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Implications of Intrinsic Motivation and Mindset on Learning



This study looks at the Implications of intrinsic motivation and mindset on the learning process. Intrinsic motivation refers to doing something for the sake of intrinsic satisfaction and personal interest rather than for external rewards. Mindset, on the other hand, refers to a person's beliefs about intelligence, abilities, and the malleability. The study looks into the connection between intrinsic motivation, mindset, and learning. Learners develop intrinsic motivation as a result of a growth mindset. The study insights into how intrinsic motivation and mindset influence learning outcomes and educational experiences through a review of relevant literature. These factors' impacts on student engagement, self-efficacy, and successful learning strategies are examined. The findings highlight the significance of developing intrinsic motivation and a growth mindset in order to maximise the learning process and support academic achievement.
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Talent Research Institute
(Gov. Registered Institute under Society Act, New Delhi)
Implications of Intrinsic Motivation and Mindset on Learning
Chandan Suman
Department of Foreign Language, Faculty of Arts, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
This study looks at the Implications of intrinsic motivation and mindset on the learning process.
Intrinsic motivation refers to doing something for the sake of intrinsic satisfaction and personal interest
rather than for external rewards. Mindset, on the other hand, refers to a person's beliefs about
intelligence, abilities, and the malleability. The study looks into the connection between intrinsic
motivation, mindset, and learning. Learners develop intrinsic motivation as a result of a growth mindset.
The study insights into how intrinsic motivation and mindset influence learning outcomes and
educational experiences through a review of relevant literature. These factors' impacts on student
engagement, self-efficacy, and successful learning strategies are examined. The findings highlight the
significance of developing intrinsic motivation and a growth mindset in order to maximise the learning
process and support academic achievement.
Keywords: Intrinsic Motivation, Mindset, Academic Achievement, Student Engagement, Self-
Efficacy, Effective Learning Strategies, Educational Psychology, Growth-Oriented Mindset
1. Introduction:
Intrinsic motivation and mindset are two significant factors that have attracted attention in the
field of educational psychology due to their implications for learning outcomes and academic
achievement (Bedford, 2017; Xu et al., 2021). Intrinsic motivation relates to engaging in an
activity for its inherent satisfaction and personal interest, whereas mindset refers to an
individual's beliefs about intelligence, abilities, and their malleability. The interaction between
intrinsic motivation and mindset in the learning process has major consequences for student
engagement, self-efficacy, successful learning , and the formation of a supportive learning
environment (Ng, 2018; Sochan, 2012).
Understanding the impact of intrinsic motivation and mindset in learning is critical for fostering
positive educational results. Intrinsic motivation helps students to participate in learning
activities that are motivated by curiosity, competence, and autonomy rather than just by
external rewards or pressures. Students that are intrinsically motivated are more likely to
actively engage in their learning, seek challenges, and persevere in the face of difficulty. This
motivation is connected to higher academic achievement because it develops a strong sense of
excitement and dedication to the learning process (Barron & Harackiewicz, 2000; Elliot &
Harackiewicz, 1996a, 1996b; Rawsthorne & Elliot, 1999).
The distinction between a growth-oriented mindset and a fixed mindset, in particular, has
significant implications for learning. People who have a growth mindset believe that
intelligence and abilities can be developed via hard work, successful strategies, and feedback.
They perceive obstacles as chances for growth, see effort as a means to mastery, and show
resilience when confronted with setbacks. Individuals with a fixed mindset, on the other hand,
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Talent Research Institute
(Gov. Registered Institute under Society Act, New Delhi)
feel that intelligence and abilities are fixed attributes that cannot be considerably enhanced.
Throughout lifelong learning, the growth mindset maintains intrinsic motivation, whereas the
fixed mindset employs extrinsic drive. Effective learning strategies, such as goal planning and
metacognitive skills, can help students become independent learners and increase their intrinsic
motivation. Dweck (2017) demonstrated that mindset is closely related to motivation theories.
Although Wigfield and Wagner (2007) added that the relationship between motivation and
academic achievement has been considered one-directional, with motivation influencing
academic achievement, Deci et al. (2001) and Dweck & Master (2009) have posited that
motivation and achievement have a reciprocal relationship, whereby academic successes and
failures impact motivation and motivation in turn impacts achievement (Saunders, 2013). Fixed
mindsets can impede learning and academic performances by reducing people's willingness to
take chances, accept challenges, and persevere in the face of adversity.
