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Short Notes on Bionomics and Taxonomy of Sarcophaga (Parasarcophaga) albiceps (Meigen, 1826), a Fly of Veterinary Importance

  • The Assam Royal Global University


There are three families of Dipterans, namely Calliphoridae, Oestridae, and Sarcophagidae, that have been found to cause, a condition called myiasis in cattle, this condition may result in a decrease in milk, meat, and wool production. The current study envisages to use of taxonomy and bionomics to understand and identify, one of the most ubiquitous myiasis-causing flies fly, viz., Sarcophaga (Parasarcophaga) albiceps, a fly with high economic and veterinary importance, by field workers.
Citation: Abesh Chakraborty. “Short
Notes on Bionomics and Taxonomy of
Sarcophaga (Parasarcophaga)
Albiceps (Meigen, 1826), a Fly of
Importance". Acta Scientific Veterinary
There are three families
of Dipterans, namely
Calliphoridae, Oestridae, and
Sarcophagidae, that have
been found to cause, a condi-
tion called myiasis in cattle,
this condition may result in a
decrease in milk, meat, and
wool production. The
current study envisages to
use of taxonomy and
bionomics to understand
and identify, one of the most
ubiquitous myiasis-causing
flies fly, viz., Sarcophaga
(Parasarcophaga) albiceps, a
fly with high economic and
veterinary importance, by
field workers.
Keywords: Sarcophagidae;
India; Morpho Descriptions;
Sarcophaga (Parasarcophaga)
Albiceps; Museology
(ISSN: 2582-3183)
Volume 4 Issue 12 December 2022 Mini Review
Short Notes on Bionomics and Taxonomy of Sarcophaga (Parasarcophaga) albiceps (Meigen,
1826), a Fly of Veterinary Importance
Abesh Chakraborty*
Department of Health Science, University of the People, USA
*Corresponding Author: Abesh Chakraborty, Department of Health Science,
University of the People, USA.
Myiasis is the contamination of living or dead vertebrate tissue
by the larvae of various flies. Myiasis has been observed in both
humans and animals. Myiasis is a condition in which open wounds
are infested with Diptera fly larvae. These infestations can annoy
farm animals and disrupt normal habits such as feeding and rest-
ing. The condition has the potential to reduce milk, meat, and wool
production [12].
Myiasis contamination is found all over the world. Different
genera from three families, including Oestridae, Calliphoridae, and
Sarcophagidae, have been known to for playing a role in the devel-
opment of myiasis in animals and humans. In addition to health
issues, myiasis can cause a slew of financial issues. One important
way to control this contamination is to reduce the number of flies
that cause myiasis. Other treatments for contamination include
surgical approaches and the removal of fly larvae from infected
areas [15].
There are different flies that which can cause different types of
myiasis and not all cases are treated similarly, therefore the iden-
tification of the fly in question is of utmost importance. Therefore,
there is a need for in- hand identification for workers. That’s why
this taxonomic review of Sarcophaga (Parasarcophaga) albiceps
[21], is required, to understand and identify it in the field, for prop-
er veterinary management of farm animals.
Literature Survey
Indian species of the family Sarcophagidae were culled from on-
line sources and other pertinent literature, including the Catalog of
Life [1], Systema Dipterorum [3], Oriental Catalog [31], The fauna
of British India [28], and State Fauna Series [30].
The life data catalogue was searched with the inclusion criteria
“ Sarcophagidae, India (States, Union territories, and geographical
regions), myiasis”, then-current valid names were compiled and
hand sorted using Systema Dipterorum data, and this primary data
was compared to the Oriental catalogue and other literature. It was
decided to use the Australian catalogue nomenclature system.
Collection and storage
The use of sweep nets was used to cacth the flies from stray
cow’s in Madhyamgram and insect killing jar was used, following
all the safety procedures. Babers fluid was used as storing fluid.
Received: October 21, 2022
Published: November 11, 2022
© All rights are
reserved by Abesh
Short Notes on Bionomics and
Taxonomy of Sarcophaga
(Parasarcophaga) Albiceps (Meigen,
1826), a Fly of Veterinary
Citation: Abesh Chakraborty. “Short
Notes on Bionomics and Taxonomy of
Sarcophaga (Parasarcophaga)
Albiceps (Meigen, 1826), a Fly of
Importance". Acta Scientific Veterinary
Figure 2: Frontal
view of the head.
Morpho-description and microscopy
Identification of specimens using light microscopy (1600 X 3 in
1 USB Digital Microscope Camera Endoscope 8LED Magnifier with
Stand 3-in-1 Type-c Electronic Magnifier Endoscope) and morph-
description Morphogenetic keys of verified reference materials
were used.
