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Abstract and Figures

Large Language Models (LLMs) have become effective tools for natural language process-ing and have been used in many different fields. This essay offers a succinct summary of various LLM subcategories. The survey emphasizes recent developments and efforts made for various LLM kinds, including task-based financial LLMs, multilingual language LLMs, biomedical and clinical LLMs, vision language LLMs, and code language models. The survey gives a general summary of the methods, attributes, datasets, transformer models, and comparison metrics applied in each category of LLMs. Furthermore, it highlights unresolved problems in the field of developing chatbots and virtual assistants, such as boosting natural language processing, enhancing chatbot intelligence, and resolving moral and legal dilemmas. The purpose of this study is to provide readers, developers, academics, and users interested in LLM-based chatbots and virtual intelligent assistant technologies with use full information and future directions.
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Several categories of Large Language Models (LLMs): A Short
Saurabh Pahune 1,†,‡, Manoj Chandrasekharan 2
1Cardinal Health, Dublin OH 43017, USA; Email:, Tel.:+1-901-691-7551
Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have become effective tools for natural language process-
ing and have been used in many different fields. This essay offers a succinct summary of various
LLM subcategories. The survey emphasizes recent developments and efforts made for various LLM
kinds, including task-based financial LLMs, multilingual language LLMs, biomedical and clinical
LLMs, vision language LLMs, and code language models. The survey gives a general summary of the
methods, attributes, datasets, transformer models, and comparison metrics applied in each category
of LLMs. Furthermore, it highlights unresolved problems in the field of developing chatbots and
virtual assistants, such as boosting natural language processing, enhancing chatbot intelligence, and
resolving moral and legal dilemmas. The purpose of this study is to provide readers, developers,
academics, and users interested in LLM-based chatbots and virtual intelligent assistant technologies
with useful information and future directions. This survey sheds light on the possibilities of LLMs and
lays the groundwork for additional study and advancement in the area by looking at the background,
benefits, and drawbacks of LLMs generally as well as the implications of various LLM models.Thus
this paper offers significant information and future directions. Our goal is to look at LLM’s history,
the advantages and disadvantages of LLMs in general, the types of various LLM models (eg: finance,
clinical, multilingual, code, vision), and what all of this implies for the future
Keywords: Natural language processing;large language models (LLM);financial LLMs; multilin-
gual language LLMs; biomedical and clinical LLMs; vision language LLMs;code language models;
transformer model;datasets;virtual intelligent assistant
1. Introduction
The origins of the first AI language models can be found in the early history of AI.
One of the oldest instances of an AI language model is the ELIZA language model, which
made its debut in 1966 at MIT[
].An LLM is a development of the language model idea
in AI that significantly increases the amount of data utilized for inference and training. As
a result, the AI model’s capabilities are greatly increased. An LLM normally includes at
least one billion parameters, while there isn’t a defined size for the data set that must be
used for training.A trained deep-learning model called a big language model can read and
produce text in a way that is similar to what a human would. Everything is accomplished
behind the scenes using a sizable transformer model. In 2017[
] “Attention is All You
Need,” to establish a transformer model (The ‘T’ in all the GPT models). It is based on the
attention mechanism, dispensing with recurrence and convolutions entirely. Transformer
language models use a deep neural network architecture called a Transformer and they are
trained to predict either masked words (i.e. fill-in-the-blank) or upcoming words in text[
Uszkoreit et al. describe the Transformer, a cutting-edge neural network design based on a
self-attention mechanism that aims to be especially effective at interpreting language[
Transformer language models have revolutionized the field of natural language processing
(NLP) since their introduction in 2018[
]. Transformer language models have received
widespread public attention, yet their generated text is often surprising even to NLP
]. As per recent research, some of the top LLMs announced and released
in the last few years (e.g. GPT-3/4[
], LLaMA[
], PaLM[
], MiniGPT-4[
], FinGPT[
], BERT[
], Bloomberggpt[
], BLOOM 176B[
], RoBERTa [
] ;)[
]. For applications ranging from web search and chatbots to
2 of 26
medical and financial document analysis, many language models are employed in the
Figure 1. Distribution of language models
As per Figure 1. numerous language models have emerged. Language models with a
lot of parameters and great processing power are collectively referred to as "Large Language
Models" (LLM)[
]. Whereas A sort of language model known as a statistical language
model (SLM) uses statistical methods to give probability values to word sequences in a
language. It is predicated on the notion that by examining the frequencies and patterns
found in a sizable corpus of text, it is possible to predict the likelihood of a specific word
appearing in a specific situation[
].In a Neural Language Model (NLM), the probability
distribution of word sequences in a language is modeled using neural network topologies.
NLMs are made to catch intricate word relationships and produce text that is appropriate for
the surrounding context[
]. The term "Transformer Language Models" (TLMs) is used
to describe language models that especially make use of the Transformer architecture[
The term "pre-trained language models" (PLMs) refers to language models that have been
trained in an unsupervised fashion on sizable corpora before being adjusted for particular
downstream tasks. By extracting patterns and structures from massive volumes of text
data, these models learn representations of generic language. In recent years, in the field
of healthcare, there are various biomedical and clinical transformer models are available
for clinical concept extraction and medical relation[
]. BioBERT[
], ClinicalBERT[
], GatorTron-medium[
], GatorTron-large [
]. In 2021,
One of the largest models in the world for reading comprehension and natural language
Figure 2. A word cloud showing the frequency of terms used in the articles we reviewed.
3 of 26
inference, Megatron-Turing Natural Language Generation 530B was created by Nvidia
and Microsoft to facilitate tasks like summarizing and content creation[
]. HuggingFace
unveiled BLOOM last year, an open big language model that can produce text in over
a dozen programming languages in addition to 46 different natural languages and 13
programming languages[
]. vision language models [
] a family of Visual Language
Models (VLM) models that can be rapidly adapted to novel tasks using only a handful of
annotated examples is an open challenge for multimodal machine learning research. Table1.
cited the work as having been mentioned by the corresponding author on this language
model field.
Figure 3. Mapping of visualize research articles
In Figure 3., by using connecting lines to visually represent the citations for this work,
it demonstrates the connection. Useful research resources and project state are included in
this time-based citation network to arrange this review of the literature. The cited research
addresses several topics, including model features, datasets, transformer models, and
benchmarks for assessing LLM performance.
The rest of the article is organized as follows. Section 2.1 presents prior related work
that has various versions of LLM models (Finance base, Clinical base, Vision base, Code-
base, Multilingual based)and tables respectively. In Section 3, define the configuration of
various models with billions of parameters and created taxonomy tables to discuss the
detailed methodology of LLM models such as (Benchmark and dataset, Dataset content,
Implementation details etc.), A mapping of the articles used in this paper was also devel-
oped Figure 3. In Section 4(Open Issues and Research Directions ), the open issues and
potential future directions of LLM mdoels. The conclusions are described in Section 5.
