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Internet of Things Hacking: Ethical Hacking of a Smart Camera

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Mohammed Hamza Javed
Supervisor: Dr Daniele Scrimieri
Internet of Things Hacking:
Ethical Hacking of a Smart Camera
Dissertation Project Report
A thesis submitted in part fulfilment of the degree of BSc (Hons) in Computer Science for Cyber Security
Faculty of Engineering and Informatics
Department of Computer Science
9th May 2023
The Internet of Things (IoT) has introduced to the world the power of connectivity and
automation. Through the use of a smart device, a task as simple as turning on a light bulb can
take place directly from a person’s mobile phone. Other, more powerful, devices have the
ability to record their surroundings, listen to commands, and even guard and protect a house!
These are all commendable advancements, but what happens when one of these devices
becomes compromised?
An attacker could gain access to an internet-enabled device and become aware of
private and sensitive information - useful for taking over other devices on the network, as
well as harvesting data for their own malicious purposes. Within this report, common
weaknesses and mitigation paths of IoT devices will be discussed, as well as methods and
tools that hackers use to attack.
Furthermore, an ethical hacking demonstration will be deployed against an internet-enabled
security camera, Wyze Cam V2. Through the use of a firmware attack, root access was
gained, allowing the view of confidential folders, containing video and audio files. Certain
security methods demand improvement within this device in order to keep its users safe,
which will be discussed further in this report.
Key Words: Penetration testing, firmware, vulnerabilities, smart devices, Kali Linux
Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude towards my supervisor, Dr Daniele Scrimieri, for
his constant guidance and patience towards my questions. His knowledge, feedback and
advice were pivotal in helping towards this report and I am very thankful.
I would also like to extend my sincere appreciation to my friends and family. The completion
of my report would not have been possible without their never-ending support and
Table of Contents
Abstract ________________________________________________________ i
Acknowledgements _______________________________________________ii
Chapter 1. Introduction ___________________________________________ 1
1.1 Problem Definition _____________________________________________________ 1
1.2 Goal _________________________________________________________________ 1
1.3 Scope ________________________________________________________________ 1
1.4 Outline _______________________________________________________________ 2
Chapter 2. Literature Review _______________________________________ 3
2.1 Introduction to Internet of Things Devices, how they work and advantages of their use 3
2.2 Related Works _________________________________________________________ 4
2.3 Security Issues and Vulnerabilities _________________________________________ 5
2.3.1 Hardcoded and Default Credentials _____________________________________ 5
2.3.2 Large Attack Surface ________________________________________________ 5
2.3.3 Lack of Encryption __________________________________________________ 5
2.3.4 Lack of update patches _______________________________________________ 6
2.3.5 Use of software with known vulnerabilities _______________________________ 6
2.3.6 Injection Attacks ____________________________________________________ 6
2.4 Reasons for security issues _______________________________________________ 7
2.5 Consequences of Vulnerable Devices _______________________________________ 8
2.5.1 Medtronic Pacemaker Vulnerability _____________________________________ 8
2.5.2 Remote Jeep Cherokee Hack __________________________________________ 8
2.6 Mitigation of Security Issues______________________________________________ 8
2.6.1 2-Factor Authentication ______________________________________________ 8
2.6.2 Enabling secure communication protocols ________________________________ 9
2.6.3 Activating a next-generation firewall ____________________________________ 9
2.6.4 Rigorous penetration testing ___________________________________________ 9
2.6.5 Create a separate network for IoT devices ________________________________ 9
2.6.6 Use of a VPN ______________________________________________________ 9
2.6.7 Other common remediation methods ___________________________________ 10
2.6.8 Reflection ________________________________________________________ 10
2.7 Theoretical Background ________________________________________________ 10
2.7.1 Ethical Hacking ___________________________________________________ 10
2.7.2 Protocols _________________________________________________________ 10
2.7.3 Firmware _________________________________________________________ 11
Chapter 3. Internet of Things Attacks & Tools ________________________ 12
3.1 Methodology _________________________________________________________ 12
3.2 Common Attacks ______________________________________________________ 13
3.2.1 Man-in-the-Middle Attacks __________________________________________ 13
3.2.2 Brute-force Attacks_________________________________________________ 13
3.2.3 Firmware Attacks __________________________________________________ 13
3.2.4 Malware Attacks ___________________________________________________ 14
3.2.5 Distributed Denial-of-Service Attacks/Botnets ___________________________ 14
3.3 Preventing Attacks ____________________________________________________ 15
3.3.1 Virtual Private Networks ____________________________________________ 15
3.3.2 Strong Wi-Fi Encryption ____________________________________________ 15
3.3.3 Anti-Malware _____________________________________________________ 15
3.3.4 User Access Control ________________________________________________ 15
3.3.5 Reflection ________________________________________________________ 16
3.4 Commonly used Tools _________________________________________________ 16
3.4.1 Kali Linux ________________________________________________________ 16
3.4.2 Nmap ___________________________________________________________ 16
3.4.3 Wireshark ________________________________________________________ 17
3.4.4 Burp Suite ________________________________________________________ 17
3.4.5 John the Ripper ____________________________________________________ 17
Chapter 4. Device under a Scope ___________________________________ 18
4.1 Wyze Cam V2 ________________________________________________________ 18
4.2 Physical Components __________________________________________________ 18
Chapter 5. Threat Modelling ______________________________________ 19
5.1 Identifying Assets _____________________________________________________ 19
5.2 Attack Vectors/Entry Points _____________________________________________ 19
5.3 Identifying Threats ____________________________________________________ 20
Chapter 6. Proof of Concept Exploit ________________________________ 22
6.1 Finding Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures _____________________________ 22
6.2 Method _____________________________________________________________ 22
6.2.1 Extracting the filesystems ____________________________________________ 23
6.2.2 Finding root password ______________________________________________ 23
6.2.3 Backdoor _________________________________________________________ 24
6.2.4 Creating Firmware Image ____________________________________________ 25
Chapter 7. Results & Discussion ___________________________________ 28
7.1 Results ______________________________________________________________ 28
7.2 Legal, Social, Ethical and Professional Issues _______________________________ 29
7.3 Future Work _________________________________________________________ 30
Chapter 8. Conclusion ___________________________________________ 31
Bibliography ___________________________________________________ 32
List of Tables
Table 1: Common methodology structures/phases ............................................................... 12
Table 2: Identifies the assets of the Wyze Cam V2 .............................................................. 19
Table 3: Possible attack surfaces for Wyze Cam V2 ............................................................ 20
Table 4: Threat #1 - Unauthorised access to user accounts .................................................. 20
Table 5: Threat #2 - Access to critical files/recordings ........................................................ 20
Table 6: Threat #3 - Packet sniffing for user data ................................................................ 21
Table 7: Threat #4 - Creating/downloading malicious firmware .......................................... 21
List of Figures
Figure 1: Physical Components of Wyze Cam V2 ............................................................... 18
Figure 2: Properties of the firmware image ............................................................ 23
Figure 3: Root directory found in squashfs1 filesystem ....................................................... 23
Figure 4: John the Ripper tool used to crack the root password hash .................................... 24
Figure 5: Contents of rcS, a file containing boot scripts for Wyze Cam V2 .......................... 25
Figure 6: Creating the backdoor binary................................................................................ 26
Figure 7: Creating the final firmware image ........................................................................ 26
Figure 8: Output of Nmap scan, showing that the telnet service is now active ..................... 26
Figure 9: Logging in as root user via telnet .......................................................................... 27
Figure 10: Private modules that can be accessed as the root user ......................................... 28
Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1 Problem Definition
Internet of Things devices have become increasingly prominent in modern times, with over
11.3 billion devices connected worldwide in 2021, and a further projected total of 29.4 billion
by 2030 (Vailshery, 2022). According to a report from Aviva, an average of 10.3 internet-
enabled devices exist within a regular UK household, with this figure increasing to 15.4 in a
home with three children (Aviva, 2020).
