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World Wide Web (2023) 26:3409–3439
HURI: Hybrid user risk identification in social networks
Roberto Corizzo1·Gianvito Pio2,3 ·Emanuele Pio Barracchia2,3 ·
Antonio Pellicani2,3 ·Nathalie Japkowicz1·Michelangelo Ceci2,3,4
Received: 16 November 2021 / Revised: 12 April 2023 / Accepted: 26 June 2023 /
Published online: 28 July 2023
© The Author(s) 2023
The massive adoption of social networks increased the need to analyze users’ data and
interactions to detect and block the spread of propaganda and harassment behaviors, as well
as to prevent actions influencing people towards illegal or immoral activities. In this paper, we
propose HURI, a method for social network analysis that accurately classifies users as safe
or risky, according to their behavior in the social network. Specifically, the proposed hybrid
approach leverages both the topology of the network of interactions and the semantics of the
content shared by users, leading to an accurate classification also in the presence of noisy data,
such as users who may appear to be risky due to the topic of their posts, but are actually safe
according to their relationships. The strength of the proposed approach relies on the full and
simultaneous exploitation of both aspects, giving each of them equal consideration during
the combination phase. This characteristic makes HURI different from other approaches that
fully consider only a single aspect and graft partial or superficial elements of the other into
the first. The achieved performance in the analysis of a real-world Twitter dataset shows that
the proposed method offers competitive performance with respect to eight state-of-the-art
Keywords Social network analysis ·Neural networks ·Node classification ·Risk
1 Introduction
In modern society, social networks represent the most common way for millions of users
to express their ideas, beliefs and preferences through posts, likes and comments. Such a
massive adoption has attracted the interest of many companies and institutions worldwide.
Indeed, the analysis of users’ interactions and behavior may inspire the design of innovative
products and services according to current trends and customer preferences. Other activities
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BMichelangelo Ceci
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3410 World Wide Web (2023) 26:3409–3439
that can be performed by users of the social network can be the spread of information about
important (ongoing or upcoming) events, or the sensitization of people about emerging social
causes and issues.
However, since social networks are also considered an innovative and effective tool for
propaganda, they can also be used for bad or illegal activities, such as i) harassment [1], ii)
influencing people to adopt illegal practices, iii) promoting the use of drugs, or iv) spreading
religious fundamentalism and political extremism. With regards to the latter, we can also find
extreme situations, where terrorist communities exploit social networks, such as Twitter or
Facebook, to disseminate their ideas and recruit new people.
Some approaches proposed in the literature rely on the analysis of either the network
topology, i.e., the relationships among users [6–9], or the textual content the users post or
interact with [10–12]. However, these approaches may be ineffective in the presence of noisy
or misleading data. A typical case is that of journalists: They may share many contents
related to topics involving words that are usually used in high-risk contexts, such as events
related to the use of weapons or explosive devices. This aspect may push methods purely
based on the analysis of textual content to erroneously label journalists as risky users (see
the left side of Figure 1). On the other hand, journalists tend to be linked to (e.g., through the
relationship follows in Twitter) users belonging to both safe and risky communities, mainly
to stay up-to-date with the latest events. In this respect, methods purely based on the analysis
of the network topology (i.e., only considering the users’ relationships) will correctly label
journalists as safe only if their relationships with other safe users are strongly predominant
as compared to those with risky users (see the right side of Figure 1).
In order to overcome the limitations of existing approaches, in this paper, we propose a
new method called HURI (Hybrid User Risk Identification in Social Networks) that is able
to detect high-risk users in social networks, by analyzing the information conveyed by both
the topology of the network and the content posted by the users. This is achieved by a hybrid
approach that learns two models (i.e., one for each aspect) that are combined to make the
final predictions.
Hybrid approaches have already been proposed in the literature (see Section 2for an
overview). Among them, we can find approaches falling in the relational data mining field,
as well as methods for the analysis of heterogeneous networks [13–15], that are able to model
Fig. 1 A graphical representation of common misclassification errors made on a noisy user (e.g., a journalist).
On the left, we show a misclassification error commonly made by content-based systems on users who
post/interact with apparently risky content, even if he/she is linked with several safe users. On the right,
we show a misclassification error commonly made by topology-based systems on users who establish more
relationships with risky users than with safe users, even if he/she posts only safe content
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World Wide Web (2023) 26:3409–3439 3411
input data as entities and relationships. Although this characteristic provides them with the
possibility to be applied in multiple domains, they are generally not able to exploit peculiar-
ities exhibited by a specific domain, e.g., the semantics of the content generated by users.
Other approaches (e.g., the methods proposed by [16]and[17]) represent one dimension
(content or relationships, respectively) and inject additional features summarizing the other
(relationships or content, respectively). This strategy usually leads to implicitly provide a
higher relevance to one dimension with respect to the other, and to possibly introduce spu-
rious or redundant features. In this context, the challenge we face with the proposed method
HURI is represented by the explicit modeling of the semantics of the content generated by
the users, as well as their relationships, without introducing spurious features and without
assuming a higher relevance of one dimension with respect to the other.While this aspect
represents one of the major advantages of HURI over other hybrid approaches, its other key
contributions are summarized as follows: i) it captures the semantics of the content posted by
risky and safe users, by learning two separate models based on AutoEncoders [18], that are
able to represent/embed the users into a numerical feature space; ii) it represents the network
of relationships established by the users and learns a separate predictive model based on
decision trees; iii) it properly combines the contribution coming from both dimensions of
analysis, by exploiting a stacked neural network that does not consider only the predictions,
as usually done by common approaches based on Stacked Generalization [19], but also the
confidence about such predictions. The latter provides HURI with the ability of capturing
and exploiting the uncertainty of the predictions, making it more robust to the noise in the
Experiments conducted on a real-world Twitter dataset show that HURI is able to detect
high-risk users more accurately than existing approaches and that is also robust to the presence
of noisy data (e.g., journalists).
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we briefly discuss the
background and the motivations of the proposed hybrid approach. In Section 3we review
related work in node embedding and classification. In Section 4we describe the proposed
method. In Section 5we describe the performed experiments and discuss the obtained results.
Finally, in Section 6we draw some conclusions and outline possible future works.
2 Background and motivations
The task solved in this paper falls in the research area of Social Network Analysis (SNA),
that is, the study of social structures exploiting network and graph theory [20,21]. Although
SNA has its roots in sociology [22], the concept has evolved over time and is being adopted in
multiple fields, such as biology, economics, political science and computer science. Networks
studied by SNA consist of nodes, that represent, for example, people or organizations, and
edges between nodes, describing social relationships. Examples of tasks addressed by SNA
in the literature include the identification of collaborations between academic co-authors
[23], the study of the cohesion among political parties [24], the detection of compromised
accounts [25], or the prediction of users involved in criminal incidents [26].
Regarding the last examples, some works in the literature proposed SNA approaches tai-
lored for the detection of propaganda activities about terrorism in social networks. In [27],
the authors describe SNA as a tool to fight this problem, and highlight the main tasks inves-
tigated in the counter-terrorism field, such as key-player identification [28,29], community
discovery [30,31], link analysis [32,33] and dynamic network analysis [34,35].
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3412 World Wide Web (2023) 26:3409–3439
The task we solve in this paper falls in the category of key-player identification,andaims
at identifying, more generally, high-risk users, namely, users who may demonstrate any kind
of negative behavior, or exercise a negative influence over the community. Therefore, this
task can be considered a particular case of the node classification task in network data. In the
literature, we can find several approaches to solve this task, that can be categorized into three
main classes, depending on the underlying criteria adopted to define the similarity among
users (see Figure 2for a graphical representation):
•topology-based: they consider only the topology of the network of relationships, moti-
vated by the assumption that the similarity among users can be estimated by considering
their relationships;
•content-based: they focus on the analysis of the content (e.g., posts, comments) generated
by users, assuming that similar users will generate or interact with content regarding
similar topics;
•hybrid: they attempt to combine topology-based and content-based approaches, to exploit
the advantages of both viewpoints.
As underlined in Section 1, one major challenge in real-world social networks is the effective
identification of high-risk users in the presence of “noisy” data, e.g., safe users who can
erroneously be classified as high-risk users when solely considering either the posted content
posted or to their relationships. In this case, hybrid approaches should be able to produce more
accurate predictions, since they observe two complementary aspects of the social networks.
