
Effect of masticatory movements on head and trunk sways, and sitting and foot pressure distributions during sitting position

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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis in healthy subjects that masticatory movements affect head and trunk sways, and sitting and foot pressure distributions during sitting position. Methods: A total of 30 healthy male subjects with an average age of 25.3 years (range, 22-32 years) were evaluated. The CONFORMatTM and MatScanTM system were used to analyze changes in sitting pressure distribution (center of sitting pressure: COSP) and changes in foot pressure distribution (center of foot pressure: COFP) respectively, and the 3-dimensional motion analysis system was used to analyze changes in head and trunk postures while subjects remained sitting position with rest position, centric occlusion, and chewing. The total trajectory length of COSP/COFP, COSP/COFP area, and head and trunk sway values were compared between the three conditions to evaluate whether masticatory movement affected the stability of head and trunk sways, and sitting and foot pressure distributions. Results: Total trajectory length of COSP and COSP area during chewing were significantly shorter and smaller respectively than it was in rest position and centric occlusion (p < 0.016). Head sway value during chewing was significantly larger than it was in rest position and centric occlusion (p < 0.016). Conclusion: Masticatory movements affect sitting pressure distribution and head movements during sitting position.

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... A recent study [14] has reported that masticatory movements affect sitting pressure distribution and head movements during sitting position. However, studies to investigate the relationship between mastication and sitting posture are still lacking and the mechanism by which mastication affects sitting posture could not be yet fully understood to our knowledge. ...
... The CONFORMat TM (Tekscan Inc., South Boston, MA, USA, Nitta Corp., Osaka, Japan) [14,18,19] The three-dimensional motion analysis system (Library Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) was used to analyze head and trunk sways [13,14]. This instrument enabled measurement of three-dimensional movements of target points on the surface of the facial skin and body surface simultaneously. ...
... The CONFORMat TM (Tekscan Inc., South Boston, MA, USA, Nitta Corp., Osaka, Japan) [14,18,19] The three-dimensional motion analysis system (Library Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) was used to analyze head and trunk sways [13,14]. This instrument enabled measurement of three-dimensional movements of target points on the surface of the facial skin and body surface simultaneously. ...
... 17,18 Research suggests that different mandibular positions lead to variations in body posture, contributing to changes in the pressure center of the feet and consequently affecting body balance. [17][18][19] No optimal program and dose for the treatment of TMD have been established. Although studies suggest that edentulism may increase the risk of TMD, there are no definitive recommendations in this regard. ...
... A change in mandibular position, which can lead to changes in proprioceptive and periodontal afferents, can affect foot center pressure, foot position, and gait stability. 19,[41][42][43] Asymmetric mandibular position means more symmetric contraction of the SCM, which reduces body sway. 44 There is also a positive correlation between masticatory efficiency and postural balance. ...
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Objective: Posterior edentulism reduces occlusal support, thus increasing the risk and symptoms of temporomandibular disorder. No previous study has explored its effect on the treatment of temporomandibular disorders. This study aimed to examine the relationship between neck posture, balance, and posterior edentulism in patients with temporomandibular disorder and compare the effectiveness of physical therapy. Methods: In a quasi-experimental controlled trial, 26 patients with temporomandibular disorder were divided into 13 in the partly edentulous group and 13 in the dentate group. Both groups received manual therapy, postural exercises, deep neck flexor stabilization, and Kinesio tapping for 6 weeks. Each participant completed 12 physiotherapy sessions, administered twice weekly, with a minimum interval of 48 hours between sessions. Outcomes were assessed at baseline and after the 6-week program, including pain, mandibular movement, posture, and balance. Results: The physical therapy program significantly improved all measured outcomes (P < .05). Furthermore, the partially edentulous group showed more remarkable improvement in pain and balance compared to the dentate group (P < .05). Conclusions: Postural exercises effectively alleviate symptoms in patients with temporomandibular disorder, with more significant improvements observed in the partially edentulous group than in the dentate group.
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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine a reference value for masticatory performance (MP) by measuring the amount of glucose extracted(AGE) from chewing gummy jelly. Methods: A total of 237 young adults (young group, 20-39 years), 147 middle-aged adults (middle-aged group, 40-59 years), and 177 older adults (old group, 60-87 years) participated in this study. All participants had natural dentition, excluding the third molars. AGE was measured when the participant chewed gummy jelly and used as a parameter of MP. AGE was compared among the three groups. Next, AGE in each group was compared between the habitual chewing side and non-habitual chewing side, and between males and females. The correlation between age and AGE was also investigated. Results: AGE in the young, middle, and old groups were similar, and no significant differences were observed. AGE was significantly higher in the habitual chewing side compared to the non-habitual chewing side, and in males than that in females. No significant correlations were found between age and AGE. AGE in the habitual chewing side of all ages was 221.9 ± 34.4 mg/dL for males and 206.0 ± 28.7 mg/dL for females. The mean-2SD (standard deviation) value representing the reference value of healthy adults was 153.1 mg/dL for males and 148.6 mg/dL for females, which was close to 150 mg/dL. Conclusion: It was concluded that the reference value of masticatory performance as measured by the amount of glucose extraction after chewing gummy jelly was 150 mg/dL.
