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Change in cooling degree days with global mean temperature increasing from 1.5 °C to 2.0 °C


Abstract and Figures

Limiting global mean temperature rise to 1.5 °C is increasingly out of reach. Here we show the impact on global cooling demand in moving from 1.5 °C to 2.0 °C of global warming. African countries have the highest increase in cooling requirements. Switzerland, the United Kingdom and Norway (traditionally unprepared for heat) will suffer the largest relative cooling demand surges. Immediate and unprecedented adaptation interventions are required worldwide to be prepared for a hotter world.
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Nature Sustainability | Volume 6 | November 2023 | 1326–1330 1326
nature sustainability
Brief Communication
Change in cooling degree days with global
mean temperature rise increasing from
1.5 °C to 2.0 °C
Nicole D. Miranda 1,2,6, Jesus Lizana 1,2,6 , Sarah N. Sparrow 3,
Miriam Zachau-Walker2, Peter A. G. Watson4, David C. H. Wallom 3,
Radhika Khosla 1,5 & Malcolm McCulloch1,2
Limiting global mean temperature rise to 1.5 °C is increasingly out of reach.
Here we show the impact on global cooling demand in moving from 1.5 °C
to 2.0 °C of global warming. African countries have the highest increase
in cooling requirements. Switzerland, the United Kingdom and Norway
(traditionally unprepared for heat) will suer the largest relative cooling
demand surges. Immediate and unprecedented adaptation interventions
are required worldwide to be prepared for a hotter world.
This work identifies regions of high cooling needs using 2,100
simulation runs of global mean surface temperature through the
HadAM4 model
across three global warming scenarios: historical
(2006–2016), 1.5 °C and 2 °C. Rising extreme heat is already driving
an unprecedented surge in cooling demand, with the energy
required for cooling by 2050 predicted to be equivalent to the
combined electricity capacity of the United States, European Union
and Japan in 2016
. But how much more cooling would be required if
the Paris Agreement’s preferred 1.5 °C limit
is overshot, and global
mean temperature increases to 2.0 °C? The question is crucial, given
the growing consensus that there is currently ‘no credible pathway
to avoid warming to 1.5 °C’5.
Cooling degree days (CDDs) are a widely used indicator to
examine warming and quantify cooling demand. CDDs measure how
warm a given location is, by comparing the mean outdoor tempera-
tures recorded each day with a standard temperature (usually 65 °F
or 18 °C)
. For example, a day with a mean outdoor temperature of
30 °C has 12 CDDs. In this Article, we map annual CDDs and examine
the most affected countries by warming from 1.5 °C to 2.0 °C projec-
tions. These are identified by absolute and relative cooling demand
increases between these two scenarios. Absolute changes (abs-ΔCDD)
show where human exposure to hotter weather will be severe. Relative
changes (rel-ΔCDD) indicate large adaptation challenges in regions not
traditionally prepared for increasing heat.
Previous work has mainly reported CDDs using historical data6,7.
Model-based studies for specific areas of the world have also been
. Global model data, however, have only been analysed for
specific years, leaving an important gap in predicting and preparing
for cooling demand in fast approaching 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C scenarios.
To calculate CDDs, we simulate 700 members per scenario using
the citizen-science project (CPDN), obtaining
6-hourly mean temperatures at a spatial resolution of 0.883° × 0.556°.
The findings of this study are summarized in Fig. 1 and Table 1.
Figure 1a maps the difference in CDDs between the 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C
scenarios, and Table 1a highlights the top ten countries with more than
5 million inhabitants that will experience, and subsequently need to
respond to, the largest changes. Extended Data Table 1 includes the top
50 countries with a population of more than 2 million. A more extended
list is provided in Supplementary Note 4. To examine variability, we map
the standard deviation of results in Supplementary Note 3.
The results show that regions surrounding the Equator, particu-
larly the Sub-Saharan region, will experience the largest increase in
cooling demand (Fig. 1a). Table 1a shows that ten African countries are
the nations with the largest change in CDDs, with important implica-
tions for their planning and building climate resilience. These coun-
tries align in a west–east band in central Africa. They mainly border
Mauritania, Niger and Sudan, identified in ref. 6 to have the highest
extreme heat historically. Mali and Chad were also previously reported
Received: 21 December 2022
Accepted: 24 May 2023
Published online: 13 July 2023
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1Future of Cooling Programme, Oxford Martin School, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK. 2Energy and Power Group, Department of Engineering Science,
University of Oxford, Oxford, UK. 3Oxford e-Research Centre, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK. 4School of Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol,
Bristol, UK. 5Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK. 6These authors
contributed equally: Nicole D. Miranda, Jesus Lizana. e-mail:
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved
Nature Sustainability | Volume 6 | November 2023 | 1326–1330 1327
Brief Communication
0 100 200 300
aAbsolute ∆CDD18 from 1.5 °C to 2 °C
bRelative ∆CDD18 from 1.5 °C to 2 °C
10%0 20% 30% 40%
Fig. 1 | Global CDD difference between 1.5 °C and 2 °C global warming
scenarios. a, Absolute delta cooling degree days (abs-ΔCDD) from 1.5° to 2 °C
global warming scenarios. b, Relative delta cooling degree days (rel-ΔCDD)
from 1.5 °C to 2 °C global warming scenarios. Delta (Δ) refers to the incremental
change in the variable. The absolute and relative delta from 1.5 °C to 2 °C
scenarios were calculated using the mean annual CDDs per coordinate across
ensemble members per scenario, involving 700 simulations each. Administrative
boundaries were used from EuroGeographics.
