
A Systematic Literature Review (SLR): Implementasi Audiobook pada Pembelajaran di Sekolah Dasar

  • Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
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Audiobooks are a form of technological development that allows students and teachers to access information more easily and flexibly. This study uses the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method by analyzing relevant previous studies and providing a clear and comprehensive description of the use of audiobooks in the context of learning in schools. This research can provide practical recommendations for teachers and schools in implementing audiobooks as part of their learning strategies, as well as other researchers who are interested in researching audiobooks in learning. The results of this study indicate that the use of audiobooks in school learning has been extensively researched and implemented in various contexts and subjects in various countries. Of the 100 articles identified, 72% were written in English, and this research shows that the use of audiobooks in learning is mostly implemented in language subjects. In addition, the type of research that is most often used is qualitative, while the subjects that are most often the focus of research are students, especially to develop listening and reading competencies. Indonesia was also identified as the country that most often conducts research on the implementation of audiobooks in classroom learning.

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... This research uses a qualitative methodology based on a systematic review of the literature (SLR). SLR is defined as a research method that uses systematic reviews and meta-analyses by presenting the results using data analysis results that have been combined from various previous studies with similar topics based on academic data published in a scientific journal (method) [8]. The research data that researchers use in this study comes from scientific articles contained in national and international indexed journals. ...
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Digital transformation in the field of education has influenced the teaching and learning process as well as the administration and financial management of schools. Financial management at the elementary school level is crucial for determining the quality of education, requiring principles of fairness, efficiency, transparency, and accountability. This study aims to analyze the use of digital platforms in financial management of elementary schools, identify the benefits and challenges faced, and find solutions to overcome these obstacles. The research method used is Systematic Literature Review (SLR). The research findings show that the implementation of digital-based financial management in schools has been widely adopted, including the use of applications, virtual accounts, and e-commerce. The benefits obtained include increased efficiency, transparency, and accuracy in fund management. However, the challenges faced include limitations in technological infrastructure, lack of understanding and skills among educators, and data security issues. Additionally, internet network factors and uneven internet literacy in the community also pose challenges. Thus, this research provides insights and guidance for schools and other stakeholders to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of financial management in elementary schools through digital technology.
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This research discusses the role of Ria Miranda in improving the implementation of the Ramadan Campaign towards Giordano product sales. With the development of time and changes in societal behavior, Giordano collaborates with local designers with the aim of boosting product sales. This involves determining materials and ornaments that form the basis of the theme chosen for the campaign. This study also examines the marketing strategies employed by both brands, such as conducting product launching events, optimizing public figures as promotional mediums to foster positive interaction towards purchase intention. Collaborative strategies between brands to enhance campaign execution are considered to be relatively easy and effective in their application, thus influencing sales increase.
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Penelitian ini mengadopsi pendekatan kajian literatur untuk memberikan gambaran mendalam tentang kebijakan digital marketing dan dampaknya terhadap brand awareness. Dengan mengumpulkan data dari berbagai sumber, termasuk jurnal-jurnal terkemuka melalui software Publish or Perish dengan metode diagram PRISMA, kami mengidentifikasi 48 artikel terkait tema Digital Marketing dan Brand Awareness dari tahun 2010 hingga 2022. Meskipun memberikan wawasan yang berharga, penelitian ini memiliki keterbatasan, seperti fokus pada periode tertentu dan kemungkinan adanya publikasi-publikasi terkini yang belum tercakup. Kesimpulan menyatakan bahwa kompleksitas tantangan dan peluang dalam praktik pemasaran digital memerlukan pemahaman mendalam dan pendekatan inovatif. Meskipun data mungkin tidak melibatkan seluruh literatur yang tersedia, penelitian ini tetap menjadi dasar untuk pemahaman lebih lanjut dan pengembangan strategi pemasaran yang lebih efektif di era digital yang terus berkembang.
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Gamification plays an essential role in supporting educational goals. Existing literature confirmed that gamification has been widely used to elevate student achievement in many fields. This study examines the current status and research trends of gamification applications in higher education by conducting a comprehensive bibliometric analysis during the period 2013-2022. This study focuses on publication language, growth rates, most frequent author keywords, most cited papers, most prolific authors, most impactful journals, most productive institutions, and most active countries. For bibliometric mapping analysis, a total of 819 peer-reviewed journal articles were retrieved from the Scopus database. The results showed that: (1) the majority of the manuscripts are written in English, (2) the peak of publication is 2021 with 216 papers, (3) gamification, higher education, and motivation have been the most used keywords, (4) the works of Domínguez et al., de-Marcos et al., and Buckley and Doyle have been the most frequently cited documents, (5) de-Marcos, Boyle, and Pérez-López have been the most important authors, (6) Sustainability, International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, and Journal of Chemical Education have been among the top journals, (7) Universidad de Granada, Universidad de Sevilla, and Tecnologico de Monterrey have been the top institutions, and (8) Spain, the US, and the UK have been the most important countries in this area. This study offers a useful contribution in the area and provides a comprehensive overview, scientific landscape, and future direction of the field.