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Backgrounds Jaw and neck muscles may be activated by chewing load using a hard food. However, it remains unclear how effects the gum hardness to the coordinated features in jaw and neck muscle activities during chewing performance. Objectives This study was conducted to quantitatively elucidate the effects of the hardness of the gum on coordinated features in jaw and neck muscle activities using intermuscular EMG–EMG transfer function and EMG–EMG coherence function analyses in 18 healthy subjects. Methods Jaw and neck muscle activities were aggregated into the first peak frequency of the power spectrum, and power, gain, phase, and coherence parameters between jaw and neck muscle activities were examined in the first peak frequencies during soft and hard gum chewing. Results The first peak frequency was not significantly different between soft and hard gum chewing. In contrast, power values of the jaw and neck muscles were significantly increased by chewing of hard gum as compared with soft gum, whereas gain, phase, and coherence were not significantly changed by gum hardness. Conclusions The chewing rhythm, the quantitative and temporal coordination, and the functional coordination in jaw and neck muscle activities were not changed during soft and hard gum chewing, as well as increased jaw and neck muscles activities. It is therefore concluded that the chewing rhythmicity and jaw and neck muscles coordination accompanied with the increased jaw and neck muscle activities are maintained under the condition of the chewing load using gum hardness in the healthy individuals.
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Background: Mandibular functions are associated with electromyographic activity of the jaw muscles and also the sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM). The precise spatiotemporal relation of SCM and masticatory muscles activities during chewing is worthy of investigation. Objective: To analyze the sequential recruitment of SCM and masseter activities during chewing as indicated by the spatiotemporal locations of their activity peaks. Methods: Jaw movements and bilateral surface electromyographic activity of SCM and masseter were recorded during gum chewing in 20 healthy subjects. The timing order was decided by comparing the length of time from the time when the opening started to the time when the surface electromyographic activity reached its peak value. Spatial order was analyzed by locating the peak electromyographic activity onto a standard chewing cycle which was created based on 15 unilateral chewing cycles. Paired t-test, One-way ANOVA and Student-Newman-Keuls post-test were used for comparisons. Results: Although the Time to Peak for the balancing side SCM appeared shorter than for the other three tested muscles, most often it did not reach a level of significance. However, the location of the balancing side SCM's peak activity was further from the terminal chewing position (TCP) than the working side SCM and bilateral masseters (P < 0.05). Conclusions: The balancing side SCM activity reached its peak significantly further away from TCP than the other three tested muscles during chewing. Further studies with spatiotemporal variables included should be helpful to understand the roles of the head, neck, and jaw muscles in orofacial and cervical dysfunctional problems. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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Recent evidence has indicated that chewing gum can enhance attention, as well as promoting well-being and work performance. Four studies (two experiments and two intervention studies) examined the robustness of and mechanisms for these effects. Study 1 investigated the acute effect of gum on mood in the absence of task performance. Study 2 examined the effect of rate and force of chewing on mood and attention performance. Study 3 assessed the effects of chewing gum during one working day on well-being and performance, as well as postwork mood and cognitive performance. In Study 4, performance and well-being were reported throughout the workday and at the end of the day, and heart rate and cortisol were measured. Under experimental conditions, gum was associated with higher alertness regardless of whether performance tasks were completed and altered sustained attention. Rate of chewing and subjective force of chewing did not alter mood but had some limited effects on attention. Chewing gum during the workday was associated with higher productivity and fewer cognitive problems, raised cortisol levels in the morning, and did not affect heart rate. The results emphasise that chewing gum can attenuate reductions in alertness, suggesting that chewing gum enhances worker performance.
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Background and aims: There is an important role of the neck sensory motor system in control of body posture and balance, and it is reasonable to believe that the jaw sensory motor system can directly and indirectly influence the modulation of the postural control system. The purpose of this study was to evaluate possible effects of dynamic jaw position while chewing on the postural control system. Materials and methods: We compared the mean center of gravity (COG) velocity during quite standing on a foam surface with eyes closed during three test conditions: (i) with resting jaw position, (ii) with open jaw position, and (iii) while chewing standard bolus of chewing gum. One hundred and sixteen normal healthy male subjects (average age 31.56 ± 8.51 years; height 170.86 ± 7.26 cm) were recruited for the study. Their COG velocity (deg/s) was measured using the NeuroCom® Balance Master Version 8.5.0 (Clackamas, OR, USA). Statistical analysis: Data was tested by the Friedman test. Results and conclusions: The results show that COG velocity decreased significantly while chewing in comparison to both open and resting jaw position (p < 0.0001). Our finding corroborates previous studies and suggests that the jaw sensory motor system can modulate postural control mechanisms. Gum chewing activity can enhance the postural stability during upright standing on an unstable surface and in the absence of visual input in healthy young adults. Our results should be taken into consideration in treatment and rehabilitation planning for patients with postural instability.