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Nature Sustainability | Volume 6 | November 2023 | 1326–1330 1328
Brief Communication
to have the highest historical CDD6, and here we show that they will
also experience a large increment in CDDs from a 1.5 °C to a 2.0 °C
scenario. Indeed, the central African population not only had the
highest requirements for cooling historically (2009–2018) but would
also experience the highest surge in heat exposure and wide-ranging
adaptation requirements.
Notably, the results of relative changes in CDDs (Fig. 1b and
Table 1b) show that the Global North will experience dramatic rela-
tive increases in the number of days that require cooling. Table 1b is
the first to rank the top ten most affected countries by their relative
increases in CDDs globally. Eight of ten are European nations, which
are traditionally unprepared for high temperatures and will require
large-scale adaptation to heat resilience.
Globally, Switzerland and the United Kingdom will see the
largest relative variation in cooling demand (30%). This is relevant, as
current cooling studies for Switzerland and the United Kingdom are,
at best, limited. For Switzerland, only two studies in 2006 and 2021
were found12,13, which warned of the accelerating demand for cooling
(compared with heating demand). In the case of the United Kingdom,
the country with the second-largest relative increase in CDDs, only one
2009 predictive study is found
. The latter aligns with the large relative
change of our results (but for different temperature increases), report-
ing that the energy (and emissions) from air conditioners almost dou-
bles from 2004 to 2030 in London. However, these 2009 study results
were not set in the global context we provide. Additional statistics
on the relative (and absolute) increase in CDDs in countries with
more than 2 million inhabitants are provided in Supplementary Note 5,
this time exclusively considering urban areas. This urban area-weighted
analysis identifies Ireland, the United Kingdom and Finland as the
top three most affected countries—foreshadowing important ques-
tions about prioritizing sustainable cooling access and heat resilience
strategies in their cities.
Our results enhance and complement the existing literature.
A previous study examining predictions of CDDs in Europe
changes in CDDs between Representative Concentration Pathways
(RCP4.5 and RCP8.5) in different years from historical (1981–2010) to
the period 1981–2100. It models temperature at different years rather
than forcing specific global warming scenarios, as in our analysis.
While the results are analogous regarding the highest absolute increase
in Europe to be in Mediterranean countries, no relative changes are
reported. Another study reports European CDDs (that is, Mediterra-
nean) in a 2.0 °C scenario (with spatial resolution >200 km
, showing
that the further south, the more the absolute change of CDD increases.
In our study, other large regions of high CDD relative increase are
found in the mountain ranges of the Andes in South America, cross
ing the continent from North to South, and the Himalayas in Central
Asia, which extend into the Southwest of China. This brings additional
insight for sustainability planning as previous CDD predictions
for China under different RCP scenarios did not highlight this region
for its relative increase in cooling demand. Further research on
changing climate in these regions is needed as no additional studies
have been found.
Supported by these results, we argue how immediate and
unprecedented climate adaptation interventions are required world-
wide to be prepared for a hotter world. An increasing number of
stocktake studies
make clear that limiting a surge in global mean
temperature to 1.5 °C is increasingly out of reach. We show that moving
from a 1.5 °C to 2.0 °C warmer planet would dramatically exacerbate
heat exposure and energy demand for cooling. There has already
been an increase in global surface temperature of 1.09 °C above
pre-industrial levels between 2011 and 2020
. The total difference
in cooling demand from today to a 2.0 °C warmer planet would
be greater than our analysis maps, requiring a key focus on an issue
that has traditionally been a blind spot for sustainability debates19.
For this study, the differences in CDDs reported are built on the
largest ensemble of 700 simulations for each scenario to ensure inter-
nal climate variability and at the current highest available temporal
resolution of temperatures. The 6-hourly mean temperature predic-
tions result in high granularity of cooling demand variations. The
geographical resolution of 0.833° × 0.556° allows examination of the
whole planet under one lens while managing the computational inten-
sity of large datasets.
The absolute change in CDDs values shows that African
countries will experience the highest increase in cooling demand. These
conditions will pose further stress to the continent’s socio-economic
development and energy networks, and their implications for equitable
access to cooling, issues that require much additional research given
the limited studies of this rising threat in the African context
. Further,
the results on relative changes indicate that countries that will experi-
ence the most drastic increases in CDDs are traditionally prepared for
heating, not cooling. These countries will require acute and long-term
adaptation to make their populations and the built environment more
heat resilient, including broad cooling access through sustainable
pathways21. Much can be shared and learnt from countries across the
world as they tackle this global challenge.
Overall, CDDs are a valuable indicator of normalized tempera-
ture exposure, and are useful to enable a top-down comparison of
global warming scenarios between regions. As research grows, addi-
tional socio-economic, technical and environmental variables, such
as humidity, solar irradiance and wind speed, are needed for more
precise cooling demand estimations. It should also be noted that indi-
vidual thermal comfort expectations differ across communities and
countries, depending on conventions, physiology and cultural norms,
among others3.
Several important policy implications stem from these results.
