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The new millennial population is exposed to excessive screen time. It excessive screen time is either on account of work or entertainment. Most of the work is on computers and laptops also the generation is more inclined towards the over the top (OTT) media service platform like Netflix, Amazon Prime or online games for entertainment which has lead to increased screen time causing them health hazards. This Research aims to examine the effect of the excessive screen time on the human health and development. The primary data was collected for purpose of study via questionnaire to investigate the impact of the excessive screen time on the human health and development. The conclusions were provided after analyzing the collected data using statistical tools and techniques. Introduction:
Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 4, 2021, Pages. 7241 7245
Received 05 March 2021; Accepted 01 April 2021.
Excessive Screen Time and Effects on Human Health & Development
Dr. Rucha R Lohi - Assistant Professor, Datta Meghe Institute of Management Studies, Nagpur
Mr. Samir Thakre- Customer Executive, Tirupati Urban Co-operative Bank Ltd, Nagpur
Ms. Rohini Meshram- Student, Datta Meghe Institute of Management Studies, Nagpur
Dr. Komal Meshram Associate Professor Dept. Of Physiology Datta Meghe Medical College,
Dr. Parikshit Muley Associate Professor Dept. Of Physiology Jawaharlal Nehru Medical
College, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences Sawangi Meghe Wardha
The new millennial population is exposed to excessive screen time. It excessive screen time is
either on account of work or entertainment. Most of the work is on computers and laptops also
the generation is more inclined towards the over the top (OTT) media service platform like
Netflix, Amazon Prime or online games for entertainment which has lead to increased screen
time causing them health hazards. This Research aims to examine the effect of the excessive
screen time on the human health and development. The primary data was collected for purpose
of study via questionnaire to investigate the impact of the excessive screen time on the human
health and development. The conclusions were provided after analyzing the collected data using
statistical tools and techniques.
Key Words: Millennial, Screen Time, OTT, Health Hazards
The millennials have excessive screen time affecting their health and development adversely.
The increased screen time is due to the continuous work on laptops and computers.(1)(2) Apart
from the work the screen time is elaborated sue to their choice of entertainment.(3) They are
inclined towards the online games, YouTube, Social Media platforms like Facebook, Instagram,
Twitter, etc and over the top (OTT) media service platform like Netflix, HotStar, Amazon
Prime, etc all results in increasing screen time.(4)(5) This keeps most of them stick to laptops or
their cell phones for extended period of time. There had been alarming increasing in the number
of hours spent on laptops and cell phones.(6) The increase screen time is one of the significant
factor contributing to increasing health issues among the population.(7) Though most of the
individuals are aware of the adverse effects excess screen time can cause on the health still due
to work commitments or lifestyle are not restricting themselves.(8)(9) The mellennials definition of
Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 4, 2021, Pages. 7241 7245
Received 05 March 2021; Accepted 01 April 2021.
socializing is mostly restricted to socializing virtually. The outbreak of covid-19 have
contributed extravagantly to increasing the screen time as individuals are working from home
they are spending the complete working hours on laptops and computers, also there has been a
tremendous increase in use of social media platforms and outstanding increase in use of OTT
platforms. (10)(11)
To analyze the effect of the excess screen time on the human health and development
Research Methodology:
Research focuses on analyzing the effect of the excessive screen time on the human health and
development. For the purpose of data was collected from 250 individuals in the age group of 25
to 35 years. The data was collected via questionnaire having questions relating to the screen
time, time spent on laptops or computers for work, OTT platform, Social media and health
problems faced.
Data Analysis:
Study of significance association between Screen Time and health hazards
Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Type III
Sum of
Type *
Health and
Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 4, 2021, Pages. 7241 7245
Received 05 March 2021; Accepted 01 April 2021.
a. R Squared = .794 (Adjusted R Squared = .791)
b. R Squared = .800 (Adjusted R Squared = .797)
c. R Squared = .828 (Adjusted R Squared = .826)
d. R Squared = .781 (Adjusted R Squared = .778)
e. R Squared = .802 (Adjusted R Squared = .799)
f. R Squared = .708 (Adjusted R Squared = .704)
g. R Squared = .755 (Adjusted R Squared = .752)
h. R Squared = .743 (Adjusted R Squared = .740)
i. R Squared = .843 (Adjusted R Squared = .840)
j. R Squared = .738 (Adjusted R Squared = .735)
k. R Squared = .692 (Adjusted R Squared = .688)
l. R Squared = .935 (Adjusted R Squared = .934)
m. R Squared = .702 (Adjusted R Squared = .698)
To test the association between the excess screen time and health hazards Multi-way ANOVA
test is applied. The significance value obtained from all the variables is less than the alpha value
of 0.05 (p < 0.05) which states that there is significant association between the excess screen
time and health hazards and it can be said that the Screen time affects the individual health
adversely. As the R square value obtained is more than 0.70 which states that there is strong
association between the two variables.
