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Outdated regulations and institutional vulnerability: Hydrological risk management in Málaga's municipal planning


Abstract and Figures

Málaga, a Mediterranean region, is increasingly prone to water-related risks, a situation compounded by the impacts of climate change. Urban development practices over the past decades have significantly exacerbated these risks. Our study offers a novel, scientifically derived methodology to evaluate municipal capabilities in managing hydrological risks through urban planning instruments. Leveraging a checklist applied through multicriteria analysis, we scrutinized the integration of theoretical and regulatory frameworks relating to hydrological risks in numerous municipalities. Our findings highlight a glaring deficiency in local Disaster Risk Reduction strategies in alignment with the Sendai Framework. Additionally, there's minimal incorporation of natural risk analysis and mapping into planning instruments. Our results spotlight Málaga's high institutional vulnerability due to its limited capacity in hydrological risk management, underlining the pressing necessity for land use policies informed by risk assessments and prioritizing citizen safety. This study significantly contributes to future urban planning initiatives, offering a roadmap toward more resilient communities amid escalating hydrological risks.
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Heliyon 9 (2023) e18691
Available online 26 July 2023
2405-8440/© 2023 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Outdated regulations and institutional vulnerability: Hydrological
risk management in M´
alagas municipal planning
Jessica Bernal Borrego
Biologist, University of M´
alaga, Spain
alaga, a Mediterranean region, is increasingly prone to water-related risks, a situation com-
pounded by the impacts of climate change. Urban development practices over the past decades
have signicantly exacerbated these risks. Our study offers a novel, scientically derived meth-
odology to evaluate municipal capabilities in managing hydrological risks through urban plan-
ning instruments. Leveraging a checklist applied through multicriteria analysis, we scrutinized
the integration of theoretical and regulatory frameworks relating to hydrological risks in
numerous municipalities. Our ndings highlight a glaring deciency in local Disaster Risk
Reduction strategies in alignment with the Sendai Framework. Additionally, theres minimal
incorporation of natural risk analysis and mapping into planning instruments. Our results spot-
light M´
alagas high institutional vulnerability due to its limited capacity in hydrological risk
management, underlining the pressing necessity for land use policies informed by risk assess-
ments and prioritizing citizen safety. This study signicantly contributes to future urban planning
initiatives, offering a roadmap toward more resilient communities amid escalating hydrological
1. Introduction
Despite the universal acceptance of riskswhether natural, induced, or technologicalits clear that regions and their planners
vary widely in their capacity to tolerate and manage these risks. This variability is evident when examining hydrological risks, where
the risk appetite should, in theory, be far lower than the uncertainty level of statistical models [1]. This is essential for ensuring the
safety of people, their assets, and livelihoods against potentially catastrophic, often irreversible, events. Importantly, current urban
planning must be rigorously scrutinized to assess its capacity to offer protection against hydrological risks, considering the lengthy
approval and validity periods of these plans. In this context, we have developed and applied a scientic approach, including an
evaluation of institutional vulnerability to measure urban plannings performance in mitigating hydrological risks.
This studys primary objective is to evaluate urban planning performance against hydrological risks in the M´
alaga municipalities,
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This article is based on the authors masters thesis in Economic and Territorial Regulation, with a specialization in territorial planning, ur-
banism, and the environment, undertaken at the University of M´
alaga during the academic year of 2020/2021 under the supervision of Professor Dr
María Remedios Zamora Rosell´
o. After defending the thesis before the Tribunal, the author was awarded a distinction of Honours (grade 10). This
work was also honoured with the Terra-M´
alaga Research Award in November 2022. The thesis is available for viewing online at ResearchGate with
the DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28125.08163. The author would like to express her appreciation to the anonymous reviewers for their insightful
comments and suggestions, which have greatly improved and enriched the manuscript initially submitted for this publication.
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
journal homepage:
Received 9 April 2023; Received in revised form 23 July 2023; Accepted 25 July 2023
Heliyon 9 (2023) e18691
notably vulnerable to such risks. We build our theoretical framework for hydrological risks on timely and relevant publications,
considering territorial scope, methodology, and hydrological risk management. Also, we integrate perspectives from over 200 sci-
entists, policymakers, and professionals from the Science for Disaster Risk Managementguide [2]. Our regulatory framework
consulting consolidates current legislation, and key judgments help dene indicators for our checklist. We exclude regulations related
to response and emergency phases from our analysis, focusing instead on disaster risk prevention within local administrationsurban
planning competence.
We heed the European Committee of the Regions call in their 2017 Opinion on the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction
20152030 Action Plan, which advocates adopting a risk-informed approach to all Union policies. This highlights the urgency of
addressing hydrological risks in territorial planning, a task within local administrationspurview that can be coordinated with other
competent authorities. The urgency of this issue and the expected necessary steps in the years to come underline this studys
importance and relevance.
2. Regulatory framework
2.1. Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction
In addition to Spain, 192 states and stakeholders currently subscribe to the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR),
an instrument conceived for its application to disaster risks at all spatiotemporal scales, regardless of their origin. The framework has
seven goals connected to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through a series of common indicators, 11 of which are related to
goals 1, 11, and 13, which are part of the United Nations Ofce for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) monitoring system.
This work specically evaluates the implementation of Goal E, which refers to DRR strategies at the local level that should be in
place since 2020. It is also important to note that underlying factors such as poverty, inequality, policies formulated without
knowledge of risks, demographic changes and land use, epidemics and pandemics, etc., mean that both the causes and scope of di-
sasters are interconnected, limiting, and even capable of reversing progress in achieving SDGs other than those monitored by UNDRR.
2.2. Binding regulations for general plans
Regarding the binding regulations on which the checklist for this work is based, it should be highlighted that Directive 2000/60/
EC, or the Water Framework Directive (WFD) [3], and Directive 2007/60/EC, or the Floods Directive [4], are of fundamental
importance. The WFD is reected in national law by the Consolidated Text of the Water Law, approved by Royal Legislative Decree
1/2001, of July 20 (TRLA), as well as by the legal framework for water planning. On the other hand, the Floods Directive is transposed
into Spanish law by Royal Decree 903/2010, of July 9, on the assessment and management of ood risks. At the regional level, Law
9/2010, of July 30, on Water in Andalusia [5], is the legal framework that applies to general urban development plans (PGOUs),
together with the specic legislation on territorial and urban planning. Among the latter, the specic law governing territorial
planning in Andalusia is currently Law 1/1994, of January 11, on Territorial Planning in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia
(LOTA) [6]. This law provides that territorial planning must be carried out through the Territorial Plan of Andalusia (POTA) [7], the
Plan for the Protection of the Coastal Corridor of Andalusia [8], and the Territorial Plans of subregional scope. The POTA must indicate
the areas with catastrophic risks and dene the territorial criteria for action to be taken to prevent them, considering the applicable
policies of the European Union and the State. This Plan is binding for all other territorial planning instruments, plans with an impact on
territorial planning, and general urban planning.
