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Perceptions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and AI’s Impact on Society
Daniel A. Agbaji
Brady D. Lund
Nishith Reddy Mannuru
University of North Texas, College of Information
Denton, TX, USA
The Fourth Industrial Revolution, particularly Artificial Intelligence (AI), has had a profound
impact on society, raising concerns about its implications and ethical considerations. The
emergence of text generative AI tools like ChatGPT has further intensified concerns regarding
ethics, security, privacy, and copyright. This study aims to examine the perceptions of individuals
in different information flow categorizations toward AI. The results reveal key themes in
participant-supplied definitions of AI and the fourth industrial revolution, emphasizing the
replication of human intelligence, machine learning, automation, and the integration of digital
technologies. Participants expressed concerns about job replacement, privacy invasion, and
inaccurate information provided by AI. However, they also recognized the benefits of AI, such as
solving complex problems and increasing convenience. Views on government involvement in
shaping the fourth industrial revolution varied, with some advocating for strict regulations and
others favoring support and development. The anticipated changes brought by the fourth industrial
revolution include automation, potential job impacts, increased social disconnect, and reliance on
technology. Understanding these perceptions is crucial for effectively managing the challenges
and opportunities associated with AI in the evolving digital landscape.
Keywords: Fourth Industrial Revolution, Artificial Intelligence, Perception of AI
Title Page (with Author Details)
Perceptions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and AI’s Impact on Society
The Fourth Industrial Revolution, particularly Artificial Intelligence (AI), has had a profound
impact on society, raising concerns about its implications and ethical considerations. The
emergence of text generative AI tools like ChatGPT has further intensified concerns regarding
ethics, security, privacy, and copyright. This study aims to examine the perceptions of
individuals in different information flow categorizations toward AI. The results reveal key
themes in participant-supplied definitions of AI and the fourth industrial revolution, emphasizing
the replication of human intelligence, machine learning, automation, and the integration of
digital technologies. Participants expressed concerns about job replacement, privacy invasion,
and inaccurate information provided by AI. However, they also recognized the benefits of AI,
such as solving complex problems and increasing convenience. Views on government
involvement in shaping the fourth industrial revolution varied, with some advocating for strict
regulations and others favoring support and development. The anticipated changes brought by
the fourth industrial revolution include automation, potential job impacts, increased social
disconnect, and reliance on technology. Understanding these perceptions is crucial for effectively
managing the challenges and opportunities associated with AI in the evolving digital landscape.
Key words: Fourth Industrial Revolution, Artificial Intelligence, Perception of AI
Manuscript Click here to view linked References
The Fourth Industrial Revolution, specifically driven by Artificial Intelligence (AI), has had a
profound and wide-ranging impact on various aspects of our lives (Spöttl & Windelband, 2021;
Hyun Park et al., 2017). This significant influence has prompted individuals from diverse
backgrounds and demographics to ponder which social, economic, and political factors will play
the most substantial role in shaping the use of AI and whether its overall impact will be
beneficial or detrimental (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2020; Petit, 2017; Prince & Schwarcz, 2019).
Adding to these concerns, the recent advancement of Text Generative AI tools like ChatGPT has
raised significant ethical, security, privacy, and copyright issues, as the content produced by such
tools raises questions and challenges for users (West, 2018; Coeckelbergh, 2020; Vartiainen &
Tedre, 2023).
While previous research has explored the influence of user perceptions on various aspects of
society, including social dynamics, politics, the economy, and education, most studies have
focused on understanding why and not how users form their perceptions of AI (Williams et al.,
2019; Wood & Evans, 2018). To address these gaps, this study examines individuals in different
information flow categorizations, specifically exploring how their perceptions of AI may differ
and how these perceptions can impact their interactions with AI technology.
To help bridge the gaps in current studies relating to the perception of AI among users, this study
used data from semi-structured interviews to analyze the current perceptions of AI among
varying populations. The results showed what level of information flow an AI user will likely
fall under, their sources of information relating to AI, and how their perception of AI affects its
engagement and recommendation. It also revealed concerns AI users have and their suggestions
to solve some of the current social-economical, privacy, and copyright issues relating to the use
of AI.
Literature Review
The term "Industrial Revolution" refers to a period of rapid industrial and economic growth and
societal change. We are on the verge of a technology revolution, that will radically transform the
way we live, work, and interact with one another, while also bringing major changes in the world
around us.
