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The Impact of the Recruitment Process on Employee Performance

  • Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Nobel Indonesia Makassar

Abstract and Figures

This study aimed to ascertain how the recruitment process at PT Triniaga Medika Makassar affected employee performance. The population of this research consisted of 182 employees and employees of PT Triniaga Medika Makassar. Using the Slovin formula, a basic random sampling technique was used to select the sample for this study. Each employee or employee had an equal chance of becoming a part of the sample. So that the total number of available samples is 65. The data source employed is primary data, i.e., data collected directly from respondents via questionnaire by researchers. The method of data analysis includes descriptive statistical analysis, tests of validity, reliability, normality, and testing of hypotheses via simple linear regression analysis, coefficient of determination test, and t test. This study indicates that the recruitment process at PT Triniaga Medika Makassar has a positive and significant impact on employee performance. This demonstrates that the implementation of recruitment, particularly at PT Triniaga Medika Makassar, has an effect on employee performance, such that the more effective the recruitment process, the higher the employee performance at PT Triniaga Medika Makassar.
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Advances in Human Resource Management Research, 1(2), 2023. 55 - 65
ISSN Online: 2985-7570
Advances in Human Resource Management Research
This Work is Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The Impact of the Recruitment Process on Employee
Ahmad Firman (1*) Nur Inrawati (2)
(1,2) Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Nobel Indonesia, Makassar, 90221, Indonesia
Received: 2023-04-10 Accepted: 2023-05-12
Available online: 2023-05-31
*Corresponding author: Ahmad Firman
E-mail addresses:
Recruitment; Performance;
Conflict of Interest Statement:
The author(s) declares that the
research was conducted in the
absence of any commercial or
financial relationships that could
be construed as a potential conflict
of interest.
Copyright © 2023 AHRMR. All rights
This study aimed to ascertain how the recruitment process at PT Triniaga Medika
Makassar affected employee performance. The population of this research
consisted of 182 employees and employees of PT Triniaga Medika Makassar. Using
the Slovin formula, a basic random sampling technique was used to select the
sample for this study. Each employee or employee had an equal chance of
becoming a part of the sample. So that the total number of available samples is
65. The data source employed is primary data, i.e., data collected directly from
respondents via questionnaire by researchers. The method of data analysis
includes descriptive statistical analysis, tests of validity, reliability, normality,
and testing of hypotheses via simple linear regression analysis, coefficient of
determination test, and t test. This study indicates that the recruitment process
at PT Triniaga Medika Makassar has a positive and significant impact on employee
performance. This demonstrates that the implementation of recruitment,
particularly at PT Triniaga Medika Makassar, influences employee performance,
such that the more effective the recruitment process, the higher the employee
performance at PT Triniaga Medika Makassar.
In the contemporary era of globalization and heightened economic competition, it is widely
acknowledged that human resources represent the most invaluable asset for any given corporation
(Sutanto & Kurniawan, 2016). With intense competition among enterprises for a skilled labor force, it
is imperative for organizations to establish a recruitment process that is both efficient and successful.
Nevertheless, there remain unresolved inquiries about the impact of the recruitment process on
employee performance. Effective management of human resources is vital as neglecting these
resources is tantamount to disregarding the organization's most crucial asset (Sutrisno, 2016). The
interaction between individuals and their job within an organizational context is a crucial dynamic
that necessitates compatibility. Identifying personnel can be a straightforward task, however,
identifying individuals who are well-suited to their assigned responsibilities presents a more
challenging endeavor. Failure to address the issue of recruitment within a firm can lead to decreased
effectiveness and efficiency, and in certain cases, result in financial losses and ultimate failure.
Hence, organizations must acknowledge and address the issue of recruitment endeavors, as the
ensuing repercussions might be significantly detrimental. Furthermore, it is important to note that
errors in the process of personnel recruiting can have not only immediate ramifications but also
enduring financial setbacks (Purba, 2021).
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Every organization consistently aspires to the advancement and growth of its business operations.
Hence, it is imperative for the company's leader to proactively anticipate potential advancements and
growth, while concurrently ensuring the comprehensive staffing of all vacant positions with qualified
personnel. This meticulous approach is essential to facilitate the seamless and efficient functioning of
all organizational activities within the company. Nevertheless, this task is not devoid of challenges, as
it requires the manager to possess not only a strong educational background and extensive experience
but also the ability to effectively identify and implement solutions for every predicament encountered
by the organization (Mohan, 2021; Rahaman, 2016). One of the challenges pertains to the adequacy
and proficiency of the labor force in meeting the company's requirements. This issue arises not only
during the first stages of a company's establishment but also persists throughout its operational
lifespan, regardless of whether the organization is operating under normal conditions or undergoing
growth and expansion. The scenario being discussed pertains to the prompt replacement of a departing
employee, whether due to death, termination, or resignation, to ensure uninterrupted operations
inside the organization (Sasirekha, 2021).
This study investigates the process of employee recruitment and selection, which holds significant
importance in establishing skilled and high-performing staff inside an organization. Organizations that
possess a proficient recruitment procedure are capable of enticing, acquiring, and retaining
competent personnel, hence making a favorable impact on the overall operational efficacy of the
company. On the other hand, organizations with an inefficient recruitment procedure may encounter
challenges including elevated rates of staff attrition, diminished levels of productivity, and
compromised service quality.