In the learning process, the combination of intrinsic motivation with a growth mindset creates
a powerful synergy (Bieg et al., 2011; Ng, 2018). Students who are intrinsically motivated and
believe in their ability to progress are more likely to engage in effective learning strategies, set
challenging goals, and work hard to overcome obstacles. This combination promotes self-
efficacy, or belief in one's own ability to succeed, which improves learning outcomes and
academic accomplishment (Deci & Ryan, 1985; Di Domenico & Ryan, 2017; Miller et al.,
Furthermore, cultivating intrinsic motivation and creating a growth-oriented attitude requires
the establishment of a helpful learning environment. Giving students opportunity for autonomy,
mastery, and relatedness is part of creating a supportive learning environment. Autonomy gives
students a sense of control and ownership over their learning, while mastery implies presenting
challenging tasks and opportunities for skill development, and relatedness highlighted the role
of positive and meaningful relationships between students and teachers, as well as among peers.
A positive classroom environment enables students to take risks, seek feedback, cooperate with
others, and cultivate a growth attitude (Golightly, 2021; Huang et al., 2019; Müller & Louw,
2004; Velayutham et al., 2013; Zher Huey & Hussain, 2010).
The objective of this study is to investigate the effects of intrinsic motivation and mindset on
the learning process. It investigates the link between these variables and academic
achievement, student engagement, self-efficacy, and effective learning strategies. Educators
and stakeholders may develop instructional approaches and supportive learning environments
that enhance student learning experiences and nurture academic achievement by understanding
the relationship between intrinsic motivation, mindset, and learning. The paper finishes with
ideas for incorporating intrinsic motivation and mindset principles into educational methods in
order to enhance good learning outcomes and foster students' holistic development.
2. Mindset and intrinsic motivation:
Deci and Ryan (1985) discovered that intrinsic motivation is increased when people regard
their abilities as changeable and subject to improvement, which corresponds to the concept of
a growth mindset. Dweck and Leggett (1988) conducted study that found a link between
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Talent Research Institute
(Gov. Registered Institute under Society Act, New Delhi)
mindset and intrinsic motivation, implying that those who have a growth mindset are more
likely to have higher levels of intrinsic motivation. They discovered that people with a growth
mindset were more likely to be motivated by intrinsic factors. Individuals with a growth
mindset were found to have higher levels of intrinsic motivation in a study conducted by Ryan
and Deci (2000). They went on to say that intrinsic motivation, or engaging in an activity for
the sake of enjoyment and personal fulfilment, is positively connected with a growth mindset.
Students with a growth mindset have higher levels of intrinsic motivation than those with a
fixed mindset, according to Blackwell, Trzesniewski, and Dweck (2007). According to the
findings of Haimovitz and Dweck (2016), students who have a growth mindset had higher
intrinsic motivation for academic work.
Intrinsic motivation and growth mindset:
Deci, Vallerand, Pelletier, and Ryan (1991) discovered that intrinsic motivation is positively
associated to the belief in personal progress and improvement, which is consistent with the
concept of a growth mindset. Dweck (2000) discovered that those with a growth mindset have
higher levels of intrinsic motivation. Grant and Dweck (2003) discovered that people with a
growth mindset are more likely to have a strong sense of intrinsic motivation. According to
Blackwell, Trzesniewski, and Dweck (2007), students with a growth mindset have higher levels
of intrinsic motivation than those with a fixed mindset. They discovered that pupils with a
growth mentality have higher levels of intrinsic motivation than those with a fixed mindset.
According to Dweck (2012), a growth mindset is related with intrinsic motivation and a desire
to learn. Yeager and Dweck (2012) discovered that students with a growth mindset were more
likely to have higher levels of intrinsic motivation and a passion for learning in their study.
According to Haimovitz and Dweck (2016), students with a growth mindset have higher
intrinsic motivation for academic work. According to Haimovitz and Dweck (2016), students
that have a growth mindset have more intrinsic drive to complete academic objectives.