Similarly, LOTA provides that the Plan for the Protection of the Coastal Corridor of Andalusia must include, among other things, the
designation of areas that must be preserved from urban development for territorial or protection reasons. This plan is also binding for
subregional Territorial Plans. The scope of this plan includes at least the rst 500 m of the Coastal Inuence Zone, as well as any other
areas necessary to achieve the protection and accessibility objectives of the coastal system of the municipalities of M´
Subregional Territorial Plans are binding for plans with an impact on territorial planning and general urban planning. They must
also include the determinations of plans with an impact on territorial planning (including water management plans, plans for the
management of natural resources, and the Andalusian Climate Action Plan) and of the urban plans in their scope that must be adapted,
justifying any proposed changes to them. The aforementioned determinations can be rules (with direct binding effect), guidelines
(binding in terms of their objectives), or recommendations (non-binding), but any deviation from them requires explicit justication
and must be compatible with the objectives of territorial planning.
Regarding its processing, the approval of Territorial Planning Plans implies the declaration of public utility and the need for the
occupation of the corresponding assets and acquisition of rights, for expropriation, temporary occupation, or imposition or modi-
cation of servitude. Likewise, the Government Council has the power to declare of Autonomous Interest the public actions contem-
plated in territorial planning plans and plans with territorial incidence. In this sense, the PGOUs, their total or partial revisions, and
There is Supplementary Material available for this article, which provides additional information on the sources consulted and methodology
used in the development of the theoretical and regulatory frameworks. The Supplementary Material can be found online, we encourage readers to
consult it for a more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.
Algarrobo, Benalm´
adena, Casares, Estepona, Fuengirola, M´
alaga, Manilva, Marbella, Mijas, Nerja, Rinc´
on de la Victoria, Torremolinos, Torrox,
and V´
J.B. Borrego
Heliyon 9 (2023) e18691
modications of the structural planning must be submitted after the initial approval to a binding report on the territorial incidence that
includes the analysis of the compatibility of this with the determinations of the territorial planning instruments.
As stated in the preamble of Law 7/2002, of December 17, on Urban Planning in Andalusia (LOUA) [9], since the transfer of means
for exercising urban planning competencies to the Autonomous Community of Andalusia in 1979, the regional government has
pursued a decisive policy of promoting urban planning. Additionally, LOUA explicitly states that regardless of private sector
involvement in direct implementation, urban planning activity, and plan execution are a public function, hence the public adminis-
tration is responsible for its direction and control. Based on these competencies, Andalusian urban planning legislation is developed,
which at the municipal level translates into general urban planning gures.
On the other hand, territorial and urban planning instruments are subject to environmental evaluation by the provisions of the
legislation on the evaluation of the effects of certain plans and programs on the environment, without prejudice to the environmental
impact assessment of the projects required for their implementation, if applicable. In this sense, Andalusian regulations are based on
Law 7/2007, of July 9, on Integrated Environmental Quality Management (GICA) [10]. This law includes the regional competencies
statutorily attributed to the areas of the environment, protected areas, and sustainability, including the regulation of environmental
evaluation of plans and programs. Therefore, in addition to considering applicable directives such as the WFD, the GICA is developed
based on the state basic legislation, which includes Law 21/2013, of December 9, on environmental evaluation (LEA) [11], and the
Consolidated Text of the Land and Urban Rehabilitation Law (TRLS), approved by Royal Legislative Decree 7/2015, of October 30.
Specically, the environmental evaluation of urban planning instruments is carried out following the procedures and requirements
of the evaluation of plans and programs, with the particularities derived from the provisions of LOUA. This work does not aim to
provide a detailed explanation of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) or its legal regime; it simply states that planning in-
struments may be subject to ordinary or simplied SEA, considering the assumptions established by this law. In any case, modications
affecting the structural planning relating to non-developable land (classication, category, etc.) are subject to ordinary SEA.
Furthermore, the Environmental Impact Study (EIS) of urbanization action planning instruments must include, among other aspects, a
map of natural risks in the area subject to planning, as well as the short-, medium-, and long-term impacts of climate change, inte-
grating the secondary, cumulative, and synergistic effects of the project on the population and the environment.
In summary, among the binding regulations that inuence urban planning concerning hydrological risk, the WFD and the Floods
Directive play a crucial role. Both directives, implemented through the Spanish national law and regional Andalusian law, mandate
specic provisions that are instrumental in PGOUs. Despite the regulationspotential for directing urban planning towards a safer, risk-
informed approach, the study found that the application and enforcement of these mandates have been inconsistent, contributing to
the hydrological risk M´
alaga currently faces. The examination of these regulations, considering the results from the studied munici-
palities, offers an important perspective on the enforcement and effectiveness of these laws.
3. Methodology
This research employed a comprehensive methodology to evaluate hydrological risk management strategies in fourteen munici-
palities in M´
alaga, primarily characterized by exposure to natural hazards such as uvial oods [12], soil erosion, and potential for
mass movements.
The initial stage involved an in-depth analysis of normative and jurisprudential frameworks, as well as a detailed assessment of
territorial hydrological risks. The municipalities of Algarrobo, Benamargosa, Rinc´
on de la Victoria, V´
alaga, Estepona, Fuen-
girola, Marbella, Mijas, Torremolinos, M´
alaga, Alhaurín de la Torre, C´
artama, Coín, and Pizarra were selected for this purpose. The
selection criteria included the use of ofcial cartographic data and other relevant information obtained from REDIAM,
and the
National Soil Erosion Inventory of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge [13].
The collected data were systematically processed using QGIS 3.10, a well-known open-source Geographic Information System
software. To allow comparability, the data were normalized for the 103 municipalities within the province and ltered according to
pre-determined criteria. Notably, the chosen municipalities had at least 3% of their territories located within ood-prone zones, more
than 9 t ha
affected by soil erosion and a minimum of 36% of the territory with a high to very high potential for mass
Standard forms were devised to incorporate critical information about each municipality to facilitate an in-depth evaluation. The
forms included population density, recorded ood and gravitational events, inequality indices, and other relevant land-use indicators.
