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The evaluation of bacterial-augmented floating treatment wetlands for concomitant removal of phenol and chromium from contaminated water



Contamination of aquatic ecosystems with organic and inorganic contaminants is a global threat due to their hazardous effects on the environment and human health. Floating treatment wetland (FTW) technology is a cost-effective and sustainable alternative to existing treatment approaches. It consists of a buoyant mat in which wetland plants can grow and develop their roots in a suspended manner and can be implemented to treat stormwater, municipal wastewater, and industrial effluents. Here we explored the potential of bacterial-augmented FTWs for the concurrent remediation of phenol and hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) contaminated water and evaluated treated water toxicity using Triticum aestivum L. (wheat) as a test plant. The FTWs carrying Phragmites australis L. (common reed) were inoculated with a consortium of four bacterial strains (Burkholderia phytofirmans PsJN, Acinetobacter lwofii ACRH76, Pseudomonas aeruginosa PJRS20, Bacillus sp. PJRS25) and evaluated for their potential to simultaneously remove phenol and chromium (Cr) from contaminated water. Results revealed that the FTWs efficiently improved water quality by removing phenol (86%) and Cr (80%), with combined use of P. australis and bacterial consortium after 50 days. The phytotoxicity assay demonstrated that the germination of wheat seed (96%) was significantly higher where bacterial-augmented FTWs treated water was used compared to untreated water. This pilot-scale study highlights that the combined application of wetland plants and bacterial consortium in FTWs is a promising approach for concomitant abatement of phenol and Cr from contaminated water, especially for developing countries like Pakistan where the application of advanced and expensive technologies is limited.
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International Journal of Phytoremediation
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The evaluation of bacterial-augmented floating
treatment wetlands for concomitant removal of
phenol and chromium from contaminated water
Iffat Rashid, Syed Najaf Hasan Naqvi, Hareem Mohsin, Kaneez Fatima,
Muhammad Afzal, Fahad Al-Misned, Irshad Bibi, Fawad Ali & Nabeel Khan
To cite this article: Iffat Rashid, Syed Najaf Hasan Naqvi, Hareem Mohsin, Kaneez Fatima,
Muhammad Afzal, Fahad Al-Misned, Irshad Bibi, Fawad Ali & Nabeel Khan Niazi (2023): The
evaluation of bacterial-augmented floating treatment wetlands for concomitant removal of
phenol and chromium from contaminated water, International Journal of Phytoremediation,
DOI: 10.1080/15226514.2023.2240428
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Published online: 27 Jul 2023.
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The evaluation of bacterial-augmented floating treatment wetlands for
concomitant removal of phenol and chromium from contaminated water
Iffat Rashid
, Syed Najaf Hasan Naqvi
, Hareem Mohsin
, Kaneez Fatima
, Muhammad Afzal
Fahad Al-Misned
, Irshad Bibi
, Fawad Ali
, and Nabeel Khan Niazi
Department of Life Sciences, School of Science, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan;
Soil and Environmental
Biotechnology Division, National Institute for Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, Faisalabad, Pakistan;
Department of Zoology, College
of Science, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia;
Institute of Soil and Environmental Sciences, University of Agriculture Faisalabad,
Faisalabad 38040, Pakistan;
Centre of Planetary Health and Food Security, Griffith University, Nathan Campus (4111), Brisbane, QLD,
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (QDAF), Mareeba (4880), QLD, Australia
Contamination of aquatic ecosystems with organic and inorganic contaminants is a global threat
due to their hazardous effects on the environment and human health. Floating treatment wetland
(FTW) technology is a cost-effective and sustainable alternative to existing treatment approaches.
It consists of a buoyant mat in which wetland plants can grow and develop their roots in a sus-
pended manner and can be implemented to treat stormwater, municipal wastewater, and indus-
trial effluents. Here we explored the potential of bacterial-augmented FTWs for the concurrent
remediation of phenol and hexavalent chromium (Cr
) contaminated water and evaluated treated
water toxicity using Triticum aestivum L. (wheat) as a test plant. The FTWs carrying Phragmites aus-
tralis L. (common reed) were inoculated with a consortium of four bacterial strains (Burkholderia
phytofirmans PsJN, Acinetobacter lwofii ACRH76, Pseudomonas aeruginosa PJRS20, Bacillus sp.
PJRS25) and evaluated for their potential to simultaneously remove phenol and chromium (Cr)
from contaminated water. Results revealed that the FTWs efficiently improved water quality by
removing phenol (86%) and Cr (80%), with combined use of P. australis and bacterial consortium
after 50 days. The phytotoxicity assay demonstrated that the germination of wheat seed (96%)
was significantly higher where bacterial-augmented FTWs treated water was used compared to
untreated water. This pilot-scale study highlights that the combined application of wetland plants
and bacterial consortium in FTWs is a promising approach for concomitant abatement of phenol
and Cr from contaminated water, especially for developing countries like Pakistan where the appli-
cation of advanced and expensive technologies is limited.
This pilot-scale research provides new interventions and information required for establishing a
large-scale remediation framework for the effective, sustainable and eco-friendly remediation of
phenol and Cr co-contaminated aquatic ecosystems, using bacterial augmented floating wetlands
technology (FTWs).
Bioremediation; health;
organic and inorganic co-
contamination; sustainable
remediation; water
Industrialization and urbanization led to the over-exploit-
ation of natural water and soil resources globally, and espe-
cially in developing countries. Despite getting advantages
from these rapid advancements, the planet, Earth, is getting
harmed to an irreversible extent (Ali et al.2023; Gayathiri
et al. 2022). Untreated wastewater containing various mixed
contaminants is released into the aquatic and terrestrial
environments and causes potential risks to the food chain
(Batra et al. 2022; Younas et al.2023). A huge percentage of
industrial wastewater is dumped into the water bodies and
land, which makes them the most contaminated and dam-
aged component of the biosphere. Industrial effluents typic-
ally consist of organic (e.g., crude oil, phenols, aromatic
compounds) and inorganic (such as heavy metals) contami-
nants. Among the mixed toxic substances, chromium (Cr)
and phenol are reported to be simultaneously present in
industrial wastewater (Bhattacharya et al. 2015), which are
discharged directly into the water without prior treatment
(Guo et al. 2021; Shah et al. 2022).