The present investigation was carried out at PT Triniaga Medika Makassar, a subsidiary of a supplier
firm situated in the urban area of Makassar. This company functions as a distributor of medical,
laboratory, and diagnostic equipment, catering to the requirements of healthcare professionals and
hospitals. The company engages in the direct sale of medical, laboratory, and diagnostic equipment
to consumers in need. The necessity for the company to engage in direct distribution of its products
is accompanied by a multitude of factors that must be considered. The primary objective of the
corporation in implementing direct sales is to enhance product accessibility to geographically distant
consumers and to potentially boost sales volume. PT Triniaga Medika Makassar engages in the
distribution of its products beyond the confines of South Sulawesi through the utilization of indirect
distribution channels, namely through establishing regional representatives. The individual serves as
a representative of PT Triniaga Medika Makassar, operating within the designated region. In practical
application, numerous challenges persist about employee performance that exhibit ineffectiveness
and fail to align with anticipated outcomes. Based on empirical observations conducted at PT Triniaga
Medika Makassar, it is evident that there persist issues about employee performance. The
implementation of human resource management is crucial for optimizing the efficiency and
productivity of the workforce inside a business. The objective of this study is to facilitate the
organization in establishing efficient work units that can effectively contribute to the achievement of
corporate management goals. Specifically, the study aims to explore strategies for the development,
use, and retention of personnel in a manner that ensures consistent levels of quality and quantity.
The findings of a prior study conducted by Potale (2016) indicate a significant correlation between
recruitment practices and employee performance, suggesting a beneficial impact. This observation
indicates that the effectiveness of recruitment practices, particularly within PT Bank SulutGo, has a
direct influence on employee performance. It is evident that a well-executed recruitment process
leads to enhanced employee performance. The findings of this study align with previous research
conducted by Aisyah and Giovanni (2018) as well as Dewi and Darma (2017). In contrast to the findings
of Etikawati and Udjang (2016), their research suggests that there is no statistically significant
relationship between recruitment practices and employee performance.
This study is anticipated to yield significant findings for the field of human resource management
and various stakeholders inside organizations. The anticipated outcomes of this study are poised to
offer recommendations and ideas aimed at enhancing the recruitment process, hence fostering a
favorable influence on employee performance and the overall success of the firm. By comprehending
the influence of the recruitment procedure on employee performance, companies can enhance their
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effectiveness in identifying and retaining individuals who align with the company's values and possess
the capacity to make optimal contributions towards the attainment of organizational objectives.
Therefore, it is anticipated that this study will make a significant scholarly contribution to the existing
body of knowledge in the field of human resource management. Additionally, it will offer valuable
insights and recommendations for organizations seeking to enhance the caliber and effectiveness of
their employees.
Literature Review
According to Hasibuan (2016), management may be defined as the systematic and strategic
discipline of effectively and efficiently employing human and other resources to accomplish specific
objectives. This definition posits that management is a discipline that combines both scientific and
artistic elements. In its practical application, managers are required to devise strategies to optimize
the utilization of available resources in a manner that is both effective and efficient, ultimately
leading to the attainment of organizational objectives. By Parvathi's (2021) findings, Human Resource
Management can be defined as a systematic approach involving the strategic planning, organization,
direction, and supervision of activities related to the acquisition, development, compensation,
integration, maintenance, and separation of human resources. The ultimate objective of this process
is to effectively attain a range of goals at the individual, organizational, and community levels.
The recruitment process refers to the systematic approach undertaken by organizations to acquire
additional human resources. This process encompasses various stages, such as identifying and assessing
potential sources of employee attraction, determining the specific employee requirements of the
company, conducting a selection process, facilitating employee placement, and providing orientation
to new employees (Mangkunegara & Prabu, 2016). During the recruitment process, firms may
encounter many challenges that can impede the smooth execution of the recruitment process.
Companies must possess an awareness of diverse hurdles that may arise from within the organization,
recruitment agents, and the external environment. The challenges encountered by individual
companies may vary, nevertheless, there are certain common impediments in the realm of
recruitment. These include organizational rules, job requirements, recruitment implementation
methods, labor market conditions, firm stability, and external environmental factors (Shailashree &
Shenoy, 2016).
Recruitment is facilitated using a comprehensive recruitment strategy, wherein the qualifications
and criteria for positions are delineated as per the anticipated demands for prospective employees to
occupy newly available positions, as well as in response to employee departures due to resignation or
retirement, or considering organizational development into novel work domains or geographical
regions necessitating the recruitment of fresh personnel. The HR department has significant pressure
to fulfill immediate requirements, such as providing necessary information for advertising, posting job
vacancies online, training external agencies or recruiting consultants, and conducting interviews and
selection tests to evaluate potential candidates (Jaya et al., 2018). The successful implementation of
recruitment strategies necessitates the presence of precise and uninterrupted data about the quantity
and competencies of personnel required to fulfill diverse roles within the institution. Recruitment
endeavors aim to identify unsuitable applications and concentrate their resources on individuals who
are more likely to receive a callback. Recruitment endeavors possess the potential to cultivate a
positive public perception through their ability to shape the attitudes of prospective candidates,
regardless of their ultimate appointment status (Widya, 2021).