While this progression is a sign of our technological era advancing, it also brings with it some
increasing security concerns. These concerns mainly come in the form of weak security
frameworks implemented on smart devices, which can lead to vulnerabilities that could be
exploited by an attacker. Many IoT developers may overlook the security aspect due to the
associated costs, but in doing so, leave their devices open to attacks that could give a black
hat hacker full control of the device, and potentially, the entire network. A black hat hacker is
a person who uses their hacking skills for malicious purposes, as opposed to an ethical
hacker, who uses their skills for good. Certain attacks they could execute include Man-in-the-
Middle attacks, malware attacks, injection attacks, firmware attacks and many others to be
discussed within the report. As a result, it is safe to conclude that the more Internet of Things
devices within a household, the more at risk the household could be.
1.2 Goal
The goal of this report is to analyse, evaluate and assess the security of Internet of Things
devices by exploring common vulnerabilities and weaknesses. This will be achieved through
various ethical hacking techniques, as well as using specific tools to assist. Additionally,
possible remediation methods will be discussed throughout the report. Furthermore, a proof
of concept exploit involving a Wyze Cam V2 security camera will be demonstrated via a
firmware attack, in order to showcase the ease at which IoT devices can be compromised.
This report aims to answer the following question: how secure are Internet of Things
devices? Hopefully, as a result, information and awareness can be spread about the growing
lack of safety in regards to internet-enabled devices.
1.3 Scope
Throughout the early sections of this report, common and generic Internet of Things devices
will be explored, along with their weaknesses and certain mitigations to prevent these.
However, during the later sections, the report aims to focus specifically on the penetration
testing of a security camera, namely the Wyze Cam V2. In these sections, a demonstration of
a proof of concept exploit will be shown.
The following learning objectives will be referred to throughout:
Use of cyber security concepts and problems - including threat modelling and a study
of various cyber-attacks and remediation methods
Conduct research into relevant books and essays to gain an understanding of real
cyber-attacks and case studies
Explore the legal, social, ethical and professional issues of cyber security - including a
look into the laws implemented and ways that they can be improved
Explore management of security and security tools used to address vulnerabilities -
including Nmap, John the Ripper and Binwalk
1.4 Outline
The report is divided into 8 chapters:
Chapter 1 is the current chapter that introduces the thesis and its aims and objectives.
Chapter 2 studies the work of other researchers and evaluates their methods and
insights. This chapter also provides details on the background of Internet of Things
devices, as well as common security vulnerabilities and methods of remediation.
Furthermore, reasons as to why security issues exist and their consequences are
explored, in addition to the theoretical background of ethical hacking, security
protocols and firmware.
Chapter 3 takes a look at penetration testing in more depth, introducing
methodologies, common attacks, tools used by hackers, and methods of protection
against attacks.
Chapter 4 introduces the smart camera that will be hacked as part of the project,
namely the Wyze Cam V2.
Chapter 5 provides a threat evaluation of the Wyze Cam V2, mentioning possible
entry points and attack surfaces.
Chapter 6 demonstrates a proof of concept exploit for the Wyze Cam V2, showing
how a potential attacker could gain root access.
Chapter 7 discusses the results of the attack, ways the security can be improved, legal,
social, ethical and professional considerations, and suggestions for future work.
Chapter 8 concludes the thesis, summarizing what has been discussed throughout.
Chapter 2. Literature Review
2.1 Introduction to Internet of Things Devices, how they
work and advantages of their use
The term ‘Internet of Things’ was coined in 1999 by Kevin Ashton (Lueth, 2014) and is used
to describe “pieces of hardware that [] can transmit data over the internet or other
networks” (What are IOT devices | n.d.). Although many people remain unaware, the Internet
of Things is all around us: in our homes; our places of work; hospitals; supermarkets, and
many more. Popular examples of such devices include:
Smart light bulbs
Smart plugs
Smart cameras
Remote patient monitoring
Heart rate monitors
Baby monitoring cameras
Amazon Alexa
Smart watches
And even smart fridges!
All of these devices have the capability of communicating over the internet, which means
they have the capability of being attacked.
Internet-enabled devices contain many sensors and actuators, which send the data they collect
to a cloud network. Once there, the data is processed and a certain action can be performed.
Many common IoT devices are paired with a smartphone application that receives the data
and can notify the user of any information that they may need, or even self-adjust based on
the conditions set. For instance, if a smart thermometer has sensed that a room has reached a
set temperature, it can automatically adjust itself to perform a new action.
From my point of view, the main advantage of IoT devices is the real-time information that
they provide. With a few presses of a button, a person is quickly able to monitor a security
camera, or measure their current heart rate. This goes a long way in ensuring that changing
circumstances can be adapted to almost instantaneously.
Their ease of access is also extremely helpful as it could allow a person to, for
instance, immediately turn on a smart plug whenever they need, as long as they have a
proficient internet connection.
Internet of Things devices can also increase production through the automation of
tasks. For example, if a smart printer detects that an ink cartridge is low, it can automatically
notify the user, or even place an online order, based on its settings. Rather than having to
manually monitor the ink usage, this system will allow the user to be more productive
without wasting time.
As reported by the International Data Corporation, it is estimated that, by 2025, there will be
almost 80 zettabytes (equivalent to 80 billion terabytes) of data produced from IoT devices
(Hojlo, 2021). With the increasing rate of Internet of Things devices being used, in my
opinion, the number of cyber-attacks will also inevitably grow, mainly due to the challenges
further discussed in section 2.3.
2.2 Related Works
The study and related works of other researchers have helped contribute to this report, and
serve as a basis for which I hope to expand upon.
The work undertaken by Fredrik Radholm and Niklas Abefelt (2020) into “A Survey on
Security of a Smart Refrigerator” introduces the concepts of ethically hacking a Samsung
refrigerator using its underlying Operating System. In this thesis, several cases of threat
modelling are used in order to evaluate how secure the machine is, which resulted in no
exploitable vulnerabilities being found. The use of threat modelling allowed for a more
dynamic view of the machine, which was used to illustrate the potential methods an attacker
could use to gain access. In the report, investigations into firmware are limited but have the
potential to be scrutinized further.
Ivan Gudymenko thoroughly explained the security weaknesses of Internet of Things devices,
mainly in regards to wireless communications, such as RFID and Wireless Personal
Networks. His essay, titled “Security in the Internet of Things” (Gudymenko, 2011), opens a
discussion into the privacy aspects of internet-enabled devices and the challenges they
In a blog post titled “Hacking Reolink cameras for fun and profit”, author George Hilliard
(2020) hacks into a security camera by modifying and reverse engineering the firmware.
These modifications allowed the camera to run telnet from boot, which could be used to
connect and gain root access.
The work of a security researcher, with the YouTube screen name of Stacksmashing, explains
the uses of the Squashfs and JFFS2 filesystems that are used in firmware images. His online
video details the steps taken to inject modified firmware into a smart device in order to take
control of it (Stacksmashing, 2020).
A lecture given at a Sydney-based University by Jason Ford (2020), goes into detail about
security vulnerabilities of Internet of Things devices, as well as a demonstration of how to
hack a security camera. This is done through code injection and brute-forcing the admin
A report by Xin Liu (2021), titled “Ethical Hacking of a Smart Video Doorbell”, expands
upon the use of penetration testing tools to explore vulnerabilities within a smart doorbell.
Using attacks such as Man-in-the-Middle, SQL Injection, and more, the security of the device
was assessed, and suggestions were made for improvement.
All of these research pieces present interesting and unique ideas. One of special interest to me
was George Hilliard’s blog post, in which he used Wireshark to sniff the data traffic between
a security camera and its PC client, as part of his enumeration of the device. From my
experience, this is a resourceful method that can be used to gain sensitive information about a
device and the servers it communicates with, as well as leading down other useful paths.
As well as this, Gudymenko’s thorough explanation of the security issues in IoT devices that
use wireless communications was highly informative. The use of wireless networks to hack a
device revealed to me the increasingly large dangers of IoT devices.
Although they were all very educative and enlightening, one area that I found limited in the
reports I read would be the use of case studies and examples. Delving in to more relevant
details of real life events would provide extra context to the reader and ensure that they are
following along. Hopefully, this can be developed further within this report.
