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Abstract and Figures

Komposit serat alam merupakan salah satu bahan alternatif yang digunakan sebagai Multilayered Armor System (MAS). Salah satu serat alam yang paling umum digunakan sebagai MAS yaitu serat bebahan dasar bambu tali. Komposit serat bambu tali memiliki densitas dan biaya proses manufaktur yang murah. Namun, secara sifat mekanis, komposit serat bambu memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda-beda. Dalam penelitian ini akan dilakukan analisis sifat mekanis komposit serat bambu tali yang memiliki orientasi 0o/90o.bahan komposit yang digunakan yaitu serat bamboo tali sebagai penguta dan epoxy sebagai matriks pengikat serat. Dari pengujian mekanis yang dilakukan diperoleh kekuatan Tarik rata-rata komposit serat bambu tali sebesar 109.86 MPa. Kekuatan bending sebesar 95.32 MPa dan kekuatan geser sebesar 34.11 MPa.
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... Hal ini didukung dengan perkembangan teknologi di bidang material sehingga sangat dimungkinkan material-material baru yang tahan terhadap korosi serta unggul dengan kekuatan jenis (strength / weight), kekuatan lelah (fatigue) yang baik dan dapat diatur (tailorability). Banyak material komposit yang ramah lingkungan bersumber dari material alam yang banyak ditemui di lingkungan sekitar, seperti limbah sabut kelapa [2], [3], limbah kulit buah salak [4], sekam padi [5], serat bambu [6] dan serat ampas tebu [7]. ...
... Sistem hand layup diaplikasikan dalam proses pembuatan spesimen dengan memberikan tekanan mesin press manual pada cetakan besi dan holding time 3 jam. Spesimen yang telah siap kemudian dipotong dengan panjang 63,5 mm, lebar 12,7 mm, dan tebal 3,2 mm sesuai standart ASTM D 5941 [6]. Gambar 1 merupakan spesimen uji impact. ...
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Program Net Zero Emission (NZE) pada tahun 2060 menjadi target negara-negara di dunia dalam mengembangkan Rebewable and Green Energy termasuk di Indonesia. Perkembangan tersebut akan lebih efektif bila didukung dengan perkembangan meterial yang ramah lingkungan. Material baru yang unggul dapat dihasilkan dari penggabungan dua atau lebih material yang berbeda sifat. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui karakteristik bahan komposit berpenguat serat gelas dan kain limbah industri garmen sebagai alternatif material pendukung energi terbarukan. Proses pencetakan dilakukan secara hand lay-up menggunakan matrik poliester BQTN 157 Ex Yukalac dengan persentase kandungan pengat 100% serat kain, 100% serat gelas, 25% serat kain / 75% serat gelas, 50% serat kain / 50% serat gelas, 75% serat kain / 25% serat gelas, penguat fraksi volume sebesar 40% digunakan pada masing-masing variasi. Standart ASTM D 5941 digunakan sebagai acuan dalam prosedur pengujian impact. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa impact strength yang terbaik pada komposit berpenguat 75% gelas / 25% kain, nilainya yaitu 16,05 kJ/m², sedangkan komposit berpenguat 100% gelas dan 50% gelas / 50% kain memiliki impact strength yang hampir sama, nilainya 11,5 kJ/m².
... Adapun sifat mekanik dari serat bambu tali/apus dapat dilihat pada tabel 1 dibawah ini [5]: Tabel ...
Penggunaan serat alam sebagai bahan penguat material komposit karena serat alam mudah didapat, harganya murah, jenis dan variasinya banyak. Salah satu serat alam yang dapat digunakan sebagai penguat komposit adalah serat bambu tali/apus. Komposit adalah campuran dari dua atau lebih campuran material yang terdiri dari filler dan matriks.Tujuan dibuatnya komposit adalah untuk mendapatkan material yang baik untuk melihat sifat mekanis nya dengan memvariasikan volume serat bambu tali/apus. Metode pembuatan komposit menggunakan metode hand lay-up dengan cara menuangkan matriks styrofoam dan polyester kedalam cetakan yang berisi serat bambu tali/apus. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dua pengujian yaitu pengujian tarik dan bending dari bahan serat bambu tali/apus dengan variasi perbandingan berat serat yaitu 15%,20%,25%. Fraksi volume serat bambu memberikan pengaruh terhadap nilai tegangan tarik dan Tegangan bending komposit dan bersifat linear terhadap kekuatan serat. Dimana nilai tegangan tarik dan bending tertinggi didapatkan pada fraksi volume 25% yaitu sebesar 19,50 Mpa dan 40,72 Mpa. nilai ini lebih tinggi dibandingkan dua fraksi serat sebelumnya yaitu pada variasi 20% tegangan tarik dan bending sebesar 18,66 Mpa dan 38,78 Mpa. Pada variasi 15% serat bambu tali/apus tegangan tarik dan bending sebesar 17.81 Mpa dan 40,72Mpa. Keywords: Serat alam,Serat Bambu,Polyester,Styrofoam,Pengujian Tarik dan Pengujan Bending
