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An Efficient Shapley Value Computation for the Naive Bayes Classifier



(Preprint version) - Variable selection or importance measurement of input variables to a machine learning model has become the focus of much research. It is no longer enough to have a good model, one also must explain its decisions. This is why there are so many intelligibility algorithms available today. Among them, Shapley value estimation algorithms are intelligibil-ity methods based on cooperative game theory. In the case of the naive Bayes classifier, and to our knowledge, there is no "analytical" formulation of Shapley values. This article proposes an exact analytic expression of Shapley values in the special case of the naive Bayes Classifier. We analytically compare this Shapley proposal, to another frequently used indicator, the Weight of Evidence (WoE) and provide an empirical comparison of our proposal with (i) the WoE and (ii) KernelShap results on real world datasets, discussing similar and dissimilar results. The results show that our Shapley proposal for the naive Bayes classifier provides informative results with low algorithmic complexity so that it can be used on very large datasets with extremely low computation time.
An Efficient Shapley Value Computation
for the Naive Bayes Classifier
Vincent Lemaire, Fabrice Cl´erot, and Marc Boull´e
Orange Innovation, Lannion, France
Abstract. Variable selection or importance measurement of input vari-
ables to a machine learning model has become the focus of much research.
It is no longer enough to have a good model, one also must explain its de-
cisions. This is why there are so many intelligibility algorithms available
today. Among them, Shapley value estimation algorithms are intelligibil-
ity methods based on cooperative game theory. In the case of the naive
Bayes classifier, and to our knowledge, there is no “analytical” formula-
tion of Shapley values. This article proposes an exact analytic expression
of Shapley values in the special case of the naive Bayes Classifier. We
analytically compare this Shapley proposal, to another frequently used
indicator, the Weight of Evidence (WoE) and provide an empirical com-
parison of our proposal with (i) the WoE and (ii) KernelShap results on
real world datasets, discussing similar and dissimilar results. The results
show that our Shapley proposal for the naive Bayes classifier provides
informative results with low algorithmic complexity so that it can be
used on very large datasets with extremely low computation time.
Keywords: Interpretability ·Explainability ·Shapley value ·naive Bayes
1 Introduction
There are many intelligibility algorithms based on the computation of variable’s
contribution to classifier results, often empirical and sometimes without theoret-
ical justifications. This is one of the main reasons why the Python SHAP library
was created in 2017 by Scott Lundberg following his publication [16], to provide
algorithms for estimating Shapley values, an intelligibility method based on co-
operative game theory. Since its inception, this library has enjoyed increasing
success, including better theoretical justifications and qualitative visualizations.
It provides local explanation like other methods such as LIME [17].
In the case of the naive Bayes classifier, we show in this paper that Shapley
values can be computed accurately and efficiently. The key contributions are:
an analytical formula for the Shapley values in the case of the naive Bayes
an efficient algorithm for calculating these values, with algorithmic complex-
ity linear with respect to the number of variables.
2 V. Lemaire et al.
The remainder of this paper is organized into three contributions : (i) in
the next section 2 we give our proposal for local Shapley values in the case of
the naive Bayes (NB) classifier, with further discussion in the section 3; (ii) the
following section 4 compares, in an analytic analysis, our Shapley proposal to
another frequently used indicator in the case of the NB classifier: the Weight
of Evidence (WoE); (iii) we then provide, in section 5 an empirical comparison
of the results our Shapley formulation to the results of (i) the WoE and (ii)
KernelShap on real world datasets and discuss similar similar and dissimilar
results. The last section concludes the paper.
2 Shapley for naive Bayes Classifier
To our knowledge, there is no “analytical” formula of Shapley values for the
naive Bayes classifier in the literature1. This first section is therefore devoted to
a proposal for calculating these these values, exploiting the conditional variable
independence assumption that characterizes this classifier .
2.1 Reminders on the naive Bayes classifier
The naive Bayes classifier (NB) is a widely used tool in supervised classification
problems. It has the advantage of being efficient for many real data sets [9].