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The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between mastication and head posture using foods with different degrees of hardness. A total of 12 healthy, dentulous volunteers participated in the study. Each participant was required to chew two types of gummy candy with two levels of hardness while sitting upright. Measurements were conducted using an optoelectric jaw-tracking system with 6 degrees of freedom (Gnatho-Hexagraph II JM-2000®). The horizontal plane perpendicular to the direction of gravitational force served as the reference plane. Analysis of the gradient of the Frankfurt plane (head posture) and pitching of the head during masticatory movement was conducted. The influence of the type of test food on these parameters was evaluated during mastication. During stable mastication, the gradient of the Frankfurt plane was 4.66 degrees on average, close to the horizontal plane. The time course of the Frankfurt plane gradient revealed a tendency toward dorsal flexion during the first to middle phases of mastication, and a tendency toward ventral flexion during the middle to last phases, regardless of the hardness of the test food. The participants were divided into two groups based on change in head posture during chewing. The results showed while there was no change in head posture in the group with marked pitching of the head, head posture did change in the group with little pitching.
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Purpose: The aim of this pilot study was to compare the vertical reaction forces (N) generated in three different Action 3 manual one-arm drive wheelchairs: dual handrim, a lever drive and a Neater Uni-wheelchair (NUW). A CONFORmat® Pressure measurement mat, placed on top of the users' prescribed cushion, measured vertical force at the buttock/seat interface on both hemiplegic and non-hemiplegic sides in each wheelchair. Methods: Fifteen hemiplegic users were randomly assigned each wheelchair to drive around an indoor obstacle course. During propulsion of a multiple sensor, continuous measurement of force was recorded. Time taken to complete the circuit was recorded. Mean force and confidence intervals for each buttock were calculated per user per wheelchair. Results: The dual handrim produced the highest vertical force during propulsion under the right buttock (x= 484.43; SD = 55.4; p < 0.001) and the lever drive produced the least force (x= 368.05; SD = 53.55; p < 0.01). The NUW completed the course quickest (p < 0.01). Conclusions: The dual-handrim wheelchair requires the greatest vertical force during propulsion. Since increases in this seat vertical reaction force may be related to the propulsive force. Further investigation is indicated as this may be a significant factor for clinicians when prescribing one-arm drive wheelchairs. Implications for Rehabilitation Review of clinical reasoning in prescribing wheelchairs. Addition of the Neater Uni-wheelchair to wheelchair services prescribing lists.
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Aims: To test the hypothesis that jaw muscles and specific neck muscles, ie, levator scapulae, trapezius, sternocleidomastoideus, and splenius capitis, co-contract at the different submaximum bite forces usually generated during jaw clenching and tooth grinding, and for different bite force directions. Methods: Bite-force transducers that measured all three spatial force components were incorporated in 11 healthy subjects. The test persons developed feedback-controlled submaximum bite forces in a variety of bite-force directions. The electromyographic (EMG) activity of the levator scapulae, splenius capitis, and trapezius muscles was recorded, at the level of the fifth cervical vertebra, by use of intramuscular wire electrodes. The activity of the sternocleidomastoideus and masseter muscles was recorded by surface electrodes. For normalization of the EMG data, maximum-effort tasks of the neck muscles were conducted in eight different loading directions by means of a special force-transducer system. Differences between neck-muscle activity during chewing, maximum biting in intercuspation, and the force-controlled motor tasks were compared with the baseline activity of the various muscles by one-way repeated-measures analysis of variance. Results: The results confirmed the hypothesis. Co-contractions of the neck muscles in the range of 3% to 10% of maximum voluntary contraction were observed. Significant (P < .05) activity differences were recorded as a result of the different force levels and force directions exerted by the jaw muscles. Long-lasting action potential trains of single motor units triggered by jaw clenching tasks were also detected. Conclusion: The findings support the assumption of a relationship between jaw clenching and the neck muscle activity investigated. The low level of co-contraction activity, however, requires further study to elucidate possible pathophysiological interactions at the level of single motor units.