The First Industrial Revolution was characterized by the transition from manual labor to
mechanized production. It changed agrarian societies to industrialized ones as machines were
made with the help of water and steam power (Schwab, 2016). The Second Industrial Revolution
experienced fast industrial expansion that was much more advanced than the First Industrial
Revolution resulting in significant improvements across a wide range of industries, including
manufacturing, agriculture, and transportation (Fomunyam, 2019). Additionally, The second one
made mass production possible with the help of electricity (Schwab, 2016). Hence this
revolution was also called the Technological Revolution. The Third Industrial Revolution also
referred to as the digital revolution, was characterized by the shift away from mechanical and
analog technologies to digital electronics (Sakhapov & Absalyamova, 2018). That is, the Third
used computers and gadgets to make the output more efficient (Schwab, 2016). Now, the Fourth
Industrial Revolution is constructed on the Third, which has been going on since the middle of
the last century and is all about digital technology. The term Fourth industrial revolution also
called Industry 4.0 or 4IR was coined by Klaus Schwab, who was the founder and the executive
chairman of the World Economic Forum, and described it as “a world where individuals move
between digital domains and offline reality with the use of connected technology to enable and
manage their lives” (Xu et al., 2018,p.90). It is made up of a mix of technologies that blur the
lines between the real, digital, and living worlds (Schwab, 2016). The use of quantum
computing, artificial intelligence, machine learning, the Internet of Things (IoT), biotechnology,
3D printing, and autonomous vehicles are among the essential components. Even though each
industrial revolution is often seen as an independent event, but they are better understood as a set
of events that build on the ideas of the previous revolution where each revolution builds upon the
inventions of the one before it and lead to more advanced innovations.
Throughout history, each industrial revolution brought about significant social changes. These
innovations, which ranged from the steam engine to the Internet to AI, had a significant impact
on the way the economy, jobs, and social life. And, only if we know about these changes and
how fast they are happening, their advantages and disadvantages, can we make sure that
improvements in knowledge and technology reach everyone and help everyone. Morrar et al.,
(2017) laid down a few reasons why Industry 4.0 is significant and is seen as revolutionary in
this day and age of information technology. Firstly, Industry 4.0 makes it easier for
manufacturers to deal with problems or challenges by making companies more flexible and able
to adapt to business trends. Secondly, Industry 4.0 makes it possible for economies to undergo a
change that will make them more innovative and, as a result, enhance their level of production.
Third, it emphasizes the consumer's role as a co-producer and puts them at the center of
everything. Finally, the application of cutting-edge technology to problems in areas like energy,
resources, the environment, and social and economic repercussions will, in the end, pave the way
for long-term success.
Recent literature on the topic of the Fourth Industrial Revolution has mostly concentrated on the
technical revolutionary aspects of Industry 4.0. The fast pace of technological progression and
digitalization has raised questions about its impact on people personally and on the whole of
society. Furthermore, Brynjolfsson and McAfee (2014) stressed the significance of
understanding how the new industrial revolution affects the whole society in order to capitalize
on the opportunities it offers. Hence, it is necessary to view technology innovations from a social
standpoint when thinking about how they may be used to address societal issues and also the
impact and influence it has on one's life.
There is a widespread fear that new technologies will cause the loss of many jobs in the near
future. This fear stems from the fact that more human duties can now be handled by machines.
Bessen (2019) estimates that anywhere from 9% of jobs to 47% are at risk of automation in the
near future. However, Arntz et al., (2016) suggest that AI will also create new job types and
businesses, just like other economic changes and industrial revolutions did. These new jobs may
need different skill sets and, if neglected, may widen socioeconomic gaps. Additionally, AI’s
ethical implications are also of major significance. As AI becomes more important in everyday
life, problems like privacy, data security, bias, decision-making openness, and responsibility
have become very important (Cath, 2018). Concerns have also been raised about the use of AI
in surveillance, disinformation, and warfare. It is essential to address these ethical issues in order
to prevent possible damage and to preserve the confidence of society. The effects of AI on
education and learning are also very important to look at. AI will positively change education
through personalized learning, more efficient administration, and global connections (Wang et
al., 2023). However, there are worries about the privacy of data, the digital divide, and the need
for educational institutions to adapt to fast-changing job markets. Different stakeholders,
including teachers, students, and parents, have expressed opposing emotions (Luckin, 2018).
