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Taxonomic revision of the genus Loboscelidia Westwood, 1874 (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae: Loboscelidiinae) from Vietnam


Abstract and Figures

The taxonomy of Loboscelidiinae in Vietnam is revised, with 16 new species being described: Loboscelidia bachmaensis sp. nov., L. barbata sp. nov., L. cilia sp. nov., L. convexa sp. nov., L. cucphuongensis sp. nov., L. cuneata sp. nov., L. do sp. nov., L. flavipes sp. nov., L. glabra sp. nov., L. komedai sp. nov., L. mediata sp. nov., L. parallela sp. nov., L. piriformis sp. nov., L. squamosa sp. nov., L. vang sp. nov. and L. vietnamensis sp. nov. In total, 24 species of Loboscelidia are recognized in the fauna of Vietnam. Keys to Indo-Chinese male and world female of Loboscelidia are provided. A brief observation of the foraging behavior of L. squamosa sp. nov. is also reported. Host-carriage and subsequent host egg burying are considered primary nesting behaviors of solitary wasps.
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European Journal of Taxonomy 887: 1–68 ISSN 2118-9773
2023 · Hisasue Y. et al.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0).
Taxonomic revision of the genus Loboscelidia Westwood, 1874
(Hymenoptera: Chrysididae: Loboscelidiinae) from Vietnam
1,*, Thai-Hong PHAM 2 & Toshiharu MITA
Entomological Laboratory, Graduate School of Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Sciences,
Kyushu University, 744, Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka, Fukuoka, 819-0395, Japan.
Present address: Ogasawara Division of Japan Wildlife Research Center, Okumura,
Chichijima, Ogasawara, Tokyo 100-2101, Japan.
Mientrung Institute for Scienti c Research, Vietnam National Museum of Nature, Vietnam Academy
of Science and Technology (VAST), 321 Huynh Thuc Khang, Hue, Vietnam.
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology,
18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Entomological Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 744, Motooka,
Nishi-ku, Fukuoka, 819-0395 Japan.
Corresponding author:
Abstract. The taxonomy of Loboscelidiinae in Vietnam is revised, with 16 new species being
described: Loboscelidia bachmaensis sp. nov., L. barbata sp. nov., L. cilia sp. nov., L. convexa sp. nov.,
L. cucphuongensis sp. nov., L. cuneata sp. nov., L. do sp. nov., L. avipes sp. nov., L. glabra sp. nov.,
L. komedai sp. nov., L. mediata sp. nov., L. parallela sp. nov., L. piriformis sp. nov., L. squamosa
sp. nov., L. vang sp. nov. and L. vietnamensis sp. nov. In total, 24 species of Loboscelidia are recognized
in the fauna of Vietnam. Keys to Indo-Chinese male and world female of Loboscelidia are provided. A
brief observation of the foraging behavior of L. squamosa sp. nov. is also reported. Host-carriage and
subsequent host egg burying are considered primary nesting behaviors of solitary wasps.
Keywords. Loboscelidiinae, taxonomy, Oriental Region, parasitoid, foraging behavior.
Hisasue Y., Pham T.-H. & Mita T. 2023. Taxonomic revision of the genus Loboscelidia Westwood, 1874
(Hymenoptera: Chrysididae: Loboscelidiinae) from Vietnam. European Journal of Taxonomy 887: 1–68.
Loboscelidiinae Ashmead, 1903 are rare and morphologically peculiar wasps in the family Chrysididae
Latreille, 1802. The subfamily contains two genera; Loboscelidia Westwood, 1874 and Rhadinoscelidia
European Journal of Taxonomy 887: 1–68 (2023)
Kimsey, 1988. The genus Loboscelidia is found in the Oriental and Australian Regions, and 51 species
have been described until date (Yao et al. 2010; Kimsey 2012; Li & Xu 2017). They are characterized
by a number of unusual morphological features; e.g., the vertex is prolonged posteriorly into a neck-like
projection fringed with ribbon-like setae, and the tegula is very large, covering both wing bases (Kimsey
2012). Loboscelidia can be distinguished from Rhadinoscelidia by the forewing venation extending into
the basal one-third to one-half of the wing (considerably less than the one-fourth in Rhadinoscelidia), the
vertex being convex or at behind the ocelli (sharply declivitous in Rhadinoscelidia), ribbon-like setae
on the gena, and the cervical expansion being unseparated (absent and separated in Rhadinoscelidia)
(Kimsey & Bohart 1991; Kimsey 2018).
The biology of the genus is poorly known; however, some studies have suggested that they are egg
parasitoids of stick insects (Phasmida), such as the Amiseginae Mocsáry, 1890 subfamily (Hadlington &
Hoschke 1959; Heather 1965). Many studies have considered that their strange morphology implies
their myrmecophily (Fouts 1922; Riek 1970; Krombein 1983). The discovery of Rhadinoscelidia
lixa Hisasue & Mita, 2020 at the nest entrance of an ant species, Carebara diversa (Jerdon, 1851)
(Hymenoptera: Formicidae), supports this idea (Hisasue & Mita 2020). In addition, some characteristics,
such as frontal projection, ribbon-like setae, and other setae specialization, can be compared to those of
other parasitic wasps in the cryptic habitat.
In Vietnam, eight species have been recorded in previous studies (Maa & Yoshimoto 1961; Kimsey
1988, 2012). This number is small compared to that in relatively well-studied areas, such as Thailand
and China (Kimsey 2012), but, as Kimsey (2012) mentioned, this may be due to their limited collections
and study area. In this paper, we describe 16 new species from Vietnam and provide keys to males of
Indo-Chinese species of Loboscelidia and to females of world species. In addition, we brie y discuss
their morphological diversity and foraging behavior.
Material and methods
The specimens examined are deposited at the Vietnam National Museum of Nature, Hanoi, Vietnam
(VNMN), Canadian National Insect Collection, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (CNC) and the National
Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC, USA (USNM). Images of the holotypes of Loboscelidia
laminata Kimsey, 2012 and Loboscelidia pecki Kimsey, 2012 were also examined. These were obtained
from the digital collections of CNC. The images of the types in the VNMN were taken using a Sony α7R
IV digital camera with a Canon MP-E 65 mm lens and edited with Adobe Photoshop CC. Photos of the
behavior were taken with an Olympus Stylus TG-5 Tough. Specimens were measured using an ocular
micrometer. The distribution map was produced with SimpleMappr (Shorthouse 2010).
Morphological terms follow those used by Kimsey (1988, 2012), frontal line by Lanes et al. (2020),
except head length, head width, supraclypeal area and median tooth of tarsal claw. Measurements follow
those used by Kimsey (1988, 2012) except width of cervical expansion and length of median tooth of
tarsal claw. Loboscelidia has a variety of setae of taxonomic importance. The following ve types of
setae are used in descriptions: simple (Fig. 1A), cuneate (Fig. 1B), scale-like (Fig. 1C), forked (Fig. 1D)
and ribbon-like seta (Fig. 1E). The following abbreviations and indices are used: maximum length of
the median ocellus diameter (MOD); minimum length of the postocellar line (POL); minimum length
of the ocello-ocular line (OOL); lateral ocellar line (LOL; shortest distance between the inner margins
of the median and lateral ocelli); agellomere 1 to 11 (F1F11); and abdominal tergite 1 to 5 (T1–T5).
The following abbreviations are used in the material data: Malaise trap (MT), yellow pan trap (YPT),
and ight intercept trap (FIT).
Observation of parasitic behavior was conducted in the accommodation of the Cuc Phuong NP. A
female Loboscelidia obtained from the eld was released into the 90-mm petri dish together with soil
HISASUE Y. et al., Loboscelidia of Vietnam
on the bottom (Fig. 30) where we put an egg of an unidenti ed Oxyartes Stål, 1875 (Lonchodidae:
Necrosciinae) on the soil.
Taxonomic account
Class Insecta Linnaeus, 1758
Order Hymenoptera Linnaeus, 1758
Suborder Apocrita Latreille, 1810
Superfamily Chrysidoidea Latreille, 1802
Family Chrysididae Latreille, 1802
Subfamily Loboscelidiinae Ashmead, 1903
Genus Loboscelidia Westwood, 1874
Loboscelidia Westwood, 1874: 171. Type species: Loboscelidia rufescens Westwood, 1874: 172.
Loboscelidoidea (sic!) Rye, 1876: 365. Invalid emendation of Loboscelidia.
Laccomerista Cameron, 1910: 21. Type species: Laccomerista rufescens Cameron, 1910: 22
(= Loboscelidia nixoni Day, 1978: 29]. Synonymized by Evans 1964: 17.
Scelidoloba Maa & Yoshimoto, 1961: 529. Type species: Scelidoloba antennata Fouts, 1922.
Synonymized by Day 1978: 29.
Fig. 1. Pilosity of Loboscelidia Westwood, 1874. A–E. Patterns of setae. F–H. Inclination of setae.
A. Simple setae. B. Cuneate setae. C. Scale-like setae. D. Forked setae. E. Ribbon-like setae. F. Erect.
G. Suberect. H. Decumbent.
European Journal of Taxonomy 887: 1–68 (2023)
Frontal projection rectangular or triangular in frontal view; behind ocelli with or without transverse
depression; cervical expansion trapezoid or cuboid in dorsal view, convex or attened in lateral view;
ribbon-like setae extending from adjacent to eye to apex of cervical extension of head; scape 2–4.5
times as long as wide, usually with ange on ventral margin; F11 about as long as F2 (males); F2–10
as wide as or wider than long (females); F11 attened (females) or cylindrical (males); lateral margin
of pronotum parallel or more commonly diverging posteriorly in dorsal view; dorsolateral surface of
pronotum carinate or rounded; mesopleuron usually with scrobal sulcus; scutum usually with notauli;
notauli usually reaching posterior margin; scutellum trapezoid or subtriangular; forewing A vein present,
usually cu-a vein present, venation extending 0.3–0.5 times as long as forewing length; femora and
tibiae usually with transparent ange; dorsolateral surface of hindcoxa usually with carinae.
HEAD. Head shape kite-like or rhomboid; frontal projection rectangular or triangular in frontal view;
frons granulate or smooth, usually with low ridge extending from vertex along inner eye margin; frons
usually without carinae and wrinkles towards median ocellus, usually without frontal line; spraclypeal
area usually with transverse carinae; apical margin of mandible acute (female) or rounded (male); temple
shorter or longer than MOD; POL longer or as long as MOD; OOL longer than MOD; LOL usually shorter
than half of MOD; behind ocelli with or without transverse depression; cervical expansion trapezoid or
cuboid in dorsal view and convex or attened in lateral view; scape usually with longitudinal grooves;
scape 2–4.5 times as long as wide, usually with a ange on ventral surface; F2–10 1.5–3.0 times as long
as wide, F11 about as long as F2 (males); F2–10 as wide as or wider than long (females); F11 attened
(females) or cylindrical (males).
MESOSOMA. Mesosoma polished; anterior margin of pronotum usually linear, sometimes depressed;
dorsolateral surface of pronotum carinate or rounded; notauli conversing posteriorly or parallel, usually
reaching posterior margin; tegula very large, covering both wing bases and extending back to posterior
margin of scutellum; scutellum punctured and rugose or smooth, usually with lateral carinae; metanotum
with or without medial ridge; mesopleuron usually with scrobal sulcus, strongly or weakly depressed;
propodeum usually slightly rounded in lateral view, with propodeal angle, usually without transverse
carina above foramen; upper area of propodeum usually without transverse carina.
LEGS. Legs usually polished; femora with anges; tibiae with or without anges; dorsolateral surface
of tibiae usually with longitudinal carinae; dorsolateral surface of hindcoxa usually with longitudinal
carinae, rarely absent; shape of hind femur variable, basally stout, apparently wider than distal part
(Fig. 2A), or moderately stout, as wide as distal part (Fig. 2B), or simple and not stout, as wide as distal
part (Fig. 2C–D); outer margin of hindfemur usually at (Fig. 2A–B, D), rarely swollen in median part
(Fig. 2C); ventral margin of hindfemur usually at (Fig. 2A–B), sometimes swollen (Fig. 2C–D); tarsal
claw of hindleg usually with a median tooth (Fig. 25A–H, J–K, M–Q), rarely without tooth (Fig. 25I, L);
median tooth usually not extending half of tarsal claw (Fig. 25A, C–H, M–O, Q).
WINGS. Forewing membrane usually maculate, with A, Cu+M, M, R1, R, cu-a, and Rs vein (Fig. 3A–B);
forewing venation developed to half of forewing (Fig. 3A); A usually half as long as Cu+M (Figs 4G,
10E), sometimes as long as Cu+M; M usually curved (Fig. 3A), rarely straight or M vein absent (e.g.,
L. fulgens Kimsey, 2012, L. reducta Maa & Yoshimoto, 1961); R1 usually 0.3–1.0 times as long as R,
rarely absent; cu-a usually 0.4–1.0 times as long as R (Figs 5G, 7F), sometimes absent (Figs 12E, 17G,
21F); Rs usually more than 2.5 times as long as R.
METASOMA. Metasoma polished; ve visible segments in males. Females similar to male, four segments
HISASUE Y. et al., Loboscelidia of Vietnam
PILOSITY. Eye usually without setae, rarely with sparse erect simple or scale-like setae; frontal projection
usually with dense erect simple setae, sometimes with cuneate or scale-like setae; clypeus usually with
sparse erect simple setae; lower gena with sparse suberect simple or cuneate setae; gena with ribbon-
like setae; temple usually with sparse simple setae, sometimes with cuneate setae; cervical expansion
with sparse simple setae and ribbon-like setae; antenna with sparse simple or cuneate setae; anterolateral
margin of pronotum with ribbon-like setae, longer than those on gena; dorsal surface of pronotum usually
with sparse simple or suberect cuneate setae, rarely with forked setae; propleuron sometimes with
cuneate setae; scutum with sparse simple or suberect cuneate setae; tegula usually with sparse simple
or cuneate setae, rarely with forked setae; mesopleuron usually with sparse cuneate setae; metanotum
rarely with forked setae; propodeum with sparse simple setae or suberect cuneate setae in lateral view;
apical half of coxae with sparse suberect simple or cuneate setae; femora usually with sparse simple and
cuneate setae; tibiae with dense simple or cuneate setae.
Australia; Brunei; China (Mainland China, Hainan Island); India; Indonesia (Borneo Island, Java Island,
Sula Islands, Sulawesi Island); Japan (Iriomote Island); Laos; Malaysia (Malay Peninsula, Borneo
Island); Papua New Guinea (New Guinea, New Britain Island); Philippines (Basilan Island, Luzon
Island, Mentawai Islands, Mindanao Island, Palawan Island, Sibuyan Island); Singapore; Sri Lanka;
Taiwan; Thailand; Vietnam.
Acrophylla sp. (Phasmatidae: Phasmatinae) (Riek 1970); Anchiale austrotessulata Brock & Hasenpusch,
2007 (as Ctenomorphodes tessulata (Gray, 1835)) (Phasmatidae: Phasmatinae) (Hadlington & Hoschke
1959; Heather 1965).
Fig. 2. Hindfemora of Loboscelidia Westwood, 1874. A. L. vietnamensis sp. nov. B. L. parallela sp. nov.
C. L. fulgens Kimsey, 2012. D. L. mediata sp. nov.
European Journal of Taxonomy 887: 1–68 (2023)
Loboscelidia asiana Kimsey, 1988
Loboscelidia asiana Kimsey, 1988: 68. Holotype ; Viet Nam: Dalat (BPBM).
Loboscelidia asiana resembles L. barbata sp. nov. and L. sisik Kimsey, 2012 in having the following
characteristics: scale-like setae on the lower gena and a dark brown body color. However, it can be
distinguished by the following characteristics: frontal projection is triangular (rectangular in L. barbata
sp. nov.); scape striated (smooth in L. sisik) and more than 3.5 times as long as wide (less than 3.0 times
as long as wide in L. sisik); scrobal sulcus absent (present in the other two species); M vein curved
(nearly straight in other two species); and Rs 1.5 times as long as R (more than twice as long as the R
in other two species).
Vietnam (Southern Vietnam) (Fig. 26).
Fig. 3. Forewing venation of Loboscelidia Westwood, 1874. A. L. barbata sp. nov. B. L. fulgens Kimsey,
HISASUE Y. et al., Loboscelidia of Vietnam
Loboscelidia bachmaensis sp. nov.
Figs 4, 25A
The species epithet is named after the type locality, “Bch Mã”.
Type material
VIETNAM • ; Thua Thien Hue Province, Bach Ma NP, 19 km point; 16.192° N, 107.849° E; 3–6 Aug.
2016; T. Mita and Y. Komeda leg.; YPT; VNMN.
VIETNAM • 2 ♂♂; same collection data as for holotype; VNMN.
Male (Fig. 4A)
MEASUREMENTS. Body length 2.7 mm; forewing length 2.7 mm.
HEAD. Head (Fig. 4B–D) 1.5 times as long as high; 1.2 times as long as wide; inner ocular length 0.66
times as long as head width; frontal projection rectangular in frontal view (Fig. 4B); apical margin
of frontal projection straight; lower part of frontal projection shorter than upper part (Fig. 4D); frons
granulate, nely microstriate (Fig. 4C); frons with low ridge extending from median ocellus along inner
orbit of eye (Fig. 4C); spraclypeal area with transverse carinae (Fig. 4B); temple 0.80 times as long as
MOD (Fig. 4C); POL 0.8 times as long as MOD; OOL 1.2 times as long as MOD; LOL 0.2 times as long
as MOD; behind ocelli without transverse depression (Fig. 4C); cervical expansion convex in lateral
view (Fig. 4D); basal part of cervical expansion constricted weakly in dorsal view (Fig. 4C); scape 2.1
times as long as wide; scape with longitudinal grooves; F1 1.4 times as long as wide; F2 1.6 times as
long as wide; F11 3.2 times as long as wide; relative length of F1–F11: 1.0: 1.1: 1.2: 1.2: 1.2: 1.2: 1.3:
1.3: 1.3: 1.3: 1.8.
MESOSOMA. Pronotum 0.81 times as long as posterior width of pronotum (Fig. 4F); posterior width
of pronotum 1.2 times as wide as anterior width and as wide as head width; dorsolateral surface of
pronotum carinate (Fig. 4A); notauli of scutum slightly convergent to posterior, not reaching posterior
margin (Fig. 4F); median part of scutellum polished (Fig. 4E); posterior part of scutellum rugose; scrobal
sulcus present, weakly depressed (Fig. 4A); metanotum with three ridges; metanotum 0.39 times as long
as scutellum (Fig. 4E); propodeal angle weakly developed; propodeum without transverse carina above
WINGS. Forewing with M curved (Fig. 4G); cu-a 0.37 times as long as R; A extending half of Cu+M; R1
0.67 times as long as R; Rs 2.8 times as long as R.
