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Journal of Cleaner Production 418 (2023) 138197
Available online 21 July 2023
0959-6526/© 2023 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
MarILCA characterization factors for microplastic impacts in life cycle
assessment: Physical effects on biota from emissions to
aquatic environments
Elena Corella-Puertas
, Carla Hajjar
, J´
ome Lavoie
, Anne-Marie Boulay
CIRAIG, Department of Chemical Engineering, Polytechnique Montr´
eal, 3333 Queen Mary Road, suite 310, Montr´
eal, Qu´
ebec, H3V 1A2, Canada
CIRAIG, Department of Strategy and Corporate Social Responsibility, ESG UQAM, 3333 Queen Mary Road suite, 310, Montr´
eal, Qu´
ebec, H3V 1A2, Canada
Environmental Sciences Institute, UQAM, Pr´
esident-Kennedy Av. 201, Montr´
eal, Qu´
ebec, H2X 3Y7, Canada
Handling Editor: Maria Teresa Moreira
Marine litter
Plastic impacts
Life cycle impact assessment
Fate factor
Effect factor
Plastic degradation
Although plastics emissions pose hazards to ecosystem quality, life cycle assessment (LCA) methodologies do not
yet include quantication of the potential impacts of plastic leakage. To address this gap in LCA, the MarILCA
working group was founded. This work contributes to MarILCAs output by providing characterization factors for
assessing the impacts of aquatic (marine and freshwater) microplastic emissions through the impact category of
physical effects on biota and ultimately the ecosystem quality damage category. First, the existing exposure and
effect factor (EEF) for micro- and nanoplastic emissions in aquatic compartments (Lavoie et al., 2021) is updated
using additional toxicity data, delivering a generic EEF of 1067.5 PAF m
in compartment
. Second, fate factors
(FFs) are developed for eleven different polymers (EPS, PS, PA/Nylon, PP, HDPE, LDPE, PET, PVC, PLA, PHA,
TRWP), three shapes (sphere/microbead, cylinder/microber, microplastic lm fragments) and ve sizes (1, 10,
100, 1000, 5000
m). To calculate the FFs, a detailed degradation model and a simplied sedimentation model
are proposed. Polymer density and size play a major role in the fate, whereas the inuence of the shape is less
relevant. Ultimately, the EEF and FFs are combined to deliver midpoint and endpoint characterization factors
(CFs). Uncertainty is calculated with Monte Carlo analysis. Default and archetype-based CFs are recommended to
LCA practitioners in case the details of emission parameters are not fully known. CFs for 1
m microplastic size
are proposed as interim CFs for nanoplastic emissions. Finally, endpoint CFs are tested in case studies within the
UNEP report Supermarket food packaging and its alternatives: Recommendations from life cycle assessments,
assessing the relative magnitude of potential microplastic impacts compared to complete LCA results. The case
studies conrm that the proposed methodology contributes to lling a gap in LCA and can assist environmental
decision-making on single-use plastics and their alternatives.
1. Introduction
Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a tool commonly used to assist envi-
ronmental decision-making. LCA aims to be holistic and already covers a
variety of impact categories (for example climate change, ozone deple-
tion or water use) that may cause damage to ecosystem quality and
human health as the two main areas of protection. Nevertheless, to date
there is no ofcial LCA methodology for assessing the potential impacts
of plastic emissions to the environment. This limits the applicability of
LCA as a tool for comparing the environmental impacts of different types
of plastic packaging and products, and their alternatives (Woods et al.,
In terms of life cycle inventory (LCI), the Plastic Leak Project (PLP)
proposed guidelines for estimating the plastic leakage of different
sources (macroplastics from plastic waste, microbers from textiles,
microparticles from tire abrasion and microplastic pellets from plastic
production) released into different environmental compartments
(ocean, freshwater, air, soil and other terrestrial compartments)
(Quantis and EA, 2020). Based on the PLP methodology, Loubet et al.
(2021) presented guidelines for plastic losses from shing devices lost at
* Corresponding author. CIRAIG, Department of Chemical Engineering, Polytechnique Montr´
eal, 3333 Queen Mary Road, suite 310, Montr´
eal, Qu´
ebec, H3V 1A2,
E-mail addresses: (E. Corella-Puertas), (C. Hajjar),
(J. Lavoie), (A.-M. Boulay).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Journal of Cleaner Production
journal homepage:
Received 9 December 2022; Received in revised form 3 July 2023; Accepted 20 July 2023
Journal of Cleaner Production 418 (2023) 138197
sea and marine coatings.
In life cycle impact assessment (LCIA), plastic emissions calculated in
LCI are linked with their potential environmental impacts through
characterization factors. To tackle the lack of LCIA methodologies for
plastic emissions, in late 2018 the international working group MarILCA
(MARine Impacts in LCA) was founded, supported by the UN Environ-
ment Life Cycle Initiative and the Forum for Sustainability through Life
Cycle Innovation (FSLCI) (Boulay et al., 2019). In recent years, some
approaches have emerged in parallel to MarILCA, addressing certain
aspects of the LCIA of plastic emissions (Maga et al., 2022; Salieri et al.,
2021; Zhao and You, 2022). These studies enrich this research eld and
will be addressed throughout this work.
The MarILCA framework addresses a variety of impact categories,
some of which are already commonly used in LCA (e.g. human toxicity
or ecotoxicity), whereas others are new (e.g. physical effects on biota)
(Woods et al., 2021). Note that physical effects on biota includes physical
impacts of plastics through external (entanglement, smothering) and
internal (ingestion) pathways; whereas chemical impacts of plastic ad-
ditives are covered separately in the impact category of ecotoxicity
(Tang et al., 2022). Both physical effects on biota and ecotoxicity ulti-
mately cause damage to ecosystem quality.
For the different impact categories, MarILCA aims at developing
characterization factors for emissions of plastics of different sizes
(macro, micro and nano) into different environmental compartments
(marine, freshwater, terrestrial, air) (Woods et al., 2021). In
emission-based LCIA, (midpoint) characterization factors are commonly
modelled with the following structure (Jolliet et al., 2006):
Characterization f actor =Fate factor ×Exposure factor ×Effect f actor (1)
For microplastics, the aquatic exposure and effect factor proposed by
Lavoie et al. (2021) was combined with simplied marine fate factors for
two types of microplastics expanded polystyrene (EPS) and tire and
road wear particles (TRWP) to deliver midpoint and endpoint char-
acterization factors (Corella-Puertas et al., 2022). These characteriza-
tion factors were tested in a case study of to-go food containers
(Corella-Puertas et al., 2022).
As a continuation of Corella-Puertas et al. (2022), the objective of
this work is to provide more advanced characterization factors for
physical effects on biota impacts of aquatic (marine and freshwater)
microplastic emissions of different polymers (EPS: expanded poly-
styrene, PS: polystyrene, PA: polyamide (Nylon), PP: polypropylene,
HDPE: high-density polyethylene, LDPE: low-density polyethylene, PET:
polyethylene terephthalate, PVC: polyvinyl chloride, PLA: polylactic
acid, PHA:, polyhydroxyalkanoate, TRWP: tire and road wear particles),
shapes (sphere/microbead, cylinder/microber, microplastic lm frag-
ments) and sizes (1, 10, 100, 1000, 5000
m). (E)PS, PA, PP, HDPE,
LDPE, PET and PVC are among the most abundant (micro)plastics found
in the marine environment (Alimi et al., 2021; Curren et al., 2021; Li
et al., 2016; Orona-N´
avar et al., 2022; Suaria et al., 2016). PLA and PHA
were selected to cover biodegradablepolymers. TRWP were included
to update the work of Corella-Puertas et al. (2022). The shapes were
chosen based on the most frequently reported microplastic shapes
(Koelmans et al., 2022).
2. Methods
To develop a methodology for quantifying the impacts of micro-
plastic emissions, the following steps are addressed:
1. Exposure and effect factor (EEF) (sections 2.1 and 3.1): Updating the
existing EEF (Lavoie et al., 2021) for nano- and microplastic emis-
sions in aquatic compartments.
2. Fate factors (FFs) (sections 2.2 and 3.2): Proposing FFs addressing
the transport (sedimentation) and degradation of microplastic
emissions in aquatic compartments.
3. Characterization factors (CFs) (sections 2.3 and 3.3): Developing CFs
for assessing the physical effects on biota of microplastic emissions by
combining proposed FFs and EEF, and calculating their uncertainty.
4. Case studies (sections 2.4 and 3.4): Testing the developed CFs in case
studies within the UNEP report Supermarket food packaging and its
alternatives: Recommendations from life cycle assessments(UNEP,
2022) and assessing the relative importance of physical effects on
biota impacts compared to other impact categories.
5. Recommendations for LCA practitioners (section 3.5): Providing
guidance for the application of the proposed methodology.
2.1. Exposure and effect factor
The exposure and effect factor of Lavoie et al. (2021) was updated. In
their methodology, the exposure and effect factor are combined into a
single factor (EEF), with the assumption that the exposure factor is:
XF =1kgbioavailable plastic
kgplastic in compartment
This is a conservative approach that assumes that the total plastic
quantity reaching an aquatic compartment is available for exposure to
organisms. For simplicity, the combined exposure and effect factor was
called effect factor (EF) in Lavoie et al. (2021), but in this work, it will be
called EEF to be more descriptive.
Within the EEFs described in Lavoie et al. (2021), they recommended
their BEST EEF. The BESTEEF was based on chronic EC50 (Effect
Concentration 50%) and LC50 (Lethal Concentration 50%) values and
thus required fewer extrapolations than the ALLEEF, which included
EC50s extrapolated from acute data, NOEC (No Observed Effect Con-
centration) and LOEC (Lowest Observed Effect Concentration) values.
There was only one exception within the BEST EEF: Lavoie et al.
(2021) included one extrapolated value from a chronic LOEC of Dania
rerio, since they were missing a sh species representing secondary
consumers. With this additional data point, their data represented three
trophic levels and thus were compliant with USEtox recommendations
(Fantke et al., 2018).
Since this work focuses on updating the BEST EEF from now on
called just EEF, the literature search concentrated rst on gathering
additional chronic EC50 and LC50 values. In the following months, the
USEtox group (Owsianiak et al., 2023) published new recommendations
for modelling ecotoxicity effects proposing HC20
Concentration for 20% of the based on EC10 equivalent data, EC10:
Effect Concentration 10%) instead of HC50
(Hazardous Concen-
tration for 50% of the species based on EC50 equivalent data). This work
aims to be in line with USEtox recommendations and agrees that EC10
data are closer to environmentally relevant concentrations than EC50
data. Thus, additional research was carried out focusing on EC10 values.
