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Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. |Miami, v. 8 | n. 7| p. 01-20 | e02586 | 2023.
Ma. Victoria C. Gannaban
Objective: The aim of this study is to ascertain the respondents’ socio-demographic
profile and knowledge of their duties and functions as Barangay Secretaries as stated
in the Local Government Code of the Philippines. Moreover, the study will likewise
determine the number of in-service training they attended and the necessary training
for their professional development.
Theoretical framework: The theoretical framework of the study includes the
Respondents' Socio-Demographic Profile, Knowledge of their Duties and Function as
Barangay Secretaries, Number of In-Service Training Attended, and the Needed
Training Necessary for their Development as independent variables. Data gathered on
these will aid as a basis for the development of an In-Service Training Plan necessary
for their professional development.
Method: The descriptive method of research was used. The 49 Barangay Secretaries
of Tuguegarao, City, Cagayan, were asked to respond to a survey questionnaire
through the endorsement of the City Mayor. Responses were analyzed using
Frequency Count and Four (4) Point Likert Scale. The results showed that many
respondents are tertiary graduates and have been in the service for over three years or
more. Although they already possess excellent knowledge of their duties and
functions, they must still be trained.
Originality/value: Therefore, it is suggested that there must be in-service training
opportunities that must be provided by the Local Government Unit (LGU) and
Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) thru Cagayan State University
for them to hone their skills and increase their overall knowledge related to their duties
and functions as Barangay Secretaries. Having said these, rest assured that the
respondents can provide better public service that can improve the quality of life of
people within their jurisdiction.
Doi: https://doi.org/10.26668/businessreview/2023.v8i7.2586
Article history:
Received 24 March 2023
Accepted 23 June 2023
Barangay Secretary;
Duties and Functions;
Professional Development;
Public Service;
Socio-Demographic Profile
Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo é verificar o perfil sociodemográfico dos entrevistados e o conhecimento de
seus deveres e funções como secretários de Barangay, conforme estabelecido no Código do Governo Local das
Filipinas. Além disso, o estudo também determinará o número de treinamentos em serviço dos quais participaram
e o treinamento necessário para seu desenvolvimento profissional.
Estrutura teórica: A estrutura teórica do estudo inclui o perfil sociodemográfico dos entrevistados, o
conhecimento de seus deveres e funções como secretários de Barangay, o número de treinamentos em serviço dos
quais participaram e o treinamento necessário para seu desenvolvimento como variáveis independentes. Os dados
coletados sobre essas variáveis servirão de base para o desenvolvimento de um Plano de Treinamento em Serviço
necessário para seu desenvolvimento profissional.
Doctor in Public Administration. College of Business Entrepreneurship and Accountancy, Cagayan State
University - Andrews Campus. Cagayan, Philippines. E-mail: mvc.gannaban@gmail.com
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0009-0004-2481-7477
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 7 | p. 01-20 | e02586 | 2023.
Gannaban, M. V. C. (2023)
Enhancing Professional Development: Exploring the Functions and Legal Responsibilities of Barangay Secretaries
Método: Foi usado o método descritivo de pesquisa. Os 49 secretários de Barangay de Tuguegarao, cidade de
Cagayan, foram solicitados a responder a um questionário de pesquisa com o aval do prefeito da cidade. As
respostas foram analisadas por meio de contagem de frequência e escala Likert de quatro (4) pontos. Os resultados
mostraram que muitos dos entrevistados são graduados em nível superior e estão no serviço há mais de três anos
ou mais. Embora já possuam excelente conhecimento de seus deveres e funções, eles ainda precisam ser treinados.
Originalidade/valor: Portanto, sugere-se que haja oportunidades de treinamento em serviço a serem oferecidas
pela Unidade do Governo Local (LGU) e pelo Departamento do Interior e do Governo Local (DILG) por meio da
Universidade Estadual de Cagayan para que eles aprimorem suas habilidades e aumentem seu conhecimento geral
relacionado a seus deveres e funções como secretários de Barangay. Dito isso, fique tranquilo, pois os entrevistados
podem prestar um serviço público melhor, capaz de melhorar a qualidade de vida das pessoas em sua jurisdição.
Palavras-chave: Secretário de Barangay, Deveres e Funções, Desenvolvimento Profissional, Serviço Público,
Perfil Sociodemográfico
Objetivo: El propósito de este estudio es determinar el perfil sociodemográfico de los encuestados y su
conocimiento de sus deberes y funciones como secretarios de barangay según lo establecido en el Código de
Gobierno Local de Filipinas. Además, el estudio también determinará el número de cursos de formación continua
en los que han participado y la formación necesaria para su desarrollo profesional.