Table 1. Studies on different language models
Types of Language Models Study
Statistical language models (SLM) Jelinek et al. [36], Rosenfeld et al. [37]
Pre-trained language models (PLM) Matthew et al.[38]
Large language models (LLM) Kaplan et al.[39]
Neural language models (NLM) Bengio et al.[40]
Transformer language models (TLM) Vaswani et al.[3]
4 of 26
2.1. Multilingual language-image model
An artificial intelligence model that can comprehend and produce both textual and
visual content across several languages is called a multilingual language-image model. In
order to assess and provide useful information from both modalities, these models are par-
ticularly trained to process and understand the complicated relationships between words
and visuals. Chen et al. [
] study PaLI (Pathways Language and Image model), a model
that extends this approach to the joint modeling of language and vision. Scheible et al.[
discovered GottBERT is a pure German Language Model. AlexaTM 20B Soltan at al.[
demonstrate that multilingual large-scale sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) models,).pre-
trained on a mixture of denoising and Causal Language Modeling (CLM). Dossou et al.[
present AfroLM, a multilingual language model pretrained from scratch on 23 African
languages (the largest effort to date) using our novel self-active learning framework. Scao
et al.[
] present BLOOM, a 176B-parameter open-access Multilingual language model
Table 2. Various multilingual language LLMs.
Models Study Year
BLOOM Scao et al.[16] 2022
AfroLM Dossou et al.[44] 2022
AlexaTM 20B Soltan at al.[43] 2022
GottBERT Scheible et al.[42] 2020
PaLI Chen at al.[41] 2022
2.2. Clinical and biomedical transformer model
A clinical and biomedical transformer model is a type of artificial intelligence that was
created with the express purpose of processing and analyzing clinical and biomedical text
data. These transformer models make use of the architecture of the transformer, which
has excelled in jobs requiring natural language processing. Clinical notes, electronic health
records, research articles, and other pertinent sources of clinical and biomedical data are
included in the large-scale datasets used to train the clinical and biomedical transformer
models. These models gain knowledge of the specific words, phrases, and ideas used in
the medical field. Clinical and biomedical transformer models’ main goals are to derive
insightful information, carry out text categorization, entity recognition, relation extraction,
question answering, and other activities particular to the clinical and biomedical area.
Clinical decision support, information retrieval, patient risk assessment, and automated
documentation are just a few of the activities that they may help healthcare workers with.
Yang et al.[
] develop from scratch a large clinical language model GatorTron using
>90 billion words of text (including >82 billion words of de-identified clinical text) and sys-
tematically evaluate it on 5 clinical NLP tasks including clinical concept extraction, medical
relation extraction, semantic textual similarity, natural language inference (NLI), and medi-
cal question answering (MQA). Lee et al.[
] introduce BioBERT (Bidirectional Encoder
Representations from Transformers for Biomedical Text Mining), which is a domain-specific
language representation model pre-trained on large-scale biomedical corpora. Li et al[
Present Hi-BEHRT, a hierarchical Transformer-based model that can significantly expand
the receptive field of Transformers and extract associations from much longer sequences.
Using a multimodal large-scale linked longitudinal electronic health records. Wang et
] propose an innovative causal inference model–InferBERT, by integrating the A
Lite Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (ALBERT). Large language
models in health care As per Anmol et al.[
] has already been proposed that LLMs, such
as ChatGPT, could have applications in the field of health care due to the large volumes
of free-text information available for training models.An LLM trained on more than 90
billion words of text from electronic health records (EHR)[
] Author Yang et al. develop a
5 of 26
scratch a large clinical language model GatorTron using more than 90 billion words of text.
Existing biomedical and clinical transformer models for clinical concept extraction and med-
ical relation such as BioBERT[
], ClinicalBERT[
], BioMegatron[
GatorTron-medium[32], GatorTron-large [32].
Santosh et al.[
] propose PathologyBERT - a pre-trained masked language model
which was trained on 347,173 histopathology specimen reports and publicly released in
the Huggingface1repository. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that pre-training of
transformer model on pathology corpora yields performance improvements on Natural
Language Understanding (NLU) and Breast Cancer Diagnose Classification when com-
pared to nonspecific language models. Jaiswal et al.[
] intorduce RadBERT-CL which
is"Factually-Aware Contrastive Learning For Radiology Report Classification." Also show
that the representations learned by RadBERT-CL can capture critical medical information in
the latent space. Gu et al.[
] accelerate research in biomedical and released state-of-the-art
pretrained and task-specific models for the community, and created a leaderboard featuring
BLURB benchmark (Biomedical Language Understanding Reasoning Benchmark)). The
author challenges, the major advantage of domain-specific pretraining from scratch stems
from having an in-domain vocabulary. Peng et al.[
] introduce BLUE, a collection of
resources for evaluating and analyzing biomedical natural language representation models.
find that the BERT models pre-trained on PubMed abstracts and clinical notes see better
performance than do most state-of-the-art models. Beltagy et al.[
] SCIBERT leverages
unsupervised pretraining on a large multi-domain corpus of scientific publications to
improve performance on downstream scientific NLP tasks. Alsentzer et al.[
] released
Clinical BERT models for clinical text: one for generic clinical text and another for discharge
summaries specifically. Also, demonstrate on several clinical NLP tasks that improve-
ments this system offers over traditional BERT and BioBERT. Shin et al.[
] come up with
BioMegatron consider as large biomedical domain lanuage model. Which show consistent
improvements on benchmarks with larger BioMegatron model trained on a larger domain
corpus, contributing to our understanding of domain language model applications.
Table 3. Various biomedical and clinical LLMs.
Models Study Year
GatorTron-base Yang et al.[32] 2022
BioBERT Lee et al.[29] 2020
EntityBERT Lin et al.[52] 2021
Hi-BEHRT Li et al[45] 2022
InferBERT Wang et al.[46] 2021
PathologyBERT Santosh et al.[48] 2022
PubMedBERT Gu et al.[14] 2021
SciBERT Beltagy et al.[51] 2019
RadBERT Yan et al.[53] 2022
ClinicalBERT Alsentzer et al.[30] 2019
BlueBERT Peng et al.[50] 2019
BioMegatron Shin et al.[31] 2019
2.3. Large language model for finance
These models can analyze and grasp complicated financial text data efficiently by
making use of deep learning techniques like transformer architectures. They can help with
jobs including compiling financial reports, summarizing financial documents, researching
investments, managing portfolios, and analyzing financial news. Financial professionals’
ability to make more educated, data-driven decisions may be improved by the use of large
language models in the field. They can offer insights for investing plans, assist in identi-
fying market trends, evaluate risk factors, and spot abnormalities. Wu et al.[
] present
BloombergGPT (A large language model for finance), a 50 billion parameter language
model that is trained on a wide range of financial data. Author validates BloombergGPT on
6 of 26
standard LLM benchmarks, open financial benchmarks, and a suite of internal benchmarks
that most accurately reflect our intended usage. Scao et al.[
] present BLOOM, a 176B-
parameter open-access language model designed and built. BLOOM is a decoder-only
Transformer language model that was trained on the ROOTS corpus, a dataset comprising
hundreds of sources in 46 natural and 13 programming languages (59 in total). Black et
] introduce GPT-NeoX-20B, a 20 billion parameter autoregressive language model
trained on the Pile[
],evaluate its performance on a range of language-understanding,
mathematics, and knowledge-based tasks. Araci et al.[
]introduce FinBERT language
model based on BERT, to tackle NLP tasks in the financial domain. Zhang et al.[
] present
Open Pre-trained Transformers (OPT), a suite of decoder-only pre-trained transformers
ranging from 125M to 175B parameters. Yang et al.[
] present an open-source large
language model FinGPT, for the finance sector. FinGPT responds innovatively by lever-
aging pre-existing LLMs and fine-tuning them to specific financial applications. Xie at
] discovers the PIXIU LLM model for Instruction Data and Evaluation Benchmark for
Table 4. Various finance-based LLMs.