These considerations pushed us towards the design of the hybrid approach proposed in this
3 Related work
In this section, we briefly discuss existing node embedding techniques, that are com-
monly adopted to represent network nodes in a numerical feature space, as well as existing
approaches for node classification.
Fig. 2 A graphical representation of topology-based, content-based and hybrid methods for social network
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World Wide Web (2023) 26:3409–3439 3413
3.1 Node embedding techniques
In the literature many works address the task of node embedding in networks, namely the
identification of a numerical feature space for nodes, that embeds the characteristics and the
topological role of each node in the network.
Among the most straightforward solutions, we can find dimensionality reduction tech-
niques. In particular, by representing the network of relationships as an adjacency matrix, it
is possible to apply methods like Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) [36], Principal Com-
ponent Analysis (PCA) [37] or Non-negative Matrix Factorizations [38,39]. Such approaches
can identify a reduced, numerical feature space, and deal with data sparsity issues, that are
typical of adjacency matrices representing relationships in social networks.
On the other hand, in the literature we can also find methods specifically designed to
solve node embedding tasks. For example, DeepWalk [40] aims at learning a feature space
for nodes that preserves the closeness with their neighboring nodes in the network. The
neighborhood of each node is identified by exploiting truncated random walks. A similar
approach is adopted by node2vec [41]
Other methods, such as LINE [42]andSDNE [43], perform network embedding using both
first-order (i.e., observed links in the network) and second-order (i.e., shared neighborhood
among nodes) proximity, with the main goal of preserving both local and global network
A different approach, called Hashtag2Vec [44], performs node embedding by exploiting
the information conveyed by both the topological structure and the content. The proposed
embedding model is able to learn a hashtag representation by optimizing a loss func-
tion that takes into account multiple types of relationships: hashtag-hashtag, hashtag-tweet,
tweet-word and word-word. However, this method cannot be directly adapted to learn a rep-
resentation for users, since it explicitly represents and exploits co-occurrence relationships
among hashtags that cannot be mapped to friend or follow relationships among users.
3.2 Node classification methods
As mentioned at the beginning of this section, methods for node classification available in
the literature can be categorized in three classes: topology-based, content-based and hybrid.
Topology-based methods focus on the link structure of the network [45] and exploit it for
node classification. A relevant example is the system GNetMine [6], that is able to represent
arbitrary, also heterogeneous, information networks, and to classify nodes according to their
relationships. In general, methods falling into this category are based on collective inference,
i.e., they make simultaneous judgements on the same variables of related nodes. In partic-
ular, they exploit the so-called relational autocorrelation, a phenomenon that takes place in
relational data when the value of a property of one object is highly correlated with the value
of the same property of another object [46]. Within this class of approaches, we can find an
interesting work [7] that proposes a node-centric framework that exploits only information
on the structure of class linkage in the network, that is, only links and class labels. Another
work [8] addresses a challenging scenario falling into the within-network classification set-
ting, in partially-labeled networks. Specifically, they combine statistical relational learning
and semi-supervised learning to improve the classification performance in sparse networks,
by adding “ghost edges” that enable the flow of information from labeled to unlabeled nodes.
The authors of [9] propose an active inference method that learns to identify the cases in
which collective classification algorithms make mistakes, and suggests changes to correct
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3414 World Wide Web (2023) 26:3409–3439
such mistakes. The authors demonstrated that the proposed method outperforms several
approaches based on network topology.
In [47], the authors aim to identify Sybil attacks in online social networks, where attackers
attempt to carry out harmful actions while posing as (multiple) genuine users. To achieve
this goal, the authors exploit the topology of the network, focusing on the strength and on
the interactions of the users’ relationships. They also incorporate graph-based features, such
as betweenness-centrality, to enhance the identification of the attacks.
Focusing on content-based approaches, in [10] the authors propose a method to classify
posts and users on Twitter into three different classes: positive, negative and neutral. To this
aim, the authors exploit two lexicons, containing, respectively, “positive” and “negative”
words. For each tweet in the dataset, a feature vector is constructed, where each feature
represents the occurrence of each word (belonging to either the positive or the negative
lexicons) in the tweet. The vector is then updated through Word2Vec [48] in order to consider
both the semantics and the relationships among words. The obtained features are used to
cluster tweets into positive, negative and neutral.
Another content-based approach is Doc2Vec [12], which is an extension of Word2Vec. Its
goal is to create a numerical representation of a document, regardless of its length, that can
be subsequently exploited by any classification approach based on feature vectors. Contrary
to Word2Vec, that extracts semantic vector representations at a word level, Doc2Vec extracts
semantic vector representations at a document level, learning distributed representations for
both words and documents simultaneously.
A different approach is proposed in [11], which goal is to detect the presence of cyber-
terrorism and extremism contents in textual data. Together with classical weighting methods,
like TF-IDF and binary weighting, the authors propose a novel “fuzzy set-based weighting
method” that appears to be more appropriate for the specific task.
In [49], the authors present a study on keyword-based indicators and discusses their
effectiveness in highlighting frustration and discrimination, and in estimating the risk of
radicalization for users of the social network.
The work in [16] focuses on the analysis of a network in which nodes represent tweets,
while edges represent hashtags and mentions. The authors show that the adoption of relational
probability trees, with features built from both the content and the structure of the network,
leads to an accurate user classification. However, social relationships such as friend or follows,
are not explicitly taken into account.
Shifting the focus on hybrid approaches, in [17] the authors propose a method based on
Adaboost to analyze both content-based and topology-based features, to automatically detect
extremist accounts on Twitter. The considered features include hashtags, the tokens included
in hashtags, the harmonic closeness between a target node and the set of known ISIS supporter
nodes, and the expected hitting time of a random walk from individual nodes to known ISIS
nodes. However, like [16], this approach does not explicitly take into account the network of
relationships, but only use centrality measures.
In [50], the authors analyze a real-world dataset extracted from Instagram to identify influ-
ential users who may contribute to the dissemination of harmful information by advertising
specific products. They focus on the content rather than the network structure and exploit a
combination of high-level features extracted from images such as color scheme, semantics,
and advertising aspects. In the experiments, the authors compare their system with a previous
study that solely used the textual content and prove that their image-based method is more
In [51], the authors propose an optimization tool that exploits both the content and the
topology of social networks. The authors show that the information conveyed by the topology
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World Wide Web (2023) 26:3409–3439 3415
of the network is usually noisy, and aim to support such a dimension of analysis with the
content associated with the nodes. Although the authors considered a different task (i.e.,
community detection) with respect to that we solve in this paper, they analogously proved
that the combined exploitation of content and topology provides better results than those
achieved considering only the network topology.
The structure of the network of relationships is fully exploited also by methods working on
heterogeneous information networks. Among such methods, it is worth mentioning HENPC
[13], that solves the multi-type node classification task by extracting overlapping and hierar-
chically organized clusters, that are subsequently used for predictive purposes. Analogously,
the method Mr-SBC [14], as well as its multi-type counterpart MT-MrSBC [15], adopts the
naïve Bayes classification method for the multi-relational network setting, thus allowing the
consideration of both the content and the relationships among the involved entities.
One common limitation of the approaches previously mentioned is that the content of
the posts is represented implicitly or indirectly, that is, through the relationships between
words and posts, and between posts and users, without exploiting the semantics of the textual
content. Contrary to other hybrid approaches [14,15,52], HURI is able to explicitly take
into account the semantics of the content generated by users, and their role in the network.
This is not limited to including topological features together with those depending on the
content (as performed by other methods), but it consists in explicitly exploiting the network
of relationships as complementary information.
4 The proposed method HURI
Before describing the proposed method HURI, we briefly formalize the task we are solving.
In particular, HURI analyzes a network G=N,EN,C,EC,where:
Lis the set of nodes representing users whose label is known, where
Lis the set of safe users (i.e., with label S)andN(r)
Lis the set of risky users (i.e., with
label R);
•NUis the set of nodes representing unlabeled users;
•N=NL∪NUis the set of nodes representing all the users (either labeled or unlabeled);
•EN⊆N×Nrepresents a relationship (e.g., follower) between users;
•Cis the set of textual documents;
•EC⊆N×Crepresents the relationships among users and textual contents, namely, that
a given user generated/posted (or interacted with) a given textual content.