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Brain mechanisms underlying mastication have been studied in non-human mammals but less so in humans. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to evaluate brain activity in humans during gum chewing. Chewing was associated with activations in the cerebellum, motor cortex and caudate, cingulate, and brainstem. We also divided the 25-second chew-blocks into 5 segments of equal 5-second durations and evaluated activations within and between each of the 5 segments. This analysis revealed activation clusters unique to the initial segment, which may indicate brain regions involved with initiating chewing. Several clusters were uniquely activated during the last segment as well, which may represent brain regions involved with anticipatory or motor events associated with the end of the chew-block. In conclusion, this study provided evidence for specific brain areas associated with chewing in humans and demonstrated that brain activation patterns may dynamically change over the course of chewing sequences.
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Plantar pressure systems are increasingly being used to evaluate foot function in both research settings and in clinical practice. The purpose of this study was to investigate the reliability of the TekScan MatScan(R) system in assessing plantar forces and pressures during barefoot level walking. Thirty participants were assessed for the reliability of measurements taken one week apart for the variables maximum force, peak pressure and average pressure. The following seven regions of the foot were investigated; heel, midfoot, 3rd-5th metatarsophalangeal joint, 2nd metatarsophalangeal joint, 1st metatarsophalangeal joint, hallux and the lesser toes. Reliability was assessed using both the mean and the median values of three repeated trials. The system displayed moderate to good reliability of mean and median calculations for the three analysed variables across all seven regions, as indicated by intra-class correlation coefficients ranging from 0.44 to 0.95 for the mean and 0.54 to 0.97 for the median, and coefficients of variation ranging from 5 to 20% for the mean and 3 to 23% for the median. Selecting the median value of three repeated trials yielded slightly more reliable results than the mean. These findings indicate that the TekScan MatScan(R) system demonstrates generally moderate to good reliability.
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Recent observations in man of concomitant mandibular and head movements during single maximal jaw-opening/-closing tasks suggest a close functional relationship between the mandibular and the head-neck motor systems. This study was aimed at further testing of the hypothesis of a functional integration between the human jaw and neck regions. Spatiotemporal characteristics of mandibular and associated head movements were evaluated for 3 different modes of rhythmic jaw activities: self-paced continuous maximal jaw-opening/-closing movements, paced continuous maximal jaw-opening/-closing movements at 50 cycles/minute, and unilateral chewing. Mandibular and head-neck movements were simultaneously recorded in 12 healthy young adults, by means of a wireless opto-electronic system for 3-D movement recordings, with retro-reflective markers attached to the lower (mandible) and upper (head) incisors. The results showed that rhythmic mandibular movements were paralleled by head movements. An initial change in head position (head extension) was seen at the start of the first jaw-movement cycle, and this adjusted head position was retained during the following cycles. In addition to this prevailing head extension, the maximal jaw-opening/-closing cycles were paralleled by head extension-flexion movements, and in general the start of these head movements preceded the start of the mandibular movements. The results support the idea of a functional relationship between the temporomandibular and the cranio-cervical neuromuscular systems. We therefore suggest a new concept for human jaw function, in which "functional jaw movements" are the result of activation of jaw as well as neck muscles, leading to simultaneous movements in the temporomandibular, atlanto-occipital, and cervical spine joints.
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We have previously demonstrated the existence of a functional-rhythmical coupling between the head and the mandible using maxillary and mandibular incisal tracking points. However, that data did not provide information neither on the movement of the head as a whole nor on the location of its instantaneous centre of rotation. Thus, the objective of the present study was to determine whether the head undergoes a rotational motion during mouth opening and to locate its putative instantaneous centre of rotation. The same 6 d.f. (degree of freedom) measuring device employed in our previous studies was used again to analyse data from five male adults (age range: 26-29 years old) chosen as subjects. Concomitant head and mandibular movements were assessed in the sagittal plane by allocating several reference points in the head (upper incisor, cranial base, occipital and parietal points) and a mandibular incisor point during maximal mouth open-close movements. Then, the magnitude and inclination of the vectors of motion in each reference point during the opening phase were calculated. The instantaneous centre of rotation was defined as the point showing the least amount of motion in a determined area around each head reference point. The mandibular incisal point and the maxillary incisal point showed concomitant movements; that is, during opening the mandibular point moved downwards and the maxillary incisor point upwards. Making a large jaw opening movement caused an inferior-anterior displacement in the O point, a posterior-inferior displacement of the P point, and an anterior-superior displacement in the C point in all subjects. During jaw closing all points followed a trajectory opposite to that described above. In other words, during opening the head moved clockwise and counter-clockwise during closing, at least in the sagittal plane of the subjects' left side. These results suggest that the head undergoes a rotation-like sagittal movement during mouth opening whose rotation centre seems to be located above the cranial base point, which was set close to the centre of mass of the head. However, its location varies according to the magnitude of mouth opening.