First, this work clearly indicates that every small increase in global
warming will affect heat exposure and cooling demand worldwide,
driving the need for immediate, unprecedented and localized adap-
tation. Second, it is in the national interest of all Global North and
South countries to work towards the 1.5 °C target, given that they will be
the most affected by the relative and absolute change in CDDs, respec-
tively. Current planning and implementation of energy and climate
Table 1 | Ranking of the top ten countries that will suffer the
highest increase (absolute and relative) in area-weighted
mean CDDs from 1.5°C to 2.0°C
Top ten countries by
absolute change abs-∆CDD18 Top ten countries by
relative change rel-∆CDD18
Central African
Republic 266 Switzerland 30%
Burkina Faso 254 United Kingdom 30%
Mali 253 Norway 28%
South Sudan 251 Finland 28%
Nigeria 245 Sweden 28%
Congo 241 Austria 24%
Democratic Republic
of The Congo 240 Canada 24%
Chad 236 Denmark 24%
Uganda 232 New Zealand 24%
Cameroon 228 Belgium 21%
Countries with more than 5 million inhabitants in 2020 are listed. Annual CDDs were
calculated using a temperature baseline of 18°C. Delta (∆) refers to the incremental change
in the variable. The rankings use the area-weighted mean values per country rather than
grid-speciic relative values, as the latter can distort results with large percentage values for
speciic latitude–longitudes that go from no/negligible CDDs in a 1.5°C to having notable
CDDs in a 2.0°C. The full list of countries with more than 2M population is provided in
Supplementary Notes 4 and 5, following different statistical criteria.
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Nature Sustainability | Volume 6 | November 2023 | 1326–1330 1329
Brief Communication
policies across countries must be designed to be prepared for and build
resilience to a hotter local climate. It is important to recognize that
the dramatic, and often inequitable, rise in cooling demand can no
longer be ignored but rather be addressed through socio-technical
levers of change19, which support holistic sustainable solutions.
Ensembles of 2,100 global climate simulations for mean temperature
for three scenarios were generated using the HadAM4 Atmosphere-only
General Circulation Model
from the UK Met Office Hadley Centre. The
scenarios followed the half-a-degree additional warming prognosis
and projected impacts experiment design protocol
, specifically:
historical (2006–2016), 1.5 °C and 2 °C above pre-industrial levels.
Thus, the model was forced to achieve the increase in temperature for
scenarios 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C, regardless of when this occurs. The simula-
tions output 6-hourly mean temperatures at a horizontal resolution
of 0.833 longitude and 0.556 latitude, where each scenario involves
70 individual members for a 10 year period (700 runs per scenario),
aiming to ensure internal variability. This simulation experiment ran
within the CPDN climate simulation environment
. CPDN uses the
Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing
tasking more than 30,000 globally distributed volunteer members
of the public.
Biases in simulated temperature were identified and corrected
using a quantile mapping approach. The bias correction was performed
in the entire ensemble using reference temperature data from ERA5 for
the same timeframe of the historical scenario (2006–2016). Biases are
calculated for each percentile in the cumulative distribution function
from the historical scenario compared with ERA5 observations. Then,
the calculated biases are added to the simulations of the historical,
1.5 °C and 2 °C scenarios to correct the biases of each percentile, assum-
ing that the bias is unchanging between scenarios. This ensures the
preservation of the ensemble’s internal variability, and the cumulative
distribution of the ensemble aligns with the cumulative distribution of
the observations. Further details and validation of the climate model
are provided in Supplementary Note 1.
CDDs were used to compare global warming scenarios. CDDs are
a widely used indicator to measure temperature exposure and cooling
demand through dry bulb temperature. Annual CDDs were calculated
for the ensemble members per scenario (700 simulated years) in all
coordinates according to equation (1):
is the time step,
is the last time step of the year,
is the
number of time steps in one day (n = 4, given 6-hourly data),
is the
mean outdoor temperature at time t, T
is the reference temperature
used to calculate the temperature difference, and Tthreshold is the outdoor
temperature value above which the temperature differences are cal-
culated. T
and the baseline temperature, T
, was defined as
18 °C, following the most widespread approach in previous studies to
enable comparison3. However, this methodology can have several
modifications depending on available data, context and application
(Supplementary Note 2). It should be noted that since we are evaluating
the absolute and relative change between scenarios, the modification
of CDD calculation criteria has few implications in the findings.
Then, mean annual CDDs and standard deviation per coordi-
nate across ensemble members (700 simulations) were obtained for
the 1.5 °C and 2 °C scenarios, and deltas were computed. Finally, the
area-weighted statistics per country were calculated using QGIS geo-
graphic information system. Supplementary Note 4 lists the top 100
countries with more than 2 M population. Additionally, Supplementary
Note 5 also introduces the top 100 countries by considering only urban
area-weighted statistics per country to consider the dimension of urban
contexts. This last ranking should be considered carefully since 44% of
the population still lives in rural areas25.
This study has the following limitations. CDDs were calculated
using the dry bulb temperature following the standard approach,
which does not account for the influence of humidity or other envi-
ronmental variables on perceived thermal comfort. CDDs may
also be underestimated in urban areas since the urban heat island
effect was ignored.
Supplementary Information provides additional details of the
methods and results associated with the climate model (Supplemen-
tary Note 1), CDDs (Supplementary Note 2), additional statistical results
(Supplementary Note 3) and a more extended ranking of countries
according to different criteria (Supplementary Notes 4 and 5).
Reporting summary
Further information on research design is available in the Nature Port-
folio Reporting Summary linked to this article.
Data availability
The data of absolute and relative changes in CDDs (to reproduce the
maps of this work) are found in the Oxford University Research Archive
ORA at Further data are avail-
able from the corresponding author on request.
Code availability
The atmosphere-only HadAM4 model was used to generate the data
from the Met Office Hadley Centre. In addition, the CPDN project
simulation facility is open for collaboration and has an academic licence
for the HadAM4 MetOffice software, which can be shared with official
collaborators. The code with the ensemble bias correction method
using the quantile mapping approach is available at https://github.
com/lizanafj/ensemble-bias-correction. Further codes are available
from the corresponding author on request.