Chromium is a toxic metal existing in trivalent (Cr
and hexavalent (Cr
) forms (Younas et al. 2022). It is
widely used in the tanning industry (Tripathi et al. 2022).
CONTACT Kaneez Fatima Department of Life Sciences, School of Science, University of Management and Technology, Lahore,
Pakistan; Nabeel Khan Niazi, Institute of Soil and Environmental Sciences, University of Agriculture
Faisalabad, Faisalabad 38040, Pakistan.
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed online at
ß2023 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
The toxicity of both forms of Cr is related to their oxidation
state, solubility, and bioavailability (Nowicka 2022). Cr
more toxic, mutagenic, and carcinogenic than Cr
; the for-
mer is reported to cause shortness of breath, skin burns,
neurological and gastrointestinal effects, abdominal pain,
vomiting and hemorrhage when ingested in high quantities
by humans or animals (Yasir et al. 2021). The recommended
limits for Cr concentration in well water/groundwater is
0.5 mg/L (Ullah et al. 2022). Under natural conditions,
plants Cr content is <1lg/g. Toxicity of Cr has been
reported in plant nutrient solution 0.55 mg/L and in soil 5
100 mg/g (Kapoor et al. 2022). Above this concentration, Cr
inhibits plant growth, creates nutrient imbalance and affects
biochemically important processes in plants. Further to the
above, Cr is responsible for interfering with DNA replication
in microbes, which leads to mutation and altering the
enzyme structures (Hossini et al. 2022). In the case of phe-
nol (an organic contaminant), it is a toxic aromatic com-
pound that is used in the production of phenolic resins,
nylon, and other synthetic fibers (Supreeth 2022). Like Cr, it
can cause serious health hazards to humans, such as skin
irritation, reproductive, and developmental damage in
humans (Garg et al. 2022). Hence, the US Environmental
Protection Agency (USEPA) has set a safe concentration of
phenol in wastewater at 0.1 mg/L (United States
Environmental Protection Agency) (EPA 2023).
Various chemical and mechanical techniques such as pre-
cipitation, coagulation/flocculation, and screening are com-
monly employed in wastewater treatment, but they have
certain limitations. Such as, these physico-chemical
approaches require significant energy inputs, which lead to
increased operational costs (Kumar et al. 2022). The floating
treatment wetlands (FTWs) turned out to be the most
promising solution for remediation of both organic and
inorganic contaminants remediation (Singh et al. 2022).
Floating treatment wetlands technology has gained much
attention because it is a cost-effective, environmentally
friendly, esthetically pleasing, and effective water treatment
approach (Rehman et al. 2019). The setup allows maximum
root contact with wastewater for effective Cr and phenol
removal through various mechanisms such as phytoextrac-
tion, phytotransformation, phytostabilization, rhizofiltration
and phytovolatilization (Sinha et al. 2009; Sharma et al.
2021). Moreover, plant roots in floating mats provide a
habitat for the microorganisms to survive either aerobically
or anaerobically, resulting in biofilm (Shahid et al. 2020).
Several remediation strategies are employed using bacteria
such as, biosorption, bioaccumulation, biotransformation,
and bioleaching to convert Cr
to Cr
; the later being less
toxic and immobile (Shahid et al. 2020). To detoxify phenol,
bacteria may possess phenol hydroxylase enzymes which
breaks down the phenol to catechol followed by further deg-
radation to intermediates such as muconic acid and fumar-
ate, thus entering central metabolic pathways for energy
generation. Thus, beneficial association between plants
and microbes facilitates the efficient removal of toxic
chemicals/substances and contributes to the overall purifica-
tion of wastewater in FTWs (Shahid et al. 2020).
While remediation of complex Cr and phenol co-contami-
nated water has not been explored previously, this study investi-
gated the potential of FTWs planted with Phragmites australis
L. (common reed) along with bacterial co-cultures for the con-
comitant elimination of phenol and Cr from contaminated
water. Equally important, the efficiency of FTWs for wastewater
treatment was also evaluated through a phytotoxicity bioassay of
the treated wastewater, using Triticum aesativum as a test plant.
Materials and methods
Bacterial strains and wetland plant
To assess removal of phenol and Cr from contaminated
water, four bacterial strains were used for phenol degrad-
ation namely: Burkholderia phytofirmans Ps.JN,
Acinetobacter sp. CYRH21, Acinetobacter lwofii ACRH76,
Bacillus pumilus A1 (Saleem et al. 2019), and five bacterial
strains (Staphylococcus saprophyticus PJSl1, Pseudomonas
aeruginosa PJRS20, Bacillus sp. PJRS25, Microbacterium
arborescens HU33, Enterobacter sp. HU38) (Khan et al.
2015) were used for Cr removal from wastewater.
Phragmites australis L. (Common reed), a halophytic grass,
was chosen to develop FTWs because of its well-known ability
to survive in the presence of various contaminants (Shi et al.
2018; Saleem et al. 2019;Younaset al. 2022).
Determination of minimal inhibitory concentrations
Resistance against phenol and chromate (Cr
) was examined
separately (Panneerselvam et al. 2013;Poiet al. 2017). Bacterial
strains were aseptically inoculated on minimal salt medium
(MSM) agar plates containing 10 to 100 mg/L of Cr
and incu-
bated at 37 C for 72 h. While plates of MSM comprising 100
to 1,500 mg/L phenol were spot-inoculated with selected bacter-
ial strains and incubated at 37Cfor72h(Darmaet al. 2020).
