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Heliyon 9 (2023) e17862
Available online 30 June 2023
2405-8440/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
The 19-Item Environmental Knowledge Test (EKT-19): A short,
psychometrically robust measure of environmental knowledge
Lois Player
, Paul H.P. Hanel
, Lorraine Whitmarsh
, Punit Shah
Department of Psychology, University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY, UK
Department of Psychology, University of Essex, Colchester, CO4 3SQ, UK
Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformations, Cardiff University, Cardiff, CF10 3AT, UK
Environmental knowledge
Factor analysis
Item response theory
Environmental knowledge is considered an important pre-cursor to pro-environmental behaviour.
Though several tools have been designed to measure environmental knowledge, there remains no
concise, psychometrically grounded measure. We validated an existing measure in a British
sample, conrming that it had good one- and three-factor structures in line with previous liter-
ature. For the rst time in this eld, we built upon previous Classical Test Theory approaches and
used discrimination values derived from Item Response Theory to select the best items, resulting
in the 19-Item Environmental Knowledge Test (EKT-19). This measure retained a clear factor
structure and had moderate-to-good internal reliability, indicating that it is a parsimonious and
psychometrically robust measure for the assessment of overall and specic types of environmental
knowledge. The theoretical implications and real-world applications of this measure are
1. Introduction
Environmental agencies commonly seek to foster pro-environmental action by enhancing the public’s environmental knowledge
[1,2]. Although other variables, such as environmental attitudes and values [3,4], are key to fostering impactful pro-environmental
behaviours (e.g., avoiding driving or ying [5]), environmental knowledge remains an important prerequisite to pro-environmental
behaviour [6], and other environmental outcomes such as policy support [7]. Importantly, it is a core element of the
Value-Belief-Norm (VBN) model of environmental action [8], which posits that pro-environmental behaviour is driven by one’s
environmental values and knowledge, including one’s awareness of environmental problems.
Many tools have been designed to measure environmental knowledge. Early work assessed objective knowledge about environ-
mental issues by asking factual questions about how eco-systems function [9–11], known as ‘system’ knowledge. This work often
assumed that environmental knowledge was a singular construct, with a unidimensional structure. More recent work has extended this
model to encompass three distinct knowledge types, which are theorised to differentially predict pro-environmental behaviour [12].
Beyond ‘system’ knowledge, these include ‘action-related’ knowledge about the best courses of ecological action, and ‘effectiveness’
knowledge, which determines the relative gain of actions [13].
Despite the widespread use of the three knowledge types when assessing environmental behaviours [3,14,15], most studies have
not directly compared three-factor solutions against a parsimonious unidimensional model. This has often resulted in previous work
* Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (L. Player), (P. Shah).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
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Received 24 October 2022; Received in revised form 11 June 2023; Accepted 29 June 2023
Heliyon 9 (2023) e17862
measuring ‘action-related’ knowledge as a distinct outcome from ‘system’ or ‘effectiveness’ knowledge, without sufcient psycho-
metric evidence for this (e.g., Ref. [6]). It is therefore essential to understand if environmental knowledge is better conceptualised as a
singular type of knowledge or three separate types, as we do in the current study.
Further, many studies have failed to replicate a three-dimensional structure, arguing that environmental knowledge is instead a
unidimensional construct [16]. This ambiguous conceptualisation of environmental knowledge has often resulted in inconsistent
measurement, and uncertainty about the relative contribution of knowledge to climate-related outcomes, such as pro-environmental
behaviour and policy support. Indeed, some studies have noted a moderate positive relationship between environmental knowledge
and pro-environmental behaviour [17], yet some have noted a smaller, cross-sectional relationship [18]. Aiming to address these
issues, a recent study by Geiger et al. [19] sought to empirically compare a one- and three-factor structure, and create an updated and
objective Environmental Knowledge Test.
1.1. The Environmental Knowledge Test
Geiger and colleague’s Environmental Knowledge Test (EKT [19]) was developed drawing upon earlier, longer measures (e.g., Refs.