However, the naive assumption of conditional independence of the variables can,
in some cases, degrade the classifier’s performance. This is why variable selection
methods have been developed [11]. They mainly consist of variable addition and
deletion heuristics to select the best subset of variables maximizing a classifier
performance criterion, using a wrapper-type approach [8]. It has been shown in
[4] that averaging a large number of selective naive Bayes classifiers2, performed
with different subsets of variables, amounts to considering only one model with a
weighting on the variables. Bayes’ formula under the assumption of independence
of the input variables conditionally to the class variable becomes:
P(Yk|X) = P(Yk)QiP(Xi|Yk)wi
where wi[0,1] is the weight of variable i. The predicted class is the one that
maximizes the conditional probability P(Yk|X). The probabilities P(Xi|Yi) can
be estimated by interval using discretization for numerical variables. Gaussian
naive Bayes could be also considered. For categorical variables, this estimation
can be done directly if the variable takes few different modalities, or after group-
ing (of values) in the opposite case.
Note 1: in accordance with the naive Bayes model definition, our Shapley
value proposal assumes that the variables of the model are independent condi-
tionally to the class. In practice, we expect a variable selection method to result
1See the introduction of the Section 4 for a very brief literature overview
2In this case, it is an assembly of models providing better results than a single classifier
An Efficient Shapley Value Computation for the Naive Bayes Classifier 3
in a classifier relying on variables which are uncorrelated or only weakly cor-
related conditionally to the class. A posthoc analysis of our results shows that
this is indeed the case in the experiments of this article with the parsimonious
classifier used (see Section 5.1).
Note 2: Even if in equation 1 the NB have transparent weights for all feature
variables it is interesting to explain NB models in order to have local interpre-
2.2 Definition and notations
The following notations are used:
* the classifier uses dvariables: [d] = {1,2, ..., d}
* for a subset uof [d], we note |u|the cardinality of u
* for two disjoint sets uand rof [d], let u+rbe ur
* for a subset uof [d], we denote by u= [d]\u, the complement of uin d
We define a “value function” v(.) indicating for each subset uof variables
the maximum ”contribution” they can obtain together, i.e. v(u), to the output
of the classifier. The maximum value (or total gain) of the value function is
reached when all the variables are taken into account, v([d]). The Shapley value
for variable jis denoted ϕj. Shapley’s theorem [19] tells us that there is a unique
distribution of Shapley values satisfying the following four properties:
Efficiency: v([d]) = Pjϕj; i.e. the total gain is distributed over all the vari-
Symmetry: if u −{i, j},v(u+j) = v(u+i), then ϕj=ϕi; i.e. if the
variables iand jbring the same gain to any subset of variables, then they
have the same Shapley value
Null player: if u −{i},v(u+i) = v(u), then ϕi= 0; i.e. if the variable i
contributes nothing to any subset of variables, then its Shapley value is zero
Additivity: if the dvariables are used for two independent classification prob-
lems Aand Bassociated with vA, vB, then the Shapley values for the set of
two problems are the sum of the Shapley values for each problem
2.3 Shapley Values for the naive Bayes Classifier
2.3.1 ‘Value Function’: In the case of the NB we propose to take as ‘Value
Function’ (case of a two-class classification problem) the log ratio (LR) of prob-
LR =log P(Y1|X)
=log P(Y1)Qd
i=1 P(Xi|Y1)wi
i=1 P(Xi|Yj)wi)PK
i=1 P(Xi|Yj)wi)
i=1 P(Xi|Y1)wi!
=log P(Y1)Qd
i=1 P(Xi|Y1)wi
i=1 P(Xi|Y1)wi!
=log P(Y1)
wilog P(Xi|Y1)
4 V. Lemaire et al.
The choice of the logarithm of the odd ratio as the ”value function” is mo-
tivated by two reasons (i) the logarithm of the odd ratio is in bijection with
the score produced by the classifier according to a monotonic transformation
(ii) the logarithm of the odd ratio has a linear form that allows the derivation
of an analytical formula. This value function differs from the usual value func-
tion, f(X) = P(Y|X), as mentioned and analyzed later in this document when
comparing with KernelShap (see section 5.3).
We stress here that the derivation above is only valid in the case of in-
dependent variables conditionally to the class variable, which is the standard
assumption for the naive Bayes classifier.
For a subset, u, of the variables 3given Xu=xu:
v(u) = EXu|Xu=xu[LR(Xu=x
u, Xu)] (3)
which we write in a ”simplified” way afterwards
v(u) = E[(LR(X)|Xu=x
u)] (4)
This is a proxy of the target information provided by uat the point X=x.