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This study aims to investigate the mechanical properties of bamboo apus (gigantochloa apus) as a natural reinforced composite material. Bamboo’s laminates of gigantochloa apus were used as reinforcement on the epoxy resin matrix. The parameters examined in this study are the configuration of lamina and compaction pressure. Laminate configuration varies in the number, thickness and direction of the lamina. Compaction pressures of 1.5 MPa, 2 MPa, and 2.5 MPa were used to fabricate the Laminated Bamboo Composites (LBCs). The stem of bamboo with a length of 400 mm was split to obtain bamboo lamina with a size of 400×20 mm. The thickness of bamboo lamina is varied between 1 mm, 1.5 mm, and 2 mm. The bamboo lamina is then preserved by watering it with a preservative solution in the form of 2.5 % sodium tetraborate solution and dried in an oven until the water content reaches 10 %. LBCs were made with a hand lay-up method. After the LBCs were molded, they were pressed with 3 variations of dies compaction 1.5 MPa, 2 MPa and 2.5 MPa. The tensile and bending tests were carried out on the LBCs. Tensile testing is performed in accordance with ASTM standard D3039 and the bending tests were conducted based on ASTM standard D7264. The results show that at each compaction pressure, the highest tensile and bending strength was achieved by LBCs with a thickness of 1 mm of bamboo lamina and 7 layers of bamboo laminates. The LBC with thinner bamboo lamina reinforcement and more layers has the highest tensile strength and bending strength, even it has a lower mass fraction. The LBCs with laminates oriented 0° exhibited greater tensile and bending strengths than the LBCs with laminates structured –45°/+45° and 0°/90°. The LBCs with the 0° laminates direction is matrix fracture followed by lamina fracture. In the 0°/90° direction, matrix fracture is followed by delamination in the 90° and 0° laminates direction. Delamination and lamina clefting were observed in LBCs with laminates oriented +45°/–45°.
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Multilayered armor systems (MAS) with a front ceramic layer backed by a relatively unknown Amazonian guaruman fiber-reinforced (Ischnosiphon koem) epoxy composites, as second layer, were for the first time ballistic tested against the threat of 7.62 mm rifle ammunition. The amount of 30 vol% guaruman fibers was investigated in three distinct configurations: (i) continuous aligned, (ii) 0–90° cross-laid, and (iii) short-cut randomly dispersed. Additionally, single-target ballistic tests were also carried out in the best MAS-performed composite with cross-laid guaruman fibers against .22 caliber ammunition. The results disclosed that all composites as MAS second layer attended the US NIJ standard with corresponding penetration depth of (i) 32.9, (ii) 27.5, and (iii) 29.6 mm smaller than the lethal limit of 44 mm in a clay witness simulating a personal body. However, the continuous aligned guaruman fiber composite lost structural integrity by delamination after the 7.62 projectile impact. By contrast, the composite with cross-laid guaruman fibers kept its integrity for subsequent shootings as recommended by the standard. The single-target tests indicated a relatively higher limit velocity for .22 caliber projectile perforation, 255 m/s, and absorbed energy of 106 J for the cross-laid guaruman fibers, which are superior to corresponding results for other less known natural fiber epoxy composites.
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This study about reinforced e glass fibers with processed of lycal composites resin by using hand lay-up, vacuum infusion, and vacuum bagging method. Plain-weave type woven glass fabric, commercial code: EW185 cloth, has been used as the GFRP. Experiments carried out include tensile testing to obtain tensile stress, tensile strain, and elastic modulus performed using UTM (Universal Testing Machine) tools. In addition, density, composite thickness, mass fraction and fraction of composite material volume and SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) photographs can be determined to see the bond density between fibers and resins. Specimen preparation refers to ASTM D3039 which is the standard tensile test for composites with a polymeric matrix. Compared with hand lay-up, vacuum infusion, and vacuum bagging method, Vacuum infusion has the best ultimate tensile strength that is 346.15 MPa and average modulus elasticity is 10673.4 MPa. Failure Mode is also DAT.
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Indonesia is a country with abundant of bamboo. More than 100 species of bamboo are found in Indonesia, and the production of bamboo ranks second after China. Bamboo has great potential to be used as industrial raw materials due to its high mechanical properties. The properties of the bamboo's fiber have been widely reported by several researchers, but the rarely properties of bamboo's culm which is consist of fiber, parenchym, and conducting tissue were reported. This research aimed to identify the culm in five most common bamboos in Indonesia namely Bamboo Temen (Gigantochloa Atter), Bamboo Apus (Gigantochloa Apus Kurz), Bamboo Kuning (Bambusa vulgaris schard var. Vitata), Bamboo Gombong (Gigantochloa pseudoarundinacea), and Bamboo Hitam (Gigantochloa verticillata). Properties identification were on the density, morphology, tensile strength, and modulus of elasticity. The density of different types of bamboo's culm varied from 0.54 to 0.78 g/cm³. Morphology of culm showed hollow structure which was consist of vessel and surrounded by fibers. Tensile strength of Bamboo Temen, Bamboo Apus, Bamboo Kuning, Bamboo Gombong, and Bamboo Hitam were of 195, 179, 82, 114, and 118 MPa, respectively whereas corresponding modulus of elasticity were of 16.7; 7.5; 14.3; 16.0; and 10.1 GPa. The best mechanical performance was found in Bamboo Temen.