Results and Discussion
Section Schizophora ---- (22)
Sub Section Calyptratae ---- (23)
Super Family Oestroidea --- (24)
Family Sarcophagidae --- (25)
Sub Family Sarcophaginae ---- (27)
Genus Sarcophaga ---- (21)
Sub Genus Bellieria ---- (23)
Sub Genus Parasarcophaga ---- (26)
Sarcophaga (Parasarcophaga) albiceps
Head: A frons equal to three-fifths an eye-width. frontal
width that of an eye. Lateral verticals wanting. Frontals are
nearly straight. Facials are weak. Genals golden. Postocular
Cilia, except the outer row, are irregular. Frontal stripe black,
parafrontalia together not as wide, these and the face strongly
to slightly- golden, the frons with black reflections. Antenna)
black, third segment two and a half to three times - the sec-
ond. Palpi black.
Thorax: Ground-colour dark grey. Propleura bare, Acrosti-
etals 1: 1. Posterior dorsocentrals 4.
Abdomen: Second segment bare. Genital segment 1 no mar-
ginal’s. Genital segment 2 black, exceptionally red.
Wings: I bare, no costal bristle. Segment iii of costa twice v.
Legs: Mid-femur-With comb and long basal fringe. Mid-tibiae
bare. Hind. demur with lower hind macrocheatal row and
fringe. ; hind tibiae double fringed.
Length: 8-11 mm.
Host: Bovine (Bull) [14], cutaneous myiasis of buffalo, cows,
and humans [13].
Materials examined: 3 collected in Kolkata.
Distribution in India given in tabular form
Figure 1: Dorsal view.
Sl. No.
Short Notes on Bionomics and
Taxonomy of Sarcophaga
(Parasarcophaga) Albiceps (Meigen,
1826), a Fly of Veterinary
Citation: Abesh Chakraborty. “Short
Notes on Bionomics and Taxonomy of
Sarcophaga (Parasarcophaga)
Albiceps (Meigen, 1826), a Fly of
Importance". Acta Scientific Veterinary
Himachal Pradesh
Jammu and Kashmir
Madhya Pradesh
Nicobar Is.
Tamil Nadu
Uttar Pradesh
West Bengal
Table 1
Distribution elsewhere
Europe, Palestine, and North China in the Palearctic region.
Throughout the Oriental region, the westernmost records being
Abbottabad including the hills up to 6000 ft., CEYLON, BURMA,
Tong-king, Formosa, Sumatra, Java, Lombok, and New Guinea in.
the Australian region [28].
The Sarcophagids are well known for parasitoidism and are im-
portant in documenting lapse time since death and climate change,
as they are holometabolus insects. The species under scrutiny is
found in high altitudes, and in dry places. It has been bred from
a dead rabbit and human excrement. It is recorded as parasitic to
Nonagria sp., and as the cause of tissue in myiasis in a bull [14],
cutaneous myiasis of buffalo, cows, and humans [13]. Therefore, it
is imperative to understand and identify this least worked-out spe-
cies in taxonomic context. In the near future, I will try studies will
be focused on other members of this family which have some nega-
tive effects on cattle via myiasis for fast in hand taxonomic identi-
fication, this might ultimately lead to timely treatment and better
antibiotic selection.
I would like to thank, the President of the University of the Peo-
ple, Shai Rashef, the Provost, of the University of the People, Dr. Ma-
rie Cini, and also my Dept. chair. Dr. Heather Moore, for making the
environment conducive to for research.
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Short Notes on Bionomics and
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Short Notes on Bionomics and
Taxonomy of Sarcophaga
(Parasarcophaga) Albiceps (Meigen,
1826), a Fly of Veterinary
Citation: Abesh Chakraborty. “Short
Notes on Bionomics and Taxonomy of
Sarcophaga (Parasarcophaga)
Albiceps (Meigen, 1826), a Fly of
Importance". Acta Scientific Veterinary
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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
Myiasis is the contamination of live or dead tissue of vertebrates via the larvae of various flies. Myiasis occurred both in humans and animals. The myiasis contamination has a worldwide distribution. Different genera of three families which include: Oestridae, calliphoridae and Sarcophagidae have a role in creating myiasis in animals and humans. Myiasis in addition to health problems, can cause a lot of economic problems. Decrease of fly population as a causative of myiasis is one of the important ways to control this contamination. Also, surgical approaches and removing larvae of flies in infected parts, is the other treatment for the contamination.