LEGS. Tibiae smooth; ange on forefemur 0.61 times longer, 0.89 times wider than tubular part of
forefemur; ange on foretibia 0.42 times longer, 0.50 times wider than tubular part of foretibia; ange
on midfemur 0.76 times longer, 0.70 times wider than tubular part of midfemur; ange on midtibia 0.76
times longer, 0.67 times wider than tubular part of midtibia; hindcoxa dorso-laterally carinate; basal
part of hindfemur strongly producing; hindfemur basally stout, apparently wider than distal part; ventral
margin of hindfemur at; outer surface of hindfemur smooth; ange on hindfemur 0.74 times longer,
1.2 times wider than tubular part of hindfemur; outer surface of hindtibia smooth; ange on hindtibia
European Journal of Taxonomy 887: 1–68 (2023)
Fig. 4. Loboscelidia bachmaensis sp. nov., holotype, (VNMN). A. Lateral habitus. B. Head, frontal
view. C. Head, dorsal view. D. Head, lateral view. E. Mesosoma, dorsal view. F. Pronotum, dorsal view.
G. Forewing. Scale bars: A, G = 0.5 mm; B–F = 0.2 mm.
HISASUE Y. et al., Loboscelidia of Vietnam
0.79 times longer, 2.0 times wider than tubular part of hindtibia; hindtarsal claw with tooth reaching
of hindtarsal claw.
PILOSITY. Lower gena with sparse decumbent simple and cuneate setae (Fig. 4D); scape with sparse
decumbent simple and simple setae; pedicel with sparse decumbent cuneate setae; dorsal surface of
pronotum with sparse decumbent cuneate setae (Fig. 4F); forefemur with sparse decumbent and suberect
simple setae; hindtibia with sparse decumbent cuneate setae.
COLORATION. Body reddish brown; antenna reddish brown; legs reddish brown; anges yellowish brown;
ribbon-like setae white.
Vietnam (Central Vietnam) (Fig. 26).
This species closely resembles L. vietnamensis sp. nov. in having the following characteristics:
weakly convex cervical expansion, F11 3.0 times as long as wide, and a polished scutellum. However,
L. bachmaensis sp. nov. can be distinguished by the following characteristics: frontal projection equal to
shorter than upper part in lateral view (longer than above in L. vietnamensis sp. nov.); temple 0.80 times
as long as MOD (0.3–0.6 times longer than in L. vietnamensis sp. nov.); POL shorter than MOD (longer
than MOD in L. vietnamensis sp. nov.); tooth of hindtarsal claw reaching of hindtarsal claw (less than
¼ in L. vietnamensis sp. nov.).
Loboscelidia barbata sp. nov.
Figs 3A, 5, 25B
Named after the Latin ‘barbata’, meaning ‘beard’, referring to the scale-like setae on the lower gena.
Type material
VIETNAM • ; Thua Thien Hue Province, Bach Ma NP, pheasant trail; 16.231° N, 107.852° E; 4 Aug.
2016; T. Mita leg.; VNMN.
VIETNAM • 9 ♂♂; same collection data as for holotype; VNMN • 1 ; same collection data as for
holotype but 15 Sep. 2022; VNMN • 1 ; same locality data as for holotype; 16 Sep. 2022; Y. Hisasue
leg.; VNMN • 4 ♂♂; Thua Thien Hue Province, Bach Ma NP, Stone Sign; 16.194° N, 107.865° E; 2 Aug.
2016; T. Mita leg.; VNMN • 1 ; Vinh Phuc Province, Tam Dao District, Tam Dao NP; 21.453° N,
105.648° E; 4 Aug. 2016; K. Tsujii leg.; VNMN.
Male (Fig. 5A)
MEASUREMENTS. Body length 3.8–5.2 mm; forewing length 3.4–5.0 mm.
European Journal of Taxonomy 887: 1–68 (2023)
HEAD. Head (Fig. 5B–D) 1.8–1.9 times as long as high, 1.2–1.4 times as long as wide; inner ocular
length 0.58 times as long as head width; frontal projection rectangular in frontal view (Fig. 5B); apical
margin of frontal projection depressed (Fig. 5C); frons rugose, with low ridge extending from vertex
along inner orbit of eye (Fig. 5C); frons with indistinct wrinkles towards median ocellus (Fig. 5C); frons
with frontal line (Fig. 5C); spraclypeal area with transverse carinae (Fig. 5B); ftemple 0.50–0.71 times
as long as MOD (Fig. 5C); POL 1.3–1.4 times as long as MOD; OOL 1.4–1.5 times as long as MOD;
LOL 0.42–0.43 times as long as MOD; behind ocelli without transverse depression (Fig. 5C); cervical
expansion convex in lateral view (Fig. 5D); cervical expansion with longitudinal furrow (Fig. 5C); basal
part of cervical expansion constricted weakly in dorsal view (Fig. 5C); scape 2.9–3.2 times as long as
wide; scape with longitudinal grooves; scape with transparent ange; F1 2.0–2.3 times as long as wide;
F2 2.2–2.3 times as long as wide; F11 3.8 times as long as wide; relative length of F1–F11: 1.2: 1.2: 1.1:
1.1: 1.1: 1.0: 1.1: 1.0: 1.1: 1.1: 1.5.
MESOSOMA. Pronotum 0.79–0.81 times as long as posterior width of pronotum (Fig. 5E); posterior width
of pronotum 1.5–1.6 times as wide as anterior width and 1.2 times as wide as head width; dorsolateral
surface of pronotum carinate (Fig. 5A); notauli of scutum slightly curved, reaching posterior margin
(Fig. 5F); scutellum punctured (Fig. 5F); scrobal sulcus present, weakly depressed (Fig. 5F); metanotum
punctured, without ridge, 0.37–0.42 times as long as scutellum (Fig. 5F); propodeal angle strongly
developed; upper area of propodeum without transverse carina; propodeum without transverse carina
above foramen.
WINGS. Forewing (Fig. 5G) with M curved; cu-a 0.88–0.92 times as long as R; A longer than Cu+M; R1
0.43–0.54 times as long as R; Rs 2.4–2.8 times as long as R.
LEGS. Tibiae carinate; ange on forefemur 0.59–0.63 times longer, 0.90–1.1 times wider than tubular
part of forefemur; ange on foretibia 0.57–0.58 times longer, 0.86–1.0 times wider than tubular part
of foretibia; ange on midfemur 0.50–0.71 times longer, 0.70–0.80 times wider than tubular part
of midfemur; ange on midtibia 0.62–0.68 times longer, 0.71–1.0 times wider than tubular part of
midtibia; dorsolateral margin of hindcoxa with longitudinal carinae; basal part of hindfemur producing;
hindfemur basally stout, slightly wider than distal part; ventral margin of hindfemur at; outer surface
of hindfemur carinate; ange on hindfemur 0.58–0.74 times longer, 0.91–0.92 times wider than tubular
part of hindfemur; ange on hindtibia 0.75–0.83 times longer, 0.96–1.1 times wider than tubular part of
PILOSITY. Spraclypeal area with sparse decumbent and suberect cuneate setae (Fig. 5B); temple with
sparse decumbent cuneate setae (Fig. 5C); lower gena with sparse decumbent scale-like setae (Fig. 5D);
hypostoma with sparse decumbent scale-like setae; scape with sparse decumbent simple and cuneate
setae; pedicel with sparse decumbent simple and cuneate setae; scutellum without setae (Fig. 5F);
forecoxa with sparse decumbent cuneate setae; foretrochanter with sparse decumbent cuneate setae;
forefemur with sparse decumbent cuneate setae; foretibia with sparse decumbent cuneate setae; midcoxa,
midtrochanter, midfemur and midtibia with sparse decumbent cuneate setae; hindcoxa, hindtrochanter,
hindfemur and hindtibia with sparse decumbent cuneate setae.
COLORATION. Body reddish brown to blackish brown; antenna blackish brown; legs blakish brown;
anges yellowish brown; ribbon-like setae whitish yellow.
Vietnam (Northern Vietnam, Central Vietnam) (Fig. 26).
HISASUE Y. et al., Loboscelidia of Vietnam
Fig. 5. Loboscelidia barbata sp. nov., holotype, (VNMN). A. Lateral habitus. B. Head, frontal view.
C. Head, dorsal view. D. Head, lateral view. E. Pronotum, dorsal view. F. Mesosoma, dorsal view.
G. Forewing. Scale bars: A = 1 mm; B–G = 0.5 mm.
European Journal of Taxonomy 887: 1–68 (2023)
Loboscelidia barbata sp. nov. resembles L. convexa sp. nov. and L. sisik in having the following
characteristics: reddish brown (L. convexa sp. nov.) to dark brown (L. sisik) body color, scale-like setae
on the lower gena, and cervical expansion with longitudinal furrow (L. convexa sp. nov.). However,
L. barbata sp. nov. can be distinguished by the following characteristics: rectangular frontal projection
(triangular in L. sisik); strongly convex cervical expansion (weakly convex in L. sisik); cervical expansion
with longitudinal furrow (L. sisik without longitudinal furrow); scape 2.9 times as long as wide (twice
as long as wide in L. sisik); pronotum 0.80 times as long as posterior width (0.70 times as long as the
posterior width in L. convexa sp. nov.); metanotum that 0.40 times as long as scutellum (more than 0.50
times as long as the scutellum in L. convexa sp. nov.); midtibial ange present (L. sisik absent); and
longer A vein longer than Cu + M (as long as Cu + M in L. sisik).
Loboscelidia cilia sp. nov.
Figs 6, 25C
Named after the Latin ‘cilia’, meaning ‘eyelash’, referring to the conspicuous setae on the eye.
Type material
VIETNAM • ; Thua Thien Hue Province, Bach Ma NP, 19 km point; 16.198° N, 107.860° E; 2 Aug.
2016; T. Mita leg.; VNMN.
Male (Fig. 6A)
MEASUREMENTS. Body length 3.1 mm; forewing length 3.0 mm.
HEAD. Head (Fig. 6B–D) 2.0 times as long as high, 1.2 times as long as wide; inner ocular length 0.66
times as long as head width; frontal projection rectangular in frontal view (Fig. 6B); frons polished and
unpunctured, with high ridge extending from behind posterior ocellus along inner orbit of eye (Fig. 6C);
frons with distinct frontal line (Fig. 6C); spraclypeal area with transverse carinae (Fig. 6B); temple 2.0
times as long as MOD (Fig. 6C); POL 1.1 times as long as MOD; OOL 1.8 times as long as MOD;
LOL 0.5 times as long as MOD; behind ocelli with transverse depression (Fig. 6C); cervical expansion
strongly convex in lateral view (Fig. 6D); basal part of cervical expansion constricted strongly in dorsal
view (Fig. 6C); scape 3.5 times as long as wide; scape smooth, without longitudinal grooves; scape with
transparent ange, 0.7 times as long as tubular part of scape, 0.14 times as wide as tubular part of scape;
F1 2.3 times as long as wide; F2 2.5 times as long as wide; F11 3.1 times as long as wide; relative length
of F1–F11: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 1.0: 1.0: 1.0: 1.0: 1.1: 1.5.
MESOSOMA. Pronotum 0.68 times as long as posterior width of pronotum (Fig. 6E); posterior width of
pronotum 1.4 times as wide as anterior width and 1.1 times as wide as head width; dorsolateral surface of
pronotum rounded (Fig. 6F); notauli of scutum slightly curved, not reaching posterior margin (Fig. 6F);
scutum between notauli punctured (Fig. 6F); scutellum punctured, with lateral carina (Fig. 6F); scrobal
sulcus present, deeply depressed (Fig. 6A); apico-lateral area of scutellum without longitudinal carina
(Fig. 6F); metanotum with medial ridge, 0.44 times as long as scutellum (Fig. 6F); propodeal angle
strongly developed; upper area of propodeum without transverse carina; propodeum without transverse
carina above foramen.
HISASUE Y. et al., Loboscelidia of Vietnam
Fig. 6. Loboscelidia cilia sp. nov., holotype, (VNMN). A. Lateral habitus. B. Head, frontal view.
C. Head, dorsal view. D. Head, lateral view. E. Pronotum, dorsal view. F. Mesosoma, dorsal view.
G. Forewing. Scale bars: A, D–G = 0.5 mm; B–C = 0.2 mm.
European Journal of Taxonomy 887: 1–68 (2023)
WINGS. Forewing (Fig. 6G) with M curved; cu-a 1.2 times as long as R; A as long as Cu+M; R1 as long
as R; Rs 4.3 times as long as R.
LEGS. Tibiae carinate; ange on forefemur 0.29 times longer, 0.73 times wider than tubular part of
forefemur; ange on foretibia 0.51 times longer, 0.33 times wider than tubular part of foretibia; ange
on midfemur 0.27 times longer, 0.40 times wider than tubular part of midfemur; ange on midtibia
0.42 times longer, 0.33 times wider than tubular part of midtibia; hindcoxa 1.7 times as long as hind
trochanter; hindcoxa dorso-laterally carinate; basal part of hindfemur strongly producing; hindfemur
basally stout, apparently wider than distal part; ventral margin of hindfemur at; ange on hindfemur
0.69 times longer, 0.67 times wider than tubular part of hindfemur; outer surface of hindtibia smooth;
ange on hindtibia 0.54 times longer, as wide as tubular part of hindtibia.
METASOMA. Lateral margin of T1 with low ridge.
PILOSITY. Frons with sparse erect simple setae (Fig. 6C); eye with sparse erect simple setae (Fig. 6B–C);
temple with sparse erect simple setae (Fig. 6C); lower gena with sparse erect simple setae (Fig. 6D);
scape with sparse suberect and erect simple setae (Fig. 6B); pedicel with sparse erect simple setae;
dorsal part of pronotum with sparse decumbent and erect simple setae; scutum with sparse erect simple
setae; tegula with sparse erect simple setae; lateral side of scutellum with sparse decumbent simple
setae; midtibia with sparse erect simple setae; hindtibia with sparse erect simple setae; lateral margin of
T2 with sparse erect simple setae.
COLORATION. Body reddish brown; antenna reddish brown; legs reddish brown; ribbon-like setae
yellowish brown; ribbon-like setae yellow.
Vietnam (Central Vietnam) (Fig. 26).
Loboscelidia cilia sp. nov. resembles L. reducta and L. cinnamonea Kimsey, 2012 in having the following
characteristics: strongly convex cervical expansion, with transverse carina behind ocelii, without tibial
anges. However, L. cilia sp. nov. can be distinguished by the following characteristers: erect setae on
the eye (without setae in the other two species); complete M vein (absent in L. reducta); and cu-a and
R1 present (cu-a absent in the other two species, R1 absent in L. cinnamonea).
Loboscelidia convexa sp. nov.
Figs 7, 25D
Named after the Latin ‘convexa’, meaning ‘convex’, referring to the distinctly convex cervical expansion.
Type material
VIETNAM • ; Bac Kan Province, Ba Be NP; 22°2442.24 N, 105°3742.55 E; 2 Jul. 2014; T. Mita
leg.; VNMN.
HISASUE Y. et al., Loboscelidia of Vietnam
Male (Fig. 7A)
MEASUREMENTS. Body length 4.0 mm; forewing length 4.0 mm.
HEAD. Head (Fig. 7B–D) 1.8 times as long as high, 1.1 times as long as wide; inner ocular length 0.57
times as long as head width; frontal projection rectangular in frontal view (Fig. 7B); apical margion
of frontal projection depressed (Fig. 7C); frons with transverse microstriae, with high ridge extending
from vertex along inner orbit of eye (Fig. 7C); frons with indistinct wrinkles towards median ocellus
(Fig. 7C); frons with frontal line; spraclypeal area with transverse carinae (Fig. 7B); temple 0.73 times
as long as MOD (Fig. 7C); POL 1.1 times as long as MOD; OOL 1.3 times as long as MOD; LOL 0.33
times as long as MOD; behind ocelli with transverse depression (Fig. 7C); cervical expansion strongly
convex in lateral view, with longitudinal grooves (Fig. 7D); basal part of cervical expansion constricted
weakly in dorsal view (Fig. 7C); scape 2.8 times as long as wide; scape with longitudinal grooves; scape
with transparent ange; F1 1.8 times as long as wide; F2 2.0 times as long as wide; F11 3.6 times as long
as wide; relative length of F1–F11: 1.2: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 1.0: 1.0: 1.4.
MESOSOMA. Pronotum 0.71 times as long as posterior width and convex in lateral view (Fig. 7E); posterior
width of pronotum 1.5 times as wide as anterior width and 1.1 times as wide as head width; dorsolateral
surface of pronotum carinate (Fig. 7A); notauli of scutum slightly curved, reaching posterior margin
(Fig. 7F); scutellum punctured, with lateral carina (Fig. 7F); scrobal sulcus present, weakly depressed
(Fig. 7A); metanotum without ridge, 0.61 times as long as scutellum (Fig. 7F); propodeal angle weakly
developed; propodeum with transverse carina above foramen.
WINGS. Forewing (Fig. 7G) with M curved; cu-a 0.72 times as long as R; A extending Cu+M; R1 0.64
times as long as R; Rs 2.4 times as long as R.
LEGS. Tibiae carinate; ange on forefemur 0.65 times longer, 1.1 times wider than tubular part of
forefemur; ange on foretibia 0.67 times longer, 0.83 times wider than tubular part of foretibia; ange on
midfemur 0.72 times longer, as wide as tubular part of midfemur; ange on midtibia 0.76 times longer,
0.83 times wider than tubular part of midtibia; hindcoxa 2.5 times as long as hind trochanter; hindcoxa
dorso-laterally carinate; basal part of hindfemur strongly producing; hindfemur basally stout, apparently
wider than distal part; ventral margin of hindfemur at; outer surface of hindfemur smooth; ange on
hindfemur 0.79 times longer, 1.3 times wider than tubular part of hindfemur; ange on hindtibia 0.83
times longer, 1.1 times wider than tubular part of hindtibia.