Thus, for a point (an example) of interest xwe have:
v([d]) = LR(X=x), everything is conditional on xso we have the log
odd ratio for X=x
v() = EX[LR(X)] = EXhlog(P(Y1|X)
P(Y0|X))i, nothing is conditioned so we have
the expectation of the log odd ratio
2.3.2 Shapley Values: By definition of the Shapley values [19], we have
for a variable m:
To obtain ϕm, we therefore need to calculate, for a subset of variables in which
the variable mdoes not appear, the difference in gain v(u+m)v(u). This
makes it possible to compare the gain obtained by the subset of variables with
and without the mvariable, in order to measure its impact when it ”collaborates”
with the others.
We therefore need to calculate v(u+m)v(u) in the case of the naive Bayes
classifier. If this difference is positive, it means that the variable contributes
positively. Conversely, if the difference is negative, the variable is penalizing the
gain. Finally, if the difference is zero, it indicates that the variable makes no
contribution. Following the example of [16] and Corollary1 with a linear model
whose covariates are the log odd ratio as a ‘value function’, one can decompose
the subsets of variables into 3 groups {u},{m},−{u+m}.
3on the covariates in u, we average over the conditional distribution of Xu
An Efficient Shapley Value Computation for the Naive Bayes Classifier 5
Calculation of v(u) : On {u}, we condition on Xu=xuwhile on {m},
{u+m}, we do an averaging. By consequent:
v(u) = E[LR(X)|Xu=x
u)] (6)
=log(P(Y1)/P (Y0))
wklog P(Xk=xk|Y1)
XmP(Xm=xm)log P(Xm=xm|Y1)
XkP(Xk=xk)log P(Xk=xk|Y1)
Calculation of v(u+m) : The only difference is that we also condition on
v(u+m) = ELR(X)|Xu+m=x
=log(P(Y1)/P (Y0))
wklog P(Xk=xk|Y1)
+wmlog P(Xm=x
XkP(Xk=xk)log P(Xk=xk|Y1)
The difference v(u+m)v(u) is independent on uand therefore the combi-
natorial sum averaging over all u min equation 5 simply vanishes and finally
log P(Xm=x
XmP(Xm=xm)log P(Xm=xm|Y1)
=wmlog P(Xm=x
m|Y0)Elog P(Xm=xm|Y1)
P(Xm=xm|Y0) (10)
Equation 10 provides the exact analytical expression of the Shapley value for
our choice of the log odd ratio as the value function of the weighted naive Bayes.
3 Interpretation and Discussion
We give here some interpretation details and discussion about the Shapley for-
mulation which are interesting arguments for its use.
6 V. Lemaire et al.
The equation 10 is the difference between the information content of Xm
conditionally on Xm=x
mand the expectation of this information. In other
words, it is the information contribution of the variable Xmfor the value Xm=
mof the considered instance, contrasted by the average contribution on the
entire database.
The Equation 10 can be rewritten (we just omit the product by wm) in the
log 1
XmP(Xm=xm)log 1
log 1
XmP(Xm=xm)log 1
The terms in brackets [.. .] in equation 11 are the difference between the
information content related to the conditioning Xm=x
mand the entropy of
the variable Xmfor each class (Y0and Y1). This term measures how much con-
ditioning on Xm=x
mbrings information about the target classes.
For a given variable, the expectation of our Shapley proposal is equal to
zero, due to the conditional independence of the variables. The consequence
is that high Shapley values in some parts of the data space must be exactly
compensated by low values in other parts of the data space.
For a given example if we return to our choice of value function (equation 2)
and using the sum of equation 10 over the dvariables we have:
LR =log P(Y1)
wmlog P(Xm|Y1)
=log P(Y1)
Elog P(Xm=xm|Y1)
ϕm+ cste (12)
We obtain a result consistent with the notion of a value function for the
Shapley’s formulation. Our value function consists of a constant plus the indi-
vidual contribution of the dvariables. The constant is the log ratio of class prior
plus the sum of the average contribution of all variables.
If we inverse the role of Y0and Y1in equation 10, we observe that the
Shapley value is symmetric; i.e the positive contribution of the variable for Y0is
negative for Y1(with the same absolute value).
When the numerical (resp. categorical) variables have been previously dis-
cretized into intervals (resp. groups of values), the complexity of the equation
10 is linear in the number of discretized parts. For an input vector made up of
dvariables, this complexity is O(Pd
i=1 Pi) where Piis the number of discretized
parts of variable i.