According to Tidokartika (2021), recruitment refers to the systematic procedure of identifying and
attracting potential candidates (applicants) who possess the necessary qualifications to be considered
for employment. Moreover, Ery (2011) provides an elucidation of recruitment as a sequential process
commencing when an organization requires an additional workforce and initiates a job opening,
culminating in the acquisition of a suitable candidate who matches the predetermined standards for
the given post or vacancy. According to Ekwoaba (2015), the contemporary recruitment process
encompasses various widely used terminologies, which include: The topic of discussion is job analysis.
Job analysis is a systematic process used to identify and define the duties, responsibilities, and
qualifications necessary for a particular job, as well as the desired characteristics of the ideal
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candidate for that position. 2) Description of Job Responsibilities. Suwarto (2019) asserts that a job
description serves the purpose of organizing the information obtained from job analysis in a structured
manner. Job descriptions are formal documents that are created to convey essential details on a
specific role or job. 3) Job Specification: Position Requirements. Position requirements refer to the
documented criteria that individuals must meet to effectively fulfill the responsibilities of a given
position (Moekijat, 2010). 4) The Process of Job Evaluation. By Omolo's (2012) findings, job evaluation
refers to the process of evaluating actions undertaken to ascertain the relative worth of a particular
position in comparison to another. 5) Classification of Employment Positions. Job classification refers
to the process of categorizing positions based on their comparable worth.
According to Kepha (2014), there are four distinct attitudes within the organizational or corporate
context when it comes to the implementation of recruitment processes. There exist four distinct
attitudes: The passive attitude without discrimination refers to the approach adopted by executives
inside an organization or firm to mitigate disparities and ensure equitable treatment in the selection,
remuneration, and advancement of both candidates and employees. Recruitment practices that
prioritize diversity actively engage in categorizing applicants based on their characteristics, thereby
selectively admitting individuals from specific demographic groupings. Recruitment based on priority
is the practice of giving preference to specific groups during the recruitment process. Recruitment by
rationing involves the implementation of rationing systems to selectively allocate resources to specific
groups for recruitment.
It is imperative to have a pre-determined foundation for recruiting potential employees, ensuring
that applicants who submit their applications align with the desired job or position. The selection of
candidates for a position should be driven by the job specifications that have been established. It is
imperative to provide comprehensive and unambiguous job descriptions to ensure that prospective
candidates are fully informed about the requisite qualifications for the available position. According
to Nawawi (2008), when job specifications are utilized as the foundation and directives for withdrawal,
the personnel obtained will align with the job description of the position mandated by the company.
Once the specifications of the post or job for the desired employee have been identified, it is necessary
to ascertain the sources that can be utilized to attract potential candidates. The acquisition of
potential personnel can be facilitated through both internal and external sources, including many
organizations. According to Mangkunegara (2016), internal sources refer to employees who are
selected from within the organization to fill job vacancies. This can be achieved through the process
of employee mutation or transfer, wherein individuals who possess the requisite qualifications and
skills for a particular position or job are reassigned or relocated. Employee transfers can be
categorized into two main types: vertical transfers, which encompass both promotions and demotions
and horizontal transfers. If there are extant employees who possess the requisite qualifications for a
certain position, the organization should consider internal candidates, particularly in the context of
managing roles. It is of utmost significance to offer promotional possibilities to current personnel.
According to Lina (2020), external sources refer to individuals who are hired by a corporation to fill
open roles, sourced from external entities rather than internal recruitment processes.
The recruiting process methodology employed significantly influences the number of applications
received by the organization. The methods used to evaluate prospective new employees can be
categorized into two main types: open methods and closed methods (Kartodikromo et al., 2017). The
open technique of recruitment involves the dissemination of information through many channels, such
as print and electronic media, as well as by word of mouth, to reach a broader audience. By
implementing an open approach, it is anticipated that a larger number of applications will be
attracted, hence increasing the likelihood of acquiring highly skilled staff. The closed approach refers
to a recruitment process that is limited to a certain group of individuals, such as employees or a select
group of people. Consequently, the limited number of applications leads to a heightened challenge in
acquiring highly qualified staff.
Performance can be defined as the outcome or product of a particular process (Tarigan, 2021).
The behavioral approach in management posits that performance refers to the level of quality or
quantity exhibited in the production of goods or provision of services by individuals engaged in a
certain profession (Simamora, 2004). Performance refers to the evaluation of job performance,
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specifically the assessment of work outcomes about predetermined benchmarks. Performance can be
defined as the outcome of an individual's efforts in terms of both the quality and quantity of work
accomplished, by the assigned obligations (Sedarmayanti, 2018). Performance refers to the overall
level of achievement exhibited by an individual over a specific timeframe in the execution of duties,
in comparison to a range of potential outcomes, including established work standards, objectives, or
specified criteria that have been mutually established (Ditya, 2021). Performance is a construct that
establishes a connection between work outcomes and behavior. As a manifestation of behavior,
performance encompasses the human activities undertaken to fulfill the assigned organizational tasks.