PILOSITY. Spraclypeal area with sparse suberect cuneate setae (Fig. 7C); temple with sparse decumbent
cuneate setae; lower gena with sparse decumbent cuneate setae (Fig. 7D); hypostoma with sparse
decumbent and suberect simple cuneate setae; propleuron with sparse decumbent cuneate and scale-
like setae (Fig. 7A); forecoxa and foretrochanter with dense decumbent cuneate setae; foretibia with
sparse decumbent suberect simple and cuneate setae; midcoxa and midtrochanter with dense decumbent
cuneate setae; midtrochanter with sparse decumbent cuneate setae; midfemur with sparse decumbent
and suberect simple cuneate setae; hindcoxa and hindtrochanter with sparse decumbent cuneate setae;
hindfemur and hindtibia with sparse decumbent and suberect simple and cuneate setae.
COLORATION. Body red; antenna reddish brown; legs reddish brown; anges yellowish brown; ribbon-
like setae whitish yellow.
European Journal of Taxonomy 887: 1–68 (2023)
Fig. 7. Loboscelidia convexa sp. nov., holotype, (VNMN). A. Lateral habitus. B. Head, frontal view.
C. Head, dorsal view. D. Head, lateral view. E. Pronotum, dorsal view. F. Mesosoma, dorsal view.
G. Forewing. Scale bars = 0.5 mm.
HISASUE Y. et al., Loboscelidia of Vietnam
Vietnam (Northern Vietnam) (Fig. 26).
Loboscelidia convexa sp. nov. resembles L. asiana, L. barbata sp. nov. and L. sisik in having the following
characteristic: scale-like setae on the lower gena. However, L. convexa sp. nov. can be distinguished by
the following characteristics: lower gena bearing cuneate setae (with scale-like setae in other species);
rectangular frontal projection (triangular in L. asiana and L. sisik); smooth cervical expansion with
longitudinal furrow (without longitudinal furrow in L. asiana and L. sisik); and curved M vein (straight
in L. sisik).
Loboscelidia cucphuongensis sp. nov.
Figs 8, 25E
Named after the type locality ‘Cuc Phuong National Park’.
Type material
VIETNAM • ; Ninh Binh Province, Cuc Phuong NP; 20.360° N, 105.599° E; 23 Aug. 2019;
R. Matsumoto leg.; VNMN.
VIETNAM • 1 ; same locality data as for holotype; 11 Aug. 2016; T. Mita leg.; VNMN • 1 ; same
locality data as for holotype; 23 Aug. 2019; T. Mita leg.; VNMN • 1 ; same locality data as for holotype;
22 Aug. 2019; Y. Komeda leg.; VNMN • 1 ; same locality data as for holotype; 28 Aug. 2019; Y. Hisasue;
VNMN • 1 ; same locality data as for holotype; 29 Aug. 2019; N. Tsuji leg.; VNMN • 1 ; Bac Kan
province, Ba Be NP; 22.4130° N, 105.6320° E; 280–600 m a.s.l.; 19–23 May 2019; A. Brunke and
H. Schillhammer leg.; FIT; CNC • 1 ; Cuc Phuong NP; 20°2057.48 N, 105°3546.48 E: 390 m a.s.l.;
17–20 Jun. 2017; A. Brunke leg.; FIT; CNC • 1 ; Cuc Phuong NP; 20°2114.40 N, 105°359.60 E;
390 m a.s.l.; 17 Jun. 2017; A. Brunke leg.; beating; FIT; CNC.
Male (Fig. 8A).
MEASUREMENTS. Body length 3.2–4.5 mm; forewing length 3.2–4.2 mm.
HEAD. Head (Fig. 8B–D) 1.8–2.1 times as long as high, 1.3–1.4 times as long as wide; inner ocular
length 0.56 times as long as head width; frontal projection rectangular in frontal view (Fig. 8B); frons
granulate, with microstriae (Fig. 8D); frons with low ridge extending to vertex along inner orbit of
eye (Fig. 8D); frons with indistinct wrinkles towards median ocellus (Fig. 8C); spraclypeal area with
transverse carinae (Fig. 8B); temple 0.80–1.4 times as long as MOD (Fig. 8D); POL 1.1–1.4 times as
long as MOD; OOL 1.3–1.5 times as long as MOD; LOL 0.29–0.50 times as long as MOD; behind ocelli
without transverse depression (Fig. 8D); cervical expansion weakly convex in lateral view (Fig. 8C);
basal part of cervical expansion parallel in dorsal view (Fig. 8D); scape 2.8–3.2 times as long as wide;
scape with longitudinal grooves; scape with transparent ange; F1 2.0 times as long as wide; F2 1.8–2.0
times as long as wide; F11 2.9–3.2 times as long as wide; relative length of F1–F11: 1.1: 1.0: 1.0: 1.1:
1.1: 1.1: 1.0: 1.1: 1.0: 1.0: 1.3.
European Journal of Taxonomy 887: 1–68 (2023)
Fig. 8. Loboscelidia cucphuongensis sp. nov., holotype, (VNMN). A. Lateral habitus. B. Head, frontal
view. C. Head, dorsal view. D. Head, lateral view. E. Pronotum, dorsal view. F. Forewing. G. Mesosoma,
dorsal view. Scale bars: A, C–G = 0.5 mm; B = 0.2 mm.
HISASUE Y. et al., Loboscelidia of Vietnam
MESOSOMA. Pronotum 0.85–0.86 times as long as posterior width of pronotum (Fig. 8E); posterior width
of pronotum 1.2–1.6 times as wide as anterior width and as wide as head width; dorsolateral surface
of pronotum carinate (Fig. 8A); notauli of scutum parallel, not reaching posterior margin (Fig. 8G);
scutellum rugose, with lateral carina (Fig. 8G); scrobal sulcus present, strongly depressed (Fig. 8A);
metanotum with four ridges, 0.39–0.40 times as long as scutellum (Fig. 8G); propodeal angle strongly
developed; propodeum without transverse carina above foramen.
WINGS. Forewing (Fig. 8F) with M curved; cu-a 0.17–0.33 times as long as R; A extending half of
Cu+M; R1 0.33 times as long as R; Rs 2.6–3.2 times as long as R.
LEGS. Tibiae carinate; ange on forefemur 0.43–0.52 times longer, 0.67–0.90 times wider than tubular
part of forefemur; ange on foretibia 0.44–0.60 times longer, 0.27–0.67 times wider than tubular
part of foretibia; ange on midfemur 0.43–0.52 times longer, 0.32–0.88 times wider than tubular part
of midfemur; ange on midtibia 0.56–0.64 times longer, 0.58–0.60 times wider than tubular part of
midtibia; hindcoxa 2.0 times as long as hind trochanter; hindcoxa dorso-laterally carinate; basal part of
hindfemur strongly producing; hindfemur basally stout, apparently wider than distal part; ventral margin
of hindfemur at; outer surface of hindfemur carinate; ange on hindfemur 0.63–0.64 times longer,
0.76–1.1 times wider than tubular part of hindfemur; ange on hindtibia 0.74–0.77 times longer, 1.0–1.7
times as wide as tubular part of hindtibia.
PILOSITY. Lower gena with sparse decumbent simple and cuneate setae (Fig. 8C); scape with sparse
decumbent and suberect simple setae; pedicel with sparse suberect simple setae; forefemur with sparse
decumbent simple setae; midtrochanter with sparse decumbent cuneate setae; hindcoxa with sparse
decumbent cuneate setae.
COLORATION. Body reddish brown; antenna reddish brown; legs reddish brown; anges yellowish brown;
ribbon-like setae yellow brown.
Vietnam (Northern Vietnam) (Fig. 26).
Loboscelidia cucphuongensis sp. nov. resembles L. cuneata sp. nov., L. maai (Lin, 1964),
L. nitidula Kimsey, 2012 and L. pallarela sp. nov. in having a parallel cervical expansion. However,
L. cuchphuongensis sp. nov. can be distinguished by the following characteristics: forefemur bearing
simple setae (with cuneate setae in L. cuneata sp. nov.); R1 less than 0.5 times as long as R (more than
0.5 times as long as R in other four species); cu-a less than 0.5 times as long as R (as long as R in L. maai
and L. nitidula); and Rs about 2.5 times as long as R (more than 3. 0 times as long as R in L. nitidula
and L. pallalela sp. nov.).
Loboscelidia cuneata sp. nov.
Figs 9, 25F
Named after the Latin ‘cuneata’, meaning ‘cuneate’, referring to the cuneate setae on the body.
European Journal of Taxonomy 887: 1–68 (2023)
Type material
VIETNAM • ; Thua Thien Hue Province, Bach Ma NP, 19 km point; 16.198° N, 107.860° E; 2 Aug.
2016; T. Mita leg.; VNMN.
VIETNAM • 3 ♂♂; same collection data as for holotype; VNMN • 3 ♂♂; Thua Thien Hue Province,
Bach Ma NP, pheasant trail; 16.231° N, 107.852° E; 4 Aug. 2016; T. Mita leg.; VNMN • 1 ; Tuyen
Quang province, Na Hang Reserve; 360 m a.s.l.; 16–20 May 1997; S.B. Peck leg.; FIT; CNC (paratype
of L. laminata).
Male (Fig. 9A)
MEASUREMENTS. Body length 2.8–3.3 mm; forewing length 2.8–3.3 mm.
HEAD. Head (Fig. 9B–D) 1.7–1.8 times as long as high, 1.2–1.3 times as long as wide; inner ocular
length 0.57–0.58 times as long as head width; frontal projection rectangular in frontal view (Fig. 9B, D);
apical margion of frontal projection depressed (Fig. 9D); frons granulate, nely microstriate (Fig. 9D);
frons with low ridge extending from posterior ocellus along inner orbit of eye (Fig. 9D); spraclypeal
area with transverse carinae (Fig. 9B); temple 0.98–1.1 times as long as MOD (Fig. 9D); POL 0.83–1.3
times as long as MOD; OOL 1.2–1.5 times as long as MOD; LOL 0.33–0.50 times as long as MOD;
behind ocelli without transverse depression (Fig. 9D); cervical expansion weakly convex in lateral view
(Fig. 9C); basal part of cervical expansion parallel in dorsal view (Fig. 9D); scape 3.1 times as long as
wide, with longitudinal grooves; F1 1.7 times as long as wide; F2 1.7 times as long as wide; F11 2.9–3.4
times as long as wide; relative length of F1–F11: 1.1: 1.1: 1.0: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 1.3: 1.3: 1.6.
MESOSOMA. Pronotum 0.79–0.85 times as long as posterior width of pronotum (Fig. 9E); posterior width
of pronotum 1.4–1.9 times as wide as anterior width and 1.1 times as wide as head width; dorsolateral
surface of pronotum carinate (Fig. 9A); notauli of scutum slightly curved, not reaching posterior
margin (Fig. 8G); scrobal sulcus present, strongly depressed (Fig. 9A); scutellum punctured and rugose
(Fig. 9G); metanotum with medial ridge, 0.48–0.63 times as long as scutellum (Fig. 9G); propodeal
angle strongly developed; propodeum without transverse carina above foramen.
WINGS. Forewing (Fig. 9F) with M curved; cu-a 0.31–0.40 times as long as R; A extending half of
Cu+M; R1 0.7–1.0 times as long as R; Rs 2.9–3.2 times as long as R.
LEGS. Fore and hindtibiae carinate; ange on forefemur 0.42–0.54 times longer, as wide as tubular part
of forefemur; ange on foretibia 0.50–0.60 times longer, 0.60 times wider than tubular part of foretibia;
ange on midfemur 0.47–0.60 times longer, 0.88 times wider than tubular part of midfemur; ange on
midtibia 0.43–0.62 times longer, 0.57–0.75 times wider than tubular part of midtibia; hindcoxa dorso-
laterally carinate; basal part of hindfemur producing; hindfemur basally not stout, as wide as distal part;
ventral margin of hindfemur slightly swollen; outer surface of hindfemur smooth; ange on hindfemur
0.69–0.75 times longer, 0.75–0.80 times wider than tubular part of hindfemur; outer surface of hindtibia
smooth; ange on hindtibia 0.63–0.71 times longer, as wide as tubular part of hindtibia.
PILOSITY. Spraclypeal area with sparse erect cuneate setae (Fig. 9B); lower gena with sparse decumbent
cuneate setae (Fig. 9C); hypostoma with sparse decumbent cuneate setae; scape with sparse decumbent
and suberect simple and cuneate setae; pedicel with sparse erect simple and cuneate setae; propleuron
with sparse erect cuneate setae (Fig. 9A); tegula with sparse decumbent and erect simple setae (Fig. 9G);
metanotum with sparse suberect simple setae (Fig. 9G); forecoxa with sparse decumbent simple and
HISASUE Y. et al., Loboscelidia of Vietnam
Fig. 9. Loboscelidia cuneata sp. nov., holotype, (VNMN). A. Lateral habitus. B. Head, dorsal view.
C. Head, frontal view. D. Head, lateral view. E. Pronotum, dorsal view. F. Forewing. G. Mesosoma,
dorsal view. Scale bars:. A, E–G = 0.5 mm;. B–D = 0.2 mm.
European Journal of Taxonomy 887: 1–68 (2023)
cuneate setae; forefemur with dense decumbent simple and cuneate setae; apical part of foretibia with
sparse decumbent cuneate setae; midcoxa with sparse decumbent cuneate setae; apical part of midtibia
and hindtibia with sparse decumbent cuneate setae.
COLORATION. Body reddish brown; antenna reddish brown; legs reddish brown; anges yellowish brown;
ribbon-like setae whitish yellow.
Vietnam (Northern Vietnam, Central Vietnam) (Fig. 27).
Loboscelidia cuneata sp. nov. resembles L. cucphuongensis sp. nov., L. laminata and L. parallela
sp. nov. in having the following characteristics: reddish brown body color; weakly convex cervical
expansion in lateral view; basal part of cervical expansion parallel in dorsal view (L. cucphuongensis
sp. nov. and L. parallela sp. nov.); curved M vein; and Rs 3.0 times as long as R. However, L. do sp. nov.
can be distinguished by the following characteristics: scape more than 3.0 times as long as wide (much
less than 3.0 times as long as wide in L. do sp. nov. and L. laminata); scape with longitudinal grooves
(smooth in L. do sp. nov. and L. laminata); L. cuneata sp. nov. has cuneate setae on the forefemur and
all tibiae (simple setae in other species); R1 as long as R (much shorter than R in other three species);
and scutellum rugose and punctured surface (polished and almost impunctured in L. parallela sp. nov.
and L. do sp. nov.).
Loboscelidia defecta Kieffer, 1916
Fig. 10
Loboscelidia defecta Kieffer, 1916: 18. Syntype ; Philippines: Palawan (Insel Palavan), Puerto Princesa
Material examined
MALAYSIA • 1 ; Borneo, Sandakan; C.F. Baker leg.; USNM.
Loboscelidia defecta resembles L. fulgens, L. halimunensis Kojima, 2003 and L. reducta in having
the following characteristics: strongly convex cervical expansion (L. reducta); absent cu-a vein
(L. halimunensis and L. reducta); hindfemur not stout basally, as wide as its distal part (L. fulgens
and L. reducta); and swollen ventral margin of the hindfemur (L. fulgens and L. reducta). However,
L. defecta can be distinguished by the following characteristics: frons microstriate (polished and
inpumctured in L. reducta); triangular frontal projection (rectangular in other three species); A 0.5–0.7
times as long as R (more than 0.8 times as long as in other species); Rs less than twice as long as
R (more than twice as long as in L. halimunensis); and absent tibial anges (present in L. fulgens)
(Kimsey 2012).
Malaysia; Philippines; Thailand; Vietnam (Southern Vietnam) (Kimsey 2012).
HISASUE Y. et al., Loboscelidia of Vietnam
Fig. 10. Loboscelidia defecta Kieffer, 1916, (USNM). A. Lateral habitus. B. Head, dorsal view.
C. Head, lateral view. D. Pronotum, dorsal view. E. Mesosoma, dorsal view. F. Forewing. Not to scale.
European Journal of Taxonomy 887: 1–68 (2023)
Loboscelidia do sp. nov.
Fig. 11, 25G
The speci c name is derived from the Vietnamese word, ‘do for ‘red’, referring to the reddish body
Type material
VIETNAM • ; Bac Kan Province, Ba Be NP; 22°2443.34 N, 105°3654.76 E; 4 Jul. 2014; K. Tsujii
leg.; VNMN.
VIETNAM • 1 ; same collection data as for holotype; VNMN • 1 ; Bac Giang Province, Tay Yen Tu
NR; 21°1052.33 N, 106°4324.3 E; 7 Jul. 2014; T. Mita leg.; VNMN.
Male (Fig. 11A)
MEASUREMENTS. Body length 3.3–3.9 mm; forewing length 3.3–3.7 mm.
HEAD. Head (Fig. 11B–D) 1.9–2.3 times as long as high, 1.3 times as long as wide; inner ocular length
0.58–0.59 times as long as head width; frontal projection rectangular in frontal view (Fig. 11B); apical
margin of frontal projection depressed (Fig. 11C); frons polished, with low ridge extending from vertex
along inner orbit of eye (Fig. 11C); frons with indistinct carinae towards posterior ocelli (Fig. 11C);
spraclypeal area without transverse carinae (Fig. 11B); temple 0.39–0.50 times as long as MOD
(Fig. 11C); POL 0.85–1.1 times as long as MOD; OOL as long as MOD; LOL 0.17 times as long as
MOD; behind ocelli without transverse depression (Fig. 11C); cervical expansion convex in lateral
view (Fig. 11D); basal part of cervical expansion constricted weakly in dorsal view (Fig. 11C); scape
2.2–2.7 times as long as wide; scape with one longitudinal groove extending apical margin; scape with
transparent ange, 0.85 times as long as tubular part of scape, 0.25 times wider than tubular part of
scape; F1 1.8–2.0 times as long as wide; F2 1.7–2.1 times as long as wide; F11 3.4–3.9 times as long as
wide; relative length of F1–F11: 1.0: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 1.2: 1.2: 1.6.
MESOSOMA. Pronotum 0.82 times as long as posterior width of pronotum (Fig. 11F); posterior width
of pronotum 1.4 times as wide as anterior width and 1.1 times as wide as head width; dorsolateral
surface of pronotum carinate (Fig. 11A); notauli of scutum slightly curved, reaching posterior margin
(Fig. 11G); scutellum polished and inpunctured, with lateral carina (Fig. 11G); scrobal sulcus present,
deeply depressed (Fig. 11A); metanotum with medial ridge, 0.44–0.47 times as long as scutellum
(Fig. 11G); propodeal angle weakly developed; propodeum with transverse carina above foramen and
not connected upper area.