Models Study Year
BloombergGPT Wu et al.[15] 2023
GPT-NeoX Black et al.[17] 2022
OPT Zhang et al.[13] 2022
BLOOM-176B Scao et al.[16] 2022
FinBERT Araci et al.[55] 2019
FinGPT Yang et al.[12] 2023
PIXIU Xie at al.[56] 2023
2.4. Classifications of vision language models
Artificial intelligence models called "vision language models" are created to compre-
hend and produce data from the combination of visual and linguistic inputs. These models
seek to close the gap between the comprehension of images or other visual content and
that of natural language. These models are capable of carrying out a number of tasks,
such as image captioning, visual question answering (VQA), image generation from text
descriptions, and image-text matching. For instance, a vision language model can produce
a caption for an image that accurately describes the image’s content. Similar to this, the
model can offer pertinent responses or justifications when asked a text query regarding a
picture. Alayrac et al.[
] comes with Flamingo, a family of Visual Language Models (VLM)
models that can be rapidly adapted to novel tasks using only a handful of annotated exam-
ples is an open challenge for multimodal machine learning research. Monajatipoor et al.[
Vision-and-language (VL) models take image and text as input and learn to capture the
associations between them.Prior studies show that pre-trained VL models can significantly
improve the model performance for downstream tasks such as Visual Question Answering
(VQA). Ko et al.[
] present F-VLM, a simple open-vocabulary object detection method built
upon Frozen Vision and Language Models.Where F-VLM simplifies the current multi-stage
training pipeline by eliminating the need for knowledge distillation or detection tailored
pretraining. Zhu et al.[
] projected MiniGPT-4 which is a enhancing vision-language
understanding with advanced large language models. Hong et al.[
] propose a recurrent
BERT model that is time-aware for use in of vision-and-language navigation(VLN). In this
paper author propose a recurrent BERT model that is time-aware for use in VLN. Thrush et
] present a novel task and dataset for evaluating the ability of vision and language
models to conduct visio-linguistic compositional reasoning, which we call Winoground.
Wang et al.[
] propose a smaller and faster VL model, MiniVLM, which can be finetuned
with good performance on various downstream tasks like its larger counterpart. MiniVLM
7 of 26
consists of two modules, a vision feature extractor and a transformer-based vision-language
fusion module.
Table 5. Various vision language LLMs.
Models Study Year
Flamingo Alayrac et al.[57] 2022
BERTHop Monajatipoor et al.[58] 2022
F-VLM Kuo et al.[59] 2022
MiniVLM Wang et al.[62] 2020
VLN-BERT Hong et al.[60] 2021
Winoground Thrush et al.[61] 2022
MiniGPT-4 Zhu et al.[11] 2023
2.5. Classifications of code large language model (Code LLMs)
Large-scale language models have the potential to promote programming by pro-
moting code reuse, knowledge sharing, and developer collaboration. They can aid in
eliminating errors, automating repetitive coding processes, and accelerating the develop-
ment process. A code big language model is designed to help programmers with a variety
of coding-related tasks. These models are capable of tasks like code completion, code
generation, code summarization, and code translation and can comprehend the syntax,
semantics, and programming patterns of code. Luo et al.[
] In this paper introduced Wiz-
ardCoder, which empowers Code LLMs with complex instruction fine-tuning, by adapting
the Evol-Instruct method to the domain of code. Nijkamp et al.[
] release a family of
large language models up to 16.1B parameters, called CODEGEN, on natural language
and programming language data. Jain et al.[
] present an approach to augment these
large language models with post-processing steps based on program analysis and synthesis
techniques, that understand the syntax and semantics of programs. Wang et al. [
] present
CodeT5,a unified pre-trained encoder-decoder Transformer model that better leverages the
code semantics conveyed from the developer-assigned identifiers.
Table 6. Various code language models (Code LLMs)
Models Study Year
WizardCoder Luo et al.[63] 2023
CodeGen Nijkamp et al.[64] 2022
Jigsaw Jain et al.[65] 2022
CodeT5 Wang et al. [66] 2021
8 of 26
3. Taxonomy tables of various LLM models
Table 7. Classifications of multilingual language model
LLM Model Benchmark and
Dataset Dataset content Implementation
details Application Versions of Model
PALI [41]
captioning on
3600[69], VQA[70]
New image-text
training set
containing 10B
images and texts in
over 100 languages
Language and
Image model
PaLI-3B, PaLI-15B,
The German data
portion of the
OSCAR measures
145GB of text
approximately 21.5
billion words in
approximately 459
million documents
(one document per
A vocabulary of
52k subword
tokens based on 40
GB of randomly
documents of the
German OSCAR
256 core TPU pod
using the RoBERTa
BASE architecture
A pure German
Language Model
GottBERT, German
RoBERTa, dbmz
BLOOM [16]
BLOOM is a
language model
that was trained on
corpus[71], 2022),
A composite
collection of 498
Hugging Face
hundreds of
sources in 46
natural and 13
languages (59)
156 TFLOPs in our
configuration with
A 176B-Parameter
Language Model
9 of 26
Table 7 continued from previous page
Wikipedia and
mC4 [70]
Data in 12
namely, Arabic,
English, French,
German, Hindi,
Spanish, Tamil,
and Telugu,
Pack sequences
of tokens to
sequences of
1024 subword
AlexaTM 20B
for 120 days on
128 A100 GPUs
A Large-Scale
Seq2seq Model
Corpora Details
Several works
on sentiment
analysis have
been done on
high resource
while low
languages like
Yoruba and
other African
languages, data
comprised 1500
movie reviews
that were
sourced from
IMDB, Rotten
Google Cloud
with a single
A100 GPU
A Self-Active
Model for 23
(w/AL) to
(w/o AL),
10 of 26
Table 8. Classifications of various clinical/biomedical transformer models
LLM Model Benchmark and
Dataset Dataset content Implementation
details Application Versions of Model
5 clinical NLP
tasks named entity
recognition [NER],
medical relation
extraction (MRE),
semantic textual
similarity (STS),
natural language
and medical
answering (MQA),
MedNLI[77], 2019
n2c2[78], emrQA
Medication [79]
A total number of
290,482,002 clinical
notes from
2,476,628 patients
were extracted
from the UF
Health Integrated
Data Repository
(IDR), the
enterprise data
warehouse of the
UF Health
992 A100 80G
GPUs from 124
A large clinical
language model
BioBERT [29]
Pre-trained on
biomedical domain
corpora (PubMed
abstracts, English
BooksCorpus and
PMC full-text
NCBI Disease with
6881 (Number of
i2b2/VA disease
with 19665
(Number of
annotations) ,
BC5CDR disease
with 12694
(Number of
V100 GPUs.
