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Long-distance indoor optical camera communication using side-emitting fibers as distributed transmitters

Optica Publishing Group
Optics Express

Abstract and Figures

We present a design approach for a long-distance optical camera communication (OCC) system using side-emitting fibers as distributed transmitters. We demonstrate our approach feasibility by increasing the transmission distance by two orders up to 40 m compared to previous works. Furthermore, we explore the effect of the light-emitting diode (LED) modulation frequency and rolling shutter camera exposure time on inter-symbol interference and its effective mitigation. Our proposed OCC-fiber link meets the forward-error-correction (FEC) limit of 3.8 · 10⁻³ of bit error rate (BER) for up to 35 m (with BER= 3.35 · 10⁻³) and 40 m (with BER=1.13 · 10⁻³) using 2-mm and 3-mm diameter side-emitting fibers, respectively. Our results at on-off keying modulation frequencies of 3.54 kHz and 5.28 kHz pave the way to moderate-distance outdoor and long-distance indoor highly-reliable applications in the Internet of Things and OCC using side-emitting fiber-based distributed transmitters.
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Research Article Vol. 31, No. 16 / 31 Jul 2023 / Optics Express 26980
Long-distance indoor optical camera
communication using side-emitting fibers as
distributed transmitters
1Department of Electromagnetic Field, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in
Prague, Technická 2, 166 27 Prague, Czech Republic
Institute for Technological Development and Innovation in Communications, University of Las Palmas de
Gran Canaria, Calle Practicante Ignacio Rodríguez, 35017 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
We present a design approach for a long-distance optical camera communication
(OCC) system using side-emitting fibers as distributed transmitters. We demonstrate our approach
feasibility by increasing the transmission distance by two orders up to 40m compared to previous
works. Furthermore, we explore the effect of the light-emitting diode (LED) modulation frequency
and rolling shutter camera exposure time on inter-symbol interference and its effective mitigation.
Our proposed OCC-fiber link meets the forward-error-correction (FEC) limit of 3.8
bit error rate (BER) for up to 35 m (with BER
) and 40 m (with BER
using 2-mm and 3-mm diameter side-emitting fibers, respectively. Our results at on-off keying
modulation frequencies of 3.54 kHz and 5.28 kHz pave the way to moderate-distance outdoor
and long-distance indoor highly-reliable applications in the Internet of Things and OCC using
side-emitting fiber-based distributed transmitters.
© 2023 Optica Publishing Group under the terms of the Optica Open Access Publishing Agreement
1. Introduction
Optical camera communication (OCC) has been evolving rapidly over the last few years, showing
achievements in terms of illumination, communication, and localization functionalities within a
range of applications such as indoor Internet of Things (IoT) based sensor networks and smart
environments (homes, offices, and cities) [1,2]. In conventional OCC, a signal from a modulated
light source, typically a light-emitting diode (LED), is captured in the form of a set of images or
a video by using a rolling shutter (RS) camera [3]. The transmitted data are contained in the
form of light and dark stripes depicting signal levels as a part of the captured image set.
Considering achieved link distances, [4] demonstrates several techniques to improve the
transmission range from 10 m to 60 m. The listed techniques were a combination of under-
sampled phase-shift on-off keying (UPSOOK), wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM), and
multiple-input–multiple-output (MIMO) implemented on a red, green, and blue LED-based
OCC channel. Outdoor long-distance OCC ranging from 60 m to 400 m transmission span for
vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication was reported in [5,6] using stereo
camera-based distance measurement and convolutional neural network to optimize the source
detection and recognition and camera defocusing techniques. These breakthroughs were based on
the conventional OCC systems that utilize standard LEDs for data transmission and illumination
One major limitation of the above-mentioned configurations is the LED radiation pattern
limiting the field-of-view (FOV) to 120
, along with the fact that an LED can be considered
a point source. The point source limitation can be overcome using an LED strip or an LED
Journal © 2023 Received 26 May 2023; revised 19 Jul 2023; accepted 20 Jul 2023; published 28 Jul 2023
Research Article Vol. 31, No. 16 / 31 Jul 2023 / Optics Express 26981
panel [7], which can be covered in a diffuser to create smoother light [8,9]. However, an LED
strip or LED panel still does not have a 360
radiation pattern. As an alternative, side-emitting
fibers (often also denoted as illuminating optical fibers or light-diffusing fibers) provide a 360
radiation pattern, and, moreover, they can transmit signal along the whole fiber length.
Side-emitting optical fibers are specially designed to gradually emit light along the fiber
length, which is opposed to conventional optical fibers, where the primary purpose is to guide as
much power as possible from one end fiber to the other. This side-emission effect, described
as glowstick-like, decreases exponentially alongside the fiber length and may be achieved using
multiple approaches, which vary according to the material composition of the side-emitting fiber
[10]. In silica-based side-emitting fibers, the presence of nanovoids in the fiber core served
to scatter light to the cladding and then emit along the fiber [11]. Similarly, particle-modified
cladding silica side-emitting fiber was reported in [12]. The main parameter of side-emitting
fibers is the diffusion length (DL) which defines the fiber length over which 90% of the optical
signal power is lost, e.g., for DL
1 m, we will get 10% of the coupled light at the output of
1-m-long side-emitting fiber [13]. The other parameters are the spectral transmission of the
side-emitting fiber, which generally covers the whole visible region; the fiber diameter which is
critical for OCC performance and fiber flexibility; and fiber material (glass or plastic).