The task solved by our method is the estimation of the risk and the prediction of the corre-
sponding label for the users in NU. This means that our approach works in the within-network
(or semi-supervised transductive) setting [53]: nodes for which the label is known are linked
to nodes for which the label must be predicted (see [13,54]). This setting differs from the
across-network (or semi-supervised inductive) setting, where learning is performed from
one (fully labeled) network and prediction is performed on a separate, presumably similar,
unlabeled network (see [55,56]). This provides our method with a significant advantage,
since it can fully exploit the textual content and the relationships of unlabeled users during
the training phase.
The general workflow of the proposed method consists of three phases (see Figure 3):
i) network topology analysis, ii) semantic content analysis and iii) their combination.In
particular, we learn a predictive model based on a set of features that represents each user
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Fig. 3 General workflow of the proposed method
on the basis of her/his relationships with other users (e.g., follows), and a predictive model
based on the textual content she/he posted. Finally, we leverage the output of such models
in combination to obtain a final model that is less prone to return incorrect classifications,
that may possibly derive from the partial analysis of each single aspect in isolation. The
adopted combination approach is inspired by the Stacked Generalization framework [19],
which aims to reduce the bias of each single task. However, in addition to the classical
Stacked Generalization approach, we also exploit the degree of confidence of the returned
predictions, making HURI more robust to the possible uncertainty exhibited by the models
learned separately from the textual content and from the network of relationships.
Although other methods take into account both aspects (see Section 3.2), they are not
able to simultaneously exploit their full potential. In particular, either i) they include simple
topological features together with those related to the content (see the work by [16,17]), or
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World Wide Web (2023) 26:3409–3439 3417
ii) although they are able to explicitly represent both the topology and the content (see the
work by [13–15]), specific peculiarities of textual content (e.g., the semantics) or network
relationships are not taken into account.
4.1 Network topology analysis
The goal of phase is to exploit the network structure, i.e., the relationships in which users are
involved, for predictive purposes. The most straightforward approach consists in training a
prediction model directly from an adjacency matrix built from the network of relationships.
In particular, given the network G=N,EN,C,EC, and considering nias the i-th user
of the network, the adjacency matrix A∈{0,1}|N|×|N|, can be easily constructed by setting
Aij =1if(ni,nj)∈EN;Aij =0 otherwise.
However, social networks are usually not densely connected, leading to the construction
of highly sparse adjacency matrices. For example, according to the financial results reported
in Q2 2019 IR Statement1, on Facebook there were 1.59 billion active daily users in June
2019. Assuming an average number of 1000 friends per user, the sparseness of an adjacency
matrix representing the Facebook network would be more than 99.99%.
To deal with this issue, in the literature, we can find several dimensionality reduction
techniques, such as SVD [36], PCA [37]andNMF[38], that aim at identifying a new, reduced,
feature space, with a lower sparseness rate. Such a task can also be performed by exploiting
embedding techniques, such as AutoEncoder bottleneck encodings [57]orNode2vec [58].
We do not bind HURI to a specific approach, but we allow the adoption of any solution
that is able to reduce the dimensionality of the adjacency matrix. Indeed, in our experiments
(see Section 5), we evaluated the performance exhibited by HURI with different solutions to
solve this step.
Formally, given the adjacency matrix A, the adoption of a dimensionality reduction tech-
nique leads to a new matrix A∈R|N|×kt,wherektis the desired dimensionality of the
reduced feature space for the topology analysis. Once a compact, dense representation of the
network has been identified, we train a node classification model nc on the set of labeled
users NL. This model is then exploited to predict the label for all the unlabeled users NUas
either S(safe)orR(risky).
Specifically, we require the classification model nc to be able to produce a pair
ncp(u), ncc(u)for each user u∈NU,wherencp(u)represents the predicted label and
ncc(u)represents the confidence of the prediction. This is fundamental in order to provide
the final combination step (see Section 4.3) with complete information about the prediction.
In HURI, we specifically rely on tree-based classifiers for this purpose. This choice is
mainly motivated by the state-of-the-art performances exhibited by such approaches in semi-
supervised settings [59], and specifically on network data [56]. The learned decision trees
consist of nodes and branches, identified through a top-down induction procedure that recur-
sively partitions the set of training examples. Each partitioning criterion, also called split,is
based on a feature on a value/threshold, which are greedily determined by maximizing some
In HURI we maximize the reduction of the classical Gini Index [60], that is based on the
purity of each class measured after the split. More formally, the Gini Index is defined as:
1 Second-Quarter-
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3418 World Wide Web (2023) 26:3409–3439
where psand prare the relative frequencies of safe and risky users in the tree node n,
Given an unlabeled user u∈NU, the decision tree built by HURI returns the predicted
label ncp(u)as the majority class in the leaf node in which ufalls in the learned tree, and the
confidence value ncc(u), which corresponds to the purity of such a leaf computed according
to the examples falling in such a leaf during the training phase.
A graphical overview of the topological analysis performed by our method can be seen in
the bottom section of Figure 3.
4.2 Semantic content analysis
As already mentioned in Section 1, together with the users’ relationships, we leverage the
textual content that users interacted with (e.g., posted and commented on). In particular,
given the network G=N,EN,C,ECas formalized in Section 4, we first pre-process the
textual content in C, using a standard Natural Language Processing pipeline, consisting of
tokenization, stopword removal, stemming and metadata removal [61]. According to EC,we
associate each user in Nwith a representation that depends on his/her textual content. In
particular, we build the dataset Tby concatenating the textual content of all the documents
associated with each user, according to their timestamp. This approach has two advantages:
i) the documents of each user are not considered independently, but in a combined form;
ii) the temporal evolution of the topics discussed in different documents can be exploited
in the definition of the context. Then we train a Word2Vec model [48] from all the textual
documents associated with the labeled users NLand exploit it to process the dataset T.In
particular, using this model, we obtain a kc-dimensional numerical vector (embedding) for
each word, that represents its semantic meaning. We then use it to associate a kc-dimensional
numerical vector to each user, according to all the terms appearing in the textual content the
user interacted with.
Formally, let word s(u)be the list of words appearing in the textual content the user u
interacted with, and w2v(w) the embedding generated by Word2Vec for the word w.We
exploit the “additive compositionality” property of word embeddings [48], according to
which, not only similar words appear close to each other in the feature space, but the sum
of vectors in the embedding space resembles an “AND” concatenation. As a result, if two
sentences appear in the same context, their vectors obtained as the sum of word embedding
vectors will still be close to each other according to a similarity measure. Analogously, in
our case, two users whose vectors have been obtained by the sum of word embedding vectors
appearing in their documents will be close/similar to each other. Formally, we compute the
semantic vector representation sem(u)for each user u∈Nas follows:
w∈wor ds (u)
w2v(w) (1)
In this way, we obtain a new dataset T∈R|N|×kc, consisting of the semantic vector repre-
sentation for all the users in N.
Since, in this specific context, it is expected that the textual contents are strongly polarized
towards the label safe, whereas data for the label risky would be generally scarce, we adopt
AutoEncoders [18] to effectively model the different data distributions of the two classes.
AutoEncoders work by compressing input data into a latent-space representation and then
reconstructing the output from this representation. This characteristic has been exploited
in the literature to perform anomaly detection and classification [62–64], relying on the
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World Wide Web (2023) 26:3409–3439 3419
analysis of the reconstruction error. For the classification task, the most effective approach
consists in training a one-class AutoEncoder model for each possible label and assessing its
reconstruction capability on unseen data. If a high reconstruction error of the AutoEncoder
is observed, then the given object most likely belongs to a different class than that assumed
by training data instances. This solution is preferred with respect to standard multi-class
classifiers, since, as observed by [65], the performance of one-class classifiers appears more
stable with respect to the level of class imbalancing.
Following such an approach, starting from the dataset T, we build two AutoEncoders, i.e.,
one for the label S(safe)and one for the label R (risky). More formally, an AutoEncoder aims
at learning two functions: the encoding function enc :X→Fand the decoding function
dec :F→X, such that:
enc(·), dec(·)= argmin
where Xis the data input space of T(i.e., X=Rkc), and Fis the encoding space learned
by the AutoEncoder.