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Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved
Nature Sustainability | Volume 6 | November 2023 | 1326–1330 1330
Brief Communication
12. Mutschler, R., Rüdisüli, M., Heer, P. & Eggimann, S. Benchmarking
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The research was supported by the Oxford Martin School, through
its Future of Cooling Programme. J.L. was funded by the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under
the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 101023241.
S.N.S. and P.A.G.W. were supported by the UKRI (NE/P002099/1). For
the purpose of open access, the author has applied a CC BY public
copyright licence to any author accepted manuscript version arising
from this submission. We also thank R. Renaldi for supporting the
conceptualization of the research.
Author contributions
N.D.M. and J.L. contributed equally. N.D.M. and J.L. coordinated the
study and performed the data pre-processing and data analytics
of the models. They developed the bias correction, inal statistics
and visualizations, and jointly wrote the paper draft. S.N.S. and
D.C.H.W. ran the CPDN model, and led the extraction of data.
S.N.S. and P.A.G.W. provided expertise in data analytics and bias
correction. M.Z.-W. extracted data from the model. R.K., D.C.H.W.
and M.M. conceptualized the work, and proposed and reviewed the
content of the paper.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
Additional information
Extended data is available for this paper at
Supplementary information The online version
contains supplementary material available at
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to
Jesus Lizana.
Peer review information Nature Sustainability thanks Yukihiro
Kikegawa, Hussain Athar and Yuya Takane for their contribution to the
peer review of this work.
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Nature Sustainability
Brief Communication
Extended Data Table 1 | Ranking of the top ifty countries with more than 2 million inhabitants that will suffer the highest
increase (absolute and relative) in area-weighted mean CDDs from 1.5°C to 2.0°C
a, Countries by absolute change
b, Countries by relative change
Central African Republic 266.2
Ireland 37.9%
2 Burkina Faso 254.5
Switzerland 30.3%
3 Mali 252.6
United Kingdom 29.8%
South Sudan 251.4
Norway 28.2%
6 Congo 241.0
Sweden 27.6%
Democratic Republic of The Congo 240.1
Austria 24.5%
9 Uganda 231.6
Denmark 24.4%
Cameroon 227.5
New Zealand 23.7%
11 Brazil 226.9
Lesotho 21.4%
Guatemala 224.9
Belgium 20.9%
13 United Arab Emirates 220.4
Czechia 20.4%
14 Benin 220.0
Germany 20.3%
Sudan 219.7
Netherlands 20.0%
16 Saudi Arabia 219.5
Slovenia 20.0%
17 Côte d'Ivoire 218.6
Russian Federation 19.5%
Honduras 215.9
Slovakia 19.2%
19 Mauritania 214.6
Kyrgyzstan 19.2%
20 Venezuela 213.5
Bosnia and Herzegovina 18.4%
Guinea 212.8
Poland 18.3%
22 Togo 212.8
Armenia 17.9%
23 Botswana 212.1
Lithuania 17.4%
Niger 211.5
Belarus 17.3%
26 Paraguay 209.5
North Macedonia 16.9%
Eritrea 209.2
Georgia 16.7%
28 Senegal 207.0
Chile 16.7%
Sierra Leone 205.9
Croatia 16.4%
Oman 205.1
Hungary 16.3%
32 Zambia 203.7
Mongolia 15.5%
33 United Republic of Tanzania 203.6
Albania 15.5%
34 Myanmar/Burma 203.1
Rwanda 14.5%
Kuwait 202.2
Bulgaria 14.3%
36 Colombia 201.6
Burundi 14.3%
37 Nicaragua 199.8
Ukraine 13.5%
Qatar 197.9
Moldova 13.4%
39 Thailand 196.7
North Korea 13.3%
40 Laos 196.2
Italy 13.2%
Gabon 194.9
Spain 13.1%
42 Ghana 193.3
France 12.7%
43 El Salvador 192.6
United States 12.7%
Kenya 190.6
Portugal 11.9%
46 Yemen 188.0
Greece 11.2%
Algeria 187.9
Kazakhstan 11.2%
48 Bangladesh 187.5
Zambia 10.9%
Ethiopia 187.2
China 10.7%
50 Mozambique 185.6
South Korea 10.6%
Countries with more than 2 million inhabitants in 2020 are listed. Annual CDDs were calculated using a temperature baseline of 18°C. Delta (Δ) refers to the
incremental change in the variable. The rankings use the area-weighted mean values per country rather than grid-specific relative values, as the latter can distort
results with large percentage values for specific latitude-longitudes that go from no/negligible CDDs in a 1.5C to having notable CDDs in a 2.0 ºC. The full list of
countries with more than 2M population is provided in SN4 and SN5, following different statistical criteria.
Ranking of the top ifty countries by absolute and relative changes in CDDs with global mean temperature increasing from 1.5° to 2.0°C. Only countries with more than 2 million inhabitants in
2020 are listed. Annual CDDs were calculated using a temperature baseline of 18°C.
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved
nature portfolio | reporting summary March 2021
Corresponding author(s): Jesus Lizana
Last updated by author(s): May 5, 2023
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Data collection The software (HadAM4) to generate the data is open source and available in the UK Met Office Hadley Centre webpage.
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Bias correction was done using ERA5 hourly data:!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-single-levels?tab=overview
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Study description This paper shows the change on cooling demand with global mean temperature increasing from 1.5ºC to 2.0ºC
Research sample Ensembles of 700 climate simulations for three global scenarios were generated using the HadAM4 Atmosphere-only General
Circulation Model (AGCM) from the UK Met Office Hadley Centre. This simulation experiment ran within the
(CPDN) climate simulation environment.
Sampling strategy The scenarios followed the half-a-degree additional warming prognosis and projected impacts (HAPPI) experiment design protocol,
being: historical (2006-16), 1.5ºC and 2ºC above pre-industrial levels.
