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doi: https://doi.org/10.1590/1677-941X-ABB-2023-0027
Acta Botanica Brasilica
, 2023, 37: e20230027
Original article
1 Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Depto. Botânica, Recife, PE, Brazil.
2 Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Campus Capão do Leão, Pelotas, RS, Brazil.
3 Real Jardín Botánico (RJB), CSIC, Plaza de Murillo 2, 28014 Madrid, Spain.
4 Universidade Federal de Rondônia, Depto. Biologia, Porto Velho, RO, Brazil.
5 Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Programa de Pós-graduação em Biologia Vegetal, Campinas, SP, Brazil.
* Corresponding author: jonecmendes5@gmail.com
Dalechampia seccoi (Euphorbiaceae), a threatened new species
from Southeastern Brazil
Jone Clebson Ribeiro Mendes1*
, Josimar Külkamp2, 3
, Narcísio Costa Bigio4
Filipe Torres-Leite5
and Rafaela Alves Pereira-Silva1
Received: February 05, 2023
Accepted: May 23, 2023
Dalechampia seccoi is a new endemic species of Euphorbiaceae from the Atlantic Forest domain, southeastern Brazil.
Here we describe and illustrate the new species. Collections of botanical material, and standard herbarium practices
were applied. e new species is vegetatively similar to D. alata, D. erythrostyla, D. pentaphylla, D. violacea, and
D. purpurata, however it is distinguished by exclusive characters such as involucral bracts 4‒5-lobed, pinkish, staminate
sepals vinaceous, resin darkish and stigma yellow lobed to crateriform. e new species is restricted to Seasonal
Semideciduous Forest with altitudes of ca. 700 m from Caparaó, south of the state of Espírito Santo. In addition,
we provide eld photographs, preliminary conservation status assessments using IUCN Red List guidelines, as well
as a checklist and key for morphological correlated species.
Keywords: Acalyphoideae, Caparaó, endemism, Espírito Santo, Seasonal Semideciduous Forest, taxonomy.
Dalechampia L. is a consistent morphologically genus,
characterized by its peculiar pseudanthial inorescence,
which stands out due the involucral bracts, usually colorful.
Its pistillate cymule present three owers and the staminate
pleiochasium has few to numerous owers (Webster &
Armbruster 1991). Dalechampia is one species-rich genera
of the subfamily Acalyphoideae (Euphorbiaceae), it includes
ca. 130 species, being the neotropical region the center of
greatest diversity with 90 species, representing 69% of
global taxa (Pereira-Silva et al. unpubl. res.).
In Brazil, about 73 species are recorded and distributed
in all phytogeographic domains, of which 35 are reported
for the Southeastern region (Pereira-Silva et al. 2019). e
Atlantic Forest is one of the richest domains in number of
Dalechampia species (29 spp.), three less than in the Cerrado
(Pereira-Silva et al. 2022). Recent studies in Dalechampia
recorded 15 species for the state of Espírito Santo, in
addition to the conrmation of a new taxon for science
(Mendes et al. 2022).
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Jone Clebson Ribeiro Mendes, Josimar Külkamp, Narcísio Costa Bigio, Filipe Torres-Leite and Rafaela Alves Pereira-Silva
Acta Botanica Brasilica
, 2023, 37: e20230027
Based on morphological characters the new species
is classified in Dalechampia sect. Dioscorifoliae Pax &
K.Hoffm. by the leaves simples, lobed or palmately
compound, involucral bracts pinkish, staminate bracts 4,
free, resiniferous gland with margin mbriate and seeds
rugose (Webster & Armbruster 1991). Regional oras
and taxonomic studies have contributed to improve the
knowledge of the section Dioscoreifoliae in Brazil (e.g.,
Pereira-Silva et al. 2016; 2018; 2019; 2020; Athiê-Souza
et al. 2019; Mendes et al. 2021).
Dalechampia seccoi is vegetatively similar to D. alata
Müll.Arg., D. erythrostyla R.A. Pereira-Silva & A.L. Melo,
D. pentaphylla Lam., D. violacea Pax & K.Hoffm. and
D. purpurata Cordeiro, however it is distinguished by unique
reproductive characters. Here we describe, illustrate and
present images of D. s eccoi, including a distribution map,
preliminary assessments of the conservation status,
identication key and table with main diagnostic characters
of the most similar species of Dioscoreifoliae section.
