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Riau Regional Government Collaboration In The Implementation Of The P4gn National Action Plan



Indonesia is currently facing quite serious challenges in terms of the abuse of narcotics and illegal drugs. In general, narcotics and psychotropic substances can be used as medicinal ingredients in the medical field and in the development of science. The effects of this dependence can result in death. Not only that, other aspects such as moral and social are also affected by narcotics abuse. One of the biggest problems in Riau is the high circulation of drugs coming from abroad. The high distribution of drugs is influenced by various factors, in this case, geographical and demographic conditions in Riau. Based on the identification of drug-handling problems in Riau Province that have been explained, this paper has the objectives of, among others, analyzing efforts to implement P4GN, especially in the context of tackling drug trafficking and abuse in Riau Province; and analyze efforts to implement P4GN in Riau from a national security perspective. Collaborative governance focuses on the voluntary aspects of collaborative practice. From the voluntary aspect is expected that every actor involved can work optimally to achieve goals in the effort to implement the Prevention and Eradication of Drug Trafficking (P4GN) in Riau Province. With clear regulations and awareness of the importance of saving the nation's generation from the dangers of drugs, empirically the gray zones at the functional and operational levels can be mapped to the fullest so that the realization of a Drug-Clean Indonesia can be realized.
International Journal Of Humanities Education And Social Sciences (IJHESS) E-ISSN: 2808-1765
Volume 2, Number 5, April 2023, Page. 1581 - 1587
Email :
Riau Regional Government Collaboration In The Implementation Of The P4gn National
Action Plan
Dewi O. Eka Putri1), Ichsan Malik2), I. Gede Sumertha3), Pujo Widodo4), Herlina J. Saragih5)
1,2,3,4,5)Universitas Pertahanan Republik Indonesia
*Coresponding Author
Indonesia is currently facing quite serious challenges in terms of the abuse of narcotics and illegal drugs. In
general, narcotics and psychotropic substances can be used as medicinal ingredients in the medical field and in
the development of science. The effects of this dependence can result in death. Not only that, other aspects such
as moral and social are also affected by narcotics abuse. One of the biggest problems in Riau is the high
circulation of drugs coming from abroad. The high distribution of drugs is influenced by various factors, in this
case, geographical and demographic conditions in Riau. Based on the identification of drug-handling problems
in Riau Province that have been explained, this paper has the objectives of, among others, analyzing efforts to
implement P4GN, especially in the context of tackling drug trafficking and abuse in Riau Province; and analyze
efforts to implement P4GN in Riau from a national security perspective. Collaborative governance focuses on the
voluntary aspects of collaborative practice. From the voluntary aspect is expected that every actor involved can
work optimally to achieve goals in the effort to implement the Prevention and Eradication of Drug Trafficking
(P4GN) in Riau Province. With clear regulations and awareness of the importance of saving the nation's
generation from the dangers of drugs, empirically the gray zones at the functional and operational levels can be
mapped to the fullest so that the realization of a Drug-Clean Indonesia can be realized.
Keywords: Collaboration, Riau, Implementation, P4GN, National Security
Indonesia is currently facing quite serious challenges in terms of the abuse of narcotics
and illegal drugs. In general, narcotics and psychotropic substances can be used as medicinal
ingredients in the medical field and in the development of science. On the other hand, many of
these prohibited materials are abused which leads to dependence. The effects of this
dependence can result in death. Not only that, other aspects such as moral and social are also
affected by narcotics abuse.
One of the steps taken by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia is through the
National Action Plan for the Prevention and Eradication of the Abuse and Illicit Traffic of
Narcotics and Narcotics Precursors (P4GN) through the Presidential Instruction of the Republic
of Indonesia (Inpres RI) No. 2 of 2020. The results of the 2019 National Narcotics Agency and
PMB-LIPI survey, the national prevalence rate of drug abuse in the past year is 1.80% of the
entire Indonesian population aged 15 to 64 years. This figure reflects that there are 3,419,188
drug abusers out of 186,616,874 Indonesian residents aged 15 to 64 years (Masyhuri Imron,
2021). In other words, the ratio of drug abuse in Indonesia is 1:55 or out of every 55
Indonesians aged 15 to 64 years there is one person who abuses drugs.
The rise of drug abuse in the country can also be seen from the existence of villages that
are indicated as 'drug villages'(Masyhuri Imron, 2021). The growth of drug villages in various
regions goes hand in hand with the rise of drug abuse in various regions in Indonesia. This is
comparable to the demand for narcotics which seems to never subside because more and more
people are becoming drug abusers for various reasons. The high circulation and abuse of
narcotics in Indonesia are also inseparable from the condition of Indonesia's open territory as
International Journal Of Humanities Education And Social Sciences (IJHESS) E-ISSN: 2808-1765
Volume 2, Number 5, April 2023, Page. 1581 - 1587
Email :
an archipelagic country and a large number of rivers. facilitating the supply of drugs from
various places to the territory of Indonesia.