[16,20]), as well as environmental education books, curricula, and webpages. Their nal 36-item scale spanned seven core envi-
ronmental topics: ecology, climate, resources, consumption behaviours, society and politics, economics, and environmental
contamination, and could be classied according to their knowledge type (21 system, 7 action-related, 8 effectiveness items; see
Ref. [13]). At scale level, their nal measure was deemed suitably difcult (mean item difculty =0.686), with acceptable overall
discrimination (biserial item-factor correlation =0.443) in their German sample. Notably, they found no signicant difference be-
tween their one- and three-factor models, but concluded that the one-factor solution was best for reasons of parsimony, and had good
internal reliability (
1.2. The need for a shorter measure
Given the potential importance of environmental knowledge to important climate-related outcomes (e.g., pro-environmental
behaviour and policy support), it is vital that instruments are not only valid and reliable, but also practical. There have been recent
calls for shorter measures of psychological constructs (see Ref. [21]), stemming from concerns about data quality. For example, longer
measures have been seen to result in missing data, and lower reliability and validity levels due to participant fatigue and boredom [22],
especially when participants are completing a battery of measures in one study [21]. While maintaining data quality, measures are
commonly shortened over time (e.g., the Autism-Quotient Short developed from the Autism-Quotient [23,24]).
Currently however, there is no standalone, widely-used, concise measure of environmental knowledge. In some instances, this has
resulted in researchers creating ad-hoc measures by selecting items from previous research and environmental education programmes
[3,15,25]. Such practices may have contributed to the inconsistent relationships observed between environmental knowledge and
climate-orientated behaviour (see Ref. [19] for discussion), and fuelled concerns about the validity of existing measures given their
untested psychometric properties (e.g., Refs. [26,27]). Other practical issues, such as questions being culturally-specic [28] have also
impeded the development of a well-used, psychometrically robust measure of environmental knowledge. Given these challenges, we
sought to validate the EKT’s factor structure in a British sample, and adopt a novel approach to create a short, and reliable measure of
environmental knowledge.
1.3. Extending Classical Test Theory
Geiger et al. [19] determined the suitability of their original items using a Classical Test Theory (CTT) approach. Whilst this method
is useful in evaluating the overall reliability and validity of a scale in factor analyses of the items, it is not able to provide specic
information about the usefulness of individual items [21]. Further, CTT approaches often result in the creation of longer measures,
given that reliability often increases with number of items [29]. Relatedly, CTT results in the validation of items at a test-level, meaning
that individual items cannot be removed or used alone, since they have not been independently validated [30].
Increasingly, novel approaches such as Item Response Theory (IRT) are beginning to be used to build upon existing environmental
measures, such as in the re-validation of the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP; [31], see Ref. [32]). Broadly, this approach seeks to
understand the relationship between a latent trait (e.g., environmental knowledge) and individual test items, by assessing the scale’s
psychometric properties. This is usually achieved by considering item difculty, used to describe how difcult it is to achieve a 0.5
probability of a correct response given the respondent’s ability level, and item discrimination, dened as the rate at which the
probability of endorsing a correct item changes, given ability levels. In contrast to CTT, IRT is well-suited to the creation of a concise
measure, since the reliability of IRT-derived measures do not increase with number of items [29]. Importantly, IRT approaches allow
for the in-depth evaluation of whether each item is suitably difcult and able to discriminate between those with low and high ability.
This evaluation of individual items could be invaluable in settings where a slightly different subset of items are administered to
different individuals or groups (e.g., during adaptive testing, or for cross-cultural testing [33]). Owing to this item-level evaluation, IRT
can better estimate a measure’s precision than CTT, which relies upon single estimates such as Cronbach’s
[34]. Accordingly, IRT is
increasingly being recognised as a novel way to validate, modify, and condense existing scales, by determining which items provide us
with reliable information about a latent construct [35]. In this way, IRT can determine which items in an existing measure should be
removed, modied, or added to best represent all dimensions of the latent construct, increasing the validity of the overall scale [36].
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1.4. The current research
In line with suggestions that IRT can helpfully supplement the strengths of CTT [37], the current study used IRT to develop a
concise, and psychometrically grounded measure of environmental knowledge.