The keywords of the searches can be found in Multimedia component
1. Data from polymers containing additives were discarded, as physical
effects on biota EEFs aim at specically quantifying the effects of the
physical attributes of polymers and not their chemical toxicity. This
work and Lavoie et al. (2021) assume that virgin polymers can best
represent these physical effects. Despite the effort to completely exclude
chemical toxicity effects in this approach, the authors acknowledge that
virgin polymers could contain residual, non-polymerized monomers
which could contribute to toxicity effects. The authors recognize that
this could mean that the impact category physical effects on biota en-
compasses both the physical attributes of polymers and the potential
effects of residual monomers.
The EEF was calculated from HC20
, following the same
methodology as Owsianiak et al. (Owsianiak et al., 2023). The unit of the
EEF is [PAF m
in compartment
] (PAF: Potentially Affected Fraction of
species). The 95% condence interval (CI) calculations followed the
methodology proposed by Lavoie et al. (2021), based on the work of
Payet (2004). The EEF calculations can be found in Multimedia
E. Corella-Puertas et al.
Journal of Cleaner Production 418 (2023) 138197
component 2.
2.2. Fate factors
2.2.1. Marine water
The fate factors (FFs) proposed in this work build on and are an
update to the work published in Corella-Puertas et al. (2022). FFs are
developed for different polymers, sizes and shapes. For the sphere and
microber, the size refers to the diameter, whereas for the lm it refers
to its thickness. The FFs comprise fate mechanisms in a single sub-
compartment of the marine environment, which includes both surface
water and the water column. Ongoing work in the MarILCA working
group will cover other marine subcompartments (onshore beaches and
sediments), as well as make a distinction between continental and global
seawater this goes beyond the scope of this work. Similar to Cor-
ella-Puertas et al. (2022), the FFs comprise the main microplastic fate
mechanisms of degradation and sedimentation. Other microplastic fate
mechanisms include otation, resuspension and advection (Hajjar, C.,
Bulle, C., Boulay, 2020), and will be addressed in future work. Note that
degradation addresses the deterioration of plastics via biological and
chemical pathways which can lead to dissociation into dissolved or-
ganics and ultimately achieve the conversion of organic constituents
into CO
; whereas fragmentation is dened as the breaking of plastics
into smaller plastic particles via mechanical pathways (Grobert et al.,
2020; Pfohl et al., 2022; Woods et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2021). How-
ever, it is challenging to distinguish these two processes experimentally,
and an overall mass losscomprising mass losses through degradation
and fragmentation is often found in the literature (Chamas et al., 2020;
Maga et al., 2022). In this work, we assume that microplastics do not
undergo signicant mechanical abrasion in marine water, and thus
degradation processes dominate their mass loss. This hypothesis is
supported by a recent study proposing and testing a protocol to measure
the fragmentation and degradation rates of microplastics: Pfohl et al.
(2022) found that degradation rates were 12 orders of magnitude
higher than fragmentation rates.
Following the USEtox framework, this work assumes that the marine
water subcompartment is a homogenous box at steady-state. In this case,
FFs can be calculated by inverting the rate constant matrix K (Fantke
et al., 2018; Rosenbaum et al., 2007):
FF = K1(3)
In this work, the rate constant matrix only has one element kwater,total
since there is only one marine water subcompartment and thus delivers
one FF. Since the emission and receiving compartment are the same, this
FF can be interpreted as the total residence time of the microplastics in
the marine water subcompartment (Fantke et al., 2018). The rate con-
stant kwater,total comprises the removal mechanisms of degradation and
kwater,total =kdegradation+ksedimentation (4)
Where kdegradation is the degradation rate constant and ksedimentation is the
sedimentation rate constant, both in [kg
mass loss
in compartment
In this work, degradation rates are polymer-, size- and shape-specic,
whereas sedimentation rates are only polymer-specic. The FFs have a
unit of [kg
in compartment
day)]. The calculations for obtaining
the FFs can be found in Multimedia component 3.
The next sections present the methodology for calculating the marine
microplastic degradation and sedimentation rates. Degradation rates. Based on Chamas et al. (2020), this work
assumes that the degradation of microplastics occurs perpendicular to
their surface, with:
Where dm/dt is the differential mass loss per unit time, SA is the surface
area in [cm
], k
is the specic surface degradation rate (SSDR) in
m/year] and
is the polymer density in [g/cm
]. k
can be found in
the literature for different polymers (Chamas et al., 2020; Maga et al.,
2022). Whereas Corella-Puertas et al. (2022) proposed a simplied
approach in which the surface area of EPS microparticles was constant
over time, this work goes further and looks into how the surface area of
different microparticle types, shapes and sizes changes over time. Below,
the degradation rate is developed for microplastic beads the derivation
of rates for microbers and lm fragments can be found in Multimedia
component 1.
In the approach proposed by Chamas et al. (2020), (micro)plastic
beads are perfectly spherical and thus SA(t) = 4
r2(t). This is a
simplication since microparticles are not necessarily smooth and might
have pores. This is conrmed by a literature review of the specic sur-
face area of different types of microplastics (see Multimedia component
3). This work proposes a surface area correction factor f
, which ac-
counts for polymer surface roughness and porosity. With this correction,
the polymer degradation can be described as:
fCwith fC=SSAactual
Where SSAactual is the actual specic surface area of microparticles
measured experimentally and SSAtheoretical is the specic surface area
calculated for the same mass of perfectly spherical microparticles (see
Multimedia component 3). This correction factor is particularly relevant
for the degradation rate of EPS. So far, the literature only proposes
specic surface degradation rates k
for non-expanded PS (Chamas
et al., 2020; Maga et al., 2022) and none for EPS. Since EPS is expected
to have signicant porosity, representing EPS beads as smooth spheres
would be an oversimplication since experimental data conrms that
the SSA of EPS is up to an order of magnitude higher than the one of PS
(see Multimedia component 3). Therefore, the higher SSA and thus
faster degradation of EPS over PS can be accounted for with the surface
area correction factor.
For the other polymers studied in this work, specic surface degra-
dation rates k
are directly available in the literature (see Multimedia
component 3). The experiments used to determine the specic surface
degradation rates k
of these polymers were mostly performed on
macroplastics. This work assumes that the specic surface degradation
occurring on macroplastics will be similar to the one on microplastics. A
further assumption is that the specic surface roughness of these poly-
mers will be roughly the same for macro- and microplastics. For these
reasons, for all non-expanded polymers studied in this work, the surface
area correction factor is set to fC=1. This factor is varied by 10% in the
Monte-Carlo uncertainty calculations, to consider a potential variability
in the surface area of polymers (see Multimedia component 4).
Next, a degradation rate adapted for LCIA is developed. According to
the theorem of Heijungs (1995), a steady-state approach can be used to
model pulse emissions. At steady state, we can assume that there is a
constant inux of microparticles of radius r
and that degradation
occurs in a way that the total mass of the system M
remains constant.
Over time, the microparticles decrease in size, eventually become
nanoparticles and ultimately the particle mass is completely consumed.
Assuming that the degradation occurs perpendicular to the surface of the
particle at a constant rate, its radius would decrease as follows (Chamas
et al., 2020; Maga et al., 2022):
dt = kSSDR =const.(7)
This would create a uniform distribution of particles of different
radii, as illustrated in Figure A1 in Multimedia component 1. Based on
E. Corella-Puertas et al.
Journal of Cleaner Production 418 (2023) 138197
these assumptions, the mathematical derivation in Multimedia compo-
nent 1 delivers the following degradation rate constants for different
microplastic shapes:
kdegradation,sphere =4kSSDRfc
kdegradation,fiber =3kSSDRfc
kdegradation,film =2kSSDRfc
Where r
is the initial radius of spherical microbeads or microbers, or
half the initial thickness of microplastic lm fragments. Sedimentation rates. Sedimentation rates are proposed for three
classes of polymers: low density (positively buoyant, <0.8 g/cm
such as
EPS), medium density (close to seawater density, 0.81.1 g/cm
such as
HDPE, LDPE, PP and PS) and high density (negatively buoyant, >1.1 g/
such as PA, PLA, PHA, PET, PVC and TRWP). These rates are expert
estimates based on the approach proposed by Corella-Puertas et al.
(2022). Whereas low-density polymers are only expected to sink if
biofouling and/or aggregation occurs, high-density polymers are ex-
pected to sediment within a few months even without biofouling or
aggregation (Corella-Puertas et al., 2022). For medium-density poly-
mers, the sedimentation rates are assumed to be between the
low-density and high-density ones. Due to the uncertainty in the sedi-
mentation behaviours, slow, medium, and fast sedimentation scenarios
are proposed for each polymer density category (see Multimedia
component 3).
2.2.2. Freshwater
According to the PLP guidelines, around 30% of microplastics
emitted into freshwater compartments will be trapped in freshwater
sediments, whereas the other 70% are estimated to be transferred into
marine compartments (Quantis and EA, 2020). This estimation was
based on eld data gathered in 40 sites across various river catchments
in England (Hurley et al., 2018). Recently, Domercq et al.s (2022)
one-year simulations of the fate of microplastics in a generic river
showed that around 90% of high-density microplastics (PVC) accumu-
lated in the rivers sediments, whereas for medium-density microplastics
(PE, PA) less than 20% were trapped in the sediments. Domercq et al.s
(2022) simulations included various fate mechanisms in the river
degradation, settling, resuspension, and burial, among several others.
Based on these observations, the hypothesis that around 70%80% of
microplastics emitted into freshwater are transferred to the ocean might
be reasonable for low and medium-density polymers but less realistic for
high-density polymers.
Relying on the hypothesis that the residence time of microplastics in
freshwater is much shorter than in marine water, the impacts in fresh-
water subcompartments are assumed to be negligible compared to the
impacts in marine water subcompartments. Based on this simplied
approach, this work proposes FFs for emissions to freshwater as 75% of
the FFs for emissions to marine water for low- and medium-density
polymers and 10% for high-density polymers. The resulting freshwater
FFs can be found in Multimedia component 3.
2.3. Characterization factors
2.3.1. Midpoint and endpoint CFs
Following the structure commonly used in LCIA (Bulle et al., 2019;
Hauschild and Huijbregts, 2015; Huijbregts et al., 2016), CFs for physical
effects of biota of microplastic emissions are developed at the midpoint
(problem) and endpoint (damage) levels. Midpoint CFs have units of
[PAF m
], the same as the ecotoxicity impact category
(Bulle et al., 2019; Fantke et al., 2018). Endpoint CFs for damage to
ecosystem quality are calculated as:
Endpoint CF =Midpoint CF SF
Water depth (11)
Where SF is the severity factor in [PDF/PAF] (PDF: Potentially Dis-
appeared Fraction of species) and the water depth is measured in [m]
(Bulle et al., 2019; Corella-Puertas et al., 2022; Fantke et al., 2018;
Jolliet et al., 2003). This water depth denes the size of the aquatic
compartment in which microplastics are potentially causing an effect on
ecosystems. The rationale for the choice of the SF, water depth and their
uncertainties can be found in Multimedia component 4. This CF con-
version is done to arrive at an endpoint in [PDF m
] that is
compatible with other impact categories on ecosystem quality (Bulle
et al., 2019; Jolliet et al., 2003). Additionally, an optional conversion
step can be done to transform the CFs into units that are harmonized
with the upcoming Global Guidance for Life Cycle Impact Assessment
Indicators and Methods (GLAM) Phase 3 methodology (see Multimedia
component 1).
