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Studies in Media and Communication
Vol. 11, No. 6; September 2023
ISSN: 2325-8071 E-ISSN: 2325-808X
Published by Redfame Publishing
URL: http://smc.redfame.com
Unlocking the Power of Online Gaming: Exploring Its Potential as a
Language and Communication Tool in the English Classroom - A Survey
T Darvenkumar
, W Christopher Rajasekaran
Research Scholar, Department of English, School of Social Sciences and Languages, Vellore Institute of Technology,
Vellore, India
Assistant Professor, Department of English, School of Social Sciences and Languages, Vellore Institute of Technology,
Vellore, India
Correspondence: W Christopher Rajasekaran, Assistant Professor, Department of English, School of Social Sciences
and Languages, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, India.
Received: April 5, 2023 Accepted: June 20, 2023 Online Published: July 9, 2023
doi:10.11114/smc.v11i6.6053 URL: https://doi.org/10.11114/smc.v11i6.6053
Online games are believed to have excellent potential because they can hold students’ attention for long durations. It
empowers the learners to participate more actively in the whole learning process. Communication is crucial in industry
and higher education, so students must be proficient in LSRW (listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing) skills. This
study used a quantitative research method, a survey questionnaire, to gather tertiary-level students' perspectives on
utilising online games to strengthen language and communication abilities. The participants in this study were
tertiary-level students, and their ages ranged between 17 and 24 years. Google Forms was used to gather the responses
to the survey. The collected data has been analysed using the SPSS (Statistical software for the social sciences). The
result of the study shows that the use of online games in English language learning is becoming more popular, and
learners are more interested to learn and practice the language through online games.
Keywords: online games, communication skills, tertiary-level students
1. Introduction
Online games have a lot of potential because they can keep learners focused for long periods of time. Games play an
essential role in the educational process, student motivation, and student interest. It is suitable for various academic
contexts, and most learning goals may be attained through games (Prensky, 2001). According to (Gee, 2010),
Well-designed challenges in games provide a source of motivation for player development and progression. Games
require a lot of skill because players must follow the rules to reach their goals. Learners need regular practice to
acquire a certain skill, and motivation is critical to consistent practice. It does, however, stimulate students’ creativity
and information retention. English is the most widely spoken language in the world, and it has become a must language
to speak to join higher education or jobs. Currently, technically proficient students are deficient in communication.
Communication is crucial in industry and academia, so students must be proficient in LSRW (listening, Speaking,
Reading, and Writing) skills. When students listen, they are exposed to a wide range of English usage, including
vocabulary, fluency, intonation, and accent, which ultimately leads to fluency in speaking the language. When it comes
to reading, it's a receptive skill that expands one's vocabulary and advances the understanding of a specific topic.
Reading proficiency is a complex process that requires both natural development and formal instruction. It may be
developed with the assistance of modern technology. During this epidemic, students’ use of electronic devices expanded
manifold. Researchers have discovered that the incidence of depression and anxiety among students has grown (Pandya
& Lodha, 2021). They relate this to the rapidly increasing use of online courses and students' unregulated use of
technological devices. Recent research shows that technology may speed up learning processes, detect students’ needs,
and optimise assessment procedures (Zhang & Nunamaker, 2003).
2. Background
Students are always highly motivated to engage in game-based learning. Rather than more conventional forms like pen
and paper, technology can stimulate students' interest in literacy activities. In the last 20 years, more study has
reportedly been done on game-based learning (Felicia, 2012; Gee, 2010; Ke, 2009; Prensky, 2001; Squire, 2005).
Studies in Media and Communication Vol. 11, No. 6; 2023
(Yolageldili & Arikan, 2011) concentrated on accurate grammar and listening comprehension, while (Connolly et al.,
2011) taught stories using alternative reality games. According to (Sylven & Sundqvist, 2012), games improve students'
verbal ability and comprehension. (Vandercruysse et al., 2013) claim that competitive gaming increases challenge,
concentration, motivation, and participation. (Reinders & Wattana, 2014) Findings suggest that participants feel more
comfortable, optimistic, less feared, and more willing to talk. (Khazaee et al., 2016) Employed two sets of participants,
players, and observers, but the results were almost similar. According to (Wichadee & Pattanapichet, 2018), the
intervention group was more motivated and outperformed the control group in terms of test scores. Since the
development of games, several experiments have been conducted to see whether they can be used to teach players a
certain skill. In addition, the study outcomes showed that students were excited about employing online digital games in
ESL (English as a Second Language) classrooms. ICT (Information and Communications Technology) resources, like
online games, can be used in the classroom to help students learn English.