The functions enc(·)and dec(·)should be parametric and differentiable with respect to a
distance function, so that their parameters can be optimized by minimizing the reconstruction
The architecture of an AutoEncoder consists of one or more hidden layers, where the
output of the i-th hidden layer represents the i-th encoding level of the input data. The
last layer of the AutoEncoder is of the same size of the input layer and aims to return the
reconstructed input representation after the decoding stage. In this work, we adopt two hidden
layers for the encoding stage and two hidden layers for the decoding stage (see Figure 4for
a graphical representation of the architecture).
Without loss of generality, in the following we briefly explain how an AutoEncoder with
one hidden layer works. The formalization can then be easily extended to AutoEncoders with
multiple hidden layers. In particular, the encoding stage takes the input sem(u)∈Rkc=X
and maps it to an hidden representation z(u)∈Rkc/2=F. Formally:
where σis a sigmoid activation function, Wis a weight matrix, and bis a bias vector, all
associated to the encoding part.
The decoding stage reconstructs sem(u)from zas:
where σis a sigmoid activation function, Wis a weight matrix, and bis a bias vector, all
associated to the decoding part.
The process aims at minimizing the following reconstruction loss:
φ(sem(u), sem(u)) =sem(u)−sem(u)2=
sem(u)−σ(W(σ (W·sem(u)+b)) +b)2(5)
The learning of W,W,b,btakes place according to the minimization of the reconstruction
loss φon training data, which computes the difference between the original and reconstructed
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Fig. 4 A graphical representation of the proposed AutoEncoder architecture for semantic content analysis:
Three stages of encoding and decoding, that aggregate and reconstruct the aggregated semantic representation
of each user. The lowest reconstruction error obtained between the two AutoEncoders (one for the risky label
and one for the safe label) is used to perform a content-based classification of the user
As previously stated, we build two different AutoEncoders, namely, AER, trained from
the semantic vector representation of known risky users N(r)
L,andAES, trained from the
semantic vector representation of known safe users N(s)
Given an unlabeled user u, we feed both the AutoEncoders AESand AERwith his/her
semantic representation sem(u), in order to compute the reconstruction errors, AES(u)and
AER(u)respectively, according to the function φ(·,·). Therefore, the output of the semantic
analysis for a user u∈NUis threefold:
•the reconstruction error AES(u)computed by the AutoEncoder AES;
•the reconstruction error AER(u)computed by the AutoEncoder AER;
•the predicted label AElabel(u)∈{S,R}(safe or risky), according to the minimum error
measured by the AutoEncoders AESand AER.
More formally, AElabel(u)is computed as follows:
AES(u)=φ(AESdec(AESenc (sem(u)), sem(u)) (6)
AER(u)=φ(AERdec(AERenc (sem(u)), sem(u)) (7)
We stress that the adopted strategy allows us to catch and focus on the semantics of the
textual contents, and to properly model safe and risky users accordingly, without introducing
spurious features based on topological characteristics of the network (as done, for example,
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World Wide Web (2023) 26:3409–3439 3421
by [16,17]). Topological aspects, on the contrary, are specifically considered by the phase
described in the previous subsection.
A graphical view of this phase can be seen in the left section of Figure 3.
4.3 Combining topology and semantics in textual contents
The final step aims at estimating the final risk score to assign to the unlabeled users NU.This
problem is solved by learning a model able to combine the outputs of the network topology
analysis (predicted class ncpand prediction confidence ncc) and semantic analysis (safe error
AES, risky error AERand label AElabel).
Methodologically, we exploit a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) [66] in a stacked gener-
alization setting [19]. An MLP is an Artificial Neural Network, consisting of an input layer
that receives the signal, an output layer that produces the output (i.e., the predicted label) and
(possibly) multiple hidden layers. More formally, the predicted label l(u)for the user uis
obtained as:
l(u)=MLP(ncp(u), ncc(u), AES(u), AER(u), AElabel (u)) (9)
The architecture of the MLP adopted in this work is shown at the bottom of Figure 3and
consists of the following layers.
The input layer consists of 5 neurons and receives the values of ncp(u),ncc(u),AES(u),
AER(u)and AElabel(u).
The hidden layer consists of 3 neurons that use sigmoid as the activation function. The
adoption of the sigmoid function is motivated by its ability to extract non-linear dependencies
between input and output values [67], whereas the number of neurons for the hidden layer is
heuristically defined between the number of input and output neurons [68].
The output layer consists of 2 neurons that exploit the softmax activation function. This
choice became highly popular in classification problems, due to its advantage to return the
probability for each class and predict the class according to the highest probability. For this
purpose, the class attribute for training examples is subject to one-hot-encoding [69], which
leads to two binary class attributes, only one of which assumes a value of 1. According to
this setting, the first neuron returns the probability that the user is safe, whereas the second
neuron returns the probability that he/she is risky. The highest probability is chosen to make
the final prediction.
In this architecture, our MLP model acts as a stacking meta-model that learns how to
effectively combine the predictions of the different analytical steps, thus maximizing the
overall predictiveaccuracy. As previously emphasized, this last step allows us to automatically
catch both the aspects (topology and semantics), without imposing any user-defined criteria.
Moreover, this approach is smarter than simple averaging approaches (or variants based on
majority voting), since it can exploit possible patterns in the output provided by the other
two phases as well as additional features, like the confidence and the reconstruction errors.
5 Experiments
In this section, we describe the experiments we performed to evaluate the performance
achieved by HURI. Before presenting the results, in the following subsections, we briefly
describe the datasets, the considered competitor systems and the experimental setting.
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3422 World Wide Web (2023) 26:3409–3439
5.1 Datasets
In this work, we exploit a real-world Twitter dataset2, collected using a crawling system com-
pliant with the Twitter policies, and the Conditional Independence Coupling (CIC) algorithm
to obtain a representative sample of users, with no specific hashtag. The sample produced by
CIC is mathematically proven to converge to the stationary distribution of the population. CIC
also allows to constrain the sampling process to a desired geographic location, on the basis of
geo-location information and self-reported location. In our dataset, the geographic location
is restricted to users who are resident in the United States [70]. Each tweet is associated to a
sentiment value, i.e. an integer value which represents the polarity of the message, computed
through Stanford CoreNLP Toolkit [71], and manually revised by 3 domain experts.
The ground truth for users (i.e., risky (R) or safe (S)) has been defined using two different
strategies, leading to the construction of two different datasets:
•Keywords. We consider a tweet as risky if it contains at least one keyword included in
two specific manually-curated lists. The first is related to terrorism and threats3, whereas
the second contains keywords related to hate against immigrants and women4.Weassign
a score to each user computed as the ratio between the number of her risky tweets and the
number of her tweets. This strategy assumes that users who post the majority of tweets
containing words related to terrorism, threats and hate, are more likely to be risky.
•Sentiment. We assign a score to each user, calculated as the sum of the sentiment score of
their tweets, that was already pre-computed in the original dataset through the CoreNLP
toolkit. This strategy assumes that users who post multiple tweets with a negative senti-
ment are more likely to be risky.
After sorting the users according to their score, three expert reviewers performed a manual
inspection of their tweets, that led to select the safest (from the top of the list) and the riskiest
(from the bottom of the list) users. This selection allowed us to ensure the correctness of the
user labeling procedure, avoiding incorrect labels in the ground truth (more likely occurring
for users with intermediate scores) that would have led to misleading conclusions in the
evaluation. An additional step was carried out to inject noisy data under controlled conditions.
Specifically, we defined borderline users who, in this case, may correspond to the journalists
who possibly share negative textual contents for informative purposes, but are primarily
connected with safe users. For this purpose, users showing the majority of their neighbors in
the network labeled as safe were considered as borderline and relabeled as safe. Finally, we
removed users showing no connection with other users.
This process led to defining a dataset of 1467 safe users (including 263 borderline users)
and 1470 risky users, described by 7,686,231 tweets, for the strategy based on the keywords,
and a dataset of 2241 safe users (including 304 borderline users) and 1033 risky users,
described by 10,016,749 tweets, for the strategy based on the sentiment.
