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© EFIM 2023 - European Journal of Case Reports in Internal Medicine - Doi: 10.12890/2023_003972
European Federation of Internal Medicine
Maysoun Kudsi, Tasneem Drie, Ghina Haidar, Safaa Al-Sayed, Enas Roumieh
Rheumatology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Damascus university / Syrian Private University, Damascus, Syria
Corresponding author: Ghina Haidar e-mail: gtghinahaidar@gmail.com
Received: 06/06/2023 Accepted: 21/06/2023 Published: 29/07/2023
Conicts of Interests: The Authors declare that there are no competing interests.
Paent Consent: Consent was obtained from the patient but excluded the use of images.
This arcle is licensed under a Commons Aribuon Non-Commercial 4.0 License
How to cite this arcle: Kudsi M, Drie T, Haidar G, Al-Sayed S, Roumieh E. Genital ulcers associated with systemic lupus erythematosus – what are the possible
causes? A Case Report. EJCRIM 2023;10:doi:10.12890/2023_003972.
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic systemic autoimmune disease that affects many organs. In this report, we
discuss the case of a patient with SLE who presented to an out-hospital clinic, complaining of fever and pain with genital
ulcers. Negative evaluations for other causes of genital ulcers, indicated these ulcers as related to SLE. This case highlights
the importance of including SLE ulcers in the differential diagnosis of genital ulcers.
Systemic lupus erythematosus, genital ulcers, autoimmune diseases, systemic conditions
• Determining the cause of genital ulceration is a clinical challenge, especially in sexually active individuals.
• Genital ulcers associated with SLE are often underdiagnosed. Any patient with a history of SLE presenting with genital
discomfort and/or pain must be evaluated for genital ulcers without delay.
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a systemic
autoimmune condition that targets healthy organs, with a
higher incidence in females, especially of reproductive age[1].
Infection is a frequent trigger factor for SLE. Infection can
also increase morbidity and mortality in SLE patients[2]. The
differentiation of SLE are and infection in a febrile patient is
difcult, thus C-reactive protein, procalcitonin, and disease
activity markers play a role[3]. Although only a few cases of
SLE genital ulcers have been published, ruling out SLE in
patients presenting with genital ulcers is important[4]. The
precise etiology and pathogenesis of SLE remain unclear,
however, it is described as an excessive immune response
to infectious agents. Viruses, bacteria, parasites, and
fungi are thought to trigger inammation, autoantibody
production and immune-mediated tissue injury[5]. Recently,
molecular mimicry in genetically predisposed individuals
has been hypothesized to exacerbate immune responses to
self-antigens by immune mistake[6]. The rst case of genital
ulcer associated with SLE was reported by Fresko et al.[7].
We describe a case of a young female patient with SLE who
presented with a history of painful genital ulcers.
© EFIM 2023 - European Journal of Case Reports in Internal Medicine - Doi: 10.12890/2023_003972
papular ulcers with well-demarcated borders. These lesions
are seen in both discoid lupus and SLE[7,11,12].
The pathophysiology of ulceration in the setting of immune
dysregulation remains largely unknown, although histologic
examination has shown inammatory inltrate, likely
involving activation of T cells, and release of tumor necrosis
factor alpha[10,11].
In establishing a differential diagnosis of the genital ulcers,
we considered sexually transmitted diseases, infections,
dermatologic diseases-related, related systemic diseases
such as Crohn’s disease (CD), malignancies, traumatic ulcers,
and idiopathic disease[12].The diagnosis of Behçet’s disease
can be condently made if there are at least three reported
episodes of mouth ulcers over the past 12 months and the
presence of two of the following symptoms: genital ulcers,
ocular manifestation, dermatologic manifestation and
positive pathergy reaction[13]. The diagnosis is made when
the patient meets the rst critera: oral ulcer with 2 of the
other 4 manifestations. Our patient did not t the criteria of
Behçet’s disease, as she had only bipolar mouth ulcers.
Lipschütz ulcer is an infrequent, self-limited, nonsexually
transmitted ulcer characterized by the rapid onset of
vulvar edema along with painful necrotic ulcerations. It
may be preceded by inuenza-like or mononucleosis-like
symptoms. In our case, we made a diagnosis of exclusion[14].
Our patient had fever, no edema in the genital ulcer, she had
been diagnosed with SLE, and she did not report any prior
symptom compatible with inuenza or mononucleosis. The
patient did not report any sexual relationship outside of
marriage. She did not t the diagnostic criteria for Crohn’s
Negative culture for microorganisms in genital ulcers can
exclude infection[13], as in our case. In the 2019 ACR/EULAR
criteria, ANA at a titer of ≥1:80 is a mandatory criterion. The
more specic antibodies for SLE, anti-dsDNA and anti-Sm,
are grouped in one domain and weighted equally by 6 points.