A pre-trained
model for
biomedical text
BioBERT v1.0,
BioBERT v1.1
Hi-BEHRT [45]
performance on
incident risk
prediction for four
diseases: heart
failure (HF),
diabetes, chronic
kidney disease
(CKD), and stroke.
Clinical Practice
Research Datalink
diabetes mellitus
2 GPUs [45]
model for accurate
prediction of
clinical events
using multimodal
electronic health
InferBERT [46]
induced acute liver
failure and
FAERS dataset
Effects: (Acute
liver fibrosis and
cirrhosis, OR
Acute liver failure
and associated
disorders, OR
Cholestasis and
jaundice) AND
Drugs by
[Analgesics (Any
Role)]” to extract
45,773 [83]
one NVIDIA Tesla
V100 GPU.
Causal Inference
Framework for
Enhancing Phar-
11 of 26
Table 8 continued from previous page
corpora of
reports from
Emory University
Hospital (EUH)
Emory University
Board(IRB), a total
of 340,492
specimens from
67,136 patients
were extracted
from the clinical
data warehouse of
Emory University
Hospital (EUH)
between the years
1981 and 2021.
GeForce Quadro
RTX 6000 24 GB
A New
Language Model
for Pathology
PathologyBERT on
Corpus II to
predict 6 breast
cancer diagnose
severity (invasive
breast cancer, high
risk lesion,
borderline lesion,
non-breast cancer,
benign, and
RadBERT [53]
dataset [84],
using automatic
labeler [85]
dataset which
consists of 377, 110
chest-Xray images
of 227, 827 patients
along with their
radiology reports.
Learning For
Radiology Report
PubMedBERT [
Benchmark for
Biomedical NLP,
BLUE mixes
applications (six
datasets such as
BC5, ChemProt,
and HoC) with
applications (four
datasets such as
i2b2 and MedNLI)
One DGX-2
machine with 16
V100 GPUs
It was pretrained
over PubMed
abstracts and
complete PubMed
Central articles
and is an uncased
BERT Base model
Clinical- BERT ,
and BlueBERT
Train SCIBERT on
a random sample
of 1.14M papers
from Semantic
scholar[93] corpus
consists of 18%
papers from the
computer science
domain and 82%
from the broad
biomedical domain
Single TPU v3 with
8 cores
A Pretrained
Language Model
for Scientific Text
i2b2 2006[94], i2b2
2010[95], i2b2
2012[96], i2b2
Clinical NLP Task,
MedNLI natural
language inference
task[98], Use
clinical text from
the approximately
2 million notes in
the MIMIC-III v1.4
A single GeForce
representations of
clinical notes using
Bio+Clinical BERT,
Clinical BERT [30]
12 of 26
Table 8 continued from previous page
Used downstream
datasets for
Named Entity
and Question
dataset annotated
dataset contains
sentences from
PubMed abstracts,
BioASQ-7b factoid
task[101] is a
biomedical QA
Batch size of 64 per
GPU with data
parallelism on 16
consider as large
biomedical domain
language model
Uses both PubMed
text and
clinical notes from
Models were
trained with 5M
steps on the
PubMed corpus
and 0.2M steps
and BLUE contains
five tasks with ten
corpora that cover
a broad range of
data quantities and
similarity, Named
entity recognition,
Relation extraction,
Inference task )
Evaluation (BLUE)
benchmark to
facilitate research
in the
development of
representations in
the biomedicine
BlueBERT-Base +
BlueBERT-Base +
13 of 26
Table 9. Classifications of large language model for finance
LLM Model Benchmark and
Dataset Dataset content Implementation
details Application Versions of Model
FinPile[54], public
financial NLP
benchmarks [104]
Colossal Clean
Crawled Corpus
(C4) gives us a
vocabulary size of
125,000, Dump of
English Wikipedia
from July 1, 2022.
A100 GPUs
A large language
model for finance
GPT-NeoX [17] Pile [54]
It has 22 data
sources, coarsely
broken down into
5 categories
(Academic Writing,
Web-scrapes and
Internet Resources,
Prose, Dialogue,
GPUs and
configured with
7532 CPUs
An Open-Source
Language Model
Eight Transformer
language models
ranging from 125
million to 175
billion parameters
On 992 80GB A100
Open Pre-trained
Language Models
OPT from 125M to
175B (Ex:
OPT-125M to
ROOTS corpus[
A composite
collection of 498
Hugging Face
STS datasets from
ROOTS corpus
hundreds of
sources in 46
natural and 13
languages (59 in
A 176B-Parameter
Language Model
1B7, BLOOM-1.7B,
FiQA Sentiment is
a dataset that was
created for
financial opinion
mining and
challenge, use the
data for Task 1,
which includes
1,174 financial
news headlines
and tweets with
sentiment score
Amazon p2.xlarge
EC2 instance with
one NVIDIA K80
GPU, 4 vCPUs
sentiment analysis
with pre-trained
language models
Academic datasets,
Novel financial
Different financial
data sources, such
as Financial News,
Company Fillings,
Social Media
Discussions, and
An open-source
large language
model (Financial
sentiment analysis,
Financial Fraud
detection, Credit
scoring, Portfolio
14 of 26
Table 9 continued from previous page
LLM Model Benchmark and
Dataset Dataset content Implementation
details Application Versions of Model
PIXIU [56]
instruction tuning
dataset FIT on
various financial
Financial Phrase
Bank (FPB),
Benchmark FLARE
FiQA-SA consist
11,730 instructions
FPB has 48,450
news data types
8 A100 40GB
A Large Language
Model, Instruction
Data and
Benchmark for
15 of 26
Table 10. Classifications of vision language models
LLM Model Benchmark and
Dataset Dataset content Implementation
details Application Versions of Model
(M3W) dataset,
Pairs of
image/video and
text, ALIGN [113],
ALIGN dataser
composed of 1.8
billion images
paired with alt-text,
LTIP (Long Text
and Image Pairs)
which consists of
312 million image
and text pairs.
A Visual Language
Model for
Few-Shot Learning
BERTHop [58]ChestX-ray14,
MIMIC-CXR labels
are generated
using ChexPert[
and NegBio[114]
auto labelers.