2.3 Security Issues and Vulnerabilities
With all of the advantages that Internet of Things devices bring, they also have some
disadvantages. Some developers of IoT devices may not implement strong security functions
within the device, which can lead to vulnerabilities that an attacker could exploit. These
2.3.1 Hardcoded and Default Credentials
When an IoT device is manufactured, it may come with default credentials, such as
admin:admin or admin:password. These are basic login credentials that are very simple and
easy to remember (which are the characteristics of a weak password!), with the expectation
being that the consumer changes these to their own unique, secure password. Many users,
however, may not know how to change their credentials or may be ignorant of the fact that
they can even be changed, causing them to keep the weak default credentials!
By keeping the default credentials, an attacker could brute-force the details within seconds, or
could even do a quick Google search for the device name and password. This is one of the
easiest ways that an attacker could enter a device and it remains so because users do not make
their details unique and difficult to guess.
2.3.2 Large Attack Surface
During development, some common services that the developers may use include SSH,
Telnet and certain debug interfaces, which may have ports that are left open at the time of
sale. While these may be critical for the developers, they are not as useful to the average
consumer and could instead provide a path for attackers to exploit.
The more internet-connected services that are open on the device, the more potential
gateways an attacker has to attack. From there, the attacker could gain access to the device in
question or they could pivot and attack another device on the network (Langkemper | n.d.).
Closing unnecessary ports is paramount in reducing the size of the attack surface and helping
secure the device, as it means that the attacker has less pathways to enumerate the device and
execute an attack.
2.3.3 Lack of Encryption
When devices communicate with each other in plain-text, their messages can easily be read
by someone with malicious intentions. This is where encryption comes into use. Encryption
transforms readable, plain-text data into an unreadable format, with the help of cryptographic
algorithms. This ensures that any information cannot be interpreted by an attacker.
One common problem in this area is using an insecure protocol, such as HTTP or FTP, rather
than the encrypted version of the respective protocol, HTTPS or FTPS.
For devices that communicate in plain-text, an attacker could execute a Man-in-the-Middle
attack where the attacker sits between two communicating devices and intercepts their data,
unknown to the devices. This can lead to sensitive data exposure if any personal information
is transmitted whilst the attacker is listening.
2.3.4 Lack of update patches
Devices with vulnerabilities require a software patch to alleviate the issue. If a developer
neglects the release of patches to vulnerabilities in their device, their entire customer base
could be at risk of exposure to an attack, which is why it is important for software to have an
update functionality so that developers are able to push patches at any time, in the case of a
system weakness (Guest, 2022).
After a software update is released, the update should be pushed onto new devices at the time
of sale so that new users are not at risk of using outdated software, with the vulnerability still
hiding within.
2.3.5 Use of software with known vulnerabilities
Rather than reinventing the wheel each time a new IoT device is made, many manufacturers
resort to using open source software to create their product. This could include libraries or
other popular frameworks that may be used in hundreds of other devices. While this may help
them to release their product faster, the software could have many vulnerabilities hidden
within, and if an attacker were to find just one vulnerability, it could bring down all of the
devices that use that same software (Cloudflare, 2020).
An example of this happening is the 2021 Log4j attacks that left millions of devices exposed
around the world. This was due to all of the devices using the same Java-based logging and
monitoring tool, where a single security weakness lead to a remote control execution exploit
being available within a few days. Many attacks were issued due to the sheer amount of
devices that used Log4j.
2.3.6 Injection Attacks
One of the easiest and most common attacks that can impact the Internet of Things is an
injection attack. This is where an attacker exploits a user input field (such as a username or
password field) and enters malicious code that is processed and sent to the back end of the
device, where it is executed; essentially giving the attacker ‘control’ of the device. It can also
be used to reveal private and sensitive information, that may be stored in a database, and
return these to the attacker.
By sanitizing the user input, i.e. preventing unsafe characters from being entered, this type of
vulnerability can be avoided. In addition to this, validation requires that the user input be
entered in the correct format that is expected, and as such, any code that is entered will be
ignored (Cloudflare, 2020).
2.4 Reasons for security issues
In my opinion, one of the main reasons for weak IoT devices is: because of the increased cost
of production, many IoT developers tend to overlook the security aspect of their devices. IoT
devices are produced on a mass scale, and an average manufacturer could produce hundreds
of thousands of the same product per week. Many of these developers may add a simple
security function, but ultimately a well-implemented security framework will increase the
company’s costs and time spent per product, eating into their profit margins. As a result,
developers would rather spend their time working on the functionality of the product, rather
than its security.
Similarly, having more than basic security is not much of a selling point for internet-enabled
devices. Many consumers care more about how the product works and the various different
features it has, compared to evaluating the security functions of it. As well as this, having
strong security features could run the risk of limiting the usability of the device. For example,
having to enter a password upon every use could annoy the user, making it less desirable.
From a business perspective, since security is not driving sales, it makes more sense to focus
on the functionality of the device. Consequently, security is more of an afterthought rather
than a need.
Furthermore, some developers believe that basic security (i.e. default credentials) is enough
for the product - instead, shifting the responsibility of security onto the consumer. While I
believe that it is correct that consumers should take action to increase their knowledge about
attacks and to protect themselves, developers must also ensure that they have done as much
as they can to secure their devices. For instance, having default credentials is a form of
security, but it is too simple, and not every user can be expected to know that they must
change their login details. Instead, this can be improved upon by supplying users with unique
tokens to access their admin portal. Shifting responsibility onto consumers should not excuse
developers from applying more effort to secure the device.
One of the areas I believe that security could be improved in is the implementation of more
protective laws and legislations. There is currently not much regulation regarding the security
of Internet of Things devices, with the exception of a new law, proposed by the UK
government in April 2021. This particular law ensures that “virtually all smart devices meet
new requirements:
Customers must be informed at the point of sale the duration of time for which a
smart device will receive security software updates
A ban on manufacturers using universal default passwords, such as ‘password’ or
‘admin’, that are often preset in a device’s factory settings and are easily guessable
Manufacturers will be required to provide a public point of contact to make it simpler
for anyone to report a vulnerability.” (Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport
Since “only 12 per cent of organisations review the cyber security risks coming from their
immediate suppliers(Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport, 2022), this law was
eventually implemented in order to provide regulation for the manufacturers of IoT devices.
This is a big step forward as it eliminates the default credentials issue and makes it easier for
vulnerabilities to be reported, which can then be patched.
2.5 Consequences of Vulnerable Devices
While all vulnerable devices have the potential to cause damage, some devices tend to have
more severe consequences than others. This is certainly true for internet-enabled machines
such as vehicles, smart fire alarms, heart rate monitors, and other medical sensors. If these
were to become compromised, private information could be stolen, certain protective settings
could be changed, or even worse; lives could be lost!
Weaknesses in these devices lend themselves easily to cyber-attacks. “A cyber-attack is any
attempt to gain unauthorized access to a computer, computing system or computer network
with the intent to cause damage” (Pratt, 2022).
2.5.1 Medtronic Pacemaker Vulnerability
At an annual black hat event in Las Vegas, hosted in 2018, security researchers, Billy Rios
and Jonathon Butts demonstrated a vulnerability in a Medtronic pacemaker that could leave
thousands of patients at risk. The vulnerability would allow attackers to control the rate at
which electronic impulses are sent to the heart, essentially altering the way the heart beats!
The researchers discovered that the radio-frequency protocol, called Conexus, lacks any form
of authentication, meaning that, if they were within a 20 feet radius of the pacemaker, an
attacker could simply connect and “inject, replay, modify, and intercept the telemetry data.”
(Tung, 2019). The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning against the use of
these pacemakers, and while no lives were lost, the consequences of this vulnerability remain
strikingly severe.
2.5.2 Remote Jeep Cherokee Hack
In July 2015, a team of researchers were able to expose weaknesses in a Jeep Cherokee
vehicle, allowing them to remotely take control of various modules in the car. The
researchers, Charlie Miller and Chris Valasek, were able to send messages to the vehicle’s
Control Area Network (CAN) to control functions of the car, including altering the speed, the
steering wheel, and even the emergency brake. This prompted them to demonstrate these
vulnerabilities by hacking one of their own Jeep vehicles, driving onto a highway, and
performing an emergency stop at speed (Brewster, 2016)!