Marco teórico: El marco teórico del estudio incluye el perfil sociodemográfico de los encuestados, su
conocimiento de sus obligaciones y funciones como secretarios de barangay, el número de cursos de formación
continua a los que han asistido y la formación necesaria para su desarrollo como variables independientes. Los
datos recogidos sobre estas variables servirán de base para la elaboración de un Plan de Formación Continua
necesario para su desarrollo profesional.
Método: Se utilizó un método de investigación descriptivo. Se pidió a los 49 secretarios de Barangay de
Tuguegarao, Cagayan City, que respondieran a un cuestionario de encuesta con el aval del alcalde de la ciudad.
Las respuestas se analizaron utilizando el recuento de frecuencias y una escala de Likert de cuatro (4) puntos. Los
resultados mostraron que muchos de los encuestados son titulados superiores y llevan en el servicio más de tres
años o más. Aunque ya tienen un excelente conocimiento de sus obligaciones y funciones, siguen necesitando
Originalidad/valor: Por lo tanto, se sugiere que la Unidad de Gobierno Local (LGU) y el Departamento del
Interior y Gobierno Local (DILG) ofrezcan oportunidades de formación en el servicio a través de la Universidad
Estatal de Cagayan para que mejoren sus habilidades y aumenten sus conocimientos generales relacionados con
sus deberes y funciones como secretarios de barangay. Dicho esto, pueden estar seguros de que los encuestados
pueden proporcionar un mejor servicio público que puede mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas en su
Palabras clave: Secretario de Barangay, Deberes y Funciones, Desarrollo Profesional, Servicio Público,
Perfil Sociodemográfico
Barangay is the basic local government unit in the Philippines. Through the Philippine
Republic Act (RA) No. 7160, local government units are expected to deliver basic services to
their constituents through the leadership of the Barangay Captain. He is likewise in charge of
appointing the Barangay Secretary, who will assist him in implementing his duties and
responsibilities. Therefore, the duties and functions of a Barangay Secretary cannot be
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 7 | p. 01-20 | e02586 | 2023.
Gannaban, M. V. C. (2023)
Enhancing Professional Development: Exploring the Functions and Legal Responsibilities of Barangay Secretaries
Barangay secretaries perform various functions in the barangay like Clerical Functions,
Civil Registrar Duties, Electoral Responsibilities, and Other Duties and Functions. Citizens
being considered as “customers” are interested in knowing their knowledge in relation to the
said duties and functions. Since, the researcher believes that there is a correlation between the
quality of local services delivered and practiced by them and their knowledge related to their
duties and functions. Moreover, as a government employee, subjects related to knowledge in
relation to duties and functions truly inspire me. An understanding of it can have a positive
impact on the barangays, it can make public servants like the barangay secretaries perform their
assigned tasks efficiently.
From this note, the duties and functions assigned to them should be their expertise to
acquire growth and development in the barangays. The respondents may be considered experts
today but they can be even better. Therefore, it is important for government agencies and other
stakeholders to understand everything about the barangay secretary’s duties and functions and
to seek opportunities to hone both their hard and soft skills and increase their overall knowledge
related to their duties and functions that will result in better public service.
The results of the study will benchmark the development of recommendations for a
research-based extension project for the College of Business, Entrepreneurship, and
Accountancy. The College may initiate extension projects and activities as its continuing
commitment to community development in collaboration with other government agencies like
the Local Government Unit (LGU) and the Department of Interior and Local Government
(DILG). The in-service training plan, in partnership with the above government agencies, will
enable barangay secretaries to acquire new knowledge and skills that will allow them to be
more competent in delivering better services to the constituents of their respective barangays.
The objectives of the study are the following:
1. To ascertain the respondents’ knowledge of their duties and functions as
Barangay Secretaries as stated in the Local Government Code of the Philippines.
2. To find out the number of in-service training attended.
3. To determine the needed training necessary for their professional development.
1. What is the socio-demographic profile of the barangay secretaries in the 49
barangays of Tuguegarao, City, Cagayan relative to:
1.1 Age
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 7 | p. 01-20 | e02586 | 2023.
