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Received 3 November 2022; revised 16 January 2023; accepted 12 May 2023
Original Article
Repeated evolution of pollination syndromes in a highly
diverse bromeliad lineage is correlated with shis in life form
and habitat
BeatrizNeves1,2,3,*,ǂ,, Paola de L.Ferreira3,4,6,*,ǂ, FranciscoProsdocimi5, Igor M.Kessous1,2,3,,
Dayvid R.Couto1, Ricardo L.Moura1, FabianoSalgueiro7,, Andrea F.Costa1,,
Christine D.Bacon2,3,§, AlexandreAntonelli,2,3,8,9,
1Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Quinta da Boa Vista, São Cristóvão, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 20940-040, Brazil
2Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Carl Skosbergs Gata 22B, Göteborg, SE 41319, Sweden
3Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre, Carl Skosbergs Gata 22B, Göteborg, SE 41319, Sweden
4Department of Biology, Aarhus University, Ny Munkegade 116, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
5Laboratório de Genômica e Biodiversidade, Instituto de Bioquímica Médica Leopoldo de Meis, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de
Janeiro, RJ, 21941-902, Brazil
6Departamento de Biologia, Faculdade de Filosoa Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, SP, 14051-901,
7Departamento de Botânica, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Av. Pasteur 458, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 22290-240, Brazil
8Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 3AE, UK
9Department of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3RB, UK
ǂShared rst authorship
§Shared last authorship
*Corresponding authors: Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Quinta da Boa Vista, São Cristóvão, Rio de Janeiro, 20940-040, Brazil. Department of
Biology, Aarhus University, Ny Munkegade 116, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark. E-mail:;
Mutualistic plant-pollinator interactions play a critical role in the diversication of owering plants. e spatiotemporal correlates of such inter-
actions can be understood in a phylogenetic context. Here, we generate ddD-seq data for the highly diverse Vriesea-Stigmatodon lineage to test
for correlated trait evolution among pollination syndromes and life form, habitat type, and altitude. Our results show that pollination syndromes
are correlated with changes in life form and habitat type. e ancestor of the Vriesea-Stigmatodon lineage was likely bat pollinated, rock dwelling
and inhabited open, mid-elevation forests. Transitions from bat to hummingbird pollination are correlated with transitions to the epiphytic life
form in shaded habitats, whereas bat pollination is correlated with the rock-dwelling life form and open habitats. Our dated phylogenetic tree
reveals independent origins of hummingbird pollination, occurring twice in Vriesea at c. 5.8 and 5.4 Mya. e timing for the shis in pollination
syndrome coincides with geological and environmental transformations across the Serra do Mar Mountain Chain, which increased habitat het-
erogeneity where Vriesea and their mutualists diversied. e phylogenetic tree reinforces the non-monophyly of taxonomic sections within the
genus Vriesea previously dened by ower morphology, indicating that some lineages should be treated as species complexes. is study identi-
es synergetic drivers of speciation in a tropical biodiversity hotspot.
Keywords: Atlantic Forest; bat pollination; ddD-seq; hummingbird pollination; Neotropics; phylogenomics
Mutualistic plant-pollinator interactions play a critical role in
the diversication of owering plants, which represent c. 90%
of the extant plant species diversity on land (Fenster et al. 2004,
Crepet and Niklas 2009, WFO 2020). Such interactions have
been inuenced by abiotic factors (Blois et al. 2013, Condamine
et al. 2018), particularly in the tropics, where high and stable
temperature and precipitation levels are favourable to the
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2023, XX, 1–12
Advance access publication 1 July 2023
Original Article
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2 • Neves et al.
formation of diverse mutualistic interactions (Chomicki et al.
2019). Shis in pollination systems can promote plant species
diversication, increasing species diversity (van der Niet and
Johnson 2012, Givnish et al. 2014, Lagomarsino et al. 2016,
Serrano-Serrano et al. 2017). Yet, current knowledge on the
spatiotemporal evolution of plant-pollinator interactions and
their abiotic correlates remains fragmentary and is mostly
lacking for biologically complex ecosystems, such as tropical
e study of tropical species-rich plant clades, such as the
Neotropical plants bromeliads (Bromeliaceae), can improve our
understanding of biotic drivers of diversication. Among the
bromeliads, Vriesea Lindley is mostly restricted to the Atlantic
Forest and to the campos rupestres of the Cerrado savanna, two
biodiversity hotspots in Brazil (Myers et al. 2000, BFG 2018).
Vriesea includes c. 230 species and is especially diverse in the
Atlantic Forest, along the Serra do Mar Mountain Chain where
c. 85% of all species are endemic (BFG 2018, Gouda et al. con-
tinuously updated). Also, Stigmatodon Leme, G. K. Br. & Barfuss
was recently segregated from Vriesea as an independent genus
(Barfuss et al. 2016). Stigmatodon comprises 20 rupicolous spe-
cies endemic to the Brazilian inselbergs, occurring exclusively
on vertical granite rocky outcrops, with high exposure to solar
radiation (Barfuss et al. 2016, Couto et al. 2022, Gouda et al. con-
tinuously updated).
Most Vriesea species are epiphytes, with the rupicolous (rock
dwelling) and terrestrial life forms occurring less frequently
(BFG 2018). Vriesea occupy dierent forest strata where they
can form either large (more than 100 individuals) or small popu-
lations (Costa et al. 2014, BFG 2018). Vriesea interacts with two
main pollinator groups: hummingbirds and bats (Sazima et al.
1999, Buzato et al. 2000). Vriesea species pollinated by hum-
mingbirds have red to yellow oral bracts, tubular owers with
exserted stamens, no scent, and diurnal anthesis (Buzato et al.