Furthermore, understanding how governments react to the rise of advanced AI technologies is
also of major importance. The pace of AI advancement and implementation may be significantly
influenced by policy and regulatory responses (Schwab, 2016). Chen, (2009) calls for bold steps
to guide the development of AI in a responsible way i.e., finding a balance between encouraging
innovation and protecting society from its possible bad effects.
Overall, the 4IR, driven by AI and other related technologies, presents both opportunities and
challenges. Understanding the diverse societal perceptions and potential impacts can help
navigate the transformative changes these technologies bring. Therefore, in order to understand
the perspectives of people with regard to the 4IR and the advancements in AI, a qualitative
analysis has been conducted to better understand their views from different lenses.
This study implemented a qualitative research method involving a semi-structured interview.
Participants were contacted via email recruiting messages following an IRB approval of the
study. A total of 15 participants were interviewed, during which 11 questions were asked to get
relevant feedback on their information flow and perceptions of AI. The Zoom online video
conferencing platform was used to conduct the interviews as it allows for both recording of the
interview and transcription of the responses.
At the end of the interview process, participants' responses were coded to formulate relevant
themes matching the purpose of the study. These themes were saved on an Excel spreadsheet
allowing for easy analysis. Excel data analysis features were used to analyze the coded themes
and for creating the visualization.
The results section of this paper is divided into two parts. In the first part, we look at themes in
the participant-supplied definitions of the terms artificial intelligence and the fourth industrial
revolution. In the second part, we look at responses to questions related to perceptions about AI
and the fourth industrial revolution.
Definitions of Key Terms
The following definitions were supplied by the participants for the terms artificial intelligence
and fourth industrial revolution. Using the definition of AI provided by IBM (2023), as
“Artificial intelligence leverages computers and machines to mimic the problem-solving and
decision-making capabilities of the human mind,” and definition of the fourth industrial
revolution by Schwab (2023) as “the convergence of digital, biological, and physical
innovations,” we calculated cosine similarity scores for each of the participant-supplied
definitions. These similarity scores are provided in parentheses at the end of each definition,
where a score of 1 indicates an identical meaning and a score of 0 indicates a completely
dissimilar meaning.
Definitions of Artificial Intelligence:
1. It's a branch of computer science that deals with developing systems or machines with
human-like intelligence. It includes areas like natural language processing. (.884)
2. It's like a combination of different technologies that have been developed to match
human intelligence. so that they could even sense and reason, like a typical human, would
do in any situation or instance. (.911)
3. Training a machine or giving a machine the authority of sense that to make a decision
like humans. (.713)
4. I wouldn't say replicating human intelligence, but I would say it's like an offshoot of that
where you're trying to replicate. I think it's more like automation is what I think. But
instead of having like these big industrial machines, you're doing it using a computer.
And previously you had these machines doing physical tasks, but these are more mental.
5. I would say that that's something that these are machines and computers doing tasks that
humans would. (.616)
6. Any machine that can learn and solve problems like a human brain can. (972)
7. Mimicking human intelligence by computer. (.866)
8. I would simply define it as programming machines to replicate human intelligence. (.883)
9. It is something that has made lives a lot easier for people and take decisions on behalf of
humans. (.614)
10. It's a system that tries to mimic human intelligence- to think as humans. (.866)
11. It's a digital computer where it performs all the tasks, which a normal human can
perform. (.669)
12. The generalized definition would be like the stimulation of human intelligence into
something artificial like robots or into a machine. I would like to phrase it in a different
way where we try to teach something which doesn't have knowledge of it at all. (.750)
13. Artificial intelligence is that it's usually computer-based intelligence, computers have
been taught to appear to speak and communicate and listen and understand like humans.
14. It’s the simulation of human intelligence and machines and using machine learning
algorithms that aim to mimic human cognitive thinking and to perform specified tasks.