Gannaban, M. V. C. (2023)
Enhancing Professional Development: Exploring the Functions and Legal Responsibilities of Barangay Secretaries
1.2 Sex
1.3 Marital Status
1.4 Highest Educational Attainment
1.5 Civil Service Eligibility
1.6 Length of Service
1.7 Salary
2. What is the level of respondent’s knowledge on their duties and functions as
Barangay Secretaries in relation to:
2.1 Clerical Function
2.2 Civil Registrar Duties
2.3 Electoral Responsibilities
2.4 Other Duties and Functions
3. Number of in-service training attended
4. What is the needed training necessary for their professional development?
Figure 1. Research Paradigm
Source: Prepared by the author (2023)
Figure 1 presents the research paradigm that provides a framework for the study. It
shows the Respondents' Socio-Demographic Profile, Knowledge of their Duties and Function
as Barangay Secretaries, Number of In-Service Training Attended, and the Needed Training
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 7 | p. 01-20 | e02586 | 2023.
Gannaban, M. V. C. (2023)
Enhancing Professional Development: Exploring the Functions and Legal Responsibilities of Barangay Secretaries
Necessary for their Development as independent variables. These independent variables will
aid as the basis for the development of an In-Service Training Plan necessary for their
professional development, which is the aim of the study.
The study focuses on the duties and functions of the respondents as stated in the Local
Government Code of the Philippines. The respondents' socio-demographic profile, knowledge
of their duties and functions as barangay secretaries, number of in-service training attended,
and needed training necessary for their professional development. A survey questionnaire was
floated to the forty-nine (49) appointed barangay secretaries in Tuguegarao City, Cagayan.
Research Design
The researcher used the descriptive method of research. It was used to describe and
analyze the existing condition regarding the level of respondents' knowledge of their duties and
functions as Barangay Secretaries.
Respondents of the Study
The respondents of the study were the 49 appointed barangay secretaries in Tuguegarao
City, Cagayan, in 2018.
Data Gathering Instrument
The study utilized the use of a survey questionnaire to determine the respondents' socio-
demographic profile as well as their knowledge of their duties and functions as Barangay
Secretaries. The number of in-service training attended, and the needed training necessary for
their professional development were likewise answered thru the survey questionnaire.
Data Gathering Procedure
To answer the questions stated in the statement of the problem, the following steps were
undertaken: First, the researcher presented a proposal to the campus. After this, the researcher
constructed a survey questionnaire. After this, the researcher asked for the endorsement of the
City Mayor through the College Dean of the university to float the questionnaire to the 49
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 7 | p. 01-20 | e02586 | 2023.
Gannaban, M. V. C. (2023)
Enhancing Professional Development: Exploring the Functions and Legal Responsibilities of Barangay Secretaries
Barangay Secretaries. After this, data were collected, statistically treated, analyzed, and
Statistical Treatment and Analysis
Frequency Count was used to categorize the socio-demographic profile of respondents.
For the level of knowledge of their duties and responsibilities, the Likert Scale Value was
assigned to score the four categories, and the weighted was used to analyze the results.
Moreover, a Descriptive Scale was applied to assess the results (3.25- 4.00 Excellent
Knowledge, 2.50-3.24 Adequate Knowledge, 1.75-2.49 Minimal Knowledge, 1.00-1.74 No
Knowledge). Furthermore, Ranking was utilized to rank the needed training necessary for the
professional development of the respondents.
Table 1. Socio-Demographic Profile of the Barangay Secretaries in the 49 barangays of Tuguegarao, City,
Cagayan Relative to Age
Source: Prepared by the author (2023)
Table 1 presents the socio-demographic profile of respondents relative to age. As
reflected above, 17 of them are within the age bracket of 23-35 years old, whom we considered
the "millennials," and 14 are within the age bracket of 36-45 years old, who are considered
under the generation group of "Gen X," this is according to the study of Pew Research Center
on how strongly different generations are identified based on their generational labels (2015).
In contrast, one respondent is in the age bracket of below 25 years old; this implies that age
diversity is acceptable in the workplace.
below 25
years old
25 to 35
years old
36 to 45
years old
46 to 55
years old
56 to 65
years old
Above 65
years old
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 7 | p. 01-20 | e02586 | 2023.