The progress in side-emitting fibers has led to a number of possible applications of side-
emitting fibers, such as door frame illumination, advertisement purposes, escape exit indicators,
or transmitting location-specific information. Reports on the use of side-emitting fibers in fabrics
for design purposes and sensing [14] and for microalgae growth [15] were presented.
Furthermore, side-emitting optical fibers were used as a spatially multiplexed light source
within OCC in [16]. An extended use of side-emitting fibers as a distributed source has recently
been proposed for OCC by our group [17] with a maximum link distance of 75 cm [18], whereas
the distance of 35 cm was presented in [19] using a laser source, instead of an LED, coupled to
the side-emitting fiber. Recently a study on side-emitting fibers in OCC was published, claiming
a transmission distance of 23 m with bit error rate (BER) below the forward-error-correction
(FEC) limit [20]. A long-short-term-memory neural network (LSTM-NN) processing approach
and a telescope were employed in [20] to boost the transmission distance. Moreover, theoretical
studies were published focusing on modeling and validating of power coupling into side-emitting
fiber and its radiation [10,21].
In this paper, we present a new approach to OCC using side-emitting fibers as distributed
transmitters, which brings unprecedented distance increase by more than two orders compared
to previous results [17,19] (and almost double transmission distance published in [20], which
uses a more complex and less reliable data processing technique of LSTM-NN). We achieve this
significant transmission distance increase by employing a new method of exposure time and
LED modulation frequency optimization accompanied by a reworked data processing routine.
In comparison to [20], which employs the LSTM-NN processing, we use the matched filtering
method as matched filtering is a fast-processing method and needs only a limited amount of
information for perfect data processing, whereas LSTM-NN uses previous data samples to process
the current data sample, thus the LSTM-NN system is very sensitive to slight deviations in the
sampling clock. Therefore, the transmission distance presented in this paper is close to double of
[20] but has the significant advantage of more reliable data processing.
We show that by using only 3 mm diameter side-emitting fiber, we can reach a transmission
distance of up to 40 m with an LED modulation frequency above 5kHz once employing our
new approach using optimized data generation and processing. Results presented in this paper
demonstrate that OCC using side-emitting fibers as distributed transmitters can be used for both
long-distance indoor and mid-range outdoor communication, IoT, or sensory networks.
Research Article Vol. 31, No. 16 / 31 Jul 2023 / Optics Express 26982
2. System design optimization
The following sections discuss the OCC link design using side-emitting fibers as distributed
transmitters. We start with the RS camera settings, which define the essential parameters of our
new side-emitting fiber-based OCC concept. Then we focus on the processing of captured data.
2.1. Exposure time and sampling period
In RS cameras, one row of pixels is exposed during an exposure time t
. The time period
between the activation of two consecutive rows corresponds to the sampling period T
The sampling period T
is an intrinsic property of RS cameras and can also be presented as
row sampling time or sampling rate f
. The exposure time t
generally spans over multiple
sampling periods T
. The exposure time is either set manually by the user or is set automatically
in dependence on the ambient light level. The impact of both parameters of T
and t
on the
overall OCC link performance is significant and will be explained in the following paragraphs.
When a long t
is used (Fig. 1(a)), the image sensor captures light for a period of time in
which the transmitted symbol changes (from logical 1 to logical 0, or vice versa). The pixel is
illuminated both with logical 0 and with logical 1 resulting in inter-symbol interference (ISI),
implying that a long t
is unsuitable for OCC. The effect and the absence of the ISI in an image
are illustrated in Fig. 1(a) and Fig. 1(b), respectively, by gray-scale bars in the right part of the
image, where the result of each pixel illumination is integrated. When a short (proper) t
used (Fig. 1(b)), each pixel is illuminated only for a short period of time, minimizing the ISI and
thus generating a much clearer image. This tells us that to avoid significant ISI, the exposure time
cannot be arbitrary, as with increased t
pixels integrate light over more time and the irradiance
of several consecutive symbols might be captured on the same pixels during the exposition.
Therefore, texp acts as a low-pass filter [22,23].
Row of pixels
logical 1 logical 0 logical 1
light integrated
in each pixel
pix 1
pix 2
pix 3
pix 4
pix 5
pix 6
pix 7
pix 8
pix 9
pix 10
symbol time tsymbol
sampling period
time texp
Row of pixels
logical 1 logical 0 logical 1
light integrated
in each pixel
pix 1
pix 2
pix 3
pix 4
pix 5
pix 6
pix 7
pix 8
pix 9
pix 10
symbol time tsymbol
sampling period
time texp
Fig. 1.