There are different approaches to IRT, with some previous measures having adopted the simplest IRT models, known as 1-param-
eter (1-PL) or Rasch models [16]. These models extend CTT by estimating the probability of an individual getting a correct response
based on the item’s difculty level. Though invaluable in certain contexts, these models are based upon the restrictive assumption that
for every test item, the highest ability participants will have a higher than 50% chance of correctly answering the question, and lowest
ability participants lower than 50% chance [38]. Because of this, it is rare for a Rasch model to t well for scales including more than
just a few items [39]. As well as estimating item difculty, the two-parameter (2-PL) IRT model includes a discrimination parameter,
which permits item responses to be differentially related to the latent trait, meaning that items with higher discrimination values make
better distinctions between respondents whose true scores lie above and below the item’s difculty level. As a result, evaluating a
discrimination parameter adds exibility and improves data t.
Whilst some work has suggested that allowing item discrimination to vary may result in a test not having the same meaning for each
test-taker [38], this is more relevant when administering a measure to determine differences between individuals, than during measure
development. Indeed, in development, it is more important to be able to make accurate group level inferences about how well an item
is performing across all participants, than to understand how well individual participants are performing across items. Discrimination
values help to achieve this, making 2-PL IRT models an extremely powerful tool for questionnaire development, evaluation, and
renement, often resulting in concise and valid instruments [33].
Building upon the limitations of CTT, and fullling the need for a concise and psychometrically grounded measure of environ-
mental knowledge, the current study will be the rst to use IRT discrimination values to select the best performing items from an
existing measure, and develop a short, robust measure. To this end, we assessed the factor structure of Geiger et al.’s Environmental
Knowledge Test [19] in a British sample, used IRT to analyse each item’s psychometric properties and reduce items, and re-examined
the new measure’s factor structure.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Participants and materials
A UK sample of 346 undergraduate students were recruited via the University’s online research participation scheme, and by
advertising the study in undergraduate lectures (37 male, 308 female, 1 other; M
=19.06 years, SD
=2.05). Respondents
received course credit for their participation. One hundred and twenty-one of these participants repeated the study nine weeks later for
test-retest analyses. These gures do not include 43 additional participants who were excluded for either failing to complete the study
or an attention check, in which participants were instructed to ‘select slightly agree’ to check they were paying sufcient attention to
the questions. In the retest sample, six additional participants were excluded for failing the aforementioned attention check. Our
variable-to-factor ratio was 12.1, exceeding the recommended value of six needed for adequate power in factor analyses [40]. Our
sample size also exceeded the minimum standard of 250 participants for IRT models with 30 items [41].
Ethical approval was granted by the University’s ethics committee (project code: 19–214). Participants gave informed consent and
completed the study online using survey platform Qualtrics [42], which included an adapted version of Geiger et al.’s [19] 36-item
Environmental Knowledge Test (EKT). All items were multiple choice with one correct and three distractor answers. Items spanned
system knowledge (e.g., ‘What is the meaning of the abbreviation CO
?’), action-related knowledge (e.g., ‘Which energy form is a
renewable form of energy?’) and effectiveness knowledge (e.g., ‘For which material does recycling save the most energy in comparison
to new production?’). The scale was developed in German accompanied with an English translation; the latter was used in the present
study. Here, we removed six culturally-specic items to make the measure suitable for non-German samples and made small modi-
cations to improve item clarity and accuracy in a British sample (see Supplementary Materials: Table S1 for all items and
2.2. Data analysis
All data were analyzed in SPSS and R [43]. In SPSS, we computed descriptive statistics, interclass correlation coefcients (ICC) and
correlations following re-test. In R, we conducted two nested conrmatory factor analyses (CFA), using the lavaan package [44]. The
following indices were considered when assessing model t [45]: (1) chi-square (
), for which non-signicant scores indicate good t;
(2) Comparative Fit Index (CFI); (3) Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI), for which ≥0.90 indicate good t; (3) Root Mean Square Error of
Approximation (RMSEA), which should be <0.08, and Standardized Root Mean Square Residual (SRMR), for which <0.08 is
considered a good t. R was also used to analyse the psychometric properties of discrimination, thresholds, information curves for the
individual items, and test the assumption of unidimensionality using the ltm package [46]. The psych package was used to determine
omega and greatest lower bound (GLB) coefcients, two robust measures of internal consistency (see Ref. [47]). As data were binary,
the robust Diagonally Weighted Least Squares (DWLS) was used, since it is specically designed for binary data, and provides more
accurate parameter estimates and robust model t compared to the commonly used Maximum Likelihood (ML [48]). A dichotomous
model was adopted for use with binary data. One-, two- and three-parameter logistic models (1-PL; 2-PL; 3-PL) were tested. Akaike
Information Criterion (AIC), for which smaller numerical values indicate better model t, were used to determine which logistic model
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was most suitable. We assessed difculty levels using an item threshold analysis, which indicates the skill level required to achieve a
0.5 probability of a correct response. Whilst easier items tend to be endorsed by many individuals, harder items tend to only be
endorsed by those with high environmental knowledge [49].