Intrinsic motivation and fixed mindset:
Individuals with a fixed mindset, according to Dweck and Leggett (1988), have a lower
tendency toward intrinsic motivation. Mueller and Dweck (1998) found that people with a fixed
mindset had lower levels of intrinsic motivation due to their fear of failure. Mueller and Dweck
(1998) observed that people with a fixed mindset have lower levels of intrinsic motivation and
may avoid difficult tasks to protect their self-image. Individuals with a fixed mindset are less
likely to display high levels of intrinsic motivation, according to Dweck (2000); the study
indicated that individuals with a fixed mindset were more likely to exhibit lower levels of
intrinsic motivation. Furthermore, Dweck and Molden (2005) stated that a fixed worldview is
related with a decreased sense of identity. Persons with a fixed mindset, according to Dweck
(2000), are less likely to display high levels of intrinsic motivation; the study found that
individuals with a fixed mindset were more likely to exhibit lower levels of intrinsic
motivation. Furthermore, Dweck and Molden (2005) found that a fixed mindset is connected
with a lower sense of intrinsic motivation and a lower willingness to engage in difficult tasks.
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Talent Research Institute
(Gov. Registered Institute under Society Act, New Delhi)
According to Blackwell, Trzesniewski, and Dweck (2007) research, students with a fixed
mindset have lower levels of intrinsic motivation than those with a growth mindset. They
discovered that students with a fixed perspective have lower levels of intrinsic motivation than
those with a growth mindset. Burnette, O'Boyle, VanEpps, Pollack, and Finkel (2013)
discovered that those with a fixed mindset had lower intrinsic drive and enjoyment in their
jobs. They discovered that people with a fixed attitude were less likely to have intrinsic
motivation and were more likely to rely on external rewards.
3. Intrinsic Motivation and Learning:
The concept of intrinsic motivation, as well as its characteristics, are vital in the learning
process. It investigates the intrinsic satisfaction and personal interest associated with activities
driven by curiosity, competence, and autonomy. Previous research has indicated that intrinsic
motivation has a positive impact on student engagement and academic attainment (Jovanovic
& Matejevic, 2014; Katsuhisa & Masahide, 2009; Kim, 2020). According to the findings of the
study, intrinsic drive is critical in generating deep and meaningful learning (Miller, 2008).
Intrinsic motivation is a powerful force that drives students to actively seek out new
information and take charge of their learning process. When students are intrinsically
motivated, it is because they enjoy learning, are curious, and want to explore and understand
new concepts. This sort of motivation is distinct from external rewards or constraints, and it
has a significant impact on student engagement, effective learning strategies, and academic
achievement (Barron & Harackiewicz, 2000; Elliot & Harackiewicz, 1996b).
Engaging in learning activities that are motivated by intrinsic motivation increases student
engagement. Students become active learners, seeking out new material, asking questions, and
taking charge of their educational experience. They are more likely to show real interest in the
material, participate in conversations, and willingly spend time and effort into learning tasks
(Carreira, 2011; Javed et al., 2022; Kim, 2020; Peiuliauskien, 2020). This increased
engagement not only improves the quality of the learning experience, but it also promotes
improved information retention and deeper comprehension of the content.
The implementation of successful learning strategies is also influenced by intrinsic motivation.
When students are intrinsically driven, they are more likely to use deep learning strategies such
as elaboration, critical thinking, and problem solving. They use active learning strategies, look
for additional resources, and draw connections between new material and past knowledge
(Jovanovic & Matejevic, 2014; Katsuhisa & Masahide, 2009; Kim, 2020; Sengodan & Iksan,
2012). Students that embrace intrinsic motivation become active participants in their learning
process, constantly seeking opportunities for development and progress.
Furthermore, intrinsic motivation improves academic performance. Students that are
intrinsically motivated are more likely to persevere in the face of obstacles and
disappointments. They are more persistent and resilient, considering setbacks as learning
opportunities rather than hurdles to success (Barron & Harackiewicz, 2000; Elliot &
Harackiewicz, 1996b; Rawsthorne & Elliot, 1999). This persistence correlates to greater
academic performance because children are more eager to put up the work required to
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Talent Research Institute
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overcome problems and understand complex subjects. Furthermore, intrinsic motivation
promotes a sense of happiness and fulfilment in the learning process, which leads to improved
satisfaction and higher levels of total academic achievement.
