlled Worst Group Accuracies
We show the same bar plots as above (Figure 2, Figure 4, Figure 6) but include the size-
controlled results alongside. The size controlled results are found by undersampling the
combined / combined-balanced dataset to the same size as the original single source dataset,
When More is Less: Incorporating Additional Datasets Can Hurt Performance
Figure 10: Environment Prediction
Figure 11: Disease Prediction
Figure 12: Linear SVM validation accuracy on the two tasks we employ in our embedding
analysis. Both scatter plots includes results for all nine target labels and 10 train
environment configurations. The hospital prediction task can be done with near
perfect accuracy, while disease prediction (the task for which the model was
trained on) is only ˜70-80% accurate.
to remove dataset size as a confounder in our analysis. The results are shown below (Fig-
ure 15, Figure 16, Figure 17)
When More is Less: Incorporating Additional Datasets Can Hurt Performance
Figure 13: Performance difference between experiments
When More is Less: Incorporating Additional Datasets Can Hurt Performance
Figure 14: Linear SVM Coefficients for different embedding-based hospital classification
When More is Less: Incorporating Additional Datasets Can Hurt Performance
Figure 15: Change in worst-group performance after including a second training dataset.
We see both improvements in performance as expected, but also many deteriora-
tions. For every element in the legend, the first dataset is the base environment,
and the second is the added environment; for instance, MIMIC+CXP shows the
performance change from training on just MIMIC to training on MIMIC and
CXP. The bottom figure shows the same results but the combined dataset is
of the same size as the base environment (first hospital in each legend element,
When More is Less: Incorporating Additional Datasets Can Hurt Performance
Figure 16: Change in worst-group performance when balancing the two datasets (compared
to not balancing). While balancing often helps, it can also hurt performance,
suggesting that it can be a promising intervention but should not be used blindly.
The bottom figure shows the same results but the combined dataset is of the same
size as the base environment (first hospital in each legend element, respectively).
When More is Less: Incorporating Additional Datasets Can Hurt Performance
Figure 17: Change in worst-group performance after including a second dataset and bal-
ancing the two datasets. More consistently (than Figure 2) we see improvements
but not a global increase in performance. The bottom figure shows the same
results but the combined dataset is of the same size as the base environment
(first hospital in each legend element, respectively).
... The major AI models we are familiar with were built with hundreds of thousands of human hours performing safety and accuracy checks. The same is not true of machine learning used in most medical applications branded as "AI." [1][2] [3][4] [5] Rather, they were sometimes built with inadequate training and on datasets with limitations, in some cases producing inaccurate diagnoses. ...
... Over the last decade, numerous peer-reviewed medical journals reported that AI products outperformed humans at tasks such as reading medical images. [1][2] [3][4] [5] However, more recent attempts to deploy these systems in practice reveal shocking deficiencies that arose because we missed one basic fact: despite the name, AI models are not "intelligent." ...
... [1] No radiologist would base the diagnosis of pneumonia on whether the radiograph was taken by a portable emergency room scanner, but at least one AI product will. [2] In one study, an AI system was making diagnoses based primarily on the type and location of a hospital rather than actual clinical content, [3] identifying hospitals using scanner-specific image noise that humans can neither see nor remove. This system diagnosed pneumonia in the acromion process. ...
Full-text available
This commentary emphasizes the limitations of artificial intelligence (AI) in medical diagnosis, highlighting instances of erroneous diagnoses due to inadequate training data and a lack of explainability. It stresses the need for rigorous data curation and the cost implications of developing safe medical AI systems. The authors caution against overenthusiastic adoption of AI in medicine and call for awareness of these limitations among medical professionals and stakeholders, underscoring the importance of a cautious and resource-intensive approach to AI in healthcare.
... human hours performing safety and accuracy checks. The same is not true of machine learning used in most medical applications branded as "AI." [1][2] [3][4] [5] Rather, they were built with inadequate training and on limited datasets, in some cases producing very high false positive error rates in real-world testing. ...
... Over the last decade, numerous peer-reviewed medical journals reported that AI products outperformed humans at tasks such as reading medical images. [1][2] [3][4] [5] However, more recent attempts to deploy these systems in practice reveal shocking deficiencies that arose because we missed one basic fact: despite the name, AI models are not "intelligent." ...