We used discrimination values, derived from item response theory, to remove the most problematic items. An item’s discrimination
refers to its ability to distinguish between individuals lower and higher in environmental knowledge, with higher values indicating
higher ability to discriminate [49,50]. We performed a nal CFA on the new, shortened scale, to demonstrate good model t in line
with theoretical literature.
3. Results
3.1. Conrmatory factor analysis
A nested CFA was performed to test whether the EKT reected the factor structure theorised in the literature. The EKT had excellent
model t across several t indices for the one- and three-factor models (see Table 1), with a chi-squared difference test showing no
signicant difference between the two models, Δ
(3) =0.92, p =.821.
3.2. Discrimination and thresholds
A dichotomous 2-PL logistic model was used to calculate the thresholds and discrimination of items (Akaike Information Criterion
[AIC] =11617.67). The assumption of approximate unidimensionality was conrmed using modied parallel analysis (p =.772 [51]).
Table 1
Model t indices for the Environmental Knowledge Test.
One-Factor 418.86 (405), p =.307 .95 .95 .01 [.00 - .02] .095
Three-Factor 416.67 (402), p =.296 .95 .94 .01 [.00 - .02] .095
Table 2
Item parameters for the Environmental Knowledge Test.
Item Type Domain M SD Discrimination (a) Difculty (b)
* 1 S Ecology .71 .45 0.115 Very low −7.835 Easier
2 S Ecology .82 .39 0.820 Moderate −2.070 Easier
* 3 S Ecology .05 .23 0.184 Very low 15.577 Harder
4 S Ecology .74 .44 0.739 Moderate −1.554 Easier
5 S Ecology .71 .46 0.455 Low −2.037 Easier
6 S Climate .88 .33 0.809 Moderate −2.697 Easier
7 S Climate .98 .15 1.708 Very high −2.944 Easier
8 A Climate .75 .43 1.021 Moderate −1.284 Average
9 S Climate .78 .42 0.364 Low −3.587 Easier
10 A Climate .78 .41 0.790 Moderate −1.830 Easier
* 11 S Resources .27 .44 −0.159 Negative −6.425 Easier
12 E Resources .33 .47 0.426 Low 1.770 Harder
* 13 E Resources .29 .46 0.137 Very low 6.505 Harder
14 S Consumption .80 .40 1.071 Moderate −1.554 Easier
15 A Consumption .87 .34 1.368 High −1.789 Easier
* 16 A Consumption .46 .50 0.341 Very low 0.524 Average
17 E Consumption .70 .46 0.567 Low −1.597 Easier
* 18 E Consumption .47 .50 0.295 Very low 0.360 Average
* 19 E Consumption .34 .48 −0.051 Negative −13.032 Easier
* 20 E Consumption .49 .50 0.008 Very low 6.076 Harder
* 21 E Consumption .42 .49 0.033 Very low 10.023 Harder
22 E Society & Politics .67 .47 0.446 Low −1.665 Easier
23 S Society & Politics .78 .41 1.078 Moderate −1.451 Average
24 S Society & Politics .38 .49 0.795 Moderate 0.709 Average
25 S Economy .61 .49 0.749 Moderate −0.670 Average
26 S Economy .62 .49 0.944 Moderate −0.591 Average
27 S Contamination .69 .46 0.550 Low −1.587 Easier
* 28 A Contamination .25 .43 0.138 Very low 7.965 Harder
29 A Contamination .51 .50 0.587 Low −0.106 Average
* 30 S Contamination .41 .49 0.044 Very low 8.155 Harder
System 63.88% 2.22
Action-Related 60.33% 1.21
Effectiveness 46.38% 1.38
Total 58.5% 3.49
Note. Items marked with (*) were removed. Knowledge types are denoted with S (System), A (Action-Related) and E (Effectiveness). See Table S1 for
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To conrm that a 2-PL best t the data, a 1-PL model was also tested. Despite being more parsimonious, overall t was poorer than the
2-PL model (AIC =11825.81). A 3-PL model, including a guessing parameter, was tested, but model t was also not improved (AIC =