WINGS. Forewing (Fig. 11E) with M curved; cu-a 0.29–0.40 times as long as R; A extending half of
Cu+M; R1 0.60–0.71 times as long as R; Rs 2.7–3.3 times as long as R.
LEGS. Tibiae carinate; ange on forefemur 0.71–0.77 times longer, 1.0–1.3 times wider than tubular
part of forefemur; ange on foretibia 0.63–0.75 times longer, 1.3–2.0 times wider than tubular part of
foretibia; ange on midfemur 0.72–0.76 times longer, 1.0–1.5 wider than tubular part of midfemur;
ange on midtibia 0.74–0.76 times longer, 0.89–1.0 times wider than tubular part of midtibia; hindcoxa
2.0 times as long as hind trochanter; postero-lateral margin of hind coxa with longitudinal carinae;
HISASUE Y. et al., Loboscelidia of Vietnam
Fig. 11. Loboscelidia do sp. nov., holotype, (VNMN). A. Lateral habitus. B. Head, frontal view.
C. Head, dorsal view. D. Head, lateral view. E. Forewing. F. Pronotum, dorsal view. G. Mesosoma,
dorsal view. Scale bars: A, E–G = 0.5 mm; B–D = 0.2 mm.
European Journal of Taxonomy 887: 1–68 (2023)
basal part of hindfemur strongly producing; hindfemur basally stout, apparently wider than distal part;
ventral margin of hindfemur at; outer surface of hindtibia smooth; ange on hindfemur 0.60–0.85
times longer, 0.90–1.0 times wider than tubular part of hindfemur; ange on hindtibia 0.83–0.89 times
longer, 1.8–2.0 times wider than tubular part of hindtibia; median tooth of tarsal claw far beyond half of
tarsal claw (25G).
PILOSITY. Spraclypeal area with sparse erect simple setae (Fig. 11B); temple with sparse suberect simple
setae (Fig. 11C); lower gena with sparse decumbent simple setae (Fig. 11D); frons with sparse decumbent
simple setae (Fig. 11C); around spiracle of propodeum with sparse decumbent simple setae; forefemur
and foretibia with dense decumbent simple setae; dorsal surface of forefemur, foretibia, midtibia and
hindtibia with sparse suberect simple setae.
COLORATION. Body reddish brown; antenna reddish brown; legs reddish brown; anges yellowish brown;
ribbon-like setae whitish yellow.
Vietnam (Northern Vietnam) (Fig. 27).
Loboscelidia do sp. nov. resembles L. cuneata sp. nov., L. parallela sp. nov. and L. pecki Kimsey,
2012 in the following characteristics: reddish brown body color; rectangular frontal projection; F1
and F2 nearly twice as long as wide; transverse carina absent behind ocelli; at ventral margin of the
hindfemur. However, L. do sp. nov. can be distinguished by the following characteristics: frons with
setae (L. cuneata sp. nov. without setae); scape less than 3.0 times as long as wide (more than 3.0 times
as long as wide in other species); femora with simple setae (L. cuneata sp. nov. with cuneate setae); basal
of cervical expansion weakly constricted (other two species parallel); R1 vein less than 0.80 times as
long as R (as long as R in L. pecki), and cu-a vein longer than 0.29 times as long as R (absent or slightly
present in L. pecki).
Loboscelidia avipes sp. nov.
Figs 12, 25H
Named after the Latin ‘ ava’, meaning ‘yellow’, and ‘pes’, meaning ‘foot’, referring to the pale-yellow
Type material
VIETNAM • ; Ninh Binh Province, Cuc Phuong NP; 20°2101.9 N, 105°3537.0 E; 24 Jul. 2010;
T. Mita leg.; VNMN.
Male (Fig. 12A)
MEASUREMENTS. Body length 3.1 mm; forewing length 3.2 mm.
HISASUE Y. et al., Loboscelidia of Vietnam
HEAD. Head (Fig. 12B–D) 2.0 times as long as high, 1.3 times as long as wide; inner ocular length 0.58
times as long as head width; frontal projection rectangular in frontal view (Fig. 12B); apical margion
of frontal projection straight (Fig. 12C); frons granulate, nely microstriate (Fig. 12C); frons with low
ridge extending from vertex along inner orbit of eye (Fig. 12C); spraclypeal area without transverse
carinae (Fig. 12B); temple 0.80 times as long as MOD (Fig. 12C); POL as long as MOD; OOL 1.4
times as long as MOD; LOL 0.4 times as long as MOD; behind ocelli without transverse depression
(Fig. 12C); cervical expansion convex in lateral view (Fig. 12D); basal part of cervical expansion parallel
in dorsal view (Fig. 12C); scape 2.8 times as long as wide; scape with longitudinal grooves; scape with
transparent ange; F1 1.9 times as long as wide; F2 1.8 times as long as wide; F11 3.6 times as long as
wide; relative length of F1–F11: 1.2: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 1.0: 1.0: 1.1: 1.1: 1.2: 1.1: 1.7.
MESOSOMA. Pronotum 0.83 times as long as posterior width of pronotum (Fig. 12E); posterior width
of pronotum 1.5 times as wide as anterior width and as wide as head width; dorsolateral surface of
pronotum carinate (Fig. 12A); notauli of scutum slightly curved, reaching posterior margin (Fig. 12F);
scrobal sulcus absent (Fig. 12A); scutellum polished and impunctured, without lateral carina (Fig. 12F);
metanotum with two ridges, 0.43 times as long as scutellum (Fig. 12F); propodeal angle strongly
developed; upper area of propodeum without transverse carina; propodeum without transverse carina
above foramen.
WINGS. Forewing (Fig. 12G) with M curved; cu-a 0.50 times as long as R; A extending half of Cu+M;
R1 0.42 times as long as R; Rs 3.6 times as long as R.
LEGS. Tibiae carinate; ange on forefemur 0.59 times longer, 1.3 times wider than tubular part of
forefemur; ange on foretibia 0.42 times longer, 0.67 times wider than tubular part of foretibia; ange
on midfemur 0.37 times longer, 1.6 times wider than tubular part of midfemur; ange on midtibia
0.50 times longer, 0.67 times wider than tubular part of midtibia; hindcoxa 1.9 times as long as hind
trochanter; hindcoxa dorso-laterally carinate; basal part of hindfemur producing; hindfemur basally not
stout, as wide as distal part; ventral margin of hindfemur at; ange on hindfemur 0.66 times longer,
as wide as tubular part of hindfemur; outer surface of hindtibia smooth; ange on hindtibia 0.80 times
longer, 1.5 times wider than tubular part of hindtibia.
PILOSITY. Lower gena with sparse decumbent cuneate setae (Fig. 12D); hypostoma with sparse decumbent
cuneate setae; foretibia with sparse decumbent and suberect simple and cuneate setae; midcoxa with
sparse decumbent cuneate setae; midfemur and midtibia with sparse decumbent and suberect simple
and cuneate setae; hindcoxa with sparse decumbent cuneate setae; hindfemur and hindtibia with sparse
decumbent and suberect simple setae.
COLORATION. Body yellowish brown; antenna yellowish brown; legs yellowish brown; ribbon-like setae
whitish yellow.
Vietnam (Northern Vietnam) (Fig. 27).
Loboscelidia apives sp. nov. resembles L. vietnamensis sp. nov. and L. bachmaensis sp. nov. in having
the following characteristics: frons microstriate; cervical expansion weakly convex; F1 less than
twice as long as wide; and Rs more than 3.0 times as long as R (L. vietnamensis sp. nov.). However,
European Journal of Taxonomy 887: 1–68 (2023)
Fig. 12. Loboscelidia avipes sp. nov., holotype, (VNMN). A. Lateral habitus. B. Head, frontal view.
C. Head, dorsal view. D. Head, lateral view. E. Pronotum, dorsal view. F. Mesosoma, dorsal view.
G. Forewing. Scale bars: A, E–G = 0.5 mm; B–D = 0.2 mm.
HISASUE Y. et al., Loboscelidia of Vietnam
L. avipes sp. nov. can be distinguished by the following characteristics: yellow body color (red or
reddish brown in the other two species); temple more than 0.50 times as long as MOD (L. vietnamensis
sp. nov. less than 0.30 times as long as R); POL as long as MOD (L. vietnamensis sp. nov. shorter than
MOD, L. bachmaensis sp. nov. longer than MOD); pronotum narrower than head (wider than head in
L. bachmaensis sp. nov.); and cu-a 0.50 times as long as R (nearly 0.30 times as long as R in other two
Loboscelidia fulgens Kimsey, 2012
Figs 2C, 3B, 13, 25I
Loboscelidia fulgens Kimsey, 2012: 16. Holotype ; Vietnam: Tuyen Quang Province, Na Hang Nature
Reserve (CNC).
Material examined
VIETNAM • 1 ; Ha Tinh province, Huong Son; 450 m a.s.l.; 18°22 N, 105°13 E; 22 Apr.–1 May
1998; L. Herman leg.; light trap; CNC • 1 ; Tuyen Quang province, Na Hang Reserve; 360 m a.s.l.;
16–20 May 1997; S.B. Peck leg.; FIT; CNC.
VIETNAM • 5 ♂♂; Bac Giang Province, Tay Yen Tu NR; 21°1052.33 N, 106°4324.3 E; 9 Jul. 2014;
T. Mita leg.; VNMN • 5 ♂♂; same locality data as for preceding but 21°113.65 N; 106°4442.44 E;
10 Jul. 2014; K. Tsujii leg.; VNMN.
Male (Fig. 13A)
MEASUREMENTS. Body length 2.4–3.1 mm; forewing length 2.7–3.2 mm.
HEAD. Head (Fig. 13B–D) 1.8 times as long as high, 1.1 times as long as wide; inner ocular length 0.67
times as long as head width; frontal projection rectangular in frontal view (Fig. 13C); apical margion
of frontal projection depressed (Fig. 13D); frons polished and unpunctured (Fig. 13D); frons with low
ridge extending from median ocellus along inner orbit of eye (Fig. 13D); frons with indistinct carinae
towards median ocellus (Fig. 13C); frons with distinct frontal line; spraclypeal area with transverse
carinae; temple 0.64 times as long as MOD (Fig. 13D); POL 1.2 times as long as MOD; OOL as long as
MOD; LOL 0.40 times as long as MOD; behind ocelli with transverse depression; cervical expansion
convex in lateral view (Fig. 13B); basal part of cervical expansion constricted in dorsal view (Fig. 13D);
scape 3.6 times as long as wide; scape with longitudinal grooves; F1 2.2 times as long as wide; F2 1.8
times as long as wide; F11 3.0 times as long as wide; relative length of F1–F11: 1.3: 1.1: 1.0: 1.0: 1.0:
1.1: 1.0: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 1.6.
MESOSOMA. Pronotum 0.81 times as long as posterior width of pronotum (Fig. 13F); posterior width
of pronotum 1.3 times as wide as anterior width and 0.90 times as wide as head width; dorsolateral
surface of pronotum rounded (Fig. 13A); notauli of scutum slightly curved, reaching posterior margin
(Fig. 13G); scutellum polished, with lateral carina (Fig. 13G); apico-lateral area of scutellum without
longitudinal carina (Fig. 13G); scrobal sulcus absent (Fig. 13A); metanotum with two ridges; metanotum
0.31 times as long as scutellum (Fig. 13G); propodeal angle weakly developed; propodeum without
transverse carina above foramen.
WINGS. Forewing (Fig. 13E) with M absent; cu-a absent; A extending half of Cu+M; R1 0.33 times as
long as R; Rs 1.7 times as long as R.
European Journal of Taxonomy 887: 1–68 (2023)
LEGS. Tibiae carinate; ange on forefemur 0.35 times longer, as wide as tubular part of forefemur; ange
on foretibia 0.34 times longer, 0.33 times wider than tubular part of foretibia; ange on midfemur 0.66
times longer, 0.70 times wider than tubular part of midfemur; ange on midtibia 0.58 times longer, 0.33
times wider than tubular part of midtibia; hindcoxa 2.3 times as long as hind trochanter; hindcoxa dorso-
laterally carinate; basal part of hindfemur simple; hindfemur basally not stout, as wide as distal part;
ventral margin of hindfemur swollen; ange on hindfemur 0.48 times longer, as wide as tubular part of
hindfemur; outer surface of hindtibia smooth; ange on hindtibia 0.54 times longer, 0.75 times wider
than tubular part of hindtibia.
PILOSITY. Forecoxa with sparse decumbent simple setae; foretibia with sparse decumbent and erect
simple setae; midcoxa with sparse decumbent simple setae; midfemur with sparse decumbent and
suberect simple setae; midtibia with sparse decumbent and suberect simple setae; hindcoxa with
sparse decumbent simple setae; hindfemur with sparse decumbent cuneate setae; hindtibia with sparse
decumbent and suberect simple setae.
Fig. 13. Loboscelidia fulgens Kimsey, 2012, (VNMN). A. Lateral habitus. B. Head, lateral view.
C. Head, frontal view. D. Head, dorsal view. E. Forewing. F. Pronotum, dorsal view. G. Mesosoma,
dorsal view. Scale bars: A, E–G = 0.5 mm; B = 0.1 mm; C–D = 0.2 mm.
HISASUE Y. et al., Loboscelidia of Vietnam
COLORATION. Body yellowish brown; antenna yellowish brown; legs yellowish brown; ribbon-like setae
whitish yellow.
Vietnam (Northern Vietnam, Central Vietnam) (Fig. 27).
Loboscelidia fulgens shares a completely lacking M vein with L. bakeri Fouts, 1922, L. guangxiensis
Xu, Weng & He, 2006 and L. reducta. However, L. fulgens can be distinguished from the three species
by the following characteristics: head wider than posterior width of pronotum (narrower than posterior
width of pronotum in L. bakeri and L. reducta); R1 0.30 times as long as R (more than 0.50 times as long
as R in L. guangxiensis); a ange on hindtibia more than 0.50 times as wide as tubular part of hindtibia
(less wide than hindtibia in L. guangxiensis); well-developed tibial anges (lacking in L. reducta); and
propodeum without a transverse carina (with the carina in L. bakeri).
Loboscelidia glabra sp. nov.
Figs 14, 25J
Named after the Latin ‘glaber’, meaning ‘hairless’, referring to the eye without setae of the holotype.
Type material
VIETNAM • ; Ninh Binh Province, Cuc Phuong NP; 24–25 Aug. 2019; Y. Hisasue et al. leg.; FIT;
Female (Fig. 14A)
MEASUREMENTS. Body length 3.6 mm; forewing length 2.7 mm.
HEAD. Head (Fig. 14B–D) 1.8 times as long as high, 1.4 times as long as wide; inner ocular length 0.67
times as long as head width; frontal projection rectangular in frontal view (Fig. 14B); apical margin of
frontal projection depressed (Fig. 14C); frons granulate, microstriae (Fig. 14C); frons without ridge along
inner orbit of eye (Fig. 14C); frons with distinct carinae towards median ocellus (Fig. 14C); spraclypeal
area with transverse carinae (Fig. 14B); temple 1.1 times as long as MOD (Fig. 14C); POL 1.2 times
as long as MOD; OOL 2.5 times as long as MOD; LOL 0.48 times as long as MOD; behind ocelli with
transverse depression (Fig. 14C); cervical expansion weakly convex in lateral view (Fig. 14D); basal
part of cervical expansion strongly constricted in dorsal view (Fig. 14C); scape 2.6 times as long as
wide; scape longitudinally carinate, without ange; F1 0.88 times as long as wide; F2 0.63 times as long
as wide; F11 0.82 times as long as wide; relative length of F1–F11: 1.8: 1.4: 1.0: 1.0: 1.0: 1.0: 1.2: 1.2:
1.2: 1.2: 2.2.
MESOSOMA. Pronotum 0.70 times as long as posterior width of pronotum (Fig. 14F); posterior width of
pronotum 1.4 times as wide as anterior width and 1.3 times as wide as head width; dorsolateral surface
of pronotum carinate (Fig. 14A); notauli parallel, reaching posterior margin (Fig. 14G); scutellum
European Journal of Taxonomy 887: 1–68 (2023)
Fig. 14. Loboscelidia glabra sp. nov., holotype, (VNMN). A. Lateral habitus. B. Head, frontal view.
C. Head, dorsal view. D. Head, lateral view. E. Forewing. F. Pronotum, dorsal view. G. Mesosoma,
dorsal view. Scale bars: A, E–G = 0.5 mm; B–D = 0.2 mm.
HISASUE Y. et al., Loboscelidia of Vietnam
polished and punctured (Fig. 14G); scrobal sulcus present, weakly depressed (Fig. 14A); metanotum
with medial ridge, 0.41 times as long as scutellum (Fig. 14G); propodeal angle weakly developed;
propodeum without transverse carina above foramen.
WINGS. Forewing (Fig. 14E) with M curved; cu-a 0.51 times as long as R; A extending half of Cu+M;
R1 0.63 times as long as R; Rs 2.9 times as long as R.
LEGS. Tibiae carinate; ange on forefemur 0.69 times longer, 1.3 times wider than tubular part of
forefemur; ange on foretibia 0.67 times longer, 1.8 times wider than tubular part of foretibia; ange
on midfemur 0.66 times longer, 0.8 times wider than tubular part of midfemur; ange on midtibia 0.61
times longer, 1.6 times wider than tubular part of midtibia; hind coxa dorso-laterally carinate; basal part
of hindfemur strongly producing; hindfemur basally stout, apparently wider than distal part; ventral
margin of hindfemur at; outer surface of hindfemur smooth; ange on hindfemur 0.52 times longer,
as wide as tubular part of hindfemur; outer surface of hindtibia smooth; ange on hindtibia 0.73 times
longer, 0.78 times wider than tubular part of hindtibia; hind tarsal claw without median tooth (Fig. 25J).
PILOSITY. Gena with sparse suberect simple setae (Fig. 14D); hypostoma with sparse suberect simple
setae; scape and pedicel with sparse decumbent cuneate setae; dorsal and lateral surfaces of pronotum
with sparse decumbent cuneate setae (Fig. 14F); propleuron with sparse suberect simple setae; scutum,
mesopleuron and metanotum with sparse decumbent cuneate setae (Fig. 14A, G); tegula with sparse
suberect simple setae (Fig. 14G); scutellum with sparse decumbent cuneate setae (Fig. 14G); dorsal
surface of propodeum almost asetose; lateral and posterior parts of propodeum with sparse decumbent
cuneate setae; forecoxa and foretrochanter with sparse suberect simple setae; foretibia with sparse
decumbent and suberect simple and cuneate setae; midleg with sparse decumbent and suberect simple
and cuneate setae; hindleg with sparse decumbent and suberect simple and cuneate setae.