An Efficient Shapley Value Computation for the Naive Bayes Classifier 7
Fig. 1. Normalized Shapley values - Illustrative example ( ϕm
i=1 ϕi)
In term of explainability, if the discretization method used for numerical
attributes (resp. grouping method for categorical attributes) provides a reason-
able number of intervals (resp. groups of values), then the number of potential
“behaviors” of the individuals in the classification problem is small and therefore
easy to understand.
Extension to multiclass: We simply define the Shapley Value of an input
variable as the sum of the absolute CShapley values when choosing in equa-
tion 10 one of the Cclass of the problem as the “positive class” (Y1) and all the
others C1 class as the “negative class” (Y0). For example in a 3 class problems
where the class are ‘red’, ’green’, and ’yellow’:
ϕm=|ϕm(Y1={red}, Y0={gr een, yellow})|
+|ϕm(Y1={green}, Y0={r ed, yellow})|
+|ϕm(Y1={yellow}, Y0={g reen, red})|
In this way, we can find out which feature has the greatest impact on all classes.
Note that there are other ways of measuring the impact of features in multi-
classification problems (see, for example, the discussion in [1] on using the SHAP
package for multi-classification problems).
To conclude this discussion and prior to the experiments presented in Sec-
tion 5, we give here an illustrative example on the Adult dataset (the experi-
mental conditions are the same as those presented in Section 5). Figure 1 shows
the Shapley values obtained for 3 examples which are respectively predicted as
belonging to the class ‘more’ with probabilities 0.99, 0.50 and 0.01. On this
well-known data set, we find the usual results on the role of input variables for
examples with high to low probabilities when considering the class ‘more’.
4 Analytic comparison with the Weight of Evidence
In the case of the naive Bayes classifier, there are a number of “usual” methods
for calculating the importance of input variables. We do not go into detail on all
of them, but the reader can find a wide range of these indicators in [18,12] for a
8 V. Lemaire et al.
brief literature overview but nonetheless quite exhaustive. This section focuses
on presenting the “Weight of evidence” (WoE) [7] and its comparison with the
Shapley values proposed in the previous section, since this indicator is (i) close
to the equation presented above (equation 10) and (ii) among the most widely
used indicators for the naive Bayes classifier.
We give below the definition of the WoE (in the case with two classes) which
is a log odds ratio calculated between the probability of the output of the model
and the latter deprived of the variable Xm:
(W oE)m=log p
=wmlog P(Y1|X)P(Y0|X\Xm)
(W oE)m=wm
i=1 P(Xi|Y1)iP(Y0)hQd
i=1 P(Xi|Y0)iP(Y1)hQd
by simplifying the numerator and denominator:
(W oE)m=wmlog P(Xm=x
m|Y0) (15)
Link between (W oE)mand ϕm: If we compare the equations 15 and 10,
we can see that it is the reference that changes. For the Shapley value ( equation
10), the second term takes the whole population as a reference whereas for the
WoE (equation 15) the reference is zero. The averaging is not at the same place
between the two indicators, as we will demonstrate just below. We can also
observe that the expectation of our Shapley proposal is equal to zero, whereas
the expectation of WoE is the second term of our Shapley proposal (second part,
the expectation term, of equation 10).
In case of the naive Bayes classifier, “depriving” the classifier of a variable
is equivalent to performing a “saliency” calculation (as proposed in [13]) which
takes into account the probability distribution of the variable Xm. Indeed, to
deprive the classifier of the variable Xm, it is sufficient to recalculate the average
of the classifier’s predictions for all the possible values of the variable Xmas
demonstrated in [18]. Indeed, if we assume that the variable Xmhas kdistinct
values, Robnik et al. [18] have shown that the saliency calculation of [13] is exact
in the naive Bayes case and amounts to “erasing” the variable Xm. Denoting
either Y=Y0or Y=Y1by Y., we have
P(Xm=Xq)P(Y.|X, Xm=Xq)
P(X, Xm=Xq)(16)
An Efficient Shapley Value Computation for the Naive Bayes Classifier 9
with P(Y.|X, Xm=Xq) being P(Y.|X) but where the value of the variable
Xmhas been replaced by another value of its distribution Xq. This last result is
interesting because with the help of the equation 17 we can rewrite the equation
13 in :
(W oE)m=wmlog P(Y1|X)P(Y0|X\Xm)
(W oE)m=wmlog P(Y1)
(W oE)m=wmlog P(Xm=x
q=1 P(Xm=Xq|Y0)
q=1 P(Xm=Xq|Y1)!