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Timing and spatial scale The simulations, data extraction, data processing and data analysis took two years. The simulations output 6-hourly mean
temperatures at a horizontal resolution of 0.833 longitude and 0.556 latitude, globally.
Data exclusions 700 runs were used per scenario. More data was available but was excluded to keep the same sample per scenario.
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... An oppressive thermal environment that forces the implementation of mitigation strategies (e.g., additional cooling) occurs mainly (but not only) during heat waves. If the problem of adaptation is considered from a broader perspective -taking into account the days when the disparity between the level of thermal comfort and thermal conditions is significant (as described by the cooling degree day index [CCD])it turns out that the region of Central and Northern Europe will experience the greatest relative change, if the global climate scenario of a2 °C increase comes true instead of 1.5°C (Miranda et al. 2023). As stated by Błażejczyk and Twardosz (2023), who analysed the longest available data series for Kraków , average annual Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) values increased at the rate of 0.27°C/10 years. ...
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This paper aims to present an assessment of the hourly structure of the thermal environment in the warm period of the year. Special attention was paid to the conditions potentially resulting in heat stress for citizens of Kraków's central district. Two approaches were used to analyse the hourly data: 1) a criterion of thermal threshold >30°C, as potentially generating heat stress, which is included in meteorological warnings issued in Poland, and 2) a criterion based on physiological responses described by the value of the Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) >32°C, which corresponds to conditions of strong heat stress for the human thermoregulatory system. The data of basic meteorological characteristics of one-hour timespan resolution from measurements in AGH station located at Reymonta Street in Kraków covering the period 2012-2022 were adopted in the study. Shortwave direct and diffuse and longwave radiation fluxes corresponding to the station's location grid were derived from the Eumetsat LSA SAF MSG satellite remote-sensing system and used for Mean Radiant Temperature (Tmrt) and UTCI hourly calculations. Thermal environment conditions expressed by Tair ≥30°C, which could lead to heat stress, occurred in less than 2% of hourly terms (931 from 47,044) in the months April-September in the 11-year period. Far more terms were assessed as "with adverse conditions leading to heat stress": 2,215 cases when UTCI≥32°C. In view of the above, it is worth highlighting that more than half of the negative and oppressive weather conditions resulting in heat stress may be neglected in risk assessments and predictions using only the basic thermal criterion.
... The magnitude of our estimates raises concerns, especially in light of the uncertainty surrounding heat adaptation limits [38][39][40] . We also demonstrate that regions previously considered at lower risk, such as Northern Europe, have experienced a significant increase in heat-related mortality risk due to human-induced climate change, highlighting the need to accelerate adaptation planning and heat prevention in those regions 41 . ...
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Heat has become Europe's leading cause of weather-related fatalities, with half of the summer burden attributed to anthropogenic warming. During the record-breaking 2022 summer, more than 11,000 heat-related deaths were estimated to have occurred during a single week. It remains unknown, however, how climate change has influenced the likelihood of this extreme event. Here, by combining well-established Extreme Event Attribution methods with state-of-the-art epidemiological models, we quantify for the first time how global warming has altered the occurrence probabilities of extreme heat-related mortality events such as in the 2022 summer. First, we find that temperature-based extreme event attribution studies are insufficient proxies for accurately attributing associated health impacts. We estimate that 2022-like events are, averaged across Europe, three times [95 % CI 1.02 – 18.6] more likely to occur in 2022 than during pre-industrial times. In Southern Europe, where heat-related mortality rates are already two times higher than the European average, the likelihood of extreme heat-related mortality events has increased even more rapidly, i.e., 2022-like events are associated with a 30-fold [95 % CI 3.8 – 2,354.2] probability surge. Our results highlight that anthropogenic climate change has already substantially increased the probability of extreme heat-related mortality events such as those of the 2022 summer, especially in the South of Europe, and that women and the elderly are the most vulnerable groups. Lastly, we find that 2022-like extreme heat-related mortality events in Europe are expected to occur every eight [95% CI 3.6 – 20.8] years at 1.2 ºC of global warming, every five [95% CI 2.0 – 12.7] years at 1.5 ºC, and every two and a half [95% CI 1.1 – 9.5] years at 2.0 ºC. The study underlines the urgency of implementing mitigation and adaptation measures to limit global warming and reduce the impact of anthropogenic extreme heat on vulnerable populations.
... The built environment plays a significant role in global crises such as climate change and global warming (IPCC, 2023), primarily due to its growing energy consumption and CO2 emissions (United Nations, 2022), which further drive energy demand (Miranda et al., 2023). Cities are responsible for 50% to 60% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (UN-Habitat, 2023), a figure expected to rise as the urban population grows from its current share of 55% to an estimated 68% by 2050 (United Nations, 2018). ...
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A climate-neutral urban environment can benefit from light structures that provide relief from urban overheating in warm seasons, reduce surface temperatures, and lower energy needs and carbon emissions while sequestering carbon through bio-based materials. This research introduces a temporary architectural system to enhance thermal comfort year-round in urban spaces. Combining parametric design with computational morphogenesis, the system optimizes shading and airflow to reduce summer heat stress while retaining solar radiation in winter. The modular structure integrates visually with its surroundings without obstructing views. Climate simulations and a 1:30 scale prototype confirm its feasibility, offering a sustainable, adaptable solution for diverse urban climates and contributing to climate-responsive design.