5.2 Competitor methods
We ran the proposed method HURI using different approaches for the dimensionality reduc-
tion of the topological analysis, namely SVD [36], PCA [37], NMF [38], AutoEncoder
2According to the Twitter policies, the dataset cannot be published, but can be provided upon request for
research and reproducibility purposes.
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World Wide Web (2023) 26:3409–3439 3423
bottleneck encodings [57]andNode2vec [58]. Moreover, we considered different values for
ktand kc, i.e., kt∈{128,256,512}and kc∈{128,256,512}. The textual content was pre-
processed (i.e., we removed metadata, retweets, mentions and URLs) and exploited to obtain
the semantic vector representation sem(u)for each user u∈N.
Regarding model hyperparameters for all the neural network-based architectures (i.e., the
autoencoders for the semantic content analysis, the autoencoder for the network topology
analysis, and the MLP for the combination phase), we followed the heuristics proposed by
[72]. Specifically, we initially experimented with different configurations for learning rate
(negative powers of 10, starting from a default value of 0.01) and batch si ze (powers of
2) using a 20% validation set. Preliminary results suggested that the different configura-
tions did not affect performance metrics significantly. For this reason, the final experiments
were performed with the following model configuration: epochs =500,learning rate =
0.0001,batch si ze =32.
The results obtained were compared with those achieved by eight competitor approaches,
each belonging to a different category (topology-based, content-based and hybrid), namely:
•GNetMine [6], that is a topology-based method able to classify unlabeled nodes organized
in (also heterogeneous) information networks. This comparison allows us to evaluate
the performance of HURI against a state-of-the-art method that properly models users’
•Doc2Vec [12], that creates a numerical representation of a document. We apply the
method to the textual content and exploit the embedding vector for classification. In
the experiments, we consider different values for the dimensionality of the Doc2Vec
embedding vector, namely, 128, 256, and 512. As for the downstream classifier, we
adopted three different methods, namely:
– Support Vector Machines implemented in scikit-learn [73], with the RBF Kernel, with
the adjustment of class weights to compensate the class imbalance.
– Random Forests implemented in scikit-learn [73], with the adjustment of class weights to
compensate the class unbalancing. We set the number of trees equal to 100, the minimum
number of examples per leaf to 2 and adopted the Minimal Cost-Complexity Pruning,
considering the optimal value of the αparameter in {0.0,0.2,0.5,1.0,2.0}.
– Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP), designed with an input layer whose size depends on
the Doc2Vec embedding vector size (128, 256, or 512 neurons), an hidden layer with
128 neurons (corresponding to 100%, 50%, or 25% of the input features based on the
Doc2Vec embedding vector size) using the sigmoid activation function, and an output
layer with 2 neurons with softmax activations.
These two systems represent state-of-the-art methods able to properly model the content
generated by users. They are able to catch the semantic content thanks to the adoption of
Doc2Vec as an embedding approach.
As for hybrid methods, we consider the following approaches:
•Doc2Vec + Node2Vec [12], to synergically extract embedding vector representations
for both the textual content (Doc2Vec) and the topology component (Node2Vec) of
the data. The same experimental setting used for Doc2Vec is adopted in this approach.
Specifically, we extract embedding vectors of dimensionality 128, 256, and 512, for both
the textual content and the topology content. The two embedding vectors are concatenated
and provided as inputs to Support Vector Machines, Random Forest, or Multi-Layer
Perceptron, which are adopted as base models for the downstream classification task.
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3424 World Wide Web (2023) 26:3409–3439
•MrSBC [14], that is a state-of-the-art relational classification method, based on a combina-
tion of the naïve Bayes classification framework and first-order rules, able to work on data
stored on a relational database. The database schema defined for the system consists of: i)
the users table, containing the user IDs and their label; ii) the users_users table, containing
pairs of user IDs that represent their relationships in the network; iii) the users_posts table,
that contains the ID of tweets, each associated to the user who posted it and to the senti-
ment score; iv) the posts_words table, that represents the words contained in each tweet.
In the experiments, we considered different values of its parameter max_length_path, i.e.,
the maximum length of the paths considered in the exploration of the relational schema.
In particular, we evaluated the results with max_length_path ∈{3,4,5,6}.
These methods are capable of considering both the content posted by the users and the
network topology, like the proposed method HURI. Therefore, they allow us to directly
compare HURI to state-of-the-art hybrid approaches.
5.3 Experimental setup
Our experiments were carried out according to a stratified 5-fold cross validation scheme,
that subdivides users randomly into 5 different folds and alternatively considers users in one
fold as NUand users in the remaining 4 folds as NL. The stratified approach preserves the
ratio of safe and risky users. For the evaluation, the workflow shown in Figure 3was repeated
once for each fold and the results obtained were averaged.
The metrics used for the evaluation of the performance achieved by the different methods
are precision,recall,F1-Score and accuracy, where TP (True Positive), TN (True Negative),
FP (False Positive) and FN (False Negative) were computed by considering R (risky) as the
positive class.
We report separate metric values for All Users and Borderline users. This choice is impor-
tant to provide a dual perspective on our quantitative assessment: a more general one (all
users), and a more specific one that focuses on users at the boundary between safe and risky
users, who may be more challenging to classify (borderline users).
We recall that, in our study, borderline users are not harmful to the community, but share
textual contents on sensitive/risky topics with informative purposes, resembling risky users.
For borderline users, we only collect the accuracy, since we assume they are all safe users,
with the result that the accuracy corresponds to the recall of the safe class, and it is not correct
to compute the precision. The stratified random sampling that we performed also aimed to
preserve the ratio of borderline users within the set of safe users.
5.4 Results and discussion
The first aspect that we discuss concerns the role of the parameters ktand kcand the sensitivity
of predictive performances of HURI to their values. In Tables 1and 2, we report the results
obtained by HURI with the best configurations of ktand kc, which are: kt=128,kc=256;
kt=128,kc=512;kt=256,kc=128;kt=512,kc=128. From the results, it
is possible to observe that the configuration kt=128,kc=256offers the best trade-off
for the two tasks: the discrimination between risky and safe users (F1-Score on all the users)
and the correct classification of borderline users as safe users (accuracy on borderline users).