COLORATION. Body reddish brown; antenna reddish brown; legs reddish brown; anges yellowish brown;
ribbon-like setae whitish yellow.
Vietnam (Northern Vietnam) (Fig, 27).
Loboscelidia glabra sp. nov. resembles L. antennata Fouts, 1922 and L. hei Yao, Liu & Xu, 2010;
however, L. glabra sp. nov. has eyes without setae (with erect setae in L. antennata); pronotum 0.80
times as long as wide (0.60 times as long as wide in L. antennata); shorter F11 0.80 times as long as wide
(1.2 times as long as wide in L. hei); and a narrow hindtibial ange, 0.80 times as wide as the tubular
part (as wide as the tubular part in L. hei).
Loboscelidia kafae Kimsey, 2012
Loboscelidia kafae Kimsey, 2012: 20. Holotype ; Thailand: Chiang Mai Province, Doi Phahompok NP
Mae Fang Hot spring (QSBG).
Loboscelidia kafae resembles L. pasohana and L. laminata in having the following characteristics: F1
less than twice as long as wide and cu-a 0.50 times as long as R. However, L. kafae can be distinguished
European Journal of Taxonomy 887: 1–68 (2023)
by the following characteristics: weakly convex cervical expansion (strongly convex in L. pasohana);
F2 twice as long as wide (1.5 times as long as wide in L. pasohana); F11 that 4.0 times as long as wide
(3.5 times as long as wide in other two species); F2 twice as long as wide (less than twice as long as wide
in L. laminata); fore- and midtibial anges as wide as the tubular part; and a hindtibial ange twice as
wide as the tubular part (less than twice as wide as the tubular part in other two species) (Kimsey 2012).
Laos; Malaysia; Thailand; Vietnam (Northern Vietnam) (Kimsey 2012).
Loboscelidia komedai sp. nov.
Figs 15, 25K
The speci c name is in honor of Dr Yoto Komeda who collected the holotype of this new species.
Type material
VIETNAM • ; Thua Thien Hue Province, Bach Ma NP, rhododendron trail; 16.192° N, 107.849° E; 3
Aug. 2016; Y. Komeda leg.; VNMN.
VIETNAM • 1 , same locality data as for holotype; 3–6 Aug. 2016; YPT; VNMN • 1 ; Thua Thien
Hue Province, Bach Ma NP, phaesant trail; 16.231° N, 107.852° E; 4 Aug. 2016; T. Mita leg.; VNMN.
Male (Fig. 15A)
MEASUREMENTS. Body length 3.9–4.1 mm; forewing length 3.9–4.1 mm.
HEAD. Head (Fig. 15B–D) 1.8–1.9 times as long as high, 1.3 times as long as wide; inner ocular length
0.55–0.61 times as long as head width; frontal projection rectangular in frontal view (Fig. 15B); apical
margin of frontal projection straight (Fig. 15C); frons granulate (Fig. 15C); frons with low ridge extending
from vertex along inner orbit of eye; frons with indistinct carina towards median ocellus (Fig. 15C);
spraclypeal area with transverse carinae (Fig. 15B); temple 0.43–0.86 times as long as MOD (Fig. 15C);
POL 1.5–1.6 times as long as MOD; OOL 1.3–2.0 times as long as MOD; LOL 0.29–0.57 times as long
as MOD; behind ocelli without transverse depression (Fig. 15C); cervical expansion weakly convex in
lateral view (Fig. 15C); basal part of cervical expansion constricted weakly in dorsal view (Fig. 15C);
scape 2.5–2.6 times as long as wide; scape with longitudinal grooves; F1 1.6–2.6 times as long as wide;
F2 1.5–2.8 times as long as wide; F11 3.4–3.8 times as long as wide; relative length of F1–F11: 1.0: 1.0:
1.0: 1.0: 1.0: 1.0: 1.0: 1.0: 1.0: 1.0: 1.4.
MESOSOMA. Pronotum 0.81–0.83 times as long as posterior width of pronotum (Fig. 15F); posterior
width of pronotum 1.4–1.7 times as wide as anterior width and 1.1–1.2 times as wide as head width;
dorsolateral surface of pronotum carinate (Fig. 15A); notauli of scutum slightly curved, reaching
posterior margin (Fig. 15G); scutellum punctured and rugose; scrobal sulcus present, weakly depressed
(Fig. 15G); metanotum with medial ridge (Fig. 15G), 0.39–0.46 times as long as scutellum; propodeal
angle weakly developed (Fig. 15G); upper area of propodeum without transverse carina; propodeum
without transverse carina above foramen.
HISASUE Y. et al., Loboscelidia of Vietnam
Fig. 15. Loboscelidia komedai sp. nov., holotype, (VNMN). A. Lateral habitus. B. Head, dorsal view.
C. Head, frontal view. D. Head, lateral view. E. Forewing. F. Pronotum, dorsal view. G. Mesosoma,
dorsal view. Scale bars = 0.5 mm.
European Journal of Taxonomy 887: 1–68 (2023)
WINGS. Forewing (Fig. 15E) with M curved; cu-a 0.72–0.80 times as long as R; A extending half of
Cu+M; R1 0.60–0.67 times as long as R; Rs 2.7–3.1 times as long as R.
LEGS. Tibiae carinate; ange on forefemur 0.64–0.66 times longer, 0.70–0.92 times wider than tubular
part of forefemur; ange on foretibia 0.50–0.63 times longer, 0.63–0.73 times wider than tubular
part of foretibia; ange on midfemur 0.71–0.83 times longer, 0.75–1.0 times wider than tubular part
of midfemur; ange on midtibia 0.58–0.68 times longer, 0.56–0.80 times wider than tubular part of
midtibia; hindcoxa 1.8 times as long as hind trochanter; hindcoxa dorso-laterally carinate; basal part
of hindfemur strongly producing; hindfemur basally stout, apparently wider than distal part; ventral
margin of hindfemur at; outer surface of hindfemur smooth; ange on hindfemur 0.77–0.86 times
longer, 0.79–0.9 times wider than tubular part of hindfemur; outer surface of hindtibia smooth; ange
on hindtibia 0.67–0.75 times longer, 1.5–1.7 times wider than tubular part of hindtibia; median tooth of
tarsal claw extending half of tarsal claw.
PILOSITY. Spraclypeal area with erect simple setae (Fig. 15B); lower gena with sparse decumbent simple
setae; scape with sparse decumbent simple setae; dorsal and lateral surfaces of pronotum with sparse
decumbent cuneate setae (Fig. 15F); forefemur with sparse decumbent and suberect simple setae;
midfemur with sparse decumbent simple setae; midtibia with sparse decumbent simple setae; hindfemur
with sparse decumbent simple setae; hindtibia with sparse decumbent simple setae; hindcoxa with sparse
decumbent simple setae.
COLORATION. Body reddish brown to blackish brown; scutum, scutellum and metanotum blackish brown;
ribbon-like setae yellowish brown; anges yellowish brown.
Vietnam (Central Vietnam) (Fig. 28).
This species resembles L. sarawakensis Kimsey, 1988 in having a darker body color, scrobal sulcus, and
scape more than twice as long as wide. However, it can be distinguished by the following combination
of characteristics: rectangular frontal projection (L. sarawakensis triangular); transverse depression
absent behind ocelli (L. sarawakensis with transverse depression).
Loboscelidia laminata Kimsey, 2012
Fig. 16
Loboscelidia laminata Kimsey, 2012: 22. Holotype ; Vietnam: Tuyen Quang Province, Na Hang
Reserve (CNC).
Material examined
VIETNAM • ; Dai Lanh, N of Nha Trang; 30 Nov.–5 Dec. 1960; C.M. Yoshimoto leg.; CNC.
VIETNAM • 1 ; Thua Thien Hue Province, Bach Ma NP, pheasant trail; 16.231° N, 107.852° E;
16 Sep. 2022; Y. Hisasue leg.; VNMN.
HISASUE Y. et al., Loboscelidia of Vietnam
Loboscelidia laminata resembles L. bachmaensis sp. nov., L. kafae and L. vietnamensis sp. nov., in
having the following characteristics: frons microstriate; weakly convex cervical expansion; the absence
of transverse carina behind ocelli; the basally stout hindfemur; and the at ventral margin of hindfemur.
However, L. laminata can be distinguished by the following characters: F2 less than twice as long as
wide (twice as long as in other species), F11 less than 3.5 times as long as wide (much longer than
4.0 times as long as in L. kafae), fore- and midtibial anges narrower than the tubular part (twice as
Fig. 16. Loboscelidia laminata Kimsey, 2012, holotype, (CNC). A. Lateral habitus. B. Forewing.
C. Head, dorsal view. D. Head, lateral view. E. Pronotum, dorsal view. F. Mesosoma, dorsal view. Not
to scale.
European Journal of Taxonomy 887: 1–68 (2023)
wide as the tubular part in L. kafae), cu-a 0.50 times as long as R (nearly 0.30 times as long as R in
L. bachmaensis sp. nov. and L. vietnamensis sp. nov.).
Vietnam (Northern Vietnam, Central Vietnam, Southern Vietnam) (Fig. 28).
Loboscelidia laotiana Kimsey, 1988
Loboscelidia laotiana Kimsey, 1988: 71. Holotype ; Laos: Vientiane Prov., Ban Van Eue (BPBM).
Loboscelidia laotiana has a triangular frontal projection, longer scape that is more than 3.0 times as long
as it is wide, and a shorter F1 and F2 that are less than twice as long as they are wide, which it has in
common with L. asiana and L. vang sp. nov. However, L. laotiana can be distinguished by the following
characteristics: scale-like setae absent on the lower gena (present in L. asiana); an F11 that is less than
3.0 times as long as it is wide (3.5 times as long as in L. vang sp. nov.); scrobal sulcus present (absent
in the other two species); a hindtibial ange that is twice as wide as the tubular part (0.55 times as wide
as the tubular part in L. vang sp. nov.); a curved M vein (L. vang sp. nov. straight); and an Rs that is 3.0
times or more as long as R (nearly twice as long as R in L. vang sp. nov.).
Indonesia; Laos; Vietnam (Southern Vietnam) (Kimsey 2012).
Loboscelidia mediata sp. nov.
Figs 2D, 17, 25L
Named after the Latin ‘mediata’, meaning ‘oblique’, referring to the unusual and deviant morphological
characteristics of the genus Loboscelidia.
Type material
VIETNAM • ; Kon Tum Province, Chu Mom Ray NP, Bar Goc Station; 14.434° N, 107.720° E; 31
Apr.–4 May 2014; H.T. Pham; MT; VNMN.
Male (Fig. 17A)
MEASUREMENTS. Body length 2.6 mm; forewing length 2.6 mm.
HEAD. Head (Fig. 17B–D) 1.7 times as long as high, 1.2 times as long as wide; inner ocular length 0.68
times as long as head width; frontal projection rectangular in frontal view (Fig. 17B); apical margion of
frontal projection depressed (Fig. 17C); frons polished, with longitudinal striae (Fig. 17C); frons without
ridge along inner orbit of eye (Fig. 17C); spraclypeal area with transverse carinae (Fig. 17B); temple 3.2
times as long as MOD (Fig. 17C); POL 1.7 times as long as MOD; OOL 2.4 times as long as MOD; LOL
0.57 times as long as MOD; behind ocelli with transverse depression (Fig. 17C); cervical expansion
strongly convex in lateral view (Fig. 17D); basal part of cervical expansion strongly constricted in dorsal
view (Fig. 17C); scape 4.4 times as long as wide; scape without longitudinal grooves; scape without
HISASUE Y. et al., Loboscelidia of Vietnam
Fig. 17. Loboscelidia mediata sp. nov., holotype, (VNMN). A. Lateral habitus. B. Head, dorsal view.
C. Head, frontal view. D. Head, lateral view. E. Pronotum, dorsal view. F. Mesosoma, dorsal view.
G. Forewing. Scale bars: A, D–G = 0.5 mm; B–C = 0.2 mm.
European Journal of Taxonomy 887: 1–68 (2023)
transparent ange; F1 2.2 times as long as wide; F2 2.3 times as long as wide; F11 2.3 times as long as
wide; relative length of F1–F11: 1.7: 1.4: 1.2: 1.2: 1.0: 1.0: 1.0: 1.0: 1.0: 1.0: 2.3.
MESOSOMA. Pronotum 0.95 times as long as posterior width of pronotum (Fig. 17E); posterior width of
pronotum 1.4 times as wide as anterior width and 0. 80 times as wide as head width; dorsolateral surface
of pronotum rounded (Fig. 17A); notauli of scutum straight, reaching posterior margin (Fig. 17F);
scutellum polished (Fig. 17F); apico-lateral area of scutellum with longitudinal grooves (Fig. 17F);
metanotum with two ridges; scrobal sulcus absent (Fig. 17A); metanotum 0.42 times as long as scutellum
(Fig. 17F); propodeal angle weakly developed; propodeum without transverse carina above foramen.
WINGS. Forewing (Fig. 17G) with M curved; cu-a absent; A absent; R1 0.29 times as long as R; Rs 2.3
times as long as R.
LEGS. Tibiae smooth, without anges; ange on forefemur 0.18 times longer, 0.60 times wider than
tubular part of forefemur; ange on midfemur 0.16 times longer, 0.33 times wider than tubular part of
midfemur; hindcoxa 2.3 times as long as hind trochanter; hindcoxa dorso-laterally carinate; basal part
of hindfemur simple; hindfemur basally not stout, as wide as distal part; ventral margin of hindfemur
swollen; outer surface of hindfemur smooth; ange on hindfemur 0.20 times longer, 0.60 times wider
than tubular part of hindfemur; tarsal claw of hindtibia with one tooth and not extending half of tarsal
claw (Fig. 25L).
PILOSITY. Scape with sparse suberect cuneate and forked setae (Fig. 17B); pedicel with sparse suberect
cuneate setae; gena and frontal projection with separate ribbon-like setae; dorsal rurface of pronotum
with sparse suberect and erect forked setae (Fig. 17E); dorso-frontal margin of pronotum with short
ribbon-like setae; lateral surface of pronotum with sparse suberect and erect forked setae; propleuron
with sparse suberect and erect forked setae; scutum with sparse suberect and erect forked setae (Fig. 17F);
mesopleuron with sparse suberect and erect forked setae; tegula with sparse suberect and erect forked
setae; scutellum with dense suberect forked setae; forecoxa with sparse decumbent simple and cuneate
setae; foretrochanter with sparse suberect simple setae; midcoxa with sparse decumbent cuneate setae;
midtrochanter with sparse suberect simple setae; hindcoxa with sparse decumbent cuneate setae;
hindtrochanter with sparse decumbent cuneate setae.
COLORATION. Body reddish brown; antenna reddish brown; legs reddish brown; anges yellowish brown;
ribbon-like setae whitish yellow.
Vietnam (Central Vietnam) (Fig. 28).
This species can be easily distinguished from other species by the shorter ribbon-like setae and forked
setae, similar to another genus Rhadinoscelidia. We assigned this new species to Loboscelidia because
it has the developed wing venation; however, other characteristics (e.g., long scape with dense erect or
suberect setae; cervical expansion with shorter ribbon-like setae; pronotum with forked erect setae; and
tibiae without anges) are rather similar to those of Rhadinoscelida.
HISASUE Y. et al., Loboscelidia of Vietnam
Loboscelidia parallela sp. nov.
Figs 2B, 18, 25M
Named after the Latin ‘parallela’, meaning ‘parallel’, referring to the parallel cervical expansion.
Type material
VIETNAM • ; Bac Giang Province, Tay Yen Tu NR; 21°1052.33 N, 106°4324.3 E; 9 Jul. 2014;
T. Mita leg.; VNMN.
VIETNAM • 1 ; same collection data as for holotype; VNMN.
Male (Fig. 18A)
MEASUREMENTS. Body length 3.2 mm; forewing length 3.2 mm.
HEAD. Head (Fig. 18B–D) 1.9 times as long as high, 1.3 times as long as wide; inner ocular length 0.61
times as long as head width; frontal projection rectangular in frontal view (Fig. 18B); apical margion
of frontal projection depressed (Fig. 18C); frons granulate, with microstriae (Fig. 18C); frons with low
ridge extending from vertex along inner orbit of eye (Fig. 18C); spraclypeal area with transverse carinae
(Fig. 18B); temple as long as MOD (Fig. 18C); POL 1.2 times as long as MOD; OOL 1.7 times as long as
MOD; LOL 0.2 times as long as MOD; behind ocelli without transverse depression (Fig. 18C); cervical
expansion attened in lateral view (Fig. 18D); basal part of cervical expansion parallel in dorsal view
(Fig. 18C); scape 3.1 times as long as wide; scape with longitudinal grooves; scape with transparent
ange; F1 2.0 times as long as wide; F2 1.8 times as long as wide; F11 3.3 times as long as wide; relative
length of F1–F11: 1.2: 1.0: 1.1: 1.0: 1.0: 0.9: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 1.0: 1.5.
MESOSOMA. Pronotum 0.78 times as long as posterior width of pronotum (Fig. 18E); posterior width
of pronotum 1.4 times as wide as anterior width and 1.1 times as wide as head width; dorsolateral
surface of pronotum carinate (Fig. 18A); notauli of scutum slightly curved, reaching posterior margin
(Fig. 18F); scutellum polished, with lateral carina (Fig. 18F); apico-lateral area of scutellum with
longitudinal grooves (Fig. 18F); metanotum with two ridges (Fig. 18F); scrobal sulcus present, weakly
depressed (Fig. 18A); metanotum 0.51 times as long as scutellum (Fig. 18F); propodeal angle weakly
developed; upper area of propodeum without transverse carina; propodeum without transverse carina
above foramen.
WINGS. Forewing (Fig. 18G) with M curved; cu-a 0.50 times as long as R; A extending half of Cu+M;
R1 0.83 times as long as R; Rs 3.2 times as long as R.
LEGS. Tibiae carinate; ange on forefemur 0.49 times longer, 0.85 times wider than tubular part of
forefemur; ange on foretibia 0.35 times longer, 0.50 times wider than tubular part of foretibia; ange
on midfemur 0.53 times longer, 0.85 times wider than tubular part of midfemur; ange on midtibia 0.59
times longer, 0.29 times wider than tubular part of midtibia; hindcoxa dorso-laterally carinate; basal part
of hindfemur producing; hindfemur basally stout, apparently wider than distal part; ventral margin of
hindfemur at; ange on hindfemur 0.61 times longer, 0.80 times wider than tubular part of hindfemur;
outer surface of hindtibia smooth; ange on hindtibia 0.68 times longer, 1.2 times wider than tubular
part of hindtibia.