15. I would define artificial intelligence as any non-human non-biological intelligence. (.365)
Definitions of Fourth Industrial Revolution:
1. The evolution of emerging technologies and computing. (.684)
2. I believe that it's about the digitalization and automation of the processes which even
more replace the human activities. (.708)
3. Not Sure.
4. Using AI robotics and the information communication technologies to its major extent to
improve the human life. (.868)
5. I think it's this whole ideal, or I don't want to make it sound like where humans are
getting replaced. But it's kind of like computers are. I don't want to use the word replace,
but they are trying to kind of invade our space. (.373)
6. I would say that it's more of like the automation and AI, the Internet of things kind of just
this whole, maybe even like the social aspect of technology. (.692)
7. The integration of digital technologies into the manufacturing industry. (.759)
8. An era associated with increased technological innovations that eliminate physical,
digital and biological restrictions which changes the way we work, live and relate with
one another. (.876)
9. Don’t Know.
10. It's about deep learning, an offset of AI built upon big data. (.668)
11. It's basically the new technological developments that are coming in this industry, such as
virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and big data, which are growing currently. (.798)
12. Information being used, handled, and enhancing the outcome. (.450)
13. I kind of have an idea that it's related to using artificial intelligence. (.593)
14. I'd say that it is technological advancement. And it's an extension of the third revolution
maybe, with more sophisticated programs, and all like, robotics, 3d printing, face
recognition, and it's developing really quickly. And artificial intelligence-based systems
and all that. (.911)
15. Not Sure.
Synthesized Definitions
With the assistance of ChatGPT, the following definitions were derived based on themes in the
participants individual definitions of artificial intelligence and the fourth industrial revolution:
Artificial intelligence is the development and use of digital/computer-based intelligence to
replicate human abilities, through machine learning and automation, with the goal of enhancing
human life by automating tasks and expanding intelligence beyond human capabilities.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is a transformative period marked by the integration of digital
technologies into industries, revolutionizing processes through digitalization, automation, and
emerging technologies, impacting human activities and enhancing information handling and
The following subsections identify some key themes that emerge in the participant-supplied
definitions for each term.
Themes in Definitions of Artificial Intelligence
1. Replicating human intelligence: Several responses mention the idea of artificial
intelligence aiming to replicate or mimic human intelligence. This includes aspects such
as sensing, reasoning, learning, problem-solving, and decision-making.
2. Machine learning and automation: The concept of training machines, programming them,
or using algorithms to enable learning and problem-solving is a common theme. Many
responses highlight the role of automation, replacing physical tasks with mental tasks
performed by machines.
3. Human-like tasks and capabilities: Artificial intelligence is often associated with
machines performing tasks that humans can do, such as speaking, communicating,
listening, understanding, and solving problems. The focus is on achieving human-like
abilities through technology.
4. Digital/computer-based intelligence: The idea that artificial intelligence exists in the
realm of digital computers is mentioned in a couple of responses. It emphasizes that AI
systems are built using computer technology.
5. Enhancement and ease of life: Some responses highlight the positive impact of artificial
intelligence on human lives, making tasks easier and enabling machines to make
decisions on behalf of humans. This theme emphasizes the benefits of AI technology.
6. Non-human, non-biological intelligence: One response offers a broader definition of
artificial intelligence as any intelligence that is not human or biological in nature. This
theme touches on the concept of intelligence existing beyond human capabilities.
Themes in Definitions of Fourth Industrial Revolution
1. Digitalization and Automation: The notion of digitalizing and automating processes,
often to replace human activities, is a recurring theme. It highlights the role of emerging
technologies and computing in transforming traditional systems.
2. Technological Advancements: Several responses mention the Fourth Industrial
Revolution as a period characterized by technological developments. This includes AI,
robotics, virtual reality, big data, deep learning, the Internet of Things, and sophisticated
3. Integration of Digital Technologies: The integration of digital technologies into various
industries, such as manufacturing, is highlighted as a key aspect of the Fourth Industrial
4. Changing the Way We Work and Live: The idea that the Fourth Industrial Revolution
brings about changes in the way we work, live, and relate to one another is mentioned. It
signifies the transformative impact of technological innovations on society.
5. Potential Replacement of Humans: Some responses express concerns or allude to the idea
that computers or technology might replace or invade human spaces. This theme touches
on the evolving relationship between humans and technology.
6. Enhanced Information Handling and Outcomes: The use of information, handling of data,
and the potential for enhancing outcomes through technology are mentioned as relevant
aspects of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Perceptions of Artificial Intelligence and the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Extent Informed about Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1 displays the responses to the extent to which participants felt informed about trends in
artificial intelligence. The majority of respondents indicated that they were at least somewhat
well informed about these trends; however, a few of the respondents indicated that they were not
very well informed or were only informed to the extent to which they received information from
a single platform, such as Facebook or Tik Tok.