It is crucial to enabling optimal learning outcomes by creating an atmosphere that fosters
intrinsic desire. Teachers can help students develop intrinsic motivation by giving them choices
and autonomy in their learning, allowing them to pursue topics of personal interest, and
aligning learning experiences with their individual passions (Fretz, 2021; Huang et al., 2019;
Müller & Louw, 2004; Velayutham et al., 2013). Moreover, teachers can stress the relevance
and real-world applications of the subject being taught, relating it to the lives and goals of their
students (Sökmen, 2021; Zher Huey & Hussain, 2010). Educators may develop a good and
rewarding learning environment that motivates students to become lifelong learners by
identifying and valuing students' intrinsic motivation.
Intrinsic motivation influences student engagement, effective learning strategies, and academic
achievement during the learning process. Educators may establish a learning atmosphere that
encourages active engagement, resilience, and a real love of learning by cultivating intrinsic
motivation. Recognizing the importance of intrinsic motivation in educational contexts enables
teachers to create instructional approaches and foster a classroom culture that promotes
students' intrinsic motivation, resulting in improved learning experiences and academic
4. Mindset and Learning:
The theoretical foundations of mindset are discussed, with a focus on the difference between
growth mindset and fixed mindset. The impact of mindset on learning is investigated, revealing
how people's beliefs about their intelligence and talents can shape how they handle challenges,
effort, and resilience. Motivation, according to Bandura (1986), is critical in skill development
and habit formation because it determines the beginning, orientation, intensity, and persistence
of activity. Gollwitzer (1999) emphasised the relevance of motivation in habit formation and
maintenance, arguing that motivated people are more likely to engage in repeated actions,
which leads to habit formation (Gollwitzer, 1999). Motivation is described as "the internal or
external reasons that inspire someone to pursue a specific path of action" (Deci & Ryan, 2000).
According to Dweck's (2006) research on mindset, those with a growth mindset are more
inclined to accept difficulties and persistence even in the face of setbacks.
Mindset has a significant impact on learning results. Students who have a growth mindset are
more likely to set difficult goals, actively seek out learning opportunities, and persevere in the
face of failures. They have more self-efficacy, believing in their abilities to change and succeed.
This mindset promotes the use of good learning tactics such as seeking assistance when
necessary, using feedback to guide growth, and employing effective study approaches
(Bedford, 2017; Cooley & Larson, 2018; Hanson et al., 2016; Havard, 2007; Hildrew, 2020).
As a result, kids with a growth mindset achieve greater levels of academic accomplishment and
participate in more in-depth and meaningful learning experiences.
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The influence of mindset on learning outcomes is significant. Students who have a growth
mindset are more likely to establish challenging goals, actively seek out learning opportunities,
and persist in the face of failures. They have a higher feeling of self-efficacy, believing in their
abilities to change and succeed. This mindset promotes the use of good learning strategies such
as seeking help when needed, using feedback to guide growth, and employing effective study
approaches (Bedford, 2017; Cooley & Larson, 2018; Hanson et al., 2016; Havard, 2007;
Hildrew, 2020). As a result, students with a growth mindset achieve better levels of academic
achievement and engage in deeper and more meaningful learning experiences. Lally, van
Jaarsveld, Potts, and Wardle (2010) discovered that motivation is a critical role in forming and
maintaining habits in the setting of habit development. Individuals that are highly motivated
are more likely to participate in consistent and repetitive behaviours, which results in the
creation of habits (Lally et al., 2010). Duhigg's (2012) research also stressed the importance of
motivation in habit formation. Motivation is the initial trigger that prompts someone to
continue an activity until it becomes automatic and habitual.
Integrating mindset theories into educational environments has the ability to modify student
learning. Educators can promote a growth mindset by encouraging students to believe that
intelligence and abilities are changeable and can be developed through hard work and
successful strategies. This can be accomplished by directly teaching students about mindset
and offering opportunities for reflection and self-evaluation. It is critical to cultivate a growth
mindset in the classroom by creating a secure and supportive environment that fosters risk-
taking, rewards, effort, and provides constructive feedback (Bedford, 2017; Cooley & Larson,
2018; Havard, 2007; Suanthong, 2023). Furthermore, rather than focusing solely on outcomes,
educators might stress the process of learning. Educators can shift students' focus from
performance goals to mastery goals by emphasising the importance of effort, patience, and
learning from failures. This fosters a growth mindset in students, who enjoy the learning
process and are motivated by the intrinsic satisfaction of gaining knowledge and skills.