The pair of researchers reported the bugs to Fiat Chrysler, but it just shows the ease at which
even vehicles can be taken over. While Miller and Valasek rightfully didn’t share these
vulnerabilities publicly, it is frightening to think of what would happen if they ended up in
the wrong hands.
2.6 Mitigation of Security Issues
As mentioned previously, issues in security can lead to distributed denial-of-service attacks,
private information being intercepted and stolen, or even a device being controlled by a black
hat hacker! For these reasons, both the users and manufacturers should follow certain best
practices to ensure that their device is not compromised.
2.6.1 2-Factor Authentication
One of the easiest ways for users to keep their device secure is by using 2-Factor
Authentication where possible. This is a system that not only requires the user’s account
details to login, but also asks for the user to input a special code sent to another linked
application, which could include email or text messages. If a remote attacker manages to
brute-force their way into a user’s account, it is unlikely that they will also have the user’s
email or phone number to hand, making this method very effective.
2.6.2 Enabling secure communication protocols
A fundamental method of improving IoT privacy is through the use of secure communication
protocols. Manufacturers can employ the use of Transport Layer Security (TLS) in order to
encrypt the data sent back and forth from the device to the server. Once the data is sent and
encrypted, it is signed with a Message Authentication Code (MAC). Through this code, the
server is then able to verify that the data has not been tampered with. If the data has been
tampered with, the server knows not to trust the message (Das & Samdaria, 2014).
Many browsers are now phasing out the use of HTTP in favour of HTTPS. This is because
HTTPS offers the same services but has more advanced security protocols in place to keep
data safe.
2.6.3 Activating a next-generation firewall
A firewall is like a security guard; it controls what enters a network. The majority of routers
have an active firewall, but these tend to be limited in their features. Next-generation
firewalls are part of the third generation of firewalls and offer a range of advanced features
such as malware protection; intrusion protection systems (IPS); content filtering; virtual
private networks (VPN) and more. As a means to filter out attackers, malware, and viruses,
firewalls are essential to users (Goodreau | n.d.).
2.6.4 Rigorous penetration testing
Before an Internet-enabled device is released for sale, the manufacturers should ensure that it
has passed many in-depth penetration tests. These are done by a team of cyber security
analysts to find any possible vulnerabilities in a device in order to assess where they lead and
the consequences that may ensue by exploiting them. The tester then informs the ‘Blue’ team
of any issues that they caught so that they can be patched whilst still in production. A
thorough test will lead to the elimination of any flaws so that they are not sent out to
2.6.5 Create a separate network for IoT devices
A way for users to keep themselves, their personal data and their network secure is by
creating a new network specifically for their Internet of Things devices. This method of
security ensures that if an attacker is successful in compromising a device, the only other path
they can pivot to is to attack other IoT devices, rather than personal devices. It is uncommon
to enter sensitive information in a smart plug or a smart lightbulb, so if these are
compromised, their specific network can be shut down as a last resort, without any additional
harm being done to the main network and the equipment connected to it.
2.6.6 Use of a VPN
A VPN is a virtual private network that provides the user with a form of online anonymity by
disguising their IP address. These attributes help mitigate vulnerabilities as a user’s network
traffic is sent to a server provided by the VPN, where the data is encrypted in the process.
This will ensure that an attacker will not be able to view any private information this way and
hides the user’s network traffic.
2.6.7 Other common remediation methods
While the above-mentioned practices can help lower the risk of security issues, there are still
many other techniques that users and manufacturers can use to keep their devices and
networks secure:
Ensure that all passwords are kept strong and difficult to guess
Ensure vulnerabilities are patched as soon as possible
Correctly configure the router
Use encryption wherever possible
Reduce the attack surface by closing unnecessary ports
2.6.8 Reflection
I believe that, for manufacturers of an IoT device, an extremely attentive and thorough
penetration test would be the best course of action before selling their products. This is
because any vulnerabilities that exist can be hand tested in great detail, to explore the
different avenues that an exploit would lead to. Whilst still in production, any errors can be
resolved without risk of damage or data loss from an attacker.
On the other hand, for the users of an IoT device, I would recommend strengthening the rules
of their firewall as a method of protection for their network. A strong firewall is one that not
only filters malicious software from being downloaded, but also prevents malicious attackers
or unwanted data connections from reaching the user’s device. The majority of the latest
computers, laptops and routers come with a dedicated firewall settings menu, where certain
rules and adjustments can be made, allowing for more personalized and specific control. In
other words, the firewall can be tailored to block specific objects, or allow them based on the
rules the user has set. The user could easily make changes according to their preferences and
improve the security of their network.
2.7 Theoretical Background
2.7.1 Ethical Hacking
Thus far, the focus has been on black hat hacking and its consequences. An alternative to this,
however, is white hat hacking, also known as ethical hacking. Ethical hackers are those who
employ the same skillset and exposure of vulnerabilities as black hat hackers, except they
operate within the law and follow strict rules and guidelines.
These types of hackers offer their services to organisations in order to assess their products
and report any possible security flaws and weaknesses that they find. The term ‘ethical
hacking’ is interchangeable with penetration testing. Organisations rely on ethical hackers to
provide a full risk assessment of their business and products to keep them protected.
2.7.2 Protocols
Protocols are a set of rules that determines how data should be formatted, transmitted, and
delivered between devices within a network. They can be used in conjunction with ports,
where each of the system ports is assigned a specific protocol or service. If a manufacturer of
IoT devices leaves unnecessary ports open, it can lead to a larger attack surface, allowing for
more possible vulnerabilities to be exposed by a malicious hacker. There are, however,
different uses and types of protocols, including transport protocols, security protocols, and
many others. Keeping in scope of this report, two common security protocols include:
SSL/TLS - Secure Sockets Layer (or Transport Layer Security, as it is now known) is
a protocol that ensures safety and privacy over the web via the use of encryption and
certificates. When a visitor enters a website, their browser looks for the SSL/TLS
certificate and performs a ‘handshake’ to verify that it is real. If this succeeds, an
encrypted link is created between the browser and server to safely transport data.
SSL was deprecated and replaced by TLS in 1999 due to security issues, but
since the naming convention is now commonplace, many people still refer to TLS
certificates as SSL certificates (Das & Samdaria, 2014).
HTTPS - Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure is an advanced version of the HTTP
protocol that uses SSL/TLS certificates to ensure that data is encrypted when it is
2.7.3 Firmware
Although firmware and software are very similar, there are some important distinctions
between the two. Firmware is a piece of software that provides instructions to the hardware
and ensures that it works as intended. The firmware is usually embedded in the flash ROM
(Read-Only Memory) of a device so that it is not erased when the device is turned off and is
stored permanently (Teja, 2021).
In the majority of personal computers/laptops, BIOS is the firmware that acts as an interface
for the hardware. Similar to how an Operating System is used to control downloaded
software applications, the BIOS is used to control the device hardware and is responsible for
booting up the computer.
In the context of Internet of Things devices, firmware updates are either released on a regular
basis or not at all, depending on the device. These updates are used to fix bugs and
vulnerabilities, improve security to prevent attacks, or to introduce new features. A device
such as a smart plug may not require many firmware updates if it is secure enough, whereas a
smart watch may have constant updates in order to keep up to date with new functions.
Chapter 3. Internet of Things Attacks & Tools
3.1 Methodology
Before a vulnerability analysis of IoT devices can be carried out, an initial plan must be
devised based on how the test will be performed and what the expected result of the test is.
This is called a penetration testing methodology. A methodology is chosen based on the type
of device that is being tested, as well as the different techniques that will be used.
There are many methodologies available, outlining the different phases of a test. While there
are some exceptions, most follow a similar structure:
Table 1: Common methodology structures/phases
Another popular ethical hacking framework is the OWASP Testing Guide V3, which outlines
five phases of testing that can be performed in various phases of the IoT Software
Development Life Cycle:
Information Gathering
Configuration Management Testing
Authentication Testing
Session Management Testing
Authorization Testing (Kang et al., 2015)
Privilege Escalation
Maintain Access
3.2 Common Attacks
Experienced black hat hackers will have an arsenal of tools and attacks ready to be used to
compromise an Internet of Things device. Given that a penetration tester must think like an
attacker, it makes sense that they would also use the same attacks and skillset in order to
uncover vulnerabilities in the device that they are assessing.