Different exposure times in a rolling shutter camera can either (a) deepen the presence
of inter-symbol interference (long exposure time), or (b) minimize it (short exposure time).
To efficiently suppress the effect of ISI, the exposure time texp must comply
texp tsymbol
2, (1)
where t
is the symbol duration, i.e., the time the RS camera needs to capture one logical bit.
The tsymbol is defined as
tsymbol =Npps ·Ts=
fTx , (2)
where N
is the theoretically expected number of pixel rows (samples) per symbol, e.g., N
pps =
10, 15, or 20 px/symbol (pps). This means that we can choose what N
we want by selecting
the t
according to the RS camera sampling period T
. Furthermore, the t
Research Article Vol. 31, No. 16 / 31 Jul 2023 / Optics Express 26983
into modulation frequency f
of the data signal to the LED transmitter as an inverse proportion.
Previous statements imply the trade-off between t
and N
, and thus between data throughput
and received signal magnitude. In the case of low-light conditions, the received signal quality
might be improved by increasing the analog gain of the RS camera [24,25]. This can also
significantly improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).
2.2. Data processing
In our experiments, we capture all the data (image frames), and the processing is then carried out
in an offline mode. A schematic diagram of the data processing of the captured image frames
is shown in Fig. 2. To recover transmitted data, the received image is turned into a grayscale
image, and an approximate ROI is found. As the side-emitting fiber might not be perfectly
straight in real-case scenarios, the post-processing algorithm is based on peak detection (spots
of highest intensity representing logical 1), compensating for slight curvature deviations of the
side-emitting fiber. The captured image is cropped and adjusted according to this information.
Next, the adjusted image is converted to an intensity profile and preprocessed, which starts with
compensation of data trend followed by digital filtration and, finally, equalization, preparing
the signal for demodulation. The preprocessing itself is necessary to eliminate distortions from
data generation, transmission, and capturing. Compensation of the data trend is necessary due
to the exponential decrease of power illuminated from the side-emitting fiber (due to the fiber
loss). To counter these differences in illumination we use singular spectrum analysis (SSA) [26],
see Fig. 3(c). For digital filtering, we employ an infinite impulse response (IIR) filter as for the
limited number of data samples the use of a finite impulse response (FIR) filter would lead to a
massive data loss. Before the demodulation, we apply standard matched filtering and finally, we
carry out a symbol synchronization.
Side-emitting fiber
curvature correction
Preprocessing Normalization Binarization
Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the data processing of captured image frames.
We show, for better illustration, the whole image processing routine, including the signal
generation in Fig. 3on an example of I) a side-emitting fiber with a 2 mm diameter (Fig. 3(I))
at a distance d
21 m and f
of 3.54 kHz, and II) a side-emitting fiber with a 3 mm diameter
(Fig. 3(II)) at d
30 m and f
of 5.28 kHz. The LED is modulated using an on-off-keying
(OOK) modulation scheme. Figure 3(a) demonstrates the generated logical data in the form of
black and white rectangle-shaped sections along the fiber (the logical zeros and ones), which
represents a region of interest (ROI). We aim to showcase an undistorted capture of the ROI,
i.e., without distortions from system components or at the LED. Figure 3(a) thus serves as an
ideal reference for understanding the outcome in an optimal scenario. Next, Fig. 3(b) shows
the ideal logical data compared to the real measured voltage on the LED. We already see some
signal distortion given by the LED response. On the camera receiver side, Fig. 3(c) illustrates the
captured image already cropped to the selected ROI. Figure 3(d) provides the comparison of the
measured and normalized intensity profile and the intensity profile after the processing, when the
signal was equalized by the elimination of unwanted peaks. Figure 3(e) shows a reconstruction of
the original signal obtained from the image and signal processing of received data. Comparison
with the representation of the ideal ROI from Fig. 3(a) shows that the processed signal from
Research Article Vol. 31, No. 16 / 31 Jul 2023 / Optics Express 26984
I) 2-mm fiber, distance 21 m, fTx =3.54 kHz
(a) Representation of the ideal ROI
Logical values [-]
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Time [ms]
Voltage [V]
Logical data
LED voltage
(b) Ideal data and voltage on the LED
(c) Captured ROI
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000
Pixel r ow number [- ]
Normalized intensity [-]
Normalized data
Processed data
(d) Intensity profiles
(e) Reconstruction of the ROI after data processing
Data transmission steps
II) 3-mm fiber, distance 30 m, fTx =5.28 kHz
(a) Representation of the ideal ROI
Logical values [-]
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Time [ms]
Voltage [V]
Logical data
LED voltage
(b) Ideal data and voltage on the LED
(c) Captured ROI
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000
Pixel r ow number [- ]
Normalized intensity [-]
Normalized data
Processed data
(d) Intensity profiles
(e) Reconstruction of the ROI after data processing
Fig. 3.