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Postural control is no longer considered simply a summation of static reflexes but, rather, a complex skill based on the interaction of dynamic sensorimotor processes. The two main functional goals of postural behaviour are postural orientation and postural equilibrium. Postural orientation involves the active alignment of the trunk and head with respect to gravity, support surfaces, the visual surround and internal references. Sensory information from somatosensory, vestibular and visual systems is integrated, and the relative weights placed on each of these inputs are dependent on the goals of the movement task and the environmental context. Postural equilibrium involves the coordination of movement strategies to stabilise the centre of body mass during both self-initiated and externally triggered disturbances of stability. The specific response strategy selected depends not only on the characteristics of the external postural displacement but also on the individual's expectations, goals and prior experience. Anticipatory postural adjustments, prior to voluntary limb movement, serve to maintain postural stability by compensating for destabilising forces associated with moving a limb. The amount of cognitive processing required for postural control depends both on the complexity of the postural task and on the capability of the subject's postural control system. The control of posture involves many different underlying physiological systems that can be affected by pathology or sub-clinical constraints. Damage to any of the underlying systems will result in different, context-specific instabilities. The effective rehabilitation of balance to improve mobility and to prevent falls requires a better understanding of the multiple mechanisms underlying postural control.
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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of changing mandibular position on body posture and reciprocally, body posture on mandibular position. Forty-five (45) asymptomatic subjects (24 males and 21 females, ages 21-53 years, mean age 30.7 years) were included in this study and randomly assigned to one of two groups, based on the table of random numbers. The only difference between group I and group II was the sequence of the testing. The MatScan (Tekscan, Inc., South Boston, MA) system was used to measure the result of changes in body posture (center of foot pressure: COP) while subjects maintained the following 5 mandibular positions: (1) rest position, (2) centric occlusion, (3) clinically midlined jaw position with the labial frena aligned, (4) a placebo wax appliance, worn around the labial surfaces of the teeth and (5) right eccentric mandibular position. The T-Scan II (Tekscan, Inc., South Boston, MA) system was used to analyze occlusal force distribution in two postural positions, with and without a heel lift under the right foot. Total trajectory length of COP in centric occlusion was shorter than in the rest position (p < 0.05). COP area in right eccentric mandibular position was larger than in centric occlusion (p < 0.05). When subjects used a heel lift under the right foot, occlusal forces shifted to the right side compared to no heel lift (p < 0.01). Based on these findings, it was concluded that changing mandibular position affected body posture. Conversely, changing body posture affected mandibular position.
Background: Seated postural stability can be measured using Tekscan, CONFORMat. Standing postural stability has gained great clinical and, research value by use of different force platforms with mostly good reliability. No reliability testing or biologic variation assessment has been documented regarding seated balance. This study determines the reliability of the parameters of seated balance in healthy children using the Tekscan CONFORMat equipment. Methods: Sixty-six healthy children completed six measurements of seating position the first three with the child seated in a relaxed normal back position and the next three with the child seated in a complete up-right back position. The SAM software calculated five default parameters of balance (area, distance, variability, antero-posterior (AP) excursion and left-right excursion). Results: Reliability parameters were assessed by one-way analysis of variance intra-class correlation (ICC) proving excellent reliability for relaxed and up-right back position with respect to distance (0.75/0.84) and good reliability with respect to variability (0.61/0.62) and area (0.61/0.60). AP excursion (0.41/0.59) and left-right excursion (0.54/0.24) showed fair to poor reliability. Conclusion: In conclusion, two of the five default parameters of balance used in the Tekscan CONFORMat system are direction-independent parameters and have been found reproducible for measuring seated balance in children. This study can be used as reference for comparisons of seated balance in children with affected seated postural control and for evaluating a clinical treatment effect.
To investigate the role of proprioceptors of different skeletal muscles in postural control, in normal subjects and patients with unilateral labyrinthine dysfunction (ULD), the effect of vibration on these muscles was studied by postulography. The subjects comprised 59 normal subjects and 12 patients with ULD due to resection of acoustic tumours. Sagittal body sway was observed during vibration to the triceps surae, tibialis anterior and upper dorsal neck muscles. No significant change in sway was observed in the frontal plane in normal subjects. Significant differences between normal subjects and patients were found on stimulation of the muscle groups of triceps surae and biceps femoris during vibration. In patients with ULD, vibration to the dorsal neck muscles caused a deviation towards the diseased side. It can be speculated that the upper dorsal neck muscle plays an important role in maintaining the body balance in the frontal plane in patients with ULD. On the other hand, the lower extremity muscles...