Full-text available
Dipterans are a diverse order of insect of which Calliphorids and Sarcophagids are the most ubiquitous, as several species of these families immature stages have been known to cause a deleterious condition of human and animal tissue, viz., collectively termed as myiasis. Therefore it is essential to gather information and to setup a biosystematic species inventory on the common and most ubiquitous myiasis causers along with their synonyms and notes on type localities to generate information about their distribution and substrate preferences for causing myiasis. The current study reveals, a total of 21 species of flies which are responsible for causing myiasis in India, out of which 17 species cause myiasis in animals, out of which 8 species belong to the family Calliphoridae and 9 species belong to the family Sacrophagidae, respectively. The present study provides a synopsis of the regional biosystematic and taxonomical work carried out until now, and can serve as a baseline data for future studies.
Full-text available
The Sarcophagids are one of the representative groups of the Cyclorrhaphan insects of the order Diptera and family Sarcophagidae. They are identified in-hand by their trademark three stripes checker board pattern in abdomen. The family is characterized and distinguished from other members of Cyclorrhaphan by the presence of more than 2 notopleural bristles. The family Sarcophagidae of India is presented by 2 subfamilies (Miltogrammatinae and Sarcophaginae), 17 genus and 126 species, which are known from India. The checklist is updated with the current nomenclatural changes of the Indian Sarcophagidae, according to available literatures, felid and museum specimens of National zoological collection of India.
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The blow flies and the flesh flies are the most widely used model organisms utilized in the immature insect development model. Since, their immature stages are used to estimate the post mortem interval (PMI). Therefore, this study investigates the effect of parasitoid attack on pupal development of the flesh Sarcophaga (Parasarcophaga) albiceps. Host specificity = 65.62 % and avg. yearly parasitoidism = 50.93 %.The result might be utilized by forensic entomologist to properly decipher PMI estimates from reference data, form the thermophilic variety of forensic indicators prevalant in India
Full-text available
The blow flies (Calliphoridae) and flesh flies (Sarcophagidae) are among the first wave of faunal sucession on human and animal cadavers.Thus, their immature stages are used to estimate the post mortem interval (PMI).The larval development might vary seasonally.A study was conducted to investigate the effect of seasonal variation on develoment of immature stages (larvae and pupa) of Sarcophaga (Parasarcophaga) albiceps on carcass of Gallus gallus (n=3). Results showed no significant diffrences in the average length, average width and calculated average biomass of the imature stages as [F(2,9)=0.0184, p= 0.9817], [F(2,9)=0.2415, p= 0.7903] and [F(2,9)=0.5254, p= 0.6083] respectively. These results might have important implications to forensic entomologists, (p >0.05). Since one approach of PMI estimation uses laravae collected from crimes scene and compareing them with reference data, derived from rearing of larvae.The results indicate that Sarcophaga (Parasarcophaga) albiceps can be utilized as forensic indicator for above said pourpose, as there is no significant developmental variation of immature stages seasonally, when reared on Gallus gallus carcass.
Full-text available
Insects identified on corpses have tremendous application in forensic sciences. In this article, we report, for the first time, in India, the complete life cycle of Sarcophaga (Liosarcophaga) dux Thomson (1869), identified on a carrion of the yellow-bellied house gecko (n=5), Hemidactylus flaviviridis Ruppel (1835).The life cycle of S. dux, on the dead gecko was studied under ambient conditions in the month of May in Kolkata, India, at 38 ± 30C temperatures, with relative humidity 18-53% and wind speed of 21± 8 km/h. Larval development time to pupation took 200 ± 2 h. The total completion of the life cycle of S. dux was studied for ~312 h. The light microscopic morphological study of the adult and the immature males and females confirmed the species S. dux. The observed study of the growth and attraction S. dux towards the carcass of H. flaviviridis could potentially indicate newer ways to prevent reptile poaching. Nearly 6 species of dipterans were identified on the carcass, but this is the first report of S. dux on dead gecko. This study will pave its path in the documentation of potential illegal poaching sites of Tokay geckos, being widely traded for extraction of drugs from eastern and north-eastern India
Producer and consumer welfare effects of an invasion of screwworm fly in the Australian livestock sector
  • K Mckelvie L Hamal
McKelvie L Hamal K and Reynolds R. "Producer and consumer welfare effects of an invasion of screwworm fly in the Australian livestock sector". A BARE report to the Queensland Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane, Australia (1993).
Systematische Beschreibung der bekannten europäische n zweiflugeligen Insekten
  • J W Meigen
Meigen JW. "Systematische Beschreibung der bekannten europäische n zweiflugeligen Insekten". Funfter Theil. Schulz-Wundermann, Hamm 12 (1826): 412.
Zur Kenntnis der Kopfbildung der Dipteren
  • E Becher
Becher E. "Zur Kenntnis der Kopfbildung der Dipteren". Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 1 (1882): 49-54.