In vitro compatibility among selected bacterial strains
The compatibility of selected bacterial strains was studied by
co-culturing them on MSM agar medium. Co-inoculated
strains were streaked perpendicularly and plates were sub-
jected to incubation at 37 C for 24 h and observed for zone
of inhibition. After compatibility test, bacterial strains were
cultivated separately in MSM broth at 37 C for 24 h fol-
lowed by culture standardization with 0.5 McFarland
standard. Bacterial cells were harvested by centrifugation
and re-suspended in sterile 0.9% NaCl solution. After re-sus-
pension, bacterial strains were equally mixed in 1:1:1:1 ratio
to formulate bacterial consortium (Fatima et al. 2018).
Simultaneous removal of phenol and chromium by
bacterial consortium
For the concomitant removal of phenol and Cr, selected
bacterial consortium (1%) was inoculated in 250 mL
Erlenmeyer flasks containing 100 mL MSM broth with
phenol or Cr concentrations (phenol/Cr: 100/5, 300/15,
500/25, 700/35, 900/45 and 1,100/55 mg/L) (Chandrasekaran
et al. 2018). All the flasks along with control were incubated
in a shaking incubator for 7 days at 37 C and 120 rpm. The
FTW experiment was performed in triplicate and percentage
removal of Cr and phenol was calculated as follows:
Removal %
Initial concentration final concentration
Development of FTWs
Fifteen FTWs microcosms were developed using a polystyr-
ene sheet as a mat. The sheet was cut in a circular shape;
each mat was bored to create a hole to insert five healthy
seedlings of P. australis. The mats with seedlings were
placed over the water tanks having 20 L tap water. The
plants were allowed to develop their roots in the tap water
for one month, the tap water was replaced with phenol
(500 mg/L) and Cr (25 mg/L) co-contaminated water. Each
treatment was run in triplicate in natural environmental
conditions at the National Institute for Biotechnology and
Genetic Engineering (NIBGE) in Faisalabad, Pakistan.
Control (C1): fresh water (without phenol and Cr) hav-
ing FTWs
Control (C2): water contaminated with phenol
(500 mg/L) and Cr (25 mg/L) without FTWs
Treatment 1 (T1): water contaminated with phenol
(500 mg/L) and Cr (25 mg/L) and FTWs
Treatment 2 (T2): water contaminated with phenol
(500 mg/L), Cr (25 mg/L), FTWs and bacterial
Treatment 3 (T3): water contaminated with phenol
(500 mg/L), Cr (25 mg/L) and bacterial consortium
Analysis of residual concentration of phenol and Cr in
Treated water samples were collected for 50 days at 10 days
intervals as reported earlier (Afzal et al. 2014). The residual
concentration of phenol in treated water was detected spec-
trophotometrically. Water samples (25 mL) were taken and
ammonium hydroxide (NH
OH; 0.5 mL) solution was added
to it before analysis. The pH was adjusted immediately to
7.9 ± 0.1 with phosphate buffer; 0.5 mL 4-amino antipyrine
(APP) solution and one mL potassium ferricyanide (K
(CN) 6) solution were added into it and mixed well. After
15 min, absorbance was recorded at 500 nm using an UV-Vs
Spectrophotometer (Shimadzu, Japan, CECIL CE7200) and
readings were compared with standard phenol.
Water samples were collected to analyze Cr
removal by
1,5-diphenylcarbazide (DPC) method as previously described
by (Lace et al. 2019). Briefly, 10 mL sample was added in
test tubes, followed by a few drops of 3 M H
0.5 mL DPC. The absorbance of the mixture was taken at
540 nm using an UV-Vis Spectrophotometer.
Plant growth
Plants were harvested after 50 days of growth in FTWs.
Plant roots were washed carefully with tap water, followed
by rinsing in deionized water. Roots and shoots were cut
and their length and biomass were recorded for each treat-
ment. The plant samples were oven-dried at 65 C for three
days and dry biomass was recorded as well (Hwang et al.
Evaluation of toxicity of treated water
Phytotoxicity bioassay was performed to asses the efficacy of
bacterial augmented FTWs treated wastewater using
Triticum aestivum L. (wheat) seeds. Firstly, all seeds were
surface sterilized with 0.01% sodium hypochlorite for 1 to
2 min, then rinsed two or three times in distilled water. The
seeds (30) were placed in 80 mm diameter petri plates con-
taining agricultural uncontaminated soil (300 g). For 7 days,
3 mL tap water, phenol and Cr contaminated water and bac-
terial augmented FTWs treated water were sprinkled on
seeds. The percentage of seed germination was recorded
after 7 days (L
opez-Luna et al. 2009).
Statistical analysis
Data were analyzed using the SPSS software package (SPSS
Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) and analysis of variance was applied
following Duncans multiple range test (MRT) to estimate
significant variances between treatments.
Determination of phenol and chromium resistance
Two strains, Ps.JN and ACRH76, exhibited maximum
growth in the presence of phenol at 1,100 mg/L. The A1 and
CYRH21 showed resistance against phenol upto 500 mg/L
(Table S1). Moreover, PJRS20 and PJRS25 were capable to
grow in the presence of Cr upto 60 mg/L, while PJS11,
HU33 and HU38 showed maximum resistance up to 40 mg/
L(Table S2).
The bacterial strains exhibiting maximum resistance were
checked for their compatibility to formulate bacterial con-
sortium. Bacterial strains, namely Ps.JN, ACRH76, PJRS20
and PJRS25, were able to grow on MSM agar plates as no
clearing zone was observed.
Microbial growth and simultaneous removal of phenol
and chromium
Bacterial consortium was able to grow at 500 and 25 mg/L
phenol and Cr concentrations, respectively. The maximum
Cr decrease at 25 mg/L concentration was 36% while for
phenol it was 51% at 500 mg/L (Figure 1). Phenol and Cr
reduction was not observed in sterile MSM controls.