... At these thresholds, a healthy person can survive for only around six hours, leading to heat stroke in even the healthiest people -everyone will die at that point (Wong, 2023). More than 60,000 people died in Europe as a result of the 2022 heat waves (Ballester et al, 2023), and almost 50,000 in 2023 (Miranda et al, 2023). During the 2024 Hajj, the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca, the heat caused more than 1,300 heat deaths. ...
The following trend projection is based on the state of scientific knowledge of summer 2024, and the policy assumptions are optimistic for 2030. Still the outlook is dystopic – readers are invited to identify intervention and bifurcation points for the better, but in line with the state of science.
... 5490.1, and 4746.1 using base temperatures of 24 • C, 26 • C, and 28 • C, respectively. When converted to cooling degree days (e.g., 254.37 • C-day, 228.75 • C-day, and 197.75 • C-day), these values were considerably lower than those found in this study (e.g., 38,283 • C-day, 22,221 • C-day, 10,928 • C-day, and 4654 • C-day) for the same base temperature, reflecting an increase in cooling energy demand. The temporal evolution of cooling degree days in Kano is shown in Figure 2. The findings indicated a positive correlation between CDD and threshold temperatures over time. ...
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Monitoring energy consumption in response to rising temperatures has become extremely important in all regions of the globe. The energy required for cooling is a major challenge in West Africa, where the climate is predominantly tropical. Among the various methods for evaluating energy requirements, the degree-day method is best known for its ability to estimate the heating, ventilation, and airconditioning (HVAC) requirements of buildings. This study used three decades of weather station data to assess the cooling degree days (CDD) in two major West African cities, Kano and Bamako, across a range of base temperatures from 22 • C to 30 • C. The results indicate an increase in cooling degree days for Kano, whereas Bamako experienced a decrease in these parameters over the same period. Nonetheless, Bamako required a relatively higher cooling demand for all base temperatures. Furthermore, the study showed that the years 1998 and 2015 had the most significant impact on Kano and Bamako, with CDD values ranging from 2220 • C-day to 218 • C-day for Kano and from 2425 • C-day to 276 • C-day for Bamako. The study also found that a lower base temperature leads to higher energy consumption, while a higher base temperature leads to lower energy consumption. This information provides a useful reference for governments and policymakers to achieve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
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Plain Language Summary Solar power is a key renewable source to support the formidable target of carbon neutrality in the coming decades. However, the supply and demand of solar power are both influenced by future climate change. To our knowledge, no studies have provided an integrated perspective of both the supply and the demand side and the potential imbalance lasting for 3 days due to the more impactful compound events. In this study, we first develop an index (SDI) to describe the dynamic changes of Supply Demand Imbalance relationship in solar power and then quantify the potential risk of solar droughts at the global scale. Based on observation and simulations, we reveal an anthropogenic exacerbation of global solar drought frequency in the past three decades. Furthermore, we project notable regional inequality in the possible energy imbalance and highlight the mitigating effect of the carbon neutrality policy on increasing frequency and severity of solar droughts toward the end of the 21st century.
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This article examines cooling in the built environment, an area of rapidly rising energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions. Specifically, the status quo of cooling is assessed and proposals are made for how to advance towards sustainable cooling through five levers of change: social interactions, technology innovations, business models, governance and infrastructure design. Achieving sustainable cooling requires navigating the opportunities and barriers presented by the incumbent technology that currently dominates the way in which cooling is provided—the vapour-compression refrigerant technology (or air-conditioners). Air-conditioners remain the go-to solution for growing cooling demand, with other alternatives often overlooked. This incumbent technology has contributed to five barriers hindering the transition to sustainable cooling: (1) building policies based exclusively on energy efficiency; (2) a focus on temperature rather than other thermal comfort variables; (3) building-centric design of cooling systems instead of occupant-centric design; (4) businesses guided by product-only sales; and (5) lack of innovation beyond the standard operational phase of the incumbent technology. Opportunities and priority actions are identified for policymakers, cooling professionals, technicians and citizens to promote a transition towards sustainable cooling. Policy relevance The priority actions that can overcome key barriers to a sustainable cooling pathway are as follows. (1) Moving building policies beyond energy efficiency to address climate mitigation and adaptation for improving the heat resilience of the built environment. Building indicators are needed to measure the passive survivability to heat. (2) Conventional cooling control and related regulations based exclusively on air temperature require expansion in scope to consider a wider range of thermal comfort variables, thus stimulating technological innovation. (3) Shifting building-centric cooling control to an occupant-centric design, downsizing centralised cooling requirements and enabling adaptive environments integrating personalised environmental control systems. (4) Business models moving from product-oriented to service-based businesses. (5) Environmental cooling considerations that address the humidity influence, the role of energy storage to support renewables through energy flexibility in cooling, and the impact of F-gases. Regulation and citizen empowerment through better environmental labelling can play an important role.
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Plain Language Summary One of the most impact‐relevant and studied effects of global warming is the intensification of precipitation extremes. When extremely wet winters occur simultaneously at multiple locations within the same region, their cumulative impacts can be particularly high and enhanced as a result of limited resources available to cope with simultaneous damages. Despite the impacts caused by widespread extremes, climate change studies have typically disregarded the spatial extension of the extremes. Here, based on new multi‐thousand‐year climate model simulations, we show that—over most of the Northern Hemisphere extratropics, that is, most of the latitude band 28°–78°N—the spatial footprint of total wintertime precipitation extremes is projected to largely widen in the future. This widening results from a warmer, and therefore moister, atmosphere that will intensify precipitation. Holding global warming to 1.5 °C rather than 2.0 °C, in line with the Paris Agreement, would be beneficial to society as it could limit the average increase in the extension over the Northern Hemisphere extratropics by up to a factor of 2. To develop better preparedness for such extreme events, stakeholders should consider that a small increase in precipitation intensities (for example, by 4%) could result in large (by 93%) increases in spatial extent.