2.3.2. Uncertainty
A Monte Carlo analysis was performed to calculate the uncertainty of
the CFs. The parameters used in the calculations and rationale for the
choice of distributions can be found in Multimedia component 4. The
calculations were done in Python with 5000 iterations. Histograms and
Shapiro-Wilk tests (both on the logarithm of the CF results) conrmed a
log-normal distribution for most CFs see the discussion in 3.3.3 for
more details. Therefore, for the recommended CFs, the geometric mean
of Monte Carlo distribution was chosen and 95% CI were calculated
assuming log-normality. An exemplary Python script for calculating the
CFs and their uncertainties is available in Multimedia component 1.
Although this exemplary script contains specic calculations for EPS, it
can be adjusted with the parameters in Multimedia component 4 to
reproduce the results of different polymers.
2.4. Case studies
The methodology developed in this work was tested on two food
packaging case studies in the context of the UNEP report Supermarket
food packaging and its alternatives: Recommendations from life cycle
assessments(UNEP, 2022). The rst case study compared the potential
impacts of single-use bags for fresh-cut vegetables, made of PP or PLA
(Vigil et al., 2020), whereas the second case study compared single-use
cardboard boxes versus reusable plastic (HDPE or PP) crates for vege-
table and fruit transportation (Abej´
on et al., 2020). Both case studies
originally covered several impact categories, but did not include the
potential impacts of plastic emissions. This work added potential phys-
ical effects on biota impacts at the endpoint level for both studies,
allowing to compare the magnitude of potential impacts of microplastic
emissions to other impact categories.
2.4.1. Life cycle inventory
Two sources of marine (micro)plastic emissions were identied and
quantied following the PLP guidelines (Quantis and EA, 2020): 1. The
leakage of primary microplastics (pellets) at the polymer production
stage; 2. The leakage of macroplastics at the end-of-life stage, which can
fragment into secondary microplastics. The leakage of TRWP from
transportation was out of the scope of this work. Since the region where
plastics are used and discarded is expected to have an inuence on the
macroplastic leakage, the calculations were not only done for the spe-
cic country of the original case study, but also for the following sce-
narios: high-income country, upper-middle-income country,
lower-middle-income country, low-income country. For the fragmenta-
tion of macroplastics into microplastics, scenarios of 10%, 50%, 100%
fragmentation were tested (similar to Corella-Puertas et al. (2022)). The
calculations of the plastic inventory can be found in Multimedia
E. Corella-Puertas et al.
Journal of Cleaner Production 418 (2023) 138197
component 6 and Multimedia component 7.
2.4.2. Life cycle impact assessment
Endpoint CFs for physical effects on biota were applied to the marine
microplastic emissions. Secondary microplastics were approximated as
spherical particles with a diameter of 1000
m for the crates, and
microplastic lm fragments with a thickness of 100
m for the single-use
bags. Note that a preliminary version of the CFs was used in the UNEP
report since the current CFs were not ready at the time of the UNEP
report submission. The preliminary versus nal versions of the CFs and
physical effects on biota impacts are shown in Multimedia component 6
and 7 and discussed in Multimedia component 1.
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Exposure and effect factor
Within the searched publications, 10 suitable, chronic EC50 or LC50
data points were found (7 species and 5 phyla). Yet, as USEtox recom-
mendations regarding the EEF calculations recently changed (see 2.1), a
new search focused on EC10 data but found only 3 data points, which
was not sufcient to generate a recommendable EEF. Joining them with
extrapolated data from Lavoie et al.s (2021) work (LOEC, NOEC and
EC50) delivered an updated EEF of 1067.5 (358.13182.1) PAF
in compartment
(see calculations and details about the selection of
data in Multimedia component 2). As a comparison, the original EEF was
72.9 (7.2736.4) PAF m
in compartment
(Lavoie et al., 2021). Because
of the increase in data points, the uncertainty range of the updated EEF
is smaller (one order of magnitude) than the one of the former EEF (two
orders of magnitude). Despite the new EEF being more than 10 times the
value of the former EEF, the severity factor (see Multimedia component
4) will rebalance things out at the damage level. In fact, multiplying the
EEF and SF values now delivers an endpoint of 26.7 PDF m
instead of the previous 36.5 PDF m
in compartment
ella-Puertas et al., 2022). As the endpoint remains within the same order
of magnitude, this supports its robustness. Furthermore, this example
shows that, when EEF are calculated based on different hazardous
concentrations (HC20
in this work vs. HC50
in Lavoie et al.
(2021)), it is preferable to compare the endpoint level instead of the
midpoint level.
Although Salieri et al. (2021) and Zhao and You (2022) only reported
EEF at the midpoint level for microplastic emissions to freshwater, a SF
can be applied to get to an endpoint level (see Multimedia component
4). Salieri et al.s (2021) EEF of 22.6 PAF m
in compartment
is based on
and would become 11.3 PDF m
in compartment
at the
endpoint, which is in the same order of magnitude as this works result.
Note that Salieri et al.s (2021) did not report an uncertainty for their
EEF, which covers less data points than this work. Zhao and You (2022)
proposed freshwater EEFs for different microplastic emissions, which
spanned over several orders of magnitude depending on the type of
polymer and size (11925380 PAF*m
in compartment
based on
). Since NOEC and EC10 data are expected to be close, the
same SF as this work can be applied in a simplied approach, getting
3635 PDF m
in compartment
at the endpoint for different microplastic
emissions. Note that, for all polymers and sizes except PS <100
the data used by Zhao and You (2022) for calculating their EEFs did not
cover three trophic levels. Furthermore, their study did not exclude
toxicity data of plastics containing additives, and thus their data covered
both physical effects and chemical (additive) effects. Despite the dif-
ferences in the methodologies, this works endpoint lies within the range
of Zhao and Yous (2022).
All in all, the EEF proposed in the present work is generic for all types
of micro- and nanoplastic emissions since there was not enough specic
data to calculate polymer, size or shape-specic EEFs.
3.2. Fate factors
3.2.1. Marine water
FFs were obtained for various polymers, shapes and sizes, as well as
different degradation and sedimentation scenarios (see Multimedia
component 3). In this case, the FFs can be interpreted as the potential
residence time of microplastics in marine water (see 2.2.1). Overall, for
different types of microplastics, the average residence time spans be-
tween 15 days and 3600 years (scenario of medium degradation and
medium sedimentation).
First, the inuence of polymer density and size will be examined in
the example of spherical microplastics. Since the size of microplastics
ranges between 1 and 5000
m (Woods et al., 2021), 5000
m will be
addressed as largemicroplastics and 1
m as smallmicroplastics. To
discuss this inuence of polymer density on the fate, PLA was chosen as
an exemplary high-density polymer, HDPE as a medium-density poly-
mer and EPS as a low-density polymer (see Fig. 1). Note that, within
each polymer density category (see, the FFs were in the same
order of magnitude for same-sized particles. There were exceptions for
small-sized particles (10
m and 1
m): 1) the FFs of medium-density
particles varied up to two orders of magnitude for different polymers
(see Figure A2 in Multimedia component 1) and 2) the FFs of PHA were
up to three orders of magnitude smaller than FFs of other high-density
polymers (see Multimedia component 3). This variability is linked to
the different degradation rates of different polymers the degradation
rate of PHA is particularly high (see Multimedia component 3). As
explained below, degradation mechanisms become particularly impor-
tant for small-sized particles with high specic surface areas.
Overall, higher polymer density is linked with smaller FFs and thus
shorter residence time in the marine water subcompartment. This in-
dicates that sedimentation mechanisms largely inuence marine fate
(see 2.2.1). For large microplastics of high-density polymer (see PLA of
m in Fig. 1), sedimentation occurs so quickly that the residence
time is too small for degradation to have a signicant inuence. Small
microplastics of high density behave similarly, except for the fast
degradation scenario (see PLA of 1
m in Fig. 1). Small microplastics
have a much higher specic surface area and thus degrade much faster
than larger microplastics (see Eqs. (5) and (6)). Therefore, the combi-
nation of a high specic surface area with a high specic surface
degradation rate leads to a signicant inuence of the degradation rate
on the fate of small, high-density polymers.
For medium-density polymers, sedimentation occurs slower than for
high-density polymers. Therefore, in the fast degradation scenario, even
large microparticles have sufcient time to undergo signicant degra-
dation before being removed from the water subcompartment via sedi-
mentation (see HDPE of 5000
m in Fig. 1). For small microplastics with
larger specic surface areas, the inuence of degradation is signicant
across all degradation scenarios (see HDPE of 1
m in Fig. 1).
Low-density polymers have the highest uncertainty, due to large
sedimentation and degradation uncertainties. The overall uncertainty is
four to ve orders of magnitude between the best- and worst-case sce-
narios, for any microparticle size. The degradation uncertainty is related
to the lack of experimental data quantifying the degradation of EPS (see
hypotheses in The sedimentation of low-density polymers is
highly uncertain since these polymers are positively buoyant and can
only sediment through an increase in density, such as through biofouling
or aggregation. Ongoing work is modelling the sedimentation rates of
(low-density) microplastics and is expected to reduce sedimentation
Regarding the inuence of the shape on the FFs, similar trends can be
observed for microbeads/spheres, microbers/cylinders and lm frag-
ments of the same sizes and polymer densities (see Fig. 1, and
Figures A.3 and A.4 in Multimedia component 1). The only difference is
that degradation occurs fastest for spherical microplastics and slowest
for microplastic lm fragments linked to Eqs. 810. Although this
change in degradation rate affects the FFs, this inuence is minor since
E. Corella-Puertas et al.
Journal of Cleaner Production 418 (2023) 138197
the FFs of different shapes remain around the same order of magnitude.
Similar to this work, Maga et al. (2022) proposed FFs for aquatic
(marine and freshwater) microplastics emissions of different polymer
types, shapes and sizes. Their work could not be used directly, with the
following differences found between the two approaches:
1. Sedimentation: Maga et al. (2022)s FFs include a transfer coefcient
to a different environmental compartment (e.g. transfer from marine
water to marine sediments), however, this is not a rate but a nal
transfer percentage. For high-density polymers, this means that their
FF and residence time in water compartments are zero in this work,
these FFs are not zero and are calculated from the degradation and
sedimentation rates. In Maga et al. (2022)s work, low-density
polymers never sediment. In contrast, sedimentation mechanisms
linked to biofouling and aggregation are considered in this work,
thus covering scenarios in which positively buoyant polymers can
2. Degradation: Maga et al. (2022)s model was derived from the
degradation of a single microplastic object (either bead, ber or
lm). Their model, combined with experimental data, was useful for
obtaining specic surface degradation rates for different polymer
types which were implemented in this work (see Multimedia
component 3). The present work goes one step further and proposes a
steady-state approach for modelling pulsed microplastic emissions,
aligned with USEtox methodologies (Fantke et al., 2018).