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Listening competence is a significant component of foreign language teachers’ professional competence. Thus, its sufficient development is one of the major concerns of higher pedagogical education in Ukraine. The article presents a methodological procedure for teaching listening skills on the basis of fiction audiobooks, encompassing current principles of listening instruction. Each key stage of the developed sequence includes in class and out-of class work. They are the following: pre-listening stage divides into preparatory and orientationally-motivational substages, while-listening stage combines formal and informal listening, postlistening stage includes interactive listening, listening instruction, training in perception and reflection of the listening session. The proposed stages involve researching relevant information, activating the apperception, anticipating the content of the audiobook, listening practice (development of “top down” skills), interactional communication, teacher guidance, development of “bottom up” skills, self-evaluation and self-analysis. Some examples of activities for each sub-stage are also given. Keywords: audiobooks, fiction, listening, listening competence, listening instruction, listening stages, intensive listening, pre-service teachers, short stories.
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Numerous studies have been conducted on the usage of audiobooks. However, a qualitative systematic evaluation of the use of audiobooks for the development of listening and speaking abilities has not yet been done. The purpose of this research was to conduct a review of journal publications on the use of audiobooks to improve listening and speaking abilities. By using a qualitative systematic review, the researchers conducted a search of Google Scholar for 390 reference materials on audiobooks as media for teaching listening and speaking. Only three articles were collected and included in the analysis by using coding and classification. The results showed that audiobooks assist students in strengthening their listening and speaking skills. An audiobook cannot replace a teacher and should be utilized in conjunction with other educational materials. Further researchers could conduct research on the audiobooks of non-native English speakers in educational materials.
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This article proposes the integration of mobile audiobooks (MABs) to develop EFL college students’ listening comprehension skills. It aims to show the fol- lowing: (i) The advantages of integrating MABs in listening instruction; (ii) sources of MABs; (iii) how to search for MABs; (iv) criteria for selecting MABs; (v) examples of MABs; (vi) listening comprehension skills and literary appreci- ation skills that can be developed through supplementary MABs; (vii) phases of teaching and learning with MABs and types of tasks that can be used with MAB; (viii) evaluation and assessment; (ix) the effect of MABs on listening compre- hension skill improvement and attitudes as perceived by the students; and (x) recommendations for the effective use of MABs.
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Digital technologies have made it possible to create and replicate educational content in various forms: text, video, and audio. The post-PC generation actively uses audio content. There is a tendency to demand audiobooks as a format of educational resources. The purpose of the article is to identify and describe educational technologies and reading practices related to audiobooks. The novelty of the research is the analysis of student practices of audio reading. Methods: The first stage includes a desk study of audio reading as an educational technology, its capabilities and limitations, the representation of audiobooks in universities’ electronic libraries and the use of audiobooks in the educational process, educational technologies and practices of working with audiobooks. The second stage includes an empirical study of students ‘practices of accessing and using electronic libraries in the process of educational (1), leisure (2) activities, readers’ preferences for the reading format (traditional, audio reading) (3). Research results: With the development of digital technologies, electronic libraries have become a popular educational resource. The e-libraries extend the representation of the audio books. The possibilities and limitations of audio reading remain debatable. Audio reading as a resourcesaving technology (carefulness to vision, time optimization) has a number of advantages and at the same time requires the development of listening skills and critical perception of audio text.
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Context The number of published systematic literature reviews (SLRs) in software engineering venues is increasing. However, even with their high adaptation rate, the task of performing an SLR requires a large amount of effort and presents a number of barriers. Specifically, during the SLR search phase authors must expend a lot of time and overcome a large number of barriers. Objective To help alleviate some of the barriers in the search phase, we identify and prioritize SLR search tool requirements based on input from the SLR community. These requirements will help tool builders ensure they focus their efforts appropriately. Method We conducted an SLR and a survey of SLR authors in software engineering. In the SLR we extracted problems and solutions SLR authors reported during their search processes. In the survey we asked respondents to describe the problems they faced during SLR search and to specify any requirements they would like to see as part of an SLR search tool. We also asked survey respondents to describe any tools they use to support SLR search, along with the strengths and limitations of those tools. Results Based on analysis of 84 studies from the literature and a qualitative analysis of 131 responses from researchers, we identified a set of functional requirements that authors, researchers, and tool builders can use as a reference. We also describe the tools currently used by SLR researchers. Conclusions The list of SLR search tool requirements can be used by tool builders as a guide when constructing new tools. Our analysis of tools showed that more recent tools are covering more of the requirements than in the past.
The problems found in the field based on observations in the field are that the existing teaching materials do not attract students' interest and student learning outcomes are still low. The problem is the unavailability of teaching materials that are innovative and attract students to be motivated to learn. This causes students to have difficulty absorbing and understanding the material taught by the teacher. The purpose of this study was to see the effect of implementing audiobook-based teaching materials on student learning outcomes. The research method used in this research is a quantitative research type with a quasi-experimental type. In this research design, the researcher used an experimental group with a control group, which was started by giving a pretest to each group. The population in this study were students at SDN 4 Pule, Trenggalek Regency. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling, namely the sample used is fourth grade students at SDN 4 Pule, Trenggalek Regency. The instruments used in this study were observation sheets, interview guidelines, and tests. While the data analysis technique used is independent sample t-test with the help of SPSS 25.0 software. The results of this study indicate that the use of audiobook-based teaching materials has an effect on differences in student learning outcomes before and after the use of audiobook-based teaching materials, so audiobook-based teaching materials can improve learning outcomes and students become motivated in learning because students can understand the material without reading.