2000). Conversely, the Vriesea owers pollinated by bats have
green to brown oral bracts and campanulate owers with in-
cluded stamens, are scented, and have nocturnal anthesis
(Sazima et al. 1999). e owers of Stigmatodon species are
adapted to bat pollination, being similar to the owers of Vriesea
with bat-pollination syndrome.
Pollination syndrome consists of a particular set of oral
traits, such as shape, colour, scent, and phenology (Faegri and
van der Pijl 1979). Syndromes are generally used to infer or pre-
dict unobserved pollinators (Fenster et al. 2004, Rosas-Guerrero
et al. 2014, Lagomarsino et al. 2017), including in Vriesea (Neves
et al. 2020a). However, this approach has been criticized for
oversimplifying complex plant-animal interactions (such as di-
urnal and nocturnal dierences in pollinators; Muchhala 2003)
that may lead to unreliable predictions (Ollerton et al. 2009,
Dellinger 2020).
Avian pollination, epiphytism, and the tank habit
(overlapping leaves that accumulate water and organic ma-
terial) are key innovations in bromeliad species (Givnish et al.
2014, Silvestro et al. 2014). Vriesea occur in habitat types asso-
ciated with high diversication rates in Bromeliaceae, such as
the tropical mountains on which the high diversity has arisen
from a combination of factors. Among them, (i) epiphytism
allows the plants to occupy a broader range of forest strata,
especially when associated with (ii) the tank habit, which, to-
gether with (iii) absorptive trichomes on the leaves, confers
independence from soil substrates (Givnish et al. 2014). In
addition, the association with (iv) dierent pollinator groups
capable of thermoregulation and ying over longer distances
(hummingbirds and bats), in contrast to the insects. Finally,
humid and steep tropical mountains have (v) abundant rainfall
availability throughout the year and (vi) a diversity of habitat
types isolated from each other that promotes speciation
(Givnish et al. 2014).
Dierences in both forest habitat types and ight paerns of
pollinator groups are used to explain the occurrence of plants
in either open or dense vegetation habitats. Bat-pollinated
plants oen occur exposed in open habitats to facilitate echo-
location and view by bats, though they can also occur in dense
vegetation when associated with ower scents that guide bats
(Muchhala and Serrano 2015). When hovering, bats sweep
their wings over a large area around their bodies, whereas hum-
mingbirds are more manoeuvrable, with wing movements re-
stricted to a subtle area directly behind their backs (Muchhala
Phylogenetic studies within Vriesea in the literature have
struggled to identify molecular markers capable to discriminate
infrageneric groups and delimit species boundaries (Costa et
al. 2015, Gomes-da-Silva and Souza-Chies 2017, Kessous et al.
2020, Machado et al. 2020, Loiseau et al. 2021). Using the phylo-
genetic tree from Gomes-da-Silva and Souza-Chies (2017);
Kessler et al. (2020) assessed the gain and loss of hummingbird
pollination in Vriesea to illustrate how hummingbirds may lead
to increased diversication rates. Kessler et al. (2020) identi-
ed three shis from hummingbird to bat pollination in Vriesea,
but they treated Stigmatodon (Barfuss et al. 2016) as Vriesea.
Furthermore, the study identied a gap in our understanding
of the correlates of distinct plant-pollinator interactions which
would allow for the identication of the drivers of diversication
of the clade.
In order to investigate diversication in the Vriesea-
Stigmatodon clade, we developed novel genomic plastid and
nuclear data generated with double digest restriction site as-
sociated DNA sequencing (ddD-seq; Peterson et al. 2012).
e use of D-seq resolved relationships within species
complexes and amongst closely related species with high reso-
lution (Eaton and Ree 2013, Leaché et al. 2014, Massai et al.
2016). In bromeliads, D-seq data of Alcantarea (É.Morren
ex Mez) Harms indicated that it is a powerful tool to investi-
gate genetic diversity between closely related species (Lexer
et al. 2016).
Here, we infer the evolution of plant-pollinator inter-
actions and their morphological and environmental correlates.
Specically, we test the correlated evolution of hummingbird
and bat pollination syndromes with life form, habitat type, and
altitude through time. We hypothesize that: the correlation with
hummingbirds is coupled to the epiphytic life form and occu-
pation of the shaded understory of the Atlantic Forest, whereas
bat pollination is associated with the rupicolous and terrestrial
life forms in open areas of the forest. Our study highlights the
intricate evolution of plant-pollinator interactions and identies
important drivers of tropical biodiversity.
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Evolution of pollination syndromes • 3
We sampled a total of 59 individual plants, including 47 acces-
sions of Vriesea and seven accessions of Stigmatodon, with good
representation of their morphological variation and geograph-
ical distribution (Supporting Information, Material S1). We
sampled around 20% of the hyperdiverse Vriesea (with a total
of 230 species, Gouda et al. continuously updated). Diculty
in extracting high-quality DNA, which is required for Next
Generation Sequencing techniques like ddD-seq, hampered a
more complete sampling. Vriesea was formerly treated as a single
genus (Smith and Doowns 1977), but was segregated into seven
genera distributed in two dierent subtribes (Cipuropsidinae
and Vrieseinae) consisting the tribe Vrieseeae (Grant 1995,
Barfuss et al. 2016, Leme et al. 2017). Species from the related
genera Alcantarea (subtribe Vrieseinae), Lutheria Barfuss &
W.Till, Goudaea W.Till & Barfuss (subtribe Cipuropsidinae), and
Tillandsia L. (tribe Tillandsieae, aer Barfuss et al. 2016) were
included as outgroups. We collected samples from natural popu-
lations mainly in the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado, prioritizing
type localities. Additional samples were collected from living
collections. Information on vouchers is presented in Supporting
Information, Material S1. Tillandsioideae species are mostly dip-
loid 2n = 50, as shown by previous studies (Cotias-de-Oliveira
et al. 2004, Palma-Silva et al. 2004, Ceita et al. 2008, Manhães
DNA extraction, library preparation, and sequencing
We extracted DNA from silica gel-dried leaf material and then
stored it at -80° C. Frozen leaf samples were crushed into powder
using a TissueLyser II (Qiagen). We extracted DNA using the
CTAB protocol of Doyle and Doyle (1987), with modica-
tions following Azmat et al. (2012). We determined DNA ex-
traction quality on a 1% agarose gel and quantied DNA using
a NanoDrop® spectrophotometer and a Qubit® uorimeter 3.0
(High sensitivity kit; Life Technologies).