3. Units: The FFs proposed by Maga et al. (2022) are normalized by a
ctional reference emission with a residence time of one year and
have the unit of [kg
] (PPE: plastic pollution equivalent).
Whereas this might be useful to compare the fate of different poly-
mers, these FF cannot be directly combined with existing EEF to form
4. Time horizon: Maga et al. (2022) reported FFs for different time
horizons (100, 500, 1000 years). This work proposes steady-state FFs
(integrated to innite time). Other time horizons were outside the
scope of this work but could be developed in the future.
3.2.2. Freshwater
FFs for freshwater emissions of microplastics of different polymer
types, shapes and sizes are available in Multimedia component 3. These
freshwater FFs (and ultimately the freshwater CFs) link freshwater
microplastic emissions with their impacts in marine compartments.
Until a more detailed fate model for freshwater emissions is developed,
using these factors assumes that the residence time in freshwater is much
shorter than residence time in marine water (see 2.2.2) which may be
true in some basins and less accurate in others.
In order to test this hypothesis, the proposed marine FFs are
compared to Salieri et al.s (2021) simplied freshwater FFs, which are
based on worst-case hypotheses and account for the degradation of the
microplastics only in freshwater. In this work, most of the medium-case
marine FFs are 23 orders of magnitude larger than Salieri et al.s (2021)
worst-case freshwater FFs, supporting the hypothesis that the residence
time in freshwater is negligible compared to the one in marine water.
There are however two exceptions:
Fig. 1. Fate factors of marine microplastic emissions,
for the impact category of physical effects on biota.
This example shows spherical microplastics of
different polymer types (PLA: high density, HDPE:
medium density, EPS: low density) and sizes (5000
m, 1
m diameters) results of microbers and
microplastic lm fragments can be found in Multi-
media component 1. Different degradation and sedi-
mentation scenarios are tested. Worst-case scenario:
slow degradation and slow sedimentation. Best-case
scenario: fast degradation and fast sedimentation.
E. Corella-Puertas et al.
Journal of Cleaner Production 418 (2023) 138197
1. For the smallest microplastics (1
m), this works medium-case
marine FFs are in the same order of magnitude as Salieri et al.s
(2021) worst-case freshwater FFs. This can be explained by the fact
that Salieri et al.s (2021) degradation rates are based on half-lives of
macroplastics (Chamas et al., 2020), for which the specic surface
area is several orders of magnitude smaller than the one of micro-
plastics and thus are expected to degrade much slower. Therefore,
the comparison between Salieri et al.s (2021) FFs and this works
FFs might be more appropriate for large microplastics that are close
in size to macroplastics.
2. High-density polymers have a shorter residence time in this works
marine FFs than in Salieri et al.s (2021) freshwater FFs. This is not
surprising, since section 3.2.1 showed that sedimentation mecha-
nisms dominate for high-density polymers, and Salieri et al.s (2021)
did not include any sedimentation mechanisms.
3.3. Characterization factors
3.3.1. Midpoint and endpoint CFs
Midpoint and endpoint CFs for physical effects on biota and their 95%
CI are developed for different polymers, shapes, sizes and emission lo-
cations (Fig. 2, Fig. 3 and Multimedia component 5). All CFs are also
available in units that are harmonized with the upcoming GLAM Phase 3
methodology (Multimedia component 1 and Multimedia component 8)
the conversion of units does not alter the trends in physical effects on biota
CFs and thus will not be further discussed here.
A literature review of different polymers and shapes found no TRWP
and EPS in the shape of lms, and thus these CFs are excluded. The
average marine endpoint CFs range between 2.81E-04 and 1.18E-02
for high-density polymers (2.81E-05 to 1.18E-
03 PDF m
for freshwater), between 2.70E-02 and
1.48E+01 PDF m
for medium-density polymers (2.02E-
02 to 1.11E+01 PDF m
for freshwater), and between
7.79E-02 and 4.13E+02 PDF m
for low-density polymers
(5.85E-02 to 3.10E+02 PDF m
for freshwater). Fresh-
water CFs show the same trends as marine CFs, since the former are
calculated as a percentage of the latter (see Fig. 2, and Figure A.5 in
Multimedia component 1). The only dissimilarity is that the difference
between high-density and medium-density CFs is more pronounced for
freshwater CFs, due to the choice in calculations described in 2.2.2.
Overall, the following observations for marine CFs of different polymers,
shapes and sizes are also valid for freshwater CFs. Furthermore,
midpoint and endpoint CFs show similar trends since the midpoint-to-
endpoint conversion is identical for all microplastic types (see Figs. 2
and 3).
A visual comparison of all endpoint CFs for marine microplastic
emissions is shown in Fig. 2. Since there is only one EEF for all micro-
plastic types at this point (see 3.1), the differences in CFs can be directly
attributed to the fate of the microplastics. Therefore, the observations
made for the FFs (see 3.2.1) are also valid for the CFs. Summarizing, the
shape of the microplastics only has a small inuence on the CFs, whereas
polymer density and size play relevant roles (see Fig. 2). High-density
polymers (PA, PHA, PLA, PET, PVC, TRWP) have the lowest CFs and
show little variability the exception is PHA for the sizes of 1 and 10
which have lower CFs linked with remarkably quick degradation (see
3.2.1). For high-density polymers other than PHA, sedimentation dom-
inates the fate, leading to short residence times in the marine water
compartment and thus low CFs. Because degradation plays a secondary
role for these high-density polymers, the particle size does not greatly
affect the CFs in this works model, size inuences degradation but not
sedimentation. The CFs of medium-density polymers (HDPE, LDPE, PP,
PS) are similar for microplastics of 5000
m and 1000
m sizes but show
higher variability for smaller sizes. For smaller microplastics with larger
specic surface areas, degradation becomes more relevant (see 3.2). The
Fig. 2. Endpoint characterization factors (CFs) for physical effects on biota of
marine microplastic emissions, for different polymers, shapes and sizes. The
error bars represent the 95% condence interval. On the y-axis, the polymers
are sorted according to their density (EPS has the lowest density and TRWP the
highest). The microplastic size varies between 5000, 1000, 100, 10 and 1
and is represented by the marker size (e.g. smallest marker =1
m micro-
plastic). For a sphere/microbead and the cylinder/microber, the size refers to
the diameter, whereas for the lm fragment it refers to its thickness. PDF:
Potentially Disappeared Fraction of species.
Fig. 3. Midpoint characterization factors (CFs) for physical effects on biota of
marine microplastic emissions, for different polymers, shapes and sizes. The
error bars represent the 95% condence interval. On the y-axis, the polymers
are sorted according to their density (EPS has the lowest density and TRWP the
highest). The microplastic size varies between 5000, 1000, 100, 10 and 1
and is represented by the marker size (e.g. smallest marker =1
m micro-
plastic). For a sphere/microbead and the cylinder/microber, the size refers to
the diameter, whereas for the lm fragment it refers to its thickness. PDF:
Potentially Disappeared Fraction of species.
E. Corella-Puertas et al.
Journal of Cleaner Production 418 (2023) 138197
degradation rates of different polymers differ, having an inuence on
the CFs of smaller, medium-density polymers. The low-density polymer
(EPS) shows similar behaviour to the medium-density polymers, with
the difference that there is a higher uncertainty for EPS and the CFs span
over more orders of magnitude. This is linked to both high degradation
and sedimentation uncertainties (see 3.2).
3.3.2. Comparison to marine ecotoxicity CFs
To assess the magnitude of the potential damage to ecosystem
quality from physical effects on biota, the marine endpoint CFs obtained
in this work are compared to endpoint CFs for marine ecotoxicity from
ImpactWorld+(Bulle et al., 2019) (Fig. 4). For visual clarity, the
microplastics represented in Fig. 4 are spheres/microbeads. Neverthe-
less, the observations would not change if microbers or microplastic
lm fragments were represented as seen in Fig. 2, the CFs of the three
studied shapes are around the same order of magnitude for the same
polymers and sizes.
Overall, the large variability of physical effects on biota CFs linked
with the polymer and size makes them comparable to a wide range of
USEtox substances. For high-density polymers, the physical effects on
biota CFs are in the range of the lowest marine ecotoxicity CFs. Only
around 3% of the USEtox substances have lower potential damage to
ecosystem quality than most high-density polymers (PHA of 10
m or
smaller size are even lower, at around 1% of USEtox substances). This is
close to the observations of Corella-Puertas et al. (2022) for TRWP (5%
of the USEtox substances). Medium- and low-density polymers are
spread over a large range. The highest physical effects on biota CF is the
largest EPS microbead (5000
m) its average physical effects on biota CF
is higher than 83% of the marine ecotoxicity CFs of USEtox substances.
As a comparison to commonly known substances, the average EPS CFs of
1000 and 5000
m microparticles show smaller potential damage to
ecosystem quality than aldrin but higher than nicotine. The average EPS
CF reported by Corella-Puertas et al. (2022) (2.85E+02 PDF m
) is between the average EPS CFs for 1000
m (7.35E+01
) and 5000
m (3.22E+02 PDF m
microbeads in this work. The former was based on a simplied degra-
dation methodology which could not be adjusted for size or shape, but
had as input the experimental specic surface area of 8302000
microparticles. The observations for TRWP and EPS indicate that the
preliminary, simplied methodology of Corella-Puertas et al. (2022) was
a reasonable rst approach. Now that the updated, polymer-, size-, and
shape-specic CFs are available, these are recommended over the ones
of Corella-Puertas et al. (2022).
3.3.3. Parameter uncertainty
In most LCIA impact categories, information on the uncertainty of
CFs is lacking this limits the inclusion of LCIA uncertainty within LCA
studies (UNEP, 2019). Phase 2 of the Global Guidance for Life Cycle
Impact Assessment Indicators and Methods (GLAM) strongly recom-
mends method developers share sufcient underlying uncertainty in-
formation (UNEP, 2019). To provide uncertainty information for the
impact category of physical effects on biota, the CF uncertainty was
calculated with a Monte Carlo analysis, as described in 2.4 and Multi-
media component 4. This uncertainty addresses parameter uncertainty
, specic surface degradation rates, surface area correction
factors, sedimentation rates, water depth, severity factor).