Gannaban, M. V. C. (2023)
Enhancing Professional Development: Exploring the Functions and Legal Responsibilities of Barangay Secretaries
Table 2. Socio-Demographic Profile of the Barangay Secretaries in the 49 barangays of Tuguegarao, City,
Cagayan Relative to Sex
Source: Prepared by the author (2023)
Table 2 presents the socio-demographic profile of respondents relative to sex. Thirty-
nine respondents are female, and 10 are male—beliefs about how men and women typically
comprise descriptive gender stereotypes. The content of stereotypes has been studied
extensively, and researchers have identified the attributes that are thought to characterize men
and women (Abele, 2003, Broverman et al., Diekman and Eagly, 2000). The agency is often
considered the defining characteristic of the male stereotype, and commonality, like the duties
and functions of barangay secretaries, defines the characteristics of the female stereotype.
Table 3. Socio-Demographic Profile of the Barangay Secretaries in the 49 barangays of Tuguegarao, City,
Cagayan Relative to Marital Status
Source: Prepared by the author (2023)
Table 3 presents the socio-demographic profile of respondents relative to marital status.
As to marital status, 26 of the respondents are married. The legal age to marry in the Philippines
is 18, and most of the respondents are 18 years old and older, as shown in Table 1. On the other
hand, four are widowed.
Male Female
Married Single Widowed
Marital Status
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 7 | p. 01-20 | e02586 | 2023.
Gannaban, M. V. C. (2023)
Enhancing Professional Development: Exploring the Functions and Legal Responsibilities of Barangay Secretaries
Table 4. Socio-Demographic Profile of the Barangay Secretaries in the 49 barangays of Tuguegarao, City,
Cagayan Relative to Highest Educational Attainment
Source: Prepared by the author (2023)
Table 4 presents the socio-demographic profile of respondents relative to the highest
educational attainment. Of the 49 respondents, 38 are tertiary graduates, and only 2 are
secondary graduates. Although a college degree is not a requirement for barangay secretaries,
it remains a priority for most barangay captains in appointing their barangay secretaries.
Table 5. Socio-Demographic Profile of the Barangay Secretaries in the 49 barangays of Tuguegarao, City,
Cagayan Relative to Civil Service Eligibility
Source: Prepared by the author (2023)
Table 5 presents the socio-demographic profile of respondents relative to civil service
eligibility. Among the respondents, 24 are non-civil service eligible; this can be attributed to
the fact that barangay secretaries are not required to take the Civil Service Eligibility for as long
as they are eligible to serve in the barangay. On the other hand, 6 of the respondents are sub-
professional civil service eligible; this can be associated with the educational attainment of
0 0 0 26
Highest Educational Attainment
Subprofessional Professional Not Civil Service Eligible
Civil Service Eligibility
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 7 | p. 01-20 | e02586 | 2023.
Gannaban, M. V. C. (2023)
Enhancing Professional Development: Exploring the Functions and Legal Responsibilities of Barangay Secretaries
respondents who have completed a four-year college course and are qualified to take the said
Table 6. Socio-Demographic Profile of the Barangay Secretaries in the 49 barangays of Tuguegarao, City,
Cagayan Relative to Length of Service
Source: Prepared by the author (2023)
Table 6 presents the socio-demographic profile of respondents relative to length of
service. It can be seen from the above table that 34 of the respondents have been with the
barangay for three years or more. This shows that the respondents may find meaning in their
job and consider the barangay a place with a positive workplace. On the contrary, seven
respondents are new in public service since the position is the discretion of the barangay
Table 7. Socio-Demographic Profile of the Barangay Secretaries in the 49 barangays of Tuguegarao, City,
Cagayan Relative to Salary
Source: Prepared by the author (2023)
Less than 1 year 1 year to 3 years 3 years or more
Length of Service
74 4
Less than 8,000 8000 to 9,999 10,000 to 11,99912,000 to 14,999 15,000 and
Monthly Salary
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 7 | p. 01-20 | e02586 | 2023.
Gannaban, M. V. C. (2023)
Enhancing Professional Development: Exploring the Functions and Legal Responsibilities of Barangay Secretaries
Table 7 presents the socio-demographic profile of respondents relative to salary. The
table shows that 34 out of 49 respondents have a salary of less than P8,000. This attests that
despite their low salary, still a number of them prefer to stay to serve the people.