Additionally, these forms had a section dedicated to observations and a provision to calculate a Municipal Plan Performance Value- a
quantiable measure indicating the outcome of this study. An illustration of such a form for the Pizarra municipality is provided in
Fig. 1.
The subsequent phase revolved around the design of a comprehensive checklist, instrumental in evaluating each municipalitys risk
management capabilities. The checklist, detailed in Table 1, comprises 20 compliance indicators: 9 associated with binding legislation,
3 linked to community regulations, and 8 related to the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction [14]. A more in-depth
explanation of these indicators and specic evaluation criteria is provided in the Supplementary Material accompanying this paper.
Ensuring the consistency of the applied indicators was achieved through a multi-criteria analysis, which entailed a pairwise
Red de Informaci´
on Ambiental de Andalucía, which objective is the integration of information (alphanumeric, graphic, etc.) on the envi-
ronment in Andalusia, so that it can be used in management, research, public dissemination, and decision-making.
All the municipal case study sheets generated in this project are available as supplementary material.
J.B. Borrego
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Fig. 1. Municipality sheet example (results from Pizarra). Own Elaboration.
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comparison of indicators to establish their relative importance (see supplementary material, Annex 2).
The evaluation process comprised an audit of each general urban planning plan against the established indicators. The scoring
system rated full compliance as (5), partial compliance as (3), and non-compliance as (0). The weighted ratings summed up to generate
a ‘global performance valueranging between 0 (null performance) and 500 (optimal performance).
The nal stage involved the assimilation of results into each municipalitys prole, to inform multi-scale decision-making. Qual-
itative assessments were used in conjunction with the numerical performance values to yield a well-rounded understanding of each
municipalitys risk management performance. The performances were categorized as decient (0124), insufciently compatible
(125249), moderately compatible (250374), and adapted compatible (375500). This standardized evaluation process facilitated an
objective comparison across the case studies. A step-by-step graphical representation of the methodology can be found in the sup-
plementary materials.
4. Results and discussion
Table 2 depicts the performance value of each municipal plan, showing that 10 out of 14 municipalities are decient, three are
insufciently compatible, and only one is moderately compatible.
Given the volume of data analyzed, the following results have been organized into four main categories: binding legislation,
community regulations, Sendai Framework, and specic measures for ood risk management and hydrological risks.
4.1. Binding legislation (indicators 16, and 9)
Indicator 1: Technical Determination and Delimitation of DPH and DPMT, Intense Drainage Routes, and Return Periods.
Compliant Municipalities: Fuengirola, Torremolinos, M´
alaga, and Pizarra comply sufciently with this indicator. They all designate
DPH and DPMT to non-developable land under special protection (SNU-EP), following specic legislation. Among them, Fuengirola
and Pizarra recognize a wider range of return periods, with Pizarra acknowledging the highest (1000 years). Nevertheless, none of
these municipalities have technically determined the intense drainage routes.
Partially Compliant Municipalities: Algarrobo, V´
alaga, Estepona, Marbella, Mijas, Alhaurín de la Torre, C´
artama, and Coín
are partially compliant. They account for DPH and DPMT but lack their technical delimitation. Particularly, V´
alaga, Algarrobo,
and Mijas classify these lands as General Systems, rather than SNU-EP, which may not offer sufcient guarantees of protection against
potential hydrological risks.
Key Issues: The classication of certain lands as General Systems instead of SNU-EP and the lack of legal authorization cited in
Mijascase raise questions about the robustness of the protection offered. It suggests that local administrations might need to better
utilize their authority to review and update their general plans by higher-ranking binding legislation.
Indicator 2: Adaptation of Buildings and Land Use Considering Natural Flood Risk Maps.
Table 1
Checklist. Own elaboration.
I. Binding legislation
1. Determination and delimitation of the Hydraulic Public Domain (DPH) and the Maritime-Terrestrial Public Domain (DPMT) (if applicable), intense drainage
routes, and return periods (T).
2. Includes adaptation of buildings and other land uses considering natural ood risk maps.
3. Analysis and mapping of natural risks. Within the corresponding Environmental Impact Study (EIS) and incorporated into the planning instrument.
4. Addresses the repercussions of climate change on the incidence of natural risks.
5. Preserves the urban development process for the land adjacent to the natural public domain to ensure its integrity (minimum easement margins of 5 m and
police margins of 100 m in DPH).
6. Preserves the urban development process for the land that presents natural risks.
7. Includes specic structural measures for ood risk management.
8. Includes specic non-structural measures for ood risk management.
9. Includes corrective (elimination) measures for constructions in ood-prone areas.
II. Community Regulations
10. Establishes additional protection standards against hydrological disaster risks.
11. Risk maps include coastal (if applicable), river, and ash ood risks.
12. Risk maps identify and include other risk multiplier elements of ooding (transported sediments, rockfalls, etc.).
III. Sendai Framework for DRR
13. Recognizes the types of hydrological risk present.
14. A multiple risk assessment has been carried out.
15. Incorporates present hydrological risks into land use planning (zoning).
16. Recognizes and incorporates scientic uncertainty from the precautionary principle.
17. Contemplates the revision, adaptation, and updating of the planning with future changes in projected risks.
18. Includes structural measures for managing present hydrological risks.
19. Includes non-structural measures for managing present hydrological risks.
20. Includes a local strategy for DRR (2020-Meta E, SDGs 1.5, 3.d, 11.5, 11. b, 13.1, and 15).
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Compliant Municipalities: Torremolinos and Pizarra stand out for their full compliance. Torremolinos implements a Corrective
Flood Risk Action Plan in urban areas, even classifying incompatible lands as out of order. Pizarra classies structures affected by ood
risk as subject to a temporary out-of-order regime. It allows only conservation and rehabilitation works until ood defence measures
are enacted, after which the buildings are deemed orderly.
Partially Compliant Municipalities: V´
alaga, Fuengirola, and M´
alaga demonstrated partial compliance. V´
alagas plan
lacks determination of associated risk and spatiotemporal scope for its Special Plans designed to restore non-developable land to
agricultural use. Fuengirolas plan addresses land use according to areas assigned to different ood risk categories but doesnt
explicitly provide for the adaptation of existing buildings. M´
alagas General Urban Plan also lacks specic adaptation actions for
existing buildings. However, it mandates that ood-prone areas be kept free from construction, buildings, and infrastructure.