The CF uncertainty (95% CI) tends to increase with decreasing
polymer density (see Fig. 3 and Multimedia component 5): For high-
density polymers at the midpoint, the uncertainty spans over one order
of magnitude for high-density polymers (except for PHA, for which
uncertainty can reach up to two orders of magnitude, linked with the
uncertainty of its degradability, see Multimedia component 3). For
medium-density polymers at the midpoint, uncertainty ranges between
one to three orders of magnitude (three orders of magnitude are only
reached by smaller particles of 10 and 1
m, linked with degradation
uncertainty). For low-density polymers at the midpoint, uncertainty
reaches two to three orders of magnitude for low-density polymers.
The uncertainty of endpoint CFs is about one order of magnitude higher
than for midpoint CFs (see Fig. 2).
The proposed CFs are based on the geometric mean of the 5000
values generated by Monte Carlo, based on the assumption of a log-
normal distribution. 71% of the all CFs pass the Shapiro-Wilk log-
normality test for the endpoint CFs, the success rate is higher at 85%.
Furthermore, two methods of calculation of the 95% CI are compared:
The rst used the geometric standard deviation and assumed log-
normality, whereas the second is a manual selection of the values
125th and 4975th values generated by Monte Carlo (see Multimedia
component 4). The methods show reasonable agreement (<10% dif-
ference) for 73% of all CFs. Since most CFs match a log-normal distri-
bution, it was deemed reasonable to select the average CFs based on the
geometric mean and calculate their 95% CI from the geometric standard
3.4. Case studies
The LCIA methodology and CFs developed in this work were applied
to two food packaging case studies (see 2.4). The results are presented
and discussed in the report Supermarket food packaging and its
Fig. 4. Endpoint characterization factors (CFs) for
physical effects on biota of marine (spherical) micro-
plastic emissions compared to endpoint CFs for ma-
rine ecotoxicity for all organic chemicals represented
in USEtox (total of 2454 substances, examples of
commonly known chemicals indicated by the ar-
rows). For physical effects on biota CFs, the error bars
represent the 95% condence interval. The micro-
plastic size varies between 5000, 1000, 100, 10 and 1
m, and is represented by the marker size (e.g.
smallest marker =1
m diameter). On the left edge of
the x-axis, all markers of high-density polymers (PET,
PLA, PVC, TRWP) overlap. 2,3,7,8 TCDD: 2,3,7,8-
E. Corella-Puertas et al.
Journal of Cleaner Production 418 (2023) 138197
alternatives: Recommendations from life cycle assessments (UNEP,
2022). The summarized results of the case studies can be found in
Multimedia component 1, F and G. The fact that a preliminary version of
the CFs was used in the UNEP report does not signicantly affect the case
studiesconclusions (see Multimedia component 1). In a nutshell, these
are the key insights from the case studies:
1. The location of plastic use and end-of-life can inuence physical ef-
fects on biota impacts by up to two orders of magnitude. This is linked
with the plastic inventory, and independent of the CFs since the
latter are not regionalized at this point.
2. For this works case studies, physical effects on biota impacts from
microplastic emissions remain smaller than climate change impacts
on ecosystem quality even in the worst-case scenario of high plastic
leakage due to inadequate waste management practices. In a sepa-
rate case study on to-go food containers used and discarded in
Canada (relatively low leakage), EPS results have high uncertainty,
and physical effects on biota impacts could be potentially higher than
climate change impacts in a worst-case CF scenario (Corella-Puertas
et al., 2022; UNEP, 2022). Although for average-case EPS CFs phys-
ical effects on biota impacts remain smaller than climate change im-
pacts, this might change if the food containers were used in a region
with higher plastic leakage.
3. The magnitude of physical effects on biota impacts is polymer
dependent, with the trend PLA <HDPE, PP <EPS. This is in
agreement with the CF trends for polymers of different densities (see
3.3.1 and 3.3.4).
4. In some cases, the concluding performance of product alternatives
could be reversed by the addition of physical effects on biota impacts.
For the example of to-go food containers, the EPS container performs
better than its compostable alternatives without the inclusion of
microplastic impacts. Once physical effects on biota impacts of
microplastic emissions are added, the EPS container becomes com-
parable or worse (depending on the scenario) than the wood pulp
container (Corella-Puertas et al., 2022; UNEP, 2022).
The application of physical effects on biota CFs to case studies is an
example of how this works methodology can be implemented within
LCA. Hopefully, this work will contribute to putting the impacts of
microplastic emissions in perspective of other impact categories and
support decision-making for plastic pollution solutions that avoid
3.5. Recommendations for LCA practitioners
To simplify the application of physical effects on biota CFs for
microplastic emissions, default CFs are proposed (see Table 1). These
default CFs are meant to facilitate the work of LCA practitioners, who
might not have access to an exact description of microplastics emitted.
In case LCA practitioners have detailed information on the microplastic
Table 1
Default physical effects on biota characterization factors (CFs) of aquatic microplastic emissions of different polymer densities (low, medium, high) and shapes
(abbreviated in the table: microbeads/spheres/fragments of unspecied shape, microbers/cylinders, microplastic lm fragments). More specic CFs for different
polymers, shapes and sizes, as well as the CF uncertainties, can be found in Multimedia component 5.
Shape Polymer type Default size Midpoint CFs (PAF*m
) Endpoint CFs (PDF*m
Marine Freshwater Marine Freshwater
Microplastic beads Low-density <0.8 g/cm
m 1.08E+08 8.12E+07 7.35E+01 5.51E+01
Medium-density 0.81.1 g/cm
2.12E+07 1.59E+07 1.44E+01 1.08E+01
High-density >1.1 g/cm
1.74E+04 1.74E+03 1.18E-02 1.18E-03
Plastic microbers Low-density <0.8 g/cm3 10
m 1.53E+06 1.15E+06 1.04E+00 7.79E-01
Medium-density 0.81.1 g/cm
8.90E+06 6.68E+06 6.05E+00 4.53E+00
High-density >1.1 g/cm
1.73E+04 1.73E+03 1.17E-02 1.17E-03
Microplastic lm fragments Medium-density 0.81.1 g/cm
m 1.92E+07 1.44E+07 1.31E+01 9.80E+00
High-density >1.1 g/cm3 1.74E+04 1.74E+03 1.18E-02 1.18E-03
Microplastic beads EPS 1000
m 1.08E+08 8.12E+07 7.35E+01 5.51E+01
HDPE 1.93E+07 1.45E+07 1.31E+01 9.83E+00
LDPE 1.75E+07 1.31E+07 1.19E+01 8.93E+00
PA (Nylon) 1.73E+04 1.73E+03 1.18E-02 1.18E-03
PET 1.74E+04 1.74E+03 1.18E-02 1.18E-03
PHA 1.63E+04 1.63E+03 1.11E-02 1.11E-03
PLA 1.74E+04 1.74E+03 1.18E-02 1.18E-03
PP 1.35E+07 1.01E+07 9.14E+00 6.86E+00
PS 2.12E+07 1.59E+07 1.44E+01 1.08E+01
PVC 1.71E+04 1.71E+03 1.16E-02 1.16E-03
TRWP 1.73E+04 1.73E+03 1.18E-02 1.18E-03
Plastic microbers EPS 10
m 1.53E+06 1.15E+06 1.04E+00 7.79E-01
HDPE 3.85E+06 2.89E+06 2.61E+00 1.96E+00
LDPE 2.41E+06 1.81E+06 1.64E+00 1.23E+00
PA (Nylon) 1.44E+04 1.44E+03 9.78E-03 9.78E-04
PET 1.66E+04 1.66E+03 1.12E-02 1.12E-03
PHA 3.97E+03 3.97E+02 2.70E-03 2.70E-04
PLA 1.73E+04 1.73E+03 1.17E-02 1.17E-03
PP 5.16E+05 3.87E+05 3.50E-01 2.63E-01
PS 8.90E+06 6.68E+06 6.05E+00 4.53E+00
PVC 1.71E+04 1.71E+03 1.16E-02 1.16E-03
TRWP 1.70E+04 1.70E+03 1.15E-02 1.15E-03
Microplastic lm fragments HDPE 100
m 1.45E+07 1.09E+07 9.84E+00 7.38E+00
LDPE 1.16E+07 8.68E+06 7.86E+00 5.89E+00
PA (Nylon) 1.71E+04 1.71E+03 1.16E-02 1.16E-03
PET 1.73E+04 1.73E+03 1.17E-02 1.17E-03
PHA 1.35E+04 1.35E+03 9.17E-03 9.17E-04
PLA 1.74E+04 1.74E+03 1.18E-02 1.18E-03
PP 5.60E+06 4.20E+06 3.80E+00 2.85E+00
PS 1.92E+07 1.44E+07 1.31E+01 9.80E+00
PVC 1.71E+04 1.71E+03 1.16E-02 1.16E-03
E. Corella-Puertas et al.
Journal of Cleaner Production 418 (2023) 138197
emissions, the use of specic CFs is recommended (see Multimedia
component 5).
Based on the commonness of (micro)plastic sizes found in the envi-
ronment and industry, default sizes are proposed for spheres/microbe-
ads/fragments of unspecied shape (1000
m diameter) (Castillo et al.,
2016; Firdaus et al., 2020; Mohamed Nor and Obbard, 2014; Zhang
et al., 2020), cylinders/microbers (10
m diameter) (Dreillard et al.,
2022; Geyer et al., 2022; Henry et al., 2018; Kim et al., 2021; Pinlova
and Nowack, 2023) and microplastic lm fragments (100
m thickness)
(Vismaya et al., 2021) (, 1bagatatime.
com,, all accessed in November 2022). In case of
hesitation between two particle size categories (e.g. 100
m vs 1000
for microbeads), the larger one was chosen since small microplastics in
the environment might come from larger microplastics that degraded
over time. Furthermore, this is a more conservative approach since
larger microplastics take longer to degrade than smaller ones and thus
are linked with higher potential impacts (higher CFs). As polymers
within the same density categories tend to behave similarly (see 3.3.1),
default CFs based on polymer density are suggested. These more generic
CFs can be applied to microplastic emissions of polymers other than the
ones studied in this work.
This works CFs can be applied to both primary and secondary
microplastics (see 2.4). For secondary microplastics, to date, there is no
ofcial fragmentation model quantifying the fragmentation of macro-
plastics into microplastics. Nevertheless, LCA practitioners might still
want to assess the potential impacts of secondary microplastics, since
these are probably more abundant than primary microplastics in the
environment (Bergmann et al., 2015; Hidalgo-Ruz et al., 2012; Koel-
mans et al., 2022). In this case, different fragmentation scenarios can be
tested (see examples in 2.4.1 and Corella-Puertas et al. (2022)). For
fragments from wrappings, bags and other lm-like macroplastics,
microplastic lm fragment CFs are recommended. For fragments from
textiles, ropes, and other ber-containing macroplastics, microber CFs
are advised. For foam fragments and microbeads, spherical microplastic
CFs can be used. In a recent study, Alkema et al. (2022) observed that
plastic fragmentation was associated with particle rounding. Therefore,
for unspecied microplastic fragments, the application of spherical
microplastic CFs is suggested. In any case, CFs are similar for different
shapes, and thus the choice of microplastic shape is expected to have a
minor inuence on the LCIA results.