Table 8. Level of Respondent's Knowledge of their Duties and Functions as Barangay
Source: Prepared by the author (2023)
Secretaries in Relation to Clerical Functions
Table 8 shows the Clerical Functions of the Respondents. The item "Responsible on
request made from the barangay such as certifications, endorsements, and other forms" has the
highest mean of 3.88, or excellent knowledge. During the survey, it was observed that a number
of barangays in Tuguegarao City have on-hand documents like certifications, endorsements,
and other forms needed for an effective barangay operation. On the other hand, "Records all
proceedings that take place in the hall such as grievances and disputes" has a mean of 3.65 or
excellent knowledge. Although, the barangay secretary must record all proceedings in the hall
and receive and keep the records of proceedings submitted by various conciliation panels. It is
to be noted that recording proceedings are not an easy task; barangay secretaries should be
properly oriented and trained on how to do it efficiently, and they must be willing to learn, as
stated in the study of Charina P. Maneja et al. (2012). The Category Mean for Clerical Functions
is 3.74, or excellent knowledge. Since clerical work involves the day-to-day tasks of barangay
secretaries, like keeping records and documents, taking minutes, providing administrative
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 7 | p. 01-20 | e02586 | 2023.
Gannaban, M. V. C. (2023)
Enhancing Professional Development: Exploring the Functions and Legal Responsibilities of Barangay Secretaries
support, etc., they already know exactly what they are responsible for and what is expected of
them every time they report in the barangay hall.
Table 9. Level of Respondent's Knowledge of their Duties and Functions as Barangay Secretaries in Relation to
Civil Registrar Duties
Source: Prepared by the author (2023)
Table 9 shows the Civil Registrar Duties of the respondents. Their duty of "Maintaining
an updated record of all the residents of the barangay” has the highest mean of 3.69 or excellent
knowledge. An updated record of all barangay residents is vital for accessibility in case of
verification, monitoring, and reference purposes based on the available residents' census data
kept in the barangay. Hence, barangay secretaries have an excellent knowledge of maintaining
their resident records as complete and up-to-date as possible. In contrast, their duty to "Submits
a monthly report on registered births, deaths and marriages of the barangay, as well as the
annual number of residents with their respective local civil registrar” has the lowest mean of
2.78 or Adequate knowledge. This can be attributed to the fact that the forty-nine (49) barangays
in Tuguegarao City are located far from the local civil registrar’s office and that they need to
commute to be in the said office. According to a report by the Insurance Technology Go Shortly,
Expensive fares and traffic jams are among the many problems among commuters in the
Philippines since everyone is dealing with inflation which becomes even more unbearable
during rainy days. It can be seen in the New Fare Matrix in Tuguegarao City as of March 23,
2022; the regular fare rate is 15.00-25.00, depending on the distance. The Category Mean for
Civil Registrar Duties is 3.35 Excellent knowledge. Aside from doing routine functions, 34 of
the barangay secretaries are already in the service for three years or more, as shown in Table 6.
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 7 | p. 01-20 | e02586 | 2023.
Gannaban, M. V. C. (2023)
Enhancing Professional Development: Exploring the Functions and Legal Responsibilities of Barangay Secretaries
They have already developed excellent knowledge in performing their functions day after day.
After all, as written in the article by Megan Edgelow (2022), "research proves that having
regular work processes allows workers to spend less cognitive energy on recurring tasks, which
can support focus and creativity for more complex tasks."
Table 10. Level of Respondent's Knowledge of their Duties and Functions as Barangay Secretaries in Relation to
Electoral Responsibilities
Source: Prepared by the author (2023)
Table 10 shows the Electoral Responsibilities of the respondents; the item "Helps in
maintaining the peace and order during the election period, whether it involves national or local
elections" has the highest mean of 2.76 or Adequate knowledge. This tells us that from the
onset, as barangay secretaries, they know very well the importance of maintaining peace and
order during the election process. As reported in the New Era Newspaper (2020). This can
ensure that voters are allowed to exercise their constitutional and democratic rights to cast votes
and elect their candidates of choice without fear or intimidation. Free and fair elections can
only be achieved when peace is apparent. In like manner, the item "Assists in the preparation
of forms during the election period" has a mean of 2.51, or Adequate Knowledge. Unlike the
other three (3) functions of Barangay Secretaries, their Electoral Responsibilities is not a
routinary function. Therefore, its category mean is 2.60, or adequate knowledge. On the other
hand, elections in the Philippines take place infrequently, and their responsibility for this is
plain assistance; their function is just to help COMELEC and others in the election process.
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 7 | p. 01-20 | e02586 | 2023.