Material and methods
e specimens were collected during eld expeditions in
2017 and 2020 in an enclave of Seasonal Semideciduous Forest,
which composes the Parque Estadual Cachoeira da Fumaça. e
specimens of the new species were studied in the eld and in
CAP, MBML and PEUFR herbaria (acronyms according to iers
2023 [continuously updated]). Specimens were analyzed and
photographed with a stereomicroscope (ZEISS Stemi 305). e
morphological descriptions followed Webster and Armbruster
(1991) and Beentje (2010) terminology. e distribution map
was generated in QGis v. 2.18.2 (QGIS Development Team
2017). e preliminary conservation status was assessed
according to the IUCN guidelines and criteria (IUCN 2022).
e online geospatial conservation assessment tool (GeoCat)
was used to calculate the area of occupancy (AOO), with a
user-dened cell of 4 km² (Bachman et al. 2011).
Taxonomic treatment
Dalechampia seccoi J.C.R. Mendes & Pereira-Silva, sp. nov.
Type: BRAZIL, Espírito Santo: Alegre, Parque Estadual
Cachoeira da Fumaça, 20°37'54"S, 41°36'13"W, 660 m,
01 Aug 2017, , fr, F. Torres-Leite, C.T. Leite, A.T. Vieira
& P.M. Amaral 560 (holotype: CAP [CAP00007335!]).
(Figs 1, 2 and 3; Table 1)
Dalechampia seccoi is recognized by its involucral bracts
4−5-lobed, pinkish, with magenta veins; staminate column
elongated beyond the sepal tips after anthesis; staminate
sepals widely lanceolate, vinaceous; style tips not moderately
down-curved and stigma crateriform to slightly lobed,
yellow; pistillate sepals 12, pinnatid; 4 bracteoles of
staminate pleiochasium, deltoid to oblong, free; resiniferous
gland with margin mbriate, and resin secreted darkish;
and seeds grayish with macules brownish.
Table 1. Comparison of morphological characters for Dalechampia seccoi and related species.
Character D. seccoi D. alata D. erythrostyla D. pentaphylla D. purpurata D. violacea
Leaves simple, deeply
simple, deeply
simple, deeply
5-lobed compound, 5-foliolate compound,
simple, deeply
Shape involucral
bracts 4−5-lobed 3-lobed 3-lobed 5 (‒3)-deeply lobed 3-lobed deeply 3-lobed
Color of involucral
bract pinkish greenish greenish greenish magenta pinkish
Color veins of
involucral bracts magenta greenish greenish greenish reddish greenish to pinkish
Shape of bracteal
stipules lanceolate lanceolate lanceolate deltoid lanceolate ovate
color of staminate
sepals vinaceous greenish pinkish greenish dark purple not seen
Openness of
staminate sepals widely open not seen widely open slightly open widely open not seen
Color of resin darkish not seen dark green yellowish darkish not seen
Color of stigma yellow greenish reddish greenish greenish reddish
Seeds oblong, rugose not seen subglobose, rugose globose, smooth angled not seen
distribution Southeastern Northeast,
Southeastern Northeast
Paraguay and Brazil
(Central-West, Northeast,
Southeastern and South)
Northeast Central-West
Dalechampia seccoi (Euphorbiaceae), a threatened new species from Southeastern Brazil
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Acta Botanica Brasilica
, 2023, 37: e20230027
Figure 1. Dalechampia seccoi. A. Habit. B. General view of habit with pseudanthium. C–D. Pseudanthium with the two involucral
bracts 4−5-lobed, showy, pinkish. E. Detail of staminate pleiochasium, and resin secreted darkish. F. Detail of pistillate cymule, and
stigma crateriform to slightly lobed. G. Fruits (capsule). (Photographs: A, B, C, E, F. André S. Pellanda; D. Filipe Leite; G. Karla Pedra).