The type of weakness that is found dictates the most suitable attack, as using an attack
that can’t expose the weakness further would only waste time without advancing further
towards root access. Therefore it stands to reason that some research should be applied before
deploying an attack.
Commonly used attacks that Internet of Things devices are vulnerable to include:
3.2.1 Man-in-the-Middle Attacks
As mentioned previously, Man-in-the-Middle attacks are a form of eavesdropping that are
critical in providing an attacker with private information. It occurs when there are no valid
security certificates to encrypt the communication between devices, which means that the
attacker can trick the victim and the server into believing that they are communicating with
each other, when in actuality, the attacker sits in between and intercepts the data being sent.
The data that is captured is typically confidential, such as login credentials, credit card
details, or even browser cookies, which will give access to a user session.
Man-in-the-Middle attacks take place when there are either weak or no security frameworks
in place to encrypt the communication between devices. These attacks would commonly take
place in internet-enabled devices that use the HTTP protocol rather than the more secure
version, HTTPS. Because HTTP does not use TLS certificates to authenticate the device it is
communicating with, it leaves the user exposed to this type of attack.
One real life example of a Man-in-the-Middle attack occurred in 2014, when it was reported
that the technology company, Lenovo, preinstalled adware to their computers and laptops.
The adware, known as Superfish Visual Discovery, would generate its own root certificate
and replace all other SSL certificates displayed on HTTPS websites. In doing so, the
company could view and scan the user’s online activity and use that against them, as well as
inject their own advertisements to the browser (Paul, 2015).
3.2.2 Brute-force Attacks
When default or weak credentials are used in internet-enabled devices, they lend themselves
very easily to brute-force attacks. This is an attack where a wordlist of potential usernames
and/or passwords is input to a tool, which automatically runs through the list, attempting each
one in turn. The more simple the credentials, the easier it is to gain access, which is why it is
very important to ensure that all passwords are complex with multiple special characters.
One of the largest wordlists that exists is rockyou.txt, which originated from a company that
stored all of their user’s passwords in plaintext within an unencrypted database. When the
database was hacked via an SQL Injection attack, over 14 million usernames and passwords
were leaked, which are now used as a basis to attack other user accounts to this day.
3.2.3 Firmware Attacks
As the name suggests, firmware attacks give access to the underlying processes of a device,
allowing the attacker to control how the hardware works. These types of attacks are
considered ‘stealthier’ than other attacks due to their unique method of opening a ‘backdoor’,
which allows them to go unnoticed and become difficult to detect. A backdoor is an
“undocumented way of gaining access” (National Institute of Standards and Technology |
n.d.) so its use opens up an alarming security risk.
Since the firmware of a device maintains high privileges and is able to bypass common
security checks (because security usually works on the software level), such as anti-malware,
firmware is a good attack surface for malicious hackers. Many firmware vulnerabilities
emerge from a lack of updates to a device, which may leave it unprotected and out of date.
Therefore it is always advisable to update devices to the latest official firmware available.
Some specific types of attacks involve the attacker downloading or creating a malicious
version of firmware, that is then physically implanted onto a device by delivering it through a
USB or SD card. From there, the device can be compromised before it is even able to boot
up, reiterating just how dangerous firmware attacks can be (Eclypsium, 2019).
3.2.4 Malware Attacks
Malware attacks remain one of the most common grievances to users of internet connected
devices, although they are a very simple attack. It involves an attacker creating a malicious
piece of software, hoping to damage or control a person’s device/machine. There can be
various methods for malware to infect a device, including a user being sent a link by an
attacker, posing as someone they trust. When opened, the link would download the malware
directly on to their device and be able to attack it from within.
As well as this, similar to firmware attacks, another method that attackers use to
spread malware is by packing their malicious software on to a USB or SD card and plugging
it in to devices that are left unsupervised. From there, any personal information on the device
can be stolen and the device itself can even be controlled.
Many attackers attempt to increase the stakes by encrypting an infected device’s files and
then contacting the device’s owner. The attacker demands a large payment in exchange for
the encryption key to their device, essentially holding the owner’s personal files to ransom.
3.2.5 Distributed Denial-of-Service Attacks/Botnets
A serious threat to the safety of Internet of Things devices is a Distributed Denial of Service
(DDoS) attack. The reason this is so prevalent is because its aim is to shut down a specific
website or online resource by sending an overwhelming amount of traffic to the web server,
preventing it from handling the amount of requests coming through.
In order to send such a large amount of requests, a network of bots is formed, called a
botnet. These are internet connected devices that have been infected by malware and are now
in the control of the attacker. When the attacker gives the command, the botnet collectively
sends continuous requests and overloads the web server.
A Distributed Denial-of-Service attack was performed in one of the largest cyber incidents of
the past decade; the Mirai Botnet attack. In this specific case, the attacker controlled a large
botnet, by infecting hundreds of devices with malware, which he used to attack a French
hosting firm called OVH. The attacker then leaked the botnet’s source code online as a way
to keep the attention off of himself, but this action gave way for other cyber criminals to use
the botnet for themselves. After a few days, the botnet was used to perform a DDoS attack on
a large domain registration service named Dyn, shutting it down. Since Dyn provided the
DNS information for a majority of online websites, many of them were temporarily taken
down as well, including large websites such as Twitter and Netflix (Cloudflare, 2016).
3.3 Preventing Attacks
The difference between a security issue and an attack is that a security issue, or vulnerability,
is a weakness in a user’s network that can be exploited. An attack, however, is an active
threat from a malicious actor to cause damage to your system.
To prevent a black hat hacker from attacking an IoT device, certain precautions can
be taken beforehand in order to protect your network. These include:
3.3.1 Virtual Private Networks
As mentioned previously, Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) are used as a method to hide
online activity, internet traffic, and IP addresses from unwanted third parties. This is done by
encrypting a web request and sending it through a data tunnel to the VPN provider’s servers.
The request is then sent through another tunnel where it is decrypted upon reaching its
Any third party, such as the Internet Service Provider or malicious hackers will no longer be
able to view an individual’s internet traffic and IP address, and as a result, they will be less
likely to become a victim of a Man-in-the-Middle attack.
3.3.2 Strong Wi-Fi Encryption
Having a strong encryption method on Wi-Fi reduces the chances of an attacker hijacking an
individual’s router, as well as their internet traffic. Of the four standard Wi-Fi encryption
protocols, WPA3 is the most recently developed and secure. However, many wireless access
points do not support WPA3 as of yet, making WPA2 the best choice. The two protocols left
unmentioned, WEP and WPA, are mostly outdated by now and are no longer commonly used
as a strong form of encryption as they can expose a network to vulnerabilities (Zaidan, 2021).
3.3.3 Anti-Malware
One very common type of cyber-attack is executed by infecting a device with malicious
software, i.e. malware. This is spread through downloadable links, files, and software that is
designed to look authentic, but actually contains the malware within. To protect against this,
anti-malware is used to detect and eliminate the malware before it can cause any harm to the
device. One way this is achieved is through ‘sandboxing’ the suspicious file and opening it
within a virtual environment - if the file attempts to access other system files or programs, it
is rejected and removed (Rosencrance, 2021).
Thousands of people fall victim to malware attacks every day. This can be prevented by
being skeptical when spotting unknown and untrustworthy links that are usually included in
spam emails.
3.3.4 User Access Control
User Access Control (UAC) is a fundamental security principle on Windows machines, used
predominantly in corporations. It works by encouraging the use of a high-privilege
administrator account, along with several other low-privilege user accounts. The
administrator account has the most power and decides what changes can be made to the
system and which users & applications can use administrator privileges.
When a user attempts to download software or make any changes to the machine, a
prompt is displayed, asking the administrator for permission. If the administrator approves of
the change, they can enter their password and the change will be made. However, if they do
not approve, they can discard the changes being made.
This control feature is paramount in many businesses and corporations, as if one user
unknowingly downloads malware to their device, it can have an impact on all other machines
in the network. User Access Control prevents this situation from happening as the download
will have to be approved before it can be installed on the machine.