Key Issues: A key issue lies in the absence of clear provisions for adapting existing buildings in Fuengirola and M´
alaga. Its crucial to
address this aspect to enhance resilience against potential ood risks. For V´
alaga, a better articulation of the risk and scope
associated with each Special Plan is required to improve planning clarity. Pizarras approach of a temporary out-of-order regime for
buildings at risk could be a valuable strategy for other municipalities to consider.
Indicator 3: analysis and mapping of natural risks.
Compliant Municipalities: M´
alaga and Pizarra show sufcient compliance with indicator 3. Pizarras General Urban Development
Plan (PGOU) incorporates comprehensive annexes, including an Environmental Study, Environmental Risk Study, and Hydrological-
Hydraulic Study. The ndings of these studies are cohesively integrated into both the territorial planning memory and the general
plans urban regulations. Although M´
alagas EIS does not specically conduct a natural risk analysis, factors such as oodability and
terrain instability are considered. M´
alaga also provides an annexed hydrological and hydraulic study integrated into its water map-
ping, demonstrating its consideration for natural risks.
Partially Compliant Municipalities: Fuengirola and Torremolinos show partial compliance. Fuengirolas environmental study
considers geological and ood risks but lacks associated risk mapping. TorremolinosEIS, while not providing a comprehensive natural
risk analysis, includes a hydrological and hydraulic study that delineates ood risk for a 500-year return period. However, it does not
consider other present hydrological risks, thus earning it a partial compliance status.
Key Issues: One common issue across these municipalities is the limited scope of risk analysis. Specically, not all municipalities
comprehensively consider various forms of natural risks, often omitting certain categories of hydrological risks. Also, while some
municipalities include studies that consider different aspects of natural risks, these are not always adequately translated into risk maps,
which are crucial for practical implementation and decision-making in urban planning.
Indicator 4: Treatment of the Effects of Climate Change on the Incidence of Natural Risks.
Compliant Municipalities: In the evaluated municipalities, only Torremolinos satisfactorily integrated the impacts of climate
change into its 2020 PGOU. The municipality did so via its Twelfth Additional Provision and an addendum to its Environmental Impact
Study (EIS), outlining climate change mitigation and adaptation measures.
Partially Compliant Municipalities: Notably, no other municipalities were found to be partially compliant for this indicator. Their
urban planning schemes lacked the incorporation of climate change impacts, revealing a signicant gap in addressing and managing
evolving environmental hazards [15].
Key Issues: The overarching issue identied was that most municipalities were not recognizing or planning for the increasing risks
associated with climate change. Despite Torremolinos demonstrating some level of commitment to tackling climate change, the
measures outlined lacked specicity towards individual natural risks. However, due to their broad applicability (encompassing eco-
systems, water, and land occupation patterns), these strategies were considered sufcient in this evaluation. Their acknowledgement
of the necessity to dene the risk zones against intense climatological phenomena, especially ooding and increased erosionwas a
promising step, highlighting the municipalitys awareness of climate changes multifaceted impacts. This indicator underlines a crucial
area for improvement for most municipalities.
Indicator 5: Preservation of the urbanization process for the urban development of lands adjacent to the natural public domain.
Compliant Municipalities: Fuengirola, Marbella, Torremolinos, and Pizarra demonstrated adequate preservation measures for the
Table 2
Performance value of each Municipal Plan.
Municipality Index Qualication
Pizarra 310 Compatible Moderate
Torremolinos 256 Compatible Insufcient
alaga 207 Compatible Insufcient
Fuengirola 207 Compatible Insufcient
alaga 71 Decient
Algarrobo 56 Decient
artama 44 Decient
Marbella 35 Decient
Mijas 25 Decient
Coín 22 Decient
Estepona 20 Decient
Alhaurín de la Torre 2 Decient
Benamargosa 0 Decient
on de la Victoria 0 Decient
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urban development of lands adjacent to the natural public domain. They have considered compatibility with sectoral legislation,
regulating areas of servitude, police, and oodable zones. Marbella and Pizarra have also implemented an additional protection zone
alongside rivers and streams. Torremolinos has specic conditions for developable and urban land, planning more precise measures
through the Plan for Corrective Flood Risk Actions in the urban centre of Torremolinos.
Partially Compliant Municipalities: M´
alaga and Coín demonstrated partial compliance with the preservation of the urbanization
process. While M´
alaga considers legislation to protect lands assigned to non-developable areas under special protection (SNU-EP), it
transfers responsibility for protection to structural solutions established in development projects. This evaluation interprets M´
regulatory provisions as discretionary, providing partial protection to areas adjacent to the public domain. Meanwhile, Coíns Partial
Adaptation Plan does not include areas adjacent to channels assigned to non-consolidated or non-developable urban lands. Coupled
with the lack of delimitation for specic streams, this leads to partial fullment of indicator 5.
Key Issues: Notably, the evaluation reveals a concerning discretionary aspect to the preservation measures in M´
alaga. Also, in Coín,
the lack of areas adjacent to channels assigned to non-developable urban lands in their zoning maps presents a signicant issue.
Indicator 6: Preservation of Urbanization Process in Lands Presenting Natural Risks.
Compliant Municipality: Pizarra stands as the only municipality that fully satises the criteria of indicator 6, preserving the ur-
banization of lands presenting natural risks comprehensively.
Partially Compliant Municipalities: Fuengirola, Torremolinos, and M´
alaga demonstrate partial compliance. While the General
Urban Plans for Torremolinos and M´
alaga incorporate specic measures to limit golf course development in areas presenting gravi-
tational risks, neither explicitly address the preservation of lands facing other natural risks apart from pre-identied ood areas.
Fuengirolas General Urban Plan, aside from highlighting certain ood risk points like the Real Stream and the Fuengirola River, does
not specically address preservation against other natural risks. However, its Plan provides technical guidelines for development areas,
ensuring that areas with slopes greater than 35% are preserved from construction and that deep cuts in the landscape are avoided.
Key Issues: A notable gap in the strategies of these municipalities is the lack of comprehensive planning for a range of natural risks.
Emphasis is generally placed on identied ood areas, with insufcient attention given to other potential risks. Moreover, explicit
provisions for preserving the urbanization process in lands with natural risks are largely absent from the General Urban Plans of
Torremolinos and M´
alaga. Fuengirolas approach, though acknowledging some additional constraints for certain development areas,
falls short of a holistic risk mitigation strategy. These shortcomings highlight the need for a more comprehensive approach to urban
planning in areas presenting diverse natural risks.