3. Rationale
The survey study examines students' perspectives on online games and technology in language acquisition. Furthermore,
governments and educational institutions have not yet suggested a specific policy framework or regulations for using
games and technology in education. It is evident in many areas across Europe, the United States, and Australia, where it
is the role of the teacher or institution to include games in the curriculum (Vlachopoulos & Makri, 2017). Online games
depend on the same procedures and rules that are applied in the classroom to help with learning. For effective language
education, game-based learning includes a range of learning methods. Game-based learning strategies are a novel way
to increase students’ reading abilities while playing a game. Therefore, this research is aimed to see how effective online
games are in improving language and communication skills and student perspectives in the English classroom.
4. Online Games
Today's technology provides more tools than ever, which may be applied to improve the teaching and learning process.
Online games are exciting tools that have predetermined rules and objectives, and they also have an element of
enjoyment. Online games are a great way to learn a language. It assists learners in developing several skills, such as
listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It also helps the learners with their vocabulary skills. Playing games with
conversation can help learners hear and pronounce words more clearly. The game also helps promote reading skills as
the learner must read the conversation to complete the levels. Online games have graphics, music, and animation that
help children associate new words with images or audible cues and also help them understand terms better. Graphics,
music, and animation help learners connect new words to pictures or sounds in online games. They also help learners
understand words better by seeing them frequently and using them in different contexts. Teachers will find it more
entertaining to see learners playing a video game than when the class is passively listening to a lecture or watching a
video. With the help of online video games, teachers can get their students to compete with each other in a friendly way.
Teachers may use the potential of gaming in the classroom by making it accessible and encouraging students to finish a
series of levels. It enables students to participate more, work more diligently, and be more interested in classroom
activities. There are many websites where learners can play free language games. For example, Learn English Today
provides 135 free word games to help learners improve their English vocabulary while having fun doing it.
5. Online Games in English Language Teaching
In recent years, there has been a rapid development of online gaming. Children who used to enjoy playing more conventional
games with their peers in public places like streets and parks now prefer to do it on the computer in various virtual electronic
settings (Horzum et al., 2008; Gentile, 2009). An online game is a game that is played over a network; all that is often required
to play internet games is a web browser, a game application, and the appropriate device. Online gaming is more than an
excellent way to spend time, like watching television or movies. It is also a source of income. Players engage in extensive
interaction with one another as well as with the game itself. Educational researchers have proposed that games play a
significant role in the psychological, social, and cognitive development that occurs throughout childhood (Hsiao et al., 2006).
Games may be educationally beneficial when used in a classroom or any other learning environment.
Game-based learning remains one of the most successful teaching tools that can be used to facilitate creative learning.
Researchers say that computer game-based learning stands out above all other forms of game-based learning because it
offers a freely virtual game-based learning environment and elaborate multimedia effects in the learning environment
(Hsiao et al., 2006). In today's world, many gadgets, such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops, are available to play
online games with free virtual reality. The use of online games as educational tools is on the rise in various
fields.(Zirawaga et al., 2017) Online games have the potential to stimulate students' attention, motivate them, and help
them improve their cognitive abilities. From an educational perspective, online games provide a fun and engaging way
for students to learn about various subjects while enhancing their academic skills. Online games now provide the most
significant English exposure and the most exciting experiences (Cheung & Ng, 2021).
Studies in Media and Communication Vol. 11, No. 6; 2023
6. Interpersonal Skills
Communication is essential to human existence. Communication skills are the core in order to successfully connect with
other people. The phrase "communication skills" involves both the verbal and non-verbal aspects of communication.