Gannaban, M. V. C. (2023)
Enhancing Professional Development: Exploring the Functions and Legal Responsibilities of Barangay Secretaries
Table 11. Level of Respondent's Knowledge of their Duties and Functions as Barangay Secretaries in Relation to
Other Duties and Functions
Source: Prepared by the author (2023)
Table 11 shows the Other Duties and Functions of the Respondents. The function
"Exercises other functions as mandated by law” has the highest mean of 3.71 or Excellent
Knowledge. As written in the “Barangay Secretary Duties” by Sue Teres Tan (2018), the
barangay secretary assists the Barangay Chairman in the discharge of his duties and functions.
Therefore, the Barangay Chairman must be careful in appointing his Barangay Secretary. As
quoted by Jane Fonda, "You can run the office without a boss, but you can't run an office
without secretaries ."Further, the item "Responsible also for keeping the peace, public order
and safety in the community" has a mean of 3.45 or excellent knowledge. This is a manifestation
that they are not only knowledgeable about the importance of peace and order, but they value
the impact of public order and safety at the community level. Other Duties and Functions has a
category mean of 3.60 or Excellent Knowledge. Their familiarity with their functions as a
product of their length of service, as shown in Table 6, made them very knowledgeable about
this function, which makes their constituents feel that they are not only knowledgeable but also
dedicated to their work as well.
An Overall Mean of 3.32 or Excellent Knowledge on the level of respondent's
knowledge of their duties and functions as Barangay Secretaries in relation to Clerical
Functions, Civil Registrar Duties, Electoral Responsibilities, and Other Duties and Functions
is a manifestation that the respondents, despite the number of duties and functions they have to
perform, still are competent and have excellent knowledge about it. As Jane Espinase (2020)
wrote about the Characteristics of Philippine Workplace Culture, no matter what the field of
work may be, Filipinos are known worldwide to be excellent team members and valued assets
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 7 | p. 01-20 | e02586 | 2023.
Gannaban, M. V. C. (2023)
Enhancing Professional Development: Exploring the Functions and Legal Responsibilities of Barangay Secretaries
to any working community. This is because they value hard work and sometimes even deliver
more than what is expected. This makes them responsible, dependable, and trustworthy.
Table 12. Number of In-Service Trainings Attended Relative to the
Duties and Functions of Barangay Secretaries
Source: Prepared by the author (2023)
Table 12 shows the number of in-service training attended relative to the duties and
functions of barangay secretaries and that 26 out of 49 of them attended five or more in-service
training. Most of the time, the newly appointed barangay secretary enters the service without
specific expertise for the job. Therefore, in-service training must not be neglected to prepare
them for their functions. After all, even specialists may need some training throughout their
work life to update their skills with regard to new technologies or other developments. Hence,
the above data.
Table 13. In-Service Training Needed to Improve Respondents’ Professional Development
Source: Prepared by the author (2023)
No In-serving
1 In –Service
2 In –Service
3 In - Service
4 In –Service
5 or more In -
Service Trainings
How many in-service trainings attended relative to the
duties and functions of Barangay Secretaries?
1st 2nd
Seminar on Roles,
Duties and
Responsibilities of
and Technical
Management and
Principles in
Records Keeping
Digital Literacy
Others: Please
What are in –service trainings needed to improve
respondents' professional development?
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 7 | p. 01-20 | e02586 | 2023.
Gannaban, M. V. C. (2023)
Enhancing Professional Development: Exploring the Functions and Legal Responsibilities of Barangay Secretaries
Table 13 shows the in-service training needed to improve respondents' professional
development. It is reflected in the above table that 31 of the respondents wish to participate in
training related to the "Seminar on Roles, Duties, and Responsibilities of Barangay
Secretaries ."As the saying goes, "You cannot give what you do not have. "Hence, the learnings
acquired thru this type of training can be applied in the delivery of their functions specific to
their job as barangay secretaries. The second is “Administrative, Communication and
Technical Writing," with 27 respondents. As stated in the Local Government Code of the
Philippines, Clerical Functions and Civil Registrar Duties are some of the functions of a
barangay secretary. It is a fact that these functions need a lot of knowledge and skills in
communication and technical writing. It is to be noted that communication within the system
of public administration is considered a crucial factor for achieving effective and economical
functioning of the whole system of public administration, as stated by Mitu (2021). The third
in-service training needed by the 26 respondents is "Digital Literacy Training ."As argued by
Bona, Jacqueline T. (2021), basic computer program skills will generally enhance the
knowledge of barangay officials about the fundamental function and usage of computers at
present that can improve their role in service delivery and public administration and to
effectively and efficiently accomplish their assigned tasks. Fourth is “Records Management
and Principles in Records Keeping Training," with 21 respondents. Since various records must
be filed, maintained, and kept correctly to ensure effective retrieval of documents, protect
records and documents, etc., this kind of training is also essential. In like manner, there are still
"Other Types of Training" 4 respondents wish to be part of; however, they didn’t specify it.
