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Accepted: 14 July 2023 / Published online: 19 July 2023
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. 2023
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Cyberloang in the Online Synchronous Lessons: Exploring
Variables Associated with University Students’ Cyberloang
Fatma GizemKaraoglan Yilmaz1· RamazanYılmaz1· SemaSulak2
Technology, Knowledge and Learning (2024) 29:681–696
Due to the distance education implemented with the COVID-19 pandemic, online syn-
chronous education activities have started to be carried out using tools such as Zoom. In
this process, students have experienced various problems and one of them is related to
cyberloang behaviors (CLB). The main purpose of this study was to examine the fac-
tors inuencing CLB among Turkish adolescent students in online synchronous lessons.
The research sample consisted of 570 university students. The data of the research were
obtained with the scales (cyberloang scale, Internet gaming disorder scale, smartphone
addiction scale, beck depression scale, locus of control scale) that the students answered
based on self-report. Structural Equation Modeling was used in the analysis of the data.
Research ndings show that students’ depression states aect internet gaming disorder
(IGD). It has been determined that IGD aects locus of control and smartphone addiction.
Smartphone addiction aects students’ CLB. One of the innovative aspects of our research
is examining the structural relationships between IGD, smartphone addiction, and locus of
control variables. This research is original research in which these variables were inves-
tigated within the scope of IGD. Another innovative aspect of the research is to examine
the reasons for cyberloang by students during synchronous lessons. It is thought that the
present study will provide insights for educators and researchers in terms of revealing the
causes of students’ CLB in online synchronous courses, which are increasingly used in
the context of both synchronous courses and hybrid courses after the Covid 19 pandemic,
and discussing what can be done to overcome them.
Keywords Cyberloang behavior · Depression · Internet gaming disorder · Locus of
control · Smartphone addiction
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