Example images I) and II) with parts: (a) Representation of the ideal ROI, (b) ideal
logical data and corresponding voltage on the LED, (c) captured ROI, (d) intensity profile
of measured and preprocessed data, (e) reconstruction of the ROI after data processing (to
show differences with the captured ROI).
Fig. 3(d) matches nicely with the initially generated signal in Fig. 3(b) thus demonstrating reliable
performance of the processing algorithm.
When capturing the data, the first captured bit might not be captured completely. That is
something that must be taken into consideration when processing the captured image frames.
The demodulation itself is then based on matched filtering.
3. Measurements setup
The block diagram of the measurement setup with a photo of the distributed transmitter and the
camera receiver side is shown in Fig. 4. An arbitrary waveform generator (Rohde & Schwarz,
HMF2550) produced an OOK signal. The data signal was fed to an LED driver (Thorlabs,
LEDD1B), which was connected to a white LED (Light Avenue, CW28WP6). Optimal coupling
from the LED into the side-emitting fiber was ensured by using a 5D stage consisting of a
3-Axis NanoMax and a pitch and yaw tilt platform (Thorlabs, MAX313D/M and PY003/M).
We used side-emitting fibers made of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) with outer diameters
of 2 mm and 3 mm. A light block was put behind the side-emitting fiber to create the optimal
environment for image capture. The side-emitting fiber image was captured by an RS camera
placed perpendicularly to the side-emitting fiber with a maximum distance of 40m. The RS
camera was a Raspberry Pi camera module 2 with a Sony IMX219 sensor with a Pentacon auto
50 mm f/1.8 lens.
Research Article Vol. 31, No. 16 / 31 Jul 2023 / Optics Express 26985
LED driver
Side-emitting fiber
5D stage
Side-emitting fiber
Side-emitting fiber
Data Coupling
Free space,
up to 40 m
Fig. 4.
Measurement setup of the side-emitting fiber-based OCC system: (a) a block
diagram of the setup, (b) a close-up photo of the distributed transmitter, and (c) the camera
receiver with the side-emitting fiber transmitter in the background.
When preparing the measurement setup, it is important to keep in mind the orientation of the
camera’s RS with respect to the side-emitting fiber orientation. It is best to keep the side-emitting
fiber perpendicular to the RS. However, even when the side-emitting fiber is placed diagonally in
the image frame, the system performance should not be negatively affected. Only small deviations
of the camera angle by
will have no effect on the OCC performance. In [27], we studied the
effect of 0
to 90
bending radius of the side-emitting fiber on the system performance. It was
possible to achieve a 100% success of reception (BER below the FEC limit) and we concluded
that the bending of the fiber up to 90does not negatively affect the system performance.
The RS camera resolution was set to a standard Full HD 1920
1080 px with the analog gain
of 4. This value was determined as a middle-ground solution for our setup after a series of
initial test measurements. The digital gain was equal to 1 to minimize noise increase.
The system was designed to test N
of 10 pps and 15 pps. To achieve this, Eq. 2 was applied
and gave us symbol times t
symbol =
s and 282
s and modulation frequencies f
Tx =
5.28 kHz
and 3.54 kHz for N
pps =
10 pps and 15pps, respectively. The symbol times t
also determine
the optimal exposure time, as stated in Eq. 1. For N
pps =
10 pps, the used exposure time was
exp =
s, and for N
pps =
15 pps it was t
exp =
s. Data packets of six bits ([010011]) were
sent. Note, it is possible to use longer packets with the packet length limit at the half-size of the
ROI, otherwise, the packet may not be captured completely [28]. To ensure sufficient amount of
data for precise BER calculation, we process multiple packets in each of the 25 captured image
frames. This gives us enough processed data that the BER can get as low as 3.7
. If we
capture even more image frames, we can lower the BER level and possibly reach even better
BER results which we considered not necessary as we were able to safely validate below FEC
limit data transmission using our current approach. The list of used equipment, its fundamental
parameters, and used variables are provided in Table 1.
Research Article Vol. 31, No. 16 / 31 Jul 2023 / Optics Express 26986
Table 1. Equipment, its fundamental parameters, and used variables.
Parameter Value
Side-emitting fiber ZDEA, Super bright
Diameter 2 and 3 mm
Fiber to camera distance d[5, 40] m
LED LA CW28WP6, cold white
Modulation frequencies fTx 3.54 kHz & 5.28kHz
Data packet size 6 b/packet [010011]
LED driver LEDD1B, ThorLabs
Camera Receiver Raspberry Pi Camera Module 2
Lens Pentacon auto 50 mm f/1.8
Sensor Sony IMX219
Resolution 1920 ×1080 pixels Full HD
Exposure times texp 140 µs&90 µs
Number of pixels per symbol Npps 15 px/symbol &10 px/symbol
4. Results
The experiment was performed indoors and under ambient light conditions, which according
to previous findings [17], does not influence the measurement results. The measurements were
carried out for the modulation frequencies f
of 3.54 kHz and 5.28 kHz. The side-emitting
fiber-camera distance dranged from 5 m to 40 m with a 1m step for both side-emitting fibers.