One of the provinces is directly adjacent to neighboring countries in Riau. Geographical
conditions Riau has an area of 87,023.66 Km2. Consisting of 10 regencies and 2 cities, where
Riau is also directly adjacent to neighboring countries and separated by the Malacca Strait.
Under these conditions, Riau has the potential for a security conflict that could disrupt national
stability (PoldaRiau, 2022). One of the biggest problems in Riau is the high circulation of drugs
coming from abroad. The high distribution of drugs is influenced by various factors, in this
case, geographical and demographic conditions in Riau. Riau's position is in the international
route for drug networks that enter from Malaysia to western Indonesia. Many of their
syndicates use the Rat port on the coast of Riau to import goods and then distribute them to
other areas (, 2019). Riau is ranked 5th in terms of the highest drug trafficking in
Indonesia under North Sumatra, DKI, East Java, and Southeast Sulawesi based on data from
the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) in 2019.
The effective implementation of P4GN can reduce drug abuse in these vulnerable areas,
it is necessary to involve programs that aim to increase economic and social opportunities in
the population of the area. The strategy undertaken aims to develop human capacity, increase
social protection, improve public health, foster good governance and economic order, and
reduce poverty. The anti-drug curriculum aims to produce changes to drug trafficking and
abuse in Riau, especially starting from education, with the hope of preventing the loss of
competent next generations of the nation.
When the conditions of a community in an area are conducive, it will affect the public
security system in that area. The public security system must be able to apply the basic
concepts of security to prevent and counteract military and non-military disturbances (Anang
Puji Utama, 2020). Drug abuse is included in the condition of non-military security
disturbances which is strongly influenced by social factors. And also included in the non-
traditional disorders that require appropriate handling. Therefore, the drug problem is a serious
matter that must be handled seriously by the government, in this case, the Regional
Government of Riau. Elements of the regional government must also collaborate with other
elements such as the Police and BNNP as well as in other fields such as cooperation with local
educational institutions in carrying out the implementation of the P4GN national action plan.
This research approach is qualitative with a descriptive research design. The research
location is in Riau Province with the determination of informants using a purposive sampling
technique. Informants are divided into two types, namely primary informants and additional
informants. The main informants consisted of 5 people, namely the Head of BNNP Riau, a
Lecturer in Sociology at UNRI; the Chairman of the Bangkinang District Court; Riau Police
Chief; and Danrem 031/ Wira Bima as well as 3 additional informants, including the Head of
the National Unity and Political Agency of Riau Province; Director of the Impartial Mediator
Network and Chairperson of PURAKA; and the Association of Indigenous Peoples of the
Archipelago (AMAN). Determination of primary informants and additional informants based
on criteria, namely having the authority to access data in the prevention of drug abuse in Riau
Province; involved directly or indirectly (collaboratively) in overcoming drug abuse in Riau
Province; understanding and understanding internal related activities or programs; and assist
the success of the Regional Government in carrying out activities with comprehensive
collaboration between associated agencies.
International Journal Of Humanities Education And Social Sciences (IJHESS) E-ISSN: 2808-1765
Volume 2, Number 5, April 2023, Page. 1581 - 1587
Email :
The data collection technique used semi-structured interviews where the researcher was
assisted by an interview guide when conducting interviews and documentation that supports
activities in overcoming drug abuse in Riau Province. Data analysis uses the stages proposed
by Miles & Huberman including data collection, data condensation, data display, and
conclusions or conclusions. The data validity technique used is source triangulation.
P4GN Implementation in the Context of Combating Drug Circulation and Abuse in Riau
Narcotics crime is a type of extraordinary crime that is a cross-border organized crime with
an international network and can be a serious threat because it can damage the foundations of a
nation's life. So that we need to fight against one of the extraordinary crimes that are a
challenge for countries in the world, including Indonesia. So in 2015 the President of the
Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Joko Widodo, emphasized in his speech that Indonesia was in a
drug emergency.
The percentage of narcotics abusers in Riau in 2019 shows that 0.90% or around 96,452
people have used drugs, and as many as 0.50%, or around 55,115 people regularly use drugs,
which consists of the category of workers with an age range of 18-59 years of 65 %, the non-
working category is 28.5% and the student category is 6.5% (BNNPRiau, 2022). The data
states that the drug problem is a threat to the life of the nation and state, which must be handled
in a sustainable manner through various intervention programs to deal with drug problems with
various or multidisciplinary approaches. In the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3 of
2002 concerning National Defense in Article 7 Paragraph 3 it is stated that "The national
defense system in dealing with non-military threats places government agencies outside the
field of defense as the main element, in accordance with the form and nature of the threats
faced with the support of other elements of national strength”.