3.3.5 Reflection
For the average user, I believe that using an online VPN service would be one of the best
safeguards to protect them and their network. This is because a VPN disguises their IP
address online, encrypts their data, as well as preventing their traffic from being tracked.
Many commercial companies provide VPN services for a price, including ExpressVPN or
NordVPN. More advanced users could be capable of configuring their own VPN server using
Cloud Virtual Private Servers, including Amazon Web Services. With all of these attributes
in mind, it would be difficult for an attacker to steal or intercept their data or to execute
attacks on their device, using their IP address.
Alternatively, a good anti-malware system, such as Norton Security, would help keep a
device secure by sandboxing malicious software and preventing it from causing damage to
the actual device. As well as this, by following key internet safety rules (i.e. not trusting
unofficial links, creating safe and complex password, keeping software up to date etc.) a user
is less likely to fall victim to phishing attempts, keyloggers and other malicious software
crafted by an attacker.
3.4 Commonly used Tools
In order to gather information about an Internet of Things device and its attack surface, as
well as to execute attacks, certain tools can be used to increase the ease of penetration testing.
3.4.1 Kali Linux
Kali Linux is a Debian-based Linux distribution that comes pre-packaged with over 600
industry-standard tools, such as network scanners, hash crackers, packet sniffers, and more. It
is an environment used by cyber security professionals and, as an Operating System, is highly
customizable (Kali, 2020).
In order to avoid replacing the main Operating System of a machine, many people
install a Kali Linux image to VirtualBox. This is another tool used as a virtual machine to
create an isolated environment used for the sole purpose of hacking.
3.4.2 Nmap
Nmap (Network Mapper) is used as a tool to scan networks and map out the ‘landscape’ of
the device in question. It sends IP packets that return a great deal of information, including
the active hosts within a network, the ports open on a device, the Operating Systems, and
servers in use. Nmap also contains the use of a wide range of scripts, which allow it to
automate certain tasks.
Within a penetration testing methodology, network mapping is commonly one of the
primary tasks completed, as part of the information gathering/enumeration phase.
3.4.3 Wireshark
Wireshark is a widely used packet sniffer and analyser. It can be used to monitor packets that
travel across a network, as well as capture them and inspect them in further detail. With
these, a hacker is able to view communications between devices, which may include
unencrypted private details, such as credentials or bank account details. Wireshark can be
used as part of the enumeration phase or to aid during the attack phase of the methodology.
3.4.4 Burp Suite
Burp Suite is an extensive tool with many uses. One of its primary modules is used to capture
and manipulate web requests before they are sent to a web server, allowing the user to gain
access to areas of a website kept off limits. This can be done by modifying cookies or web
Burp Suite can also be used as a brute-force tool; by supplying a wordlist, it will make
continuous requests until it finds valid credentials. Other modules within Burp Suite include
Repeater, Decoder, Comparer, Sequencer, and Extender.
3.4.5 John the Ripper
John the Ripper is a password-cracking tool, designed to reveal strong, hashed passwords. A
hashed password differs from an encrypted password as encryption can be decrypted,
whereas a hash is irreversible. John the Ripper works by requesting a wordlist, hashing each
word using a specified hashing algorithm, and comparing the result to the hash that is being
cracked (Lubeck | n.d.).
John the Ripper is commonly used in the attack and privilege escalation phases of many
penetration testing methodologies.
Chapter 4. Device under a Scope
4.1 Wyze Cam V2
The Internet of Things device that this thesis will be presenting is a Wyze Cam V2. This is a
security camera that provides continuous video recording to aid in monitoring and added
protection of a household. The way the Wyze Cam V2 differs from other regular security
cameras is its capability of connecting to a network in order to provide the user with real-time
footage of what the camera is recording. Through the use of a mobile phone application, as
well as a web browser, the user can view a live stream of the footage, as well as play back
footage recorded in the past.
4.2 Physical Components
Figure 1: Physical Components of Wyze Cam V2
The model of the camera is WYZEC2. The Wyze Cam V2 offers 8x digital zoom, two-way
audio, night vision, and also runs on a Linux 3.10.14 Operating System. As shown in figure
1, the camera comes with a motion detector, two USB ports, and an SD card slot. If not
protected properly, these carry the risk of an attacker inserting malicious data directly into the
camera, which will be explored in more detail in the next chapter.
Chapter 5. Threat Modelling
At this point, a threat evaluation must take place in order to predict the way the device could
be attacked. Using common vulnerabilities and exposures found in other similar internet-
enabled security cameras, it is possible to predict certain threats specifically for the Wyze
Cam V2.
5.1 Identifying Assets
This section shows the various hardware and software components that make up the Wyze
Cam V2, as well as the ports and protocols used.
Wyze Cam V2
The model of the camera is WYZEC2 . It
allows for continuous video recording and
includes functions, such as two-way audio,
motion detection, night vision, and 8x
digital zoom.
Technologies supported: TCP/IP, HTTP,
Provides a real-time live stream of captured
footage, which is uploaded to a cloud
Mobile Application/Web Application
The mobile application is compatible with
iOS 14+ and Android 7.0+. It can be used to
access live recordings and events, adjust
settings, and update the camera.
The web application is accessed through a
web browser with HTTPS and a TLS 1.2
Wireless Communication
The camera uses Wi-Fi to upload recordings
to the cloud server. It supports Wi-Fi 802.11
b/g/n 2.4 GHz
Cloud Services
Cloud services are used to store uploaded
recordings. Port 8443 is used to connect to
the Cloud API and events are uploaded
using port 443.
The current Wyze Cam V2 firmware (at the
time of writing) is Hardware
and system features can be modified
through the firmware. A download file to
roll back firmware is provided directly on
the Wyze website.
Table 2: Identifies the assets of the Wyze Cam V2
5.2 Attack Vectors/Entry Points
This section shows the attack surfaces/entry points of the Wyze Cam V2, as well as possible
methods of attack
Attack Vector/Entry
Connected mobile
Both the mobile and web applications require a Wyze account
for authentication. It could be possible for an attacker to use
typical default credentials to attempt access into the admin area
of the camera. Many possible credentials can be found simply
through the use of Google.
If the network that the camera is connected to is insecure and
unencrypted, it can be very simple to capture and inspect the
packets it sends using Wireshark. From here, the information
found in the packets could help leverage a path into the camera.
Firmware is often overlooked when it comes to security, making
it a great attack vector. This type of attack could be used to
modify the firmware of the device, opening it up to unauthorized
Table 3: Possible attack surfaces for Wyze Cam V2
5.3 Identifying Threats
This section shows the different possible threats that exist and the entry point that they target,
as well as possible mitigations and countermeasures towards them.
Threat Description
Unauthorised access to user accounts
Entry point targeted
Mobile/Web Application
Attack Method
The attacker could apply brute-forcing techniques,
using tools such as Burp Suite or Hydra, to gain
unauthorised access to user accounts
Make passwords secure by setting strong
requirements; use two-factor authentication; lock out
the user account after multiple failed attempts
Table 4: Threat #1 - Unauthorised access to user accounts
Threat Description
Access to critical files/recordings
Entry point targeted
Mobile/Web Application
Attack Method
The attacker could access files storing valuable
information, such as recordings and events
Set separate passwords to view valuable information;
use two-factor authentication; delete old and unused
files when not needed, with the user’s permission
Table 5: Threat #2 - Access to critical files/recordings
Threat Description
Packet sniffing for user data
Entry point targeted
Attack Method
The attacker could use a packet sniffer, such as
Wireshark, in order to intercept packets and read data
Use a VPN; encrypt wireless access points using
WPA2 protocol, which Wyze Cam V2 supports; use
HTTPS/TLS certificates when web browsing
Table 6: Threat #3 - Packet sniffing for user data
Threat Description
Creating/downloading malicious firmware
Entry point targeted
Attack Method
The attacker could download or create malicious
firmware, which can then be flashed onto the Wyze
Cam V2, using a microSD card
Restrict physical access to the camera; download
official and up-to-date firmware directly from the
provider; require authentication when making
significant changes
Table 7: Threat #4 - Creating/downloading malicious firmware
Chapter 6. Proof of Concept Exploit
This chapter demonstrates a proof of concept exploit for one of the threats outlined in section
5.3. The method of exploit takes inspiration from the works of Jason Ford (2020), George
Hilliard (2020) and YouTube security researcher, Stacksmashing (2020). As such, the method
of exploit is a firmware attack.