Plant growth monitoring study
The effect of bacterial inoculation on roots, shoots and bio-
mass of P. australis was recorded at the end of the experi-
ment (Table 1). In phenol-Cr co-contaminated water,
bacterial inoculation significantly increased root length
(14%) and shoot length (9%) of P. australis. It produced
lower amount of biomass compared to the plants in polluted
water (Table 2), although inoculation of bacterial consor-
tium enhanced plant growth and hence biomass.
Removal of phenol and Cr by FTWs
The elimination of phenol and Cr in different FTWs is pre-
sented in Figure 2. The initial concentration of phenol in
contaminated water was 500 mg/L and for Cr it was
25 mg/L. A minimal reduction in the concentrations of phe-
nol and Cr was detected in the treatments, where bacterial
consortium was inoculated without vegetation (T3). In T3,
61% phenol and 44% Cr concentration were reduced com-
pared to control. For vegetated reactors, removal percentage
(67% phenol and 60% Cr) was slightly high (T1), albeit
maximum removal (86% phenol and 80% Cr) was found in
the vegetated reactors with bacterial consortia (T2).
Phytotoxicity bioassay
Phytotoxicity bioassay was performed to determine the
detoxification level of treated water. Results showed that
there was more germination of seeds (96%) exposed to
the water treated in FTWs augmented with the bacterial
consortium (T2). Minimum seed germination (30%) was
observed by the seeds exposed to untreated phenol- and
Cr-contaminated water.
Environmental contaminants, either organic or inorganic,
present a grave challenge to the development of a sustain-
able ecosystem. Industries tend to produce tons of pollu-
tants, thus releasing them to the water and soil
environments, which not only damage the ecosystem, but
also pose a serious long lasting threat due to their persistent
nature (Singh et al. 2021). In this study, combined applica-
tion of selected bacterial consortium (Ps.JN, ACRH76,
PJRS20 and PJRS25) and P. australis were chosen to assess
simultaneous removal of Cr and phenol from polluted water
because of their reported resistance and growth in the pres-
ence of these environmental pollutants.
For the selection of phenol resistant bacterial strains,
MIC was performed for PsJN, ACRH76, A1, and CYRH21.
The results showed that PsJN and ACRH76, resisted phenol
up to a concentration of 1,300 mg/L while A1 and CYRH21
showed growth till 1,100 mg/L (Table S1). Several studies
have focused on the catabolic genes of gram-negative bac-
teria such as Pseudomonas, Burkholderia, Acinetobacter, and
Sphingomonas (Gao et al. 2017; Tian et al. 2017). They carry
dioxygenase and catechol 2, 3-dioxygenase genes which are
essential for the removal of a variety of toxicants in polluted
sites (Murphy et al. 2023).
In the case of Cr
resistant bacterial strains, MIC was
performed for PJRS20, PJRS25, HU33 and HU38. The
results revealed that PJRS20 and PJRS25 resisted Cr
up to
100 mg/L while HU33 and HU38, showed growth up to
80 mg/L (Table S2). Resistance to Cr could be due to the
efflux pumps taking up Cr
and reducing it to less toxic
form (Cr
) in the presence of Cr reductase enzyme. Hence,
on the basis of MIC, PsJN, ACRH76, PJRS20, and PJRS25
were chosen for a compatibility test, formulation of bacterial
consortium and simultaneous removal of phenol and Cr.
In MSMs, bacterial consortium simultaneously reduced
the phenol and Cr concentrations by 51% and 36% respect-
ively compared with values of controls (Figure 1).
Bhattacharya et al. (2014) reported efficient concomitant
removal of phenol and Cr using Acinetobacter sp. B9.
Initially, the water was contaminated with phenol (47 mg/L)
and Cr
(16 mg/L). The complete elimination of phenol
and 87% reduction of Cr
were observed, displaying the
proficiency of the bacterial strain for probable application in
Figure 1. Representaion of simultaneous removal of Phenol and Cr by selected
bacterial consortium (PsJN, ACRH76, PJRS20 and PJRS25) showing a maximum
51% of phenol and 36% of Cr removal.
Table 1. Effect of bacterial consortium on the growth of Phragmites australis.
Initial day Final day (50)
Root length (cm) Shoot length (cm) Root length (cm) Shoot length (cm)
Control 1 19
(1.2) 27
(2.5) 34
(3.1) 58
T1 18
(1.1) 26
(2.4) 29
(2.6) 40
T2 16
(1.0) 28
(2.6) 40
(3.5) 65
Control 1: Treatment containing fresh water (without phenol and Cr) and vegetated with P. australis; T1: Treatment contain-
ing phenol and Cr contaminated water and vegetated with P. australis; T2: Treatment containing phenol and Cr contami-
nated water, selected bacterial consortium and vegetated with P. australis Each value is the mean of three replicates;
means in the same column followed by different letters are statastically different at a 5% level of significance; standard
deviations are presented in parentheses.
industrial contamination control. The strain ACRH76 is also
an identified bacterium from genus Acinetobacter and results
in phenol and Cr removal from the water. Yasir et al.
(2021) observed that the use of Burkholderia sp. led to sim-
ultaneous elimination of chlorinated biphenyls and Cr
which complies with our results, as PsJN was identified as
Burkholderia phytofirmans.
Plants and microbes are well known to reduce, detoxify,
and degrade environmental pollutants. But, the main disad-
vantage is their slow removal process (Priyadarshanee and
Das 2021). However, the combined usage of microbes and
plants have been proven as cost-effective and efficient
method (Ancona et al. 2022; Raklami et al. 2022; Yaashikaa
et al. 2022). In pilot-scale study, the treatment T1 (water
contaminated with phenol (500 mg/L) and Cr (25 mg/L) and
FTWs) led to reduce 67% phenol and 60% Cr, while treat-
ment T3 (water contaminated with phenol (500 mg/L), Cr
(25 mg/L) and bacterial consortium) was successful in
removing 61% phenol and 44% Cr. The Treatment T2
(water contaminated with phenol (500 mg/L), Cr (25 mg/L)
FTW and bacterial consortium) exhibited 86% and 80%
removal of phenol and Cr, respectively. Saleem et al. (2019)
reported that the removal rate of phenol (96%) was signifi-
cantly high in the treatment where vegetation and bacterial
consortium was used as compared with the individual part-
ners, i.e., plants (66%) and bacteria (61%) separately.
Sharma et al. (2021) reported that FTWs vegetated with
Eichhornia crassipes (water hyacinth) can remove 98.83% of
Cr from the tannery effluent. When the plants and bacteria
are used in combination, plants release chemicals and
nutrients resulting in chemotaxis while bacteria produce
essential enzymes and metabolites like dioxygenases, 1-ami-
nocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase, Indole 3-
acetic acid (IAA) etc. enabling plants to survive in pollutant
rich environment (Danish et al. 2019; Del Carmen et al.
The controlled application of pretreated wastewater in
horticulture or main water bodies is a common practice in
many countries (Chojnacka et al. 2020; Kumar and Goyal,
2020). Seed germination of wheat was assessed to determine
the efficiency of FTWs treated wastewater. The results
revealed that maximum seed germinations were recorded in
T2 (vegetation þbacteria) as compared to T1 (vegetation
only) and T3 (bacteria only) treated wastewater. This is
because of the maximum removal of phenol and Cr from
water by the combined application of bacterial consortium
and FTWs. These results are in compliance with the study
conducted by Phoungthong et al. (2016).
Hence, the selected bacterial consortium along with con-
structed FTW in our study proved to be an effective strategy
to treat co-contaminated water, which also allows the use of
treated wastewater for agricultural purposes (Magwaza et al.
2020; Oliveira et al. 2021). The study also paves the way to
conduct similar field experiments and evaluate the real-time
success in long-term processes.
The findings from this study reveal that bacterial augmented
Phragmites australis in FTWs represents a potent solution
for simultaneous removal of phenol and Cr from contami-
nated water and can be an alternative approach for conven-
tional wastewater treatment. Inoculated bacteria (PsJN,
ACRH76, PJRS20 and PJRS25) helped P. australis in the
removal of phenol (86%) and Cr (80%) from water with
improved plant biomass compared to plants grown in unin-
oculated treatments. Hence, we suggest that bacterial aug-
mented FTWs is a promising, environmentally-friendly and
cost-effective solution for effective treatment of organic and
inorganic contaminants. As this is a pilot-scale study, further
research is required to assess the impact of selected bacterial
consortium, wetland plant and optimum conditions to
implement this set-up at a large-scale where co-contamin-
ation of organic and inorganic pollutants prevails in real-
world scenario.
We are thankful to Soil and Environmental Biotechnology Division,
National Institute for Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering,
Faisalabad for providing necessary facilities. Thanks are extended by
Dr. Nabeel Khan Niazi to the Higher Education Commission of
Pakistan. The authors are grateful to the Researchers Supporting
Project No. RSP-2023/24, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Table 2. Effect of bacterial consortium on the biomass of Phragmites australis.
Fresh biomass (g/FTW unit) Dry biomass (g/FTW unit)
Root Shoot Root Shoot
Control 1 19
(2.9) 68
(5.3) 10
(2.4) 41
T1 13
(1.7) 57
(5.8) 6
(1.9) 34
T2 28
(3.0) 81
(6.5) 19
(3.2) 58
Control 1: Treatment containing fresh water (without phenol and Cr) and
vegetated with P. australis; T1: Treatment containing phenol and Cr contami-
nated water and vegetated with P. australis; T2: Treatment containing phe-
nol and Cr contaminated water, bacterial consortium and vegetated with P.
australis. Each value is the mean of three replicates; means in the same col-
umn followed by different letters are statastically different at a 5% level of
significance; standard deviations are presented in parentheses.
Figure 2. Simultaneous removal of phenol and Cr by selected bacterial consor-
tium (PsJN, ACRH76, PJRS20, and PJRS25) and FTWs in pilot-scale study. C: phe-
nol and Cr contaminated water, T1: phenol and Cr-contaminated water þFTW,
T2: phenol and Cr contaminated water þFTW and bacteria, T3: phenol and Cr
contaminated water þbacteria. The error bars represent the standard errors.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
This work was supported by Higher Education Commission (HEC)
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... Second, phenol can inhibit microbial growth and activity at high concentrations (Lobiuc et al., 2023). In addition, the presence of other co-contaminants or environmental factors such as heavy metals or high salinity can complicate phenol degradation (Rashid et al., 2024). Finally, the degradation of phenol can be a slow process, requiring extended periods of time for complete removal (Bibi et al., 2023). ...
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Effective bioremediation of a phenol-polluted environment harnesses microorganisms’ ability to utilize hazardous compounds as beneficial degraders. In the present study, a consortium consisting of 15 bacterial strains was utilized. The current study aims to monitor the phenol biodegradation pathway. The tested consortium showed effective potential in the bioremediation of phenol-contaminated industrial wastewater. The enzymatic studies conducted brought to light that the bacterial consortium under test was proficient in degrading phenol under aerobic conditions while exhibiting the simultaneous expression of both ortho- and meta-cleavage pathways. It was observed that pheA, pheB, and C12O genes were maximally expressed, and the enzymes responsible for phenol degradation, namely, phenol hydroxylase, catechol 1,2-dioxygenase, and catechol 2,3-dioxygenase, reached maximum activity after 48 h of incubation with a 20-ppm phenol concentration. To gain a deeper understanding of the activation of both ortho- and meta-cleavage pathways involved in phenol degradation, a technique known as differential display reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (DDRT-PCR) was applied. This method allowed for the specific amplification and detection of genes responsible for phenol degradation. The expression levels of these genes determined the extent to which both ortho- and meta-cleavage pathways were activated in response to the presence of phenol.
... The heavy metal(loid) toxicity and tendency toward bioaccumulation endangers the health of all life forms (Ali and Khan 2019;. These heavy metal(loid)s are toxic even in very trace concentrations when they enter the food chain (Guan et al. 2019;Rashid et al. 2023;Hussain et al. 2023). ...
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Wastewater contamination with heavy metal(loids)s has become a worldwide environmental and public health problem due to their toxic and non-degradable nature. Different methods and technologies have been applied for water/wastewater treatment to mitigate heavy metal(loid)-induced toxicity threat to humans. Among various treatment methods, adsorption is considered the most attractive method because of its high ability and efficiency to remove contaminants from wastewater. Agricultural waste-based adsorbents have gained great attention because of high efficiency to heavy metal(loids)s removal from contaminated water. Chemically modified biosorbents can significantly enhance the stability and adsorption ability of the sorbents. The two mathematical models of sorption, Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm models, have mostly been studied. In kinetic modeling, pseudo-second-order model proved better in most of the studies compared to pseudo-first-order model. The ion exchange and electrostatic attraction are the main mechanisms for adsorption of heavy metal(loid)s on biosorbents. The regeneration has allowed various biosorbents to be recycled and reused up to 4-5 time. Most effective eluents used for regeneration are dilute acids. For practical perspective, biosorbent removal efficiency has been elucidated using various types of wastewater and economic analysis studies. Economic analysis of adsorption process using agricultural waste-based biosorbents proved this approach cheaper compared to traditional commercial adsorbents, such as chemically activated carbon. The review also highlights key research gaps to advance the scope and application of waste peels for the remediation of heavy metal(loid)s-contaminated wastewater.
Heavy metals emanate from diverse anthropogenic activities and the top soil in the vicinity of these activities acts as an immediate sink and facilitates diffusion of heavy metals into the food chain. In the semi-arid plains of India, Prosopis juliflora is the most common and dominant weed along the motorways and barren lands including industrial environs. This investigation hypothesizes the adaptive nature of Prosopis juliflora in the metal enriched soils and attempts to understand its hyper-accumulating potential of metals besides bioconversion/detoxification capability. Prosopis juliflora samples (root, stem, leaves, and pods) from 100 sites in the environs of anthropogenic activities (vehicular emissions and industrial operations) were analyzed for heavy metal concentrations (Cu, Fe, Cr, Cd, Ni, Pb). Prosopis juliflora accumulate metals at the rate of 0.138 mg/kg/day DW for Copper (Cu), Fe: 0.142 mg/kg/day DW, Cr: 0.114 mg/kg/day DW, Ni: 0.048 mg/kg/day DW, Pb: 0.052 mg/kg/day DW, Cd: 0.009 mg/kg/day DW. Furthermore, X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) metal oxidation state analysis revealed that in the pods of Prosopis juliflora heavy metals (Fe, Cr, Pb) largely existed in non-toxic form (toxic:non-toxic - 3:6), while in the under canopy soil, metals predominantly existed in toxic form (toxic:non-toxic - 7:2); conclusively XPS results ascertains the heavy metal bioconversion/detoxification potential of the plant. These findings suggest that presence of Prosopis juliflora coppice in the barren landscapes across the transportation corridors and metal based industrial zones may ideally favor phyto-remediation of heavy metals.
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This study synthesized a new thiomalic acid–modified rice husk biochar (TMA-BC) as a versatile and eco-friendly sorbent. After undergoing chemical treatments, the mercerized rice husk biochar (NaOH-BC) and TMA-BC samples showed higher BET surface area values of 277.1 m²/g and 305.8 m²/g, respectively, compared to the pristine biochar (BC) sample, which had a surface area of 234.2 m²/g. In batch adsorption experiments, it was found that the highest removal efficiency for malachite green (MG) was achieved with TMA-BC, reaching 96.4%, while NaOH-BC and BC exhibited removal efficiencies of 38.6% and 27.9%, respectively, at pH 8. The engineered TMA-BC exhibited a super adsorption capacity of 104.17 mg/g for MG dye at pH 8.0 and 25 °C with a dosage of 2 g/L. The SEM, TEM, XPS, and FTIR spectroscopy analyses were performed to examine mesoporous features and successful TMA-BC carboxylic and thiol functional groups grafting on biochar. Electrostatic forces, such as π − π interactions, hydrogen bonding, and pore intrusion, were identified as key factors in the sorption of MG dye. As compared to single-solution adsorption experiments, the binary solution experiments performed at optimized dosages of undesired ions, such as humic acid, sodium dodecyl sulfate surfactant, NaCl, and NaSCN, reflected an increase in MG dye removal of 2.8%, 8.7%, 5.4%, and 12.7%, respectively, which was attributed to unique mesoporous features and grafted functional groups of TMA-BC. Furthermore, the TMA-BC showed promising reusability up to three cycles. Our study indicates that mediocre biochar modified with TMA can provide an eco-friendly and cost-effective alternative to commercially accessible adsorbents. Graphical Abstract
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Pulse meal should be a valuable product in the animal feed industry based on its strong nutritional and protein profiles. However, it contains anti-nutritional compounds including phenolics (large and small molecular weight), which must be addressed to increase uptake by the industry. Microbial fermentation is currently used as a strategy to decrease larger molecular weight poly-phenolics, but results in the undesirable accumulation of small mono-phenolics. Here, we investigate cell-free biocatalytic reduction of phenolic content in faba bean ( Vicia faba L.) meal. A representative phenolic ring-breaking catechol dioxygenase, Bacillus ligniniphilus L1 catechol 2,3-dioxygenase (BLC23O) was used in this proof-of concept based on its known stability and broad substrate specificity. Initially, large-scale fermentative recombinant production and purification of BLC23O was carried out, with functionality validated by in vitro kinetic analysis. When applied to faba bean meal, BLC23O yielded greatest reductions in phenolic content in a coarse air classified fraction (high carbohydrate), compared to either a fine fraction (high protein) or the original unfractionated meal. However, the upstream hydrolytic release of phenolics from higher molecular weight species (e.g. tannins, or complexes with proteins and carbohydrates) likely remains a rate limiting step, in the absence of other enzymes or microbial fermentation. Consistent with this, when applied to a selection of commercially available purified phenolic compounds, known to occur in faba bean, BLC23O was found to have high activity against monophenolic acids and little if any detectable activity against larger molecular weight compounds. Overall, this study highlights the potential viability of the biocatalytic processing of pulse meals, for optimization of their nutritional and economical value in the animal feed industry. Graphical Abstract
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Chromium (Cr)-contaminated tannery wastewater is a major environmental concern, especially in developing countries, such as Pakistan, due to its use for crop irrigation, resulting in food-chain contamination and health issues. In this study, we explored the distribution, speciation, hydrogeochemical behavior and environmental risks of Cr in tannery wastewater collected from various tanneries of Kasur district in Punjab, Pakistan. Tannery wastewater samples were taken during the summer (TWW-summer; n = 82) and winter (TWW-winter; n = 82) seasons. The results showed that high Cr concentration was observed in TWW-winter (mean: 49 ± 32 mg L −1) compared to TWW-summer (mean: 15 ± 21 mg L −1). In TWW-summer and TWW-winter samples, the Cr concentration exceeded the National Environmental Quality Standard (1 mg L −1), with the total Cr ranging from 2.8 to 125 mg L −1. Hexavalent Cr (Cr(VI)) and trivalent Cr (Cr(III)) concentrations spanned 2.7 to 2.9 and 12.4 to 46 mg L −1 , respectively. The Piper plot showed that hydrogeochemistry of wastewater was dominated by Ca-Mg-SO 4 and Ca-Mg-Cl type water, and geochemical modeling indicated that the presence of Cr-iron (Fe)-bearing mineral phases-notably, FeCr 2 O 4, MgCr 2 O 4 and Cr(OH) 3) may control the fate of Cr in the tannery wastewater. Environmental risk assessment modeling categorized the tannery wastewater as the 'worst quality', which is not fit for use in crop irrigation without treatment. This study highlights that immediate monitoring, remediation and mitigation strategies are required to reduce the risk of Cr exposure from tannery wastewater in many areas of Pakistan.
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Antibiotic contamination of water is an emerging global issue with severe implications for both public health and the environment. Ciprofloxacin (CIP) is a synthetic fluoroquinolone antibiotic, which is broadly used in human and veterinary medicines around the world to treat various bacterial infections. The presence of CIP in the aquatic environment poses serious health problems to human beings and other living entities. Floating treatment wetland (FTW) is a low-cost and eco-friendly wastewater remediation technology. In the current study, the Canna indica. (Indian shot) was vegetated in a floatable mat to develop FTWs. A consortium of three bacterial strains, Acineto-bacter lwoffii ACRH76, Bacillus pumulis C2A1, and Acinetobacter sp. HN3, was immobilized on iron oxide nanoparticles (Fe3O4-NPs) and augmented in the FTWs for the remediation of CIP-contaminated (100 mg/L) water. The augmentation of bacteria (immobilized or free) in the FTWs significantly enhanced the removal of CIP from water. The maximum reduction in CIP (98%), chemical oxygen demand (COD; 90%), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD; 93%) and total organic carbon (TOC; 95%) was observed in FTWs that had Fe3O4-NP supported bacteria. This study reveals that FTWs have a great potential to remove the CIP from contaminated water, albeit its CIP removal efficiency was substantially enhanced by augmentation with Fe3O4-NPs supported bacteria.
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The physicochemical parameters and heavy metals concentration in the groundwater of the coastal region of Lasbela, Baluchistan were investigated. Cations and anions were determined through ion chromatography. The concentration levels of eight heavy metals (Cr, Cd, Pb, Zn, Fe, Cu, and Mn) in the groundwater were analyzed through the analytical procedures of atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The cations were present in the descending order of magnesium > sodium > calcium > potassium and anions as bicarbonate > sulfate > chloride. Two parameters (bicarbonate and total dissolved solids) were above and other physicochemical indices of groundwater were below the threshold limits of the WHO. Positive correlations of pH and electrical conductivity were observed with cations and anions. The significant positive correlation between sodium and bicarbonate (0.427) indicated the dissolution of carbonate rocks. The concentration of heavy metals (Cu, Cd, Mn, Cr, Pb, Fe, Zn, and Ni) ranged from 0.1 to 0.4, 0.02 to 0.09, 0.04 to 0.9, 0.03 to 0.5, 0.01 to 0.91, 0.05 to 1.30, 0.01 to 0.60, and 0.02 to 0.90 mg/L. The highest concentration of Pb (0.21 mg/L) and Cd (0.16 mg/L) were approximately 20 and 50 times higher than the permissible limits of the WHO. Hierarchical cluster analysis classified the twelve physicochemical parameters into four clusters and the eight heavy metals into seven clusters. Principal component analysis extracted eight latent components for physicochemical properties and heavy metals with eigenvalues greater than 1.0 that had positive loads of fluoride, iron, electrical conductivity, sodium, cadmium, and sulfate. Major pollutants in the groundwater were accounted for by PC 1, and the main factors that affected the water quality were Pb, Cr, and Cu. Fe had a modest impact on the water quality in this region. From the findings, it can be concluded that the coastal groundwater of the region has a higher concentration of heavy metals, which makes it unfit for drinking purposes.
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The growing use of heavy metals in most industrial activities has led to it being considered as the most important environmental pollutant that may cause harm and toxicity to animals and humans. Chromium has been found in the environment in different oxidation states such as Cr⁰, Cr(III), and Cr(VI) and is released from a variety of anthropogenic and natural activities. At among, trivalent and hexavalent chromium are the most stable forms. Considerably, Cr(VI) is frequently more toxic than Cr(III) because of its particular solubility and high mobility. Chronic exposure and bioaccumulation of chromium, as a heavy metal, can cause toxicity and numerous pathophysiological defects, including allergic reactions, anemia, burns, and sores especially in the stomach and small intestine, damage to sperm along with the male reproductive system, and affect various biological systems. Chromium pollution can have severe consequences for water and the soil environment. This article reviews the toxicological effects of Cr(VI) and Cr(III) and their mechanisms of toxicity and carcinogenicity.
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Rapid industrialization, mine tailings runoff, and agricultural activities are often detrimental to soil health and can distribute hazardous metal(loid)s into the soil environment, with harmful effects on human and ecosystem health. Plants and their associated microbes can be deployed to clean up and prevent environmental pollution. This green technology has emerged as one of the most attractive and acceptable practices for using natural processes to break down organic contaminants or accumulate and stabilize metal pollutants by acting as filters or traps. This review explores the interactions between plants, their associated microbiomes, and the environment, and discusses how they shape the assembly of plant-associated microbial communities and modulate metal(loid)s remediation. Here, we also overview microbe–heavy-metal(loid)s interactions and discuss microbial bioremediation and plants with advanced phytoremediation properties approaches that have been successfully used, as well as their associated biological processes. We conclude by providing insights into the underlying remediation strategies’ mechanisms, key challenges, and future directions for the remediation of metal(loid)s-polluted agricultural soils with environmentally friendly techniques.
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Water scarcity is one of the key global challenges affecting food safety, food security, and human health. Constructed wetlands (CWs) provide a sustainable tool to remediate wastewater. Here we explored the potential of vertical flow-CWs (VF-CWs) vegetated with ten indigenous wetland plant species to treat chromium (Cr)-contaminated water. The wetland plants were vegetated to develop VF-CWs to treat Cr-contaminated water in a batch mode. Results revealed that the Cr removal potential of VF-CWs vegetated with different wetland plants ranged from 47% to 92% at low (15 mg L−1 ) Cr levels and 36% to 92% at high (30 mg L−1) Cr levels, with the maximum (92%) Cr removal exhibited by VF-CWs vegetated with Leptochloa fusca. Hexavalent Cr (Cr(VI)) was reduced to trivalent Cr (Cr(III)) in treated water (96–99 %) of all VF-CWs. All the wetland plants accumulated Cr in the shoot (1.9–34 mg kg−1 dry weight (DW)), although Cr content was higher in the roots (74–698 mg kg−1 DW) than in the shoots. Brachiaria mutica showed the highest Cr accumulation in the roots and shoots (698 and 45 mg kg−1 DW, respectively), followed by Leptochloa fusca. The high Cr level significantly (p < 0.05) decreased the stress tolerance index (STI) percentage of the plant species. Our data provide strong evidence to support the application of VF-CWs vegetated with different indigenous wetland plants as a sustainable Cr-contaminated water treatment technology such as tannery wastewater.
Arsenic (As) contamination of aquatic and terrestrial systems is an emerging environmental and human health issue threating more than 200 million people globally at risk of As toxicity. Arsenic contamination has been reported in more than 115 countries worldwide especially in Asian and Southeast Asian countries, including in Bangladesh, China, Pakistan, India. In contrast to conventional and some advanced techniques (e.g., ion exchange, nanotechnology), constructed wetlands (CWs) can provide a sustainable, low-cost and nature-based solution for arsenic-contaminated water and wastewater. Although there is limited research available on implications of CWs for As remediation in water, this chapter describes sources of As contamination in aquatic environments; hazardous effects of As on the environmental and human health; provides comparative information and understanding of various As remediation technologies, and how the significance of CWs in remediation of As-contaminated water.KeywordsWetlandsGroundwaterHealth riskRemediation technologiesSustainability
Organic pollutants in industrial waste must be handled with viable and eco-friendly approaches. In particular, releasing toxic effluents like dyes into the environment pollutes water bodies, causing fatal diseases in humans and is hazardous to aquatic life. It necessitates the removal of effluent dyes before being discharged into the water bodies. The photocatalytic degradation method using metal oxide nanoparticles is the preferred choice amongst various dye remediation strategies. However, state-of-the-art metal oxide nanoparticle-based dye remediation involves developing non-toxic, economic, and eco-friendly metal oxides using green chemistry. Plant-mediated ZnO-based nanoplatforms exhibited substantial photocatalytic properties, non-toxicity, biocompatibility, and cost-effectiveness, possessing the potential to replace conventional dye remediation strategies. This review focuses on the development and performance of green synthesized ZnO nanoparticles towards degrading various dyes for wastewater remediation. It comprehensively summarizes the state-of-the-art green ZnO nanoparticle fabrication from various plant extracts (like leaves, seeds, juice, and fruits), illustrates their dye removal efficacies, and details their photocatalytic dye degradation mechanism. This review aims to serve as a fundamental structure to guide future research on green ZnO-based nanoplatforms for wastewater treatment, where photocatalytic attributes and green chemistry are prerequisites.
Heavy metal pollution from various industrial origins has caused tremendous damage to the environment and distress to the existing treatment systems. The non-biodegradable and toxic nature of heavy metals aids its persistence in the ecosystem. Among various removal techniques (such as chemical precipitation, coagulation-flocculation, flotation, adsorption, ion exchange and membrane filtration), constructed wetland (CW) offers an effective bioremediation tool for mitigating heavy metal pollution from wastewater even at trace concentrations. CWs employ a multifaceted network of biotic and abiotic routes (or mechanisms) for metal attenuation. The aspect of different wetland components and their impacts on the treatment efficiency of CWs are described. This chapter entails the current treatment techniques and primarily aims to provide a deep insight into the treatment dynamics and complexities involved in heavy metal removal in CWs. Further perspective on future research needs with a particular emphasis on plant species and microbial communities is discussed.