In this case, collaboration is needed between governments as policymakers and also the
community. Handling the drug problem in Indonesia is carried out through the Prevention and
Eradication of Drug Abuse and Trafficking (P4GN) program which was launched in 2012, in
which the P4GN program is coordinated by the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) and
implemented with stakeholders and community components. Based on these three actors, it can
be seen that government collaboration is an important element in determining the success of
efforts to implement P4GN in the context of overcoming drug abuse in Riau province. Ansell
and Gash (2007: 543) in (Luqito & Arrozaaq, 2016) state that collaborative governance is an
arrangement of governance in which one or more public institutions directly involve non-
governmental actors in a collective policy-making process that is formal, oriented towards
consensus, and consultative with the aim of making or implementing public policies, managing
programs or public assets.
This policy is contained in Presidential Instruction Number 2 of 2020 concerning the
National Action Plan for the Prevention and Eradication of Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
for 2020-2024. Where stakeholders who synergize include:
1. Central Government (responsible for regulations and policies, as well as cross-sectoral
facilities and infrastructure)
2. Local Government (responsible for cross-SKPD facilities and infrastructure, regional-level
3. Private (Business assistance to the community)
4. Industry/Associations (access markets, promotions, and partnerships)
5. Community (participates in P4GN efforts)
International Journal Of Humanities Education And Social Sciences (IJHESS) E-ISSN: 2808-1765
Volume 2, Number 5, April 2023, Page. 1581 - 1587
Email :
Quality interactions form mutual trust and mutual understanding, thereby creating
recognition of internal legitimacy, which influences shared commitments. This is reflected in a
series of activities that have been carried out by actors in an effort to implement P4GN in Riau
province, including the Riau Provincial Government which has formed an Integrated Social
Conflict Handling Team through the issuance of Riau Governor's Decree Number: Kpts.
157/II/2020 concerning Amendments to the Decree of the Governor of Riau Number: Kpts.
877/VII/2019 Concerning the Integrated Social Conflict Management Team for Riau Province
(Kesbangpol Riau, 2022).
In addition to maximizing the dissemination of education and information to students and
students, the regional government of Riau has established an anti-drug education curriculum to
be implemented in every school in the form of reading literacy and outreach as stipulated in the
Regional Regulation of Riau Province number 20 of 2018 concerning facilitation of prevention
of narcotics and psychotropic abuse. and other addictive substances. Then in Riau Governor
Regulation (Pergub) number 33 of 2021 concerning instructions for implementing regional
regulation 20 of 2018 concerning facilitating the prevention of abuse of narcotics,
psychotropics, and other addictive substances.
The Riau Province National Narcotics Agency as a vocal point in P4GN's efforts has formed
a shining village in Simpang Padang Village, Bengkalis Regency in 2021. The concrete
activities that have been carried out by Simpang Padang Village include carrying out
counseling on the dangers of drugs to the Simpang Padang Village community, forming
volunteers and the anti-drug task force in Simpang Padang village, establishing the Shining
Village Command Post, forming a recovery agency in Simpang Padang village, and issued
anti-drug regulations in the form of a circular letter of appeal from the Simpang Padang village
According to the Bengkalis District Court, 60% of the factors causing drug abuse and illicit
trafficking in Riau province are due to economic factors. Or it can be said that pre-prosperous
conditions encourage individuals to get involved in things that are against the law. So to
overcome this, the Riau National Narcotics Agency is conducting a mapping of drug-prone
areas, which later the people in these vulnerable areas will be provided with life skills training
that aims to make people economically independent so that they are not easily involved in drug
P4GN is a priority program for overcoming drug problems in Indonesia. As it is known that
drugs are a complex problem, so the handling is multidimensional and involves many agencies
and components of society. It can be said that the implementation of the P4GN national action
plan has been maximized, however, there are differences in the categories of data collection on
the results of case disclosures carried out by BNN, Polri, and other law enforcement agencies
causing a slight bias. The National Police usually collects data based on the alleged articles and
the demographic characteristics of the perpetrators such as age, gender, and other
characteristics. Unlike the National Narcotics Agency, which collects data on narcotics crimes
based on networks and types of evidence. Not only that, the condition of data resulting from
the implementation of P4GN is still different from one institution to another, and the data
resulting from the implementation of P4GN has not been integrated between BNN and related
agencies, making it difficult to see the success of P4GN implementation (Irianto, 2021).