A set of 25 image frames was captured at each distance dand frequency f
. The captured image
frames were processed individually, and the final success of reception (SoR) is their mean value.
Two metrics are used to evaluate the system performance: the SoR and the BER. The limit
of well functioning system evaluated by the BER corresponds with the FEC limit, which is
[29]. The calculated BER values are displayed in Fig. 5(a) and Fig. 5(b). The frequency
Tx =
5.28 kHz for the 2-mm side-emitting fiber follows the FEC limit of 3.8
up to 30 m
and for the 3-mm side-emitting fiber up to 38m. Moreover, the frequency f
Tx =
3.54 kHz
combined with the 2-mm side-emitting fiber follows the FEC limit up to 35 m and for the 3-mm
side-emitting fiber at least up to 40 m. The SoR results are depicted in Fig. 6(a) and Fig. 6(b).
Our experimental results at f
Tx =
5.28 kHz show that for both side-emitting fibers, the SoR was at
least 98% up to 40 m distance and at least 99% up to 38 m. For f
Tx =
3.54 kHz, the SoR was up
5 10152025303540
FEC limit=3.8·103
BER [-]
fTx =3.54kHz
fTx =5.28kHz
fTx =3.54kHz fitted
fTx =5.28kHz fitted
5 10152025303540
FEC limit=3.8·103
BER [-]
fTx =3.54kHz
fTx =5.28kHz
fTx =3.54kHz fitted
fTx =5.28kHz fitted
Fig. 5.
BER for (a) the 2-mm and (b) the 3-mm side-emitting fiber with marked FEC limit
of 3.8 ·103.
Research Article Vol. 31, No. 16 / 31 Jul 2023 / Optics Express 26987
to 99% up to 40 m for both side-emitting fiber diameters. Comparing this to the best previously
published results in [17] where the SoR of up to 100% was adhered to only up to 0.75m. Such a
significant improvement was mainly due to the improved calculation of f
and t
as we here
used the optimal values to minimize inter-symbol interference. More suitable camera settings
were also enabled by using a better camera in comparison to previous papers. Enhancement
in data processing was ensured by our new algorithm for compensation of the side-emitting
fiber curvature. All these modifications lead to an improvement in transmission distance by the
above-mentioned two orders.
5 10152025303540
Success of Reception [%]
fTx =3.54kHz
fTx =5.28kHz
fTx =3.54kHz fitted
fTx =5.28kHz fitted
5 10152025303540
Success of Reception [%]
fTx =3.54kHz
fTx =5.28kHz
fTx =3.54kHz fitted
fTx =5.28kHz fitted
Fig. 6. Success of reception (SoR) for (a) the 2-mm and (b) the 3-mm side-emitting.
From the results, it can be concluded that increasing the fiber diameter just by 1mm from 2 mm
to 3 mm allows us to increase the distance by more than 5 meters for the modulation frequency of
3.54 kHz, as seen in Fig. 6, considering the errors in the SoR. This shows that the redundancy
in the columns of region-of-interest, which comes with thicker fiber, helps the demodulation
process conducted by the matched filtering. As more image sensor columns are affected by the
same illumination, more redundancy is introduced in the system. Thus, the signal-to-noise ratio
can increase considerably, which is linked to reduced transmission errors and improved channel
5. Conclusion
This paper demonstrates a new link design approach to optical camera communication using
side-emitting fibers as distributed transmitters resulting in more than a two-order link distance
increase compared to previous works.
We demonstrated the importance of the LED modulation frequency dependence and the
corresponding RS camera exposure time on the minimization of the inter-symbol interference.
As a practical demonstration, we selected two modulation frequencies, 3.54 kHz and 5.28 kHz,
giving us exposure times of 140
s and 90
s resulting in 15 and 10 pixels per symbol at the
rolling shutter camera, respectively.
In terms of the success of reception, with the 2-mm side-emitting fiber, the measurement
results provide at least 98% success of reception for up to 40 m distance, whereas, with the
3-mm side-emitting fiber, the success of reception was at least 99% up to 40 m distance. When
discussing BER and the 3.8
FEC limit for the 2-mm side-emitting fiber, the FEC limit
adhered up to 30 m for 5.28 kHz and up to 35m for 3.54kHz. For the 3-mm side-emitting fiber,
the FEC limit has been met up to 38 m for 5.28 kHz and up to 40m for 3.54kHz.
The proposed OCC system using side-emitting fiber as a distributed transmitter has shown
highly-reliable long-distance indoor coverage. The modulation frequency of 5.28 kHz offers
Research Article Vol. 31, No. 16 / 31 Jul 2023 / Optics Express 26988
various indoor sensory applications. With the cost of lower modulation frequency and, thus, the
data rate, the proposed side-emitting fiber-based OCC system might be stretched into even longer
transmission distances, possibly also promising for mid-/long-range outdoor OCC links. In future
experiments, we plan to improve the system by using real data clustered in longer packets with
the 6-bit packet headers that we used in this paper.