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Jone Clebson Ribeiro Mendes, Josimar Külkamp, Narcísio Costa Bigio, Filipe Torres-Leite and Rafaela Alves Pereira-Silva
Acta Botanica Brasilica
, 2023, 37: e20230027
Twining vines, stems 3−4 mm diam, terete, greenish,
glabrescent to glabrous. Leaves simple, alternate; petiole
4−6 cm long, greenish; petiolar stipule 2−3 × 1−2 cm,
lanceolate, base truncate, margin entire, ciliate, glabrescent;
leaf blade 6.5−13.5 × 6−13 cm, deeply 5-lobed; lobe 6.5−13
× 1−2 cm, elliptic, base acute, apex acute, margin entire,
without glandular trichomes, adaxial and abaxial surfaces
glabrous; venation eucamptodromous, primary veins
4−5; stipels 1‒1.5 × ca. 0.3 mm long, linear to lanceolate,
persistent, associated with glands. Inorescence bisexual
pseudanthium, axillary, solitary, ca. 10 cm long, peduncle
ca. 11 cm long, glabrous; involucral bracts ca. 5.5 × 3 cm,
4‒5-lobed, lobe acute at apex, pinkish, margin serreate,
membranaceous, adaxial and abaxial surfaces glabrescent,
Figure 2. A. Dalechampia seccoi in watercolor painting (Made by Cássia Dias).
Dalechampia seccoi (Euphorbiaceae), a threatened new species from Southeastern Brazil
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Acta Botanica Brasilica
, 2023, 37: e20230027
Figure 3. Dalechampia seccoi. A. Habit. B. Detail of the insertion of the base of the leaf blade. C. Detail of the bracteal stipule.
D. Pseudanthium. E. Staminate ower. F. Pistillate ower (pinnatid sepals and stigma crateriform to slightly lobed). G. Fruit.
H. Seed. (Voucher: F. Torres-Leite et al. 560 [holotype]). Drawn by Felipe Martins.
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Jone Clebson Ribeiro Mendes, Josimar Külkamp, Narcísio Costa Bigio, Filipe Torres-Leite and Rafaela Alves Pereira-Silva
Acta Botanica Brasilica
, 2023, 37: e20230027
primary veins 5, magenta; bracteal stipule ca. 7 × 5 mm,
lanceolate, base truncate, apex acute, margin entire,
without glandular trichomes, adaxial and abaxial surface
glabrous. Staminate pleiochasium with 4 bracteoles, ca.
5-owered, peduncle ca. 3 mm long; staminate bracteoles
7−8 × 7−8 mm, deltoid to oblong, free; gland composed
of numerous resiniferous bractlets, ca. 8 × 7 mm, margin
mbriate, isolated beside the staminate owers; resin
secreted darkish, over all the resiniferous bractlets.
Staminate owers ca. 6 mm long; sepals 6, ca. 2 × 1 mm,
widely lanceolate, vinaceous; staminate column elongated
beyond the sepal tips after anthesis; stamens more than
30; bithecate anthers. Pistillate cymule 3-owered, sub-
sessile, glabrous; pistillate bracteoles 1−3, 2–3 × 2.5–4
mm, widely ovate to very widely ovate, margin irregular
to ciliate, without glandular trichomes. Pistillate owers
0.7−1.1 cm long, pedicel sub-sessile; sepals 12, free, 5–7
× ca. 1 mm, pinnatid, pubescent to villous, margin with
eglandular trichomes, sparse; ovary ca. 0.5 × 0.5 mm,
trilocular, glabrous; stylar column 0.7−1.2 × ca. 0.1 cm,
greenish; style tips not moderately down-curved, stigma
crateriform to slightly lobed, yellow. Capsule ca. 1 × 1.3−1.5
cm, dark brown, glabrous, sepal in fruit 1−1.2 × ca. 0.05
cm, columella ca. 0.5 cm long. Seeds ca. 5 × 5 mm, oblong,
rugose, grayish, macules brownish.
Distribution ‒ Dalechampia seccoi is recorded until
this moment to the municipality of Alegre, Espírito Santo,
Southeast Brazil, specically in the Parque Estadual da
Cachoeira da Fumaça (PECF), see Figure 4.
Habitat and ecology ‒ The species occurs in
Semideciduous Seasonal Forest vegetation, growing in edge
areas in hillside forests with altitudes ranging from 663 to
700 m (Fig. 4). According to Borges and Azevedo (2017)
the PECF is compose by several phytophysiognomies, such
as rocky vegetation, herbaceous swamp, fragments in the
initial, medium and advanced stage of regeneration, exotic
vegetation and agriculture areas. In addition, the presence of
several exotic species, with high invasive potential, present
threats to the conservation of native species of the PECF
vegetation that has environments in regeneration.
Due to the vegetational similarity, we believe that the
species also occur in other isolated forest areas along the
Caparaó region. New expeditions should be conducted to
better explore the region in search of new records, mainly in
the Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural da Cachoeira
da Fumaça in the municipality of Ibitirama, located close
to the area where the species occurs.