While CFs for nanoplastic emissions are not available, CFs for 1
microplastic size are proposed as interim CFs. 1
m is the dened
boundary between micro- and nanoplastics (Woods et al., 2021). For the
fate of nanoplastics, the choice of 1
m is a conservative approach, since
smaller nanoparticles will degrade faster. The sedimentation of
micro-vs. nanoplastics remains to be studied. Regarding the effects, this
works EEF is applicable to both micro- and nanoplastics (see 3.1).
4. Conclusion and outlook
This work proposes a methodology to assess the impacts of micro-
and nanoplastic emissions on aquatic ecosystems, through the new LCA
impact category of physical effects on biota. The fate methodology of
Corella-Puertas et al. (2022) and the exposure-effect methodology of
Lavoie et al. (2021) were updated to deliver CFs for eleven polymers,
three shapes and ve sizes. The CFs were tested in two case studies
within the UNEP report Supermarket food packaging and its alterna-
tives: Recommendations from life cycle assessments (UNEP, 2022),
conrming their applicability to assess the relative importance of phys-
ical effects on biota impacts compared to other impact categories.
A limitation of the fate factor is that sedimentation only depends on
the polymer density, and not on the size or shape. This approach might
describe well high-density polymers, which are expected to sediment
independently of their size and shape. However, medium-to low-density
polymers depend on biofouling and aggregation to enable sedimentation
these processes might be size and shape-dependent and are being
studied in ongoing MarILCA work. Further ongoing MarILCA work aims
at integrating the transport of microplastics to global waters into the fate
of marine microplastic emissions. Moreover, the fate of micro- and
nanoplastic emissions into the freshwater compartment was simplied
and should be developed further in future work.
Due to the scope of this work, the CFs quantify potential impacts in
the water surface and water column, but not in the sediments. The water
subcompartments are richer in species than the sediment subcompart-
ment, and research has focused mostly on the former. To date, there is a
lack of data on the effects of micro- and nanoplastics in sediments.
However, as more data becomes available, it would be relevant to
develop an EEF for the sediment subcompartment. In order to apply such
an EEF, a distinction between the fate of microplastics in sediments and
deep burial would be required in the latter, microplastics are assumed
to remain there, with no exposure to organisms (Van Colen et al., 2021).
Furthermore, polymer degradation rates for the sediment subcompart-
ment would need to be developed.
Finally, the CFs presented in this work only cover part of the
complexity of the potential impacts of plastic emissions. Further impact
categories related to plastic emissions are currently developed by Mar-
ILCA (physical effects on biota of macroplastics, invasive species, eco-
toxicity of plastic additives, etc.) and will allow for a more
comprehensive assessment of the plastic impacts on the environment.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Elena Corella-Puertas: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investi-
gation, Data curation, Formal analysis, Visualization, Validation,
Writing original draft, Writing review & editing, Funding acquisition.
Carla Hajjar: Methodology, Writing review & editing. J´
ome Lav-
oie: Methodology, Data curation, Formal analysis, Writing review &
editing. Anne-Marie Boulay: Supervision, Conceptualization, Method-
ology, Writing review & editing, Funding acquisition, Resources.
Declaration of competing interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to inuence
the work reported in this paper.
Data availability
Data available in article supporting information.
The authors wish to acknowledge Manuele Margni and C´
ecile Bulle
for sharing their expertise on the development of fate factors, Olivier
Jolliet for sharing his expertise on midpoint-to-endpoint conversion of
characterization factors, and Francesca Verones for the exchanges on
GLAM Phase 3 recommendations. The authors also thank Jorge Corella-
Puertas for his support on mathematical derivations, and Maxime Agez
and Nadim Saadi for their support on Python coding. Furthermore, the
authors thank Clo´
e Delcourt, Ameed Shehayeb, Greyson He and Nadim
Saadi for their contribution to the collection of supporting data. More-
over, the authors appreciate the contribution of Mari MCCV to the
design of the graphical abstract. Finally, the authors wish to acknowl-
edge the support of the UN Environment Life Cycle Initiative and the
Forum for Sustainability through Life Cycle Innovation (FSLCI) to
MarILCA, the nancial support of the FRQNT PBEEE scholarship, as well
as the nancial support of CIRAIGs partners: ArcelorMittal, Hydro-
ebec, LVMH, Michelin, Nestl´
e, Optel Group, Solvay, TotalEnergies,
Umicore, Richemont and OCP Group.
E. Corella-Puertas et al.
Journal of Cleaner Production 418 (2023) 138197
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
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E. Corella-Puertas et al.
... Corella-Puertas et al. (2022) developed CFs for potential physical impacts of expanded polystyrene and tire road wear microplastics in the marine environment based on existing effect factors and a simplified marine fate model. CFs for nine different polymers were then added in their latest update with more refined FF and EF (Corella-Puertas et al. 2023). In their approach, they considered the marine environment as a single water compartment. ...
... These individual models attempted to develop fate and CFs for MPs in the marine environment; however, they only linked the fate to the weathering of microplastics. In order to account for these unconsidered fate mechanisms, Corella-Puertas et al. (2023) quantified sedimentation rates for different types, sizes, and shapes of polymers based on expert estimates. Biofouling, responsible for increasing the density of MPs by the accumulation of fouling organisms on the surface of MPs (Lobelle et al. 2021) were assumed in the sedimentation rates in a very simplified way. ...
... Degradation rates (k deg [day −1 ]) are taken from Corella-Puertas et al. (2023). Since these rates are highly dependent on the physiology of the particles, Corella-Puertas et al. ...
Full-text available
Purpose Within the international working group Marine Impacts in Life Cycle Assessment MarILCA, a mechanistic fate framework was proposed to refine the fate factors (FFs) and subsequently characterization factors (CFs) of microplastics (MPs) emitted to the marine environment, for the impact category “physical effects on marine biota.” To operationalize this framework with parsimony, this paper quantifies different identified fate mechanisms and determines the most influencing parameters on the fate. This will help determine a minimum set of variables based on which FFs could be categorized and clarify the need for regionalization in the operationalization of the framework. Methods Based on different studies and models, fate mechanisms are quantified. A simulation plan is adopted to test the influence of microplastic and environmental properties on the settling of the particles using TrackMPD. Fate and CF matrices are developed for defined microplastic categories based on the simulation plan. A local sensitivity analysis is then applied in order to test the influence of various fate mechanisms on the fate and CF matrices. Results and discussion The physiology of the particles (size, density, shape) and oceanic properties significantly affect the fate of the particles. The interaction between various influencing parameters highlights the complexity of quantifying the fate of MPs in the marine environment. Large particles of low density presented the highest residence time in water sub-compartments compared to smaller particles and negatively buoyant ones due to their slow settling. The final fate for all microplastics analyzed is benthic sediments. This highlights the need to develop effects factors (EFs) for sediment species to better understand the sensitivity of species exposed through sediments compared to species exposed through water. The sensitivity of fate mechanisms on the FFs and the variability of influencing parameters indicate the need for categorizing the fate, and subsequent CFs, based on the physiology of the particles. It also implies that regionalization is needed in future steps to account for the variability of water currents, biofouling celerity, and turbulence. Conclusion This article supports one of MariLCA’s objectives of integrating marine litter in life cycle impact assessment (LCIA). Testing the variability of fate parameters and identifying the importance of their influence assists in the operationalization of the framework previously proposed. This will help refine the fate factors and CFs already existing in the literature, increasing the accuracy linked to the variability and influence of combined physical and environmental parameters (biofouling, size, density, shape, etc.).
... This study identified additional LCIA methods (e.g., Corella-Puertas et al. 2023;Hélias et al. 2023;Iordan et al. 2023) to account for aquatic biodiversity effects to previous studies on the state of biodiversity inclusion in LCA (see Crenna et al. 2020;Damiani et al. 2023;Winter et al. 2017;Woods et al. 2016). Although method development is evidently taking place at a rapid pace, some clear gaps identified in those previous studies remain, such as LCA mainly capturing species-level effects and impact pathways for overexploitation and invasive species being underdeveloped. ...
... Despite all these shortcomings and barriers to the integration of biodiversity impacts in LCAs, measures have been taken to improve LCIA methods addressing biodiversity impacts including the development of methods covering additional impact pathways and geographical areas (e.g., Corella-Puertas et al. 2023;Iordan et al. 2023), and further development is ongoing. One way forward may be to identify correlations between impacts, such as a decrease in population abundance affecting both the genetic composition of species and ecosystem structure and function (Frankham 1995;Pinsky & Palumbi 2014). ...
Full-text available
Purpose The decline in biodiversity caused by human activities is a major global challenge. An important driver of biodiversity loss, especially in the oceans, is seafood production. However, methods for quantifying biodiversity impacts in life cycle assessment (LCA) are currently heavily focused on terrestrial systems. This study aims to identify and evaluate methods addressing aquatic biodiversity loss relevant for LCAs of seafood and to provide recommendations to research and LCA practitioners. Methods The methodology comprised four key phases. First, environmental impacts from seafood production were identified and linked to biodiversity impacts. Second, it was assessed which impacts were addressed in existing seafood LCAs. Next, available biodiversity impact assessment methods were identified through a literature review. Finally, the identified assessment methods were evaluated and matched against the identified environmental impacts from seafood production to evaluate the efficacy of current LCA practices. Results and discussion A total of 39 environmental impacts linked to seafood production were identified. Of these impacts, 90% were categorized as causing biodiversity loss and included effects on genetic, species, and ecosystem level. Only 20% out of the impacts associated to aquatic biodiversity loss had been included in previous seafood LCAs, indicating a narrow scope in practice, as methods were available for half of the impacts. The available methods were, however, mainly focused on impact on species level and on the drivers pollution and climate change rather than the main drivers of marine biodiversity loss: exploitation and sea-use change. Conclusions Although many of the impacts from seafood production were related to biodiversity pressures, LCAs which are widely used to describe the environmental performance of seafood, disregard most biodiversity impacts from seafood production. The most severe limitations were the lack of methods for the pressures of exploitation and sea-use change and for effects on ecosystem and genetic biodiversity. This study provides recommendations to practitioners on how to best account for biodiversity impacts from seafood depending on the studied system, geographic area, and dataset. Future research should progress methods for impact pathways within the drivers exploitation and sea-use change, and effects on ecosystem biodiversity and genetic biodiversity.
... In product systems where plastic leakage and losses are predicted to be limited, simple CFs may be adequate to ensure that the presence of MPs is not completely disregarded. This is the case even when MPs are not the primary focus of the study [229,230]. ...