We standardized DNA samples to concentrations of 10 ng/
µl and a total of 50 µl of each sample. Library preparation and
single-end DNA sequencing on an Illumina HiSeq 2000 was
performed by Floragenex Inc. (Eugene, OR, USA). Total DNA
was double-digested with the SbfI and PstI enzymes (ddD-
Seq, Peterson et al. 2012).
Genome assembly and mapping
We performed de novo assembly using the soware pipeline
PyD v.3.0.4 (Eaton 2014). Genomic data for each species
varied and PyD was used to assemble loci by optimizing
coverage across datasets. Optimization through an alignment-
clustering algorithm allowed for indel variation within and be-
tween samples, recovering more shared loci across disparate taxa
(Eaton 2014). We dened the following parameters: minimum
coverage per cluster = 6, clustering threshold = 0.85, minimum
sample coverage for loci = 40, maximum number of individuals
with shared heterozygous sites = 3, and the remaining param-
eters were set to default.
To identify the chloroplast loci in our dataset, we performed
a Bowtie search against the pineapple chloroplast genome
(GenBank accession number NC_026220.1), using Bowtie2
with the ‘--very-sensitive-local’ parameter (Langmead and
Salzberg 2012).
Phylogenetic analyses
Phylogenetic trees were inferred using Maximum Likelihood
(ML) and coalescent approaches. ML based on the concaten-
ated nuclear and plastid loci was inferred using xML-HPC2
on XSEDE via the CIPRES Science Gateway v.3.3 (Miller et
al. 2010), seing a GTR+GAMMA substitution model and
rapid bootstrap (BS) estimation based on 1000 replicates. We
interpreted BS values ≥ 90 as strong, 89–70 as moderate, and
69–50 as weak support (Hillis and Bull 1993). We also ran
ML using the PhyML online platform v.3.0 (hp://www.atgc- with the following parameters: auto-
matic model selection-AIC, tree searching nearest neighbour
interchange, and a branch support approximate likelihood-ratio
test Shimodaira–Hasegawa-like (aLRT SH), which is a simpler
and faster branch support test recommended for large molecular
datasets (Guindon et al. 2010).
Coalescent analyses were performed for the nuclear loci
using ASTL-III (Zhang et al. 2018) and SVDquartets
(Chifman and Kubatko 2014), following Ferreira et al. (2022).
Briey, ASTL-III was ran based on the unrooted trees es-
timated by ML searches in xML (Stamatakis 2014) and
branch support was evaluated using local posterior probabil-
ities (PP). SVDquartets was inferred with exhaustive sampling
all possible quartets. Branch support was evaluated using 1000
non-parametric BS replicates.
We estimated the divergence times using a penalized likeli-
hood approach in treePL (Smith and O’Meara 2012). We used
the xML tree with the concatenated dataset as input and
secondary calibrations at the Vrieseinae crown node (5.4–10.2
Mya) and at the Vriesea crown node (3.3–6.8 Mya) based on
Givnish et al. (2014) and Kessous et al. (2020). To calculate the
95% condence interval of node ages, we ran treePL on each
of the BS trees from xML, then used TreeAnnotator from
BEAST v.1.10.4 (Suchard et al. 2018) to generate a summary
tree. We visualized phylogenetic trees of all methods described
above using FigTree v.1.43 (Rambaut 2014).
Ancestral trait reconstruction
We estimated ancestral states for pollination syndrome
(hummingbird and bat), life form (epiphyte, terrestrial, and
rupicolous), habitat type (open and shade), and altitude (con-
tinuous values) to understand when and how many times these
traits evolved in Vriesea and Stigmatodon. Information on traits
was extracted from eld observations, monographs, oras, and
recent taxonomic reviews (Supporting Information, Material S2;
Smith and Downs 1977, Versieux and Wanderley 2008, Costa et
al. 2009, Moura, 2011, Nogueira 2013, Neves et al. 2018, 2020a,
Uribbe et al. 2020, Couto et al. 2022). We used the dated tree
from treePL built with the concatenated dataset for character
optimizations. For ancestral states reconstruction of discrete
traits, we used Bayesian stochastic character mapping (Bollback
2006) estimated from 1000 iterations with the function make.
simmap in the R package phytools (Revell 2012, R Core Team
2018). We coded pollination syndromes based on ower and
oral bract traits, following Neves et al. (2020a), who validated
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4 • Neves et al.
the utility of pollination syndromes in Vriesea based on informa-
tion on conrmed pollinators from the literature. ere are some
Vriesea species known to be visited and/or pollinated by both
hummingbirds and bats (Sazima et al. 1995, Aguilar-Rodríguez
et al. 2019). ese studies show that bat-pollinated owers
can be visited by hummingbirds at dawn, but they feed on the
small amount of nectar le by the bats in withered owers. In
such cases, based on oral syndromes, we coded one group as
the primary pollinator, considering that pollinators ecacy and
eciency was not tested in these studies. For the continuous
trait of altitude, we used a ML reconstruction with the function
contMap from phytools. We used the mean altitude for each spe-
cies based on information extracted from the dataset compiled
in Ramos et al. (2019) for Atlantic Forest epiphytes, comple-
mented with data from our personal collections (Supporting
Information, Material S2).