Considering that drug abuse is an actual threat that can disrupt national security stability, it
is hoped that in the future the National Police, BNN, and related agencies can work together
more optimally in aligning indicators and vulnerability data on illicit drug trafficking so that
the prevention of drug abuse can be carried out in a comprehensive manner to realize the
province of Riau clean drugs.
International Journal Of Humanities Education And Social Sciences (IJHESS) E-ISSN: 2808-1765
Volume 2, Number 5, April 2023, Page. 1581 - 1587
Email :
Efforts to Implement P4GN in Riau Province in Maintaining National Security
The problem of drug abuse is one of the major threats in the Riau region. Based on the
statement from the Riau Police Chief Inspector General. Pol. Muhammad Iqbal, SIK that in
early 2022, Sub Directorate I of the Narcotics Directorate managed to arrest 11 drug traffickers
in 5 locations in Dumai City and Pekanbaru with evidence of 80 kg of methamphetamine-type
narcotics originating from Malaysia entering through Dumai waters (Tribratanews, 2022). This
shows the great vulnerability of the Riau region due to its geographical conditions which are
directly adjacent to neighboring Malaysia and Singapore. These conditions have made Riau an
easy target for drug traffickers from abroad to Indonesia. The entrance to rat ports in Riau
provides golden opportunities for international dealers and dealers.
Drug abuse is included in the condition of non-military security disturbances whose
distribution channels are influenced by geographical conditions, while other abuses are
strongly influenced by social factors in the community. With the entry of drugs which are
illegal goods into Indonesian territory through Riau, the sovereignty of the Indonesian state is
at stake. Border area security is certainly questionable and clearly a threat to national security.
National security can be interpreted both as a condition and a function, as a function, national
security produces and creates a sense of security in a broad sense, which includes a sense of
comfort, peace, tranquility, and order, this condition is a basic human need in addition to
welfare (Darmono, 2016). The entry of drugs in large quantities in the Riau region shows that
there is a dysfunction in the national security system as a function as mentioned above.
Because there is no longer order and a sense of security that the community feels because of
drug trafficking in this Riau region.
According to Prof. Dr. Muladi, SH, in the 2008 National Security Bill Academic Paper,
stated that the term comprehensive security is a reorganization of the concept of security that
reaches out to matters outside the military but does not rule out the notion that is military in
nature and includes political, economic and socio-cultural dimensions. The security that has
been known so far has reached a wider scope, not only from within but also from outside which
is global in nature. With an unlimited scope, the term human security emerges, namely security
seen from the perspective of the importance of the welfare of citizens, whose threats cover
various sources, including disease epidemics, widespread crime, and natural disasters.
Based on this concept, it can be understood that the problem of drug abuse is part of a
comprehensive security concept that includes human security. Because most are influenced by
the social system of society which contains interactions between people and the rules and
norms that apply. The application of P4GN is one of the efforts to realize human security in
dealing with drugs. This human security also affects the public security system, because
individual involvement in drug abuse will affect their environment, therefore a qualified public
security system is also needed. The public security system must be able to apply the basic
concepts of security to prevent and counteract military and non-military disturbances (Anang
Puji Utama, 2020). This explains how the optimal implementation of P4GN in Riau will
greatly affect how public security is maintained in Riau which will ultimately optimize national
security in Indonesia.
Collaborative governance focuses on the voluntary aspects of collaborative practice.
From the voluntary aspect is expected that every actor involved can work optimally to achieve
goals in the effort to implement the Prevention and Eradication of Drug Trafficking (P4GN) in
Riau Province. In this case, it is hoped that the program or policy that is launched will be
implemented more effectively because it involves all components of government, the private
International Journal Of Humanities Education And Social Sciences (IJHESS) E-ISSN: 2808-1765
Volume 2, Number 5, April 2023, Page. 1581 - 1587
Email :
sector, and the community. The concept of national security is very important to understand in
the life of the nation and state.
If studied further, the National Action Plan for the Prevention and Eradication of Drug
Trafficking (P4GN) is a product that can represent the general policy function of institutional
development and cooperation by involving all stakeholders including the community. With
clear regulations and awareness of the importance of saving the nation's generation from the
dangers of drugs, empirically the gray zones at the functional and operational levels can be
mapped to the fullest so that the realization of a Drug-Clean Indonesia can be realized.
The formation of anti-drug volunteers, the involvement of community organizations,
religious harmony forums, and cooperation between ministries, agencies, and local
governments are directed at increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of working mechanisms
and processes so that they are carried out more quickly and precisely through coordination,
collaboration, integration, and synchronization between the main elements and other elements
of national power. So directly the community itself can become an early warning system in the
face of threats of international drugs and organized crime.
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