... [1] No radiologist would base the diagnosis of pneumonia on whether the radiograph was taken by a portable emergency room scanner, but at least one AI product will. [2] In one study, an AI system was making diagnoses based primarily on the type and location of a hospital rather than actual clinical content, [3] identifying hospitals using scanner-specific image noise that humans can neither see nor remove. This system diagnosed pneumonia in the acromion process. ...
Full-text available
This commentary emphasizes the limitations of artificial intelligence (AI) in medical diagnosis, highlighting instances of erroneous diagnoses due to inadequate training data and a lack of explainability. It stresses the need for rigorous data curation and the cost implications of developing safe medical AI systems. The authors caution against overenthusiastic adoption of AI in medicine and call for awareness of these limitations among medical professionals and stakeholders, underscoring the importance of a cautious and resource-intensive approach to AI in healthcare.
Full-text available
Deep learning is widely used in the most recent automatic sleep scoring algorithms. Its popularity stems from its excellent performance and from its ability to process raw signals and to learn feature directly from the data. Most of the existing scoring algorithms exploit very computationally demanding architectures, due to their high number of training parameters, and process lengthy time sequences in input (up to 12 minutes). Only few of these architectures provide an estimate of the model uncertainty. In this study we propose DeepSleepNet-Lite, a simplified and lightweight scoring architecture, processing only 90-seconds EEG input sequences. We exploit, for the first time in sleep scoring, the Monte Carlo dropout technique to enhance the performance of the architecture and to also detect the uncertain instances. The evaluation is performed on a single-channel EEG Fpz-Cz from the open source Sleep-EDF expanded database. DeepSleepNet-Lite achieves slightly lower performance, if not on par, compared to the existing state-of-the-art architectures, in overall accuracy, macro F1-score and Cohen's kappa (on Sleep-EDF v1-2013 ±30mins: 84.0%, 78.0%, 0.78; on Sleep-EDF v2-2018 ±30mins: 80.3%, 75.2%, 0.73). Monte Carlo dropout enables the estimate of the uncertain predictions. By rejecting the uncertain instances, the model achieves higher performance on both versions of the database (on Sleep-EDF v1-2013 ±30mins: 86.1.0%, 79.6%, 0.81; on Sleep-EDF v2-2018 ±30mins: 82.3%, 76.7%, 0.76). Our lighter sleep scoring approach paves the way to the application of scoring algorithms for sleep analysis in real-time.
Full-text available
Chest radiographs are among the most frequently acquired images in radiology and are often the subject of computer vision research. However, most of the models used to classify chest radiographs are derived from openly available deep neural networks, trained on large image datasets. These datasets differ from chest radiographs in that they are mostly color images and have substantially more labels. Therefore, very deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) designed for ImageNet and often representing more complex relationships, might not be required for the comparably simpler task of classifying medical image data. Sixteen different architectures of CNN were compared regarding the classification performance on two openly available datasets, the CheXpert and COVID-19 Image Data Collection. Areas under the receiver operating characteristics curves (AUROC) between 0.83 and 0.89 could be achieved on the CheXpert dataset. On the COVID-19 Image Data Collection, all models showed an excellent ability to detect COVID-19 and non-COVID pneumonia with AUROC values between 0.983 and 0.998. It could be observed, that more shallow networks may achieve results comparable to their deeper and more complex counterparts with shorter training times, enabling classification performances on medical image data close to the state-of-the-art methods even when using limited hardware.
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Hip fractures are a leading cause of death and disability among older adults. Hip fractures are also the most commonly missed diagnosis on pelvic radiographs, and delayed diagnosis leads to higher cost and worse outcomes. Computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) algorithms have shown promise for helping radiologists detect fractures, but the image features underpinning their predictions are notoriously difficult to understand. In this study, we trained deep-learning models on 17,587 radiographs to classify fracture, 5 patient traits, and 14 hospital process variables. All 20 variables could be individually predicted from a radiograph, with the best performances on scanner model (AUC = 1.00), scanner brand (AUC = 0.98), and whether the order was marked “priority” (AUC = 0.79). Fracture was predicted moderately well from the image (AUC = 0.78) and better when combining image features with patient data (AUC = 0.86, DeLong paired AUC comparison, p = 2e-9) or patient data plus hospital process features (AUC = 0.91, p = 1e-21). Fracture prediction on a test set that balanced fracture risk across patient variables was significantly lower than a random test set (AUC = 0.67, DeLong unpaired AUC comparison, p = 0.003); and on a test set with fracture risk balanced across patient and hospital process variables, the model performed randomly (AUC = 0.52, 95% CI 0.46–0.58), indicating that these variables were the main source of the model’s fracture predictions. A single model that directly combines image features, patient, and hospital process data outperforms a Naive Bayes ensemble of an image-only model prediction, patient, and hospital process data. If CAD algorithms are inexplicably leveraging patient and process variables in their predictions, it is unclear how radiologists should interpret their predictions in the context of other known patient data. Further research is needed to illuminate deep-learning decision processes so that computers and clinicians can effectively cooperate.