Penggunaan buku audio dianggap lebih efektif karena kelompok tunanetra biasanya lebih fokus dalam hal pendengaran. Media audio dapat memaksimalkan indra yang masih dimiliki oleh orang buta, indera pendengaran. Audiobook merupakan rekaman teks buku atau tulisan lisan dalam bentuk audio yang dapat didengarkan oleh audien dengan isi/substansi sama seperti ketika mereka membaca buku. Audiobook sendiri memiliki banyak manfaat dibandingkan dengan media lainya apalagi sebagai alternative media pembelajaran. Sebagai media pelajaran bagi kelompok tunanetra, dengan menggunakan Audiobook secara tidak langsung dapat menguasai teknologi informasi atau IPTEK. Dengan koleksi bacaan yang lebih variatif sehingga mampu mendorong siswa SLB-A Bina Insani untuk meningkatkan minat baca. Tujuan akhir penulis untuk SLB-A Bina Insani yaitu diharapkan dapat membantu dalam meningkatkan minat baca di SLB-A Bina Insani, dikarenakan jenjang Sekolah Dasar (SD) menjadi titik awal pengembangan kemampuan literasi di pendidikan formal. Di level ini, peserta didik dikenalkan dengan keterampilan literasi dasar yaitu keterampilan mendengarkan, berbicara, membaca dan menulis. Keterampilan ini akan berkembang dengan adanya pembiasaan dan bertujuan untuk menciptakaan SDM yang unggul dan mandiri di era revolusi industri 4.0.
A learning disability child (LD) is a child who needs special treatments in one or more areas of learning such as reading, writing and/or calculating. Each child has different difficulties. Some children have reading and writing difficulties, but he or she can learn mathematics without a problem. Otherwise, some children have only a difficulty to learn mathematics or calculation. In addition, for some children, they have all three problems: reading, writing and calculating which are the important skills for learning. If a child has a learning problem, it will influence his pursuit of knowledge and his education. There are different characteristics of a learning disorder. Because there is no adequate supportive equipment to help this group of children in Thailand and there are increasingly LD children, Assistive Technology and Medical Devices Research Center (A-MED) improves the Kid Can Write system in order to help the children to improve their story-writing and vocabulary-writing capacities. The Kid Can Write system was already used with the LD children and there are many good perspectives from guardians, teachers and the LD children. The result of the experiments showed that the Kid Can Write system helps LD children improve on writing a story. The children can achieve a high score with a statistic significance at .05. Moreover, most of the guardians and teachers told that the Kid Can Write system is practical, and it satisfies the children.
This article provides a step-by-step approach to conducting and reporting systematic literature reviews (SLRs) in the domain of healthcare design and discusses some of the key quality issues associated with SLRs. SLR, as the name implies, is a systematic way of collecting, critically evaluating, integrating, and presenting findings from across multiple research studies on a research question or topic of interest. SLR provides a way to assess the quality level and magnitude of existing evidence on a question or topic of interest. It offers a broader and more accurate level of understanding than a traditional literature review. A systematic review adheres to standardized methodologies/guidelines in systematic searching, filtering, reviewing, critiquing, interpreting, synthesizing, and reporting of findings from multiple publications on a topic/domain of interest. The Cochrane Collaboration is the most well-known and widely respected global organization producing SLRs within the healthcare field and a standard to follow for any researcher seeking to write a transparent and methodologically sound SLR. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA), like the Cochrane Collaboration, was created by an international network of health-based collaborators and provides the framework for SLR to ensure methodological rigor and quality. The PRISMA statement is an evidence-based guide consisting of a checklist and flowchart intended to be used as tools for authors seeking to write SLR and meta-analyses.
Conference Paper
Oral reading fluency is essential to overall reading achievements and repeat reading has been found to be an effective strategy for oral reading fluency. Choral reading is the most authentic use of repeated readings in the EFL primary grades. However, teachers have neither sufficient time nor adequate expertise to deal with non-fluent readers. Hence, challenges with oral reading fluency and motivation have long been considered a common characteristic for teacher and students. Hence, this study proposed a one-to-one Audio Book Platform incorporating repeated reading strategy and record-play function. An intact sample of two classes of the sixth graders in Taiwan were randomly assigned and treated as experimental group and control (choral reading) group. An empirical study is conducted to assess whether there are differences in the effectiveness of enhancing oral reading fluency. A questionnaire elicited information concerning motivation included (1) anxiety, (2) intrinsic goal orientation, (3) extrinsic goal orientation, (4) task value, and (5) self-regulation is also conducted. Although no significant difference was uncovered in oral reading fluency and motivation, the findings could serve as some general principles for researchers who would like to experiment with one-to-one repeated reading in similar contexts.
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