Such a result gives a clear idea of the need to use larger vectors for the representation of the
content than for the network structure, where 128-sized vectors appear to be enough. For
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World Wide Web (2023) 26:3409–3439 3425
Table 1 Average performance on the Keywords dataset
HURI (kt = 128, kc = 256)
Network representation All Users Borderline Users
Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Accuracy
Autoencoder 0.649 0.876 0.733 0.668 0.442
SVD 0.695 0.859 0.761 0.721 0.581
Node2Vec 0.660 0.755 0.694 0.666 0.574
Adjacency Matrix 0.925 0.399 0.529 0.681 0.868
PCA 0.795 0.824 0.808 0.803 0.630
HURI (kt = 128, kc = 512)
Network representation All Users Borderline Users
Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Accuracy
Autoencoder 0.709 0.797 0.751 0.735 0.766
SVD 0.690 0.791 0.737 0.718 0.736
Node2Vec 0.679 0.679 0.679 0.678 0.679
Adjacency Matrix 0.906 0.398 0.515 0.673 0.830
PCA 0.694 0.778 0.734 0.717 0.766
HURI (kt = 256, kc = 128)
Network representation All Users Borderline Users
Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Accuracy
Autoencoder 0.679 0.763 0.718 0.700 0.781
SVD 0.690 0.786 0.735 0.716 0.762
Node2Vec 0.709 0.697 0.702 0.705 0.694
Adjacency Matrix 0.928 0.290 0.441 0.633 0.947
PCA 0.691 0.776 0.731 0.714 0.774
HURI (kt = 512, kc = 128)
Network representation All Users Borderline Users
Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Accuracy
Autoencoder 0.686 0.786 0.733 0.713 0.770
SVD 0.687 0.788 0.734 0.714 0.736
Node2Vec 0.694 0.710 0.701 0.698 0.683
Adjacency Matrix 0.926 0.291 0.443 0.634 0.943
PCA 0.681 0.774 0.725 0.706 0.777
Best Competitors
All Users Borderline Users
Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Accuracy
MrSBC (max_length=6) 0.500 1.000 0.667 0.500 0.000
(kt=128, kc=512)
0.729 0.398 0.513 0.575 0.684
The best results for each configuration in terms of F1-Score and accuracy of classification of borderline users
are highlighted in bold
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3426 World Wide Web (2023) 26:3409–3439
Table 2 Average performance on the Sentiment dataset
HURI (kt = 128, kc = 256)
Network representation All Users Borderline Users
Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Accuracy
Autoencoder 0.719 0.560 0.628 0.796 0.885
SVD 0.748 0.575 0.649 0.808 0.845
Node2Vec 0.622 0.666 0.643 0.772 0.739
Adjacency Matrix 0.861 0.320 0.466 0.774 0.928
PCA 0.723 0.588 0.648 0.803 0.840
HURI (kt = 128, kc = 512)
Network representation All Users Borderline Users
Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Accuracy
Autoencoder 0.430 0.337 0.376 0.754 0.928
SVD 0.446 0.362 0.399 0.764 0.896
Node2Vec 0.358 0.371 0.364 0.728 0.837
Adjacency Matrix 0.513 0.203 0.291 0.743 0.949
PCA 0.428 0.358 0.390 0.757 0.896
HURI (kt = 256, kc = 128)
Network representation All Users Borderline Users
Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Accuracy
Autoencoder 0.381 0.296 0.332 0.681 0.843
SVD 0.578 0.451 0.506 0.777 0.880
Node2Vec 0.478 0.494 0.485 0.740 0.811
Adjacency Matrix 0.637 0.323 0.407 0.757 0.829
PCA 0.434 0.358 0.392 0.759 0.893
HURI (kt = 512, kc = 128)
Network representation All Users Borderline Users
Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Accuracy
Autoencoder 0.363 0.297 0.327 0.673 0.843
SVD 0.608 0.449 0.515 0.785 0.883
Node2Vec 0.467 0.516 0.488 0.736 0.677
Adjacency Matrix 0.659 0.313 0.414 0.765 0.869
PCA 0.580 0.471 0.519 0.781 0.901
Best Competitors
All Users Borderline Users
Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Accuracy
MrSBC (max_length=6) 0.310 1.000 0.473 0.313 0.000
GNetMine 0.388 0.195 0.247 0.694 0.898
The best results for each configuration in terms of F1-Score and accuracy of classification of borderline users
are highlighted in bold
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World Wide Web (2023) 26:3409–3439 3427
the correct classification of borderline users, it is apparently necessary to further extend the
feature space for the representation of the content.
Other configurations, different from kt=128,kc=256, can lead to a higher accuracy
on borderline users, but lead to a lower overall F1-Score for the task of discriminating
between risky and safe users. This phenomenon is evident for the Keywords dataset (Table
1), where the best configuration achieves an F1-Score on all users of 0.808 and an accuracy on
borderline users of 0.868, whereas the other configurations achieve an inferior performance
in both aspects (see kt=128,kc=512, which achieves in the best case an F1-Score on
all users of 0.751 and an accuracy on borderline users of 0.830), or obtain high values of
accuracy on borderline users at the cost of a drastic reduction of the F1-Score on all the users
(see kt=256,kc=128, which yields in the best case an F1-Score on all users of 0.735
and an accuracy on borderline users of 0.947, and kt=512,kc=128, which provides
an F1-Score on all users of 0.734 and an accuracy on borderline users of 0.943). Similarly,
on the Sentiment dataset (Table 2), the best configuration achieves an F1-Score on all users
of 0.649 and an accuracy on borderline users of 0.928, whereas the other configurations
globally exhibit lower performances (see kt=256,kc=128, which achieves in the best
case an F1-Score on all users of 0.506 and an accuracy on borderline users of 0.893, and
kt=512,kc=128, which yields in the best case an F1-Score on all users of 0.519 and an
accuracy on borderline users of 0.901) or provide just a small improvement to the accuracy
on borderline users, resulting in an excessive penalization of the overall F1-Score on all the
users (as seen in kt=128,kc=512, which obtains an F1-Score on all users of 0.399 and
an accuracy on borderline users of 0.949).
Comparing the results in terms of network representation for HURI, we can observe
that, except for some specific cases (see kt=256,kc=128and kt=512,kc=128
for the dataset based on sentiment), considering the full adjacency matrix led to the best
result on the task of classifying borderline users as safe users. This is an expected behav-
ior since they have been defined in the dataset according to their relationships, that are
fully and explicitly represented by the adjacency matrix. However, as regards the F1-Score
on the whole dataset, we can observe that SVD and PCA led to the best results, without
significantly affecting the accuracy on borderline users. This means that they were able
to effectively represent the general network structure, leading to a better generalization
of the learned model and good overall robustness to the presence of noise (i.e., journal-
ists). Overall, HURI leads to satisfactory results with any of the considered approaches
for the representation of the network, except for the AutoEncoder that in some cases leads
to significantly lower results. This means that i) AutoEncoder performs worse, compared
to statistical approaches like PCA and SVD, when adopted to identify a representation
of strongly sparse networks and leads to underfitting; ii) HURI is generally able to cor-
rectly balance the contribution from the fusion of the information in the content posted
by users with that in the network structure, and effectively discriminate between safe and
risky users. These conclusions apply to both the considered datasets and show that HURI
is a suitable solution to analyze domains characterized by heterogeneous and noisy data,
structured as a network, offering better generalization and robustness capabilities than other
In order to further assess the validity of our work, we perform an ablation study that aims to
ascertain that all components in the proposed method HURI provide a positive contribution,
which translates into an improvement in terms of classification accuracy. Specifically, we
allow HURI to analyze the textual content or the relationships among users in isolation,
devising two simplified variants of the method that differ in the combination stage, namely:
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3428 World Wide Web (2023) 26:3409–3439
•HURI only content: The MLP adopted for combining the contribution of the two per-
spectives is trained without considering the predicted class and the confidence returned
by the component for the network topology analysis. Instead, for the latter, during the
training the ground truth of the data is used as the label, while the confidence is set to
1.0. During the prediction phase, the majority class of the training set is considered, with
a confidence factor set to the ratio between the number of majority class samples and the
number of samples in the training set. The rationale is to provide the method with most
reliable source of information for the training stage, without incorporating the potential
smoothness introduced by the confidence factor, which is exploited by the full version
of HURI.
•HURI only relationships: The MLP adopted for combining the contribution of the two
perspectives is trained without considering the actual reconstruction error predicted by
the Autoencoder models, which represent the semantic analysis component of HURI.
Instead, the reconstruction error for the true label is replaced such that it is lower than the
reconstruction error of the opposite label. During the prediction, the predicted class is set
to the majority class of the training set, while the safe and the risky errors are set such
that the one of the majority class is lower than that of the minority class. The rationale is
to provide the model with reasonable and informative input for the textual component,
coherently with the prior knowledge.
The results in Table 3show the performance obtained on the dataset based on keywords. By
inspecting the results obtained across all configurations, it is possible to observe that limiting
HURI to the analysis of user relationships yields, in the best case, an F1-Score on all users
of 0.726 and an accuracy on borderline users of 0.437. On the other hand, the HURI variant
that solely analyzes the textual content achieves in the best configuration a close-to-zero F1-
Score performance on all users and an accuracy on borderline users of 0.890. These results
are significantly worse than those obtained by HURI analyzing both textual contents and
relationships. Indeed, the best results achieved on this dataset using HURI with all active
components correspond to an F1-Score of 0.808 on all users and an accuracy of 0.947 on
borderline users.
A similar situation is observed with the dataset based on sentiment, as shown in Table 4.
Specifically, limiting HURI to the analysis of user relationships yields, in the best case, an F1-
Score on all users of 0.389, and an accuracy on borderline users of 0.200. On the other hand,
the HURI variant that solely analyzes the textual content achieves in the best configuration
an F1-Score performance on all users of 0.172 on and an accuracy on borderline users of
0.840. The full version of HURI largely outperforms such results, achieving an F1-Score on
all users of 0.649 and an accuracy on borderline users of 0.949.