Oral aspects include listening, speaking, and exchanging ideas and information. Non-oral aspects include facial
expressions and hand gestures etc. English has become the lingua franca of business, scientific research, and future
technologies. English plays a special role in having a better life because it gives you a better job and a way out of
poverty and suffering. Learning English makes it possible to collaborate and communicate internationally, which is
crucial in a rapidly changing world. Increasing one's English communication abilities to a higher degree might improve
one's personal and professional life chances. Communication skills are becoming increasingly important in today's
world, and more professions need workers with a higher level of communication proficiency. In the classroom
environment, clear and effective communication may positively impact the learning process. It might be challenging for
students to develop their oral communication skills and put such skills into practice while they are in a classroom
(CheeKeong et al., 2014)
People with low communication skills tend to isolate themselves by avoiding face-to-face interaction. This keeps them
socially isolated. As a result, people feel alone, have high levels of social anxiety, low self-confidence, a high risk of
anxiety, depression, violent behaviour, and feel like they don't belong. Loneliness is something that can be seen in every
stage of an individual's life. A person is said to be lonely when they experience an increase in anxiety, resentment at
their surroundings, unhappiness, and the sense of being different from other people, as well as when they are unable to
fulfil the desire for connection to the community. Connection with the community starts with good communication.
7. Research Questions
1. What are the students’ perceptions of using online games in the English classroom?
2. What is the significance of online games in motivating learners to enhance their language and communication
8. Objectives
1. The study aims to investigate tertiary-level students' perspectives on online games in language teaching.
2. To explore the interests and attitudes of the students in language learning.
3. To identify and analyse the impact of online games on the development of communication skills in language
learning classes.
4. To evaluate the familiarity with online language learning games and provide recommendations based on the
survey findings.
9. Research Method
This study has used a quasi-experimental design with a survey questionnaire to gather tertiary-level students'
perspectives on utilising online games to strengthen language and communication abilities. The first step was a survey
conducted on students from almost every academic field. A survey is one of the most frequent ways of gathering data
about attitudes and views from a large number of people. In addition to being convenient, the fundamental benefit of
using questionnaires is that they collect complete information from students in a very short period. A questionnaire was
created on Google Forms and distributed over social media. After the survey, the collected data was analysed in the
second step using the SPSS (Statistical software for the social sciences) software to determine the mean, median,
standard deviation, frequency, descriptive statistics, percentage, and Cronbach's alpha. The third step is presenting the
results in the form of a discussion based on the research findings. Finally, the study will provide broad conclusions and
recommendations for teachers, language instructors, researchers, and other professionals.
9.1 Participant
The participants in this study were tertiary-level students, and their ages ranged between 17 and 24 years. A random
survey was used in order to collect the primary data that was used in this study. The researcher anticipated that having
respondents from a wide range of areas would produce more positive outcomes; hence, respondents from a wide variety
of fields were requested for the study. The study considered only students who had played online games in order to
obtain accurate results. The respondents were given a questionnaire consisting of 15 questions that had been prepared
by the researcher in Google Forms. The questionnaire was shared with the respondents. The responses of 166
individuals were gathered for analysis.
10. Findings and Discussion
The use of online games to improve communication skills in English language learning is becoming more popular. The
Studies in Media and Communication Vol. 11, No. 6; 2023
survey was conducted using a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). The
questionnaires were treated to a reliability test in SPSS (Statistical software for the social sciences), and the Cronbach's
alpha coefficient result is presented in Table 1 below.
Table 1. Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient of The Questionnaire
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha
Cronbach's Alpha
Based on
Standardised Items
of Items
.896 .897 15
The findings, summarised in Table 2, indicate that playing online games is beneficial for developing communication
skills and language learning. A vast amount of research indicates the benefits of using online games in the classroom.
Research has concluded that online games can improve language and communication skills (Khazaee et al., 2016;
Sylvén & Sundqvist, 2012).