Correlation among traits
In order to test the correlation of pollination syndrome with life
form, habitat type, and altitude, we ed Bayesian threshold
models (Felsenstein 2012, Revell 2012) using the function
threshBayes in phytools. We modelled pollination syndrome, life
form, and habitat type as discrete binary traits and altitude as a
continuous trait. We divided the multistate trait life form into
epiphyte or terrestrial/rupicolous. When coding life form, we
considered the predominant state for polymorphic species. In
addition, merging terrestrial and rupicolous states, in this spe-
cic case, brings greater statistical power to our analysis, as we
use fewer parameters. e great majority of Vriesea are epi-
phytes (c. 150 spp.) and the terrestrial and rupicolous Vriesea
are the minority (BFG 2018). We ran the Markov chain Monte
Carlo (MCMC) for 3 million generations sampling every 1000,
with a burn-in of 20% to summarize the posterior distribution
values for the correlation coecient (r). We calculated the ef-
fective sample size (ESS) of the coecient using the function
eectiveSize in the R package coda (Plummer et al. 2006).
Distribution paerns of hummingbird and bat pollination
In order to infer distribution paerns of species from humming-
bird and bat pollination syndromes, we built spatial plots of
altitude vs. latitude. With this analysis we aim to detect if plant
species from hummingbird and bat pollination syndromes are
spatially segregated or not. Because distribution paerns are
likely correlated to preferences of habitat, physiology, and other
ecological aspects of their specic pollinator species (Aguilar-
Rodríguez et al. 2019, Kessler et al. 2020), we used data from
the literature on documented Vriesea pollinator interactions to
build a plant–pollinator network. Taken together, this approach
allowed a beer visualization and an integrated discussion of
Vriesea spatial distribution and pollinator-specic interactions.
ere is a complete lack of pollination studies for Stigmatodon,
so it was not included in this analysis. Further, the current 20
Stigmatodon species show a clear bat pollination syndrome and
their trait and spatial variation is captured within the variation in
Vriesea (Barfuss et al. 2016, Couto et al. 2022).
To map spatial distribution, we built plots using 9568 occur-
rence records for 132 species from the dataset of Ramos et al.
(2019). First, we generated boxplots for each species using alti-
tudinal data and excluded the outliers using the function boxplot
in the R package graphics (Murrell 2018). en, we used ggplot2
(Wickham 2011) to produce the altitude vs. latitude plots for
species of each syndrome.
In addition, we used the data on pollination biology compiled
by Neves et al. (2020a), including all reported Vriesea pollinator
interactions in both peer-reviewed and grey literature. We ex-
tracted information on the identity of plants and oral visitors
and pollinators. In total, we documented interactions between
35 Vriesea species and 16 hummingbird and three bat species
(Supporting Information, Material S3). e most representa-
tive hummingbird pollinators are Phaethornis eurynome Lesson,
Ramphodon naevius Dumont, alurania glaucopis Gmelin, and
Leucochloris albicollis Vieillot, interacting with 19, 12, 11, and
nine Vriesea species respectively. e bat species Anoura caudifer
É.Georoy is recorded visiting owers of each of the eight re-
gistered Vriesea species with bat pollination syndrome. We used
this information to interpret and discuss our results.
Genome assembly and mapping
We generated in total 85 GB of raw data containing 358 425 268
reads of 100 bp each. e nal dataset comprised 664 ddD-
seq loci, 11 of which were from the chloroplast genome. e
concatenated alignment totalled 57 640 bp in length, with 4878
variable sites, 1868 of which were parsimony informative sites.
e percentage of gaps and missing data was 21.99%.
Phylogenetic relationships and clade age
e ML tree resolved high support for most of the deep phylo-
genetic relationships (Fig. 1). Subtribe Vrieseinae (BS = 97,
aLRT SH = 1) and each genus were monophyletic, including
Stigmatodon (clade A, BS = 98, aLRT SH = 1) and Vriesea
(clade B, BS = 93, aLRT SH = 1). We identied two distinct
lineages of both hummingbird- and bat-pollinated species in
Vriesea, emerging from two main clades: C (BS = 87, aLRT
SH = 99) and D (BS = 54, aLRT SH = 28). Clades E (BS = 23,
aLRT SH = 99) and F (BS = 65, aLRT SH = 99) are two large
lineages of species exclusively from each of the two pollination
syndromes (Fig. 1). We recovered poor resolution for shallow
nodes; however, some groupings of morphologically similar
species gained high support. In other cases, dierent accessions
of the same species were not resolved as monophyletic, such as
Vriesea agostiniana E.Pereira. e topology shown here refers
to the ML tree inferred in xML, which presented few incon-
gruences in the shallow relationships within Vriesea when com-
pared with the ML tree inferred in PhyML and the coalescent
trees inferred with both Astral and SVDquartets (Supporting
Information, Materials S4, S5). ese incongruences are mostly
at poorly supported nodes.
We estimated the crown age of subtribe Vrieseinae in the Late
Miocene 10.1 million years ago (Mya) [95% High Posterior
Density (HPD): 10.18–10.19 Mya], Stigmatodon 8.0 Mya (95%
HPD: 7.4–8.6 Mya), and Vriesea 6.3 Mya (95% HPD: 5.5–6.7
Mya). All shis among syndromes in Vriesea occurred between
5.8 and 5.4 Mya (95% HPD: 4.4–6.2 Mya; Fig. 2).