Even though trigeminovestibular connections are well established in animals, mastication-induced dizziness has been described only as a vascular steal phenomenon in humans. We determined induction or modulation of nystagmus in two index patients with mastication-induced vertigo, 12 normal controls, and 52 additional patients with peripheral (n = 38, 26 with vestibular neuritis/labyrinthitis and 12 with Meniere's disease) or central (n = 14, 11 with Wallenberg syndrome, two with cerebellar infarction, and one with pontine infarction) vestibulopathy during their acute or compensated phase. Both index patients developed mastication-induced vertigo after near complete resolution of the spontaneous vertigo from presumed acute unilateral peripheral vestibulopathy. The nystagmus and vertigo gradually built up during mastication and dissipated slowly after cessation of mastication. Brain MRI and cerebral angiography were normal in these patients. Mastication did not induce nystagmus in normal controls. However, mastication induced nystagmus in five (24 %) of the 21 patients without spontaneous nystagmus (SN) but with a previous history of a vestibular syndrome, and either increased (21/31, 68 %) or decreased (7/31, 23 %) the SN in almost all the patients (28/31, 90 %) with SN. Mastication may induce significant vertigo and nystagmus in patients with a prior history of acute vestibulopathy. The induction or modulation of nystagmus by mastication in both peripheral and central vestibulopathies supports trigeminal modulation of the vestibular system in human. The gradual build-up and dissipation suggest a role of the velocity storage mechanism in the generation of mastication-induced vertigo and nystagmus.
Previous research has shown that mastication reduces shifts in the center of gravity of persons standing still. The present research was conducted to determine whether mastication improves reactive balance in the standing position in response to unanticipated external disturbances. The subjects were 32 healthy male adults (mean age 21.1 years, standard deviation (SD) 0.7 years). Latency data determined with the Motor Control Test of Computerized Dynamic Posturography (CDP) were compared for the three conditions of mastication status, the direction of translation, and the magnitude of translation, using three-way repeated measures ANOVA and lower-order ANOVA with the three conditions separated. Latency was significantly shorter with mastication than with the lower jaw relaxed (P < 0.00001). Mastication alone, however, cannot be considered significant because of the complex interactions involved among the three conditions. Mastication increases not only static balance but also reactive balance in response to unanticipated external disturbances. Gum chewing may therefore reduce falls among elderly persons with impaired balance.
Previous findings, during chewing, that boluses of larger size and harder texture result in larger amplitudes of both mandibular and head-neck movements suggest a relationship between increased chewing load and incremental recruitment of jaw and neck muscles. The present report evaluated jaw (masseter and digastric) and neck [sternocleidomastoid (SCM) and trapezius] muscle activity during the chewing of test foods of different sizes and textures by 10 healthy subjects. Muscle activity was recorded by surface electromyography and simultaneous mandibular and head movements were recorded using an optoelectronic technique. Each subject performed continuous jaw-opening/jaw-closing movements whilst chewing small and large boluses of chewing gum and rubber silicone (Optosil). For jaw opening/jaw closing without a bolus, SCM activity was recorded for jaw opening concomitantly with digastric activity. During chewing, SCM activity was recorded for jaw closing concomitantly with masseter activity. Trapezius activity was present in some, but not all, cycles. For the masseter and SCM muscles, higher activity was seen with larger test foods, suggesting increased demand and recruitment of these muscles in response to an increased chewing load. This result reinforces the previous notion of a close functional connection between the jaw and the neck motor systems in jaw actions and has scientific and clinical significance for studying jaw function and dysfunction.
When chewing solid food, part of the bolus is propelled into the oropharynx before swallowing; this is named stage II transport (St2Tr). However, the tongue movement patterns that comprise St2Tr remain unclear. We investigated coronal jaw and tongue movements using videofluorography. Fourteen healthy young adults ate 6 g each of banana, cookie, and meat (four trials per foodstuff). Small lead markers were glued to the teeth and tongue surface to track movements by videofluorography in the anteroposterior projection. Recordings were divided into jaw motion cycles of four types: stage I transport (St1Tr), chewing, St2Tr, and swallowing. The range of horizontal tongue motion was significantly larger during St1Tr and chewing than during St2Tr and swallowing, whereas vertical tongue movements were significantly larger during chewing and St2Tr than during swallowing. Tongue movements varied significantly with food consistency. We conclude that the small horizontal tongue marker movements during St2Tr and swallowing were consistent with a "squeeze-back" mechanism of bolus propulsion. The vertical dimension was large in chewing and St2Tr, perhaps because of food particle reduction and transport in chewing and St2Tr.