(W oE)m=wmlog P(Xm=x
m|Y0)+log Pk
q=1 P(Xm=Xq|Y0)
q=1 P(Xm=Xq|Y1)!(19)
(W oE)m=wmlog P(Xm=x
m|Y0)+log 1
This result allows to better understand why the WoE is referenced in zero.
The comparison of the equation 10 and the equation 19 exhibits the difference
in the localization of the averaging resulting in a reference in zero for the WoE.
In the first case an expectation is computed on the variation of the log ratio
log(P(Y1|X)/P (Y0|X)) while in the second case this expectation is computed only
on the variations of f(X) = P(Y1|X) (or reciprocally P(Y0|X)).
This comparison shows the effect of choosing either the odds (our Shapley
proposal) or the output of the classifier (WoE) as the ‘value function’. Since both
results are very consistent, and WoE does not suffer from calculation exhaustion,
the two methods are very close.
5 Experiments
The experiments carried out in this section allow us to compare our Shapley
proposal with the Weight of Evidence and KernelShap to highlight similar or
dissimilar behaviors. We focus below on two classes problems.
The code and data used in this section are available in the GitHub repository
10 V. Lemaire et al.
5.1 Datasets and Classifier
Classifier : The naive Bayes classifier used in the experiments exploits two main
steps. A first step in which (i) the numerical variables are discretized, using
the method described in [6], (ii) the modalities of the categorical variables are
grouped using the method described in [5]. Then, variable weights are calculated
using the method described in [4]. In the first and second steps, uninformative
variables are eliminated from the learning process. In this paper, we have used the
free Khiops software [3] in which the whole process is implemented. This software
produces a preparation report containing a table of the values of P(Xm=xm|Y.)
for all classes and all variables, enabling us to easily implement the two methods
described earlier in the article.
Note: below, the same classifier and preprocessing are used for comparing
the different methods used to calculate the variable importance, so that the
differences in the results will be only due to those different methods.
Dataset : Ten datasets have been selected in this paper and are described
in the Table 1. They are all available on the UCI website [14] or on the Kaggle
website[2]. They were chosen to be representative datasets in terms of variety
of number of numerical attributes (#Cont), number of categorical attributes
(#Cat), number of instances (#Inst) and imbalance between classes4(Maj.
class.). They are widely used in the “machine learning” community as well as
in the analysis of recently published Shapley value results. In this table, we give
in the last columns the performances, for information purposes, obtained by the
naive Bayes used (an averaged naive Bayes, see Section 2.1); i.e the accuracy
and the Area Under the ROC curve (AUC), as well as the number of variables
retained by this classifier (#Var) since uninformative variables are eliminated
from the learning process. As the aim of this article is not to compare classifica-
tion results, we decide simply to use 100 % of the examples to train the model5
and to compute later the importance indicators (WoE and Shapley) .
Name #Cont #Cat #Inst (N) Maj. class. Accuracy AUC #Var
Twonorm 20 0 7400 0.5004 0.9766 0.9969 20
Crx 6 9 690 0.5550 0.8112 0.9149 7
Ionosphere 34 0 351 0.6410 0.9619 0.9621 9
Spam 57 0 4307 0.6473 0.9328 0.9791 29
Tictactoe 0 9 958 0.6534 0.6713 0.7383 5
German 24 0 1000 0.7 0.7090 0.7112 9
Telco 3 18 7043 0.7346 0.8047 0.8476 10
Adult 7 8 48842 0.7607 0.8657 0.9216 13
KRFCC 28 7 858 0.9358 0.9471 0.8702 3
Breast 10 0 699 0.9421 0.975 0.9915 8
Table 1. Description of the datasets used in the experiments (KRFCC = KagRisk-
FactorsCervicalCancer dataset)
4Here we give the percentage of the majority class.
5To facilitate reproducibility. Nevertheless, the test performances of the models (Table
1) are very close with a 10-fold cross-validation process.
An Efficient Shapley Value Computation for the Naive Bayes Classifier 11
5.2 Comparison with the WoE
In this first part of the experiments, the comparison is made with the Weight of
Evidence. and we present the observed correlation between the Shapley values
(Eq. 10) and the WoE values (Eq. 15).