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Evolution of pollination syndromes • 5
Ancestral trait reconstruction and evolutionary correlates of
pollination syndrome
For Vriesea, we inferred a bat pollination syndrome as the an-
cestral state (PP = 0.95; Fig. 3A), and two independent shis to
hummingbird pollination. For habitat, the ancestral condition
was inferred to be shaded environments (PP = 0.99; Fig. 3B)
and we recovered seven independent transitions to open areas.
e epiphytic life form was ancestral (PP = 0.99; Fig. 3C), with
Figure 1. ML tree of Vriesea and Stigmatodon based on 664 ddD-seq loci showing hummingbird-pollinated and bat-pollinated lineages.
BS support values above 50% are shown at internodes. For selected nodes discussed in the text, we show approximate likelihood-ratio test
Shimodaira–Hasegawa-like (aLRT SH-like) support. Pollination syndromes are shown to evolve repeatedly in Vriesea.
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6 • Neves et al.
the terrestrial and rupicolous life forms evolving multiple times
in this hyperdiverse genus (at least 12 and 10 times, respect-
ively). For Stigmatodon, we recovered bat pollination syndrome
(PP = 1.00; Fig. 3A), open environments (PP = 0.94; Fig. 3B),
and rupicolous life form (PP = 0.97; Fig. 3C) as ancestral states.
For the larger clade Vriesea-Stigmatodon we recovered bat pol-
lination syndrome (PP = 0.97; Fig. 3A), open environments
(PP = 0.63 Fig. 3B), and rupicolous life form (PP = 0.67; Fig.
3C) as ancestral states.
When testing for phylogenetic correlation, the strongest eect
was the relationship between pollination syndrome and habitat
type (r = 0.39, 95% HPD -0.03 to 0.79). We also found a com-
paratively weaker relationship between pollination syndrome
and life form (Supporting Information, Material S6; r = -0.29,
95% HPD -0.66 to 0.12), representing a moderate correlation
overall. We inferred that Vriesea ancestors, as well as Stigmatodon
and Vriesea-Stigmatodon clade ones, occupied mid-elevations
(c. 700 m a.s.l.), with at least eight transitions to highlands and
ten to lowlands in Vriesea (Supporting Information, Material
S7). No correlation among pollination syndromes and altitud-
inal distribution was found (r = -0.07, 95% HPD -0.40 to 0.26,
Supporting Information, Material S7).
Distribution paerns of hummingbird and bat pollination
Vriesea species are widely distributed throughout the latitu-
dinal and altitudinal range of the Atlantic Forest, with some of
them reaching the savanna (Brazilian Cerrado domain, in the
high campos rupestres) (Supporting Information, Material S8).
Based on our dataset, Vriesea is documented from sea level to
2162 m, between latitudes 3°S to 32°S (except for 10% of the
species occurring in the Andes, Amazon, and Greater Antilles;
Barfuss et al. 2016). High species richness is found in altitudes
up to 1200 m and between latitudes 15°S to 27°S. We found no
dierence between the occupation of latitudinal and altitudinal
space between species with hummingbird and bat pollination
Figure 2. Dated phylogenetic tree for Vriesea and Stigmatodon based on 664 ddD-seq loci estimated in treePL. Node bars indicate 95%
HPD for the age of each node. e Holocene is indicated with a bold black line. e root age of Vriesea is estimated to be placed in the Late
Miocene (6.3 Mya) and the repeated shis between pollination syndromes are estimated to occur in the Late Miocene and Early Pliocene
(5.8–5.4 Mya; blue shading indicates 95% HPD of timing of the shis). e tectonic events occurring at that time, which re-shaped the scarps
of the Serra do Mar Mountain Chain, likely increased habitat heterogeneity in which plant lineages and their mutualists diversied.
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Evolution of pollination syndromes • 7
syndromes. Instead, our results indicate that species associated
with bats reach the highest altitudes (Supporting Information,
Material S8).
e phylogenetic tree of Vriesea and its sister group Stigmatodon
using ddD-seq data revealed two independent origins of
hummingbird pollination syndrome (Fig. 1). We infer Vriesea to
have originated at 6.3 Mya and its ancestor to be a bat-pollinated
epiphyte distributed in shaded, mid-elevation areas of the
Atlantic Forest; and Stigmatodon to have originated at 8 Mya and
its ancestor to be a bat-pollinated, rupicolous species found in
open, mid-elevation granite rocky outcrops (Fig. 3; Supporting
Information, Material S7).
We have corroborated our hypotheses by showing that pol-
lination syndrome likely evolved jointly with life form and
habitat type (Supporting Information, Material S6). e in-
ferred shis from bat to hummingbird pollination correlated
with shis to epiphytism and shaded habitat, whereas bat-
pollination correlated with the rupicolous and terrestrial life
forms in open areas. Shis among syndromes were inferred
at around 5.8–5.4 Mya, during the Late Miocene and Early
Pliocene (Fig. 2). At that time, tectonic events led to geo-
logical and environmental transformations in the Serra do
Mar Mountain Chain, likely resulting in an increased habitat
heterogeneity in which plant lineages and their mutual-
ists diversied (Almeida 1976, Azevedo et al. 2020, Neves
et al. 2020b). Additionally, when investigating distribution
paerns, we showed Vriesea species from both syndromes
are distributed across wide latitudinal and altitudinal ranges
of the Atlantic Forest, reaching part of the Cerrado savanna
(Supporting Information, Material S8). To further explore
this broad occurrence paern, we leveraged Vriesea pollin-
ator interactions from compiled literature records to discuss
the inuence of pollinator variety on ecological preference
(Supporting Information, Material S8).