The research concludes that there is a significant impact of the excess screen time on the human
health and development. The symptoms of ill health reported by the individuals are due to excess
screen time. The complaints of headaches, burning eyes, itch & dry eyes, sensitivity to light,
fatigue, lack of concentration, anxiety, sleeplessness are common among the individuals having
the average screen time of 10 hours. Excessive screen time leads to sitting inactive for long
period of time, also the posture while using the laptops and cell phones caused physical issues.
Inactiveness causes issues like weight gain, body pain, bad posture in long term might cause
some serious health issues like obesity, diabetics spondylosis or piles. To avoid these problems it
Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 4, 2021, Pages. 7241 7245
Received 05 March 2021; Accepted 01 April 2021.
is essential to reduce the screen time as much as possible. As the symptoms of ill health in short
term might lead to serious health issues in long term.
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Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 10.1177/0004867420963736.
2. Barlett, Natalie & Gentile, Douglas & Barlett, Christopher & Eisenmann, Joey & Walsh,
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Background Cannabis (marijuana) use and depression are known to be strongly interconnected. However, amid alarming rates of mental health problems in the United States young population, the risk of arrhythmia among young cannabis users with comorbid depression has never been studied. Methods In-hospital encounters of arrhythmia were identified among young cannabis users (18–39 years) with or without depression using the National Inpatient Sample (2007–2014) databases and apposite ICD-9 codes. Baseline characteristics and trends in prevalence of arrhythmia were evaluated among inpatient young cannabis users with or without depression. A multivariable regression was performed after adjusting for baseline demographics, comorbidities and parallel history of substance abuse. Results Of 2,011,598 young cannabis users (59.6% male) admitted from 2007–2014, 190,146 (9.5%) of patients had comorbid depression, of which 6.9% of patients experienced arrhythmias with atrial fibrillation being most common. Cannabis users with depression were more likely older, white, females and frequently hospitalized in Midwest and rural hospitals. We observed a steadily rising trend in prevalence of arrhythmia in both groups, but a more rapid rise in cannabis users with depression (4.9% in 2007 to 8.5% in 2014 vs. 3.7% in 2007 to 5.7% in 2014). Correspondingly, young depressed cannabis users had higher odds of arrhythmia compared to non-depressed even after controlling for demographics and comorbidities (OR: 1.41, 95% CI: 1.38–1.44, p<0.001). Conclusion Rampant recreational use of marijuana may increase the risk of arrhythmia by 40% in young cannabis users with depression as compared to non-depressed.
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Background Mood disorders and psychosis has been reported among the patients with macrocytosis; however, its prevalence among the first episode of psychosis and depression is unknown. The purpose of the study was to establish the prevalence of macrocytosis among the patients with the first episode of depression and psychosis. Materials and Methods In this cross-sectional study, three groups comprising patients with first episode of depression (n = 100), patients with the first episode of psychosis (n = 100), and healthy controls (n = 100) were included. Blood samples were collected from each participant and analyzed using the automated coulter counter. The hematological variables (e.g., macrocytosis, anemia) in the three groups were compared using the Chi-square and analysis of variance tests. Results The prevalence of macrocytosis among patients with depression and psychosis was 2.6 (8%) and 3.3 times (11%) higher, respectively than that among the healthy controls (3%). In addition, the hemoglobin concentration, mean corpuscular volume and mean platelet volume in patients with first episodes of psychosis and depression significantly differed from those in healthy controls P < 0.001. Conclusion This study showed that the prevalence of macrocytosis among the first episode of depression and psychosis was higher than healthy controls. Macrocytosis may have etiological and prognostic significance among these patients. Prospective studies are needed to explore the clinical significance of macrocytosis among the patients with depression and psychosis in the clinical practice.
Adverse Effects of Excessive Mobile Phone Use. International journal of occupational medicine and environmental health
  • Muhammad Khan
Khan, Muhammad. (2008). Adverse Effects of Excessive Mobile Phone Use. International journal of occupational medicine and environmental health. 21. 289-93. 10.2478/v10001-008-0028-6.
Depression, anxiety and stress among the general population in the time of
  • S Gaidhane
  • N Khatib
  • Q S Zahiruddin
  • A Gaidhane
  • S Telrandhe
  • P Godhiwal
Gaidhane S, Khatib N, Zahiruddin QS, Gaidhane A, Telrandhe S, Godhiwal P. Depression, anxiety and stress among the general population in the time of COVID-19