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (FW01010571); České Vysoké Učení Technic v Praze
Disclosures. The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
Data availability.
Data underlying the results presented in this paper are not publicly available at this time but may
be obtained from the authors upon reasonable request.
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... Maximum transmission distance was up to 1 m in both reports, whereas both transmission scenarios worked only in the downlink regime, having the side-emitting fiber as a distributed transmitter (Tx). Recently, a transmission distance of 23 m was reported by using a mobile camera with a telescope and long-short-term-memory neural network (LSTM-NN) processing approach [13], whereas results from [11] were improved to 40 m by overall system optimization and enhanced matched filtering processing technique [14]. Furthermore, an interesting report on bi-directional side-emitting fiber application was presented, showing up to 800 Mbit/s data speeds [15]. ...
... The key idea is shown in Fig. 1. Figure 1(a) shows the downlink scheme presented in [11,14]. Data is generated and sent to the LED, modulating its output light. ...
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We present a distributed receiver for visible light communication based on a side-emitting optical fiber. We show that 500 kbps data rate can be captured with a bit-error rate below the forward-error correction limit of 3.8·10⁻³ with a light-emitting diode (LED) transmitter 25 cm away from the fiber, whereas by increasing the photodetector gain and reducing the data rate down to 50 kbps, we improve the LED-fiber distance significantly up to 4 m. Our results lead to a low-cost distributed visible-light receiver with a 360° field of view for indoor low-data rate, Internet of Things, and sensory networks.
... A high-speed VLC system of only a 1 cm link span was studied in [26]. In [27], we reported a transmission system with a link span of up to 40 m with a BER performance below 1.13×10 −3 . In [28], we introduced the only existing exception and investigated the performance of an OCC system with a side-emitting fiber being bent up to 90 • . ...
Wearable communication is one of the key drivers in the Internet of Things (IoT) and body area networks for transmitting vital sensory data. Wearable devices must be lightweight, flexible, and have low energy consumption. In this context, optical wireless communication offers several significant advantages, such as immunity to the radio frequency-induced electromagnetic interference, broad unlicensed spectrum, and enhanced physical layer security. Wearable devices employing light-emitting diodes coupled to side-emitting optical fibers form energy-efficient, lightweight, flexible, and omnidirectional distributed optical transmitters, which are ideal for IoT applications. In this paper, we propose an optical camera communication (OCC)–based wearable system with a unique image processing algorithm capable of detecting and recovering data from distributed transmitters of arbitrary shapes. Experimental results demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed system, where for distances up to 4 m, the bit error rate (BER) performance is well below the forward error correction BER limit with values as low as 5.5×105\mathbf{5.5}\mathbf {\times }\rm {10}^{\mathbf {-}\rm {5}} . The presented results demonstrate the potential of OCC-based systems using side-emitting fibers for IoT applications.
... In particular, it limits the bandwidth of the RS-OCC system. Therefore, high-resolution cameras, large LED transmitters, and telephoto lens [31,32] are helpful to enhance the free-space reach of RS-OCC system. ...
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Rolling shutter based optical camera communication (RS-OCC), a promising candidate of optical wireless communication (OWC), has the advantage of unlicensed spectrum and no electromagnetic interference. Since RS-OCC can use the built-in camera of a smartphone as a receiver, it can provide flexible, low-cost, and timely private information exchange between mobile users. However, the enhancement of data throughput for the RS-OCC is challenging. Light emitting diode (LED) strips can be designed as both a smartphone accessory and a transmitter of RS-OCC. Here, we propose and experimentally demonstrate the LED strip based spatial division multiplexing (SDM) technique. In order to enhance the aggregated data throughput, we investigate and optimize the operation parameters of LED strips and a smartphone camera. Consequently, when the least mean square-based feedforward equalizer (LMS-FFE) with 5 taps is employed, eight LED strips modulated with 8-level pulse amplitude modulation (PAM-8) signals can realize a record data throughput of 201.96 kbit/s, indicating of an alternative flexible data transfer scheme between two smartphones.
... Recently, side-emitting optical fibers have been introduced as distributed transmitters for OCC [17,18]. Side-emitting fibers differ from conventional optical fibers by gradually emitting light along the side-emitting fiber length [19]. ...
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This paper presents an experimental evaluation of two types of light-emitting diode (LED)-based distributed transmitters, namely an LED strip and an LED-coupled side-emitting optical fiber, in both laboratory and wearable optical camera communication (OCC) systems. We study the system performance in terms of success of reception (SoR) with regard to the transmission distance. The best value of SoR is achieved when the camera is facing directly to the transmitter (T x ) from a close distance of 1 m. Additionally, we compare the power consumption, the signal-to-noise ratio performance (SNR) and all the obtained values under optimal conditions are better than the forward error correction (FEC) limit in OCC systems.