Pollination syndromes evolve in correlation with life form
and habitat type
We inferred a bat pollination syndrome, epiphytic life form,
and shaded habitat as the ancestral states of Vriesea, and bat-
pollinated, rupicolous life form and open habitat as ancestral
states of Stigmatodon (Fig. 3). Moreover, we showed that transi-
tions from bat to hummingbird pollination were oen linked to
transitions to the epiphytic life form in shaded habitats, whereas
bat pollination was linked to the rupicolous life form and open
habitats. Givnish et al. (2014) inferred the association between
fertile and humid mountains with epiphytism in Bromeliaceae,
suggesting that in tropical forests, abundant rainfall and the
nutrient-rich release of organic material from both plants and
animals explain the great richness of epiphytic species. Givnish
et al. (2014) also suggested such habitats favour avian pollin-
ation, especially by hummingbirds, as cool and wet conditions
select for thermoregulating pollinators (Cruden 1972, Kessler
et al. 2020). e genus Vriesea presents all these characteristics,
allowing for an understanding of the evolutionary correlates of
dierent pollination syndromes.
Figure 3. Ancestral trait estimation for (A) pollination syndromes, (B) habitat types, and (C) life forms of Vriesea and Stigmatodon. Pie charts
at nodes represent posterior probabilities of ancestral states using Bayesian inference. e most recent common ancestor of Vriesea is inferred
to have been a bat-pollinated, epiphytic plant growing in shaded forests. Shis in pollination syndrome are correlated with shis in habitat type
and life form.
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8 • Neves et al.
Despite being distributed across the entire altitudinal and
latitudinal range of the Atlantic Forest (Supporting Information,
Material S8), we identied a broad occurrence paern for
Vriesea species: hummingbird-pollinated species are oen less
exposed in shaded habitats and bat-pollinated species are oen
more exposed in open habitats. Species with owers adapted
to hummingbirds are predominant in Vriesea (c. 137 out of 230
spp.). ey are mostly epiphytes concentrated in the understory
at mid elevation, but also occur on coastal plains (restingas)
and reach high elds and rocky outcrops (campos de altitude
and campos rupestres), as terrestrial or rupicolous species and
rarely epiphytes (BFG 2018). e main hummingbird species
recorded pollinating Vriesea are the hermits of the subfamily
Phaetornithinae (P. eurynome and R. naevius, Neves et al. 2020a;
Supporting Information, Material S4). e hermits commonly
inhabit the understory of Neotropical forests and their diver-
sity decreases at high elevations and in dry habitats (Rodríguez-
Flores et al. 2019; Supporting Information, Material S9). In the
Atlantic Forest, R. naevius is amongst the main pollinators in
humid lowlands up to 500 m, while P. eurynome is predominant
at higher altitudes, around 1500 m (Buzato et al. 2000, Vizentin-
Bugoni Maruyama and Sazima 2014; Supporting Information,
Material S9). e non-hermit Vriesea pollinators of the sub-
family Trochilinae (alurania glaucopsis, Leucochloris albicolis,
Florisuga fusca Vieillot and Amazilia mbriata Gmelin) most
commonly forage in forest canopies (Supporting Information,
Material S9).
Vriesea species with owers adapted to bats are generally as-
sociated with the forest canopy, occurring as epiphytes from
low- to highlands. In the campos de altitude and campos rupestres
open elds, they usually occur as rupicolous or terrestrial spe-
cies. Due to their small size and high metabolism, nectar-feeding
bats need to quickly locate the owers to feed on using olfac-
tion, vision, and echolocation (Helversen and Winter 2003).
An experimental study conducted with the two main bat pollin-
ator species for Vriesea (A. caudifer and Anoura georoyi Gray)
showed that well-exposed owers facilitate echolocation and vi-
sion, while in a dense forest matrix, bats are more dependent on
ower scent and are guided by olfaction (Muchhala and Serrano
2015). ese two Anoura species inhabit primary and secondary
forests in Brazil, reaching altitudes up to 2000 m (Supporting
Information, Material S9). Accessibility of owers is shown
to aect bat pollination in Burmeistera H.Karst. & Triana spe-
cies, where more exposed owers have an increase in nocturnal
pollen deposition (Muchhala 2003). Dierences in ight pat-
terns of the two pollinator groups in Burmeistera could be an
explanation of the occurrence of plants in open or dense vegeta-
tion habitats, as bats sweep their wings over a large area around
their bodies while hovering, while hummingbirds are more man-
oeuvrable, with wing movements restricted to an area directly
behind their back. Here, we suggest a similar function in Vriesea,
where pollinators exert selective pressure(s) on plant habitat.
Taken together, these lines of evidence support the main occur-
rence of Vriesea hummingbird-pollinated species in shaded and
dense vegetation, and the concentration of Vriesea bat-pollinated
plants in open and exposed habitats.
We inferred the shis among syndromes to have happened
around 5.8–5.4 Mya (Fig. 2), coinciding with tectonic events of
the Late Miocene and Early Pliocene that continued shaping the
Serra do Mar Mountain Chain in the Atlantic Forest (Almeida
1976, Turcheo-Zolet et al. 2013, Guedes et al. 2020). Such
tectonic events promoted orogenic transformations likely re-
sulting in habitat barriers in which plant species and their mu-
tualists diversied. Likewise, other Atlantic Forest lineages are
hypothesized to have diverged during the same period and to be
inuenced by such changes (Grazziotin et al. 2006, Fitzpatrick
et al. 2009, omé et al. 2010). Here, we used a penalized likeli-
hood method to estimate divergence times for Vriesea instead of
a Bayesian approach as in Kessous et al. (2020), which is fast and
suitable for analysis of large datasets. However, our approach
does not account for fossil and branch length uncertainty ex-
plicitly (e.g. Reis et al. 2016). Our methodological approach in
addition to the distinct sources of information for secondary
calibrations and the inclusion of the Vriesea limae L.B.Sm.clade
as Stigmatodon (Couto et al. 2022), explain the dierences in di-
vergence times compared to Kessous et al. (2020) and Loiseau
et al. (2021). In general, our topology is congruent with other
published phylogenies for the study group, especially for deep
nodes (Kessous et al. 2020, Machado et al. 2020, Loiseau et al.
e specic habitat zones where the shis between pollin-
ation syndromes may occur are hypothesized by Kessler et al.