Table 2. Survey Questionnaire (15 Items), N=166
Survey Method
Deviation N
1 2 3 4 5
I like to play online games 3.35 1.111 166 13 24 41 68 20
I often play online games 2.97 1.157 166 20 39 47 46 14
I usually play online games alone 2.96 1.157 166 18 47 38 50 13
I usually play online games with my friends 3.01 1.186 166 21 39 36 57 13
Discussions during online gaming sessions help me to
understand my language abilities
3.24 1.113 166 12 32 45 58 19
I easily become deeply involved in an online game 2.99 1.201 166 22 37 45 45 17
Playing the online game makes me lose all track of time 3.27 1.141 166 12 34 38 61 21
Online games are simple enough to play and effective
in developing language and communication
3.12 1.066 166 16 27 54 59 10
I face difficulty understanding the concepts in online
2.60 1.033 166 21 65 47 26 7
I can understand the appropriate meaning of the word or
sentences used in online games.
3.50 .983 166 7 18 46 75 20
The game strengthens the impact of language and
communication skills
3.35 1.038 166 10 24 46 70 16
I acquire new words while playing story-based online
3.46 1.093 166 10 24 35 73 24
In post-reading, I like to look at other sources to learn
more about the story in the game.
3.40 .972 166 7 22 50 72 15
The strategies implemented in story-based games are
useful in developing reading skills
3.50 1.014 166 8 17 48 70 23
I will recommend online games to learners who want to
2.71 1.118 166 35 29 51 51 -
After the data was collected and analysed, 41.5% of the students agreed that they like to play online games. This shows
that online gaming is more popular among the surveyed students. Studies(Writer, 2019) have shown that students are
more likely to learn and participate in class activities if they are allowed to play games. 42.1% of the students agreed
that they like to play games with their friends, which helps them work together and take the initiative when playing
educational games. Playing online games is not only a pleasurable and sociable way to pass the time, but it also
promotes skills development and encourages teamwork.
Studies in Media and Communication Vol. 11, No. 6; 2023
Figure 1. I Like to Play Online Games
Online games are a popular way for people to spend their free time. Some people believe that playing video games can
serve a variety of purposes: to learn, to relieve stress, to compete with others, to relax, to have fun, to meet new people,
and even to mentally escape from the real world (Dumrique & Castillo, 2018). Online games are a beneficial tool that
can be used to help students develop the necessary skills to be successful in the language training process. Playing
online games with friends leads to better teamwork and understanding. 34.3% of students said they like playing online
games with friends.
Figure 2. Involvement of The Students
Online games engage players' minds more, particularly while playing puzzle-based games. It fosters engagement and
helps players enhance their problem-solving abilities through simulations and massive multiplayer online role-playing
games (MMORPG). Additionally, it aids in decision-making under pressure, particularly in adventure games that need
players to be aware, active, and strategic (Dumrique & Castillo, 2018). The games provide a suitable environment for
learning because they are interactive and require students to participate actively in the learning process. Figure 3 shows
that 34.9% of the students agree that discussion during online gaming sessions helps them to understand their language
abilities. Furthermore, there are several additional advantages to playing the games. The games can help students
improve their ability to focus. 35.5 % of the students responded that online games are simple enough to play and
effective for developing language and communication skills.
Studies in Media and Communication Vol. 11, No. 6; 2023
Figure 3. Impact of Online Games
Online games have an influence on language learners in a variety of ways. They give students a chance to use different
words in real-life situations, which helps them improve their pronunciation and gives them the confidence to
communicate clearly (AlJemely, 2022). Online games help students by providing them with opportunities to practice
skills in a fun and engaging manner. It allows young learners to read, improves their reading skills and self-confidence,
fosters creativity, helps them maintain good relationships with their neighbours and friends, and supports mental health.
Furthermore, online games have proven to be very effective in helping students achieve proficiency in a second
language (Ke, 2009; Prensky, 2001; Squire, 2005). 45.2 % of respondents agreed that they could understand the
appropriate meaning of the words or sentences used in online games. It helps students gain confidence, encourages
active engagement and participation, and generates excitement about learning. 44% of the students are in favour of
acquiring new words while playing story-based online games.