11662.75). An item threshold analysis showed that 15 EKT items were easier than average (b <−1.5), with eight of appropriate
difculty (−1.5 <b <1.5), and seven harder than average (b >1.5) ([52]; Table 2).
Table 2 presents the discrimination values and classications for the EKT items. Using Baker’s classication [49], one item had very
high discrimination (a >1.7), one item was high (1.35 <a <1.69), 10 items were moderate (0.65 <a <1.34), seven items were low (0.35
<a <0.64) and nine items were very low (0.01 <a <0.34). Two items had negative discrimination, indicating that the higher someone’s
environmental knowledge, the lower they tended to score on these items. These were deemed poorly-conceived items and discarded.
We removed all items which were very low or negatively discriminating (see Table 2), which concurrently removed the EKT’s most
difcult and easiest items.
3.3. Item information curves
We additionally inspected the Item Information Curves (IIC; Fig. 1), showing how much information each item shares with the
overall measure [53]. This indicates the value for which an item is best at measuring the respondent’s environmental knowledge, with
Fig. 1. Item information curves for all Environmental Knowledge Test items.
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steeper curves indicating a more informative item. More informative items, shown as steeper curves, are typically higher in mea-
surement precision and lower in measurement error, indicating higher reliability [52]. In 2-PL models, higher information is deter-
mined by higher item discrimination and difculty at different levels of environmental knowledge, relative to other items [54].
Accordingly, removing the lowest discriminating items generally removed the least informative items.
Though slightly more discriminating than the removed items, items nine, 22, and 27 were also not particularly informative, and
were easier than average. However, these were retained to ensure at least 1–2 items addressed each environmental domain and type of
environmental knowledge (see Supplementary Materials: Table S1) . Item nine was retained as it was the only item addressing the
consequences of climate change. This approach, of balancing conceptual validity and psychometric robustness, was followed in line
with Graham et al. [55]. Therefore, item analysis was psychometrically-grounded whilst ensuring the integrity of the latent construct,
which ultimately resulted in a shortened, 19-Item Environmental Knowledge Test (EKT-19).
3.4. Final EKT-19 items
After the removal of 11 items, six of the remaining items were of optimal difculty (−1.5 <b <1.5 [52]), one was slightly harder
(item 12; b =1.77), and twelve were slightly easier (−3.59 <b <−1.55). However, all the easiest and most difcult items were
removed. The nal 19 items consisted of 12 system items, four action-related items, and three effectiveness items. This is in line with
recommendations that each factor should contain at least three items [56], and the split of items is relatively similar to Geiger et al.
[19], who started with 21 system items, seven action-related, and eight effectiveness items. Similarly, at least one item was retained
from each environmental domain, ensuring that all dimensions of environmental knowledge can be fairly assessed (Ecology: items 2, 4,
5; Climate: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10; Resources: 12; Consumption Behaviours: 14, 15, 17; Society and Politics: 22, 23, 24; Economy: 25, 26;
Environmental Contamination: 27, 29).