... Optical Camera Communication (OCC), as one of the Optical Wireless Communication (OWC) technologies, can be integrated into vehicular communication networks by using vehicle lighting systems as transmitters, and dash cameras as receivers [1,2]. With its advantages of unlicensed spectrum, no radio frequency interference, convenient achievement of Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) functionality, and joint sensing and communication ability, it is considered a promising complement to the majority Radio Frequency (RF)-based Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) to further enhance road safety, traffic efficiency, and driving comfort [3]. ...
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Optical camera communication (OCC) shows promise for optical wireless communication (OWC) in vehicular networks. However, vehicle mobility-induced angular distortions hinder system throughput by degrading non-isotropic vehicular OCC channel gain. Few of the prior works have ever made a comprehensive analysis of their impact, especially based on the pixel value which reflects the camera imaging features. To address this knowledge gap, a pixel value-described vehicular OCC system model accounting for transmitter imaging location and intensity from the geometry and radiometry aspects is presented in this paper with common types of the offset and rotation angles included. We integrate a MATLAB-based simulated vehicular OCC system with an experimentally designed testbed for validation and performance analysis. For a single-time snapshot, we investigate the impacts of common angular distortion types in vehicular OCC systems on maximum pixel value, imaging location, and communication-related metrics. Furthermore, we statistically analyze their influences by considering two driving scenarios with respective angular distributions. The angular distortion characterization from this work is expected to lay a stepping stone to addressing mobility in vehicular OCC systems.
... OCC is considered distance sensitive because the choice of modulation schemes and its performance is significantly influenced by the communication distance [12][13][14]. Conventionally, OM is preferable for most short distant communication scenarios where the light spot is large enough to cover most pixel rows in the output image [15]. The RS mechanism allows exchanging the redundancy in space or pixel domain for the sampling rate in the time domain, in a manner of "space for time", which supports high-speed data transmission. ...
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Oversampled modulation (OM) and undersampled modulation (UM) are two commonly used optical camera communication (OCC) modulation schemes for high-speed communication in short-range and reliable communication at long distances, respectively. However, the relationship between these two schemes and the tradeoff in performance for arbitrary communication distances have not been thoroughly investigated. In this study, we analyze the impact of distance and modulation parameters on pixel efficiency and packet delivery rate performance, demonstrating the underlying unity of traditional OM and UM schemes. Furthermore, we propose a generalized modulation scheme that allows for achieving predefined link performance at a given distance by adjusting the modulation parameters, such as packet length and repetition counts. Simulation and experimental results show that the proposed generalized modulation scheme provides OCC with a unique distance-aware capability other than the traditional OM and UM schemes, which are two special cases focusing on effectiveness and reliability, respectively. This research enhances our understanding of OCC data modulation and establishes a theoretical foundation for achieving efficient and reliable OCC transmission in complex environments.
... Ref. [24] proposed a new approach for OCC using side-emitting fiber transmitters and accomplished an increased communication distance two times that of previous research [25,26]. The proposed OCC-fiber link successfully fulfills the Fuel and Missions Calculator (FEC), Version 3.8 limit for Bit Error Rate (BER) 10 −3 on distances of 35 m (BER = 3.35 · 10 −3 ) and 40 m (BER = 1.13 · 10 −3 ) using fiber with diameters of 2 and 3 mm, respectively. ...
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Optical Camera Communication (OCC) is an emerging technology that has attracted research interest in recent decades. Unlike previous communication technologies, OCC uses visible light as the medium to transmit data from receivers and cameras to receive the data. OCC has several advantages that can be capitalized in several implementations. However, the Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a technology with immense potential. Numerous research endeavors support the IoT’s prospective technology that can be implemented in various sectors, including the healthcare system. This study introduces a novel implementation of the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) system, using OCC for real-time health monitoring and indoor location tracking. The innovative system uses standard closed-circuit television CCTV setups, integrating deep learning-based OCC to monitor multiple patients simultaneously, each represented by an LED matrix. The effectiveness of the system was demonstrated through two scenarios: the first involves dual transmitters and a single camera, highlighting real-time monitoring of vital health data; the second features a transmitter with dual cameras, focusing patient movement tracking across different camera fields of view. To accurately locate and track the position of LED arrays in the camera, the system used YOLO (You Only Look Once). Data are securely transmitted to an edge server and stored using the REST API, with a web interface providing real-time patient updates. This study highlights the potential of OCC in IoMT for advanced patient care and proposes future exploration in larger healthcare systems and other IoT domains.