Summary of Findings
1. Socio-Demographic Profile of the Barangay Secretaries in the 49 Barangays
of Tuguegarao City
1. Age – 17 of the respondents are within the age bracket of 23-35, and 14 are
within the age bracket of 36-45 years old.
2. Sex – 39 are female, and ten are male
3. Marital Status – 26 are married, 19 are single, and four are widowed.
4. Highest Educational Attainment – 38 are tertiary graduates, and only 2 are
secondary graduates.
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 7 | p. 01-20 | e02586 | 2023.
Gannaban, M. V. C. (2023)
Enhancing Professional Development: Exploring the Functions and Legal Responsibilities of Barangay Secretaries
5. Civil Service Eligibility – 24 are non-civil service eligible, and six are sub-
professional civil service eligible.
6. Length of Service - 34 are with the barangay for three years or more, and seven
are new in the position.
7. Salary – 34 have a salary of less than P8,000
2. Level of Respondent's Knowledge of their Duties and Functions as Barangay
1. Clerical Functions - The item on "Responsible on request made from the
barangay such as certifications, endorsements, and other forms" has the highest mean
of 3.88 or excellent knowledge, and "Records all proceedings that take place in the hall
such as grievances and disputes" has a mean of 3.65 or excellent knowledge.
2. Civil Registrar Duties – The duty of "Maintaining an updated record of all the
residents of the barangay" has the highest mean of 3.69 or excellent knowledge. In
contrast, their duty to "Submits a monthly report on registered births, deaths and
marriages of the barangay, as well as the annual number of residents with their
respective local civil registrar” has the lowest mean of 2.78 or Adequate knowledge.
3. Electoral Responsibilities - The item "Helps in maintaining the peace and order
during the election period, whether it involves national or local elections" has the highest
mean of 2.76 or Adequate knowledge. In like manner, the item "Assists in the
preparation of forms during the election period" has a mean of 2.51, or Adequate
4. Other Duties and Functions - The function "Exercises other functions as
mandated by law” has the highest mean of 3.71 or Excellent Knowledge. Further, the
item "Responsible also for keeping the peace, public order and safety in the community
has a mean of 3.45 or excellent knowledge.
3. Number of In-Service Training Attended Relative to the Duties and
Functions of Barangay Secretaries
1. 26 out of 49 of the barangay secretaries attended five or more in-service training.
4. In-Service Training Needed to Improve Respondents' Professional
4.1 First is the "Seminar on Roles, Duties, and Responsibilities of Barangay
Secretaries," followed by “Administrative, Communication and Technical Writing
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 7 | p. 01-20 | e02586 | 2023.
Gannaban, M. V. C. (2023)
Enhancing Professional Development: Exploring the Functions and Legal Responsibilities of Barangay Secretaries
."Third is "Digital Literacy Training," while “Records Management and Principles
in Records Keeping Training” and "Other Types of Training" was ranked last.
The following are conclusions of the Socio-Demographic Profile of the Barangay
Secretaries in the 49 Barangays of Tuguegarao City: In terms of age, the respondents belong
to diverse age brackets from below 25 years old to above 65 years old age bracket. For sex,
there are more females than male. Feminizing the job content must be altered, men can also do
the tasks of a secretary. When it comes to marital status there are more respondents who are
married. Moreover, a number of respondents are tertiary graduates. It is suggested that
barangay captains appoint secretaries who are college graduates. In terms of Civil Service
Eligibility, 24 of the respondents are non-civil service eligible. However, there are 34
respondents who stay with the barangay for three years or more. Although barangay secretaries
are appointees, it is suggested that barangay captains consider longevity in the position for it
means expertise and mastery specially in routinary functions. Lasty, is the salary, 34 of the
respondents have a salary of less than P8,000. Considering the number of duties and functions
of the respondents, the Philippine government may consider increasing their monthly salary to
compensate for the services they provide to the people. The Level of Respondent's
Knowledge of their Duties and Functions as Barangay Secretaries are as follows: For
Clerical Functions, The barangay secretaries possess the clerical skills needed to fill and
maintain records and other documents, likewise in taking minutes of meetings and the like that
have a positive impact on their constituents. Hence, the category means for this is 3.74, or
excellent knowledge. However, it is to be noted that their skill in recording proceedings should
be enhanced through proper training. In the case of their Civil Registrar Duties, the category
mean is 3.35 or excellent knowledge. This function may not be their day-to-day job, but with
their length of service for three years or more, they have already developed an excellent
knowledge of the conduct of this function. This can be the outcome of having updated records
and documents in the barangay that are well-kept and maintained. But, the essence of
automating the record system must not be taken for granted, this is to make the work faster and
easier and to eliminate human errors associated with clerical functions. Moreover, the category
mean of the respondents’ Electoral Responsibilities is 2.60, or adequate knowledge. This is
because their function to this is just to assist COMELEC and others in the election process.