Indicator 9: Correction Measures (Elimination) of Constructions in Flood-Prone Areas.
Compliant Municipalities: There are no municipalities that comply with the criteria of indicator 9.
Partially Compliant Municipalities: Not applicable, as no municipality considers the implementation of corrective measures to
eliminate constructions in ood-prone areas.
Key Issues: This result underscores a critical gap in the urban planning strategies of all the studied municipalities. Not considering
the elimination of structures in ood-prone areas fails to acknowledge the potential for signicant damage and loss in these high-risk
zones [16]. This absence of corrective measures indicates a lack of comprehensive disaster risk management strategies in these mu-
nicipalities, highlighting an urgent need for reconsideration of policies for a proactive approach towards urban resilience.
4.2. Community regulations (indicators 10 to 12)
Indicator 10: Establishment of Additional Protection Rules Against Hydrological Disaster Risks.
Compliant Municipalities: The municipalities of Fuengirola, Torremolinos, M´
alaga, and Pizarra have all incorporated a heightened
level of protection exceeding that mandated by sectorial legislation into their planning. Fuengirola notably denes the Pajares Stream
and Carvajal Park as Spaces of High Ecological Value, and mandates a thorough geomorphological study and approval from a
geological institute before any development activities in Geological Protection Areas. Torremolinos and M´
alaga have implemented
special conditions for development on plots near the DPH, in areas prone to ooding, or on steep slopes. Pizarra has imposed specic
use rules and limitations on the SNU-EP, which are based on the prevalent natural risks identied.
Partially Compliant Municipalities: No municipalities have been identied as partially compliant with indicator 10 in this study.
Key Issues: The need for more comprehensive regulations addressing hydrological disaster risks is evident. A lack of additional
protection rules can compromise the safety of people and assets in the face of potential hydrological hazards. The provisions adopted
by the compliant municipalities serve as promising examples that could be emulated by others. Fuengirolas model of designating
special areas and mandating thorough geological assessments can help ensure environmentally sensitive areas are not inadvertently
compromised, while the practices in Torremolinos, M´
alaga, and Pizarra demonstrate how additional rules can mitigate risk in ood-
prone and steep areas.
Indicator 11: Cartography of Coastal, River, and Flash Flood Risks.
Compliant Municipalities: Fully compliant municipalities are not found for Indicator 11.
Partially Compliant Municipalities: V´
alaga, Torremolinos, M´
alaga, and Pizarra have partially complied with Indicator
11. Their efforts in this regard have led to the development of cartography for coastal, river, and ash ood risks, albeit with
some limitations. Notably, their preparedness does not extend to non-riverine ash oods, a potential shortfall in their risk
Key Issues: A signicant limitation across these municipalities is the exclusion of non-riverine ash oods from their planning
instruments, which could leave these areas unprepared for such events. Additionally, coastal oods were not considered by V´
J.B. Borrego
Heliyon 9 (2023) e18691
alaga and Torremolinos. This lack of comprehensive risk mapping in these municipalities exposes them to potential vulnerabilities.
Therefore, further work needs to be undertaken to ensure all forms of ood risks are appropriately mapped and planned for.
Indicator 12: risk multiplier elements of ooding.
Compliant Municipalities: No municipalities fully complied with Indicator 12, regarding the inclusion of ood risk multiplier el-
ements such as transported sediments and debris ows in their risk maps.
Partially Compliant Municipalities: Not applicable.
Key Issues: This total non-compliance with Indicator 12, the ninth most important in this study, reveals a signicant gap in ood
risk assessment. The absence of this factor could potentially lead to an underestimation of ood risks and insufcient preparation or
mitigation measures, leaving communities vulnerable to unexpected hazards during ood events. This issue needs to be addressed
urgently to enhance the resilience of these municipalities to ood disasters.
4.3. Sendai Framework for DRR (indicators 1317, and 20)
Indicator 13: Recognition of Hydrological Risk Types.
Compliant Municipalities: The municipalities of Algarrobo, Fuengirola, Torremolinos, M´
alaga, C´
artama, and Pizarra all reect the
diverse hydrological risks including ooding, erosion, and climatic events, in their respective planning documents. Particularly,
artamas structural analysis incorporates an in-depth geological report, recognizing ooding risks and the potential for landslides and
terrain instability.
Partially Compliant Municipalities: Estepona only acknowledges river ooding risks, as identied by the Plan for the Prevention of
Floods in Andalusian Urban Channels and the Andalusian Water Agency. This partial compliance is of particular concern given that
over 85% of the Estepona territory is potentially exposed to a high or very high risk of mass movements.
Key Issues: Despite some municipalities demonstrating an awareness of multiple hydrological risks, many fall short of translating
this recognition into tangible regulatory or zoning provisions for land use planning. This disconnection between the identication of
potential hazards and the implementation of effective preventative measures presents a signicant barrier to comprehensive disaster
risk reduction.
Indicator 14: multiple risks assessment.
Compliant Municipalities: None of the municipalities studied carried out assessments of multiple hydrological risks, failing to full
the requirements of this indicator.
Key Issues: The absence of multiple risks assessment across all municipalities presents a serious gap in the holistic understanding of
hydrological hazards. It prevents the development of comprehensive and effective land use planning strategies, potentially compro-
mising safety and sustainability.
Indicator 15: Incorporation of Hydrological Risks into Land Use Planning.
Compliant Municipalities: Pizarra is the sole municipality that successfully incorporates recognised hydrological risks into land use
planning, specically through establishing appropriate zoning strategies.
Key Issues: With only one municipality incorporating hydrological risks into its land use planning, there is a signicant shortfall in
disaster risk reduction efforts. This lack of integration suggests a need for a more thorough, risk-informed approach to planning that
includes comprehensive zoning strategies to mitigate the potential impacts of hydrological hazards.
Indicator 16: Recognition and Incorporation of Scientic Uncertainty in the Precautionary Principle.
Compliant Municipalities: Pizarra is the only municipality that implicitly incorporates this precautionary principle in its planning.
This is evident in its preservation of new developable sectors in areas where theres a potential for natural or articial risks, even
though it does not explicitly recognize the uncertainty tied to projected hydrological risks.
Partially Compliant Municipalities: There were no municipalities identied as partially compliant with this indicator.
