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Causal Mapping for evaluators

  • Causal Map Ltd
  • Bath Social & Development Research Ltd

Abstract and Figures

p> Evaluators are interested in capturing how things causally influence one another. They are also interested in capturing how stakeholders think things causally influence one another. Causal mapping, the collection, coding and visualisation of interconnected causal claims, has been used widely for several decades across many disciplines for this purpose. It makes the provenance or source of such claims explicit and provides tools for gathering and dealing with this kind of data, and for managing its Janus-like double-life: on the one hand providing information about what people believe causes what and on the other hand preparing this information for possible evaluative judgements about what actually causes what. Specific reference to causal mapping in the evaluation literature is sparse, which we aim to redress here. In particular we address the Janus dilemma by suggesting that causal maps can be understood neither as models of beliefs about causal pathways nor as models of causal pathways per se but as repositories of evidence for those pathways.</p
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Causal mapping for evaluators
Steve Powell [GQ1]
Causal Map Ltd, UK
James Copestake
University of Bath, UK
Fiona Remnant
Bath Social and Development Research Ltd, UK
Corresponding author:
Steve Powell, 49, Highdale Road, Clevedon BS21 7LR, UK. Email:[AQ1]
Evaluators are interested in capturing how things causally influence one another. They are also interested in
capturing how stakeholders think things causally influence one another. Causal mapping – the collection, coding
and visualisation of interconnected causal claims – has been used widely for several decades across many
disciplines for this purpose. It makes the provenance or source of such claims explicit and provides tools for
gathering and dealing with this kind of data and for managing its Janus-like double-life: on the one hand,
providing information about what people believe causes what, and on the other hand, preparing this information
for possible evaluative judgements about what causes what. Specific reference to causal mapping in the evaluation
literature is sparse, which we aim to redress here. In particular, the authors address the Janus dilemma by
suggesting that causal maps can be understood neither as models of beliefs about causal pathways nor as models of
causal pathways per se but as repositories of evidence for those pathways.
Causal mapping, causal pathways, coding, evaluation, qualitative research
This article aims to share the experience of the authors in using the approach of causal mapping within the sphere
of evaluation and their development of more specific guidelines for evaluators who might be interested in using this
as a tool for collating and analysing evidence for causal pathways. During 20 years of conducting evaluations, the
lead author became persuaded of the central importance of collecting and being able to aggregate causal
propositions embedded in written and spoken data. Further interest in causal mapping arose from discussions with
the other authors who had developed a qualitative impact evaluation protocol (the QuIP), which relies on causal
mapping for analysis of narrative data. This prompted further expansion of the search for literature and software
that could assist in systematically constructing causal maps as a way of presenting the outcome of such impact-
evaluation studies. A main product of this action research has been the design of new software and detailed
guidelines for causal mapping,1 which have already been used in many evaluations around the world.2 This article
draws on our joint experience of causal mapping to outline the scope for evaluators to use the approach more
systematically and widely.
This article starts with a brief history of causal mapping and clarifies some definitions. It then reviews causal
mapping within evaluative practice, distinguishing the tasks of gathering data, coding causal claims and answering
evaluative questions. The final section concludes with reflections on the strengths, weaknesses and future potential
of causal mapping in evaluation.
A brief history of causal mapping
Evaluation, © The Author(s) 2023
Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/13563890231196601
Causal mapping – diagramming beliefs about what causes what – has been used since the 1970s across a range of
disciplines from management science to ecology. The idea of wanting to understand the behaviour of actors in
terms of their internal maps of the world can be traced back further to field theory (Tolman, 1948) which
influenced Kelly’s ‘personal construct theory’ (Kelly, 1955). A seminal contribution was made by Robert Axelrod in
political science, with the book The Structure of Decision (Axelrod, 1976). Causal mapping is largely based on
‘concept mapping’ and ‘cognitive mapping’, and sometimes the three terms are used interchangeably, although
‘causal mapping’ strictly involves maps that only include explicit causal links, rather than, for example,
relationships like ‘membership’.3 Axelrod’s book presents a comprehensive idiographic approach to how
individuals make decisions which he himself mostly refers to as ‘cognitive mapping’ (although his definition makes
it clear that all links are causal). An appendix to the book (Wrightson, 1976) gives details about how to code causal
links. Bougon et al. (1977) applied a similar approach to a study of the Utrecht Jazz Orchestra as an organisational
unit, eliciting ‘cause maps’ from several individual members and amalgamating them. One strand of literature
about causal mapping can be located within the wider literature on sensemaking in organisations pioneered by
Weick (1995), and applications within organisations were present almost from the start.
By 1990, there were many different applications of similar ideas, including an edited book (Huff, 1990) that
offered a unitary approach to ‘concept mapping’ in the United States. Most authors (Ackermann and Alexander,
2016: 892; Clarkson and Hodgkinson, 2005: 319; Fiol and Huff, 1992: 268; Laukkanen, 2012: 2; Narayanan, 2005:
2) use a broadly similar definition of a causal map: A causal map is a diagram, or graphical structure, in which
nodes (which we call factors) are joined by directed edges or arrows (which we call links), so that a link from factor
C to factor E means that someone (P) believes that C in some sense causally influences E. There is a constructive
ambiguity (Eden, 1992) about what a collective map is a map of: While maps constructed as a consensus within a
group can plausibly be claimed to map ‘what the group thinks’, this is more problematic for maps constructed post
hoc by synthesising individual maps.
We found no significant deviations from this basic definition of a causal map across all the variants of causal
mapping reviewed in the following sections, with the caveat that there is variation in how explicit different authors
are in describing causal links as representing bare causation as opposed to beliefs about causation.
In the following decades, Eden et al. (1992) applied the approach to understanding and supporting decision-
making in organisations, increasingly using the phrase ‘causal mapping’ rather than ‘cognitive mapping’, and they
subsequently extended the application of causal maps to fields as varied as risk elicitation and information systems
development (Ackermann and Eden, 2011; Ackermann et al., 2014), also developing a series of software packages
beginning with Decision Explorer (Ackermann et al., 1996). There is now a wealth of literature on using causal
mapping for decision support in organisations (including sophisticated approaches to formalise decision support
(Montibeller et al., 2008) and even to rank options (Rodrigues et al., 2017)).
Laukkanen (1994, 2012; Laukkanen and Eriksson, 2013) also wrote extensively on causal mapping and developed
a software programme called CMAP3 for processing both idiographic and comparative causal maps by importing,
combining and analysing factors and links attributed to one or more sources. A broadly similar approach was taken
by Clarkson and Hodgkinson (2005) with their Cognizer approach and software.
Table 1 shows some highlights from the extensive literature on causal mapping. Many of the key ideas were
already in place by the end of the 1970s. The subsequent literature covers a variety of specific techniques to elicit
maps from documents, individuals, sets of individuals and groups, with or without software support, following
protocols from the purely open-ended to those which use strictly pre-defined lists of factors and links (see
Hodgkinson et al (2004) for a comparison of methods), and with aims ranging from strictly idiographic
(understanding individuals in specific contexts as Axelrod did) to more nomothetic, such as Tegarden et al. (2016).
Table 1. Major milestones in the development of the evaluation tool ‘causal mapping’ – the collection, coding
and visualisation of interconnected causal claims.
Reference Main application of
causal mapping Mode of construction Dealing with
Analysis procedures
Axelrod (1976) Understand and
critique decision-
Coding documents Mainly
idiographic Compute polarity of indirect effects in
some cases.
Bougon et al.
(1977) Understand how
organisations are
constructed and can be
Semi-structured interview to identify a
fixed list of factors aka ‘variables’;
respondents then say which are linked
and give the polarity.
maps and
combine into
Identify variables X with high
outdegree and Y with high indegree
and construct an ‘etiograph’ to show all
the multiple paths from one point to
another; discuss how respondents
might have influence over some
Ackermann and
Eden (2004,
2011), Eden
(1992) and
Eden et al.
(1979, 1992)
Decision support and
problem-solving in
organisations. Maps
are seen primarily as
useful tools rather
than research about
Open interviewing of several
respondents based on Kelly’s personal
construct theory. Also map construction
directly with groups (1988).
and analysing
group maps
Various structural measures, presence
of isolated clusters, hierarchical trees,
Simplify individual maps by collapsing
X → Y → Z into X → Z.
(1994, 2012),
Laukkanen and
Eriksson (2013)
Explicitly cognitive, to
improve knowledge
and understanding in
Systematic comparative method with
semi-structured interviewing:
Respondents are given anchor topic(s)
then asked for causes, effects, causes of
study of
Display combined maps for subgroups,
e.g. all local managers.
Reference Main application of
causal mapping Mode of construction Dealing with
Analysis procedures
Axelrod (1976) Understand and Coding documents Mainly Compute polarity of indirect effects in
and Laukkanen
and Wang
causes, effects of effects. Compress the
data by standardising factor names.
Comprehensive coverage of different
map construction possibilities.
data into a
Renewed interest in causal mapping may also be reinforced by the ‘causal revolution’ in quantitative data science
initiated by Judea Pearl (Pearl, 2000; Pearl and Mackenzie, 2018), which has fundamentally challenged the almost
total taboo placed on making or assessing explicit causal claims, which was dominant in statistics for much of the
twentieth century (Powell, 2018), and this has in turn helped rekindle interest in explicitly addressing causation
using qualitative methods.
Causal mapping and most related approaches share the basic idea that causal knowledge – whether generalised
or about a specific case or context – can be at least partially captured in small, relatively portable ‘nuggets’ of
information (Powell, 2018: 52). These can be assembled into larger models of how things worked, or might work, in
some cases. More ambitiously, they may contribute to constructing ‘middle-level theory’ theory, useful for
understanding causal processes in other contexts, without necessarily reaching the level of overarching scientific
laws (Cartwright, 2020). Causal nuggets are also related to the mechanisms that help to explain how people behave
in different contexts (Pawson and Tilley, 1997; Schmitt, 2020). These can be thought of as causal schema and
linked to the hypothesis that human knowledge is stored in chunks that are activated and combined with others in
relevant circumstances. This would suggest that we humans do not have a comprehensive set of causal maps in our
heads at any one time, but we do have a set of more basic components and the ability to assemble them when the
situation calls for it, including when prompted by a researcher.[AQ2]
This approach suggests that our everyday causal understanding is as primary as our perception of, say, colour
and arises from more than empirical observations of associations between objects or events; our ability to infer
causation goes beyond and is not primarily based on noting correlations. And for all its complexity and intuitive
brilliance, it is also just as fallible as our perception of colour or size.
This reaffirms our practice as evaluators of taking the causal claims and opinions of humans (experts and non-
experts) seriously (Maxwell, 2004a, 2004b); indeed, this kind of information is the bread and butter of most
Distinguishing causal mapping from related approaches
Most evaluators are probably more familiar with related approaches under the term ‘systems mapping’, recently
covered by Barbrook-Johnson and Penn (2022a). They provide an overview table of relevant methods on pp. 169 ff.
– fuzzy cognitive maps (FCM), participatory systems mapping (PSM), Bayesian belief networks (BBN), causal loop
diagramming (CLD), systems dynamics (SD) and theory of change (ToC) – which will be briefly mentioned here.
SD, CLDs, FCMs and BBNs are all ways to encode information about networks of interconnected causal links and
follow formal inference rules to make deductions based on them, for example, to calculate the strength of indirect
effects or to predict behaviour over time. The oldest of the three methods, SD (Forrester, 1971), models flows of a
substance (for example, of energy or money) within a network over time, whereas the other three methods model
‘bare’ causal connections between network elements. SD uses general mathematical functions to model the
connections and explicitly models non-linear relationships. CLDs are related but mathematically simpler, modelling
causal effects in a semi-quantitative way. FCMs might seem to be of more interest for causal mapping; Kosko’s
original article on FCM (Kosko, 1986) takes Axelrod’s work as its starting point. This tradition (Chaib-Draa and
Desharnais, 1998; Khan and Quaddus, 2004; Taber, 1991) was originally introduced to model causal reasoning
(Kosko, 1986: 65): If person or group P believes the set of causal propositions making up a map M, the model
attempts to predict the strength with which they could or should also believe some other propositions, for example,
about indirect effects and how they might change over time. In practice, however, FCM is less interested in
cognition than in making predictions about the world. The difference between FCM and the other three methods is
more about the fuzzy logic used to make the predictions rather than about the cognitive nature of the data.
BBNs are also designed to make causal inferences by doing calculations with data about causal connections.
While FCMs make essentially qualitative predictions such as ‘increasing’ and ‘decreasing’, BBNs use directed acyclic
graphs (networks without loops) to make quantitative predictions about the probability of events, particularly
about the probability that one event was the cause of another.
All four approaches are primarily ways to make predictions about causal effects within a network of factors, and
(despite the words ‘cognitive’ and ‘belief’ in the names of two of the fourthree) the relative lack of interest in who is
doing the reasoning sets FCM, BBNs and SD apart from causal mapping as outlined earlier.[AQ4]
In the last few years, PSM has featured in several publications in evaluation journals and guides (Barbrook-
Johnson and Penn, 2021; Hayward et al., 2020; Sedlacko et al., 2014; Wilkinson et al., 2021), alongside mapping of
‘systems effects’ (Craven, 2020). Indeed, Craven’s work (see also Craven, 2017) can be considered causal mapping
with a particular emphasis on systems aspects. Barbrook-Johnson and Penn (2022a) explicitly exclude causal maps
from their overview of systems mapping because they are arguably included via FCM and because they ‘sometimes
emphasise developing representations of individual mental models rather than representations of systems’ (p. 11).
Nevertheless, PSM is closer to the tradition of causal mapping (and of more direct interest to evaluators) than the
previous four approaches because it is a more concrete and pragmatic intervention to construct a map with specific
group of stakeholders to support decisions. A devotee of causal mapping could claim that approaches like PSM are
just variants of what they have been doing for the last 50 years, just as a devotee of systems mapping might
consider causal mapping as a form of PSM.
Finally, logic models and ToC can be considered causal maps in which they make assertions about past or future
causal links that one or more stakeholders believe to be important. They are also political artefacts that aim to
justify and inform action by establishing an agreed synthesis of multiple perceptions of change and may also gain
legitimacy by being the product of an agreed process of participatory planning and co-design. They do not,
however, normally retain information about which stakeholder(s) believe which claim. Reflecting on logic models
and theories of change provides one entry point for thinking more carefully both about who actually makes these
claims and about the symbols and rules employed to construct them (Davies, 2018).
We think it is useful to distinguish this tradition of causal mapping from related activities in six ways, as set out
in the following section. None of these distinctions are definitive, and many are shared with other approaches. To
systems people who want to say that causal mapping is just systems mapping and to causal mappers who want to
say that systems mapping is just causal mapping (and we have heard both arguments many times), we can only say,
perhaps we should all just get to know each other first.
First, the raw material for causal maps comprises claims about, perceptions of or evidence for causal links.
Causal maps are primarily epistemic, meaning that their constituent parts are about beliefs or evidence, not facts;
yet their logic tends to be parallel to, and based upon, the logic of non-epistemic systems maps and similar
diagrams that are broadly used across a range of sciences. Some systems mapping techniques are also sometimes
concerned with stakeholder beliefs; causal mapping does this more systematically.
Second, causal maps tend to be unsophisticated about the types of causal connection they encode. To explain
this, we should note that causal claims in ordinary language are expressed in an endless variety of ways: ‘C made E
happen’, ‘C influenced E’, ‘C may have been necessary for E’, ‘C was one factor blocking E’, ‘C had a detrimental
effect on E’, ‘C had a surprisingly small effect on E’ and so on. With a few exceptions, causal mapping analysts do
not even try to formally encode this rich and unsystematic range of causal nuance, relying instead simply on the
lowest common denominator: A link from X to Y means simply that someone claims that X somehow causally
influences or influenced Y.
There is one exception: Many causal mapping approaches do accommodate information about the polarity of
links, marking each link as either positive or negative, for example, the claim ‘the recession led to unemployment’
could be coded as a negative link from ‘the recession’ to ‘employment’.4
In general, causal maps usually encode a belief about partial causal influences of C on E and only in special cases
do they encode total or exclusive causation such that C entirely determines E. This also means that encoding a
claim does not require us to make any judgement about the quality of the evidence or the ability of the source to
judge that this link was causal (although it may be very useful to do so).
Third, causal mapping often handles large numbers of causal claims, sometimes many thousands. Handling large
numbers of claims en masse in this way is made much easier because of the relatively unsophisticated nature of the
way claims are coded (as discussed earlier).
Related approaches in evaluation tend to bring more sophisticated tools to bear on a much smaller number of
causal links. In process tracing, for example, researchers may produce diagrams depicting claims about causal links
but tend to focus on testing the strength of a relatively small number of specific ‘high-stakes’ causal links, whether
through verbal reasoning, application of Boolean logic or Bayesian updating (Befani and Stedman-Bryce, 2017).
Fourth, causal maps may originate from one or many sources, each reporting on one or many cases. In a causal
map, the links all originate from one person or document a ‘single-source’ or ‘individual’ or ‘idiographic’ causal
map, as in Axelrod’s original work (Axelrod, 1976). But we can also draw causal maps that incorporate information
from a variety of different sources, as illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Combining two separate single-source causal maps into a multi-source map: an illustrative example.
Figure 2.[AQ5] From text to causal mapping via coding, an illustrative example.
The simplest causal maps refer to only one context and contain information from only one source (which may be
the consensus view of several people, treated as speaking with a single voice). Various forms of systems mapping
such as PSM could be understood as a special case of causal mapping in this sense.
There are many other variants. One source might give differentiated information about different cases or
contexts, or many sources might give information about just one context, as when different water systems experts
each give their (possibly differing) opinion about the same water catchment area, for example.
Another frequent type of causal map is drawn from many sources, each reporting on their own situation or
context, such as their perception of drivers of change in their own lives. In coding and analysis of this sort of data,
one source equals one case and one context; these can subsequently be aggregated across many sources who, for
example, all share a similar context.
Fifth, causal maps do not necessarily specify a clear system boundary. The boundaries of a causal map are usually
defined more loosely, partly by data collection but also by the sources themselves. Indeed, some systems proponents
would say that the term ‘systems diagram’ simply signals a readiness to use systems approaches (Williams, 2022).
Finally, causal mapping, especially in management sciences and operations research, has nearly always been at
least as interested in process as in the result. There is often a focus on the process of reaching consensus as part of
the task of solving a business problem, rather than on the universal accuracy or validity of the final map.
Janus: Causal mappers face in two directions
It is worth concluding this section by highlighting how, like Janus, the causal mapper looks in two directions at
once: sometimes interpreting maps as perceptions of causation but also often wanting to make the leap to
inferences about actual causation. As Laukkanen and Wang (2016: 3) point out, while conceptually poles apart, in
practice, the two functions can be hard to distinguish, particularly without sufficient explanation about source
information and how this has been analysed. We see the job of the causal mapper as being primarily to collect and
accurately visualise evidence from different sources, often leaving it to others (or to themselves wearing a different
hat) to draw conclusions about what doing so reveals about the real world. This second interpretative step goes
beyond causal mapping per se (Copestake, 2021; Copestake et al., 2019a; Powell et al., 2023).
Seen as models of the world, causal maps, like systems maps, are fallible but useful: We can use inference rules
(which are explicitly set out in FCMs, SDs, BBNs and CLDs and are implicit in other related approaches) to make
deductions about the world. Seen as models of individuals’ causal beliefs, we can arguably use analogous rules,
perhaps also including rules from epistemic logic, to make deductions about what individuals ought to believe.5
However, we argue that evaluators can break the Janus dilemma and make the best use of causal maps in
evaluation by considering causal maps not primarily as models of either beliefs or facts but as repositories of causal
evidence. We can use more- or less-explicit rules of deduction, not to make inferences about beliefs, nor directly
about the world, but to organise evidence: to ask and answer questions such as:
Is there any evidence that X influences Z?
… directly, or indirectly?
… if so, how much?
Is there more or less evidence for any path from X to Z compared to any path from W to Z?
How many sources mentioned a path from X to Z?
… of these, how many sources were reliable?
We also argue that this is a good way of understanding what evaluators are already doing: gathering and
assembling data from different sources about causal connections in order to weigh up the evidence for pathways of
particular interest, like the pathways from an intervention to an outcome.
Causal mapping in evaluation: Three tasks
Causal mapping offers ways to organise, combine, present and make deductions from a large number of relatively
unstructured causal claims – the sort of data that are often collected in evaluations. Different approaches to these
three tasks are discussed in turn in the following sections.
Task 1: Gathering narrative data
How to collect causal claims from which to draw causal maps? There are a wide variety of options, including in-
depth individual interviews (Ackermann and Eden, 2004), reuse of open-ended questions in structured surveys
(Jackson and Trochim, 2002), literature reviews (in which ‘sources’ can be documents rather than individuals) and
archival or secondary material within which pre-existing causal claims are already made (Copestake, 2020). Other
approaches aim to build consensus by using structured collaborative processes, including Delphi studies and PSM
(Penn and Barbrook-Johnson, 2019). Guidelines for causal mapping may include procedures for collecting primary
data, with forms of elicitation including back-chaining (‘what influenced what?’) and forward-chaining (what
resulted, or could result, from this?)
When gathering primary data, the way in which questions are asked influences the meaning of the maps and
their links. For example, in the QuIP, (Copestake et al., 2019b) respondents are asked to identify causes of changes,
then causes of the causes and so on. This means that most of the factors are not expressed directly as variables that
may go up or down (e.g. ‘harvest’, ‘hunger’) but already as changes in something, such as ‘an improved harvest’ or
‘reduced hunger’). This has implications for how positive and negative statements are combined, as discussed in the
following section.
With primary data collection, we can distinguish between relatively closed and open approaches and whether
respondents are forced to choose between pre-selected optional answers or can formulate their own (see Table 2).
Interviewers may also be guided by a chaining algorithm; for example, they may be instructed to iteratively ask
questions like ‘You mentioned X, please could you tell me what were the main factors that influenced X or led to it
Table 2. Different approaches within primary data collection for causal mapping, with example questions.
Admissible answers
Scope of questions Explicit: Factors are explicitly identified Implicit: Factors are not explicitly
Closed: questions with a
predetermined focus Which factors in this list influenced this particular event? What influenced this particular
Open: a freer discussion Identify the biggest change you experienced in relation to X, and
list three factors that influenced it. Tell me what has changed for you
in the last x years.
Task 2: Coding causal claims or causal data analysis (QDA)
Some approaches such as that suggested by Markiczy and Goldberg (1995) directly elicit causal links from their
sources, perhaps by asking respondents to suggest causal links between a predetermined list of causal factors, and
thus, after finishing Task 1, are already in a position to create causal maps. More explicitly, qualitative approaches
are faced with Task 2: encoding causal claims in the form of explicit causal links and factors. This task is similar to
ordinary qualitative data analysis (QDA), whether done manually or using tools like NVivo, Dedoose and AtlasTI.
However, these tools are designed to capture general concepts, rather than claimed causal links between concepts,
which is what we need for causal mapping. QDA for causal mapping also starts with a corpus of narrative data, but
it does not create causal links between independent concepts that might already have been coded using ordinary
non-causal thematic analyses. Rather, in causal QDA, the primary act of coding is to highlight a specific quote from
within a statement and identify the causal claim made by simultaneously identifying a pair of causal factors: an
‘influence factor’ and a ‘consequence factor’. See Figure 2.6
The causal factors only exist as one or other end of a causal link and have no meaning on their own.7 Each claim
forms a link in the visual representation of the causal map. The Axelrod school had its own coding manual
describing how to highlight areas of text expressing causal connections and code them as links between causal
factors, originally inspired by evaluative assertion analysis (Osgood et al., 1956).
Manual causal coding of text data, like ordinary thematic coding, requires a considerable investment of time and
expertise to do well. We now use natural language processing to at least partially automate this; however, the
process is essentially the same, and discussion of this is beyond the scope of the present article.
Where do the labels for the causal factors come from? As with ordinary QDA and thematic analysis (Braun and
Clarke, 2006), approaches vary in the extent to which they are purely exploratory or seek to confirm prior theory
(Copestake, 2014). Exploratory coding entails trying to identify different causal claims embedded in what people
say, creating factor labels inductively and iteratively from the narrative data. Different respondents will not, of
course, always use precisely the same phrases, and it is a creative challenge to create and curate this list of causal
factors. For example, if Alice says ‘Feeling good about the future is one thing that increases your wellbeing’, is this
element ‘Feeling good about the future’ the same as ‘Being confident about tomorrow’ which Bob mentioned
earlier? Should we encode them both as the same thing, and if so, what shall we call it? We might choose ‘Positive
view of future’, but how well does this cover both cases? Laukkanen (1994) discusses strategies for finding common
vocabularies. As in ordinary QDA, analysts will usually find themselves generating an ever-growing list of factors
and will need to continually consider how to consolidate it – sometimes using strategies such as hierarchical coding
or ‘nesting’ factors (as discussed in the following section).
The alternative to exploratory coding is confirmatory coding, which employs an agreed code book, derived from a
ToC and/or from prior studies. QuIP studies mostly use exploratory coding but sometimes supplement labels with
additional codes derived from a project’s ToC, for example, ‘attribution coding’ helps to signify which factors
explicitly refer to a specific intervention being evaluated (Copestake et al., 2019b: 257). However, careful
sequencing matters here because pre-set codes may frame or bias how the coder sees the data (Copestake et al.,
2019a). Again, the positionality of the coder matters just as much when doing causal coding as it does for any other
form of qualitative data coding.
Combining Tasks 1 and 2
Tasks 1 and 2 result in a coded data set of causal claims, each of which consists of (at the very least) the labels for a
pair of causal factors. Those using a more-explicit elicitation approach have been able to skip Task 2.
Task 3: Answering evaluation questions
Causal maps help us to assemble evidence for the causal processes at work in specified domains, including the
influence of activities being evaluated. They can also help expose differences between the evidence given by different
sources and differences between the analysed data and theories of change derived from other sources, including
those officially espoused by the commissioner of the evaluation (Powell et al., 2023). The identification of
differences in understanding can then feed into further enquiry, analysis and action concerning why people have
different views, what the implications of this are and how these might be addressed.
Focusing on causal claims is of course only one way of answering evaluation questions from a corpus of text data.
But it is productive because many evaluation questions are at least partly about causation and causal contribution,
and we have found that causal mapping points to possible answers to these questions relatively rapidly compared to
more generic QDA approaches. Answering questions about efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability, for
example, all depend on identifying the causal effects of a specific intervention, be they perceived as positive or
negative, intended or unintended (OECD, 2010). Even ‘relevance’ can have a causal interpretation in the sense that
an intervention is relevant if it is doing the right thing: Whether it is likely to help to address the needs of
stakeholders is at least partly a judgement about its causal powers.
For a data set comprising hundreds or thousands of links, an unfiltered global map of all the links is a
bewildering and useless ‘hairball’ that includes everything but highlights nothing. One way to simplify is to derive
from the global map several smaller maps that focus on different features of the data. For example, maps may
selectively forward-chain the multiple consequences of a single cause – including those activities being evaluated:
effects of causes (Goertz and Mahoney, 2006) – or trace back to the multiple contributory causes of an anticipated
or highly valued outcome or consequence: causes of effects. A series of simpler causal maps, each selected
transparently to address a specific question, generally adds more value to an evaluation than a complicated, if
comprehensive, single map that is hard to interpret. The downside of this is that selectivity in what is mapped and
is not mapped from a single database opens up the possibility of deliberate bias in selection, including omitting to
show negative stories.8
Sets of individual links with the same influence and consequence factor (co-terminal links) are usually
represented bundled together as a single line, often with thickness of the line indicating the number of citations,
and/or with a label showing the number of links in the bundle. The map has not fundamentally changed, but the
visualisation is much simpler.
Another way to simplify a global causal map is to produce an overview map showing only the most frequently
mentioned factors and/or links. Care should be taken if this leads to omitting potentially important but
infrequently mentioned evidence about, for example, an unintended consequence of an intervention.
Another common way to simplify is to combine sets of very similar factors into one. For example, if hierarchical
coding has been used, it is possible (with caveats) to ‘roll up’ lower-level factors (such as health behaviour; hand
washing and health behaviour; boiling water) into their higher-level parents (health behaviour), rerouting links to
and from the lower-level factors to the parent (Bana e Costa et al., 1999).
Large causal maps can also be analysed quantitatively, including by tabulating which factors are mentioned most
often, identifying which are most centrally connected or calculating indicators of overall map density, such as the
ratio of links to factors (Klintwall et al., 2023; Nadkarni and Narayanan, 2005). We are wary of the value of
summarising maps in this way, not least because results are highly sensitive to the granularity of coding. For
example, although a specific factor such as ‘improved health’ might have been mentioned most often, if two
subsidiary factors had been used instead (such as ‘improved child health’ and ‘improved adult health’), these two
separate factors would not have scored so highly.
Causal mapping has some limitations. First, the credibility of the causal arguments which can be derived from a
map is limited by the credibility of the original data sources. We see the job of causal mapping as collecting,
organising and synthesising a large number of claims about what causes what; drawing conclusions about what
this actually reveals about the world is a final step that goes beyond causal mapping per se. In specific cases,
establishing explicit and context-specific rules of inference may help to make this final step. For example, it might
be agreed that a reasonable threshold of evidence that C influenced E is that (i) a specified number or proportion of
respondents independently mentioned the link; (ii) the connection can be plausibly explained theoretically and (iii)
researchers anticipated confirmation bias and other potential sources of bias and took adequate steps to mitigate
against them. See Tegarden et al. (2016) for a discussion of the role of anonymity in causal mapping in
A second limitation of causal mapping is the difficulty it has in systematically capturing the strength or type of
causal influence. It is relatively rare in open conversation for people to indicate in a consistent way the magnitude
of the effect of C on E, or whether C was a necessary or sufficient condition for E or precisely how certain they are
about the connection. There is of course scope for framing questions to encourage people to ascribe weights to their
answers, which can then be incorporated into the way maps are constructed. But imposed precision risks turning
into spurious precision, and stronger framing of questions may distract from other issues and nuances that more
open-ended questioning might otherwise have elicited.
An illustrative example
A positive feature of causal maps, illustrated by Figure 3, is that they capture a lot of information in a way that is
quick and easy to understand. This example reveals that Source S provided a narrative that connects the
intervention to improved feeling of wellbeing as a direct consequence of taking more exercise and via the effect of
this on their health. This source also suggests a positive feedback loop, with more exercise making them more
physically fit and encouraging even more exercise. The information from Source T is more fragmented; there are
two causal statements claiming S that improved feeling of wellbeing can result from more exercise and improved
health, although T does not link the two causally, nor make any causal link back to the intervention. In addition, T
suggests that an additional factor, ‘more confidence in the future’, also contributes to improved feeling of wellbeing.
The two sources of evidence do agree on certain points; there is scope for generalisation beyond either individual
source (and can be scaled up from here), both in assessing the multiple outcomes of the intervention and in
understanding what explains improved feeling of wellbeing. Generalisability is strengthened when a link is reported
by different sources in different contexts. We believe that within causal mapping, we should never make the
mistake of thinking that stronger evidence for a causal link is evidence that the causal link is strong; only that there
is more evidence for it.[AQ6]
Figure 3. An illustrative example of a very simple causal map.
The example also reveals some weaknesses of causal maps. First, there is ambiguity about the precise meaning of
the labels and the extent to which their use is conceptually equivalent between the two sources. There is also
ambiguity about whether they are referring to their own personal experience (and if so, over what period) or
speaking in more general terms. Furthermore, the diagram sacrifices details, including how the statements shown
relate to the wider context within which each source is situated. To mitigate this, an important feature of any
causal mapping procedure is how easily it permits the user to trace back from the diagram to the underlying
transcripts and key information about the source (e.g. gender, age, location etc.). Where this is possible, the
diagram can be regarded in part as an index or contents page – an efficient route to searching the full database to
pull out all the data relating to a specific factor or causal link.
Even with a simple example like this, we can answer many questions by visually examining the paths. But
analysis of larger data sets might be simplified by selecting only all the paths between a selected cause and
consequence to produce what Bougon et al (1977) called an ‘etiograph’. Eden et al. (1992) go so far as to collapse
some causal paths into individual links, simply removing intervening factors.
Our causal map software uses the ‘maximum flow/minimum cut’ algorithm (Erickson, 2019), which quantifies
the robustness of longer paths from C to E by calculating the minimum number of causal claims, which would have
to be invalidated or lost to remove any possible causal pathway between them. This is simply the idea that the
strength of an argument is dependent on the strength of its weakest link, extended to apply to an interconnected
network rather than a single chain. In other words, we can express a path through a causal map as a possible
argument: An argument can be constructed that C causally influences D, and then E. This also provides ways to
formally address questions such as ‘how robust is the evidence for the influence of C on E, compared to evidence for
the influence of B on E?’. As our causal evidence will often be of varying quality and reliability, we are advised to
also construct and compare paths that consist only of evidence from the most reliable sources.[AQ7]
We prefer to talk about possible arguments here because this sidesteps the (also interesting) question of whether
any individual source made any such argument in its entirety, with all its constituent links.9 In many
circumstances, evidence for a causal path derived from different sources and contexts can be considered to
strengthen the argument, whereas heaps of evidence from the same source will not. To address this kind of issue
directly, we can use a complementary measure ‘source thread count’ as a measure of the strength of the argument
from C to E: the number of sources, each of which mentions any complete path from C to E.
Where there are many sources, it may also be useful to identify variation in which subgroups support different
possible arguments. For example, Markiczy and Goldberg (1995) use dimension-reduction techniques on the table
of all links reported by all sources to identify clusters of sources so that the members of each cluster are maximally
similar to one another in terms of the links they report, and so that the clusters taken as a whole are maximally
different from one another. These groups can also be cross-tabulated with existing metadata, to interpret them as,
for example, young city-dwellers versus older rural residents.
The transitivity trap
Transitivity is perhaps the single most important challenge for causal mapping. Consider the following example. If
source P [pig farmer] states ‘I received cash grant compensation for pig diseases [G], so I had more cash [C]’,
source W [wheat farmer] states ‘I had more cash [C], so I bought more seeds [S]’,
can we then deduce that pig diseases lead to more cash which leads to more seed (G C S), and therefore G
S (there is evidence for an indirect effect of G on S, i.e. that cash grants for pig diseases lead to people
buying more seeds)?10
The answer is of course that we cannot because the first part only makes sense for pig farmers, and the second
part only makes sense for wheat farmers. In general, from G C (in context P) and C S (in context W), we can
only conclude that G S in the intersection of the contexts P and W.
Correctly making inferences about indirect effects is the key benefit but also the key challenge for any approach
which uses causal diagrams or maps, including quantitative approaches (Bollen, 1987).