OpenI comprises
3,996 reports and
8,121 associated
images from 3,996
unique patients
collected by
Indiana University
from multiple
An Effective
Language Model
for Chest X-ray
Disease Diagnosis
LVIS dataset which
contains a large
and diverse set of
1203 object
categories suitable
A simple
object detection
method built upon
Frozen Vision and
Language Models.
MiniGPT-4 [11]
SBU[117] and
Conceptual 12M
(CC12M), a dataset
with 12 million
image-text pairs
specifically meant
to be used for
4 A100 (80GB)
MiniGPT-4 aims to
align visual
information from a
pretrained vision
encoder with an
advanced large
language model
MiniVLM [62]
VQA[120], Natural
Language Visual
Reasoning for Real
COCO image
captioning task
VQA is a
representation of
[CLS] is used to
predict the answer
over a shared set of
3129 answers with
a linear layer
2 Intel(R) Xeon(R)
CPU E5-2620 v4
A Smaller and
Matterport3D, a
large-scale RGB-D
dataset containing
10,800 panoramic
views from 194,400
RGB-D images of
90 building-scale
2080Ti GPU
A Recurrent
Language BERT
for Navigation
VisualBERT, VL
16 of 26
Table 10 continued from previous page
dataset was
hand-curated by
four expert
annotators with
experience in
vision and
language research
as well as
Dataset has 1600
image-text pairs in
total, with 800
correct and 800
incorrect pairings
Probing Vision and
Language Models
for Visio-Linguistic
17 of 26
Table 11. Classifications of code language models (Code LLMs)
LLM Model Benchmark and
Dataset Dataset content Implementation
details Application Versions of Model
WizardCoder [63]
Four code
MBPP[127], and
Initialized it with
the 20K instruction-
following dataset
called Code
technique on this
dataset consisting
of 20,000 samples
to produce evolved
Empowering Code
Large Language
Models with
WizardLM [129]
CodeGen [64]
825.18 GiB English
text corpus
collected [54],
subset of Google’s
publicly available
BigQuery dataset,
contains a large
amount of data in
the programming
language, Python.
Google’s TPU-v4
An open LLM for
code with
program synthesis
CodeGen -MULTI ,
Jigsaw [65]
dataset, Hackathon
This dataset
consists of 68
Python Pandas
tasks. Each task
can be solved
using a single line
of code by
composing at most
2-3 Pandas
Hackathon dataset
consists of 21
Pandas tasks; each
Large Language
Models meet
Program Synthesis
CodeT5[66] SearchNet[130]
Consists of 99
natural language
queries with about
4k expert relevance
annotations of
likely results from
Corpus. The
corpus contains
about 6 million
functions from
open-source code
spanning six
languages (Go,
Java, JavaScript,
PHP, Python, and
16 NVIDIA A100
GPUs with 40G
Unified Pre-trained
Models for Code
and Generation
18 of 26
Table 12. Detailed of several existing LLMs configuration with Millions/ Billions of parameters.
Model Optimizer and Layers Model size Reference
GPT-2 Adam, 12 layers 1.5 billion [131]
GPT-3 Adam, 96 layers 175 billion [132,133]
Microsoft DialoGPT - 147 million [134,135]
BloombergGPT GELU, 70 layers 50 billion [15]
Vicuna - 13 billion [136]
Dolly2.0 - 12 billion [19]
BLOOM Adam,70 layers 176 billion [34]
LLaMA AdamW,- 65 billion [9]
Jurassic-1 - 178 billion [137]
GLM AdamW,- 130 billion [138]
PaLM Adafactor,- 540 billion [139]
OPT 175B AdamW, 96 175 billion [13]
Chinchilla Adam,80 layers 70 billion [67]
BERT-base Adam,12 layers 100 million [14]
BERT-large Adam,24 layers 300 million [14]
ALBERT Adam ,12 layers 12 million [140]
RoBERTa base Adam,12 layers 125 million [18]
RoBERTa large Adam,24 layers 355 million [18]
Megatron-Turing NLG - 530 billion [141]
BioBERT - 13.5 billion [29]
ClinicalBERT Adam 1.28 billion [30,142]
BioMegatron Adam,24 1.2 billion [31]
GatorTron-base Adam,24 layers 345 million [32,143]
GatorTron-medium Adam,48 layers 3.9 billion [32,143]
GatorTron-large Adam, 56 layers 8.9 billion [32,143]
Gopher Adam,- 280 billion [144]
GPT-NeoX AdamW 20 billion [17]
Bloom 176 Adam,24 layers 176 billion [16]
PubMedBERT - 110 million [89]
AlexaTM 20B -,46layers 19.75 billion [43]
AfroLM-Large -,10layers 264 million [44]
Hi-BEHRT Adam, layers 264 million [45]
PathologyBERT Adam, 12 Layers 347 million [48]
BioMegatron Adam, 24 Layers 345 million [31]
BioMegatron medium Adam, 36 Layers 800 million [31]
BioMegatron large Adam, 24 Layers 1.2 billion [31]
BloombergGPT Adam, 70 Layers 50.6 billion [15]
BLOOM-style Adam, 70 Layers 50 billion [145]
GPT-NeoX-20B Adam, 44 Layers 20 billion [17]
CODEGEN - 16.1 billion [64]
In Table12. based on what we’ve seen, the billions to millions range. Dataset optimiza-
tion is a crucial step in LLM models, particularly those with a large number of parameters,
with the goal of improving the model’s functionality and speed. To make sure the training
data is representative, diverse, and in line with the anticipated results, dataset optimization
entails carefully choosing and preparing the training data. Researchers and programmers
can enhance the model’s capacity to comprehend and produce words, leading to more
precise and cogent responses, by optimizing the dataset. Basically, dataset optimization
helps LLM models reach their full potential by supplying high-quality training data that is
in line with the particular tasks or objectives at hand.
19 of 26
4. Open Issues and Research Directions
Due to the size of large language models, their deployment requires a high level of
technical expertise, including a firm understanding of deep learning, transformer models,
distributed software, and hardware as well as ethical and legal issues arising from the
liability and harm potential of such systems.
Many professionals in the IT sector are working to support research and create tech-
nologies that can open up access to broad language models, allowing customers and
companies of all sizes to take advantage of them.
It is not clear how large clinical language models with billions of parameters can help
medical AI systems utilize unstructured electronic health records (EHRs) within the current
legal and ethical framework while ensuring privacy of patient information and accuracy of
the information provided[28].
Scaling and maintaining large language models can be difficult and expensive. Build-
ing a foundational large language model often requires months of training time and millions
of dollars [33].
And because LLMs require a significant amount of training data, developers and
enterprises can find it a challenge to access large-enough datasets to train such systems
while ensuring data is collected ethically and with permission of the parties involved.
Maintaining them by putting in place systems to ensure accurate and useful outputs at
scale is also a significant challenge.
5. Conclusion
In this study, the most recent advances in large language models (LLMs) were show-
cased and the key concepts, findings, and strategies for understanding and exploiting
LLMs were presented. A wide range of issues are covered in this study, including model
features, datasets, transformer models, and LLM performance benchmarks. Recent studies
have focused on various LLM types, such as multilingual LLMs, biomedical and clinical
LLMs, vision language LLMs, and code language models. This survey attempts to cover
the most recent research on LLMs and provides academics and engineers with a helpful
BERT Bidirectional Encoder Representation From Transformers.
Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers for Biomedical Text
BLUE Biomedical Language Understanding Evaluation.
C4 Colossal Clean Crawled Corpus.
LLaMA Large Language Model Meta AI.
LLM Large Language Model.
MTEB Massive text embedding benchmark.
RoBERTa Robustly Optimized BERT approach.
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... [4] Large language models (LLMs) were made possible with the 2017 "Attention is All You Need" [5] transformer architecture without recurrent networks or convolutions, and work by predicting masked words or upcoming words. [6] With LLMs, more data results in better predictions, most models have at least one billion parameters. [6] They have been used for many purposes recently including carrying out task-based instructions, multilingual processing, medical and clinical applications, and programming. ...
... [6] With LLMs, more data results in better predictions, most models have at least one billion parameters. [6] They have been used for many purposes recently including carrying out task-based instructions, multilingual processing, medical and clinical applications, and programming. [6] According to the literature, LLMs are typically trained on a huge corpus of text data with hundreds of billions of hyperparameters. ...
... [6] They have been used for many purposes recently including carrying out task-based instructions, multilingual processing, medical and clinical applications, and programming. [6] According to the literature, LLMs are typically trained on a huge corpus of text data with hundreds of billions of hyperparameters. [7] Just in this year, 2023, we have seen several incredible applications utilize powerful LLMs, including in the booming travel industry. ...
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This research compares large language model (LLM) fine-tuning methods, including Quantized Low Rank Adapter (QLoRA), Retrieval Augmented fine-tuning (RAFT), and Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF), and additionally compared LLM evaluation methods including End to End (E2E) benchmark method of "Golden Answers", traditional natural language processing (NLP) metrics, RAG Assessment (Ragas), OpenAI GPT-4 evaluation metrics, and human evaluation, using the travel chatbot use case. The travel dataset was sourced from the the Reddit API by requesting posts from travel-related subreddits to get travel-related conversation prompts and personalized travel experiences, and augmented for each fine-tuning method. We used two pretrained LLMs utilized for fine-tuning research: LLaMa 2 7B, and Mistral 7B. QLoRA and RAFT are applied to the two pretrained models. The inferences from these models are extensively evaluated against the aforementioned metrics. The best model according to human evaluation and some GPT-4 metrics was Mistral RAFT, so this underwent a Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) training pipeline, and ultimately was evaluated as the best model. Our main findings are that: 1) quantitative and Ragas metrics do not align with human evaluation, 2) Open AI GPT-4 evaluation most aligns with human evaluation, 3) it is essential to keep humans in the loop for evaluation because, 4) traditional NLP metrics insufficient, 5) Mistral generally outperformed LLaMa, 6) RAFT outperforms QLoRA, but still needs postprocessing, 7) RLHF improves model performance significantly. Next steps include improving data quality, increasing data quantity, exploring RAG methods, and focusing data collection on a specific city, which would improve data quality by narrowing the focus, while creating a useful product.
... Several LLMs have been recently published for the speciĄc task of program source code generation (aka Code LLMs [15]). These are based on general-purpose architectures or similar training techniques. ...
... We ran fuzz testing for 1 hour, repeating the experiment 30 times per test set using the tiniest corpus for performance (i.e. TinyLlama-cmin, Figure 7), totalling 900 hours of fuzzing 15 . This process aids in identifying the optimal set for fuzzing. ...
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Despite wide availability of automated testing techniques such as fuzzing, little attention has been devoted to testing computer architecture simulators. We propose a fully automated approach for this task. Our approach uses large languagemodels to create input programs, including information about their parametersand their types, as test cases for the simulators. The LLM’s output becomesthe initial seed for an existing fuzzer, AFL, which has been enhanced with threemutation operators, targeting both the input binary program and its parame-ters. We implement our approach in a tool called SearchSYS. We use it to testthe gem5 system simulator. SearchSYS discovered 21 new bugs in gem5, 14 where gem5’s software prediction differs from the real behaviour on actual hardware and 7 where it crashed. New defects were uncovered with each of the 6 LLMs used.
... Incorporating ML and DL into generative AI requires various essential elements Thirunavukarasu et al., 2023;Su et al., 2024). Deep learning, employing hierarchical neural networks, enables the extraction of intricate features from data, resulting in enhanced and more detailed text creation (Raiaan et al., 2024;Pahune & Chandrasekharan, 2023;Karanikolas et al., 2023). Methods like transformers have enhanced the field even more by allowing models to manage longdistance connections and create suitable responses in context Alwahedi et al., 2024;Zhao et al., 2024;Shi et al., 2024). ...
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The advancement of machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) has greatly accelerated the progress of generative artificial intelligence (GAI) models such as ChatGPT, transforming multiple industries through improved human-machine communication. This study investigates how ML and DL are crucial for the development of GAI, with a specific emphasis on their architectures, methods, and uses that have propelled its advancement. Cutting-edge models, especially transformer-based designs, have shown remarkable abilities in natural language processing (NLP), allowing for the creation of coherent, contextually appropriate, and human-like text. The combination of large quantities of data and advanced algorithms like reinforcement learning and unsupervised learning has improved these models, making them better at comprehending and producing language with incredible precision. Further, the progress in computer speed and the access to vast amounts of data have accelerated the development of GAI, enabling the training of models with billions of parameters. This study outlines the various ways ChatGPT can be used in customer service, content creation, and education, underscoring its ability to enhance human productivity and creativity. It also focuses on the ethical aspects and difficulties related to GAI, such as reducing bias, ensuring transparency, and responsibly deploying AI. This research offers a thorough examination of how ML and DL are influencing generative AI's future through analyzing recent trends and advancements, leading to the development of smarter and more interactive systems.
... 2) Large Language Models (LLMs): LLMs excel in natural language understanding and generation tasks, which are crucial for healthcare applications such as clinical decision support systems, medical literature analysis, and patient interaction automation. They can interpret complex medical texts, generate summaries, and even assist in personalized patient care through natural language interfaces [4]- [6]. ...
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AI is on the verge of transforming the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries. This article examines how AI-based automation solutions might improve creativity and efficiency in certain sectors. This study assesses AI applications in drug discovery, manufacturing, supply chain management, patient care, diagnostics, and administration by reviewing existing technologies, methodology, and case studies. The article proposes a roadmap for AI integration by addressing technical, ethical, and regulatory issues. The findings show that AI-driven automation reduces operational costs, improves accuracy, speeds up operations , and improves patient outcomes. This study highlights the national and global importance of AI technology, advancing healthcare and pharmaceutical innovation.