3.5. Conrmatory factor analysis of the EKT-19
To conrm that the EKT-19 retained the same one- and three-factor structure theorised in the literature and the 30-item measure,
we conducted two nal nested CFAs. The EKT-19 revealed excellent and improved model t across both the one- and three-factor
solutions compared to the original measure (Table 3), with no difference in goodness-of-t between models, Δ
(3) =1.12, p =
.773. Whilst we could not statistically compare the EKT and EKT-19 owing to their non-nested structure and different variables, the
EKT-19 demonstrated improved CFI, TLI, RMSEA and SRMR compared to the EKT, indicating the EKT-19 is a more concise,
discriminative, and improved measure.
3.6. Reliability and practical utility of the EKT-19
Internal consistency of the measure was moderate-to-good (
=0.67; GLB =0.74), particularly given that the EKT-19 captures
multiple components of environmental knowledge. Test-retest reliability was determined using 121 participants, who completed the
EKT at two time points separated by nine weeks. Scores were highly correlated between timepoints (r =0.76, p <.001) and intra-class
correlations (ICC;
=0.87) indicated excellent test-retest reliability [57]. In line with previous scale development [21], we examined
whether the EKT-19 saved time compared to the EKT. The average completion time per item was 15.37 s, meaning that, on average, the
EKT took 7.7 min to complete. In comparison, the EKT-19 took approximately 4.9 min to complete, meaning that the EKT-19 was
almost 3 min faster per participant. If researchers wished to pay their participants the living wage (GBP 9.50 per hour), the EKT-19
saves GBP 0.44 per participant, compared to the EKT.
4. Discussion
With rising impetus to understand the contribution of environmental knowledge to climate-related outcomes, we used IRT to
develop a short, reliable, and psychometrically-grounded measure of environmental knowledge (EKT-19). First, we showed that the
original EKT reected the theorised unidimensional structure in a UK sample, providing the rst validation that this measure maintains
its structure in non-German samples. Importantly however, we also nd a good three-factor t, congruent with theories that envi-
ronmental knowledge can be separated into knowledge types [12]. Given this nding, we tentatively suggest that theoretical and
empirical debate surrounding the uni-vs multi-dimensionality of environmental knowledge may be unwarranted. Indeed, environ-
mental knowledge may be conceptualised as an overall construct, comprised of three distinct knowledge types: system, action, and
effectiveness [13].
For the rst time, we used discrimination values derived from IRT to determine which EKT items were most able to determine one’s
environmental knowledge. Such approaches are rare in environmental psychology and have only recently been used to successfully
Table 3
Model t indices for the EKT-19.
One-Factor 147.35 (152), p =.591 1.00 1.02 .00 [.00 - .02] .080
Three-Factor 145.51 (149), p =.566 1.00 1.01 .00 [.00 - .02] .080
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rene longstanding measures such as the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP [31]; see Ref. [32]). Guided by similar approaches in health
research (e.g., Ref. [35]), our study is the rst to use discrimination values to determine which items in an existing measure did not
yield reliable information about a person’s environmental knowledge, and should be removed. Using discrimination values, we extend
Geiger et al.’s ndings [19], who speculated that specic items (11, 16, 18, 20, and 30) may have contributed to their reduced model
t. Three of these items (16, 18, 20), related to consumption behaviours, one item (11) to resources, and one item (30) to environ-
mental contamination. We conrmed that, even after making slight changes to wording for clarity in a British sample, these items were
poorly discriminating, perhaps due to unclear wording for some items (e.g., 11 and 16; see Table S1). After removing the most poorly
discriminating items, we found excellent one- and three-factor model ts with moderate-to-good internal reliability, and excellent
test-retest reliability.
In line with our suggestion that environmental knowledge can be conceptualised as both a one- and three-factor structure, we
propose that the EKT-19 may be used as a reliable measure of both overall and sub-types of environmental knowledge. Such con-
ceptualisations are common when measuring clinical constructs (e.g., Autism-Spectrum Quotient [24]), which have had a longer
tradition of psychometric development, and have commonly contributed to the theoretical understanding of disorders (e.g.,
sub-clinical symptoms of Autism). Though some environmental research has used both subscale and total scores (e.g., of
pro-environmental behaviours [58]), research has rarely tested the psychometric validity of the overall and subscale scores within the
same measure as we have. Given the challenges caused by different questions being used to conceptualise environmental knowledge in
previous work, the EKT-19 could provide much needed consistency when measuring all forms of environmental knowledge, give
condence in future work investigating its correlates, and contribute to our theoretical understanding of environmental knowledge.