Constructing causal maps can help evaluators use narrative evidence from multiple sources to answer questions
about the evidence for the influence of interventions on outcomes (direct and indirect; intended and unintended)
along with the evidence for influence of contextual factors. Second, causal maps also enable evaluators to sort,
search, summarise and analyse narrative evidence more easily and systematically and to select suitable examples
and quotations to illustrate key observations and arguments. Third, done correctly, it can enhance the credibility of
causal findings and conclusions by making the process by which they were generated more systematic and
transparent, leaving them open to peer review. Fourth, causal maps produce graphics that can cut through the
complexity of language and grammar by visualising the relatively simple cognitive connections that inform our
everyday thinking and speech.
In addressing core questions which evaluators are tasked with answering, causal mapping also draws on a long if
fragmented literature; it can be integrated or combined with a range of methodological approaches and methods,
including realist evaluation (Pawson and Tilley, 1997), outcome harvesting (Wilson-Grau and Britt, 2012), process
tracing (Bennett and Checkel, 2015), contribution analysis (Mayne, 2001), most significant change (Dart and
Davies, 2003) and the QuIP (Copestake et al., 2019a). What has been lacking, we suggest, is greater clarity and
consistency about what causal mapping means for evaluators.
Key to doing so is recognising head-on the ambiguity of much narrative causal data, particularly when
confronted with large bodies of data collected in disparate ways. Evaluators must contend with messiness:
imprecise system boundaries, differing specification of claimed causal influences and lack of clear or consistent
information about what case or group of cases claims refer to. Causal mapping can contend with all this ambiguity
rather than shying away from it. It can make use of messy operational data, treating urgent, unexpected and
unstructured information at face value. This is made possible by distinguishing clearly between two analytical steps
in evaluation: The first is to gather, understand and assemble causal evidence from different sources (those in a
position to have useful evidence about relevant causal links and chains) to construct, compare and contrast the
evidence for and against different possible causal pathways. By focusing on this task, causal mapping lays a more
reliable foundation for the second, often critical, task of using the assembled data to make judgements about what
is in fact really happening. This avoids the confusion and ambiguity that often arises when evaluators seek to
address both steps simultaneously by constraining what data are collected to fit a prior view of reality which other
stakeholders may or may not share.
Focusing the methodological lens on causal mapping as a discrete, central evaluation task opens promising
avenues for further research. First, there is scope for causal meta-analysis of existing evaluation reports (see Powell
(2020) for an example). Second, there is scope for more research into the task of integrating causal mapping with
wider debates about the interface between fact and value (Powell, 2019) – evaluation as social science and as
applied moral philosophy (Schwandt and Gates, 2021). Third, there is scope for delving more deeply into the
process and logic of causal mapping itself, including how to manage directly conflicting causal claims, how to assess
and improve inter-rater reliability of coding and how to automate coding using machine learning.
In our effort to recommend causal mapping to evaluators, we have relied heavily on the extensive causal mapping
literature. In this article, we have also briefly outlined some modest contributions of our own. First, we outline a
way to understand document processing for causal mapping as ‘causal QDA’, in which the tags are entire causal
links. We mentioned our barefoot approach to causal QDA, which sticks close to the original text and unusually
does not rest on an assumption that causal factors are variables and which therefore does not distinguish between
positive and negative links. Second, we show evaluators a way out of the Janus dilemma (is a causal map a model of
the world? Or is it a model only of beliefs?) by understanding causal maps as repositories of evidence for
interconnected causal links, out of which it is possible to construct and compare arguments for causal pathways of
interest. We also suggest the maximum flow/minimum cut algorithm as a way to calculate and compare the
robustness of an argument. Third, we highlight transitivity (deducing C E from C D and D E) as a key strength as
well as a potential danger (the transitivity trap) within causal mapping. The risks of drawing spurious conclusions
from incompletely specified data highlight the continuing importance of experienced evaluators who understand
and relate findings to the context surrounding the data and refer back constantly to the original data. Causal
mapping is a tool which can help to speed up the process and lift the lid on the black box of qualitative analysis, but
it is no silver bullet; the findings must still be processed, digested and interpreted. Finally, we suggest that all
theory-based evaluation, insofar as it involves assembling (and drawing conclusions from) evidence about causal
connections within a programme model, can be understood as a kind of causal mapping.
Declaration of conflicting interests
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or
publication of this article.
The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
Steve Powell
Fiona Remnant
1. An informal guide to our approach to causal mapping is available at:
2. See and
study for some example reports using causal mapping.
3. See Karl and Weick (2001: 311) for further discussion, which acknowledges some variation in how different
authors distinguish between cognitive maps in general and causal maps in particular.
4. Our own approach ( diverges from this, for reasons which
are beyond the scope of this article.
5. Axelrod (1976) was particularly interested in using cognitive maps to evaluate whether a decision maker’s causal
theory was relevant and rational from their own perspective. To achieve this, he emphasised that ‘the options, the
goals, the ultimate utility, and the relevant intervening concepts should all be included in the cognitive map of a
decision maker. Moreover, the evaluative theory of decision making that is employed should be sufficiently
sophisticated as not to beg the important questions involved in reaching a complex policy decision’ Axelrod (1976:
6. We use the phrases ‘influence factor’ and ‘consequence factor’ rather than ‘cause’ and ‘effect’ when we want to
avert the danger that a factor might be construed in a deterministic way as the cause or the effect of something
7. In practice, it is convenient to allow the analyst to code some non-causal claims too, such as ‘there was a good
harvest this year’. This amounts to creating a factor without a causal link and is especially useful to cover discussion
of factors which may also appear elsewhere as part of causal claims (e.g. ‘thanks to the new seeds there was a good
harvest this year’).
8. These risks can be mitigated by agreeing in advance on the forms of maps to be produced and also by making
the full causal database available for peer review. But being overly prescriptive in this also carries risks of adding to
cost and length of reports.
9. The idea of evaluation as argument goes back at least to House (1977) and see also Gates and Dyson (2017).
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Steve Powell is a freelance evaluator and Director of Causal Map Ltd. He has been working as an evaluator for 25
years, mainly in international development.
James Copestake is a Professor in the Department of Social & Policy Sciences with research interests in the
political economy of development finance.