Figure 4. Language Acquisition Through Online Games
The data analysis shows that students are particularly interested in playing online games to master the language and
improve their communication abilities. Games help people get better at paying attention and coming up with
ideas(Playing Video Games May Improve Your Memory and Attention, 2023). However, it could help students take an
active role in the process of learning. Online games are one of the tools with rules and goals already set, and they can
also be fun. Playing games that require conversation can help students hear and communicate better. The game also
helps students learn to read because they must read the chat to move on to the next level. It seems that the students
prefer to play and study with their friends; as shown in the result, a majority of the students stated that they like playing
online games with their friends.
11. Conclu sion
The research highlights the effectiveness of online games and students' perceptions of online games, and it elaborates on
how games might help students improve their reading skills in English-language classrooms. The perceptions of the
students show that online games are an exceptional tool for language learning. Online games are a great way to learn a
language. It assists learners in developing several skills, such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It also helps
the learners with their vocabulary skills. The study just focused on broad aspects of language development, such as
communication skills and online games; it did not focus on any particular topic. However, when the same research is
Studies in Media and Communication Vol. 11, No. 6; 2023
conducted on a specific topic, the findings may differ. Teachers could find it more entertaining to observe students
playing online games than passively listening to a lecture or watching a video. Teachers can encourage their students to
compete in a friendly manner by using online video games. Teachers can harness the power of gaming in the classroom
by making it available and encouraging students to focus on learning. Several issues must be resolved before games
may be used in the classroom. Concerns related to the ethical, legal, and economic implications of employing these
techniques might fall under this category. In addition, choosing the right game in which students can participate
effectively is essential. Overall, the results of this survey indicate that online games could provide a positive and
effective way to improve language and communication skills.
12. Limitations
A major limitation of this survey study is that it was conducted using a limited number of questions and participants.
Future research focused on assessing what students and instructors think about commonly used edutainment games in
the English classroom which may include more students from various colleges to ensure that the results are accurate. In
addition to that, the use of triangulation, for instance, by conducting interviews, would be a very beneficial way to
enhance knowledge on the subject of this study. Even though this study has some limitations with regard to the students'
perspectives, students showed a great deal of interest in utilising online games to improve their language skills.
13. Scope for Further Studies
Further study is needed to fully understand the benefits of using online games in teaching language in the classroom.
According to (Martins & Gresse Von Wangenheim, 2022), game-based learning research is only emerging, and there is
much to learn about teaching content, pedagogical strategies, and technical support options. Various studies on online
game-based learning have been conducted in many countries. While instructors may benefit from this data, additional
research studies using online language learning games need to be conducted in colleges. In order to apply the findings
to a wider population, more research with higher sample sizes was recommended in a number of studies. It is necessary
to do further research on instructional techniques, resources, and the effects of online game-based learning on student
motivation. Creative strategies employed by the teachers and the intercultural nuances in language that students learn
while interacting with students from other regions are to be noted. The proficiency and fluency inculcated in the
students’ minds are to be given a thorough analysis through testing and evaluation. This survey looked at how students
felt about using online games as a teaching tool to inspire and involve students in literacy-related activities. Based on
the survey result, colleges and universities with the necessary technological infrastructure to enable game-based
learning can consider offering their students the opportunity to study through online games.
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Studies in Media and Communication Vol. 11, No. 6; 2023
Appendix A
I like to play online games.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
I often play online games.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
I usually play online games alone.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
I usually play online games with my friends.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Discussions during online gaming sessions help me to understand my language abilities.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
I easily become deeply involved in an online game.
Strongly Agree
Studies in Media and Communication Vol. 11, No. 6; 2023
Strongly Disagree
Playing the online game makes me lose all track of time.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Online games are simple enough to play and effective to develop language and communication.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
I face difficulty understanding the concepts in online games
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
I can understand the appropriate meaning of the word or sentences used in the online games
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
The game strengthens the impact of language and communication skills.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
I acquire new words while playing story-based online games.
Strongly Agree
Studies in Media and Communication Vol. 11, No. 6; 2023
Strongly Disagree
In post-reading, I like to look at other sources to learn more about the story in the game.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
The strategies implemented in story-based games are useful in developing reading skills.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
I will recommend online games to the learners who want to enhance their language skills.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Copyright for this article is retained by the author(s), with first publication rights granted to the journal.
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly