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Possibilities of Edge Repetition using Double Mean Labeling

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A graph G = (V, E) with p vertices and q edges is said to be square sum graph, if there exists a bijection mapping f : V (G) → {0, 1, 2,. .. , p − 1} such that the induced function f * : E(G) → N defined by f * (uv) = (f (u)) 2 + (f (v)) 2 , for every uv ∈ E(G) is injective. A graph with square sum labeling is called square sum graph. In this paper we prove that restricted square graph, splitting graph and shadow graph of B n,n are square sum. We also prove that restricted total, restricted middle and degree splitting graph of B n,n , duplication of vertex and arbitrary super subdivision of B n,n are square sum graph.
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In this paper, We prove that cycle C n is a difference modulo labeled graph. We investigate the graph P n 2 and C 3 ( t ) is a difference modulo labeling. Here, the formulated edge labeling is considered as plaintext and with the help of affine cipher, we investigate a method of encryption and decryption of a message for the system of secured communication.
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A graph G = (V,E) with p vertices and q edges is said to be square sum graph, if there exists a bijection mapping f : V (G) ! {0, 1, 2, . . . , p − 1} such that the induced function f� : E(G) ! N defined by f�(uv) = (f(u))2 + (f(v))2 , for every uv 2 E(G) is injective. A graph with square sum labeling is called square sum graph. In this paper we prove that restricted square graph, splitting graph and shadow graph of Bn,n are square sum. We also prove that restricted total, restricted middle and degree splitting graph of Bn,n, duplication of vertex and arbitrary super subdivision of Bn,n are square sum graph.
Conference Paper
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A graph G=(V,E) with p vertices and q edges is called a harmonic mean graph if it is possible to label the vertices x∈V with distinct labels f(x) from 1,2,...,q+1 in such a way that when each edge e=uv is labeled with f(uv)=2f(u)f(v) f(u)+f(v) or 2f(u)f(v) f(u)+f(v) then the edge labels are distinct. In this case f is called harmonic mean labeling of G. The concept of Harmonic mean labeling was introduced in [the authors, “Harmonic mean labelings of graphs” (to appear)]. In [loc. cit.] and in [Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sci. 7, No. 1–4, 197–208 (2012; Zbl 1251.05128)] we investigate the harmonic mean labeling of several standard graphs such as path, cycle comb, ladder, triangular snakes, quadrilateral snakes etc. In the present paper, we investigate the harmonic mean labeling for a polygonal chain, square of the path and dragon. Also we enumerate all harmonic mean graph of order ≤5.
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A vertex labeling of a graph G is an assignment f of labels to the vertices of G that induces for each edge xy a label depending on the vertex labels f(x) and f(y). The two best known labeling methods are called graceful and harmonious labelings. A function f is called a graceful labeling of a graph G with q edges if f is an injection from the vertices of G to the set {0, 1, . . . , q} such that, when each edge xy is assigned the label |f(x) - f(y)|, the resulting edge labels are distinct. A function f is called a harmonious labeling of a graph G with q edges if it is an injection from the vertices of G to the group of integers modulo q such that when each edge xy is assigned the label f(x)+f(y) (mod q), the resulting edge labels are distinct. When G is a tree, exactly one label may be used on two vertices. Over the past three decades many variations of graceful and harmonious labelings have evolved and about 300 papers have been written on the subject of graph labeling....
Conference Paper
In this research article we examinedfew results on Double Mean Labelling on somewhere onthe path of the graphs. This content can be expanded to network graphs of higher dimensions, since each graph consists of a path. In previous theory we have proved the results under Double Mean Labelling on the path graph for all n. Here we compute the graph for the dimension of path graph with four vertices and split the vertex set into two subsets. Since we were approaching to find out the repetition of edge labelling, which can be removed from the collection of possibilities given from the theorem of Double Mean Labelling. After removing such possibilities using the concept of Detecting the edge labelling which tends to avoid the non-distinct edge labelling, where the concept is discussed with few theorems. This method gives us a minimization of repetition of edge labelling i.e., which reduces the duration of finding the non-distinct edge labelling. Also, we have introduced an algorithm to generate the label of a vertex from the vertex set.
We introduce a new type of labeling called relaxed Skolem mean labeling. We prove, if m>4, K 1,m is not a relaxed Skolem mean graph, the two stars K 1,m ∪K 1,n is a relaxed Skolem mean graph if and only if |m-n|≤5 the three stars K 1,ℓ ∪K 1,p ∪K 1,q is a relaxed Skolem mean graph if |p-q|≤4+ℓ for ℓ=1,2,3,⋯, the three stars K 1,ℓ ∪K 1,p ∪K 1,q is a relaxed Skolem mean graph if |p-q|>4+ℓ for ℓ=1,2,3,⋯, and any path is a relaxed Skolem mean graph. Also, we prove the relaxed Skolem mean labelings are linearly independent from the Skolem mean labeling.
A graph G=(V, E) with p vertices and q edges is said to be a mean graph if it is possible to label the vertices x?V with distinct elements f (x) from 0, 1, 2, ?, q in such a way that when each edge e=uv is labelled with (f(u)+f(v))/2 if f (u)+f (v) is even and (f (u)+f (v)+1)/2 if f (u)+f (v) is odd, then the resulting edge labels are distinct. f is called a mean labeling of G. In this paper, we investigate the mean labeling of caterpillar, dragon, arbitrary super subdivision of a path and some graphs which are obtained from cycles and stars.
The Graceful Tree Conjecture is getting old - though 40 years are not so many - while researchers form all over the world keep on trying to put an armative end to it. Kotzig called a disease the eort of proving it. In this paper we fall into the opposite disease, namely by moving towards the search of a tree that is not graceful. Our first result, on suitable attachments of graceful trees, is however constructive and produces new graceful trees. But the reader might perceive a subtle friction between the combinatorial structure and the arithmetical need of producing a graceful labelling (that sensation will sound perhaps like a warning). Subsequently, the classification of all graceful labellings for a rather simple class of trees will seem at a first glance reassuring for its richness, while a more careful analysis may highlight some heavy constraints for labels, due to the mere structure of trees. Here the question is: what could happen to label constraints if the tree has a quite wild structure? Should we give up gracefulness? Finally, we introduce a polynomial associated to a given tree, which is expected to help the willing researcher to find some ungraceful tree, if any, in the next future.
This chapter explains the way of numbering a graph. The problem of numbering a graph is to assign integers to the nodes so as to achieve G(Г). The principal questions which arise in the theory of numbering the nodes of graphs revolve around the relationship between G(Г) and e, for example, identifying classes of graphs for which G(Г)= e and other classes for which G(Г)< e and looking for bounds on G(Г)—e. A graph for which G(Г)= e will be called a graceful graph, and the numbering which achieves G(Г)= e, a graceful numbering. For numbering graphs, Euclidean model is used and in this model, the result of placing the numbered nodes on the corresponding positions along the real axis and connecting them as in the original graph. It is generally a convenient tool in visualizing or simplifying problems involving numbering of graphs.
Introduction A group (P; Delta) is a set P , together with a binary operation Delta on P , for which 1. an identity element e 2 P exists, i.e. x Delta e = e Delta x = e for all x 2 P ; 2. Delta is associative, i.e. x Delta (y Delta z) = (x Delta y) Delta z for all x; y; z 2 P ; 3. every element x 2 P has an inverse, an element x Gamma1 for which x Delta x Gamma1 = x Gamma1 Delta<F25.
Quotient Remainder Labeled Graph
  • rekha
Some results on relaxed mean labeling
  • balaji
A Study On Path Graph By Double Mean Labeling Through Succeccor Vertex Sets
  • V Nandhini
  • V Maheswari
  • Balaji
Quotient Remainder Labeled Graph
  • S Rekha
  • V Maheswari
  • V Balaji
Relaxed mean labeling
  • V Balaji
  • V Maheswari
  • Dst Ramesh
Some results on relaxed mean labeling
  • V Balaji
  • V Maheswari
  • Dst Ramesh