Successful data representation is a fundamental factor in machine learning based medical imaging analysis. Deep Learning (DL) has taken an essential role in robust representation learning. However, the inability of deep models to generalize to unseen data can quickly overfit intricate patterns. Thereby, the importance of implementing strategies to aid deep models in discovering useful priors from data to learn their intrinsic properties. Our model, which we call a dual role network (DRN), uses a dependency maximization approach based on Least Squared Mutual Information (LSMI). LSMI leverages dependency measures to ensure representation invariance and local smoothness. While prior works have used information theory dependency measures like mutual information, these are known to be computationally expensive due to the density estimation step. In contrast, our proposed DRN with LSMI formulation does not require the density estimation step and can be used as an alternative to approximate mutual information. Experiments on the CT based COVID-19 Detection and COVID-19 Severity Detection Challenges of the 2nd COV19D competition [24] demonstrate the effectiveness of our method compared to the baseline method of such competition.
Deep learning has triggered the current rise of artificial intelligence and is the workhorse of today’s machine intelligence. Numerous success stories have rapidly spread all over science, industry and society, but its limitations have only recently come into focus. In this Perspective we seek to distil how many of deep learning’s failures can be seen as different symptoms of the same underlying problem: shortcut learning. Shortcuts are decision rules that perform well on standard benchmarks but fail to transfer to more challenging testing conditions, such as real-world scenarios. Related issues are known in comparative psychology, education and linguistics, suggesting that shortcut learning may be a common characteristic of learning systems, biological and artificial alike. Based on these observations, we develop a set of recommendations for model interpretation and benchmarking, highlighting recent advances in machine learning to improve robustness and transferability from the lab to real-world applications.
While deep learning models become more widespread, their ability to handle unseen data and generalize for any scenario is yet to be challenged. In medical imaging, there is a high heterogeneity of distributions among images based on the equipment that generates them and their parametrization. This heterogeneity triggers a common issue in machine learning called domain shift, which represents the difference between the training data distribution and the distribution of where a model is employed. A high domain shift often results in a poor generalization performance from the models. In this work, we evaluate the extent of which domain shift damages model performance on four of the largest datasets of chest radiographs. We show how training and testing with different datasets (e.g., training in ChestX-ray14 and testing in CheXpert) drastically affects model performance, posing a big question over the reliability of deep learning models trained on public datasets. We also show that models trained on CheXpert and MIMIC-CXR generalized better to other datasets.
We present a labeled large-scale, high resolution chest x-ray dataset for the automated exploration of medical images along with their associated reports. This dataset includes more than 160,000 images obtained from 67,000 patients that were interpreted and reported by radiologists at San Juan Hospital (Spain) from 2009 to 2017, covering six different position views and additional information on image acquisition and patient demography. The reports were labeled with 174 different radiographic findings, 19 differential diagnoses and 104 anatomic locations organized as a hierarchical taxonomy and mapped onto standard Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) terminology. Of these reports, 27% were manually annotated by trained physicians and the remaining set was labeled using a supervised method based on a recurrent neural network with attention mechanisms. The labels generated were then validated in an independent test set achieving a 0.93 Micro-F1 score. To the best of our knowledge, this is one of the largest public chest x-ray databases suitable for training supervised models concerning radiographs, and the first to contain radiographic reports in Spanish. The PadChest dataset can be downloaded from
Prognostic models are used in medicine for investigating patient outcome in relation to patient and disease characteristics. Such models do not always work well in practice, so it is widely recommended that they need to be validated. The idea of validating a prognostic model is generally taken to mean establishing that it works satisfactorily for patients other than those from whose data it was derived. In this paper we examine what is meant by validation and review why it is necessary. We consider how to validate a model and suggest that it is desirable to consider two rather different aspects – statistical and clinical validity – and examine some general approaches to validation. We illustrate the issues using several case studies. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.