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The planning of future energy policies and energy systems requires an understanding of the intricate relationships between climate change, technology uptake, population growth and building energy demand. Building cooling demand is expected to increase considerably in many parts of the world as the climate warms on average. In temperate climates, this increase is expected to be particularly large due to the increase in the number of days when cooling is required to maintain a comfortable indoor building temperature. We quantify the impact of climate change, cooling device uptake and population growth based on population-weighted climate models, population growth scenarios and measured thermal energy demand data for Switzerland. This study incorporates three climate development scenarios and we find for an extreme case, that up to 17.5 TWh cooling energy would be required by the middle of the 21st century compared to 3–5 TWh in more moderate cases. Heating energy demand is expected to decrease to around 20 TWh by mid-century, which is approximately one-third of the current Swiss building heating demand. The presented combined quantification of future cooling demands for Switzerland provides a set of benchmarked energy demands and highlights the critical role of air-conditioning technology uptake, which significantly contributes to future cooling demands. Pursuing alternative cooling strategies is therefore needed to limit cooling energy demand impacts on the future energy systems particularly in countries with temperate climates.
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We analyze data of 27 global climate models from the sixth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6), and examine projected changes in temperature and precipitation over the African continent during the twenty-first century. The temperature and precipitation changes are computed for two future time slices, 2030–2059 (near term) and 2070–2099 (long term), relative to the present climate (1981–2010), for the entire African continent and its eight subregions. The CMIP6 multi-model ensemble projected a continuous and significant increase in the mean annual temperature over all of Africa and its eight subregions during the twenty-first century. The mean annual temperature over Africa for the near (long)-term period is projected to increase by 1.2 °C (1.4 °C), 1.5 °C (2.3 °C), and 1.8 °C (4.4 °C) under the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) for weak, moderate, and strong forcing, referenced as SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, and SSP5-8.5, respectively. The future warming is not uniform over Africa and varies regionally. By the end of the twenty-first century, the largest rise in mean annual temperature (5.6 °C) is projected over the Sahara, while the smallest rise (3.5 °C) is over Central East Africa, under the strong forcing SSP5-8.5 scenario. The projected boreal winter and summer temperature patterns for the twenty-first century show spatial distributions similar to the annual patterns. Uncertainty associated with projected temperature over Africa and its eight subregions increases with time and reaches a maximum by the end of the twenty-first century. On the other hand, the precipitation projections over Africa during the twenty-first century show large spatial variability and seasonal dependency. The northern and southern parts of Africa show a reduction in precipitation, while the central parts of Africa show an increase, in future climates under the three reference scenarios. For the near (long)-term periods, the area-averaged precipitation over Africa is projected to increase by 6.2 (4.8)%, 6.8 (8.5)%, and 9.5 (15.2)% under SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, and SSP5-8.5, respectively. The median warming simulated by the CMIP6 model ensemble remains higher than the CMIP5 ensemble over most of Africa, reaching as high as 2.5 °C over some regions, while precipitation shows a mixed spatial pattern.
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The latest Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 6 (CMIP6) dataset was analyzed to examine the projected changes in temperature and precipitation over South Asian countries during the twenty-first century. The CMIP6 model simulations reveal biases in annual mean temperature and precipitation over South Asia in the present climate. In the historical period, the median of the CMIP6 model ensemble systematically underestimates the annual mean temperature for all the South Asian countries, while a mixed behavior is shown in the case of precipitation. In the future climate, the CMIP6 models display higher sensitivity to greenhouse gas emissions over South Asia compared with the CMIP5 models. The multimodel ensemble from 27 CMIP6 models projects a continuous increase in the annual mean temperature over South Asia during the twenty-first century under three future scenarios. The projected temperature shows a large increase (over 6 °C under SSP5-8.5 scenario) over the northwestern parts of South Asia, comprising the complex Karakorum and Himalayan mountain ranges. Any large increase in the mean temperature over this region will most likely result in a faster rate of glacier melting. By the end of the twenty-first century, the annual mean temperature (uncertainty range) over South Asia is projected to increase by 1.2 (0.7–2.1) °C, 2.1 (1.5–3.3) °C, and 4.3 (3.2–6.6) °C under the SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, and SSP5-8.5 scenarios, respectively, relative to the present (1995–2014) climate. The warming over South Asia is also continuous on the seasonal time scale. The CMIP6 models projected higher warming in the winter season than in the summer over South Asia, which if verified will have repercussions for snow/ice accumulations as well as winter cropping patterns. The annual mean precipitation is also projected to increase over South Asia during the twenty-first century under all scenarios. The rate of change in the projected annual mean precipitation varies considerably between the South Asian countries. By the end of the twenty-first century, the country-averaged annual mean precipitation (uncertainty range) is projected to increase by 17.1 (2.2–49.1)% in Bangladesh, 18.9 (−4.9 to 72)% in Bhutan, 27.3 (5.3–160.5)% in India, 19.5 (−5.9 to 95.6)% in Nepal, 26.4 (6.4–159.7)% in Pakistan, and 25.1 (−8.5 to 61.0)% in Sri Lanka under the SSP5-8.5 scenario. The seasonal precipitation projections also shows large variability. The projected winter precipitation reveals a robust increase over the western Himalayas, with a corresponding decrease over the eastern Himalayas. On the other hand, the summer precipitation shows a robust increase over most of the South Asia region, with the largest increase over the arid region of southern Pakistan and adjacent areas of India, under the high-emission scenario. The results presented in this study give detailed insights into CMIP6 model performance over the South Asia region, which could be extended further to develop adaptation strategies, and may act as a guideline document for climate change related policymaking in the region.