Importantly, the current item-level analysis provides assurance of the validity of individual items, which can be particularly benecial
when researchers only wish to use specic items. Such approaches could be particularly benecial in computer adaptive testing, which
adapt the questions given to each participant depending on ability level [59].
The moderate-to-good internal consistency of the EKT-19 reects the need to achieve sufcient internal consistency, whilst
maintaining condence that we represent environmental knowledge in full. Indeed, Graham et al. [55] argued that it is preferable to
retain dissimilar, moderately correlated items than to select redundant, similar items that do not comprehensively capture various
facets of the construct. For example, though item nine (‘which natural phenomenon is not attributed to climate change?’) is less
informative than other items, its inclusion is vital to understanding knowledge about the consequences of climate change. In contrast to
many other environmental knowledge measures [13,15], the EKT-19 is considerably shorter, making it more engaging. Long measures
can be problematic in several ways, especially in cognitively demanding knowledge tests [22]. For example, results may be
compromised by participant fatigue, poor attention, or boredom. Specically, approximately 3 min per participant would be saved
using the EKT-19 compared to the EKT, thus saving valuable time, and minimising data quality concerns.
Beyond the conceptual and practical implications of this study, our ndings have potential implications for the design of educa-
tional programmes. Our excellent one-factor t suggests that system, action-related and effectiveness knowledge somewhat co-occur,
inferring that system-level knowledge may boost one’s understanding of which actions are most environmentally-friendly, and how
effective they are, or vice versa. This nding indicates the value of teaching about all three types of knowledge in educational in-
terventions to promote pro-environmental outcomes. Future research may further explore this by determining if, when measured
robustly using the EKT-19, the different types of knowledge differentially predict pro-environmental behaviour (e.g., if action-related
and effectiveness knowledge are better predictors than system knowledge). Further, consistent with previous research [13], we nd
that whilst participants scored similarly on system and action-related knowledge types, effectiveness knowledge was slightly lower.
Considering that effectiveness knowledge is thought to directly predict pro-environmental behaviour [13], educational interventions
may facilitate environmental outcomes by enhancing effectiveness knowledge.
Though we usefully selected the best items of the EKT, our research highlights the need to develop items that further discriminate
the very highest ability test takers. When developing such items, questions must be sufciently ‘difcult’ to differentiate those with
high and low environmental knowledge but should not be difcult just because they are ambiguous to all test takers. This was seen in
several of the removed EKT items (e.g., items 28 and 30 about environmental contaminants). Relatedly, the current work indicates the
need to develop more questions of optimal difculty. Indeed, whilst our analysis removed the easiest and hardest items, we retained
several items which were deemed slightly too easy, to ensure there was at least one item in each environmental domain and adhere to
recommendations to retain at least three items per factor [56]. Since questions were originally taken from older measures (e.g., Refs.
[16,20]), people may be generally more knowledgeable about environmental issues today than ever before. This is especially the case
with growing sustainability-related media coverage [60], and increased environmental awareness driven by the Covid-19 pandemic
[61]. Accordingly, it is possible that questions designed two decades ago are not well suited to current ability levels, and harder
questions must be developed. To address the need for more discriminative and difcult questions, future research may adopt a Delphi
technique, to gather expert opinions about relevant environmental issues and guide the conception of new items [62].