Anti-dsDNA has been found to be positive in 70-90% of SLE
Physical examination alone cannot distinguish genital ulcers
associate with lupus from vulvar ulcers associated with
CD. The only way to conrm and differentiate between
genital CD and genital SLE is via biopsy[14], the procedure we
The treatment includes non-steroidal anti-inammatory
drugs, antimalarial drugs like hydroxychloroquine,
prednisolone, immunosuppressive drugs, and biologics, in
addition to surgery in some cases[15]. Our patient had been
treated with prednisolone and hydroxychloroquine, with
a good response. An untreated ulcer could progress to
squamous cell carcinoma[11].
Romiti and colleagues[16] prescribed prednisolone in
two cases of discoid lupus erythematosus affecting the
genital area, with widespread discoid lesions on the head.
Paidi and colleagues[11] prescribed the same treatment
to a young female patient with a history of CD, idiopathic
thrombocytopenic purpura, SLE, and hypothyroidism,
A 28-year-old Syrian female presented to our out-hospital
clinic in December 2021, complaining of fever and discomfort
in the genital area for 10 days. She was diagnosed with
SLE, according to the American College of Rheumatology/
European League Against Rheumatism 2019[8], as she
had fever, fatigue, malar rash, oral aphthae, arthritis,
pleuritis, and positive antinucleotides antibody (ANA). She
had been treated with 200 mg/day hydroxychloroquine
until admission. The remaining medical history was
unremarkable. No family history of SLE was reported. On
physical examination, multiple papular genital ulcers, sized
1-3 mm and well dened were found. Lymphadenopathy was
present, but no vaginal discharge or ulcers were present. The
remaining physical examination was unremarkable.
Hematologic and metabolic proles were established, as
well as a viral prole on blood and urine cultures. A vulvar
biopsy and fungal swab test were ordered. CT of the pelvis
and abdomen was ordered. The complete chemical and
metabolic panels showed thrombocytopenia, with a platelet
level of 93,000/µl (150,000-400,000/µl). Anti-double-
stranded DNA (Anti dsDNA) antibody was 6UI/ml (normal).
Urinalysis was notable for 1+ hematuria and 1+ proteinuria.
Blood and urine cultures were negative for viruses. The
COVID-19 test was negative. Serologies for herpes virus
1 and 2, Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus, mycoplasma
pneumonia, parvovirus B19, toxoplasmosis, rubella,
hepatitis, human immunodeciency virus, and syphilis were
negative. Bacterial vaginosis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and
trichomoniasis were ruled out. The fungal swab test was
negative. Abdomen and pelvis CT were normal. A genital
ulcer biopsy showed irregular acanthosis in the epidermis,
ulceration, and lymphocyte inltrations, with brinoid
necrosis of the vessel wall, in the dermis. No granuloma
was seen. We decided against immunouorescence testing
due to its high costs. Other causes of genital ulcers being
ruled out, these ulcers were considered related to SLE, as
one of its mucosal involvement. The patient was treated
with 70 mg/day (1 mg/kg) prednisolone, continuing on 200
mg/day hydroxychloroquine. No antibiotic was prescribed.
Improvement started after 2 days, and the ulcers were
healed after 15 days. The prednisolone dose was eventually
tapered to 5 mg/week. After 3 months, she was doing well,
until the time of writing. Our case was submitted on the
research registry database under UIN 8837.
SLE usually involves organs, including the skin[1]. Cutaneous
manifestations are many and of wide spectrum[9]. In most
cases, skin lesions in SLE occur in sun-exposed areas[10].
Mucosal involvement is frequently manifested in lupus as
ulcers in the mouth, less frequently in the nose and throat
and rarely in the genital area[11]. Behçet’s disease presenting
as genital ulcer was excluded in our patient as she had the
diagnostic criteria of SLE[8].
SLE genital involvement presented as small–medium size,
© EFIM 2023 - European Journal of Case Reports in Internal Medicine - Doi: 10.12890/2023_003972
presenting with recurrent chronic diarrhea, perianal ulcers,
the passage of blood in stools, and anal pain.
The novelty of our case is that the genital ulcers were due
to SLE, without a superimposed infection, or other diseases
such as CD. The lesions responded well to Epstein-Barr and
hydroxychloroquine, without using immunosuppressant
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