Phenology ‒ Dalechampia seccoi was collected with
owers in August and November and with fruits in August.
Etymology ‒ e specic epithet honors Dr. Ricardo de
S. Secco, renowned botanist at the Museu Paraense Emílio
Goeldi, who contributes signicantly to knowledge of the
Amazonian ora, as well as of the whole of Brazil, specically
the Euphorbiaceae family, and who greatly assists in the
formation of stimulating human resources Euphorbiologists.
IUCN preliminary conservation assessment ‒
Dalechampia seccoi is known for only two records in the
same locality, with an area of occupancy (AOO) of 4 km² in
which habitat fragmentation is the main threat observed.
e fragmentation indicates a decline in habitat quality and
a decline in extent of occurrence and area of occupation. e
unique known populations are protected by the PECF, which
is a conservation unit, but not fully protected because tourist
activities are allowed. Based on the geographic criteria B1ab
(i,ii,iii) and knowing the threats, we propose that if a formal
assessment were performed D. s eccoi would probably be
evaluated as Critically Endangered (CR).
Additional material examined (paratype). BRAZIL.
Espírito Santo: Alegre, 20°37'25"S, 41°36'21"W, 663 m,
21 Nov 2020, , J.C.R. Mendes et al. 790 (MBML, PEUFR).
Key to Dalechampia seccoi and morphologically similar species
1. Involucral bracts pinkish to magenta ............................................................................................................................... 2
1'. Involucral bracts greenish ................................................................................................................................................ 4
2. Leaves compound (3-foliolate); pistillate sepals pinkish ........................................................................... D. purpurata
2'. Leaves simple (deeply 5-lobed); pistillate sepals light green ......................................................................................... 3
3. Involucral bracts 4−5-lobed; stigma yellow; restricted geographic distribution to Southeastern ................... D. seccoi
3'. Involucral bracts deeply 3-lobed; stigma reddish; restricted geographic distribution to Central-West ..... D. violacea
4. Leaves compound (5-foliolate); involucral bracts 3-5 lobed; bracteal stipule deltoid; pistillate sepals 6, entire ............
..................................................................................................................................................................... D. pentaphylla
4'. Leaves simple (deeply 5-lobed); involucral bracts exclusively 3-lobed; bracteal stipule lanceolate; pistillate sepals 12,
pinnatid or laciniate ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
5. Staminate sepals greenish; stigma clavate, greenish in the upper half of the stylar column after pollination .... D. alata
5'. Staminate sepals pinkish; stigma slightly lobate, reddish in the upper half of the stylar column after pollination .....
................................................................................................................................................................... D. erythrostyla
Dalechampia seccoi (Euphorbiaceae), a threatened new species from Southeastern Brazil
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Acta Botanica Brasilica
, 2023, 37: e20230027
Figure 4. Distribution map of Dalechampia seccoi, represented by red triangle in Espírito Santo state (Brazil).
Taxonomic notes for D. seccoi and related species:
a morphological inference
Currently, the section Dioscoreifoliae comprises 26
species (Webster & Armbruster 1991; Athiê-Souza et
al. 2019), which present morphological variation in the
leaves being simple (unlobed and palmately lobed) and
compound. However, the three types rarely coexist in the
same species, as occurs in Dalechampia sect. Dalechampia
and Dalechampia sect. Tiliifoliae G.L. Webster & Armbr.
(Webster & Armbruster, 1991). In addition, the section
Dioscoreifoliae presents involucral bracts diverse in
Template: Editora Letra1 | www.editoraletra1.com.br
Jone Clebson Ribeiro Mendes, Josimar Külkamp, Narcísio Costa Bigio, Filipe Torres-Leite and Rafaela Alves Pereira-Silva
Acta Botanica Brasilica
, 2023, 37: e20230027
color, but the most are pinkish, magenta or purplish, as
D. aristolochiifolia Kunth, D. colo rata (Pereira-Silva et al.
2018), D. cujabensis Müll.Arg., D. dioscoreifolia Poepp.
(Mendes et al. 2020), D. erythrostyla, D. magnoliifolia Müll.
Arg., D. purpurata, and D. violacea, for example.
e section Dioscoreifoliae is subdivided into ve informal
groups, named 1 to 5 that are dierentiated by the shape of
leaves and number of pistillate sepals (6−12, entire, bid,
laciniate or pinnatid), as well as the shape of stylar column
apex, including the texture of seeds (Webster & Armbruster
1991). We analyzed the ve informal groups, and based in
morphological data, here D. s eccoi is included in the group
4, mainly due the number and shape of pistillate sepals (12,
pinnatid) and stylar column apically dilated.