(2020) to be those where changes in pollinator’s physiological
preferences occur, at mid elevations and in the transitions be-
tween humid and dry areas. is hypothesis is based on a widely
recognized distribution paern of hummingbird-pollinated
species being more diverse at cool, wet, and mid to high eleva-
tions, whereas bat-pollinated species are more diverse in humid,
mid to low elevations (Kessler et al. 2020). However, this pat-
tern is recognized in studies developed along wide altitudinal
ranges, such as along the Andean slopes that reach altitudes of
more than 4000 m. In contrast, our study region—the Atlantic
Forest—only reaches altitudes of c. 2200 m, showing higher
species diversity of both hummingbird- and bat-pollinated
plant assemblages and their pollinators in the lowlands, with a
decrease of diversity towards the highlands (Sazima et al. 1999,
Buzato et al. 2000).
Species with intermediate oral morphology among the two
pollination syndromes in Vriesea are hypothesized be a product
of pollinator shis (Neves et al. 2020a). ese intermediate
species occur across the entire altitudinal range of the genus,
both in dry and wet habitats. In mutualisms that span environ-
mental gradients, specic interactions can change with biotic
and abiotic variables such as regional species guild, tempera-
ture, light, and precipitation (Chomicki et al. 2019). Broadly,
we show life form and habitat type to inuence plant–pollin-
ator interactions. Although we cannot rule out the hypoth-
esis of no correlation among such traits (considering the 95%
posterior distribution of correlation coecients, Supporting
Information, Material S6), we present corroborating evidence
from eld studies. Studies at the community level would fur-
ther clarify these factors shaping the distribution paerns of
pollination syndromes.
Repeated evolution of pollination syndromes and taxonomic
We identied two independent lineages of hummingbird-
pollinated species in Vriesea (Figs 1, 3A), resulting in the repeated
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Evolution of pollination syndromes • 9
evolution of pollination syndromes. Such ndings reinforce
the non-monophyly of Vriesea sections (V. section Vriesea and
V. section Xiphion) that were dened based on morphological
traits that reect the pollination syndromes Smith and Downs
Within each pollination syndrome, we recovered well-
supported clades of morphologically similar species (Fig. 1).
Among the hummingbird pollination syndrome are: Vriesea
teresopolitana Leme + Vriesea inata (Wawra) Wawra both from
the V. inata group, which present simple inorescences with
congested and inated oral bracts (Costa et al. 2009, Gomes-
da-Silva and Souza-Chies 2017); Vriesea guata Linden & André
and Vriesea capixabae Leme, with pendulous inorescences and
roseous bracts fully covered with a white-waxy indument (Leme
1999); Vriesea rhodostachys L.B.Sm., Vriesea a. gradata (Baker)
Mez, and Vriesea calimaniana Leme & W.Till, presenting robust
simple inorescences with large, cartaceous, very inated, and
imbricate oral bracts (Leme et al. 1997); and Vriesea sceptrum
Mez and Vriesea cacuminis L.B.Sm., both with tubular yellow
owers with included stamens, which dier from the typ-
ical hummingbird-pollinated owers in the genus. Among the
bat pollination syndrome are: Vriesea platynema Gaudich. +
Vriesea linharesiae Leme & J.A.Siqueira + Vriesea sp. with in-
cluded stamens, leaves green with a purple reddish macule in
the apex (Leme and Siqueira-Filho 2001, Moura 2011); Vriesea
roethii W.Weber and Vriesea pabstii McWill. & L.B.Sm., with
mostly green inorescences and white owers with included
stamens (Smith and Downs 1977, Weber 1979); and Vriesea
sananciscana Versieux & Wand. and Vriesea longistaminea
C.C.Paula & Leme, with exserted and slightly spread long sta-
mens, which dier from the typical bat-pollinated owers in the
genus (Moura 2011).
Despite shared morphology and, in some cases, geographic
distribution, these groupings are not exclusive for each species
complex or morphological group. Further, dierent accessions
of the same nominal species can be spread across the phylogen-
etic tree, rather than forming a monophyletic group (Fig. 1).
In addition to the poor clade resolution—resulting from the
diculty in nding informative molecular markers for Vriesea,
such ndings are suggestive of incomplete lineage sorting with
retention of ancestral polymorphism and incipient speciation
(Goetze et al. 2017). e genus is relatively young (crown age
6.3 Mya) and species may have not experienced sucient trait
or genetic coalescence. Hybridization cannot be discarded as an
alternative possible explanation, as it has been shown to occur
within Vriesea and between Vriesea and other genera (Matos et
al. 2016, Zanella et al. 2016, Neri et al. 2017, Loiseau et al. 2021).
ese studies identied breaks in reproductive isolation, such as
overlapping owering times and shared pollinators, as the main
drivers of hybridization in the group. A large phylogenetic tree of
Vriesea based on plastome data revealed similar results regarding
the non-monophyly of species (Machado et al. 2020).