Alongside identifying the need for further item development, the current analysis helps guide which items require it. For example,
of the remaining effectiveness knowledge items, all three items (12, 17, 22) are less discriminating, and further from optimum dif-
culty, than other items. This contrasts with items measuring action-related and system knowledge, which are generally better dis-
criminators and closer to the optimum difculty level. Accordingly, the current analysis indicates a need for the development of new
effectiveness items, perhaps using a bottom-up Delphi approach. Similarly, the current item-level analysis shows that some envi-
ronmental domains have more appropriate items than others. For example, the two remaining items assessing environmental
contaminant knowledge have relatively low discriminative properties compared to other items, and difculty slightly harder than
desired, and so may require modications. The current work therefore not only informs which items cannot reliably assess envi-
ronmental knowledge and thus were removed, but also which ones could be further improved.
L. Player et al.
Heliyon 9 (2023) e17862
An alternative explanation for some items appearing slightly easier than desired is that our student sample was more knowl-
edgeable about environmental issues than the general population would be. Though this assumption has been made in previous
research [16], we observed slightly lower knowledge in our student sample (58.5%) compared to non-student samples (68.6%, [19];
64.6% [63]), perhaps indicating that students’ environmental knowledge is not superior to people in the general population. None-
theless, future research may advance the current work by testing the EKT-19 in more representative, general population samples. Such
work should seek to recruit a more balanced sex distribution, to allow for an analysis of measurement invariance across sex and
determine if the EKT-19 is invariant between males and females (see Ref. [64] for recent discussion). Considering the current sample,
future work may also administer the EKT-19 across diverse cultural groups, to determine if our removal of culturally-specic items was
sufcient to maintain relevance cross-culturally, or if new questions that are generalisable cross-culturally need to be developed. In the
situation that certain items do not perform as well as others in certain cultures, the current IRT-led approach will be benecial, since it
will be possible to choose and drop questions as appropriate for that population. Further, given that environmental knowledge was
highly correlated with general knowledge in the original EKT, future work should demonstrate discriminative validity by comparing
the EKT-19 with a similar, yet distinguishable construct such as environmental awareness. Finally, the current work may be extended
by determining the predictive validity of the EKT-19, by testing its relationship with related constructs such as pro-environmental
behaviours. This is especially the case considering that little previous work has explored the predictive properties of environmental
knowledge measures (e.g., Ref. [13]). Similarly, Geiger et al. [19] did not explicitly test if the original EKT reliably predicted
pro-environmental behaviours. Instead, they assumed that environmental knowledge was represented by general knowledge, and
tested the relationship between general knowledge and pro-environmental behaviours. However, given that environmental knowledge
is often a weak direct predictor of climate-related outcomes such as pro-environmental behaviour [65], future work should carefully
consider the best way to test the predictive validity of the EKT-19, perhaps also considering the moderating impact of environmental
values and attitudes [17].
In summary, we sought to build upon the CTT approach of Geiger et al. [19], and present a short, psychometrically robust measure
of environmental knowledge (EKT-19). For the rst time, we validated the factor structure of an existing measure in a British sample,
used item-level discrimination scores to evaluate its psychometric properties, and determined which items were most able to differ-
entiate between participants with different levels of environmental knowledge. After removing the lowest discriminating items, we
nd moderate-to-good internal consistency, excellent test-retest reliability, and excellent one- and three-factor t in line with theo-
retical and empirical literature. Alongside selecting the best items, the current analysis helpfully informed which items may require
further bottom-up development. Overall, we suggest that the EKT-19 is a concise, conceptually robust, and reliable measure of overall
and sub-scaled environmental knowledge.
Funding statement
This work was supported by a scholarship awarded to Lois Player from the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Advanced
Automotive Propulsion Systems [project code: EP/S023364/1].
Author contribution statement
Lois Player: Conceived and designed the experiments; Performed the experiments; Analyzed and interpreted the data; Contributed
reagents, materials, analysis tools or data; Wrote the paper. Paul H. P. Hanel: Conceived and designed the experiments; Performed the
experiments; Analyzed and interpreted the data; Wrote the paper. Lorraine Whitmarsh: Conceived and designed the experiments;
Wrote the paper. Punit Shah: Conceived and designed the experiments; Performed the experiments; Contributed reagents, materials,
analysis tools or data; Wrote the paper.
Data availability statement
Data associated with this study has been deposited on the University of Bath Research Data Archive (
Declaration of competing interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
inuence the work reported in this paper.
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at
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