European Journal of Taxonomy 887: 1–68 (2023)
Fig. 18. Loboscelidia parallela sp. nov., holotype, (VNMN). A. Lateral habitus. B. Head, dorsal view.
C. Head, frontal view. D. Head, lateral view. E. Pronotum, dorsal view. F. Mesosoma, dorsal view.
G. Forewing. Scale bars: A, E–G = 0.5 mm; B–D = 0.2 mm.
HISASUE Y. et al., Loboscelidia of Vietnam
PILOSITY. Lower gena with sparse decumbent cuneate setae (Fig. 18D); scape with sparse decumbent and
suberect simple setae; forecoxa with sparse decumbent cuneate setae; foretibia with sparse decumbent
and suberect simple and cuneate setae; midcoxa with sparse decumbent cuneate setae; midfemur and
midtibia with sparse decumbent and suberect simple and cuneate setae; hindcoxa with sparse decumbent
cuneate setae; hindfemur and hindtibia with sparse decumbent and suberect simple and cuneate setae.
COLORATION. Body reddish brown; antenna reddish brown; legs yellowish brown; ribbon-like setae
whitish yellow.
Vietnam (Northern Vietnam) (Fig. 28).
Loboscelidia parallela sp. nov. resembles L. cuneata sp. nov. and L. halimunensis; however, it can be
distinguished by the following characteristics: femora with simple setae (with cuneate setae in L. cuneata
sp. nov.); ange of forefemur 0.85 times as wide as the tubular part (0.25 times as wide as the tubular
part in L. cuneata sp. nov.); ange of foretibia 0.50 times as wide as the tubular part (1.5 times as wide
as the tubular part in L. cuneata sp. nov.); and curved M vein (straight in L. halimunensis).
Loboscelidia pecki Kimsey, 2012
Fig. 19
Loboscelidia pecki Kimsey, 2012: 31. Holotype ; Vietnam: Tuyen Quang Province, Na Hang Nature
Reserve (CNC).
Loboscelidia pecki resembles L. cinnamonea and L. vietnamensis sp. nov. However, L. pecki can be
distinguished by the following characteristics: scape 3.0 times or less as long as wide (3.9 times as
long as wide in L. cinnamonea); scrobal sulcus present (absent in L. cinnamonea); and Rs at least
3.0 times as long as the R (twice as long as R in L. cinnamonea) (Kimsey 2012). L. pecki shares with
L. vietnamensis sp. nov. the combination of the following characteristics: rectangular frontal projection;
scape less than 3.0 times as long as wide; and Rs 3.2 times as long as R. However, L. pecki can be
distinguished by the following characteristics: F11 4.0 times as long as wide (nealy 3.0 times as long
as wide in L. vietnamensis sp. nov.); pronotum 0.9 times as long as posterior width (0.80 times as long
as posterior width in L. vietnamensis sp. nov.); hindcoxa without lateral carina (with the lateral carina
in L. vietnamensis sp. nov.); hindtibial ange 1.3 times as long as the tubular part (twice as long as the
tubular part in L. vietnamensis sp. nov.); and lacking cu-a (present in L. vietnamensis sp. nov.).
Vietnam (Northern Vietnam).
Loboscelidia piriformis sp. nov.
Figs 20, 25N
Named after the Latin ‘piri’, meaning ‘pear’, and ‘formis’, meaning ‘shape’, referring to the head shape.
European Journal of Taxonomy 887: 1–68 (2023)
Fig. 19. Loboscelidia pecki Kimsey, 2012, holotype, (CNC). A. Lateral habitus. B. Head, dorsal view.
C. Head, lateral view. D. Pronotum. E. Forewing. Not to scale.
HISASUE Y. et al., Loboscelidia of Vietnam
Type material
VIETNAM • ; Thua Thien Hue Province, Bach Ma NP, 19 km point; 16.198° N, 107.860° E; 3–6 Aug.
2016; T. Mita and Y. Komeda leg.; YPT; VNMN.
Female (Fig. 20A)
MEASUREMENTS. Body length 4.2 mm; forewing length 3.6 mm.
HEAD. Head (Fig. 20B–D) 1.9 times as long as high, 1.4 times as long as wide; inner ocular length 0.66
times as long as head width; frontal projection rectangular in frontal view (Fig. 20B); apical margion
of frontal projection depressed (Fig. 20B); frons rugose, with low ridge extending from vertex along
inner orbit of eye (Fig. 20C); frons with distinct carinae towards posterior ocelli (Fig. 20C); spraclypeal
area with transverse carinae (Fig. 20B); temple 2.8 times as long as MOD (Fig. 20C); POL 1.1 times as
long as MOD; OOL 2.0 times as long as MOD; LOL 0.43 times as long as MOD; behind ocelli without
transverse depression (Fig. 20C); cervical expansion attened in lateral view (Fig. 20D); basal part of
cervical expansion constricted strongly in dorsal view (Fig. 20C); scape 3.0 times as long as wide; scape
with longitudinal grooves; scape with transparent ange, as long as tubular part of scape, 0.36 times as
wide as tubular part of scape; F1 1.2 times as long as wide; F2 as long as wide; F11 as long as wide;
relative length of F1–F11: 2.3: 1.5: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 1.0: 1.0: 1.0: 1.0: 1.8.
MESOSOMA. Pronotum 0.80 times as long as posterior width of pronotum (Fig. 20E); posterior width of
pronotum 1.7 times as wide as anterior width and 1.2 times as wide as head width; dorsolateral surface of
pronotum carinate (Fig. 20A); notauli of scutum slightly curved, reaching posterior margin (Fig. 20F);
scutellum polished and punctured (Fig. 20F); apico-lateral area of scutellum without longitudinal
grooves (Fig. 20F); scrobal sulcus absent (Fig. 20A); metanotum with four ridges, 0.44 times as long as
scutellum; (Fig. 20F); propodeal angle weakly developed; propodeum without transverse carina above
WINGS. Forewing (Fig. 20G) with M curved; cu-a 0.20 times as long as R; A extending half of Cu+M;
R1 0.50 times as long as R; Rs 2.8 times as long as R.
LEGS. Posterior portion of tibiae longitudinally carinate; ange on forefemur 0.47 times longer, 1.2 times
wider than tubular part of forefemur; ange on foretibia 0.55 times longer, 0.57 times wider than tubular
part of foretibia; ange on midfemur 0.51 times longer, 0.89 times wider than tubular part of midfemur;
ange on midtibia 0.55 times longer, 1.2 times wider than tubular part of midtibia; hind coxa 1.5 times as
long as hind trochanter; hindcoxa dorso-laterally carinate; basal part of hindfemur strongly producing;
hindfemur basally stout, apparently wider than distal part; ventral margin of hindfemur at; outer surface
of hindfemur smooth; ange on hindfemur 0.55 times longer, 0.75 tubular part of hindfemur; ange on
hindtibia 0.82 times longer, 1.4 times wider than tubular part of hindtibia; hind tarsal claw without
median tooth (Fig. 25N).
PILOSITY. Frons with sparse decumbent cuneate setae (Fig. 20C); spraclypeal area with sparse decumbent
and simple and cuneate setae (Fig. 20B); eye with sparse erect simple setae (Fig. 20B); lower gena
with sparse decumbent and simple and cuneate setae cervical expansion with sparse decumbent cuneate
setae (Fig. 20D); hypostoma with sparse decumbent cuneate setae; scape with sparse suberect and erect
simple setae; pedicel with sparse suberect and erect simple setae; F1 with sparse suberect and erect
simple setae; dorsal part of pronotum with sparse suberect and erect cuneate setae; lateral surface of
pronotum with sparse suberect and erect cuneate setae (Fig. 20A); scutum with sparse decumbent and
suberect cuneate setae (Fig. 20F); mesopleuron with sparse decumbent cuneate setae (Fig. 20A); tegula
European Journal of Taxonomy 887: 1–68 (2023)
Fig. 20. Loboscelidia piriformis sp. nov., holotype, (VNMN). A. Lateral habitus. B. Head, frontal
view. C. Head, dorsal view. D. Head, lateral view. E. Pronotum, dorsal view. F. Mesosoma, dorsal view.
G. Forewing. Scale bars = 0.5 mm.
HISASUE Y. et al., Loboscelidia of Vietnam
with sparse suberect and erect cuneate setae (Fig. 20F); scutellum with sparse decumbent and suberect
cuneate setae (Fig. 20F); lateral surface of propodeum with sparse decumbent cuneate setae (Fig. 20A);
forecoxa and foretrochanter with sparse decumbent and simple and cuneate setae; foretibia with dense
suberect simple setae; midcoxa and midtrochanter with sparse decumbent simple and cuneate setae;
midfemur with sparse decumbent and suberect simple and cuneate setae; midtibia with dense suberect
simple setae; hindcoxa and hindtrochanter with sparse decumbent simple and cuneate setae; hindfemur
with sparse decumbent and suberect simple and cuneate setae; hindtibia with dense suberect simple
setae; lateral margin of T4 with sparse decumbent simple and cuneate setae.
COLORATION. Body reddish brown; antenna reddish brown; legs reddish brown; anges yellowish brown;
ribbon-like setae whitish yellow.
Vietnam (Central Vietnam) (Fig. 29).
This new species can easily distinguished from other species by the pear-shaped head in the dorsal view
(diamond- or kite-shaped in other species).
Loboscelidia reducta Maa & Yoshimoto, 1961
Fig. 21
Loboscelidia reducta Maa & Yoshimoto, 1961: 537. Holotype ; Viet Nam: Dai Lanh, n Nha Trang
Material examined
VIETNAM • 1 ; Dai Lanh, N of Nha Trang; 30 Nov.–5 Dec. 1960; C.M. Yoshimoto leg.; USNM.
THAILAND • 1 ; Bangkok, Khao Yai NP, Moist Semi Evergreen Forest; alt. 780 m; 18–24 Apr. 1990;
B.V. Brown leg.; MT; CNC.
Loboscelidia reducta resembles L. incompleta Kimsey, 2012, L. bakeri, L. fulgens and L. ganxingensis in
having the following characteristics: rectangular frontal projection, complete notauli; absent or reduced
cu-a vein; and absent M vein. It also shares with L. mediata sp. nov. the following characteristics:
frons polished and tibial anges absent. However, L. reducta can be distinguished by the following
characteristics: frons polished (microstriate in L. bakeri); behind ocelli with transverse depression
(without transverse depression in L. bakeri); and tibial anges absent (present in other species) (Kimsey
Thailand; Vietnam (Central Vietnam).
European Journal of Taxonomy 887: 1–68 (2023)
Fig. 21. Loboscelidia reducta Maa & Yoshimoto, 1961, paratype, (USNM). A. Lateral habitus.
B. Head, dorsal view. C. Head, frontal view. D. Pronotum, dorsal view. E. Mesosoma, dorsal view.
F. Forewing. Not to scale.
HISASUE Y. et al., Loboscelidia of Vietnam
Loboscelidia squamosa sp. nov.
Figs 22, 25O, 29–30
Named after the Latin ‘squamosa’, meaning ‘a scale’, referring to the scale-like setae on the body.
Type material
VIETNAM • ; Thua Thien Hue Province, Bach Ma NP, 19 km point; 16.198° N, 107.860° E; 3–6 Jul.
2016; T. Mita and Y. Komeda leg.; YPT; VNMN.
VIETNAM • 1 ; Ninh Binh Province, Cuc Phuong Natonal Park; 27 Aug. 2019; Y. Hisasue leg.;
VNMN • 1 ; same locality as for preceding; 21 Aug. 2019; Y. Hisasue et al. leg.; FIT; VNMN.
Female (Fig. 22A)
MEASUREMENTS. Body length 4.7 mm; forewing length 4.2 mm.
HEAD. Head (Fig. 22B–D) 1.7 times as long as high, 1.1 times as long as wide; inner ocular length 0.67
times as long as head width; frontal projection rectangular in frontal view (Fig. 22C); frons rugose,
with transverse grooves (Fig. 22C); frons with low ridge extending from vertex along inner orbit of
eye (Fig. 22C); spraclypeal area with transverse carinae (Fig. 22B); temple 0.67 times as long as MOD
(Fig. 22C); POL 1.6 times as long as MOD; OOL 2.8 times as long as MOD; LOL 0.60 times as long
as MOD; behind ocelli with transverse depression (Fig. 22C); cervical expansion convex in lateral view
(Fig. 22D), with longitudinal grooves; basal part of cervical expansion constricted weakly in dorsal view
(Fig. 22C); scape 3.2 times as long as wide; scape with longitudinal grooves; scape with transparent
ange, 0.29 times as long as tubular part of scape, 0.67 times as wide as tubular part of scape; F1 1.4
times as long as wide; F2 1.1 times as long as wide; F11 1.1 times as long as wide; relative length of
F1–F11: 2.0: 1.5: 1.3: 1.2: 1.1: 1.0: 1.0: 1.0: 0.8: 0.8: 1.1.
MESOSOMA. Pronotum 0.70 times as long as posterior width of pronotum (Fig. 22F); posterior width of
pronotum 1.6 times as wide as anterior width and 1.1 times as wide as head width; dorsolateral surface of
pronotum carinate (Fig. 22A); notauli of scutum slightly curved, reaching posterior margin (Fig. 22G);
scutellum polished and punctured and rugose (Fig. 22G); apico-lateral area of scutellum punctured,
without longitudinal carina (Fig. 22G); metanotum punctured, without ridge (Fig. 22G); scrobal sulcus
present, weakly depressed (Fig. 22A); metanotum 0.39 times as long as scutellum (Fig. 22G); propodeal
angle strongly developed; propodeum without transverse carina above foramen.
WINGS. Forewing (Fig. 22E) with M curved; cu-a 1.3 times as long as R; A extending Cu+M; R1 0.90
times as long as R; Rs 3.3 times as long as R.
LEGS. Femora and tibiae longitudinally carinate (Fig. 22A); tibiae without transparent anges but
transformed attened toward ventral margin; ange on forefemur 0.61 times longer, as wide as tubular
part of forefemur; ange on midfemur 0.67 times longer, 1.7 times wider than tubular part of midfemur;
hind coxa 1.8 times as long as hind trochanter; hind coxa dorso-laterally carinate; basal part of hindfemur
producing, strongly producing, simple; hindfemur basally stout, apparently wider than distal part; ventral
margin of hindfemur at; outer surface of hindfemur smooth; ange on hindfemur 0.49 times longer,
European Journal of Taxonomy 887: 1–68 (2023)
Fig. 22. Loboscelidia squamosa sp. nov., holotype, (VNMN). A. Lateral habitus. B. Head, dorsal view.
C. Head, frontal view. D. Head, lateral view. E. Forewing. F. Pronotum, dorsal view. G. Mesosoma,
dorsal view. Scale bars = 0.5 mm.
HISASUE Y. et al., Loboscelidia of Vietnam
0.92 times wider than tubular part of hindfemur; hind tarsal claw with one median tooth, not reaching
to tarsal claw (Fig. 25O).
PILOSITY. Frons with dense decumbent scale-like setae (Fig. 22B); spraclypeal area with dense decumbent
scale-like setae (Fig. 22B); eye with dense decumbent scale-like setae (Fig. 22B); temple with dense
decumbent cuneate and scale-like setae (Fig. 22D); lower gena with dense decumbent scale-like setae
(Fig. 22D); cervical expansion with dense decumbent scale-like setae (Fig. 22C); hypostoma with
dense decumbent cuneate and scale-like setae; scape with dense decumbent cuneate setae; pedicel with
dense decumbent cuneate setae; F1 with dense decumbent cuneate setae (Fig. 22A–B); dorsal surface
of pronotum with dense decumbent cuneate setae (Fig. 22F); lateral surface of pronotum with dense
decumbent cuneate setae (Fig. 22A); propleuron with dense decumbent cuneate setae (Fig. 22A); scutum
with dense decumbent cuneate setae (Fig. 22F); mesopleuron with dense decumbent cuneate setae
(Fig. 22A); tegula with dense decumbent cuneate setae (Fig. 22G); scutellum with dense decumbent
cuneate setae (Fig. 22G); lateral surface of propodeum with dense decumbent cuneate setae (Fig. 22A);
legs with dense decumbent scale-like setae (Fig. 22A); lateral margin of T4 with sparse decumbent
cuneate and scale-like setae.
COLORATION. Body reddish brown; antenna reddish brown; legs reddish brown; anges yellowish brown;
ribbon-like setae whitish yellow.
Vietnam (Northern Vietnam, Central Vietnam) (Fig. 29).
Oxyartes sp. (Lonchodidae: Necrosciinae) based on the foraging behavior of a female.
This new species can be easily distinguished from any other species by the dense scale-like setae on
the body. A paratype female (Cuc Phuong, 21 August 2019) was collected by FIT at night (9 p.m.). The
female attacks the eggs of Oxyartes sp. and buries them in the soil. Details of the foraging behavior are
provided in the discussion.
Loboscelidia vang sp. nov.
Figs 23, 25P
The speci c name is derived from the Vietnamese word ‘vàng’ meaning ‘yellow’, referring to the
yellowish body color.
Type material
VIETNAM • ; Bac Giang Province, Tay Yen Tu NR; 21°1052.33 N, 106°4324.3 E; 8 Jul. 2014;
K. Tsujii leg.; VNMN.
VIETNAM • 1 ; same collection data as for holotype but 9 Jul. 2014; T. Mita leg.; VNMN.
European Journal of Taxonomy 887: 1–68 (2023)
Male (Fig. 23A)
MEASUREMENTS. Body length 3.1 mm; forewing length 3.2 mm.