A previous study in our laboratory demonstrated that the soleus H reflex was facilitated during mastication in humans. In the present study, we investigated whether there was any modulation of the magnitude of the pretibial H reflex during mastication in five healthy adult volunteers. The pretibial H reflex was significantly facilitated during mastication, and there was no significant difference in the facilitation between jaw-closing and jaw-opening phases; that is, the gain of the H reflex was modulated tonically but not in a phase-dependent manner during mastication. Furthermore, in the same subjects, we confirmed that the soleus H reflex was facilitated during mastication. Based on our findings, we conclude that the H reflexes in both the pretibial and soleus muscles undergo a nonreciprocal facilitation during mastication. It is suggested that mastication contributes to stabilization of postural stance in humans. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Muscle Nerve 24: 1142–1148, 2001
The purpose of this study was to quantitatively evaluate the effects of experimental leg length discrepancies on body posture and dental occlusion. Thirty asymptomatic subjects (15 males and 15 females, ages 19-33, mean age 25.6 years) were included in this study and randomly assigned to one of two groups based on a table of random numbers. The only difference between group A and group B was the sequence of testing. Experimental leg length discrepancies were provided by using ten types of insoles with heights ranging from one to ten mm at one mm intervals, placed under both feet. The MatScan (Nitta Corp., Osaka, Japan) system was used to measure changes in body posture (center of foot pressure: COP) while subjects maintained the following three postural positions: 1. natural standing posture (control); 2. control with a heel lift under the right foot; or 3. control with a heel lift under the left foot. The T-Scan II system (Nitta Corp., Osaka, Japan) was used to analyze the results of changes in dental occlusion (center of occlusal force: COF) in the above-mentioned three postural positions. When subjects used a heel lift of six mm or more under the right foot, lateral weight distribution (LWD) shifted to the right side compared to the control (p<0.05). When a heel lift of four mm or more was used under the left foot, LWD shifted to the left side compared to the control (p<0.05). When subjects used a heel lift of eight mm or more under the right foot, occlusal force shifted to the right side compared to the control (p<0.05). When subjects used a heel lift of seven mm or more under the left foot, occlusal force shifted to the left side compared to the control (p<0.05). Based on these findings, it was concluded that leg length discrepancy affected body posture and dental occlusion.
Head rotation is coordinated with mandibular movement during mouth opening, and the range of head rotation and mouth opening change with food size. However, past research did not include upper body movement, and no reports have related head and mandibular movement during realistic eating. The purpose of this study was to analyse head and mandibular movements with intake of different-sized food pieces during realistic eating. The test food consisted of apple cut into two different cube sizes (10mm and 20mm). Head and mandibular movements of 20 healthy young adults eating the apple pieces were simultaneously recorded in three dimensions by a wireless opto-electronic system. Reflective markers were attached to the upper lip and chin to measure the mouth opening range. Five markers were attached to eyeglasses frames to measure linear motion and rotation of the head. One marker was attached to the jugular notch of the sternum to measure linear motion of the upper body. Linear motion, and the inclination angle of the head and upper body, and mouth opening range were compared during intake of different-sized apple pieces. Mouth opening, head-neck rotation angle and the amount of upper body forward translation and inclination increased with larger apple pieces. However, isolated relative head motion was stabilized. We conclude that upper body forward motion and head-neck rotation assist mouth opening whilst stabilizing head orientation, and that the range of head-neck rotation angle, upper body translation and range of mouth opening change with food size during realistic eating.
Alterations of body sway caused by isometric contractions of the jaw muscles have been reported previously. The objective of this study was to test if motor tasks of the masticatory system with different control demands affect body posture differently during quiet stance. Position and sway displacements of the center of foot pressure (COP) were measured for 20 healthy subjects who either kept the mandible at rest or performed unilateral and bilateral maximum voluntary teeth clenching, feedback-controlled biting tasks at submaximum bite forces, or unilateral chewing. Two weeks later the measurements were repeated. Compared with quiet stance, the COP results revealed significant changes during the feedback-controlled biting tasks. Robust sway reduction and anterior displacement of the COP were observed under these conditions. Body oscillations were not significantly affected by maximum bites or by unilateral chewing. For most of the variables investigated there were no significant differences between unilateral and bilateral biting. Robust sway reduction during feedback-controlled biting tasks in healthy subjects involved a stiffening phenomenon that was attributed to the common physiological repertoire of posture control, and might optimize the stability of posture under these conditions.
The finding that chewing gum can moderate stress and mood changes following a multi-task cognitive stressor (Scholey et al., 2009) was re-examined. In a repeated measures cross-over design, thirty participants completed a 20-min multi-tasking stressor on consecutive days, both with and without chewing gum. Both prior to and post stressor, participants provided salivary cortisol samples and self-rated measures of stress, state anxiety, calmness, contentedness, and alertness. Contrary to Scholey et al. (2009), chewing gum failed to attenuate both salivary cortisol levels and the increase in self-rated stress. Self-rated anxiety, calmness, and contentedness were not impacted by chewing gum. This suggests that the stress effects reported by Scholey et al. may be constrained by particular features of that study (e.g. morning testing). However, consistent with Scholey et al. (2009), chewing gum was shown to increase alertness following the stressor. The mechanisms underpinning heightened alertness are unclear; however, such increases may be linked to greater cerebral activity following the chewing of gum (Fang Li, Lu, Gong, & Yew, 2005).