Key Issues: The lack of explicit recognition of scientic uncertainty in most municipalitiesplanning is a key issue. According to the
Sendai Framework for DRR, ideally, uncertainty related to hydrological risk models [17] would be integrated into planning, with
redened scenarios that consider potential unprecedented extreme events. The current municipal plans do not meet this standard. The
unique approach of Pizarra underscores the need for other municipalities to follow suit in acknowledging and planning for scientic
uncertainty in hydrological risks.
Indicator 17: Updating Urban Planning Schemes Based on Projected Risks.
Compliant Municipalities: None of the municipalities considered future changes in projected risks an explicit reason for revising,
adapting, or updating their urban planning scheme.
Algarrobo, V´
alaga, Estepona, and Torremolinos consider revising their urban planning based on unforeseen events
impacting their plans, primarily linked to demographic or economic factors. Fuengirola, M´
alaga, and Pizarra also allow for revisions if
higher-level territorial plans affect their current scheme. The General Urban Planning Scheme (PGOU) of M´
alaga further adds the
possibility of complete revision in the event of choosing a different territorial model, including the criteria for classication and
protection of Non-Developable Land Subject to Special Protection (SNU-EP).
Key Issues: A critical issue identied is that urban plans generally cannot be revised based on future projected hydrological risks.
This is mainly because these risks have not been integrated into most of the studied cases, and secondly, they need to be identied and
incorporated into a higher-level legal instrument or provision with denitive and binding approval for the PGOU. Therefore, there is a
fundamental need to align local urban planning practices with projected hydrological risks.
Indicator 20: Local Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction.
Compliant Municipalities: Unfortunately, none of the municipalities have a local strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction, thereby
J.B. Borrego
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making compliance in this area absent.
Partially Compliant Municipalities: Not applicable in this instance as none of the municipalities demonstrated any level of
compliance with this indicator.
Key Issues: The lack of local Disaster Risk Reduction strategies across all municipalities is a signicant concern. This gap suggests a
substantial vulnerability to disaster risks and underscores the pressing need for local authorities to develop and implement compre-
hensive strategies for managing these risks effectively [1820].
4.4. Specic measures for ood risk management and hydrological risks (indicators 7, 8, 18, and 19)
Concluding this study, we turn our attention to indicators that pertain to the general plans specied measures, particularly in-
dicators 19, 18, 8, and 7, which are noteworthy due to their interrelatedness. These are ordered in terms of their importance, from
lowest to highest (refer to Annex II: Multi-Criteria Analysis).
Seven municipalities (Algarrobo, V´
alaga, Fuengirola, Mijas, Torremolinos, M´
alaga, and Pizarra) have considered specic
structural measures for ood risk management (indicator 7). The measures primarily include river channelling through urban areas
and the adjustment of the rainwater drainage network. Fuengirola and Mijas also contemplate reforestation and recreational use of
river banks, respectively.
These measures correlate directly with indicator 18, which addresses all hydrological risks in the area. Fuengirola, Torremolinos,
and Pizarra exhibit satisfactory compliance. Measures adopted by Fuengirola include those ensuring minimal impact on soil stability
during earth-moving activities. Torremolinos PGOU proposes various measures such as retention works, hydraulic actions, and
plantations in delicate areas. Pizarras general plan incorporates actions to counter risks and environmental regeneration using
bioengineering techniques.
Concerning non-structural ood risk management measures (indicator 8), Fuengirola and C´
artama partially comply while Tor-
remolinos and Pizarra comply sufciently. Fuengirola mainly focuses on ood-prone land demarcation, whereas C´
artamas measures
are broader but subjectively applied and challenging to monitor. Torremolinos and Pizarra demonstrate more comprehensive
compliance, outlining objectives and measures for water protection, land use regulations, and mandatory geological studies.
Furthermore, Pizarra meets the standards for indicator 19 concerning non-structural measures for all present hydrological risks.
Both Torremolinos and Fuengirola also sufciently full the requirements of indicator 19. Torremolinos plans include dening risk
zones against climatological phenomena, conducting cost-benet studies, and recovering natural runoff channels. Fuengirola man-
dates that any planning permit request involving signicant earth movements be accompanied by documentation ensuring minimal
negative impact on soil erodibility.
In C´
artama, some planning documents include measures for managing gravitational risk. However, these are limited to requiring
that development plans justify land nature and establish the correct urbanization and building corrective measures. Thus, C´
partially meets the criteria for indicator 19.
The accompanying chart (Fig. 2) offers a visual representation of the number of municipalities that fully comply, partially comply,
or do not comply with each indicator, and highlights the relative importance of each indicator. The bar graphs provide a clear
depiction of how each municipality is performing disaster risk reduction measures. Notably, the chart reveals disparities between the
Fig. 2. Compliance Level and Relative Importance of Urban Planning Indicators in Andalusian Municipalities selected. Own-elaboration.
J.B. Borrego
Heliyon 9 (2023) e18691
municipalities, showcasing the varying degrees of commitment and success in adopting the necessary measures. The relative
importance of each indicator is also clearly communicated, helping readers to understand the emphasis placed on each area. This chart
is crucial for gaining a clear understanding of where efforts need to be intensied, allowing policymakers and local authorities to
strategically focus resources for improved disaster risk reduction.
Further details for each municipality can be found in the appendix. These ndings underline an urgent need for municipalities to
improve their strategic approach to disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation, particularly in terms of incorporating
scientic uncertainty and developing local DRR strategies [21].
5. Conclusions
Our research presents a scientic method to assess the capacity for managing hydrological risks in urban planning. This method,
which includes understanding the locality, designing checklists, assuring consistency, auditing planning, and informing results, has
been applied across multiple municipalities. It reveals that most municipalities fall short in managing hydrological risks in their urban
planning. No municipality, for example, has a local strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction following the Sendai Framework, and only
28% incorporate the analysis and mapping of natural risks in their planning instruments. Furthermore, only Torremolinos considers
the effects of climate change on natural hazards in its General Plan for Urban Planning (PGOU).
The ndings reveal a high institutional vulnerability to hydrological risks in the province of M´
alaga. A signicant cause of concern
is the lack of consideration of non-uvial ash oods and a continued preference for structural measures over comprehensive, long-
term solutions. Special attention needs to be given to V´
alaga, Algarrobo, and Mijas due to their failure to delimit important
hydrological features in their urban planning.