Dalechampia seccoi was mentioned as possible new
species in Mendes et al. (2022) can be confused with
D. alata, D. erythrostyla, D. pentaphylla, D. purpurata and
D. violacea by the involucral bracts pink, magenta or
purplish (Table 1 and Figure 5A–F). Dalechampia seccoi,
D. alata and D. erythrostyla are similar by the leaf blades
deeply 5-lobed but can be distinguished by the involucral
bracts 4−5-lobed, pinkish (Fig. 5A), staminate sepals
vinaceous and stigma yellow [vs. involucral bracts 3-lobed,
green in D. alata and D. erythrostyla, staminate sepals and
stigma green in D. alata (Fig. 5B) and staminate sepals
pinkish and stigma green and becoming reddish in the
upper half in D. erythrostyla after pollination (Fig. 5C)]
(see Pereira-Silva et al. 2016).
Although Dalechampia pentaphylla, D. purpurata and
D. violacea compound present leaves (3–5-foliolate) they
also can be confused with D. seccoi (leaves deeply 5-lobed).
erefore, the new species can be dierentiated from
Figure 5. Involucral bracts of congeneric species with deeply 5-lobed or 3-5-foliolate leaves belonging to the Dioscoreifoliae section.
A. Dalechampia seccoi. B. Dalechampia alata. C. Dalechampia erythrostyla. D. Dalechampia pentaphylla. E. Dalechampia purpurata.
F. Dalechampia violacea. (Photographs: A. Filipe Leite; B. João Zorzanelli; C‒F. Rafaela Pereira-Silva; D. Felipe Amorim; E. Eduardo Saar).
Dalechampia seccoi (Euphorbiaceae), a threatened new species from Southeastern Brazil
Template: Editora Letra1 | www.editoraletra1.com.br
Acta Botanica Brasilica
, 2023, 37: e20230027
D. pentaphylla (Fig. 5D) by having involucral bracts
4−5-lobed, pinkish and 12 pistillate sepals pinnatid
(vs. involucral bracts 5 (−3)-deeply lobed, greenish and
6 pistillate sepals entire, respectively). e colors of the
involucral bracts of D. purpurata (Fig. 5E) and D. violacea
(Fig. 5F) are similar to D. seccoi that diers of D. purpurata
by having involucral bracts 4−5-lobed, pinkish, staminate
sepals vinaceous and stigma yellow (vs. involucral bracts
3-lobed, magenta, staminate sepals dark purple and stigma
greenish, respectively).
Dalechampia violacea differs of the new species by
presenting involucral bracts deeply 3-lobed, pistillate
sepals fimbriate, stylar column and stigma reddish.
The pistillate sepals of D. violacea have an irregularly
dentate apex and never lobed, which we treat here as
fimbriate. Even so, worth mentioning that stigmatic
surface of Dalechampia can be useful to differentiate
some species according to Webster & Armbruster (1991),
in some representatives, the style column is notable
for having longitudinal bands of stigmatic surfaces
running halfway or more towards the base. In the case of
D. erythrostyla (Pereira-Silva et al. 2016) and D. violacea
(Mendes et al. 2020) these stigmatic surfaces run up to
the middle of the stylar column and become reddish.
While in other species of the section, as in D. seccoi,
the longitudinal bands of the stigmatic surfaces can
be shorter and yellow in color.
Another important aspect among the species correlated
to D. se cc oi is the geog raphic distribution, where D. pentaphylla
has a wide distribution in Brazil (Central-West, Northeast,
Southeastern and South), reaching Paraguay and D. alata
occurs in Northeast and Southeastern of Brazil (Webster
& Armbruster 1991; Mendes et al. 2022). Dalechampia
seccoi, D. erythrostyla, D. purpurata and D. violacea present
a restrict geographical distribution in the country, being
D. s eccoi in the Southeastern region, while D. erythrostyla
and D. purpurata are listed to the Northeast, and D. violacea
to the Central-West.
We thank Professor Dra. Karla Maria Pedra from Instituto
Federal do Espírito Santo for valuable information about
the plant in the eld. e authors are also grateful to the
excellent illustrator Cássia Dias Atelier Herbolarium for
providing the watercolor drawing; and Felipe Martins, for
the ink illustration.
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