Overall, these results confirm that the synergic analysis of both textual content and user
relationships, provided by the combination of the semantic and topology components of
HURI, is the enabling factor allowing HURI to yield the most accurate predictive perfor-
In Tables 1and 2we also comparethe results of HURI with the results obtained by the two
best competitor systems, i.e., MrSBC (max_length =6) and Doc2Vec+Node2Vec+SVM
(kt=128, kc=512) for the keyword dataset, and MrSBC (max_length =6) and GNetMine
for the sentiment dataset. From the results, it is possible to observe that HURI is able to
outperform them on both datasets, in almost all the configurations of the parameters ktand
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World Wide Web (2023) 26:3409–3439 3429
kc. The only case where MrSBC outperforms HURI is in on the whole set of users, in the
configuration kt=512,kc=128on the Sentiment dataset. However, we can see that it
fails to correctly classify borderline users since it classifies all of them as risky.
The best competitors were selected by observing the detailed results obtained by all
competitor methods (see Tables 5and 6). A broader analysis of results obtained by competi-
tor methods reveals that Doc2Vec, with all the considered downstream classifier (Random
Table 3 Ablation study considering simplified variants of HURI (only content and only relationships) on the
Keywords dataset
HURI only content
Network representation All Users Borderline Users
Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Accuracy
kc All Users Borderline Users
Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Accuracy
128 0.171 0.008 0.015 0.437 0.890
256 0.367 0.009 0.017 0.438 0.860
512 0.333 0.008 0.015 0.437 0.840
HURI only relationships (kt = 128)
Network representation All Users Borderline Users
Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Accuracy
Autoencoder 0.567 0.900 0.723 0.567 0.435
SVD 0.567 0.900 0.723 0.567 0.435
Node2Vec 0.567 0.900 0.723 0.567 0.435
Adjacency Matrix 0.567 0.900 0.723 0.567 0.435
PCA 0.567 0.900 0.723 0.567 0.435
HURI only relationships (kt = 256)
Network representation All Users Borderline Users
Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Accuracy
Autoencoder 0.565 0.900 0.722 0.565 0.433
SVD 0.565 0.900 0.722 0.565 0.433
Node2Vec 0.565 0.900 0.722 0.565 0.433
Adjacency Matrix 0.567 0.900 0.723 0.567 0.435
PCA 0.565 0.900 0.722 0.565 0.433
HURI only relationships (kt = 512)
Network representation All Users Borderline Users
Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Accuracy
Autoencoder 0.569 0.900 0.726 0.569 0.437
SVD 0.569 0.900 0.726 0.569 0.437
Node2Vec 0.569 0.900 0.726 0.569 0.437
Adjacency Matrix 0.567 0.900 0.723 0.567 0.435
PCA 0.569 0.900 0.726 0.569 0.437
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3430 World Wide Web (2023) 26:3409–3439
Table 4 Ablation study considering simplified variants of HURI (only content and only relationships) on the
Sentiment dataset
HURI only content
kc All Users Borderline Users
Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Accuracy
128 0.367 0.128 0.150 0.717 0.820
256 0.395 0.153 0.172 0.710 0.840
512 0.200 0.004 0.008 0.685 0.830
HURI only relationships (kt = 128)
Network representation All Users Borderline Users
Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Accuracy
Autoencoder 0.253 0.800 0.384 0.389 0.200
SVD 0.253 0.800 0.384 0.389 0.200
Node2Vec 0.253 0.800 0.384 0.389 0.200
Adjacency Matrix 0.253 0.800 0.384 0.389 0.200
PCA 0.253 0.800 0.384 0.389 0.200
HURI only relationships (kt = 256)
Network representation All Users Borderline Users
Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Accuracy
Autoencoder 0.265 0.796 0.389 0.403 0.200
SVD 0.265 0.796 0.389 0.403 0.200
Node2Vec 0.265 0.796 0.389 0.403 0.200
Adjacency Matrix 0.253 0.800 0.384 0.389 0.200
PCA 0.265 0.796 0.389 0.403 0.200
HURI only relationships (kt = 512)
Network representation All Users Borderline Users
Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Accuracy
Autoencoder 0.236 0.763 0.357 0.360 0.200
SVD 0.236 0.763 0.357 0.360 0.200
Node2Vec 0.236 0.763 0.357 0.360 0.200
Adjacency Matrix 0.253 0.800 0.384 0.389 0.200
PCA 0.236 0.763 0.357 0.360 0.200
Forests, SVMs, and Multi Layer Perceptron) was able to obtain acceptable overall results
only on the dataset based on keywords. This means that, although it was able to catch the
semantics of the content, the learned feature space was not able to properly represent the
sentiment of the tweets. We observe an opposite behavior when focusing on the accuracy of
the classification of borderline users, that indicates that this approach was not able to properly
handle the noise in the data. In other words, it was not possible to simultaneously achieve an
acceptable overall F1-Score and a good accuracy on borderline users.
The system GNetMine, which exclusively analyzes the link structure of the network,
generally exhibited a poor classification performance on the whole dataset, but a high accuracy
on possible borderline users. However, a close analysis of the prediction results reveals that
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World Wide Web (2023) 26:3409–3439 3431
Table 5 Average performance for all competitor methods on the Keywords dataset
All Users Borderline Users
Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Accuracy
0.580 0.464 0.515 0.564 0.657
Doc2Vec + Random Forest (α=0.0)
Vector Dimensionality All Users Borderline Users
Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Accuracy
128 0.493 0.483 0.488 0.493 0.491
256 0.505 0.487 0.496 0.506 0.521
512 0.479 0.480 0.479 0.478 0.498
Doc2Vec + Node2Vec + Random Forest (α=0.0)
Vector Dimensionality All Users Borderline Users
Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Accuracy
kt = 128, kc = 256 0.661 0.648 0.601 0.641 0.341
kt = 128, kc = 512 0.577 0.602 0.588 0.641 0.393
kt = 256, kc = 128 0.529 0.657 0.587 0.629 0.405
kt = 512, kc = 128 0.534 0.682 0.600 0.621 0.280
Doc2Vec + Support Vector Machine
Vector Dimensionality All Users Borderline Users
Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Accuracy
128 0.498 0.490 0.494 0.498 0.543
256 0.506 0.516 0.511 0.506 0.475
512 0.493 0.484 0.488 0.493 0.517
Doc2Vec + Node2Vec + Support Vector Machine
Vector Dimensionality All Users Borderline Users
Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Accuracy
kt = 128, kc = 256 0.724 0.377 0.495 0.567 0.667
kt = 128, kc = 512 0.729 0.398 0.513 0.575 0.684
kt = 256, kc = 128 0.733 0.363 0.484 0.565 0.682
kt = 512, kc = 128 0.695 0.472 0.562 0.585 0.515
Doc2Vec + Multi Layer Perceptron
Vector Dimensionality All Users Borderline Users
Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Accuracy
128 0.643 0.631 0.636 0.592 0.386
256 0.669 0.650 0.659 0.621 0.455
512 0.657 0.647 0.651 0.609 0.446
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3432 World Wide Web (2023) 26:3409–3439
Table 5 continued
Doc2Vec + Node2Vec + Multi Layer Perceptron
Vector Dimensionality All Users Borderline Users
Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Accuracy
kt = 128, kc = 256 0.640 0.541 0.585 0.567 0.517
kt = 128, kc = 512 0.625 0.528 0.572 0.553 0.509
kt = 256, kc = 128 0.597 0.502 0.545 0.527 0.535
kt = 512, kc = 128 0.609 0.541 0.572 0.544 0.487
Max Length Path All Users Borderline Users
Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Accuracy
3 0.250 0.500 0.334 0.250 0.000
4 0.250 0.500 0.334 0.250 0.000
5 0.250 0.500 0.334 0.250 0.000
6 0.500 1.000 0.667 0.500 0.000
Best Competitors
All Users Borderline Users
Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Accuracy
MrSBC (max_length=6) 0.500 1.000 0.667 0.500 0.000
d2v+n2v+SVM (kt=128, kc=512) 0.729 0.398 0.513 0.575 0.684
The best results for each configuration in terms of F1-Score and accuracy of classification of borderline users
are highlighted in bold
the method is very prone to classify users as safe, that is, the topology alone does not appear
sufficient to accurately detect high-risk users. Consequently, the positive results on borderline
users do not imply an actual discriminating ability.