Informed by our ndings, we recommend a shift towards more integrated and future-oriented urban planning. The adoption of a
risk-informed approach to all policies is paramount. This approach aligns with the European Committee of the Regionsopinion on the
Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 20152030 Action Plan, issued on August 17, 2017, emphasizing the urgent need for
such an approach. It calls for the prioritization of safety over development and an increased focus on non-structural measures for
managing hydrological risks.
One crucial area that demands urgent attention is the territorial planning issue of not occupying areas with hydrological risks with
urban land. Local administrations should address this issue in a coordinated manner with other competent authorities. By recognizing
and assessing potential risks and integrating them into urban planning in a manner that aligns with state and community legislation,
we can substantially improve the management of hydrological risks.
This study underscores the importance and viability of scientic methods in evaluating hydrological risk management in urban
planning. The ndings and recommendations presented herein contribute to the ongoing discussions on the subject and emphasize the
need for urgent action. Local administrations have the competencies to address this problem, and necessary steps are expected to be
taken in the coming years to ensure the safety and sustainability of our communities.
Author contribution statement
Jessica Bernal Borrego: Conceived and designed the experiments; Performed the experiments; Analyzed and interpreted the data;
Contributed reagents, materials, analysis tools or data; Wrote the paper.
Data availability statement
Data included in article/supplementary material/referenced in article.
Additional information
Supplementary content related to this article has been published online at [URL].
Declaration of competing interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
inuence the work reported in this paper.
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data related to this article can be found at
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J.B. Borrego
Full-text available
Urban planning is critical in mitigating the impacts of disasters, enhancing community resilience and promoting sustainable development. This review study systematically analyzes the role of urban planning in disaster risk reduction (DRR) through a Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) approach. By reviewing scholarly articles and case studies, this paper examines various urban planning strategies that contribute to DRR, including land use planning, infrastructure development, risk mapping, and community engagement. The findings highlight the effectiveness of integrating risk assessments into urban planning processes, the importance of adaptive infrastructure design, and the need for inclusive planning practices that involve local communities in decision-making. The review also identifies challenges such as inadequate policy implementation, lack of resources, and the need for interdisciplinary collaboration, analyzing participation and academic importance, and correlating the publication of papers with the number of reported disasters. Through a comprehensive analysis of existing literature, this review underscores the potential of urban planning to reduce disaster risks and enhance urban resilience. The paper concludes with recommendations for policymakers, urban planners, and researchers to strengthen DRR initiatives via strategic urban planning practices. This review contributes to the growing body of knowledge in DRR and emphasizes the critical role of urban planning in creating safer, more resilient cities.
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Streamflow is documented as a key element of the hydrological cycle, and alterations in streamflow may result in hydrological disaster. The accurate quantification of streamflow under various climatological and anthropogenic factors, as well as decomposing their respective effects, remains challenging. In this study, we quantified and split the effects of climate variation and human action on streamflow changes in lower watersheds of the Han River. We utilized distinct methodologies and compared their outcomes. The methodologies include Budyko-based curve decomposition, the Budyko-based hydrological elasticity method, the conceptual eco-hydrological method, and the hydrological sensitivity analysis method. Subsequently, the hydrological change point was inspected in 1997. During the baseline period (1966–1997), variations in climate led to changes in the streamflow. In contrast, in the post-baseline period (1998–2013), the variation in the streamflow was attributed to the combined effects of climate variation and human action. Climate variation was observed to be a prominent accountable feature in streamflow alterations. The results obtained from different methodologies appeared to align with each other, showing that 70% to 91% (average 80%) of the alteration in the streamflow occurred in response to variations in climate-related parameters. The contribution from human action was less, accounting for 9% to 30% (average 20%) of the change. Moreover, the relative proportion of effects was perceived to be sensitive to the methods applied and the type of Budyko-based function. Further, the relative impacts of both factors can enhance the uncertainty in the management of water resources. Thus, this information is essential for the execution of water management on the spatial and temporal scales to reduce the risk of hydrological disasters in the watershed.
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Considerable attention has recently been focused on the impacts of climate change and human activities on river streamflow conditions. This study explored these effects using three hydrological modeling techniques such as multi-regression, a two-parameter hydrological model, and hydrological sensitivity analysis, followed by trend analysis and change point detection. The non-parametric Mann-Kendall test was used to analyze the trends in hydro-meteorological parameters. The non-parametric Pettitt test and double cumulative curve techniques were used to identify change points in annual streamflow series during 1978–2014. After determining the change point year to be 1997, the series were split into two parts: a pre-change (natural) period (1978–1997) and a post-change (human-induced) period (1998–2014). The hydrological models were calibrated and estimated for the pre-change (natural) period, which provided the relative change in annual streamflow for the post-change (human-induced) period. The contribution of climate variability ranged from 36.3% to 55.9%, and human activities accounted for 44.5% to 63.7% of streamflow variability. These results suggest that human activities are more impactful than climate variability. The outcomes of this study show that streamflow in the basin was influenced by climate variability, but human actions were also major driving forces in altering the streamflow.
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The emergence of new technologies, such as blockchain, Big Data, etc., provides fundamentally new opportunities for the formation of distributed databases necessary for assessing and managing hydrological risks in urbanized areas. At the same time, the use of the most modern technologies is based on adequate modeling and forecasting of hydrological processes, which, in the context of climatic changes and poorly predicted meteorological events for the long term, require close attention and understanding. The article deals with the tasks of risk assessment and prevention of damage from hazardous hydrological processes (rainfall floods, floods, mudflows, etc.) in framework of the Smart City Concept. Natural and anthropogenic factors of floods, methods of risk assessment and risk management in flooded areas are discussed. The issues of hazardous hydrological processes predictability and damage assessment are discussed. Sufficiency and effectiveness of the decisions made in the field of minimizing the negative impact of water, sufficiency of forces and means to ensure population safety and economic facilities are assessed on the example of the Kuban River basin.
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This paper proposes a methodology for the analysis of social vulnerability to floods based on the integration and weighting of a range of exposure and resistance (coping capacity) indicators. It focuses on the selection and characteristics of each proposed indicator and the integration procedure based on the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) on a large scale. The majority of data used for the calculation of the indicators comes from open public data sources, which allows the replicability of the method in any area where the same data are available. To demonstrate the feasibility of the method, a study case is presented. The flood social vulnerability assessment focuses on the municipality of Ponferrada (Spain), a medium-sized town that has high exposure to floods due to potential breakage of the dam located upstream. A detailed mapping of the social vulnerability index is generated at the urban parcel scale, which shows an affected population of 34,941 inhabitants. The capability of working with such detailed units of analysis for an entire medium-sized town provides a valuable tool to support flood risk planning and management.