Where Information About Use of AI Received
Figure 2 shows the results for where information about AI was received by participants. News
media and social media were clearly the most common sources. Sources like scholarly journals
and blogs were mentioned by a few participants, particularly those who indicated that they were
“very well informed” about artificial intelligence. While these results are presented in aggregate
categories, such as “news media” and “social media,” most respondents named more-specific
sources. For instance, for “news media,” three participants named “news websites,” two named
“newspapers,” three named “television news,” and one named “public radio.” For social media,
one named “Instagram,” two named “LinkedIn,” one named “Twitter,” and four listed “Social
Media Posts (general).”
3 3
Very Well
Well Informed Somewhat Well
Not Very Well
Only Informed
Through One Form
of Media
Belief Receiving Accurate AI Information
Belief about receiving accurate AI information was nearly evenly split between those who did
believe the information was accurate and those who believed that the information was sometimes
accurate and sometimes inaccurate. Interestingly, those who felt they were very well informed or
not very well informed tended to feel that they sometimes received accurate information, while
those who felt they were only somewhat well informed or only informed through one form or
media were more confident that they always received accurate information. This may be
representative of 1) a lack of awareness about misinformation related to AI among those who are
very well informed, 2) a (potentially warranted) lack of confidence about AI informed among
those who are not very well informed, and 3) a potential overestimation of the reliability of AI
information among those who feel only somewhat informed.
Concerns about AI Technologies
2 2
Blogs ChatGPT eBooks Family and
Yes No Sometimes
Figure 4 displays the responses for participants concerns about AI technologies. The two greatest
concerns were job replacement – the belief that AI may eliminate human jobs – and invasions of
privacy against those who interact with AI interfaces. The inaccuracy of information provided by
AI was also a common concern. This issue has been regularly reported with current generative
AI technology such as ChatGPT (Teel, Wang, & Lund, 2023). Additional concerns focus on
elements of deception or bias contained within AI algorithms and the potential for AI replacing
human ingenuity. Those who felt less informed about AI were particularly concerned about the
issue of job replacement, while those who felt very well informed about AI were particularly
concerned about invasions of privacy, data bias, and inaccurate information.
Potential Benefits and Drawbacks of the 4IR
Shown in Figure 5 are the potential benefits and drawbacks of the fourth industrial revolution noted
by participants. The majority of the items named by participants were benefits (68% of items were
benefits compared to 32% drawbacks). The ability to make human lives easier through solving
complex problems and increasing convenience were the most commonly named benefits. Some
respondents also noted 4IR technology could work along with humans in order to increase the
speed and efficiency of their efforts. As with AI technology in general, among the biggest concerns
with the 4IR were privacy and bias issues, along with concerns about how some 4IR technologies
may result in reduced connectedness among people as they rely on mobile technology and AI
6 6
Government Involvement in Shaping 4IR
Participants were deeply divided on how the government should be involved in shaping the fourth
industrial revolution, as shown in Figure 6. While fives participants indicated that strict regulations
should be placed on 4IR innovators at the federal or state/local level, over half of the participants
indicates that little or no regulations should be placed and that, instead, governments should
encourage 4IR development through funding, outreach, and public-private partnerships. A few
respondents indicated that both strict regulation and support and development should be
1 1
How 4IR Will Change Ways We Live and Work
Finally, Figure 7 illustrates the participant responses as to how the 4IR will change the ways that
people live and work. While many participants indicated that greater automation would be an
inevitable outcome, most did not necessarily equate this development to a decrease in well-paying
jobs. Several participants noted likely outcomes related to greater social disconnect among humans
and greater reliance and addiction to technology.
2 2
1 1
1 1
The analysis of participant-supplied definitions revealed several key themes related to artificial
intelligence. The majority of responses emphasized the goal of replicating human intelligence
through machine learning and automation. Participants highlighted the ability of AI to perform
human-like tasks and enhance human life by automating tasks and expanding intelligence
beyond human capabilities. The digital/computer-based nature of AI and its positive impact on
making lives easier were also commonly mentioned themes. Some participants offered broader
definitions of AI, perceiving it as non-human, non-biological intelligence. As is evident from
these responses, AI can be defined and perceived in many ways depending on the individual,
their background and knowledge of the technology. There may not be a single definition that is
collectively understood by all people, and, indeed, this has been reflected in past studies as well
(Helm et al., 2020). Nonetheless, there are commonalities in how AI in perceived as a
technology that augments human skills or capacities (Legg & Hutter, 2007).