Recent studies identied repeated evolution of pollination
syndromes occurring broadly in Bromeliaceae (Givnish et
al. 2014, Aguilar-Rodríguez et al. 2019) and in other diverse
tropical groups such as the Gesneriaceae and Campanulaceae
(Lagomarsino et al. 2017, Serrano-Serrano et al. 2017),
Acanthaceae (Tripp and Manos 2008), and Passioraceae
(Abrahamczyk et al. 2014). We found two shis from bat to
hummingbird pollination (Fig. 3A), whereas the reverse pat-
tern (from hummingbird to bat pollination) is more frequently
documented across angiosperms. Our ndings reject the hy-
pothesis that bat pollination is an evolutionary dead end (Tripp
and Manos 2008, Fleming et al. 2009) and corroborates evi-
dence of high transition rates from bat to hummingbird pollin-
ation (Lagomarsino et al. 2017). Although Kessler et al. (2020)
recovered hummingbird pollination as the ancestral state of
Vriesea, with three shis from hummingbird to bat pollination,
this is due to their inclusion of bat-pollinated Stigmatodon
(Barfuss et al. 2016) as Vriesea. We here follow the classication
of Barfuss et al. (2016) in accepting Stigmatodon as monophy-
letic, which is supported by the comprehensive genomic data
presented here and in Leme et al. (2017), Kessous et al. (2020),
Machado et al. (2020), and Loiseau et al. (2021).
Here we identied evolutionary correlates of plant–pollinator
interactions in an ecologically and morphologically diverse
Neotropical plant clade. Our results indicate that pollination
syndromes evolved in association with shis in plant life form
and habitat type in Vriesea and its sister group Stigmatodon.
We identied a broad paern of occurrence of hummingbird-
pollinated species in shaded and dense-forested areas, and
bat-pollinated plants in open and more exposed habitats. We
inferred bat pollination, epiphytic life form, and occupancy in
shaded and mid-elevation habitats as ancestral states in Vriesea.
e repeated evolution of pollination syndromes explains the
non-monophyly of the two Vriesea sections dened on ower
morphology. As biodiversity loss intensies globally (WWF
2020), it is crucial to understand the relationship between plants
and their pollinators to avoid erosion of the complex ecological
networks of tropical ecosystems and their capacity for mainten-
ance and continued evolution.
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online
version of this article at the publisher's web-site.
Material S1. Taxa included in the phylogenetic analyses with
their respective vouchers and information on locality and origin
of the samples.
Material S2. Traits used for the ancestral character recon-
struction and correlation analyses.
Material S3. Data on pollination biology compiled by Neves
et al. (2020a).
Material S4. e full annotated ML trees of Vriesea and
Stigmatodon based on 664 ddD-seq loci inferred with both
(A) xML with BS support and (B) PhyML with aLRT SH-
like support.
Material S5. e full annotated coalescent trees of Vriesea
and Stigmatodon based on nuclear ddD-seq loci inferred with
both (A) Astral with posterior probability and (B) SVDquartets
with BS support.
Material S6. Density plot of the posterior distribution of the
correlation coecient of the Bayesian threshold models built to
test association of pollination syndromes with (A) habitat type,
(B) life form, and (C) altitude.
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10 • Neves et al.
Material S7. Ancestral trait estimation for (A) pollination
syndromes and (B) altitude.
Material S8. Vriesea species distribution across altitude and
Material S9. Data on pollinator species distribution, habitat
preferences, and movement.
We thank Cami la Rier, Talita Machado, and Olga Kourtchenko for help
with molecular work; and Anieli Pereira, Marcos Cruz, Deise Sarzi, and
Josué Azevedo for help with analyses. e University Utrecht Botanic
Gardens and Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wienberg provided
samples from the live bromeliad collections. Carlos Gussoni, Roberto
Novaes, and André Siqueira provided photos and information on pollin-
ator species. is research was supported by the Museu Nacional of the
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, the International Association
for Plant Taxonomy, the Adlerbert Research Foundation (2019-410),
the Sven and Dagmar Saléns Foundation and the Wilhelm and Martina
Lundgrens Foundation (2020-3489) for the grants awarded to B.N.,
the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientíco e Tecnológico
- CNPq to A.F.C. (311.111/2021-1), and the Swedish Foundation
for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education and
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior—
STINT/CAPES (88881.304776.2018-01) to C.D.B. and A.F.C., the
Swedish Research Council (2017-04980) to C.D.B., the Coordenação de
Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior—CAPES to B.N., I. M.K.,
D.R.C., P.d.L.F. and R.L.M., and the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa
do Estado do Rio de Janeiro—FAPERJ (CNE E-26/200.940/2022) to
F.P. and I.M.K. acknowledges the Helge Ax:son Johnsons stielse (F21-
0212). A.A . acknowledges nancial support from the Swedish Research
Council (2019-05191), the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research
(FFL15-0196), the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (W
2014.0216), and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
Beatriz Neves, Andrea F. Costa, Fabiano Salgueiro, Christine D.
Bacon, and Alexandre Antonelli (study design), Beatriz Neves, Igor M.
Kessous, Ricardo L. Moura, and Dayvid R. Couto (sample collection
and identication), Beatriz Neves (DNA extraction and preparation),
Francisco Prosdocimi, Paola de L. Ferreira, and Beatriz Neves (bio-
informatic analyses), Beatriz Neves, Igor M. Kessous, and Paola de L.
Ferreira (phylogenetic analyses), Beatriz Neves (remaining analyses),
all authors (data interpretation), Beatriz Neves (manuscript writing
with contributions from all authors).
Raw reads are available at NCBI under the BioProject number
PRJNA918536. e morphological and environmental data used in the
analyses are available in the electronic supplement of this paper.
e authors declare that they have no conict of interest.
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