The hybrid method MrSBC shows a weak classification performance on the whole dataset
and a relatively small accuracy on borderline users in all its parameter configurations. Shifting
our focus on the hybrid method Doc2Vec + Node2Vec (with all the considered downstream
classifiers), it is possible to observe significantly more accurate results than MrSBC in terms
of accuracy on borderline users, but worse results in terms of F1-Score, on both datasets. The
highest accuracy on borderline users is achieved with Random Forest on the dataset based on
sentiment, and Support Vector Machine on the dataset based on keywords. The situation is
reversed when observing results for Doc2Vec + Node2Vec in terms of F1-Score on all users,
i.e. Support Vector Machine is the best classifier on the dataset based on sentiment, whereas
Random Forest is the leading classifier on the dataset based on keywords. This behavior
shows that the adoption of a method able to catch both the content and the relationships
does not necessarily guarantee an accurate classification, especially if the method does not
explicitly exploit the semantics associated to the content (which is the case of MrSBC).
In conclusion, the proposed method HURI showed the best overall performance, in both
discriminating between safe and risky users and in being robust to the presence of noisy data,
i.e., borderline users represented by journalists. This superiority is observable with both
considered datasets, meaning that HURI was able to correctly leverage the semantics from
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World Wide Web (2023) 26:3409–3439 3433
Table 6 Average performance for all competitor methods on the Sentiment dataset
All Users Borderline Users
Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Accuracy
0.388 0.195 0.247 0.694 0.898
Doc2Vec + Random Forest (α=0.2)
Vector Dimensionality All Users Borderline Users
Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Accuracy
128 0.062 0.200 0.094 0.615 0.800
256 0.124 0.400 0.189 0.538 0.600
512 0.185 0.600 0.283 0.462 0.400
Doc2Vec + Random Forest (α=0.2)
Vector Dimensionality All Users Borderline Users
Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Accuracy
kt = 128, kc = 256 0.454 0.142 0.215 0.674 0.743
kt = 128, kc = 512 0.466 0.145 0.221 0.678 0.763
kt = 256, kc = 128 0.438 0.120 0.187 0.672 0.770
kt = 512, kc = 128 0.441 0.113 0.179 0.673 0.760
Doc2Vec + Support Vector Machine
Vector Dimensionality All Users Borderline Users
Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Accuracy
128 0.327 0.346 0.335 0.578 0.651
256 0.301 0.286 0.293 0.575 0.693
512 0.328 0.290 0.308 0.597 0.715
Doc2Vec + Node2Vec + Support Vector Machine
Vector Dimensionality All Users Borderline Users
Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Accuracy
kt = 128, kc = 256 0.363 0.384 0.372 0.593 0.610
kt = 128, kc = 512 0.358 0.382 0.369 0.589 0.613
kt = 256, kc = 128 0.365 0.398 0.377 0.592 0.597
kt = 512, kc = 128 0.364 0.389 0.370 0.592 0.590
Doc2Vec + Multi Layer Perceptron
Vector Dimensionality All Users Borderline Users
Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Accuracy
128 0.429 0.207 0.279 0.662 0.809
256 0.410 0.203 0.271 0.655 0.776
512 0.427 0.158 0.225 0.667 0.806
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3434 World Wide Web (2023) 26:3409–3439
Table 6 continued
Doc2Vec + Node2Vec + Multi Layer Perceptron
Vector Dimensionality All Users Borderline Users
Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Accuracy
kt = 128, kc = 256 0.338 0.296 0.315 0.593 0.677
kt = 128, kc = 512 0.360 0.337 0.347 0.600 0.669
kt = 256, kc = 128 0.355 0.320 0.336 0.602 0.683
kt = 512, kc = 128 0.356 0.332 0.342 0.599 0.660
Max Length Path All Users Borderline Users
Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Accuracy
3 0.155 0.500 0.236 0.156 0.000
4 0.155 0.500 0.236 0.156 0.000
5 0.155 0.500 0.236 0.156 0.000
6 0.310 1.000 0.473 0.313 0.000
Best Competitors
All Users Borderline Users
Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Accuracy
MrSBC (max_length=6) 0.310 1.000 0.473 0.313 0.000
GNetMine 0.388 0.195 0.247 0.694 0.898
The best results for each configuration in terms of F1-Score and accuracy of classification of borderline users
are highlighted in bold
the content in both situations and to properly combine its contribution with of the network
Finally, in Figure 5we show an example of words appearing in Twitter posts that HURI
classified as safe (Figure 5.a) and risky (Figure 5.b), respectively, according to the semantic
content analysis of the system. By observing the figure, it is clear that the semantic component
of our method can accurately classify users. Nevertheless, as previously emphasized, the
final user classification still depends on the combined contribution of the content-based and
topology-based components which allow us to accurately label borderline users as safe users.
6 Conclusion
In this paper, we have proposed HURI, a method for social network analysis that exploits
multiple sources of information to accurately classify users as safe or risky. In our method,
we have simultaneously leveraged the network topology and the semantics of the content
shared by users to analyze in detail the underlying social relationships and interactions. This
was possible thanks to the stacked generalization approach proposed in HURI, which learns
an adaptive model to combine the two contributions.
The experimental results showed that the proposed method exhibits competitive perfor-
mance with respect to topology-based, content-based, and hybrid state-of-the-art approaches
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World Wide Web (2023) 26:3409–3439 3435
Fig. 5 An example of words appearing in Twitter posts that HURI classifies as safe (a) or risky (b) according to
the semantic analysis component. The final user classification in any case depends on the combined contribution
of the content-based and topology-based components
for social network analysis, especially in the presence of noisy data. We analyzed the perfor-
mance of the different methods in a complex network scenario that includes borderline users
who, in this specific context, may represent journalists who post contents that may appear
risky, but who are actually safe users according to their relationships.
We observed that all the competitor methods analyzed provide unsatisfactory perfor-
mances either in terms of classification accuracy on all the users or specifically on borderline
users. On the contrary, our method provides the best results on both the considered tasks.
One possible limitation of the proposed method HURI is a potential reduction of accuracy in
scenarios characterized by borderline users with an unknown or ill-defined network topology.
Another potential challenge for the method is the increased difficulty for the classification
task arising when borderline users mimic both the topology and the generated content of
risky users. In the future, we aim to assess and improve the robustness of HURI in such
situations, and to extend it to address complex applications that involve multi-modal data,
including images and videos. Moreover, we will design a distributed variant of HURI able
to analyze large-scale networks.
Acknowledgements We acknowledge the support of Advanced Symbolics Inc. for providing us with the
dataset used in our study. We also acknowledge the support of NVIDIA through the donation of a Titan V
GPU. Finally, we would like to thank Lynn Rudd for her help in reading the manuscript.
Funding The authors acknowledge the support of the European Commission through the H2020 Projects
“CounteR - Privacy-First Situational Awareness Platform for Violent Terrorism and Crime Prediction, Counter
Radicalisation and Citizen Protection” (Grant no. 101021607) and “IMPETUS - Intelligent Management of
Processes, Ethics and Technology for Urban Safety” (Grant. no. 883286). We also acknowledge the support
of the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) through the project “Lifelong Stream-
ing Anomaly Detection” (Grant no. A19-0131-003 and A21-0113-002). Dr. Gianvito Pio acknowledges the
support of Ministry of Universities and Research (MUR) through the project “Big Data Analytics”, AIM
1852414, activity 1, line 1. This work was also partially supported by the project FAIR - Future AI Research
(PE00000013), Spoke 6 - Symbiotic AI, under the NRRP MUR program funded by the NextGenerationEU.
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3436 World Wide Web (2023) 26:3409–3439
Availability of data and materials The system HURI and the results obtained with all the configurations are
available at
Conflict of interest/Competing interests The authors have no relevant financial or non-financial interests to
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Authors and Affiliations
Roberto Corizzo1·Gianvito Pio2,3 ·Emanuele Pio Barracchia2,3 ·
Antonio Pellicani2,3 ·Nathalie Japkowicz1·Michelangelo Ceci2,3,4
Roberto Corizzo
Gianvito Pio
Emanuele Pio Barracchia
Antonio Pellicani
Nathalie Japkowicz
1Department of Computer Science, American University, 4400 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington
20016, DC, United States
2Department of Computer Science, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Via E. Orabona, 4, Bari 70125,
3Big Data Laboratory, National Interuniversity Consortium for Informatics (CINI), Via Volturno, 58,
Roma 00185, Italy
4Department of Knowledge Technologies, Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, Ljubljana 1000,
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