To assess individual employee performance, there exist four indicators, as identified by Badaruddin
and Hidayat (2020), namely: a) Quality. The assessment of work quality is determined by employees'
subjective evaluations of the caliber of work accomplished and the degree of job completion about
their individual talents and capabilities. b. Quantity is an important factor to consider in various
academic disciplines. Is the quantity of production typically measured and communicated using units,
such as the number of items, or by the number of completed cycles of activity? The factor of timeliness
is an important consideration. The term "initial workload" refers to the amount of activity undertaken
at the outset of a certain period, considering the coordination with output outcomes and the
optimization of available time for additional tasks. The concept of independence. The level of an
employee's ability to do their job duties and their level of devotion to their work is indicative of their
work commitment to the organization and their sense of responsibility towards their role within the
Research Design and Methodology
The present study falls within the category of quantitative research. The present study used a
random sampling strategy to choose a research sample from PT Triniaga Medika Makassar (Sugiyono,
2017). This method ensures that every employee has an equal opportunity to be included in the study,
as determined by the application of the Slovin formula. The total number of samples determined was
65. The present study utilizes primary data that was obtained through the distribution of
questionnaires including inquiries about the variables under investigation. In this study, a Likert scale
consisting of five alternative replies was employed to measure each variable indicator. The options
included Strongly Agree (scored 5), Agree (scored 4), Disagree (scored 3), Disagree (scored 2), and
Strongly Disagree (scored 1). The acquired data will undergo analysis through multiple phases of
testing. The initial step is performing a descriptive statistical analysis. The subsequent phase involves
conducting a validity test and a reliability test on the study data instrument. The third stage involves
doing a traditional assumption test, specifically a normalcy test. The fourth stage of this study involves
the testing of all hypotheses put forth, which will be assessed by the implementation of a partial test
(t-test) and the coefficient of determination test.
Table 1. Variables and indicators
Major Reference
Source basis for employee recall
(Dani, 2019; Potale,
Employee source
Attitude in recruitment
Recruitment Process
Employee recall method
Work result
(Aisyah & Giovanni,
2018; Dewi & Darma,
Work behavior
Personal traits
Primary data, 2023
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Findings and Discussion
The participants of this study consist of individuals employed at PT Triniaga Medika Makassar.
Table 2 provides a comprehensive summary of the demographic characteristics of the participants,
encompassing their gender, educational attainment, and duration of employment.
Table 2. Respondent Demographic Data
Education Level
High School
Primary data processed, 2023
Table 2 illustrates that out of 65 respondents who are employees of PT Triniaga Medika Makassar,
35 employees, or 53.8% are male, while 30 employees or 46.2% are female. The majority of employees
at PT Triniaga Medika Makassar who participated in this study on a bachelor’s degree, accounting for
30 employees or 46.2% of the total respondents. Those with a Diploma degree constitute 30.8% of the
respondents, while those with a high school diploma make up 23.1% of the respondents. Based on the
duration of employment, respondents with a tenure of 1 year accounted for 50.8%, while those with a
tenure of 5 years accounted for 49.2%.
The initial phase conducted involves descriptive statistical analysis. The descriptive analysis
method is a statistical technique employed for the study of acquired data. The descriptive technique
aims to provide a comprehensive description of the data pertaining to the object of investigation.
Table 3 displays the statistical analysis outcomes pertaining to the research variables, namely the
recruitment procedure (X1) and employee performance (Y).
Table 3. Descriptive Statistics
Std. Deviation
Valid N (listwise)
Primary data processed, 2023
According to the data presented in Table 3, variable recruitment exhibits a minimum value of
3.00, a maximum value of 5.00, and a mean value of 4.1754. The standard deviation figure indicates
a departure of 4.9128 from the mean value of the answers provided by the respondents. The
performance exhibits a minimum value of 2.80, a maximum value of 4.80, and a mean value of 4.2585.
The calculated standard deviation of 4.4261 signifies the extent to which respondents' answers deviate
from the mean value.
The subsequent phase encompasses a data quality assessment, which comprises tests for both
validity and reliability. This study aims to assess the validity and reliability of each statement item in
measuring variables through a comprehensive test. To determine the validity of the study variables,
the measurement of validity is conducted by the correlation of the statement items with the total
items (referred to as the "scroll total"). According to Sugiyono (2017), an item is considered legitimate
if its corrected item-total correlation value exceeds 0.30. The criterion employed in the reliability
test of this study is Cronbach's Alpha (α) value. If the calculated value of Cronbach's Alpha exceeds
0.06, the questionnaire is deemed to be reliable or consistent. According to the findings shown in
Table 4, it can be concluded that the question items employed in this study to assess recruiting
variables and employee performance demonstrate validity. Each question item's value, as determined
by the Corrected Item Total Correlation, exhibits a coefficient value that surpasses 0.30. The obtained
reliability test results indicate alpha values of 0.721 and 0.732. The alpha coefficient serves as an
indicator of the instrument's reliability, specifically when its value exceeds 0.7. Therefore, it can be
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inferred that the instrument demonstrates consistency and reliability as a research measuring tool for
assessing identical symptoms.
Table 4. Validity and Reliability Test Results
Cronbach Alpha
Valid dan reliable
Valid dan reliable
Valid dan reliable
Valid dan reliable
Valid dan reliable
Valid dan reliable
Valid dan reliable
Valid dan reliable
Valid dan reliable
Valid dan reliable
Primary data processed by SPSS, 2023
The third stage is the logical assumption test, which encompasses the process of normalcy testing.