Mindset is critical to learning outcomes and academic achievement. A growth mindset
promotes motivation, resilience, and the application of appropriate learning strategies, all of
which contribute to better learning experiences and academic success. Educators can foster a
growth mindset by encouraging students to believe in the malleability of intelligence and
abilities, fostering a supportive learning environment, and emphasising the importance of effort
and the learning process. Educators may enable students to create a mindset that fosters lifetime
learning and lays the groundwork for continuing growth and achievement by incorporating
mindset ideas into educational practise.
5. The Interplay between Intrinsic Motivation and Mindset:
Intrinsic motivation and mindset are important factors that influence student engagement,
persistence, and overall success in the world of learning and achievement. These two factors
are inextricably linked and interact dynamically, defining the learning experience and
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Talent Research Institute
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Individuals with a growth mindset are more likely to exhibit intrinsic motivation in their
learning activities, according to Dweck (2006) and Lee et al., (2019). Intrinsic motivation,
according to Ryan and Deci (2000) and Blackwell et al. (2007), can impact the formation of a
growth mindset by boosting individuals' belief in their capacity for growth and improvement.
A growth mindset, on the other hand, increases intrinsic motivation by fostering a sense of
purpose, self-efficacy, and love for learning" (Haimovitz & Dweck, 2016; Yeager et al., 2019).
The interaction between intrinsic motivation and mindset is mutually reinforcing. Students that
are naturally driven are more likely to develop a growth mindset. The pleasure and satisfaction
obtained from the learning process foster a belief in one's own capacity for growth and
improvement (Havard, 2007). A growth mindset, in turn, increases intrinsic motivation by
promoting a sense of purpose, self-efficacy, and a willingness to take on challenges. Students
with a growth mindset are more likely to seek out intrinsically rewarding learning opportunities
and persevere in their efforts, especially when faced with challenges (Pueschel & Tucker,
Mindset, on the other hand, can influence intrinsic motivation. Students that have a growth
mindset respect effort and see it as an essential part of the learning process. They recognise that
hard work and effective strategies can help them grow their abilities, resulting in greater feeling
of intrinsic motivation (Metcalf, 2021; Seaton, 2018). Students with a fixed mindset, on the
other hand, may be more prone to relying on external rewards or pressures to stimulate their
learning, as they may assume that their abilities are fixed and not subject to change (Luo, 2021;
Ridley, 2016; Seaton, 2018).
Understanding the interaction between intrinsic motivation and mindset is crucial for educators
and stakeholders who want to create optimal learning environments (Ames, 1992; Bostwick et
al., 2020; Lazarides & Rubach, 2017). Educators can build a beneficial connection that
improves student engagement, persistence, and learning outcomes by cultivating intrinsic
motivation and developing a growth mindset. Strategies such as providing choice and
autonomy, providing hard and relevant learning tasks, and building a supportive and
encouraging classroom climate can all help to create intrinsic motivation as well as a growth
mindset (Ames & Archer, 1988a, 1988b; Kaur & Awang Hashim, 2016; Schraw et al., 1995;
Vassiou et al., 2016).
Intrinsic motivation and mindset are linked aspects that influence the learning process. Intrinsic
motivation drives the desire to engage in learning activities for the purpose of learning, whereas
mindset shapes people's ideas about their intelligence and growth potential. This interaction is
reciprocal, with intrinsic motivation fostering a growth mindset and a growth mindset
improving intrinsic motivation. Educators may create an environment that increases student
engagement, resilience, and eventually leads to improved learning outcomes by identifying and
encouraging this interplay.
6. Implications for Educational Practice:
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It is discussed the consequences of intrinsic motivation and mindset in classroom practices.
Understanding the interaction between intrinsic motivation and mindset has significant
consequences for teaching process. Educators may build a learning environment that
encourages student engagement, motivation, and academic success by adopting strategies and
approaches that foster both intrinsic drive and a growth mindset.