HEAD. Head (Fig. 23B–D) 1.8 times as long as high, as long as wide; inner ocular length 0.61 times as
long as head width; frontal projection triangular in frontal view (Fig. 23B); apical margion of frontal
projection depressed (Fig. 23C); frons polished and unpunctured; frons with low ridge extending from
vertex along inner orbit of eye (Fig. 23C); frons with distinct carinae towards median ocellus (Fig. 23C);
frons with indistinct frontal line (Fig. 23C); spraclypeal area with transverse carinae (Fig. 23B); temple
1.6 times as long as MOD (Fig. 23C); POL 1.4 times as long as MOD; OOL 0.96 times as long as MOD;
LOL 0.40 times as long as MOD; behind ocelli with transverse depression (Fig. 23C); cervical expansion
strongly convex in lateral view (Fig. 23D); basal part of cervical expansion strongly constricted in
dorsal view (Fig. 23C); scape 3.8 times as long as wide; scape with longitudinal grooves; scape with
transparent ange; F1 1.8 times as long as wide; F2 1.7 times as long as wide; F11 3.5 times as long as
wide; relative length of F1–F11: 1.0: 1.2: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 1.2: 1.2: 1.2: 1.7.
MESOSOMA. Pronotum 0.81 times as long as posterior width of pronotum (Fig. 23F); posterior width of
pronotum 1.5 times as wide as anterior width and as wide as head width; dorsolateral surface of pronotu
carinate (Fig. 23A); notauli of scutum parallel, reaching posterior margin (Fig. 23G); scutellum polished
and punctured (Fig. 23G); apico-lateral area of scutellum without longitudinal grooves (Fig. 23G);
metanotum with medial ridge (Fig. 23G); scrobal sulcus present, strongly depressed (Fig. 23A);
metanotum 0.52 times as long as scutellum (Fig. 23G); propodeal angle weakly developed; propodeum
without transverse carina above foramen.
WINGS. Forewing (Fig. 23E) with M straight; cu-a absent; A extending Cu+M; R1 0.44 times as long as
R; Rs 1.9 times as long as R.
LEGS. Tibiae carinate; ange on forefemur 0.53 times longer, 0.85 times wider than tubular part of
forefemur; ange on foretibia 0.40 times longer, 0.43 times wider than tubular part of foretibia; ange
on midfemur 0.49 times longer, as wide as tubular part of midfemur; ange on midtibia 0.72 times
longer, 0.25 times wider than tubular part of midtibia; hindcoxa 2.2 times as long as hind trochanter;
hindcoxa dorso-laterally carinate; basal part of hindfemur strongly producing; hindfemur basally stout,
apparently wider than distal part; ventral margin of hindfemur at; outer surface of hindfemur smooth;
ange on hindfemur 0.43 times longer, 0.83 times wider than tubular part of hindfemur; ange on
hindtibia 0.57 times longer, 0.55 times wider than tubular part of hindtibia; hind tarsal claw with one
median tooth, reaching tarsal claw (Fig. 25).
PILOSITY. Lower gena with sparse suberect simple setae (Fig. 23D); cervical expansion without setae
(Fig. 23C); scape with sparse suberect simple setae; pedicel with sparse suberect simple setae; lateral
surface of pronotum with sparse suberect simple setae (Fig. 23A); forecoxa and foretrochanter with sparse
suberect simple setae; foretrochanter with sparse suberect simple setae; midcoxa and midtrochanter with
sparse suberect simple setae; midfemur and midtibia with sparse decumbent and suberect simple and
cuneate setae; hindcoxa with sparse decumbent simple setae; hindtrochanter with sparse suberect simple
setae; hindfemur and hindtibia with sparse decumbent and suberect simple and cuneate setae.
COLORATION. Body yellowish brown; antenna yellowish brown; legs yellowish brown; anges yellowish
brown; ribbon-like setae whitish yellow.
HISASUE Y. et al., Loboscelidia of Vietnam
Fig. 23. Loboscelidia vang sp. nov., holotype, (VNMN). A. Lateral habitus. B. Head, frontal view.
C. Head, dorsal view. D. Head, lateral view. E. Forewing. F. Pronotum, dorsal view. G. Mesosoma,
dorsal view. Scale bars: A, E–G = 0.5 mm; B–D = 0.2 mm.
European Journal of Taxonomy 887: 1–68 (2023)
Vietnam (Northern Vietnam) (Fig. 29).
Loboscelidia vang sp. nov. resembles L. collaris Fouts, 1922 in having the following characteristics:
yellowish brown body color; basal part of cervical expansion strongly constricted in dorsal view;
and carinated dorso-lateral surface of pronotum. However, it can be distinguished by the following
characteristics: rectangular frontal projection (triangular in L. collaris); scape more than 3.5 times as
long as wide (less than 3.0 times as long as wide in L. collaris); F1 and F2 less than twice as long as
wide (more than twice as long as wide in L. collaris); temple longer than MOD (shorter than MOD in
L. collaris); and straight M vein (curved in L. collaris).
Loboscelidia vietnamensis sp. nov.
Figs 2A, 24, 25Q
The speci c named after the type country, ‘Vietnam’.
Type material
VIETNAM • ; Thua Thien Hue Province, Bach Ma NP, 19 km point; 16.198° N, 107.860° E; 3–6 Aug.
2016; T. Mita and Y. Komeda leg.; YPT; VNMN.
VIETNAM • 1 ; Ninh Binh Province, Cuc Phuong NP; Y. Komeda leg.; VNMN.
Male (Fig. 24A)
MEASUREMENTS. Body length 3.05 mm; forewing length 2.8 mm.
HEAD. Head (Fig. 24B–D) 1.8 times as long as high; 1.2–1.3 times as long as wide; inner ocular length
0.59 times as long as head width; frontal projection rectangular in frontal view (Fig. 24B); apical margin
of frontal projection depressed; lower part of frontal projection longer than upper part (Fig. 24D); frons
granulate, nely microstriate (Fig. 24C); frons with low ridge extending from median ocellus along
inner orbit of eye (Fig. 24C); spraclypeal area with transverse carinae (Fig. 24B); temple 0.24–0.30
times as long as MOD (Fig. 24C); POL 1.2–1.3 times as long as MOD; OOL 1.3–1.7 times as long as
MOD; LOL 0.33–0.38 times as long as MOD; behind ocelli without transverse depression (Fig. 24C);
cervical expansion convex in lateral view (Fig. 24D); basal part of cervical expansion constricted weakly
in dorsal view (Fig. 24C); scape polished, 2.5 times as long as wide; scape without longitudinal grooves
(Fig. 24B); F1 1.8–2.0 times as long as wide; F2 2.0 times as long as wide; F11 3.2–3.3 times as long as
wide; relative length of F1–F11: 1.0: 1.0: 1.0: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 1.0: 1.6.
MESOSOMA. Pronotum 0.76 times as long as posterior width of pronotum (Fig. 24E); posterior width of
pronotum 1.4–1.6 times as wide as anterior width and 1.1–1.2 times as wide as head width; dorsolateral
surface of pronotum carinate (Fig. 24A); notauli of scutum parallel, not reaching posterior margin
(Fig. 24F); scutellum polished, with lateral carina (Fig. 24F); scrobal sulcus present, strongly depressed;
metanotum with medial low ridge; metanotum 0.42–0.50 times as long as scutellum (Fig. 24F); propodeal
angle weakly developed; propodeum without transverse carina above foramen.
HISASUE Y. et al., Loboscelidia of Vietnam
Fig. 24. Loboscelidia vietnamensis sp. nov., holotype, (VNMN). A. Lateral habitus. B. Head, dorsal
view. C. Head, frontal view. D. Head, lateral view. E. Pronotum, dorsal view. F. Mesosoma, dorsal view.
G. Forewing. Scale bars: A, E–G = 0.5 mm; B–D = 0.2 mm.
European Journal of Taxonomy 887: 1–68 (2023)
WINGS. Forewing (Fig. 24G) with M curved; cu-a 0.33–0.60 times as long as R; A extending half of
Cu+M; R1 0.83–0.90 times as long as R; Rs 3.0–3.2 times as long as R.
Fig. 25. Hind tarsal claw of Loboscelidia Westwood, 1874. A. L. bachmaensis sp. nov. B. L. barbata
sp. nov. C. L. cilia sp. nov. D. L. convexa sp. nov. E. L. cucphuongensis sp. nov. F. L. cuneata sp. nov.
G. L. do sp. nov. H. L. avipes sp. nov. I. L. fulgens Kimsey, 2012. J. L. glabra sp. nov. K. L. komedai
sp. nov. L. L. mediata sp. nov. M. L. parallela sp. nov. N. L. piriformis sp. nov. O. L. squamosa sp. nov.
P. L. vang sp. nov. Q. L. vietnamensis sp. nov.
HISASUE Y. et al., Loboscelidia of Vietnam
LEGS. Tibiae carinate; ange on forefemur 0.56–0.60 times longer, as wide as tubular part of forefemur;
ange on foretibia 0.55–0.72 times longer, 0.63–1.0 times wider than tubular part of foretibia; ange
on midfemur 0.78–0.84 times longer, 1.1 times wider than tubular part of midfemur; ange on midtibia
0.70–0.88 times longer, 0.75–0.86 times wider than tubular part of midtibia; hindcoxa dorso-laterally
carinate; basal part of hindfemur producing, strongly producing, simple; hindfemur basally stout; ventral
margin of hindfemur at; outer surface of hindfemur smooth; ange on hindfemur 0.78–0.94 times
longer, 0.79–0.89 times wider than tubular part of hindfemur; outer surface of hindtibia smooth; ange
on hindtibia 0.74–0.80 times longer, 1.5–2.0 times wider than tubular part of hindtibia.
Fig. 26. Distribution map of Loboscelidia spp. in Vietnam. L. asiana Kimsey, 1988 (read circle).
L. bachmaensis sp. nov. (dark blue circle). L. barbata sp. nov. (yellow circles). L. cilia sp. nov. (green
circle). L. convexa sp. nov. (pink circle). L. cucphuongensis sp. nov. (gray circles).
European Journal of Taxonomy 887: 1–68 (2023)
PILOSITY. Temple with sparse decumbent simple setae (Fig. 24D); cervical expansion with sparse
decumbent and suberect simple setae; scape with sparse decumbent and suberect simple setae; pedicel
with sparse suberect simple setae; dorsal part of pronotum with sparse decumbent and suberect simple
setae (Fig. 24A, F); lateral part of propodeum with sparse decumbent and suberect simple setae; forefemur
with sparse decumbent and suberect simple setae; hindcoxa with sparse decumbent cuneate setae.
COLORATION. Body reddish brown; antenna reddish brown; legs reddish brown; anges yellowish brown;
ribbon-like setae whitish yellow.
Fig. 27. Distribution map of Loboscelidia spp. in Vietnam. L. cuneata sp. nov. (purple circles). L. defecta
Kieffer, 1916 (gold circle). L. do sp. nov. (white circles). L. avipes sp. nov. (black circle). L. fulgens
Kimsey, 2012 (light blue circles). L. glabra sp. nov. (brown circle).
HISASUE Y. et al., Loboscelidia of Vietnam
Vietnam (Northern Vietnam, Central Vietnam) (Fig. 29).
This species closely resembles L. bachmaensis sp. nov.; however, it can be distinguished by the following
combined characteristics: frontal projection longer than above in lateral view (equal to shorter than
Fig. 28. Distribution map of Loboscelidia spp. in Vietnam. L. kafae Kimsey, 2012 (read triangle).
L. komedai sp. nov. (dark blue triangle). L. laminata Kimsey, 2012 (yellow triangles). L. laotiana
Kimsey, 1988 (green triangle). L. mediata sp. nov. (pink triangle). L. parallela sp. nov. (gray triangle).
European Journal of Taxonomy 887: 1–68 (2023)
above in L. bachmaensis sp. nov.); shorter temple, about 0.20 times as long as MOD (0.80 times as
long as MOD in L. bachmaensis sp. nov.); pronotum as long as head width (much wider than head in
L. bachmaensis sp. nov.); tooth of hindtarsal claw less than 0.2 times as long as hindtarsal claw (longer
than 0.4 times as long as hindtarsal claw).
Key to males of Indo-Chinese Loboscelidia
1. M vein absent (Fig. 3B); Rs much less than twice as long as R ....................................................... 2
M vein complete (Fig. 3A); Rs twice or more longer than R ........................................................... 3
Fig. 29. Distribution map of Loboscelidia spp. in Vietnam. L. pecki Kimsey, 2012 (purple triangle).
L. piriformis sp. nov. (gold triangle). L. reducta Maa & Yoshimoto, 1961 (white triangle). L. squamosa
sp. nov. (black triangles). L. vang sp. nov. (light blue triangle). L. vietnamensis sp. nov. (brown triangles).
HISASUE Y. et al., Loboscelidia of Vietnam
2. Head wider than posterior width of pronotum; hindtibia with well-developed ange .......................
......................................................................................................................L. fulgens Kimsey, 2012
Head narrower than posterior width of pronotum; hindtibia without ange ......................................
.................................................................................................... L. reducta Maa & Yoshimoto, 1961
3. Eye with erect setae (Fig. 6B); fore- and midtibiae without distinct ange (Fig. 6A) .......................
.....................................................................................................................................L. cilia sp. nov.
Eye without erect setae; fore- and midtibiae with developed anges (Figs 9A, 11A) ..................... 4
4. Pronotum and legs always with scale-like setae (Figs 5A, D, 7A, D) .............................................. 5
Pronotum and legs without scale-like setae (Fig. 24D) .................................................................... 7
5. Lower gena with cuneate setae (Fig. 5A, D) ....................................................... L. convexa sp. nov.
Lower gena with scale-like setae (Fig. 7A, D) ................................................................................. 6
6. Scape much longer than 3.0 times as long as wide; scrobal sulcus absent ...L. asiana Kimsey, 1988
Scape nearly 3.0 times as long as wide; scrobal sulcus present (Fig. 7A) ........... L. barbata sp. nov.
7. Cervical expansion strongly attened in lateral view, not depressed behind ocelli; propodeum with
transverse subapical carina ............................................................................................................... 8
Cervical expansion not attened at least curved in lateral view (Figs 18D, 24D); propodeum without
transverse subapical carina ............................................................................................................... 9
8. Scrobal sulcus absent; foretibia without ange .................................... L. maculipennis Fouts, 1922
Scrobal sulcus present; foretibia with ange, as wide as tubular part of foretibia .............................
.....................................................................................................................L. nitidula Kimsey, 2012
9. Frontal projection elongate and nasiform; head nearly 3.0 times as long as wide .............................
................................................................................................................ L. nasiformis Kimsey, 2012
Frontal projection not elongate and rectangular to triangular (Fig. 23D); head twice or less as long
as broad ........................................................................................................................................... 10
10. Tibiae without anges (Fig. 10A), if narrow anges present, it is much less than 0.2 times as wide
as tubular part of tibiae ....................................................................................................................11
Tibiae with more or less developed anges, more than 0.3 times as wide as tubular part of fore
tibia ................................................................................................................................................. 12
11. Temple as long as MOD (Fig. 10B, D); pronotum much longer than wide .......................................
.......................................................................................................................L. defecta Kieffer, 1916
Temple much longer than MOD; pronotum as long as or shorter than wide ......................................
............................................................................................................. L. cinnamonea Kimsey, 2012
12. Scrobal sulcus absent (Fig. 12A) .......................................................................... L. avipes sp. nov.
Scrobal sulcus present (Fig. 13A) ................................................................................................... 13
13. Vertex behind ocelli strongly depressed (Figs 6C, 7C, 13C, 21C, 23C); cervical expansion strongly
curved (Figs 6D, 7D, 13A, 21D, 23D) ...........................................................................................14
Vertex behind ocelli not depressed (Figs 15C, 18B, 24D); cervical expansion weakly curved
(Figs 15D, 18A, 24D) ..................................................................................................................... 17
14. Frontal projection rectangular; Rs more than 3.5 times as long as R ......L. pasohana Kimsey, 1988
Frontal projection triangular (Fig. 23B–C); Rs less than 3.5 times as long as R ........................... 15
European Journal of Taxonomy 887: 1–68 (2023)
15. Temple longer than MOD (Fig. 23C); scape 3.8 times as long as wide; M straight; cu-a absent ......
....................................................................................................................................L. vang sp. nov.
Temple shorter than MOD; scape 2.5 times as long as wide; M curved; cu-a present ................... 16
16. Body reddish brown; Rs 2.5 times as long as R ................................L. sarawakensis Kimsey, 1988
Body brownish yellow; Rs 3.0 times as long as R ......................................... L. collaris Fouts, 1922
17. Scape polished, usually without longitudinal grooves (Figs 11A, 16C, 24B); F1 less than or twice as
long as wide .................................................................................................................................... 18
Scape rugose, with longitudinal grooves (Figs 8B, 9A); F1 usually more than twice as long as wide
......................................................................................................................................................... 22
18. F11 4.0 times as long as wide (Fig. 16B) ....................................................................................... 19
F11 less than 3.5 times as long as wide (Figs 4A, 11A, 24A) ........................................................ 20
19. Scape 3.0 times as long as wide; F2 twice as long as wide; fore- and midtibial anges as wide as
tubular part; hindtibial ange twice as wide as tubular part ...........................L. kafae Kimsey, 2012
Scape 2.6 times as long as wide; F2 less than twice as long as wide; fore- and midtibial anges
narrower than tubular part (Fig. 16A); hindtibial ange as wide as tubular part (Fig. 16A) .............
................................................................................................................... L. laminata Kimsey, 2012
20. LOL less than 0.2 times as long as MOD (Fig. 11C); foretibial ange much wider than tubular part
(Fig. 11A); hindtibial ange much wider than tubular part of hindfemur .....................L. do sp. nov.
LOL more than 0.3 times as long as MOD; foretibial ange less than tubular part (Figs 4A, 24A);
hindtibial ange less than tubular part ............................................................................................ 21
21. Temple 0.8 times as long as MOD (Fig. 4C); F1 and F2 much less than twice as long as wide; tooth
of hindtarsal claw less than 0.2 times as long as hindtarsal claw ................ L. bachmaensis sp. nov.
Temple less than 0.3 times as long as MOD (Fig. 24C); F1 and F2 nearly twice as long as wide; tooth
of hindtarsal claw longer than 0.4 times as long as hindtarsal claw ............ L. vietnamensis sp. nov.
22. cu-a absent or less than 0.2 times as long as R (Fig. 19E) ............................. L. pecki Kimsey, 2012
cu-a 0.2–0.6 times as long as R ...................................................................................................... 23
23. Frontal projection triangular ........................................................................................................... 24
Frontal projection rectangular (Figs 8C, 9D, 15C, 18C) ................................................................ 25
14. Fore- and midfemoral anges less than tubular part; hindtibial ange as long as tubular part;
hindtibial ange 0.6 times as wide as tubular part ...................................... L. scutellata Fouts, 1922
Fore- and midfemoral anges as wide as tubular part; hindtibial ange 0.67 times as long as tubular
part; hindtibial ange twice as wide as tubular part .................................. L. laotiana Kimsey, 1988
25. M vein straight ................................................................................................ L. fulva Kimsey, 2012
M vein curved (Fig. 26B) ............................................................................................................... 26
26. Body blackish brown; basal part of cervical expansion constrict (Fig. 15C); median tooth of tarsal
claw extending half of tarsal claw (Fig. 25K) .....................................................L. komedai sp. nov.