We compute the Shapley and WoE values per class (C), per variable (J) and
per instance (N) then, we compute the Kendall correlation6line per line; that is,
for each example, we compute the dvalues of WoE or of our Shapley values and
then the Kendall coefficient for that example. Finally we compute the average
and the standard deviation of these Nvalues which are reported in the Table 2.
The Kendall correlation is a measure of rank correlation, therefore, it mea-
sures whether the two indicators, WoE and our Shapley values, give the same
ordering in the importance of the variables.
Name Kendall
Twonorm 0.9919 ±8.71e-05
Crx 0.9919 ±4.28e-04
Ionosphere 0.8213 ±1.76e-02
Spam 0.9011 ±2.66e-04
Tictactoe 1.0000 ±2.60e-04
German 0.9515 ±1.01e-03
Telco 0.9210 ±3.70e-03
Adult 0.8589 ±6.57e-03
KRFCC 0.9931 ±1.77e-03
Breast 0.9222 ±2.73e-03
Table 2. Two Class problems
In Table 2, we observe only Kendall values above 0.82. Kendall’s coefficient
values can range from 0 to 1. The higher the Kendall’s coefficient value, the
stronger the association. Usually, Kendall’s coefficients of 0.9 or more are usually
considered very good. Kendall’s coefficient means also that the appraisers apply
essentially the same standard when assessing the samples. With the values shown
in this Table, we observe [10] a minimum of fair agreement to a near perfect
agreement between our Shapley proposition and WoE in terms of ranking of the
variable importances7.
This good agreement can be understood from two non exclusive perspectives.
First, using an averaged naive Bayes model introduces a weight wmwhich has a
strong influence on the variable importance (the higher the weight, the stronger
the influence, for both methods): the variable importance would be mainly in-
6We used the scipy.stats.kendalltau with the default parameter, i.e τ-b.
7It would also be interesting to see the correlations of only the most important vari-
ables (e.g. the top five), since usually only a few of the most important features are
perceptible to humans. However, for lack of space, we do not present this result. We
do, however, provide the code for doing so.
12 V. Lemaire et al.
fluenced by the weights ordering and therefore the same for both methods. Sec-
ond, it could point out to the fact that the variable-dependent reference terms
wmElog P(Xm=xm|Y1)
P(Xm=xm|Y0) which make the difference between the Shapley
value and the WoE are either small or roughly constant in our datasets. How
those two perspectives are combined to lead to the good agreement experimen-
tally observed is left for future work.
5.3 Comparison with Kernel Shap
Among the libraries able to compute Shapley values, one may find ‘model ori-
ented’ proposals that can only be used on particular model as for example with
tree-based algorithms like random forests and XGBoost (TreeShap [15], Fast-
TreeShap [20]), or model agnostic which can be used with any machine learning
algorithm as KernelShap [16]. Here since we did not find a library dedicated to
naive Bayes, we compare our results to the popular Kernel Shap. In this section
we attempt to compare the results obtained, for the Shapley values, with our
analytic expression and the results obtained with the KernelShap library. For
a fair comparison, the first point to raise is that the two processes do not use
the same ‘value function’. Indeed, in our case we use a log odds ratio whereas in
KernelShap, when providing the classifier to the library, the value function used
is the output of the classifier.
On the use of Kernelshap [16]: The computation time of the library can
be very long, even prohibitive. To use the library, the user has to define two
datasets: (i) a first dataset, as a knowledge source, which is used to perform the
permutation of variable values (ii) a second dataset on which one would like to
obtain the Shapley values. The first database is used to compute the Shapley
value of the variables for a given example. Given this table and a variable of
interest, an example Xi, is modified thanks to the permutation of the others
variables. This allows the KernelShap library to create a “modified table” which
contains all the modified versions of this example.
To give more intuition about the size of ‘the modified-example-table’ we plot,
in Figure 2, for the “CRX” dataset, the size of this table as a function of the
number of examples in the ‘knowledge table’, showing the linear increase that re-
sults from a very large table. Then the classifier have to predict its output value
for the considered example Xito compute the Shapley values. For this “CRX”
dataset, which contains 15 inputs variables, the time taken to compute the Ker-
nelshap values for a single example and using all the 690 examples as ‘knowledge
table’ is 12.13 seconds8, so 8370 seconds for the entire dataset (around 2.5 hours
for a small dataset). To summarize, the algorithmic complexity of KernelShap
is O(Nk2d) where Nkis the number of examples used in the ‘knowledge table’.