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Air conditioning adoption is increasing dramatically worldwide as incomes rise and average temperatures go up. Using daily temperature data from 14,500 weather stations, we rank 219 countries and 1,692 cities based on a widely used measure of cooling demand called total cooling degree day exposure. India, China, Indonesia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Brazil, Bangladesh and the Philippines all have more total cooling degree day exposure than the United States—a country that uses 400 terawatt-hours of electricity annually for air conditioning. Adoption of air conditioning is increasing globally, leading to peaks in electricity consumption and related environmental concerns. Compiling recent data on population and temperature, this study ranks 219 countries and 1,692 cities based on a measure of cooling demand to improve our understanding of future trends.
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Cooling and heating degree‐days (CDD/HDD) are important metrics used in energy studies as a proxy for determining demand and consumption patterns of residential/commercial buildings and work spaces. Driven by the requirements of energy impact modellers, policymakers and building design experts; a new historical high‐spatial resolution, global gridded dataset of degree‐days constructed using various base (threshold) temperatures (Tb) is presented in this study. Derived using sub‐daily temperature from a quality‐controlled reanalysis data product (Global Land Data Assimilation System—GLDAS), the dataset called ‘DegDays_0p25_1970_2018’ includes monthly and annual (i) CDD; (ii) HDD; and (iii) CDD computed using wet‐bulb temperature (CDDwb) at 0.25° × 0.25° gridded resolution, covering 49 years over the period 1970–2018. The Tb used for assembling DegDays_0p25_1970_2018 include 18, 18.3, 22, 23, 24, 25°C for CDD and CDDwb; and 10, 15, 15.5, 16, 17 and 18°C for HDD, respectively. The data of individual indices are made publicly available in the commonly used scientific Network Common Data Form 4 (NetCDF4) and Georeferenced Tagged Image File (GeoTIFF) formats. DegDays_0p25_1970_2018 fills gaps in existing energy indicators’ datasets by being the only high‐resolution historical global gridded time series based on multiple threshold temperatures, thus offering applications in wide‐ranging climate zones and thermal comfort environments. The richness of DegDays_0p25_1970_2018 lies in its flexibility by allowing users to aggregate the degree‐days not only at varying spatial scales (such as administrative levels, national boundaries, economic organizations e.g. OECD; with or without population weights), but also at varying temporal scales (such as seasons), thereby offering climatologists with a potential to examine global teleconnection patterns more discretely.
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During the last decades, the effects of global warming have become apparent also in Europe, causing relevant impacts in many sectors. Under projected future global warming, such a tendency can be expected to persist until the end of this century and beyond. Identifying which climate-related impacts are likely to increase, and by how much, is an important element of any effective strategy for managing future climate risks. This study investigates whether energy demand for cooling and heating buildings can be expected to increase or decrease under climate change. Two indicators of weather-related energy consumption for heating and cooling buildings are considered: heating degree-days (HDD) and cooling degree-days (CDD). The evolution of these indicators has been analysed based on 11 high-resolution bias-adjusted EURO-CORDEX simulations for two emission representative concentration pathways (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5). Both indicators have been validated over the period 1981-2010 using an independent data set that contains more than 4000 station data, showing very high correlation over most of Europe. Trends of HDD and CDD from 1981 to 2100, together with their uncertainties, are analysed. For both RCPs, all simulations project a significant decrease for HDD, especially over Scandinavia and European Russia, and an increase of CDD which peaks over the Mediterranean region and the Balkans. Overall, degree-day trends do not show remarkable differences if population weighting is applied. If a constant population scenario is considered, the decrease in HDD will outbalance the increase in CDD in the 21st century over most of Europe. Thus the related energy demand (expressed as Energy Degree-days, EDD) is expected to decrease. If, however, population projections over the 21st century are included in the calculations, it is shown that despite the persisting warming, EDD will increase over northern Europe, the Baltic countries, Great Britain, Ireland, Benelux, the Alps, Spain, and Cyprus, resulting in an overall increase in EDD over Europe.
Aligning development and climate goals means Africa’s energy systems will be based on clean energy technologies in the long term, but pathways to get there are uncertain and variable across countries. Although current debates about natural gas and renewables in Africa are heated, they largely ignore the substantial context specificity of the starting points, development objectives and uncertainties of each African country’s energy system trajectory. Here we—an interdisciplinary and majority African group of authors—highlight that each country faces a distinct solution space and set of uncertainties for using renewables or fossil fuels to meet its development objectives. For example, Ethiopia is headed for an accelerated green-growth pathway, but Mozambique is at a crossroads of natural gas expansion with implicit large-scale technological, economic, financial and social risks and uncertainties. We provide geopolitical, policy, finance and research recommendations to create firm country-specific evidence to identify adequate energy system pathways for development and to enable their implementation. Discussions abound regarding the future of African energy systems, yet they typically overlook the different starting points and development objectives of each country. This Perspective highlights these differences and calls for more context-specific attention to define low-carbon energy pathways.
The unprecedented rise in cooling demand globally is a critical blind spot in sustainability debates. We examine cooling as a system comprised of active and passive measures, with key social and technical components, and explain its link to all 17 Sustainable Development Goals. We propose an analytical and solution-oriented framework to identify and shape interventions towards sustainable cooling. The framework comprehends demand drivers; cradle-to-cradle stages; and system change levers. By intersecting cooling stages and levers, we discuss four specific, exemplary interventions to deliver sustainable cooling. We propose an agenda for research and practice to transition towards sustainable cooling for all.