Regarding the definitions of the fourth industrial revolution, participants focused on various
aspects of this emerging revolution. They frequently mentioned the digitalization and automation
of processes, the integration of digital technologies into industries, and the transformative impact
on work, life, and relationships. Technological advancements such as artificial intelligence,
robotics, virtual reality, big data, and deep learning were also frequently associated with the
fourth industrial revolution. Concerns were raised about potential job replacement, invasions of
privacy, and the accuracy of information provided by AI systems. Fears about 4IR technologies
like AI are not uncommon and have been noted in prior research focusing on the perceptions of
lay people toward the technology (Li & Huang, 2020; Sindermann et al., 2022). However,
participants also recognized the potential benefits of the 4IR, such as solving complex problems
and increasing convenience, which align with benefits identified in recent literature (Wang et al.,
Participants' perceptions of artificial intelligence and the fourth industrial revolution were
influenced by their level of knowledge and the sources of information they relied upon. Most
participants considered themselves at least somewhat well informed about AI trends, with news
media and social media being the primary sources of information. However, concerns were
raised about the accuracy of the information received, with participants indicating varying
degrees of belief in its accuracy. Participants who felt more informed expressed concerns about
privacy, data bias, and inaccurate information, while those who felt less informed were
particularly concerned about job replacement. These findings have been substantiated in past
studies to some extent (Lund et al., 2020), but this study provides a true comparison of both
respondents who are innovators and those who are reluctant adopters.
Opinions on government involvement in shaping the fourth industrial revolution were divided
among participants. While some favored strict regulations at the federal or state/local level, a
majority believed that governments should encourage 4IR development through funding,
outreach, and public-private partnerships. A few participants suggested a balanced approach,
advocating for both strict regulation and support for development. The role of government in the
fourth industrial revolution has been a contested issue in the literature as well as industry (Shava
& Hofisi, 2017; Xu et al., 2018). While the findings of this study do not provide solutions, they
do offer some indication of the perspectives of a diverse population of individuals.
Finally, participants anticipated that the fourth industrial revolution would lead to greater
automation and changes in the ways people live and work. While some participants expressed
concerns about job loss, others did not necessarily associate automation with a decrease in well-
paying jobs. Participants also mentioned potential social disconnect and increased reliance on
technology as likely outcomes. The risk of automation impacting jobs and communication are
common concerns among individuals in a variety of industries (Lund, 2021). However, many
posit that these risks will also come with opportunity for growth in new professions.
This study has several limitations that should be acknowledged. Firstly, the participant-supplied
definitions of artificial intelligence and the fourth industrial revolution were based on a specific
sample of individuals, and their perspectives may not be representative of the broader
population. Additionally, the cosine similarity scores used to evaluate the definitions may not
fully capture the nuances and variations in meaning. Furthermore, the study's focus on examining
individuals in different information flow categorizations may limit the generalizability of the
findings. The reliance on self-reported levels of information and accuracy perception regarding
AI trends introduces potential biases and subjective interpretations. Finally, the survey responses
may be influenced by social desirability bias, as participants may provide responses, they believe
are more socially acceptable or align with popular opinions.
This study found that participants’ perceptions of AI and the fourth industrial revolution are
influenced by their sources of information and level of knowledge concerning AI. The findings
of this study suggest that the most visited sources of AI information are the News and social
media platforms, and that the more information individuals have on AI, the more likely they are
receptive to the use of AI and other tools provided by the fourth industrial revolution. In contrast,
low information about AI means low likelihood of accepting the use of AI.
Consequently, this study reveals that job loss is the main concern participants have concerning
using AI and other tools provided by the 4IR. However, participants highlighted more benefits in
the use of AI than the concerns they have shared. With regards to the future trajectory of AI in
social-economic activities, the study reveals that more automation and digitization of activities
that usually involve humans are likely to be replaced by AI. Further study using a qualitative
research approach is likely to provide sufficient data that can be used to generalize the findings
of this study.
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