Full-text available
The pervasiveness of microplastics (MPs) in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems has become a significant environmental concern in recent years. Because of their slow rate of disposal, MPs are ubiquitous in the environment. As a consequence of indiscriminate use, landfill deposits, and inadequate recycling methods, MP production and environmental accumulation are expanding at an alarming rate, resulting in a range of economic, social, and environmental repercussions. Aquatic organisms, including fish and various crustaceans, consume MPs, which are ultimately consumed by humans at the tertiary level of the food chain. Blocking the digestive tracts, disrupting digestive behavior, and ultimately reducing the reproductive growth of entire living organisms are all consequences of this phenomenon. In order to assess the potential environmental impacts and the resources required for the life of a plastic product, the importance of life cycle assessment (LCA) and circularity is underscored. MPs-related ecosystem degradation has not yet been adequately incorporated into LCA, a tool for evaluating the environmental performance of product and technology life cycles. It is a technique that is designed to quantify the environmental effects of a product from its inception to its demise, and it is frequently employed in the context of plastics. The control of MPs is necessary due to the growing concern that MPs pose as a newly emergent potential threat. This is due to the consequences of their use. This paper provides a critical analysis of the formation, distribution, and methods used for detecting MPs. The effects of MPs on ecosystems and human health are also discussed, which posed a great challenge to conduct an LCA related to MPs. The socio-economic impacts of MPs and their management are also discussed. This paper paves the way for understanding the ecotoxicological impacts of the emerging MP threat and their associated issues to LCA and limits the environmental impact of plastic.
... The model only predicts the quantity of microplastics and SIPs over time and does not differentiate between the effects that the precise morphology and chemical nature of these products can have on species, ecosystems or human health. These effects of microplastics are currently not fully understood and the most important impact seems to be related to the concentrations and residence times of the microplastics in the natural environment rather than their chemical nature (Lavoie et al., 2022;Corella-Puertas et al., 2023), which makes the output of the model already a good approximation of the related environmental impacts. However, clear differences between microplastics of different chemical nature could be used as characterisation factors in an LCA. ...
... A literature review in September of 2024 using ISI Web of Science only returns seven articles when using the title search terms "microplastics and (LCA or lifecycle or life cycle)". In work by Corella-Puertas et al. [28,29], characterization factors for polystyrene and tire particles were developed to assess the "physical effects on biota" impact category. In this category, the comparative toxic unit for aquatic ecotoxicity was related to the potentially affected fraction of species to construct a midpoint characterization factor. ...
Full-text available
In this paper, we examine how traditional life-cycle assessment (LCA) for bio-based and compostable plastics overlooks issues surrounding carbon sequestration and microplastic persistence. To outline biased comparisons drawn from these omitted environmental impacts, we provide, as an example, a comparative LCA for compostable biobased vs. non-compostable fossil-based materials. In doing so we (1) demonstrate the proper way to capture carbon footprints to make fair comparisons and (2) identify the overlooked issues of microplastics and the need for non-persistent alternatives. By ensuring accurate biogenic carbon capture, key contributors to CO2 evolution are properly identified, allowing well-informed changes to formulations that can reduce the environmental impact of greenhouse gas emissions. In a complimentary manner, we summarize the growing research surrounding microplastic persistence and toxicity. We highlight the fundamental ability and the growing number of studies that show that industrial composting can completely mineralize certified compostable materials. This mineralization exists as a viable solution to combat microplastic persistence, currently an absent impact category in LCA. In summary, we propose a new paradigm in which the value proposition of biobased materials can be accurately captured while highlighting compostables as a solution for the increasing microplastic accumulation in the environment.
... The model only predicts the quantity of microplastics and SIPs over time and does not differentiate between the effects that the precise morphology and chemical nature of these products can have on species, ecosystems or human health. These effects of microplastics are currently not fully understood and the most important impact seems to be related to the concentrations and residence times of the microplastics in the natural environment rather than their chemical nature (Lavoie et al., 2022;Corella-Puertas et al., 2023), which makes the output of the model already a good approximation of the related environmental impacts. However, clear differences between microplastics of different chemical nature could be used as characterisation factors in an LCA. ...
The use of plastics inevitably leads to (micro-)plastics entering and accumulating in the natural environment, affecting biodiversity, food security and human health. Currently, a comprehensive and universally applicable methodology to quantify microplastic accumulation in the natural environment is lacking. This study proposes an integrated biodegradation model that provides the possibility to examine and compare the microplastic formation and accumulation of different polymer types in diverse natural environments. The proposed model derives carbon mass flow streams from experimental mineralisation curves (CO2 evolution) of polymers and predicts the concentrations and residence times of the different plastic states during their biodegradation processes. The model allows for the description of the accumulation potential of polymers, as the time-integrated concentration of microplastics present in the natural environment during a timeframe of 100 years after a polymer enters the natural environment. The model is applied to estimate the accumulation potential of three polymers with different biodegradation profiles in soil: polybutylene succinate (PBS), polylactic acid (PLA) and polyethylene (PE). It is demonstrated that the dimensionless accumulation potential of PBS in soil is near zero (between 3.0·10-4 and 0.002) which corresponds to a potentially very low level of accumulation. On the other hand PE shows a near maximum value of 1 which corresponds to the almost completely non-biodegradable character of this polymer in soil. PLA exhibits a wide range of values in between that of PBS and PE which reflects its reported relatively slow biodegradation in soil. The proposed model can be used to guide material selection in product design by quantifying the microplastic accumulation of these different polymer types. To demonstrate its use, plastic candy wrappers and agricultural mulch films were selected as case studies. Both case studies show that high biodegradation rates can limit or prevent microplastic accumulation in soil.
Microplastic (MP), an emerging pollutant, has been identified as a critical target in tackling plastic pollution. Although a plethora of studies have explored MP generation from various sources, limited attention has been paid to plastic processing. This study investigated MP (10 μm–5 mm) generation in virgin and waste plastic extrusion processing. MPs at a density of 2.13 × 105–9.79 × 107 (approximately 0.01–10.85 g) were generated when processing 1 t of plastic. Feedstock sources, polymer types, and pelletizing techniques were found to influence the process. With a moderate weight (270.58–527.34 t) but enormous amount (1.34 × 1016–2.63 × 1016) of MPs generated globally in 2022, plastic processing is an underestimated but vital source of MPs, emphasizing the need for MP inspection and appropriate removal technologies in the industry, especially for virgin plastic processing and water ring pelletizing. Further simulation indicated that up to 84.35% of MPs could be removed using commonly available materials in the investigated plastic processing facility, with a higher removal efficiency for larger-sized particles. In this regard, plastic recycling was superior to virgin plastic processing with fewer and larger-sized MPs generated, which could facilitate MP removal and should be fostered.
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Microplastics are tiny plastic particles with a usual diameter ranging from ~ 1 μ to 5 µm. Recently, microplastic pollution has raised the attention of the worldwide environmental and human concerns. In human beings, digestive system illness, respiratory system disorders, sleep disturbances, obesity, diabetes, and even cancer have been reported after microplastic exposure either through food, air, or skin. Similarly, microplastics are also having negative impacts on the plant health, soil microorganisms, aquatic lives, and other animals. Policies and initiatives have already been in the pipeline to address this problem to deal with microplastic pollution. However, many obstacles are also being observed such as lack of knowledge, lack of research, and also absence of regulatory frameworks. This article has covered the distribution of microplastics in water, soil, food and air. Application of multimodel strategies including fewer plastic item consumption, developing low-cost novel technologies using microorganisms, biofilm, and genetic modified microorganisms has been used to reduce microplastics from the environment. Researchers, academician, policy-makers, and environmentalists should work jointly to cope up with microplastic contamination and their effect on the ecosystem as a whole which can be reduced in the coming years and also to make earth clean. Graphical abstract
Technical Report
During the course of 2024, a new knowledge cell was set up within the Belgian Federal Institute for Sustainable Development (FIDO/IFDD) with the aim of putting Belgium on the path towards a just resource-resilient society. Last year, a positioning exercise was carried out, which supported FIDO/IFDD in establishing this knowledge cell, defining its role, and positioning its knowledge in the theme of resource dependence. As part of its mission, the knowledge cell has to analyse and evaluate the negative global social and environmental consequences of current and foreseeable raw material consumption by Belgian production and consumption. Based on this evaluation, the knowledge cell has the mission to advice policy makers. This study supports the further establishment of the knowledge cell, specifically related to the activities regarding impact assessment of material flows. In parallel, a second study on material flow analysis for the knowledge cell is being conducted.
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Synthetic textiles are considered a prime source of microplastics fibers which are a prevalent shape of microplastic pollution. Whilst the release mechanisms and formation of such microplastic fibers have been so far mainly studied in connection with laundry washing, there are some studies emerging that describe also other release pathways for microplastic fibers such as abrasion during wearing. The aim of this study was to consider weathering as another process contributing to the formation of microplastic fibers and their presence in the environment. Four types of polyester fabrics were selected and exposed to artificial weathering by UV-light for two months. The fabrics were extracted every 15 days to quantify and characterize the formed microplastics. Microplastic fibers with the diameter matching the size of the fibers in the textiles were observed. However, additional microplastic fibers of different shapes were also formed. These included partially broken fibers, thin fibers with a diameter below the size of the fiber in the fabrics, fibers flattened into a ribbon, and non-fibrous microplastics. The released microplastics evinced physical alterations on their surface in the form of pits and cracks. The released microplastics exhibited a steep increase in number with progressing weathering; from hundreds of fibers per gram of textile from unaged fabrics, to hundred thousands fibers (150,000-450,000 MPF/g) after 2 months of weathering. Additional 10,000-52,000 unfibrous microplastics/g were released from the weathered fabrics. While plain fabrics showed higher releases than interlock and fleece, further research is needed to evaluate the importance of the textile architecture on the weathering process in comparison with the production history of the fabrics. Based on a comparison with washing studies with the same textiles, we can estimate that the potential of weathered fabrics to be a source of microplastic fibers can be 20-40 times larger than washing only.
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Current methods of characterizing plastic debris use arbitrary, predetermined categorizations and assume that the properties of particles are independent. Here we introduce Gaussian mixture models (GMM), a technique suitable for describing non-normal multivariate distributions, as a method to identify mutually exclusive subsets of floating macroplastic and microplastic particles (latent class analysis) based on statistically defensible categories. Length, width, height and polymer type of 6,942 particles and items from the Atlantic Ocean were measured using infrared spectroscopy and image analysis. GMM revealed six underlying normal distributions based on length and width; two within each of the lines, films, and fragments categories. These classes differed significantly in polymer types. The results further showed that smaller films and fragments had a higher correlation between length and width, indicating that they were about the same size in two dimensions. In contrast, larger films and fragments showed low correlations of height with length and width. This demonstrates that larger particles show greater variability in shape and thus plastic fragmentation is associated with particle rounding. These results offer important opportunities for refinement of risk assessment and for modeling the fragmentation and distribution of plastic in the ocean. They further illustrate that GMM is a useful method to map ocean plastics, with advantages over approaches that use arbitrary categorizations and assume size independence or normal distributions.