Fostering Intrinsic Motivation: Educators should create learning situations that capitalise on
students' intrinsic motivation. This can be accomplished through infusing real-world
applicability and actual problem-solving possibilities into learning assignments, as well as
fostering student research and curiosity (Bieg et al., 2011; Elliot & Harackiewicz, 1996a,
1996b; Rawsthorne & Elliot, 1999). Educators can increase intrinsic motivation and generate
a sense of ownership and satisfaction in the learning process by aligning instructional activities
with students' interests and passions.
Promoting a Growth Mindset: In the classroom, teachers can clearly teach and foster a growth
mindset. This entails teaching students that intelligence and abilities can be developed via hard
work and successful tactics (Dweck, 2017; Limeri et al., 2020; Rohne, 2015; Wang et al., 2021).
Educators can give explicit feedback emphasising effort, progress, and the importance of
learning from failures. Creating a classroom atmosphere that prioritises growth and
improvement over performance and encourages students to take on challenges can help
students develop a growth mindset.
Emphasizing Effort and Process: Instead, focusing simply on outcomes or grades, educators
should emphasise the importance of effort and the learning process. Teachers can assist children
develop a positive work ethic and a belief in the power of hard work by emphasising the value
of effort, persistence, and resilience (Abuhassàn & Bates, 2015; Glerum et al., 2020; Le &
Wolfe, 2013; Rautiainen et al., 2017). Students might be motivated to continue their learning
journey by celebrating their progress and recognising the gradual steps towards mastery.
Teaching Effective Learning Strategies: Educators can focus on teaching effective learning
strategies and metacognitive abilities to learners. Educators empower students to take control
of their learning process and become independent learners by providing them with strategies
such as goal setting, self-monitoring, self-regulation, and reflection (Ames & Archer, 1988a,
1988b; Aslan & Aktaş, 2020; Dupeyrat & Marin, 2001). Teaching students how to plan,
organise, and manage their time effectively can also improve their capacity to participate in
deep and meaningful learning.
Creating a Supportive Learning Environment: A supportive and inclusive classroom
environment is essential for fostering intrinsic motivation as well as a growth mindset.
Educators should provide a nonjudgmental environment in which students feel safe taking
risks, asking questions, and expressing their thoughts and opinions (Fretz, 2021; Sökmen,
2021; Tas, 2016; Zher Huey & Hussain, 2010). Building meaningful relationships with students
and cultivating a sense of belonging can boost their motivation and involvement in the learning
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Providing Feedback and Encouragement: Educators should give students timely and
constructive feedback that emphasises effort, progress, and specific areas for development.
Feedback should be encouraging and suited to specific student requirements, encouraging a
growth mindset and providing direction for future development. Encouragement and
appreciation of students' hard work and dedication can boost intrinsic motivation and create a
positive learning environment (Ashford & De Stobbeleir, 2013; Carless et al., 2011; Senko &
Harackiewicz, 2005; Zher Huey & Hussain, 2010).
Incorporating these findings into classroom practices has the potential to increase student
engagement, motivation, and academic achievement. Educators may empower students to
become active participants in their own learning, foster a love of learning, and cultivate the
required skills and attitudes for lifelong success through cultivating intrinsic motivation and
developing a growth mindset.
7. Conclusion:
The effects of intrinsic motivation and mindset on learning outcomes and academic
achievement are important. Promoting student engagement, persistence, and the development
of successful learning strategies requires cultivating intrinsic motivation and building a growth-
oriented mindset. The findings highlight the significance of having a supportive learning
environment that fosters intrinsic motivation and growth mindset. Educators play a vital role
in cultivating these factors in order to maximise the learning process and boost academic
The interaction of intrinsic motivation and mindset has major implications for learning,
academic achievement, student engagement, and the development of effective learning
strategies. According to the research, intrinsic motivation, which is driven by personal interest,
curiosity, and the inherent satisfaction obtained from the learning process, is essential in
boosting student engagement, perseverance, and success.
Furthermore, mindset, particularly a growth-oriented mindset, determines how people
approach problems, perceive effort, and react to failures. A growth mindset, defined by the
concept that intelligence and talents can be enhanced by hard work and effective strategies,
develops resilience, a willingness to face challenges, and a dedication to continuous learning
and improvement.