The purpose of the normality test is to assess whether the independent variable, the dependent
variable, or both, in a regression model, exhibit a normal distribution. A regression model that has a
normal distribution or closely approximates it is of high quality. Figure 1 illustrates that the data points
are dispersed in proximity to the diagonal line, with their distribution aligning with the orientation of
the diagonal line. This demonstrates that the regression model is appropriate for utilization as it
satisfies the assumption of normalcy.
Figure 1. Normality Test Results
Primary data processed by SPSS, 2023
The fourth stage involves doing hypothesis testing using simple linear regression analysis. The
utilization of simple linear regression analysis is employed to examine the correlation between the
recruitment process and the subsequent performance of employees. Table 5 displays the outcomes of
the regression analysis conducted using IBM SPSS.
Table 5. Simple Linear Regression Analysis Results
Std. Error
Recruitment (X)
a. Dependent Variable: Performance
Primary data processed by SPSS, 2023
Based on table 5, the calculations and simple regression equations formed are as follows:
Y =2,140+0,507X
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The interpretation of the simple linear regression equation suggests that the coefficient for the
intercept term, denoted as "a," is estimated to be 2.140. This implies that when the recruiting variable
Recruitment takes a value of zero, the corresponding employee performance is expected to have a
value of 2.140. The coefficient for the variable b is determined to be 0.507, indicating that a one-unit
increase in recruitment results in a corresponding rise of 0.507 units in employee performance (Y).
Moreover, the fifth phase of testing in this study involves doing a partial significance test, namely
a t-test, to ascertain the significance of the relationship between the recruiting process variable and
the employee performance variable. The t-test is performed by comparing the calculated t-value of
recruitment, which is 5.417, with the critical t-value from the t-table, which is 2.008, using a
significance level of 5%. The decision rule is to reject the null hypothesis if the calculated t-value is
greater than the critical t-value. The test results are presented in Table 6.
Table 6. Hypothesis Test Results (t-test) (Coefficientsa)
Std. Error
a. Dependent Variable: Performance
Primary data processed by SPSS, 2023
The coefficients table indicates a significant value of 0.000, which is less than the conventional
threshold of 0.05. This suggests that there is a statistically significant relationship between the
recruiting variable (X) and the employee performance variable (Y). According to the findings shown in
Table 6, it can be inferred that recruitment has a statistically significant and beneficial impact on
employee performance. The coefficient value of +0.507 indicates a positive impact on the dependent
Moreover, the seventh stage involves conducting an analysis of the coefficient of determination
to ascertain the extent to which the recruiting variable contributes to the employee performance
variable. The analysis findings are presented in Table 7.
Table 7. Determination Coefficient Test Results (Model Summaryb)
R Square
Adjusted R Square
Std. Error of the Estimate
a. Predictors: (Constant), Recruitment
b. Dependent Performance
Primary data processed by SPSS, 2023
The obtained coefficient of determination is 0.564. This finding demonstrates a strong positive
correlation between the independent variable, recruitment, and the dependent variable, employee
performance, with a coefficient near to 1. The obtained correlation coefficient is 0.318. The findings
of this study indicate that the recruitment is accountable for 31.8% of the variance in employee
performance, while the rest 68.2% is attributable to other factors.
The findings of the hypothesis testing indicate a significant positive correlation between the
process of recruitment and the subsequent performance of employees. This demonstrates that the
application of recruitment practices, particularly at PT Triniaga Medika Makassar, has a direct
influence on employee performance. It is seen that a more effective recruitment process correlates
with enhanced employee performance at PT Triniaga Medika Makassar. The recruiting process exerts
an impact as it effectively draws in potential candidates and secures a diverse pool of employees using
a range of sources and methods that align with the company's desired criteria. The participants in this
study expressed their perception that the recruitment process conducted by PT Triniaga Medika
Makassar adhered to the established rules and policies of the organization. The recruitment process is
recognized as a critical management function within an organization or company. Organizations or
companies must exercise careful consideration before making decisions regarding the execution of the
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recruitment process. This is because a well-executed recruitment process is likely to result in the
selection of prospective employees who exhibit high levels of performance. Every organization
consistently seeks to achieve success and growth in its business operations. Hence, it is imperative for
the company leader to not only anticipate potential advancements and growth but also to consistently
augment the organization by strategically appointing and filling all vacant positions with qualified
personnel. This ensures the efficient and seamless functioning of all activities within the company.
However, this task is not without its challenges, as it requires the manager to possess both a strong
educational background and extensive experience. Furthermore, the manager must possess the ability
to effectively identify and implement solutions for every issue encountered by the organization.