As a consequence, we were not able to obtain a complete result on most
datasets (even with a half-day credit) when using the entire dataset. As sug-
8The characteristics of the used computer are: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10875H (No. of
threads. 16; 5.10 GHz) RAM:32.0 Go, Windows 10, Python 3.8.6
An Efficient Shapley Value Computation for the Naive Bayes Classifier 13
Fig. 2. CRX dataset: size of the “modified table” versus the number of examples in
the “knowledge” data table.
gested9by the KernelShap library, in the results below we limit the computation
time to a maximum of 2 hours per dataset: (i) the Shapley values are computed
only on 1000 (randomly chosen) examples10 and (ii) the number of examples in
the ‘knowledge table’, Nk11, has been set to the values indicated in the Table 3
(where the number of examples of the entire dataset is given as a reminder in
the brackets).
On the use of our Shapley proposal - In contrast, for the analytic
Shapley proposed in this paper, the time required to compute the Shapley values
is very low (see the discussion in Section 3). Indeed, the algorithmic complexity,
for an input variable, is linear in number of parts, intervals or groups of values
(see Equation 10). On the largest dataset used in this paper, the Adult dataset
which contains 48842 examples, the time used to compute all the Shapley values
for all the variables, all the classes and all the examples is lower than 10 seconds.
This computation time could be further reduced if the log(P(X|C) per variable
and per interval (or group values) are precomputed as well as the expectation
term of the equation 10, which is not the case in our experiments.
Results: The Table 3 gives the correlation between the global Shapley val-
ues, defined for each variable as the average on all samples of the absolute values
of the local Shapley values. We observe good correlations for both coefficients.
We also give an example of comparison on the TwoNorm dataset in Figure 3
(where we have drawn the normalized global Shapley values), for which the cor-
relations are lowest in the Table 3. For this data set, the lower Kendall coefficient
value is due to the fact that many variables have close Shapley values, resulting
in differences in their value ranks. Based on all the results we may conclude that
there is a nice agreement between our Shapley proposal and KernelShap on the
ten datasets used in this paper.
9The variance in the results observed in recent publications is due to this constraint.
10 It is obvious that for large datasets such as the “adult” the chosen sample of 1000 is
statistically insignificant and, as a result, the calculated importance values, computed
by KernelShap may not be reliable.
11 We start with 50 examples (as a minimum budget) and we increment this number
by step of 50 until the credit is reached.
14 V. Lemaire et al.
Name NkPearson Kendall
Twonorm 200 (7400) 0.9027 0.7052
Crx 690 (690) 0.9953 0.9047
Ionosphere 351 (351) 0.9974 0.8888
Spam 200 (4307) 0.8829 0.7684
Tictactoe 958 (958) 1.0000 1.00
German 1000 (1000) 0.9974 0.9047
Telco 1000 (7043) 0.9633 0.7333
Adult 1000 (48842) 0.8373 0.7692
KRFCC 858 (858) 0.9993 1.00
Breast 699 (699) 0.9908 0.8571
Table 3. Correlation between our analytic Shapley and Kernelshap
Fig. 3. Two Norm dataset: Comparison of our Shapley proposal and KernelShap.
6 Conclusion
In this paper, we have proposed a method for analytically calculating Shapley
values in the case of the naive Bayes classifier. This method leverages a new
definition of the value function and relies on the independence assumption of
the variables conditional on the target to obtain the exact value of the Shapley
values, with a linear algorithmic complexity linear with respect to the number
of variables. Unlike alternative evaluation/approximation methods, we rely on
assumptions that are consistent with the underlying classifier and avoid approx-
imation methods, which are particularly costly in terms of computation time.
We also presented a discussion on the key elements that help to understand the
proposal and its behavior.
We compared this Shapley formulation, in an analytic analysis, to another
frequently used indicator, the Weight of Evidence (WoE). We also carried out ex-
periments on ten datasets to compare this proposal with the Weight of Evidence
and the KernelShap to highlight similar or dissimilar behaviors. The results show
that our Sphaley proposal for the naive Bayes classifier is in fair agreement with
the WoE and with KernelShap’s Shapley values, but with a much lower algo-
rithmic complexity, enabling it to be used for very large datasets with extremely
reduced computation times.
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