Basal part of cervical expansion subparallel (Figs 8C, 9D, 18C); median tooth of tarsal claw distinctly
shorter than half of tarsal claw (Fig. 25E–F, M) ............................................................................. 27
HISASUE Y. et al., Loboscelidia of Vietnam
27. Pronotum, propleuron and forefemur with cuneate setae; Cu+M as long as A (Fig. 9F) ...................
...............................................................................................................................L. cuneata sp. nov.
Pronotum, propleuron and forefemur with normal setae; Cu+M less than A (Figs 8F, 18G) ......... 28
28. Frontal ridge distinct; R1 less than 0.5 times as long as R (Fig. 8F); Rs less than 3.0 times as long as
R .............................................................................................................. L. cucphuongensis sp. nov.
Frontal ridge indistinct; R1 about as long as R (Fig. 18G); Rs more than 3.0 times as long as
R .......................................................................................................................... L. parallela sp. nov.
Key to females of world Loboscelidia
1. Ribbon-like setae on gena and frontal projection separated (Fig. 17D); fore wing without A vein; all
tibiae without anges ............................................................................................L. mediata sp. nov.
Ribbon-like setae on gena and frontal projection not separated (Figs 14D, 20D, 22D); fore wing with
A vein; tibiae with anges ................................................................................................................ 2
2. Body covered with dense decumbent scale-like setae (Fig. 22A); eye with scale-like setae .............
........................................................................................................................... L. squamosa sp. nov.
Body without dense scale-like setae, if the body with scale-like setae, eye without scale-like setae
(Figs 14D, 20D) ................................................................................................................................ 3
3. Head pear-shaped in dorsal view (Fig. 20C) .................................................... L. piriformis sp. nov.
Head diamond or kite-shaped in dorsal view (Fig. 14C) .................................................................. 4
4. Eye with erect setae .......................................................................................................................... 5
Eye without setae (Fig. 14B) ............................................................................................................ 6
5. Head, dorsal of pronotum, scutum, and mesoscutellum with dense erect or suberect normal setae;
behind ocelli strongly depressed; cervical expansion convex ................... L. antennata Fouts, 1922
Head, dorsal of pronotum, scutum, and mesoscutellum with sparse decumbent or suberect normal or
cuneate setae; behind ocelli weakly depressed; cervical expansion attened .....L. maai (Lin, 1964)
6. R1 vein 0.3 times as long as R vein; cu-a vein as long as R vein ...................... L. ora Kimsey, 1988
R1 vein longer than half of R vein; cu-a vein much shorter than R vein (Fig. 13E) ........................ 7
7. F11 0.80 times as long as wide (Fig. 14A); POL longer than MOD; ange of hindtibia as wide as
tubular part (Fig. 14A) ............................................................................................ L. glabra sp. nov.
F11 2.3 times as long as wide; POL shorter than MOD; ange of hindtibia 0.8 times as wide as
tubular part .............................................................................................. L. hei Yao, Liu & Xu, 2010
Egg-carrying and burying behavior of Loboscelidia squamosa sp. nov.
During the eld survey at Cuc Phuong NP in 2019, we fortunately obtained a living female (paratype)
of L. squamosa sp. nov. We released her into a plastic container with soil on the bottom (Fig. 30) and
put an egg of an unidenti ed Oxyartes (Lonchodidae: Necrosciinae) on the soil. At rst, she carried the
egg to a different location (Fig. 30A). Then she punctured the egg with her mandible and laid her own
egg in the small hole (Fig. 30B). Next, she left the parasitized egg and walked around the area searching
for a suitable location. Then she carried the egg again (Fig. 30C) and moved it to a small depression
in the soil (Fig. 30D). She moved her head into the depression for a while, expanding the hole. This
behavior probably helped provide enough space for the parasitized egg. She dragged the parasitized
egg into the hole and carried a small soil clump and stuffed it into the entrance using her forelegs and
European Journal of Taxonomy 887: 1–68 (2023)
sometimes mid-legs (Fig. 30E). This behavior continued until the entrance was completely concealed
(Fig. 30F). According to the observation, the specialized head structure and body setae should be useful
for a series of behavior in the soil. We kept the parasitized egg for 1 year, but the offspring did not hatch
from it.
Fig. 30. Foraging behavior of Loboscelidia squamosa sp. nov. A. Female carrying the egg of Oxyartes sp.
B. Female laying her egg in the stick insect egg. C. Female carrying the parasitized egg. D. Female
dragging the egg into the soil depression. E. Female burying the egg with soil. F. Female by the side of
the hidden host egg.
HISASUE Y. et al., Loboscelidia of Vietnam
During the investigation of the chrysidid fauna in Vietnam, we only collected 70 specimens of
Loboscelidia. This number represents 18% of all individuals of Loboscelidia reported so far. In this
study, 16 new species were added to Loboscelidia, bringing the total number to 24 in Vietnam. In
Vietnam, wasps were collected from six sites mainly in Northern and Central Vietnam, which is still
insuf cient compared to China and Thailand, where more than 20 sites were surveyed. However, our
results indicated that the potential species diversity of the genus could be much higher than currently
understood. As pointed out by Kimsey (2012), each species was found in a very limited area; thus, the
species composition was different between Northern and Southern Vietnam from our eld surveys and
literature records. Only one species (L. laminata) was obtained from both regions, also only four species
were obtained from the northern and central regions (Figs 26–29). However, our eld surveys in this
study were limited to the Northern and Central parts of Vietnam, lacking the southern part of Vietnam
(Figs 26–29).
Females in this subfamily are extremely rare compared to males, but several individuals were collected
using ight intercept traps (FIT) and yellow pan traps (YPT). Males are more likely to be collected by net
sweeping and Malaise traps because they search for females in the lower layers of the ground (Kimsey
2012), but since no males were obtained using FIT and only a few using YPT, males may be more
active in the lower vegetation than on the litter surface, where females are expected. Loboscelidiinae are
suggested to be associated with ants according to eld observations and morphological specialization
(Kimsey 2012; Hisasue & Mita 2020). However, having specialized setae is a widespread trend in soil
and litter arthropods, such as Strumigenys F. Smith, 1860 ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), oribatid mites
(Acari: Oribatidae), Entiminae Schöenherr, 1826 weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), and Colydiinae
Billberg, 1820 beetles (Coleoptera: Zopheridae) ( Ferris 1934).
For egg parasitoids of stick insects in Chrysididae, only a few observations of the foraging behavior
have been documented, and these are all from Amiseginae: Myrmecomimesis spp. straddles the host
egg and punctures a small hole with her mandibles and lays eggs (Readshaw 1965), and Amisega sp.
and Nipponosega yamanei Kurzenko & Lelej, 1994 transport the host egg (Windsor et al. 1996; Mita
2021). Host carriage is also well known in the bethylid genera Cephalonomia Westwood, 1833, Epyris
Westwood, 1832, Goniozus Förster, 1856 and Muellerella Saussure, 1892 (Rubink & Evans 1979;
Rosenheim 1987; Collatz & Steidle 2008), and is common in other lower Aculeata Latreille, 1802,
such as Ampulicidae Shuckard, 1840, Scoliidae Latreille, 1802 and Tiphiidae Leach, 1815 (Iwata 1971;
Gess 1984; O’Neill 2001). It is noteworthy that the behavior of L. squamosa sp. nov. appears to include
a more developed foraging sequence, which can be compared to the hunting and nesting behavior of
solitary wasps ( Bohart & Menke 1976; Iwata 1971; O’Neill 2001), since it builds the ‘nest’ and nally
plugs with soil.
In some newly described species (such as Loboscelidia mediata sp. nov.), the basally constricted
cervical expansion and discontinuous ribbon-like setae between cervical expansion and gena are shared
with Rhadinoscelidia. However, we assign L. mediata sp. nov. to the genus Loboscelidia because
the forewing venation extends into half of the wing. Due to sexual dimorphism, the identi cation
of conspeci c sexes has been a challenge for researchers (Maa & Yoshimoto 1961; Kimsey 2012).
Kimsey (2012) suggested a combination of sexes based on some characteristics (wing venation, frontal
projection, scrobal sulcus, and notauli) as shared modi cations. However, when the number of species
increased, further evaluation is required because of the presence of multiple species showing the
same characteristics (e.g., Loboscelidia bachmaensis sp. nov. and L. vietnamensis sp. nov., L. cuneata
sp. nov. and L. parallela sp. nov.). This dif culty is particularly due to the lack of knowledge of female
morphology. As is often the case with Chrysidoidea and other Aculeata wasps showing pronounced sexual
dimorphism (Hardy & Mayhew 1998; Pilgrim & Pitts 2006; Alencar et al. 2018; Azevedo et al. 2018;
European Journal of Taxonomy 887: 1–68 (2023)
Narita & Mita 2021; Olmi et al. 2021), the generic placement and sex associations of Loboscelidiinae
based on morphological characteristics remain critical problems. More intensive eld studies and a
molecular approach are needed to build a comprehensive taxonomic framework that connects missing
morphological and ecological links.
We thank Y. Komeda, R. Matsumoto, S. Hosoishi, N. Tsuji, K. Tsujii, local guides, national park staff
and VNMNH colleagues for their help and support on eld surveys. We also thank S. Brady (USNM) for
help with examining museum collections, and A. Bennett (CNC) for loaning specimens and providing
photos of Loboscelidia laminata and L. pecki. Images and data of L. laminata and L. pecki were provided
by the Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes (CNC), ©Her Majesty The
Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, licensed under
the Open Government Licence - Canada. This study is partially supported by JST SPRING (Grant
Number: JPMJSP2136) for YH, Grant-in-Aid for Scienti c Research (KAKENHI, JP19H00942;
JP19K06824; JP21H05181) and The Asahi Glass Foundation for TM, and the Vietnam Academy of
Science and Technology (VAST) under the grant number NCXS02.04/22-23 for HTP and CVCL.
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Manuscript received: 9 May 2022
Manuscript accepted: 10 March 2023
Published on: 4 August 2023
Topic editor: Tony Robillard
Section editor: Gavin Broad
Desk editor: Pepe Fernández
Printed versions of all papers are also deposited in the libraries of the institutes that are members of the
EJT consortium: Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, Paris, France; Meise Botanic Garden, Belgium;
Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren, Belgium; Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences,
Brussels, Belgium; Natural History Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark; Naturalis Biodiversity
Center, Leiden, the Netherlands; Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales-CSIC, Madrid, Spain; Leibniz
Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change, Bonn – Hamburg, Germany; National Museum of the
Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic.
... Although the key to genera of world Amiseginae (Kimsey & Bohart 1991) emphasizes the presence or absence of the inner tooth on the tarsal claw, it might be easily overlooked especially in smaller species. Recent studies on Chrysididae parasitizing phasmid eggs have shown its variability among closely related genera and even within the same genus (Amiseginae: Mita 2021; Loboscelidinae: Hisasue et al. 2023). A variation is also observed within Baeosega females, with B. torrida developing more weakly than B. humida. ...
We present taxonomic updates on Baeosega Krombein, formally reporting the genus from India for the first time. We describe and illustrate two new species, B. kimseyae Binoy, Mita & Girish Kumar, sp. nov. and B. krombeini Binoy, Mita & Girish Kumar, sp. nov. from the southern Western Ghats. A key for females of the currently known species is also provided. Additionally, a distribution map of the species is included.
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Three related genera of Asian Amiseginae, Baeosega Krombein, Nipponosega Kurzenko & Lelej, and Okinawasega Terayama are revised. The male of N. yamanei Kurzenko & Lelej and the female of O. eguchii Terayama are newly described. The following new synonymies are proposed: Baeosega humida Krombein, 1984 = B. laticeps Krombein, 1984, syn. nov. ; Nipponosega yamanei Kurzenko & Lelej, 1994 = N. kantoensis Nagase, 1995, syn. nov. A new species of Nipponosega , N. lineata sp. nov. is described based on a female from Thailand. A key to genera and species of Baeosega , Nipponosega and Okinawasega is given.
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Rhadinoscelidia lixa sp. nov. is described from Thailand. It is the fifth species of the genus and second species from Thailand. A biological note on the species with its associated ants is provided.
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The small chrysidid genus Rhadinoscelidia Kimsey, 1988, is reviewed and the new species Rh. chaesonensis sp. n. is described. Peculiar deformations of the head are documented in a large series of one species, Rh. malaysiae Kimsey, 1988, from Thailand.
The growing field of conservation biology has placed a new value on cataloging the Earth's living creatures, even as many of them face extinction. In the first systematic revision of the Chrysidid wasp family since 1889, the authors present a worldwide overview of this colorful group. Some 3,000 valid species have been named and are arranged in 84 genera and four sub-families. This comprehensive treatment presents a reclassification of the generic and higher taxa. It also includes a summary of previously published information, indicated problems in need of further study, and detailed synonomic species lists for each genus. Discussions for each tribe and sub-family include ancestral characteristics, phylogenetically important characters and a corresponding cladogram, keys to genera, and relationships among taxa.
Bocchus scobiolae Nagy (Hymenoptera: Dryinidae, Bocchinae) was reared in Szeged, Hungary. The female, male and immature larva were associated by mitochondrial COI sequences. B. scobiolae, previously known only from Romania, is recorded for the first time from Hungary, Moldova, and Turkey. Caliscelis wallengreni (Stål) (Hemiptera: Caliscelidae) is mentioned for the first time as host of B. scobiolae. B. vernieri Olmi is indicated for the first time from Hungary. Helegonatopus rasnitzyni (Trjapitzin, 1963) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), recorded for the first time from Hungary, was reared from B. scobiolae (new record).
Eleven species of Methocha Latreille from Taiwan are revised. Methocha cirrhocrus Narita & Mita, sp. nov. is described and illustrated. The previously unknown male of M. maai Lin, 1966 is described. Methocha taoi Lin, 1966 is newly synonymized under Methocha areolata Lin, 1966. The genus Karlissa Krombein, 1979 is newly recorded from Taiwan, and a new combination is proposed for Methoca (sic!) tricha Strand, 1913, which is transferred to the genus Karlissa Krombein. A key to the species based on males and females is given.
The world fauna of the flat wasps (Bethylidae) is represented by about 3,000 valid species. The skeletal morphology of bethylids is still not adequately understood and the terminology is generally not standardized between its internal taxa and with other Hymenoptera families. The same scenario exists in most of the families in this order. To address this problem, we describe the external skeletal morphology of Bethylidae. We review the terms used to describe skeletal features in the Hymenoptera in general and a consensus terminology is proposed for Bethylidae, which is linked to the online Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology. The morphology of the studied specimens is illustrated with photos and line drawings. We also discuss the morphological variation at both subfamilial and generic ranks. Our analyses challenge hundreds of inappropriate, confused or imprecise terms traditionally used for Hymenoptera morphology. As a result, we have applied hundreds of updates of the terminology available online at the Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology.
The main goal of this paper is to update the taxonomic information of the pairs of Pristocera Klug collected in Madagascar by A. Seyrig. Within this material twelve species are recognized, ten are new to science, all based on pairs collected in copulation, which are described and illustrated: P. melmani sp. nov., P. alexi sp. nov., P. martyi sp. nov., P. gloriae sp. nov., P. julieni sp. nov., P. morti sp. nov., P. mauricei sp. nov., P. makungai sp. nov., P. teetsii sp. nov. and P. zubai sp. nov.. Pristocera levicollis (Kieffer) had its female discovered, and P. cambouei Saussure stat. rev. had its lectotype designated. Sclerodermus hova Saussure is transferred back to Pristocera and considered as a junior synonym of P. cambouei. Keys for males and females to the species of Pristocera from Madagascar are provided. The Malagasy fauna of Pristocera is now represented by twelve species, all endemic to this island.
The flat wasp Apenesia Westwood is one of the largest genera in Pristocerinae with 190 species worldwide. The lack of a single diagnostic morphological character has resulted in many distinct ground plans within Apenesia. Some authors have suggested Apenesia as polyphyletic. Here we aimed to investigate and delimit the genus based on morphological and molecular data. We analysed 163 morphological characters on tnt using ‘traditional search’, whereas Bayesian (BI) and maximum likelihood (ML) inferences were performed on 1553 concatenated nucleotide base pairs from COI and 28S sequences. Apenesia was recovered as polyphyletic in all analyses with up to 10 different lineages spread throughout the tree. We mapped female morphological characters onto the molecular tree to enlighten morphological evolution in the apterous females. Based on our morphological and molecular analyses, and on the taxonomic revision of holotypes and specimens, we propose six new genera in the Pristocerinae and revalidate the generic status of two: Acrenesia gen.n., Austranesia gen.n., Cleistepyris stat. rev., Dracunesia gen.n., Eleganesia gen.n., Epynesia gen.n., Pristonesia gen.n., and Propristocera stat. rev. We also propose four new generic synonymies: Neoapenesia syn.n. under Apenesia, Dipristocera syn.n. under Cleistepyris, Afrocera syn.n. and Neopristocera syn.n. under Propristocera. At the species level, we indicate Apenesia minor syn.n. under Propristocera tagala. In all, 162 new combinations, eight reinstated combinations and one new name to avoid homonymy are proposed. Apenesia is now defined as flat wasps having males with the mesoscutum gibbous, the genitalia with the paramere narrow and densely hairy, and the aedeagus with the ventral apical lobe elliptical and covered with lumps. Females of Apenesia can be distinguished from other Pristocerinae by having the head wider than the mesosoma, the antennae short, the mandible long, and the clypeus surpassing the toruli in the frons. This study reinforces the difficulties in defining Apenesia and other Pristocerinae genera. This published work has been registered in ZooBank,‐0F30‐4851‐B1BA‐ED6E4518B958. We reconstructed molecular and morphological phylogenies of Pristocerinae (Bethylidae) flat wasps with the emphasis on the genus Apenesia, proposing six new genera in Pristocerinae, revalidating two and synonymizing four. We discuss the extreme sexual dimorphism in the subfamily, mapping the female's characters onto the molecular tree. Our results reveal novel morphological characteristics to distinguish genera within Pristocerinae and reinforce the difficulties in defining Apenesia and the importance of an integrative taxonomy.