6.1 Finding Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
Before any exploit of significance can take place, Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
(CVEs) must be found to identify known weaknesses in devices. These are published online
in order to spread awareness of their existence and help improve security. Using the National
Vulnerability Database provided by the US Department of Commerce, CVE-2019-9564 can
be found. This CVE confirms the existence of “a vulnerability in the authentication logic [of
Wyze Cam V2, which] allows an attacker to bypass login and control the devices”. This
vulnerability affects Wyze Cam V2 versions prior to, which was released in
March 2022. With a severity rating of 9.8 and a low complexity, this attack seems promising
(National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2022).
Another CVE found is CVE-2019-12266, which is a “Stack-based Buffer Overflow
vulnerability” that “allows an attacker to run arbitrary code on the affected device”. As
before, this CVE affects Wyze Cam V2 versions prior to and also has a severity
rating of 9.8 (National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2022).
6.2 Method
Since the firmware of the device in question was set to the latest version, in order to begin the
attack, its firmware had to be downgraded to version, released in November 2019.
This was done because, as implied by the CVEs found, firmware versions before
were typically weaker, and since not many other firmware downloads were supplied directly
by Wyze, this version was the most convenient.
Once the binary file of the firmware was downloaded, binwalk was used to translate
information about the file. Binwalk is a tool used to find files, code, and hidden text within
binary files and is very useful for firmware images.
Using the command binwalk -t, the information in figure 2, below, was displayed,
from which we can gather that a Linux Operating System is used with a 3.10.14 kernel
image. There are also two Squashfs filesystems in use, as well as one JFFS2 filesystem.
Figure 2: Properties of the firmware image
Squashfs is a read-only file system that is used to compress files and directories so that space
can be saved. JFFS2 (Journaling Flash File System 2) is a “log-structured file system
designed for use on flash devices in embedded systems. It is used to place filesystems on
flash drives (Woodhouse, 2003).
6.2.1 Extracting the filesystems
In order to enter and modify the three filesystems found, they must be extracted from the
binary file. This could be done using the binwalk tool, but since the filesystems must be
extracted and then later repacked, another method must be used.
After researching online, a GitHub repository containing a “wyze_extractor” script was found
(Nezza, 2020). The extractor script was used to remove the directories of the two squashfs
filesystems and the JFFS2 filesystem (all of which could not be entered at this point) and
rewrite them again separately.
Doing this allowed the filesystems to be accessible with their original directories so that they
could be analysed.
6.2.2 Finding root password
Since the filesystems could now be accessed, finding the root password depended on entering
the most useful one. The JFFS2 and the second squashfs filesystem contained many binary
files used by the kernel, which were not helpful towards our goal. The squashfs1 filesystem,
however, contained a root directory, so was the most promising in finding the root
Figure 3: Root directory found in squashfs1 filesystem
By entering the /etc directory, the file ‘shadow’ was world-readable, meaning that the
password for the root user could be viewed as a hash.
Using the cracking tool, John the Ripper, the password was easily revealed with the
rockyou.txt wordlist:
Figure 4: John the Ripper tool used to crack the root password hash
From figure 4, it can be seen that the root password for the Wyze Cam V2 was ismart12.
Considering that this is the account with the highest privileges and the most control, it is a
very simple password, as proven by the fact that it was easily cracked by the wordlist.
6.2.3 Backdoor
Now that the root password for the camera has been found, it can be used to login and gain
access to the highest privileges. Still within the /etc directory, a subdirectory can be found,
called ‘init.d’, which holds a file containing the scripts run during the startup of the device.
By reading the contents of this file (figure 5, below), it is possible to spot that the camera
starts a telnet daemon during boot.
Although it is insecure and not based in encryption, telnet is a protocol used to connect to
other computers/devices on the same network. It was replaced by SSH because of its
vulnerabilities, which makes it perfect to exploit.
Figure 5: Contents of rcS, a file containing boot scripts for Wyze Cam V2
Upon searching closely for other instances of telnet being used, there is a process being run in
a file called ‘iCamera’ that kills the telnet service. Potentially left as an oversight, it is clear
that the developers did not want telnet to be used by their general customers, but rather than
uninstalling or removing it from the start-up scripts, their solution was to terminate the
process. In doing so, this leaves the camera vulnerable to the creation of a backdoor, simply
by modifying the boot script to call BusyBox.
BusyBox is a tool that can perform the action of other Linux tools (Stacksmashing, 2020).
For example, since the telnet process gets killed by iCamera when it is run, we can use
BusyBox to run telnet instead. By replacing the original command in the boot script file
(figure 5) with the new command ‘busybox telnet’, telnet will start without being killed.
6.2.4 Creating Firmware Image
Because the squashfs1 filesystem has now been modified, it has to be repacked into a new
firmware image for the effects to take place. In order for this to work, a new squashfs1
filesystem was created with the same properties as the old. Using the command ‘mksquashfs
squashfs_1_out/ squashfs_1_new -comp xz -b 131072 , the compression and blocksize
attributes were kept the same, creating a new squashfs1 filesystem with the modified boot
From here, a new binary containing the backdoor was created using the GitHub
‘wyze_extractor’ script’s pack function.
Figure 6: Creating the backdoor binary
As shown in figure 6 above, the binary has been filled with the two squashfs filesystems,
along with the JFFS2 filesystem and a uimage kernel. The only file missing is the uimage
header, which had to be generated independently.
Once again, the uimage header had to be created with the same properties as the file in the
original firmware image (figure 2). With the command mkimage -A MIPS -O linux -T
firmware -C none -a 0 -e 0 -n jz_fw -d wyze_backdoor.bin wyze_firmimage.bin’, the
properties, such as the Operating System, CPU, and firmware name could be matched,
creating a new firmware image as seen below.
Figure 7: Creating the final firmware image
With the creation of a new, modified firmware image, the camera is almost compromised
with root privileges. For the changes to be made and telnet to run, the new firmware image
was copied to a microSD card and physically implanted directly to the Wyze Cam V2.
After the firmware had been successfully downloaded to the camera, if a port scan was
attempted, the results show that a telnet service is active on port 23, due to the modifications
Figure 8: Output of Nmap scan, showing that the telnet service is now active
Since the service is now active, the command ‘telnet’ followed by the camera’s IP address
can be entered. This will prompt for a username, which can be entered as ‘root’, as well as a
password. Using the root password that was cracked previously, ‘ismart12’, access to the root
user has been gained:
Figure 9: Logging in as root user via telnet
As shown in figure 9 above, the Wyze Cam V2 has now been hacked, with full root access
and control. From here, confidential user data can be viewed, as well as modules that allow
an attacker to interact directly with the camera. One such function is the two-way audio
feature which allows an attacker to project their voice out of a user’s device. As identified
previously, the ability to take control of the Wyze Cam V2 shows that it is in desperate need
of security upgrades.
Chapter 7. Results & Discussion
7.1 Results
To summarise, the Wyze Cam V2 was hacked by cracking the simple root password hash,
which was world readable in the /etc/shadow file. A slight modification was then made to the
camera’s boot script to allow the telnet service to persist, and once the firmware image was
repacked, it was ready to download to the device.
Holding root privileges, many private files and directories could now be entered via
the command line. These include a USB storage directory, as well as an audio directory; both
giving a potential attacker deeply sensitive information that could be harvested and used to
gain access elsewhere, or potentially hold the data for ransom. Other files allow an attacker to
access the live camera feed and even output their voice using the two-way audio feature.
Figure 10: Private modules that can be accessed as the root user
Overall, the ease of hacking the Wyze camera is very straightforward and effortless. After
some research, an experienced black hat hacker would be able to compromise this camera
within minutes, which represents a vulnerability in itself! The security measures and the
modules left behind after development definitely need to be reviewed and improved in the
Wyze Cam V2.