Although it is not a part of their routinary function, still it is necessary to ensure that barangay
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 7 | p. 01-20 | e02586 | 2023.
Gannaban, M. V. C. (2023)
Enhancing Professional Development: Exploring the Functions and Legal Responsibilities of Barangay Secretaries
secretaries have the competencies to apply the correct election procedures etc. during election
periods. Last is the Other Duties and Functions with a category mean of 3.60 or excellent
knowledge. This concludes that the respondents have excellent knowledge of work outside the
usual scope of their job as barangay secretaries. Notwithstanding the item, "Responsible also
for keeping the peace, public order and safety in the community" for it has the lowest mean.
Hence, as part of training, people from the barangay must also be educated about the value of
having peace, order and safety in the barangay. This is because barangay officials need the help
and cooperation of their constituents to make it possible. Furthermore, it can be concluded in
the Number of In-Service Training Attended Relative to the Duties and Functions of
Barangay Secretaries that the respondents have enhanced and expanded their knowledge in
relation to their duties and functions for a number of barangay secretaries have attended five or
more in-service training sessions. This only means that in-service training has become an
integral part of the barangays. Although the respondents have attended a number of in-service
training, still this can be considered limited. There are more to learn like seminars on their
roles, duties and responsibilities etc. through Cagayan State University in collaboration with
other government agencies like the Local Government Unit (LGU) and the Department of
Interior and Local Government (DILG). Lastly, the study infers that respondents consider the
following In-Service Training Needed to Improve Respondents' Professional
Development: First is "Seminar on Roles, Duties, and Responsibilities of Barangay
Secretaries," followed by “Administrative, Communication and Technical Writing.” Third is
"Digital Literacy Training," while “Records Management and Principles in Records
Keeping Training” was ranked fourth and last is "Other Types of Training". Government
agencies like CSU, LGU and DILG should work hand-in-hand in providing the said needed
in-service training to promote efficiency in fulfilling the respondents’ mandated tasks and
responsibilities and show improvements in their personal skills and manifest the tenets of good
public service.
1. Although certifications, endorsements, and other forms are made available in
various barangays. It would be better if these barangay forms were more comprehensive,
easy to use, edited, and downloadable to make the barangay secretary's tasks much
easier and more attuned to the needs of their constituents.
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 7 | p. 01-20 | e02586 | 2023.
Gannaban, M. V. C. (2023)
Enhancing Professional Development: Exploring the Functions and Legal Responsibilities of Barangay Secretaries
2. The establishment of partnership between SUCs and the LGUs must be
considered for the professional development of the barangay secretaries and for
technical as well as financial support.
3. Gender sensitivity must be taken into account. The traditional belief that
secretarial work has been described as one of the most persistently gendered of all
occupations and that it is a feminized job content must be altered; men can also be
competent in doing secretarial work as Joe Carpenter's gender helped him score his first
administrative job in 1971 as a secretary at a factory where women weren't allowed
4. For the barangay to have a better records management system (software) that
can provide a safer storage of records, fast retrieval of files, maintains reliability and
accuracy, and faster tracking of files from hand-written records and manual issuing of
forms like barangay clearance and certificates to an automated processing system.
5. Barangays should monitor and evaluate their constituents; satisfaction in relation
to their services.
6. There must be a comprehensive yet viable budget allocation of fund/budget from
the barangay for training purposes.
7. Cagayan State University may come up with a training center that will set the
training objective and develops training strategies and contents based on the training
need assessment.
8. For future researchers to have an evaluation study on how constituents are
satisfied with the duties and functions of barangay secretaries. This will serve as a basis
for the improvement of their knowledge and skills in the conduct of their functions.
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