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The ballistic performance of a multilayered armor with a front ceramic tile backed by a plate of giant bamboo fiber reinforced epoxy composite was assessed. The ceramic layer spalls the projectile, while the bamboo composite dissipates the remaining energy. Ballistic tests were performed with high velocity ammunition and the projectile penetration was evaluated by the intrusion depth in a clay witness. The average depth value of near 18 mm was found well below the limit specified by the NIJ standard of 44 mm and better than that for aramid fabric composite, about 22 mm, with the same thickness of the giant bamboo composite. The giant bamboo composite acts as an efficient barrier for the fragments originated from the ceramic brittle rupture. For practical application in portable armor for personal protection, the layer of giant bamboo composite presents not only a superior ballistic performance but also lightness and economical advantages over the conventional aramid fabric.
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Recently, there has been a rapid growth in research and innovation in the natural fibre composite (NFC) area. Interest is warranted due to the advantages of these materials compared to others, such as synthetic fibre composites, including low environmental impact and low cost and support their potential across a wide range of applications. Further benefits include low density, low machine wear and friendly fracture, such that their fractured edges are softer than for synthetic fibre composites. Much effort has gone into increasing their mechanical performance to extend the capabilities and applications of this group of materials. This review aims to provide an overview of the factors that affect the mechanical performance of NFCs and details achievements made with them.
An attempt was made in this study to produce natural fiber-reinforced hybrid composite material using hand-layup method. Three different natural fibers were used to strengthen Kevlar/epoxy composites. Mechanical testing was performed to characterize the composites, namely tensile, flexural, impact and double shear. The results showed that Kevlar/epoxy hybrid composite has been reinforced by Aloevera and palm with superior mechanical properties relative to other hybrid composites. The tensile strength, flexural strength and load bearing capacity were increased by 50%, 14% and 54% respectively. Fiber breakage and matrix cracking were the dominant failure mechanism of composites in tensile testing. Matrix cracking and delamination have been the dominant failure mechanism in impact testing.
Indonesian people traditionally use Gigantochloa apus bamboo as structural materials. For modern building design, structural grading should be conducted on bamboo culm to get its design characteristic values. Non-destructive assesment on each culm condition, dimension, and geometric were conducted to predict the strength and capacity. Wall density (ρw) and Modulus of Elasticity measured by fixed load deflection using Panter machine (Ep) have moderate correlation with apparent and true modulus of elasticity (Eapp, Etrue) and Modulus of Rupture (MOR). Additional predictors in multiple regression improved the adj-R², but it was not reliable enough for estimating Eapp, Etrue, and MOR of G. apus culm, thus bamboo structural grading should better use capacity grading rather than strength grading. Diameter (D) is a potential grading parameter that provides strong evidence to predict flexural capacity. Non destructive test which deals with measuring linear mass ratio (q) is a simple method that refers to dimension and density, and it has strong correlation with flexural rigidity (EIapp, EItrue) and capacity (Mmax). The measurements of both D and q are proper indicating variables for predicting the capacity of G. apus. The grade of structural bamboo could be classified by D, q, and combination of both measurement based on ISO 22156 and confident band method. Confident band method resulted in a more conventional value than that from ISO 22156, thus it proved to be safer and more reliable. The combination of linear mass and square of diameter (qD²) was the best predictor for estimating the stiffness, while qD was the best one for estimating Mmax. In capacity grading, additional measurement of eccentricity (Ec), culm density (ρc), wall density (ρw), moisture content (Mc), and ovality (Ov) predictors significantly improved the model rather than a single predictor, but fixed load bending stiffness measured using panter machine (EIp), taper (ta), and out of straightness (so) addition into the model did not give significant contribution.
In a motive to develop a natural fiber-based dielectric material, bamboo fiber-reinforced epoxy composite is fabricated using hand layup technique and hybridized with Kevlar K29 fiber to enhance its properties. Dielectric and conductivity studies are performed using LCR meter on the composite samples as a function of frequency (100 Hz-1 MHz) and temperature (22–120°C). From the experiment, it is observed that the dielectric properties of bamboo-based natural composite are significantly enhanced by Kevlar hybridization. And also the influence of variation in frequency and temperature on the electrical properties i.e. dielectric and conductivity of the fabricated composite was studied. The morphological study is also carried out using scanning electron microscope (SEM).