... Although there may be difficulties in dealing with legal and ethical problems, they also provide chances for ethical advancement and the responsible usage of technology [10]. Organizations that give priority to ethical values in their operations and technical solutions are more likely to establish trust with consumers, reduce risks, and generate long-lasting value. ...
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The incorporation of cutting-edge technologies, such as supply chain automation and language model modification, poses notable legal and ethical obstacles that need to be tackled in order to promote responsible innovation and minimize potential hazards. This study examines the intricate terrain of legal and ethical concerns that emerge from the use of these technologies. It offers perspectives on regulatory structures, ethical deliberations, and potential future paths. By analyzing current practices and new trends, we explore the necessity of regularly updating legal frameworks to protect consumer rights, ensure data privacy, and uphold ethical standards. In addition, we explore the significance of ethical design principles, education, and collaboration in fostering openness, accountability, and trust among stakeholders. This study seeks to contribute to the continuing discussion on the ethical and responsible use of technology in supply chain automation and language model manipulation by identifying important areas of concern and suggesting solutions to solve them.
... This essay presents a comprehensive examination of different Large Language Models (LLMs) used in many fields, such as finance with a focus on specific tasks, multilingual language processing, biomedical research, vision-language integration, and code language models. In addition, the paper discusses important obstacles in the advancement of chatbots and virtual assistants, such as enhancing natural language processing abilities and addressing ethical and legal predicaments [13] Scientists are now tackling technological obstacles related to the merging of quantum and classical computing. These issues include limitations in quantum hardware, the development of error correcting systems, and the need for scalability. ...
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Considering the advancement of industries into the era of quantum computing, new possibilities emerge for enhancing complex structures like supply chains. This study investigates the possibilities of utilizing quantum-enhanced Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to transform supply chain and operations management (SCOM). Our objective is to improve transportation efficiency, warehouse management, distribution processes, inbound logistics, and retail and channel logistics by combining quantum computing breakthroughs with GANs. The paper explores the fundamental principles of quantum computing and GANs, emphasizing their collective capacity to tackle the complexities of supply chain difficulties. We aim to investigate the ability of GANs to construct more precise models and identify optimal solutions for supply chain optimization. This will involve enhancing training efficiency, optimizing skills, and incorporating quantum computing modeling. Quantum Generative Adversarial Networks (QGANs), which rely on quantum computing, are predominantly employed for the purpose of generating images and synthesizing data. However, they can also be modified to do language modeling tasks. This research is expected to result in substantial cost savings, improved productivity, and decreased delays across the supply chain. These outcomes will facilitate breakthrough advancements in SCOM.
... m) Vast amount of dataset: Large language models are large, so deploying them requires a high level of technical expertise. This includes knowing a great deal about distributed software, hardware, transformer models, deep learning, and ethical and legal concerns related to the liability and potential harm of these systems [58]. ...
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The use of artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to transform the delivery of healthcare in rural areas by solving a variety of difficulties, including a shortage of healthcare personnel, poor healthcare infrastructure, and a scarcity of healthcare resources. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role that artificial intelligence (AI) plays in rural development within the healthcare sector, with a particular emphasis on how it might be utilized to enhance the quality of healthcare in rural regions. we outline the following main aspects of Artificial intelligence (AI) in rural development based on our findings from the literature review on Artificial Intelligence and various techniques used in the healthcare domain such as Robotics Process Automation (RPA), Machine Learning (ML), Natural Language Processing (NLP), Deep Learning(DL) including a recent breakthrough in AI technology. Determine the difficulties and legal obstacles that are present in rural areas. The purpose of this survey report is to provide insights on the potential of artificial intelligence to transform healthcare delivery in rural areas. Additionally, it stresses the need for a methodology that is both comprehensive and sustainable in order to leverage AI for rural development in the healthcare domain. In spite of this, there are a great deal of obstacles and constraints associated with its application. Within the scope of this survey, we examine the most recent applications of Artificial Intelligence approaches. The primary difficulties and constraints of the work that is now being done are brought to light, and suggestions are made for the exploration of future research. In addition, we take into consideration the difficulties and ethical concerns that are involved with the use of artificial intelligence in rural healthcare settings. These include the threats to privacy and security, the problems with data quality and bias, as well as the regulatory and legal obstacles. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the current state of the art in artificial intelligence and rural healthcare via the purpose of informing and inspiring additional research and development in this significant area.
... It uses a sigmoid function to turn input features i n t o probabilities, making it easier to distinguish between different types of tumors. The model also gives us understandable coefficients that help evaluate the risks involved, assisting doctors in making informed decisions about patient care [12]. When we assess the model's performance, logistic regression uses metrics like precision and recall to ensure it's doing a good job. ...
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In this research study, five machine learning algorithms-Support Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest, Logistic Regression, Decision Tree (C4.5), and K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)-were applied to the Breast Cancer Wisconsin Diagnostic dataset. The subsequent results underwent a thorough performance evaluation and comparison among these diverse classifiers. The primary objective was to predict and diagnose breast cancer using machine learning algorithms, determining the m o s t effective approach based on factors such as the confusion matrix, accuracy, and precision. Notably, the findings highlight that the Support Vector Machine outperformed all other classifiers, achieving the highest accuracy at 97.2%. I. INTRODUCTION Breast cancer, a complex and heterogeneous disease, remains a major global health challenge with significant implications f o r women's well-being. Early detection is paramount for successful intervention and improved patient outcomes [1]. While traditional screening methods have played a crucial role, recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) offer unprecedented opportunities to enhance the accuracy and precision of breast cancer prediction. Breast cancer, characterized by its complexity and heterogeneity, remains a significant global health challenge, greatly impacting the well-being of women. The early detection of breast cancer is crucial for effective intervention and improved patient outcomes. While traditional screening methods have played a vital role, recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and m achi ne learning (ML) present unprecedented opportunities to enhance the precision and accuracy of breast cancer prediction. [2] According to data released by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in December 2020, breast cancer has taken over as the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women globally, surpassing lung cancer. Over the past two decades, the overall number of cancer cases has almost doubled, escalating from an estimated 10 million in 2000 to 19.3 million in 2020. [1] Presently, one in every five individuals worldwide is anticipated to face a cancer diagnosis during their lifetime. Future projections indicate a significant surge in cancer diagnoses in the coming years, with estimates suggesting a nearly 50% increase by 2 0 4 0 compared to 2020. Simultaneously, the number of deaths attributable to cancer has risen, reaching 10 million in 2020 from 6. 2 million in 2000. More than one in six global deaths is now linked to cancer. These trends underscore the ongoing impact of cancer on a global scale. The utilization of AI and ML allows for a more nuanced understanding of the various factors contributing to breast cancer risk. These technologies can analyze large sets of data, identifying subtle patterns and interactions that might be challenging for traditional methods to detect [9]. Additionally, the predictive model can evolve and improve over time as it learns from new data, contributing to ongoing advancements in breast cancer prediction. Moreover, the integration of genetic information enables a deeper exploration of inherited risk factors, paving the way for a mor e comprehensive understanding of an individual's predisposition to breast cancer. By considering lifestyle factors alongside clinical and genetic data, the model aims to provide a holistic view of risk, contributing to more effective and personalized preventive measures. [1]
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In the field of natural language processing (NLP), natural language understanding (NLU) plays a critical role in transforming human languages into machine-interpretable formats. This study explores the methodologies, and resources of Arabic Question Answering Systems (QASs), particularly emphasizing NLU’s role in question analysis and classification. This key module is essential for semantically and logically interpreting questions, which are crucial for obtaining accurate, quality, context-sensitive answers in QASs. Our findings reveal that advanced deep learning models are highly effective in accurately processing complex languages. Simultaneously, machine learning algorithms maintain significance in classification tasks. This study also identified the potential of rule-based and hybrid approaches, suggesting that future research should focus on these, alongside evolving evaluation methods, to match the rapid developments in NLP. Arabic QAS faces unique challenges, including Arabic complex syntax, dialectal diversity, scarce tools and resources, and the need for benchmark datasets and standardized testing frameworks. Future trends lean towards comprehensive datasets for deep learning, standardized testing for Arabic QASs, and a hybrid approach in question classification, incorporating additional factors such as interrogative words, tense, aspect, and multiple question detection. This comprehensive survey examined the question analysis and classification of Arabic QASs, underscoring the specific challenges and limitations of Arabic language. This study highlights NLU’s crucial role of NLU in system efficiency, aiming to fill the existing literature gaps, it proposes new research directions, contributing to a deeper understanding of Arabic QASs and emphasizing the continuous need for innovation in NLU within QASs.