This study aligns with the viewpoint posited by Mangkunegara (2016) regarding the significance of
the recruitment process about employee performance. Mangkunegara asserts that the recruitment
process plays a crucial role in facilitating the achievement of performance objectives for both the
company and its employees. Performance can be defined as the level of quality and quantity of work
accomplished by a person while fulfilling their assigned obligations and responsibilities. The findings
of this study are consistent with the findings of prior research conducted by Dani (2019) titled "The
Effect of the Recruitment Process on Employee Performance at PT Federal International Finance (FIF)
in Samarinda City." The study concludes that the recruitment process variable has a noteworthy impact
on employee performance. This finding is consistent with the research undertaken by Aisyah and
Giovanni (2018), Dewi and Darma (2017), and Potale (2016), which indicates that the recruitment
process has a favorable and significant impact on employee performance. PT Triniaga Medika Makassar
has effectively executed the recruitment process. Nevertheless, the findings of this study are in
opposition to the research conducted by Etikawati and Udjang (2016), whose investigation revealed
that the recruitment procedure does not have a statistically significant impact on employee
The findings of this study suggest that the effective execution of recruitment strategies has a
significant influence on enhancing employee performance. A well-designed recruitment process has
the potential to attract high-caliber applicants who possess the requisite qualifications sought by the
organization. Furthermore, the participants in this survey expressed their perception that the
recruitment procedures at PT Triniaga Medika Makassar were conducted in adherence to established
regulations and policies. Hence, it is recommended that the organization should persist in prioritizing
the enhancement of the recruiting process's quality and efficiency to facilitate improved employee
performance in subsequent periods.
The findings of this study substantiate the necessity for organizations to prioritize and enhance
their recruitment strategies and processes to secure potential employees possessing the requisite
qualifications. The implementation of a well-defined and rigorous recruitment policy is vital to ensure
that the company exclusively attracts and hires the most exceptional personnel. Furthermore, it is
imperative for management to further enhance the employee recruiting and selection process to
effectively address the need for skilled and competent individuals to fill vacant positions inside the
organization. The recruitment process holds significant importance as a management function inside
an organization or firm. Hence, organizations must invest sufficient resources towards enhancing
recruitment efficacy to attain optimal performance.
Several recommendations can be provided to companies and for future research endeavors. It is
recommended that PT Triniaga Medika Makassar and other organizations utilize more innovative and
efficient recruitment strategies, such as using information technology and social networks, to expand
their reach to a larger pool of highly qualified potential candidates. Furthermore, future study
endeavors may encompass a broader range of variables or elements that influence employee
performance, including but not limited to the work environment, managerial support, and motivation.
Therefore, the study has the potential to offer a more extensive understanding of the relationship
between recruitment practices and employee performance. In conclusion, it is imperative to
undertake additional research to gain a comprehensive understanding of the factors contributing to
the discrepancy between the findings of this study and prior research, which suggests that the
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recruitment process does not exert a substantial influence on employee performance. This study has
the potential to provide valuable insights into the multifaceted determinants that impact employee
performance across different organizational settings.
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... Banyak organisasi yang menerapkan strategi otonomi kerja dengan harapan meningkatkan motivasi dan kinerja karyawan. Namun, dampak spesifik dari otonomi kerja terhadap berbagai aspek motivasi dan kinerja karyawan masih memerlukan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam (Hackman & Oldham, 2020;Bahasoan & Baharuddin, 2023;Hanadelansa, 2023;Jumady, 2023;Basalamah, 2023;Firman 2023). ...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi bagaimana otonomi kerja mempengaruhi motivasi dan kinerja karyawan dengan menganalisis literatur yang relevan dan terbaru. Melalui pendekatan literatur review sistematis, studi ini mengidentifikasi, mengevaluasi, dan mensintesis temuan-temuan dari berbagai penelitian yang diterbitkan dalam lima tahun terakhir. Kriteria inklusi mencakup artikel yang dipublikasikan dalam jurnal peer-reviewed dan studi yang mengeksplorasi hubungan antara otonomi kerja, motivasi, dan kinerja. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa otonomi kerja memiliki hubungan positif dengan motivasi intrinsik, meningkatkan kreativitas dan kinerja karyawan. Namun, efeknya pada motivasi ekstrinsik dan kinerja bervariasi tergantung pada konteks pekerjaan dan struktur organisasi. Variabel moderasi seperti iklim organisasi dan gaya kepemimpinan, serta variabel mediasi seperti keterlibatan kerja dan komitmen afektif, ditemukan berperan penting dalam memperkuat atau melemahkan hubungan ini. Implikasi penelitian ini menekankan pentingnya strategi yang disesuaikan dalam penerapan otonomi kerja untuk memaksimalkan manfaatnya, serta kebutuhan untuk studi longitudinal yang lebih mendalam untuk memahami efek jangka panjang. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi signifikan terhadap teori motivasi kerja dan praktik manajemen sumber daya manusia, terutama dalam konteks global yang semakin kompleks dan dinamis.
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the evolution of human resources and digital culture on worker productivity. This study employs primary data and is descriptive quantitative in nature. The examples included in this research were 56 South Sulawesi Province Food Security Service employees. Use of SPSS version is required for the multiple regression analysis hypothesis test 26 software. The findings of this study demonstrate that employee performance is positively and significantly impacted by both digital culture and human resource development.