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Flooding is globally a major natural hazard. Floods result in property and life loss and poor economic development. Though it is not possible to prevent the occurrence of floods, but their negative impacts could be minimized considerably through proper planning and effective preparation. The vulnerability to floods could be reduced by accurate and timely prediction (Forecasting and Warning) and by impactreducing measures. Pakistan faces flooding problem almost every year in the recent past. For the period 1947-2015, a financial loss of US$ 38.165 billion has been estimated as a result of 23 major flood events in Pakistan. Approximately, more than 12,000 human beings were dead and 616,598 km2 land area was affected due to these floods. Climate change has been projected to lead to an increase in the frequency and magnitude of floods in future in Pakistan due to high glacial melting and deicing of mountain caps and high monsoon rainfall. The situation demands for effective and sustainable flood management to reduce flood damages. This paper reviews flood management current state, highlights challenges of flood management and identifies prospects for effective and sustainable flood management in Pakistan. The paper also seeks to make certain recommendations toward effective and sustainable flood management in Pakistan.
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The report “Science for disaster risk management 2017: knowing better and losing less” summarizes scientific solutions, their practical use in various areas of DRM in Europe and ways of improving communication between scientist and policymakers/practitioners to support the integration of science into informed decision making. It is the result of the multi-sectorial and multi-disciplinary networking process and represents the combined effort of 273 contributors (i.e, authors, reviewers and advisors). The target readers are practitioners, decision makers and experts from different scientific disciplines. It integrates knowledge from different discipline to produce (1) a policy landscape of disaster risk reduction, (2) the holistic understanding of risk that addresses hazards, exposure and vulnerability, (3) a systematic multi-hazard assessment of existing risk knowledge covering geophysical, hydrological, meteorological, climatological, biological, and technological hazard types, (4) to tackle the communication challenges of science- policy and science-operation interfaces, (5) to holistically present all four phases of disaster risk management cycle addressing relevant frameworks, methodologies and tools and (6) to identify a wide spectrum of future challenges and emerging issues.
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Flood forecasting is becoming increasingly important across the world. The exposure of people and property to flooding is increasing and society is demanding improved management of flood risk. At the same time, technological and data advances are enabling improvements in forecasting capabilities. One area where flood forecasting is seeing technical developments is in the use of probabilistic forecasts—these provide a range of possible forecast outcomes that indicate the probability or chance of a flood occurring. While probabilistic forecasts have some distinct benefits, they pose an additional decision-making challenge to those that use them: with a range of forecasts to pick from, which one is right? (or rather, which one(s) can enable me to make the correct decision?). This paper describes an innovative and transferable approach for aiding decision-making with probabilistic forecasts. The proposed risk-based decision-support framework has been tested in a range of flood risk environments: from coastal surge to fluvial catchments to urban storm water scales. The outputs have been designed to be practical and proportionate to the level of flood risk at any location and to be easy to apply in an operational flood forecasting and warning context. The benefits of employing a benefit-cost inspired decision-support framework are that flood forecasting decision-making can be undertaken objectively, with confidence and an understanding of uncertainty, and can save unnecessary effort on flood incident actions. The method described is flexible such that it can be used for a wide range of flood environments with multiple flood incident management actions. It uses a risk-based approach taking into account both the probability and the level of impact of a flood event. A key feature of the framework is that it is based on a full assessment of the flood-related risk, taking into account both the probability and the level of impact of a flood event. A recommendation for action may be triggered by either a higher probability of a lower impact flood or a low probability of a very severe flood. Hence, it is highly innovative as it is the first application of such a risk-based method for flood forecasting and warning purposes. A final benefit is that it is considered to be transferrable to other countries.
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In our review of recent flood risk mapping approaches in Europe, we noted that the sources of uncertainty were rarely questioned. We demonstrated potential sources of uncertainty in flood risk mapping of buildings using a case study of a spring flood in 2005, in Kittilä, Finland. One- and two-dimensional hydraulic models of the flood corresponded well with the actual inundation. The initial modelling result of the inundated buildings differed considerably from reality, but this could be improved through modelling performed with more diverse building elevation data. The accuracy of the digital terrain model is a key determinant in the accuracy of flood hazard modelling. An exposure analysis of buildings is often utilized by an overlay analysis of map layers representing both the flood and the buildings. However, we indicated that the analysis may be partly hindered by the characteristics and inaccuracies of the building datasets used and the modelled flood. In flood damage modelling, the average damages calculated from the database were used, as empirical damage data were too general for a detailed flood damage assessment. Damage modelling with empirical and synthetic damage data could be made more reliable through better archiving of actual flood damages and by performing more diverse damage estimates of standard buildings.
Available land use/cover maps differ in their spatial extent and in their thematic, spatial, and temporal resolutions. Due to the costs of producing such maps, there is usually a trade-off between spatial extent and resolution. The only European-wide, consistent, and multi-temporal land use/cover dataset available is the CORINE Land Cover (CLC) map. Despite the value and usefulness of CLC, its minimum mapping unit (MMU) of 25 hectares considerably limits its applications at large scales of analysis. Our objective was to improve the spatial detail of CLC 2006 by incorporating land use/cover information present in finer thematic maps available for Europe such as the CLC change map, Soil Sealing Layer, Tele Atlas? Spatial Database, Urban Atlas, and Water Bodies Data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission. Relevant data from these datasets were extracted and prepared to be combined with CLC in a stepwise approach. Each step increased the level of modifications to the original CLC. This process generated
This paper describes an integrated hydrological and hydraulic modelling approach for the risk assessment of a flood-prone area and its application to analysing the effects of extreme flood events on the Montalto di Castro thermoelectric power plant. The approach is based on four major steps. The first step entails a detailed analysis of available critical events as well the collection of hydro-meteorological and cartographic data to perform a statistical evaluation of extreme rainfall events and an estimation of the probable maximum precipitation (PMP). The second step involves the calibration of a rainfall—runoff model for the upper catchment area based on the data observed during a recent flood event. The third step involves the calibration of a two-dimensional hydraulic model for simulating the flood plain inundation using the previously reconstructed runoff and a comparison of the results with the maximum flood levels observed during the same event. The fourth and final step concerns the simulation by the two-dimensional hydraulic model of the flood wave obtained via the rainfall—runoff model using the extreme and PMP values of rain defined in the first step. The results of this approach appear to be extremely useful and easily transferable to other areas.