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of masticating chewing gum on postural stability during upright standing. To address this issue, 12 healthy subjects performed quiet standing on a force platform for the posturography study. The subjects were instructed to stand as stable as possible on the force platform in order to record the trajectory of the center-of-pressure (COP). After measuring the postural sway in the initial condition (pre-condition), the subjects were asked to stand while masticating chewing gum (gum-condition). Following the gum-condition, quiet standing without mastication was evaluated (post-condition) to ensure the effect of masticating chewing gum on postural stability. The trajectory and velocity of the COP were analyzed for each condition. We found that the postural stability tended to enhance during mastication of chewing gum. The rectangle area of the COP trajectory significantly diminished in the gum-condition and significantly enlarged in the post-condition. A similar effect was observed in the maximum velocity and standard deviation (SD) of the fore-aft amplitude of the COP trajectory. The values were significantly smaller in the gum-condition compared to those in the post-condition. These findings suggest that mastication of chewing gum affects the postural control by enhancing the postural stability during upright standing.
The purpose of this study was to temporally and spatially analyze movements of lower facial skin during left- and right-side chewing in order to examine, from the viewpoint of kinematics, whether functional differences existed between these movements on the two sides. Ten healthy young subjects (aged 24-32 years, mean age 26.7 years) were included in this study. The test bolus used in this study was sufficiently softened chewing gum. The cycle time, mean square error value and mean difference vector value of chewing paths were used as parameters. Cycle times of movements of lower facial skin during gum chewing were invariant and stable on each chewing side, and showed no significant differences between the sides. The similarities of chewing paths and directions of movements of lower facial skin during gum chewing showed mirror-image relationships between the sides. Furthermore, these relationships during gum chewing were stable on both sides. Based on these findings, it was found that movements of lower facial skin during left- and right-side chewing in healthy subjects were temporally and spatially invariant, stable and similar on both sides. Moreover, the present results suggest, from the viewpoint of kinematics, that a functional difference may not exist between these movements on the two sides.
To clarify the response of muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) to static stimulation of otolith organs in a craniocaudal direction (+Gz) in humans, we examined the effect of otolith stimulation on MSNA without changing the effect of cardiopulmonary baroreceptors using a 6-8.5 degrees head-down tilt (HDT) and lower body negative pressure (LBNP) device. Before the study, we established that 6-8.5 degrees HDT with 10 mmHg LBNP caused a fluid shift to the degree that the thoracic impedance was the same as the supine position without LBNP. Subjects were young male volunteers aged 22.1 +/- 3.8 years who gave informed consent. MSNA was recorded from the tibial nerve by microneurography simultaneously with heart rate (ECG), thoracic fluid volume (impedance method), and blood pressure (tonometric method). During 6-8.5 degrees HDT with 10 mmHg LBNP, MSNA was suppressed slightly without significantly changing heart rate, thoracic impedance, or mean arterial blood pressure. The results suggest that the sympathosuppression was related not to the result of cardiopulmonary [correction of cardioplumonary] loading but to the -Gz change (caudocranial direction [correction of dirction]) of 0.1 G. It is estimated that the vestibulo-sympathetic reflex may suppress sympathetic outflow to muscles in humans.
This research contains the data about the center of gravity in parts of human body that is useful for the analysis of human gait, above all, to indicate the locus of center of gravity of the whole human body in gait. My results show how the individual difference of the physique affects on the center of gravity in parts of human body and to what extent we can use the value of the cadaver upon living body.
Mastication is a sensory-motor activity aimed at the preparation of food for swallowing. It is a complex process involving activities of the facial, the elevator and suprahyoidal muscles, and the tongue. These activities result in patterns of rhythmic mandibular movements, food manipulation and the crushing of food between the teeth. Saliva facilitates mastication, moistens the food particles, makes a bolus, and assists swallowing. The movement of the jaw, and thus the neuromuscular control of chewing, plays an important role in the comminution of the food. Characteristics of the food, e.g. water and fat percentage and hardness, are known to influence the masticatory process. Food hardness is sensed during mastication and affects masticatory force, jaw muscle activity, and mandibular jaw movements. When we chew for instance a crispy food, the jaw decelerates and accelerates as a result of resistance and breakage of food particles. The characteristic breakage behaviour of food is essential for the sensory sensation. This study presents a short review of the influence of oral physiology characteristics and food characteristics on the masticatory process.