In classroom practices, intrinsic motivation and mindset have significant implications. By
giving choice, relevance, and opportunity for exploration, educators can create learning
experiences that tap into students' innate desire. They can teach and foster a growth-oriented
mindset directly by emphasising effort, progress, and the importance of learning from failures.
Educators can provide a supportive learning environment that emphasizes development and
progress above performance, promotes student involvement, and boosts self-efficacy.
Furthermore, using effective learning strategies such as goal setting, self-regulation, and
metacognitive skills can empower students to take control of their learning process and become
self-directed learners. This, in turn, leads to higher academic achievement, deeper engagement,
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and the development of abilities for lifelong learning. The consequences of intrinsic motivation
and mindset extend beyond the classroom. The relevance of cultivating a growth-oriented
mindset and intrinsic motivation for lifelong learning, personal development, and professional
success is highlighted in this study.
In learning, the interaction between intrinsic drive and mindset is a dynamic and influential
factor. Understanding and implementing the power of intrinsic motivation and a growth
mindset can have a significant impact on student participation, academic achievement, and the
development of effective learning strategies. Educators may build a supportive and empowered
learning environment that promotes a love of learning, resilience, and the quest of continual
development and progress by implementing these ideas into their teaching process.
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... Students who have a positive academic mindset will be more motivated and engaged in the hybrid learning process. This mindset allows them to overcome challenges and obstacles that may arise in hybrid learning [13] [14]. ...
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The purposes of this research were 1) to construct a growth mindset program on improving the ability of teacher professional students to prepare projects 2) to examine the impact of the growth mindset curriculum, and 3) to examine the mental shift that occurs in students who get growth mindset instruction. Four-year education students in two classrooms were split into experimental and control groups at random. The trial phase of a teaching program’s development was used, and data were gathered using research instruments including a project writing test and a mentality evaluation. In the analysis, the independent t-test and one-way ANOVA with repeated measures were utilized as statistics. The study’s results showed that using a growth mindset program, the experimental group’s pre-learning project writing achievements differed from post with a statistical significance of 0.01, its post-learning project writing achievements differed from the control group with a statistical significance of 0.05, and its pre-learning, post-learning, and follow-up mindset changes with mean scores that were not different from each other.
The importance and benefits of developing an intentionally positive school climate are often overlooked as education policy makers focus on accountability mandates that are increasingly control-oriented. Such school reforms often negatively impact the intrinsic motivation of educators and their students, while also unintentionally sabotaging the intended goals of the reform initiatives themselves (Deci & Ryan, 1985).
Drawing on insights from recent academic and practitioner papers on audit data analytics (ADA), this paper explores the opportunities and resources available to auditing educators who are interested in integrating an analytics mindset into their curriculum. The aim is to improve auditing education by facilitating the incorporation of an analytics mindset into the auditing curriculum. This study highlights the impact of ADA on the audit profession and the challenges of applying ADA to the full range of auditing tasks. It also provides a comprehensive summary of readily available educational resources that audit educators can use to update their curriculum and enhance students’ analytics competency.
This monograph investigates the construct of autonomy in eastern settings by reviewing the evidence from debates that originate from both the cultures. Through empirical findings, it helps to look beyond the theories and principles of cross cultural differences. It describes autonomy by focusing on human needs that are innate, universal and essential to all humans, irrespective of their cultural or other differences. We hope that the information provided in this monograph will be insightful for the readers who are interested in the concept of autonomy use in classrooms for better results.
This article used self‐regulated learning as a theoretical lens to examine the individual and interactive associations between a growth mindset and metacognition on math engagement for adolescent students from socioeconomically disadvantaged schools. Across three longitudinal studies with 207, 897, and 2,325 11‐ to 15‐year‐old adolescents, students’ beliefs that intelligence is malleable and capable of growth over time only predicted higher math engagement among students possessing the metacognitive skills to reflect upon and be aware of their learning progress. The results suggest that metacognitive skills may be necessary for students to realize their growth mindset. Thus, growth mindsets and metacognitive skills should be promoted together to capitalize on the mutually reinforcing effects of each, especially among students in socioeconomically disadvantaged schools.