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We put forward and demonstrate a light-diffusing fiber equipped unmanned-aerial-vehicle (UAV) to provide a large field-of-view (FOV) optical camera communication (OCC) system. The light-diffusing fiber can act as a bendable, lightweight, extended and large FOV light source for the UAV-assisted optical wireless communication (OWC). During UAV flying, the light-diffusing fiber light source could be tilted or bended; hence, offering large FOV as well as supporting large receiver (Rx) tilting angle are particularly important for the UAV-assisted OWC systems. To improve the transmission capacity of the OCC system, one method based on the camera shutter mechanism, which is known as rolling-shuttering is utilized. The rolling-shuttering method makes use of the feature of complementary-metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) image sensor to extract signal pixel-row by pixel-row. The data rate can be significantly increased since the capture start time for each pixel-row is different. As the light-diffusing fiber is thin and occupies only a few pixels in the CMOS image frame, Long-short-term-memory neural-network (LSTM-NN) is used to enhance the rolling-shutter decoding. Experimental results show that the light-diffusing fiber can satisfactorily act as an “omnidirectional optical antenna” providing wide FOVs and 3.6 kbit/s can be achieved, accomplishing the pre-forward error correction bit-error-rate (pre-FEC BER = 3.8 × 10⁻³).
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Side-emitting optical fibers are diffuse light sources that emit guided light through their cladding. Herein, two models to predict the generated radiation field are derived: one for the case of a cylinder source and one for a line source. The approach is based on the radiometric approximation and considers longitudinal and angle-dependent emission. Experimental validation is provided for the model parameters and the radiation field. It is shown that the longitudinal characteristic is relevant in proximity to the emitter’s surface and that the angular dependency determines the far field of emission. Comparison to the experiment shows that the cylinder source model allows for only slightly more accurate prediction at the cost of significantly higher computational effort. A combination of model and measurements is then used to predict the illumination performance of side-emitting fibers and fiber fabrics.
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Optical Camera Communication (OCC) technology uses Light Emitting Diode (LED) light sources as a transmitter and a camera as a receiver. This emerging technology is very interesting for indoor and outdoor geolocation applications. Indeed, cities and museums can offer interactive tours where users can use their cameras to sense a code and watch appropriate stored content depending on the location. In this context, this paper proposes a simple, fast, and efficient OCC system. It uses RGB (Red-Green-Blue) LED strips to replace the classical white LED, with the aim to highly increase the potential number of location codes sent to the user. The use of a light diffuser is studied to enhance the image issued from the rolling shutter mode, and an operational image signal processing algorithm is described. This paper also proposes practical guidelines to take into account when designing such a system.
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We demonstrate a femtosecond tunable light source with a variable pulse repetition rate based on a synchronously pumped fiber-feedback optical parametric oscillator (FFOPO) that incorporates an extended-cavity design. The repetition rate can be reduced by an acousto-optical modulator in the FFOPO pump beam. The extended FFOPO cavity supports signal oscillation down to the 64th subharmonic. The high nonlinearity of the FFOPO threshold suppresses signal output for residual pump pulses that are transmitted by the pulse picker. We characterize the temporal pulse contrast ratio of the FFOPO signal output with a second-order cross-correlation measurement. This FFOPO system enables pulse picking with extraordinarily high values up to 111 dB suppression of adjacent pulses and exhibits a temporal contrast ratio that exceeds 130 dB. It generates fs-pulses with tunable wavelength from 1415–1750 nm and 2.5–3.8 µm and variable repetition rates ranging from 640 kHz to 41 MHz.
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In this paper, we study the novel idea of fiber optic lighting - optical camera communications. We carry out analyses of the proposed scheme employing a light emitting diode (LED) illuminated plastic optical fiber (POF) and a rolling-shutter-based camera as the transmitter and the receiver (Rx), respectively in an indoor static environment. We also provide optical and electrical characterization of the LED and LED coupled POF illumination sources. The experiment results demonstrate that, despite the small diameter of the illuminating POF, flicker-free wireless communications at modulation frequencies of 300 and 600 Hz over the transmission distances of 50 and 75 cm can be achieved. Consequently, we show that a 100 % reception success rate is achieved for the camera-based optical Rx with the exposure time and the gain of 400 µs and 25 dB, respectively.
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The power coupling between two light diffusing multimodal optical fibers of equal and finite lengths that are parallel oriented, and which are coupled through scattering processes, is investigated both theoretically and experimentally. In particular, a simple analytical model of the inherent coupling coefficient, derived according to a perturbation approach in a weak-coupling regime, is developed. The modelling results have been compared with the measurements performed, as a function of fiber distance and coupling length at three different wavelengths, and a close agreement is proved. The obtained results provide better understanding of the power coupling mechanism and of the inherent functional dependence on the main structural parameters of the two-fiber configuration.
Optical camera communication (OCC) is gaining increasing attention in researches. However, applying it to a real-world scenario may encounter many practical problems, such as the communication device may sway or there may be a position offset between the camera and the light source, which may distort the stripes and make the message unreceivable. To this end, we propose pilot-based stripe area estimation (P-SAE) decoding algorithm, and design a pixels rearrangement (PR) scheme and stripes separation logic decision method (SSLD) to improve the decoding performance under sway or receiving position offset. Finally, we build a practical OCC system and carry out experiments to verify the effectiveness of the decoding algorithm. Experimental results show that the lightweight decoding algorithm can resist the impact of smartphone sway and receiving position offset on decoding accuracy.