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Transformer language models have received widespread public attention, yet their generated text is often surprising even to NLP researchers. In this survey, we discuss over 250 recent studies of English language model behavior before task-specific fine-tuning. Language models possess basic capabilities in syntax, semantics, pragmatics, world knowledge, and reasoning, but these capabilities are sensitive to specific inputs and surface features. Despite dramatic increases in generated text quality as models scale to hundreds of billions of parameters, the models are still prone to unfactual responses, commonsense errors, memorized text, and social biases. Many of these weaknesses can be framed as over-generalizations or under-generalizations of learned patterns in text. We synthesize recent results to highlight what is currently known about large language model capabilities, thus providing a resource for applied work and for research in adjacent fields that use language models.
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There is an increasing interest in developing artificial intelligence (AI) systems to process and interpret electronic health records (EHRs). Natural language processing (NLP) powered by pretrained language models is the key technology for medical AI systems utilizing clinical narratives. However, there are few clinical language models, the largest of which trained in the clinical domain is comparatively small at 110 million parameters (compared with billions of parameters in the general domain). It is not clear how large clinical language models with billions of parameters can help medical AI systems utilize unstructured EHRs. In this study, we develop from scratch a large clinical language model—GatorTron—using >90 billion words of text (including >82 billion words of de-identified clinical text) and systematically evaluate it on five clinical NLP tasks including clinical concept extraction, medical relation extraction, semantic textual similarity, natural language inference (NLI), and medical question answering (MQA). We examine how (1) scaling up the number of parameters and (2) scaling up the size of the training data could benefit these NLP tasks. GatorTron models scale up the clinical language model from 110 million to 8.9 billion parameters and improve five clinical NLP tasks (e.g., 9.6% and 9.5% improvement in accuracy for NLI and MQA), which can be applied to medical AI systems to improve healthcare delivery. The GatorTron models are publicly available at: .
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Electronic health records (EHR) represent a holistic overview of patients' trajectories. Their increasing availability has fueled new hopes to leverage them and develop accurate risk prediction models for a wide range of diseases. Given the complex interrelationships of medical records and patient outcomes, deep learning models have shown clear merits in achieving this goal. However, a key limitation of current study remains their capacity in processing long sequences, and long sequence modelling and its application in the context of healthcare and EHR remains unexplored. Capturing the whole history of medical encounters is expected to lead to more accurate predictions, but the inclusion of records collected for decades and from multiple resources can inevitably exceed the receptive field of the most existing deep learning architectures. This can result in missing crucial, long-term dependencies. To address this gap, we present Hi-BEHRT, a hierarchical Transformer-based model that can significantly expand the receptive field of Transformers and extract associations from much longer sequences. Using a multimodal large-scale linked longitudinal EHR, the Hi-BEHRT exceeds the state-of-the-art deep learning models 1% to 5% for area under the receiver operating characteristic (AUROC) curve and 1% to 8% for area under the precision recall (AUPRC) curve on average, and 2% to 8% (AUROC) and 2% to 11% (AUPRC) for patients with long medical history for 5-year heart failure, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, and stroke risk prediction. Additionally, because pretraining for hierarchical Transformer is not well-established, we provide an effective end-to-end contrastive pre-training strategy for Hi-BEHRT using EHR, improving its transferability on predicting clinical events with relatively small training dataset.
Purpose: To investigate if tailoring a transformer-based language model to radiology is beneficial for radiology natural language processing (NLP) applications. Materials and methods: This retrospective study presents a family of bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT)-based language models adapted for radiology, named RadBERT. Transformers were pretrained with either 2.16 or 4.42 million radiology reports from U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs health care systems nationwide on top of four different initializations (BERT-base, Clinical-BERT, robustly optimized BERT pretraining approach [RoBERTa], and BioMed-RoBERTa) to create six variants of RadBERT. Each variant was fine-tuned for three representative NLP tasks in radiology: (a) abnormal sentence classification: models classified sentences in radiology reports as reporting abnormal or normal findings; (b) report coding: models assigned a diagnostic code to a given radiology report for five coding systems; and (c) report summarization: given the findings section of a radiology report, models selected key sentences that summarized the findings. Model performance was compared by bootstrap resampling with five intensively studied transformer language models as baselines: BERT-base, BioBERT, Clinical-BERT, BlueBERT, and BioMed-RoBERTa. Results: For abnormal sentence classification, all models performed well (accuracies above 97.5 and F1 scores above 95.0). RadBERT variants achieved significantly higher scores than corresponding baselines when given only 10% or less of 12 458 annotated training sentences. For report coding, all variants outperformed baselines significantly for all five coding systems. The variant RadBERT-BioMed-RoBERTa performed the best among all models for report summarization, achieving a Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation-1 score of 16.18 compared with 15.27 by the corresponding baseline (BioMed-RoBERTa, P < .004). Conclusion: Transformer-based language models tailored to radiology had improved performance of radiology NLP tasks compared with baseline transformer language models.Keywords: Translation, Unsupervised Learning, Transfer Learning, Neural Networks, Informatics Supplemental material is available for this article. © RSNA, 2022See also commentary by Wiggins and Tejani in this issue.