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Chemicals emitted to the environment affect ecosystem health from local to global scale, and reducing chemical impacts has become an important element of European and global sustainability efforts. The present work advances ecotoxicity characterization of chemicals in life cycle impact assessment by proposing recommendations resulting from international expert workshops and work conducted under the umbrella of the UNEP-SETAC Life Cycle Initiative in the GLAM project (Global guidance on environmental life cycle impact assessment indicators). We include specific recommendations for broadening the assessment scope through proposing to introduce additional environmental compartments beyond freshwater and related ecotoxicity indicators, as well as for adapting the ecotoxicity effect modelling approach to better reflect environmentally relevant exposure levels and including to a larger extent chronic test data. As result, we (1) propose a consistent mathematical framework for calculating freshwater ecotoxicity characterization factors and their underlying fate, exposure and effect parameters; (2) implement the framework into the USEtox scientific consensus model; (3) calculate characterization factors for chemicals reported in an inventory of a life cycle assessment case study on rice production and consumption; and (4) investigate the influence of effect data selection criteria on resulting indicator scores. Our results highlight the need for careful interpretation of life cycle assessment impact scores in light of robustness of underlying species sensitivity distributions. Next steps are to apply the recommended characterization framework in additional case studies, and to adapt it to soil, sediment and the marine environment. Our framework is applicable for evaluating chemicals in life cycle assessment, chemical and environmental footprinting, chemical substitution, risk screening, chemical prioritization, and comparison with environmental sustainability targets.
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Purpose Plastic pervades now almost every aspect of our daily lives, but this prosperity has led to an increasing amount of plastic debris, which is now widespread in the oceans and represents a serious threat to biota. However, there is a general lack of consideration regarding marine plastic impacts in life cycle assessment (LCA). This paper presents a preliminary approach to facilitate the characterization of chemical impacts related to marine plastic within the LCA framework. Methods A literature review was carried out first to summarize the current state of research on the impact assessment of marine plastic. In recent years, efforts have been made to develop LCA-compliant indicators and models that address the impact of marine littering, entanglement, and ingestion. The toxicity of plastic additives to marine biota is currently a less understood impact pathway and also the focus of this study. Relevant ecotoxicity data were collected from scientific literature for a subsequent additive-specific effect factor (EF) development, which was conducted based on the USEtox approach. Extrapolation factors used for the data conversion were also extracted from reliable sources. Results and discussion EFs were calculated for six commonly used additives to quantify their toxicity impacts on aquatic species. Triclosan shows an extremely high level of toxicity, while bisphenol A and bisphenol F are considered less toxic according to the results. Apart from additive-specific EFs, a generic EF was also generated, along with the species sensitivity distribution (SSD) illustrating the gathered data used to calculate this EF. Further ecotoxicity data are expected to expand the coverage of additives and species for deriving more robust EFs. In addition, a better understanding of the interactive effect between polymers and additives needs to be developed. Conclusions This preliminary work provides a first step towards including the impact of plastic-associated chemicals in LCA. Although the toxicity of different additives to aquatic biota may vary significantly, it is recommended to consider additives within the impact assessment of marine plastic. The generic EF can be used, together with a future EF for adsorbed environmental pollutants, to fill a gap in the characterization of plastic-related impacts in LCA.
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To date, life cycle assessment (LCA) does not include a methodology for assessing the impacts of plastic litter leaked to the environment. This limits the applicability of LCA as a tool to compare the potential impacts of single‐use plastics and their alternatives on ecosystem quality and human health. As a contribution to tackle this issue, this work proposes simplified fate and characterization factors (CFs) for modeling the impacts of two types of microplastics—expanded polystyrene and tire and road wear particles—in the marine environment. In terms of fate mechanisms, this work explores different sedimentation, degradation, and fragmentation rate scenarios, based on literature values and expert estimates. Whereas the fate of expanded polystyrene is sensitive to the different fragmentation, degradation, and sedimentation scenarios, for tire and road wear particles the fate is primarily sensitive to sedimentation. The fate factors are integrated into CFs using an existing exposure and effect factor for microplastics in aquatic environments. Since the CFs of the two studied microplastics show important differences, these results reveal the need for developing polymer‐specific CFs. Finally, the CFs are tested in a case study of on‐the‐go food containers (one single‐use plastic, two compostable alternatives, and one reusable plate). Depending on the fate scenario, plastic litter impacts range from barely noticeable to more than doubling the total potential damage to ecosystem quality, compared to no plastic litter impact assessment. The high uncertainty of the results encourages further research on modeling microplastic fate and impacts in detail.
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Purpose Products made of plastic often appear to have lower environmental impacts than alternatives. However, present life cycle assessments (LCA) do not consider possible risks caused by the emission of plastics into the environment. Following the precautionary principle, we propose characterization factors (CFs) for plastic emissions allowing to calculate impacts of plastic pollution measured in plastic pollution equivalents, based on plastics’ residence time in the environment. Methods and materials The method addresses the definition and quantification of plastic emissions in LCA and estimates their fate in the environment based on their persistence. According to our approach, the fate is mainly influenced by the environmental compartment the plastic is initially emitted to, its redistribution to other compartments, and its degradation speed. The latter depends on the polymer type’s specific surface degradation rate (SSDR), the emission’s shape, and its characteristic length. The SSDRs are derived from an extensive literature review. Since the data quality of the SSDR and redistribution rates varies, an uncertainty assessment is carried out based on the pedigree matrix approach. To quantify the fate factor (FF), we calculate the area below the degradation curve of an emission and call it residence time τR{\tau }_{R} τ R . Results and discussion The results of our research include degradation measurements (SSDRs) retrieved from literature, a surface-driven degradation model, redistribution patterns, FFs based on the residence time, and an uncertainty analysis of the suggested FFs. Depending on the applied time horizon, the values of the FFs range from near zero to values greater than 1000 for different polymer types, size classes, shapes, and initial compartments. Based on the comparison of the compartment-specific FFs with the total compartment-weighted FFs, the polymer types can be grouped into six clusters. The proposed FFs can be used as CFs which can be further developed by integrating the probability of the exposure of humans or organisms to the plastic emission (exposure factor) and for the impacts of plastics on species (effect factor). Conclusions The proposed methodology is intended to support (plastic) product designers, for example, regarding materials’ choice, and can serve as a first proxy to estimate potential risks caused by plastic emissions. Besides, the FFs can be used to develop new CFs, which can be linked to one or more existing impact categories, such as human toxicity or ecotoxicity, or new impact categories addressing, for example, potential risks caused by entanglement.
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A literature review was carried out to analyze the current status of microplastic research in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). Specifically, this work focused on publications pertaining to (1) occurrence and distribution of microplastics in the environment, including water, sediments, and soil and (2) the environmental impact of MPs, particularly their presence and effects on aquatic and terrestrial organisms. The review included peer-reviewed articles from Scopus, Science Direct, Web of Science, Google Scholar and two iberoamerican open access databases (Redalyc and SciELO). It was found that LAC has only contributed to 5% of the global scientific output on microplastics, and overall the highest contributor within the region was Brazil (52%), followed by Chile (16%) and Mexico (13%). An additional section analyzing the barriers to conducting microplastic research in LAC and their exacerbation by the current COVID-19 pandemic was included to provide additional context behind the relatively low scientific production and improve recommendations encouraging research in this region.
Concern about microplastic pollution sourced from mismanaged plastic waste losses to drainage basins is growing but lacks relevant environmental impact analyses. Here, we reveal and compare the environmental hazards of aquatic macro- and microplastic debris through a holistic life cycle assessment approach. Compared to polymeric debris, microplastics, especially smaller than 10 μm, exhibit higher freshwater ecotoxicity enhanced by watersheds' high average depth and low water temperature. High microplastic concentration within drainage basins can also cause air pollution regarding particulate matter formation and photochemical ozone formation. The environmental drawbacks of plastic mismanagement are then demonstrated by showing that the microplastic formulation and removal in drinking water treatment plants can pose more than 7.44% of the total ecotoxicity effect from plastic wastes' (microplastics') whole life cycle. Specifically, these two life cycle stages can also cause more than 50% of the plastic wastes' life cycle ecotoxicity effect related to organic chemical emissions. Therefore, reducing environmentally harmful plastic losses through advanced plastic waste recycling, collection, and effective microplastic removal technologies needs future investigation.
Understanding the environmental fate of microplastics is essential for their risk assessment. It is essential to differentiate size classes and degradation states. Still, insights into fragmentation and degradation mechanisms of primary and secondary microplastics into micro- and nanoplastic fragments and other degradation products are limited. Here, we present an adapted NanoRelease protocol for a UV-dose-dependent assessment and size-selective quantification of the release of micro- and nanoplastic fragments down to 10 nm and demonstrate its applicability for polyamide and thermoplastic polyurethanes. The tested cryo-milled polymers do not originate from actual consumer products but are handled in industry and are therefore representative of polydisperse microplastics occurring in the environment. The protocol is suitable for various types of microplastic polymers, and the measured rates can serve to parameterize mechanistic fragmentation models. We also found that primary microplastics matched the same ranking of weathering stability as their corresponding macroplastics and that dissolved organics constitute a major rate of microplastic mass loss. The results imply that previously formed micro- and nanoplastic fragments can further degrade into water-soluble organics with measurable rates that enable modeling approaches for all environmental compartments accessible to UV light.
Microplastics are a subject of growing interest as they are a potential threat for living organisms. Textile microfibers (MFs) are an important microplastics sub-group that have been reported as a major source of microplastics release into the environment. This pollution occurs mainly during the washing of synthetic garments. However, standardized methods to quantify and characterize these MFs are scarce. This study proposes a new analytical protocol to characterize these MFs in number and size by means of filtration techniques, optical and electronic microscopy and automatic image post-processing. This approach was developed and validated on effluents from washing machines produced in different conditions (5 different garments, sequential cycles, and presence or not of detergent). Among the analyzed effluents, it was found that 40 to 75% of microfibers have a length comprised between 50 and 200 μm, with average microfiber diameters ranging from 8 to 17 μm depending on the type of textile. The emission range of microfibers was estimated to be between 220,000 to 2,820,000 microfibers per kg of textile depending on the type of garment and the washing conditions. The counting method developed is adapted to a certain range of textiles, such as 100% polyester fleece jackets (PET-1), 100% smooth polyester T-shirt (PET-2) and 100% acrylic sweater (PAN), and is not affected by the presence of detergent. The proposed method of characterization of these MFs lengths can also be extrapolated to the counting of other objects that have a similar morphology to the analyzed fibers. Hence, it can be helpful to develop new testing capture technologies and, thus, contribute to the enhancement of filtering techniques of several pollutants.