One method that the developers can use to enhance security includes using authentication
methods to verify a firmware upgrade (or any other significant structural change to the
device). Similar to how Apple devices ask users to enter their password before a software
update, the Wyze Cam V2 can implement the same validation method to ensure that the
actual device owner is requesting the change, rather than an unwanted third party.
As well as this, by leaving a tool within the backend of the device, past its
development uses, the Wyze Cam V2 was able to be exploited. Rather than uninstall the
service, telnet’s process was being killed upon startup, and as demonstrated, it was able to be
modified to persist. Developers who leave modules and services active past development give
attackers a larger attack surface to exploit the device, and as a result, should be more careful.
Furthermore, users of the device should be more concerned for their own security as
well. By restricting physical access to the camera (such as keeping it in a cage if left outside,
for example) and by not trusting unknown USBs or SD cards, the integrity of the device can
be preserved.
7.2 Legal, Social, Ethical and Professional Issues
Cybercrime is on the rise. This report is not intended to provide black hat hackers with a
means to hack into devices unlawfully, but instead to spread awareness on the general lack of
security in Internet of Things devices and how these must be improved. This report was
written from an educational point of view and should not be used to launch attacks on others’
The difference between ethical hackers and black hat hackers is the side of the law that they
operate on. Ethical hackers must work within the law and ensure that all devices or
applications tested on are their own, or they have received express, written permission to
analyse security on behalf of a company. Laws and legislations can be different depending on
the country the ethical hacker is based in, and as a result, must be observed with care to stay
within boundaries.
Black hat hackers operate outside the boundaries of the law. This means they
maliciously hack into machines or networks that are not their own, or they gather private
information that can be used to harm. Many black hat hackers are motivated by financial
gain, causing disruption, or for recognition. Some punishments for cybercrimes can range
from a fine to prison sentencing, depending on the damage caused.
All devices, tools, and accounts used as part of this project are owned, first and foremost, by
the author. The Local Area Network that the device was part of belonged to the author. No
hacking was conducted on the devices of others, as doing so would break the law.
Furthermore, no attacks that could affect other users or the Wyze servers and internal
structures were conducted.
In terms of morality, the Wyze Cam V2 used throughout the report was not handed to other
parties or resold, so as not to deceive or capture any private information of others, since the
device was hacked with the creation of a backdoor. Instead, the device has been safely
disposed of.
It is expected that all white hat hackers follow a code of ethics in order to conduct a safe,
legal and professional standard of penetration test. Without this, there is no difference
between a white hat hacker and a black hat hacker.
Some of the rules they may follow include:
Staying within the limits of the network - penetration testers may have full access to a
client’s network, however, most clients will have strict rules on which areas of the
network they would like to be tested. It is critical that the penetration tester does not
go beyond the boundaries of the network, as it could cause severe damage to the
client’s infrastructure.
Maintain clear communication with the client - this ensures that the client is given all
of the relevant information, which can be used to improve their systems.
Do not discuss the results and outcomes of the penetration test with other third parties
- all of the information gained within the assessment must be kept private and
classified (Johansen, 2017).
7.3 Future Work
Due to the scope of this thesis and certain limitations, it was advised to demonstrate a single
exploit. A way to improve upon this would be to explore in more detail the other components
of the device, as well as to test more vulnerabilities and evaluate their security. More work
can be done on vulnerability testing the mobile application, for example, as well as
investigating further into the cloud services offered.
Due to technical errors in the Wyze Web View (the area of viewing recordings within
the web application), further research had to be abandoned in this regard, which would be an
interesting avenue to explore in the future.
Furthermore, since this report was written from a black box testing perspective, i.e.
without full knowledge of the internal system and structures, an improvement would be to
conduct white box testing, where a more informed evaluation could be conducted.
Chapter 8. Conclusion
Throughout this report, the topics of:
Security concerns that exist in IoT devices,
Mitigation and remediation methods for users and manufacturers,
Identifying vulnerable devices,
Penetration testing attacks and methods,
And a proof of concept exploit for an IoT device
have been explored and discussed.
To conclude, we must answer the question proposed in the goal of this text (section 1.2):
how secure are Internet of Things devices?’ The answer to this is, there is room for
The many vulnerabilities discussed throughout this report, as well as the exploit
demonstration, show the ease at which internet-enabled devices can be hacked into and used
to capture private information. Using the Wyze Cam V2 specifically, an attack was able to
take place by making changes to the firmware and physically implanting them onto the
device. Certain frameworks of security must be in place to prevent these weaknesses and
restrict unlawful access to devices and the compromise of networks.
As mentioned previously, many manufacturers of Internet of Things devices feel the need to
skip on security due to profit margins and as a result, put their customers at risk. Through the
information deliberated in this report, I am hopeful that improvements can be made.
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Full-text available
SSL/TLS (Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security)-enabled web applications aim to provide public key certificate based authentication, secure session key establishment, and symmetric key based traffic confidentiality. A large number of electronic commerce applications, such as stock trading, banking, shopping, and gaming rely on the security strength of the SSL/TLS protocol. In recent times, a potential threat, known as main-in-the-middle (MITM) attack, has been exploited by attackers to SSL/TLS-enabled web applications, particularly when naive users want to connect to an SSL/TLS-enabled web server. In this paper, we discuss about the MITM threat to SSL/TLS-enabled web applications. We review the existing space of solutions to counter the MITM attack on SSL/TLS-enabled applications, and then, we provide an effective solution which can resist the MITM attack on SSL/TLS-enabled applications. The proposed solution uses a soft-token based approach for user authentication on top of the SSL/TLS’s security features. We show that the proposed solution is secure, efficient and user friendly in comparison to other similar approaches.
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Until recently, the common approach to using Flash memory technology in embedded devices has been to use a pseudo-filesystem on the flash chips to em-ulate a standard block device and provide wear lev-elling, and to use a normal file system on top of that emulated block device. JFFS is a log-structured file system designed by Axis Communications AB in Sweden specifically for use on flash devices in embedded systems, which is aware of the restrictions imposed by flash technol-ogy and which operates directly on the flash chips, thereby avoiding the inefficiency of having two jour-nalling file systems on top of each other. This paper will give an overview of the restrictions imposed by flash technology and hence the design aims of JFFS, and the implementation of both JFFS and the improvements made in version 2, including compression and more efficient garbage collection.
Conference Paper
In today's world, security threats and risks are evolving rapidly. To respond to these threats, enterprises and institutes perform Penetration Tests (PenTest) of security companies as a way of enhancing their security. After the testing, a security weakness analysis is conducted to strengthen system security. In other countries, a reliable and well-designed penetration test methodology is applied in order to reliably perform these test and assessments. However, Korea still lacks research on guidelines and assessment methods of penetration test methodologies. Therefore, this paper tries to suggest the criteria that are needed to choose an appropriate methodology through comparative research.
How Jeep hackers took over steering and forced emergency stop at high speed
  • T Brewster
Brewster, T. (2016) How Jeep hackers took over steering and forced emergency stop at high speed, Forbes. Forbes Magazine. Available at: (Accessed: October 27, 2022).
What is the Mirai botnet?
  • Cloudflare
Cloudflare (2016) What is the Mirai botnet?, Cloudflare. Available at: (Accessed: December 11, 2022).
What is the OWASP Top 10 Vulnerabilities?
  • Cloudflare
Cloudflare (2020) What is the OWASP Top 10 Vulnerabilities?, Cloudflare. Available at: (Accessed: December 14, 2022).
Media & Sport (2021) New cyber security laws to protect smart devices amid pandemic sales surge
Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (2021) New cyber security laws to protect smart devices amid pandemic sales surge [Preprint]. Available at: (Accessed: October 30, 2022).
Media & Sport (2022) New laws proposed to strengthen the UK's resilience from Cyber Attack
Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (2022) New laws proposed to strengthen the UK's resilience from Cyber Attack, GOV.UK. Available at: (Accessed: December 14, 2022).
Anatomy of a firmware attack
  • Eclypsium
Eclypsium (2019) Anatomy of a firmware attack, Security Boulevard. Available at: (Accessed: November 17, 2022).