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For any company, the process of selection and recruitment is highly important. No other factors like the size of the company or the type of industry undermines the intensity and importance of selection and recruitment. Selection is all about identifying, attracting, and hiring the right candidates who would fill the open positions of the company. This is a crucial step in an organization because the quality of workforce directly contributes to the performance of the company and success. When the process of selection and recruitment is well structured, it will open doors to fresh perspectives and innovations. Bringing skilled employees who could contribute in creating a positive work environment that will boost employee morale. It also contributes to the long-term success of the organization. For this study, primary data was collected from recruiters of companies in Chennai through a structured questionnaire and further data was analysed to arrive at a meaningful conclusion. The result of this study will be helpful to determine effective strategies of hiring and effectively implement various online tools and technologies like ATS in the process of E-recruitment and selection. It will also be helpful to understand the importance of HRIS in an organization.
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Fast traslate Icon translate Fast traslate Icon translate Fast traslate Icon translate The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the recruitment and selection process on employee performance, based on the results of tests that have been carried out it can be seen that the recruitment process has a t-value greater than the t-table value, this can mean that recruitment has a positive and significant effect on the performance of the meat preparation department employee at PT. OrsoindoSejahtera, as well as selection, selection has a t-value greater than the t-table value, this can be interpreted that the selection also has a positive and significant effect on the performance of the meat preparation department employees at PT. OrsoindoSejahtera
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This study investigates the impact of recruitment and selection criteria on performance using Fidelity Bank Plc, Lagos Nigeria as focal point. The analyses of 130 valid responses obtained through a questionnaire that was administered to randomly selected respondents revealed that recruitment and selection criteria have significant effect on organization's performance (X 2 = 35.723; df = 3; p<0.05). The more objective the recruitment and selection criteria, the better the organization's performance (X 2 = 20.007; df = 4; p<0.05).
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Salah satu cara mendasar untuk menjadikan perbankan syariah menjadi kredibel adalah harus didukung dengan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas, kompeten, dan profesional. Profesional berarti bahwa orang tersebut membutuhkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan khusus untuk melakukan pekerjaan itu. Profesionalitas berarti nilai-nilai praktis dari kompetensi keterampilan untuk mengelola organisasi dan melakukan pekerjaan dengan efektif dan efisien. Profesionalitas dapat diukur hanya dari penampilan fisik, tetapi yang paling penting ditunjukkan dengan kinerja nyata dari kegiatan. Sumber daya manusia yang Islami dan profesional memiliki kualifikasi dan kompetensi keahlian di bidang ekonomi, perbankan, keuangan, dan syariah.
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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah proses rekrutmen dan seleksi baik secara parsial maupun simultan berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan pada PDAM Tirta Mountala Aceh Besar. Sampel penelitian ini adalah seluruh karyawan pada PDAM Tirta Mountala Aceh Besar yang berjumlah 86 orang. Alat analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah regresi linier berganda. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, nilai Konstanta (α) sebesar 18,193 yang berarti jika variabel proses rekrutmen dan seleksi dianggap konstan, maka besarnya kinerja karyawan pada PDAM Tirta Mountala Aceh Besar sebesar 18,19%. Koefesien regresi variabel proses rekrutmen sebesar 0,143, Koefesien regresi variabel seleksi sebesar 0,539. Nilai Fhitung sebesar 4,453 > Ftabel sebesar 3,11, maka Ha diterima, Artinya proses rekrutmen dan seleksi berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan pada PDAM Tirta Mountala Aceh Besar. Hasil penelitian menolak Ho dan menerima Ha.Nilai thitung sebesar 2,468 > Ftabel sebesar 1,989, maka Ha diterima, Artinya seleksi berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan pada PDAM Tirta Mountala Aceh Besar. Hasil penelitian menolak Ho dan menerima Ha.
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The purpose of this study was to examine and determine the effect of the recruitment process simultaneously and partially on employee performance at PT. Federal International Finance (FIF), and to test and find out which variable has the most significant effect on employee performance. Data analysis tools used are validity test, reliability test, classic assumption test, multiple linear regression test, correlation coefficient test, determination coefficient test, F test, T test, and dominant test. The results showed that the method and source of recruitment simultaneously had a significant effect on employee performance. This is evidenced by the value of sig. Fcount = 0.018 <Alpha 0.05. In the t test results (partial) the recruitment source partially has a significant effect on employee performance. This is evidenced by the value of sig. tcount X2 X2 0.005> 0.05, where the most influential is the source of recruitment with the results of standardized coefficients beta of 0.465. From the results of the study it was shown that the method and source of recruitment had a significant effect on performance by 15.2%, while the remaining 84.8% was determined by other variables not included in the study. The suggestion from researchers for PT Federal International Finance (FIF) in Samarinda City is expected to further improve employee recruitment standards and processes in the recruitment of company employees to provide quality human resources.
