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Proceedings of the 4th Summer School on Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things, Vol. IV, 2023



CONTENTS: Lech Jóźwiak, Radovan Stojanović Introduction to the CPS&IoT’2023 Summer School >> Lech Jóźwiak, Green CPS and IoT for Green World>> Sakir Sezer DPU Technology: Redefining next generation Datacenter Security>> Kevin Mika, Piotr Zierhoffer, VEDLIoT – Accelerated AIoT>> Aizea Lojo, Juan Besga, Iñaki Paz, Gianluca Brilli, Paolo Burgio, Martin Matschnig FRACTAL: A Cognitive Computing Platform Node for the Edge>> Jürgen Becker, Embedded reliable HPC enabling Automotive & IoT Intelligence>> Mario Diaz Nava ANDANTE: AI for New devices and Technologies at the Edge>> Tobias Dörr, Florian Schade, Alexander Ahlbrecht Simulation-based development of networked avionics systems using the XANDAR toolchain>>Dominique Blouin, Anish Bhobe, Rakshit Mittal, Etienne Borde Embedded Systems Modeling, Analysis and Automatic Code Generation with AADL and RAMSES (hands-on)>>Hector Posadas, Jose Luis Vazquez, Daniel Suarez Offloading and Reconfiguration of Functional Components in Embedded Hardware Resources: Application to AI Components>> Dimitris Karadimas XANDAR: CI/CD automations for complex pipelines with hardware in the loop>>Morayo Adedjouma, Luis Palacios, Réda Nouacer From Knowledge-based to Model-based Engineering of embedded intelligence and trust in CPS>>Zakaria Chihani, Réda Nouacer Towards Characterizing AI Trustworthiness>>Radovan Stojanović Design of performance and energy efficient nodes for smart systems>>Ramiro Samano Robles Evolution and evaluation of wireless technologies and standards towards the convergence of 5G/6G and IoT>> Andrej Škraba Overview of Several CPS&IoT Prototypes: Wheelchair, Group Heart Rate Monitoring, PID DC Motor Control>>Christos Antonopoulos SMART4ALL project: Customized Low-Energy Computing for CPS>> Schedule-CPS&IoT’2023 Summer School on Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of -Things>>4th Summer School on Cyber Physical Systems and Internet of Things - SS-CPSIoT’2023 4th Generation (Students and Teachers)>> Certificate of Attendance>>Author Index>>Photo gallery
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