Fiona Remnant is Director of non-profit evaluation consultancy Bath Social & Development Research and of
software company Causal Map Ltd. Bath Social & Development Research specialises in qualitative social impact
assessment using the Qualitative Impact Protocol.
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Full-text available
What do the intended beneficiaries of international development programmes think about the causal drivers of change in their livelihoods and lives? Do their perceptions match up with the theories of change constructed by organizations trying to support them? This case study looks at an entrepreneurship programme aiming to economically empower rural women smallholders in Ghana. The programme provided a combination of financial services, training and peer support to improve the women’s productivity, and purchase and sale options. It was implemented by two Ghanian savings and credit organizations, Opportunity International Savings and Loans, and Sinapi Aba Savings and Loans, with support from the development organization Opportunity International UK (OIUK). We report on a mid-term qualitative evaluation of the programme that used the Qualitative Impact Protocol (QuIP) to gather stories of change directly from the programme participants. These stories were coded, analysed and visualized using a web application called Causal Map.
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Personalized case conceptualization is often regarded as a prerequisite for treatment success in psychotherapy for patients with comorbidity. This article presents Perceived Causal Networks, a novel method in which patients rate perceived causal relations among behavioral and emotional problems. First, 231 respondents screening positive for depression completed an online Perceived Causal Networks questionnaire. Median completion time (including repeat items to assess immediate test–retest reliability) was 22.7 minutes, and centrality measures showed excellent immediate test–retest reliability. Networks were highly idiosyncratic, but worrying and ruminating were the most central items for a third of respondents. Second, 50 psychotherapists rated the clinical utility of Perceived Causal Networks visualizations. Ninety-six percent rated the networks as clinically useful, and the information in the individual visualizations was judged to contain 47% of the information typically collected during a psychotherapy assessment phase. Future studies should individualize networks further and evaluate the validity of perceived causal relations.
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The use of complexity science in evaluation has received growing attention over the last 20 years. We present the use of a novel complexity-appropriate method – Participatory Systems Mapping – in two real-world evaluation contexts and consider how this method can be applied more widely in evaluation. Participatory Systems Mapping involves the production of a causal map of a system by a diverse set of stakeholders. The map, once refined and validated, can be analysed and used in a variety of ways in an evaluation or in evaluation planning. The analysis approach combines network analysis with subjective information from stakeholders. We suggest Participatory Systems Mapping shows great potential to offer value to evaluators due to the unique insights it offers, the relative ease of its use, and its complementarity with existing evaluation approaches and methods.
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Theory of Change diagrams are commonly used within evaluation. Due to their popularity and flexibility, Theories of Change can vary greatly, from the nuanced and nested, through to simplified and linear. We present a methodology for building genuinely holistic, complexity-appropriate, system-based Theory of Change diagrams, using Participatory Systems Mapping as a starting point. Participatory System Maps provide a general-purpose resource that can be used in many ways; however, knowing how to turn their complex view of a system into something actionable for evaluation purposes is difficult. The methodology outlined in this article gives this starting point and plots a path through from systems mapping to a Theory of Change evaluators can use. It allows evaluators to develop practical Theories of Change that take into account feedbacks, wider context and potential negative or unexpected outcomes. We use the example of the energy trilemma map presented elsewhere in this special issue to demonstrate.
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Despite increased discussions in the community and a common understanding about the virtue of mechanism‐based explanation, little is known about the true benefits and challenges of applying causal mechanism analysis in practice. This chapter aims to introduce the reader to the topic of causal mechanisms and synthesize significant findings on this special issue. It begins by laying out definitions and concepts of causal mechanisms in evaluation literature and proposes a two‐way classification of causal mechanisms along which the chapters to this issue are structured. The chapter continues by introducing the Causal Mechanism Claim and elaborates on how analyzing causal mechanisms is expected to increase policy relevance and causal capacity in evaluations. Drawing on this issue's rich corpus of firsthand practical experience, this introduction synthesizes key lessons that support or contradict the Causal Mechanism Claim. We find that both parts of the claim—increased policy relevance and strengthened causal capacity—are supported by the authors' experiences as bundled in this issue. However, we also identify challenges related to cross‐cutting issues such as communication and practical applicability and point to the importance of method integration.
Much applied research takes place as if complex social problems—and evaluations of interventions to address them—can be dealt with in a purely technical way. In contrast, this groundbreaking book offers an alternative approach that incorporates sustained, systematic reflection about researchers' values, what values research promotes, how decisions about what to value are made and by whom, and how judging the value of social interventions takes place. The authors offer practical and conceptual guidance to help researchers engage meaningfully with value conflicts and refine their capacity to engage in deliberative argumentation. Pedagogical features include a detailed evaluation case, “Bridge to Practice” exercises and annotated resources in most chapters, and an end-of-book glossary.
What wider lessons can be drawn from a single impact evaluation study? This article examines how case study and source selection contribute to useful generalisation. Practical suggestions for making these decisions are drawn from a set of qualitative impact studies. Generalising about impact is a deliberative process of building, testing and refining useful theories about how change happens. To serve this goal, purposive selection can support more credible generalisation than random selection by systematically and transparently drawing upon prior knowledge of variation in actions, contexts, and outcomes to test theory against diverse, deviant and anomalous cases.
Identifying what different stakeholders in a business need from Information Systems development has always been seen as problematic. There are numerous cases of failure as projects run over time, over budget, and, most significantly, do not meet the needs of the user population. Whilst having a structured design process can go some way towards reducing the potential of failure, these methodologies do not attend sufficiently to clarifying and agreeing objectives or to considering the social and cultural elements inherent in the ownership and adoption of any new system. Instigating an effective, and structured, dialogue between users, developers and, when appropriate, sponsors, is therefore a critical consideration. Linking user needs, as they see them, to the language of IS developers and vice versa is crucial. Both parties need ownership. This chapter focuses upon the use of causal mapping, supported where appropriate by special software, that facilitates the development of a shared understanding (of both business needs and IT opportunities) and through this common platform enables a negotiated and agreed outcome. The nature of the outcome invites translation to structured design processes.