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Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penilaian kinerja karyawan melalui proses rekrutmen secara online dan offline berkaitan masa pandemic Covid-19. Berkaitan itu, maka kebutuhan karyawan tidaklah menginginkan hasil kerja keras dinilai secara subjektif, untuk itu maka tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penilaian kinerja karyawan melalui proses rekrutmen secara online maupun offline. Dalam penelitian ini variabel dependen kinerja karyawan dan variabel independen proses rekrutmen. Teknik pengambilan sampel nya non-probability sampling, yaitu sampel jenuh pada bagian Information Technology dan Marketing & Product Development. Metode analisis yang digunakan analisis kuantitatif diskritif dengan Human Resources Scorecard. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh proses rekrutmen secara online terhadap kinerja karyawan pada bagian Information Technology sebesar 87,0%, ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak berbeda secara signifikan. Sedangkan pengaruh proses rekrutmen terhadap kinerja karyawan pada bagian Marketing & Product Development sebesar 90,5%. Ini menunjukkan bahwa proses rekrutmen terhadap kinerja karyawan pada bagian Marketing & Product Development berpengaruh secara signifikan
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An efficient work team is essential for effective implementation of business and delivery of services. To build an efficient team, HR management must ensure that talented, competent and committed persons are recruited in the company. So the recruitment and selection process should be objective, uniform and of high quality. From past decade the business organizations are more concentrating on the human capital because they are the most valued and most treasured assets. While recruiting the candidates the organizations has to map carefully the available human resources because they create the competitive advantage for the organizations. The aim of the paper is to study the recruitment and selection process in local companies (five local companies) private companies. The best human capital availability in organizations makes them competitive advantage and as well as they become the real life blood of the organizations. This research studies the review of literature for recruitment and selection procedures followed at organizations. The research was done using both primary and secondary data. Primary data was collected from 30 employees using questionnaire method. The results were obtained from percentage method. The research findings reveal that private companies follows best recruitment and selection process and they are satisfied with the organizational climate and the organizations follows ethical recruitment policy.
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Human resources is an asset that plays an important role in a company, because humans who manage and run activities that exist within the organization. One of the most influential aspects in achieving the objectives of a company is recruitment and selection of work, because recruitment and selection is a condition that moves people to a particular destination. Recruitment and selection of work can benefit employee and company performance. method is the authors take descriptive quantitative by using the sample technique saturated, the number of respondents as much as 50 respondents using SPSS version 22. In the results of research authors can know, that the relationship of recruitment and selection of a very strong performance that is equal to 0.887 (89%) the influence of recruitment and selection on performance. The amount of coefficient of determination 0,786 or equal to 78,6%, while the rest is 21,4% (100% -78,6%) explained by other causal factors and significant level of 0.000 then H1 accepted, regression equation significant, so that regression equation that can be formed is: Y = 7,722 + 0,802X, therefore the existing level of motivation must be maintained and should be further improved especially in the employee's own performance.
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Sumber daya manusia adalah aset yang sangat berharga bagi setiap organisasi dan memberikan kontribusi besar kepada organisasi karena pegawai bekerja dan bertindak untuk pencapaian tujuan organisasi. Tujuan organisasi dapat dicapai melalui tingginya komitmen organisasi yang dipengaruhi oleh karakteristik individu dan kepuasan kerja.Masalah pokok dalam penelitian ini adalah apakah proses rekrutmen dan seleksi berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan pada Pondok Pesantren Wahid Hasyim Yogyakarta, diantara proses rekrutmen dan seleksi yang manakah yang paling berpengaruh dominan terhadap kinerja karyawan pada Pondok Pesantren Wahid Hasyim Yogyakarta. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah 1) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh proses rekrutmen dan seleksi terhadap kinerja karyawan pada Pondok Pesantren Wahid Hasyim Yogyakarta, 2) Untuk mengetahui manakah faktor yang berpengaruh lebih dominan terhadap kinerja karyawan pada Pondok Pesantren Wahid Hasyim Yogyakarta. Untuk mengaplikasikan tujuan tersebut maka digunakan metode deskriptif, metode statistik deskriptif dengan bantuan sistem komputerisasi (Program Komputer PSPP versi 2016) dengan menggunakan rumus yaitu analisis regresi berganda, uji t dan uji F.Berdasarkan hasil analisis mengenai pengaruh antara rekruitmen dan seleksi dengan kinerja karyawan khususnya pada Pondok Pesantren Wahid Hasyim Yogyakarta, Pengaruh antara rekrutmen dengan kinerja karyawan Pondok Pesantren Wahid Hasyim Yogyakarta didapatkan hasil bahwa tidak ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara rekrutmen terhadap kinerja karyawan. Pengaruh antara seleksi dengan kinerja karyawan Pondok Pesantren Wahid Hasyim Yogyakarta, didapatkan hasil bahwa tidak ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara seleksi terhadap kinerja karyawan. Pengaruh antara rekrutmen dan seleksi dengan kinerja karyawan khususnya pada Pondok Pesantren Wahid Hasyim Yogyakarta didapatkan hasil bahwa tidak ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara rekrutmen dan seleksi terhadap kinerja karyawan. Variabel yang paling dominan mempengaruhi kinerja karyawan khususnya pada Pondok Pesantren Wahid Hasyim Yogyakarta adalah seleksi.
The purpose of this study was to find the effectiveness of the employee satisfaction level towards the recruitment processes of organization and also to assess the impact of recruitment process on organizational performance. The findings of the study helps to improvise the strategies to make the recruitment process effective. The sample for this study is collected nearly from 100 employees at MSys Technologies were personally surveyed with a structured questionnaire. Based on the investigation in recruitment, research questions were answered. In this study Descriptive Research Design and inferential analysis was used as the sampling procedure and data obtained were statistically analyzed using Chi-square test, one way Anova, Co-efficient of correlation. The analysis and interpretation helps to identify the findings and suggestions of the workers. The more objective the recruitment criteria, the better the organization’s performance.